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About The east Oregonian. (Pendleton, Umatilla County, Or.) 1875-1911 | View Entire Issue (April 28, 1877)
Cc (bast Srfgmtiait SATURDAY. APRIL 2$, 187 IK ADVANCE: 1 T--... 6 itosnt .. . ,$l M .3 Vornts. tl SUBSCRIPTION PRICE ! 3E3 1 TJ O 0E3 3D 2 The subscription price to the East Ore coniax has been reduced to Tnnnn Dote iaks a. year when paid in adtanet. This atcp has been taken after much thought on She subject; and it is hoped that the con elusion arrived at trill work to the ndvna tagc of both patron and publisher. Those "wlioHiave heretofore declined to subscribe -for this paper on account of the rates, now liavc nn opportunity to prove the honesty of their expressions by. subscribing, or the Talsity of their pretentions by still reading the paper for which somebody else has sub--scribed and paid for. Remember, that the payment of $3 in cash or acceptable pro duce in advance secures the East Occco 30ax one year; if not paid in advance, $4 will be charged. Prom papers below -we learn that a large number of people arc preparing to remove from Polk countv to Eastern Oreron. lion. Elwood Evans, of Olympia, "V. T. will deliver the annual address at the Pio-' -seer re-union to be held at the State Fair .grounds on June loth and lGlh, 1S77. The Mountaineer is fearful that the O. 35. X. Co. will, on and after the first proxi xno, on the arrival of the boat from below, carry the passengers on through to Cclilo. The Executive Committe of the Oregon State Agricultural Society awarded the con tract for the Society's printing for the en suing year to A.L. Stinson, job printrx of Sale. E. IT. "VYitite of Salem, has been awarded the contract for printing the annual pro ceedings of the R. "V. G. L, I. O. O. F, which body will meet in Portland on the 5th or May. The Mountaineer says "the proper Indian name for Tygh valley is Tiah and means pleasant This is undoubtedly one of the best sections of our county for settlers in search of homes." J. B. Baker, or the Upper Cascade, died suddenly at Dr. Robbins hospital in The Dalles on Wednesday evening of last week, aged about 45 years. His death was caused by hemorrhage of the lungs. "We have received a copy of the Premium list offered by the Oregon State Agrkultur. al Society for the State Fair to be held in October next. It contains also the pro. gramme for each day, beginning with Mon 1st- tli sn. nrf ,.lir- fc,irmW n.. A list of premiums awarded at the list Fair j Is appended. Joinr ErrrsoEE. Dkpatches to the Port-1 ndOregonianof thelk, contain tab: . ,. . . .. , land UA man was found dead in the mad neer low water mark, at Potrero, this raoraing A portion or his clothing was found near by. It is supposed from papers on his icr- son to be John Epplnger, a cattle dealer, j of Baker city, Oregon." j Dbowsedw Lieut Knapp, Dr. Andrews I and Mr. 3Ioorc,all connected with the army at Fort Stevens across the Columbia from Astoria, while returning from the latter to the former place were capsized and drown ed. The Shmblck, Varuna and Katata all went in search of the Iost,bat nothing could be found but the boat Father Wilbur, Indian Agent at Fort Simcoc, W.Tsays the Mountaineer, has ordered all of his Indians to the Reserva tion. If they refuse to go they will be tak cn by the military to the Indian Territory. For all of which Mr. Wilbur will receive the thanks of our people. We hope that Captain Smith will do likewise. Dr. Balph Wilcox or Portland is no more; a few days ago he committed sukide by means of the pistol in his office. lie left behind him this temperence lecture, -which merits universal attention: "Whisky the demon has mastered me as it will others. Imbecile in mind and phy sically broke down from iu effects. False to sir fainilv, false to my friends. Whxox." Tbe N. Y. Sail says : It is said that Jas. TL Kecne, the hero of California street, San Francisco, is having an elegant drag built, and that he is to become a member of the coaching club. In San Francisco Kecne is known as "Knightly Jim." Here in NewjYorkhe is the recognized lion of Wail street He wears the most elegant clothing obtainable in all the world, nnd lives in priaccly style in Windsor hotel. Pctbifted. The remains of George Washington, lying in the Mount Vernon tomb, Virginia, it lias been discovered, while repairing the vault, to hare been pet ciSed. The remains were found to be a olid stone rescmblingastatue, the features j perfectly statural, with the exception of the eyes aad ears, no trace of which car be J . . - . Alse ixxjy was oi a oaric jcaiuer coi- atay be said to be a soft sandstone, whkh would likely break should an at, -ktiptlte xaade to remove it from the s&r copbaguc The Portlaad Orcgonian gives President Hayes tkk terriic blow In the face: Re - jHtblkaas who ere dissatisfied with the Presides!'' policy would, if titer would peak their mlad put their objections in very siaaple form. They would say that they doa't like to sec a man climb into the highest position in the nation through the i aid aad aaclity ch a set or men, and then deliberately desert them. Tills reasoning isa't very broad; for haven't these iersous read wh&t the all-knowing one said on this varypiKat: rr lowticrM ! rocntarabiilon'a Uiitr Wbcfcto tbe etinbr pir4 tnrni ins tare; ttat Sxw br UsimtsiufJ Vit lopaotl rnecd Loakt m ielo I3it riant, acoaxikc Utc baas irpou VrwUfabadjlAGEr, Cm Qiur wy. Heppntr Cerrespsudeuce. ITKrrxKK, April 24, 1S77. Mil. Editoiu The future prosperity and eventual greatness of our young but ener getic city is beyond all question of doubt: in proof of which I herewith present to the public through your columns the follon ing facts and items of news: Mr. Ellis Minor has in procesr of con struction a new nnd commodious hotel on main street next door to the llcppncr inn. Miss Josie Smith has purchased the mi. tcrial and employed a carpenter for the pur. pose of constructing a millinery shop, w hich, when completed will be found to contain every thing in that line both plain and fancy. A fine quality of goods at re duced prices will be an attraction for the ladies, while the pleasing countenance and courteous niein of the proprietress roust exert a positive magnetic influence over the young gentlemen. It is a pleasing fart to all here who are acquainted with Dr. J. C. Andrews to know that after a fair trial he has concluded to locate permanently at this place and will soon have erected a cozv ofice in the busi. nesa part of the town. L. L. Shortridge (a boot and shoemaker by trade) who came to our town a few weeks since for the purpose of ascertaining wheth cror not the demands for hU line of goods would justify him in locating here, is much pleased with the country, and has conclud. ed to erect a shop and continue the bus!, ness he has already commenced. Thus far he has proved himself lo be a No. 1 hand at his business, as well as a man of his I Ti- i . . y . see him. The most important branches of busi. ness that are not represented here now are a harness and saddlery, tin shop and laun. dry. Any person who is master of either of the above named trades and has a little capital to back himself would do well to locate here. Come and see us. A protracted meeting was commenced at the school house in town on Saturday the 14th day of ApriL Revs. Oglesby, Darles, Pructt and Roxford are in attendance. ACCIDECT. On the morning of April lCtb, while In the act of adjusting some frame work about the bellows some distance from the floor, in the blacksmith shop of Dickson, Weils & Co, Mr. Dickson one of the force fell to the floor, striking his bead on a bar of steel and catting tn sgly gaili orcr the left eye. The wound was dressed sad at last accounts was doing well. A scaffold gave way causing the accident. oossw. Mails delivered free of pottage alternate Inights at the school-hesse. The work of "heart smashing" fiH goes on. The girls of Heppacr are a terror to the weak minded gentry. Nrcrs. Frcttr Little Merr. The Mountaineer tells the fcHcwing beautiful link story aboet Frank Teap. tin's genere&eartl resident of 53avics Islaa3' BUi" Masgrove : i rrom a genueman wun iatctr vtsttfU I Sauvks Island, ia Matasomah coaatr. we that FraakToatakiae was liriag there Wh&wtfe ad getaoc akagaiedy It apran that word. Those who are wanting a first class i treme head waters of Snake river and M Article In his line will do well to call and , lew that rugged and lortBoas stream dewn rrtlinr aWfi-ni4r It itmmn ths!)"0" i-w rBR ai -twasT. virta. some years ago. whik r"raak was Hviar ia i Uds couotv. a travekr bv Uie name of 31b. . grove nrri'ved at his LeaVc skk. He was lakes care of and narsed by Frank and his ! wifc, and in the coarse of a few weeks was , s,t oa hit war in rood beikh. For this Frank refused to receive aay pay. although .Mr. xasgrove baa a nrge bag or gold wit hira. the proceeds of the sak el a park train. As soon ns Frank was released from the penitcatiary, last Fall, Masgrae baat ed hiai upaal cave him J 100. aad in a month alkrwards ml bim in ioieuien of : bis dairy una with lorty line mlkht cows situated oa bauvies Island, where he is now makiar butter for the Portland ! market Oar iafnrmaat also sars, that Frank's llttk ia the State. wife k the happiest woman JSIaaaer f Quotations. If the Portland papers receiving the quotations of wheat and flour from English ports, woald reduce the peands and shill ings to U. S. currency and state In plain English whether the quotations arc per cen tal, per bushol, or per washtub, many woald begin to tkiak that he was getting his money's worth. For instance here is a quotation found in a Portland paper: San Fjlasci'CO. April CO. Wheat L5r. crpool market quotable at Us SdtS fur average California; club, 12s 12s Od. If those editors had said, "Wheat quota, bleat $2 832 91 per cental fur crcrage California; club, $2 61 3 01," which is a correct rendition of the foregoing quota tions, how much better it would be for the farmer, educated or uneducated ; the edu cated could read It without "flggering,' and the uneducated could readily compre hend it: whi'.e at the present he cannot nn- dcrstandltalalL Hence all such quota-j tions made in pound, shillings and pence is so much space, ink and paper thrown away, except as to speculators in the pro duct mentioned. It is bojicd that our metropolitan papers will remedy this ob. struction to the ordinary reader in under standing all that is printed in their papers. OsTnc Fichtj And now tlic Demo era tic Salem Mercury and Democratic Portland Standard arc quarrelling over the nca..DS be items! V by, brothers doat youdo 'like the Kucr OitKOOsiAjf thmlr- TJi . T ' wc dont call it steal) every item of itnpon tancc in tliis paper nnd gives no credit, or maybe it says in a dignified way, "the Pen. dlctoa paper." Just ts It were not worthy of a name) about which we make no cotn- ; plaint Wc have a good war of getting j even; and that is this: whenever nc find ! anything wc want in the paper referred tn, j we simply take it without asking and pub, J lish without credit "Tit for tat," and not "good for evil,' as wc were once wrongly taught in Sunday school, is our motto cdl- torially, and scmetlmcs otherwise. The Astorian or April 21 says: Freight was never so scarce in I he Columbia river as now. Not enough for a cargo. And If the fishermen hold out on their strike long enough to ruin the cannery inlctcst, houses will be "Jo-Iel' all oxr Asloria, fafWc of nxry u.iys. Our Grnla Crept. The grain croj of Umatilla county this year will excel in quantity and quality any. thing of the kind produced in years past. In the eastern section of the county wo have the most flattering reports. The rains of last Fall, the pleasant Winter, and tbeiTYDjFUVJ A ( H J rains of Spring have given the wheat crop jJLllJLOG JLilt VJ . such a start that all absence of rain from now till harvest will work no Injury. The squirrel is the only source of damage. In some few sections they are working Indus, triously. On the farm of Judge Waldron these infernal pests have already destroyed three acres of as fine wheat as ever grew. However the amount of dotroyed grain in the entire county will make no appreciable difference in the aggregate number of bush, els to be produced In the county. In this connection our entire people, formers and others, have cause for self-congratalatlen on the liberal prices wheat and dour are now quoted at. The war between Rustia and Turkey, which is rare to be, together with the almost entire failure of crops In California, (although both occurrences arc unfortunate) has at last jrivtn farmers in Eastern Oregon an opportunity of "playing emi" on previous losses by the very low prices at which they were compelled to sell their grain. ExruontM". Snake Rivrn. Early last' Winter, Lieut. Doane's party, of the second u . a. LJivairy. wiui neauquaners in iakou Territory, received orders from Gen. Terry, department commanded, to proceed with a r. . ... . - . . small uetacument or men uown ue Saa-e nrer. He was instructed to start at the ex- as far as Lewi-tan, and make a complete ! map of the same, giving accurately and ia detail its coarse. The party was Is embark in a beat wbkh was so const reded that it ! osald be separated into sectioas and thasl be easily carried around the namereas por. tages which aouhl have ta be xaade, aad ', descend as rapidly as the streaat's course , ceahl be marked. Aanearascaabeascer-' tained, Lkat. Doane aad bis party left I same time in December. Since leaving i tbe post, nothing has been heard free this exploring party. Lntess aeiaiaeaererer- taken by sense disaster, the partv sboaM bTt-arrirrd before now . LewUtn or points beyond that place. No Bacasincs j is fdt vet for the safrfv aad well beiag ef1 the party, as it is qaite prebaMe that they were compelled to go into Wteter quarters before reach is g their destiastioe. The party nsay be expected to arrire at the potat eaeatkaed aay tlase. The deoat of this swift aad tarbakat strcaa) froai its scarce fcir 1,000 miles or asere shss: be a pasuge frosght with cosstant dasger aad daring adiratare. LI eat. Doane's accoaat of the trip cannot fait to pro re ropkte with UtrtH lag interest. PerHmJ Ortfrniotu A new piper, the -Ereakg Tejeraa," has been started in Pankad. As "Bask.'' has sot seat a a copy we caw aw, tftok as to Its tacrits or demerit. poUtkaUy, typo. graphkAHy or etherwk. The ntaw of t yaiag awa, la tba eas l4v of W. T. Baker, who w era ta death en the 5h ins, walk cespKg twe lf VJ-,!? t . . ."T1? J!!8 : A Keisna. was Jaffa wMawd asether ! a t s - V, la ,h" Tf , "tJ? lh,U t ee Mr Cktrace Oajkrd. with wa tft'",1 . IIe nm4 Vf w bciliird ' rmM. HEW TO-PAT. THE THOROUGH BRED STALLION jtSL-UT-H-E-R MEXS nniiS A VeCST latt Wtra aU mm t tkH (virbmp Utfr. at ft Ln n- u&r .sJ . iam iZ V o i fcrri ttm ss Aontca: ( 1H1, VTSir Artiy. tots 5U. ts TstAaba Vf riartad AW Cu- tap. fanrfeo. IKS, f Eana try 5afrf. t efcaa, lUt, Wj Mm. 2 s Ottwe, cli. (Truaa. 1I3S, Vr Tna ' Umf. TrusA,t.kraaw4 Lt Lr Ttiaianaa. SM, TrarAysea Vf A IMfM. TVU Imh Bale rt maM at aW Urm aTJ C VrCar al M VrOsaa, tlA al Mm Urm ( Kj rtoM frar Ibr imcIJi af D.tMfMt Ktrn m l Ml ai TEJUL 5EA50.V, isa, aal A tam ct scana. 3R. A TSTQ33: DOR HAtK- -ye. sk. wtwr V MfH.M-MIII mm tlanchW Mte. hav4 oo VffT Waiow Crfk. IS tnm Kir Aaf oe nbng bvj 6 rK Sj mu mt a aV At n, lf.c s. s'UANrx a son i arThose owing us will confer a favor ! h settling. Court week offers a splendid jiportunityfor so doing; and we need the monc3r-g3 Legal Net Ice. Ia L Cctfr Coart Onm far VmM' iilUpwir ta ib mtott it tUi retrdtiiulrip J rt-tit. T.. Lira ! ln M LilVrw. B4on. Or dr I tbo rntt oa f4icatfc ot Caaniita tor tt itt of aale of rtal nuu F' AtTJUEtNG T) TJ1H COCET Trem tt prUUtn IbU ('J -tt4 ao4 Bbxl by VaMte A LatVr, U csarlUa of tb ratiaj abl ntat tt Fraak H. UDw ac Ututt 1L tIVo" afiw, mjux tor as erittTo'aaieormius rmouillpn m XUrrt- XtXrttnM wardi,lbl H inU be Mtbbft llrn-n tt raute aaU warn ltl aacb raC tai abnM btittwl tllalMtH.rordrr4lbUibBxlif atsaflb aM oari. atd aH -rxw lMfmirl la tb aak4 1. mat, aifw U fir t!.M coin on KnxnAVttb 1Kb Ujr of MAY, A P. 1IT7. si 10 'clw-k a. a , al lb rDcrt ronta tbl cearl, al tbe laaa U troiitttm la threontr oft'nulilla. Ibrn maA therm ta iWru wbTaBorabldtylbtnM4lirlbeaala!Kh mi -uir wnbd tnMrr"xMf-Ai Tb d(U land daha r Jot-rt WbHMT aad vtf. cent ST. attoalr la ivctka ta. T 2 N. It S Haat. env uitlac 100 am axic or In. alo iw aajvMnl nor. tutflbroanbluiroflaCtlaUotka; ai4lul,3, .Irrro tci tvrlr la btvk I. tsxi K oe is Intel kaui Uock S, ticrrl M fl off lb r nti e u!4 lot; and local, 4,, . A. B, , 1. 10. ta biucfc 1 . sbdlnulO. It. 11 la bixk 10; aad tlr cf bu oo lbmlb M tt Atta airrrl aad nut tt iLc amb Ihm brtaera rre lloo 13 and 11 loT5 N. K 2S CaH, all la tbe lima tt tVadSrlno I'auiH). cooat titrpm, ti a M or IT cl tt laad cut f-TIb raid lva of rvtxSXna, aad Ixs vraibraHaldr Vlarral Mml aadib 4 Ua ofWlDura Orura' Urd rUlm. aad xlndl9;ua OloJ taranH "lib tb roctb Hf tt Ceert itrerl la ib uiwb oflVodlriua aftmald. Aad li It fonbrr ordmd ibu a etfif lift erirr be aUMbrd al kat tmr iortbTr urcka brfra tb aaldbrarice tt tbe bU riOa la lb KatTOatxo. siax, a tjranlT tUard la (be H14 eoselr of CraaClU. in II Mai if Orrrc paled tUl, U dar tt AprtS. 117 It U. YoaKl'lI, Cosatr J&S Flats of O-rroo, CailiU rocnly m: t J. H. Raaroa, dcric tt lb matf U VwalUia, SUate of Ortsoa atd rs-eoViQ Oik tt lb I Total Coon la aad fnr said OrtHy. da bnrbx rtir Iba ronaice ta be a m and eamet t-VT uf aa 43r dlr toaJo aad mtrral Cfon iLc m&rd cfaaid lliAUr evun. Wltoeu tar Land aad artl of aid csart. tbla Vlb dar JfwJJ TArrt'i""- II jaisosr, CuKlrOffk. ADVERTISEMENTS. MILLINERY AND InrsrEcrrctXY announce t ta ia a I'autttU -aalj tbil I bar rifii la lb UMia rry IxuiL, xui thl Irrp tbt Ulut atjlcs U SPRIKQ - ANB - SUMMER - HATS. Bansf ptd tt tcrrm U a nt Dress -3LflCais.o3r 1 -W nrict U do aH wtrt ta iLm ki la rath a i a JIVST (At r tzj ETCAI.L AND SEE MEl-t Varc II, H" btaa. LOT UTEJUIORX. D It. J. a. KNovnxs WW tSM aH msi tt CmatlEa aad Cm caeaUn lb tia.9)rr. aad m ea U mras r t m imnwm wt mtimtb w u ! w i-.. nn i (wuK ran m ttb tat iu A D A M ST A N G i CESTEK5IAL PENDLETON, OREGON, Et U tttn l rb "J. be Uul be ! t Tr4 tohntikBUa-MUlatt(rfuM tmUtsX aaif Try akiJBbiM cnan.u4. tire ttf ran akit tt Vila . ercur tt Uort. frm TUB - WEBER." "SHEliilAN i HYDE," A a H. STONE i CO.V PIAK03. 'STANDARD ORGAN." THE Xt mU. rm rrUA tmll ax4 tirtuste- II. B. SUTLIFF, - . j .aLne , nmnu cm xr ewiiif iriMwu rcri i ST 4,'oe" W4Ki S5 TO TIIOEOIiGHBRED AtSO.. 2UIOXZE TURKErS, Xa-Sal Arrml rf ay put 9t SimiI. alur tnw. PEJCIK DUCKS AND EMDEN GEESE. ALSO.... Tbaroughbred Soathdown Sheep. 1)Ktcr ut .vaw acsar. aw rasftaii w SrvWluWtaac tMac. " fttmt Vk. AAJrm, til cmc : Macf, .U. Eyre, NAPA, CAt (IVim rut vtera T"3 k 1AM imwicl ) Xortli- Western STAGE COHFAXV. Grrat Ibdcti in Fere Bui. Ltxul Hates a Fart: .i . It w .. u .ASM .. r . M . ta . s oo . 3o VaM ulrr CM ar. Hub, a r. KnJ I aaaaaV WaaWaL&. Vcataa TSrm 111K U Oakv CW CacM CUf, . Ut. FbAMtdK Xrr XnX, hnttm, WnUs la, tot a3 Vl TU B4m CUf a4 KKIxa, IS 1 trcl Onrlaavl IM Cart. av aCrrat pvaUr -ac4 tatn vrrr Or lLn o tt N. ViC "'"JJZ""-Z;. Alt' 7 wvavK. t ' aa wnnutd H. BOOVnK. AralfUat ?arr!anScat. FIRMTIKE STORE CABINET SHOP Jinan. DINTTIDDIE k TAX D0BN. rrevrhtttm. ! i "ITfE INrORU Ttf tc Ihit biT PfcwJ oar 1 1 ' rersllari Jo aaW al HARNESS SHOP, Zr- yyrim tx FcniUart jtottCj alu4J la. - 1 nrnsinillO InCnftlDtbin , k r r-'Mlrvl lwi nurniniinu Mr rioo la Ordr. Ta as- win Kcrp -sa ALL ARTICLES USUALLY KEPT la a nnt-CUn fcniUora stera. SYtiVESTER i IlESTLEY'S PLANING MILL, Tok-ctbtr wlUi aU macblaerj cooeected ibtmUh. 1 CURAT BAHRAIN Caa t hl by rcitr arrilra. JV. Uo lo lb prpprklm al (VadkloB. Tbe icrtna ox axl Ul U UrrmW la lb erthwtw a MUaa 19 t u!4 UrKB scd lbs lata ore bf attsllmrr.U. ADVERTISEMENTS. S. ROTHOHILD CALL and examine the large and well assorted stock of general Just received by S.--ROTH CHILD At hli old stand In HllsrVer's building, and which h offers to tbe public on terms that will compare favorably with tboss ai aay competitor. S. R07HCH1LD The following are some of lb leadteg lines, of which yoa writ always find aa assortment on hand: Dry-?wvl. ClotJda?. Boots and Shoes. Hats and Capt , Carpets, wall paper. Gro ceries, patent medttdoea. Paint. Oils. Tobacco, Hardware. Cutlery, China and Glass ware. Stationery, etc S.- ROTHGHiLD Orders from the country RI receive prompt, attention. 1IW, Furs, Wool, atc taken la ex change. CAMPAIGN OPENED ros THE SPUING OE -77 At Umailla, Oregon. I.tVSKVBOnT tt Ud U rail aad tr. ay brr C-.,. VwJJ- aaaalrKU Hx U. Tb fcaWtac biBf feataratam: Is. it. SlCfll, ATTORNEY A COUNSELOR AT LAW tOOK bfuVKS B-k.rn-r. Or o. " t o. stk wai a:ioci tbrnnribnna Ja OCClUCnt eaJ ltrrt. toi of Uiba ib4 7uktt Trri , , . , trta. Wairr Ktfbi aad Sltasas IjlloUea a fn- Goldsmith Range oaurr- cru.t ?cxh3t n.roi i o:s Goldsn Gate j. n. Turner, Empire City aitorney at law. Hirmath ... , CeqalT Ordn bootbt aad (old. Laua NnUaldi Rio Grande OmCXfa lUBttirrLcrpoait Caen tcea. PABI-OR tTuVS q, The Monitor Q v MftY Parlor Belb Uor: .KX.' ; JjUUrCl Wfsua, rr-aUUa Ct-aty, Orrsua. Ranger iwriw. rnAcricKlx Ttic courts of Pplin TT! iz Wxiiin;toa Ttniurv. -SplaI attecttoa pM u Load benaeu Onward cnctkm. PABLUU COOK G BAILEY, Jewell REAL ESTATE AG EXT, Echo (ixn xotakt rcnua) COX stoves PENDLETON, - OREGON. Rlnol- ntnnf p-RncnaR ATTSNTION PaU to tb r-Ha JJiaLtv VXtiUlb A of nod claim la tb IVvortawtit at Wobnjico, "r ,,! d la lb Tnwa lool ttOfm. al vi arcarrd. UgUUl MrrSai are iBdmd Ibnr dlrlns ta arcare Slala Pltin irnnf S--bo-J UodJ, al la thiw dofirtaj to affair UaCj Woodside Bonanza i fall aaasttat at of- 1? X1ST 1L 3E3 CootMlj- oo oaaJ. ato Urd raaa. All onSn 1 82 ed jooljr. JOI1 WORK doca Ub Bcot eraa aad dbfaUb. WU. J. IXKtEK 1 JCVOXK WIm waau LrcU DUala af aarde- X. arnption, araa ywr orarr o ii. n. tuikxr, hd ltr, VntllUa CXraair. 0;va. Prcrsbrr , !. ADVERTISEMENTS. OOK3iG STOVJCS AN Maniifactoij of Tinware, And au. kinds or SHEET-IRON WORK, Main itret, cpp&itta the Court Uocse. Will conitantly luic on hand, and'for sale, a Complete Assortment of 37 1 r-"V JEUEl. aia UA aL-raia lur A complete Assortment of the Diamond R0K COOKING STOVES. A IX KINDS cr rxc u Ordar, al abert xxc, txt at Vrj UaduaU frior. G. W. WEBB. HURRAH FOR EVERYBODY! Jzst Leak Here ! rr rw want taints, otu, L ttrifV. CtAM. Lit, C U IA PKXDLKTO.V DUUG STORE! IT TOP WANT rr )n aad rrsstu pairai U6aar. r Saab l'ESULETON DRUG STORE. jr TTC WANT LaTAr(U af aXUada, rENDLETON DRUG STORE TT TC WANT Ita ftssTVfaSaaba.rSa PENDLETON DRUG STORE JT TC WAjJT Ha CaadMaef aa tindi, c at PiNDLErON DRUG STORK. 1r VC WANT Sair Isabn.CiaaU,rtaafa, ctU PENDLKTON DRU STORK. Ir TOC WaNT A rracrtso tmiwiW fc sr, rs PENDLETON DRUG STORE. MtWAt tXTrVSNTS ay UllaM am bitfv m.-li ii Inwili, a4aauHftf aW Wi afcabt X af abkaa ak i LLofaW a WANT?.aa4 vCb a cer V 1 anna, ai W tmpftbml by to ab a 1 lM tAaot. yncn aid SAIdE - STABLE, ptaix sr. amksrrr rxNatraay aacn-j Jehn IIoTrrnnn. J. l. HRCKTT, . D. PHYSICIAN AND- SURGEON IV&ttea Urra. (VS't In I' Bw ba'4ta)r, p tar TV. C. .Tic Kay, 4TJ. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. IMkiirVM. CauaOU Omar. m OaV at ab lvaVv Hat4 Cr. J. IJ I.!nc!.Ncy. SURGEON AND DENTIST. T- av Wnld tXTauarsa; ta Fendlatoa, TJmatllla Ccaaty. Wbtrt bii atmcra a alaft l eed. Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars ALW AYS TO. BE HAD AT Jacobson & Co's Saloon, Orfoatte BUJ 3iUIr'a Jtcr, WWtPtXrON, Orfs-e. .-ha UA 1- Ail VI JIJ.AJO tot Kit: frri a boccb Alfdr lo W. U. KAVSS ltadlrtoe, Orr .c ADVERTISEMENTS. PENDLETON iw aracrr. THIS CEHTRALLT LOCATB ASO POPULAR HOUSE Hatlv c bees Ejrnat:LT SEFITTZD axd 2ZPHOISHED u auvortsro roa The.Receptlon of GoasU THE TABLE Wat at aa than U frt tmbtol ak tbnrltf la aartrt arla. aad rrrrr oout rr i 't i aatTr U patraea a Cm Ksaa- THE BEDS Art al r-. xtd lb fa At bm-a rsrztd fa tb ceairat Mfaad Hb roy caaitSMOo anjjr 'oaad la a lravUtB Uut . THE PENDLETON HOTEL, la aX Ha drru&ta rfai Mii .4 . O Y7u-,rfr X cnatedabatai Aaa aucsta tb i"" "ij bui itovsc Eaat tt tb Ta rnaaVst aai inrtSatc ptktt an nmra mppTSar ta E.X KAliT. RUBBBa nl-tt ST. CHARLES HOTEL, 'OMAN A BAKifaV Minimiti! aaid Slci jiwio Ka a. .- rnUOiH,murctt ISS reaM. sa4r tb ai ajra tt Ultu A Karma, tr.yrfcm. baa a aar haH Sa taw xt Tb bnaaax Bal ba ara rraori to at trvtjal aw a it.l. w-maBruwi nnrini(Bm Ta fcarbea aSaSr an.if nwyjaagaWnoaa &w lac a limn ul rau tm.c i . HHSliD(lrf tbe ubor. rK& TWd al3 baa ta tora n jf aato tnf jxm aad a rVusat srac k ba ba MwaM n auaat; aa .a aat kiri wabtatj. Tb atartori H idMj Maau lb mmc abirataar,it e, v. mj mt aaaw4 C aeac nllmwaa&riUr f au it m Wilson Hotel. U1IATILLA. - OREGON. e a ATTlMlf. Imnit r Orfut.Vn S ntd rrua tm. . . 2 md a t rf.n ati la w .t . Ul btt ay fllOU M ab uat vat sI-4 'itflirhFiauAft -- - -- ST1AE IJUCSE, UAINST, VTALLA VALLA. r.T. q-ESS ritalnii be -I rar fcr.b.d aVl .at, ar s- s cv .. faTO. TUt nm aad ant tabir aba 4r mt tm Fmca al adifat annt. ttmi ataj. Ka TSuxAS KN. hialii UMATILLA, - OREGON. IHSMTCS XllXStt. mTaKIMt. rrS2 HCsr h am abbMt 1 aaaiti. VW W. a4 znai tu. . aaa, Jabai . TW a ami, at aw ftiJU. . 9 SUOP. V D. 31. Taylor Ti il ii liali nantn la (t im mF IWJhu. !aa4 naaaSf abat a ia enfMot a da Uaa f , kabtbW Vwa . at aotf i (PROMPTNESS & DISPATCH j ta a lauaa&r aearr. MI nit n titt norsB - biKeiRg a ipeciiin txass or tarsmtTScz Saiabb-. w to tant amy a. ta taaf,K mmiaVd as am a , tV-t aaaClb 0t anw. at mb ta Xw'.tlwg: Ibwaiayi-y-f. H. SrATaXJCT. -,-pad awiatt mim lf tavaw, WATGHES ClOCCS AXD TS3"XaZ3X watches -vnd reiaii:ed all ON SHORT work NOTICE WARRANTE riar Sea wit tt Mila atrMt Ca St. t-cla Bxl, WZa Wa, W.r MONEY MONEY HORSES LOST $5 Reward, rvrrK a Nruunt ar mt horsk- rsot Vv' Cnad KeoJr Ta-r bare tairtr uid ta tfi raooaUia. tul tb7 trr baTrd to a ta Casa UHs CDoalr , tnaac j rat r aia( tb labaa (n. lar tt rbrrtaj( aay tt ral bn- to S. U JWt. VmB of IVcrtoo. b rTatJ at tb raU af ti prrb ad. Tb barrel cocjim tt rrrtrps S rr bnadird C oa lb kit absaVSrr; gtlrMrrs aoca arA. lib urn bnad. aad atrl bortrs a Kb n bnad al C a trft abaaSdrr. btardi,l$T8. CtaCOCCAX ST. PAUL'S SCHOGL WALLA WALLA, W, T. ACOAMtlNG ANt PAT SCHOOL CltU. TV oalf rratntaal lburAlas x-oU t af tb Oa cadm. Board ac4 tate-a, tatfoAaf tat I, K-s 14c, prr.a-rtrcfUa wrrkt, $il Tsaut(. per charter, Ti". OirpapUa: TMi,i-f starttr. IV $J, Jta, aad $tt M M awe. rnoki Vovtn, rr tnr U Oi Wc.rB Utvpaat. :, rr - X rIt iwtlr4 at 1ST tfaa. a-l crrd had -al afratraac-. lBcrt-t alol foM at A" atarr and aorataaf tbpapiK at oly adt lb tan f tb tbra botb ia aad oct of atboul. ARTtVirtbtlaoc-i ttl arfuaylrtbr adJnax Rt. L It Wbaa, rrtctrt DTTiODORE, UMIiLLA KrUul drak la lb eaat LiqUOKS AiD CIGARS. ORDERS From a dimac protnplj-ailrd U. Tbr-Mtatioa of mr b- to MCtt Ibal boarat- aai fair da; ta ta aarrd. Try a-tecoolapd- POTPRJ W milt a rrji!-. ai iro Vvrt lir-t atrta( f -rttt Ijt. DE.VI.ER k ,-G?V!