The east Oregonian. (Pendleton, Umatilla County, Or.) 1875-1911, January 20, 1877, Image 1

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l;c (&a$t rejomnn.
baths or ABYzjmatsa is cowf
One mcfe, Sot injertien. ....... $2 00
Each subsequent iwertton, ...... 1 00
omen. coukt kthukt.
OrrotlTK TUB COirET-UOlkK.
RaIm of Mnbacrlpllou In Cain:
One Vw. W
Six Month -.. 2 M
Ttirre Months - I
Single Copies
TbM 4t mUm bj Miimt Best mSmi Is
tf local cUamsa, JO ccsu pr Is. AirtnUlzf
M politic tuxXklj.
VOL 2.
NO. 16.
pUfc u4 n lew prtca.
Familiar Voices.
Down in the Jeep, up in the sky,
I tec thorn always far er nigh,
And I shall mc them Ull I die
The old familiar face.
They may htve Ions fergeilen mine
But I remember every Mae,
The elJ familiar face.
Ah! nothing e'er replaees
The old familiar facvs.
And alt day Ions to cles e and near.
As In a mystic dream I hear
Their gentle accent kiwi and dear
The M familiar vekes.
They hare no sound that I ean reach
But tHence aweeter Is than speech;
The old familiar votees!
No lli is-in v heart rejatet
like the old famiHar voire.
Jfarper1 Mageiiut.
The Fanner's Daughter.
She lire -within her quiet home.
No model of the graces.
Unknown to culture' higher walk?,
Of fashion giddy places;
A thoughtful girl, so sweet, to wise,
With earnest face am? leving eyes
The farmer gentle daughter.
From mem Ull ere the Mtle maid
I busy at her labor
She (weeps anddasts the eld farm-house
And helps a poorer neighbor;
No gossip itt the listen to
(A merit rare, I own to yen)
She Htcs the farmer daughter.
On baking day her tiny hands
Are bnsy at the baking;
Kb bread mere light and sweet than hers.
Was ever made by baking.
She churns the better geMen, sweet.
And keeps the dairy white and neat
The farmer's useful daughter.
Her garden is an Eden fair,
A -bloom with pinks aed reset;
She knows the name ef every newer.
And makes eme gorgeous posies.
Grows peas, and radishes, and ere.
And com, and tqaash, and herbs to press
The farmer happy daughter.
Long may she bravely smMe en ss
Our darling besfccbeM fairy.
The queen ef garden, hease a ad let,
And prince ef the dairy
To teach us by her pleasaet way
To lore thsthlngs ef every day
God bless the fanner' daughter.
Under the Sea.
"I would like yoa te go with me iad
see an extraordinary per-en."
These were the words that greeted me
on entering the parlor of mj hotel ene
Angus! dar. IV e had gone to an oat-ef-the-waj
retreat, a little hamlet on the
tea-shore. Oar hotel was a mere apol
opy fr the public baildings one fieds
now-a-days in more fashionable localities,
but then, we didn't want to be fashion
able; we wanted to go where it was not
possible to be fashionable. Go and tee
an extraordinary person! On the in
stant, of course, my imagination ran riot
among great names. Could it be that or
this General, Admiral could even a no
bleman bare found bis way to these d-dom-sung
shores and glistening sands I
Ton will tell me, at least, who it UV
I asked as we went along, coaxing all the
shadows we could find to cover us.
"Couldn't, for I don't knew his name
myself, or rather, I have forgotten it, A
Boston friend told me be was here, but
I've Ion the letter. However, that don't
make any difference; he's quite a public
And so joa see I was left in the dark
until we came to a quaint little cottage,
that I should have known for a Down
Zoster's property if I bad been carried to
it blindfolded after a month's travel in
the South,small and squarend red in its
tints, and comical in its porch, and sub
stantial in its frame-work, just tuch a
bouse as loves to defy wind and weather,
and always does.
We sent in our card, and presently n
sturdy-looking man, with hair quite white
at the temples, and sufficient crow's feet
and wrinkles to make his lane a catching,
came to the door, both bands extended.
"I am real glad to see you," was his
salutation; "Dr. Jim has often told me
about you; and the fact is, I am so used
to companionship, and it is so quiet here,
.that your coming is a godsend. Walk
right in."
We walked into & tiny parlor whose one
large window looked tquare upon the sea.
It was very plain, very neat, very cool.
and all the chairs were easy-chairs; there
wasn't a straight back among them
"I thought I d get to work before this,'
A. said the stranger, "hut something hat ti
Coined the tan; and perhaps it is as weii
to idle a little, lou see I've cot to go
".' pretty deep this time. She's out there.
jo6t behind that ledge of rocks, sheer
down, heaven knows how many fathom.1
Ilis speech startled roe. Whow&s"be,'
and what was the work he contemplated?
"You find it less difficult now, I sup
pose?" asked my friend.
"Ob, yes, the new apparatus has made
it comparatively easy. It's a beautiful
arrangement. I sometimes wonder how
-we got along in the old one."
My friend, here noticing my look of
inquiry, said, "1 didn't tell my In end who
is with me Uiat you were a direr.
Ah, It was all clear, now. If ever
my life I had cherished a wish that teemed
impossible of fulfillment, it was to sec one
of that strange, almost secret fraternity.
I actually jumped at the name, and the
old, ruddy face set all Its dimples and
crow's feet at work.
Yes, I've been at the business now
forty odd years; began when I was a boy,
and shall probably continue at it till I
die. Been all along the coast from Maine
to Florida; been in government employ
the. last twenty years; helped remove
ledges that were dangerous; restored
sunken cargoes; found treasures and seen
sights that would fill a hundred volumes
if I knew how to write 'cm."
"And what are you at now?" I asked.
"A steamer that treat down last month
a Florida boat, I think. She had some
valuable merchandise and some twenty
souls on board all down there. It will
lc my date to bring them up first, if they
are still en beard, then the lading, ami
finally, if not toe much injured, fasten
the mechanism for Imaging up the beat
hcrcoif. We bare done wonders in that
"Ami do yea like the badnessf 1
"More than I oaa toll, and always did
Hke it. 1 remember when I was a boy I
could stay longer under water than wy
companions. There' a foseiaatioa ia the
thing that is as stnmg now as it was then.
Yon sec we have a chance to do service,
though ofton it's sad caoagh, to be sore.
Hut we get used to that."
"Dun't yea see horrible sights sowe
timtr "Ofceursc; thoagh there are as pretty
places down in the deeps ef the eceaa a
one weald wish to tee. A jxwfcct
fiewcr-bed, ia all colors richer o4or
than yeu get outbids, becaete the sea
loads a Lrilliaecy that Bailed with the
tla.h ef the water, all the time is aotioe,
makes pictttres that are a fereiga to the
earth, onlside, as yee can itaagiee. Ah,
yes, we see teaches ef paradise dew a
there sometiases."
"15 at i there set daagerP
"Ofcoerve. Ia every cat liagoeaaec ted
with such aa a as table element as the wa
ter, there is more er less imager. Bet we
thrive on the excJleeat. You will see
the men's eyes brighten if there is a sp
pesitiea of peril. I reatember whee we
were called te go dewa to the AlUmtit
you haven't forgotten that poor de-imed
vesei the situation was one ef cxtreae
peril. I sever saw mea mere asxsea te
ge, theagh we had thee the nld aaifera."
"And yea saw terrible sight P
"iBdeed we did ! I shall sever forget it
The swaviagaboat so far aader sea, with
maay aad asaay a dead face, moved by the
waters to a ghastlr likcaes to life, is
something I caaaot descrile, nor da I
think itooahl be (Metered. Taat.-UfaiX
was the worst job I ever had. Hie ase!
hew maay little children there were!"
And bi face took oa a sadaess that was
very pathetic
"The divers can erea work very readily
coder water. I hear," oahl my friead.
"O, re, almost as well as ea sfcere.
We soBsetiae hare a ged deal aC that
kiad to do, so we have skilled unchiesoi
ia nr oorjH. It aed te make me rather
faiet te coate atfia b4ie aowa there.
SfaeUtses I've teea theaa all sealed.
eaite satarat, beek ia baad. I -rcanesa
bcr eee sach case. The maa had tpecia
otes ea, aaa, apea mv wenl, 1 was
startled I ke te aisa.
"Aaother case I reaeailer was taat e
a voaeer girt reetsasar a aa aia-csuar
What latifal hair sete had! It SrU bkr
doth ef gM. alM eeewciasr the eat aad
her IxwHa. Sac, tee, leaked err aeta
ral. She had prohobiv heaa ceaibsag her
hair whea the saeck oocarred. It a a
Aaother tiase I ieaad the erok ia the
gaUey, beat ever has ae. hi head stilt
grarieag rAe ttea heaaleef a trytac-saea.
InefeabatiewcaMsea tnetkiaa; I bm
where the iOaitiea aad snwenae arr
pericetl f JttarM as ataatnt taoeeetvr roe '
wr wf Hate anev vmr wr mwk. ami
I draat to see litlie cStiMrea. Oh. I h
hte to take then an. poor little thiapi !
hare chikirra, I sap oef
Xo. I never asarried. The riks of mt
ccIHag xeeated tee greet, aad eae hardly
kaews Use coastorto t Mease, eallea here,
aad there, aad encywaeie. Bat I aat
vety lead of little eae. My heether he
a hloate to which I asa verv westoaie. 1
have to BMke that do issstead ef eae ef
mv ewa."
"Have vo ever takea ateacy from a
I taeaM tMaic se lagev. caeets tail
meaey eat ef the puckete ef mr deed
mea aad aroaad the lw,
hutched ia lelts; riar ef greet valae.
diamond aad iearl; efceias. cstna ah,
I hare bandied mere tlsaa I shell ever see
again r
Aju how does Use ocean look lietewr
"It preseats diaereat pictwee at disJer-
eat dejiths. Setaetisses it is deae Nke a
neat creea tUmr. brseisteaeil here aafl
tlierc by leag svwrds of Ksht, as the Haa
ieaetrates; at ethers there are valleee
with deep walls oa either side aad gfcV
tcning shells; aad sispttarmariaegrewth
fwbv aad lieed.
"Then great aad sbmH &-h glide by.
wme like vivid epeK aad soaie of rich
Mae aBd cnauoa. Use ooforo Hvtag aad
ttaliag aad Sahia as the creatare
breathes or mores. It is cariea to hare
a large fih se sear eae, te Me there re
connoitre, as it were, tM other meater.
traage to them, fellow it, dire at it.
and then aMtareatlv rtiecHbite mxta it
Olt, it is a wonderful extiorieace, aad I
sometimes wi4i 1 1ml the power to make
a Ixiok aliout it
Abu do yoa always loci safe in vpr
"Alwavs, if I have reliable as:4tatri
ovcrhoad, awl I look eat for that. We
are a sober set, we divers. e hare to
lx, wltea so much dejwad vxm a signal
the touch of a valve. BcMdes that, in
blasting, we are obliged to handle the
most uaageroBS cxphxive. Bat acci
dents liapicn very rarely." Garry Mot,
In i outlet Uompamon..
It is said tlsat a verv leautiful and use
ful fabric can le made from Hiider-wclM,
and could the tlghtintr proieaiities of
spiders, when collected in large nBmltem,
be done away witli, a regular branch of
industry might Ie cstablited in the inaa
ufocture. A medal of honor was recently
given it gentleman in England by the
Society of Art for obtaining a thread of
Hlkof UicoBUinatedlcngUiot 1H.UUU Jet
from twenty-four ordinnry ganlon spiders
To spin one jiouiid of this web twent v-fivc
thousand spiders would In icquirwi, and
yet Queen Victoria was the recipient not
very long ago, of a drc woven from spi-dcr-wcta,
the fabric being fnr finer than
the finest silk. Perhaps the ugly spider
mav lose home of las terrors for fair In
dies after this discorery.
Acooodino to the tearful account of an
urchin, the multiplication-table is illus-
tralCu Wllu cuia ui uu ntuuui.
Natural Ferocity of a lliraAnt
wea.e . ael
i hsu baikcu two paeaau pecKiag
at oe aaother mMt jteoMeatly, awl : cither reJigioat or secelar, withoat meet
took care not to kise sight ef them, while . iac imc or more nrettr Ktt'e stories aboet
aoticiag other raalters of iaterett At '
ihccru iii hii u unar, Kicni isimss: ui me carciui (iM'alB'K " i.ieir pa
feathers on each side, aad their Mils reats, peraktol ia some aaaoyiag habits,,
staiaed with bhod, shewed increasiae sach as teasing, tardiaer. seiishaes.
reraestaess ia the coasbataau which were '.
aghtieg i'b the paths ami thickets. The
keejier, tiwliag that 1 was ptyieg very
little attention to the iafonaatioa he was
trying to give me, aad seeiag ate still
watchiBg tbete tno bird, told ate I might
f4low them fair a leag time withoat see
ing the ead ef theceatbat, for those aghts
weahl often le kept Hp for aa boar, aad
evea then hi iatervewtiea woahi be aee-
eosarv to iKeveat the aatasoaists froai
kilttageerh other.
"I taiak," he said, "lht ear gahiea
pheasaau weahl be saore ieteteiti .
"Let us ge aad see taea, thee," I re
plied. Bat I osald aet resist leekiat; reaad
agaia after the warlike ooapte, wise were
bow, however, eat of sight
Bciere Mteriag the beiliHag where the
aaest pecimeas arc xeared aad kept, I
sehl te my guide :
"Da yoa taiak we shall he able te shad
thee two agaia whea w eaate eat i
"Ytia are iaterested ia the coapla, sir,"
replied the ataa; eertaialv, we caa aad
them agaia, ubIoji hat w will tve.
He leeked twwara the et where I had
lost seea the oeataataat, aad I ws astaa-,
ished to see him jasap aaicklv aver a
"Let as raa, sir, he said, "perhaps it
is tee late."
I fvllewc bisa eagerly, heaiag to Bad
aa expiaaatioa ef hi aeaaithwl featark.
We soea discovered eae ef taedeetist
jast exptrieg, while six of hi eoatpaaioa
were pickiag at hiai rsesjoasly, each ap
pareatly tryleg te exceed the ether Is
The" keeper thea teld ate that he had
beea drawa to the spot by teetas; the ether
pheasaats ealleetiag, as ia these ea,
aales be iateriered, the fight asight
probably beeoeae geaeral. Use dael tera
tag iate what ear IrMi frisadt tena a
"stealee," only with far asore seriesH cna
seaaeaees, a ia sach a case the roaks
atW be
An Indiana BrideV Toilet
We have alt heard of the rtie hrhie.
says the Kckpart, Iadiaaa, Jfipeifieew.
who waadeted away to a wee4d aevk
where, theltefed by the tolsace ef the
trees aad threb, 4e arrayed Isarsetf ha
her brxial robes, aiay the wiaters of the
brook for her atirrar. We hove heard.tno,
of the bock wooes bride w ha,e3iiag a lad
der to the bft of taeoroeea log eahia,
adpssted her dead !xias ia which ta
ateet her ltrotaed, ml we haee alt beard
ef the Seety app aalnd aad laxamatly
faraithed hadeirs ia which wealthy bride
ore dressed ia robes of sairacaleas aae
ae4 aad ezaaisise delicacy, bat it ha
beea reserved for a Speaeer Coaaty bride
to reoaee a IrtMvol safe to her
service as a drea-iag-roesa. The
story gees that a yoaag coaale visit
ed a coaatv -met: a lew days asm toi
precare a jieeete, aad while they were
waiting the arrival of the proper faaetiea
ary te issae it, the bride asked leave to
eater "the dret" to fix her drees. The
reaaest was graated, aad taea it oecerred
to the officer that perhaps it narht be
better ta have her repair to the slieriC
resideece to arraase her tuileC He there
fore asked leave at the hen. aad reeesv
tag his coeseet retaraed aad was aboet to
iajorm the lady that he had Ummi a asore
ooeveaieet piaec for her a, whea ta his
sarprise he foaad bride aad bridegreeai
witaia the depths of the fireproof welt.
Use lady beiy adtostsag her hrsdal robes
aad the bridegrooea stsadtag by aad
baedieg theat to her eae by eae aa she
proceeded with the operatioa. The serae
was toe nach for the gravity of the offi
cer, aad he withdrew ht eyes, sot with
lag ta proftae the sacred preciacts.
A Balloos Isvcvtok. Xot Moat-
gelaVr, aer aay other maa, mveatesl this
tUoos ; but a tley tasect wfaca makes
se Bobe ia the world. A friead of Btiee
watched her at work atekiag a balloea.
thea saw her take the childroa aad begia
ajearaeyiait She was a
whose family same I do aot kaow.
Apporeatly she bad become tared of her
oM beac aad wanted to more etsewaere
So she spaa a little baliooa,
shaped somewhat like oae of the Beta rat
dividoas of a walaat-shack. As it crew
ia size It weahl have floated away with
oat her had she Bet fasteaed it by
ropes of gossamer to the breach ef a tree.
By aad by, whea all was loae, she
seemed to be sayieg somethiag to the
clatter of tiay baby spiders that were
clinging to her, probably aMariag them
that there was bo danger. Taea she again
examined her balloea, te make sere that
all was right, aad thea broke off the gos
samer roite. 'The little balloea gently
rose berorc the breeze. My mead wished
the skillful maker aad Ik4I navigator of
the air a successful voyage, as she sailed
out of tight, and he never saw her more.
MuMMtns Co.wRnTiai into Paint.
Few persons arc aware that veritable
Egyptian mummies are g roe ad into
paints. But in this ooaatry ami in Ea-
rope mummies are ued tor talt pur
pose the aspualtutn with wbteu tuey arc
impregnated lieing of a quality superior
to that which can elsewhere be obtained,
and producing a peculiar brownish tint
when made into paint, which it prized by
distinguished artists both of thi and
other countries. The ancient Egyptians,
when tncy put away their dead, wrapped
in cloths saturated w ith asphaltura, budd
ed, as it were, better thaa they knew,
as it were, better than tbev knew.
and could never haro realited the fact!
that ages after they had been laid in the
tombs and pyramidsalong the Nile their
dutt would be used in painting pictures
in a world then uuditouvered, and by
artists whofc languages were to them un
known. That a portion of one of the
Pharaohs or a Potiplur. may even now
be on the canvas of a'Veruet, a Millain,
or a Church, who may question? 11'aiA
ington GotttU.
I'arent!' Storir..
a. .
uae can banlly pick ep a newspaper
aaa;hty little boys and girls who, la spite
rashaoM, craelty to aaimals, etc, until
they were ebiIIv ant completely cared
by the rovkirg imitation ef wme pet
parrot, or the loss of a proaiied half
holiday er Christmas gift
Mow woalti it do to tern the tabtes'aad
harp awhile on the sbertootaiags of the I
pareaui es: taat s the tuea; lei a
have a aew departure serbn ef stories fur
tiareeU, glariag from the firotde caraer
f every aeartpaper. 11 as hear ef feed
aad fw4ih pareats who, frwai the tiate
their cbihlrea are able tn exprets theai
mIvo. give their wihes prefereeer la all
thiags, aad as they grww p are heart
broken at their eltbee.
Of weak aad hasty pareats who tpsor
ral with iasteod ef ceatrotlieg their ehil
drea. Of faalt fiadiag pueats, who reprove
thehr child fee with a ooasiiteacy that
woakl alatett Mtoearare a siet
Of thoagbtteta poreaU, wise give their
ehiltiraa evtvvthiaar ther err for. aal
w asp thea beeaase they cry for evervtbiag I
taey a aat.
Of aewite pareats, who bordea their
children's coascieaees by eaatiaaally
tellHsc them Usu they deserve a good
whippiag, which they are carafe! serer ta
Asm! se aa, throagh the loag list ef ia-
parer, wm are aaceaieioaily
deMrovstvg the hatHdaess aad loveiiaes
of their chihirva, by ts.etr atter igaoraace
of Use art of coetrotneg Useai;yet tati
iganraace is aot ta be woadered at, if we
taar sappose Usat Use "pa'eet of the pe
riod a beea gasded by Use expeneaee
ef taoc ieeaeabte "caaatasas aad mi-
psnible "Freddies. ho agere se large
ly in a eertoia load of jareatle Ikeratate.
v ait. ttatt, Msboad. before yea
woeder aotlsMr why roar wtfe doa t get
aleac with the hoaufceld afiurt "as yoer
asotaer dtd. &ae u detasr her bet aad
ao wuatoa eaa cod are that best to be
slighted. KeSBsasber the loac, weorv
aigat she tap with the little babe that
died; rmieUr Use wee aad care l
bestowed apna yoa whea yoa hod that
loag spell of sckaes. I) ya thieV ae
is atode of eat iroal Wait wastM H
leace aad tWbearaaee, aad the las will
eoatc bock ta her eje the old iigSt of
old davs.
Wok, wife, beiorc vast speak repcaidft-
fally to roar hasbsasl whea he eeates ha
late. worr aad "oat ef sort. He
worked hard U yoa alt day, perhaps far
ksto the aight; he has wretUed, baad ia
baad. with core, aad soldi ha i4. aad.
greed, aad all the demons Usat follow ha
the trahs ef meaev BMkiac- Let beat be
aeetaec etatnuihere eatsreiy. Let hi
feel that there is eee aiaee ia the world
where he eaa Sad aaiet aad perfect love.
""o aATaVfltaf aWBiBWw4ea
Tut Cacbs. Ta p seeds ot Boer,half
a teaipnnefat at salt, aaarter ot a poaac
of batter or lord, oae egg, a piece of Ger-
ataa veott Use x ot a wataat, wares
aHik. Pat thefioar which sheald be
tf feetlr drv i iate a basia ; mix with it
the salt aad reb ia the batter or lord
thea beat Use egg weil. tir toit the yea.,
aad add these to the fioar with a meca
warm atilk as wilt make the whole iato
a sattMth paste, aad kaeod It well. Let
it rite aeor the fire, aad whea welt ritea
form it iato cakes; place them oaties, let
them rise agaia for a few miactes before
SHiUiag these iato the evea, aad bake
from a Matter to half aa boar hs a aed'
erate ovea. Thee are very nice with a lew
catraals aad a little sasrar ailded to the
other Magredieats; they saoald be pat ia
after the batter ii rabtied ia. Thote
cakes saoald be battered, aad eatea hot
as sooa as baked, bat whea stale they are
vary atce split aad toasted ; or, K dipped
ia milk, or evea water, aed covered with
a but ia the ovea till hot ther will be
almost eqeal to sew.
To Datve Awat IUts. A corrospead
eat deJra a remedy for ridding his hoase
of rot. I vet Mm take weaetitie of greea
copperas aad dissolve it ia boiHeg water,
aed pour it as hot a possible dowa their
hole', and scatter it ia crystals aboet
their haaats. It will cieaae the place of
all disagreeable odors, aed it has drtv
every rat at of the hoate we occapy.
If he will limewah his cellar with the
wash made yellow with copperas, it wilt
act as a capital disiafectaet, aad with as
bos roated every rat awl motive, altboegh
the hease was aa obi oae, aad the vermia
were very aamereut. S. 0. J , in Cetm-
try GetmfMn.
Srat.xs Caw en bt Soorcuix. For
whiteaiag scorched liaen, it is uftea f-
ficieat tit wet it with apjd and lay it
ia the hot sen. Another method is, where
milk is rdeatifal. to tmt one ikusk1 of
white np into a gallon of milk, and
boll the soorched article in it Another
plan is, to squeeze out the juice ef tao
mKldle-stzed unions, which is boiled in
half a plat of vinegar, with one ounce ol
white soap and two ounces of tullcr's
earth; the mixture Is applied oxl to the
scorched part, and when dry washed on
with clean water.
PlUUtDBLritIA Icn-CnKAK. Two qts
milk (cream if yoa lure it), three table
MXKinful of atrow-root the whites of
eight eggs well beaten, one Muad pow
dered sugar; boil the milk; thicken with
the arrow-root and the sogar and a little
salt; pour the whole upon the eggs; flavor
with vanilla or lemon.
Molasses Cake. One-half cup of
I . 1 1. nM. l,,ir.(M. .r.. I...
; ' -i --,- . i
"""J Fr
ter, one-halt leastioonful soda, two cups
of Hour; spices to taste; one egg.
Lemox CooKtcs. One pint sugar, one
cup butter, three eggs, three pint of tlour,
juice of one Icmun, one tcaptonful of
sud-t dissolved in bulling water,
fcroxoK (Jake. Three eggs, one cuti
sugar, one cuti tlour. one tespMuful
cream of tartar, half a teaspoonful of
The BritMi IIou of Lord.
The reeeat eievatiua aad new crea
tioas ia the peerage hive slighily aSectetl
the roll i( the H e of IrJs. which
bow staade at a little over, hvitead of a
little aader, 500. aa It did at this time
lat year. Ia Jaaairy last the Eirl ef
Eree was created a Komi of the (Jetted
Kiasednai, aad Mr. J. It Orattby-Gore.
Mr. Heary Gerrl Start, Jir. John TnHe
tnsche aad Sr K Vrt Gerard were raited
la a "batch" to the Upper Iluaseat L rd,
Harlech, Artiaetoa.Tuaeaixche aad Ger
ard, while the Kir I of Abergaveaav was
created a 3Iartu, aad the Dake nf ltich
ateed hod aa a4ditiaaal daketh m, that uf
Onrdoa, bestinied ea Ssaee that
uate Lord irthbrok he beea rewarded
with aa r.d -m (at hi service ia Iedia.
aad the eari4Na of Kescoaefic d has bera
bedoavd spue 31 r. IHrrU. The exact
aaasber of perrg, spiriiBal aad teatpo
rol. laciatiiog thote ears-tied by sn-aibcrj
wf the rojol toaiily, sued neasenaeaUy
at Use proeat m asset at 50a. beaded by
has K yal Higham. the Fnaee of Wale.
Ihike ef Curawall, aad eadiag with
M rtiatrr, Itd Stckviile." tWjsahr
Boroa. Tae Dae aeaiber thirty -oae.
the Maeaasses teaty-to, the EmU Iti.
the Vieueat thirty-two, tae Arcabiihojn
sad liWaops twoaty six, tad the Boreas
The rest of Use ruil is atsde sa bv
Use Riyal Dakes. There are eae er tea
Uatags .to be autsred ia the proveat roll.
Fmtly, that the BBetbered &iKmKvs ma
it is atighUy ia eice of the aetaat botal
aataber of the Lunis, spirittMl aad tesa-
piral; lm Urtras besag caaaterated
twsee over, both as a Bora aad as Lord
CAaacelbc; the Dake of Ktchasoad both
a a Dake aad iUu aa Lird Frosideat ef
Use Ouaacil; the Manass of Hertforl
both as a Maroass aad site as Led Caaat
bertaia; Etrt feaacbeatp both as aa Earl
aed also b4rard of Use Isosteeaold; aad
lastly, the Eari of Erae both as aa Irish
represeatattve aad so a Lord Ferataa
agik. Again, it asay be ofeerwd that the
Kczhart tstle leas daesttieaied ssaee tost
year at a separate easry, feetog atergtd ia
tae say trior aoaor ot tae Eartakna ot Ut
U Warr, aad that hioaks are pat agaiost
the aoatos of Use rtdusa of Berkeley
aad the Kemay of De Fieyae. The iar
uf the Etrt of Bracoasiesd aby figare
twice hi the reii, firstly, ia his owa place
at the ead of the r-. aext after L-rd
Nurthhrotfk; aad aeata a Lxxd Privv
Seal, hi watch capacity hi bsrattstp takes
prawdeecc above aad before all Daket,
aext after the mtaiinr of the royal fam
ily, the two Aycabuhoi i, she Lord Otoe-
rettur, aad Lord Prendeet of the Oeaa
cat Leadea Duly ,Vwi.
Spanish Lm ia Cuba.
The news ef tae emaarfcjattee Jar Oaba
of Gea. Mortiacc Ctatpo with a force of
several thaa i ami mea, ta be followed, as
eoiekly as traasporte caa be got ready,
try a tttil larger cneuagoat m imaertoat
ta two aspect. The smmtiea of Spoia
at aa imaetioi State Is stall MittM
to aerve her ta v4t exerioat. ta
of her pecssaiory embatvasmeatj
the exhaaitsoa rsHtlttog tVom the
Cariitt War. Hw groat arc the former
we arc temiaet 1 ia a latter from Suce-
toac. which the Ttm$ palttsthed oa Moa-
dev. The Speaah Gvweraateat ait the
liter, "u bardeaed with a tremaad-as
to iaadauldars, bardeaed, tno, with
a bstt bet stssexpected clawa of 7M9,-
M to be paid fa the chssrch for the ar
rears X tee clergy s mcomas aad a debt
d f5 joujtWi for tae AvU Lsstpeatiea.
Yet it H compilled to fiad the Bteoas for
aa expedittua oa a really gient scale.
ad that is merely tepaUai salary te for-
earfr, natch my aot have beea
veil directwl, bat wcte. at aar rate.
wetvris-Hae aad costly. The draie of the
Oibui iosarrecUoa Bp Spaaia res-mrees
juit. I lirinitlhli mm.i tt u4.l,
tieaal MM mea. whom the Madrid Gr-
t are prrparteg to sead oat to
street; thea the baad of Gea. Compos
nil! do little more thaa fill the gaps ia
the raaks of the proveat oonpytag force.
ettnatted at aot loss thae 11.009
The writer of toe Ktecesoaa letter stales
that "a greet aulitory aathorkr has de
cided that Cab-a caaaot be sabdaed with
eat aa army of at least IsO.tOO mea.'
MeoaeMle, Uram of Mvattds are retara
sag aome everyday sorry, motley.
rKktea, wretched, pallid faced, bUtoas-
eTcd crew. They oome hoate, it it satd.
la sach aaeiiKtr-s or the ia sach abexUece
la Cahe, that aa army ef 3M,Mi0
stoa melu away. They are aot badly
Uetted, it seems; at aae of the leva ltd
lads observed, "We do aot eotaptaia.
bat we caaaot bear the climate." And
yet the Spaaith soldiery, by general ad
misstoa, are "the hard Sett aed most sober
lot ef mea ia Karons, aad the best fitted
for a warfare aader a tropical saa." PM
The Hokse 1'uxocr. ix Kerrr. A car
respondeat of the Loadoa Tim ft writes
from Cairo : "The hore tdagae seems to
be lesiag its virahtace with the apprmch
ef oooler weather. A tropical storm ef
siaguiar vteteeve lrokeoer the coualry
with Hood of rate a week agaau seems
to have cleared the air. TWeetl a few
eases oecorrel at Alextedria, Usey have
not beea fHtkswed by others, aatl we hpe
the city will eseape. Ciiro has suffered
torrlbty. The dauih of 1.S00 army hre
aad -,iX) betoegieg to irivate person
was retutcd ou to the 1st of October,
1 Iore price, well kept and well led,
Were most attacked, aad sweeerabed most
eadly. It is decnbed as it kind ofty
jihar, and death, slier apparent
pain, e&oUe ia a few hours. The disease
crept down the river, clinging curitwly
to the right bank, and was so destructive
in many districts that buiiocKs are alone
in use from the total destruction ot the
horses. The government is now fully
alive to the danger. Stringent togula
tlont hare been bsard as regards isolation
of the infected animals and tliwr bunal
But the to ulatiout somewhat dsfeat their
object by the imposition of a One of
dollar on oich infected horse a rule
which leads their owners to conceal the
death." '
There arc strings la the harp of every
life, though om-crcd with dut tint give
out muiic when the wings of truth stir
tae ror.
Learning Fanning.
It i generally understood that to be
a mechanic a maa mast serve an ap
prenticeship at the trade. The mechani
cal principles, tn well as the practical
application of those principle, mat be
learned. If mercantile pandits are to
be engaged ia, a course of education ia
a commercial and basiaeMCjollege it to
be esseatial, and then the practical de
tails of Use 'mines must be teamed aa
der the eye of oae experienced in the
beiae. Thi I true alto ia regard to
all the leareed profession. Xomn ex
pects to eater a a mreeWul career ia
aay f these without year of stedy asd
prrpiralHiB. Aad no eee would tbtak of
espioviag aay oae profe-i-elly who
hail aot qoolifieil himslf f r his eilliag
by this course of thorough- preporati-sa
Test beie the ease ia regard to the other
cslliegs ta life, it would seem bet rea
sonable that the farmer, who for the high
est seeccts
bis vocation
mere geaera aad varied keeelcdge thaa
is Beorry for any other btttiaest, thoahl
seek for that previws traialag which
atoee caa qaalify hies for sach seccess.
Bet tech is aet uteilly the case. It
seems t be the prevailing upiaioa aaoag
asea, aad especially amoog farmer, that
aaybody caa farm whether he hat aay
previous knowledge of, or preparation
UK the beiaess. There k, happily, a
cisaage ia the pabtic miad oa this sab
ject,aad the time is deehlleu near whea
a maa wilt no mere think ef eagagiag ia
agricaitaral parteits withoet aa agncel
teral edaeatiwa thxa he woe Id new en
gage Ia prefettieaal life withoat a t cit
able elecxtiea. The yoeag maa who ia
teads ta eagage ia farming held serve a
thoroagh appreatieobip under the eye f
practical farmer. O.ite
Food for Dairy Stock.
Prof Arnold tayt in hit reeeat work aa
There are so manv circarasUacea that
vary the aaaatity ef food rtoaired for Use
daily ae ot a oew, that ao preeite figare
eaa be set dews a resprt-vseUog Use ex
act amoaat ef the dttloreat ebraseeu
aicesnry for her to tabsttt apoa. bet Use
foilosiag may be regarded as approximat
iveiy cwrrect for a eew wetgaiag &ta
aoaeds whea aet ia milk. Uer daily
bod saoaid coat ie at leet ilhamiaoiils
oae aad oae-balf poaad; Hoich, tagor.
er, eight ta Urn poaadt; iar, oae-htif
poaad. With a lar low of millc the aiba -
asiaoidt woehi seed te be doabied. the
tlzk iacrea-Kd aae-haif. aad the fat doe -ated.
Fivm this it may be teen howtopee
pertioa the teverii kiods of f tod to adapt
te each ether, so as ta ae them
seesomy. If Use food be ased drv.
allowance ef eee-foaria saoald be
asadc for imperfect dtgrsuoe. If cooked
or stoaated, the dtgesttoa will be periect
tal the whole Tmaet ra-ay be coaated.
That amoaat wilt be necirnl fr cutUe
provided with warm aad cemfrtaete
stables aad kiedty cared dr. If taey
have bo ether pretecUoa thaa aa opea
yard or shed, eee-half mere shoald be
added to the eaaaUty aamed. This may
x targe allowance-, bat exienmeats
made at Use bora ef the writer, aad tested
by sctaa! weights, have detBoaatrated this
dtaawact betneea coasfort aad exaosare.
aad the expeneece of baedreJs of others
hs corroborated it
About Cutting: OiT Large Brancbe.
The mala osae ha ktllieg trees by
raftier it ia caitiag awar tee maeh
wood at a time. Whea a tree is taws
rehbud too maeh of its weid, it bes its
per to draw the sap ef the whole roots,
aad to its foactioas ef bfe are impaired,
aed soea death may set in. Large limbs
eseaot be cat from the tree wtthoat e-
verty hartiog it. D net, thea, ootnmit
aa oataoght ea year trees by a whole
sal cameg with the graf uog t aw. Bet
ter coaiamc two or three year to eaaage
the trait of joar trees than to lose it ea-
uttrly or he its aietahtess. Graft small
limbs. It it better to pat m more grafts
thaa ta cat a Urge limb. Cettiag saoald
be tetdota done where the Itmb it iwer
two tacaes thick. The satett size is
from half aa tech l aa iech aad a-balf.
The aamber of Hmb-i ta be cut caaaot be
given oa paper. The grafter himself
tset ase his jadgmoat in mis. Of course
the sue f the trees thou Ul guide this
matter. The most thrifty trees are moat
likeiv to be hart by a too beuvr catting.
By alt means leire mere yoeag branches
taaa what yoa take away, awl do not dis-
fieare the tree too much by the operation.
W hea tree loos babl by grottiag, the
cettbtg wa too heavy aad the tree is
amaged. This will be a good year for
raftiag. The trees bare new much re-
cuvertd from the drv summers aad !d
wiatcr, aad the groual is full of motst-
are again tavarabie tr yeuag grant.
The earlier the work Is done the belter
fr the health of the tree- Jub
MAXAasxKXT or Dticxs. A recent
writer tors: laaretrud to lutcli duoks
egg under dacks, but Isare always failed
cuacoueutlr l Mace in em unner neas
and iMltteverat brutxls together. After
they ate liaUheu ducKiiogs siiouui oe
kept in a dry yard eunuiniug god shet-
tor. Never allow them use Useef streams
or ixiads till ther arc six weeks old. It
is at neceary to ircu mem uoueu tgg-
I alwavs ue corn and tsats, gruuuu io-
ethor, and wheitbraa in equal
tioes br metsurv, mixed and scaiucu
Xctcr feed raw mush. Grud worm
arc CCCtalty Ixnvficiat to ducklings awd
shou.d Ik: supplied them,every uay,u pos
ible: if notaulmal should begiveu
them in some shatw. Beef liver or other
cheats meat may be cooked aad chopped
for them, and feed stirrtd in thu biwlh
while it i boiling hot Thus nothing U
Iot Never feed whole or uucuoUsd
i-raln tn ducklings till ther are well
fledged; then alternate with crucked corn.
whole corn, and other grain ouco a uy
but continue the s- ft food. If whole
grain b fcl rhein while young, a froth
ubtincc apiwars in their eyts, the le.n
Itceomes sore, and death tovu follow .
Yu cm get uloug without a Umutifci
tupniy of water, but not without auimai
focxl aad toft food.
The ilorrons of Modern Warfkre.
A correspondeat of the London Tdi-
graph writes: "That they came on, and
preaestly opened to fearful a rifle fire
that the beliefs felt around as all like
hall. As yet oar infantry were quiet;
not a rifle was Leard, asd the foe was
lag nearer to the terni-cirealar
trenches of which I have before ssoken.
seddealy there is a movement in the
bushes, a short sole from the bngle, x
al thea a little cheer. Oar men are
moving, the tapports are taking the emp
ty trenches, and tae rest of each btUal
iua it ia the reserve lines. Alt at once
sach a fire pours forth as envelops yoa iri
, woke, and makes that still advancing;
as stagger. Yet only for a minute;
there i a ooaettr-caeer and a rapid rash.
'nrr : now the bullets fly past them;
with what shrieks do the shells bound ia !
Se, the berviaas are standing still for a
moment, fireiogyet bet'eemisg no nearer
to the mountain. Their Kse b gradeallr
being fod, too, asd they are exteadlag
every moment. It u only the fear ef the
shells aad ballets winch make them bed.
tate. Perhaps not only the fear, bat
rather Use eect, for saw they are farting;
fast; withoat the aid evea of a glass we
can see that Usey are strewing the graced
by seedred or staggenag away to qts.
Harder thaa ever u er fire, as theirs
weakens, aad the more determined, to.
areeermee, for they new qeit the utp:
tresteae aad are advasetsg upon the
bewildered eaemy. Volley after relic r
from the foe fails to stop thes; they
leave tciay a osmrade ea the grettsd,
bat on they go, till as Icsgth the Ssr
vioas, teetag their red fezes coming;
nearer asd searer, tern asd fly, doertizg
laree wouaaau oi taear aeauer, wbq win
aever tee home ia Rettia or ea the basks
of the aar more. 2tot
eae was there bat might have beea the
hardy father of a aameroai fiastly. I
did aot tee a boy amoog them. One I
Botieed ia particaiar aad he was but x
t vpe ( the rest a lalL weU-mode, broad-
tsuahlexed warriur, vaa, hanog focgh:
to has etsermost aad received a woaed ia
the ttumich, hod Iota dowa apes the iced
to Derbeot ia hpe ef taecor. Uahap
pily for him, f;teads were Car asray, and
hit cuaxrades hod aaag ia toatatck sfa-
ioa, oa a tree bard ay, a C3feMLa3 who,
havieg faltea iate xaeir haadt, had beea
first tortured and pet to death. I was
lookiag ti him as I rode by, wvodeciag
if be were jet xiive, waes, horribie to res
tate, there came apoa the teeae fear
CJhirketeves. They, too, had see their
daagiieg camrade,aad taey thirsted &r
Mood. At this raetseet the wecaded
Serb raiel his head aad laMed his glassy
eyes aroesd ia hope of descryiag; hetp,
slowa sprang a Orcitia, aiwl with a nt
Ue dagger piswed the dsiog maa throagh.
aad throagh, cet ef hit right hasd aad
tipped htm ap a-s he say speo the
grJood. Forteealeiy, his eed w-jj near
aad he expired; bet evea iadeata he was
a haadsoeie giant victita to the bar
baroct war which Betaia has caascd aad
A Manofactoren "Kiag ia Germany.
The estabtishmeat of "riags" for the
perfMte efdictatia prices ia the market,
which commeecoi ta the Caited States,
b aow becomiag aaiversal, aad a re
markable attempt ia Usit 4inadoa has,
acitordiag to the -Yr Frtu Prtu, beea
kUely maJe Aatna by a select circle
oi Bessetaer Steel maaafictasers. Xiae
of the most importaat pxdeeers ef rail
way metals hare ettterea xate a campacS
to arooriouie amoag eacs ouer a gives
perceelage of alt the contracts for rait-
way metals which may be girca Oct ta
Aastna betwees the present use aad tae
year IsTS. The plaa af operatioa is to
be as fallows : The saescnutBg arms are
la arrange among themietvea whieh of
them ate ta tesdr for cue tracts otlered
either br the Aastriaa Rdtroad fXrst-
paaies er by the Government The price
to be kxed aceordseg to close caloala-
tka of the oo: of prod action aad ef
traasport from the works to the desiiaa
tioa of the metals. Spuiioas leaders at
higher pike are thee to be test ia by
the remaiaieg rkms, thus easatiag; the
acceptance ef the leaders seat ia by the
selected firm or firms, 7,000 toss being;
the limit aistgeed by the agreemeat ta
the contraets to be received by the as
sociate firms. This snug tittle arrange
ment is aot likely to be iaterlVed with by
foreiga competitioa, iaasauca as ao or
der for railroad metals has since the
crisis beea placed out of Austria by
either the Government or the RJiroad
Companies, the object of this retnctioa
beiag the employment of the Austrian
working claes and the support of the
extsueg csubhshmects. Uuiortaoately,
one of the smaller B-hemiaa firms has.
ia the must unprincipled manner. Lately
teedered, at biwer price than those fixed
bv the "nag. and this - IrussrateJ meir
scheme for the present Bti Jeral.
How Sue Fkit. The painful uspea
. . - i i . .
el mc iat inree or tour uiu uis a.
been confieeJ to mea aloae. Alt the
wwtnea have eeea moie or less agitated,
and ia ttorvs and on Street car bar dis
cussed "the tiitxiUoa hi a lively &inur.
Two femoltrs oae appareoay aa old
moid, met ia the p-iol5ee ycaterday, and
the married woinau remarked:
'Well, there is a gte-it deal of excite
"It it terrible Umble was the re
My, you seem to oe roaiiy uervooa
over it"
"Si I am dreadfully nervous. I
sincerely hope and trust that no unworttiy '
man will make me proposal ot mar- ,
nage during, this period of titspcUtc, I'm o dreadful excited that I I i'"
"You might accepiP 'y.
u"o; iu my agitation I might throw
the chance away l" Dstroit I'r PrM.
It is estimtted that there are now
operatioa ia the United Sait n-
Huh SlO pip-r mills, -ht n are
at lJ,00i,OiK) f s-api a I Aetsi,
tou, pi Kin. tiou u fJ,iMvl,udJ
nuiu give cmpioutcai uotut
OM pcopie, wumi ijarulujra
a. AtA AVA l.Ah .-'. w
, as iw.ww.w naaaiieij. j
- f