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About The east Oregonian. (Pendleton, Umatilla County, Or.) 1875-1911 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 17, 1877)
Sc (ast rtpiiair, SATDRDAY FEB. 1". 1$; - We do not as yet know who Is President. , , Real estate trance ons for the month of January in LmaUlla county next week, The J?es. The political news from Washington indicates that the great cow- mission will count in Haves and Wlwdcr The deciding voice is Justice lfcadlcy, who la as partisan as Grant One man make .aicaieu mv tue prisoner. con. a President for 40.000,000 people. - - f a fP ir, 2 bags of dust, and a t react powder can containing some gold "With all due respect to the writors ofuos ami currency, altogether amounting two coraraunlcatlons from Ueppner allu j to ovcr $4,000. Thec Tacts were gleaned dedtolast week, circumstances compel from x coavorsallos had with Mr. Lirer us to defer lndefinlely their publication. I wll0 L, a abope stateJf Vgcllt m datui 9 hi., nnitn frrtm Anr ntvu i-rtr ' respondent at that point. Our letter from Salem cannot appear before next xveek, having been received too late for this issue. A letter from our traveling cor respondent Is also deferred uutll next week. Brands of many new subscribers will appear next week. Chinese Lab nr. Jacssrs. uawiev, uoaa s to, arc erect-1 ine a large warehouse 100x2J feet on G nnd Fifth streets. All the carpenter work I Is being done by Chinamen. Grfgeatan. I The employment of Chinese labor on tc-1 count of its cheapness, as it evidently must be, is beginning to affect In many respects the industry and enterprise cf our country. The Chinese who collect together in great numbers and live in rilty alleys and oat bouses In order to save rent, living on cheap soaps and rice, con afford to labor neh cheaper by the day than Americans who pay rent and support families apon whole some fare, even though they be strictly economical. It is well established that in general, an American will do more work In one day than any person whatsoever of foreign birth and habits; whea compared with the Coolie, the ratio is about two to one: that is American labor is a boat a cheap as Chinese labor at don We their price per day. Money paid to Chinaasea his labor is cither hoarded Bp to be sent to China or spent among Chinese er chants, when possible, which Is the s in effect. To fully illustrate the caee, kt txs suppose Mr. Smith and Mr. Joncc, who live near the city, each leu a cob tract for cutting a hundred cords of wood as fol lows: Mr. Smith raplovs tea Caiaaaara who ret their outfit of tea, rice cel. of i ymng A.un, a uunee morcaani m IB ciry, ana wors: lor one coar per ty; . j .1 .i J t 1 ten davs thev finish catting the wood. aad Mr. Smith pays to them one baadred doi- lars in gold, which is test out of tbe ' -co nn try and forever lost to circaiation. 31 r Jones, however, employs ten Americaas at 3 wo dollars per day, who get their outfit of sugar, coffee, meet, floor, clothing, etc, of "various firms In the city, and finish catting the wood In five days. A careful examina tion of these contracts will give some idea of the difference between American labor and Chinese labor. It is true, both parties pay the same amount for getting the same amount of wood cut; but31r. Joacs puts 100 in circaiation and gives empleymeat to ten of his neighbors and fellow citizens, while Mr. Smith refuses to accomodate bi own coantryoen, and further, sends ilW ! out of the coantry forever. Men ofcapkal ; all over oar country, who wouW, knowiag- ly, thns favor the Chinese, t salt's, is prefer diet U- thrir i . uaon aad fellow citizens, shoslu be alien tlv foUod away oa the pares or memory and held m reserve for future use. "Let no such men receive your patronage, etc" The HlddeB Treasure. MAXOX AFB BERRY EXPOSE WHEREABOUTS. ITS On the 21st of October 167C, the stage running from Boise city to Umatilla was robbed within about six miles of the latter place. The mail sacks were not asked for but the treaare box of Wells, Fargo &: Co. was, which contained about 4,500. The robbers after emptying the box of its con tents took tbe stage road and followed it In the direction of Cayn&c station an til with in a mile or two of the mountains, when they left the road and took a southerly di rection traveling about 12 miles into the mountains, making a camp on the head waters of McKay creek. They remained at this camp several days; when they left this camp they took a 'northeasterly direc tion, croasiag the stage road and making a camp on Squaw creek, a tributary or Uma. tilla river. They remained here only one night, and when they were ready to leave in the moinmg they Ued their grab in their blankets and hang themnp in a tree near' the camp. This camp was about 14 railcs ' from the town or Weston, in the direction 1 .l,;t.1.Ml,.tV ll.n'r nn. nving at a farm house near that place to- wards evening or the same day. One of the robbers staid overnight with the farmer, while the other went into town doubtless to learn all he could about the robbery which had thea been done eight days be fore. Two mea who were oa hunt of the perpetrators of the crime happened to come into Weston the next morning and soon discovered that one of the "birds" were there; and while one of them remained to watch him the other proceeded to Walla Walla hoping there to find the other one; bat sooa afternoon the other came into town, and they there passed cadi other on the sidewalk without apparently rcco; sizing each other; It was no doubt under, etodd that thk should be a signal for the oue that had remained there ovcr night to immediately leave, which he proceeded to do by goiag to the stable and ordering his horse. As sooa however at he made this move he was arrested, and Immediately afterwards his accomplice was arrested while eating his dinner at the hotel. They denied any acquaintance with each other, or any knowledge of tho crime that had toea committed; but they were subsequent Jy tried, committed, aad each sentenced to lea years ia the penitentiary. After their imprisoBBteBt had commenced they con. fessed their guilt, and said the money was bidden Bear the first camp sjwkca of under two logs. Several tinsticccajfol visits were j made to this camp hy Mr. Palp?, the Route j Agent of the Company, and It was finally boleivcd that they mnde false statement in reference to the disposal of the treasure. Early in October, 1S70, however, Mr. H. c. Paige, Route Agent or W. F. ifc Co., Lot fl.lvcnuorcAget or the Company at Pen. , , f hzr of one or j o lhc with , Ulap , showing the location of Uilr camp and all land marks bearing on the location of the hidden treasure; ami after a search of an -flcccdwl in flailing it under the two Company at this place. Prom Arizona. Florence, Pixai. Co, Abixoxa, Jaaaary 13, Eurron East Ormooxiax I thought a few Maes, probably, writtoa you about Ari zna, ifpoWlsllin'OHrpapcr,miglitln.:Plcts or a farm in general, exclusive tereM year maay readers. Although I am sot saaoh in a writing humor this uiora-ia-. my lime is anoeeaplcd, and it may save many iaaulries. Arizona, as far as 1 have tecs, is mostly few fortiiespoJ: nmHU W but the mines falling, this ket o country and ol the moun .i . ..i ' .TLi aad the revenue from It was lost to us. The ulc bord" U 00 &e The Win. a desert with and greasowood the Jand; water Is verv good, not e water on the deru of Nevada, ' covers like the water on the decrts of Nevada. K.H r .ii-.u w t. n il. ' liaeufthesuge re.l from Indian Weil in Califeraia arc tu-Ui 4g even-15 or 20 , mHes where User sell water to cmicrants ' mats, wacre user sell water to emigrants , for stock at a "Mr a head. TbJ Ia4iaa 1 Weil U the pret-eat termiaax of the SmmIi em Paciac railroad which is built from Saa Fraackeo throaga California m Las Aagde, a dixtaaee of over 0(J miles, aad from there here about more. The mie ctfta 4ream are Colorado aad Sak riorrs ; aioaf; aVase streams are arable load to be foectoi, aad wheie these are such hsa aear water H is caatidered aaud Mock nuV mgeooatry; bat aot for .axtp, as there i a kiod of -pia gnu ' Aot gsows especially ia the leod ora portioas of the TerriSon aVat kilk them. Itabbhs aad aH fur aal atak. exeeat horses aad cattle, eat k with impaaky. Another coarse aad rough gra-x eaned "memta. " -aitira k ad for hov i mowed, horses are verv foad of, aad k grows ia aliwdnye ahmg the s4rmmf. I have teea very fot cattle at a ranch where i UK laer soM k had aot raiaed for Usroe rears: oo the roaeii , a wtU of sd w4r ad This meoak limber w1H crow " oa load where aomiar ebe wine alo oa rich laad quke larjt ; k bears abarrS , j soag mot stock sooa fottea on, as K 1 has mack of the soechariae principle. The Gila rises ia New Mexico and trav erses the wltole Territory; and is about a hsrse at ths place as Use Um&tiHa at Pen dkwa. The vattar here is very fertile the arabie loads are aot very extensive, be ksg oah a narrow strip from two to four miles wide aad twenty kwg, oa which caa be raised jlmo aaytkias; you put iato the ia mm . ,t tisat; for ksMaaee ther are now sowksg barkv. ther eat that oC then ttoaek aadttlaatwkiicora: tW fis arc Umz I muwi sa nlu -Tvw- mu Tnnrr Wr-r HcSh tap lhc w sters of ibe GMa, odc fossr a4we sa nine, which IM.lwjr cioch irrrirtc the whase eooatrv. 3Iaav fana oa govern meat laad surveyed ahmg the Kae of these ditches re- makt -rat to be located: but wiH not mwia MhV for California is alive, and so arc pei an . pau xxi, to the nhse ef our cHsaUe bato of our mkses. "We antics-! coasumed by a ftoarisblag mining Ji rush here ia the Sprinr; bct!CMP Mlaers as a da.s put bat Mule bow s me Lost ume v come, to cross oes- crtsaad overcome oner kseonvesiencts. aad io got laad. The ataee here are perhaps the richest vet discovered and made known to the twb- , )ic At prescat very rich ore is shipped to 5M Praacfeoe; soae leas than that worth .VjO - ton. Serea 14.maie teams have bees here since I caaw and lozdtd wkh fPlc from their labors, er perhaps a Win ore out of the 'Silver King- in Globe dis-' rendezvous, aad of course they would trict, that paH from $1,009 to 3,000lo the 'vc some of their mosey with us. Every tou. Hair of this daimsokl a rCw days thai cm be broSht lata any local a to for S.T00.000. Thiskdrc i 30 miles !-r benefits it to a certain extent; of one from Tarence. JlacMaerv for senaraUns ore from the rock is oa the way, and will be erected near the ledge. The Richmond claim is three feet wide, and twenty-tlirce inches or it pays 1 ptr pound and the bal. ancc J10!) ttcrton. TheChilion Ijots' claim to be very rich : two and a hair tons ' 0f jt f2 M jt ponnd shipped to San 1 FranciM. It is not unusual to find nag. ! tit i$ trorth from $5 to S each. I i,avc a C-pound nurrtt that was three - feeitka silver. Silver is to be seen in ab nHtany rich rock. It is entirely dlflcrent ! Tl .., i til j fare water, or can be dry.wsnhtd w ithout 1 1 think Globe district offers the greatest in - a. imisio) w v ws3msv uuwa suw stvoiv a- ducemeau to tlte poor laborer and to the capitalist, for they nted mills to do cus - torn work more than any country in the United Slates. This valley is just about large enough to suptd- the market of thai I district, Itcacc it offers the greatest induce ! meals to fanners I mean industrious far - t mora, no "never sweats- like a portion of the inhabitants of your county. The di- mate here, except July, August and Sctn has no otjaal, and duriag those months it is said to be very hot ; that people mostly j jjoyj, 0at of doors or in the house with the doors open, no lscdbugs nor fleas here, but during the hot months the air seems to be full of bugs in the night time, so much to as to be almost impossible to have a lighted candle in aa otxai room. Deer, antelope, quail and other game is to be found here In abundance; some Tew wild turkeys. Pjuce. Corn 2 cents a pound; wheat 2a barley Sc.; potatoes lfc; bacon 40c.; coffee 40c.; ttafl; sugar SOc; good Ame rican milk cows not here, but tolerable half-breeds from 30 to fCO each; eggs ?3c Ierdoz.; chickens $8perdoz.; turkeys fl a piece; board $0 a week. Now, sir, I wrote this as ideas occurred to me, and have not even read It over, nnd you may clip out of it such information as you please. I have endcavon-d lo confine myself lo facU only, and lwlteve the half has not been told, although the country U yet undeveloped friends, and to the East Orboosus in particular. Youw, M. Vkoomasc. P. S. I had almost forgotten to say.lbat there Is plenty of whiskey and gambling here, but that money is scarce. V. Head le Granite Creek. Miu EiMTon. Many interesting letters have appeared from time to time in the columns of your valuable paper, devoted to the Interests of oar thriving and fast growing county, and believing all such communications are thankfully received I beg hwcc to submit the following to your roultrs. No cohbIv in the State can loast a more wtv.jive (atare than Uasatilla county. ' though we have, and are UH laboring un. j dcrraaavdlsad vantages. Oar larmcrs can. I not dcicad upon the products of a farm , for a livelihood, owiag to the fact that we have no market for such products. I do j sot allude narticalarlv ta craln. but the " 1 ban over of the product tea of live stock provided it weak! be ceasidercd -.s one of the products or a farm. We have in the past deponded 8 poo. the raining districts I for a market lor certain ttrodactlons of the mines have ever be a market for u. ; veg. j be thus far ha, been rnore like Spnng abl aad produce la general nnding!" "la- r D Shu ",, iMivers aad comasandiBZ a rood tsrlce. We l the limits of oareounty JS dltrkl that foryr u a source , rmae to as; aflardiag a ready market . ' - I a" P" - w,Be : ate graatsallv iailia. ami it was aly u qaertioa of k few tws. wkea Uses- wuld ! lQrc wLca lhc finuc of country and ! W waoilv abaadoaed Wv whUe mea. being j ,kc Bonh Saiie rir" l lhcir cocwiofi't of Ike fact aW wdt that 1 raBc!l d,r comfort and wealth. taaru cmsU W faawi m tkk locality, pro. ' TLc LalWtng of the N. P. railroad will add IsecttaglcUcrasaseacedmearaaadi;110 mlli oazl to the wealth of this am kanm m aeeerf ewal the ef-1 It has now been about one year fort, aadthe mitabslaate of CraaMe cmk caa aow ( tedee rVa i- tae extreme aad eaaufit of tbem k keep o,um mUis at work foe all time ta come The 3Iaaamtaal ledae aow f&moas for tbe Alm- of its aw bat putrid lata the Ihm4s of capiialiiia. aad aW time is aot for dMaat waea a milt will be at wrk cmslsmg the nk. aad giviaf wapluyasaat 1Nwf These misers be toootied wkh Use arsaris rfjKimbcra day. located near theL- tows. I aaua .aaa. o Use aad voa win readily coaeede loot a val- i oabVt atarkee wW 1 ooeacd to as. Alt mea larrsd aVi mmiag 4ariet j aaxioa Vn me aWt tnmmualcatioa with , it. ,u w mMS .t-ii-r Ur caosttuettoa road direct from oar eoasty Mat by way of iilot Keck to Oraa. ke creek. This most be bulk ftartlv br sub- seriMioas. aad if the peotde of our coast r i take so rneasures toward ks eoastroction, : bcTr tS-b T,nlcr Morc taoa foase other loealky witt. aad of course will ! Tocn tn-1 M drive alt beaedfe mukiag from it. Maay ' people will bo doubt coaiidfr that this en. terpnse would aot be kt aoy way advas. toftoai to oar welfare, bat ia this they err. Tbm whole ML'ttra reaatrr wa built op aau sustoorv-i tr sjse mtaes. Ia toe tm. ' edkste vkiaky of the Moaumeatal ledge ! lhc IUukr Moralag Gmry. IhilSheri. l lmt4 kr Goya-eoOs aad every , iadicatioB that otlsert ettuatty as rood will cvTd the comlag Maoa. Everri ! ,dSt amed prospeeta exeeedisgly J ' 'Bel aad alt of them at toase Uase will I Bsc WU erected sear them. Consider for a the somber of mea neceas- 7 1-wiorm me wort m-asrol ta grUlag j" aad raaaiag tkesemitl. It weald i sorprix: aay ; M the amount of pro- ( "i" . scai. j HeVamgly aa4 coaxooeoUy bj' its JeircalatioB beaest the rommuaky where rT f il If c had this each desL-. MJ f those who wilt be cm 1 oa Graake cmk would ao doubt ! Hkc Pendietoa or some poiat in oar oouaty a stoppiag place whea eajoylne a lfcisS I am well assured, aoaey is not a detriment to any country or any man whea expended judiciously, f Every man In this i county shoahl Ukc a dtep interest In this I quartz field and do all In their power to en. ! courage those who hire taken the roton 1 slbility upon themselves of devrfotdng the ' lcd-es.We have straggled for a long time 1 to kring cajdul iato our mlaing districts, ; satisfied that if men or meaas became In. ! tcrf'd wiih as that the development of ' r raincralds woehl be certain anden- couragitig to tbe who took the matter in lL Mn. In ..l.iI. .L 1... t. i laterest, anu examined the quality or 1 the rock, entertain no foars for the folate 1 v " - ----- j ' 'he cntcnKc, bat fed sanguine that : hc iodcowill grow larger and the ore I be just as good as now) Eeiag assured of this fact wc should not Witate la sending i aid in conrtructing this road. Several : routes has been suggested but none as yet ' decided npon. As soon as the weather will permit the varioua routes will be viewed, i &c most direct and dorfreablc route will be the selection. The distance from Pendleton by the Daly route to Granite creek is about 91 miles over a road almost condition is a very round-about way to reach Granite. Ily Uic proposed new routes the distance would be lessened aboat 15 inllcsand the canyons which arc such a ! detriment to Uic road now used would be : done away witli. Lot all those who feel In. j tercsted In this enterprise give the subject consideration and aid it as much as posit. wc; nnu irom ray Manupoint i jeei wen sausucu mat uicy win never uave reason to regret that they were instrumental In Its constructions ('Most or those engaged in mining in all that district arc men who have lived in our county and feci a deep and lasting Interest in our woliarc, nnd rest assured Uicy will do everything to make the building of this road advantageous lo us. W. P. M. COLUMBIA couxrr. Rchuviixe, W. T, Feb. 2, 1877. Editok East Oreooxiax A few Items rTi"; . Ll-Vrir Walla Walla and LewUton) may be of in terest to some of your many readers. It it In the columns ol your live and wide awake paper that I have In the last twelve months learned of the fortunes and xnltibr. tunes of many of my large circle of ac quaintances in Umatilla county. The latest item of interest In this vicin. ity was the exhibition at 3lr.A.C.McCaU's school at the WheaUtone school-house last Saturday. There were about 300 spectators 'citizens of the surrounding country. The theatrical exercises were well performed nl .HMfm1 i.ft IntjMt linn T J 'WheaUtone, the pioneer WheaUtone, the pioneer settler in this country took part in the stage exercises. Farming is the principal employment of community. Our yield per acre Is, of wheat 40 to CO bushels per acre; corn, 60; barley. 80 to 100; Bar seed, 20. No failure of crop- Sorghum or sugar cane Is a very remunerative crop; farmers who raise it 1 Hons of good syrup per acre, if wcj use an irua mui in gruuing uicir cane. This Is a rolling or hilly, prairie country, with delightful scenery of great extent. From the top of any of these prairie ridges . i t tit I fir i T 'we have a general view to the north over . , suosuinc uunog uiz uir, ,i uic cvtuai thermometer stood at 6 degrees above zc- M progresa Is now being made In the opening ol the Columbia and Snake rivers ., . ,.. Ince this county was erganlxed aad its ; new oSkers took their official positions. Dayton, the county seat, was at that time I the only town within Its borders. Since last May there have been three new towns laid out, viz- Grange city on Saake river, Marengo oc Tacannon, and Columbia city os Pataha. The proprietors of the town last named have a steam saw-mill in opera. uon wn ten cats irom io i,wj icei oi Jlr " lermeny o; . ma- Ha county, game me aa impromptu call hlle oa hi. way ta Lew Utoa a few weeks ,4ace IIe h4i i "rtar5tJ inKa tae 5"" yUh la I"31 northern Iltineu, where he had perambehUcd the soil with which he had become familiar ia his jyoathfnl days. I We have hat ,Vc hd bct l of snow E.B. HEW TO-DA.Y. r.x.iLXs or eh ilk carrr. Jtxnrr tv. ktt i 1 it cJnctr4 an UAS ft tTk M Sonr. V auslj 1 SrSi ftymnV. lm S Jmmn At a aact lis t4 ak. aaM 1u hm tw ibt'rfff tad hm iam la air h Vm wXA. watiax TarxBTKx. CARPENTERS. .BUILDERS. CONTRACTORS Pendleton, Oregon QjBOrOSCWl tuft ta tlj mOCxftt YU qjQ WR1TI G A ' ....110 USE PAINTING,.... ....... GLAZING, ! uNDERTAKiNG Promptly Attended To. PORK MUTTON PENDLETON MARKET. n tr yircblU - PruBrietuT ' r Jaft side vats rrnrrr orro-' ria !i Hurl W0 ItrpcoMUatir M Ukd, fmtt. ! S". I"ft mrtl nuinftj BCMjT, rvr-i . a c- ttEKEMBCX THE mm MarKet. DotcII, Dutlcr & Co's STEAM, PLANING, SASII AND DOOR FACTORY! WaSa WaSa. W T tlitlDr rnlarmi or prVr ! !,VoaWT.TN. t t rt. wtl Sateb Own. BSl&i. MeoV&ac. (of ruafn, a ww at .V. 1 WuMunla. . W w m4Jv'5. butlxk a ca ESTRAY XOTICE. mints' rr by a. Braxirr. or wrsrox ntr 1 clod. lUate f Orrsoa. Cmatr ot CmatlUa. aa4 cos duk bay two, atmt nr a4 a tur hxmii btfb; r.J u b aboql alt jranetl; braMnlea Uarknlt. c wciaw; aM u oo uc nfoi Dip. Aivatord at tetr-lT tfUn. T. T. UEVAUXX, Droabrr 11,1 ITS. Jaxkr trflh. rncc XOTICE TO CREDITORS. -VTOTlCi: 15 HEREBY GIVEN That tl snArmss. O.V i baa brrs Our imniiM uaiwuiwu u wilt at JaHTS COtUKI.V dtonanl. AU mm bar. Iccclaliaa afatait aaU MiU an anrbr MilMU tmnx tana u m air muL M sr rmoncr ia iOtoa tKKlect, CnaUUa coaalf, Orrgvo, Ub!a tts aaaeiaa ma is oi nnrox. LEWIS BOWirS. XtaiaiatraUr. Jaasarr tS, 1177. uoaa Eraara, AUarar. lVellce IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE WftMna!pbmta ftor n Wllej SHma John E. Jcsr as4 W. II, JocUtaacAr laiTtil br aatiul ocml Tba boalan bfrtarur U1 1 camrd ao br iota E. Joms. A3 prnoM kavatag RtcaaMtna Ift&U! l lb abo Iraa an Wfn-rJr4 sa aaata paiawt wtsbla 90 rt no tas oaic bmK. tou t jv.i-j. weatoo, Orreoa, Jurwy 17, 1S7T. ADVERTISEMENTS. S.RQTHCH1LD CALL and examine the large and well assorted stock of general Mr olav:mx3jLse just received by 5. R0THCH1LD At his oh! stand m illlarkey's buNdfo?. and which he offers ta the wbNe oa trraM that will compare favorably wkh tbot of any competitor. S.- R07HCH1LD The foHewla; are tome of the leadta? lines, of which you wM always Aod aa assortmeat ea baud: Irj-ztH&. Oothkss. Root aaI Shoe. Hat aad Caps, ( arfxs. wait paper. Oro eerles. oateot mtdwlae. Palots. OW. Tobaeeo. Hard are. Cutlery, CMaa aad Glass ware, ataimatry't car. S. - R0THCHJLD OrdT from she prompt aUcjstioa. naatrr wM rdkotte Hides, Fan, Wool, etc., takea In ex change. CAMPAIGN OPENED FB THE FALL 01? 1876 At TJmailla, Oregon. ETTRTTBOPr U ImiHri l raR aa4 s aj Urr as esosSrt tawk f at iwt1, .b ai pt u mi u St Simn. T&a SaBrssa; ktsa; aaefiaatra: COOK hTOVEJi Occident Goldsmith Range Golden Gate Empire City Hirmath Rio Grande t'ABLOR sTUYtS Tlic Monitor Parlor Belle Laurel Ranger Echo Onward PAELOR COOK Jewell Echo BOX STOVES Black Giant Moguel Pine Knot "Wbodside Bonanza -A r.H aottBtst r- T 1 33 S7V "E ES Cbataallr oa baal. aUa Urd can. All enlrta H. 1 fnafCj. J0U WORK loee kb DaU ecu aad ikf)Ub. W. J IXEZER. AXYOXE Wbs aau Lrjal RUata rf aar de acr1roa, sred joor onlr la 1). n. tUKwIr, llrp fmr, CsuilSa Cmalr. Orrtra. tVwsbrr , Istl r?r ry OA! fT l"rT rr ns at im rwit unuu coot iwii;aowci. ADVERTISEMENTS. COOKIXG STOVES AM) Manufaclory of Tinware, And a ix Ktxfts or SHEET-IRON WORK, Main street, oppsstu th Cocrl Ilocie. WWI constantly hare on hand, and "for sale, a Complete Vs4ortmeot of "17 X 3XT-"W ATgT7Tt a tat u'iii uv A complete Asiortraent of the Diamond ROCK COOKING STORES. ail xtxm ar JOB "STOjFSJSL BM m OfOjr. U mtt : G. V. WEBB. HURRAH FOR EYERYBODY! Jzst Look Here ! waar crrr. leal I : an Ha -M -i Sii.-n.! DRUG STOllE!;! lri WAVT r ttmtt ml m law PENIsUtTOK IRU STORE- Ir vtc uav T-TC WAJfT PICCDLSTOX IUC STORK o- PEKIM.KTO.V DRUG STORJt i JT TOT 'i.7 ran Cnaii mKimm t r rue vin Mav X asia MC3-iUCTON r rot wjrr j PSX9LST0N Mti'C STOftS. u. rav WASM. aat oaiaaa sa a 1XUD AID SALE - bTABLE pealX ST John aiorrnian. j. it. ruuirrr. w. r. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON ! OSre . Lee's aw boiidiae. p SlaaW W. C. .TIcIaay, 31. D.. PllYSIOIAK AND 'aaii ( to- WU. JJILLKK, 31. 1. PHYSICIAN1 AND SCKCROX. ru. srvx UOri u aW Oa w. Ma ninl Br. J. B. Llntlscy, SURGEON AND DENTIST. Pendleton, Umatilla Comity, WVtn as wnm a taf be bl It. ii. ATTORNEY & COUNSELOR AT LAVT Baktr fity. Or5. I a. 5ra at aisai av mm k m naa ' ami irwrvt. 4 4 iSii 4 raiki. iws WW- ITSJUi rtrf ac tiooai a a Ss- aUTT. 0 m a 1 nntr at-ialia M it n J. II. Turner, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Oavaay Ofdwa abl a4 xH Lmac OmCX M Itala tUrrt, i Ctal Haaia, S. V. KNOX, .Attorney - at - Law, Wnlaa, Cauala 0Mf, Omaaav riix rnACTirEiN- the courts or V V tbU State aa4 WaOitejtua TrrcT. aa Sptctat attestm pikl ta Lab4 Vcsiars an 'I tMrctine. G. '.V. BAILEY, REAL ESTATE AG EXT, (ixo Noranr rcauc.) PENDLETON, - ORBtiON. PAimcrt.n ATTEXTiOn rat sa, Hm anmooae efuaj tbMu la Ibr tVanaam at WiAk.iw, ta4 ia tbe vatSwu bat tfr, t4 Udn wmut SVnMt-arta4mt IUhiImi ta aocaretaA ar5b4 Iaa4(. alM U tb. lMnai U UMinbas) br UaantnJ aa4 ttf piffcic Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars ALWAYS TO HE HAD AT Jacubson & Co's Saloon, Crfri Bat Sarj Sv I'KM'UEroS. C1JT1C Wenui a rrhr.abtrs wmm umwwm itn Man pa ADVERTISEMENTS. PENDLETON KAI.V B7BKT. . THIS CrnTHALLT LOCATB aso POPULAR HO II E 1IA7ISC BE EX EKT1BELT REFITTED and REFTJ2.2nSHED is Ma- eniD roa The Reception of Gnesta THE TABLE wajatl Mvt auiN Ufc 4farnai.l tta ti TtT7 Wrt THE BEDS r. tC tike mi Vin txa ttnUtmd ia t& THE PESDLETO.V HOTEL, ! aw k aaa mti i ta wr aur aac ct u ur H. J. EALT ol-tf ST. CHARLES HOTEL, On rrsw c ' aj t. "M iSii i nim im im trmmt maa amw it as. m i nan. H csur tK mf it, if mnt Mai ShtxtSMlIX Im Um W SMHadKSr j in mm avr fumxf t OMar w hX tS-u arj -SS aa XJT firm Va'Hsson notcl. UMATILLA. - OREGON. t MllOV SjtT UJ TO 1. n baW nSM. a t ntraw STI.E HOUSE, MAIN ST, WALLA WALLA, VT.T. (StHX xU. SX HuLt. m ( Su rniOM i aia . TBoSlAS raJtKS. KXIOX HOTEL, UFslATILLA, - OREGON. iOTZZ XUXSB. r&iPktETOS. "T-mV a n OiWonOMfariUKf). 1 MrttanM (In W UW is sa- Taw ful l iji tb pca&c is 03aL3TTl tlx SHOP. 31. Tavler mmm m m yrn s de ia ten af m SO. C baaiana, sat ssly sa PROlfPTXESS A- DISPATCH aM Sa a nrtsuili aaxxrr. ita - Shoeing a Specialty teak or EXrxriEGCE eau a; TrS. la tbaa ta Sa aw a ex.. EJ-Trj aanb artb Uxv1! Llnjy Maaa. in Ikmaar H- STAXLET. a wfS a. Z. E. Slraigki DEALET. TTJLTCUrS CLOCKS AND jE3 WATCHES AND ItEPAIKED ALT. ON SHORT WORK" NOTICE WAUR.VNTHD Hk. C 1 jOm if' ab tm af Kaia atnK OTpcsna Ok Lassj HaasS. Wiaaa Wat, W. T. MONEY M5NEY HORSES LOST $5 Reward. Q1 rmc a mant or t tiorsks rsoa Has If ImSit ban Uiftj amnt u mi mtf art Wferrtvl is, b ta Cma- haa mo . Maw 'tti mns u irsaa peat. imf m OOaanac m ( iMrwa a S. U Mw, a ai Pi in a. 1 a. m m xt Ue ri f Si fw mm. TO bin i" aaUiHuaatsinifiia, fan lia C mm law lwt ibiKlir. nWSmev ao bnac. bMM4i(t ba,'MaamtinX( C OOib rti-c 1K. Co. C(iaa. ST. PAUL'S SCHOOL WALLA WALLA. W, T. 1 WfUMN AXIS PAT SCHOOL (tr ClrU. Tb A mt TnanauM P bt c af ibCd cxW mmt aa I am. SacSaAav fart, bjbu. ., rr UM sb ka. a Warisc. P sanrr. St as a fsab. Ta. rafwc. . Vae. rwi v. r Aaj vm r" 1 raaaWiKiWrtataar Maa.. aaJ hanrJ trocat U f i.inarn IbiM aiUaawa r-l f tb wtlm mtaanritTV-- ' tMMaatlj sar tl 4n t tb HMtrn boab aa aa4 ol et tcixcL. .UT nr a,Cujaa wl b cbwfaH strta by ,Hn in: Rrr L. K tttua, TliaelfaL 0, I UMATILLA, L oaaoos. Rnait Jakr ta tb &al LIQUORS AXD CIGARS. .OSPESS naataMTas.a:t4tta. Tt srpotaUaa mi aar ba' W buaaty aal b!r rfgafrr$ ta ta ra. TnraaJUitoci. POSTERS TT Btax a tpxoaltj. aa bajnj a tarn aa7rtact K rW n. ! ; Xrr m aaaT fMMltV ! aaaaVaaamam1 laMo r inctax a xastax ririETO ctt t I V- Minn ia Oawaak rrtL.m4. um TUa tr taw C i , t. mm I mU rt. mar i i lajfT I i Sr; r H t mm mn U K x wrur-v ia m aaa imw. i ilawi im i Swn " rr 1 Tl i H w mVtriM. immMT j n,al lt Im. i4 Mai Omt SS)0va.Ai fsaWf