f Cjjc 05iist Efrr0oniair. HATUHDAY. JAN. fl, 1WT7 J.ODGK DlliKCTOliY. Piinve timta Nv 4. IcTcr f -Meets In Ik RatU Hall, IVadWen, etety WrdnUy wnlrf. lirotben li (tnl sUrtding art medially tallied In attend. runucim Ko M. A. I aw A. U llr on the Rrt end thirl Moti-byr of n month. Hour ed meeUtg T r. . KmiM Sf , Martha Whinton Chspt". lYndV ten Meets every TUy Mttil Mtewlng th nnlanvl Ihlnl ktM,djs r each month. Krneiu lori Kv SJ, I. l IV ft, IVndlelon-MeeU terr Nitumny itromi ai I r euoilae an Invlled to attend. k, ttrtihren in (wed MimxaUt. twnn v 100. I. G. 0, T TVndMon Uwi every Ttmreday erenlnc al t o'eeee. r. . relhers In rl standing ar rrqawKvl la eHeod. cnuiicir nin. kvtohw KftiWAi. Frnrmt-On the tbtfd Rn4y T ivwh Mh, the tier U II Well w nf!Wls and pee la tha nwtnlng at tt trtloek In Wieten; In lb evening al t oYhxk In lYndtetea. JCK. CwrwrttlYPMWns retood Sndr In fi tneulh at II n. Iter. KiU, prrewhtr m eg Her. W. It. rnirtl will preach el lh K. l lmrf h, n tb fill Butxtvy or e-sth tneolh, at 11 atlwk i m. M. RCnntrnFetm lYMht(t Mnh Fandiy In each moelh at U a. x. and T T. . IUT.S.W tHrte. !jtio. Simple annwineemeeita of Nrttis, marrta, m ixl death, will be limited without eiwrm. OWl nary notice will b chirpM for according lo Ibrlr I ,gii, Wclt ttiples of lh Em Ouoam, la wr-erfer soiling, ran t oatained al lata o.Tlc. fft aneme n -rolWtilx for tls xpreescd by errorondenl. Bylt B1K ?Jlu'...... I.OCAI. AND OT11KU l.1TKM.Ilir.SOK. J'l&Hfc To CoKSkwc we are liMltjfeJ'lw1 by Umatilla Lodge, Kb. 4, X. F. A. 31., for 1877: J.E.Bcan."W.3r. A. Iu Gonlon. 8. W. It. N. Siantlcld. J. W. Y. 31. IlcagUt, Treasurer. A. It. Stone, Secretary. i:. it. niiitop, s. i). ). llaumganlnor, J. I). Frank llaclc. Tvlcr. "!jj3l. Iaxzct, Marshull. t " W. J.Lcezer.S.S. . . j , . Dikd. At Ills bottia on Bear cmk, Do. " Ai..l. t ........ , villi ik. r -uui, iatu, .M.na.vMtJit uillki Hgcil it) ytar, 2 months nnd l days. Mr. Glllcsplo was formerly a rIdeatof Clack. ' nmas, county Oregon. He reiHoved to this county about six jtarsHgn and looatwl a farm on one of the tributaries of Iltreh creek whore he has since resided. A widow mourns the ls of n husband and six children the loss of a fathttr. We haTo rccolved from Prof. I. II. Lcc and wife a sample of somo of the dalnUwt prepared to commemorate the occasion of their marriage, which we duly nppreclatc. It Is hoped the happy pair will lire Ion?, cojoy life and leave rmtmLhiMtt on oarth to prove their fuithfuluoss oaoh to the other, Thk IUlA. As we predicted, the Ball given by the I. O. O. F.'a on New Yonr's night was a grand success. Kvcry person participating enjoyed themselvos to real full ness. Jlcsirs. Bowman, I tucket, Turner and others desen'os credit for the pleasant ness produced in the ball room by thorn, U.S. Deputy Marshall I. C. Dlsosway, started below this week with two prisonors, George M. BIrdss.lI, Tor selling whisky to r.n Indian, and Wm. Collins, charged with assaulting A. Y. Oden at the Dalles. Don Carlos Imperial Baellllo accompanied 3Ir. Disoswoy. . James K. Hacked received intelligence of the dcatlt of n favorite sister on tho llrt of lo&t month, 3Irs. Elizabeth wife of John I'arker, of Sacramento. Mr. II. has the sympathy of hU friends and ucquulu. tanccs. . Jimmy Haley is now at the head of af fairs at the Pendleton Hotel. Everybody kuowa Jimmy; and knowing liiiu, can vouch for courtMiy nnd hospitable treat tnent to all who visit tho house. Bonx December 23, 1877, to the wife of Dr. Pruclt a daughter. Tho inodeiity of the Dr. prevented him from Informing us of this important event booncr. Motlier and daughter both doing well. There were 25 scholars in uttendence the first week at the Pendleton High School, under charge ot Prof. Arnold. Next week there will be CO. ! . Undo Tommy Hubbard yet remains In .a feeble condition. He is nt the rcsldenco ol Jlujor Cornoyetat tho Agency. Henry Bowmun hus erected a houso in Arnold's addition to Pendleton, and is now residing there with his family. Tho first patron who paid for tho EAbT Oiikoonian Iti 1877, was J. J. Bauuigurd. ncr, Thanks I Mrs. Lot Llvermore has been very low this week with cryalpdfs, but Is; now doing well, .( IRio public school uuder chaygo of IUa i'utis tula wcck numbered iil scholara Wo will pnbllih llio tmwcdUnR ofuo IVuuly Court noxt rk. Sniuo rnont JtlJ n tiulllwl blanket from Ilia witKoit of Win. A. Olimion (liU wcuk, wlillo In town. ' llnrry lVlcw, ! iilxlniitliil mul ollil olttxcn of l'llot IliHik, IliU county, jmW IVntllvtim it hit till week, Huliurlmn nlr ctm to ngreo wllli hint. --- ... Cnllo Mnrslml, tho olilljjlng olilrfoniio lytullcton motit uinrkut, Uil week placrtl ui under oWlRntlons to liltn for n client "rvni't" from one of tho very fattest Ikct slaughtered UiU jcrtjon. Tom Mllnrkcy rrcclvwl n Now Ycnr'd proitunl In tho slmoo of nn enormous olsr, from Umntllln. Tho shnjw wns ilcoliicvlly unhiuo, Rial It wns of "liiml" couslstcnoy. lttul tho prusout tiron tent to us It wouhl hnvo betm fiir more nppropruito. Tom, liowuvcr, npprvclntw the Joke. Dnowmv Tho ltttlt wn of Mra. Snrnli IJ. litppor, ilouhter of 9. Amtron mul UtMn.Uw of V. L. Jewl, ar1 two nnd n half jtmis ilrownl In tho Umnttlln rher n fuw My ngo nt tho rrshlcnco of Mr. Anderson. '1 he child was In the water from 7 to IS minutes. Kmy cllbrt was made to rctutoltAto him; but It was of no arall, tho vital spark hail tied. 't- Kmouts or lrruu.Damou, Ixxlgo No. rcndlelon, electe! tho following olllcera to wire the ensuing term: I. C. niMHWoy. C. C. J. II. Turner. V. U. It. tarrviit, Iv. of It. & S. S V. Dwrlw. Prelate J. Ltvtuan, M. of l S. I. 'Morse. 31. of K. Tmtr! Win. SwlUtcr,J. It. Wllon, 3I.Ta.?lor. At tho last meeting, Uic members pres. oot xraro Invltftl by Mew re. ltonj. Ikaglo and W. 1. Mount to an oyster supper npor the labor of tho "night' was over. The hour bolng late (or rather early next morn Ing) the back room of 3Iossn. Sanfonl & DWwwny's ostaUUhment was reooitttl to ai a suWtltute lor a dining-room, with the ftrst twmil mwibef of the tlrm as ehlef onttrtr. To say that msmbors did Justice to tlw gool things Mil btifbru thorn Is but to cap a fttlnt Mm of the facte. Dr. Bean 'of U'muw reHialtted ovsr a day to enjoy himself with his brother Knights In fsn. Hotel Arrivals. The foHowUg are the arrivals nl the rwidleton Hetol for the week ending TrWay Jauuary 5, 1877 : Job Smith U W Ollvor Jaitwa Trtyaor George lltahop 31 w K Slewnit J J lUumgttrdticr 1 IIlKlgS Ja l'urgiiWD J Hssm T UlWwa A JoltHMW A Lblwitt l.lxtk llmou (J IlHUMU It Stewart 3Its.A NelMn truy vmu Thus (iwtld lion Wahlron J W Inglu Geo Oleott .1 itcllli L 31 Hilton NtwtU IltMon S G I.lgtUbot J Mix J It South and wife J Jf Hf k4t and r If C Illntou 31111 llmtsu , 2. ItoUlt ' r 31 Crockett II Crawford Geo WIImi OOIIesuwti II McArUtur Js ltoyie Jki U Teel Joint I'arker T W Avon .Itsdn .sweater It inVarreet WThHrlm W A Gletbxm AVih Bowman 3lra J J ItauiHgardnur I) Sesnnrl J4 H Haley 8 V Kmav J at DeKwMi Hessry 8ever LuJuHos Andrew Ilaacy Dr Kmn J .Mii.tow and wife II Peters 31 U 0 0 Gordon 11 F ltahy S L 3Iorcand hIAi Dave Horn It O TlmmiHon Jomm BelM 31 Us 3latiio Tuwnsmd MI)rW Xetrsome" who Is prenaHt with deeirw fur newspaper notoriety, otight to feel ivllevul T;er being ikllveretl of the following extracts printed in the Solom SuUsman. Spoaklng of Grover he saj-a: "There Is not a true Democntt or Hepub lienn In Oregon but defeat him as an Ar nold. "And there will be a reversal ol his Jn diclal action here. Our three electoral votes will be counted for I ! ?. Oregon will, I lnie, give the caellng vote for IlaytMand Whet-ler. It la to Ut XmwA that Grover will be lmjeaclMid and exolml. ml Iront the L'. S. Senate. 3Iny Gm1 shvu our iintlan from the grasp of traitor and rebels, gambh rs ud vllliait." Al)VEHTISi:3IKNTrI. PENDLETON HIGH - SCHOOL! rnne i'.snr.itcsr.i, iutim rnbu! (er X rrwwflir mi u ttfm of Cwurt a4 OMWowwxl HfttU, I'vadlf t, Ungos. u nututd u4 Stlnl tb belUls? Ur a Khoul bouw, in aktj lb nail irrio or I'MxUclM lliti tkiHJol kiU tw bttt4 ua MOXUA V, JAXCAltV 1, 1877. It U Mf iMrwbMl t Mk I bit a irmicat trtuMl, aui an-usS hi m utbr uf Itt mm inula la lb Mn4tuu wll t hm4 ut MxmmnnJto all wlMt wa datra to aitrud mi m Ut afcrtaf Um aaoaatir U (HtOUij fftfl 4MUut I'duU at a v rjr Eiwl oxkW, IbMwtiu Uti Ui rguLircmri ofuudj. 3rww qf Tuition jtr Qf, lrtlal Ccirnj f 10 llilr " 13 Ui IHjfaH on or lft.r ib tnuUUi iUy or He Urm. The iracllatl eowrM ILdu4a iwl h truucliva or itudy rilril by law to U lauibl In the Coiiiiaou BehobU of Orrt; tujr rajiil irmun abraneb of Hnif not mi Iuc4'i a will bo tfeewwi lu I bo lllgber Uwirs. Ttuia Kill U cmotbl front IU tUj oJadKiltUKe Into tit MlMat to tb okM ol iu ttriu, unlou by rrrlua lcltt rtiui atwl m viwm fur aUrnnw will U ei BMOtrrd uuht bc4loutt by itXfiu:11 atekuwa of Iviu or uure coutMutiv uveka' duratkin. Tulliou hum bo KllWl itruinpily ttbMidur, cllUr In L'. li outn or gwxl u. tot Uarlj lulrtl A dnlue Hon of flv r cunt. Hfll I ikuIo cu all Lllli iat!4 dur- ..... .I.n M I u . . . liw lit Drft k nl tlte tvrin. i; hmrd can bu bail ritber at tb hot- U or nrival fi ji H at i4k1 num fir iuir fll; l bo uwJralgu il Mlt) also fumlab M, f'to I rum rrat, to youni men Kboixay wrttt to bollJ Louu-i and board Iht-uuclvc, wlikb uu Ui duut at imall Qxoa. JNO. 0. AIIN0I.D, I'rlneloa), JiS'J'JlAYJJD AD.tllK DAYOIIIIUOWN MAIIK, With a coll by bcr Me; brtcddJ wild snitll VI a M lbli and ulMto II uuolbtr brabd, probably 'J: oue blud fuot Hlillr, aod bUul or lurtfr Hblt fueu; luel to lx T mra bU li baud, tilrayrd away from a lul 8 uilltm abovo lllot Uv. Jloa ucon fioue three wikt Tho colt Is Uiy bimJ about tlx limntha oi l. 'or Infor mation aa to llw wirraboul of Ilia nulinal will Ix liberally rcwarihid by iiiii.lltlou to lb J ovtntr. JOHN C. AI.I.HN, At l'llot Slock. Filial Settlement. a tho County Court or the fiuto or Oregon for Umatilla county. BY OHDKIt OF Tho County Court- of UmalllU county, Oixon, itotlco la bcrby given to tile 1 04r and crpdllori of Hip Kitulo of Atoub 11. Moore (Wwl, that lb Oth iby ot Joiuiarr, leTT, U t mart by wM court lor hwiui(;bjtliii to die Uiul wttltiucut of lb admlubtratwu of ajicl t'taie, ULKItV K1IK1I3. AJWtlttruiw. I. L1VERM0RE, THE PIONBBR MERCHANT IS STILL ON HAND WKIi ft Stock SUITED TO TUB WANTS -S-OF T1IK Country. e Which he tells nt the Lorct v nATrsi Orders nnd Comminlons Attended to Promptly. The hl(hMt frit fold ttr ALSO AGKNT FOR THK HALS' AND THK .Mitchell Wsgons, and for all kinds of Agricultural Implements. Give me ft call bsforo purchasing elso where. nl-tf. to 'V3 w o 0 m m 2 m am 20 O 2 m si o Ilia I'OLAU AND TROPICAL WORLDj COJiri.CTK Dwri.llo of Man and Ktruro In j. tiiorour aui rjjuaiori i reiuna or ty. uiobe, r.municiiiic auu. a iuii aim u urn.' u i I vr Hio ro. nc World auiu oi an iii0 umerciu eit'0iii nn iu iiib , irom me uiKovt-ry or iccuici, tntr j ovu jyu, -, (go, down to tbe wtwiit time. Invludiue in- lxt fVriniiii.ft or Charlvx Prancl Hall) lojttlicr wllli lli(i'iiinMi! and diacoreilta of all tilt great riiloier, ..n i.li, AKii, Ijviujriloue, Da ('hallltl, WnlUci' tc, In tioulh An'trlcu, Africa, India,. Autlralla, aiM ctry lrt of the Tropical World. 11 1)11. 0. HALrWIo, Author or "The Hco and Id Mvlog Wonders--ni,iar-inoulrofKuluro."ela Kdltolby OIL A. II. fkUKIlM SKVror Vw Vork, WciillUo lUlllor or Amerlfan Kit eycloiiaidU Tlio hoI oinbollulitsl vrllll !eutyTo liundied btaullful Hkm and Illutrtloui, rut to m. lurv, from designs furuUhtd bx Artitls lu tbv ltgou fi. ul.li I. Il.i.v wt 1 ,1n I ,v ....... ....., .1 PS Ottr DrAutl Column, tyltsatetitlfr llil lm stiUrtllx ftr Hill l'-er cmk Km llitlr mniV and IxamU iillli!inl In It trwaixiMiiy miiihhii mul i in amtw i worin tne alMOlhHt wlee In any Slink tulnr. I. R t'nimy, llmrerrrki t'allln liMml!(.'tin lffllil lt4tv tti nil tli'l Mr and inallKW tt and midrr I'll In Hi left ear. ilnrwvt ni brand mt thi I'll iIhuIKt. tlenrp' C"fpn ljl.lr. j tlrnil iirrsti) Horns 0 en Un i II KrwH'jr lllreli rn-rV. I'alllf, J K cvnnrrii! on kft hl. IUir Mina on lft iliimlilrr. Jtorlnfr Wwien. (Talltis H r nrln Im by a 0 on tlilirr titw Hum-, mm brand kii Kit slwl.l r. 0 A llliM-l.imrr Wllflr t'rrtk. CHk Hon rllit ldit urtdtr Nl in tn car and rlhl car toyvA, llr ?, It i'ii tiihl alionMrr. A 8 Wlls llrl'IW (Sill, limit.) Mw-ork ln Wis (i(i o f tlhl and Halloir folk lu Ittt tt, Uotrr, xinm brand on It ft aliouMrr II. K. PflnX'liiM. Iliirttw, H on left atuniMtrt rallts II rt mi tiyht hi is niiovili rr i-rt tuiit rr. Wm. lllrvlirrk. IVtllf, lliua J. on Irfl lilit lhiw tmk and mf Ml III Nl rr. Ilorara, lb HUM btand kii IfTi W A. OtMV)lr, Umrilrtk. t VII I A All i Irtt l.l till l well Mr. Ilt, mine brand un ll shoutdrr, IL J Ortfr. IU'tiy iiii. lillle brand, twit tf 4i tifU iMi 0r h! rli ear, holt In tijM, llo 4ti lmt eu itwgMrr. TWAftrn l)tlr OrvA. (Vllle brand. -. on tlilit brt ni o(T iibt Nr. ltrr, Mm brand on Ittt aSMMihSar. J IllrVs, IMrvIt wifk, IVIII, Uin- dli, ctei al M la kft ear ltcrwo, I on Irtl lioullr. IV V. Tb-iiwn. lllrrr(inlll brand O T on Irlt eni a ttftil ft ami Sdlt In Itfl, Hum 0 T on 10 hoiMr. it, ItlHK rvnd(lm. CiltU trati.t, hurt she en kit hli nbt ear' nit off, llor, It 0 wu ilbl liouldrr. S. I'. Jetwaan. 1M Uotk . Otlll nrtnd (haln bock on Hshl W nT h er and ndr rrvp ? ntkl ear lltr mm brand en Irfl thouldtr, Cnykett k UirL Cauls 01, on Ut ald callow folk and utlr bit In roch wr. Ilorrr Mm tra4 eu left tlHMikbr. S.l. lftn, . tUl brM Jl co ftht hip, iWlr)itCl0 ear, and under Vp on ot rlgtit ear. W W lrnSR Cattb Bur S undr low lock tm Ut Atnk;tti adtiilt In riclil ear, undo ahp la ln. IIwmm, II rOi Ulf etrtU ut lKildr, . K Wekh. IVitdttlMi. (HitOe bund, T In iJUmctuI cn tbjM iMts ! a f ilil ear and lift In left Seal tlemr, ltrry lnyt Cain bril, dwibl etiM M M M-K aa.1 ervp and iMI In Hsbl r, and fP and un4r Wl Hi ML llnrtm branded II n Irft 8 J la. I1M ltek. Ilarw ,0mmi HM shoel. ikr, eattle, Mme a tibt blp, and ddU cm. I'Salt, IM4 IUk. OallK mul li e rlht hip, offrrUOr tvlolllMr. Ilarwa earn brand on ef (VltelH'f JtM CmmlS I'm ItMk. Calll I. V a Hilit aid Mt tber nd lr fearaMttrara, t. eallw urn mi bin. J I.tewlHfkeA imtiremk. Clllr, rmi. it af tUbt rar aa UtH m HWr Ml hi lb Un r, and MtfcleM a Mt, WaM. Jn Wl 4e M 0 fty r, (I mi Mt HKiVr. Wei T m, HHfrrk CttMK THi lUM hip. n!M waS nr4tm tm itl r. Ilr aant braad ; II taakty. Md'. fMV brand, U In a eirete en HeM baa. 4r-i at ( W ear and ihl eal l rtgM, tfaatopiamN. J J II i if. I'MtatllU Oattl J Kft U erp tad BiNH Ms ear MaeM brand en IW4U. K M .Ur IVuK nn neH. ktr rt rxt( Ann; bfibd emealy fr HL Itenr uuttWa Ml ibajk. NtH k IMaMtr, Wllf eewk. OaltUbrandlnahap T ,Mt m MX bK etMji aat lw ku la ln ear. Hue ae tvrawl Ml MMMbWr. It It ratM. tMter ereek. riito bn. In th ihap at rt mm. u, la eUe. iaH In lb Wn l I M lltffll lr. Ilffrrw hwwi 1 wm ImmK R Oteotl. I llwk. Calll, l In rlht ear asd nf I r al MKf ! In Mil, brwi. t) I. on ln hlv llfMl mm brand Ml iWiU'r. r KlnoM. far . Calll. eon off of Ml and andtr rup Z mt Hl ear. beaeid r n HUbtblp. ItatK 1 .1 and J W taiBilary. lMt ereek. faille, erep Wl ea ear, bfa Srie Sen rthl lUe. Itrwa MM neawi mm riean mmwmw II II t0nBt. rattle. ( Ml In Ut er n Ml top awk oe U(r llerw . -. . . .. . tar itrm Mine Uriel r. lMU TrwHwr. Iteffaear Calll. riH-w fMrk In erb ear, hraiei, O r mm Ml tttf th lb T dlrwlly our Mm O. 8m tkweMfil, Uevraiar. H'aStkt ta eJar of ImU TeMn ' r ear mt Ml ear, brand, II I, ian L mi rtia hh Met Hrw, MaHiua. CMK II en leTt hip. Ilof. MmiI llr. llHiy Oaajon. Oaltle, rrep aa. nUt bet i lUtrt awl ijdM In Ml ear, brand, II 00 Ml tbeeh. llfM mri brand en Ml shoulder. Ho,2.t dSs Mays 0 OAIU'ENTKKS .'!!y..ViuiLDiVHsV.' jvlti . . ; ; ; ; . contu actors Pendleton, Oregon Sltni ON Court ilreet in lb urn liolldloj of Mall Tylr' UaeWaiHa Ui SIGN WRITING,. ....llOUSK TAINTING,... . WW g'lazing, ! '. '. 1 .' ! 1 ! UNDERTAKING Promptly Altondod To. i'POlt'lC'i fjf :MUTT6N PENDLETON MARKET. (J. W, Marshall, - Proprietor. . 171 AHT HIDK MAIS' KTIlKfrT, OpiMlt I'fndlttoa Li llotrl. Will k irooiunlly 011 lind, Iteer, I'ork. Mutton, Kiatait meat eud llolomia anuuc. rorued and dried meat. Trices rcaaoaibTe. I'leo kIto io aulL IIKUKIIIIKII Till; Dove!, Kutler & Co'h STKAMVI-ANINO, SASH AND 1)0011 FACTORY! JJOVtaL 1IUTI.KII k CO. GHHOMOS. ,teri. and lakms Cbroinua I'nll ol Ihollhlue, On the Hus iiuthamia, tlir iloilon Uuht, Old Oaken fuektl, While Uounlulii. Nlaani nlU, Newport, Honlun, viriri'i vnia, iiiowicfi r.nuw niorm, American rruni m.. -I 11 ul. .... II. A I.A....I... .1... l.rfllf...! , IVI VIUI, I M. Hi, Ul IfPUWUV, HIW, .'IUIII Uil I C'hrotiiM, 011 block or whim mounts, floral 'bull iirra curile, Sunday school carJj, statuary. Mottoes, bluLk uruunJ luiirU: elw, fraiiicaand siienU'sufliiltia at tery bottom price. I'lirilculsra free. Illiulr.illve tuuloiiuo on receipt or tluinp. Bond for 3.00 olitflt. J. l.vrilAU U CO., 4IU Wusblnxion at., Ilutton, bead quarters fur Vorvljo sud Amerlcau C'hrvmo. (fil K. Tn (Hi O A lr day at home. Haniplcs wirlh Jpt) T0 (PsU f 1 trie. KriwwJlCu.,l'ort)tudHe. WallaValla, W. T. Ilavltu redqrrxl our brlco nt will llnlili Han);. IIiiom, lllliidr. Mimldine, (of all Wiiul I .Ui Turning ,nd No. 1 Hhlnuli. a love as can be had. V inake, alro. No. I Wuhboerdi, t"i I t I ttuy hi homo Auis vtnutia. ouiqi 1 OH I A n. I li.rTnii lr.... TltllH tl C.(l. . AU?llLtl lie. I I . i . mm " w .v. -- I T" " I 1 j . . AOVHHTIBNMHNTfl. WM. SW1TZLEH, I1KAUR IN ououHiui-y, IMtOVlSIONH. Dry - Goods UAUDWAltlv, 15 0I.0TII1K0, Totoaooo, I100TH AND 8II0KS, IIAT8 AND OAI'3, l!tc. Kis. IIIOIIKST CASK 1'ItICB 'irtii'tu' Furfl fttill tildes. MAIN-8T., PtNDLETON. ' i-?!ir ORE00H. ADVKH1 ISIiMKNTrt, Nutltllo ttntl Mnrni'M. M AtC Kit, I'ltNMi.trroH, OlIIKlOM. t.T.KI' (nnilaiiUr mi hand fnirn-Ms suipir ir ! Iturtiroa, rUd.lIre, llrblli Vlm. fpilta, 1 ..ilr, lUllrra, Hlnshra, and veiililii tM 111 ir line. lNilliid r its WIW aehdlliy Wl l llqlf Ihf ninplty attend I In. " ' lIONr3Ei3I.t STABLE J Kllll V DUHI'AIN, lfOitltor. flMlia HTAIII.K llatlns hen te tliie.1, rihAv,,l and telllilnl. tl IU eilkli t 'lnlUI' n I f I 0 UI . flfllns Met buldlHi of hrs TXJ3Fl.Kr C3TJT,3 I'rom a famtly tVtiUee In a h.M briiT six. 1 1 b hail) sli MtKi hrr. Ilewo lMiit ai.ita.nq Th llwneer BUUe H IWetlni li..ie oer lild l II and lliatn al Hijl r. A.CII al tlw I'letieer KlabK V.tMn. On-j. a t 5 0X733 JS03R.X3B aaasfn' 41 I 0 S R B 10 K Til a I let run tiu U IC.litT (UtlMlllMlAM R JCAnT (IIILHIUKIAN s 1.' A MVR PA 11:11 1 A 1.1 vr rArnu u Ji KAIIT tlltU.ONIAM R r nut tiiu S R 0 11 m : m-M 1 r 2 t J Wm. Oolalor, Boot nnd Shoo Shop. .i,V Main Htreel, lietldMer 111 W WtWisTm aid tllare BOOTS AND SHOES Made In Order at I1k.I lUles Ili:i'AIKIi IbMi Ml tlieet rwUe al reantw'il rale. ALL WOflK WARFt ANTED T suit, Wrtfc m I Ymt rntrnt iwdity uf etk I'Smm (If sa a . PENDLETON FLOURING MILLS.' rnna rrHpumx rutuntxa uiUii now k roml l,ld awl ta MM nfiav I mm wiQ b EXCHANGED FOR WHEAT, ,.o a .. f HlKlicst Cash Price Pahl For ibo satue. Witt KrlnJ Corn ami Chop t'J, fr. tutl. antlajr lu tto wtV. FLOUR, DRAN AND FEED For sale at all times. : Tryiad imt ws a4 I nM. Ur : liwll l-QMk uh ud Hal pew. I ml I GUAHANTEE THE BEST FLOUR, I la tbs eouutr.ss I Use the best Mill Eatt of tho Cnicadci. W. S. IIYKKH. SYLVESTEIl & IlENTLEY'fl PLANING MILL. SASH & DOOR FACTORY, 3F ODQ,dLlot:oDQ. rtaalsf la all II branthr dn"trotuptly and ettvCZ They alra rosBuiactuts WINDOW FRAMES, SASH, DLINDS, AND CHEAP FURNITURE 0( all Drtcrlpllon. We sr prrpared to Bit orders si lh fiitlowlus pile 6 Inch flurflni and Ituitle luruuidug nnd j 13 toir iw fL ! Worklue" 0 Inch llooilog and lluiilo 1 80 r X.) leot. DeTrM MeAlherlinirdttvf etthanpfsl fur t fwd I 0 Inch eiear lumber, foot for foot, urfutntahed al f 4M . ir lou ieb irnora futnltbed al from tl ft lo ft X Sllabl .(li byiuantlly fl (0 rj-Hili.1 kaiii, ny nuauiur, ai 19. mii mirue u iir uatru. (lu all bills oer 1DW feel a liberal didOclloti make. MuMlug ous cnl per loch per Ml luteal. te. I Jl ....J t ... rurnlibed ou ihort notice,' l'rv or Coal, eUiwi are crnjiioc J to Un the riaulsg, jBdrururr ten ei mv.ivi ! ,iu ,miviim'-. 4 dlelou, mil receive prowiii nuvuiiun, a 11 UNDERTAKING, lu all IU branches attendix! Iv promptly. lVorih- Western H'VAQK OOMt'ANV.I Qrtt Induction in .lire KatU Local llala f Fure: resdletoa to Ia flranJo ,.. Union. , , ..MRU. (t. . ......... llolto Cll)'. Idsho.... , VA W'lllUl'lIlllITIL 1& IL Ke Ion. Utah. 0. I', llullroad . .. Ho Vmalllm,,.. 4n WalMWUIa. 61 Weelon U Co Through llekMs (0 Omnlia, CMmro. Kiim Ody, m.'1iule, l'hlUilolilila, Nov York, otton, Wimhln dm, sud all ootid vln llolia City nnd Krllou, Iho ill I'hllsiloliilila, Nety York, Huston, WHshin II iKilnl v in llolia Cfty nnd Krllou, Iho ill itid U611I0 Kast, wo uuw otlcr nt uririitly 10 over tho lino of Hip N, ft fl. Co. ' 1 6ft Overland ilaced isles 1 No iv L'oa'chhs. Hood sfdck'. skllldl drivers, rnll iMiriornuinra ur korviru un iiniii ore nii'viui lit 11 ur 111 eoiniMiiy. Apply m imv i.ivkiihouk, ,ur a, H. uwxKM. AKHugi auntrinunmiit. w 1