0 Sljc flfrtft tegoman. EYERY SATURDAY MORHIHG, T IMI. "P. BTTT.Tf UFriOC COliKT hAittT. orrouTi tuk sotavaovsr. Rates of Mubkcrlptlou In t'oln: One Ver. W CO Six Month ...... J 0 Three Montst 1 Single CopiM . J bite or XDrzBTMto ix coat i Osckssa, brat mertM. 2 00 Eacg ieimequunt iwrtlw, , 100 7m alt trvlMt I MMrut ZuLzmm acCesala U Istal uluui, S3 ctsta r Xu. AlrtrCaiJZ UUl fl at sis HI. VOL 2. PENDLETON, UMATILLA COUNTY, 011EG0N, SATURDAY, MARCH 10, 1877. NO. 23. The Boy That laughs. I knew a funny liul boy. The bapjrfe.-l ever tors; His face Is Htc a Vesm of joy, AKheujh bis ctotbes are torn. 1 saw bitu tumble en bit nose. And walled for a groan; But hew be laughed! O yea seppotc lie struck bW teeny bene? There's sunshine ha each word be s peeks, lltslauph Is something grand; Its ripples overran bis checks, Like wave on newy mmmL He laughs the ineniBUt be ateabet, Asa tM ibe nay fe dene; The tehout-tsioia far a Joke be takes, 1IU lessons are bat fe. Xe matter bw tbe nay say s. You canee. wake bin cry; He's worth a daw boys 1 ha aw, 'Vbe pent, and mope, and -hrh. Gnmi Oeeene. Isabel's Goverauss. It was a caM November day. The rain and sleet blew- Betcelv aettsst tbe window and ww th isavonicat below. but within ear ozx Utile library nil was chrorfsri; the bright ire is tbe grate cast its rud Kbt pes overr object in tbe rotm. Jlamraa had com to attend to some houiohabl Auk, and Ant Rebecca ami I "tv ere loft to eager each other's Cvstnpan j a bet we coahl. 'Ksecca,'' said I for thai is th tray I Be! to address ber, "yoa kaow jott pnoaii-3 use that tub woald tell ate a true story of your own life, when wc were alone together. sue she, "i remember my premise to ye," and dropping her work she lc&aed back in ber chair, ta4y to bo na, bmsz I -kxs tbe eWt of & large family, ily fatber was wait to asd we bail ory comfort our hearts coukl wish for. "Vb sboat year ae, I b.caaie aciaiole4 with & voub" inaa, a Httie otdtor tboa ray elf, from a sood familr, and dowe au eacdleat busiae&i. IVe loved each other deroteslly, ad ia kss tb&a a year we were married, ciacb against at par- ents will, as they tboubt I wa$ too youog, bet I was beadtrue, and would tare mi own war. After a tvar to Ni agara, we tcttied down ia oor liule lteme, which was a Beat, little wbite oot tsge, witb & bciutifal gatdea. We lired asbanmlTas two Ittru for nearly t yers, wbea my batbaad was otfitged to leave me to go te Europe oc basisesi. He bad not bees geae Tery loop, ubea one day, I took njt a paper: tbe hr tiiD" I read was tbe wreck of the great steamer, in wMeb be had saiied. I a aa- other ceiesin was the asmes of the res cued. I glaaced over them, aad sot seeing bis same, I felt a wbkiiag testa tion, aad tbe next t"'e I epeaed ray eyes, I foaad mytclf lying on a leeage, with ilory, ray servant, aad the doetor. standing over me. I fell into another swoon, and from that into a burning fever, and was very ill for many weeks. Wben I began to nearer slowly, the ducter ordered me to go away fer a change uf air. Accompanied by Matt, I west te visit a friead in the ceantry. I waited pa tiently te bear sme tidiegs fretn tay nusbaud, bet all seesaed i vaia. aad at last I gave bitu apforb-st. My beakh wa poor, sad ny frieads told me that I must do something to ec ccpy my mind, aad takiag up a pApor one day, my eyes foil ea this advertise ment: "WASTED. A yeaa; lady as GeTeraesii and Con)fa.a4oE, etc" I thought that was jast the piece for me and taking my writing ateasiU, whsch were close at hand, I wrote an an Ewer, and dispatched it at once. A few days after I recta rod a note from tbe lady, to nbom I bad written, askiBg me to come and take the position, as she tboeght me juet the persoa she wanted. The next week I started for my new home, and on arriving at Boston, was met by a negro servant, wbo took rae ia a carnage to .Mrs. Uber'e bonse. It was a large, brown boase iitaated big?), witb a large and beautiful lawn. Tbe long carriage road, which led from the main street, was bordered on each side by rows of drooping elms. I was escorted into tbe library by a servant, and after waiting a few momeuU, was joined by 31ns. Usher. After a lit tie conversation regarding my own abili ties, she told rae that ber daughter Isabel was but a few years younger than myself, but on account of iil health when a child, her education had been sadly neglectful. She seemed much pleaded wit' ber en gagement, and called Fannie, iter little maid, to ecurt rae to ray room. "Vc as cended the long stair?, covered witb the richest carpet. She opened the last door on we tannine, and told me this was mv room. I could hardly, believe ber, for it seemea almost too pretty for "only a Gor erne&s." However, I entered, and tried to make myself at borne. I had taken off my tilings, and made myself ready for tea, winch I bad been told would soon do reauy. i was admiring my pretty apartment, wlen I heard a knock at my door. I opened it, and before me stood a girl, not handsome, but fair and ladv like in her manner. She introduced her self as Isabel, raying, of course I had beatd of her from ber mamma. We then went down to lea, after which I retired to ray room, as I was somewhat fatigued alter tue long journey. The next day I commenced with Isa bel's lessons, which I found I could easily manage excepting tlie rrench, wlncu should have to study hard myself, in or der to keep on with it; as I would rather do this than give it up, and every niL'ht when she was fast asleep. I would sit up and study the lesson for the next day. Iu this way I was successful, and Isabel im proved wonderfully. To year bad patsed; it was Isabel's birthday, and in honor of the day. acrand masquerade was to be uiren in the larce parlors of this magnificent house. A large number of invitations bad beeu sent out among the fashionable people of the city, and grand jrepratloes had been ms.de for the great frte. I had dresed ImIH ad tre4Miaced her coai)4ete, aad takiag say Preach book sat doua to stadv as ual. I looked down uimiq the beautifbTr illuminated lawa, aad the loag proce sioa of carriages cooler an the armae, aad t boat; lit bow eraed. Oh, what a pity that I caaaot euj y alt these plea. ares, seid I, to rayelf." I am yet yoaag aad fair 1 then looked at rayelf ia the gU, aad wuhdered if aaything bat lhi pleia black dreM woahl bMk well I rae te ny cioeet aad healed eat the oW traak. which for so bier bed Mot ea daylight. 'H'kh diAealty 1 opeael St, and nied with wuexier at the aav eiotbiai; which 1 bed aiatt iorgottea mat 1 mmsI. I teok eat the tiay white diaper ia which I had ?te"ri at the alter of Htarriace, aad ihea the betatifal piak silk with iu rich uitMtaiasj of lace, winch bed bora a party dm- of say gayer days. 1 ftaweed these artieles of feacy apoa the bed aad tore dowa at hair fniat the 4mp!e little kaot ia which I had were k tor so ioag, aad drees? it ia tbe setae HMUMter ia which 1 had 4rc-d leabel bat an hoar before, aad decorated it with a ttrieg of pearl; I thee arrayed sayeif te the prak s;lk aad at Imn deelareii my self 1 1 hvik prettier thea evea Isabel, la her great protesMa of eiegaaee. 1 was all ready bow, tot R Bjaaqae, what shoe Id I dot othtae, bat factareeae for mvself, I UMMurbt, Ukiag a piece of maelia, cat k the shape of ay face aad iriarajed U with bvee, aad agaia I was a'.l ready. I epeaed say deor aad weat oat; to mv sejrarKe a eniiui of ladies were vpa the laodiag. 1 mh that Is bet ww aot acanag theaa, aad felt periecuy safe after my rt ladden fright NalorallyMttxh, a Iiwd come oat of a private cbaaber aad cloed the door after ae, thev all tboeght I was label aad addressed me ia that aasne. I hok haads with each ia tera aad said bat lit tie; we all descended the stairs together aad entered the large mtrior. The attic had eomiaeaced, aad as many as veeteatiy ooeM, were swinging grace- rally abeet ia the great circle. Mis Frrace," tid a voice bthiad me, -4ts we are friend erea ia disfraise. wih yoa woald jwaat oat to me if caa Mts l ner, m sue woaiei aot lea me what her dsaise woaM be. Se si lenced tuca aad peaked te me. A m -meat after the setae eatiemn at&ed me Jo dance with him ; I cw.nl mi ia a maa- aer at mveh like I-Wi" a poiiiaie; be eemed fail of conewtatioa. aad a I tfaeeght he donbted me, I said bet little, aad when the daaciag was over I beapta to fel diazy and faint. He called ae I? bet, aad scid if I woald appoint the hoar, he woahi cell open me the next eveeing. By this I knew that he was the same person whom Iaahel had so often eeteruiaed of late. I ana orated the time an boar earlier the the time I kaex Isabel always did, and at a god time exeared myself and haiteaud to m y room, locked the door, and throwing tnyetf apoa the bed, hid my face ia the pillows aad wept. Oaa h be panrbbtt Is ibis maa ray tons; bst havtbisdl Caa it be that I have beard his voice se maay times in the parlor below aad nerer knowa it? Oh.tIsVet, peer sirl, oaa k be tree er is it a dreeml All th -?e thnecbts aad athoasand more pawed thmogh my brain . I aro-e, looted at mv watch, aad to my sarire f-nnd that aa hoar had pasted; I hilaaedand heard the bam of voices ia the aext r. vbieh wanted me that the soests were preptriag for their departare. I harried off with my gay dnthet, and in a few moaesu was prepered to meet Isabel, my owa quiet self, the Geeeraers. I'was startSou by my bell, aad gaag to Isabel t rreax laad her winne for me. I ooed do nothing for her, bnt Iiten to ber accoBBt of the grand time all bad en joyed (mvself iaclndcdi, bat she seemed most of alt ple&sed to think that ber lover bad not known ber, bat that be had told her mamma that be had daaeed with her. and, to his regret, be mnet leave be fore the time for soma king; this she mast tell Isabel, as he eoald not wait to sec heragats. "Bit I am pure he wat mUtakea," said sae, lor be did sot speak to me enee. but I ht him daacsac with a boaaofal lady whom every one said was the beHe bbe wai dressed la a lovely pink rilk Oh! how I wonder wise she caa b. By this time I hvl tockod ber ap ia led, and, withoat a word, harried te my own apartment. I tned to sleep, Wat so. I cooid net; I t!iOBg'.it of all that Isabel bd s-sid, aad wondered again aad ugaia if I bed really seen my own dear basbaad. I tfamght I could aot bo mistaken in that form, aad felt convinced ia every rpcct bat his natne, which, fortunately, Isabel had aot mentioned, for if she bad I certainly should have betrayed ray sell. In the morning I arose early aad kept my room all day. Mrs. Liber came to toll me that the Iessoas for tbe day might be neglected on account of hr daugh terV irreat excitement, little kaowiag of mine, still creator tlian Isabel ever itn- Hirinod. Tlie day putod ia weary expectation and, as I st at mv window watching the fading sunset, and still in deep thought, 1 heard the faint sound of a boll; 1 lias tened to tlie stairs jest in time to mret Fannie. I told ber I would deliver tbe message to her mistres", and soon the child disappeared. I then west devn to the parlor. The finst look wa? enough; yes, I wai convinced now ; he arose to meet Isabel and not his own beloved wife whom he thought was lost to him forever. I threw myself unnn his bosom and fainted but only for a moment; and when I recovered I listened fc the terrible story he had to tell me, of tlie groit disaster and wreck, and how he flonted in the water for many hours, and was nt last taken up by a passing ship and carried to India, wnere lie was til Tor many month, and when he xeoovorcd he was destitute and could not obtain employment by means of which to re tern, and when he met with fortune and Retained to his old homr, all w as derted ; mo one could iafurtu him of the where-aU-Mt of hi Ixrhm-d wife, a I had here too prood to make it known that I mast wink for a living and therefore had gone to a 4ace where I was aaksowa, bat now be had foaad her and ired ber a; in to his bosom. Inibel was informed of what had oc- earred and bore it brarely, and willingly sacriaced her lover to bis already wed ded wifr. Tbe sease wck w e wnt to our mju k.uiui tm r-'r m.mA . lk n,t.u. i which we srave. ntm after. 1 wm aaln arreyed ia the piak silk, to Isabel's great sarpme; she leil at my feel and wept ! tear ot joy and wtrroar. I sal down be side her and told her the whole .tor v. For many years we lived together in pniness when after a lonr ilbin my bat hand was ageia taken away, aeeer to retora to me, bat to nwak for tan third meeting in the better land, neeer to wart gain. Jfejeaatt J'tVapfanta. MaklH? Calls. Making calls is, ia gantral, one of the tlsanklews and ntsMtis."Vctarv datim of csviticed lifb. (Xcfe.neisrhbaHTrIK aad tha nf friendship, wai -A haeesowe of the chaeaeterict s of a vnit, and none of the embatraitmenis f ine Ciothea and slight acnaintoaceh;p; calls ia parlors j where we are almwt a mach nt home a nnder oar own roof-tree, where we arc at liberty to remark apoa a sew pictnre or knick-knack, where we may ah oar opini o with the eertaiaty that they will nut l-c rrpred or miodcrstood. iiberc we may even expose oar ignorancai with btainc cnteem; the eatu apoa pro pie with wime ainas and objects we are fsauliar. with whom we have maay things in cosnason, whose metbxs of llsonght and modrns of action are not all goes work to te, who we know with marhe statical certainty are glad to tee nt, who, are not oar critics 1 who A-t not sit apna the defeairve throoghnat oar eitit. as if we had east with tb iatestioa of pyia- not the aakednets of the land, of prsaUag the family wonnd, and w Muting from them the family secrets their nAer a Itrillieat eompfnsaliaa f-r mat of those iinpo4 apoa a by society, r daty, or crcewMers. Thrre are ptopba, howceer, wbo term to have been burn with a decidsd genis for work. wh keep their acoaemtaGces la canstaat debt to then?, who arc always oUi schoolmates, aad prove fertile ia Tenting pretexts ! calling ap-ai high and Ion, while no stnuaeer tibia Ih-ir gales bat receives the brnetll- Te tht clas Btaally bebsac those who have an children r lmmrh sUi to bnd,nd are n oMigMl in erajarw f a-a tiretthl. It c oJ aciacipiiy of well-to-do widow j sod inm ilsru. wfrq, having bean defraod- j ed oat nf a wSsUy life of their own. levy tax anon that of outer ia short, of idle folk, fond of a cbeep. easy, and not anwhnlaaome racito- o donot thM nftweoMtty ha it raioaUe si!e, arising a4 K does from the social feii ia which many of nt have no lawnrs to indnbjre oarselvee Ia the meantiote. to most of at mere etremitiioai viiiting i a task wholly on congenial. What is achteved, we mtpht ak, by ipending ffteea minotes twice or thrice a year with pe -pe fur whom we have si special adapta'ioa or liking: to whoa we grow no nearer daring a life time; with whom we have oaly time fc tonch open the weather, the fsi'hioni. the servaatt,or other tririalitirs; who neither iaterest, amate, nor instinct s A call shonld neutrally signify a proof of hater nrt, wberea4 it is ottoa only a polite ac tion, a hnitow c jrte.y. J'erhap some of the mtiH iKtagitetbie p so pit to call on arc tbn-e who remind m of nor orltn- in this respect, with wboaa, -I wat a'raid yea had forgottaa the rend here," or "Do let as see yon here before next centennial, are correal phratea, savoring mare of god w ill, it mar be. thea of good teste; while those who en tertain se with family jura, wish accooau of the damns tic digs-dsoe, who apdogiat (or nntt Jj toilet, and wbotecontervntaai saeseets the game of t eeaty eeettioo. readers the ine art of mtking calk mote er lew of a bore. Ifarjur's Jtmtmr. KnocrrrK is Tckkkv. Tnrkish eonrt oth) nette bat annergone a great change slnrsng the lat three months, r irat, at a rocent iaternew the S sitae lad to Mr. Forster, M- I'-, and remained ttaodiag. lookiag attentively in hit face daring the whole dntorview. Formerir the Saltna was iavariably seated; a biw was never accorded even to a Gr ind Vizier, aexl the oaly salatc given was a regent which lasted a boat ore steads. Mahmood Damat Fatha, the Saltan' brother la-law. who acted as iaterpreter, remiae-I stand ing aad made no sort f obeisace whilst aildressiug the sovoreiga, aad Stadoallah liey, the artt secretary or the baltoa Mi rad, did the same. Bat formerly it was Hie etiquette to kneel on bsth keens and to bow tlie bead to tbe south at each soa tosce when addressing tbe Saltaa. This was carried to such aa extent that the most intimate friends, or rather compan ions of Abdul Aziz were forced te kneel while playing besiqae with him. A little scene occurred a few weeks ago at Frt Smith, Arkansas, worthy of illustration by Isast. It wai at tbe otee tinn for and against tlie school tax. A voter came up and asked for a ticket against the tax, accompanying hit reqect by saying, with considerable protane em phasis, that there was too much cduica tion among tbe people already, and lie wanted to stop it." One of the judge pleasantly remarked that there were only tickets "for tlie school tax on the table, but that all he had to do was to scratch out "for' and write over it "against." "II I" roared tbe man of too muoh ed dication, "I won't take all that trouble,' and turned his back upon the tolls, amidst the laughter of all the by-stauders, who well knew that tbe champion of "too much eddication couldn't write. EvEitrnoDT has peculiarities which he cannot get rid of; and yet, however harmless they may be, they are frequent ly the cause of a man's failure. Goethe. Make Homo Comfortable. There are maay little things that caa be had at a trilling expease whxh will render every home more cmfwtaldc and inviting. Utile things to lie sare; lat still they reqeiresomcamoaat ofwtieaee and energy to accotupNih them. Bat they will amply repay lite lalxtr aal ex pense, not merely ia the palpable cwinf- rt hestoweil br them, IhiI alvt in the occa pition of the miml, Ulling ap those -M u wnieh are v often dawdled ll"tblv aWSV Or MCBt IB idle f ltl' ! altording that constant leaad of employment whkh tends to pro- eneeonsnnM, ana um materially in the health uf the body. It re markable bow expert a lady caa become in the ne of hammer aad aaib, nt well as la the plying of the needle and thread, if she will only make the attempt and A good, strung hammer, sot ton light, ami net h heavy for her strength, will eoet bnt little, and will enable her .to do away ntefn! things la carpentering nod asdiob'toiing a boot the hno that other. wire woald nut he attended to. Tbe rhoniesds nt small homes ia the alirb- of oar Urge dties, and alto throoah -at the coantry, are a teal I j levy slightly bil(,ad ahnond ia cre-ice and draughts, and one of the first thin? to be aa ended to at aotanaa changes into winter is to remedy tbc- iiconveaiencet la the beet smeih4e way. To cke ap dria-t one mot ill ia Me inters aroond the iH-atting tec i paces a winsiftws. doors and For this pernosi scrips of listing, sach as the tailors have ia great nvamtitsrs, are the mott doirwhle. Frecore a batietfal of th-m and nail them with tin Uckt alt amend tbe part of the door that closet into the doorway. If it t pHetbie to take the door off tbe hingci a til them oa iU ander side, and they will prove a gtewt prutectien against draoghts and their citaa eqaeatui culd feet and a bad eoogh. Afler the lifting is sailed sail a piece f scaibrt, twilled binding all arisen 1 the door where K opens and over the hinge. Fatten this also oa the listing amend the windows, bat not so at to close ap all of them sermaaeatly. for fresh air it an et .entiai ingredient to nor conttort, cvn if tbe mvrenry does fall betow the aC-iau-pnrt int cipher Thcttreet and area doers boa Id ale be bstnd in the seme -ray. If year hutae i so iwslated that a either the listing or scatset braid can be procored, ttript of newtpate or browa paper can be paisud down tbe edges of the windotrt and xcrthec cmsaU Wntur Rmntl X Gen Cmicxkx Fik.-BoU chickess. in waeer barely to cover thens. aatil the blood W entirely sksmmad of. Fifteen tety inmates ia anoogh. Take them nto a dish, aad not them ap at they fai be enrved if pieced who'e apon the Mbk If the tain it vrrr tbick re- it. Have ready, lined with a tfcfcV a deep siish, of a site preeirttoned V tbe a am ber of chic kens which yoa in tend to see: sot la the liiicas. with the bearu and livers, in layers; sprinkle each -ayer with aoar. salt, aad proper, and net m enrb piece of chicken a thea shnring of tiotter: do this till roa have laid in all the pieces; pat rather mere of the nice. Boor, and batter over the top layer than on the preeioss ones, and pmr ia at ma rh of tbe linaor ia which Use chickea was boiled as yoa eta withoat danger of ht b iliac over. Ltv on the araer crsst. and cmm the ndsee verv euefaliy: prick the top with a kntve. Let leaves ot crost and ornamtat the top. Kake two huars. Thr emit for chicken pic sbonhi be twice as rich at tor frost pees. Lse mace if yoa w ith. Ctsvess Ciucs l Cast Isok Stove. Gjod wood ashes are to be sifted thrt-agh a ine sleet, to which is to be ad led the seme aastity of city iaeiy imiveriar"!, Wsgetber with a Httie tall. This mix tore is to be mniitenid with wa ter eauogh t make a paste, aad the crack 4 the stove then til ted with U. The nee not peel off or broak away. ateamos aa extreme degree of Itard aficr being heated. The store sso-t be e jo! when the appttcatfcni is made. The seme sabataace may be sed ia set- tins the pJetns of a store, or Ntting store pipes, sorting to render all lb joints per fectly tight Hons IKBvatmsi bt StucATnor Soda Dr. D Brand, pharmarist of Bltd. has discovered a very emcient meant for the prefer t a ISoa ot rcK, vlz a sototion of silicate of soda. This solntioa, being very vitcons, is kept in a liqahl state by use aouinoa ot teptd water, ibe esgt are dipped into the s-deli n and then dried ; when they bare been that imaied. and Me wofi dried, aad oompietelv ev- ered with tbe lllicate sototion, they can be placed in aay receptacle, and may Ic kept lor a year or rore witnoat ned-rgo- tag ilecompsitioa. Ctilnmal Bihtit. Slake good corn meh, jast as if yoa were going to eat it with milk. When it it lukewarm take a sptart of it, work ia flour enoagh to make a stilt diHrgb, make into !scait, put ia year beke pae and set in a warm place over night; hake in a very hot oven, and yoa have the best aad sweetest iMseaitt you ever ate. Eat while hot, for break fait. Cases or Small Houixt. Take of small homiav. boiled soft, one pint, and one egg btaten light; mix them, and stir ia a spoonful ef Hour aad a Utile milk. with a very small lump of lard or butter. Ltt the bitter be tolerably thin, aad poured for baking into cops, laacers, or small tins. Ixdiax Meal Joii.tot Cakc Five gills nf meal, three ounces of butter, one teas poonful of salt. Mix up with milk Bike on & board before the open fire Split each half into three ptrt, and warm each before the lire. FitosT Cakk One cup of suzar. two even tabIciMoliIs of butter, seven table spoonfuls of milk, yelks of four eggs, one asHl two-thirds cups or Hour, one tea spoonful of sodi, two of cream of tirtar bake In layers aud put failing between Ik a loaf or cake has become rather too stale for the table moisten it a little and then heat it through In the oven. The Territorlt We hive been asked to describe the exact ple: the Ueilnl States' Territories hold ia the gorerninent and their tela ibsa to it. Perhaps it it sot generallt known that there is aot a word ia the Coattitatioa that teJers to Territories. This is a government of United BUUt The whole sjsiem of teni'orial gwera mest has grown ap laee the LaHa was forsnril. It rest- apoa tbe right every coaatry taaet have, of governing snch pnrsrttiont at it hat oatsede of iu orgaa ized limits. The power of Congrats to form terri torial gifveramnats hse nftea beta itnet-th-ned, aad the right vl citizens of Ter ritories I t gwvera thcaasrivnt hat been warmly matnUined; bat this policy will probably never be dung-!. 1 1 long at we save pi onions aot lactedt 1 ia the State tbemieleo. The biti. of a I the Uwi -eontrvdlieg tHe TrriUJrsw, i. the so-called atdinanc of whsch orawaised the Tarritory nrth-wet of the Ohis now incndol ia tat- States of Oh's laditna. III Mschigaa, Witcjeein, and that part of Mtaaotactof toeM"t-itsipf nr-cr. Tbe ' tjttem thea adunleil, with a few tJtcre- Uusm, still exuts. The goeenor, secretary and jhjri of the Territories art afspotnted by the Fret s4ent and eoairmed by the Senate. The people choase a legit Utsie which passes um en certs ia salntct. not Congtn- can declare soil and roid anv law of a Territorv. Tbe selariet of the atSeort who are tppaaled by the President, and some other expense, are paid from tbe Treos ary of the Ceiled States. The rest arc burne by the Temtarie theotaetees. j tch Territory tesdi a nViegate to the j lower II -n-t nf Oeirias. The deirgilr ha every right of member of (oaaress excepting that he hat no vote. Waca the setts arc drawa, hit chance is at good at that of any member, aad he draws at mach pay. He can iatrodsce nail, and make motion! and iptecbas. Bat be canssot vote oa any cettvn. It was once the eastern to appiiat ter ritorial de4cg.te and committees to con sider qnesuon affecting their cositit nents, eat this it no longer done. We believe tat fbtt delegate fo-m a Ttrritory was Wiilssm Henry HtJiisoe, tttorwardt Pras.daat, who was ddrste from the Norta-wt Tvritery from 1T5 to 1-sOI ; tboagh there may have beea aa cartitr one. It wilt be seen that the people of the Tomtnrins have bat ittrtially the right of sv-'necvaatent, aod that tbr do sot . sittre at all ia the privilagos of thr sa- They save an besa- t-sr. and they 4 1 s vole U eiecttr of I President aad V-PrvwiisnC They aaiy get these priti-ret when the Tar ritnry is admitted ae a State, as OiWado hat jatt beea admit ted. Tae Dtatrict of CVdamhia is really a TerrituCT, th iaffh k it f? vnrn ad on a very diSwreat tjilim. A fow years ago the experimeat was tried of giving i: she rojhttuf a Territory, with r-vmnr, legit- iatore and delegate. Bat k tarmd vat badly, and was absndnssd. The District no desegste. The stofnlntet nf the lerritorixl syitem hat often been proved. This is spvctsjly eiUent at lata tssne. L tab has twice a man inhtbvttnU at Colorado, and 2tcw Mex co has a mrger somber still. Bet Utah will sever became a State while potvgamy etitt there, aod the popnU- tim of 'ew Mexico ks largely rompeitd H ssmi-tsaruaraont jsexictn apnmr. Iadiani and helf-hceesis. Ia time, so dtiabt, the vast regioa sow tncleded in the Terrttortet will be settled by latelU sent and eniighlesed sseo, and then the whose of oar aenate doaa-a will be sfivid ed toto solf-gveraing State. Tenta Csopsnien. A WMte Deer Captaretl. 31 r. Anton Netoa road the f-4lewing letter t the Tennessee Historical 5 jeiety, yesterday aAerseea: "31k. 'kl.x: 1 had the lack, yester day, of captanng another white deer. aad the oaly one that 1 sow know at is ex igence. I 'tried for two months to cap tore it, bat failed. I bad the serve set to sho it. for it ran oa several occasions within twenty feet of me while ia the chase, and one time, stopping, looked me in the face. I coatf have thrown a rape aver its hrnd if I bad had nee, a&d I weald st shoot it, hoping of catching it a lire. Alter repeated f at tares, I sac ceeded in catching it yesterd ij; bat it wst Mtortanate enuwgh to lose its lire in trying to hide. My irtt dog, catching it'ia a very roagh thicket of brash, tore all of iu him la pieces, se I oaly got it biJe miaas one hip ami a leg. 1 left tbe feet and lege and bide, I only mention it as a great csiriosity, and according to IMVMBise to yoa. 1 woahl have had a great pit bad I soccceded ia getting it alive. Tbe boots are traaspareat. 1 think of sending roe a leg with hoofs oa it, to go with the other ne, sa tbe boof may identify the bide as being that ef a deer, there being maay disbelievers. JAS. K. llAIMET. The same geatlemia, sot long since. furnished to tbe Historical Society tbe hide of another white deer, shot by him in the same locality, som time since. it wai to mnch annreciated that It was given over to Major Guakle fr tanning and now hangs among the many carinas ar tides of the S .cicty.- -A a htiue Asuntan. IIcrtXEo Homes. IteeaeU homes are the tad of civilization. All the work of the world tbe railroading, navigat fn. iti.HMnr m ntf r.fl tTptnr. inr.ntlnr. teaching, writing, and hgntlng. are done, first of all to secure each family in the poscsio3 of its own health; and secondly to surround at many hearths as possible with cracr, and culture, and beMity. Tlie work of all racet for five thousand years is represented in the difference bet wren a wigwam and a lady's parlor. It has no better result to show, as is evident from a mument's reflection. Lzakxixo without thought is labor lost ; thought without horning is perilous. and Kysterloui the Ground. Hole Xctrly fi-atUei mile on aimott a diiect liae soathet from thii phtce there is a singular and a.ysterioa abyimal dt ia the gwoml lht poe.e fottures straage and mirvebtat. We have stood often apoa its brink aad wondered where it eoebl eenl or what secreta its b t."m, if bottomi' hu.cnacealiiadarkaeMf revrr from baa. rbe. It it titnateiloa a high Mafia -.ild, imty locaiky, ttW with vi.ic, larambie, briers, bashes, tree aad tbrabiM-ry, oa tbe wafer of D.-ake't creek, beb the ntoath of Ttammel. Tae tpcriarr it a dtrk, gipiog hole, deft tbr ogh the stony rrsgt a taoegt) th bleiTand at som time cracked and tplii aad grotaed, la agony as lbetrh eoe valtion was going on" far boV'W. IV opssung is htmc tea feet ioag aad f or feet wide at the widest part, it. rocky, yawning lips being spread t -thiag m the shape of a horse eolUr, the apex, so to sotsk, potorlng wottward. By Hae of the pop'c ia that regioa it is known a "IUI1 Jlotc" while other call it "Imitaa Fit." One remarkable featore of the al.yet is that there ista frum its deep depth, eeaietets the roands of the seesm. a votoa.e of. mn-ty vapor, which, especially oa crisp, ' froty mornings, eta be seen aseeediag alswe the tree top aad i sting off on (he air. whitened with ray. of the rising son Fiiat, bvm4r-t'iapesj stones, and other wirn by the fricttoa of time to perfect roeedae.i, are icattered prufa.e.y all ahoat the place, at thongh thrown high by soaae nnknnwa aph naval and ttsonetetl beck like rattling hoil-ttoaes of alt size aad dimtosi mt. Ia the fall and winter thit fog-tv 4 ease it warmer thaa the cel ling blasts that taeep along the deep gorge throagh which for ages the stream fir below has rolled oaward t blend with dtoptr corrects ia their f-sw t the oceaa. Ia torn -ner the mitt it cooier and nothing like se dense. The it widens from the t"p is its downward coarse, and woe be to any living tbtasr once mil towed throngh its dark mneth Throw a boaldor or stone iato it aad nrf the faintett echo ever reaches the ear as to whither k want. Soma teent since a party of persons attrsBhled at the pit deteraained So fathom iu Inddea bott-m. Th'y were proridtd with a strong cord oTer'aW ire', ksns, to which was attacbed a tCUlitrd weight. They dropped the weight into the bote and paid not the I in-. Da. dstnra and down vent Us wehxht till not a foot of cord was left. wbils sat a rood came t tail the Use f its Mbterraoeen was retrhad and putage. Xo Wttom the wetgitt was with- drawn damn and Beret led as thoaA K toa-hed m-tsing hat mist and derkea an its Headings. Vbet. the Uaff irt gaped and opened wide ttsat speechleM. toonhles, hot dark and m-mstrons svath, no maa know t or caa know. Itiansa wristva mvtterT which an hnnaaa er cut ever prnettnlc. Whether its betlom be the abedeof Cyciopotn waetser n seads to rssasag rtrer aaaj nWwn below st, or whether it branches off to Aery rein of in Mice matter, evars iag earth's hot receeset, we ksssw sut Whatever it m-ty be, ami whatever it caoses. dark, deep, myiCsnons and pre- j p1. " bis beea there for ages, breath- ine asward to the ton its mtav vol ami of incense, and Is, as it will forever re main to man. a "marvel aad a secret. Beoftae Gftn ( Aj. FjaieersrpA. The Baanl T Shave or ot to Shave. Men may 1-iogh aad saeer at the Wise- of fentalc bashim ia drast, thir chignoat and bnstlet, Useir rat and pasntors, and deplete the inhary they receive from their corseti ami bigh-bceled sheet; bat the sneers come with as ill grace from those mea wbo try with the razor to maae a f ensile face ef their owa. The time has been whet: both sexes looked neon a fnll sowing board as ridicefoos and agiy if not sinfoL A man exfsrsd to Ms wife a pro- foasd respect f r her married asster; the wife teoiied "h thtaks meca of ym hot she caa sot tolerate year whisker- "Oh, says be, "he will" get ever that. thev are becomsag fubi ablc. "2tt the. was the retdr. "he cares little for fashioa bat a great deal fer propriety Taenty years attorwinls tm la-lj saw imct wniHiKf ..m.,, m-rrn Ad miring her hasbaniTs wag white flowing beard. The word bvber cemes from barb. which is srno&vtsodt with bearI, aad hlttoriiia says that the word berbtroos was origiaa:iv applied to tb"4S savage nations who cat off the beard to prevent it from beias a handle for their enemies in a baad-to-baad tfcht. Who that his worn his beard f r a few tears liked evia, eoald be induced to retamc the legitim-ite use ef the razor, aad thas endanger bis health, wate I boars per week wickedly, pay a weekly salary to his bvber, wear patc&es on bit face to staunch the Mood, aad appear be fore the workl with a mutilated ceuate aaaocl Rural .Vie Terlxr. Impromptu Efforts. Although pains takiag writers produce the best work, at a rule, it caanot be denied that some of the most popular things in literature, especially hymns and short psems, with sow and then a story, hive been written almost without forethought, and printed with but little alteration. As for in stance, the missionary hymn, "From Greenland's Icy Mountains," which j Weber wrote at a few moments notice. And "Sheridan's rido has a history as fclichiecs. It is said of it IhM its author, Heed, had Murdock, the actor, for a guest, and while at breakfast saw in the morning journal an account of Sheridan's exploit. He withdrew to his own room, and in about an hour came out with that poem, which Murdock read at the benefit tbe same evening, and which In the course of a few weeks ap peared in half the newspapers or tbo laad. "I NKVKtt comnlalued of my condition but once, said an old roan, "when tuy feet were bare, and I had no money to bur shoes; but I met a maa without feet and became contented." Bottomless iu A Noted Criminal Pardoned. William J. Bee. wbo bae that been sat to c on the commonity attain, is one nf the m-Mt ae&mpihed swindlers ht tin's country. He operated ia Wall aod Brand s4reeta4"carbs4inc'broWHsdbit trwa action la there are still frs-h tm tbe mem ory of scores of victim. He was plafasl oa trial before Jndgc Girtlanve. in the Co-rrt of GcrM Sioos, ( forgjtsg trve inatare "f L. M. Betes &. Os the w-cxi-known Broasfwar imporSerif, to mb'.-t amoaatina: to The ease was nrusecated by AWutK Diitrfat Alter: er L)'n, and atW a trial of iee ssavt tr,e jary rtHorned a vsjtict f gvdltv. It- vet unleacasl by Jadgre Git IsrnVlL -e iee years ia tbe ri'ate Priaoa, and t .e cmtiction and lenience were f aestly athrnted by the higher oaatti appeal. The prisoner was thernCsre re. atxT-ti to Sing bing. whet, will eeajieonly srred ten m-mtht of has let su William J. R-e was knows aa ana f the sett staring and expert siadSert aa 1 forgers in thii citytavi hat had a remerfc silde and checkensi carce-, lw it a name of Denntark, aged abuat thirty iee years, of attractive spa tor mea, smnitnmealy aaMros, and refrnid tawses, and i said by hi iatimate Mintancos to he a matt entertaining cnnversntinnaliea. He is a member of a wealthy Kclsrew feeaily,ami ha two brothers among the t nest mtrxhaatt "f L-mdotu Me thit coon try bef re the war. and wax the po'-atsor of me money. Mi hst aav pearaace bebwe the pabfie ia thA eitj was aa the or aaiaer of a ihr aVraanrg company, he cisiaaiaar to he th iovonm-r of a chemical nre by were instantly Hiistwl to ruahnes-. wrthutu the t rpiovle ': j dee ntaoeas ofhand-dretsswr. H tnvttl : mecttiniste and hardware the city to viaat hit fmnar r and his process, and by amao of aa si est rase oaei them to hstwa met nbc ilos which they had esroaght with meat to test bU ptteot had beea uptrnad an br bt ckeatscjl nroeesi. lalsesiaiai smer bed, in fact, whibt their a I tan tie wtu tti rted ei-vhete bv Rot, bteo aasjte maah by bead labor or m the otd-f i.hitBjd sty. Oa the tatsrahie report of the wkv, R-e received a eontra-t tVmt the GovtjevMtrrt fir sharpening old i 'ea bat never reeeivesi any atnoey, the feaod biasr d4s3Cted sivwtiy afW. Hni ed. b tsever. in stkine: money ia : direcrJor Q jriag to the favnrtbea i erne art (att of 4 bis foctory. be had hst stocK which he i iward bintoelf i aaarket and learshtriy naoatd dUBj. H paid a few earerlj davidinds fjgnhtil, to f30 per ttsaee, while ha isil'ssy it wvt worTbleai.aod whan he bed dtif'siod uf a saJkaetst steaotity a the tatsar Sraros, retired fmea the eenrera with a fortonenf brteea Jt.090 and $40mM. The Pile Omstjaay. of c one, sfcnetty wnrd cotbvp wl, ami Ree spent Us gotten smass ia hags It osteatattviat dMpy at anratuea. lame mniach,and other fssmvnahbj re . lie acnasmtod wtth the waelvtby nd ftvmiivneide wie.w of C eaan4.e Leer, thea peesed of a fortene uf m stvte. and Ree Mvsjnl th bit p-sestna ms ail ciad oi up icalilton. lie carried Ubalon saast ot money tm BU persoa, and was knows to geaabie ex- lenftvetr. lie nt tseaagh Ms money evtmtatally. and vcas ha iwther stoaasht. eaed circam Utn', when, eon sorassg, aa aast nf hit wife we fa and la id. Oa efeaing her will Hetstaad that Ree was bear to most nt her w enrtaaj pot IMS eesnd fortoae be soaaadeead JL be bed done the sTeet. He then li. tag engaged in a anmber of s-wind lor, alatrsst tow nn meroas to men tinn. He ieeariated hk setf into the Mninanoe of Mr. Mt4sioc, a wealthy farrier, to whom he jhooed aa fsrstrenuy rewatae check; tor smuflm. string raised the igarrs from A), bu onlv detsistit is the tame bank. Bemoans if thi aad ther repro eofrtttoot he swin dled M' Mnr oatof fW.Wa. He re ceived &jm from OdeU & Peek aa a frwnds'eatsysrtaage ;?MtftiefJoeiotc, Clark A Co oa a framed eweck; nnaathit- ed (t,0M f the CUy f Erie lV) boBsi-s so fjsostlossly cualerfcttatl that the as thoritiei nf 'that city accepted them as geuaine: wa nngaeed ia the negorle.lt ea w (It.fwQ worth of bsrsed CaMornlw and Oregon Ratusad b-mdf, and precored fer $IS9 over ?To.at) of wwtMoss aotes made by CmuiesJ. Hots, of CJevaeanti, 0-, a pvtiea of which be pat oa the market here. He alto swindled dtooks Brothers C. Detmonic Campbell Jc Gal way aad other', aad it is the netimate af As-iant District Attorney Lyea that he mas, daring th twelve years he has been operating hi litis city, hive obtained over $l.fO9.)0O. Hs ex ranniia-xry shrewd aesi aad boviness tact bitvr, however, ea abli him to keep biroetf nat ef the taeshes of the biw aatil the traaaotloa with tbe sotes of L. 31. Bitot i Gtx, which broaght him at but to the State lVwoo. -Y. r. Tumi. Sojwtitotk roa R vrx Mr. Paru his. to a certain extent, solved the prabtem of artificial irrigation by the discovery af a method of diKag without rain. Ills plan is to apply calcium chloride, which has a powerful affinity for moisture, aad ab sorbs a large quantity from the atmos phere. From actuil experiments he has found that it will produce irrigation more efficiently and cheipcr than any other artifici il method. One application will, he state, produce a.bundot meit ure for three days wlnn the siine amount nf water, applied in the ordinary way. would evaporate in an hour, ine inventor believes thit his way is cheaper thin canal irrigation, and that not only by its use two blades of grass will be pnxtucca where only one is now, but thit it will make it pooiblc to ha to fields, meadows. grass and prosperity where now there U nothing but sind and desert w.wte. ScnBOarrr. a milk dealer in New York, was fiued f250 and scut to j til for tea days for selling watered, milk. The prisoner sys he i going Into the whisky business when 'he geta out, m there Is no penalty for selling adulterated liquor.