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About The east Oregonian. (Pendleton, Umatilla County, Or.) 1875-1911 | View Entire Issue (May 5, 1877)
8$e foi rrpraait. SATURDAY. MAY 3, 1877 1 Tut. IK ADVANCE; .tSS Horn.. .11 M .3 SUBSCRIPTION PRICE DUCED! The subscripUoa price to the East Ore- 05Iax has been reduced to Three Dol- Labs a year wliea paid in aAwnor- This step his beca taken after much thought on &esahjectt aad it Is hoped that the con tension arrived at "will work to the adran. Uje or both patron and publisher. Those who hare heretofore declined to subscribe for this paper n account of the rates, now iave an opportunity to prove the honesty of their expressions by subscribing, or the falsity of their pretentions by still reading the paper for which somebody else has sub scribed and paid for. Remember, that the payrae&t of $3 in cash or acceptable pro dace in advance secures the East Ocego- jniK one year; if not paid in advance, (1 VIT1 be charged. Eugene City is supplied -with early vege tables from California says the Guard. England contemplates interfering in the war between Russia and Turkey in behalf of the latter. The first battle in the war between Rus sia and Turkey was won by the latter in two day's fight. Old Parsom Brownlow died at Knox. Tille, Tennessee, on the 30th of April last. Wko mourns for him? Grant, wife and son start for Europe on the 17th of this month. He refused a free passage on a government ft earner. It is said that Theodore Tiltoncomplatcs TisitingCalifornia and Oregon in the court e of a few months on an extended lecturing tour. Welcome! It is proposed to stock the Columbia river with shad. The ovia (eggs) will prob ably be deposited near the head of some of the Umatilla countr streams. It is announced by the managers of the X.P.R- R. Co. that they will be in readi Bess with a bill at the special session of Congress in June, for an extension of time ea their land grant. Persia has 0,000 men ready to join the Russians in its war against the Turks. The English Government is preparing for war; if need be she intends to be ready; at the stas time a proclamation of neutrality has been issued. The good faith of the "Willamette Trans portation and Locks Company, throcgh S. 43. Reed. Vice President, is shown by the Tact that the company propose to make con. tracts for earning freight, at prices adver tised and which are very reasonable, for five years or a period of less time. Onr Weal. The wool product of Umatilla county will exceed the amount heretofore estima ted, (1,250,000 lbs) and will not fall short of 1,500,000 so we are informed by those best calculated to Judge. Tho average yield per head will be at least 20 per cent. greater than last year. This is owing to the fact that our flocks have been pastured on green grass all Winter, Again, Eastern Oregon wool will this year prove Itself equal in fiber, strength, cleanliness, and all that goes to make Al wool, to that produc ed in anv country In the world. These re- suits arc deslrcable and will give our wool hereafter (if shipped as Eastern Oregon) a commanding position In American mar. kets, and will realize the highest prices. CMtira Oregon. Our country is at present attracting more attention that ever. Of late we have seen going the rounds of the newspapers, para graphs which are of rreat assistance in calling the attention of people to our al most forgotten country. The Portland Standard, Oregonian and other papers have awoke to the importance of this section of Oregon, and are doing all they can to as. sist us in makinr the onward step. The Standard, in an article on this section says "In Eastern Oregon there Is fine land to be had as homesteads and pre-emptions, bat the country is less fortunate in having good facilities for transportation as the Willamette and Umpqua valleys, hence the principal occupation in that section is sheep and cattle raising, for which that country is most excellcnty adapted. Cattle have to be fed in that section but a short time in the Winter, and in this Taller it is entirely unnecessary, as the grass keeps green the entire year. The farmers can raise from 1C to 40 bushels of wheat to the acre, and from 40 to 80 bushels of oats; the medium of these figures may be taken as a fair average.' Weel and Skcep. A California paper says : "From various portions of the State come reports of great suffering and loss among the flocks, and even yet the new grass is not sufficient to keep in good condition all the flocks that depend upon wild range for snbsUtence. One man in Monterey comity lost on an average 25 bead a day for several weeks, and has hardly one of this year's lambs left. In Kern county the sheep industry has been greatly depressed, and we hear of one sale of COO bead of sheep and 300 lambs at ft00 lor the lot, and that on time. The present system of sheep shearing is wrong and must be supplemented by an entirely different one. Wool-crowinrisandalwavs will be a profitable industry when rightly managed ; but the day is past when any considerable nnmlpx of sheep can be sup ported on the outside pastores of the coun try. Before the interior counties were ser. veyed, men could bold thousands of acres for sheep ranges tinder the Infamous pos sessory law; but since the lines have been run the sheep-walks have been gradually invaded by the cultivator of the soil, until TOOCEKDING9 OF THE TEACIIEIIS' - - INSTITUTE, HELD AT FKSDLRTOK 20, AND 3L AV1UL 10, ADVERTISEMENTS. MILLINERY asd TUTmkoi' IcttJtaU belt FUUaJcdlclal Wit rid mtl rwaaaaltoordrrof L.I. RooU&d, fapt. offsc- tie lBrtroclloo, at frodMoa, UmitllU coealy, Orrfoa, on Tbareday, Ajril IS, IS??, asd u called U order by Mr. Rowlaad. rrayrr by TUr . CrowrX, Xr. Row UlA briefly aUlad tlx object of tbc DttUi( and tlx la atHule Irak. Oa motion J. It. Tuner, Xla Sarah H. OHekrtK aad J. T. Royae rr apjolslrd a corsmlttee oo. ruaoat ersxetuttoa to tcnadanod tb Inutile, aadwerc Ibotrottod lo rrjwrt Mil tmioa. Oa motion C J. Todd waa cixwra femur? jro ua. iliki Jreat K. May and J. TL TUirj, M motion, m ifpoiatrd a (txsmiUr oa Utradactlesa, asd Xr. Roy a Oa motion tattaben of lb eeo wcr IsrUod lo frealicau. Miaou' UXka oa method of ac&ool (orrraroecJ, node of loacblaf . etc, dtacaaanl by tfoan. Row land. Arnold, Reywc, Todd and AWtrfL Adooraed lo meet at3 o'ekxk r. a tmtn inixi. Cbtamltle on fwnataeat ortaaiiatioa rerortod by rrcouaarBdiBt Xr. Abbott for rrctadcal, C. X. Dy far Vlro rrraldcct, Xr. Todd tar eretary, and Xla E. Blabop for AteiataBt jVcrrUry, oaca of wboca cittlrd a recetsmended. Tit IVrtUect arfotated X tat Klftii and B. B. R!ab- ojtaaCmtra. Tb tn8jtac corsaluort, ajyoltted by Mr AmoU Cnatnaan of tno EircsUit CnrnmHu, ere mad rf maneat, Coamhtt on Vatic x H rorur. Htm aau VTebb, E4 r Smllb, CeeamtU oa rtccramaw. Kna aUry E Parla, B T Cnj; Coemlttre oa esttnaia- Lot Urrrmorr, A W Nye, C W Webh, M Wam., B B Blatwp, R Sarjett, A K Ny, Kr 8 B BUnnv Un C W VeA and Urv VB were ekcuJ litera ry meatwrs of in IcatMilo. TLo aspect of -Krai" vaa Wrodaerd by Xr. . ttaley and ieatl by Nnm. Tu k, Tsrr, Karl Taylor. Ralry, IUrkc aad Arnold. ni tnttvdoerd by Edvia fixrea and OucaaMd by Xnaan. Arnold aad Eotoc Eay, -tmporunce of Ceofntoaat 5." Van E Btoliop; reaiarU by Menrt. Copland, &arfcn. Ba- try, Boyac. Taraar and Abbott. Cnbea' report ca&nl, and mpoa-Sed to Vy Kim! meaner. Aaecmed lo mrt U ?39 r. a. rniM aooao. Oa emUo VL r. Bal waa olrctod aa aaaorary eoa- brroftno tnMHstr. (3oood by BMatc by tno ekMr. -Attma of Wtlooaae" by Vr. XmUi reonad u &y Mr Abbott. Efowattae, Btixra oa lb Rntao," by Km Josnw r Maya. Lcessrv, Oar ScsoaJ fyatera," by J H Tamer. -Oct Innttate Wed," by Mr. BoUnd Tno roasten oa rormaneai wiiihio eroea onrrd latctua eeoimoun ea rewlmora TrmAirs of ; -v bx by Mr. Araold. Befvt f Cntaa rtetmd, MWood by tacne Adjocmed U meet at o'ttock a. a. next day. neon nat arxa. 39 19?? mirrby Eer. Hint Mart Taybw and Mtra far. tstoa vrrt afpatetl CnUtm. Ananma 1umt- oaatstrBdacxlby Mr. Arnold, duocated by Meaan. aJtbaU. Boyao. Tarnf asd Canrtt. Eatay. -Satt-leeaCby C M. Oy. rrsvarU by Maw ranaaao, and Messrs. Eooland, AbSott. Arnold. Tamer. Taylor, and BcrrcK, Select readirx. aard Eetrraa," Ma E. BUlMft. Enay, 1auBocsal CnHcr.- C J T-lt Bepart cf.CnaSra. Beatarla by Kiwa Amoad and Bajac AaerBdUnMiat:'eoekr. x, intirai axano. CaXed U order by tta rrraatent. cakod by tie oreretary. TandaaMabt Bb ba AntnaveUc. ta trodaerd by Mr Eeya. favroeeeesaa ca JlfTft randaratal EnW," anaeanted by Mr AraU; dM. eaaaod by Meaara. Eo-aUnc. Tamer and Biiim. VC tasaMea by Bcaxy oWy. AttVa" oa. cal. by Mr fcoyar. JUV MaHc i rao lanrvrrd and ktaotraard by Ms. Arnold; there is not much good pasture land left," j dby Mr. Bamtt. Craaa- m-- Beeuru by xni - J twiui, XrcUi aa4 Tamer. lron4 ta ssoH at Hcppaer Correspondence. :?jir . i lTnr axanoa. IlETTSER.iIevl.lST7. Cited to rdr by Oa tYraattat. matatea read and In obedience to general demands thei Mr. PostofBce Department has ordered a tri-1 which weeklv mal' service from Boxeman and l wcekrlfcae rort turItI5tan a, lo Tongue river on the ! JTfamtnJHKmc tb laWC TytawaylaVaBnuouit Vmatfa tar taatoaoo. Vooytr Tellowstore, a distance or one hundredTntekt- DRESS - IAI1KG ? ADVERTISEMENTS. S.--B0THGH1LD RKsrocrrnxv asxocnce to tko it u j tLal I bate oofM la mo UUlta iU xtf in Uteal crtei of T I UmatrlU cocnt ery baainraa, and STRING - ANI - SUMMER - HATS. Bariac asiidod Ho narrtcaa of a ent-cUo I a itpp to do aX wort ta Ibla too la aaca a way aa UVST tleaao my raatomera. t-CAI.L AND SEh ME!-t Manb. 31. II" Xna. LOT UTEKXOBE. J. A.KNOWLta- TM rtct al tarto at ravailDa aad Waaco rosUie tbo roeuaf foamrr, and enS al rtaeacea by I ofpanaia ty hum ten at rrooieoa or Lea, mm lew and wart raannteed, fa! aeu UWttb far Sil. ADAM STAN G i uLT CENTENNIAL R.EWE PENDLETON, OIIEGON, rVzatolaJra tn 5b e. We tkat b k r p.rr-1 no foeaiab B1XB dal to tno foa f aaet fttSM qauMy TryandalaHaVeeMrt ed. Brrw ee oaot aale of Mala at, rrater at Ut CALL and examlos the large and well assorted stock of general Just received by J.R0THCH1LD At his old stand la UHarkey's building, and which ha offers to the public en terms that wilt compara favorably with tboat of say competitor. S. R0THGHILD BBBBBBBBtQ9LtHaBBl mrn THE WEBKR. "SUERMAN k HYDE," -C. H. STONE i CO.'a" PIANOS, ini STANDARD ORGAN. THE Mo darakie. nerteiCteaod and aVUI n atrsaMata rear ofierKd. II. B. SUTLIFF, fiwfil TriTrBut Atraa bar aW aboer taaeramrcta. la atortoar ta Walla TaBa Ur a few enU, and mMmt SMraeneota an raay aMfitUy lnnSaami. Tor rata. baca and trMM a4ta Car SL Lkk Kuut, ?aa WaE. w t $5 TO )"i iweday ml no. rvnjU waetb W II I frwa. 2TOKiaaCa,rwtlaa4.Xc TIIOROncODRED - z - w -: AtfO.... The following are soma of the leadls lines, of which you will always find an assortment an hand: Drv-jrtvvlt. Cloihlnr. Boot aad Shoes, Hats and Caps. Carpets, wall paper. Gro ceries, patent medicine, paints. Oil, j Tobacco. Hardware. Cutlery, China and Glass ware. Stationery, etc ADVERTISEMENTS. COOKING STOVES Axr Manufaciory of Tinware, And ALL K1XD3 Of SHEET-IRON WORK, Main stneL codoiIu tat Cocrt House. r mm AD VERTISEM ENT3. PENDLETON MAis trass?. THIS CEHTHAZIVT Will constantly hare on hand, and for sale, a Complete Assortment of 17 1 20"--W 3LHJE3. aio wtu. atwara tur A complete Assortment of the Dianiaml ROCK COOKING STOVES. ALL EtXbS CT tob wore: Po u Order, at abort nctfer, asd at Very MfeStraU fricra. G. T. WEBB. HCRRAU FOR EVERYBODY Jat Leak Here r TOC WAST TXISZ3. OILS, rtTrr. CLAa Ere, Co to ti PE.DLETOX axo POPULA OBSI H1TI5C BEES ETTIEELT REFITTED aad 1EF1725ISSE1 is loronxn roa BROSZB TURKEYS, srUU Arrrrm! of FawSa Cumlnt a a-ten abrwd u aay pn of Lb out, twaraalrod ta naua aBerama: S. " R0THCHJLD DRUG- STORE! IT TOT WAST fate Drtfi aad irszbvo saieat Xofisnra. ratolVo PENDLETON DRUG STORE. yf TOC WANT Ladjea TsCct goat of al Wxa, fa PENDLETON DRUG STORE JT TOC WAXT nno nSasetVaraaka. fa to PENDLETON DRUG STORE -JT TOC WJUT not Caaa af al u tt PENDLETON DRUG STORE. Jr TBC WANT Ba Brcabea. Ccralc; or tat imf. " PENDLETON DRUG &TORK. Ir TT Wt!CT A rrracnatioa eaofnandrt wiat to U PENDLETON" DRUG STORE 1 nwa atriacaorkVe Intftu y X of aaaaa watae a-U u raeCand arm. I U.H tbo abar WUCT.and MbmlMKvr I .'V. oca I awwtoe, caa bo rt H St I ao naaned tdaca. The Reception of GbssU THE TABLE- W a! a!t ttaaea U rsd famiatod wab tbo rerr bot in txarket aZorda. aad rrtrj nertaaa audo la mi Vy taa pumcA ac iu sauc. THE BEDS Ar al aow. aa4 Ac rvwsa boeo bwa famibadita tbo tfaint teyU aad t rrery Micaaan aooaly Saead U a tnataaa Usat. THE PENDLETON HOTEL. ta aX Ha derrsesu w Sf woa tbo Caw, aad U roaMV U doterauaod K aba auiatwa tio Peaaaaoaof ta YUm wrry BIST HftCSt Coat of Uvo Xiiiiiian Ifco aad traeaiat yaalfct are reografaXr ta- H.J. CaLET. Bl-U ST. CHARLES HOTEL, Kj ia KmiMc mu ?Vr4. rrpn. TUe tea rf Hotel, ermea-t of 1U raosa. asSrr tbo ablo BuiaaAtTue It Karaua. fvun, baa b ewtcortf fy.v. aad tow cSm eapmor oe Mowaati le ue MU a Ite r. TVriaac Baa ba ba rramvd a tbo pwcad Bane a aenata mruftilUUbi rartorleaaatloeto. Tbo Bar it alw lrx tie rooea rot- atdoaXornMaaadrtwaCatMta. Fnw rfrcwa traoa VeeiatoetoeaKaicra&eaaweorwocao. TboM 4Caise LaX baa Wra ptrmwmj-i aC alafny twadaaoo aad ibpjolr;arb. k boa ba dotrmawd ff M fiuax k ituXtr-t kUa W VmH m LW or. "H'oi tm iittaaj awiwau abo BaaAowca oT abo vraveiavr I iaa. wto aaay mt aaewrod a bos iClftsXaakriter ear asa kbu tWy win ao rrerj Zn ao aiene ul txsaoTy raa. ie-nw aaa to titt tftoa, aba bo raCAL IX5TKrxENTS aX ktada. taeada Wilson Hetcl. UHATILLA. - OREGON. "r A. XHVSn. UrmnlT of Or'Ma. kaa U oariaarnainnn CcaaaSta. wber aaa bo oarad Srvt-oW bout nbeabanaf tSi artxT-rs, aadabo aaba wat to iT)nJlirj wb Way bo. taaoauraea aeia. TraarJora wtfl are atwsc; ai abet a cr. STLVEllOliSE, MAIN ST, WALLA WALLA. W.T. iXnrk aad Bard rtxs&acl THB VarwoVrac beee awwlr Sarxaid abrwcitoal. n sow IL-r r mm-m- - - - ram aad beat tab lb. of a rraart-ra. aa (sodm? jam. fcearrai &Lafa fcStx. TBOXA4 I fTB ICS. rrwaorler and fifty miles. The contract has been awarded to S. S. Hnntlr, at $34,000 per annum, the service to begin May 1. PEXIN DUCKS AND EHDEN GEESE, s. . L , HOTE . EDrrox-The protracted Ml N Mil I I H II HI I II I W II 11 ' btaool a imK .TrlkJltCeUm . v JQaiaXalaWaWaf j " I uTf FEED ASD 1 Hwaotraeat. t --a d d' tablo k tbo j a aiaaiajM rXaajSt af the tmOCT bo cbots Lertej, - tary nwtaty w urrroe. tjit Secretary Sherman of Hayes cabinet ac tually recommends Anderson, the reorder er, purjorer and forger (of returning board fame) as a proper person to be appointed lo the Sfice of Collector of the post of New Orleans. Sherman knows of this man's crises; then how much better is he than Anderson? Since the forejoing was writ ten, it seems that John E. Kins was ap. jKiated to the place. The Portland Bee sajs Dr. J. A. Chap. xsaa and F. B. Harrincton returned from a trip to the Silver 3Jud district in Wasco the undersigned persons would keep their -county, Oregon. They particularly in- places of business closed on Sunday. Epected the claims of the Bonanza and the Signed, Morrow & lTerron, Ileppner & -Oriscntal mining companies. During tbeir ! Maddock, II. A. Kathan. This in our etay at the mines they made over one hun- j opinion is a step in the right direction; one -dred assays, which ranged from $10 per itoa aad upwards. The exact result of taking was not as marked as we choald wish to note; but we believe the effort has produced an effect upon the community that will tend to elevate the people to a higher sense of moral sociability if noth ing more. The following named persons joined theJL E. Church South; JMrs. C Tupper, Mrs. Ben. Jlaileson and Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Yandyne. A number of others took the preliminary step toward a Chris tian life, and we hope and trust that they have acted with due deliberation and will stand firm to the lasL A few days since notices appeared in ser. era! conspiciou places in town saying to ; hcse assays is withheld, to be submitted to -the respective companies at their approach 5xg cesiag. The JSesion Democrat says: "A large whak casbe ashore at Alses bay, being in lesgtfe&iBetyfcet. Mr.G. W. Collins is fee anas -who found iu He sold it to the tribe of Alsea Indians for $20. They were aver a week taking off thcMaddfrf; The wk&k would have been worth several -hun-dred dollars if properly taken care of. Per sobs who hare sever seen a whale can have lite opportunity of seeing the carcass of this xsoestsr for months to come. The beach is liaed with the flesh of this great ficfe for Halks." .Ii 1 . . V A . 1 f ... I in I . H IUM HU1 U.Ik.. KUiUEUVy M WUIIU Ul u moral society; a thing of which Heppner is sadly in need. The newest thing in town Is a big sign over Dickson, Wells & Co.'s blacksmith shop; it seems to say business, and we dont doubt but it means what it says. Dr. J. C. Andrews took his departure for the Willamette last Thursday morning where he will remain but a few days. Soon the familiar dick of the sheep shears will be heard in these parts robbing the wooly denizens of the bunch gnus hills of their too warm coats. Already some arc shivering. The weather Is here ns it doubtless is elsewhere in Eastern Oregon, Wmp7y beau tifttl In answer to "TL E. Porter's' question in a former issue of the E. O. I am authorized to say "perhaps." ConnEsromnxT. Tame Elk. The other day x gentleman at Canyonville went out to drive his cattle in from the hills. When he found his cat tie he was much surprised to discover a tame elk feeding with the band, and his surprise increased when the cattle started for home and the ilk showed no disposi tiou lo leave, but troilcd contentedly along, and was driven to the house, where it ap. pearod to be as much at home as the men himself. Since then the elk has remained with the caliie, aad whenever they come home tkc4k is id wars seen In the lead of the ba d. Uotdi vrg InitptvdrA. je 1 A Judge's Powejl Judge Jkady. ecjs the Standard held In s case tliqi )& had & right to Instruct the Jury that tho manner of a cartata witness showed Jiltn to be anxr The Pacific Coast is sow represented in ke Board of Directors of the Northern Pacific Bailroad Company. At a meeting of the Board ox the 8th inst. Captain J. C. AiBSworth, or Portland, Oregon, was xaasimously elected to fill the vacancy by the death of A. E. Tillon, or New York. TUTacoHm Herald says: This selection ii&eatm x forward movement of the Com 3aayfl operaiioHS on this cooft. Captain Aiawerth was Massing Director derlng the active operations or the Company is WashisgtoB Territory, in the consaructioa. of the line from KalaAa to hew T&coma, lecatixg the terminus, etc Ilk Retire ser vice darisg the aaost tryiag period Ib the Ooapasy's history, secured a satisfactory ilwtasBBtel ksliabmties ox this eonaL Opsaio Aixsworth is a far seeing business csxa. His Invariable success in whatever fee has xxdertakea for Ilia tiast lwcnl vfirc (t.u Vorth western Col will irlre ious to -do the truth. And further Hint cee&kftcc that bbt csterpriso towards whkh he heads his cbwxJsx, k not only le gMatxte, but practle .b''e; and the chances re ftxite favorable for its success. A fresh hope is Inspired far the final sod speedy osBBecdofl between Ppgct Sound asd the Jiskrs citie?," XKay tbo Ihirli af tfat laatuate wrrt tea4act tbo lr Ut iM abio cSsrt. Eany totesjoraaco ird fTa tazxy C3rary la 'be TntUzf oC frrr Xaaoary "by X, W JCyt Xaaacbyabocbaer bnutea. -Soaitr fa! Saow. ' by Xat Jecaa Kaya. Eaaaf , "Cf aji ry Edwcatasa, by S rwbetoSd. Tbo eoray by Kr. X. waa trdrred to be ataod as tao baada of abo (tajnaaa ct Lbe Exrcattr ComaitMeo Set feibralwa. OraUoa. "Jtatrre." by Ed. T tmk. recUaaaiWa, Tn of Elaranxo,' by Hart Tajtar. CrtKa' rryon. Knaorba Vy Xeaart. Harm. Abbott asd Kowlaad. Adjowxod la ecrt uil day al I JO a. a. rm aat araa. a, ItXZ. UaUUM oXrd U crder by I be TtiaMeat; rog eaXed by tbe Iwrrrtary; foyer by tbo Err. BcmX. Xr. Barrett. Xr. Tar&er, Xkw Traett aad Xwc Xay wee arfeiaied OAlra. rbyaatal Cecrabf. batrodaeed by Vr.Todd. Haaed by Xnar. Abbott, BarreX, DarT i r.i.j 4 vimm ru.- the public that on and after 3Iay 1, 1STT. . tt,. laSoeaor. br x rracat. om.r '. tbe latter, aba of Xr Todd. wa tvdered jiirrd ta abo baadaef tbccbaasaa of tbe Cierawrr Cacataarfe br pvbayatloa. Onbecripby, tatmdaerd by UiM rana toa . aWaaord by Xeaan Eoyre, Kabu Araotd, Ab. bolt, aad iltm Icrsta. BMary. tsandaerd by Ar- tbar OrtaSeld, resarLi by XrRowlaad. Tbo aaasa wnrd touadaeuoa of Georrapby, by Uaw rarlatea, rr ootrd for poMlcaUoo. Bdoc. IVcUratkoa of lade. prBdreoe,by MrAbboU; rejortof Cntlca, retaarbaby Meaara AraoVL CrtaSeU aad Abbott. Aeraed U Bert at 3 v'doca r a. iiiuwii Panax. CaSed lo orirr by Ibe rn4m , ral c&Me4 by tSa facrrtary. Ciait'a Earab Craassar. tatrvdaeedby Xr Beyar; dUeaaaed by Xeaara Tanwr, BowUad. Ar enid aad Eamtt. Coeaaitttro a rronlataoaf repertrd tbc Mlow lac w birb were caaalaaeaary aStfOd : XnoSred. Tbat tbc I basil t tUt taatatate bo tesd rrri to iba it ECLarcb for tbo frro aao at thetr cbardi batidlac. Rratdrxd. Tttal tbo tiaiU af tbtt lasritalt br lead. detrd A H rorter frr I be frro at af Ut era. aad W tbo Cocao aire ea Maa far tbeir aid la Sarceabte ma tie, tpertaly apprroatlas Uo aenkoa f Xoo Katlo Wobb aa caxaclat. Kraolrrd. Tbat tbo tbaata of UUa laetato bo tead ered tbc Nortbwer.era ftare Coeapeay lor a rxdsrtMCi of SS per oenl oa fare rate far pmeca atteadicf tbo latlHat. Keaoirrd. Tbat tbo rrrU of boepUalHy roaallVotH by Xrx Raley. Xearra Araotd. Nye. 7ra-r. Uerr torn, Irani. WHha. Viy. aad aX wba ratertalaed Uocbera frro of riure darta Utl laatltau. la eV-aerr-Irt tbe blfber4 raier, aad wa bcrrby tesder tbea ear atByra uuaitv Beoeitrd. Tbat tbreo reooiatieet I rlarM hi tbo baoda ef tbc ctnlrman cf tbo EiecaUrt ComoUer far pcUkxlkm. Xiaata latki oa acboot sottrxneat; ncttmdaof tacmf, etc. by tbe tcatiUU; report of Cltta; re- rcaru vf Arllsfir Crla&eid; aojoeraod ta .30 1 k. (Ttxrao omr, Called tourdrr by tb rmideat; nlaatea real as-l arfrotrd; naaic by tbt cbetr, Scctarr. Vco"'fT1 jAy.' br LarUa Crrni; a vet mt tiarka waa trader ed for Ibla aUetertorr; "Iirka," by Let Lmracrt; tacrlc by U cboir: "Rmurio del Carpki," rratk Cray; erlciaal eocf by Karl Tajtor, reciutloe, 'fUr- llaa't Rldo," L W larttof; Tahb, Hey, Oiarily.'t IWut Ikrpala, Xla Edta Bacllartanad Xiealo tHaorway, ralrdietory rraiarki by Xeaan Kowhadaad Amdt J C Aroold a&l HJata Fbartxa were ppo(aled acomKltlcw ta roaipkte, rrno aad prrptre Ibe nla etn of UU IcititBta for paUkalloo. A ret ef Ibaali vaattdcrodtbeoaeert of tbo loullala. Oa motlca tbo foOVwiec reaotctioa waa zr,OS: Cuatdrod. Tbat It U Ib cpBloB of M ItwtHlU tbat tbc aaa ra t'anfic Curt ntlters sad Beadrrx iboald Lo dlecsstkuied la Ibla Sta. Araa oriftBil ajaf: by Mart Taylor tbo IbkUIeU adjoorikodalaoilia. Judge Kltlinr lias appointed Frank Maddock Estj, L'aiirrity Fund Comnils. sloB-.T for the courXy of fJtnalllla. Hie appointment is an excellent pae. as the gcatleman appointed is in every . ay jual iflcllo d!chHfge the dutlc of thepfljec. Thorocjhbrtd Southdown Sheep. TlXfCX LIST ?W XCADT. Abn. rvafWt am tbe car id b-W bitrbfex. !-. to-at aad tber raro. elt, adareed ersweuay to lb raoaie coaat; pevx 196. Addreaa, wab caeieaod atas Itl. Eyre, XArA,CAL aUlo wbero y aaw tb!a adrertiaeaaaat ) iYorth- Western STAUE COXPAST. Grtai lUdud i Fart Rui. Loral Rata ef Fart: rr&Sctcs U La Craad TaSaa BaWCSty ItouoCHy. Uabtx... .... Wtaaeraooca. ..... .... Kekoa, UtaX, a r. SadraU WaRa Wa WeoCaJt.. I 09 .. II 00 .. 14 .. 21 W ..Tie, .. :i to .. dco .. 109 .. 19 Tbrot tktleU U Oesaba. CYa-af. Caaoao Oty, ft. LmK nnadeiraM. ew Tret. BroUc. -aabia taa. aad a3 twau rU Hoiae CSr aad KeOow. lb tf teet Orertaad Hl CaO. w aw oCrr U fnUf l dacod latea ree; lb lb of IboX a. t. Srw CoaeS. (r4 Stack. abSed drrrm. rebaU prrfenaaaea cf arrrV oa Urn. are r?rUi Siolawa lb orartwEy Afrr to LOT U VOUWXX. ArraL V B XOBKIS. rarlaleaOeaA. A. a BOOXOt. AaaUUatSaroruaradad. 1URMTIRC STORE CAMPAIGN OPENED FOX TEE m S.4US - bTABLE. ptilN ST. GTTCerrX rX3TDLE33S CwTXI. Jkn Bwman. SPRING- 77 At TJmailla, Oregon. TTtVTXTBOnT tf farttad la ca3 aad aeo tay iff S ui raciifto rtork of aemJM reeore? waark I oM aeX at mm U ran lb ttaae. Tbo foOaratar u oy tat of atom: t(KIK UTOVES ..AND... CABINET SHOP Xearra. DtXKltV J: VAX tWRX, rtrprSetar. TrC tNTOIlX Tb rwUle Ibat we tare trrtd nr II rarsiurr for ealo al he has a right to argue the whole case to the jury, If be chooses, with the ssmc latl. lude 'bat aUwycxhas; and that Uiis has bens affirmed to lie the law by the United States Supreme Court in the last few years. He says, however, that he p)4cm exercises this extraordinary power, HARNESS SHOP, Ordm lor rareMare reward attrededta. -ffa REPAIRING I REPAIRING a-j- Iteec lo Ordet "St Xf Krrp ALL ARTICLES USUALLY ivtfl la a nrrVClaat Faraltars aiort. GriVe XXM & OiStll SYL.VESTER i IIESTLEY'3 PLANING MILL, Tofctbrr Willi aS macbJarry coaaetted iherro ith. 1 CHEAT tURfiUS Can b bad rr apjtlca. A iv. it, itmcetrtari at I'TOdleloa. TM termi ed aa!a will ba taroeabl to Ib prrhar- a fnruea la J jwkd dpwa tad tbo balance ry lanmmv. Occident Goldsmith Range Golden Gate Empire City iiirmnth Rio Grande PARLOR STOVES The Monitor Parlor Belle Laurel Ranger Echo Onward PAULUR COOK Jewell Echo BOX STOVES Black Giant Moguel Pine Knot Woodside Bonanza -A 13 asMrtaars! tt- TINW Cbort lolly oa bacd. alia lard east Atl ortlet S3 ed rnxafUy. JOB WORK dooa with arai aea and djjwtch. WU. J. UCZCX. A SYOXK Wba waatt Lrzil BUata of 1 V arrlixww, aead year ornrr to o. it. Ilalloet. Hrp jHier, uaittim way. vprjt iiwrr , ii;x ayd. J. . PKOKTT. . O. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON rv&rtsa Orr;ca. OS re ta lit-s new brvJia 4 SUOP. D. 31. Tavlsr B,T-nXjr racnevcra lm te cMtaraa of rrcaa aaJwraa-y ttat bo a arrired to do aX liaoo of wort, aa bca bao of bowroio. sot osjy wKb PROMPTNESS at DISPATCH Cat ta a warVaaaalOr rxaxacr. Hoiss - Shaeifi? a SnKriaRY iv. a, r PHYSICIAN ASD S rtdtf, CautaXa Oxaiy. Orv rvadVtoa HateL 7 k nkM Dr. J. II- Llnflncy, SURGEON AND DENTIST. ta sow Lraud rrrautrslly ta Pendleton, Umatilla County, Wber kit atrtxea e a awaji br Lad. otfcrSanyeiy A 5jyo'8.'lf.13t ATTORKEY 4 COUNSELOR AT LAW Rakrr 0jr, Sr . Lft. f3tm w attrsj IbrroanaeCtbr Fwba . cVaairfcarvt.aaded'IAiboaadWaaatfnoaTerri tone. Water KUbta aad Xcejc IXtcaUoa a -ea-ctaim. CuUxtWt remrly araiVJ M. OcSTS J. II. Turner, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Cwaaty Cram hotx aad roU. Loasa NepXUted orrh'CcXttroH,orfaaUr Coart H rSrtea. Orrtaa. DE.VLER TTATCKTS IUCU AND JFB W EI WATCHES AND REPAIRED ALL ON SHORT WORK NOTICE WARRANTO nacr af fewtcxm Sooth aa of Xaa aucrt Oyfoaao St- Loot Boart, WaXa WaXa, W.T MONEY MONEY HORSES LOST $5 Etward, S. V. KNOX. A.ttorney at Law, Wcttea, Cb1IT1 Coaaty, Orrfw. Will rnACTicnTN the coctrrs op tiia State as4 WavStntca Terrivwy. xr?rr.ial atuatioa pdUu Laad bawarsi ao4 Collet tioaa. 0. W. BAILEY, REAL ESTATE AG EXT, (ASD SOTAtlt rccLic) TENDLETON, - OREGON". plRTtCCLAR ATTEXTiaS- faM to tb rmeeraUoa x of ktbdtialsta la the tVmrtBKul al Waabtaitaa. ami la tbc ranoet local ekra. aad tHbw aocarrd. nkii ar teanbrrM tboao welric lo oecar iQato orffeaoul laada; alao to umm dstlruc to arq.urIaad ay noaxateaj in rrc-empw. Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars ALWAYS TO BE HAD AT JacohsoR & Cos Saloon, 0jf.wle BUI Switxicr't fUorp, rENTJlXro.N. Orrpm. .-ca GTTTTp T TjC! ror aale la aoaaUtlea a.3Jll.Xi'VJI AJllilJ lo MHt rroaa a txwca aplo8C,V XftT ;, W. a XAY.S IVadletoa, Ores. errs v nttjbcr or xr korsk rxox Crasde Koado VaiJey oarw laiery cuawew aw asoaataiaa. aadtboy are beBered M b ta iraaa- ir . fame frrta; acaeex la r0" lannv urrfarf ham ha S. L. Xoraa. twoaaf 1-ewdVtaoa. w b regarded al tbo rato of . . . . . . . MtttM tMf nrrovwo. iafwwww.n; m-. - . braadrdC ea ib left aboabJer. jr rf ; wHb saeao braVt. abd wort boraoi, wHb. Tj braad ota CooleAaboaUre. Xarc&Sa, IK. Mw-V ST. PAUL'S SCHOOL. WALLA WALLA, W, T. I WUPPDT3JIXD St-JOTbo- ancrrf Ua wU. 1 WuUit.. si s. wy ror: , TaWoat, Jr .ortrr. . " TT Mane, raw mm r' w - . XcUeralaasaAracb.r'1 V. rapbirrcrrrrdalaay Uo.aul cbarird 1 - aad SMra! of tbo rr. ao ana o " crftb lrocbrbcab la sdaarboL ... amber laSnwalioo wffl bo taoenw oy MreVeaas Rrr. L It VTniA. fnaSpaU D, UMATILLA, Kroat dear la tbo LIQUORS AX CISAHS. QSBSXS afmy bo b rt wt ooa-a, aarrJ. Try aojbocoaria. posters isxzxz&zg: