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About The east Oregonian. (Pendleton, Umatilla County, Or.) 1875-1911 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 27, 1877)
ill iceiiiiiiit. rnsuurr EYERY SATURDAY MORKING, JLTW Of AUVEKTOISC IS COIX OneiiKJi, 5rjt wHertWn. $2 00 Each Kibvapjeat interth), I 00 as i OFFICE t'OUICT STKK1M'. orroiTc tux covkthoik. HIm or kubrrlillan in Cains One Year Kill Els Months SVi Tlue Months I F Unit Cupto. TkMklicrllMr by cwstrsct. HuImm uCutla a tucal ahsu, esu pr 1m. XtitnuLit VOL 2. PENDLETON, UMATILLA COUNTY, OREGON, SATURDAY, JANUARY 27, 1877. NO. 17. ?tua s4 X low yrtcM. The Leaves and the Wind. "Come, Utile loaves" said tbe wie owe day,- -"Coinc o'er the laaauow with we, aod play; Put on vjur drer-n of red aad puW; Summer is soie, aad the days -riw eeM." Soon as the leave beard the wfctd toad salt, Down llioycaratf flilerH-. hm and all; Over the brown ftM tWy danced i new, Singing the Mft HtUc toast the; keew: Viekc4gooJ-by,wc've beea friends te Wh-! Little hroek, fine your farewell song, Say you arc sorry te sec us go: Ah! you wW inUs BS,rtttl we we liMr. "Dear Utile lambs, la year fleecy fW. Mother 1M keep yea from Wans and eeM; Fondly we're watched yt ni vole asd ;e; Say, win you dream ef twr kivtoe; badr Dauolnj; and wMrtta;, the tktbj turn went; Water had catted tbn, and tbev el eos tent. Soon fast asleep ta their earthy beds. The t uew laid a coverlet iMr bvidi. So Sown! bt sbiklbt wrxsa So soon Losinr thy Ueam, Beautiful Summer Earth? Over thy sapphire skies hath nut Tbe wiiberiB- train of the Northern Wut; Thy tun Is palter, thy Wf a eea. Lew on the meuM Me thy gOMea lm With only the faded leas 'WefwowL So toon, oh, se soea, imscH, Dae, fair Earth? So soon Losing thy bloem. Beautiful, smttts- Veetfa ? Thy gleeful voice batii a aer, tad Iwk, The zIom from thy rava kair it -m, Tbe rose on thy Hp bath had ea4y May; Although on tby journey MtUe -wajr. Thy fooUtepstcea laccw- ak, vH-aay! So toon, oh, so toes, earffc Affair Vwrtli So soon Lw in thy bleem. Beautiful, tesder Love! Dimmed Is the sight r Ifey raaat efts, Quenebed Is tbe ptew ef tby UAwt aUei. Weary already? S lately be-! Tby lHy-n Lkc ;armMs ttalmmi asd ton, Tby laustters csiaaSB- tm tiptM fwWrs! So soon, eh, te toes, cwmetfc Chawgc, tr Love? Oar Debating Society Skeleton. "There a skeietoa in every JaMse, sajs tome 8ld growler; and it tra.J JohnanaT iiiaii-ca xo kocp wsaW for a long time, but we kaew it weafel j tern np at laaU Sare esesgb, itV ooae! It has onlj gut as far as or dsbatisg so ciety as yet; whether it ever get asy fanner, or not, is a matter of tisgie tm bat between it and Jobs. 2sow, if Mr. Saapp ibises aarwhere, it is in debate. The oppo,iag Ade al ways loses heart as mkhs as he beisn. He makes a point of betBg master of bu EuhjecJ, never lores bis temper, a&d ia vanably throws the balance ia favor of bis own side of a question. I don't sat this because he's my John Bet at alL If be couldn't debate well, I'd be sere to know it, for we often Lake up bale ques tions between ourselves, besides, I'm always so anxious when be rises to speak in public, that my wLolt t-oei Ksteas. Consequently, bis weak poiat, if there are any, always etnkes me with treateadoas force, though that may be rather a con tradictory way of patting it. I'm not the only one who bokis tlm opinion. Tbe whole to a thinks the same, mcy always try to have two or three extra speakers, lo balance Snapp," a they say; or, rather, they did so until our skeleton appeared at tbe debatia society meetings a real skeleton, with c skin drawn over it, and called by cour tesy a man. Yes, he's a plaia, gaaat, bigh-sbouldercd, long-nosed okl farmer, who carries a red bandanas, and talks through bis nose, with a most atrocious twang beside; one of jour perverse, ag gravating creatures, who utters about mx words a day, and sets yoa foamiBg. This old fellow has attended but two of our meetings; and alreadr he's turned everv. thing inside octand topsy-turvy that is, as far as John's position is concerned. Ine nrst time be came shall I ever for get it! he Sat in the darkest corner of tue old school-bouse,takmg a nap throagh uie greater portion or the debate. At last John's turn came; and, in the pleas ant rustle and stir that always takes place when John rises to speak, our skel eton woke up. Well, John spoke beautifully, if I do say it. The question was, -Which has me urcater iBect upon Mankind Hope or xeari iuckilv John a on th. Hope side, which, having twl u.n ligion, and poetry with it, made his task as inspiriting as it was easy. The oilier side had been cleverly sustained. Col lins uae on me l'asions bad been quoted b"-1, cucci; uui ii was really won aenui 10 see John carry his audience away from the point where bis opponent, an eloquent young college graduate, had ICll UJCUi BUUUUlTlOg. Ao: J'ear was low, Hope was high; Fear was cowardice, Hope was courage; x ci 3 tuir, nviK was uiat; and so oa. j t i . unui even uiose on me opjwsite side, for gemng tueir deleat, grew radiant. As for me, I could hear the Bow-bells of my ambition saying, ''Turn again, Snapp, member of the Legislature At last, after asserting something about Upe springing eternal in the human breast, he gave a peroration that made me sav, -Dear old John, under my breath, and up jumped the skelcUm. 2io; be didn't jump up at all. He just siowiy stretched his neck upward, and Kei on until it brought him standing iucn ue looked about uim with such an air I jt was not conceit, nor assurance, and certainly it was not incckncts: it struck me as being more of an anti-John air than anything else but I may have oeen mistaken "Ladies and ccntlcmcn.1 said lie, through his nose. "I didn't come here to night with any notion of speakiu', nor her I anythin' pertickcrlar to say except pa one p'int. Tbe question is whether Hope tr Pear has the greatest effect a poo tuimkiBd; aa bnw bare ytt decided it?" "IItpc has it," exclaimed a voice. That s V said attothor. -Order: shoaled the cbairmM. "I go ia for lbpe," cried tbe dariag yemsg Mkiw aear the dmr. ThaicsiaMMi a timid friend f the otbar ile eeayed a faint 'Fear.' ltaUy tbe ptaca was ia what may W cailetl aa urderiy Mwmar. Scamo of vt4eos started II.m! Ilnpt!" aad at every faiat Htle f "Fear, the oka ra gatbereal lreath aad aadaetty. MasMsate I aadtred J4mi iwmmIIv: aad he leaked heahjaly at taa obairmaa, as If t say The aadiesee is slicMv waa aver.vaa The skeietoa cmgfeed. IavtaaUy the vmcos woat aat s if tkav had 'beea Kgbtf. -Sa da I ga m for Hape, be twaafad. "g ia for it Hxsst esttire; bat istal baia't tbe plwt a4ar 4icsina. The astia U, which has tbe graatt iaAa aacaapaa asaat Now, I calclaleroacM't auect asaa aay asare sria 'ttsaa to kill Mm." -That's so, rasfoaded aBabdy alaad, aad evervbodv ataaUllv. "Very "uall,1 dtawsad the aid fellow. bagiaaiag to sit Wa ad iai.Wiat; bk imstaaee jact as be toacbed the heat; "there's lots a' tostaaeas at asaa aad weai aa dyia of fear, bat wba ever beard af aay aae dvia' of bnaeP Poor Joba? WTaat ckaaca bad be w4tb a caaatry aadiaaet after tint I The vote was takae at oeea, aad Fear carried it alssort aaaaiasnady. Tbea tbe satyeet for dse aext debate wa strosiOfed aad accealeH : "Which ha proved tbe Greater Btass Sag to tbe Haataa imea Litaratare or Ariealtstrf Tbe sbie were gieaa oat, aad, as seed back weald have it, Jeba was pet dune fer Agricettara, aad tbe skaWlea w made the esMapioa of Ltteraiam! Ttti was toe od a joke to be parsed by. Heerybody iaegised axeeft tbe keb toa. He Taerdy Matted M baadaaaa late bis bat, pat R aa, aad walked east Nke a sotaaabalH. I was worked a p. I evwjfeif- TW idea f Jeba, who is aothiog mutt aor b4 tbaa pssre g4d, Wtar asade to appear bke Gerasaa stlffer by a ctaatere like tfeat ! Hvcf'. I said aotMag, bat wak ed for tbe swxt aaeetiag- It oae eS bvst week, aad bke Ta O'Sbaator tboara I'sa rlad to sav ia a di ifer eat way Jatsa was glorioai. He pat inters tare oa a very unie mtu ia tbaa Be tiese: bat Arrieattwe be asada to setae as tbe sceoad aa of tbe aaise Agricaltere, tbe great seeder aad ea BoMer of ssaa. Literatere seesaed geeer ally weak that aigbt. Its seeea adre cates toek it oat saaialy ia onagbiag aad sayiag. "Mr. Chtdnaaa ; bat aearly every maa aad wosaaa there kaew tbe btenriaai of a faraser's life iu freedom, its aride of SMMMst toil. Us slow bat sere revaritiag. roer of the sdvacato of Arncettare excelled tbeessetres. Taey were Bearly as gned as Joba; bet tbea. yoa see, tbeir saueet gave tbea erary adraatage, es pecsally as sit wbe bad spekea ea tbe other side were ooeetrv heaspkisM, aad dida't kaow aa froai aa almac. There was bet ear speaker left for tbcaa. sua teat was twe seletoa, who, of eoare. woe Id Soaader betpiessly if be attesapsea to ford this eeetiqe. At last be roe; aad I avare yea. has side dida't -die of hope" whoa be begae. -rneed sou aas catleu apoa m to say sonatina , sola ke. alter Ms Beck had palled bta to bss feet; -but it deal bardly seesa worth wbite. I-Abar bisd my revaaeafei heart. aad eves Joba smiled -rial I v. -1 bats t aa arsnnaeatatie ssaa. tay- setf,' be ooauaaed. -aad I don't held to take part ia tbee 'are debates; bat I do bob! that this is a good CkrisOaji assem bly, aad k does ga agla me to see what tbe Almighty eauiled ea maa as a eaoe beta held up ia tea ere piaee as a blessia." Dawnbesat. Tbe aedieaee, soaad aad ertbednx tea maa. abemmed, aad bawed. aad, I need not sy. cssd a aaaniasoes rote oa use side of the skate-tea; eves John heW ap bis right basd for Lttora tare That's all. I don't kaow tbat asvtMas caa be Ofe abeat K. ttuf2 asMe tg, which I abhor, mualy bene i. that as tbe oW fellow ha JYluorc tbaa a Iiat of blood in bin, be way dry up be fore Josjr, aad disappear. Frr Jry ilttpt D4ft -ThempMit aad OlMr. Tun Wcocthk TATvr A colkwal statue of Daaiet Webster ia broaza has beea preheated to tbe city of New York, by one of ita ova eitiaeas, costiag thirty thousand doilars. It is a solde work f art. The statue is the prodectiee of Thomas Hall, the dtfrtiagaUtwd arinr, aa a IkKtoalaa. Mr. Erarts delivered aa ad- a ob tbe u&teiiieg of the statae, aad Mr. Wiatbrop folfowed in a briefer dis course. The latter was especially ebxjaeat and appr(riale aad spukea by a maa who bad the pleasere of a wag aad fa miliar erseaal arqaaiataace with tbe great suiject of bis remarks. Tbe cere monies ia Central rark called frth aa assembly of several llioasaad "pie, who appiawled the speakers rapturoeetv. Tais revival of the fame of Daaiel Web ster, the great farmer as well as the great statenwan, is a providentially happy ie ourreace. TljcooataiidatkMi of the tHib- lic cbaracterof a man like Weliter ona not be attesHled with jother tbaa good ef fects. Wc gaze at Ibis imjMMlug oMy that has Item set up is the great ew roercial lty of the Ubkhi, and we feel that lie whoHiit rctro(itsaad tbe ejtvia which it stands are both oxnre4oas of the great ideas aad the great destiny of this American Union. n a At inn AiiaBia j $mt sort: Vic wore shown yesterday a curiosity, the dulicate ot wnicu wouhi ue hard to Hud. 3Ir. Hubert Ssndert, a dlizea of Alabama, who it now in the city, bat in bis M- session a pair ut mi.khi mane of a rattle snake's skin. The skin was neatly tanned, and its surface is smooth and soft. It i thicker than we would suppose the skin of a reptile to be. RllUdt nml Turner. -Yoa hare beard of ilillntt, bve run Hot r qaesiinaed be -UilhMt. tbe iaveat - or af s4eel-pea, aad wbe asiaed a (arrsae bv them! Wbea be bad aceubwd wealth, dnirooi of tn r siaje than ob jects of art which deanta tbe isreiiiaes of reaaeeseat as wall as saoaey, he weat up to Ismtkm to a-k hi beaker what a rich asaa sbould do to freih a yraad bouae. wbscM be Hmi test tsatlt, beat ia aeeord- aac m ith jrood taeta. Sittiaa; widi his bar aader bis baaker saibaawev. be atd ow, barfdoyoeadiMtHtodof' rctares, statuary, aad otber object i wf r , together with a library. lasjasti d his hn. "Met I dea't kaow aaCbias about tbee laatlecs; I widi you would Wall s bow I aat to go ab-an it. Now, for pictare, f w eiaatpb?: what's ap ia tbe Bsarfcetr 4 Ah' to what chrver mttLu I yoaf Weil, there are Malready, Ettir, aad Lodie, far aapsre- pseces, aant msbm "f Use K Aradeasi- riaa bestoe. writ aaouara, tm that de- partaseat ; bat, if yoa pivfar bsajlscape, 1 wssuM sJtm vu to trr aad rccar aae of Tareer'a notls. I laiek hba saperior to CUtuU hiatlf, eraa.' Well, well, I caa try teem both. Will you pJeeua to give asa their addreatear I caa Bve you Use address of Turaer, but Claude Lon aiae's ablreii lies beyoad tbe Itraee.' 'Oh! I sbau't try hiai: bat i sae t'other fellow's whereabouts, aad III if i to bbm to-asarrow him aad aay other pictare-asaker you caa couusel 'ate to employ.' The "pea maker bad a bsrsje wtth bis beaker, who smiled yacsouily at hi rough cuitumsr's waul of redaeaiaat. aad wrote dowa Taraar's adaraui aad tbe usual a amber of Moral csaec Th aext asoratac Osllett weat off ia search of Eagleed fumeut bsadvcape paiater. He fooad tbe baa a. oa tbe upper story of wbicb the aetset bad bss Hudbs. A female serraat was s-aeefsbsgdowa the stair wbea the ssfuare- autit, swaVv itttle maa iireiaalid aim- self, aad aked if Use pabjlar-asaa was at las, saaa nearr. but be uoa't weat to see aobedy, aa4 I 'm aot to allow aay oae to go ap cbeaa'i be very words.' Staud out of tbe war. yeaus? womae. said UtlSuU aaad out of Use way T aad, pathta; her adde, itampid desUatlv ap- tUes. Fiadtac th oaiattar room door at ta top, he kaoefced wiui rut w, but got ao reply; be tbea puihtit it aeaa, aad walked lato Use saactem. Tuer set the great paister. wholly absorbed upoa a susall s-kaeek ia water eel nr. tgajriaa; Use praaeaee of bst vtibw aad has biaat IIoa do you do, mr Wistissg a a aist to see n tbe artst would aotsca bam. aad lata; with ae leceametbaa, be walked tsse stuoso, tanssaa; Use psctsve aa laaw laces to law wall I rttiea them ia dsockiac lacbta. to dcvse a pansier traatic. AAar exaeasa iaa; tbcm for some tame, a eaee more irsed to attract Us him'i atieatiaa. 1 say, Turaer Usat I beskree's your seat wtsats Use ague for the picture!" iruruseg it a if it met a dried codabei toward him I. The sniatar raied bs tat from bst board, aad said. very camkwily, 'Pour Uiaaiaad gutees.' Aad tbt otker to tbe itch. auMULd Gidott. hat's the price of taetr 'TbrR peued. waa Use ausoer. Aad oa tbe teftr Fitseea huudred -I'll take tb Usrw,' said Otl- TVaa Taraer rot aad laid dowa hi peactss. 'Who tbe dent ae yoa.' he seta, 'who take tbe liberty to tetrad ksto my studkjjatast my drr Yoa muet be a qujem&rt'Of a l"Torar I faaey " Ywa're aavttbcgoeer bear. a as tbe reply: 'I fmHniloU. the mkrr. My baaker tell mc that you arccrver ia ywar buttatfau', aad recamsieadt yos. aad I he com here to buy some ef Vbar ' Mctures.' Bv lrr-.vr' vnaare. a droR leilew. I ait say." -y"a raatbcT, must say.' !.' purseed Turaer. 'rbarb-; aao-reaay usoaga you are, i rl' er Used . T . .. 1 1 . ... . .aJl caavasses you iecsedr Ye. tu roars I da, or I woe W aot have climbed yr blWed stairs this maraiac-' 'Weil, Mr. GdksU, I mut be frauk with you; wbea I aoticed you ia my siudso witbout per missioa, I thought k a piece of imperii aeaee, aad, wbea you akd tbe price. I tbeugbt you did so as asaay vulgar peo ple do, for mere ceriodty, bevies; bo m teatioa of huyiac, wiskiag oaly to kaow what vateatiea I put upoa my works, aad I gate yuu a price w Stick seitod my bumor; two of tbe pictures are already disposed of; tbe otbar. tbe Arst oac you spoke of, is at your aeeeptaace for a ibouaad peaads.' I will take it, said tbe prkseely GiiloU, 'sad I unset yoa to moke three of four other at your eua price.' Thus th pee.mker aad tbe ee eeatric artist becaet friaail ', aad warm ti&it tOO MafiautaVRsMl J eVusWuVCv Whauno ksatll earned oa to coa slderable extoat kt spke of Use sereeae iae. 1m w bailor Meet aumbors IS veeis ia this coeatry, of wkick 1M iKNoag to 2ew lledford, tweaty-oae to I'rotiaeotowa, six to nostoa aad twelve to Xrw Loadoa, Use others beiag db tributed about various porta of tbe coea try. A large porttoa of thee m bow ea- xagoil ia buatiag tbe sperm wkale. Dar ing tbe at yer three of tbe largest sperm woalos oa record were taken by x i I r I i t. : i , .ir aeu torn wwaiero. laeyytesueu re spectively 1S0, 11 aa 19? barrel of till. Oae little Ik ifard scboooer. whlek weat out last December, retoreed a moath ago with a act proftt of (o.fKtt for liar owaer. Tbe average vaiae of wkalksg vessels is about f ru,h0, aad tlw total capital iHvested in w Itedbitsl kt this iadurtry U probably over f I.OtruM. Uantsg the ear torlyrl wbaiHts; vet- hAs have beea ttottroyed by icebergs. CARttriXfl A km. Ksery oa earriot arms la Stclly, not exceptitts; tHiest. Gentlemen carry a revolver in their lockets when they go to a ball or ead mi 1 oaths of Hfteea are armed with it at the lectures in the Lyceum; law bos no force every one i a law ta himself. The military are pow cries against the thefts, asNtulu, and murders iieriiotraled in. the open country. Ix Ireland 110 persoos of the sail. bold onc-Sflh IMuratlon In Reading. Ctirls are usually of aa rathniatie dis Mtsua -half crazy over Urtaay at school, aad quit a arsfeat latorovrr faacy-work. aad viahM a-aroleaiag. ('ftoMtbiau attract tbrm to put forth sjre4t cliorfe, aail a kied cympathy ia tbetrTfavorite em phiyasati will wia for tfc giver their laatiast rruwrd. Tki prerioua eatka ia m, wkick MtakM soil eaay. ourbt to o ia some wbokwom direriioa, feavias; adtwetag bebiad after it be pawed away. MaaV girU bo har left acbeel have a little time every day which i. really their owu, to occupy tbv w4sL lu mot tbim is ii eat ia a verr desaitarv omtsne at oa thsa aad maa ttsaes at aeetber. It i seldom tbat liter ary Ufte I ttnaar easagh to aia a ywuag girl rrna iigbtor matters to read tbat which wuubl really ia tract bcr miad, al tbousrb. aa a recasVt Kaylijb vtritor say, "rs-erylkody is uadiag it atn ary to rout a great deal, becau it is iatfaibtr to aay poattsoa aajrai well safomd. rtea la s-ucial iatmawx. tb who are aot wU rad aad tbim iltm placed at aa immian dsadviialaf. Th mm bar 4 actual Mlanlioai wbsrk caa oaly be screwed by wbscalad ma aad woasea iarseaa datly ; aad, bsdead. literatur be set aad more a part of tbe bei-bfc.- Giris waut to kaow all they ibouhl. they lik to imptov tbim slvsw; thy each bar l4c for sous kied of rrawiiau; We Ustak Use reauea tbat o asaay brigist srk rrasaia SMSSwuily ifao raut of aay otbar htrratarc ttssu tbat of ao In irwm.i i ae rcidebfr s k ar at baodoa hiajsir salderte. They aed adesar both a to Use bwok aad tbe maaarr of ras tiasr k. It will b remrmbowl bow suecot'ful. a a mraa n af gawd. wa Ir. Gathric'a phau of Wadiaa; hooks. I la ainadad to th mattrr him. rlfoa a sy atom of bs owu, aad bast each ; oroa ia bis parbb Use S-Mk br tbeuyjbt beat sauted to bs bvtea aad arajaswuueli. W have beea told of etbeVk, who, doiaar Use same thsar;. were eapsasly satS iBarf wstb Us rvautt. Club lerreadiar have beea ta tor soaac Tear, asxi ao commaaKv i be without aa. Th use pleat piaa aouid b for a tVwyuuac bsdiea to kwt i iiai ca pbir persoa to cb- Useirbeok. There ar iatanarieg isks, aot tor loaraed, oa rv tubasct. Th look might be boasrbt by tbe jeiat luad of tbe liuW club'aejd paved tVem oa to sastber. each baviae it a certaaa time. aAer which lb club would mt aad talk ever the book. Criiaiii m aad rampsrii sa weuhf iaaa tb asaad of each ruaair far meet urety tbaa a olitarv peruosi. s maWag a era ad eafort bs the af if-iasarersmaat. to which w wish very giant lacceji. a k ill dtaht- a xt i meat to taan wuo : leias-id eoUv-iato advnatiteei. x. r. ITsfavras. IVsoiaoc CWkurt. A paf-w. m ad vrriiae to tb loeeat eac at a public dau aer. sey- -Prefoutd caoks aad ceatictiiiasts are auust euuuT auJauHf Jama3ae'uay u"bu1u' aa'aausBal eaur4 waraed br tbe meHechatv The kkebaa esaratseaj epmat are. w fosr. aot ia everv caw tb s of ti laay ac' kt Use ltltmpt to pruauc a vivid jfreea kt ipia rb. psckka, aad a variety of other ar ta ck. W co as ai tail th matler to Us fial aetic of I la riaa n anbaai i mia. aad all pmaa enaracwid m Use prepara tsna of pirklos. We a tb mar com prlld to do so, as k aot very kme; ar a vry t tela sot bwturer ea rx pratd a bottle of piekbit wbsrh had lru purcbaMd for the u of hi intfciriaa of cosimr. Tb ftcsSased in this cae waa a strci kaafV. vsuco was usnKDoi in use ihu tor aa tour, and ra il removal wa fouad to b sssplctIy created with ropjr Here is a U-t--hicb acyoae nssy rvadilj appir f"C himatf!, ana tbeJ.tue of ahsrh it auy be wtJl nccSiOB3!lf to esajiloy " PotcHxn Eoo tiruurjt-Pox-h the rsocs aad serve oa a parcc osade aa follow : I'iek aad wah wrfectly ricaa two poautda of spiaach, pot ib!o a paa with a liUk? water, aad let it tsl till ouite doe, tara it out oa a bair sieve to draia. settees the water oat, aad pM tbe sftiatch through tbe sieve. Put a good luasp of butter iato a satscrpsa, fry it a ttrb! browa, ami bl a piack of flour. aux well, put iu tb sptaoch. pepper aad sK to taste. aat a little mtlk. stir well, t ' be spittacb oa a ttssb. layiag tbe poscaei esse on us wp ot it, aau a mk dor of trkel sipjwU roawl it. Pou-ntot Eou .ax Mt.vcai Vtttu Take tout remaaat of roast or braked veaL trim oaf all trowBd parts aati miaco it verr naely ; fry a sballe, cbopeI stttail, la 4ritty af bettor; whea it Is a light straw-color add a large 4eck of uour aad a little stock, tbea tb aiaced aat with cbomwd parsley, rwptter, salt. ami autsaeg to taste; mix well, add more stock if BecetHary, ami let tbe miece get hot spadttally by tbe ski of tb fire; tart ly add a few tlrujM of lmoa mice. Serve with sipfiets ef ireail fried ia .Hitter ruutsd, ami the poached egs oa the top. An exehaagr say : -All over the load womea are feediag tbeir baldes from nursiag Inttles witk wklte rubltrr toM. Tbe prrttaratioa ul ta utoarMag niitwr is a liorrii and ileail ly pokoa white oxide ef mercury and kindred drug ami tbe coBsttHt rauml lint; ami cbewiag rublier so prepared idaeM a ckihl's life in ilaBger. Paralyxit isa Iteca caused bv It, ami many a lWy iIsth ia coareiueiice of its use. A Freacli mother or nurse convicted of putting one to a Isaliy's litH is fined twenty francs, or isHprt-MHted ten days; and to sell oae In France is a grave misdemeanor. PsCKUUt AimciioKEs. Wah the arti rbokos; ut them in strong salt and water four days; then take them nut, wali in freh water and wipe dry. lut them in jam; add to them a few whole cloves all s4ce ami mustard seed, ltoll the vinegar aad (tour over the artiobokes hot; cover closely; repeat the jwuring hot vinegar over Uiem unui uicy seem a muo so it. Manners in Hosineea. There are wajs of attraetiag custom, stjs the Mjr Gd Iitfrd, as there are ways of repelliag it; aad we are re miaded of the value of maeeert in bud aess by aa iackleat of our owa experieace wbea we accompaaied some ladies shop ping ia a qaset coaatry Um s. The shop keeper's aaaaer was well calculated to drive people from bis shop. He was a sktvealy, bushy-haired maa, with a smile bos face aad sutpicioet eyes, tbat seemed to regarJ ewry passer by as a ber'lar aad every cusboarr at a possible swbwller. His tilt was lilted with a pateat burglar alarm, whsch gave a claa esery tins be opeaeil it to ctsaage a tea coat piece, lie watched with the gUaee of a detect ire every lady who haedled a piece of goods, as if he perpowsd lippiag a whole piece of Horruck cottoa uader herctoat:. Iadedbtseatircmiaarasail tbe party aaeomfortabt aad aaxiouj to be out of bss place. Fiaally, whea oae of tbe ladies gave bim a ive dollar bill to my for br parebaaet, be put oa bi gte to examiae It shswiy aad carefully, tttea puiu out tbe bstrglar prwl drawer with it nor of alarm, ctod it oasecoed Ut iacbt wita aar-thcr eUeg.ied bssd aaray wawmitMtMotUMsbMitaaMke sure from aaold baak Bote detector Usat the aote was aot camatcrleit, after winch he moodily mad ebaag. Tbe party bare a tar called jhi him siare, aad ao mem- beret Kererwut. The wbote eeadaet of Use mia sold, as if ia so maay words, -Look here, you aeptu, you eau't cheat ate, aad yest eaa't have my goods uattl I am satiided about you. 1 bate every dvie for swiaeWs, so keep your dis taeee." Tbe reeult was Usat be'lost cus- toat, for ao oae cares to be setaeected obrteuely of baiug a thief. It is pjibie to psoas a cat tumor by your maaaer aad your buibsaia arrsugsaaaat, aad also to ttagat asm er her by pttiat or dss eoney. 1 'roper cautiou it a good tbsag, but k aed aot be exaggerated, a sa tbs ta.-, toes uaivarsal dtstrsat aad ottVasrv impiciea. A tbepkeeper, to attract cuasosaars. must set Usat tb looks, as welt as Use ways of the shop, are bi nthsg. Ax ExTKaaMtatsjLKT Wxora Bbtwec Esootuxur. Atta Darwea tesJeaa, ays the Ltrarpoot , asae saoa were cssarged, at tbe tssgtsoa ef Kscbxrd soott, cab propoetor. wstk Ul-treatiag a bors. A asaa aaased loassrt made a aaer wtth seme of Use JttVedaatt Usat bccuckJ go from Geide to Lower Darwea. a dssasaee of tssrec-uarsers of a mate, m He astaatos. It was arnaged tbat h sboubJ go over Us grotsml ta aay maa aer he chuir. luotW accoTruaegty weat to KUr kbawa aad hssvd a bar aat cab, whsch was drieea by Tbnaaat Scott. Upeu sttaag te Uesd Rtr, Scott fa aad the way impeded by a rope Usat bad beea throw a acre Us road. A aeaa ber of Us ilefaaiaau here seised the besdraamd it tat a ditch, aad kicked Kiaaasost saocktag miaerr. Its sbs were tore oC aad asso a atram of ks beofa. Wstb great exertioe oa tbe part of scant, wise wa meets igaeraaot as to the fact tbat a waer bad beea, he got the bors out of tbe ditch, aad drose a tovard Lower Darwea. At a place called Ktvck a moor be was sgaia stop ped, a ladder btviag beea piaced vcvom the road. Tb borx was agaia draqysd ksto tbe dttcb. aad ktcked aad aaed mere Triy Ibaa before. Oa tbe way from Get to Biack-a-asoor the defoad aats, wtta a aumbor of others, threw tbetr eoats aad other Uttaa at Us horse, aad tried te arias: K doaa, Utctr object beksg to dotala i'oaaftec, who was iu the cab. from geiag over tbe ruaad ia tbe altet ed M mtaete. Ia tbt they saocasdtd. aad tbe moaev was baaded over to the diieadaata br tb retWee. Tb aats were each ordered to pay jlM. Qtbbuc has rebelled airiest be ttera ds trie of aature waicb dooms br to att Se-bouaa cocttuoo tor uv uwuh w tbe year. For sus years aa effort has beea mskieg to secure aki foam tbe D- miaioa I'ariieaseat for a wiater Hae ef steamers, aad last wiater Partial t&sed aa act raatkag tbe required aki upoa certata cuadHkoss which the peti- uoacrs i r -fc their ealire wiiliazaess ad ability to c-mply with. It is pro poJ by the extractor wtso baa taken up the end gel far Qaebec to run a steam'r frmt DecrroUcr lst to May lt, between tbepnfeebeoaad.Pas.icbuc, touch ir.g at all Important'porta, for five years. j y,tr ,h service be U torccsive friafc'sise .Ttrameat a tabstiy of (IS,09 x, with the pnvitcc of abaadoa abasvdf ale'' the schem- at the end of three years If ft should prove iiapracticabJu The -raiEi tractor aad his friends are s jiulnr hw erer, tbat there will be no fiTure. They have foaad triat lbc Sce-ke ia the ris aad gulf form no serious obstacle to at tgatloa because it sever reaches ft, shore to sborr, but lies for the most p agsiatt the sulberu shore, owiag to t revaleace of northerly winds. Hue ever, lac logs, whica are eaanai dease ia tbat regioa ia tbe summer h SOB, are almost uakaowa ia wiater, a though aangatloa is dlmcull ia sat storms It k not specially dangerous. I the whole, Quebec looks forward bj fully to a soatoa of partial activity (dace of the dullaest which has her; fore prevailed ea iter wharves aad in 1 warehouses during the wiater. Mr. Walt Wnrrm.t hat adopted original ami bettoveteat mctbotl af diiiag the iatrepid autegrapb huater.f has beea photographed, ami with own hands has atlixed cojiies to oai aad written his name beneath; aad svt the ingenuous youth or sentlmea maiden semis to him for picture or s nature lie returns a little printed lar, declaring that -any one delring good photograph or autograph of -V Whitman can obtain both by mail, addressing a note to the matron of t Orphan's Home, at Camden and i closing $1. The proceeds arc cntlrt for the benefit of t No orphans. FonKiax visitor concede the superb ityofthit country Ia two pointi ten and Indian summer, The Morning and Evening Bur. Takest ef sUrs.laat kt tat train of a'rht, ii stter ioo &l to tbe taa, eur psd;e d day, tbat erus't IhU amttla; mera Wltb tbe bright rirelct, prake htm the sphere." Mitts. All tkroesk the spriaz'moBtb. aad ea- ward to tbe ead of J oae, tbe eseaiag star shoe brightly in tbe wt, slowly pass iagdewaward alea the track which the sea bad f dkswed. She had Urea er iwlsv' brighter aod brighter up to the ead ef May, aad f..r a week or so leaser, but tbea she be an to low lettre. ai-ht after ghL She also drew aesrer aad Bearer to tbe sua ' place oa tb akr. so to set souaer aad sooaer af.rr Mm. At Ust she was ao miMn seea. But, if duriae; Ibis Septembar aad OctoUrr, aad sf rarl Ull Beit spring, you get ap bef r taartse. yoa will see the morning star ia the east. aaiatag vary brightly ia September, bet gradually with leas LA leas sdeudor, ca ul, at ieegtb, lata ia spriag next year, it will b lt lo wear. This morale-' star is the saase body which before had those ia the eveeiag. It tbsaes half tbe time as aa evvatsg star, aad half the time as a uratag star; or, to he more exact, I ought to say that after shiatag for a lecg time as aa eveaiag star, aad betag knt for a time from it sbiect fr just as wag a tkae as a asorat' star, tbea is agais lost from view, tbea ihtaei for at eeg a time as before kt the ereat" aad so oa couUaually. It also cbaage la bright) all the 'time, ia tail way. t or rather mote tbaa ctgbt moeths vou see it ks tbe eveaiag, gettsag brighter aad brighter, slowly, for the Sot tetee tsoatbs, ami tbea geSieg faiater much more quickly, uaul at Ust you lose atgbt of it. ta about a tortasght jou see it as a moru tegstar, gettia? brishter aad bribtor eutckiy dutiag rather more tbaa a meats aad tbea gettus? sktwiv tatater aad fatat- er darieg sevea mooihs, after which it caa ao more be Ms- So that it sbkaes about ;bt aoetbj as a moraiag star. After Usat k semaias oet of sight for about twe ateatks, aad Is tbea sees as aa cveaksg star. Aad so it gees ea cbaagieg from a merasag te aa eveaiag star, aad from aa eveaaag tur to a ualiy, aad always chaagiag ta bngbtcs M the way jest described. The star whsch shows these straetre cbaoges is called Yeeu. aad it tbe most beaatifat ef all the start. Veaes was coiled tbe PUset ef Lore; aad kt oid tiues,ahea mea thoezbt tbat tbe stars rule oar fortoae, tbe rays ef Veeat were sap- poed to tto a great deal of goo to those who wer bora whea she was tbiatag brighUy. Hat kt our time mea ae ktegrr foecy that beceuse a star looks beauoful bkc Veaus, k briags good lock ; or tbat because a star look ttttn er yellow lit Saturu it briags bad f artaae. Vary kaow tbat VetM s a globe tike ear m earth, gtwg rosed the sua ktst as tbe earth doe. Oar earth scoa from Vea ktokt tike a star, juet at Yeaus Isxtks like a star to ut. Aad if there are aay cfeatures livksg ea Yeut who caa study the stars a w do, they bare quite as much reason for Utiaksag Usat tbe gksbe ea which we live briags them we have for tssteksag that tart'r stobe besas u piod lack. 'ra. sabxrdX Prettr, St. y teaatot. Vebteas aa Orator. It was ay gaod fortuee efteu bear Webster at FaseuM Hall bit ssaloHest dav. 1 have bim whea every Borve was qttrver ktg with exciteasaat, whea bit gaatures were aot vtoleat, whea be was sboutteg at Use top of bis clarioa veto, wbea th ligbtaiagt of pasttoa were piayteg across bis dark face as ap m a thuaJer csvud. I asarkt! tbe terrible eoVct whea, after rvptited a vaults each more asatagiag tbaa Use precedia; apoa tbe pikto ot aa oppooesit, be sauecbed with super hauaaa streactb tbe thuederbolt tbat soed straacbt to tb asark aad deoaoiidsed ail before if. Tbe air seesued Sited with Use nrvarberatioas of the deep-mouthed thue der. Ia a speech which be deiivered ta U ttoa shortly after -nomncatsoa tas I remember bis referriag te Hsyae's tpeaktag of -one Xathaa Daae." Mr. esr a a o. vtetmer always cessHiercti Uaae as author ef the celebrated Northwestern Ordiaasce, by which that large territory was consecrated forever to freedom. H exclaimed verr sctrafollv. -Mr. Hat !(-'! Lin An. N.fliiBwJI rl.BO T fall f yoc. fejloa-atizecs, that as tbe author of t a t . -x - . . iMvtoriaweaiern uruwaace, .ausaaiet Taae s name is as immortal as if it were written oa yonder tirmamaat, bbtziag fcieve? between Orion aad I'seluiw." It k7trspntsible to give aa idea of tbe eBucsj produced. Throw iBg baak his he ratsksg bit face toward tbe heavens. Wh(!rr i-" oary laordea Lea- v. -v - rt fwtbcorB1; aarria-cto Mr. Tbe. So M a- to The 3Isjor ami His Dogs. The first case is oae which eccarred at a foshtoaable waterlog place oa the eatt eoist of Ireland, soaae twaaty rears ago, aad exhibits tbe remark able sagacity displayed by a dog in earryiag out tbe dictates of tbe aaimal pwioa for re- The jetty which stretebed along the smalt harbor was at tbat time nsed as a promenade by tbe diU amesg tbe sotou-aer os the coast, where, after tbs beat of the leeg summer days, they re gale! themselves with tbe fresh eveaisz recto wafted is from the sea. Amosz the freoaeaters of this faubieaabte resort was a geatsemac of some post ties, who was tbe owner of x Sue Xewfoaisdlaad dog, which iabcrited the tls&e-heaored powesstoat of tbat Boble breed Tery great power aad facility ia swimmsa: aad, at the porxxi of the eveaiag wbea tbetrUywat aot crowded with prom- eoaders, bit master delighted to pet this aaimal through a serves of aossatic per foraaaces for tbe etstemiameat ef the assembled seetator. Amumeat beiag at a premium oa tbe coast, those sightly penoraaaees grew tato soteshlavg ake aa -iastiMtioa aad tbe brave -Captazsr' tor tttch was ass aaate sfyjedWv be- caae a aMversal favorite en the jetty. It Mpeeeca, however, that aaoag the sew arrival, oa the coast there came a certain major ia Her Majesty's army, access -putted by two tatl-dess ef uettesU tiu aad streagtb, aad ef great value: bat. value ia a bull-dog betag inversely pro pertsoeate to lis beaaty, tbe appearaace f the asssor aad bss dogs dated so Tr nntnirni nt-ir nUi . m nn. . t . xsthetk: stroUert oa the jetty. 0a tbe rsrst atgbt oa watch Use major pretested bimtctf, Bothiag aoctuai cocorred; and Captain dived and s waa as before. Bst oe the second eveatssg the brave eld fa vorite was walktes eatedr beaisci hit teter down Utejaty, thev were passtae by the atajor aad bis dotr. ese of Usase agiy brutes dew at Oaptaia, and caagbt htm by tbe seek kt tech a way as to reader bit great ttz utterty ajdesi ' far bis defease. A vitdeat trrnslc ea- sued, but Ut bull-dog ease of tac vic tor, for be stack to bss foe lake a leech, aad could oaly be forced to release Ms bold by the iascraon of a bar of bus bctaeeu bis tooth. Tac mdSgaaries af the by-saaaders against tbe major was, ef coerao, tery greati aad Ms fervor was aot a Itttte teereased when they saw the poor Captata weeds ay has wiy boasewojtd. t.i ii.ii J & .h . , . r w "-wj aaa toe astrsi el defost. Sodue two er three cvealuurs after ibis occarraace, whea Oaptaia agata aadc bis asspearaace ea the jsty, he Mossd aaate crsssttxttea. bwe bis tail between, his leer, aad stuck close ly to tbe beets of his master. Tbat evtmksg patted away a steal v. aad the next, aad Use Bext, aad so on for about a we: Captain still bestrksg tbeajpeet ef Btotsratag. Bet one rwiB, about eight or tan days after the above escouater, as e asator was aaecaaag ka.bu lueal pampou aaauseraloas; the jetty, aceeea- ptated by bss dag, mttbaag aUractcd bis attention in the water, aad, w alkis to Use very edge of Use jetty, be stood for a moment leoktag down to the sea. Scarcely bad the two bail-dogs takes up tbesr stand beside taetr aaatorwhea Oap taia, stizsag the opprteeitr for waiaa. he bad so long looiiad. rushed at bis for aer coaueror. aad. crilcata htm by tbe back of the Beck, juasped oaf Use jettr, tnth his foe ia bss asusstu, down seeae twamty-fott or aore iato the sea. Oaee ia Use wwter Ut power of 1st etieav was CTtppled. wtuic Ceptasu was attogether is ass owa eteaaat; sou. eastly evareeatJeg aU cafort at n-tstaace, be sucotedtd K raoiutoly kptog Use builHtegHead uader srater. Tta ecttoa-ee ea tbe sbore wus,of coewse, isstcas. "Tae major uuusd,aadesisedeex: -My d-2 ay twatafaidog: Wkt aoe-sav biatr Bat ao oae teemed at alt tneJused to torfore,erto risk bat le for Use ugly dog. At Itiagth the rjor rstiled or: -1 il give illy pneat-s to assy wbo wui sate my slot''; 1 soon aJtorwnl a boat which lay at some tetttc ditaais patted ap to trt rcacue. Bvea then, boa ever, it ws only by striking Captain on Ut bead the oars Usat be aecJd be forced to rteae bss victim, which was taken iatc the boat quite tetu alea from xhsMov aad suution, aad was with dtatcul broegh: to tfeetf aaia. Cap lasatbeotber band, swam la triumph to iH shore, amid the fiUudits of the tper-ators, who bard, tu sympatbv at bs wea-earued hoeors of rereage. i'oeaixr Sesssue JlmOkfy. As IrxxasTt Seccat, Htest. The Kotfibt Cru a rs : Ttaare is gTitox cseuseatM social ctretes urer tbeaa- vt, the soctoity fomees. hecatiiot . wealthy whiew v tats city. Her friends sayUiey knew she would aakeaood Tt h oies er rivalry tbey doubt tb-wrreeuos ef ta ut at rtp.rted. Mrs. Hicks hV a tf!C t SO Ot PlQeafaaajK e-.t I e. a . , at uvt:H UUs she oseittttos betwroa W v,t . Loadoa eostiauallv. In iab i5 .a.- hasgtvee eaterUiaaveaU of sarpassia- & af 'o sjaisu aua tTT, v.evw tnaser partv to Lord Houhtoa her il ason beWa weatreatem bored. Mri. lrwlr t. sileat family, very aceomrdUhed, aad not a cultivated t.t r.- u. .? , rwto. : " aau P IT?" Tf All the bright stars of P- I be iMerurr world tiesaU- ri-i: . and ia Lmdoa revel tseoeJ. fov toaceptheriavtauou. Twos b.e wnodeciioett to "in aa . . . j - - . a - i' -". uwuji iJ in so Quon of Hollaad at a London b.,,-1 the Qoeea accented tiu. t oorteay. This the exalted lady of tho Uagu declined to .! r itLi. V :beQiwerit w.thtut h,r r....!r." room ttJdIfoaslia-.,, .:;.?" " wncrv. emswuBvaaaac.amw mammmiiaa ows Mr and lavish wl ?10,000 annually, atMrl sidentble portion of tLU Insiuty is really remarkable, and her ats, atlof loreign manu(acturc,a marvels of elegance, taste and at v! Mr iiirt- U abroad, and repot t says she will sopa become, tho wife of Lord Ljuaox. sAutuTauKuTMMuaB Tbn1SnauaaTsTsTsaa rmi