Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon spectator. (Oregon City, O.T. [i.e. Or.]) 1846-1855 | View Entire Issue (March 10, 1855)
-1 : ,;t.- v .1 ... - f If ...r n ... O t. GOODRICH, EDITOR, PROPRIETOR AND PRINTER.,. ...(.....,.., ......'Fkedos no all FOREIGN INFLUENCE, ik .this oua own d Nativb Ur.......'.-V..,...A.'..... (TERMS, FIVE DOLLARS PER"AttN"UM IN ADVANCE. y-' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' "; ' ' ' '" i - -if -' r - ' u' ' ' VOL. 8.. " ' . ;:; - :;N('2X' " A ID) IP Tfl A M m rrr a rm irw ; a k O V u vi n U V AN m j ir. i i -r .-i-.-i i m ar .v-. . i -7 . - i r - r-. vZ . i. - i .'1 fUfittm tat ttje ttjon JBptditor. J6L Sketch of one of the Would Be's. -- " PRAWN PROM UP U VIOLA OKAT.' - ; fr fCnnnluJedl . r - "St. Clair, Allen fe Co- was the name of the newgrm, and a great sound it made iu 'the city; for 'all knew. Allen was deeply in debt; but as he. had considerable, trade, ... they thought perhaps he would get along Jut instead of paying up old MebUCh.e con tracted new ones on thestrenztb. ofjthe firm .a. . . mi ' ana his newly acquired ereait.t ,1 tie P'anogana miserably dad, wretched looking was Dougnt, tu panor was wunwseo, XiliuKie iraruruuo rvWOUIDllVU irivu UBn fashionable dresses, made like Geraldine's, and she must have one of those beautiful hundred dollar shawls, fo Geraldine had one and they were all the tyle. ; t; And, Frank must send to New Ytffk for'a set of Jewelry just like h,er friend's, for any obtain ed here in Oregon ? would be so common.1 And so' tbe money went, and credit too -l . . . . . err one saw who JcneW the Allen's. howM'lu'""u " "". hey were trying to be' what they were not, and could not be. ;' '-:..!-',.' '?". ;'' - Lizzie was not naturally Ulentedojijujck -to learn, but she certainly had tnucb :abii for .imitation, and every one who' knew her. ,tauld not'Tafroid Seeing that she tried to irh ; ithte every act and expression of Mrs. r .ners,. until She had bogpmo g. perfect satel - -'liteto that great planefor having ventured too near she had been overcomo by tbe su perior powero'f her attraction, and ;as now " revolving around bS'r at just such a dis tance, striving ever to getllttlejjiearcij but in her. nearest npproHcb'e' she always found herself totally ecliffecd by her great. upenor. v! j . . . ., . . -But the time cam when these "woukl be" great ones must have a "falL: 'AU not gold that glitter?' and the true gold is sure to be found in this great furnace of life, and though itmay 7at first 'took dark and rough upon the surface, and have much . dross mixed, with it, still 'it Will come out the- trnii .'gold nt lnt, and'. wilUlw prized ac coHiiigly. AVbile the more 'shining parti- clt ?, wliisi dewivo nt first, ' aiidgjveiproni- i of ito1 much worth, sjiarkje only whileg l t,in Kimiiiit. tiiiM )iiiQiuncj?Jgna wTien passed through, tbe rcfinjng fire of trouble, - lose all their brilllancyT'and are cast away as worthless. 1 - : ' . The creditorjjof Mr. Allen at fast finding there was no prospect of getting their pay, and displeased at his very expensive manner of living, closed his store, sold his fine furn iture, and left' him without money or credit. j There was no alternative now left him - but hard work, and as he was too proud to work in the city, he chose to go to the coun try and take a claim, and make a small be . ginning (and a very email one it was) ' at last, which, Lad ho dono in the first place, they might in a short tune have been li ving in jthe city, cortn&JtlroTy situated, and Lizzie mightj perhaps have learned by patience and t perseverance, the ways and manners of so ciety, and have become an ornament to it.B n . 1 .1 . n L . B . nut as it is 1 iear tpey win never do more than would-be's," for in; the small settle ment where they went to live, Frank took up teaching the singing-school, and acted the dandy for the whole neighborhood ; while Lizzie came out every Sabbath in one f her fine silk dresses, aud made "the rude "iiOuntry people open thoireyesas shesaid, "for; they never sawjthe like before." No ! I presume they had never seen a poor man's' rife nress as she did. and you Jnay be sure ther did not like her any better ;' Lit tie Oerald, as soon as he was bid enoiigh, had to work hard, notwithstanding his fash w 1 ionable name. The last I heard of Mrs. St Clair, she had gone to Europe for her health. Sarah had married an eminent lawyer, and lived in a happy home, surrounded, by the " coraforla' 0 hf "The. boys," were also 1 married and living very pleasantly." But Lizzia was doomed to still greater sorrow ud humiliatiris. ' Her hugband.grsw tired of hard work,' and also , (it would teem) of iher society, and not being considered very honest, by his neighborsh left the country t nit disgraoe. , t , - On the? morning after Frank's hasty ,de 3artura, Lizzie found a note on her table, in whichiwere statoJ'his reasons for leaving Iher the priicipsl, fortune I When either return cr send wnat couia she aot she naa not a dollar in th jrjdherboy must be taken care of, and- above all' she still wished to keep ur appearancea. .' Tier father lived some fifty mia-distant. and shft tiad no way of getting borne till ne should come after her.. She one being, to make niRjieaaeTa.---y--gmg aora -nrj, B)g U succeeded he .would KPamMnVn ' .1 or her, Toor Lizzie ! :mrnojiati- .nt to GeT-iEa. who borrowed the necessary articles of fpod from her neighbors, telling them her husband had crone to oan t rancisco on business. As soon as her. father heard of her situa tion he hastened to relieve her, and haying! sold the claim took her home with him. - ' " ,. - Time passed on, and oneayaftef manyB0"01110-"1-? ?UV u!.l"u months, while Ltrne was in Jhe garden d.S-to afte; .45 m,, 0 ging potatoes, little Getald called to her: KCoNOb, in pursuance of his sympathies and "Beisey 1 Betsey 1 cdnie'iin quick 1 there an old ragged drunk man coming, and TinBDHOwsoN wnn z-wewry vjuthkhv,"" Bafraid Thaxlald-was riffht. . Lizzie looked wv H I II I r' Bman; - staesrerW towards tEV house. As lie drew nearer, the horrid truth rushe l upon her raind, she could not mistake : the features. It .was Frank. " : AMERICAN BOOKS. v , I observed, not long since, in yquVjour nal, a notice of a book: entitled "Tho'reh- Bishop ; or-Romanism lathe United States, by Grvilla. S. Belisle; and from the title I at once concluded it to te an important ac- RmiiDinft in nmolrAnini in tha A momrian tnin t Jesuitism was continually threatening our in no wise disappoints the idea I had formed of' ft fronv readingyour notice. The author of that, work has .done incalcul able'' benefit to thq cause bf- Americanism, by warning the people, against thejnfluences Man-Hand workings of a system, which inevitably must,- if allowed to grow powerful in our country, aesiroy xne-iunuameniat-oasiO! ne only iree government,, on earm. vv no doettnot Know 11 nas oeen . tor Lvears tholabieci and aim of Popery to locate the Hapiil Se-on flio American,coctinent yea, inLyteStaten case any ex-ft Til L traordinary revulsion of pontical 'senlimentgij,, Chas. Hughes B - Sandford R should, at any time, transpire tiiifavorableBBotaa t C r IIuoiphrevT . Sarault Eli ; to its pertfetulty in the East? That suchiHond Allen. V- Hull Miss C. Setdemire Goo " is tuujaci, anyone wtjo is wuiuiir 10 esamincni . 1 . 1 . 1. . . : 1 1 : . . t he records, and read them impartially, can ipaC0,?Jin'e himself.- nd H lS-.not.JXCCessry lOF-sucn to. late one solitary expression onpjr-nannier j v the Protestant side of the "question 8u(B-Bc'"11pd" '. Jameson 8 . " eient evidence of the facts can bo found the sermons, essays, writings and organs of the Jesuits IhejrrfeelveaT. ' . Th6se facts have or a portion of them aaol un nnlloforl In tha fiiilhnr onrt nttrBUW" re- tioucstf iroperly appencloa to the work wnoreDy to trt'iigthen tne positions taken, nnl. flius 1 s rendered mipreguablo to tht) sljatts ot oalumnv, and the barbs of invidious sectarian or political criticisms, as are the fortresses ofi Serastopor-to-tho balls ot - Minie-ritte Cor. Philadelphia Sun. . ROMAN CATHOLICS-INTRIGUES - 1852. INl We1 have seen in several of our exchanges a statement, very properly styled 'startling,"! which hrst appeared in the rreuonia N. 1 Advertiser some three weeks since. 'The Rochester American snys that though it has been widely republished, and the attention of those interestedin controverting its charges, distinctly cbaenged, yet there is not a word of denial, defence or explanation Ihe allocations contained therein must therefore be taken as confessed. They come from a responsible and respectable source. They are met with studied silence. -iNo friends of Gen. Pierce or Gen. Scott have ventured to question their authenticity ; therefore they must be held to be- true. aucn tacts are calculated to make a pro-l found publio impression ; they speak for themselves, and account for mucb that has been suspected, believed, but nevor before so explicitly revealed. Ihe rredoma Ad vertiser states .thai at the IMlicotvilIe "American" Celebration on the 2 2d 11H., Col. R. H. Shankland, now of the Otseco h rammer, and formerly of the Lattaraup-tis Republican, an ardent Democratic supporter of the Pierce and King ticket in 1852, made some startling statements as to the bargains respectively and successively between bisho .y..j .T..vV m y PalmitcrHg FIucshes on the one side, and Gen. SoottK.i,:,, t T. Varrh Mnt n and tren. Jt'iERGE on the otlier. TJoi.giiamyton i II PartlowJM shankland, in remarking upon the in lluence the Roman Catholic priesthood ex erted in our former elections, said that it was now well understood that Oen. Scott, a . short time after his nomination, had an interview with Bishop Hughes, at which the Bishop asked what the tieneral would do for the Roman Catholics; in case' their votes should be secured to him. The Gen eral requested four days fornsidpration. . The Bishop would not consent ; he deman ded an instant reply, and insisted updn it, despite' all entreaty. Ihe (ieneral then promised a seat in the Cabinet. 'This" wan nottenough; the agrement must be in writintr. . Of course" thiwas - reluetlantlv yielded to. The knowledge of the trans action was intended to be kept secret among jthe faithful." It was, hovever Buttered to give so much courage and, confidence to certairr- Whigs at the As tor Ilouse, that fisoiBe-euspioiena of-the arringement were Imroused in the minds of the Tambiany Hall ,tely authorized his friends to ' ecurd a repudia tion of the Scott contract and the formation of another in his own favor, by making the generous offer to the Roman Catholic Alliance, of a Cabinet post, a Foreign Mis-! siortj and tho noitt host offioe in the Prasir Rent's gift. This of course overset General Scott and electea Gen. Pierce, who re- 'deemed hia," fledge br makingTMr. Camp- bell his 1 ostmaster ueneral, Mr. .bouLEi liis minister to Spain, and Mr. O'Conor U. S. Attorney vfor the Houtnern Uistnct ot New York all of these three being ot Ko- maa Catbofic faith," and one of them at least If ! -t t -i -... ' :n V . silco - operatiqn in the. controversy of Collector, troversv DrovokeliW the Administratiop! against? inertuttui auuue afyrjjxaiuou 1 Pierce was compelled to appoint anotner Roman Catholic in his place, namely 'John McKeon. also an Adamantine, and all this trk Mm nn nrimnfil hArrrain. Avon n peril of alienating the Softs, who could not! understand why another Adamantine should! take the place of an Adamantiue. who went out of office because he was an Adamantine.! Tkese chatges-are now distinctly made, and it rema,ins for tho.Pierce and Scott organs of 1852 to repel thejn, or confess them by "IT 1ST of Letters remaining in the Post !JL4,.-Offlce in Oregon City, Feb-L51855 Affleck Hart A Pieroe Eranklin Aldrich James Harding A M Pope P V . Alexander J C Harry J A Powers W H .' fAlfrey E R Mrs Jlaskins Wm a-ripe"c Moffat Allen A -JJjJkkh Mr -j, futnam J Austin Wra aiedgof 31 JS '? Rampy RA' Babcock It Hensley MahalaRees Geo . Rncopj M -7 Ililliard Wm ; Reynolds G Hailey A v llolrnaal Kicaetsii .. BadLjaccb VlIohiieslY Rider G C , , Carnard J Hawkins H RisTeyt) Barney Benj Howell Jos Robert Tr Uartlstt Win : Howlet JT!rRt)gers; Barlow James Hlvard Wm lteun E . Jassett David ' Hubbard D -- 'RoyceH - llareor V R Hubbard I. Rowlae H. M Barber JAi. Hurbankj Geo . Rimiel Jno- .. ... 1 .una n rnnniR 1 i r 1 uaviii , nriucn irtt j - - - ; - T. Vi 7 ';r to T: ft K- . ,,. A - M ' Sharp Wm ; ' ScheUG VT: ShieldffJD ..iSchnebly D JJ. - Simpson G B ' Simmons-EM Sinot E - 1 Small Tlios J Smith S S . ' ' Snelling D 1 Snowdfen 8 D Sperry Thos ; Stanton A -Stewart CL 1 i Steel Sam ' w B fjracahan C. Jackson E ingvon u wim . gCasimir c u joba80n 3 b . ROarotheta " E Jones Miss R atBchase 8 S'Mrs-Jones Jos i Copcin Geo Kennard J J Keaord J ' Kelly VV A Kemmis T; ,, Kinnev M F ' j Collins C A . 'Condit S J JCox E S (Cox L SCrotiiers Ann Stevenson J W King A . Stout JL v Cuinmiiigs E v Kirk Mrs S Stroyvbride J Currin E MraKinsey-Abram Sudiafri H H Davis Levi : Lacy L Swafibrd J G. Davenport J C Lafurest E " Deflenna D P Lawson G W Deguire J B Leach A J Donehie Sam Lesley Mrs C Dibble II L Lewis Mrs J , Donaldson C Lewis B C Taylor II D Taylor Miss E Telghen D ( Thompson I Thompsoa Vim I hurmati S V Dukes Pergilid Duke E Miss Dm ham D C ICastH E W ; Kiutham Wm Kdmonson It lirwih A- Lockwood R T Tomamichfel P ' Long WP ToneJ Long James ' Ixing John Mack J W Mark S F Marshall G Markwood D Martin WfljE.. Mason S MasonCW . May Jos -J THerill Miss E Tracey CE Trullenger G'l TruesdeUJ , TruaxL Tucker Wm. Tyler J 8 Veasey W Vestain F L VinslowJS WadeO Waite KM' Walk J F WaldripJ . Weddle E Weeks J Weston Geo WebbB ., , Whealdon I -' Failing.! ' Felton C ; Kerris Wm Korcdice W II Ford N Mrs poster F W Fon Anna 7- Mitchell Wm Fox Ann Eliza loore J It FrancoGeo French W C Moody I V- Moody II Morton G Morehouse D r .Moreland J Morris R ' Fruit J C. FulterA fiage J P ' Gans A .1 " Whetetone Am Garrett E.,T " Harris & co Whitlow J Garlicky JVlcAlester E Whitney J ' 'MeCordJ WhitmoreYS McCown Wm -Williams Wash (iteddes James Gleason I J& - iGcason Pason JVelson T Wilson P R Grant J Miss Grant B P GoffLM aVewmaii F gleU.'. Wilson Walter rwithort MissH Willey H Winds MJ ' Windes5 ME-. Windes G M Wintz Goo Wright J 8 ' Ycung M N Officld A .' (Mthra .Ye son Olds J H " Goodridie C OrveillJas Good Mrs M E Owen M M W, W. BUCK, P, M. Oregon Qity Academy. THE subscribct nas nearly eomnletod his ar rangrj'iii'eiits bv which he will be enabled to receive into his family foitr pupils, of either sex. They will be cared for a his own children, and will re ceive such attention, in and out of school, as will best prepare them vfor the: active duties of life. Those under 1 3 years of age preferred. ; . ; Expenses for a term of eleven weeks, including board, washing, tuition, stationery, and use of book. in the common branches, will be . 1 - Payment can he made tH money, -wheat, butter or cattle. .. ., JOHN Xt. POST, Oregon City, Jan. 20, 1855-tf -NOTICE TO EPICURES. n ARTICULAR attention is always paid to M. the1 rstting up of cakes, en short notice of all kinds- anq wuicn cannot be surpassed in the ter ritory.' Purnes, at all times, will bo served In the best style, and quickly. . ' Large .and constant supplies of oanhie of the most rare and best descriptions. Wholesale and retail. x Feb. 10,1855. CUARMANd WARNER.- The American architeeU Rural architecture! Ru ler': CHAS. POPE, Jr, DRAWING papcr.jarge size . One-half dozen reomf super embroider ed note paper, a.-worted sizes, - ' 5000 Fancy nets envelope, assorted tirasw , 10,000 Best government adhevve envelopes. 150 gross Gillotts s pens, just received and for sale CHAS. POPE, JR. )reaon'Citi,J(in. 137 I to ivirn m it m a V nft frhnv ,v E ties leave to inform the public that we shall ' kcnp on' hand a fck of Groceries of i Lb beat . quality, bou by wholesale and retail ;' (uch u tugar, coffee, tea, srrups, apple, tobacco, vermacella, and every tiing nanally kept In the grocerie line. . v ..Oysters, choice efgars, bcotoh Herringi fiirriat- Imtu, prunes dates, j&c, by TJRODUCE taken in exchange, at the higtiext' 1- market price for roods. VJ1AKMAJS WARNER. OLLS wall paper, ! 000, ; , t - . by, ALLAN. M'KINL AY ACQ. ' . . TkRIED appIes73rhah'bbfisapefMt4rtkU, -MJF by , ALLAiM, iWKlJNJUAl.&.VU. OT of single and doubls hair matrexses, I by ; ALLAN, M KINLA.Y & CO. Buckets, 20 dra, ' ; :. by. , ALLAN, M'KINLAY A CO., IBfARBLE top wash sUnds," LL.1M. I by ALLAN, KI KINLAY &. Ca nr. ARBL&top side tables,. UTAby AIJUAJN , M KIJN LAjt &. rju. THOUSAND lbs Green Rio coffee, first rate article for sale by - -wf PRESTON, O'NEILLS CO. Pr.- fSteamer . Columbia. ' , "BUST received, 1800 yards low pries, Bleach WW , el Muslin. 1300 yards Kentucky J 600 yds Black Sattenett. lbOOyds all wool Lin-1 sey. xuuu job r ancy rrints; - ' - UJfiO. AUEKIN ETHl St CO. Oregon Cit?,Sept. 30, '54-32y , , A tjS THOUSAND shingles, firstrate article, 71 THOtTSANT) CRT) ATI SHINIJI.P.S very oebir uuainy -iur naie oy ' - .v . JNO. P. BROOKSr? O ur Apparatus I MM AVING at last arrived, we shall give, on -EM. Tuesdav and Fridav of pach week", a coiinml i. i.. r. . . t . 1 01 lectures on nemistrj-, natural rnuosopuy, As tronomy, and natural Hjstory, illustrated try a great variety of experiments. . r" - . -' j I Terms $2,50 for the course, or 25 cents each' I lecture. . Lectures wiU. commence at 2 J o'clock in I the alternoon, and 6 J o'clock in the evening. ' .ti . juh.. xt. .rosx.: Oregon City, Jan. fi, 1855-45t6 .:.,.-. - 'To rs ?rkN THE UPPER WILLAMETTE- the1 Steamer Franklin wlil carry freicrht 10 Salemfl (for 915per ton. And all intermediate (the same BToportioH:' Albany $20. Corvallia $24. r or freigntor passage apply on board. -.-.' . L S. O-ALEXANDER, Master. Oregon City, Jam 6, 1855. -w .BARBER'S SALOON. j"prWOnLD respectfully inform the citzens of j IM. Oregon City that I have taken the stand for- Imerlv known as the Titus Andronious. and now having plenty of room for the setwrai branches1 ofi inu.Drancues: ui Imy business I shall try to better acoojnmodtite theH ipubuo. uaunng room large and neatly turnisneo. I All kinds ot repairing done as heretofore In a. neat Imanner. ' 'f u- .Thomas lBOMrsoN lINE table salt in 15 and 20 lb sacks by . T v LATOVRETTE HOLLAND. JCJAL soda, for washing by " ' i f$ LAtOURETTE HOLLAND. From Portland to the Dalles. , , : THE STEAMER , , BELLE will leave. Portland on Tuesbay and M-9 Friday mornings of each Week for the Cas cades, connecting with tho -new steamboat Mary, for the Dalles. The MARY will leave the head of the Caicadt FaM on Wednesday nd Saturday fc mnrtiinna fnr th 1 1 u I !. H Passengers and freight taken through with des patch, and at reasonable rates, s-- Appy on 'bwird the steamers BtliLE or MARY at Portland, Catcade andDallei. DRIED apples in half and whole barrels by LATOVRETTE $ HOLLAND. REID'S English Dictionary, for sale by V , . . CHARLES POPE, Ja. Dissolved 1 fsflHE oo-Dartnenhip ' heretofore existing be JL tween John fc Louis Byrne, -under -the name and style of John Byrne & Co, Bakers and Confectioners, in Oregon City, is this day dissolved brfflnrmrhrtiiirirint, . Thf business will hereafter be conducted by the undersigned and all persuns havinu claims aeamst toe late brm are hereby no tided that they wiH be adjusted by the- undersigned and all those who onow memseives inoouuxi are remiested to make immediate payment, N. B. I have refatted, refurnished, and added to the previous stock which will enable me to fur nish any artiole in my line at prices corresponding with the times. Families or Parties can be sup pled with any article in my line at the shortest possible notice. ' . . 1 . . - i iatjw mrnuu Oregon City, Jan. 1, 1855 tf 1 .iii z ANTE currants by JNO. P BROOKS. NOTICE EXTRA 1 ! ,'CHARMAN or, WARNER have on hand an extra article of ButUr Crackers which they will ell as cheap as can be bought in the territory. I We will not be undersold by .any persons in any. thing in onr line. December 2- Paperl.JIancinffs. The subsoriber has at bis furniture Ware Rooms! the largest and best assortment of paper hanging! 1a the Territory, for sale very cheap. - . .- 7TUOS. JOUNSON. Oregon City, April 3 1, 1854-1 Ojr, iiJ IDE OATSwarranted. 200 bushels just re 3 ceived. . v , JNO. r. BROOKS. . W IVERPOOL SALT. JLl jal. bv In larg sacks. Fori W. C. DEMENT. trn boxes Adamantine cand1cr20 "boxer WW 99 Soerm candles. 30 bbls. clear and mee Dork.- 25 paeksires.fca Eunpowder, and imperial 10 bbls.. and 30 hf bbls, dried apples. 10 casex extra dear bacon sides. 10 ton. Liverpool fin. .alt in 200 lb. baps. The above articles iust received periteamer Pey 4 tona and Barks America aadUbas. Llevana, which n addition to our former desirable stock will e sold exirtmciv torn Tir rn-n. . - . t. .... 9 ENSiitk,' paper, blank books, Ac, for sale I JL at t-anemah by JOHN f. UKUUAS. ONE Uiqusaiid books, Arc, by rulton Of- Eastmans copy! To lilacksmiths.- "BUST received, email, round andsqiiars Ironc-I : also 1, 11, 1. and J inches square. .. Bar iron from v. i to S m lso cast steel fjer man steol plow Mc!el horseshoe tlreck Iiors shoe horse nails, &, . 1 G. ABERNETHY &. CO. npOILET and fancy geeds, JL . at tha DRUG STORE, I .TINES and liquors choice, for medicinal I f T purposes, at the DRUGSTORE. I A LHO soda and ereawt tartar, . - lim. at the DRUG STORE, Oregon City. ALSO sal soda for Washing, - ' ' at he r ' " "v DRUQ STORE. JSKbTb of Tubs tor sule by . ; , .: DEMENT. lg TI40USAND lbs No. 1 feruvian sugar i I jst bags, for sale low by . TRESTON, O'NEILL A CO. I m aK( choice perfumery, erfur 1 ' at the . DRUG STORE Oreeon Cltyv II ERNIA trusr s, right and eft and double, at the $50 Reward. Some villains have, within, the last tws .years sone, iuto my nursery at this place and stolen trees, .cuttings and shrubs to the' amount -of some Tear-of hv hundred dollars worth, that I know ot, besides stealing fruit. Some of the Varieties are easily known. ' Among the apple trees are about one .hundred of the. Newtown Pippin, taken last winter 'all at one time. They were- I! grafted in the root 'and of one year's growth when stolen: I "never had sold mora than ten or twe'vs of this kind lo but one-person, who I think took all of his to California. 1 will pay the above reward to any erne who will give information that will lead to the detection, of ;the scoundrels. - JOHN W. LAI).. -Oregon City, Dec-12, 1854-43t3 . . I . . ' IWmQRK in.barrels best article by : - - -MJ' LA TOVRETTE HOLLAND: A 'Supply of Superfine flour from Dr.'MoLangh XmL -Jin mill, constantly on hand, at mill prices, f by JOHN. P. BROOKS. FlIiESH Baltimore Cove Oysters, for sale at .: EAST Boston syrup by i LATOVRETTE HOLLAND. Highest Price N cashTpaid "or good wheat, delivered In Ore- l gon uty, .r i - , w. u. jucaij!x:r. X. f. WILLIS'S PROSK WORKS NINE UNIFORM VOLUMES. : i! 1. RURAL LETTERS, and otlier Records of Thoughts at Leisure -embracing Letters from un der a Bridge, Open-Air Mosterings in the City. "Invalid Rambles in Germany, Letters from Wa- m . x 125 ' etc.,J VoV12mo. Cloth. 4th edi tion 125 ZZLi r- T'J.'. - 2. PEOPLE I HAVE MET : or, Pictures of Society and People of Mark, Drawn under a Thin Veil of Fiction. Hy N. P. V1U1a. 1 vol.; VJmo. Sd ediuon. uiotn. 91 xa ,. - 3. LIFE HERE AND THERE ; or, Sketches of Society and Adventures at Far-apart Turns and places.- By N. P. Willis. 1 voL 12mo. Cloth $125' - I 1 4. MURRY-GRAPHS ; 'or,' Sketches from Fresh Impressions of Scenery, "Celebrities, and So ciety. By N. r. (Ilia. 1 vol. 12me. 3d edition. Cloth125 ' h - -- PENCILLXGS BV THE WAT. A new and revised edition. By IJ7P. WniisrlToh-2mo. Cloth: 31 'M 6. A SUMMER CRUISE IN THE MEDI-I TERRANEAN, ON BOARD AN AMERI CAN FRIGATE. . By N. P. Willis. 1 vol. 12mo. Cloth, 81 25 ' - . - 7. FUN1 JOTTINGS t r, Laughs I Bare tak-f en a Pn to. Bv IM. Y. Wil lis.- 1 vol. 12 mo. Cloth. a- ' . . ESI 25 ' 8. A HEALTH TRIP TO THE TROPICS, An entirely original work. By JS.,PWUlis. 1 vol. 12mo. SI 25 9. FAMOUS PERSONS AND PLACES By N. P. Willis.- These books will be sent by mail, postage paid, by the publisher, . CHAS. S(JK1 HJN KK. ; 14 riassau St., rnew 1 oric Agent for the Country in N. Y. City The advertiser is prepared to act as General Agent and Correspondent, m new lorx, tor ousiness men and others in the interior. He will devote his whole time aud attention to the purchase and sale. of Fancy and other Goods, Books, Prints, Machin ery. Manufacturer's and Mechanics' Stock and Materials, fbilrcophical Apparatus, etc vrop Patent and other Medicines, Agricultural Imple ments, Seeds, Stock, &a Collections made and suits prosecuted. . Information of all kinds furnish ed with regard to persons and places here. Situa tions procure'! and guaranteed (ot elerks, mechan ics, professional men and others" Male and female nmnleveea entracred and sent to the country- Pas sages secured to California, Australia, and Europe. In fane, anything that -an intelligent Agent, well. acquainted with IN aw Xork and its business men. oan do for an absentee, will be executed faithfully and promptly. Communications confidential. Ad- 'dress, with fee adequate to the service, - - c ' A. js.jjakhjix, , "- 189 Mulberry stNew Vork, Sept 1 854-39 w6 ' ' " ,' 3 EAMLESS grain bags, 15 bales, just the sort for wheat at the present prices. IlrritESTON, O'NEILL A CO. UST from Ranch Wheat Sad oat fresh 1 by JNO. P. BROOa - mOUNG HYSON tea, 15 oases, 15 do gun JL powder and Imperial teas, just received. ' PRESTON, O'NEILL; CO. Dissolution. ifJlIIE copartnership heretofore existing between1 .."the undersigned, under Ihe nimearid' style Port k- Rairoi waa dissolved .a the 8th but. I by mutual consent The business will be closed up by Charles Pope, Jr., and all indebted are hereby notified tnai prompt payment ( V1AIVAC3 I I ' i J. R. RALSTON. (Woo Citv June 16.1 854-: 4 The undersi: 'ed will continue th . mercantile businSts at the old stand of Pope A Ralston, and WieiDi a continuance of patrenai ag. .CHARLL3 SPQrF, .Is.' BBSIHESS C AEBS. nuiniiiu o. iiinttrn LOAF-BREAD, BOSTON A!fD BUTTER- caicajtus, fancv cakes, coNtcnorais) ramilf uroceric! WeddiiigB, Balls, IVnia Hotels, FamnJee, tks! - . :i .supplied oa short notice, j jj., . Oregon City,Qn. 14, i854J4y .. v. OREQON HOUSE I T1JE proprietors of the Oregon llonse.on th -corner of wate and third, Oregon CitjTi have refitted their Heiine' eatircly thialspriOg. M now flatterthemselves that they can aoaomaiodal the tnivelirig public, and their tity friendsas Well . .- san Hotel in tne i emtort.' KTGood accommodatioBa for lamMies. Way 2G, 1854-1 5 - , , WROLESALX AND' BiTAlL MAUI Uf DBT i" GOODS, GROCERIES, PR0TI8i, IONS. &c. MAIN STREET. IA general' assortment kept tip, of " selected goods. Uaneman, wov. 9, ioo-if,ui-7;' -r.w ih ascu'd VabTLAT, "HO.'10W, I. .f . .1 .. 11 1 111 Mimii av p, nn OEMERXL COMMISSION ME6QHAHT3 AND' KDry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, tc, ill Or. 'regoa City Aagast 19, 1337tf '" LAW NOTICE,' rjv w vt H0LBR00K & - BAKXEIl, V7iT I"M7"I A practice law in the eoura o? Orejfba I T W and Washington-. territries,and befora Itbe Surveyor General. Office, in Main street. " ALL An, LUWC CJr-UU. ? f LAY 5T,, .SAg.FEANClSOp. ALliN, ,M KINLAT . CO., OREGON . CTTf p. T- : ..... Oft 10111 OWf 7M-r n - j. a. raEsTON. JAS. O NKIT.L. DAir-VnaifcU.. PRESTON, O'NEILL & CO, , WHOLESALE AM) RETAIL .HEALERS .IN DBT . GOODS, eROCGBIKS, rKOTn3IOCT iil. -,i;. 1;.: AND HAEDWAHlf,1 " Mm in Stre$ t, Oregon-City,, Qrtgom August 20, lt53-21j' , , ' . E. MILVAIM 111 n f.a , MANUFACTURER OF iTlK COPPEM AND SHECX laOH AXSO, WHOLESALI fSSpj STOVES, AND TIN-WABIL w i rr, COIKER OF MAir k'tHUD.l -1 i Oregon City, Msyr 5,185413 . a. THE OFFICE OP 'i !t IS over Preston, O'Neill & Co. store, Mailt tt-l Oregon City, where ha. j tirepared . at tend to any businnss pertaining , ta Land .or - Land lat in Oregon. .-u. f f - Oregon ty, Not. 1853-38tf -, 1 f r ir-v CHARIES POPE, $.r DEALER IN 'HARDWARE, GROCER , IKS, DtY. GOODS, DRUSS, HEDtCIMBS, POOKS, STATipNERY,- C, v f Oppoeite Geo.. Abernethy A. Co.J, ' '' " MAIW STRKCT, OREQON C1TT, O. T.' .. " ' July 1, I854-20y - re iJw At m3 oao. BiaNETnr,--TnoMs rorc," uiaaai cubic, n' iamss'Sj- aosm i- 1 , GEO. ABERNETHY & CO.. General cWholesale' .Iklerchants. Augnst 19, 1853-ly27 ' ' : DR. A. Hi TEELEr wholes l. xaa aiTAti. oriLu j duos, , MEDICINES, PfJRTTMERY, k Aud every articlelfrequiaitc. ta make complete -awvrtcieat . tec Vrng store.M r fTwoiliioni Brv..a d. Ahernnthv A. Co.1 Jlilrt STIfEET. OREGtlN CUT OcT. MAIN STREET L'CJSE, , . V ORECJON CITYVs r J1IIE subscribers have taken the above HolaL. JL and wiirtry to keep it as it ought to be kept. ICTThe traveling public are invited ta eall an4 test eur proposals. . ; rvr 4 ILTA good .table is attached to tne noose. - k : . 1 ' ZIEBER tc GOODWINl Sept. 30, 1854-32tf . - - t T t k .. LaTovacrrc.1 r. a, Holland. .4. BouuuiPa LATOURETTE & HOLLAND, - WkoltiaU and RttmiVDmiUr in ir -'i DRYQOODB, GROCERIE8, CROCKERY. BOOTS. SHOES, JBooks, Stationery, 8tfr.78iC'., main rraiT,.a.oo.- ctrr.'- -r June 9, 1854. . , Rr E. RANDOM, u General Dealer in- Dry Ooods, GROCERIES, BOOTS SHOE Si slATS, CAPS, Hi ID WAKE, .C,. . T Milwauki O. T. FeU 10, 1853.r50tf IRONl JUST received from San Franoiap., per Bark Charlea Devans, the following assnnerit f ron, which will be sold low for eash 1 30banr2Jb.'l ' , 20 bar. h square, 20 2 Mt".-- 20 1n round, iO 2 h 25 2 m 25 " 1 M U 25 JJxl .1 W ' , 10kdl.A-l.-w; JO " I 1 " "I 25 -14x 25," 14x1 inchnare, ; 18 A j to r a i . - in- " 1 " snoara, i'-H " t . 330 aastaheaaliapa Also. 20 barrels and 20 half bMa aMsf pork j 30; Lam Qt.rart'a nAn avmn. ' r IVE.f I V'. , ' 1-. r. ..... Orrgon City, Aug II, l-V' t-.j.Jtt I I y 1 ! i -1 -1 I - 1 - ..... 1