The east Oregonian. (Pendleton, Umatilla County, Or.) 1875-1911, January 06, 1877, Image 1

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    'c 'ir jy
fllH ' katkw or avj4xi J&f cowr'f SB
J '
Id 6iwMM, ) piaV
wit tiVr Hnir. 'j
. I
NO. 14.
miy mm Mi mill . , ..... .,,..,. .. f m
Jhtr AutiimVn
' r lw haw autumn-, when Oilf- lev
Dfuii liwijr llimiitfli Ilia iUiniiH(rt tlr,
Writ all mf K''I iiiitrtiuiiillnhiar.
Ami m if ut reititd and bsr.
nlUtftnt fr wilt they come mat tot
i- iim pu sUiMrn tumwer hunt,
KiAittiilU sil Is mow.
IfAtfttii daj tiring Im tumnitr uLcrr,
i) Mwtb!iit Mir trr mr
UrtrnjjldK lilitli IiVh Hii(f
At PailthK.
Hw o wmttt t MUUU Ut y fat ewril.
U'lat a IlltU matt. il..l M.,.1 I....-I.t...
Hr MUmc tear- :TWWHmi.
miu)U iniil4t rath froui
it I )ox tli',in4 lliHl, n.1 UlllifuliiMt
IHt. Ill tinHffHrT offtl Hillf.
FH' MLttl tlptts ffOM )Kire tn
Ho J an IimIIc, t4 )nt lhn )ttlnf tl
Wri kuotu(f, L.r, th4t tti ifMbWyir tM
An? fiU Mfn ir ttjljw..
ii. .i l . - t. 1:1 '
,1111s ir nii liwil ll tt f
T li Ullr tNrnfiittH tht mM)r Hetit
iilJtttiaruollBf fitl wet, " ,
tuMol lla tttubk, mil tt MtBil it thu
0 t 4ttr.hJtii irfMiJ
0 Hl, MM44t( U (At ;mi
ntlk MMMT Ctf U tr
U;llie UHH Ibt bHk
),H k of Dm lix 4jr Uw,
Sff" "'tl' Kft4r (low,
ktlrinrr. iUr Hjji
li varh oilier "Kin if I
Ukhhni Cum kii.
Tim CrlinlnnU of Vnrln.
ixillco of l'rl wr llut It It Im-
lio In rlliuila llin iiunilxir of lit
crliiMtftl cUin, Irntii tho I'not that Urn in
ii iy Hiwiiy ififio Imlfllunllr wi
tf, Irnuil of a Mirt liioli lIlKM nut
K'MuilimU. A UiitliitfiiUlilue trttlt
HjJ'riifii"l(inil criinliiHl Iioid whirli
ft.iiiui NMUi 10 ih3 troagniiHi, u hit
My KMlil hit uaIiu III rloloilk
itietj Olio Hill tci4lr to mi vtlntn
91 ilrlnk liriiayilh a Moll J'Uu
1 4 Ct 1 1 r rMfeW' MM M t ttlt? Mat.OII tl Or
MIikMMmKr Hi the ami
fJgPfMHMwJHMktVtitv ri'Clvort ati
ppiMpftiTtatliU rulo, Ml thv
MnWlira truth of tlio tavliiK,
f lMniat nthli'l " Tho Unit act or
W'ipk 11 sin ud Kiri'ii, nflvr n rulibor a !
kMirroiuio worm iiutcriiiuoo, f , t
lri( on Ikiiu fur hu until vta'a It1
!W oxlr(vnniao of ox
YkifU It llio inoro tr t 'fJVffVi Iniu
rHdi n it fi t mu niU
trn them III
XlJUli" JM iHi
iimlvr iiirvell
. .... ..
111 iiioiiuv im nut
t ir Wk
1 wiiif iiiivii iiiiiatui
1 .,ri.... 1 i ...
boliuf tluteoluil, Tho 0-
ri'cklvta outlay twint to Ui
iifu hiiiiilc'd nrliidnle. ohiiiiiiIiil'IoJ
il!i ' vcmivu vuiilly. It it wllh tliuut,
'Lt In vat nml tlrluk, for to-iitorrow w
T ! I prltoii." .Moreover, thoy cmi
y r iiA iNiiiktliiu 111 tho ciuvcriu' itnu
jll by which thuy Imvo guincil tlm
(any of viijoyltii tliiiiuulvt'H, unit If
iht nto CNkt iimiii thu truth of their
lilot, thy t will iirodnco tho nimll In
Vli Thulr imrotlvo lovo of iIivm nUo
jiimtly ntrimU cluu to thu police.
rt "ri out it inu eviileneu ol n
ul uccetful Intnl. A woiiiiiiiimtnetl
t, nit nceiuHiory to n lirulul iiiunlvr
11, wm mkeil ivhnt jiiiliicoil her to
-rt In thu nuhuiuu. "To uot hoiiiu
I' IkiiiiicH," wn thu only it'tiiiiiitti.
r.; tlK'nu ih'Kruiled icr(in mi ttxtru
''y inttlilloutiiuiM It nometlutoii
rlniliint iinniLMl Lnccniilro. who
W reinurknblv uooil lnviul. wn em-
it h uopyitt, nml oftoit dlueil In n
btuurnut fruiuiMitud by thu iluul
ii tha I'lirtttiuti (huh atreet One
thlnl rutu ilrumutlu uuthora
with hint for thu truucrlptinn of it
Thu next (Ittv Litceimlru returuuil
3H., tolliuu them tlutl hu really
cony It, "I'vo rend it." fluid he,
nil It too lillntlo."
itli,t,?im ' bo Kivon over
temi&r jsH'j.'o n unrt or on
y.k 5lvite thu ns
arm i a a i at. vw.
V . Tt
1 Hr
aaam .iiiiutiai
iBBBia.,uiiiiiiKi x aw
aaramy'vi v im. ,r
titolhnt llfly tU- bliiwa with n knife, nm
llli'li. IWtllnir tln-il, ny ilnwil IiiwIiId llin
uuriiMt, nml hihihI nn cxri'lliMil nliiliU
VhhIuih wunt In tmi lilt own Innllicr
tnmiiit thu ymirill. KnturiiliiM frmu llin
miiiiiii fitmliiH ton iulilie limiMi, whoiu
11 imiiibr of hit oftinmiliM wihh nwnlllii)(
him, ((nil InmthliiKly oxhlhltwl fmir
wnlehiM mnl n iuri tiikeu from thu ki
Inu rrwl liilniit iipnn the I'liHiullnii.
Hm h utter iHartuthlllly In nil linturnl
feolliiu n ttieh uitniiiilw, lmw n incnlnl
iinHilltliiii nliluli innkeA neilinlnnl tiinidlc
Myliim tho nr'iwr plneo fur thl vht
ittnni of ilnirHvly of thl klml nrc,
linwiitTHr, mm mining youth, llimiftli fro
I'lHiilly fount! nimiiiK innliiiu oulonttt.'
V-iy fj-w iiuratio their rnnr Imii with
out pontlcthni An rlrtniily clover fol
low miuinil I'lmlii'ilr, n l'iirt'ftr,(iiiitilvril,
hnttttver, to eliiilHltteotou fnnu tlm IDtli
of U. tolMir. 1HIII. to tho aii.l of July,
IHCI Thl mnn hml oxmillmit innnnnin,
IIthI In n rnflnml lunnuitr, nml wna wont
uro4tlr to ileptofii that hi eir hml Im-n
Iwwtil In lit Infrtiiey, a II j(-?ft him, lie
allrnl, it ionic lint ploMnu nlr. Ho cm
tiloieil aulHirilluntet to nrrntin nil jinv
ilniliiailiit, nml when nil wiu piepuretl hi
tunilnr Imiiil unvo tho final roup. When
n lobbcrr hail bent uccrfully neenm
pllthl, ho illvlilwl tho hi, retaining
for hlinielf tho linn' aharo. Howovur,
Juttlce, after alio hail IihIIimI uiiimmlly
lni ovorlook tlionccouipllihril I'ledniilr
nt Intl. anil ho wn ootiilcmucil to twrnlr
Ket' haul lulwir. It It mlileil Hint ho I
now lmti);, very iiiucii nl lilt, in
Tho rotiutennnec nf tho nifijorlty of
Hilt inUcrablo oliui nrc, when In rcnotc,
vulgar and ooinmouplnco; nomo are, now
ever, i-ntlo nnd aotne nurmble, whllo a
few iivrii carry mi nlrof dhtinctlon about
thrm nhloh rcmlcm them tho more tln
rroui. Mltlfratt wai an oxntnplo of Hilt,
Ho aiumel tho title nf Count do Hclalr,
gave lilutaelf out to bo tho aou of it do
erKl Knern), tinder tha first empire, nnd
wna really a limit of Irreproachable tusn
nrti. Ha wont Into tho mmt exchulvo
MHJlciy, nnd lived by nil mnl nf Clcrcr
rojrncry nnd luck nt oxrtto, fi Hint wi
tha tluia when ecarte mtm Uta rago. At
latt, Itowover, lie rwwitveJ on a Iniblcr
atroKe, nnd wat Mfetted in (ho net of
commlttlnn x robtwy by tho nld of fulo
koyt. Whn hi lerm of lutprUoniiiont
explrcl hu rctutttcd to Pari, and fell Into
a Mate of abject mlacry.
Soma clever tcouudrel aro lueh mar
vclou adepts lit couccnllnu tholr icnl
fSuMUtfbehlud a ciiunlnKly w fought
3BlaW,v irtjMHtlnblllty, that
X Wkt' it wmWnMj-u and oxperl
M m wmyKmfjm WjWttvcr tncm. 'llin
ilrnttf i$&igti$ sort, named
Toufrlant, atnTIT)plnHxHU, occatlonm)
Krt aiirprito aomo year mo. Thl en
trrpiltluc gvtttlriiiau llvril in tha Huo
Verlti, wlirro bo kept t?U,U lior nnd
vnrlou fathlonabln lulpst, I.tko tho
accoutplMiisI l'lnlnolr, ho laid plan for
the bonelH of youn bamllt,.whHo op
eration ho dlrrctcl, ho hlmnoff only Iv
I UK tho UnUliliiL' itroke. In fact, bo wru
n Mitt of tnaittilflecnt Fajxln.
Thrre aru ct-rum Umlllot In Paris In
whloli tuluie It hortxlilnry, and hiIc)i nro
the dmiMlr of the The huun of
I'lwliiuir (that may bo Iramlntetl blaok
lKi, Otur do Hoy, nnd Nathan enjoy Hit
tinonvlnble notoriety.
Tho total aonilutunatlnn nf fmirtcon
moutbor of tho lal luwrd family rrp
rneut a jwrlivd of two hundrel ami nlno
ymii of prltun I
Tho mnjority nf criminal rennlt tho
ltflir tllbt of oriino by urnduatml
atop. (' aurlt n that ol limn, who
made hl dvbut by niuaiuatioii, nro rare.
A hluhl) exprHnlvn nntiiai0 of orimu
I found niiioiif; the l'roiieh orluilnnls, rut
brnolii): tunny of tlio wont commonly
employed by ypilo. "To bnlauoo tho
VimI inu" niMiitlo talk. The Corp Lett
hlntifla folleitouily deniimlnntod "the
Tower of llalwl," n definition whleh
would itpiity with even greater foreo to
nuothitr Ii'kUIiiIIko Itody. "Tho harp"
IndleatM tho Iron f-rllle w'doh protcots
thu wlmlows of a prison,
Thu Pitrhlmt thluto nro dlolpi- gi
Adam rimtth. DIvMon of IIa( u the
fashion niuutii them. N-t.y nil Imi
their ipMiithtr, In vhlr!t they tH';tffeiy
ari)ulru prtHllgloii" tM. Jirlhi Ctmp,
an authority -n thifrmrct, seem to
think Hint th J which levies tho
henvV"it oortjtitloit on nooloty, U tbet
e iurKrTr swlndliir who tnko nlliees,
w-'Xu resiirotnblu atiiiearmice. kIvu
nelves out to bo men of (millions,
mid tlinw miy number of foolhlt llles Into
tho web they spin. They hclouir. to tho
tyiHi of Dtumler'a "Ilobert MaeAiro," etc,
iho fttinotis Vidoei, uliluf of the luteot
ivtiforen under I. mi I Phllinpe, ostlmttted
Hint thl clnss cost thu citizens of Purl
70,000,000 frillies n year 111,000,000)1
And M. I)u (tltti suys Hint, n they littvu
alnco then comluotud their nperuttons on
it fur more ntitunlllcent scnle. thulr deitru
tlntloiia now luminal to n fur litrer sum.
Tho f.iruuMnr, who robs by thu aid of
rnlto koyt, nt u vt nit Imimrtiiut purt in
Pnrhliin thievery. To hucccihI in
lluu dem.'tml comldurablu prudunco.
sight nnd skill on thu imrt ot n prolessor,
Hu mutt know- thu huhlt of thu house,
the Kiuioriil itrrnuemuiit of tho npurt
meuts, iiiutt proeuro Impressions in wax
of the locks, ntuku fnlsu keys hlmsulf, In
order to avoid duteotlou in advance, ho-
leet u propitious hour for thu accomplish
ment of his plans, and, lust but not least,
in in tier If neud be. Thu majority of rob
boric In olllccs, banks, etc., nro duo to
tlio energy nnd ehterprlsu of tho virvu
Tlm Napoleon of this brunch nf tho
ciiinlnid profession was Counrd, who
called himself Count Poutis du Ut. llo
lune. Tliia man, who held thu nppolut
ment of Chief of tho Legion of thu Bnlno,
nml really occupied an extremely hhjlt
losltlon, lived itinonu .Marshals ol Franco
ud was admitted ti tho Court of houls
Kill., continued mviutwhllo to direct mi
rgunlzml band of plunderers, prolltlug
y thu coiiiiectlonallu had lormud to carry
ul his oiiuraUor,) with curtulitty. An
titer celebrity wns'Uuuumout. wliosu famo
It ilkely to bo lonir remembered by thu
'itrlslan pollco, .JMils astuto rouue, littv.
pg nttlred .iniMf lit u bluok coat and
a ill!-" nsnnn
. i a
iitiiilnlimnttr i,iu tillik V
n Hio uiils' vrawmnr V
of that city, ,
n innililrnli) Intent on bilalue, oblnlnoil
I'll) lonu of n soldier, whom ha plncod nt
Iho foot of tho fttnlinnso, itotlrlng hlm'to
let no one im, enliiri'd thu prlrifu cabi
net of .M. Iluury, heml of tlio detective
pollco, nnd mndu hlmielf master of n
good round iim. Ho thou netunlly hnd
tho nmlnntty to nceompiiny the olilinr
back to Iho ytm il'nrme bnrrnuk, anil
Ihmik thu ollloor In charge for hi civility.
Tho aiiii evening he wrote to M. Honry
to ntooglr.a for the trouble ho Imd given
him, All tho elfnrU of tiu jtollcu railed,
to the grent illsgust of tho force, (o con
vict thl pink ofmnlnclty.
. Tho HniiMinnu Improvement in Pari
vory much changud the liaunf of tho
thieves. Tho sipmlld atroets III tlio centro
of llioolty wnro their favorite resort, but
thoy frooueut Iho nolliborliood of vari
ous barriers. Ileto they aro to bo found
louuiig In tho wlno lioutos. Theso e
tAbllshmeiit have uncli'lholr own crlml
ulupKirtor. Hotuobroakcr nffoct one,
swell-mob moil nuothur. At those re
treat pail triumph nro colohruted, nml
future operation. planned. Toward Si
o'clock lu Iho afternoon tunny of them
adjourn from their tuff Ut a sort of bil
liard room, where they drink nbtlntho
nml road and comment uKitt the legal
iHwpntom, U) study In thxry that coile
with which thoy Imvo to many opportu
nities of galningnprnctlcnl nciinluiauco.
They tuny n groat deal nt card, nml
Invariably cheat If thoy get n chance. In
deed, card playing I nit accomplishment
lit which they acquire extraordinary pro
llolenry, nnd lad of flflecu nnd nlxtecu
will hnndlo their cards with tho skill of a
enupitr of sixty, nnd play piquet with
Criminal Paris, like fnililonnble PaHs,
Ims Its pleasure haunts, llolng a liigbly
progreralvo character, It has Utoly aildod
to litem a f concert on a vary large
icnlo In tho nelgtilMirhood of tho -Wur-ritri
One of their ball rooms is thus de
scribed: "It exactly resembles thoto vast
sliwl ralH-d to shelter ship which Imvo
not yet loft tho dock yard. Tho walls,
painted white, nro covered with tri
colors! flag. There nro plenty of dau
errs, and tho getttre of tho danuce
nru of tho freest character. Tha music
selected I remarkable for a kind of vlo
lout rhythm." It may Im described a
tho brutal cotnsy of cadonco nnd sound,
mid Is highly exciting to tho nervous
Tills placo is frequented by ruffian and
murderer. They enter It revolving lu
their minds robberies which will ntford
them means of enjoy inont on tlio morrow;
but when thoy lutvu for a short tiutobech
under tha inlluonco of till infernal tnuiln
thoy bcoomo so excited a to feel "wound
up'1 for thocoininlslotiofntiy crime. With
thrso sound ringing In their cars thoy
will meet upon the wntonido, throw
themselves upon thu belntcd passenger,
strniigla nnd rob hltn, mid cast tho corpno
Into tlm llmxl beneath. Those who under
such clrcttmilnncei Imvo ln-cn arreste!
nnd quostlonod Imvo ropllcil, truly and,
"I was beside my self." They Imvo leen
under tho intlueuco of mental intoxloa
tlon, brought nlxmt by an nbuso of the
(Miwer of sound, so skillfully aocom
pthUml as to bo likely to aircct tho
strongest nod best regulated mind.
Although it is Impossible to fix, even
approximately, tho nuiiiW of criminals
who rosldo In Paris, It Is at toast possible
to say what, number tho Prefecture of
Pollco has arretted. Tho number ap
pears to bo steadily on the Inoreato. In
IHftO, '.'O.TW arresUweru made; in 1605,
M,RIUj mid In 187. 31,437 i In Ib'OS tho
uuuitter ha 1 leaohetl U.1,7!JI , This alarm
ing Incrmie, M. Du Camp thinks, may
jit somo slight degree bo traced to thu
luaroasrd vigllaneo and ever Improving
machinery of tho police. Mainly, how
ever, no annuities uotn to (lie increase ot
the criminal class, and that of tho num
ber of bodies found at tlio Morguo to a
very remarkable ouro tho horror of
emigration which Impresses most French
people. It is ttotHUle thai inu samu
inr,itery i "ufm of emigration to 2sew
York which .u liermaiis ttown ai au.-
OOO.Jx-Tho Kreiiolt at 153.
""No other race, be says, Js so devoted to
Its native soil. Tho couseipieuco is that
thu safety valve, so salutary to tho Baxoii
ami Teuton race, 1 closed, nnd tho sur
plus population of roving ndvetituter
trout the province is turned into Paris,
Instead of '.hiding n vent for its enter
priu mid exertion In a new world. Tor
ouu who comes to thu capital and suc
ceeds, how many full I Tlio tniiti, In too
many Instances, becomes it vagabond,
mid tho woman worso.
This frightful number of 31,751 ar
rest. Included 14,550 vagabonds, mid
U,U53 beggars. Many of theso wretched
neoplu had only been lu Paris a few days,
but were already reduced to thu most ab
ject condition ot misery,
Immigration appears to coiitriuutu to
thu Parisian title! class, Kven China nnd
Persia aro rcpa-sented. In 1808, 9,t78
foreigners were arrested. This number
included 0D3 Italians, 733 Belgians, 373
l'russliius, DU'.3 Swiss, mid 70 Americans.
Oddly enough, tho number of ltrltlsh is
not k'lven. Thu criminal list for tho
samu year Included 7 architects, 3 advo
cato. 1 notary, uu persona
who sub
scribed Hientiolvcs as "literary
15 engineers, UG touchers, mid 31
clans. .
Thu low criminal sleeping houses,
which go by thu term 0mu a fa ntfif,
aro described us being of tho moat re
volting ulmriioter, mm enable onu who
has seen them to well appreciate tho
motives which Ittducu poor wretches to
prefer flagstones and frost to n night
passed timid such dens of Vermin.
AlAi that augments liberty augments
responsibility, Nothing is moro grave
than to bo frooj liberty weighs lioavily,
and all tho chains that ahu takes from thu
body alio binds upon tho conscluVcoj in
tho cousuluiice, law Is turned inside out
and becomes duty, Victor Hugo.
An old bombshell, n rolio of tlio wnr",
tlmjt had got mixed up with thu coal,
astonished a HuUlmoro cook, thu other
day, by blowing up tin rtuigo, tearing
through tk .eAUug, atwl MUlif a ruha
pus KMvrally, r
eCoAiuv v.
iowlcitl nrraugoHvuv ,.o vowpauy
A Ifnppy Homo.
In a linppy homo Iheiowlll be no fault
(lndlHg, overliearlnf spirit; there will bo
no pcavlihnoii or frntfuluo. Unkind
nu will not dwell lu tha henrt or bo
found nu thu tongue. Oh ! tho tears, tho
sighs, tho wasting of lifo, health, strength,
And or nil that I most to bo desired In t
happy home, occasioned merely by un
klml word. A celobtnteiL writer ro
mnrka to thl effect, namely that fretting
nnd tcoldlntr seems liko tearing thu flesh
from the bones, and that wu have no more
right to lo guilty of thl sin than we Imvo
to nurso nml swear nun steal, in a linppy
homo nil aolfhhncM will bo removed. Its
iiiciuIkti will not seek first to please
thi'nmeve,imt seek to plena enen oilier,
CliccrfutucM Ii another Ingredient in n
linppy liomo. How tniiolt does a sweet
smile, emanating from thu heart fraught
with love mid kindness, contribute (o
make homo linppy t At evening, how
soothing is tho sweet cheerfulness that
1 borne on the countenanci of tho
wlfo and mother I How do parent and
child, (ho brother And sister, tho tnistrcis
And servant, dwell with ilolight upon
those cheerful looks, thoto confiding
smiles that beam from too aye nnd burst
from tlio inmost soul ol luoio wlio ore
dear and near I How it hasten tho re
turn of tho father, lightens tho cares of
tho mnthor, renders It mora easy for
youth to resist temptation, nml drawn by
tho cord of affection, how it induces
them with lowly hearts to return to tha
parental roof! Beck, then, to make
homo happy,
Pickled Cucumber.
A very good old lady, ouo who has
kept house noarly a half century, says
that I did not finish my article ou mak
ing pickles In a Into number of tho Far
ht. tilio says instoad of putting down
cucumbers in salt, It Is a better p1n.ii to
make pickles enough to lut a year, at
ono time, all ready tor tho tab Ic.
I give her formula, and I am sure that
whatever alio aays Is true. Wo will sup.
poso that thu family Is very largo; In that
case tho pickles must bo made In a keg,
or in largo stouo Jars.
Gather tho cucumbers, carefully cut
ting them on tho vines, put Hieui in a
weak brine for two days, then wash them
ami lot them stind two days longer in
vinegar diluted with water, merely a
llttlo sourr then pack very closely in the
keir orlsr. With an occasional layer of
braised horse-radish roots, and small
grreu peppers; boll soma pure cider vine
gar lu which you have sliced an onion or
(mi, for llavoring, tako the onion out and
pour tho vinegar over tho cucumbers; on
top lay a covering of liorso-radlsli roots,
bruised, and a plato with a clean weight
on it. If your keg or Jar is not full, pre
pare mora when you gather them; tako
off tho plato and tho roots and proceed
a be fore, being careful to Imvo tho cu
cumbers covered with vinegar. ICeep
olosely covered ami in a cool place down
cellar. Tho root nro preservative, and if
tao older Is good, no mold or decay will
Tho school reader says, "Vinegar never
catches llles," but wo housewives know
letter than that. Yon must keep things
very olotoly covered next spring or your
Jars will breed tiles by tho million, and
'four nose will wrluklu In disgust as you
(H-ep Into tho pickle Jar, and tho post I rer
uns little inject will "tvooh." right up
into your prylug housewifely faco.
Houm) Su:m bound sleep is essen
tial to good health. It is impossible to
restore nnd recuperato tho system, ex
hausted by labor and activity, without
lids perfect repose. Sleep has a great
deal to do with tlio disiiositiou and tem
per, A sound sleeper it seldom unduly
dUturbsd by trllles, while a wakeful,
restlets tierson Is apt to be irritable A
great ileal has beeu written about tho ad
vantage of curtailing tho hours of re
pose, t itl of sleeping but little. Wo are
Inclintd to think that theru Is room for
doubt whether tho betiellts of closely
llmlttlg tho timo given to rest, liavo not
been nxnggoratod. Actlvo persons of
ncrvots tomperamont can hardly get
too much sleep.
To Cook Hkanh. When beans aro
kept liver a year or moro thoy become
dltllcdt to cook tender. Ono way to ac
complish it is to soak them over night In
soft wnter, and lt tho tnornlug put them
to boil, putting a quarter of n teaspoonful
of feo(a Into tho water, Tho water must
bo timed off as soon ns It bolls, mid
chany.'d two or threo times, liavo a tea
kettle of bollltig wnter ready to cover
them when tho other is poured ot)', as
cold water hardens them again. After
tbey begin to crack open they should bu
put it tliu oven, with a plcco of pork pre
viously freshened mid water euough to
prevent them from burning, nnd baked it
couph of hours. IJeuna tiro a healthful
and tonvenlent dish, and should often
appotrcm a farmer's table, being as good,
or better, when cold thau they nro w hen
Just utoked.
SweoTAHit. Tako two quarts of
bholUd beans and put in four quarts or
cold tvater in a. covered Iron kettle, with
it half pound of suit pork; let them boll
half ju Jjotir, Taku thirty ears of greeti
content tho corn off thu cob, scrape tho
cobsfightly to gut all tho julcottud pulp,
Turn, tlio corn ii thu koltlu with thu boil
ing uus and pork and lot them boil to
gether for half an hour, thou add a quar
ter qf a pound of butter, stir well, and
aend hot to tho tablo. This will make a
dlnutr for eluht huntrry iieottlo and is a
t-ood and nutritious dish that tustoa of
tlio (A-itud old days that have gouo by.
Ski;y Husk. One pint warm milk,
thrct-tbiirtha cup yeast, ouo egg, three
fouifeis cup sugar, one-half oup shorten
ing, Ind a llttlo nutmeg. Spottgo it, and
lifter it is raised mold and lut it rise
agall. Then roll, out into cakes, mid let
thuiu riso and buko,
Okouhuhhau. -Ouo cup molasses, ouo
of ullk, onu-half cup butter, Ono egg,
oua lililuspooutui ginger, two teaspoon
fills lodu, ami it little tiour.
Qvu-1.110 Oakk. Ouo and ono-hnlf
cuiwNUL'ur. tlirvo-tourtlia cup sour ml Ik,
Mw-Jait cup muter, one we.
ftf. oae-ltalt
t?M?0Hfu soda.
Don't mli
fx vwy stli.
L i
.Mt w . . i.r un rruiMuvi inn huviulicuui.
Catilno Hngnclty.
A gentleman resides tip-town iii Now
York city, lu whoso family there is owned
a black-nnil tan terrier dog. It happen
that tho household conshts of father,
mother, nnd three daughter, tho dog
being n pet of tho Indie, but nlwnyn
hcrctoforo nn object of dislike to tho ono
solitary gentleman, which dislike, it 1s
linrdly iiccenry to tntr, was mutual.
To such a degree had tho animosity been
carried, Hint Hie gentleman would have
destroyed the animal long since, had ho
not been deterred by fear of feminine
rcptlssl, whllo tho dog never failed to
show his teeth nnd growl, whenever hie
masculine antipathy presented himself.
A. few evening since tho family wcro at
dinner in the basement, tlio dog appar
ently ntlecp on a chnir. Suddenly he
roused himself, auumed an attitude of
llttening, then jumped down and ran to
ward tho door, mulling at tho bottom of
it; then standing upright, nnd placing
hit paw on the knob, ho turned his head
with an oxprcuivo look, which said
plainer than words, "Please open this."
One of the ladles opened tho door; then
the animal ran to tho foot of tho stain
way, looked round ngain, paused, sccincu
to consider, then darting by tha lady, rati
to tho gentleman of tho houtc, put his
paw on that person's kneo, nnd glanced
from his face towards tlio sUlr with a
sharp, nnxious bend of Hie head, as much
as to say, "You aro a man, follow me."
Tho gentleman took tha hint, and tho
dog rushed olT up tho stairs barking
vociferously. Instantly a dash of
heavy footstep, though witlt a mufJled
sound, was heard on thu stairs above,
leading tho parlor floor to tho second
story, as if fomo ono was descending In
haste, then n hurried fumbling with tho
chain bolt, and just as tho master ap
earcd at tho head of tha basement stair
case, ho saw a man cmcrgo through the
front doorway, with tno black and tan
clinging to the calf of ono leg. A yelp
tolu Immediately attcrward tliat too dog
had been hurt, the thief striking him a
hoavy blow to loose his hold. Fortunately
tho canine was not seriously Injured, bat
his display of cquabto-huruan Intelli
gence hod won him the everlasting regard
of the gentleman who was formerly to
Inimical. It was ascertained Hiat tho
thief, knowing tho family to bo at din
ner in tho basement, had entered the
lower door by means of a falsa pass koy,
hoping to slip up stairs undetected. Tho
keen sense of tho dog discovered tha in-
i,.l - .1 .... i. 1 1 m .1. ..., t,. ..
iiuiivii nun vifui.llj liuvnu uiici i.uuu
told hltn that a man was needed. -Kt.
A Curious Caao of Hiamy In France.
A curious cato of bltramr is exercis
ing tha tnlnds of men (and women) in
tho Faubourg St. Deals. Tho facts aro
theto; Some twelve years ago a 31. Albert
P set up as u vendor of lemonade at
Sens, and soon did a thriving busiucsi,
with whleh ha might liavo found it wiso
to remain content. M. Albert, however,
thought that if n pretty woman presided
at his counter ho might obtain even more
cu.toiner than he had already. With
this view ho married a Mile. Bertha
JI , who had tho necessary qualifica
tion. Tho plan succeeded admirably;
indeed moio thau admirably, as M.
Albert soon began to think. Ono bright
morning, accordingly, after a stormy in
terview with his wife, ho disappeared,
not forgetting to tako tho cash box with
him. Next day. on tho banks of the
Youne, a fisherman found a man's clothes
and an empty bottle, together with a let
ter in which ono "Albert V- "declared
that ho was weary of Ufa. Tho clothes
woro identified as those worn by Mmo.
Dcrtita's husband, aud his disconsolate
wifa lamented him as lost. After wait
ing teit long years alio married a worthy
tradesman of the Faubourg St. Denis,
and it was with mingled tidings that alio
saw her first husband enter tha shop a few
day sinco. By way of simplifying mat
ters, tho lady shrieked. Number one
did likewise, aud was soon engaged in a
tight with uttmbcr two. Wtiilo thoy
wcro plucking out each other's hair by
haudtuls, a posso of guardians of the
peace ruado their appearance, and
marched them oil to tho nolico station.
Kxplatiations followed, when tho ox-
consort avowed that ho had shammed
suicide. French justice has so far con
tented Itself witltdrawiug up a report on
tho case."
A Bov'n Sax Fatis, A bqy about thir
teen yours of ago lias for tho past three
months been working for a lame shoe
maker on Orutlot street, but was thrown
out of a Job and upon a cold world yes
terday tliroitL'li no fault ot Ids. ilio
shoemaker eont him down towu to hear
Oilin lMiwr ' ntul tlm lull onnaiiltml h
builutin board, aud went back aud said:
"Kellogg says that Louisiana ia sura
for Hayes by 8,000."
"Good I" chuckled tho shoomakcr;
"that defeats THdetfT
In about an hour ho sent tho boy-down
again, mid tho lad reported;
"Wadu Hampton carries South Caro
lina." "Thunder I that elects Tildon I" crowled
tho old mnn, and hu throw down hb lap
stouo lu n rage.
a mica unto tup itoy was sent tor
news, and this timo ho reported :
"Florida Democratic, Now York Re
publican, mid both parties claiming tho
"You nro discharged you aro not re
liable I" roarod tho old man, but yet the
lad hud closoly cousulted -'latest uls
patches,"--J)ttroit Fret Pmu
Thuy toll of an Oborliu, Ohio, woman
who Is a graduate ot three col logos ami
can wrlto poetry in auy numttity noces-
sary to meet tho demauds of tho trade,
aud yet Ilea iu bed ovary morning, and
not only lets hor husband get breakfast
but actually black his own boots I Thoro
would acorn to bo something, it is
difficult to sav what, in tho systewt of
femalo education iu Him country which
needs to bo mottled. It is rather strnng,
not Hist a uraiVlato of Oberlln Collego
should fall to btiTnrl'ai'haml,s boots,
Blioulii rail to uTTTiiT7?tiusbami's uoots,
but that she shoflQU5fe HU -c-v--
be blacked.
ohk Kr.i oa cnespcit arii-KwtitnnvNiiiiBiBi
norm. .ijjini.uurmuitf-.Dii-.
Moslem jtcllginn and Statecraft.
Perhaps tho most Important contribu
tion to tho history of tho chronic strug
glo between the CrOM and tho Crescent,
which now assumes tho form of a duel
between Hie great representative of the
Greek Church and the head of the Ma
hometan religion, I tho republication
of "tho Conquests of tho SnracciiT," by
Kdwnrd Frcentnn, Iho distinguished his
torian. Mr Freeman' research And at
tainments fit him admirably to speak
with authority on this subject, and he
certainly docs speak with great positive
ncis that leave no doubt as to his opin
ions. Ha is oridently no friend of Islam.
He does not iharc for An inttant tho tol
erant Ideas of some religions theorists of
tto liberal scuool, who look upon Ma
homctitm as tho rclitrfon best suited
to the character of its votaries, and a vast
improvement on tho barbarous supersti
tions which it supplanted. It is or ne
cessity un progrcsdvc, and it lays down
and enforces obedience to an unchange
able system of rules of life, and a creed
of superstitions, suclt as obtained among
tho semi-barbarous Arabs of tho seventh
century. Hu states tho cardinal distinc
tion between it and Christianity, in their
application to tho conditions of life
among different nations, at tho different
stages of development, a follows :
"Chriitlanllv olaccd on men the In
junction of purity and justice, but was
silent witii rcgaru to titc particulars or
conduct. Christianity presented no vice
gerent of Ood ou earth to whom was duo
tcmiKiral oa well a spiritual allegiance.
Christianity, therefore, could suit Itself
to various conditions of society, and was
progressive. Tito Moslem creed laid
down a very definite course of rates and
observances, to which it taught that the
wotld mutt conform; by vesting tho tem
poral power in tho hands of tho successor
of tho Prophet, conformity In all coun
tries governed by Moslems was secured.
Mahomctiim was therefore necessarily
Mr. Freeman goes on to say : "In one
or two respect, indeed. JlahomcUsm
has actually appeared as a retrograde'
system, even among licatlicn nations. Une
cannot doubt Hiat thedoctrinoof fatalism
had a wonderful effect in aaimaUng tho
spirits of tho first Saracens; but Its ulti
mate effect has been pcrnicioas to tho
last degree. When tho first heat of en
thusiasm is over, the same doctrlno leads
to quite opposito results. It becomes a
mere excuse for stupid and listless Idle
ness; submission to tha Divine will is
held to render all human exertion super
fluous. Nothing in tho world is so ener
getic as a Mahometan nation in its
youth; nothing is so utterly feeble as a
Mahometan nation in its old age."
Tho deductions Mr. Freeman makes
from Hicse premises, aro that the appli
cation of such a religion to tho purposes
of temporal Government is necessarily a
failure mlsgovernment and oppression
are tho unavoidable consequences, and
reform is Impossible. Tho present Ot
toman Government, ho says, is tho rule
of a gang of robbers without a captain.
Tho fuw grct men which tho Ottoman
race produced in tho past, have been suc
ceeded by a lino of creatures, of feeble
talnd and personal insignificance.
Ho is especially decided on the ques
tion of relmlous tolerance tho existence
of which mutt be very difficult under
Mussulman government, sinco it is op
posed to tho vital principles of tho reli
gion. An unbeliever of any kind is
classed among ttie beasts or tno UolU, and
whllo such unbeliever may bo simply
politically inferior under tho better forms
of Government, under tho worttr he is
tho victim of personal oppression, often
of the most terriblo kind. Altogether
Mr. Freeman can find little excuses for
tho existence of tho peculiar form of re
ligion, and it no had ins way, we imag
(no ho would speedily sweep over it with
tho besom of dcstrucUon. Toltdt Blade,
SttK YouuiNr Si'kak to Ht. When
a youm? Chicago man came down stairs
tno oilier morning uo remcmoereu mat
his wife, who was preparing breakfast,
. . . ....
had not spoken to !
htm who
vhcu ho got tip,
and so he cbecrrully said: -uoou morn
ing, llttlo lady."
Not a word came in reply.
"Good morning," said he, again, in
lusher key, thinking that she might not
havo heard him before.
"Urn 'm 'm," was all that escaped
from her sealed lips, as sho kept on with
tho work.
"Why uuder tho sun don't you answer
mo?" exclaimed he in surprise; "whr.t
tho matter! what have I dono to olTeed
you I"
"Um 'm 'ni," was still tho only
souud elicited.
"Look hero!" thou exclaimed the hus
band, as ho jumped up and kuocked over
a cup of coffee 5 "J dou't swallow a
mouthful of this breakfast until you tell
mo what's tho matter."
"What's tho matter!" echoed she, sud
denly turning upon ltlui with flashlug
eyes. And then, sho continued: "Johu
Adell SmttUson, tho uext time that I
dream I see you kissing another woman,
I I I will lcnvo this house lboohool"
Anotrr Tka. Tea ia rapidly vising to
au importaut place in thu list of English
imitoTU from British India. Less tlmn
18,000,000 pounds of Iudiau growu tea
wero imported in 1874, whoreas iu the
year following tho amouut had Increased
to US.QQO.QOO, tho value of which
smouutcd to $11,000,000, The cultiva
tion of tea is rapidly increasing iu Ben
gal, tho crop proviug a remunerative one.
'I'l. lol l.l.,i.un ...... a rr,,. XT...1....I a ... I
Alio uvov inuutei. vuwiy iiviu .ivjiuui, auv-
thelr relations with Hwir European um
ploycrtt are satisfactory. The average
yield of an acre in tueDarjeeliag district,
according to tho latet rjitur, w4-e 35
pounds. Tho tea plant wae, :Mcl1
into India about forty yeM ayLT-1)
China variety is tho bafilkatbwt '
(frawbaek ot slow growtti u
ery small leaf. Tho Assam '
ft preierauie tu tn,yo rcspe
ted tot!
I? A. Ult
. ii.
Hutlcilif for k aa
lUCC.Urill tl'U
hM k lift,
T IV-. Wr m 1 IBTH
im locality boiMfSILj....
FoHdHWW ef .M.
M. Thiers ha returned to rnftt, but is
still ocoupylng hlirjself actively with
dlnlomaCy.Invitlng Hw foreign rettMttt-
nllvcs to hie houM in th Place fain
George, ami talking to idem by the haurM'
about tho ncccuiHeVcf the moment.
Thiers, liko all th ttemen of hk epos,
is a furious Turk. Ho foresees m rift-
tta-in . a . - . m a
uicts tno greatest Hanger u itiouitomM
umpire is dismembered. This eomw
from tho old Idea of the "balance of
power," which can never be eradicated,
from tho minds of tha sta(emm of the
1830 period. TkttM events with 3C.
Thiers aro extremely interesting, for he
ia a rcmarkublo talker. He has the fac
ulty of express! b hlmielf fluently about
an lie Knows ana he Knows a good ;
and knows how to throw la little a
dote nnd bits of personal
which charm while flxinir t!
Ho Is a wonderful ea)tnr. si
His ways of talkinc whenex
audience has led'to & number
oae of them betas that of
farmer who wm sent to give
trie result or lits experience.
man wanted inroraiatliu a
cultaral state of the exftmtry,
make up i report. Theaurlcu
rived add woe warmly received
Thiers took his favorite place w
back against the mantel, and tr
farmer why he bed been sent for,
then launched out into a dtscoucM.
farmine. Ho told him what kind of ma
nuro should be used or certain soil, hew
seeds should be planted, how stock
should bo treated, and discoursed for an
hour in the most admirable
Suddenly M. Thiers looked, at his wa4ch.
'I am sorry to say," he said, "that my
timo Is up, but I have bad a satisfactory
interview, aud I shall sot fall to embrace
your ideas In ray report."
Tho farmer looked up In surprise.
"Good day," continued M. Theirs,
"and allow me to express my thanks for
Uw.Yaluablo information you have gives
had onlv bovrwi.Ywm
assent to the views bPTf.'
the latter fcave him credit for a
bio stock of knowledge in his report and
in his book. He bow. sends for the dif
fcrent diplomatists to get information
from them, and talks to them iHcesMntly
for hours, giving them no tlaae to put In
a word. But, as I have already remarked,
tliese conremtioas are wofldmully mi-
teres ting Farit O&r. efthsK. T. Tflu
Odd Occupations in New York.
"Wo are fait running "specialties" Into
tho ground In Hiis city, says a corres
pondent of tho Chicago Tribune, when an
exclusive "Baked Beans Company" la
formed and put into successful operation
nit u a veritable tact, arm tno wagon
or tho rcw York and Ilostoa lis
Beans Company now traverse Hie stree
supplying tno famous 8uauay mc
meal to the restaurants and hotels!
as much regularity u tho milk
They do. a thriving business. Ail
specialty hero Is tho manufactu
whipped cream for Charlotte russe.
concern manufacture nearly all o
delicacy sold In tho city. They us'
clilnery, and by dealing In I arm qox
ties of materials, aad using labor-saving
machines, thoy can supply the restaurant
and confectioners cheaper than they ean
mako it themselves. But the oddest
thing, which, though small iu itself, Ut ,
big thing in its way, is the operation of a
stock company for manufacturing Um
articlo of "pasto" for book-binders, js
per-haugcra, newspaper offices, etc. Tbe
cost of this thing is so slight that it wo 14
seem there was no "big nway" in k
upon conceivable terms; but in fact ibis
business employs 100 haade, occupies a
five-story building, and keeps three or Jam
wagons and twice ae many horses ia eon
staut use. They supply paste to Use
suburban cities and villages, aud on ter
wmdi prevent competition
consumers. Auotner
that of a half do;
ton and Waahln
a business of sup
to wholesale cro
jsKavr-vuittr ,wtio
keep cats or dog tojpWlect their prof-wWj-agatnst
rate aud mice. It Is cafrbw )
around to tho stores nicely cut up, ready
for use, aud tradition says that tortoMtee
have been mode in this line of supplying
cats' meat by two retired butchers.
Here's a hint for soma of your Cbleage
moat merchants.
ThkMaduknAt Gufeicu The Town '
oCGIteol, situated in the province of Aal-w
werp, bus beeu ror six centuries aa auoue lv
6f madmen, and tradition ev tSKirt t
story back elevon ceuturles, There are
11,000 people in tlio place, una tbey nave ,
charge of 1,300 lunatics from abroad,
who are boarded around in tlie families
and treated with great consideration.
Tho children from youth are familiarized
witu tho business, ahu all ttte people
knqw how to manage those committed '
to their care. The inhabitants are all, so
to speak, engaged in the surveillance of
the lunatics. One of the greatest social
punishments that cau be mulcted on a
tamtly is to declare trial it is uuttt to re-
culve such boarders. The lunatics are
disposed of among the inhabitants
corutuir to tneir weattti or sun
wealthy paUeuU being sent into the
tor fatuities and poor ouee to the
Tho cures averaue from sixty to
Jive to tlie hundred. Gheel is
into four districts, each with i
aud physician. Large sums of
ire spent iu tne place by tlm j
ami lamtites generally are always
uffhavliwr one or more lunatics
JVim Eusllali have
vm uriuffu in uxe s.o!
OOS, Itft
fr 3irMii r
t a Uk( -.-
i x.riuaat
A BBbbbbbbbtbTb-b-Mb-b-b-b-b-b-S
fT T Tinn
v taaa
I. .Biat
f) 7 H
. m
a -srsBBB-B-sriHi-SB
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