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About The east Oregonian. (Pendleton, Umatilla County, Or.) 1875-1911 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 3, 1877)
SATURDAY.... -FEB. 3. 1ST IXFLATIXG A BBOKEX BUBBLE. There is a revival among the Republican organs of the Idcad-and-gonc theory that the President ofthe Senate alone can count the electoral vote, although most fair-mlml. ed Republicans seem to hare abandoned it. and nearly every Repuullccn Senator of prominence put himself on record against it less than a year ago. This probably means, if it means anything beyond the fa tuity of the writers, that the Chandler crew have made up their minds that the only prospect of success for counting in Ilaycs remains in a bold assumption of authority by the President of the Senate, and the declaration of Hayes as President in spite of all protests and dissent. In this condition of things, it may be interesting to see just how much ground the rings and office-holders have for their claim that the President of the Senate has the sole right to count the vote. This right has been ex. excised, as such, but once in the history of the American people, and then before the formal inauguration of our prcsnt system of government. The Prcsidcnt'of the Sen. ate counted alone the electoral votes under the Confederation be has never done so under the United States. The constitution, al convention, on the lTlh of Septcwber, 17S7, passed a resolution that the electoral votes when cast be forwarded to the Sccrc Xary of the Congress of the Confederation. "When they had been recorded, it was necessary for some one to preside over the count The Senate, therefore, chose a Pres. ident "for the sole purpose of opening the certificates, and counting the votes of the electors.' This has been interpreted by lhe advocates of this new the it to mean foolish expenses, and doubtless there arc the city or Heppner ami behold a whlky many who have not the fraukness to make ' Iwrrcl rolled over hltn and yet during the this confession, with whom the same 1 whole conflict not a drop of blood -was equally true. Qheni are unwilling that,ncu. their books should i show how they came in possession of their proporty. Tlioc arc those who raot need the restraints, rciU. ADVERTISEMENTS. ing from book keeping. It ha lx-cn com. mon to leave this important branch out or the list of studies in the course r female education. No wonder then, that so few women arc prepared to properly conduct their own business. Losses, embarrass ments and many times the nist abject poverty visits the widow, who undertakes the manngement of her business without being able to understand Uie books kept by him, to whom she had been accusturncd to look for supiwrt. Forced to the painful knowledge of her dejvndcnce upon the cold charities of a hard hearted and stub, born world, she who a short time ago was full of hope and buoyant at her prosiect in life, now broken hearted and sorrowful, going down to a premature grave, chiefly because of this defect in her education. How important then that females a veil as males shoaW study and practice book keeping in early life, tkus fitting them in time of need, to save their little fortunes by not having to trust the management of their business to a wicked world. Book keeping slxtttld cIom among the taot im portant studies of every female seminary, CORRESPOXDEXCE. HnrrNEn, January 31, 1ST7. Mil Eiutor E. O. Sir: I having re cently left tW Et in search of a locality in vow WsufW yng State, and after having caaiiKI Wotera Orepon pretty thoroughly asd not being catlrciy satisfied with the climate on account of the long rainy season, I had nearly detcnaiBfd to retHrn to v native Slate, wkea a fries! at Portland kindlv sscresteJ a vkit to this thil he alone had the right to count the f section of cetry, and promptly eWrc votes, and that, therefore, the President of j ing the sggesioa I started with sW the present day has the sole right. On the j fries d oa a josraey or iavcsttgativB, aad contrary, it meant mecrly that his office ! after examining this country Ia some coa was temporary, and was to cease when the j sWeraWe extent between here and The duty for which it has been created was per-; Dalle, saSire it to say! that I have con formed. He was made President of the i eluded to locate in Umatilla coty, aad a Senate to count thej votes; when he had I have been cxamtaisg the di&rcst JocaM. -counted them he ceased to be President 1 tics and concluded to locate wMk a view of Tie was not the permanent presiding officer j engaging qwitc extensively is the stock of the body, as the present President is, ' raising business, I shall desire to pordiase Jtnd none of hi? acts can by any stretch of ! fine Wooded stock, aad would a, respect logic be construed into precedents for the ! felly ak 31 r. Wrick through year vakaaWe present day. Then, too. It is to be rcmcm- j paper whether or sot he wishes lo dUf. oerod that this was the first election of of the asUaal that strayed off Ink rrceatfr Washington 'and was the bare fonnalitv of fnd, r caa faratsk me vwk reference slde from the terrible catastrophe above mentioned nothing has occurcd of any great importance hereabout lately, we will note down Uie following as new items: Dr. Lindsey has been among us foscr cral days past putting in his time patching up jwplc'a ho cake trops' a he calls them ; he is a good natured "old coon" and as full of fun as he can stick. Dr. J. C. Andrews has returned "home" and we presume tbc"ladie arc happy now. W. 1U Dunbar delivered two lectures oa the subject of temperance during his so- journ among us, wnlch were largely at tended ami duly appreciated. M. A. Beagle ha returned from Portland nhete he went some time since for the pur ADVERTISEMENTS. -PgSDLJTOJT- HIGH - SCHOOL! rnilC rSnCK-MCSCO, lUrtacirtiiardUMaort I (oprnr ea Im rmn K Cart iM Cettoaaeod tirma, lYedJrlae, Orrfoa, ku rrjaiml ux (UkI Itr batMief fuf a at boot boaar. la a tub lb Kit Una ef rnxlkioa Hisb scbi H w op ltd oa MOXDA V, JAXCAR I 1, 1877. tt U feHjr cWtvnalard If male lata a rnaanrat artraol. eLd xvnod la etbrr ef lb aua trade la tb tatr, ArratittDreu U' br an la tmnBttltU aH aba aaajr 4r la aitrsd as a la atrial Um Mmlijr if areolae 8" la diauat (niata at a trrjr rraal etprea. tboaab btroarrfa!rcwraeofat4j. Tcrmi of Tuition xr Qr. mrtlrai Coona. 110 Hlbrr - IJ M l"ajal4 oa or brief tb bvA iij a lb Una. Tb tfarlteal cnana Ibdaora acijr tb brurbra af MM rrtIrM by u lo t Uq(ta la It (aiaoa cbnoU T OrT"", aar r"rI nlM iWuta ci timlf act aa Iada4r4 t t Crraml la It bltrT am S.--RDTHGH1LD f ADVERTISEMENTS. Tibm "HI b eaEl4 from lb tfiref aimttuaea Ula lb arboul la Ibe ciua U lb Una. aakaa br Krttou pose of procuring the machinery for our orrj ab craioa4 by protnrt nAant a TatUea) aal b arulnt mwsmIt ba 4ar, nlWf la t" S. mi or co " Ua oinnt. X oXae- txoef Ca r rrxL will b aaajaaa aU UOt fa)4 dar ls(lb8n ackUlbUna. Boanl n b baJ rttbrr al It batt t prlrU faai ibra al mlrr4 rt- Ux rrralar vzU. ib atfcWmlra nJ iB alao lareub kU. tn trvm rrat, la yaaac atra ai; MUMiuwaHiM auar uraMio, ablcbcaa baeca at aaull tfrt. J.VO C XSSOLD. madpal. new grist mill ; we hear nothing definitely as to the future prospect of the enterprise. Will Mr .'Beagle please inform u through the columns of the East OittnosiAX. Prof. Crabtree I now conducting a sing ing school in town; may he succeed l our most sincere wishes. Tli. IiaImI In Aur j.ttr I aria nrMlimp In a verv nrosneroHS condition, bcinc con-1 ducted by a Jolly Uad of goo.1 liking! VXJJZ&iSSL& ilaif u uAtrt srxfcl. AtaUf a T ae bta4 h"4 aUlf, u4 Uunar rUr abb tanr, tmjf ml lt 'ffinrfj, IS b(4a rmjrA a7 fnaa a fni I mC-t tm. rUottWk. Hubrra taac tbrra iU Tb caM U bar aa abnat Nt SMiba ati. Tt laW. Buiaae aa la lb abrrraUxU ac tbr taliila was ba Unar rraatarjB7afi4ataaitolbrr. at rMuibxk. CALI and examine the large and well assorted tock of general Just received by S.-R0THCH1LD counting a unanimous vote. Ic all the twenty-oce.Presidential counts to any ese wh has sock sirck lo scit I take this method Tf la4roici; myself to "held under the Government of the United She dtizess of yow coty. ad accept the States, Congress has exercised judicial invkatkm so geawiwisly ecred t write to powers of some sort And that is all there yr valuable paper which ia my trarel is of the Chandler theory that the Prcsl- i tkrowgh this oo try I ted haa a very ex dent of the Senate can make a President ! teaive aad wide circawtios, for I iad it of the United States. j at almost every pbec I have stopped, aad for the ttammisiB of the earliest sews H There is no more sale in Europe for Uni- J i asrivatkd, for the facilities me cMmtry tc States Bccaritics. The Syndicate has j agbrds. "Was very mack sajrpried at the discontinued operations, and has notified j fiaal culmiaatkm of ike BeMctt-May amel the secretary of the treasury that it can j hml after matavre rcaVctkw atwl takiag a make no farther attempt to negotiate the J philosophical view of ike aMrtier k b m Ayi per cent bonds. The Republicans de. mere than might be expect ad yoe are dared daring the campaign that this entitled to a great credit for ietURg jmu--would take place if Tildea should be ekr-' patress kaew the rwk mC S4 imporua! ted. Tildea was elected, and our credit i aa cveat la social circis at to early day stood higher than ever. Bat a gang of! aad the fact of vwsr fsraishisg so earfv girls , daughters of the proprietress Mrs. E. J. Smith, in her absence. Vc understand that the present proprie tros of the hotel in HqjBer, Mrs. J. C. Smith, will give a grand ball at that place on the night of Friday, February Jnh; a good time it anticipated. The Chinook has put in aa appearance and our sleighiagis fast vanishing; the south side f the bills arc already bare. The cayettes are making sad havoc among the sheep ia this part of the country, they killed eight osc night out of 31 r. Miliary' baad. At bis old stand In Uilarker's building, and which be offers to the public oa terms that will compara favorably with tbota of any competitor. Years etc. C.3L3L Desekt Last. A WW has been pas, ed by the Lower Howe of Congress for the sale of dcert laaak ia Oallforala, Ore gon aad the Territories. It provides for the tatmg of a tkciaratioa with a register aad receiver of a kutd dhlrkrt ia which the desert kadi are siteated, that thepersoas Httcad to rrciiiru the tract of desert laad, sot exceoiiag one tectioa, by cwod acting water epoa the same wtthia a period of three years thereafter, aad spaa sbeqeat proof of tech rcctamaiiee asd a piymeat ef f 1 25 per acre for seek tract a palest therefor shall be bseed. AH mineral aad timber la4 are exrleeed. Lands that will sot wfclaeet krigatiea prnlece seme acricslteral crop are to be deemed desert laaMls. L ILIVERMORE & BEAGLE 8 Radical conspirators, supported by a cor rupt and unscrupulous administration, be gan a hitherto cab card of attempt to re verse the popular verdict, and to inaugurate by force a president who would be frauda Jentlv declared elected. Then the national news, speaks wdt for year sew csterpnse Since ay sejeera in yeereeeety I have visited the uwms ef Umatilla aad Hepp ner, aad sad a very eaergetk ad iedexr. ees people, asd am oa4raised to say tkat as far as ar ebervatuas have hvca extesd- credit began to "dwindle, peak and pine, j ed, I am mere that pleased with Ike com .and at last it is entirely gone. It would be try aad Hs dimate, aad tkiek k excels aay . .more accurate to say that it is in a state of I hare visited slsee I left the Slate of suspension, until it shall be settled wheth- Maine about IS mesths stsce, asd as I sta-! cr right or wrong is to prevail, whether J ted above I hate determined to locale ia j our institutions are to be established or j year coaaty, asd have rntrckaseda a farm a overthrown. That this is the real cause of ; short distiace from the csterpristsg toa of suspension of the loan is abundantly prov. Heppner and adjoining the place of Cel. -ed by the tone of fbe entire English press, i Lang's, year esteemed fellow cMrea, who which perceives and declares that 3Ir. Til-: bv-the-wav was an old acesaietascc of -den has been elected, and sees in the oppo sition to his inauguration a threat of revo 3:tki ihit 5 in aiif a great national cat junity. This is the purport of a recent edi :torial in the London Times, which declares -that Mr. Hayes owes it to himself and his -country to refuse farther participation in :such a disgraceful contest Against such a jmblic sentiment it would be impossible to rpush a loan. t. Lmit Timet. . BOOK KEEPING. Book keeping is accessary in all cUses -of persons alike; as much so for the far mer and day laborer as for persons cngag--cd in any commercial or inercbantiie busi ness, were persons generally, to Kcepj their accounts correct, there would be less j .litigation .amoag uiosc wnose uutiness re- mine In the State of Maine asd at that time a very preslnest and dUtugaUhed politician. I expect to visit year town ia a short i time, where I will meet ay family who t are now at Portland, and will cemc sp the Cotembia the first beat and kete at that time I aay have the pleasarc ef forming an aosaaiBtancc wMh the editor ef the East Obegoxian. Years, very repectfally. Samcix P. CfSUlIAJt From Ueppaer. Jastart 23, 1S77. Ewtok E- O. Tliree weeks have elaped since we last wrote yea, bat without stop Iing to &lr'-fte we will take down a few briet notes asd esd yea this week. The young people of onr town have been V E R O R E iLOT LIVER.TIORE. 1869 - 1869 CARPENTERS builders . ! ". ! "contractors Pendleton, Oregon OHAreVCaTtsUTTttatLaisa baaarXaU k J Tijlar I Uacaaalta abafi SIGN WRITING . . . ! HOUSE PAINTING .. ". ".V. GLAZING, . . .. . . . . ..." '. . . . UNLERTAKING Promptly Attended To. PORK MUTTON PENDLETON MARKET. C. V. Xarskall, - Prtpricltr. jllail vaiMRuiuMiatbal.H.IVt. Maauat, ani u4 Ckama kUuT. wv aa4 4nmi snl rrwva nam i'i. tVaaa (!t t a caX KOfCXBIX THE COOKING 8TOVE.S AXL) Manufactory, of Tinware, And ALL KISVS Of SHEET-IRON WORK, Main street opposite tb Cocrt Uoese. ADVERTISEMENTS. PENDLETON ana trarrr. Will constantly hart on hand, and 'for tale, a Complete Assortment of T 1 3XT-'VCr A RE,' asa a ax AiviTt uv A complete Assortment of the Diamond ROCK COOKING STOYES. ALLKIXDSCr Zac U X)riT, at atart aclirc, li al Ttrj Vadmufticx. G. W. WEBB. S. R07HCHILD The following are tome of the leading Heel, of which joa will always flod an assortment en hand: Dry-roods. Clothing. Boots and Shoes. Hata'and Capf, t'arpets. wall paper. Gro- eerir. palest medU4ee. I'alott. Oil. Tebacco, Ilanlware. Cutlery, China and Ulais ware, Natiosery, etc HURRAH FOR- EVERYBODY! Jast Lk Here ! IT TOC WIST TAVSTf, ous. rarr. class; itt, C U Ua PE.DLETOX THIS CZXTXALLY LOCATU AD POPULAR MUX HATI5G Z3TWOX 2XFITTZD tzi xEFTmmmn ri lav orxzra rax Tub Xeceptlon of Gnmt THE TABLE Wat at a3 timn ba taa4 Israaabatf arfth tba rrrj Vaaa its KMttn tSmriM. aad ntrj nmu aaaaa l mLfJ lia patfaaa aflba Hanaa. THE BEDS An a8 nrr. aa4 tba iwcl baaa Ua farinW ta aba tminx MSaaa4 ab rirj mmu svaaSj facajol Utlnt ftna tmc THE PEXDLETO.V HOTEL, U a3 JU i;ar-aa d a wp w tba BaM. aaA tbr rrefavair te tmtm W itat U abaa mnan tta t7SULaaiaf brtactbavtrr BErfT BOC2C Caat af 0 Mainr'T Tb tX tsi tnaclxf poUzt an nsvaxfzZr ta il, j. um. slaoS Bl-tX DRUG STORE! j T r TOC WaJtT Tsn Drajt i crestea pclrJ JL Uxxlft. t. to tba I'ENDLSTOK DRUG STORE. ST. CHARLES HOTEL, KCCATaSAKaUyjOrnm-Canr t J aa4 Xwrrm.l Amu, Parrbubl JT- Tbea Ira jraat HccH. ta.Xnt a IU pact, cster tba aa( auaaf-aarat f Ojna a Bansaa, jraffman, baa Irrs 3itnij traanu. aad at Cn aatienar ax maaniitaca ta aay becrita tb mr Tfc. I-t;tc BtX baa Wra niuumvt ta Ibc CTsa4 Saar a frraa atatraaf fm tbv La&na' nrWhr4f Uxm. Tba 8af baa aa bwra ctoasfwt juu; tba raoea fnat ta( aa Kimi as4 Fncx aurru. fm tnia ftaa lbOS Umi t tVtafvrc noaa. TbaaMAaxac tiS baa stb aaratMa aT tata my t i lutai i a Kama ax at aVfuUf fanaa tt baa brr avisaft t parr ae ataa ia taaUar ibia tbr ant botrt ta tba eT. Tba Tvfrr fc.Ti w Jf ora4y anfacsj tbr ovsata at tbr tntnm tbtc. aba aur ma ukM at aacae r imiH aaiW tbnr are u. tiat tbry ara aao rrrfi rleex. ta aaar s4 gruiir rarcu. jTarrn cnaoi as aitf mtbabacaa. JT TW WT LfcSra TaaVt (Mta af tX ktb4, j- PENDLETON DRUG STORE TT TOC WA.V7 ri rreitmTtt af tX bavC. r ta PESDLETO.V DRUG STORE S. - ROTHGHiLD JT TOC ThTA-.T rata Caaraar aX LlttSa, a ta tbr PENDLETON DRUG STORE. j T T TwC WaT Eu KraaVa, Cuaba. ar ta Stajv i A. catatb PENDLETON DKUCi TOBE. Order from the cocotry wgl reeele protspt auentioa. Hide, Fan, Wool, etc., tales la ex-cbaare. DoycII, Butler & Co's STEAM, TLANING, S.VSn AND DOOR j FACTORY! rt, ab M, Irs Xtf. K ) al ItfclO aWTarsaac aa4 a. I falaiK Hb.u tbrr oi br bal. W atabr. iIm, N 1 mmri rajrtxi. vcrux a col - CAMPAIGN OPENED FOR THE jMfcr lotions arc inUmately connected on ac ! "'JeJ'S thewseives hagely for the pa onnt of their transacUons with each other; lKO imnS u.a wowaiaiiun- and this would he followed by a decrease reasonable, lor during that tiae we hare of -dishonesty, since the tetnption to such iad Ir MfrtoS- v" -would be greatly, ir not altogether dimin- dl or comi-ttlon among ished, there would be leas running into the boy as to who should bare the tlnet lebt beyond any hope of payment, aad ("cHtter, drive Uic lxst team and get away ihus selling ones independence for an op- -vith the best looking girls. The contest rponnnity to become either cast off to a bas Uen aclos; one and it wasbyascratch -ot to become desperate, not to say mfccV- M U. Jbat b tlic girl I mean I able, In an attempt to cover up truth and our Unm ) I iecn from the creditors the fact cX aa uUer j unseat, seemed to be an erentful iBibilitytopay. Dc FxanUin d, Irief history of our young -Lving rides upon debt'. iacJ-,"-and ! thriving and until now, peaceful little city, pericnce teaches thkHo he fearfuMy to. wrrowful to contemplate that our , ihase who are esteemed ; beautiful and once loved Heppner (the city) rood, hoaest aad In every way responsible ; rtcd 51 1 amon' tLc boncl- S19 hili prolonged repose cat e the delectable notes of a stray raven or Uie pacificatory strain of 2b ARMwaO-ritatlrrac atura4 HI riW atocl U XERCIIAXDISE LAI tba trry Jaar CA5TT rrVra. a tbay 'barraaaAramaa-TtarsU ta parcbaar pxitA ta tb as rrasctaca Brln. TVT Vt ea ba4 a tcM Mm ef PClt KKVk IrWI ntktaf SHIRTS. Wcb an rxtnctnaaabr ESTHAY yOTICE. aaaBBBBB Takcv rr bt a. MUMrr. or we5Tox rut cart. Orraa. Caaatf at r&aUka, aa4 vatfl brSair Jsacaa UwiSt at tb auw nrt. ra Urt bay b-rx. tint twim aa4 a baV baol. bifb; aaTwi t br abaat alt jranaU. inaMat tbrWAJaa. kt(W, aa4 H aa tb rfbt tip. Attn al tanr St Mbn. T. T UlTAUXX. Drrrobtr tt, JKC Jaaaattb rran. HALL OF 1876 At Umatilla, Ore go n. A'OTICE TO CREDITORS. V-OTtCE t HI3trrr"c7rtS Tbat tb Srra(3. 4 baa traeay aryotyrJ Unnrntnut ta rataUet JaVES COSiN drmaHL AllTwabaT. UxcUaa acitaat aa4 fatal an brrrbf aaaabnl ta (mrtl tbraa ta avr tfa7 rrHa; at cajr rraa ta MHua frmart. Ctsataaa matf , Orra, "(tta aU tacatba rnaa lb. datr brrrvC LXWIi HJWUS. AAauaiatratar. Jaacary 12, HIT Ltoai Eitars Atar&rr. bu4 ta ardrr; aa4 asf ri caUzeae, destroy all friendship and feelings tf former fraternity, because of a mlsun derstaadiBg, the sataral result of failing to keep a record of their business transac ' lions. Memory Is treacherous ; and those who keep no account of business, other. wise, in the yearly settlement with their tnefichast, pa haps, arc oflen astonished at the aaouat of their bills, and hence con elitdelkeir merchant has been dishonest; the merchant, in turn, thinks his creditor is tryicg to avoid the pirns cut of an hon est debt, and so a coldness, if sot an entire caaity, is the sure result. Masy arc foe ad who admit that keeping a record of their expenses and receipts would obviate the trouble which we have mentioned and rcn. der them more frugal, but that it is not pleasant to look orcr a record of m many the horrowlesa cayotcshould at this period af its existence be uprooted and d eradia tion be spread through its views, so to speak rendering people miserable and bro ken hearted, destitute and discouraged by the (woald-oe) bloody head of war. Yet strange as it may seem it is nevertheless true lttat no less than two battles have been fought In our tnldsl of late. Merchants have arisen up against merchants, sons and other merchants againt old men and christians; and it came to paw that one merchant cot peeked on the head by an. other merchant's son, and it also came to pass that in the self satse way an aged man and a Christian canic acd. dwelt in B E A C L E Tb bttbnt WW b tJJ tar III DCS uy! rUK5. aa-t a iU Cbaturm 4aca rrWcanaJicrnUtara3bla4l "Wagon ... AND.. AGRICULTU'AL IMPLEHN'TS rmaSo and Ctrmi ede la tba aaa lAvcrmorc 3c Ilcaglc IVellce If HtEEBT CtTXN THAT THE rarttrrtlp brirta. tor nMlec brtarra Jaba C Jn at . H. Jcn ta tbat daf UnN4 by tattaa! cawrat. Tb baataraa brrvmftrr wfll t 3am4 aa Vy Jaba E Jaa. trm an bmar tir.rvS la Bab pattarst attbia 3 1 daaa traea tb ata brrxaC JUNES a JOMH. Wcataa, Orrra, Jaicary 17, 1ITT. THE 10 LAB AND TROPICAL - WORLDS 1 COUrtXrE OrtnUrct Via a4 Natara Is J. lbliar as4 EaatorUl rTW af tb Caaba. ' Embraoix alaav a fxH aa4 aerant afTaal af tbr ra- j mHj af aa tb aVSrrrat r-iyrzUx ta tb Artie WerVf tract tb 4wrBTtT at" lcaUa4. arrr 1.000 aran ata. 4nl ta tb rrt Uaar. aarte1a( tb Uat rljiu U Cbarka rraaoa Ra3. Umbrr attb tba ktrratana aaJtf-acsarma r a lb rrml iarm, Haaabait, Acaaast. Lirtfoo. Da CbaOta. WaBacr, fti, la itooib Aaarrvta. Afnea, ladU. Aaatralta, aa4 rrrrr pan lae lrrfm Korvi. Of iK- c HAKtn iw, Aatbor a Tb f aarf na U1s2 Wraalrra Tb Bar. aveatra at" Nalan." rtc E4rt4 by DR. A It. CCEBX SET, of Sr Tart. VirsUSe TjUutt Aatrncaa Ea rfdcrmla. TWaatM attataarI ! tny ! UaaSrH braaUTil Xapa aa4 IBaatntkauL Ira U as. n. fraaa Amt ranibbrd ly Artnta ta lb rrxlcaj -abatb Uir nlaU. B. F. MTATERltAy. ArnA. ETTXTJaMIT la rr ta r3 iti aoa tr avi ul naU atact af aariK rm'f. aibKb IwiaTaraalarirrata aatttb Uaara. Tba S9"&r& HBjfeataf aurra: r. TOC WT A FrrrriaB cxaaantatel a-h tan. (atataa PENDLETON DRUG STORE- i tt. af tbr aWrr WaVTS. aa4 aabm an aaaarr j. a to writ . caa ba taSKtmt by p.r to tlr akwa kaa ftac. FEED ASD SALE - bTABLE. ptsix st ojTosrrc rcoixrox asm. Jehn JJawman. Wlln Hetcl. UMATILLA. - OREGOK. TXS " X WIIJOJ. femerlT af Crtrma. ta -JL ratxt a Tpi Htm. Caaa-if a. atrrr eta baa a- a fan-dM SrarL Tba baa baa braa raa t are rarwar, aa tb ata wM W kM aaarr.3rtltiataft aSacfa. Traralan anU MrMibriitjuiba aCaec. ST1AE HOUSE, MAIS ST, VTALL.V WALLA. W.T. Bnrt axrf Eart n&rV fJ-aK icSmt btxH. rr1y fsrsiabri Cnqbait, nmnt a4 ac tabi ta. ane af a FruMa. ax i avaarnt anrn. Crvpi SUa QGor. T2uaLa5 W 8 Pr-fmrr VXIOS UMATILLA, HOTEL, - OREGON. oeoke un.ixR. psdpsietor. rrS3 BOCE at is tbr Srat oaaattaitar tb n e. a 1 HaIVK Una bra 4 raal ta&a aa tba OMtoWtbaatamat. Tba Batnaaaj af tba bwt at j. n. PHDarrr. st. o, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON ?fd:o 0n;oo. OEra ia lee's nw baHdisx, ap Hair Blaolxsm Xl&lx 4 SHOP. . 31. Tayler W. C ."TIcKar, .H. Dn PHYSin.O AND SURGEON. rtats, raalSTa Oovcty. Orrpaa. OSca at tb aVnrrtfaJN ajjaattia La tbat rsiaraa af aa-t roaar tbat br i (r-rnl I aS btae af vara, ta b ba af baosaraa. sat aJr woa PROMPTNESS & DISPATCK Bst ta a artBask Ba&arr. Horse - Shoeing a Special rxASS or extcxiocs: EsaUVtbaaaaaarjF that ar . ta tbatEaaSa aarxnaW. On at a ol A3-bca aana af sb Cacrt Saaav, aa4 arxx vVbt ta Xenc'l Umj Stabja. mrwa OctabrrS in I bar la atr rasaar a H. STXSXXT. b 3 av ta4 la aS a-wt aVmc( rj abaeaca. WM. MILLER, M. D. PDTSICtAX AND SURGEON. "T T'ltX. CITE frrI aSIrctiea t rbroeac earaara. II OSo at tbr 4rt aw. Xaia currt. COOK BTOVEU Xortli- Western STAGE COMPAJtT. Grtat Reduction in Fart Eatt. Isxxil Rata af Fare: rrsaXaa la U Gni f t 00 t ftioo .. - H lutrr CUT 1 0 Data Olr, Mtba SS 00 WtBBrnwra. ... ..... .. .. TS Oo Kattaa. Cub, & 1. Kiiln-4 . . . . T W I'maUlK. 4 00 WalUWaHa. 4 09 Wtatos . a Tbnwxb tlrktU la Omaha. Cblcara, Kaaaaa air, ft. Unit, rbllalrlHtU. N Tart, tlotoa. Waablat totv aa4 a& 4aU TU Ikiaa CKjr a4 Krltaa, tba tfl ret OrrrUM RaaU Eaat. a Bw affrral TaU lt eco4 taUa OTtr lb Um ef lb X. W. & Co. - Caarbhc. r" tfc. aiKW irtrm, rrllabt trrfenDaax) of acrrV ea Unaa ar aprttal fmlarra lbrerataar. Atlf I" tOT UTEBM0RE, Ajrat, W B. U0RRL, STnalra4tat, A. X. BO0URK. Aaatoual Sapmsttaaeal. S5 TO dClA Iraajal bra. tfaiBflra aroclb t)U tt frre. TlaeACv,ratUa4M. J- r C rp-A t tbala aad mm. Tba jVJOX leaWvtnb rraiirtrt by Wart Jtb ratal it Mr?. Allre'a. Occident Goldsmith Range Golden Gate Empire City Hirmath Rio Grande PARLOR STOVES The Monitor Parlor Belle Laurel Rasger Echo Onward PABLO at COOK Jewell Echo " " BOX STOVES Black Giant iloguel Piue Knot "Woodside Bonanza A laQ aaaartare.1 ef TIPTWA CeattUr ea baa4. aba hri rasa. An ertlrtt ttt c4 masrtlr- 109 WORK aoa aubtwat. braa aa4 diiUh. WK. J. IJCE2EB. 1 5TOR Wbo aa It UpJ Blaaat rf aay J j arrtptlea, ma jaar trirt laO. H. HSxk. H parr, UraaiUU Coaaiy. Orrroa. tVenabtr , lit. Dr. J. R. Llndscr, SURGEON AND DENTIST. Ia tv hacla! fanaaMallT ia Pendleton, "Umatilla Comity, WVar b-a al iK-a c a aJarayt b ba. 'Sayrry A SpeiaIiy."mSt Ia. O. Stern, ATTORNEY 4 COUNSELOR AT LAW Baktr Ol jr. Ora;ai. La ftm IS atu4 tbreaKf tb Finb J . tUoal Ptatnct.a4f Uab aal Waabta1r Trrrt Wairr KUSU ib4 xtattx utlpun CXaUTT. CaOxtat (vaIr atralr4 ta. OtS TJ J. H. Turner, ATTORN EV AT LAW, Oxatr OnSrra boct tot aoU. Laasa Xrsttiabnl OmCX ea Mala atmt, crroaita Cn Beeaa. Fra3rea. Orrfs. S. V. KNOX. A.ttorne' at Hia-w, W rates, rcaaUIU Onatr, Orrraa. WILL rBACTICElN THE COURTS OF this Slats aJ ITaa&tagtoa Tarritery. aVSwttat alUclAn tuUba Laad bat!aas aad Colitxtasa. G. TT. BAILEY, REAL ESTATE AC! EXT, (aJCD 50TABT TCBLtC.) PENDLETON, - OREGON. PARTICCTR ATTENTION' FaU la lb pmwratim ef UaJcUna lo tbr PrrtaBt at Viaabiajtoa, co4 la tb TUie local nCkta. aad UUn trcamL grfrfcv ar. UoJrrr4 Ibaaa dcalftBC 14 arrar Stale arrtoul Uada; alto la Ibaae Crainaf to aooiraLukb) tj neatratrad in iTr-rapikja. Fine lines, Liquors and Cigars ALWAYS TO BE HAD AT Jacobson & Co's SaImh rSXPLEtOJf. Otrrao. p I nnQ W maka a rJty. a w bar Urja vaataaj a,aBtllin af Uf o4 t J Z. K Strajgi DEALER EC WATCHES raecxs A5D TIH3 JzZ WATCHES AND REPAIRED ALL OX SHORT WORK NOTICE WARRANTED no ef larm 5lb ai ef Kai aurat Caea 5L Uta Beart, VaSa Wa&, W.T. MONEY MONEY HORSES LOST $5 Xeward. OrrrE a nxmrer or xr wT3RSt raox . Craaale Ba4 TaUrr bar talrtr tiiaaaf tbar Bui Baaaataisa. as4 tbrr air bafttarj la ba ia Cata- bRa caaair , acrar prrbapc asaocc Iba baSSaa paaaaa. tar en aVfcrtrtaf aar af at barara ta S. U Mara. tan ef rVadJctiw. arta ba rrraxM at lb rata ef ta rrrbmt. Ttrt t coaasit of Trar6rt I ttt Mia, braadml C oa lb Irfl aba!drr; Eraaa,acaa braka, vilb caa brat. aat wrt borara, iU xi braaat ef CeakaabaaUrr. v jurcuss lira. rK crrcwm. ST. PAUL'S SCHOOL WALLA WALLA, W, T. t BOaDpIXu AND PAT SCHOOI. Rr Crta. Tba rtrilT mtntaat BoartitEr ataaal nut me tSm Beaut aad laiUos. tadad!a (aL Cibla. Ms.. prreajartrref la arcrU. 15a. Waaalaj. ftr enr. Talta,rrrTurrr. I- Sta, aad ISM 11 aajc. ynrxlt tnmmt, prr nrr ...... U Xsdrra Uajuifva. raca, par auarr . . . I V ratal irmrrd at asj tlaa, aad cbarrad bnea data ef ralnaon. EaptiU allraUoa pai4 to lb. aiiant aad tDara!ef IbararpU. aba are cnaaauattr aadtrtba car cf lb Uacbrra betb la aad et af Kaeoi. Aar lanbrr tefarsuikaa "ill ha cbrufaBr rtira w aJdrraalet X. t. H. Vaua, Fnacipoi. D, l UMATILLA, RrtuI JraVr ta lb ia LIQL'OMS AB CI6AR9. ORDERS Froea a doUact) frooiptly aRai ef bit boaaa at nth tbat boeretf anrcJ. Try a&dtecoaTtaecd. aad tedcabacUte. POSTRTIS Wa aat a apoaKj, u r bar A WOA AUAXkJ tvraaw;naam Wpata tya f f