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About The east Oregonian. (Pendleton, Umatilla County, Or.) 1875-1911 | View Entire Issue (March 10, 1877)
1 U I IT f rv. drast drrgflniaiL SATURDAY. 3IARC1I 10, 1877. SAMUEL J. TILDEX Was elected President or the United States a tie 7th of November, 1S7C, and Ruther ford B. Hayes inaugurated to that office ou the JMh of March. 1S77 whereat the nation taoun", but corrupt detceadants of ancient Abolitionists rejoice. The Democrat of Oregon hare tbts con. solatioa: the Republican party trill be split in twain, as Mitchell Is going to get away wiui the government patronage. Sacrilege, for Rutherford B.Hayes to ask the American people pray for him! So Blight J. Madison Wells do the same with as much consistency. Congress, after the devilment was done, declared Tiiden elected President of the United States: bnt that honorable body did not inaugurate him. We cannot print Hares' inaugural ad. dress, nor wouldn't if we could only as matter of history. The national Democratic party has been forever ruined by the cowardice of leaders at Washington. Our Ceuatrr. Gzum Rati?, Michigan. ) February 1, 1S77. f W. S. Bters Srar I wish to make a few inquiries about your country, and if von will be kind cnoush to answer them 1 will feel thankful. What are your prin. cipal productions? Does wheat pay the best of your crops? What is the price per bush, of your principal grains ? here are your markets Have you good water Hare you good timber and what kind? "What is your lumber worth per thousand feet? Have you coal to any extent? How are your winters? Does stock do well in your locality? What is the price per acre of good farms? How is your country situ ated for mills, manufactories, etc Please Inform, and oblige yours, A. J. Rose. The foregoing letter, handed us by Mr. Hyers, we proceed to answer in part; in. quiries not answered in this paragraph, will be found fully replied to in the article taken from the Union which will be found below. The principal productions ef East cm Oregon arc grains and fruit. The soil is very rich, and all kinds of grain grow well and yield largely; it is not uncom mon to get 50 busbois of wheat to the acre, and oats, rye and barley in the same ratio. Our country is also well adapted to the growing of all kinds of fruit; peaches grow jsuch better here than west of the Cascade -mountain. Oregon in general has long been acknowledged to be chief among the fruit crowing States of America. Water, in most parts, is soil and pure. 1 lie wxnters j are vcrv mild: snow seldom coverinr the ' ground longer than a month durmgthe . , M mm, . . vtntcr season, and then not more than a . foot in depth. Unnng some winters the croon d is tcarcelv covered with snow. such has been our last winter. Stock gen erally do not hare to be fed at any lime of the year. Eastern Oregon is said to be one among the best stock countries in Iforlh America. We hare quite a sufficiency of mills, and our manufactories number in b with the age and population of our settlements and towns. The price of land varies with its location and the character of the soil. Rich tracts of school land sell as low as one dollar and twenty-fire cents per acre. The following leUer, addressed to Pref. iold, shows the spirit of inquiry which perrades the eastern mind in regard to our country: Cook's Coitxrns, X. Y-, I February 17, 1ST. J Prior. Aiixoixi Deak Sik: Seeing your same connected with the Ilich School of Pendleton I take an opportunity of writing you. thinking it will be cheerfully recipro cated. In regard to schools, which is the better time to secure a school, and how months in the year can teachers work; what arc the wares paid in common schools and in the small towns? How high do they hold nnimprored prairie land of the best quality Would like to come to your State at snch time as I would be mot likely to secure a school. This part of New York State is overrun with teach ers; wages are low; land has got to be very high priced; our winters are very severe: cold weather six months in the year, and snow often on the ground the same length of time. Please send a copy or one or your papers, anti acepi inancs. Yonrs. A. II. Reach. P. 3I Cook's Corners, Franklin Co, 2f. Y. EETLT. Pemjletox, Or, 3Iarch 5, 1577. Mr. A- II. Keacii DeakSiu: Imrocdi- fleers, whicli takes place on the first Mon - dayof April of each rear, is the best time to secure a Spring and Summer fchool. Fall terms ceaeraily begin the first of Septem - ber. Teachers ow wiirk twelre months du ring the year, but there is usually a vaca tion of from four to six weeks during the months of July and August The prce paid teachers varies as the grade of quali fications, from twenty .five to one hundred dollars per month. "Prairie land of the best quality" is about all improved, al though good unimproved prairie land sells as low as one dollar and a quarter per acre Yours, etc, Jso. C. Aesold. Trvm tb IVAIU WUU VnVm. T1K5 followine letters conUlnins nnes - tioas aad answers have been lianded us for publication. The answers civ en meet our Hsqualified approbation. The' are short, pertinent and reliable. Dowsvtlle, Crawford Co, Iowa. Dear Sri:: I am in receipt of two pam phlets giring description of your country, hat I hare a few questions to ask which I de not find any answer for. First, will nnbacks or National cur rency go ia trade for the face of them, or is coin most used In your Territory; Alow many yards or cloth ana now many pounds of sugar will a bushel of wheat or . corn buy? I now many mills tax is levied on tne dollar! Do vou have to use cost! r machinerr In farming! Machinery with us. coats more than the land, (for instance) do you plow extensively with gang plows? Are mere any cum esc lucre; dunese ' may be a alec thing for a rich man, but aoi very aicc ior a poor man. What is the price of pork, poultry, cows, sheep! How high is lumber! How deep do you dig for water. In short what kind of a place is that for a fim&ll family of four, all able to cut their own grub, but a little boy 1 year old ! Whet ch&Bce Lb there for school teaching oat there ! What is the difference between nrc-cmn- tion and homestead? Osoui Pakkeu. WAirsncno, Walla Walla County, ) IJanuarrSld, 1677. J Mn. OscAit Parkiui Dmt Sir: Yours just received. Greenbacks nre bought and som Hero, l ney arc now worui tu ccnu on the dollar in gold. Taxes, tines, etc., are paid in greenbacks I do not know what rou mean by cloth, I presume that it is what we call brown muslin or domestic, which sells for, from 10 to IS cents per yard, other kinds of cloth sell at from 84 to SI 50 per yard. liea: is worm cents per ousuei at this place, although it was as low as 25 cents per bushel last Fall. Wheat is not generally bougnt oy meroianu tne mm buv most of the wheat that is sold here. The most of the wheat that is raised is shipped to Portland. It is hauled br teams to Walla Walla, cost from 10 to 12 cents per bushel, distance CO miles. Shipped br rail from Walla Walla to Wallula.dUuncc S2 miles, cost 15 cents per bushel, from aiiuia boat to rortiand. urccon. mak ing one porta re by rail 13 miles, another uv rait o mues, loiai aisunce aooui s-tu miles, cost icr bushel 18 cents, cost of sack ing about 7 or o cents per bushel ; so rou see that the cot of rettinz a bushel of wheat to Portland is over SO cents. Wheat is now worth in Portland 00 per cental (100 pound) already sacked. Sugar retails at from 10 to 15 cents per pound according to quality. Our taxes are lG1 mills on the dollar. Corn is not raised extensively, mostly raised for fodder and for the purpose of changing crops with wheat, thereby get ting the ground in good condition. People use all kinds of machinery in farming. If a man is sot able to btiy a gang or Fulky j4ow, or does not want to get one, he uses the common walkingplew; in harvest, headers, reapers and threshing machine are principally ued. The cost of heading is from $ I to"$l 25 per acre; for reaping about 75 cents. The Chinese do not bother us, but few in the country, and they are ssed as cooks at the hotel, and do washing and ironing in the villaccs. In the raise they work over groung that white men ill not work I mean gold yieMisg gmand. I have seen even poor mea benefited by the labor of the Chinese. In harvest the farmer cast all get girls er wooes to labor in the kitch en, consequcBUr Utcy emptor tataamea a good deal as they art generally good cooks I and can be bad for from FJO to F-"0 to f30 per i month, and will so the cooking, washing and ironing, getting wood, milking cow. occ. Pork is scMora sold in the green state mostly cured iato bacon, and sells for from S to 15 cents per ponnd. Chickens, $2 50 per dozen; geese, $4 lo fG per dozen; tnr kevs abont the same-, cows, (common milch) f 15; sheep, common aboot 2 50 per bead. Water is very abnndaai. is foasd by digcing from G to 39 feet, in most cases. When you ak what kind of a ptec this is for a small family, you ask a hard ques tion for me to answ er I preHMreyon bare alreadr read a statement eftbe'vieM of crain per acre, which in wheat, kt from 40 1 to 50 bebcis en an average. Oats still the Chinamen were a aeeeufcy to we pre more, bat whether yoa can better year con- predion of the reenter, for th'ev 4U work dHtonor not I am aeaUe to say free? . an weald net eeedeoead le de what voa tar in vonr letter. I am indintd I , , aa',MB tnihiTm'r.nUuinmiii T Mw Tbet their work was ceaintd U Mack as cjak for mysdf. taking soO. dlma. and ererythlne clc in costMeration. I think n.0g docc e to H ve in any f the Western States. I lived in 1IH4 rill T 1C Tean eld ; have been in Oreeen and this Territory 26 veers, and I thmk I know whereof I speak I almost form the price f leather. which is at the mills, ia the moantales. trora 12 to (25 per il to town from $S9 to ?40 peril. Teachers wares are from 8 te per month. The sueplv of teachers is alwars equal to the demand. Tne dtScresce between strc-cmpttes and homestead is, that in pre-emptien voa can take 1C0 acres and hare a year te par fnr k. If the land has beeaoSered for sale! If k never has bees offered. 2. veers time Is , r . , -1 A t. -1 Zivcn, aas ii laiwc i ibc itmtu ci we Northern Pacific Railroad, (which limits are -40 miles on each side of the line as ser Tcyed). the price s $2 59 per acre. Ia homestesdiss yca can lake H) acres ieside the railroad lira its and by living on it are years and paying the Government fee, yea get a title lre-empttOM and homesteads are confined to the even sections. Oafeide of the railroad limits there can be taken 100 acres of either homestead or pre-emption on odd er eves socttoas. There is ne land near here that is set included in the 1 railroad limits. I believe that I have haMlly answered a) your questions, and hope that ay answers will prove satixfacterr. Respectfally. 'Y. X. 6tmi,P.iL Weal Grover? Electing. At a regular meeting of the Eastern Ore gon Wool Growers Association held at the coflrtheuse in Pendleton on Saturday. 3d day of .March, 1677, the feMowisg proceed ing were had: 3Iinatcs of the last meeting read and ap proved. On motion the communication of Cant J. C. Ainsworth. President of the O. S. . Co, and James Pearson of East Portland be placed oc file. On motton the price of shearing sheep was established at seren cents per bead the sncarer tying liis own wool, and six cents per head bavinc their wool tied for them. ! to correspond with James Pearson of Ett 'Portland and CoLT. S Lang of Heppner j as regards esubtishing a grading and bah . ine .house at Imatiila landing. Vice President Henry liowman. of Pea dleton precinct, reported the number ofj sheep to be shorn in his precinct at 4G.G03. C. If. S relet, Secretary. Jacob Fiiazer, President. Weston Items. J. 3L Shcpard of the Bedrock Democrat paid our town a flying vihit this week. He is on the look-out for sabscribers lor his inner nnri n-IH visit Portland. Salem and ' ' . . . . I . .7 y. ... l- I'&rrcnU one 01 uiose cngagcu in opening the eld Thomas and Ruckle road, . ia in town. The road will be made in good traveling condition this bummer, and the hotel at the Warm Springs will be kept by Parrcnt te Mc Williams for the accommod. lion of trarclers and plcasurc-scckcrs. In dian Agent Corn oyer agrees to furnish the lumber necessary to build the bridges on the Umatilla river from the lower bridge on the Thomas & Ruckle road to the govern mcnt sawmill. Dr. Mincer of Walla Walla has rented a i house and intends locating here. L butterfly in March 1 One of the young ladies in Weston caught a butterfly a few days ago. It was a beautiful specimen of animated nature, but was cot so pretty as the young captora beautiful self. The Mountaineer of the Sd quotes beef at the Dalles at 4 cents net. If the producers of Eastern Oregon and Washington, says the Astorian, want the highest prices for grain, they must store at Astoria ami sell on warehouse receipts this season. Butter Creek. BcTTEit Cheek, Feb. 5, 1877. The set-1 tiers of this riclnlty hare come to tho con-1 elusion to improve their farms and make ; permanent homes; consequently nearly nil have purchased fruit trees and divers kinds of shrubbery. More interest is taken in the direction of education than ever before. The raising and improvement of stock has not been lost sight of, and iu all probabili ty we will hare a Butter Creek Fair We dent mean a grand exhibition equal to the Centennial, but the parading and awarding premiums to the best colts raised this sea. sou. Our part of Umatilla county has heretofore labored under the disadvantages of transleat settlers; but the erection of new And commodious houses in all parts are plain proofs of an enterprising popula tion. It-is pretty well authenticated that there will be a wedding here soon. Allho' we would like to be a party on sech a de. sircable occasion, we fear we never shall if wc are always disconcerted as we were the other day when trying to gala a fewgra. clous smiles from a fair lady, by your trav elling correspondent, who came tnto our company and made such lavish display of his abilities that we retreated to the wood pile and amused ourselves by whlttliag chips, tearing the two "darlings" to them. selves. Such is life on Batter Creek. And now, 31 r. Editor, we will agree to do the corresponding from this part if yea will keep that gentleman away, because If yea send out any more sach gallants we will be obliged to Sqcawk Too. From the Capital. Salem, March 2, 1S77. Editor E. O. In perusing er last East Ok taw xi an, our a: lea ilea was called to an article headed "Chinese Labor." The time has come whoa it behooves every lover of his cmwtry to agitate this laportant question. I say iasportaat for I know of so oaestion that sore Jop4y is. voire the irtdsstries of or coon try. the Mrkr and eoBtiasaaee of ow socfotr. the rights of laborisg mea. aad the wolSire et ear country ia general, as does the Imml. graiiea and labor of the Chinete. There fore we fed it ear doty u exprrs ear hon est cenrktiens upon Ike ssVfvct, as ne think every lever of the country sfceeM, whoa ear aaeeeten maght. Wed and died for. several rears that the Chinamen were a de triment to the ceantry, bat hare kept silent for the reason that the oapkalltU and men eved men almott made them bdiete that white men refeseal t de. New. let me ak, why shecld net while men do seed week tisMnlv beoaese enetrxeJen venei net Mr ... ., ,. any mere wages than the CUeamen work. ed fur. New, why sheaM net they (wMtc men) work as cheap as CMa-ames? be-' caese it was atterly an impothtHty. Fer why beCBBse the beetnens send te China ' and gtft riee fer almet aelhing and seeslst almost wholly upon that article, and their detblag cost, perhap. f I per month. What they can aSerd te work Par and tare money, a white mea eeeld net near pay : board ttith. Isn't this deprrrtng the while I man ef bis rights tier en entry has net yet reach d that point nherc 12 cents fer day Is ctummary wages China has --i If ther are permitted to immigrate te this oenatry at the rate they bare been coming tor several years past, they wfN reduce wages here the same way. Bat Ibk k net the eot. Twe4hird of the loathsome dieaes that anaealty infest ear ooaatry, are breaght here by these wretched beaihess. It is estimated that the Chinaman er ceWes bare, fer some meathspast been landing In San Frandtce at the rate ef fire thoatand per month er; Hxtgti per tear. They are spread. ing aH ever the coantrr, rfepriring poor, honest mea ef the labor they are depend-1 ingHion fer their sappert; Infesting the' country with disease, dkh and oerreptiea ; ! '. demanding the raise of labor. Per awhile ' their labor was confined to that which did sot materially interfere with the better i class ef working men, bat sew look. Wc see them as wholesale and rctaH merchants, carpenters, cooks, laasdrymea, aad in fact almost every trade. Wecesldcr this question one of vast importance to aE of our people. And as it will be before Congress this season, we think people in general shoakl nvt be back, ward In giring their view;, aad shewing . f of the Chinese plagBe ia all phase, so that oar adversaries in the I east ho are not at prcseat treabled with ! Chinaracn. can mere fullr comprehend the fttuatien. xrwa Is scarce this week. The Georgia 31instrels gave two very in terestlng (to the fun loving class) entertain, meats last week. Orcr three hundred people attended the concert given by Camilla Urso. the groat female violinist, last Monday night. Dispatches bare been received hers to day that the Commission have declared Hayes and Wheeler elected to the Presl dency and Vice Presidency of the United States. Later the above has been fully con. firmed. More sews next week. R. E. Pomxn. To School Clerks. To the various school districts of Uma tilla county. In the early organization of school dbtricts in this county, the bound ing lines were made to zig zag and follow the serpentine incandcrings of creeks and rivers, just so as to include certain families living along tliem. Those lxtundries in some instances, overlap each other and so furnish cause lor almost incessant CCnlen- ttnna and broil. whlcJi msieriallr affrct the prosperity of schools taught in the dis tricts so concerned. The boundrics of some districts hare never been recorded; other district lines are recorded as running north to Richard Roc's, east to John Doe's and so on ; John Doc and Richard Hoc, in some instances, hare left the country and taken the district lines with them. Neither school clerk nor trustee can tell anything, about tliem. The SchoolSupctlntendcnt turning to the books belnneine to his office, finds that many boundrics have been so often changed with but little record and no plot, that he can get no information concerning them. This contused jumble of atfairs witl continue to increase until the district lines are all straightened and procr!y recorded. The law specifies how this may be done. I would therefore suggest that petitions be prepared and circulated at the annual meet ing (1st Monday in April next) in words about as follows: We, the undersigned, residents and legal voters of School District No Umatilla county, Oregon, hereby petition the County School Superintendent to establish the j boundray of tcliool district No. ... of said j county, making any changes thereof which ; he may think to be ncce&ry. Care should be taken to get at leastatwo- third majority to sign these jKtitlotw. Let everyone who is not able to gire the boundry of his district, especially, hare an opportunity to sign the jxrtltloa. Each school clerk should append a certificate to the petition as follows: I, school clerk of dittrict No. . . Umatilla county, hereby certify that there are no more than .... legal voters now Mr. Ing In said dittrict, and I farther certify that the foregoing petition contain the names of a majority of all the legal voters In said district. A B . J. C. Arnold, School Superintendent. George W. Vaugn of Portland tMtd on the morning of the fourth of March. NEW TO-DAY. I DAM STANG, U 14 CEXTEHXTAL PENDLETON, OREGON, B-n a Isfcra aV fat -JM be iXxl Lr aoo kt rajvd u fwvua nunc fjg i arftrUMur T17 ujnmV rr ut tvW tt Jltts , mlr W Mwt SCUJIOXS. ll th CWrcH Cotrl f t Jui TOr?M Ut Tb. Mb tmmkj Hutu Cnaut jinn . fifrea 6ralj flrit.1n.V rlBTRO.VfllUBtV.TBr. ABOVC NlVC VC tr 3. Hrj. u4 tt UhU tor a.M MmymC A H T Hi If tslW M for t rr taf liaiili t f ii'Ulim, w itnmSt t4i Mt nrmj mn U.r 4 Wr. ut(int(M WUum!iiii m at trtmm ui VOf. amcttatnit rt Huwt I TWw nm m iSi t hj trtft ttt In. U L Vtintw, Joif mC Lul r UtiH( o Trtn- ur a, nn LfciAN rvcars. ij k i suxxoxs U It Ct'iX Owl tt l tu f rT?r Ur fw Arr-n a LaMHI S 64m4 rnesuiM-ia. a LeeetiA, a iWt wc v,m 1 M-itteHMKaouvrfimMu, SW tml jwt la iW fcn i mutt 1 1 rM' S MW trrt w aflt ml trrarfMUawt, Sf3, 11.. wc a y um ant 4 M Wf WlllH K s tt 111 On 1 1 ilm ffc mtrrut WMftrt Sr.wn trr. a4 tttmt It u4 mulf ! lUrWI X . Vr X. m4 rnk. mt iSMn tt fM xlM. w( flmtn. nammbplMlWtr trtn tt lb M. L. L. KAnar. Jift tt wl mk, Usns FrVn- ujzx, tin IXXX AS AVUt;L AWf Ut fZ Final SettlrmeHt. I tai tvt i Mn tt Mm ttutt litter - f " Arra. itTT. tt iiwi r . tt r r. orrra. m Vt hat Kr Iknf . iAtt)tict lifr W C LtPOW. ItMMnW M ATTIC X llYK ItownnMt Timrr St liTT i X Ttsta xmf FIR.MTIIRE STORE .ASS. fvI?VT7,'B" gf Ig'15 A lllX tSIlll wxwiWE Van porn. rmm. TT'E iNroim tv rc o: tar. mpnt or r"vn H A UN ESS SHOP, Cir Vrtm Ur ruaSwt rroetty tHmirt V. REPAIRING REPAIRING XT IVx U Ortir. rr wm Hrrp -s ALL ARTICLES I SUALLY KEPT lm a rinUka tmnMvt ?. G-lve us el Call SUiTMOSS. lm It Cooatr Cecit ct CaiUh cavslr. r Or. no. Ctvrrt W. jiituZ t. T. r. rtStr rpO r r Fetor aborts! aetreSrst- Id tt 1 esa tt IA State U trrta n art brrrvr rr mlrr4 la tffrtr aa4 trr tbt craf telat Slot afiiaxt TM VT IM IWn aSK la IZ IfcOT ft IM antra, la tb abort timwl cwi. H umd HUs VtM fault la Ua &'Jt tnm It dai tt tb ktim brrroC W rrTTl nMa aarotatrrowlTBi tattSla. ttta mHUt Tt 6T :na rf MMk terrtm K : tnl nl at Ut Mju lata so IA fm4 dir ttJt.y 1 1TT, K brttx tl SrK dr f tt fil Km af ratf roan aRrr msmUit artti taKoUea tt tai i SranMH from O Sttb iff tt rrbraarr. I'TT. lb 1 dtc tt It tfX fcUmtea brrC Tba rrWf oart bf ntt caoiatat tt la rrrerrr from tn f (11 ZZ a4 latrmc tbrrroa traa Ut ISth ir ttStrtmUr. lfi allbtnler all rr (rat fr aasaaa. aaaia tstm af I nvurf tnm tnm lb rttata at rrroVrlrk FoUrr A l cweU. la lb Mau at Vrnaoal, aad ra ib tvcorlr of rrtdrrte J. FaBrr tt lUt pltet aad wu racfallr mttrrd br jrai wad ruarrntd tararaa ia4 , ef obkblb iillt3UUatT asd a tMuti ceUcrlbit If jcafauanraJ umr tbt coes 1 rdaiat femia. lb 4aatiff am Ulr Jfrat aniaat ro toraaij ten of fUt 37 aad lalrmt lbrrr at all r nxt f asavn from Um 1Mb Jit af Xortta W. IltS. acd iiU eaaU aad dlabanrorsu brrria. Br araVr of It. C. YnaVam Jodft af aald cnrl Bad tb 53d y aT Tthntry 11TT. i . U. IJUUTKR and M. T. JON'Ef. AlbWBtri far t-Ulsliif. suja-jiro.vs: la tbe Cireclt Cavrt cf lb Sut of Orrca, for tb tMtljr of CasalHU. Ecaka A. Brs alat ra. Gears Cf icfcsdiat. 1 a tb nam tt lb Slat tt Orrroo. aad pamaat la lb vrirr of lb Hoc L t. McAnbar. itift af aa4 roart, brarlBC aal lb IStb ixj of rrtnxrr.lt77. dlmtiac abllraUoa brrrct. fna tn mplrrd ta aa. rrr lb cotatdaJal of tb fttlaUff brrrta brbrt lb find dajr of lb atit trnaataaid own. ctoiironx oatbS4Uror AprO, trf. or thr m iH a;tjr le mk: roort at aaadtrnn fa a drTre dJawtrtB lb raiTii raotract urtaca jo aad br aad anuec orrr la bT la bcr oa rUiii ail rmnr ia brr nawttiaa ia aatd ( jiuu. tai rranlUi tx-r crtxral rrlitf, ai CrmaaJrd ta ! bf ea!lai6i oa wia aaucaan. TUOi It. BRENTS, Atir Ur pt EST1UY NOTICE. TAKEN rpbr lb tcbarrtbrr rrbrnirr Tib. 1177. rotdlac la h Rtoa rrrrlwt, I'DMim corntr, ute of OfTf). oh rrram or barAjala ndorrd aaalt tmtn tWnl tlx rtari old sril rrttoc dark mane tad lalt, dark Icex, Itfl blad foot ad pMWta wbil, aur oa lb ' D. XT. HABEI3. ADVERTISEMENTS. S. B0THCHJLD CALL and examine the large and well assorted slock of general IST.Qjc oliandlse just received by S. RDTHCH1LD At his old stand In Uitarker's building, and which he offers to the public on terms that will compare favorably with thois or any competitor. S. ROtHCHILD The fellolng are some of the leading Hee. of which you will always find an attertment en hand: Dry-zoodt. Clothing. Boot ami Shoe. Halt and Caps, Carpets, wall paper. Gro ceries, patent medWae. Paint f. OIl. Tebaeco. Hardware. Cutlery, Chlsa and ' Olats ware, Mauonery, etc S.- ROTHCHILD Orders from the cosatry wHl prompt aittwioa- receire Hides, Furs, Wool, etc, talen ta ex-cha-e. CAMPAIGN OPENED FOB THE FALL OF 1876 At TJmailla, Oregon. "rnrntTBOPT t tonud I ra aad to air tT 11 tMttrmfiHt atack af atom j atal rrmrtd. abarb I oat aril al mm na IX Umn. Tb Stittraizs la Bf bat af atrrra COOK STOVES Occident Goldsmith Range Golden Gate Empire City Uirmatk Rio Grande PA BLOB STOVES The Monitor Parlor Belle Laurel Ranger Echo Onward PAItUlK COOK Jewell Echo BOX STOVES Black Giant Mognel Pine Knot Woodside Bonanza -A fall aaaxtmr! of- Coarttatlj aa baod. at lard rata. Altanlrti aU ol xeotalr. JOB WORK da wUbarat araa and dispaUb. wm. j. ixncrt I XY05K Wbo waaU Lrral ItUaka tt aard. XX. arrlplloa, trad jaar orr te n a Hatkwk. tiro parr, UaullEa Ctastr. Orrfoa. Prertabrt, 1JT1 rr n CAt C N"iprT t aal at ibu rUn OAUb c4. iw-tl;'0'ec;-aasa, ADVERTISEMENTS. COOKING STOVES AXD Manufactory of Tinware, And ALL KINDS or SHEET-IRON WORK, Mala strett. ooooiiu taa Co.rt Iloow. VTUl cansustly hava on hand, and 'for salt, a Complete Assortment of as wax AI.WAT1 irzr A. complete Assortment of the Dfcimond ROCK COOKING STOVES. ALL KIMX3 OF Dc u Drier, at ihn woUct, u4 U Terr XmUnU rrieea. G. W. WEBB. HITRRAH FOK EVERYBODY Jist Ltk Here IT TOC WiST rAOTT1. OIL?, rtrrr. ct.t. tie , c u IV PE.VDLETO.X STOEE! IT TOv WAVT Tut Snp u4 jrtttur prntrrx XcOeLa . r ta Ml PENDLETOS DRUG STORE- PENDLETOX DRUG STORE TT TOC WANT ftao frltmt tt iX XU. r U X u PENDLETON DRUG STORE rr toc wavt rt cu&oar aiua,rtte PENDLETON DRUG STORE. r Twr want Ea- zmtn, cm to rtUtba PENDLETON DRUG -TORE. rr TOC WXT L orr. r t ritauqajua larijiii-i'id vtab PENDLETON DKI G STORE SALE - .STABLE I UN rr wwiu roDLxros bstex.1 John JJewiuan. J. f. I'ttfKTT. . r. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Pr-ilk tea Ortsrn. OSee to Ir's new boWiar, tans W. C. .He Kay, .TJ. Dn PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. tVaSttaa, CautaSa Catatr. Orrsoa. SOca at lb rraOlaa BpuL WM. MILLER, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. WttX GITC tprdal aorstic U rtnsx dacam. OXet at tb dra atarr, llala atr-M Dr. J. B. Llntittcy, SURGEON AND DENTIST. It aaar luatfd rrauarBlIr ts. Pendleton, Umatilla Cotmty, Wbtr Ut armcrt e a alwari t bad. t&Sxrrry A Specialty.' L. O. Stern, ATTORNEY i COUNSELOR AT LAW Bakrr Otjr, Orrean, La SVre 1B atlrad lb roaru rf lb rb J dxtal Diatnct.aadaridabaad Waableitoa Trrrt tcrtra. Warr Ribu aad Uiaax LttaUB a fn- CUUTT. CbOrcUnat matMlr abraded t. Oc2 7S J. II. Turner, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Oast? Orirrt bcofbt aad aOl. Lmat NVfaUatAl OrnCK eo Uaia atmt, psi Crcrt Booas. rVsdktoe. Otrjaa. S. V. KNOX, -A.ttorne - at - Iavr, Weatoa, Cirntin CtMf, Orrcaa. mTP-ILL rBACTtrE l.V THS COURTS OF v T lata Male aod WaAiojfloa Ttrrimrr. tT SprtUl altesUoa paij ia Lxsi bcaiae cd Uullectioea. G. W. BAILEY, REAL, ESTATE AG EXT, (a.1D 0TAKT rCBLtC.) PENDLETON, - OREGON. p ARTICl'LA R ATTENTION- raid la Lht pnatcaUea A of uad rlalcM ta lb nutntrat al Waabtaftoo. tad la lb rartoaa tocal aEIrr. aad lli Mnol, SrrrWt ar Iradrrad tb titnritt to arcar fU! or Srbaut Uadt; aim ta tbcae dounax l aoiulr Uadj vj nnnauoi am l rrempiicc Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars ALWAYS TO BE HAD AT Jacobsoii ,c Co's Saloon, PppoatU BUI SwiUtrr'a ?Ir, nCNPLKtOX. Orrysa. CARDS W taxXt a fpfeUliy. a ft bar krf Ik aaauut K irja aa4 a cam prwa. ADVERTISEMENTS. PENDLETON KJlIX aTBftT. THIS CEJfiaAlVLY LOCATE POPULAR HO USE HAVISC BEES ESTJItELT REFITTED ui 2ZTT27ISHED is owcrxxK roa The Reception of Grcsets THE TABLE WB at aS Usa b ttnut farziibed wa lb Trrr.W tb BAtt aSaric a4 rrrrj cxcrUao ta ntUCj tot furoLt at nit atttt. THE BEDS Art aB err. aad tb room bxr bs tenbS4 ia tb xxunn njit ui rmh ntTJ aBCtrjca UCjJtj 2rsS ta a txT f'ai bocaa. THE PENDLETON HOTEL, ta aa IU trctnxm a ip -anb O nsvpa. as4 Ibrnfrvtwat cXTitiwit laat al caura Iba rvlim U Utac lb irrj BsT KOC2 Eaatof tb Tb rrm-im xzi LriTrbir psUic an rtiv ottBr ta ntadtacan U. J. BAlXT. nl-tf ST. CHARLES HOTEL, aad Xhtim Hrrt. rtnUd. Orrraa. Tbbl Sr HaMj earrmarf af US rnaut. ar tfce titt aoaaajnwM af ucu A Haf&aa. yrtyVwn. baa bn trtt maraud, aad aaw aaVri hmw ae- titiajialgjct a aay botrf m aVt my 71 fHxif oa iiatn a aa laar c. frtrai rtTlnalbrLtJttt' rmstUrtlt. Tb Car bat ba tavacf 4 iaan;aa aw noa Ipaat lUMSatMiairnaiMRMj fin n fi mm abH3tteaAtf lb atoi. raoaaa. TV- tJi MZf taB UUn ymn0ir4 tZ uutnf b.nfya iwt aaa ia nrpasaf nnln. K &a am d I I Haj m I ha aaw paaa ta tztkai kba a kn( baarf tat&rrtfr Tbt fotcrirlar rrarjrraf mtMaM aVr jamttft tt as imtmmf aiag. U aur try aaaand af an; trraW aate Umr cart aa4 aVat tbrr oi3 as czart la m aad triadi ranta. Mtrrnt ma ta aad anaa u Wilson Ht Hel. UMATILLA. - OREGON. MBS V A. fcrrWaf tatrd as InaiHml CinaTli. abtrr ab Laa t-etawboaei 1 baa bat bora rrisdL witnntt, aad aw wfctc b xrcaW at r. t w x aW taut aSvtd. Ixmim atU am rryjtt itait at atot ptar. HAINST, WALL V WALLA. W.T. BraiA aa t TtrnrnM. T-ES waml l tf taraaaVi aVnastbost. kov aava Ur aa i in ,aaf fwtt, rbrtl rmat aad bnc Vaka aW rmtr ml FmarWa at dual anara. (nmi alas OS. TSOSA SAX. rnMatr V.lTIOaV XI GTE L, UMATILLA, - OREGON. i;iMrRK VIUXK Mt ruiETVS. rrSaS ErE aa ta bnc in Sana tar aVr rpv. 1 taaWtwM iWa b4t wmt r-i laair ta Or xaafataakNicwe Tb a uti i-u tt at acbt u BlacIs.sTn tlx SHOP. D. M. Taylor 4 XMTi-lfcaU iininliri U aV eauvu af Mtfiui aa taatata- Mot a m aaoamml tm al aaa af art. aabtaba at IwaoaM atr xb PROMPTNESS & DISPATCH Bit la a TtrlaaaatiL asaz&rr. Horse - Shoeing a Special!! ixal er arciizcc Eaatv e u taauaac Atf By varL ta tbt Ea tt arurW Orrr tut a taal X3v aanb of U Cocrt Hacar, aad acn dnar a ICanta Urrrr M radSta onatrr: XiTa X tar aa at ratir a a STAMXT. aba -a-tS aA- I rod ta al vert dxnss a; abicar. SlraigitC DEALER WATCHES xx ctoacs A.VD JB W JE2X. WATCHES AND REPAIRED ALL ON SHORT WORK NOTICE WARR.STED Itare af bas&m Sasih tad af Hals Knot OwcwSa $C LD Betel, WaXa WaSa, W. T. MONEY MONEY HORSES LOST $5 Reward, arm: a sntBiat or srr housks ntox Gnad RJe Tadry bat lalrlj crested Iba bm mot r lata, aad Ibr ar brtarrrd la be ta Taca UBaeoutr. aoaarbaMaaascdrtbeIaduaBatan. lay oa ertrmtad' aarofcud am ta S. I lion. I of I-radtrtaa. witt br rrmidnl at lb rat of M fr brad. Tb barar maiH af narbrxn, S-rtar oUt, bnadrdCoatb feaabcatdce. fridwes " bra., aitb nai braad, aad aort barara, ab dim brasd at CoalrflaboaAVr. Uarcb Uta. Co. Caaj&. ST. PAUL'S SCHOOL WALLA WALLA. W. T. I BOADPtNC AND PAT SCHOOL x Clrta. Tba oalr rrawaiaat Boartimx Kbord a4 of tb Caa cadra. Board aad Uiuaa. wdadicf (, tbu, ric., rT quinrr of tra "Tttn. lii Watbisc jar aamr, $T . Day rtt: TalUaa.rT4aRrr. .. . JA. S tl aad $11 ia Maaic.rTatkiaoBrtaitr UH Modrra Uasaacr. tacb, rr eunr tit rrlamtr4alaa Um. aad cbartrd tnaa data ofratraarrv H-prctU aUraUoa paat U lb eutatn aad mora! t lb J la. "boar cravtaatlr Obtor lb cars af lb Uat beta boib la xad act of reboot. Aar rartbrr laKmaatMa M b cbrcrfaBr tfrra br addmaiax Kr. L It. WaUJi, rrtartal. f UMATILLA. Ll oaxcos. I Retail draVr la tb asm LIQUORS AXD CIGARS, ORttBSS IYnnadtttaacpraa)rtratla4rtt9. Tb rrpaUUaa of bit boox t aurb tbat bmxatr aal fair OntUas U la tarrU. Try aad b coaTtectd. POSTERS W nttt a araaaltr, aa a h a larjt ancTtsitct of JaHrtjt- Z. k. 0, THEODOR 1. v rVs Pf. i A.