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About The east Oregonian. (Pendleton, Umatilla County, Or.) 1875-1911 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 20, 1877)
- t ast rtgiraiaiL SATURDAY JAN. 20, 1877 OKB SCHOOLS. Wc gladly call attention to the interest now being taken in the schools or this county. But a few -cars since, the school funds, small as they were, accumulated in the county treasury from year to year un less used for other than school purposes, so little was the interest taken in schools and such the character ot our early settlements. How vastly different now! Our county is rapidly filling up with families, induced to come here on account of our rich soil and healthy climate, not as formerly, to remain a few years only, in the interest of some speculation, but they are locating perma nently; completing settlements and build ing up schools in all parts of the county; so that now the school funds, though much Increased, fall far ehort of making up half the amount paid to teachers alone. There are now between thirty and forty schools n total of about 1200 pupils. A nation's destiny may be read in the character of its schools; the more generally educated its -votaries, the better are they prepared to fill its various departments of office, to prevent Bsurpation of power and to perpetuate its existence. Ilistory proves the perpetuity ef aay Republic to be in ratio with the education of its subjects. Much more might be done than is done in our own county, in building up and sustaining our schools. Parents are to apt to regard dol lars and cents to toe great an extent in the education of their children; while they employ skilful and experienced workmen to Eiake their clothing, build their house, etc., at advanced wages, yet they arc satis d to trust their children to the care of a cheap teacher without any normal training or experience whatever; it is not uncom mon for a man to pay fifty dollars for the training ot his horse for a week, and then object to payiDg ten dollars for the train, lag of his child for twelve weeks. Too generally is education held to be a subordi. sate Eiatter, to be attended to when we save nothzag elso to do and yet can get a cheap contract. The telegraph furnishes the following outlines of the report of the commission consisting of Jerome, Barstow and Stick, sey of the board of Indian commissioners, aad BrigGeneral Howard and Jlaj. 'Wood of the U. S. Army, appointed in October last, to inquire into the status and claims of the so-calicd non-treaty Xez Perce, and to effect a settlement on a permanent basis oThe difficulties existing between them aad the settlers. Several councils were held with ths Xcr Perce Chief Joseph and Ms band, in which he was urged to relin quish his claim to the Wallowa valley in Oregon, and to settle on the Ncx Perce re serve in Idaho, under promise of receiv ing good agricultural lands there, with aia in opening farms and building houses; but Joseph refused cither to go on any res ervation or to settle permanently in Wal lowa valley, and insisted on his inherent right to roam wherever inclination prompt ed, aad to lm ownership of Wallowa val ley in particular, to the exclusion of white settlers. The Commission therefore rec omaended that, unless Joseph removes voluntarily to the Xez Perce reserve with in a reasonable time, he be forced to re iBove thither by the military, if necessary or that depredation committed by him or Ills band be made the occasion for placing thesi ob the reserve by military force; and tktt aeacwhile troops be stationed in Im safe valley: also that all leaders of the sect called Dreamers, who have a power ful influence over Indians in Oregon and Washington and Idaho Territories, in teaching them to despise civilization and ignore the authority of the United States, be required to go upon their respective res ervations, or in case of refusal, that they be removed by force to the Indian Territory. -Tke Co amission were also instructed to consider the subject of reduction in the xsmber of reservations and agencies in the above State and Territory, but owing to the lateness of the season, were unable to take the long Journey necessary to a prop i uey arc, er Bsderstanding of the matter. Bowever. of the opinion that fourteen agencies in the department of the Colum bia Buy be reduced to five, the proceeds of the sale of reservations to be used to defray tike expense of removal of Indians and of cetablishingtheminnew homes, provided that heads of families have the privilege of maaialBg where they are and taking a reaseaable quantity of land in the several Territories, under restrictions as to aliena Uoa, and that selections of land already or liereaftcr made by Indians under treaty stipulation be sacredly observed. ThcCom BslssioB also urgently recommends the cr teatioa of the United States law and juris dktioa or the U. S. courts over Indian res erratioac. ESTJUERATI0X OF IA'MAXS. Major Corn oyer, the very obliging Indian Agent for the Walla Walla, Cayuse and TJHtilla Indians, has placed us under re sewed obligations for the following results ef aa csuscration just completed of the Indians under his charge: i.ul V. Woxat. Sora CixulTcftil HTslla Wallas.. SO Cayascs 91 Umatilla. 33 lit 128 48 24 00 SO 29 a 23 140 344 Hi ToSal IM 283 123 119 C29 The boys aad gills arc enumerated as feeisg Bsder 15 years of age. There are on the Columbia river belonging to this rcser- vstioa bat who refusAMiwaMtn on It, and xrx living with rcaejadSTSbm other res ervatieBSa aa estimaiei bcr given by the Iadiass here, am iHUM. VtS. Walla Wallas.. 23 lmtiUas 90 t Giua.Torxt 7 19 i).i 27 130 Total 53 40 "SedroathCal it sow experienc- Icely to so red crops, or will at they will mmmi mm msm a failui From the Capital. Salum, January 13, 16TC. Editor E. O. As 1 jiromiMil you so faithful!- that 1 would be on hand and on time last week and then failed to writo at al), I thought I would be almost ashamed to wnte this wcck ; but when I saw Uie East Orucoxiax I was glad I didnt, for I saw some one had favored you with a splendid letter from this valley. In the pott two weeks tin diphtheria has been making fcarful havoc among our lit. ilonn- it inMJi.lMnrilin wherever It goes, and when it geU it horrid, horrid clutches upon little children it seems im. possible to check its ravages. No less than ten children havclecii snatched away from this mortal world of sorrow to one immor tal and where no more sickness nor pain will disturb their little bodies; and while their parents, friends and youthful com. panions arc almost inconsolable at the loss of those held so dear, still they have es caped years or sorrow, pains and tribula tions, which all must endure who live a natural lire perhaps all is for the best. Farmers are taking advantage of the beautiful Winter we arc enjoying and are next season. All are bappv and looking for better times next season. Many have refused $1 per bushel for their next year's crop or wheat, akd some have already bar. gained their next crop at that figure; it is ! now quoted at $1. There will undoubtedly be a larger amount or grain produced in j Oregon next year, if sotbing In the weather ; prevent;, than there ever has been before. ; Acres upon acres or thick Umber are being - cleared, and in many places the extensive farmers have ciBloycd ChlnanseB by the dozens to rush ahead their work while the nice weather lasts. ruMTixo cntrs. The school at Albany has closed on ac count of the diphtheria. The disease was never known to prevail to such an extent , before in Oregon. Sawtell's trtwpc gave two nights' theater ! lastwetk. The first evening (Wedncsdav) i they announced to plav the Two Orphan's, t the scaw pl.r that was being performed in ' theBrw.khaiLe4erwhea it was burned I and so maav lives wore lost. As all the fun-loving people were anxioos to see this play the Opera Hesse was crevtlod, and all ' went home highly delighted. The second night (TharxJar) Losg Strike ditto. A few days since we noticed tm the Che meketa bete! reglaer the fallowing, A Maliory and wHe, Hepfwer." Afteraosn versation wHh 31 r- Maltery we ascertained that he was on a visk ts his sos-ia-law aad daughter, assd weald probably remain here a month before reHUBtag te Ileppcer. A drankca gcBUeatan ( and an Intoxi cated squaw were armfed and realigned te the calaboose for beiag asder the Isfiuesce of a fighting daM f whiskey aH happen, ed last week. There was a dance over in the "boHcr South Salem the other cveniBg, and aH went off amicably: ooly twe fights aad a half dozen knock-dowas. Bat, while I am aware that the readers of tit is "ewagletBcra. lion" will feel as taaagh they had lost a Iriead when they get through, nevertheless ', I'm done. 11 E. Portex. XEETIXG jy LA GRAXDE. TbefeMewi&g preamMe and resolatiens were passed at a nwetiag heM la La Graade January Stb, of which laage Allwrsoa was PrcsidcBtand J. T. Oattseasc Secretary, and which were seat as far paMicatien : Wiiebca. Grave aaestfeas arising est of the late prcsidctttial eeslest are stitt pending; aad whereas, there is resoa te fear in the settiesaeat ef thcx diScakie the country's peace may be destroyed aad the nation plaared ia 'all the horrors ef civil war; therefore be it Rodecd, 1- That in this hear of national trial it is the daty of ewry gfl citizen lo , or his coaatry in seeing the comlhatiea maintained, the laws executed, and justice adminlst&mL 2. That the ballot box is the creat palla- j dtam of ear liberties; that the doctriBe that I majonue. i raie k iBoaii in asi frw; rovemmeats : and that all attrmm to corruiit the one or set aside the ether mast be resisted bv all the Bteaes in oar power: ! as we regard sack ceaduct as treaoa te the government, which if sBeccaal must ead in the cstsbii&meat of a despotism on the ruins or a free repaMtc. 3. That in the final decision as to who 1is hren elected Pxrsident the decision of . thepcopleattheballoUxxraastbethetet i of ac,ioD M,j y,e xvshM. mast declared accordingly; and wCdeny the .right of any man or set or men to set asiac luaiuect-; ion. when the constltatlenal reoulremenu or which have been complied wfih. A. That the people, bating spoken at tie now see that the constitutionally elected be constitutionally inaugurated; and we pledge our support i oi the means neccscorr to be used that this ' end may be accompHthcd. S.That the peace of theoountrr is of more importance than the election or cither Tilden or Hayes; that the maintenance or the government is or more importance than either peace or the socco of men; that public justice is tne rounuation or public jxracc, and that peace cannot le maintained unlcst justice be done ia this case. 0. Tliat we are in lavor or peace consist- cut with patriotism and liberty; that we will exhaust all constitutional means in carrying out the will or the people; and: then suoaw military power be caiica tn to , effect by the snnr l that which waa defeat-' ed bv the ball-n. r- will in the defense of our liberties j''c force to .force to the bitter end. 7. That wc approve and endorse the con. ilnrt nt ftnrornnr ftmrn- In tila ilrrSilrin nn the electoral vote or Oregon; that he did only what his oath and the law demanded and justified; and that all dra him bv a press which endorses the action or Uie Louisiana Returning Board is but a compliment to his honesty and regard for the constitution of his country. FROM THE WALLO WA. A correspondent at Prairie creek, Wal lowa valicy, writes the Kast Oreooxiax thus: "It is holidays, and all arc happy happy to know that here as elsewhere Christmas and Xcw Year comes every 12 sionth. Wc understood that a commission had been appointed to settle affairs between ourselves and the Joseph band of Indians; but we are in the dark about the matter. The weather here until Christmas was line, and stock. was fat and doing well; but at present wc have 0 or 8 inches of snow, and I think It will make stock "ruitle" to keep up appearances if we doat get a chlnook wind to lift if T. IL JX THE SX0W1 GnAxnx CnxiJCOitmox, J January i, 1877. f EnrronEAjTOnEoox!AX DcarSIr: I've nothing else to do, and a few notes from Granite may be acceptable to your .valu able sheet. Christmas was celebrated at the North Fork Bridge by a pleaafit iwrty given by T. B. Well. Though the storm clouds were low, and the snow fell thick and fast. J" wow-slioc. ami cayu comuuea brought the party together. A pleasant . a a dance and a good supper rewarded them for their trips. Then on New Year night Mrs. Harvey Bobbins gave a supper at the Monumental Mine; dancing wa the order of the evening and they tript the fantastic toe till early dawn; all danced to their hearts content and slid down the mountain on their shoes In the morslntr as hannv as . . . ... ..7 . . I larss. jiusic was oy uie siring mini, jur. i Jack Haggard and last fiddler. tiring, and always in a good humor. Should he come out your way, get him far he will fiddle for you like the d 1 and we recom mend him where'er he may go. The Winter so far has been unusually mlM. Sncw fell on the 20th of December MU coaunucu at inicrrais sum me iat 01 January, got to the depth of U r 15 Inches then turned warm and commenced rain- "d this morning the soatu hill skies bare and the streets of Imlt-peaUcsrc muildy. The aborigines perhaps recoHect of muddy streets here at this tlsae of the jear - before, but the whites daaX The road between here and Ft. Sumter, Baker county, has been traveled with teams up to the present time. Mr. A. G. Tabor has lately retained from San Francisco looking fat aad hearty. Mr. Taber started from here some two months since with three or four tons of rock from Monumental Mine, the sale of which proved very satisfactory to all parties In. temted. Mr. Chas. Miller ac expert in quartz is J ere new cxaatinisg the mine Uie r IHsrckaslcg the same. "e u auo EmD5 S004 ews a Uu,rot,-h "inailoo ; he say lie Is weM J'cicu lv MU 1 MC uaT uie 'uluc W" iMit In eao- i tarns vet. The majority of the placer raises in this vicinity has been worked eat. The Chi nese are doing the most of the wwrk ia the placers new. Mr. Stub Johasue sold his claims in Wcstfall Basin the other day te Chinamen, price f (00, cash fiCO, balaaee 1st of July. Mr. Win Johnson has gone to Baker city le rusticate. Mr. J as. Tryon has cetae in here from Birch creek to rusticate. -Big Steve" say that II. H. Horse medi cine beau anything la nber up ea aad tjelct a man's nerves that he ever straek. Me&s Aex uxjox couxrr items. J. Dicker, proprietor of the Btae Meae tala House, has boeght eat the La Graade be. Several imparlant laad cases were tried be&re the Itegister aad Receiver ef the U. S. laad cSice daring the precedtag' week. The hearts of the yeeag were asade te rrjeice by a Christmas tree ea Christsaas night, given by the La Graade Senday School. The beH recently bang ever St. Peter Charch (Epttcepat la this plaee is wwite an isaprevrtuent as welt as eexvesteace te the members. The weather has Veen fiae, with occa sienally a little rain op te the salddte of last week, when it cotuaeaced freczisg aad as I am writing it is snowing. The Grand Ball given by the La Graade b j . t j h , Ixrabcr 50ih, T. wis a sacceM. the Grangers ball given ea the 29th. al-o La Grande brass aed string bands meet every Satardav evealnr at their haN. They prrrirrd to play ca aH accasiee that . . . . .... the services of a brass aad stria? band are c ceded. Protracted meeting has been held at the 31. E. Charch tiy Reverend's Hises and Hayes since December 20, 1S76; frea all appearances it may last all Winter no re sults so far. t i tr. c c 1 A r STZL.TZ , " . - u'"ut " few davs aro: Mr. Foster roes to visit ' rrfcads and relatives: 3Ir. Sorder to nro- ., . r , . , cure the service, or a young lady as hoase- keeper aad sharer or his joys and sorrows. The second term in the present school year at the Rlue Mountain University com menced January 2nd, 1877. The higher department is presided over by Prof. J. L. Carter; intermediate, L. 3. Jtoase; pri mary, 3Irs. Kel ley; there are about ninty students in regular attendance, quite a number of whom arc from a distance. The mill-dam belonging to W. J. Snod- grass, at Oro Dell, went out daring last week. X-lOxs-EO. A HontuntX Crime. Tbn Albany Dem ocrat of the 12th instant says: "A most ti11lrl ellrnint wlinlmil munlrr was discovered at the Courthouse last Sat urday morning. One or the gentlemen at tne uourt-iiouse went out to uie wen tn ine j morning to get some water, and as the TCTJ- wcll be unscrewed the top to find out the cause. There he found a small bag of white pow der, which by chemical analysis was prov ed to be arsenic. Small pieces of lead had bees fattened to the bag to keep the action of the pump from raising it, and it had then been thrust down wiui Uie am or a small stick. What could Induce a person to commit such a crime could hardly be conjectured, as its magnitude Is very great when we come to remember that the Cen tral School Is supplied with water from this well. We did not suppose that our fair young city was cursed with Uie pres ence or such an inhuman wretch as this person must be, and we blush with very shame when we find it our duty to give publicity to his crime. If he could be found our people would make way with him in very short order. -John McDcvltt or the Washington po lice force testified that Murtagh tried to have Congreasman Whltthorn decoyed Into a house of bad repute." Tills is strange Itdccd, as the average Congressman dont need to be decoyed. The Warm Spring Indians shot heailed their "medicine man" a few days ago because every one of his patients died. The murderer have been arrested. NEW TO-T)AT. lYellcc TS HEREBY GIVES THATTItE rftBfrlpWrrto form tikiis totaa Jaaa H Jamn t4 W. II, Jttwa u t-U dr dlawlttd bt ailu! nint TW ' Wtlaiaa Wrraftrf l tuwl M by Jaha 11 Joar. AH xnoM Vivmlr larsucltra IMMM to IW awr tm ar WrcSy rrqvtrrd to But taravral atlUa 30 6;i tma IW data l-Troi JONES J U.N El. Wtataa, Otrjvti, Jaaaary 17, 1177. 4 nXINTSTTUTRtX' NOTICE -Not U WrW . ntra oi tw abdfrtfvd hu i n4tM .tVLl! nuu u rfn(rra I fmrri Ui mm La u odr I1. ftvfrttr rrnSni. Uam .t aeetfc frsa tti. ttAtAX to UU nuu r itwil to dU trnMiIt. U xysMet. KMUA CILLUriE. AimUUUtlrtt. Juiurj 1I,1S7!, J. H. Tru re. Attorney JiOTICK TO CREDITORS. rmiCT. 15 ItEREBT CtVKN 7Ut lU bSrrn 4 ui im Mr imulri Atoiwitrmttr ml U 'JaV$ CORIkjS Arral.- ASt prrwm Ut MX dUM alal wnir in ImS; Mtit4 to NmM lltn to n dtr rmfiod, M nr fiiSK Is llluc fmimtt Idui nwslj, Orr(uK, Ulla ill mwitu f root O ltr bmeC ' LCWU ItOWLrY. AsnainW. Jtccuy IS, 1ST?. txo Ertsri, XOmnrf. L SUVERMORE & BEA&LE I V E R .fstcmmta , LOT LIYER.HORE. Ssiianc OuSSuL4 la 11869 - 1869 o R E AnafrTUtotartae s brjrsX .If ERCBAIVDISE Ik kW tttj lrr CATV pr. 7 -u M ta ftuibn swirl. I . IlclwSuStMlbtftra curs rrt-rt rsMo ? hist: a. wa u mS fmrUr. u4 aJ run kixn 8 W iljxabr s start B E A o L E 4 rtV, U4 ft! Itbte mt CocMTT IT Wagons AXP. AGr.lCULTU'AL IMPLEHN'TS r(iCat a4 Zxrrm tCet ta U no Elrcrmorc Sc. Beagle VISSOLUTIOX. "VroTJCE kmT U rattarrrfilp Wrr- j. totonlUuWU(ns KM mt Nvrl MSBrr 1 tbS AT exmrt hf Mctaal Mini AH Arfcu '4mt O Sm nut t SI to Mr. rwvt. S H prtiSr mM t Ulm tl It, b SB mtet lb tMturM hmCtr, a. a roirrra, rmuum, jix. t, trrz m jiilux. WARWAR-WAR! V BOOKi ABE rrLL, AXP WILL UK CM. jL rdiMUelrt(Jmur, tSTt. ib to orMia cs ta Mwn, wl u I tarrfulrlr cms forairt 4 Mtll nt lUlr wroaat. TaBaVtJMinkBOTtlutllanatMUtarM,! IBrB Sen DCoar Gfuslx A Ij to mt rarior aa4 nuil fimrt at COST for ibm Brtt Utlrr 4p( CrVxabl!f-tnTttucfcaa. tviaktoMfiCooilocftom t rwllifrl rm ro.i CASIIDOWS. TUiaUst Ue MibJSc U rw Uitft U oi lib. I am He. O. W. WEBB. I1natoa, Drcrrtbtr 33, UTS. THE 10LAR AND TROPICAL - WORLDS i courLrrr. pmitrs atr ia J A. Ifc !ar aad Eiairtl ntM IW Clobo. i'tniM kIia. a fall and aerarau aranaal f IW rr- atu K ail tW diSmat rirmtiUoe to IW AltSt WmU Irvta iWdlKSTrrrurloaUaa. atr 1.030 jrara ina to lb ftnnX Ur, Bdadlac tW Ut nrtloa af Clarica Tnuv ttatl. totrtWr "Hfc IW felttalarra aad ioantiUi afaU tW rtrtt cijAwttx, UaatUJl, ljinamaaf. 1) CWlUa. WaUarr. M&. la goatli AEwrtn. AlrSca, India. Aattralla, aad arrir ritoTnracalWaVu. D UK. Q HARTWIO, AntWr U TW Sra and Its Uriaj Wodra TW llar aataaaf Natarc." tie. Edltodbr UK. A. II. CI ERX BEY, oT Srw Vak. Viratiac rditoroT Acarncaa Ea rTtkrlu. TW iloli rrbUuWd allh wrlf To Uaadrvd Walirl Map aad tUortraaoai, lro to a, art, frcca diaUu roslaaot 7 ArUtu Is IW rrfiosa A D VEKTI SKM ENTS. S.RDTHCHILD CALL and exanilce the large and well assorted stock of general "' justrccelred by S. ROTH CHILD At his old stand In HHarkev's bulMInr. anil wiiicii be oners to the puulicon terms " at. . til m . T.I . urn iu compare iavoraujy n mote oi any eouipcuior. S. R07H0H1LD The following are some of the leadtag liaci. or which you will always fled aa assortmeat on hand: Drr-goods. CletMa;. Roots aad Shoes. Hat asvl Caps, Carpets. waM paper. Ore-! crr5-. nateal rardVlnc. Palal. ON. Tobaeeo. Hardwire. Cetiery, Chtea rjxl Glass ware, Stationery, etc S. - R0THGH1LD Onltrs freea tbe ceeatry wW prompt attcatlea. reeelte Hides, Fars, Wool, chaage. etc-, taVen la ex- CAMPAIGN OPENED fhggL roc tsc FALL OF 1876 'At Umatilla, Oregon. TrravaoBT I i-i nM a4 Ut Jj umMiI tfamrt Ji4iwm.l m; bt mt tmrm- Occident Goldsmith Range Golden Gate Empire Citj Hirmath Rio Grande PASLUS STOVES The lonitor Parlor Belle Laurel Ringer Echo Onward PABLOR COOK Jewell Eclto BOX STOVES Black Giant 3loguel Pine Knot "Woodside Bonanza -A ftl aaaartatat of- T I3ST SL 11. IE3 Ctelatlf a kaarf. aa UrJ rasa. AlerJrtaU. vital ana abl tfipl&. wit j. ijcrzsn. T II TTOONTZ-S-' 0 11 IL nm u O atrma, 011A -nr orncr Crar UMATILLA, PClLCa t- GENERAL OTNT TTATVP: large ahoott or $ALT ""mur. AIM A Lai; Let sf SHEEP DIP TOBACCO. -DV- J. U. KOOIVTZ. 1 JfTHXK WW waau LtsO Btaska rf aar- j acriptUa, arad joat ertftr to is. iiaiKta. urp lrr, Cnal ISa OiJlJ-. Ortffa. pKatnWr t, I ITS. FOR am Kfvtfarna for tata at ihli jnaala duo, iw;wi;aa ic ADVERTISEMENTS. COOKIIYG STOVES AXI) Manufactory of Tinware, And ALL K1XM OF SHEET-IRON WORK, Main strttt, opposiu the Court Hoaee. Will constantly haTt on band, and for sale, a Complete Assortment or A complete Assortment of the Diamond ROCK C00KIXG STOVES. AIL SUM'S or iTOIO WORK ru u Orirr, u Cost xor, a4 U Very XaMt rrSoa. G. W. WEBB. HURRAH FOR EVERYBODY! Here! IT TOC WAVT fAIT OtLf, K.TXT. CMMtUt, C ta Um PE.DLErO.-V DRUG- STORE! 1 TT WAXT Irt Inl tad (mlM faint 1'EX1LST0K DRUG STORE. lr riWXST UAr T,rt coU dllt PEXDLETOIf DRUG STORE jr W! WAV? Itx 'TtrvBUia.c.M PEKDLETOy DRUG STORE. T r raC WA.VT ri Oa4scaaXlabatoSW PENDLETON DRUG STORE. TCW-A.T Ha brulrt, OamU. mr ta Jw. " FEXDLCTON DRUG STORK. rr vsar wyr a rmoeiM ftoai-t naa cart. catoSM rEXULtTOX DRUG STORE. 4 IX r. WjiXT.i Mlnoaw J V. ijlaoia,ni U asyhi lay fitoll aWi bcaa aiafr- PCCD AAO SALE - bTABLEa ptatv rr. rrarrx tzstxsmx evrtxi John Bowraan. J. fl. anPSCTT. f. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON re-fittoa Crcs. OSee in Is ow bsiWinjr. p rtslr W. C. IcKav, n. Dn PIIYSlCIAK AND SURGEOK. rit.gia. Ccaalab Ceastr. Orrtn. r(Sra HtttL CGca U aW WM. MILLER, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. "V irtLL GtVX rrelaj at&rati ta rarraic 4trmtrt, 11 OOra at tW 4rt avar. S!aistrl. Dr. J. D. LIntKcy, SURGEON AND DENTIST. ta a kaalai wrauefmtT la Pendlston, Umatilla County, tae lia wiwi c c atvaft W W4. 9&"Sr3ry A Sptcnftj. 1. O. StcriiH, ATTORNEY Jk COUNSELOR AT LAW Baker City. Ore Ran. LO. Rnra ai atla4 aWraaruaTlW rifts J Ajcui Pmnrt, aa-t m( LW aJ WajAtr1oa Trrrt tsrin. Walrr KUUa aa4 Miaas LMttslaaa a rx aaurr. CSttie xtv?Uj Lro.irJ wv OcS Xi J. II. Tarncr, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Coaatr Ordtn bott aad aoM. Laa&a XrixtA OrrtCSXaiatrr4,orfwaaCoat C rSrtea. OrrfVa. S. V. KNOX. .ttorne" - at Hiaw, Wratea, TBiaUSa Owetr, Orrsoo. mr:i.L rwcTiCK is the cooirnt or T T lata Stats 81 Wahiaoa TtrrttorT. r Siwcbt atUaUM paid U IxjJ bcslsm sihl Cottnctioiu. G. 7T. BAILEY, REAL ESTATE AG EXT, (aso xotabt rcsLTa) PENDLETON, - OREGON. PARTtCCLAIt ATTKVnOX rail to IW rrcatloB ruadtsalmi Ic IW IVrarlBKat u Waakmsvw, a4 la tW ranaaa local oCki. aad UUa amnd. Smava ara Unarm! iWnadnltlex to ami Stat arSrWU laad; la IImm) iilns to acqalr tab af llaantra4 aa4 rr-aloa. Fine lines, Liquors and Cigars ALWAYS TO HE HAD AT Jttcofcson & Cp's Saloon, 0vite BUI SwiUJrt'a Rorr, rtxuLttos; Ottvc CARDS W aula a rprtUlir. aa aa Mt tarja u3lttkS at lyra aad rt r. ADVERTISEMENTS. PENDLETON xatx tracrr. THIS CENTHALZr LOCATS AID FOPVLA1 IOVIE HAVLVG BEE.V ESTICELT REFITTED ud SEFUESTSHED u nr onin roa The HeceptJoa of Gaests THE TABLE m il X Urn t tmrsiti lti ftrj kt tt Bvkrt iZvrt. taA rrrrj cxcrUa r' to rnnCj THE BEDS An al xirv. asl IW nwsa bn fem famiSil tm to) acunt ttfU ixA Ki rttry cannkut uuCf Saa4 la a Int-Gua Lacac THE PENDLETON HOTEL, la al JU STniU ai d p wi ! casac. aa4 UkrinMWia trtffii Al It ta iafina tkm ViTaim rf ,rTJ SCaT 3mSZ Mt U ttttoeUI B. J. ZALXT. Bl-lf ST. CHARLES HOTEL, Ct&MAXt BAIAXrBAZ!C7im-Canr frat u4KnuiHntit.hciliarrtK TV lr rmrf BmH. nnmanrtiTS mt It ntarn, Mrr ti mtirn avauaat mt cas a Bitbu, vcr, kaa t latiri If nwui aa4 arr ibn itrw ac- nmm iIiIih.1 to aajr v IW otj Ttm Baitt Ha w tors numrt to aW jnul Iw . a jr.rim KW.y Iwwa lh f Sn hrtwlttfCgi T Bar W al Urm. jg4 a tM fig ttm rmmmx t mm umn iM rrM trrj f rr rfmm trmat HjCT to rr tt a Vlmrt na TWMatar aakMU-rsiuSBLaaWcCaTrty Stateea nana aa x naai arsM K Lmt Ua enrxlv to tfvr tm pmmt ta auUac SM aw W- Sriri ia CM raj 1tnenirt r-i.cMj atteu la nur mt mV aratrax t rtl c air mt i i .1 rBuvaa-aarisnr arr ul ICul t&rr a u rj rSan to aC sat sniT !- Ma-m ctaxft to aa4 tm aa hmmaa. Wllsan Ketcl. UMATILLA, . OREGON. "ra A. VCtL&XS. U-rrtreC ArVax. kaa fa. -.'A, eWarnumtTt, taustla. St aka aa re4 a muriv heart TW imstmtmtomt. BW hrt a rwrtx, ca aW waS W aaaW4 aW rrj Set aw aurlt aSnlc TraraSara -J aat r-jrrt tto)asu lan ataor. STIAE HOUSE, iTAI.VST, WALLA WALLA. W.T. IStx aai Eirl HuMl rrBcS irmW r-tr fcrxfaM ikrarlt. A te aav aa-a ir aW mum W pvi tlat n ' aa4 Unt USr taa. mr mC Am rraacra. at aw raw anmi. (new Sun Sta I BUM A3 r.xox hotel, UMATILLA, - OREGON. THC BW"E H as SWancriiSai aiwiWr.y. IS aancae T iW ysaiic ka tlp. 4 SHOP. 4 D. 31. Tarlcr i tW raurna af PraSMaa aad WMW aVat W St arrparrd aa da al Uaa f van, a Svia fea at Vawam, act mmij a PROMPTNESS & DISPATCH Bat ia a aarlaiaakW Xaasarr. Horse - Shoeing a SpscialtY rxAES or eu-cvieccs aaSSx xs-r to aiamawa aWt ay nd ia tWs Baa ta a iwKr t Cm ati nA as!a? tanSfflSa Oart Baw. aad ant 4r to Kanaka Ltrrrf : I aarc Sa B? tr O. H. STAXtST. aW rt3 aa- Irst ta aX ak da!S aiaraca. DEALER WATCHES CLOCKS ash WATCHES AND REPAIRED ALL, ON SHORT WORK NOTICE WARRANTED RaerWa(aMetiaaar Xastnvt Clci St Loaj BatH, Waaa WaSa. W. T MONEY MONEY HORSES LOST $5 Reward. o crrs a nocbkk or mt horses naic Bta awalim, aad IW arr UBtitd ta c ta Caaa- .r wraaoa CMlksr i aavj nn. iny uhhu UU caaalT ; sa rrWa asacox la ladiaa rM. tar a dwrnag aarafaaid Woca to 5. L. Hon. Utb af rradirtaa. atB W imitai at li ri mt J4 prrWad. TWtarai t cceatat af yfarih-gl, S-Taaf aMa, Waadrd C aa tW Mt tbtailir, cfliafa, aaea trot., Ha auar araad, aad aatk Wears, Osa braad mt CcaWlttoilH SUi i 1S7S. Gao. CaRS- ST, PAUL'S SCHOOL WALLA WALLA, W, T. l BOADDDRS AND PAY SCHOOt Ser ClrK TV -1- aalj mtraiaat Baardlas acWal east mt tW Caa eV. Pnard aad laHMa. lacladtac Cfbta, tic, prr jarwr of ua inti, tlO. VTaaaias, per sani S VV. Day papiU. Talie,iraitr. . . fl. J. $!. aad tVS Kane. lTi Inonc. j-rr uirtrr ........ UM Kabra Uaaa. aaca, rr aanrr T Sa rapiU rxnlTrd at aajr Uaic, aad caaitrd traa it af rauaaoa. Errntat xllcolioo pcU to IW cum aad taarjlatlWroila.aaaaw cnaatiatty aadar la cm ot tW taarWn Wtb la aad oat f acas). Aar (artWr tsfbrautloo. B W cWrrtaSx ttrca ay addmaiac Rrr. L. II. Wuxa. rnarfli. 0, f UMATILLA, KtiaitdraVrtataa Saaat LSqLORS Ala'D CIGARS. ORDERS Fiatn a disuoc freoirtty aileadot to. TWrraautSaa of bat We H nwtt laal Woaaty aal DUr diio( Vt ta wmL, Tty aad WtwaTteccd. TriC:nPRC W aut a ipmxtlj, r k a X UulXillO Ursajactmciaot;attrtnc. Z. K.