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About The east Oregonian. (Pendleton, Umatilla County, Or.) 1875-1911 | View Entire Issue (March 3, 1877)
l&ATURDAY. MARCH 3, 1877. Ckiaeek. Winds. The Cklnook triads or Eastern Oregon Hi ay be divided into two classes: those whicL coaw ap Ike Columbia river, and those walca come from a direction west abeet thirty degrees south. It is a philoso phical fact that water is longer in becom isglteated aad slower in giving offits heat than k the land; so that in countries, bor deriag oa vast bodies of water, there must of acccssity be constant winds. In the Saaraer season the land becoming heated to a greater extent than the water causes the atmosphere to beccme heated and so rarifl. cd that it rises and cooler air rushes in from the water to take Its place. "Were the stir, race of the land uniform, these breezes wottld take place daily: a breeze would aet ia from the sea about 0 a. sx. and con. tiaac till sassct; soon after this, the land having sufficiently radiated its heat, and becosK cooler thaa the sea, a breeze would aet ia from the land and continue until aaarisc. Streams of cool water Cowing thrragk the laad, chains of mountains con. taialng snow peaks, etc, all tend greatly to Modify these breezes. The Columbia Ckiaeek, which is but a sea breeze in "Win. ter, i&partiag its beat to the cool waters of the Cotambia oa its way up, is much cool or thaa the southwest Chinook, coming to as from the saaac source, but over land all the way. These breezes are kept up all threegh the year, cither from sea to land ec laaa to sea, though at most times, so far above as that we do not feel their effect. The seatawest Chinook, rising in order to pass over the Cascade range, passes entire ly above as, except at such times as cxtran cess ckcaiastaaces force the warm currents aearer the land after passing over the Cas cades. fVaea these currents are sufficient ly sear the earth's surface, the degree of heat carried with them has been great eaeaga at times, to thaw ont and dry the froaea groasd, which a few hours before was covered with eaow several feet deep. Hew Tkey Ceuat. It k carieas how the decision of the Elec toral CeaaBiss-ka just fits the Republican case. It is jsst sufficient to go behind the Gareraer's certificate In the case of Oregon, J (says the X. T. Sun) and get at Use facts j there, aadaot sufficient to go behind the' KetaraiBg Board frauds is Florida iu! ' reach the facts ia that State; just enough to let ia the facts when they will help the SepaaUcaa candidate, bet sot enough to let thera in when they would sustain the cMaeftbe Democrats. If the Governor's eertticate were held conclusive, that would Bake Creaki's vote good in Oregon. There fare, the Onuaksion desides that it can go babSaa the Governor's certificate, and see whether k accords with the returns. And if set, what then? Why, of course they weald correct 1L So that makes the Covoraors certificate of no value or im port whatever. But if the returns of the Ketasaiag Board are not correct, what can hedeeetotbesi; They cannot be correct esL Theegh the Returning Board decided erreaeeasly oa points of law; though it our noble Stonghtoa's cleri cal errors; though it acted in fraud and conspiracy, that cannot be corrected, by the State, the Legislature, the Courts Con gress, or evea by the Board itself. The Commisoioa will aot eves Inquire whether the aadisaated returns before the Return, lag Beard were addded up correctly. All this was Beceseary to aaect the emergency of theJlerida case, and provide for the Orageacasc. So Hayes will be counted in the first Fraduleat President. The Siext Senate Ia the preseat Senate of the United States there are 46 Republicans and 29 Democrats with eae racaacy for Louisiana, The mot Seaate oa sad after March -1th will con tia 41 Republicans and 31 Democrats, leariaga vacancy of one for Louisiana, where Piachback claims the seat, but Is not aHewed by the Seaate to fill it- The Re paMicaa majority will be but 7, assuming that Dark efllliaok shall act with the Detaecrata, as they say he will. While J. Madison Wells of the Lonlsi aaa Betaraisg Board is (or ought to be) in the paaitaotivy for the frauds, perjury and forgery perpetrated to elect Hayes to the Presidency, the to-be President Hayes will at the saaae tiase occupy thc'White House. Ok, ye gods, what a contrast? And we ght ask, Which is the worthier of the two Oae stole the "goods" and the other received them! The law says there is no difference! Ckdtbbe Labor. The Portland Bee says we abased the firm of Hawley, Dodd & Co far eatploying Chinamen on their warc kease in Portland. We did not do any sack thisg, as oar article will show for it. eelf. Ia justice to that firm wc will state that they did set, bat their contractor did aaapley ChksaaMB aad that they discharg ed their coatractors for so doiag. Kern arks ef Cel. .La.Bg At the-woal grawers meeting held in this alace Satsraay, Feb. 17,wkjle awaiting the report ef the ceaHatttee appointed to draft a oeastftetlea aad by-laws, a discussion was opaaed upea the geaeral interests for which the AseeciatSoa had beea formed. CaLLaag who represented Upper Willow creek district beiag called apon, acknow ledged aa earnest latere la the objects of . the eraaaizatieB, hat professed reluctance j ia exareesiag hk views, as his inexperience I was eat of place ia a discussion of such J imporUat wwoares as seemed demanded, j aad before a body ef ma, who la spite of j great mrsil ran tease had already made such aacceas ia thk attack ef industry, destined as he beKered to he the "bedrock" of great industrial suooocs threaghoattbe immense VigmAg ngtea ef Eastern Oregon, a sue--- whkh be bad faith to believe would - Ratified by waat of unity of ac kteeeki .bringing the home iXfie to the market ofde. that the shepherd should be enabled to realize tho amplest reward for his efforts, without being oblig ed to be subject to middle Interest. which now cats so largely into the returns for his labor. The points urged by Col. Lang were tho grading an J pressing all wools, at some i convenient point here, that the buyer in the market might rely upon a uniform character for each class of wool purchased that fine high blood wool should not be subjected to the same price as course, lofty or tender wool, because the were forwarded in one lot or mass, and that by being com. pactly pressed the cost of transportation would be materially reduced. Col. Lang urged that by thus grading, in a reliable manner, wool growers would be enabled to consign direct to manufac turers or brokers in the market of con sumption and get auvanccs upon bills of lading, ir desireable, avoiding delay and extra expense nnd the uncertainty of fair results from sales by commission houses entirely out of the atmosphere of manufac turing competition, and interest, in short giving opportunity to the wool growers to shake hands with the manufactures, with out being jrtoKtti to do it by proxy. The Col. argued the propriety of trying faithfully the experiment or washing the sheep, that by so doing the shepherd might be relieved of paying freight upon 30 or 40 per cent more weight than he realized any return for. That the long full years growth of wool produced in this climate may be displayed in the brokers warehouses of Boston, Xcw York and Philadelphia in as unexceptional manner as the wool of Ohio, Michigan and Illinois, and so graded that the manufacturers will feel confidence in its purchase. In the course nf his remarks the Col. re, f erred to the strong efforts that arc nuking in England, Australia and Beanos Ayrcsln conjunction whh commercial capital en. gaged in importation in our eastern cities to effect some change In the protective da. ties upon wool. He read from official re. ports upon the industrial projects of Aus tralia for the past year, the hope that the Aufetraliac wool grower entertained that these efforts would besucccs&fBl.and again open the American market to their wool, the practical closing of which by this tariff had been felt so seriously. CeL L hoped that the organization would see the proprie. ty of agitating this matter and ef in Oracl ing their representatives at Washington to guard well this interest, saying that it is of mack mere importance, that we be pro tected against thoe threatened changes ef tariff tbaa all eh-e that sow stand in the way of a sound beakhy harness. The Lcwiston TeHtr of last Saturday furnishes the fellow in r iOMf aess: Ilx. at Ease. -Mr. Lradt wha lives on Union Flat reports a conversation with an Indian called Meses Hving between hi place and Snake river, to the elect that about fifteen Indians of different bands had been sent to the Siaax to get them to join Joseph against the whites in this section, and Leach feds mach seHtsde aboat the security of the families in bts vicinity. He made hie reprasentatkc of facts to Lkat Fletcher. AXnw GnifT-snu. Parties have been in town the week past seeking I amber to construct a Searing a Hi oa the Almea creek near its mouth. Thk point is about 33 miles below Lcwiston near Snake river, and about 17 milts from Colfax. It it claimed that the Alnieta faraUbes saSkient water power to propel all necessary ma chinery. Xew Stzaites. We saw a letter from Cspt Stump stating that the subscribers in Columbia county were coming op so liber ally that he was enabled is proceed forth, with in the compleiieu of his steamer for Snake river. Ton Torso Ism ass. Authentic report comes to us that the young men and all capable of bearing arms have lft the band of Paloosc Indians and gene to parts un known, supposed u save gone to scej joscpu. Accessions. Latest reports say that Joseph's band of bucks has been increased to over 100 by accessions from different bands. Frem La Grande. From a private letter written from La Grande wc take the following Items : Arrangements have been completed to bring a ditch from the rirer at Oro Dell to a place near the seminary aad baltd a mill and other valuable improvements there. Property here is improving some on the strength of said ditch. Joe Weathers little rirl has been vnr sick with scarlet fever, but is now a little : better. There has been several cases In town but none fatal as yet. Sam Mahaficy has qnit the Review and j is talking of going to Portland. j Rcr. Ilincs talks of starting n paper; I j suppose it will be Methodist in politics and religion. The Beaver creek mines are going to be1 opened op in the Spring; a good many arc going up from here to w ork. 31iltea IVetec JIiLTXttf, February 21, 1677. Eorrou E. O. Having several times '.no ticed in your paper an invitation extended to any one having anything to communi cate to send it along, I thought I would venture the following &O.CIBS. The Milton school which has flourished finely for three months under the tutorship of Prof. John Ingle, closed last Friday, The Milton Legislature adjourned on Wednesday evening until the second Tues day in November. Daring the protracted session it psssed soate tf the dogondest bills ever heard or except in the real legis lature of our own State. According to one law & man who lookcth at a bottle to lust after it is a drunkard already in his heart, and a red nose is an impeachable witness against Good Templars; cloves and coffee arc prints facta evidence of broken pledges. About two week since a weary traveler with mud bespattered clothes and face un shorn tarried to rest at the shoemaker's shop. He proved to be a refugee from Walla Walla emigrating to tbe Inviting villages of Wcto and Peadlcton. On careful Inspection Hmc of our citizen re. cognized bltu to be Mart Taylor the writing master, lie was a stranger and wo took him In ho yielded to our request, and or- gnnized a class of thirty here, the pupils of which are making great progress. He has also a fine school in the district above and one in the district below and the strangest thing of all Is a total abstinence advoctate and is living up to his creed. This will be good though unexpected news to many. Mart is a roan of education, excellent at torney and the best penman in the west. Isam Qulnn the hotel keeper is putting up an addition to bis feed stable large enough for everybody and his neighbor. Moss contemplates establishing a man moth store and bringing in $20,000 worth of .goods; thcnoJia Walla Walla. Salmon arc getting scarce In our beauti ful river but suckers arc plenty. The commission "Isham, Rrratz H Kirk, land" In the "Fay, McLaughlin contest,'' have taken twenty quires of depositions, and adjourned until more paper can be se cured from below. Our worthy Justice of the Peace received about Valentine time, through the post, office, a coarx comb; but he tcnMbJy pre fcrred the shears and is now sporting a short crop a la Samison. , That Milton is a way np town The iuer bv sunimx-s That is if he can clearly see And notices the cosca lie sees each nose but never knows The owner dont know which hlsn Is For no man's nose is in his own Bat in another business. Jack. To Scfceel Clerks. To the various school districts of Uma tilla county. In the early organization of school districts in this county, the bound ing lines were made to zig zag and follow the serpentine tneanderings of creeks and rivers, just so as to include certain families living along them. Those boundries in some instances overlap each other aad so furnish cause for almost incessant coo ten. tions and broils, which materially affect the prosperity of schools taught in the dis tricts m concerned. The boandrics of some districts have never been recorded; other dbtrict lines are recorded as running north to Richard I Roe's, east to John Dec's and so oa ; John ! Doe and Rkhard Roe, in some instances, ! h'nes with them. Xeithrr u&ool clerk nor trustee can tell anythiag about thesi. The ! Schools a p in Incident taming to the books belonging to his office, finds that many ; buundrics have been so often chin rod with j but little record aad no plot, that he can get no inform xt tea caecernlng them. This contascd janable ef afTalrs will continue to increase natil the district lines are all straightened and preperlr recorded. The law specifics how this may be done. I would therefore suggctt that petitions be prepared and circulated at the annual meet. Ing (1st Monday ia April ceit) In words sbost a folknrj: We, the usenigned, residents and legal voters of School District 2Co . . . Umatilla county, Oregon, hereby petition the County School Soperiatradent to establish, the boandray of scliool district No... . of said county, making any changes thereof which he may think to be necessary. Care sheold be takea to get at least a two third tuajority to sign these petitions. Let everyone who knot able to rive the boandry of his district, especially, have an opportunity to sign the petition. Each scaooi cjcik so mi hi append a certificate to the petition as follows: I, school clerk of district Xc. . . . Umatilla county, hereby certify that there are no more than .... legal voters now IJv. ing in said district, and I further certify that tbe foregoing petition contains tbe names of a majority of all the legal voters in said district. A B . A Xcw Qoartz LtaxJc Wc received a letter from Jag. II. Garret, a few days ago, in which he says that he and Thos. Evan, Ell Robinson and Allen Hath discovered a quartz ledge In Wasco county on the 5th of February, between Grey Butte aad Crooked river. The quartz is vry rich in gold, twenty-five cents being taken out of a piece of it weighing two ounces. The discovery has raised quite an excitement in the neigh borhood, and there has been a general rush in that direction ever since it was first known. It has been named the Tildcn ledge, in honor of the gentles as who was elected Presided last November. Mr. Gar. rctt Is an old citizen of Dan conaty, hav. ing formerly resided near Peoria, aad we hope lie has struck It rich. Albany Democrat. Tnc FAitMSitr-The Oregon Cultivator Is , no more, but the Willamette Fanner still j flourishes and deserves the patronage of j the farming community. S. A. Clarke, an : old experienced editor controls the columns i of the Fanner, which Is a sure guaranty of excellence in Its reading matter and mako up. We would suggest that Mr. C. make every effort to rrcure a correspondent in Kattern Oregon who will include its entire area in his treatment other kindred subjects. of agriculture and inssmv items. Jllss Ella RItz, the accomplished pianist of nana Walla, is teaching music at Weston. There Is a probability of there bcln r an ! other addition to our town. It will join the mala town plot on the south ami will 1 called McAurther's addition. Hagh McAnthcr being the proprietor of the land Married, at the residence of the brides father on the 1 Slh of Febrnarr, 1S77. John P. Rains of Idaho Territory to Mia Mary Weber of Umatilla county, Oregon. M.omiKn. The second dasgbter of Sen ator Mitchell, by his first wife, who hat beea educated in Ohio, was married a few weeks ago to a promitiag yeaag lawyer of that State.. The brMe is spoken, ft a talented antL arcomptt-hMl' yoinijr- btdr. Jin. Mitchell aad her daughters Ma$ie and Mattie were pretest at the wrddtag. but Mr. Mitchell was unable to aUrad en account of his duties at Washington.' " Stoitei. Wells. Fargo & Co. have sas- pended all their ofSccs in Utah Terri tory with oat any caase atslgsed to the pnblic Flaal Settlement. ATCTtCt brrrfcr rtn I vtata tt Bar .A ikl rr tr aa r ami wmiii m i Imiii'rv tiMni Ira 4 V1m. Cmtr 4rr w c unr. MATTitA-LatOV rArmur rw. itr:. j h. tc wm xuj, FURra'ITURE STORE .A5. i X A ISil lii 1 fttlIQJr 5 Vm BCrWlBMC XXX SOUS. rrtu. i fvuun far aslr ml HARNESS SHOP, REPAIRING I REPAIR. r4G ai- wat xr -ca ALL ARTICLES USUALLY KEPT Ii a ItKOui rvtaarr tf. sustxoxs. t. Hmm W. KgU 3 HIT V r. T. rpa r r rar w wrr aii- u s X n W u Su uptu tkm tmuf ia tra tnm M-r AO tfc rw 1 .JlctVtbV! i:Jf J kViMafe'iSi!(wSmnit K sm cf r tm irm r biili 1 1 inn ). mMmmm ia fmrnmmi frmm 3Mk 4m mt rVwr, Am mH ttn fiirn lrC Tt rKrf m.U Vy mi iijm mumiiftw f (Si Xn4 tatrrot Miimi lm t Uk 4if tt Vrt mf. MSS. iaMr kx frr n ptnw, Wta pn mtmrj Mimt fnai MW mu ml frwltnct FsaV-r U tS Su at Vi mn a4 vat tar aH m( rmrw. J raBrf afatr hi jSJ novtralSf jwa 4 MiMH U j-acra-aa4 at UtrillblaSMW(u4 fmm tul eattfi V J tt al M etr h4 arr W rxa HSM Wrrrt. tanattf UXr Jiiar ill plaiT w. lila. ul M cms M aiar lanu arms. tj eT f H. C. ToOaa Mm U fa tshit xu aw uj t iviruT, rt ) u uaxiix x r jatiajt Jaanaaiy 4T ehetel'laaB, suxxoxs. Ia ta Cktrm Cnrt at sty Suit rt 0 jc oa); at Ci laWi Sestet X Bra atrfs v. Cwip bw CrftaAtmt. , ri ocnaac tree. u uwt trtmn MlSt crarratlbe Baa. L U KJuirUwr. JaAr af ta4 mA, Uvtaf bl Urn JJa Atjr at rnvT.lZl. atmatac I rtlimim ltTiuC fa at rr atn ta as. arf at(WiilH Ukh It Hag htrim WHara Mm 1M Aaf Bf Um WnaafaaM an. Mian mart Mlk31air AanL 1'". araV "M iflr a4 mniiMrfuTaWiarrwaWilc: la miiii aawaii faa aa4 Lt aI trlaa mrrt tm hrr a Ww ncVt a foittr a trr i o i him a la ml Mate. 4 gnxMmt W I-Wll tftHt, m uM tB rr eea(Uu aa Sar w atal cawv THOS. B. BENTS,AMrfartS STXAr XOTICK. TAKKJf Cp my tat iiUifct rrtcwwy Mt, tin. roftc- ta XUm trrtttxt, CantaU ceaty. suta ot Orrta. ao rrvata ar liarlttta rlfi I tan iww tu yrmn mmm rp"i. maae asaiut. ark W ft htm feci a4 trra atu. mat aa tbe u r. nsnus. EST11AY. "TTVRKS Or ntTTXK CKEEX. lia-arj Irt, 1177 I JL; liMBdrrcinihiTUXnpwAtrtia7batr. avti ar mrt frrertraSir. aiwat t jnn aU 4 boel Hi buAt hiA aitkaaabit batn aalbr ibaaMrr a&4 bum ttaoaisc br air Lire km WILUAM TKUBStnt-V. 0 CARPENTERS . .VBuiLi)ERS. . trfij . "contractors Pendloton, Oregon Snor ON Cmtrt ttrrrt la Cm nac talMlaz tt tlatt Ttjlor! Uartrattli ibp. SIGN WRITING, . . . .HOUSE PAINTING,.. . ; .V.". V. Vg'lazing ! . .' . . . '. . " . ..UNLERTAKiNG Promptly Attended To. ADVERTISEMENTS. S. R0THGK1LD CALL and examine the larc and well assorted stock of goaeral Jutt received by S. RDTHQ'HJID At his old staml la HKarkors baeWtor. and whbjh he offer to the pwaHa bit tuewaf uiai hiii compare UivraWy wttti-tf4 of any conipctaer. . . S.ROTHCHiiD The fettanlac are kaase af tae leadlaa: Heel, ef wMeb jaa WW always aa astartoiFBt on haaa! ? f sasstrK-fettUfr Tbaeca. llailrrr. CtMtrvr, CMan aaaj j utat ware, scaaaryt ac S.- BQTHGHliD Oaders fjaan tkoMabydR proiap; attoaHaa. w II We. Pars, VTeel, ea., ta&oa la ox ckaars. CAMPAIGN OPENED tr-si, pas THE FALL 01 18-76 At TTmailla, Oregon. TTiTraraoar I U aat t tan aa- lm Vl x4fmttrU W9taCitliMll S. lflMlilptmU nHUM Ibh. Occident Goldsmith Range Golden Gate Empire City ninnaUt Rio Grande ' PJtHUJK naVK The iloititor Parlor Uell Laurel Ranger Hohto Onward PAUUiU CUOK Jewell Echo COS bTflVB8 Black Giant Moguel Pine Knot "Woodside Bonanza -A fall saniinrst or- 3? X 3ST W j3l"ELS CcsMtttlraatasd.aVataieacs. A3 entnt SS td yrotrjlSf JOU WHKK daa ah ea. una aal Arjtk Wit. J. UKZ&R. VM'OXK Wbo vnli Lat Mult af aars rriplrto, trtM yoar or!rf loO. It IUJtutk, Vtf fmtr, rnuiiBi Ceeir. Orrxaa. 3, ttt. I" UK OALC eSU lcOt;lo;2if. ADVKRTIS.'aiBNTS. COftKIIV STOVES AXB Manufactory of Tinvars, And Atxxurasar SHEET-IRON WORK, Mita rtt, ajiawit tie Cssrt IIaos. WW aoMtaattr have oa baad, aad'fw . a Cawil m i Ana i tai aat af A ooiapKete Aiasorttaent or tbt Diamond LROCJC C00KI2TG STOYlsa G. W. WJSBB. HCHHAH FOI everybody: Jttt LMk Fferc ! Tr rar waar rim, mn. a. mil, aaMM PK.VZH-3TOri' i rr "pEiLCrOS OtUO STORK. jrrjr joit fEXDLETOH MM"? 8TCBE jrjtmc vast iam i was rKSPtSfO.X OUOO STOKE JT1WWAirikieaaariltaa,iaat riVOLKmS fZVG PTofUL r-uf .r -il "ti t -rac vast a nous urn John Sorvmnn. j. au riavaerr. at. . PHYSICIAN AMD SUSGEOM OaV lm IaV ar WPw. W. C 5ft; Kay, is. IHITsiaAir AXD SCSBiS. WJL StLUCS, M. PHYSICIAN Alt ' 5URGlff. Hi A wU aMM at (S a-I Sr. J. K. X.Snti?cv, SURGEON AKD DENTIST. k aatr iMSkrS araaMat ( Fcudlcion, TJEiatlHa Cctmty, Mai df)M S aaVarfW lM& ATTOKXKV 1 (XKTXSELOK AT LAW IlaSwr rnr. f TM. T, -a Kraaa aaii liMMitfAtnUll 1 J. Aaaal fca al aaaalaaaiaaaiaaa taa awaai Mat taajauaa . tm nliill unima at-iaSt J. E2. Turner, ATTORXKY AT LAMT, MaM kaajlrt mm fmti. taaai JUajMlni t SmCE am Ham. MivX, raaaiai CCK S. V. KNOX. A.ttorn" aut - Law, uxrnx ritAcncK is? tks courts or V V Writ mml WMottma TawifcatT. iU-Sfwrtat Mlialll Jlakl M L! W4m G. W. BA1LKY, REAL ESTiVTB AGE3JT, (ixd xaraar rcatt) PKNULBTOy, - ORHUOX. PAaticrt-va ATrcxnox ru a tw pmstn at 4 ila-n m hr HawttHtiu - - - b4 tatka 3 arSftnil laa. aha Va Saana, a anMfc aaaV HaaaaHaftaiBVBt ata4 faavaaaaaaaB an nnarvavaw avt mmmammimaamj Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars ALWAYS TO IIS HAD AT Tacnlison & Co's Saloon, BHtSavf . rSK&LSroy. Orsr. CA "t TJ C W Ml a. Httutir. hTT brys Is? ADVKUTLSEMEKTS. PENDLETON KAtX STStZT. THIS CBJITn ALL'S" . LOCATK ASD POPULAR HOUSE H.lVlXG UZKI EKTIBELT REFITTED csd E2FU23fISZE3 ts yw Htits rox The Heceptlon of Gnestg THE TABLE aW BaaMaakaS., kttt nnj titnt x. m la aacarr Ma firjmm aiaw lUraaa '"' THE BEDS I wm awl faaM harm SarsitW ta, aTaBjJMwa aaaqr aiatinli'ijir muI j tnaA THK PRXm-ETOX fiOTEL. oraavnatt Bantat aKK tuisMUuo MK22Eucaf tm vt irrprctfiMr I K.XALr Bl-tl It- T. CHARLKS HOTEL, Vy iA Warn HiCt q fcC nrrpr. TSaiOr prmtf mVmmi. m i .W US rin. ma&tr U Ma jaaayaaaat ttapa aVtMiim. wickwa. kaa i l m w aaf SauS ia aW Oar. 7acHkti . UmQ maw mrm aainl la ih am tut tmm ffrL aaarta, car 1 1 if fartag mc limim. TS mt amm ma rnaai t , ., aat ayg aW nam fma aaa rajas Mrva f I ' rM tress tat aVraaaw at in. Tba aii ATkaixf aa k ama aaMaaaaa1 aS ataa atf ntmmm ntai 1 1 m am-t tr fci kkiawMmanl t gaa- watt. ilaaglaana mmrl m tartly. iwptfA MtCM aw unui af aaataaiaaagaa&as. taa aa nt aata - - - aw ai iw mrj mm M vtmrt mtmn mrnrmm aa4 trmotf urn tt WISaosi Hotel. rMATILLA. OREGON. r A.1TIUBX. a lit af 4tm, U U JUtaj fttanaa; Ca ft. s t' 4MNaMMkaa Danrlu(Mt&M. " T aAaaSaW SaV a tm kmM ia " nrwTtfl HACf ST, WALLA WALLA, VC.T. ( laHirthnaMantttMi, - a is i ( jawri. 71.c fwa.- .4M ajM. tax aaSa a hrmiA as aw.w Kwa mam, aumm, TKmtxS HOTEL, UftiATlLLA. - OREGON. 4 SHOP. I. W. Tnyler ii i Mm aw n i "Ma. aTa itiijZc mawKmam has at teawm eS PROMrrXE A DISPATCE ss - Sfoiiidg a Specialty f rxAa or kxhoiencc kat nar waV la fcViela : C a aa WHMkitCa rwam aaC sarat a? ta Uanrfa LinrT ; teea . a H. JCAMXT, wt33K Ii. SlTSrgllt yrtrtTt vrATCires WATCHES AXI KKPA1KSI). ALL ox .qioirr work- XO-HCE WARRAXTET) aaamawi Va TSa. S. T. ' MCTRSES LOST $5 Hewari. itrm; a Nrvaaa ar mr naRsxs raoic ' ttalaaB aaaA tuW t.t - .v BlS rt !. mam IW rr Marr4 ta b ta Ca ' "l . mfatmiaiMtlafuMin. T.!' "f US.!. Man. Mchaat. TV- Wii ajai w f twfcfgt Z-txar aata." IniMCaiiai taaitatll i. gMtew, w t5! trtftA aaaa SasaA. mmA tt (.ms. u . . jarcasl JSJa, Gro, CoSB-av ST. PAUL'S SCHOOL WALLA WALLA. W, T. owaaaujg xo pay sencou r- c;h. ts .w. ua vaa- mmtmi. aWH 4 tftia. afcfcnlitj fori, tUMa,' rtc. h STtr at!l Pr , war. Tasoaa. rwyamr. i Ji, $ta, aa4 SUSS J(ai. it,aw mv "" (WKr. . ....... . , l aj !1 iiia aaitt. m fvr Oit. jst af Hiiaf ii aprrl atiwaVa tIt to tbe uutm kt mm iWaagiK aaara tvtaa:l BKitr la euv taa hhhiii at w ant Trgv-a. .Vqr atftSwr aUbnaaAma Kt cbtcrfaUr ttrta r )Mvc anr. L R WUJJ, rttBdO. ' D, C UMATILLA, Lt UUDOS. Aatatt dca9r ! th torn LIQUOHS AXD CIGARS. rwa atWBte ;nanpWr alfaJt-t ta. TktrrpaUtMtt afatsr bWM UaaMi aVu Betmlf ul blrdeatiagiata. MS, Ttr jukI tKmHKU. POTRRS WaraItr.MaWri J&, HOTEL. ,4jfe jam jaara a a aw W ..STamn- atflTaf I IW f aW.yaaagai 3S kta-aaaakam DEALER C W Svgyilga CUXXS Axa g S3 "7 S3 nit jr. ar