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About The east Oregonian. (Pendleton, Umatilla County, Or.) 1875-1911 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 10, 1877)
fet regomatt. lUTXs or jLOvctrunro w conr s EYERY SATURDAY MORNING, IT IML DP. jSTJX.iTj. Ose inci, first Insertion. $2 00 Each tubtequent insertion, ...... 1 00 orrict coukt mtkcet, OrFOSITS- TDK OOCKT-UortK. Tin UitnUtn tr toatrsct. Sssisst MtUti In a fcl bunia, 10 csu ssr Su, 4TrOUx bOU pssI aetata!. Rate or Hatxcrlptton In Cain: Use Tear. WW tlx Monti! .... Tare Months 1 SO Slacl Cop 0 YOL 2. PENDLETON, UMATILLA COUNTY, OltEGON, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1877. NO. 19. wU aftf S lr yrlcaa. Xaniing the Baby. What shall we name her. tnv flower Jaced My sweet little lassie, irlth violet eyes; My lily .browed maiden, at pure and as sweet As Uie roe in whose bosom the bright dew. drop lies! Shall we call her then, Violet, modest and shy, Or fresh little Daisy, with pure golden heart, Or heavenly Lily, onr Easter-day flower. Or Pansy for heart's cast, that soothes sorrow's smart? Oh! there's never a flower in earth's fairest xone. Or gem In her mine, to give us a name Rarely sweet and precious enough To tell what our love for the darHng would claim! We name her, then, after a loved one below. But still in my heart 1 knew there must be A word of the angel-tongue, by us unknown, 'Which belougs to this baby Heaven's best gift to me. X H. -H-, in PertUnd Transcript. Don't Leave the Farm. Come, boy , I have something to tcli you; Come near, I would whisper it lew Tou are thinking of leaving the homestead, Don't be in a hurry to go. The city has many attractions! But think of the vice and sins When once in the vertex of fashion. How soon the course downward begins. Tou talk of the mine of Australia, They're wealthy in guld, without doubt; But, ah! there's gold on the farm, boys. If you will but shoves' it out. The mercantile life is a horard. The goods are first high and then lew. Better risk the old farm a while longer Don't be in a hurry to go. The great stirring world has Inducements, There is many a gay, busy mart. But wealth is not xna'c is a day, boys. Don't be in a hurry to start! The bankers and brokers are wealthy. They take In their thousands or so; Ah, think of the frauds and deceptions Don't be is a hurry to go. The fans is the safest and surest. The orchards are budding to-day; You're free as the sir of the mountains. And monarch of afl you survey; Better stay on the farm a while longer. Though proCts should come rather slew; Eemember you've settling ta risk, boys Dost be is a hurry to go! A Christmas Box. mj doers and my purse against her and her driveling humph 1 husband, I swore" "More shame foryvraif you did; but you didu't swear; you only turned them out like thieves, and carae'back to your loneliness a mixrable wiotch as tou are still, and always will lte, unless"" "Hang ill" cried out the old gentle man. "Where is she! Where is the bright little figure that used to flit about this very room, and make sen-lilac in it? Where arc the warm little finger that used to clasp yours when you came in oet of the street cold and weary ? Whore is tho warm check that would lie pressed tenderly against yours to n ana it I You'ru a nice sort of n father, you are; why don't you enjoy joari-Ml amongst all your riches and luxuries oh! The fire blazed up merrily, and still the merchant frt-xxl with his hands under his coat-tails; hot be did not fed the warmth comfortable, neither was bi mifad easy. "It's Christmas Eve" repeated the voice under bis waistc At, solemnly. "Well, doa't I know hi Of commit is." "Yes, bat you don't know w bat kind of a Chmtnis that little sunbeam o: jours may be keeinng. though. Perhaps with throe or four children round her, crying for the Inead which the hasn't got to give Think of it, yen old miser T Obcc asaia the eh! gentlomaR walked op and down the room, and grunted out his customary "IIusbi. and then the fire shone out and the chandelier lookedi down beniguoallv ott the silver s crrice. as HHtch as to i-u, "I told vou so; knew how it would be all along." For the merchant bad cone out, and there was no longer any lining presence in the room. CUAXTEIl II. We wiK leave that Mule room alto for the street; not that it ws at all iavitig. bewercr, fur the frost pinched the chit drcn's &o?es, and seat the bonds of the big boys down deep into their trewsars pwekcts. We will stop befef e a modet bouse of three stone; Terr narrow it was, Terr prim, evidently vol liking its juncture with two abler which could not hotd their beads so high la the worw ; a huse which would be described by auctioneers or agents as "genteel." And there was an organ grinder oppo site the genteel be, looking Bp at the narrow windows wistfully, as he ground oat a melancholy version of the "i'etfret Core." A boy or two clung roswd the Urap-po?, and pelted bis coal-tail fa cetiously, or exhorted him with a "Go is nay pippin!" "stick to it, monkey-face: and ether cheering bits of encouragement But the organ-grinder w as ued to that, back and put it over his wife's shoulders, and she lifted up her face to press it to his, gratefully, lint then lie sank luck in his place with a groin. What was he to dot Hitherto he hnd fought haid a long, dreary battle for hfe; but now his health threatened to give way, ami no lelt now powerless he was sfter all. Ami bis thoughts went back to Uiat slender figure as he had irst seen it; and miserable seif-accosatloos tormented him. lie had taken her from wealth and luxury, and oeld not even give her the bare nccc-iiri of life, lie knew now, since he had been o much at home, what all that stitching was fur, awl it tnng him like a wasp to think si was working for him. As he iKtodered thus with hit head on hi hand, the subject of bis thoughts looked up at him, qniotly. The oW story, Frank r "The old klorV, responded the dooUvr, gloomily. "How can it le other w be. when I see you working It se little on gers to the bone in brdlMts, aswt ooM and hnngvr, Maryf "It des me gM, Mid Jlarv csteonlr. "I never knew beiVte how fvt I oocld sew or how w ell." "Yob never had occasion for it till I stepped in with my seUMi love and brooght you to ioverty. And yet I do lore tou, Mary more 1 tWnk thin ever; von don't donbt that, do jhs P ' "Why should I donbt ill Frank, if you will talk of these things. I most talk tno, and then my ngm will be slower. Wiat is the e of pondering s-j gloomily over the psstl I knw we were wrong, both of us, bnt we have done what we cw Id to retrieve it, and I will not bT you take more than yoor share of the blame. I knew lelbre what Inxnry and tdf-induigesce were; now I know more; I have seen trouble, and know what the lives of others are, and bo- thenehtles and sotSh I was once. I hopelconld never be so bad again ; so to see It has been good for me to hare trials. And if we had lived in ease and riches, mtgbt have lived ns s ( married iisople do; yu know that not caring f r oach other, and only anxions for s m perpet ual excitement to relieve tfcesr ennnt. Bot now we have had a battle to ight to gether " "Ah : bnt, my darling. Use tuUM grow t harder than eror. "YvQ are ill and deiisonding. Make haste and get well. Frank, and yon will sec things through brighter spectacles." The doctor was silent, and nssly the soond of the needle broke the still- There was only one oe.t for him in hs ftTorty be was not m debt; and the rejection gaTc him a thrill of satisfaction. The bondfnt nf ire dwindled, and Use eeals dropped down lower hi the grate; stilt the cikk of the needle went on. Snddenly there was a knock at the door, a bard, strong, double knock, and the decW started nervously. "A sntiont, perhaps" said his wife. -Whon things might. Bnt it w as do use, e balf- are at Use worst tney always menu, jvm dsudv was fortncoaitnz lor aim. and he I new. rrxak. . . . i ..... ... . ie, wcMe men always uae I send that vhteh I hare leag Hutattlr kspt bark tuna tier and her. 11 her a4 her bnaaad take pity tm a holy eM man a4 cwose tu htm. TIm ohl Wuuir It dull and miserable; It wnt the tauti of ebUdiro's votrct, and tkerc I kmhu la it fur alt. Let tlwm cmbc to me.aad 1 wlU show Ibcta hnw thankful 1 ran be. JotlX KAVoraJHiK." Ami Mary's arm was around her hns hind's neck, and she was trjiog hard to keep back the tear that would cme. "You will be good, Frank, and forgive him fr my sake. I know you will. It is a Christmas box that is worth having, isn't it, Frank I" O, boy in bnttens, down with the lamp that requires "as tnueh feeding as a Wabby. No matter abut it now. Away with the .nit thst it doesn't matter much about dashing. There will be new bat tons when tboso are gone, and plenty i-f lamps in the futnsr. Awl by.aud-by there will be a big "To Lot" in the win dows of the gmWei nhl honse, and the tosty pid merchant will !e no more alone in Ms Inznri mss rooms bnt a briebt tig ere will sitbefntethe silver service and iv him his eomVe, and childish eies will look at him with awe, at in some my torions fashion the anlhor of all tni xrandrar. And the d ct r will grow Xioat amongst groat ntwiontHngssod visit his fMtionts in his carriage; and the voice ndor the old gentleman 'a waistcoat will torment Mm no more. The Meteorites at the Centennial. Stones which have fallen from the sky are ansoeg the must interesting and ca rious ubhjrts in the whole ieM of ntar! set en co. rertoaps tt principally on ac To the Unmarried. Boldly determine to begin Hurried life with small means. If you are only on lent with a brown ste frunt, fnr b rirs, on a fabbnb4e street, wtih every thing to CtKreiond, then you base the dssosse alroaily, am) need seres e trenlmxnt immediately to svve you. The hmit that hosan4niityof iu own, ami does nthtTe t-i beg it of s-sm one elc, will Mml an uper rm in a side street the very pir ad e of d metsc love, and if aojHit anct s fait olT bfin of the humMe home, will be glvl that it his born delivtffd from in many worthless tempter. It will inl dclifut in tho ttraclKtf of a whols- Bc eowomr and in the calibration of ih sse vnu-s wMchhaT:ttfirwrgrowth in sheltered piaoe. "But wh s wt.i consent In be my wife nndor sue i e edition r Certainly none f th mc yonni; isdios who am trained V be utterly Mlrs4 and wattelully oxtrara itant, brwht up ti conddar K migar to koowthkt ihre is a kitchen, l-tnnging away tins hi n-iTri-nndiag and frin4 gossip, and auowv 1 ta psKehe erory tnicg tsvrir whito dmani. Thnk Fr im . i here are lime who are ytr er frm the deftenont- beek them imi ThrT are ieaels wotth diassint; for. Bot if yon ean't and any sock, go to the Cfm- tj sngaye the ainuctioMi ot a sound minded Cuoalrj-girt, and wUMMi ynnr dammtic kiogswm on an indspandnnt bos, free from entangling alliances with a 4ttr wwrid. To Rbmovk Pumuox Kombs Fmm vwp I'rr S rfTi 1m Mili ar S onuntot UKwrtfttystUMpreseniatogeoiinV IMsd mi L4 makos a sngcgostiwn CIIaitxk I. and didn't mind; beside, be rtuembcrad "Doctor Barret, indeed! About as Uiat house onp ite, and hew one of the ranch a doctor as my nose is humph T rre" hdows bad opened one day, and the old gentleman tucked his bands xml little Cttr,J Ptri balf-penny, under his coat-tails and warmed himself which was lkrowa w t8e gs-boy. S j The mirror behind him cave back his he booked up to the windows with all Ms bald head, and the mirror opposite showed him his fir xrith it ln.iV rr testT impatience What was the matter moved on more sorrow fnl than ever about with him? He looktd unit tlw. Mary Anne, and attention to cornices and back at the carpet, and be m1 ""be dogged Ms beds eigbed discontentedly. Xot that there "J for mischief. As be moved on, a could be much to !i"h for in tV, f man in a wMtybrown jacket turned the comfort or luxurr either, for the master coraer nBS lhe door-boll of the gen of that house. Without there w mn ted house, Xo one aaswercU,and WHy brown meveu back a step r two, sooKing up at the windows, as the organ grtauer had dose. A light bad ssrsK; up in the halt of the genteel ben ,e, and the door opened suddenly. "O, it's too, is it r "Ye,"feid Whits brown, It's me." "You're come for the " "Stnfi: Yes, I am. I'll wait for iL "Walk into the ball, my mas." "Tbank'ec, Buttons, no; lit wait here. I'd rather." Just then an c4d gentiomxa, mnch muffled, and carrvis" a Caac wMrh he awitchedabont nerroudy. atooned at the onpoiite lamp-post, and itareu up caii- oudy at tlie narrow windows. Then be crossed over, still looking at the bouse. "Who lives tbcreP siid the old gen tleman, turnisg to Whitybrown. Dr. Barret "Humph doctor I About as much doctor as my Ilieh man, cht Keeps onr earth's existence that lhy are looked upon with wonder; bot thato was a time in the early avs of onr earth's history, when rains uf bsnes were comm-so oecnr rentes; in fact onr earth and moon, and all the planets are made up wf socbme fallen together, and cisaoged afterward by the action of heat, of w ter, and of air, etc In the bkmm the action of water and air was absent, and we see its snrfaec in the original erudition in which it was left after being soltdifed, and basing re cetred in its once molted lhsnid and after wards plastic snrfaec the impresdoo of hne motonrites, whtch at present we can easily distinguish with the teieeo, and also the tnrned-un cde of Use mm sorfoc, which snrrMsnds them, in fact. tSe moon bsidcs as if tt had been a soft yielding serf .Cr, like clay r better, Wtw wnerh prbides bid been thro an. That the meteoritas have not all fallen yC is seen by the fsct thvst they still fdl Imm time to time, and by onr knowledgs of the nature of the ptee UVat flt,h4ch ate gonoraily uniform and of two kind, and totally diiierent from ilse rest of onr oarth sntioce, we are enabled to ndJi with certainty whet bar a stone found is of meteoric origin or not. One of Use largost fonod is hi Siberia, and is altogether toe bog tor tra pstta tson; another of six and en quarter ton weight was tooud in Greenland, and, with te-svrat smaller our, w as carried aw ay by a Scdth Arctic exporter, and was oa exhiwtion at the Contenntal. Another which may prwee nsofot on cuacroory to fuKsi onr re ml or. 1 lc says : -In cnua of lis diahoslty I ex perienced m reenvvang from a patient a portion of sted imbedded in the comoa, winch did not yield to spud or needle, sane other moans of re moval become nocossorr. Dry. soft white silk wnste soeactsted itself to me. and was wound round a thin piece of owl, so a to completdy enoip the omt. This swft apfMSCaUoa was hettshed bck ward and f-wward hsrixmtally vrr the part of the comes whr the foreagn snb- tance itmi. To my ajtnnnhment, it was at oooe ontongied by the notsoU bet stronc: maJses m tho sue, a4 was with drawn with the grestoit ear, eangist by the same. A gentians an in tnminsr stcet at a buhe, snd tcoly foil Usat a purtton had entored hs ese. H wont at onoe to tssfrns. who. with Us m t skilled m-snissntstmn, fiulod to extract the sa rng it wM mmi work out of sfeetf Te sxxt snomsng the patient saw mo. havsng snmsteo: softy stnee me sect dent, and on the frt apylicution the per Hon of sted w-vs extract!. Hnit-Tum .Bia--- -4! any svnatry with whach 1 Us clmnhnsis of its beds a port of yearly house cleaning w to have th hair rem sed Irons So c&ct a radical cure instead of patch, j Ur5fe KoriU vat la the Mrxiesn d- ing up but bush! hw long Usatboy is Mnnnt,weighs two tons ami is vnly one and frost, but that was nothing to him. lYarm curtains covered the windows, and the fire leaped and cracked memly, and the chanddier laughed into the looking, glasses which lined the room. On the t&blo was a tea service of silver waitinr for him, with loads of good things to tempt him to forget his trouble. Bat no, ometbing was the matter with him. He took a pinch of scuff angrily; be mut tered again: "Doctor, indeed ! as much as in j nose hang it!"1 And tho old gentleman stamped oct his discontent till the chandelier chattered, and the caps danced in their saucers. "A low, mean, driveling apothecary,, mattered the old gentleman. "Doctor, forsooth! "Well, let's have some collec, and see if there's any good in that." But the coffee-pot had a choking in its throat, and wouldn't pour; and the sugar toags, like an ancient pair of sniffers, pinched his fingers. "Hangitr repeated the old centleman. Then he cot on and lc?an walking I his canissre. and alt thitl about the room as-ain. And he took from "Did, but doesn't. Likes walking." bis pocket a small pocket-book, and from I Here the door opened, and the page trior, a utue crumpled piece of paper, the put his bead out. wnungor which was yellow and old. He "Here's your phytic, my good man. imoothed out the bit of paper carefully, Jlaster would have seen you, but he's and read it for a third time that evening, just come from the Duke's, and he's with running comment and sundry jerk- tireA. ings and noddings of his bald head. And Whitybrown shook his bead with "Humph! only wants to be forciven a balf smile as he turned away. dare say acknowledges the wilfulness I "Hnmphr ejaculated the old gentle- ana aisoocaience of courtc beg only I man, "keeps a servant in livery!" for a word of forgiveness all very fine! I "He keeps a poor bemrar in buttons' Why, it's five years since I got this pre- 1 said Whitybrown. "Tnat'a the way with You see the doctor did not dare to g kimsdf. because no patient con Id ever have bettcved in the skill of a medical practitioner who opened his own door. Presently there were sounds ot hasty steps and bard breathing is the little hall as of a little boy struggling into but tons which were obstinate. Then the door openrd. "Dr. IJarrei at homer" "Yes, but" "Ask Mm to step Swe a minute. I was to give tbis into Ms wn hands.' Buttons knocked pempeudy at the par lor doer as if he did not know perfectly well that every wird bad been audible; and Frank came not in time In see a small box pot down in the bail and the bead of the messenger disappear through the door. "So it was so patient, after all," sakJ Marv. "No, it is a box," responded her Mm- biad, wearily, "i'erbaps some one bos sent us a Christmas present, or perhaps it's a hoax- As Kkdy as not." "I had better take it to the kitchen t ' sanv excess s f amihW so it seems as :wuh to have Use hatr rem ei irons us mattress to have it well beaten ami istontd, and the cover washed, ai it It with ns to have the cur pot whipped anst fined from thetr Axm hegettia owst. I front that it won .4 he a oMficuil and expensive isedertaktnc for an Amonean of a largo number w fetch foil at Chihuahnv It is of a similar competition (iron and nkkdi as Use other reeaukaHe misi be tongteg to the Smitbsooiaa Institntsm in Waihsngtnn. the celebrated It win Atnsa metowrtse. which was on cxniMtioo at the United States botldiog. It is ring-shaped, and weagbs three o, barters of a ton. It Ml, aMwrding to a tradili'sn am sngst the nattr-e in Anz sua, svsme SO) years ago. during a regular shower of other stoae. I ia washing; over tuts the sheet is spread auu cukiw VVWS eu,KU v m 1 ,M I x-Tcry oa in tsuiy asc saww m iv by a fifsanish oncer, wtso wanted at take I ml vh the ssnnf yvns ravs ot the sua least once a wk, ami should sw ten open huUtokeet-r. fr skated latwrers are rare, and when found must be west paid, a they should be. Knowing the obstacles, then, ha Use way of thuewngh ronoration of oisr beds we should Uke ail the mure care to protect and aw them. Ercry bed shontsi have estxciailv mK tor if. sne sx of a tick, a while tacked CHasfot not too Ussck so as to be anmanageabse at it to Madrid; he soon abandoned It, how ever, a a hard job, and it laid for more than 140 years in the town of Tucson, from whence at last it wat rem-ved to WasMugtou. The next specimen is the Blake meteorite, wesgMug 900 pounds and was f und last year in Tennessee, by a farmer,on Ms land. Those were the most remarkable speci mens on exMbitieu. It may be asked if those stooosby filling from the sky,havc never injnred any one. We con answer this affirmatively. !IumboMt,io bb "Cos mos" mentions that two monks in luly, while walkmi; ia the fields, were The Key of the Gate of India. Thre is a cardinal physicsl fact which may control the intercoerse between Groat Britain and India, sad which seems to Have been left out of sfeht by most writers in this country. It is a fact of which Ksssiaa sUtrsmen are fully aware. and it is woe doerriBg of the qeiet atten tion of Etlithmen. We are aecuibmied to regard Cnstaatinopleasa potitioo the master I which holds the key of the Melilrraneaa, and thus, in cae of need. can give postage bo the ficets of the Black Sea, and arrest, er at latst very greatly imperil, oar maritime intercourse with India. This, however, Is not exartly the truth. Tnat th matter of the Bjf.hor Ixddi the key of the southern entrance f the Week ba U,if course, a matter beyond lispute. Tne powers directly interest I ia that fact are those whkh are depend ent on the navigation of the Block Sa. In the present state of Europe it is those Stales and dittnets whica and an outlet for thtir pr.loce by the Danube, to whum it is f the first moment that the Ustpho rns shttuld ic practscalty neutralized, or held by a mm-aggretsive power. The uc- enptson of (Mistanttnesie by a Brst- eiass power, of possibly progressive dis potition, would be a checkmate to the Empire of Austria. It is thus a matter which chted concerns Austria, and not to be tolerated br that State, un less as the resalt of a disastrous war. Bet while the master of the B-Mphorus cob prevent a single vet- id from escapist" through the southern nuance of the Biack Sea, he cannot send a single ressd of Ms own Into the Medi- terraaeaa without the pstmsuioa of the aster f the Dxrdosdlcs. To show that this is sot a mere rhetorical assertion. it is worth wtale to devote a few sninuto attention to the physical owaditsoe of the t o interoceastc ceamasieatioes in emo tion. The Bosphoms is a strait, the length of which the irregularity of the shores makes somcthi'' ever forty marine mi!e- for the reception of air and Itght some time before being mode up. Ilsds not , frequently ued are often found very mosty and disagreeable to guests. The parlor beds, that allow their own Con tents by a mgtc touch, are fair without, but in urn, for the lack of proper airing. they become lout within. Beet Cakes. Coop pieces of wait beef verv fine, mix iu erated breadcrumb, in proportion of one-third crumbs to two thirds beef; season with pepper, salt. choDKcd onions and parsley; moisten . . e . . I IUM VttrC W lawn; IU nwC PV I CWPt3 WHW1 aVSU innmii enaws-wa-wvuu unpack, sir," said Buttons; "make a less fc ,tOBW frw8t cdcUa! . ,(Ule .f lkt drippings or cuap; a mess than here, perhaps." I .. Li.. .v--ii. I lis, ..ilLlI -..l i.uL,, nuisances has made me think uigntl" "It's Christmas Eve," whispered some thing under the old meicbant's waistcoat "Christmas Eve l Well, I know it is; what of that!" "Lock around, you avaricious old miser," said the voice. "lie avaricious! Mc a miser." cried name of all the gentlefolks; if a man don't look rich.lji,,,, tll4t jj, we0 ujC cof it so to- and all that, they won't bare nothing toitte mouths which she aw frt liieet n 9f uiMsi "Then this humph doctor is poor, is he" asked the old gentleman. "Sir," said Whitybrown, "I don't know! who you are, nor what right you have to question me. It s no sin to be poor, is ill If you want to do the doctor here a good turn, do it he does a many. Well, out the merchant fiercely, as he looked j yes, he is poor; and he has s wife -t is xuuuu uis luxurious room at the plding and graceful drapery, the perfection ol every tiling, down to the tea-service, which be had not been able to tuc that evening. "Aran a cms I Mcr -'Yes" said the voice doggedly; "isn't it all for yourself! Who shares or bene fits by it, I should like to know! Where's jour daughter, old gentleman! Tell mc that" "How should I know! Didn't sbe run .away from me!" "And didn't she come back and cling rabout your knees, and kiss jour hands, weakly, and little ones too. For all that, he has cured my wife free era tig, fornoth- ing; and if you wat to ask me where his dinner is to come from to-morrow, I should say the same place as it came from yesterday, and that's nowheres there!" And Whitybrown turned away with bis physic, CHAPTER lit. There was a round table in the parlor. and a tallow candle on it; atpretcnt too. Dr. Barret's elbows were on it, supporting nis Dead. And there was a work-baket "Yes de- And I tWnk 111 come with you. But the little fingers moved oa nimbly over the stitching, and the quieting foot pressed the rrcker of the cradle. hat was in the box! Had some unknown er forgotten friend thought upon thorn, or wasitahnsx! It might becren that the young wife's thoughts pictured the possi bility of a Chrittrais dinner, for how could she see her husband sinking daily before her eyes for lack of necessary com forts, without wishing and hoping I lre children thoe sbe could not nil. How long they were over that box ! Then suddenly there was a step in the room, and Frank stood beside her chair, leaning on it "Are you strong, Jiaryf can you wear something!" "Oh, Frank, what is ill len't" "Xothinjr bad, little one. Time was when I should hare been too proud tn re gions, and smashing their skulls. Anecdote of Fillmore. little cold ham or tongue will improve them; make in Axl oskns and spread a coat of m ished tiotatoes on the Usttom aad top of each. Lay a piece of butter The late problem Kiilmre was a man J on every cake and set in a quick ovou to arror throohwct it is cfcieiv vcted at two points. At the northern entrance, oppws.te In Bamn, the width narrows to abust one tbocsisd foer han- deed yards. Tne clsannd is of regular fores, tfcotirtt shdting snore precipilous ty (under water j oa tse Asiatic than en the European ceat Toe depth, mid- net, it forty -esght fathoms. At the toetfc entrance of I he Bjsphorotts the totU wnath is I.Sl'J yards. From Srrsg- su r-ttut to Lasottor s Tower it is weir 1.999 tards. For the gnotost ntrt of wadtfe the depth dues not exceed taenty fotfcoms; but a depth of Usu ty fonr Utfcoeas is focad to ruj the nsrft It about four hnnded y arsis oast of Seraglio l'visar. It is etideCit, therefore, Usat the southern entrance of the B-Mphorss can be readily defended by torpedtc?s snd Use northers entrance by arttiterr, bv an v power commanding the shore. At a dss ttnee of 109 marine miles southwest o: ragiso Futnt, a veasd nartgating Um Ssa of Marmjfx arrives at tl ar: con ioi3Ws ot Uotipoti strut, oppottt Tcherdak. The width fossi Europe to Asia at this point is 300 yardt. Tae gteatast depth uf the channet, aboct the madds, is forty -six fathoms. About five and ene-UHrd sades southwest of Tcher dak we arrive at a point celled the Nar rows, between Kiita Bbr, oa the Ea ropoao, and Cianalc KatehsS on Use Ad atsc coxst. Toe extreme width at lists Botut it LI W yards. The bottom of the chinad dccitcea, at first rapidly aod thea mote eradooiiy, oa cseh side, till tt readies a depth of fifty.three f-UWrai. Tns ptace is Use key ef the Mediterranean, as far as navigation to or from the Suck Sea is concerned. The great cetutrtctiea of the pauae is the more serious (as far as any attempt to force tt is concerned) from the plan of the channel, the axis ot which in this locality, for aboat a mile and a half, lies directly north and south. thns cxpoiiag any vcmcI to both a sweep- ag and a concentrated fire from property orroKTrd batteries. Three mites to Uic southeast of tne Narrows occurs the con tnctioa usually known as the Dorda ndtes. Here the width tmta frxddul Bahr in Europe to K.jua Kaicb. in Asia is 4, (XX) yards and Use extreme depth uf the ctioa nd is ntlv faUsoms. l ae line ot narrow est width at hToum Kaicb is nearly at at Chonak Ealdut. It is thus dear that while three points exttt in the channel leafing from the Soat-f Marmora to the Meaittfrsneaa, the passage of either of which by a fleet without permission from the a itter ot Account of the Death of General Washington. Sum time in the night of Friday, tho ICth iosL, baring been exposed to a rain oa the preceding day, Gn. Washington was attacked witu an in&tmmatnry affec tion of the upper port of the windpipe, called, in ncnnical langusge, cynnckt Itaelutilii. Tuc disease commenced with a violent ague, accompanied with some pain ia the upper and fore part of the throat, a tens of stricture ia the sims part, a cough, aad a diGeult, rather tJtua a painful, deglutition, which were soon succeeded by fever and a quick aad labo riocs respiration. The secvtiity of blood letting suggesting iudf to the General, he procured a bleeder is th neighbor hood, who took from bis arm. ia the night. twlv or fourta ounces of blood. Hs C-jtlid But by any means be prtvaHed on by tho mily to send for the attending physician lilt the f ! sag marats?, who rmeJ at Mount Vernon about It o'clock on SoierJay. Dbeove iog the eo to bo highly aJarmtng, and freeing the fatal tendency of the diee, two owe salting physietans were immediatdy seat for, who armed, one at half after three aad the other at f jur o cfock in the aflernona; ia the meantime were employed two prttiy copious bleedings; a blaster was applied to the part aliccted, two moderate doses of eolotnd were intea and an inlectioa was administered, which operated oa the tower intestines bat all without any per ceptible advantage, Use retpiruloa Le- OrtntngHtil surediCicuitasd dutresis?. Upon the arrival of the first ef the consulting physicians it was aeed, as there were yet no stns of accatautaUoa ta the brenchiat vexcts ef the longs, to try Use result of aswther bleedfng, when about 25 oenccs of Mood were draws without the smallest apparent alleviation of Use disease. Vapors of vinegar and waUr were freqceuUy inhaled, tea grains of cilomd were given, seeeeeieJ by re pealed d'ses of eesetse tartar, aaocatseg ia all to ire or six grains wsth bo other of trrost strensth and induenee in Erie county during the period when be was setivdy engaged as a legal practitioner, not so much ea account of brilliancy or soperbir abilities bat because of bis really sterling qualities an J bis natural tact and skill iu causing it to be believed among the maca of the people that be was a man of the highest character for truthfulness and candor, aad that under no circumstances would be condescend to brown. Other cotu meals may be pie- pared in the same w ay. How to Cook Cobtish. Put the fish to soak in cold water over night In the morning remove it in fresh worm water. and tot by the fire. Half an hour pre vious to tti being dished up, change into Irnh water, and simmer over the fire nearly to lioiling heat, but no higher This management does not draw out, but revives and enlivens the nutritions sub- any concealment, trick, or subterfuge toLU8Ce j them; and leaves the fish tea- carry a point Judge James Jiuuett, on (Jeraad delicious the other hand, before he was elevated to the bench, was greatly 3Ir. I illm-ire s su perior in talent, but qui'e indiuVent to those c invcntionaliUcs wbicu generally tirerail at the bar, and was constantly savin'; or doinir somsthinz to shock the ! . "... - moral sentiment oi uie community, anu . .... ,1 UiU1.4 CU.tiuv. j.iicc over this Mary ; bnt lor your sine . himMrff tKiar worse than he ana lor uic cnuurco, s uuua uiy " really was. Thee circumstances gave dead." And ho put before bor the mysterious j. i,.rre aTM .i1sn ott OD. Iior. I ... .... r i.:i. r. i i I .111 W 111 HIllUIl J1I. A7 I1IU1UI DAI I l - . dPPlot' Way. availed himself when his evidence froth; ald fl .ur enough to roll; Uivor to can papers do WMk Qf m thll ,n ,ereil Mu. taste; cut out will, a largo tumbler, and Vancrt," cried Mary, -What is it Frank? What! Fncstt Meat GRtDPUH. Chop bits of any cold roost meat, soasjn with pepper and salt, make a gnome isatier, mi n spoonful on a well buttore 1 iron, then a spoonful of the chopped meat and ononis another spoonful ot the batter. Wfiee cooked oa one side turn when done, send to the table hot They arc very nice for breakfast or lunch. Jcmbum. Take six eggs; a cup and a half of utir: one of butter; be it to .and beg you to forgive her and ber bus-1 nlso on the table, and a slender little -baud?" "A pitiful, sneaking apothecary I" "And didn't sbe write to you that very letter, all blotted with tears and inco herent with sorrow? Who are you that jou should refuse to forgive, and your own Hesh, loo, you heathen V for us!" "Read," said the doctor, pointing to the label. 'Marrisije portion of my daughter, Mary Birret, rut Favourshim." Bat still Mary turned a puzxled lace to her husbsnd. "Tell mo what it means!" "There is moro for tou to read," re- e r - I ..l..H !!. CUL UUL U C U UUIO nitu tnu si vi a uted. he assailed Mr. Fillmore in hitler ter. In " a petfee ring. Tney should terms for this conduct, and called upon fizure sat near it stiichinir witli nimble fingers, while one foot was on the rocker cf a cradle. Dr. Barret's meditations were bitter, as well tbey might be; and the handful of nmin f ht willl trmitn ftrtt tin rrlitr to brighten him, or thaw the fingers that disappointment. Ilcvl." tho court to "sec to it that the counsel should no longer be permitted to play himself off as the right bower in the cose." Whereupon Mr. Fillmorcwith that bland and innocent look which came to him so naturally, leaned over to John L. Talcott jpondtd Frank placing another paper In (now onJt'ho ,Uprcmo lnch), and in an her hand. "..u are rich, Mary, that s un(Jcr Wbal u tho rf A all. You see I am trying to be god and thankful in spite f my own failuio and batter!' Ta.cott, who never positively loved Mr. be rolled in powdered sugar, and baked ia - quick ovea. Cookies. To cups of sugar, one half cuii of butter, oue cop of sweet milk, one teaspoonful of baktug powdr. flour enough to roll, caraway seeds if liked. JIlx the baking powder thoroughly through the fljur. Oxe ounce of tho essence of bitter al I m mils will c .mtnunieatc an agreeabl tiwte and smell ts an ounce of the cas.or She chose for herself," muttered the bsdgrown red and. tiff over that piece of j -j"'1- jndi. I refused It 5fow it merchant "and she most abide by ber choice. WbeB, fire years ago, I closed sewiuir. v 3. n t a Dr. inrret too a suswi xrcra too cnatr rnitn ... nnirlrlr rnlinl. and in tones I oil of commerce, and will not at all heard bv bench and feet its medical action. Persons takliig ..-n i.. i I. a. I.;..i.i ..i,.ilili1 tnwlii-lnn Siimlil itrtlvr It to Ita thus i - .. ... i i.r iiiniiL-UL i.i.ei umi ui'l k. a juh.. i ..... . " - - - is my turn to asic, ana ners to wnicn isiiioi--' V. rr . 4lr.nii be! Z beg my daugbUr w forglrs ma. I ia the pack." iforyrr t. I named. elfct Uian a oMuc, dsscharre frocx tae bwwds. The power of lite seemed sow monilestiy ysesding to Use force of the disorder; blisters were applied to the ex- trcmsttes together with a Cotaplasa. ox braa aad yteegsr to the throat. Speak ing, wtsseh was painfei from Uie begia niag, now became almost impracticable; resMfotton ijrew more and more ose trad ed and imperfect, till half pott 11 os Sat urday ntgnt, retoinsng the fall psestsea of has iotessect, when he expired without stmgsc He u fally iss pressed at the begia- nmg ol has comptasut, as weu as Utrocga et cry sncceeding stage of it, that its coa cistSus would b mortal, sabestuisg to the several exertions made lor Ms reenvery rather as a doty than Uvs. any expecta tion ot their cacacv. lie considered the operatsons of death upon his system as CucTol with hit dias, aad several hears before bis dea&. after repeated eSurts to be understood, sectsccded ia cxaresainc a desire Usat he might be permitted to die without saterrsptioc During the short I ood of bis illness he economized his time ia the arrangement of such few coa- eerns as required his attention, with the Sinn: serenity, aau anticipated his ap proaching dtssoluuoa with every dezioa straiieu f that cqaaaisaity for whica his whole nfchos been so uauarmlyaad sxa- guiariy contpsescs. Jojccs Cuatc, Attendisg iys a, Eusao. C. Dies, Cuoattiag Phys'a. LEXjUtBSZo, D.-cemwer 21. JTrAoWc rUUitxctr,Ja. 11, l&W. Hade F&iL the shore would be a matter of Uie great est danger, the central strait, that of the borrows is one that might be rendered atmdutely impassable. It is the real key of the Mediterranean, as far as the nv- nration of the Itock &M and ea of Mar mora it concerned. While the matter of Constantinople caa bjar egress from the Dsnuutaa i'ruvinccs as well as Irom the Block Sea. the master of the borrows con bar not only thoe lines of maritime communication, but that of Loostanti nonle also. Euilish interests in the Medi terraneoa and in the highway through the Mediterranean would be comparatively unaffected by any tern tonal changes to the northwest of the Archipelago, pro vided that the peninsula of GaliKiii,oran adequately designed miliLiry post on either share, or, better still, oue oa cash shore commanding the .Narrows ln our po..aesion. If these matters were secret, it might be well to keep our own oounsd, but they are physical tacts as ccrtaiocd by those who tike the proper steps, ami well known to Uussiaa sur veyors, t rom one point ot view uiey arc of a very reassuring nature. At ail events they ought to bo well known to those who have anything to say as w English policy ia the E ist, and as to the key of the road to India. Brindiii, in I'M JTM GitiU. We shall never forget that evening wa pent at Mogruder's years ago. We ad mired Mios MarsdcT, and went around to see her. It was summer time aad mooatight, and she sat apoa the piaxxa. The carpenter bad been there that day gv&cing Bp the rustic chairs ea the porch, s we took a scat oa the step ia front of Miss Magradcr, where we could gaxeiato her ejes and dnak. in her smiles. It teems probable that the carpenter must hare uptet his glue pot en the spot whern we sat, lor after enjoying Miss Magrsder's remarks for a couulc of hoars, aad drink ing several of her smiles tried to rise fir the purpose of going home, but foond that we were immovably fixed to the step. Thea Mis Mogruder s ud, Doat be ia hurrr, aad e io.d her that we berierrd we wouldn't Tne coaversation had a sad der tone after that, aad w sat there think ing whether it would be better to ask Mis Magradcr to withdraw while we dis robed aad went home ia Highlaad cos tume, or whether we should urge ber to warm up the poker, or whether we should give one terrific wrench aad then ramble down the yard backward. About mid- niiht Miss Marruder yawned, and said he believed ahe wo a Id go to bed? Thea we suddenly asked ber if sbe thought her ither woaid bare any objection to lend us bis front steps tor a few days, tweauss we wasted to take them home fr a pattern. We thiak Miss H&grudcr matt have entertained doubts of oar san ity, for she rushed in, called her father and screimed. Mogruder cams dowa with a double-barrelled gun. Then we explaired the situation ia a whUper, aad be procured a saw aad cut out the piece of step to which we were attached. Tucn. we went home weanog tne paica,and De fore two o'clock crushed out our young lova for Miss Mogruder. Wo never called again, and she threw herself away on a dry goods man. There is a melan choly satitfoctioa ia recalling these mem ories of youth, and reflecting upon the iatluence of glue upon the caaotioas of the human heart uHAxrxa"stllleoesonat the Eistera colic .re. Tne faculty of Bites Oollc'e found it necrssxry to suspend six sopho mores last week, and tho President of Brown UnivtrilT is compsllini; tho "s nhs" at inttitution to take a S"l emu plidtfjthtt tliey will psimit fresh men to w car silk bats and cairy canes uu muleated. fern-usa has 3,905 mil of roiiwsy. Xiqiit. How absolute and omnipotent is the silence of night! And yet the still ness teems almost audible. Froas all thn measureless depths of air around us comes a halt-sound, a half-whlspcr, u if we could hear the crumbling cf eaith and alt created things in the great miracles of. nature, decay, and reproduction, ever be ginning, never ending, the gradual lapse and running of the sind in ths bow glsj of Urn?. Litgftilou. France is now taking a new census, la 1873 Pons had populotioa of l,el,7 ponoM, ii ' 1