The east Oregonian. (Pendleton, Umatilla County, Or.) 1875-1911, March 03, 1877, Image 1

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One hth, first Injertion. ....... $2 00
Each tubeeq'jent irusrtion, ...... 1 00
omct cocrt btbeet.
orrosrts Tsz-eorsT-aorsx.
KIm or Subscription In Coin t
One Tsar. U CO
ixlosUt 3
Three Mostht. 1
Slni'.e CoyM t . . : .- to
HM alTtrta7S tj ostrir'. toSMHMiiHik
C best estanrt. ig ot r raa, XinrSM
tela psrasi stsa?.
TOL 2.
NO. 22.
v w i r wAaraj
?ttassd at lets ;.
God's Sunlight.
Loet up to meet the sutdtgbtl
Droep not in dark despair,
Tliou-h shadows be thy earlbiy lt,
With sorrows, pain a4 earn.
Thou-h earthly love otaUe thy cratp.
And bright dreamt fa 4c away
Yet, for earth, sad for aM, Gel' sunlight
With pure and steadfast raj-.
TVe mar net s threu-eh bUhdlag tears
Tbe brirhtnes far above;
"VVe may not feel through tWrm sad eJeud
Tbe sweetnesi of hi love
Tot, God' pare Minn-lit stM h thre.
And shlneth for ut aN
The sad, tbe weak, tbe weary soul
That beedt Hi Hest catt
Tbe caret of life, tbe slat ef earth,
liar tcH it frtm our eyes,
HH, tot.ed by earthly wind aad Urm,
We scuk for purer tktes;
Tben, jJq upward through or tear.
The darkontB-vH is rtrau
And burt4 upon tbe oary ttii
Tbe sunlight pure of hswrcn.
For heavenly lore surrounds us tM,
ABd heaven may ttitl be ours.
For life with rkf is ever mixed,
And there fcurrooaa the aewert;
And they who bear lMe's lsrewry pain.
With bumble faith d love,
SbaB meet at last the pertacl rest
Tbe fairer light above.
SUN inerins onward with the elwid
Unto the distant heaven.
Oh, droop not, falet net with dltpalr,
Bat greet tbe tanM-lit siren.
Droop net, God' suaKgbl Mneth tUH;
Lookup, and meat ha raj.
For storm and dead ft eft bare pierced
The breaking of the day.
Fifty Miles on an Engine.
I felt as if I had came to tbe end ef
the world that day, sad, a usual, I
rasbed off up to Lou's te talk the matter
over uith her. Lw, I sppose, i rav
bosom friend, athugk r do twt hsg"
each other when tugtther and fcaadalizr
each other when separated, after the
zs&nnir of the bosom fiicsds yoa read
stwnt in sore!. Not that wc aJC cither
one very amiable; but then we arc each
perfectly at borne" uith the other, asd
generally say what ue pica, m that
there it no room for Kandalon retnatt.
"Hecate each arrived at the dignity of a
matrimonial exua:ement, and are each
dreadfully in love with our own future
lord; therefore the subject of lorer,
about which must girls disagree, has nu
temptations for Us.
Baton this particular day of vhich I
write, everything had gone wrong, mv
temper included, and, as I bare nid, I
felt as if I had come to the end of the
world. I concluded, however, not to
leave this mundane sphere until I had
seen Loa, and forthwith I started for
that young lady's residence. Upon
reaching it, I entered the ball, called my
friend's name scTer&l time, and vu
finally answered from the upper region
1 mean tbe Hansard roof.
"I'm in my denT screamed Loa.
"Come up and 'beard the lion ia bis den.
the Duglss in his hail.'"
uWhy don't you bare an elevator?"
panted I, when once in her room; it i
morally as well as pbjucallr enervating
to climb two fl ighu of stairs when you
are vexed." x
Loa gazed at me uith a placid smile,
and said:
"Josephine, yon need a change, and so
doL Let's go viaitisg somewl.ere."
"Can't," was my dUmal reply; "don't
know anybody to vist nearer than a hun
dred or two miles, and my pocktt-lxok
coaldn't stand anything ol that ort."
"Oar united 'oockeNbook miM.t
suggested be; "and it" only serentr-
we go there! Say, girlie, isn't that a
bright ideaP
"l'es, it is," was my ready reply, "and
our mothers will not object, I am sure.
ne wouju only uc an ay a week; our
old schoolmate, Charley Perry, is con
ductor on that road, so we'd bare com
pany tbete and back, and it U an alto
gether tplenrlid arrangement."
"I thought that plan would brighten
you up, Josephine, and now for the time
to start; when tball it be?"
"Saturday next will suit me bett,"
taid I.
"Well, Siturday next it shall be," an
swered my friend; and soon we weft
busilj discussing various feminine ques
tions relatibg priucipally to the nutulier
of dresses and neckties necessary for our
It was sunset when I reached home
that day, and at once I held a consulta
tion with mater feuatlia on the subject.
As fur tbe masculine head of the family,
he, I knew, would readilv consent.
"For goodness aakV," said mamma,
--wuamexi win you two be wanting to
cet atT I cucss von tn m- !.. i .....
it with misgiving, and I daresay I shall
next bear of you in some lunatic asylum."
"Ton are quite complimentarr, mother
dear; but 1 will not criticise or you
might change your mind and not let me
CO at a!L" And off I walked 4i too miI.Im
my wrappings and give my hair an extra
touch before the door-bell sounded is
usual evening note.
It did sound very soon, and In a few
minutes l was leniug a certain some
body who had a right to know all about
our contemplated vhat. Lou, I knew.
was occupieu in me same manner at that
very time. Of course I said I hated to
go, anu Knew tne time would seem an
age, and of course I said and did all the
sillr thinPH tJMinl nn cnrli liunrt.t-onrlin..
occasions, all of which were responded
w cmpiiaiicauy oy ine person atiurcstu.
Considerirnr llmt Xrm Mtir) T Wff I ant ft
half crsry to go, our language may have
seemed outrageouly hypocritical; but I
leave it to all girhlom in general if it
was not intensely girl-like, and the
.proper thing to say. Honor bright, girl?,
such remarks are customary, arn't thejt
But the dnyg wore away, and Saturday
ensue at last, jay new saiciici wu packed
s ocugouuuy pr&Ettscttosa aaaaawj
handkerchief, jewelry, neckties and pw-
jHiaery DiriHi? very miteh mixed, on ose
skle, while biclt, pickles hihI a4e
rmtood on the other. The last crimp
va adlHttetl, the last m put m place
the last mimite, and with a jvartiag look
was rcMty ir mv 3 wrHev. omscMHis
that my ciothi wore all on Mraieht, asd
that I bad mt forgottea my hat.
iou oame lor ue id.a dredfHl hrrr.
awl with a hasty . kiT all amend A-r
the home folks, we rtarted for tk trsba.
attonded by pter fumitias and two smt
(Mdys else. Unec ih tbe cars, n ith MHire
to breathe freely, I looked at my hands.
"Oh, Loa," I eped, "I knew I'd da
something awful before I got tkroogfc!
llere I m coin? vttitisn; without a !;:
a glove!" .
Tw-y all huched and then tried tn oost-
Sle rue; bat ia frw mmhhIs we heard tatr
cry of "All aboard V and is the harry of
leave-taktog 1 J-irHt kll abont ny haottt.
lue train inrbd out of the detmt.
and jst under the gas-light, for it wns
after set, wecangM aghnipe of twv
tung men, MoMtng tneir HandkeicliMlV
te their eyes, and trying to strike a tragic
Them were only two old centleiann
and one lady in the caw beM0nrre!v
i- LtMttind I ttld douafor tour ride.
One old gnntleman bad the seat bck wf
us and I fancy was the fMod deacon or
eider of some cshmcsi, fur he snna; nneeav
ingty a Hv navtng lw it rton "1 aa
going hme t de nn snare."
"Js4e," whtpercd Loa, "I knnw the
nnraenf that oW gnntlewan's svevtlHwrt.
It's I)nk Dinah Mure. IWt y
hear hina i4nging abont berl"
I could not enttnre nnnvtrnd sneh an
outlandish, pos, that, and giggled aN
Wy. Jt then CitarltT IVrrv. the oon-
dnctor, entered the car, and it fiuftirf
thngh my brain that for nnee in my
life 1 wwwM like tn ride on an engine.
I toM Loa so, and she imtnedialrlr oan-
elnded that she cnnM never hwk hack
npaa her life with any degree of 4esnrc
if aa engine ride were omittetl. Onne-
'insently we akd Ohntley ab nt it. and
rtenvee bis pcrniwa. and at the next
station, only a few mites fieea h
were escortoil to the enstar. and intra-
doc-l to the engieorr. l
"Ut conr.-e we eonid, i: he raid;
iadie often Uied the crrne, hnt wet
generally pretty glad to get back to a seat
in a I'Miiman.
The fireman kktHv cave ns hit seat.
and half afraid, bntwh-ily delighted, Ln
and I looked around ms and awaited the
suiting of onr iron ttevd. Hoar grand
the fire leaked whew the fnraace dor
aasopoaed! The bell was rang; then
earae a deafening hitle, and. kwMiac
oa te each other and the window UrsaJc
Bf, we were off at lat, trarr'iatT na an
engine. How e were J 4ted&nd shaken,
and yet how grand, Wu ma-nifcettt, it
was :a see the track shinsag ahead ef
and tbe fire loiew n siarinir nn into oar
faces! After the ntsttiee mies we cunght
the motion of the engine, and then k
seemed aisBOtt as easy, and n thoesaod
timet more exciting, than traveling h the
Charley case far ns at everv station.
bat e tkcMoed leaving onr positioo. and
when the fireman let m ring the belt we
a ere hair wfM with the fen nod excite
ment of tbe -ccMn. Wonhtn't onr
mothers te borriied if they knew what
: were dotagf And w tfcoogbt of them
as they sat at spter that verr minnte.
while we two were tearios a war at thr
rate of twenty-five mihM aa hour, oa an
canine at that.
Xever were tw rfrl hnMer thta Loa
and I that Bfcbt; seer did two dread
diasorless: Xoser until then did we
realize how the men on tve engine held
ia thiir bands the lives of all whoesHesoa
the train. I shal I aevrr travel strata with-
it seeing ia iraasinatioaQLe tn gm
one with the ghw oC the fnrsaee otmn
his face, the thr lanoinc ibt the 4d
or, watchiag the track ahead, and gwid
tag tbe mass of achnery, that besrt me
sway fur niifos, never tiring, never sleep
ing at his pott.
Oa we went, io-'king eagerly ahead,
when suddenly, right before ns, we de
serted a largr tree across the track. Peo
ple think nnickiy at sneh moments, and
in an instant I knew that tbere wa every
probabid'y of U if itfe f..r a all. A
Un-usasd thonghts csme to me ia a rah
home, mother, father, and one even
dearer, seemed te pass before me at once.
1 hare a vague reoollectkin of a noise, a
whistle like the wail of a lost seal, the
voice ol the engineer hoee with terror.
then a great leap, while Lu and I clung
together, too frightened to speak or
cream. Then there came a frarfut jo!f.
and, closing my eyes, I seemed to eaier
e darkness of the srare. The next rec
ollection is of seeing jie stars abore roe,
and fora moment I thought I was flying
through space and getting nearer to tbom.
Then I beard some ose say
"We owe our lire to the courage of
the engineer and fireman." And there-
rpone was
"At to us, gentlemen to the mercy of
trod, fr it seems to me nothing short of n
Thoa Lou spoke to me; Iheyall crowd
od around us, and, woman-like, I held on
to Lou and we cried together. It did ut
ni'TC good than a dtug-tre full of med
icinc. Somebody carried mo into the
car, and then my wrist commenced acb
ing. After a w hile wc were quiet enough
to talk it orer, and found out that with
the exception of a sprained wrist for me,
and an ugly but not dan-reman cut on the
head for Lou, wc bad buth Cr&iixd uuia-
jurca. Ufcoarewe were ncrvoa and
wtuk, but, think God! alive.
The tvu men on tbe inline were uain'
juied, and from them we lenrned the par
ticulars of the accident. When tbe tree
was seen, the air-break was applied, the
cntlue rcrcrsed, nod the alurm sounded.
But we were right upon the tiee and tbe
engine struck it, then bounded ovef it,
losing its forward trucks. Down the
truck it went a few feet, breakinir nwav
from the train, and finally leaped over
inspine uiicu.
Words cannot do justice to our brave
engineer and fireman, and I don't know
what wc said to thank them. We wcie
only three mutt frost the cad of our
j urner, and everything soemed indistiact
until Lu and I found ourselves ia her
Aunt Cora's arms on the depot platform.
We were nnr.ed and (ictted to oar heart V
content : lut fur day I felt at one who
hail stood in the iKesrace of eternity, and
jnt iu the shadow of death.
Our engineer stood at bit post, ami un
der Heaven saved us all. When I road of
the IVtapeiian sojdier who sto 1 at the
gates f the city, faithful until death, I
hull think of the thousands of smoke
liegiiiamed men who, alt over the world,
"ariy in their hands the lives of millions,
and who die often braver dea'bt tbaa the
PompoitaB soldier deaths never sung in
soog or told ia story.
What Budge Saw at the Centennial.
I know what sd have Itked there
was a picture of Goliath, an' David had
cbopfted bis head o3aa he was a-bohlin'
it no I think htJk to have had hi.
bead choojtcd lT if he looked as horrid
at that. An I saw Circe, aatl the
pigt alt sqneirin' to her to turn Vhi bck
into men araia I iallv heiieve I AemrJ
Ktneaf an Orce jnt sat there
tekiu' like Bridget doet when she won't
Xe u ut4e cake. It made me Uv,
aVftdW to think thnte was men inside
of thoe piffs.
lint wtat bothered me ru, evorr once
in a while we would coma to a place
where lh-y sold cnke, aa' thoa papa
wahl harry risfct ft; I keat thowinc
Mm the cake, bat he woald go ahanc.
and he dsd jnt the sasnc tbiag at the
Mace where taey made candr. uatrhe
rtupfed at one place where I hey a
asaktng calculate esady, an' grkna the
chacaiste all up so tsl k hsaked like
mad, an he said, -Jim't that dssgastia't"
nell, it d4n t hk rory nice.
there was a wh4e sot of tniaci from
Kgvjx, where Jonadt and Moe tvt.
ywu know, ana all nrctsnd the wU wa
Mctwes of houses hs Ecypt, aa I asked
peps which of est rher .ua Read ia, an'
thea two or three people cs-e tas u
looked at me an laaeh4 oat Itad. aa' I
aked papa what they magfced Asr.-aa'be
alJ he gwottod it ws hecaate I Ulked
o load; I d think isttie hovt have an
a a fat ht of bothers in this world, aa'
big people are real uty te em ; bat papa
lawk ase away from Usem, aa I t soate
candy at last, an' I think 'twas alaat
Thea we saw lott aaaaamaii, aa' bird.
1 ashes, only ther wasn't niiea. an' I
was wet kin aKng. thiakia' that I wibd
w euhi see sOtnehwiy we kne-w, when
alt of a Sandra I saw a tartse, jatt like
oar. I jat saasBal rv-SK wot. aa' I
Jked to hsre Coe-I, I was gtad. Ttnat
was ia the Gav'aseat BaiUiaar. I btisrfe
pspa called it; aa I saw ait the kinds -f
tJuagt they kill pe .pie with ha wars, an'
a man oa a batae that was jaic iik pane
was wars he ai a soMm- i ajarst yu
wansda t want to ran up to ha aa s
hra what he'd brought leu. he laked s
aw fat A a just ooi.ioe the door of that
was a. big god like the heathens
make an' prar to. I shoahl thiak they
avoid keep bsm oat-uf-dooeiL he was so
awful ugly why, I woahia't say my
prayers te Ma if I dida t wttr get nay-
I asked rii if the cr4 wa
standin' thare white he mie a beavea for
self, an Plt said I'd have to ask
)lr. Hexlay abvot that; don't kso-
any Mr. Haxtey, do jaat
Vou seter saw loch Witt of pietUfrs;
there wat rom. an moast, an rsxan,
an' esch one of them wat as ksvety aa Mr.
liroan barn wa. when the care pir
tares were all over it. An then there
was tbe a'ailet Mctare of a what lot
sf thtie lrj, ot so verr little, either
th tt was eruci&9d te keep the Lord frana
heta angry. I trU yev, I at uhl a lit
fie prayer ri;bt aay, aa' Md the Lord
hat I was ctad wmni't a Isttie bvv
if that was the kind of thtnaH they
done to 'cat. 1 cans I know what tro-
phr mia now, when tbrv sav thev'vw e t
the h,ues, cos that druadfut phaare was
all ver.
I thiak on tola hme was ah tot at siet
as aaythhsg, lhagh, e hoys kept comm
iHmagu the car with baaanas, aa Tags
aa I t null, an" anMr. an cakes, au
papa InHSgut me everything I wanted, an
a Hivwly tail sat M the seat wtth us an
udd-alKMit a 1 acme of Columbus'
miI io kneelm di.wn an brgxn him t i
tergire cm Rr beta' sob d,jat like mam-
t reads to us oat of the battery book.
An' tlieH another lady sat in the seat with
u, I Mil she wata t so hire, res she sahl
"Srthtouuial" think big flkt ought
to know how to talk ptatuer than teat.
Aa papa sid he'll go oat a minute or
two, an 1 wat tbinkin what a ereat trav
eler I wat ccttia' to le, an how I knew
moil everything now I'd bees te the Con-
tonaial, an' how I was smart enantrh te
be a big man risbt away, an what lots of
ibioss 1 d do. and huw I d have everv
thing faire I.waetel to, like big men do,
when all at oacc I irot afrabl we'd gone
off an' left pap, an' tben I tPt Ut I a
little boy right away ngsin, an I cried,
aa when pstutrot back 1 Just jumped ia
his lap an thought I'd rther stay a little
I'm awful sorry you want there, too.
Tod, bnt papa said such a little boy a
yoa couldu t do so much walkin . An
I esked pans when thcic'd br one that
you'd 1 big enom-h to go t, and he
said, "Xot for a hundred years." Gra
cious Peterl I knew you'd Ic dead Iw-
fore then. Bat youll see a centennial
esea if you die, cos the Lurd lias every
thing nice in bcaveo, an centonniais aie
nice, si tlicrell lie lots of em there, an'
yoa won't get tired a bit lookia at cin,
an' I don't tclicre the anyett II lauh at
yu when you say things, an' yon won't
be dragged mat ail tbe rake and candy
places, so I gucts you'll hare a grxxl
tim, even if you wasn't with i.St.
PoETUT acti chiefly at the earlier stage
of banmn condition, be they cither quite
rude, hau-cinlized, or in a transitional
period of citilization; or at the first ac
quaintance with an alien civilization, so
that one msy say the action of novelty it
always concerned in iu
3IoT persons know wfaxt they bate,
lew wusi taey tore.
The Kitchen.
The following excellent adrice aliout
kitchens, and how to keep them clean,
apeafed in Scribntr't Monthly:
Ihe BTl oontHleratlon in a cooking I
room is cleaatiaeit. Triwl by this it,
Mpef e.1 walls are an abamiuatVeu in sueh
pieee. iuu cannot darken this room
through parts of the day in sum
mer as you dn others, and cn.e-
qnentty fly speckt will lie aumemai.
Thee walls absorb the kitchen odor and
steam, and the smoke restt loringly Bion
itma. 11 creeping iniags ger. into ine
bouse, they aie suie to iBsSnuate them
selves into the pope-run the walls. Hard
finished walis are more cleanly, for they
can lie wahrd; bat unless they are
fiuishrd better than in the kitchens w
have tc?n, they soon look dirty, and thi
i. the next worse thing hi being to; f r
such finishing s en becomes disesdotrd
and "rp oUhy." There i nothing that
will compare with the otd-fashiooed
whitewash, pure and simple. Tne roior
wah may rive the wall a prettier tint.
but it most be pat oa b? a ractkd
ha ad, whereas whitewash may be atoiixl
by aay one, wheueier a dirty spot make
lis appearance.
It is true unpractKcd hands do not ap
ply the broth aaerealy as rxekl be wi.WcH,
hot a few streuks more or h da'i mottei ;
we can ail sew streak are a bile awl clean.
Duu'i have the wi4erk paintel ; doat
bare anything painted. Thing in a
kitchen will get sailed. It f-dlowt thry
most be deantsl. S-f is a foe before
which paint invariably quits the field.
Very soon the color wi'it be nS ia spot.,
and W. thing !ns thin tepaiating the w hole
sm will ever make it took Ciena aata.
It still more jretisnabie to leave the
Hi ia its native stale. It rmotrea fre-
aaeat irahhing to keep thu dean, and
rvea Mjh process will not totSc to keep
all s-wts of wood ia g mm conditiaa. S- Btv
aewds ictaaliy bUckea under I he scrub
b ag bravb. IJet If the natise wJ, eea
wk 'B kind, is weii oiled and varnished
lightly, tie rvem wilt be piettier for k.
1 wtth very tiute uWs; the wood
work can be kept saeet aal clean.
Triut-u est or Bcsxs xxo Scxuh. If
the bars r scahi ia severe one, occton-
tag a general fever, it mast be recueed
bj gaaerat bathins. suited U the streaucth
and oeodrtiau ef the patient. I f the skin
is not reeaoved, alt the local treatment
t": it chmt to kep the part c
erod tMl, have lioon, wot with water.
at a temperature axot agreoabte te tt-c
patseat. When the tkta is rem-ned, inme
taint cc tantl be appln-dte krepthc air
irom tne eXBsetl ulcc betath, nnttt
the irjory can be rrpttred. Pine, T3M
day u one of the bet materials lur Ihi.
narp. K this eaannt be uhtained. u.e
a thm oaffmhmc d fine 'or. c ver4 with
a wtt el Mb. When It becomes , re
move crfnllv. wah wstk warm water,
and apply another co it lag of fiar.
The tlscovrry h t brra recent I r made
in France that caseting tac barnt aerfar
with vamtsh i a very aocceful md ex
treaMteat. I have not hd an op porta -aiy
of tying it, bt thi pUa h.aa tt
wMWe, aad I stsuahj txpect the getot
success frm its ue. I should he pleased
te hear Crow any eac who has tried k.
A Ccre for Ceun ix tuk Ilcin. It
woBd seem a if the cure far teoc sacrf
af sasait aaittnces. odds ia the heaf.
which Dr. Ft-rrter, of Ksogs Coliaxe, su-
getd-ta the Ivuet, migtst pra.c te he a
reaaedy of great value. It
saofi' a
"site tslcr com 1 seJ f the foMoa-
tog instedieatt: lltdrtJcMerate of mor-
pwit, two grain.; acacia powder, tw
drcMat; tmuiirate f bitmathv '
dneiimt tbe w hole m king a qwantt
p wdsr af which oae )rtr te one
y be salelv taaea, if Beceaary, t.
coare of tnenty-teur hour.
CoTTaar Icpbo. Throe pitst
milk; tear te ix tss; -'or : t
thick slicet of bread crumbel
fine. Any kind f frak my be as
and it it gd itbwut. Fsavar to
and bake half an hour ic a moderate t
When baked lat tbe white of 1
---Jl a siitf frwth, with a Ihnbt si
aVi rer the top ia Uge jnafoK
twatae ith pink aacartand; hen
a ti ht brows. Very dotleate and L-
Potteb Hxii. After a ham it n
eatra there ietuins a ci deal ti
net nice enough for taoie. Cut thi
ebon as fine as lwwdor; put a lav
hm in jar, sprinkle pepjsr. dem
tin. gar over if, then a layer f ham,
on till the jar itnoriy full; fioth
tjce, aad corer with tinegaraaia
depth; let stand two or three days
it uritcsout lur tea or isacbeoa.
meat n.ay be prcpatol in the same
awl ia eeoBumical, as well a very nl
Black Car PcDmso. One qaai
sifted wheat fior, fur eggt, and a
less than a pint cfswcvt uiilk. Bsa
eggs icp irately; add a pinch of salt,
in a coacecupiul of well-washed oun
Boil in a pudding m ald f r aa '
Serve with the sauce. Dried black be
bluelerries r cherries canbe substi
fur the currants, but they shouh
soaked or steamed before putting int
Sro.oE Cakr. Ten ounces of
ten rgs, oue Mund of powilcml s
Slir the yelka and sugar bother,
the whites to a stitf frtM, grate the
of one Urge fresh lemon, and ad,
juice while mixtHu; a little tilt
at quickly at "S-ibIe, not stirring tm
long, and instantly pat into-a moderately
hot oven. Good.
Kectixo Gniria Cut the grapes
fn.m the vine with a pdr of scit
sow, ic-l the stem up immediately,
by dipping the cad in hot scaling wax.
If any of the grapes have been broken off
scat the stems in the stme minntr. Lsy
the bunches in a !oxwithcotton between,
and they will kerp any length of time.
Dn. Concouj states tint cites of tape
worm are twice as frequent among males
as females, the difference being ex
plained, in his opinion, by the more cau
tious aad fastidious habits of the female
sex, a contrasted with males, in relatioa
to the bgestioa ef aadefdone atMt,
Something Aliont Insects. J
An obi fiiewl of mine, an enthusiastic
pbile-npiariiiR, tohl me that being at a
Iriend'a house one dry summer, wjten all
the field flower were nearly scorched up.
ho st w thousands of beed busy la a fiotd
of clever then in bloom.
"I wish my bens were here," ssm! my
"ProbaWy they are," replied the gen
tleman. "What, at forty miles dittanee!"
"Yet," tab! bit friend. -On yuur re
turn home diedge the backs of yaer bee.
with fliMir ns they itue from the hive ia
the morning, awl e shall ice."
This wa done, and hi friend wrote te
him directly: "There at e pionty of your
n bite jack tt bees fctrs fat the closer."
Bnt whatever it the fact with beet,
ants follow tb-tr seiei auch more than
their ere. In my garden I saw a train
f ants acendiug an apple tree: je up by
one track, and deteend by abaxiter. A
ia ascending they pas.ed Wtwa two
senati shoots that sprung from the hole, I
slpptl their pa.tage with a piece of
bark. The ants did not see this witttruc
tiou with their eye, hut ran bump
against it, aad no d still, atmi-ho'.
:- a crowd m( them had that been sa I
deaiy appd, aad wore aaxsoasiy s-atch-iog
Wat iT a peg. By vartnas sac
ces4ve start brant. they eveataally gat
atweed the oCtlnsctSuti and reached the
track oa the other side. The Hue of
scent was renewed, and thenceforward,
on arriving at the barncad'. they rt.
aithoat a maneats hasiutsua, by the
circalar track. I thea teuk my'ren
kntfe and pared away a piece of the oatcr
bok aa the open b4e whore the aat
were ttesceadiac- The eiect wat the
stme. The sceat being take away the
ants came te a dead stand, and there was
the tsase eoofaeadnl crwwd, naI the
same Sfiiimodic attempts te regain the
road, which bntcg raWled ia the ootw
way, the teoat wa carried oeer the shav
en part of the hark and the train ran oa
as freely at beture. .ViaiWdi.
A Silver Hlaer' Style.
Paterson, Kew Jervey, CTwoeaVua reiatet
at fcttcsw the doings of a rsrh parventt:
Poor sioeplc walk ar toko Use borse
ecrs. white Use rsch orJar lhakcehmaa
bring around the cacmaju. Mr. Dia
i"ha gsw farther. Ordinary pejple c
te the depot, bay atstket ana wait tit
the next traia cm ahang. Mr. Daao
hoe order -ai kus private pwUcw car, and
f at bit owa nul bcs nW teomJtt(.
as he wMld hor, bat koa other rtavia
fatleas his car oa the end of the exprt
traint and goes Wairitas ihreagh the
easatry at has plt-nare. Thi, is the way
Mr. D eotsee has ya.l came te Patters-.a.
His car came Iruea the West over the
ieay Irani Kulruad, beiagof the rdt
oary gaage, and up trm Jrr y C-iy to
Pator ho the Midland. It y aw on
one af we side switches at the York Ar
enac depot. It i not an uansaaliy baad
ee car stutsnfe, bat it is gwrgeoos inter
nally. It is mooeted oa lws six-abeel
tmcki, w b" sprtags are so j ictdbsg that
the ntatbsa of the trata can be hardly feit.
Its geaerat iateraal arrangrment is swate
thiaig hkc a Pntlas-aa hot! car, only Ustt
it is tsaitled uS mare magaaficentiy, with
dtIeant kinds of cbosee and costly
wJ. There it net a panicle of psint
r ariieiii wrk o the iablc It 11 di
vhied up ante parlor, iriaing-rvwwa. state
is east and kitehec, with alt the taxllbsry
apartmeats and nceamm'datsoas imagi
nable, with cup-beards and wMsebekeo,
ami every thing that 011 nld be aonceaeesJ
tor the hapaia u t and p'astnre of its c
cufsant. In short, k Is nathiag hs-s than
. iwwi nwa dwotlhsc aa wMret. Ia thit
in ill
dim liaakMOiiBtl. utwio which voer.ea?
tioMt trace tbemtetve in a delicieu!yTeHlra! inading-nxims, or nti4hUirh wid
rarue aad rich relief atti it t the per-
fectiun uf pure aad simple, being one of
those moments when the mere fret of
living seems a great and glorious thing.
The original Ultter overcoat was in
vented at Valley Forge. Itcoatisted of
a bed blanket, with boles to put the arms
through, ami a mule's halter for a Wit.
WathTiigtun's was a manly form, anil -he
never looked so inspiring as when he
wore this ample garraeat.
Cremation, as thus far dealt with,
shows that a woman's jawbone holdt oqt
ajpdxut fixe the losgntt,
Great Depression of Trade in Eng-Ianil.
The coarse of ereats in the basinet
world sine? the great lailures of 18T3 dem
ontrate pretty cleirly that Ihe ua.unl
nesa which was bft nl.t te the surface in
the ewmmercial ernpttea of iatt year was
nty a portion ot that w Inch must be
suept away betttre tbe trade of tbit coua-
try can be said to hare again returned to
a an a . . " .
a branny ami pruBUMe state. Mher
erer itq itvaie made the ictuiis are the
same. Whete nrkes of produce do uot
fail they are supported ia many cases by
operations which yiesd little or no prudr,
and are tmpiy engagei in rathtr than do
ootbii.g. al that there may be at least
sovw ot activity l r the cctti t f
thwe oos.cvraed. 3Inlh after month the
lizard f Trade returns shw ik.t the
cuntry it bating more thaa it sells. Ia
thr prtMluce markets pre have Utu
tailing alnibtt intctrujiicdly as regard.
eie artscte fr year, while in every
department prwtiu lve declined te a
atnistesi, and ihe stegnttioa that pre
vail cHhes out all spirit ef eaterpri.
B.-sede a large number of mrrcantile
huUses which hare groat diScUttj la btd
ing their w a, whi.e la Ruay caret it is
wawh wutse there are many puwic com
panies wh bflaincss is pracccsily guae.
Tisete aie Saw sec cotnpauics with aMth-
teg te antacc ; banks atoedir tatabtubed
te fiaat f -nigm lean fur fwreign girern
meats, wbue credit if not actaally gone,
hat foilea te so hw aa ebb thai farther
berruwhtg it at of the qaeattua, are at
. L. i . X . . I - . I ...
jrthcr. 3le.csatale cwtumistteB bustnoss
has stvCeret so soeetety that some bi
are kna n te be wiodtog Bp their arir..
It-ctaal bacas bat aak te such smait
p(pHtijaa that rUurts are made, as
uaaat, ta ears profits by specusatsea iu
secarHia, which hare reutttl in one er
tw. cae already in the nmeasity of
sxtaga call ta avoid a urathck aad ns
inceitasde eoueqB&ces. The great fait
in cant and srea, and material redaction
ha the prne of labor, prJace little or no
csfrct at fegards aay revival ia the de
nsand. Ia the ureal musefoztcriwir dis
tricts f the CBatry. bow thxt tbe means
nf eheapor prwdecttee are mre avaH-
ahtc at rciuaiMe rales, the opporteai
Ucs of eobxiag them have for the time
vanished. Tne woikiug capttat which,
la coaaewC ef thec caaCusnstaae,
wag s atght eoae mre pr-iabsr
ompfae4st, gradually accaaiaattd at
tec coalers, and tweed Ms way by de-
arrre bate csarrtibtc tecamtcs; bet a
rest tteat of thts awpho wcUtk Skis bcea
scuarerted asd absorbed of necesSy
nag the many stnntbt that hare
etpcU sioee Use departmeatl of iodas-
try id-art d to bav uitca teto a itate of
uepr Stable ieactiTity. When capita ists
are making bttle or avo preSta it bccwatr
-c arr te draw auua caeataJl stseif.
Tne wage oaradog dan mUat Ut fed aad
tethed, aad whea carnicg tvsthiag they
arc a ticct te, to the oucatry. iiany
wosoaad cletBenis are te lc gut rid of
frc the exuuag ttagnatiua can he tas
twacd by a return ut beailhy aad pru
pcrwus trade. Lsacfea Ttaui.
The Standing of the Doctor.
Put a d"ctr ia tbe midst of the wild-
et sivagr, and they will rcsptCt the
"medtctae man,'' whea the lawyer's
iaewt -ptt,UT and the preachec's pa-
bettc tl-qaeccc weuhl not gala thesi
cuotsderaiitsn, or even sare lata frtai
aia. Ltrtarsteac bael csiharBud
amt eleea.ei smoag tbe strage tnlies ot
Africa adcr the J.trctlun ut hit medi-
cat skit.; and Chnt himself Cultivated
the character aad fbCttocs f a haler f
Jtea, 11 ooly bcCaUic ia that Cijucsty
he watt aUtial tlsHag gvJ, bat protsaoty,
ah at De Qiinccy sunniscd, far the
MCctieiMKllatlae thnstCSanxaJ tlKf
jettewty aasfajfJaoal whiciiTiae raiiag
rAsniaataonUes icbebtssverwW barer ttt at
the crow da wtcS he decw.aiuQt k
-? -i 2X. r t..r-""L'T.lS:",i
tn uea awajai aic ui tac it-man
tJij-iri , pjt. rated by eternal decay, at
last fell te 1 K-cesUadc. t ic surcfsaive iv
sat!S of te G jlhi, aad the Vaadals, and
the Hues, raajr thuaxaad perions were,
as Oiituou tell ut, takes captive and ds-
tnbu'.ed through thedrseru wt Scvthta;
at I it i ietcrrsuog t- ntc wnat irM tae
ICiatire raise Ol pctvos Under the CaT
cum.Usc s. "Tse aktlt of an euitneat
taater wwuhl excite only their coalempt
r their nbherrencc Tbe voia topfcu: or
--ve pbilosopber who had enj iyed the
littrrtng apptanse of tbe sctiuwlt was
mrtified te find that his rubat servant
aia ctptivcof more value and inipur
tanoe ihaa hitnielf. Bat the merit of the
phtatCMn was received with onivtrsai
fav.irantlrrspect; tbebarturiaas who dc-
speel death m-ght hi pjrcaciuic of di-
eose. iM iOttg as man d-eai it tbe, mt
hsipurtanl thit g in the world toalm that he
shoubi go oa tiring aad he diet that
ctmmNily as loogat be is alive so lot g
will heboid ia faror and esteem h.m
whom he beiiere able to prevent or' te
mitigate the tulTriag of di-ease, anil to
keen at bay "the last enemr," ac-sth. It
has always teen to. "Honor a physician
with the honor due unto him fir the u-et
which ye mar bare uf him; fur the Lmrd
hnth created him." fVpsIar Scuac
s answer tn the quetii ms, "How
shall our farmers keep their children
nr them I II w can we ditcocragg the
isn-ix ot uancccsiary nay, burdensome
population into the cities!"' Scnbr$
Monthly replies: "Br ntakiog agricultural
society attractive. Fill ill? iartn house
with hook and ttsriodictl. Ettalilitb
ciubs. Eoc urage the raectiog at
the young, litre concerts, let turcs, lot
prmcment art ci itions. K?tbli,li 1
bright, active social life, that thall give
some signiticince to ltbor. Al ore all,
build as far as possible ia vtlliccs. It is
better to go a mile to one's daily labor
than bi place one self a mile away from
a neighbor. The isolation of American
farm life is the gre-tt curse of that life.
and it falls upon the women with
a hirdship that the. men cannot ap
preciate, and drives the educated and cu
terpritlug youcg away.
All other grids are at lent respect
able; Ure-KtTOirt are aalj laWutu.
ITeroIsm in the Arctic Eeglonjt.
Severe work furmoetlts without relsxx
tbn often co s men,but 1 he explorers Uuxx
the Alert workeil like slaves ia oae ia
sUnte, furscrenly-two days at aaaccas
biaieii wrk,incoid tiiatwotibl kill unaccii
miUz& men, and under prpetaaUiabiiity
te scarry, the most hrart-breakiagof dis
ease, w hicb ttrucic other emploj ci
iasanrrymg the coast screreiy. "Owing
to their inability to procure aay fre-u
game, as moat firmer expeditioas had
11 oae, aa attack of carry broke oat Ia
each of the extended sledge parties wfcsa
at their farthest distance from aay help.
"Tne return joarsey were, therefore, n
prolonged itrvggle himewsrd of gradu
ally weakening on, the arailable fores
te pall the ale Sge cocsttatly drCrouLig,
ami wc wtiMl to u? dragged a steadily
iacTti'' a oae af-er aoothsr the iara-
Ihls were stricken- down aad hid to be
carried by their weakenei eomra-Ies.
There is sustained heruiaai in aa exploit
uf that kind, which it is difficult faily to
aj.prectaie.imni the mere difaculty ot re
alizing fullr the horr iarefved ta some
of the eeoditient. Wcfind it eatier to
admire Lieute&aat Pirr seitMg ect fr a
bne4y walk of thiit.-fire miles. raided
or the soft snow and the hesry, bukca-
up see by the lreta track: t,t a iounteg
WWaBr waTmrl hfi larLaBr4amaa tatiSMie- frw ! - TT. .
w " w H"vfj ft atrntava,, Uit aat-a-"
ease-ttrickea rootrulea; or Egertoa
anu leuteaast lUwon,narsing rVtcrsea,
the interpreter, at the hazard of their ova
Ue. wbtie aa their j -umey from the
AUt te the Daetttiy, with tbe tempers
taie terty degree ul m zero. Pctcrsca,
whi had aceumpanied theta with tbe dog
iloige. fell L't,aaJ "at the utmost ruki
ant aHh a noble dtteard of themsCret,
they tncceeded in rrttiain? beat 13 tbe
pour fellow ' bJy by aJteraately lying
one at a time sbogiae of aim, while tbe
otbr by exercise was recovering bis
warmth, and thus managed to briaz hid
alive to the ship; but both feet were Terr
htdly frostbitten, and he Ci Innately aaalc
from cxhanstioa iweEaeatas sXicrwardj."
Ait Eagli-haeE, we hope, aekaorwtedgu
ceaduct Hke that, y et it is scarcely nobler
thaa that 01 Uaptaia Stares, who lived
thirty-six day ia the "crow' aett" ia
that herribie climate while hi ship was
in dificaltics in the ice. till he was suerlr
cxhated;asd net sebtcr thaa of
the mes who for days aad weeks drew the
sledges ami their sick conarades, uader
cwhl which soeaetime frvzetbeJ-Malsaad
amM secant whsca te but a tares would
hare suggested no fcCisng but de.pair.
there is iumtVumz ia tbe CJCUnuitr of
the &tn made ia these regions, ia the
prutractia af the enaexaace, ia the day-tsy-day,
week bj-wee ic. meath-by-mentix
herwtat dssplayed till heruisai has be-
coasc a nsinre, which is te es tsexpreas
iiriy x, aad all the marc t be-
cau f r aacsi uf the tame tee boos of a
bridsaat tceos', which might live ar
cver ia the moaths of men. mast La re
fsded wet tf tte mieds ef all coscaroed.
LtHkda SptetaUr.
Bees on & impa;e.
Bees are very soasurc to oders, aad
whea exetted Oy a bad set. seem as
iedencedeat ef moa as drcakea men.
What these ptgaaKwzi insects caa da
when irrkateil is totd is this cam tire:
t long ttnee Dr. Webb, cf Hiilrille.
X. J-, sent his saaa with a team teFraak-
toritle for a lead of a art. The horses
were a fine pair of a aim alt, valued at
about fear hoadred dolLars. Oa the re-
tsm,whea near the tiaai, they bad to
past a piarc, the owner of which had six
or scree btret of bees. The day was verr
hot. ami the horse sweatiag profately,
and ic it supposed the ir fresa the ani
mals ufieadeii the bees, for they carte oct
force asd attacked tbem.
Tne htses berts t- kick aatl rear, aad
all ihe eXt of the driter failed te cet
them from the pot. He then tried to un
biich them, bat the Lees came so thick
and fkat thst he was forced ti ab tadoa
them. od be ran to Xutc's store at Fraak
linrille far help.
At the st re they cavereu the dnvcr a
head with &er thicknesses of mosquito
netting, and drew wag gloves over his
hand-, when he returned 10 the team asd
asviiiy Miccecded ia getting the horses
be and away. He aad to tcraoe the
N-ct from the animals with his hands.
T tey were so fearfully staag that, aut-
wiiBiaicUHig a resort to every ptssibla
remedy, one died in about two boors, aad
the other the aext moraisg.
A carious feature ia the aStir is. that
oa Saturday aftermion the bees were still
xt enraged that ther attacked the boose.
Whea Bh;iit fdl, boaercr, by a resort to
sulphur they w ere expillcd. Oa Saaday,
the bees with one accord left their hives
aadagsia attacked ihe house, aad the
family were fairly driven oat, aad had to
go to a neighbor's for shelter.
A BLACK it mi hannsr failed in basi-
nesi, a fnead, t eaable him to start ones
more, loane.l liTm mme iron, wihieh a
rrtditor attached at the f-rge. The
Aiccnly owner sacd ia trover for his Iron.
fr?toatt iitrviml htm and rtirtm,!
the cioclty of the sheri fTs proccoling as
lutiflws: "iicsrresieu uis armot iaut-
trv--it towafils tin anvil; ho nnt
out (he breath uf bit bellows; h; extia-
.i v 1 d i.r. l" v .
gunucu uio urc upua ui peana-stocc.
Like pirates in agate at sea, his enemies
swept everything by the board, leariajj
him, gentlemaa uf the jury, not so much.
qui wi uuai aa a uurscuoe to call
upoo his door-pust ta keen the witches
The tears earn a Into th 7nlnrVwih,k
cyctat this alTccling descriptiou. One
of his friend, noticins them, said ta
"Whv. Tom. whst thn rn.ii.f. ti.
youl What are you blubbering aboutl"
"I had no idea," was the reply, ia a
wniuspeiiog tone -i nati no idea that I
had lcen so much a-a-a-bnsed! Xnr
hid he, till Choate told him.
As ignorant yoaug spendthrift, wiih
ing to borrow tomo "tuaaey as privabjly
as (tosaible, was startled at reading the
beginning of tha bond ttBe U,Tkoow-
all men, aad declared hts'unv-'
to sign, u it attut (ictakl-'
faihec's itn,