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About The east Oregonian. (Pendleton, Umatilla County, Or.) 1875-1911 | View Entire Issue (April 7, 1877)
" I;c Gfrwit ttgonian. rrsLitucu .EVERY SATURDAY MORNING, BT IML IE3. SXJXjXj. BATES OF AOVEBTISUro IX COCTc One Inch, first m&iha. ....... $2 00 EaJ" suUeruMt MMrtwa 1 00 fittiti UrritlUi :...COCKT fTKlinT.1 OrrOSITK TUB VUVKT-Ktfl'tc. Tna4icfKsr bf MVUL lutiw BOCtMtS ' tfca local co unit, ) can par . AfrtrSsiat WO sJM BoslXljr. Rateaor Subscription 1st Colts: OttYor. UiO Six Month .... ; ....? Three Months 1 Slaclc.'Oopttt......;. . 10 7" ! YOL 2. PENDLETON, UMATILLA COUNTY, OREGON, SATURDAY, APRIL 7, 1877. ISO. 27. JOB WORK S'J;; (foist rcgomatu Tbe Little Daughter. Oh, she's a flower! within our Lome So dalnty-swcct, so renUy glowing. That every day, new ivrtaled bloom To our delighted eyes are shewing. Aud she Is a bird! for In her retro The tiny music-tone are hiding. Whene'er she speaks, they Jul peep oat Ad J jraliy call, eur food search guiding. And she Is a atari her bright, pure cat -Are beaming is their azure setting With grave, reproving, mild surprise. At sll our worldly wise forgetting. AuJ she Is a ulwsing! ere she came. Our beys were rough andeftca ready For cruel sports but now, they're tame; Dear little Eva has made them steady. Is the an angel Ah, no, I say, I'd rather thluk the angels brought her, For their strong wine can fly away; Asd we would keep our tittle daughter. Cora SfiiiotV: Emerald Itiuz. BT MRS. iSSIE A. TUEfTOX. "io you think -Man mndall it a truthful girlf asked Cjra Minot of Ler friend, Jane Wiswall, as tiny met by chacce on the street. "What a strange queti m!" ejaculated Jane. "I do, most certsi jly, consider her to be a truthful person, and a- neatly par feet in ererr way anv girl I know. "That what every ue mT'," cried Cora, pettishlv, "and I supree when I proclaim her to hi a tkirf, I h ill hare the wliole village about my ear." "I should say that that wo-ikl be i natural consequence of such air K'ams tiun." replied Jane, castiug a half sur prised, half indignant loik into fie face of hex companion. -But wl at d yoa meant tease explain v-mrst-ir. "I was a'xjut to do as sJ C-ra. "Last Thursday was mbirthdav, a you know, and Aunt Harriet, wk t named rue, sent mc aprrscn. as she docs ever v rear. This time it ws a love'-y emrald rittg. and of course the first thtYiz I did was to rush over to the Ituiiatls, an-i she it to Maria. "She admired it as enthusiastically as I could desire and saiJ she wished she had one like it. It fitted her better, toe, than it did me, forit was quite kx-e on my finger, at aunt wrote me ae feired it would be, but it was the only . ne f the Icicd she could sd in L.xiugtju, where she It res. "When I started to go home I only put on one of mv stoves ihmkitg I mi 'lit meet smc of the girl and want to show them my bear nn;. Jut as I was go ing down the et-ps, talking to M iris who stood in the door, I rave a at mr band to see if the emerald giistened in the sunshine, and Lch dd it aa gone! It did not ttke me Ions to announce the fact, rou mar be sure. We both re entered the drawiag room, and searched everywhere fur the nne, bat it waj not to be fuuad, although I Ixcv I acit hare dropped it either in that room or in the hall. e hutit-d aou hunted, until it got to be S3 late that I fcidtigo home in the horse-cars, and Tery much odt o: Kit, Vy I assure you. "Yesterday mamma called at the II tn dills to see about it. She doesn't hesi tate at all in sarin? that Maria has founl it. She is going away on a long visit soon, mamma says, and when among itcuix she can wear the riaz without fear of exposure. 31 r. Rindall sars be -will replace the ring if it cane it be foand. and mamma sars be would nerer oner t do that, were be not convinced tht it i in the possession of some member of hi household. "I must a lmit that wh ty u say about lonnz your emerald is very sin jular," said Jane, with aptined expression shading her rosy, frank face, "out I do not believe any one has stolen it. I hare no doubt that it will yet lie found in some t ny hiding place where it has rolled. I think, t k, tliat your mother, excuse mr for far ing it, is too hatj, to say the least, wh-n she attributes trie motive s'.ie does t 31 r Randall's offering t replace the rin. Ltt us cm on Jdana- nor we shall p ts her house on our way and see whether there are aay new development-. "Very well," said C-ra, and som th- two mrls were stanainx on the umbu stone steps of Mr. Km Jail's residence. Maria ben-clf came t tie door in an awer to the bell, aad after retting her two friends cordially. she said cheerfully "Please to come into the dinin;-room I hope you will excuse all this dust and cvnlusmn. for we hare ja.t uaa tae car pets in the ball and front pirlor takcu up, and tlie sofa an J easy-chair covers re moved, tryinj tfiad your missing riag, Cora. "I hone von will succeed, u ra re plied, rather distantly, arching her eye brows just a little; "I dm't think it can le very far off with a knowing lojk towards Jane, who hastened to say: "What a pity you should be put to so -much trouble, alter your liouss has iiai it thorough autumn cleaning, and every Ihinz placed in order for the winter; a common emeraia ring so very prcci jui :she could not help adding. uOh, the trouble is of no account, if only we are able to una the lost keepsake an emerald nn'it s very cotuy, l koow ibut it was a present from Cora' aunt in Keatuckv.ud so all toe more vaiuaoic. besides. T mother says we must leave a u e.. i no stone uniuruuu uum And S3 the cmt were taken up an unt down acin. tlie furniture looked over, but no ring was discovered. Cora, who was inclined to be hasty, severe an u;.tut in her iudirmeuts on alt occasions did not hesitate to openly accuse Mam of tlie theft. A she coald not prove her innocence, and circumstances bein against her, the community were divided in their oniuiom in rezard i'i ber guilt. It came about that the tcofamilic.,the Tbrndalla and die ilinots. who had Here tifore beeu quite intimate, did not speak 4 ti each other even, an J the MiuoU h came almost rancorous in their enmity toward the Uandalls. As usual in such a t.tat of affairs, the frieudl of the tw fatniiina rmfictivelv marshalled them selves ou opposite side, and a laentsblc cenditioa of thiols louowco. It came near mtVin-' a niptnre in the 1 church, for some of the people wlm hid i so tooiMiiy and reneineiitir cskiuet the caue of the Minot. refused t hare their children tnucht in the Sunday M-hool by a "thief. Poor Maria in c Htsqumcc was cinstraincd to give up the little clas of which she was so proud, and ia which e was so much interested. This ring, and the circarmtiitces con nected it ith its loss did not alone bring about this unfortunate tite of affnirs. It was the first cause, to le sere, but old family jealousies cmpped out, social, party and religion differences became more sharply denned, all of which added fuel to the vicious little t3.troe. Maria crew thin and pale, and Mie re ceived so many slights from old friends and acquaintances that her parents were lorced to hasten h-t ttrpxrtnre to a dis tant State where she was to vUit her grandfather. The miserable tnwb'e did n t abate with her eHBg a war. There were lilenty of people, as there is in every community. to keep the fire burning. TMere rem a' nod tlie "llandall party asd the 3Iiaot party," the jam as ever. The pastor, Mr. Wuwall, the father of Jane, who had firmly believed ia Maria's innocence from the first, was cosapeild toepoa. in the least pronooBced maaaer posible, the Itandall side, coBsciout a he was that the family had ben deeply wrong. ai tiiat, a nnmorr ot tnc midoi putv said Ury shouldn't g to hear a m an preach wIki upheM a "thief, if that thief did W long to an arit- vatic family. Thej crea went so fr as to call a ptrih Bieetin; to be warned and convened, in which th-v attempted to pM a rote rcestig the pastor s resissatioa. rilel in this csttoavor, tney w undrew from the soeiety,frmed a little organize tion of thoir own, aad had "layaiaa meetings ia a public halt. There wrre so masr wwih meetings. Mid Maria mother, in addition to ber koBehtld duties, attending tbnm, ber nervous system bang wrought up to a tense pitch ia the meantime, she at length became utterly worn wnt, aad taking cmw! was laid low with a fever. Now Maria, among ber sew wrwrad- ings aad (.way from ber eeewlo. became Bite happy for a time. Of cowve, the Aorst in nrgartl to tse present e &iiten 1 things at her nome,M ibe cnrc,and Hi hecimmnaity gcseralfr, bad not been told ber by letter, and ah wa begin- uk; to tbiax tH-at pnaee w ud bsfure Jong be rebved. Bat it si happesd that by this tssse Cora Mine maiie the ist-reitinf dic v- erv tsat a KCOHd coa.M of tier own had a 4hir I cousin living ia the village wiser 31 ari was stayine. The wbe try of benazrwa wriuea to tb's ierfn, aba was an idle young man, i.HAog u nt toa, asd he was commivioot d to watch Man to sec if she sh eld wear the mtss- mg emerald oa aar occasion. Having nothing better ta do, this VAung man hinted the matter about, k that ia a very short time it 1 scarce generally known in the village that Maria Ittsdall bad been sent from h-r home oa acoennt of her thieving projensities. There was no end to the stories tttd about her; some going a far as to say that she had stolen n from the Pot OiSce; others, that she had (een an accomplice ia a baak robbery: With nobody to contradict these cruel caudal", the old gnatkmaa Mana's n-andfather an! his aed bouckeeper Idom iwinz out, it became the general opinion tliat Maria was Ia the habit of , - . . j- . . ri t . . . pu 'mining aructci uvta lucvmagc swjict aad shop. It was n it long before she became painfully consctoas taat sue was watch ed whenever she west out, aad oae dav she receive! aa anonymous lettir sp prising ber of the toni rrpim that wore being spread against her, Overwhelmed with grief, she kept her room for a ays. She could not be indneed to leave it, until one odd, cHerrlerj diy in 3Iarch a telegram was handed br, saying tint ber father wiafced hsr t come immediately horn?; then the stricken girl arose, wak and cmaciatod. aad htenel p:cpatas for her re- tura. She kn that the guarded yet tell-tale nhraeologr of the te(e-'r barely con-ealai the faci t ut her mother wa very ill, and the oag, luncfoiie journey homeward was a ad one indee The quick mother-lore saw. the ran- meat ber daighter ha J eaicre! the ick cbaxber. that tie pile, care arorn face mirrorcu wan kuihiiu uuaoie iuu o, and presently, when questional, the st- liing, broken bsanei gin was onuoi to aJmit tlat tie story ot the rin j hvl fol lowed her almost ac os the continent, and there, in that fr-ay town, where her zran lfathrr lived, it had bwi htntsd about with all its ingtitful addi'ions. Poor 3Iri. Randal', a sweet, Curistiaa Iady.whi had all her life been a bleating to every one about her, lingered a few weeks, aud one bright morning 10 that earlv snrinz. ai tje first arbutus buds were ooanazoui m-n nnuiaiitc uihu ' J- ... . r the air as they peeped from their snowy buds, she bade larcwcll to her weeping husband and daughter and faithful pas tor, and mounted Hie golden stair. With her dying breath Alt had bcgfd her daughter to keep up good courage, telltnz her that in God's own time her innocence would bj fully etiblihed that she needed this discipline, or the good Father would n it have ca'.lcd her to iear uns grevioas uurujn. 3Iarie fojnd these to be feirfully try ingdsys, although she lnd the lather barren consolation of knowing that a few staunch friends stood by tier, among whom were her pamr, Mr. WuwjII, and her dearest girl friend, his daughter Jane. It was the first warm, spring-like day in April wbrn Mrs. Uindall s funeral took place. People from both of the social factions which the lots of that emerald trifle had engendercd,turned out to attend the service, lor, as has been wl fr llinlnll wai a liflrnnJrt-rvsllT beloved and restiect. Yet many, it cannot bjdeak-d, wefo curious to see how Msria bjre herself, on a sentimental unmarried womaa declaring, with a sisl that "It was n)t oftea one saw so young a girl at Mvia JUadill' bring the gray Amnnz thee cunoui ones were Mr 47 Minot ami Cora. Dressed ekgaitly in c-4 rs, in sad ta'e for a funeral oceartoo, they rame in their carriage, and !eforc the s-lema serrires began cnwled up is fnHt, where they could get a full vinw of the t riot en mourners. At lat, when the frtentls WDfegatkerod in the churchyard around the open grarn, Cora, ia her elegant anal brown sail, tiibed nit so clelv to tb mnrsinf group that hT owa friend even winr.U at Her beattlcsi presumtloa. bile the arranin-mesit for sowring the otSa were being ma le, the stsn came shiaiag rut, and Cra Minot Htead her browa silk parasol. As she did o sotne. thinz brizht licw or. sparkled in the ua aa intaat, and hiitint; the cutSn, re- b-tundetl and fell at the pator'a fvet. lie oaietlr pkkel the o4ct up, aad said, bis voice trembling with emotion. Here, I think, is the esaerald ring inch h cansed so much ill-feeling among many of onr frieoilt, and brought cm a ovl of mi-cry upon wr por, in nocent boad, while the death of onr be loved sitcr, wboe mortal remain n- lie before h, was dwtHle hastened in conseiinnace. let as. as we sow 'tar tswak to God lor the good example of tint his servnat, h. baking Bnbhed ber coure in faith dnth no ret from her labors, ats return thaek that the isao- oecceof this dear asothnrinss one has been r?laWihed a tii aso t i ulsnm and impresaite manner ." The see tc which f.l!oar 1 these t inch ing words of the past c aad the rot wa toon of th ring tb-e orrr thst otsna grave, batSe descritttion. The atattiiea- tson aad rem-trse whicJi snized anon On Minot asd her mother, aad thair frtcd who had farmed the "Miaot larty" dor iaz the rise an 1 profrrt f tks exact scandal, can be easily imagined. Altoo 'h ovcroosa with eta ignn, C ira ctVssed oa tHe spot that the lafrt tiane be hvd rarnnd thst Msrasnl was wn that day, in the prrvioos sMstawaa, wk a ssm cllod on Maria t - tneamerasd rime. She welt remembered partly inntng the par4 as she wai a l 1 1 leave, lt on lacnndiBz the stop, I -stay the aar ta be chilly, she had di tt aa:ji, whoa be me santt bare iIibmI oK brr aagrr Mnob-crr d, aawl llgt with a the si. ken f 4Ak She ba I lin rerrd, cba4taris wrtn Maria, aaJ on her retsua bon bad pH the prs 4 away for imm winter. Tni onaaina ai the Srt one on Mca It bad bvoa ued since tkat MSBoraM4ar. Is it B-ec- s a-y skat ar wttl of -snintr 4i d fraase a sno.-al k lM. slsnpla sa- rativcwffact.t Hoaxta; the KIb; vf Rttraah. The Indian c rrep tndnnt of the Lmi- d-Hi Standard savs a annsUag boax ba a Mated t T npoa the sauch of the Golden Foot. It wa annonneml to bis MjtT that aa amba-sador from te Snl tan of Turkey hd arrired at Ktngoon. and was awaiting the arrival of a ship that was lades with zdss mf grant vahse. laterally flattered by ttt oMpliineM from sjcJi a msghtv Khss dfsated aa otSenr of rank to procjod t RatigntKi aad c sdnct the aaibssdor to hi aagast bnt impatient presessce. In lot time the envoy rtreseateJ bis rredea- tlal In the shape of a flowery epistie from the baltin of lUam, and was received with mach oriawr. Valuable tireseatt ia return for those sappod to be s their way were showered up a the ambussdu aad his very limitcl suit, consisitag of an interpreter "and a code The shin from I loam must have bcea detatoed by oob- trary wiodi, for tlie ambassador, hiring further co. wa eWiired to Uke leave of bit Majesty before bis imperial m tar's tSrnatif made their anpoaranee. s be returned to Itta-iooa. bat there the im poters fell out over the divisions of the pil. which aaimitsd t something like 3.000. The cook., dinastsd with the .hire alloted to himself not more than S0 gave information to the p:iee, aa-J declared that the plot bad beoa platted by himself, the snpposrd inWpressr lone llasa, a brokno. aad the tinrmeseot ficial who contrived to be drp-iU! to re ceive the aubasad r. That exalted iwr e was bime!f a It 'aerated Atio or b T'i si ta slave wht had come to Raa iibmi faqnir oo board a native ship frta ag rtr.niU wa simptv a UH tn tne hands of the clevtr togH-, bis aconm- prices. Tne Hurmese o dicer naturally pleaded nt guilty, and semi to have satisfied the Kingof his iaooccacc, though uhlic oidoion toisU to him as the nzinabtr of the fraud. It is said that lazy folks take the most mmm a 9 ta 4 S pains. lo tnai well uueti, wen icu, aad well clothed it certainly appears that the tramps hare a bard time of it. One of them who has lately bad a railway ride for nothiez is certainly entitled to s imething mo leraicly skin to pity. He fio .rded a train at Omaha, and hiving neither rnnney nor ticket to lerommend him to the good graces nf the conductor. he was rjc -tod. tut oIL d opited and lell leliiuiL Idus made wary, he ensooncw himself in the fire box of a stationary en gine on a tlat car which was going throagh to bin rrauciseo. bomeboly shut the 1 ior, and tlie p r tramp was a prisooer. He ould nt sit. He coald Just turn all ut. Hi hal only a few cracker in his pocket. He had nothing to drink. In this m uaiion he role 91W mile; then be arrested the attention of a conductor by srrtcliing oa the inside of the engine w.tb Ins fin-rer nsi . Tliey roleseI him more dead than alive, and rubably more in love Mith cdestiianum than ever. Miss E was lookinir at the tiicture of Arab life. "Beautiful T she exclaimed. ul wish you'd tell mc, ma'am,' spoke up a man standing by with ms wite, "what that picture is supposed to roprc- ... .. - . Knt." "Why.' returned Miss E , "that i plain enough; it is an Arab sheik sitting at the door of b. teut surrounded by lit wire." "What's that she iay,r aslse 1 t!ic man'. wife, who wa slihtir deaf. "She says," retunicd the stranger, "lhat it is a man with the Mukes' being taken cire of by his wives." Dntsus arc a constant drain on a farm er's property. The Golden Fish of Otvarl Castle. In nearly every large city in Japin thers is. or was, a large castle, in whkh the mince of the province or his soldiers lhod ia time of peace or fouzht ia time of war. In Nairoya, in tlie province of Oaari, in th central part of the main island, was sera the largest aad finest of all the castles in Jinan. They were Ixtilt of thick walls of stone masonry from twenty to one hundred feet high, aad divided fnm. the outside lands by moats filled with water. At the aaglea were high towers, built of heavy lscams of wood covered with lime to make them ftrr-pro-if, aad ro fed with tiles. They bad msay gables Uke a pagoda, and port holes or windows far toe archers t sW.t osjt th-ir arrows oa the bciegers. Thoc windows were covered with copper or iron slttittprs. At the rail of the lojOB.wt ealsle of the tower, with its tail la the air, was a great fish maileef bronze or epper. from six to tea feet high, weigh ing tltonsand of nossds. It was a fritjhtftfl monster of a fish, ksakiag as V Jnmb wo-iid iss ho more in its mouih than a sprat in a mackerel's. It stood oa its lower gill, Mke a boy a'xmt to walk oa his hands aad head. It always re minded me of tbe old-fash ioad caadle stscks, la which a class dolphin ram pant, with very thick lips holds a candle m his slas tail. Ia Jatsaa, however, the nnkrs of this bronze fi-h's tail, isMtrad of a candle, were SMsslly orcapied by a hve hawk, or sometimes aa m 'le, c rmorant or fakva. Half the birds ia Fnkni solemnly beUevel the rattle towers to bare been beitt for their especial perch and bescit. I rftea hive sra every sssh-tail of the castle occapiol by crows. Tby werefinlshiag their toilet, enjoying aa alW -dinner nap, at making speeches to oaeh other, ebsomog the ratei of order so better than some aftn bties in which sereral rtnt talk at osce. We sOKtimes say of a bay baring wealthy paressts. that Ju imi tm tettX a titter $pot in kit Ba. sw, as the Japanese eat with csvsp-tick. and sse tbrsr sstrar for ssUter pnqse, tatty ex- prsns -nra'ty tbe same loos, ia otsser wonts. In Jwfsaa. the betler class mf people thai e wbo enjoy the t rtvilege of wealth. ri:stMa or posiiina livn citber wttbia f n-ar fse ca t!r. "ne of Use arst isifyr a wll-bra Japsne baby sees awl learns to Vaow ssnt dwrs is the np- rstetst istmsze ksb oi the cvstW wwrs Heoce. a Japassese is prsnd to sar, I was Uaa witaia ii:bt sf the sJolsAsda. itheJapasscse ssameof tlss fisk.) The ssriocos of Owari were sory prod. rich and poerful; aad they determined to erect g4d is trad of brosue tistses on ihor cktie. So they rnafcd fa sssm gvbl and silver smiths to make them a JUi.Vl.o ton feat Wk. It tail, month and im were of solid beaten silver. Its srales were plates of solid gold. 1 1 eyes cc of Mack glass. It cost maaytbonandsnf dollars and rneoired aUnsl twessty m?a to lift It, Th' was at Xagoya a eiy famoat for its bsoaasM. poreetaia vase. cp and dishes its wonderful eaasael work called ihonw, and ils gray fans. Thousands of the Japsaeie fans with which we coot oar face ia waair were made ia X goya. Well, wbea. after mach toil and the help of great derricks asd IvckMng. the great sslsjnct was raise. to Its pla.-e. thoasaads of persons came from a dis tance to stf the gsdn wowler. The iyn4c of Xazeva frit prosdr tbaa erre of their handsome city. Ia all kiadt of either the g 'Idea fish kept its c dor aad glitteria brightness oever t-nih:ag or blackening like the commoa AAiAlo oa other mstiet. 3Ierairp and cveata, the sunbeams gilded it with freh splen dor. Thegosuaad the sanliht seemed to know cch ether, for they alway kissed. The farmers children, wbe lived miles distaat in the coun'ry, clapped their haads with joy wha lh fitshisg ittkas on the castle tower gleamed ia the air. The travelers ploddiag alag the read, as they mounted a hid, kaew when the city was nea. thouzh they could not see aa j thing but the gleam like a star of gohl. Alas that I shoafcl tall it! Whit wai jey to the msay, was tempUUoa to some. They were led to eavy, thea to covet, then to steal the pr.x. A man whose t dents and ia I us try might hare mde him rich aad boaoied, beCsmc a nblsfr first ia heart, aad then ia a t He began to study how he might steal the cd'iea fish. Il-.w was he t reach the roof of the towc 1 "Even If he c uid swim the moat snl scale the wall, he could not mount to tbe top .story or the roof. The irates were cuarded. The sea tioels wercrigi antan i arm -d with sword aad spear. IIuw tu mid he reach the gold en scale! A kite, twenty-five feet squire, wai made of thick paper, with a very strung but light bamboo frame, with tough rope for a tether, and a pair of bobs strung enough to lift two hundred pou ids. No mau could ho'd such a kite. ITie tore was wound roan 1 a windlass aad paid out' by one person, while two men and three bovs held the hand-cart. A very dark, cloddy nichs when a brisk wind was up, was chosen, ft hen all was rra ly at midnight, the hand-cart was run ont along the moat, the robber, with pry ing tools in his belt, and his feet in loops at the end of the bols mounted on the perilous air-ship mo.e dangerous than a balloon. 1 lie wind was in tue ngui direction, acd, by skillful mivcments of the cart and win llas, the roblier, aficr swinging liko a pendulum for a few minutes, finally alighted on the right roof. Fastening the Ixibs ai as tn secure his descent, he begaa the work of wrenching otT the golden scales. Tliis he found no eay lask. Tlie gold s kuiu- smiths had riveted them to securely that they defied his tirvinz. and the soft. tnuzh metal could nut Iks torn oil". He dared not make aiy clinking noise with lumracr or chisel I est tbe sentinels should hear him. After what appeared ti lo several boars' work. he hail loosened only two tcilcs, worth scatctily more than fifty .lntl... To make a long story short, the man was caught. The sentinels were awak- cued, and the crime detected. Tbo rou ber was sentenced to die a cruel death to be boiled in oil. His accomplices re ceived rations other degree of punlh taea. The Priaceof Owari isttted a de cree forbidding the flying of aay kitet above a certain sm ill sue. Henceforth, the grand oM kite which the boys of the proviaee had flows ia inaxeat tua were ucv2r more to le ssee. As for the big gohlea fish, it was after ward takea tiowa from the castle la Xa goya, al kept ia the wince's treatttre hnsr. Whea I saw it. It was ia Tokio, at the nsMsa. It was afterward takea to Vienna aad exhibited at the Exposi tion ia 1373. St. XMb: Bilky Horses. Several of year crresMsadeass arc dis easing thi question with Virions re sult. Several plans have kern propoted. some of them practicable, bat often iavetvfag too mach trssnbie and labor. Some risim thit balking is the rrselt of iratropereducatio8, bat ao one who will carefolly iarestigste the IrwstMe can fail to betiere that the dispositioa of the shi ms I has msca to t)o with it. If a borsc bslks oneeaad is whipped f r it, the ekisees are that he will balk again, ami if this remedy is repeatedly tried, the bad habit i conn rased. Ia sse cases ont often, the csstire abesceof aavtkisvg like a whip or cross laagaaze, and the presence of anyttsbsg wtavH will give the aa'ssal a new idea or take Ms attention from the trovbtr. will Mrally cstsse htm t start promptly. Is some cavjs sim ply raissng one fore-foot np antil the horse ttiru will answer the purpose: ia atbers a strissg tied lightly aroossd one ear will protstce the same eaect, A rag or bo net) of e ttoa stot4VI into one ear. a baadfst of thrt in the asoath. a string tied tishtiv xroond Use tore leg. a small rope tied around the rvot of the tail aa J patted la front between Use fore legs aad drawa tight at; ceemrsl to have (see ami the ssase cSect of Uka the borte' at- toait-sa asd sti verting k from the Walk in r. Is msav cases tks troabte ii rsiwl by a nerrootnt t oa tbe part of tbe driver, wtstca it eaHy eoamassseatcsl tn the antm si, asvd eon be reasserted by allwsrisyg the animal ts stand ssoiet sstH Use tioossle is (rsrgotsest. In aay e tbe wbss is Use worst remesty tbst can be tried, and its imsr w svsc it, prob ably, the most t oltbc cave of Use dUS- esslty. learning Ca?tom. The aacsesst bml nnter ideal abosst mossming tor Wnd. Tbe Hryptian on ran tssrssnk tbe Ueet eryiavf, with their txiiom expjsrd and tbesr kasr dss- owlernd. Te rer tfld moors tag a unmanly, a d eompeHed mess who west hssn mossrsiag to pstt on female trarmonta. Is Grrree, wheat a p4r gvseral diesi, the w ho"e army cast otf taesr hair at the msnos of Usesr borses. At the present day the Arasiaa wssmea st tin their baod aid fret with iss-hqo, whseh tbey mt to rem sin eight tssys. Tsey also carefallv abststs from milk danag tbi time. s the zrssna I Us-it its wtsitr color does sot accord with the gloom sf their muds In Cosaa the o-nrntns color is white. Ioarssg tor a parent or hastsiad s reqaired there by law sstdera penalty of sixtv wows atsd a year s baa ishmeat. Wbea the Etupcrx dies all the subjects let their hair grow for oae hundred dais. Ia the Ferjee itlaads oa the tenth day of moornta the womes sceurze alt the mea except the highest chief- Another fubtoaibte custom tbere reqaires the friends aad resatires of the deceased to assemble oa the foaith diy after the faneraL aad pKtore to the hi selves the aaouat of corruption the carpe bat susUiaed by tbat time, la the baadwioa Itlaadt persons diiro ot coiaz mto monrsing patat the lower part f their faces Mack, aad kak oat thoir front teeth. No dwibt this causes a very shseerc kisd of mourning far the time. A French Story. young mia of good family make at the sea-ide the aeoaaiattnee ot haa If me vooaz womaa, teeminzly of high social p-sitioa; falls desperately ta love with ber and withes to marry tier, Here, to his horror, beztns an ara laache of cruel anonymous letters ' forming him that his sp.ue-elect is this is that, is the other, ia fine, is anything but what she should be. Tlie luvtr vehemently protest tint thc-care calumnies aad hasten to tbe prefecture of police to obtain a triumph ant refutation of the chargot azaiat his sweetheart, la view of tbe gravity of the case, the prefect coaeat to iarestigate the lady's record. Tlie poor lover listen breathlessly as the official runs over the books "Ah, here we bare her I Schnitxer Olympiar passes herself otT as the Count ess de .; age, twenty-seven; ran away from her motlier (midwife, No. 90 X street) at thirteen, with Yn barber; sub- sctiu'ully was left a heritage by her at Ieged uncle, i, druggist; next heard oti at Here the official looks up and sees the young maa with his bead bowed depiirinzly on bis arm and lib whole frame racked with agonizing sobs. "Oiroe, come," says he, kindly, "cheer np. There's nothing to be glum about. Lookl a record at lung as your arm, and never a single cinvietun for anything!' Exi'etcsive Lovk - M FrcBch ladie arc not so averse to soft compli ments as to prueU the men who make them, but they have the wit to make such amusement dear for their flatterers some times A very beautiful young lady in Paris at a private assembly, lately took round i a small saiver uu suiiuiscu uui mi ii --t i -.isi. i -1 . r... . charitable object, A gentleman of the ! t.aitv laid a hundred franc note ou the i salver, savinz. "Tliat is for love of you.' The lady paused for an instant, while a ; beautiful blush sulluscd her ciiccks men ' said, "And now for the love of the poor, if voU rileAtc. Her rcaily wit wai re- I warded by another butidrcd. I J . I Osaou think that the spirits of their enemies will act the part of servants to - ' them in the happy hunting ground. A IWr. The Iter. Ralph Erskioe. on a certain occasion, paid a to his bmtiwir Ku enezerat Alraethy. O, manr sakl the latter, "bat ve come ia a gude time. I h ive a diet of examl aatioa to-day, aa' ye miaa tak it, as I bae matters n life and death to set tie at Perth." "With all my heart," quoth Rilpb. "Noe, mr billy." said Elesezor. "yell find a' my folks easy to examine but aar. aa' blm, I rtckna, je had hettcr no med die wi. He has ouraahl athioAi way o' aaiwnrin ae question by putting aaiUier, an major hell affront ye." "Atfroet me quoth the indigaaat theologiaa; "do you think be caa foil m? wi' mv aia natural toils tr "Aweel," said bis brother. "Ise gi ye tairwaiaia , jehad better no ca Mm up. Tbe rccasant was oae Walter Simpsoo, the parish blacksmith. Tbegifie-1 Rsiph, lignaat to the )at degree at the bare idea of inch aa illiterate down chopping dinstty wits mm, f-termtaed to gravel him at tsnee with a gram, leadisM;, ra- answerabsc question. ."iCoortMngty, after pBttfsg a variety of s-mple preiimHsary Isterrogatiries to the miaor CMrhopfcrs he all at once, with a loud vniee, culled : "Walter Simpson r "Here, sir, says Walter; "are ye xaat- la tael "Aueatioe, sir! Xow, Walts; eta vo tell me bw hssg .Ulrua in a state of innocence! "Av." e.ied Walter; "t hc-gota wife! list ran you tell me, sir, hue sag be to! sssyier "31 dews. Waiter, sit do an," nani the liVomfittod divine. The yew Drirer. A widow la ly, hrtag ia the northers part of the ess v, hired a sew r-oachmaa the other day a straager who lead soth issg to reosmmead him bml the fact that be was w mc to work for very low wages for tbe sake of stesdy ep!y meat, tie said be bad bcea rased to horse all Ins life ia fct had remodeled abosst half the equine ia thi city. He was a bsssg Use getting the csmije around Use firstdsv.and it wasafterwrd' ascertained thit be bail railed is a wem sawyer to aow ftta bow to bernes-s np. In driving down town be took sp mtl mf the street, cat a w bed otTa&vther earrisge asd ma tnso a street car, aad the wsSsw b-Tjva l si snot that be was a proTnssooal. Wsea be strode arosnd witk the sleis the eb-r diar it wasn t fifteea mis bef e the slci-h collided with a swiii- man's a-re and kaoekrd him over. He aext aaoertook to pass oa either side nf a oatter, lad the owner tumbled net aad wanted to shoot bka. Goiaz home after a call at the stern be managed to oser tsra the ssesh, aa! the wido w, bnrted is the soo'. calie! oat: "1 ds't beiseve voa kaw asytkrng about dnehsz k rxs! "IS'eJ., mum. he replied, as ie picked ap Use rox. "Ill btt a thsasaad dollar tbat I'm HreJ to mules for I drove 'ea M the armr f-r fear years; if yon 11 let me put a saddle oa that nigh boss Aad s-e one rem, l cas naw-up aad ze-nt aad gtanz 'em from IXclrmt ti Teas wstssont breaking a hackle." Dttrvit Fret Ptu. A Retcrs to the Olo Plix. "I de lottery done baitii upf a.keJ old SL, yrttrsay. -It has closed np." -Dat's what I poedr "Whyr "'Kate I sjcddat sqoal of t re-bit cap italists wa outrn ot blxness xa ccz 'ataxia dar!b witl der ole tools F "H i is tSatr "Writ, when d lotterr.wat startoJ hit was dnptd bv de rcsxy darkies ex a Godea J, ex en xemphea from yearn a" dar bred ia de swet t'fdere broa-r "They Ut on it pretty lively." "Aa dev hi bin 'vent n' in dat sink hole eber sence. an pnltin in dere time staa Jin 'round lookin for de outcome. but de jig it up If de wheel are st pp"d, fcr dar's moaghty few ob de gang dat hex catched de o eyes scttin up bv canle lite to count de dividends dat dey g t n de tarn. "Tnat s to. "Dar's de proof right "round dar ia dat boss lot, sow, far I jras seed lo ob dem speckerlat-irs on de lottery playtn kyard dar fer tree kvar tickit an' a nickel tar see which tree if cm ud go hunrrv t r day fer de benefit ob de winnsr!" .If Lxuti (t7a.) Cisr,'rta. Anxn the failure of the prin-Jpal in dustry, the to an of became reduced In wra th, and many of itt people were much stra t s tL. A cetta-n woman, who was in a deli state of hea th, heard of a t-iansinaa who wantl a housekeeper, aa J offered herself for the place; but Dauiel taid that he wanted a wife, n t a housekeeper, merely. "I don't waat to marry," said she; "but if you will take me ts keep hou., Ill taxe care of your things for fiitycentta week. Sho was a prettv woman, and Daniel tnsittl that he wanted a wife. As the alternative mizht be t Ik? supported by the public, she at IcnctM CtincateI t marry; butoa a more iatluiite acquaint ance she was shocked to fiad that her hus band wa very profane. bue complaiucd ot tins t a neighbor. savinz. it seems as if 1 coulda t bear tt I can't hare ItP "Why,'saidt,iencighlwr,"Id.mtknow that you have any right b complain; you knew he warn t a protestor when you mar ried him. "0 yes" answered the nrieving wife, "I knew be wam't a prulesMr, but I thought he was a seeker. The remain of several hittnrica per sonage who were bchealed in the Tower of London more thaa threa hundred years ago have lately licen unearthed in making excavations Those wnicn were inor ouzhly idsntlfiel are the skulet ins of tho Uountest of biitsoury, liioen uumey, tho father of Lidy Jaae uroy, and the ua happy Anae Uoleyn. Or all the paths leading to woraaa'a lore, pity is the itRugutcu. The Moand-BaildcH and their I'rede- eeors. Tbe earth of thi contiseat ssssxra tu that boore fir ladiaas Usnre his xtn n. two pie whom we call Monad-attttder that is moseis were LVo& sp bare by mtB. whose Ixmes we Sod is thm, lying aawsg roogh tools aad stessili, aad after the monads we same the rase. who, perhaps wr sot a KSerrst people from the Ia Haas. Bnt for Urise monad we -xvsehJ n ti ka w of the mint who heist them. They are mention! ta so hitsorr. isstmaa or diriae. iVhtt wa there before the 3!'aud ssuMder? I wonbJ sneak to-nlsht of what nst have bees losz before kit time of rorsV, ih .'k porsVip Bt ArriVrst, mas is X.t-th Amcriea. We must kaow thfs early nsan by our ex perieaee of bis tmm. New oWrr-atiwei of foct aai the idea they hare avakraed m mysefi are pat b.nraru, so tbat you rtaj jolge of the rexs abienesi of the roBcJasksat. Aad here any by wHf af forsi a compoent ilhsiiratii.a of the evideace. AimoH the sot trntssg Umt oar bMrs do k to tltnsnr st dsns. It is ose of their way of sayiog X. There is more tisaa oae parallel bctorts taeaes and nor boy to be miintniaed. Jat a. the state ot miwl of Use adott s&rage U paralleled by tbat of par cJnttdsea, so we mast expect that so aammoa a weapon as a ttose is to oar boys most be exma velj csed by savages. And tMa, fat foct, is wtant we do find. There was also a time when this C3fse-llKwwig was the ccapncit of grows mea of ocr owa race. S tones were ssed ia Use warfare f Use Celt and tise Raosaa. We rom ember that David, a Semite, used a pebble from tine brook. Assd we shall 6ad that mea of -Hher now, lad lesWe David, resorled t the same weapoa for all the pnrpHr which ia David's Base, aad vita bis race, were partly served by motrUs. There is h i, aoe only a pasuisel ta be draas hetaees aar hoys saeazs ia certain wys bat there exists one Vs tea these b ys of Use prescsst aod ossr ows mea of tie pa t. Jus-: as wa cwttin inu Use erntsf of Use earUs we ad Use rem do of asimols aad psssts wk-'rh once inhnbrtetj itw icmsr surlaces the stsspser form iei -w, te sore com plex above, t and the nasaftas ssf su's toots astl impitmeslJ ia Use oiay aad zravei of t se htX loAiil peri J f Use zsa4e, asd wkh a Uke seomsaeie is tseir cbaracter. Tbe ofalait and hsw- r,f triKA nT 9 m1 ma. - m .Ska newr and srarr W Use prsat saria,-e, vac m we 'varssst aaa cmmpni x. ii c s see sobs Usat Use simphn t mtfrn mas mwiwl ns wssea-l re a Knt wa mr a waoer w.Ui b-okoa cart ho'cs aad SKtarailv for a ssnae t . pmsd wfca, asd -o messd kit way. H picks sp a stsne oa ooeasssn as sis aacoisor Ji4 o at astB. For Use mora -at be is ia tha Stoa ae. Asd be ses what the eartrast asaa mst bae rmdsmMoswv SfesJ, a sSOoe ist a it it. There mast bare bees a base whea mea sicked sp sack scaoe a rame ss fs-ir war at thi mt witb wavcb so tawo at asknats ta betas taesr fuad, tu iojstre tactr fet-hsw-mesu Sech stones adhered bv av-s. can ao laager bj Meat. Bed. Pnf. A. R. UrtU, in rfir eieaar MmrnHij. Moslem MarTiagts. Brokers gvaeraUy arraage these marrU s tk -h there are some lore mtca m wbica the patta beoame at- saebesi to rack -other wttboet the later- vsjsssea of atsisd party. Wbea a mas has reached a mam iz ae, he is ex- pectsd ta ester the mtumsoctal raa is, anie prevcsteJ br puvrtv or some other impediment, aad it is coasidered improper aad evea tlsauBurabe for him lo refrain frvm so dsonr. It a mamsce- alsle toeth ba. a msNscr, she desostoet htm to the girls of her acquaintance, aad enables him todtcide whom to take to has house aad home. FrcqneaUy be en ga s the services of a womaa uiartitge orwker. who bws access tj hiretas where there are marriageable womeo, aad is empteyed by them a often as by the mea. bhe rrcetves foes from oae piny, asd frequently from both. Is her Tis.U to the baroma she is accompasied by tho motaar or otsar femiatoe rewtiscs el the yoo.g maa, she taoodneas ih m as or dinary si-it r, but ktc a U hint aa to tte.M-ject of thesr ca-t. If the do not like the appearance of the maidea, they p.ead many cails to make, wad cut abort their stay; but if satistted, taey come to bosinc at oace, aad ask how much propertv, perseaal or otherwise, the young 1 uly possesses. Waea these fasts are asenaiaed they depart, with the tatimattt n that thet may cat! agaiu. If thejoucg mm is satise4 with the re port of the broier he sends bar agaia ti the harem to state his. own prvspecta is ite, and, if she kk favorably 03 his suit, the match, is made. Ererytbiag is arranged by deputy, aad the Motusime dta locr does ni see the face of his mistress until she is his wile. CoatostTT 6-VTt-SFtno. The Monroe (Mich.) t'snararraai tnls this story: A few days ag 1 as aged s n sf greco Erin, who live is ilia cus"ry and peidles vege tables about tiwn drww up at the jail to sail some of his produce, lie fouud no one is at the moment except a small bo. beciag a pair of haadcuus Iytnthr, he aked th ly w&at they wete. 1 ue uttte fellow, in his aaxiety to explain their use, wanted to try them en, which the man consented to do, anl tu less lime thau it takes to tell the story, he had a pur of handcutT firmly locked, os each "xvritt. Hating ascertained their use, he wanted to get them off, but the boy was poer. los to help him, Mr. "Wojdin having gone to Detroit, and having the kev to tho liaadcutTi in his pocket. So the poir follow had t-j stay there till tea o'clock at uight, when ShcritT Woodia returned aad released him from his distress. His cu riosity about tho haadcutT was fully sat isfied. Never oo Back. What ynu attempt, do with all your strength. "Determiaa tiun is omnipotent. If' the prospect be somewhat darkened, put tho fire of reso lution to your soul, and kindle a Aabm that nothing but death cab extlajptkh.