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About The east Oregonian. (Pendleton, Umatilla County, Or.) 1875-1911 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 17, 1877)
(fast vcgonian fill rCBUtUBB EYERY SATURDAY MORNING, Mr IMI- IP. BTJXjIj. H.ITD Or ADTKKTlMJfO IX COiVs $2 00 I 00 Ea Sahara' mMrtlM, ortion uoritT iTutiiTr. err-orvt tux ccsv-bocc. lttt r Mubscrlptlun tn Coin: Oae Tear U Hi SlxUwrttit ......lit TWre.M 1 W Sluslt Xp U fcf SvatfWt. lil'MI Mttltl U UU whffltl, SJ t.iM r Si. AlrcrdilZ BSjs'.s ailUlf. VOL 2. PENDLETON, UMATILLA COUNTY, OREGON, SATURDAY, FERRCARY 17, 1877. NO. 20. "How Much?" mid "How Many IT mack wi hp worth whea he 4W!" A eoaple of edition clear, I'leaty l railway stork Witae, AmI part f a wise, I hear. There are feweaeMfoOew where heM; lie dteu a aery rick m,w 3P Hot hew mmi Motto bet be left r "Xestlter wile air child, they ; Xeta heart that will fed bereft At the mv that it heat la day; Xt a reaylc seel fur kim to wees. Net a heart M useatary te kaei ." "Than I iMek he vu poor, tap feUad Bet a r Hiiltl Ire. Oh! K whs fcut a serH awl, T have award staple iharr la Ait oary wealth M caa save Litre that fUow slat mrcr Be jb." The Ki-kt DMtie. Aaa , my bveod, ear ere ef law Is e'er a Itet eaa we east the nadrarhag fepcStsra re? Ahi mack 1 et if t'crBrntt cm We Pram k aaMbraUia- fetters wholly free TWt 1 knawr, whate'er La life bet!, "N'e caBiss hope ok soak U eer MfWc Whea heart hath aaswered hearth sympathy , Moved hy that power trf sweet sabOety, Hen- cm to taask 1 bold ta aa-lavaa- thrall ThefnllhatewtretjuaiBBtothatfaaKeallt And that I feel will errwhac wmre jay TekB-tbt whea aaoaherW by tar tide Thy ehaa-aflrt heart wig itiiisTaam wakhr elea, YearaiMVar wha hM thae hy tla. Ah, weHI I wM att have It efherwiFC Bar eft la aauriag rich rtalaiaiMa he Aad I By vat, hf aaaclnwleaeva wer, Leic lhe ta Mfr'c richer, hatter aawer. I eM thea te aa ether le' wia;ei wfhM The eatthlr sraee ef Trafir wjlchta Oaatest, H I atey aaaver araw thj eal T Htaltofrtet, wore eaearta mU AaisBiieM whea thjr wiaf la life h ataar. 'VNlieB evea )t wa'kt iW te iaehtle: AI the twHr attach: teeB ef heaatyi Rpaee Oaeaet whettf Ac saT 4ece aeea efface. O, msf mv heart teea to thiec aft texkrij. Ttwr f-v4r .aOt-r MMrthhn: of ywipi4h.r Kits ScAraav. Miss Marcbwts Strv. ST JCUA A. AWMT. It is et rsj faeft that I aw aot a bet ter muni. I woM haTc hee gtad al wsvs te chai.e the right io-tead of the -nrreeg if I had ever bee givee aj cleio; or if I bad kewwa which traich eoaeawiau. If i ever had a. coa MitrDoe it Mer mode iWeif beard ei Jmt ib m&rsta r ooedeaaatioa. I alwar dtd the tbMg that I was obliged te do, either bj ckctteaMaoce or fate call it "what voa will aad I wnrer reputed -nbjbeld If CXnid I bdji larseifll "Why, thoa, htmM I caret Yet it U a little tuao-e tb&t Laera's face liaBCit- me m oottiuall j of late. I sappose it oust be that I have eetea frumutfeiag wtrich dteared with a; ia (ligettiea is &cooatable, I thiol:, fur znvnt all fmtn of imagioatie, like tbie ose of LaaraV fate, wiuch I ttxm te w fihvajt before me. For the girl is dead, jon tee, aBd the dead steep well.. There is so waking or coaling hLck for litem. LsHra was aiy :ttuother daughter, and I always bated her, a I did her mother, from the mneat the taia stepped in to allure mv father's beart awar fraia his only cbikl. They wore Tery glad, these orertv-krickoa Ctare, te cbaage tbeir cvtluge borne Ar the Icxuriafice of March W oat Ilwaee. IiemembariBj father told me some romantic no&teoee about 3Ir. Clare'r hariug been bis first love, xtew merci fully girea back to bitn to outofort hi dedimBg years. 31 y father Slight have cheriehed the memory of tboe old da it was like him but I never beiiettd any tuch fuoliebness of Mn. Clare. A it bappoeed, her pretence of having re membercd as tenderly as he, fcerved her in good tteod. Bet if it had suited her interests to hare forgotten, her memory would bare proved as treacherous as it now seemed faithful. Let no one sey I was prejadiced against tuc woman; l was nolnuig or the kind. I hated her; but that fact did not prevent my judging her as coolly and impartially as if I bad bcea perfectly indiueteet to her. If she had possessed any pleasant traits f character, I would willingly have given her credit for them, and hated her all tlieinerc intensely for their possession, as.1 did Laura. 1 never oould under stand how a woman, like 31 ns. Clare could ever hare had a dasghtcr like Laura. They were no more alike than light and darkness. The mother was full of deceitful wile;, and purring, cat like ways. The daughter was pure and fair as the new-born day ; but I hated her none the less for that. 2o one suspected it, however. Wc lived together in seemin" cordialitr. There was nothing to u-inpt 3!rs. Clare Sirs. 3Iarchmont, now to show her claws and she kept them sheathed in velvet; but tucy existed uetertiielcsa. Laura was herself, always sweet and loving; wnnc l i waited. 3Tot for long. Gerald Armstrong catrc noine to larcumont iiousc, when ilr. Clare bad queened it there but a few snort inontiib. lie was tue son t my father's dearest friend who, dying, had left his son and the immense proixTty he inherited, to my father's guardianship. Ucrald, llierelurc, having no near rela tives, had always made his home with ui For the past three years he bad been ab sent in Europe and so had never met my ueautilul stepmother nor Laura. I don't think it was a case of love at first sight. Laura.was too shy and rctir ing for any one to find out how gentle and lovable she was on first acquantance. But as they irrcw better acquainted I could sec that Ucrald began to regard her with more attention; he was beginning to aamire her before 1 fairly knew it. I had always looked upon Gerald as aj exclusive property, ana he aaa ai ways ireoxed to Bwiesee in that arame- , meet. He bad beea rallaat aad trader, i s that I j?re to feol qaite tccun of Mm, aal lberefore exerted myclf wv ittiie to Keef mm im seotecima. nut i had mo mleatbiM f lettiMc him le larrd , away from nw leat of all bv ray stew- toother's doll -faced laugher. ' I remmter wrj disuH-:lr the art time I dicovered the-e twt were mt mire to eeh ther thea idmsmat ac- Haiatimces. The horKe bad beea or- Md for a ride that beaatifel Jaly mora. imr. Somethiaf; deUinil me at the U-t, . o that 1 was aot ready to rtart with the , Kaer, ami Oerald aad Laara r.xte awav , laentncr. Aa hoar pakl, ami thea I sttddealv determtaed to ride oat to meet them. I kaew vrr well how facieaiiat: Laara, with ber mfc tws aad shy way., wa likely to pem in the rather ry aical ma ot th wtirkl UeraM had bcroam already, aad I wa- aot daaMawd t allw htrvry maay aaiuterrapted UU- HU with the maa I Nopused to atarry. S i I def4 Herosaodied aad ndeoat after th: m. I kaew the rude tbrv had iateaded takiar toward- the vtiUa, i thnmgh the grove aad n-aad the bae of: w moaataw homewards aatate. 1 rooe swiftly. I we already re;-atiaK mv I f4hee ia throw iac these two tueeth-. er evea for aa hoar. Jat isavidv the grove I leiaed my horvr back alasoct upoo his haeacho' . I had ao mfoad V iaterrapt the pretty seae be- ( fteme. The !o of ma I had caae t ia soareh wnere jaet a bub- way before mr, ' hex fax io deep! j absorbed ia each her , ta aottee my approach, beraid aai as?- meaated. sad staadiag by Laara'a hx. was jt rakiatrlr little haad t hi lip as i caase ia iac caaraMeaj rao- leaa. I was mt hear eaoegh ta har what be was afia;: I coatd easily imaa iae the patwaite fervor 4 his waraV. ; 1 did aot ia them. I twa clear my pres-1 eaecjast thea, wa aot particdlarlj' de- svred, 1 taraed aad rode baa astaia. , kaew why I haw writtea we at I have. I The lwj nrtaraed, errltai.w ith smiai. ' apen-? I may Vgcna4dured to haveenm bappy faces. Laara Cajac, biashiag aad auttrd a heimaH rriase arcordtaaT to the shy, to tell me her seem f r the child warld code, aad uea4, ia a m taeact, octajally cared for me, I thiak. aad eaa- to be aaWias: iateasely true the pear Med ia me far more thaa ia her stately j id maor-e, etc Oa the csaatrary. I am mother. tteraM weet 'raksm to my la ther. He was asfrmtjhed. a tnie aagry, perham, at aret, for he had tlsxh a'l had, that Gerald wtmld marry me. Mat Laara had woa mv father's love also, aad hb approval was sooa gataed. Mr. Xarcaaaoat was oitjrhed. Oer- aid's great wealth had x mt thing ta do with her Ui4al state of ferTiac. of coarse: bat 1 thiak she woeJd have gtvea ouo-eat ta ativ case, kmiatac that dies my plaei wool J be fated. Taer was ao love ht betweea mr ami aisle jtrpmathtr aad bar ha .bead's deaichSer. I maae ao sins, however. No gam sad what wet m I kitted Lsttra leadi rlv, aad coafrratalaSed Gerald so sweetly that evea Mrs. March moat was parried aad held her weave. There wa ao reattm for demviejr the aad the prtaaraboai waat oa swiftly. It wa te he at Carsstma. Laara slept with me. I alwar bhed pleaty of fresh air, aad kept mv wiadows wide ofea aight aad day. Oae eight ia October a eeid easterly storm set la. it riaed three days aad aigato steadily. laara caaght a vialeat coad, lyaag where the damp air btew directly ia aaoa her. Was I to blame for thtl I caarht ao cold, aad I was cuaaily expod. Was it mv faalt that she ww so Ira ! aad deb eate that a draft of air ma aeads make herilit Itwasoalva cwid at ifst, hat after a day or two she developed feverish ymptota. Thea Mrs. M-vrch avast aad Gerald iait -d amm calliag ia a physi cisa. I did aot aUeet. Laera's life was far too fwecioe ta be eatrasted to the carelaw miaiatratiwat of a hired servmat, so I insulted mrscif as aarse, relieved at rare iaierrais by my beaatifal utepmother. She had ao geaias fortakiagcareof asickpersoa. Banda-. Laara ireferred to have me with bar. I doa't kaow why she shoeid; yet Idnt sappose she saafstcted bow 1 baled her. Fortaaateiy far me Mrs. Marram aa! preferred the liom'Paiaic practsee of snediciae. Fottaaately, bucaaue their tasteless aad coiorlass dflatioas are re placed so easily by other Urates ideally tasteksss, bat vxtiameiy Hsteat ia tbesr way. I presataey yea aatkipate the oad of madexaoHdle's illaes4. Or ware yoa so aBsomiticatel as twsappase that she re covered t Did yo thiak that, oace ia my power, I shoaid let ber live to baaV my Hiqmsest She died. 3Irs. Marchmaat was iecoa solable; so also was Gemkl. Bt neither forgtft to thaak meearaeUy,thoagh sad ly, for the leader care which, alter all, bad failed that I bed girea their lost darling. She looked very sweat aad pare as she lay ia her ooffia, &e waxes lily Added ia ber little cold baad. Bat somehow I did not care to look taag at the fair, ale face. Xot that my oescieece troubled me at all. She was ia my way aad I had put her out ef it as I would have done a bird or a flower, or any other pretty, innocent thing, aad with aa little reuoise. I don't kBow that I seed to linger on this part of my story. Laura was baried, and wc all wore moureing and secluded ourselves, as was deooroes and proiwr. Gerald went away to Europe and to the Holy Land. 1 was not sorry. I kBew he would come back, aad while the (teriod of niournieg lasted love-raaki&gorgiring in marriage was aot to be thought of. The next two years tHSsed very quietly then Get aid came bsck. He had not forgotten Laura, and he liked to talk with me of Iter graces awl beauty, and of the last sad hours of her young life. I listened tenderly, syinpthiingly, aad tried to comfort him. Gradually 1 won him to think mire of the loving, sisterly friend he thought me that who shared tlMiUi'llt I HP tint wlm kliarrvl O - - his sorrow and would fain assuatre his grief. I had lost none of my beauty, and he was always a beauty-lover. The end avas what might have been foreseen. Wc'woirfrom the door, as for his follow were married and my purpose was gained I workmen to pais a sen el of resolutions at least. Two colossal fortunes were ! praying for his speedy recovery, and or jolned as well and I had the satisfaction J dor log an engrossed copy of Uic same to of- knowing myself to be one of the rich est women in the country. I entered society and bt-cirae the rage directly as was natural considering my advaiitaip". I enjoyed it wnedrrfullv well. Tht v as lift-life tcb a 1 bail Jtmnol of often, bet kaew mow fr the !irt tttae; fr lev elrlh.Md bad been a comparatively eclthteil uee. Bet all that m i4. Stiver 4real are ie mv bir. ami wriakle heeia to show enmed mv ejeo, aad to crca mr fore- bead. Yet I am w well cnetretcd. I hare mv own Mflectclerienf frieede. aad ia the HurUi I am uil a rrrr MMir wHNa. I wire deiatv little reaeiuat aad eViieioe dtaaera. aad have br ao bhmms bst the art of deiaar. Aad mv hebodt WeU. I am willlat; to omfem there U of that xma meatal atfVctioa betweea a that voear auuple thiak i- aeeesaaiy to Hrartat the asarriaee tie frum becNaias; irksome. Ia fact I am ftrueeriy improved with the idea that Gerald Armtas hato am. It H aoa naae Tears siace I difMcred two facu sMtaltaaeoaaly. Uae wa that I talked M my 4rrjs aad the other that Gerald my hiiLbaad faacied he had dis covered aome secret of auae that I did aot aorticalarly care to have auwte nab- lie. H wrrer. I was hi wife. I detfd tim to arove aythiac aad we have had ae soaaes aboat K siace. He war aad I MtertVrias: with each other ia air wv. lait keeaiax aa astaawaacv rrf the w'dd of Tuetv s aothiaft an fa:ih as to almtt the pabtic low y v cieAdeac jeardimr yoar matrimisl iafrlic:tie. Mr beaatifal strabrr i aeaatifal ao kaajer. bet has aeveJ.ssd lata a ta aatically relisrioa eld waaaa; hex a bear as my father m HUted I daaplaial to make. I eattw tipathr toaaraW her loar aaa. IT aa- N.thiaK wears ap'ai oae so ai era a M laaatae m iar eaKUas of aay kiad. Aad life i eaite .rt eaoagh witaoat h&s4eaiaf its ead ia the least. I doe': kaow that I have aarthiaa- aae to aay rarardtoc myself. I due't wIL oite a haaey as pepw averaar', aad ave a oraaf -ruble eejuTaasa of ail the aood !hie aC tki rli. Iajeajard to the Beat, 1 have ao cettaiaty tit its ex iileaca, aad pfefer aot to trjate myself ahoax it. I ha- growa to h- vary mach the oeiaiue tht sia Mally ca in la eeiaaT foaad oat. aad torn it fett imr more fur haviajc hvam a tV4 thaa lor beiag a tiimlaal. Ufirta)tst : awamwoalip-u Hxtrisua walks ia hi nlma. of it, bat he caal heia it. ba so. Last week Tommy set of raoass at the Uittar Hoaae. Thiak -lag that f arhapt as the bed, room aad feraatare were all aear aad strsjta to hsaa, he aa)ht tadatge aa has praaaaalty far aoctaraal jieramualatsiav. he caibsa ta hi rooaa, jat befute istiriac the cui oted pnrter who play with the Mrvea saory traak, aad boa ace iaaaecaaiaas baard-bill fonjatiars. To tha saditsdawl. who ataadt jatt sevea fart his stock taga, heexplaiaad the wbulc mallar. aad, haadia him a dollar bill, said, "Now. Charley, y-sa jeet keep aa rye oa my room danag the aight, aad ia case ya hear me mjriag a boat i oume ia, shake me a little, I'll awake, aad thea fiiythiag will be all ncht." The darkey said'he aa4err4i aad deported. T-aamy aadraij i uf, taraed oat thega. threw opea has wassdow aad jam pad iato bed aad was sooa fast asleep. I'atieaHy the darker waited ia the hall oausde of dVair Ho.. Bat aot a laaad wis heard. A boot 12 -J o'clock the afcr blow tag ia thnmsjh that opea wiad nr m Tcaam a 's room became so aacomfortahle that Tom my awake, shtvenas; uke a frorea chsp aaaak. Seeiat; the caase of the diaValiy, he traag a( of bed to ro-e the wiadwa. aad ia doieg so tamlsk-d nvct a rhatr. That ai iaat what Mr. Darkey beea wartieg for. With oae buead he was ia the room, aad seeiag aa arm oat Ifased agaiaat the wiadvw, he made a grab for k aad caaght it with a grip of troa. Tomtay yellol with paw, aad told Char ley that be was awake, that H wa alt right, he wasa't walkiag ia hi sleep. Hat Charley woabJa't have it ia that way. He trippfd up the aafortaaale somaam Isalist aad threw him oa the ioor with a thamp that rattled every boae ia his body. Thea be sat dowa oa him aad brga shakiag him, by tbempi&g bis bead ap aad dowa oa the boot. I a vaia Tommy iasitesl that be was aot asleep, aad bad aot beea that aight the darkey kept raght ea. Leery time Tom made aa at tempt to get up, ike darkey pat bis kaee oa hi chest aad iaaed him to the floor, all the time keepiag ap bis shakiag ro ecsa. At leagth, all tired oat, Tommy remaiaed perfectly still, aad the porter, sepposiag by this time that be waa quiet ly slumberiag after bis attack of tbe jim jtn, 4accl him ob tbe bed aal retifeil. iae aext morning that colored porter came to Tommy aBd aked him for anoth er dollar on accouat of the trouble be bad bad ia getting him oat of hi it. 7elee tfteuV. Xenoi-hon' relates that, when aa Ar meaiaa iriuce had beoa takes captive with his priacess by Cyru, asd was asked what he would give to be restored to bis kingdom, ho repliod : "As for my kingdom aad liberty, I value them not; but if my blood would teJeom my ptia cos. I would cheerfully give it for Iter. When Cyius had liberated them both, the princess was &ked what she thought of Cyius. I did not see him," she said ; "I j noUeod only him who offer ml to die fur me. I.t. m i lllfe. VIS Mum 1 1 v i I rendering hitn unable to woik for three mouths, ihtre is nothing that cheers him i up so much, and so effectually keeps the be presented to bis family. LizixE&s travels to ilotvly that poverty looa OTcrtakc ber. Am Heia i He wa Dai-boor Kilcht'tix. Hope Lodyatd write thu aboattbem - Evea ia a Iowa mmsc it b aot dinVult to put some sort of awaiag over a kilchra donr. addiag greatlv to tbe rmfart with ia, as well a adordtag shelter ta apersaa walkiag osHshle. A hassekeeter's work lie ia tbe bnae. If she be a Urge family, the coMomary three meal taken about alt of arr time, aad her daily aad weekly roaad of work Uke ber fall time ami streagth, so that she has aa little iacliaatbm as opporta atty to ga roomlet: abroad for eierei. Last sommar for the seonad time ia eight year. 1 eosk-4w ba a shaaty a ragh -leaa to shed aijsiaiag the boa. H' cia I ever agaia be cuaicated t spead the sammer with a faavily coik stve ia a willed ap kiirhea, betag my self ihr family coom Xo maase i worth the bum f hnaar which wa mswbare about it a shady porch or airy shed where a Isnaaekeepir r hirrdgirl caa sit dowa ia root oaafurt, m shell peas, hall the sarawbeTrav, ut peel the potato, where she raa s-t her iroairg table, aad wash her disbre with oat f.tfeasiar freah brerz-, aad arar aesghborhood togta aad viae. Ttraeaa, who had a coa'raapt for sach treasarr a m-wt mortal Iwe to lay ap here be low, observed that whea a maa had eom- hi desire aad gut him a hnae, it alter alt ta he tbe h-as that tot aim. Stitiwtk maay woasea thrtr boss ke-p them aaite a mach as thea keep the boa. How to Trent l'Hipeis Gsteaiw. Whea oae of "father .- ba4ae frstaads drive aato the yard at abeu half-past e levee, the good wife kaow, that he win ar.y stay to diaaer. Father b a great story teller, aad be like to get hold ua a aew aadtt'. How aptly Ciaw a fiuws f da any aad diipleaiare aa ttoeaaoota. fair fare ( hi hi I paw t. What caa iaat I Work is rotaff aa accurdiag t the days pUa aa the ktlchea; the diaarr wa arraagad for aooe hat the faaauy : thr chiidrea are com jag hueae from fh-x aad makiag a chatier; all i bastk aad r-efe.ja. She feet that the beat J his mart be osed. aad siaarthiag eitra eookeo (or the asoeasurtatae paesl. Now. goii woaaaa, d sa't do it! Ywar Ba diaarr, with it attaadaat irritati-m ad -afattiag, wail ttao batter than what yoa bod prepared. Make ao diftW ear aa y mt plea, bat seat ymr v. atth a sBaile aad easy gsaetiag at yoar hoapitaide board; aad a wail feet asorv caeaf-enable aod BAppy thaa ihnagh yoa gave him a h ia aaal. Yoa save temper aod tr'sie. aad staaa th e-j aaeot wr an aaa. yoar fraea 1 a iaat auy timi. X erai hie persoa kaow that tana era dV aut baa six oaarsai apaa thair Ubics dmly, aod tha whale aaa. hrarty fare, atth gaud BAtara aad a npitaliia cunlsaii i'y, will he tiactared with a wart, do- OS teat s tajeaaaabtr Iaat IB diaeerv Soule aod aaiitaon at sWh-aaelT HiMUKt Dccx A Freachmaa mid he had ao prraoaice aiat aataae aay t-urt ul fMa, imt or dadi. llat he coahi aot et a bsx.-d; he had tried it boiitai. eteaei. fried, braised, baked aad aaattad, hot it wa -a good; he sascit rory bad, owk him aay way. The M aagot uf iaaarior Asia are aot team a face from jnjailUo ha ratiag a the pailfMopaic rraachmaa. They ar broajgbt ap ta BtUasaoss: they rotas car rim : aad they eat with their afegers, whsah are dsamiagly dirty. Hat -day the Moasrd gaade of a party i-f Ea roposa travesafs aoarly taroed sick oa seeaas; tbeaiW botiad dock. T-, hi ap petite foal nr Bh wa aacleaa. asd V eat mthar diaastiB. The fist td f a sheep i a detacacy to a Moegot, aad the eat rail are tMbat, bat he staaoders tat aaa-ratiag to see a aaa oat Isdied dock, aorh a fact show how aaach the idea ot food da iiad apoa edacaiia. Com: x Hocbvcx A goad cook i aot theee whauea the mstaad richest Migredieat, regard la- of the ex pea; bat the w ho stcdsa ecoaomy, ami m able la owecsjet a dnWeioai moat from scaaty matanali. To be a aeeeeAtral hwVeeiart a woaa aa reoaires as mach system aad tact a she would ti carry oa aay other bo4ase. It is sa this psrticalar that so asaay of oar for eaga hlp- prove aasatisfiactory. Jotxxv Cake. A m t delicaous Job aay cake i made by takiag two caps of c kb meal, oae of flour, with one taa- tpooa of alt; ase egg well beatea; half cap of molaates; three tableipooos riae gar, or oa cap of sour milk, if yoa have it; three-fourths teaooa saleralas, dis solved ia a Hule water. Stir alt well to gether till about the caisteacy of grid die cakc. ami add saturate the lat tbi lefore bakiag. Thea bake in a hot ovon for twaaty or thirty mtaut- . or till Bieeiy browu. God, eaten cold or hot. To drive away ants black or red spnakle aee salt all over the pantry shelve, also eccaMoaally wash tbem out with ht salt water. Tbry bate salt aa much aa they love sugar. Tobacco dust ia also very good for this purpose. Huavt bread has made many heavy hearts, givtn ri; to dyspepsia horrid dyspepsia and its herd of accompanying torments. Girls who desire that their husbands should be amiable and kiad, should learn how to make light bread. An excellent recipe for removing paint or grease iikiu iroru earmeuu may be I tail by mixing four teaspoonfuls of alcohol with a tablospoonful of salt. Shake the whole well together, and apply with brush or sponge. Dkucious Gt.NnrmunruD. One cup of molasses, one cup of butter, two cup of sugar, one cup or sour milk, four cxk: three cups of Hour, one tablespoonful of ginger, and one taoloijwonlul of soda. A sturLC and hannlcss application for nng-wonn is found by waauing witu i solution made from the root of the com tnon narrow-leafed dock, which belongs to the botanical genus Ilumex. Use Tin for the solvent. The Iaarrt thle Pole. I .ate advices by mail give a etear idea f what preveaied the saarcea of the llriti Arctic Expeditiim. Every attempt to dbcover a cant liae leadiag to the luie was a failure. All esiori to peae trate the "Sea of Aacioat lee, a tbe apfssrd opea olar sea is msw called, oaly trrmusated ia dbappoiatmest Sleigh advaacr were aoslow, oiffWit aad dagera a to b imrrwtkabte. If baml had beea foaad stratchiag tn the 1'ole there U very little dmst that th vorag. rrs wnald hive reached the object of their search. Thaa the its sis coatd have eiled mack fartbvr to the aorth thaa they did, a the iceberg, oa aecosat of their real depth raaaot eaaae very cinse t the shore, aad a caaal-like coarse or cbeaaet is tha kept npro. S baag a the rapeatttbat had th a-lviacae of Uad, prutrrca was oaaparattvely easy. Agaia. see ami sar oa tha Uad won id be CtOBperatirvty aabtvltea, alesghbag oald e practicable. Bat the re-ma tea the sen beiag drrvta agabsst carh other by the rarreats liaamth pressed ap the smaller faoetifec ice ao a to furm Jigjtid waits of cttBderable bxaght aad oflea of jreat brcadt.. Tkjrortgh that wall of w rood luvi In be cat aad Cap. Xare ay the march forward aa sbrw that ly abnat a male aad a oaarter o aid be avoie carh day. lver these path utiy light kmd e aid Ij drawa. The aaatcrUt aad the armabaas had to be Ukra ia asall aortsuea, aad ia goias: a dfatance of aatto frm the ship Tit aaikas wore actsaaliy traveled. Cold aad zatigar proved fatal to several uf the maa. Sck aass braa to eadceaalao the cnatitBtioo of aaaay mote. All that wa aoabic tor bravs, eafhaiiastic mea to do, with the uet mmai which xiaci kw yet beea br to pteVeat, wa d me. Far User per asteace la Use eaT art ald oaly teraaate ia a fate like that of Fraakita aad ha brave e-oapaasuo. aria death like Cap ua Hail s. C aptala Aara Ukrw whea V st-'p. aad abs the kasafavjg of whst oaot t achsvved la haxh latrtadBn s nea to the war J, petpie have bea spared the detaais t-f sanlbrr Arctac horrur. Aasouar mailer of aroat taaaest d)fd by th Exaoditbai are abaad- SAice 4 roJ at owi. aad xseou.ts sratiua that wlknat expo ad t a cold of Iht lagrii beau th froefiag poiat re amrd it vitality aad whea placed is a :avoratdc ttaatm pruaed aad grww It wi.l take soaa Uai yet bef. th an ready to petduh thetr lorta. A". T. Wifasit. UtM dlJN-l mC aanMiy KoVci Bf!h. Th ppabsr aaauad of at at isr itrascs. uke asaar IsstaagatainNl A mriraai. a feaad f a asce Uttmgameoi oraa- poker i oraiiaanilj. Bat tuward the do uf Use arssoa, a ft era ago. he had aa eapeneaor a reoeti- tioa uf which woasd sooa eod hi career at cards. Am'ar hat res alar xaeats was wU-kaoB aui.toaaire capitaliat, wso, apuo oae accmnaa, tovated maa w esBrra iranseW to vssU asm at th Breach for x aVw day. He was liberal is ha arraag- aad so rxtravagaatly prufaae that his frsrois (M at ably fscd ia this world's goods) brgaa to fori ft had aeraa so labcrallT that bark aaa irn, bx- btack. hatl-htiya, waiter sa tact, every -oody ha ta ati ratawed the csstomary ratatlsai idfaraii bv the mtisoaaw"s aet. If they tried to tip a jatcr to am of the hali-b.y be held back hi Mad ami asaswered : "It is all right, sir. Caa aot take aayuaar frs jon th s uase Order, yoa kaow. str." They wr sa M-aaday Boata. Us Starowi eveaiag. whale all were nltiaa: a tbe bi- r, asm bust cailad aede th mulsua -tare, aaal, atier Betag cxee4 to ha aas. the bstter weat ap stair with the ard. waitiag awhile for hi ie:ars, they tout a stfast'. aaat oa their re taiB ojm ot thrta proposed that they sot ti the hotel Mil before their fx scad had a chaac to gt aha if 4 Ucm. It was ia- slaaUy secoaded by the re-t, aad thy procaedad to the B-4d osssea, where Use clerk wa muaecard ta saake oat their The laadtord Laparaail t a eater at the moaaa at, aod Comsat headed th tt- at a gUssc. He sua pi t satd. "Never miad yoar bills, geath mea. Saac B left joa he ha w-m eswagh from me to pay all ywsr halH, aad hi owa, too, for a moats to come. I oaly wih I had let him aloe whes he was siltaae with u a coapis of boars ago. It was a fact t; he had paid hs W4 htUs from bs wiaahig, aad the UadUnd ss jut f gariag to M-ovvr n here the pruSu caase ta oa that party. CI imp TV than r. 3Iostrr is x IIoluiw Tubs. A meats ago, perbep, a maa by th same of Jef frie, ia oHBpaay with his faavily, was oat ia the woods haatiaa; Bel, at I'al- mvra, 31aori, whea oae of the ettt saw somethiag that attracted her a ilea - ties ia a hollow- tree, ami called to her mother to com ami look t it. 31 r. JetTriee made ome exambaatioa, ami soos fMimI it to be aa obi ptat keg. L poa takiag it out, there was fouml witbia it aa eArtbea Jar cwataiaiag tt ia gold ami silver. They did aot kBow what to do about it, but eosciuded to keep quiet ami wait for deveiopaeats. However, some of the cbildres Mentioned it at school, and theace it cam to the oars of Isaac and Jacob Jokatoa, who came at oace to see JesTrie, ami soon convinced him that the treasure bdoBged to them and that they bad hid it there tbe day before Porter's raid in Palmyra in lSG'J. After hhlieg it titer d-d not go to look for it for HBe time aad when they did were totally unable to Sad the place of its concealment, nor bad they ever been able to tiod it aiaec. The keg bad been tHished up Iato the hollow of the tree and prpied up by a stick, which, in the coure of the fourteen years since elapsed, rotted oil ami let the treasure down, and thus it was found by accident. The Johnsons made a tireeeat of 50 to the little girl who found it, and who will say it was not cheap eaougn. It may servo as a comfort to us in all our calamities and atllictiuns.tbat he who loses anjthing, and gets wisdom by it, is a gainer by too lou. Frwi Grant Before a Police Coart. A dispatch from Chicago to the New York rvaufjays: The I "resident torn, 1.1 eat. Col. Fred I). Great, iar..vd kiavseifia a Bersoael vacosster here oa Wedaeatlnv that ereat- satetl ia hi arrest ami arxaigameat be fore a police magistrate. A reporter for the Emimm Jmrmd called at Geo. Sheridaa's beabaarier b laser a-w taeUeaeral apoa the resalt of bis receat visit to Xew Oris. Gea. Sheridaa wa aot ba, aad th basrmtiut miaaacfd hi badae- with Adjt. Gea raot, t b m he tat several a eerie rbiriy a to the wbcrosbooU of Ga. tsberidaa. He wa aovrd that he lJram did t kaow where he wa. The !rtor asked if Gea. S i-rvtaa w a at hi boa. The reply wa that be we proaabir there or somwhre else. Ova. Dram wa thea asked where Gea. Sberi daa lived, to whicb qeestioa aowwer wa4 refad, aad the reporter was asked to re tire aad attend t hi ows basiaes ia a very rart avuaaer. He thea retaraad to bis eloe, aeeared a aot from hi city editor, aad weat hock to Gos. 5ariila't acatbiaarters. At he t a tared the door Ges. Dram perempbaiiy udd him to leave, aad be ww oa the poist of eVaag a, havitg the door partly epea. whra Lie i.-Cot Fred Great cam ap the hall aod wa abuot V aster the A ijataot Geaeral's apart aseat. Hearisg the nr dor made fur the yosss; maa to get oat. Col. Grsat took it epos hiswetf h aid hi departare, aad, a th victiaa allegea, track him a blow with bsi ist aad ad other forcible miasi. The refMrter withdrtw, swore mat a arr sat aaaasst Col. Grast for aa aslt with baaat to do bodily iajsry, asd had it served by a police sftcer. O-L Graat arreetad at th Palmer Horn aad Ukes be Jsatic 5aaaeiBeid, where he waa held la Uaak of fo aatit Fri day asorabac. whea a fartbar Iscariag will be had. M. rVtor Pabsser artad a aorsty. Col. Graat desies strikiast thrrpW, hot added aba iaterTirwcd os the smtdect that he wished he had. A Ifac. to the DcsUi Bet wees Tw Texxs Drovers. Tvo cattl drover aumid Kk aad Neil, says the F-rt Stnckbta tTexaai Tt'.- dasTScaUr aa the rsad. coase to blow, bet. throogh the talen tfcii of fritad. had quieted dowa. Bat as th sight of th kiiiiag. both havisg a good qsaatity of tbrbtsBBg ahiky oa b-jrti, were ia' the attached So Jacob' store, aloag coiorad j uiiiri aod ottMnss. whea ltickaasoBMf thsodiars So hhak, akiag Neal at the saase time Xeal rrpliri thst he did a driak with ararroe. aod paliiag not a rrrolver, cas- aatascrd straiiuar some of the soldiers : over the head with IC Rck. thaaki- Xeal laleataoa wa to raa a raw witu ham. drew ha revidver. Oa 2u msot- ena; it, be pat bi. pWW gamt Rcka 'Vrast aad oettered htsi Is pat it a p. RKkrvpUrd, -I am yoar Mead aad it to at yas." MagaJs aralerad him an aat it ep. lUck started to cam ply. asd was is the act af shavfag hi paatoi ia the bolster whes Xeal ired, hit tiag him ia Uae left side above tbe Ust rab. "if that s yer paave, I aa your ms, said Kk, drawiog his pa44aod sAaonag .ctl la th breast. .Neil feiL aad Kock ayiag. -I am hot is ttae bow -!. aad will die, so I will give y.m mmb as- r from praacaptc, staaaered ap area foar more shots tot. .Near ktiiiaz hiaa iastaatly. Itock lived ie b sr after the shootisar. Los Xril was htroat Dallas aad PhiL R& from Cola a - ba. The ExternitMtiott of the Antebape. Th Kaosa Citv Ttmt complaiss that th aatebiwt is Matr exmraaiawted ia v sasae ratnlest war that cbrsclenx:d the dcsiractitm af the betSal. Th fXieamag iiaauat laestcra ittMemaat aad the extesiioa of cattle racae from the Weat cacealrale the herd af aate- lop aad give the impreios that they lacrcastas nirher thaa The dd!c of aateiope sells, delivered oa the liae.f t $t to S, aad to ebtaia this a tteadv baias is carrieal os, re- smtiag ia the rapid decrea of th saaseroaM herd of aateiope. Jat the best aatlo-aealiatr district U west of I) ie Ci'r, e the Atcbies, Tooeka i Soata Fe Rdlroad, ami aaat uf Feeble and Triablad, Cbtorado. Oa th Kaaas Paciic Itailroad the haest herd of aatelfc are fbued weat ef Kit Carsos ami east of Deaver. The aai mils are kiilel ia great Bumbers'by am b:bed boater, who uke saddle, i. e. the two hiad quarters f the saiaial, tigtber with aay jorti m they may reeaire fr their owa imraetKate ase, ami leave the rest of tbe enrcass tn be eatea by tbe coy otes. The sadtlie, as cut by tbem, a etgh eiblees or tweaty pouad, aad is sokl ia the Kansas market at eight casts a poaad, tbe hide iu which it it wrapped beiag throw a into the banraia by the beater. The Kansas Pactse Railroad briaf ia groat quantities of this meat, aad tbe antelope, unless in some way protected, will be speedily exterminated. Titnnc is one trait of the "bold Brit on which the average American ad mires without emulating. It is his de termination not to bs imposed on, hut to stand upon his rights, no matter what losoftimior money is involved. Where the American pays the over-charging hackraan his demand in full and dis misses him with an objurgation or two rather than lose the time necessary to prosecute him, the Englishman devotes himself at once to the obtaining of re dress at no matter what sacrifice of per sonal comfort and convenience, find per sists until he carries his point. An En glishman who lost a day not long since through the unpunctuality of a railroad train hxs just succeeded, after mach liti gation, in makiug the negligent corpora tion pay mm uamages, ar.i is aousuantiy saliiuou, tnougn nts lawsuit cost him three times as much as he recovered. Asr feeling that takes a man away from uii uamo is a traitor to iae QOuicD.Oia. EinrrratioH to Xorth Careifna. The pUos which have for some time been mam ring for pUatisg a Western Maeaaehavetta Coloay is Xortfc Cuotiaa. are about compte'ed, aad the irst k stallmeat ef ejsloeiat, atsmberisc some twelve familia, will start altos the snt week ia December, sosm oae baa dead mote are expectcsl to follow. Fear or dva Usailies are guisg from this dry. oat from Chieope, foor from Xatkk, asd yoar yoatsg mea go from Xorthamp tua to esgage is stock -rai.uag. The presaat kateataos of the maaagtrj is to the bcat ia Berks cosatr, drrJv on the lia of the Wtera North Corotfsx Kailtowd, asd to baud ap a Xorthern Village abuat serea males cost af Mer gaatvws. Tbe Cdway ho tha re f Oral of a tract of S4JV) acre ba & body, af Hich lt.000 arrt-s i Tory heavy whvte. pis timber, at f3.30 per acre. It i their ialeatina to clear sp a portfoe of the feces, aad eagaajB both is miscei laroatj faraaiag aad leaaaurtaaj. It is aimed to tak aloag machiaary nr saw, plaaiag ami shisgie mills, aad a easterly to ship psa luotbrr to ew York. The freight 1S oa l oo fet from Xor gaotows to Xew York, hot the aaaaMty d tbe lember is so far iaaperior ta that aow la aserket that It i baaeed agood baieiaeM caa be boalt sp. Th rckos is brlieved to be rich is aaxkraaiopasf aria vmU, ban thea do aot esaor iab the prescst ealcalatioo of the ealeaiits. The XThmprioa mea have rtemdy reaasd a stock -;jouia" of tSM acres of Major Wibjos, af Mofgitoluw a. as ex Coataderate soldier, said as ows 1WJW0 acre, asd will rogitg is riiibag eutftj. sheep aod mala. Cotl eaa isTcaToir door all w later, a the j"rasad aerer freeaea eaoogh to pravaat psowhag, aad saor sever lies os Bane tfaas a day. Xw-miieh cows is that iifjna sell for abust f3a, a yolk of steer id eaaagsa to work ur aad Iks asd avsles rnm i 100 upward. Batter s qaotad at ceata, egjr 12 casts, rtivcVeo 15 ease a paace, pags 1 each asd a i addle ef voai soa 1. The state of society is reporSed good, ami Xoctaera ms wse ttt foer year ago aay they he a-ever mt with aay Uuabic oa acojoat of thoir j iHiltul ptiacipicr. Iadeoi, the Yasakaes ml tbeir bast frieavd amimg the Jbroser se eoai iueiits. Chaaem to take fkrsss are very pleaty, as the at adaaaUgvaas Ivrsss. Aa ia.taaea of the is sees ia th cas ef as as limr nihaecs fciasa., who lost everytaoac is the pale af "73, asd west to faissbary, Xonh Cwraliaw, tbe some year, with hardly mosey eeanga to par hT trvight t tlu. Irliriog'a hade place s ta edge of the team, he boagh: a co asd begaa seaiiaa: aaitk aboK the tiltsaje, is Xew F igUed faaioa, a thtog aabeard of ia that Uad. Tbes be buoght 4aadaag wood, cat it aaat paddled i! aoocber uaaorataos m o kept oa f two years g-ttusg oat of debt aod aaskifkg m-joey. titl aa -id pUatcr, who bad watabed'tkc Paaesktia coesty bey with greet amintaosi, come asd oard taaretes bias &i-lweaci'urad of IJbpf acres ea, ,Li on a uurm. - The Yaskor acccpsad the adac. kaal bS are maUsg moaey. lias in tt af ptaatert Sa tent scctioa woatd be oaly too gUd to rest their farm to Xew Eaejaaad mes of lake eolerpnse. Aaothcr party who weat from Vt ubtabam aad Ticimty.some foair years ags aad settled ea the lose of tbe Xorth C-rouaa aad AlUatac Rood, aear GwldaeMrosh, are very sorhsiin iric is awaas at the ctissat, peaple ami chaacas for baiae. Some of these are rassisg a staiagt milt, asd report as ex ceataat Boeae market. The SesTheraers, especsally tbe ex-rbeU, are very faiesdty aaa aaxaas for Xortbers immigraises. Xoa of the parry ever ha hated to avow tsear Kepatnscaa priscipltu, aor were they ever metiilod or frowaed as tbore f r. l3ty of the ahi pfcaatatieas caa be boasght for almoat a soag. Oae of I acres, -tW heavy timber, with a ase boog-a, beta few utiles from GMs baruagb, was Utely ud tor I.WW, aad ilheri caa be had at similar mtes. The lamas is, that the p jo pie there have ao meoey, ami Xorthars caaimlijts are as yKafruid to tsrsest. SfrinfUld Htptlh fiom. GerauiRy. At Beriia, DtstuorcK gave a pa;lla mestvry diaasrvat which be moaWa speech, wherets he prueused to BLake a stas. aseat apoa the political sittutaas at the dbateis the lJaidsratlu tTpoa read iag esttmatos, is the coarse of hb speose, Bismarck laid stress essecaally ssoa the aeatral attitude Gersaaay woubl assume ia the evast of warlike eompBttsiiea arisiag. The weight which the Prbice aiuchos to GersBasy's remtwss with Aastria took a parttcatiartr promiaeBt place is his obverratioasi. lie coacieded as follows : "The ureserTatioa of pesos iteght aot vet be dsafMsred of, but it war oBsUes, which cortaialy seems Bcabable, Itussia aad Turkey w all, after a time, ure of it; thea Germaay will be able to mediate, with better prospects ef suc ces thaa aow. Advice to Russia now would anger the Kasaiaa natbm, which wottld be worse thaa a poising dispute with a goverameat. I hope that Eag laad will aot wage apea war against Russia, but at the most, a sort ef unof acial warfare, similar to Russia pro ceedings in Servia, If Austria's exist caci is threatened, Germany wouhl sup port her, thus uoicliishly cootiaaing to act like lead in the framework which cause a puppet to stand upright. Aus tria, moreover, possesses greater vitality than mast people think. In his remarks recently, Bismarck de clared that if Ituvsia threatened to be victorious in the impending war, Eng land would interfere without making a formal declaration of war, and he be ared that England would occupy Egypt, should Turkish territory be violates! by the Russian forces. The Cabinet, with the approval of the Emperor, adopted a resolution against the participation or Germany in the French exhibition of 1ST8. "Wild ducks are estimated to fly nine ty miles an hoar; swallows dy rather faster, and the swift flics about 309 miici an hoar.