Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon spectator. (Oregon City, O.T. [i.e. Or.]) 1846-1855 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 24, 1855)
T - f V." 1 ';V. It .a it if '.I . OREGON SPECTATORr t. GOODRICH, KOrTOX ' "t Saturday Morning, Feb. 24, 1855., OCWrpondenU in sending letters me eaitor oi inia paper, are tequestea . wnie uis-name in aaaress, insteaa ot tne name of the paper. ; ' . AOALXST THE INStDfOUS. WJU3 OF FoBSION L-fnuiuci, (I certrjctt vou to beluvb j., fSLXdvr c(Tizbns) tbx jialousy of x fkee rsorur, ousht TOBi coHSTiNTiT r ' o" or ib most BANI -Jfirx. toes ""or" a Republican Govejh MX JT t. TFjjAlitr tow. ". l i :l"AYllieaV flour, bats, butter, eo-p. rrnVTrmri -r' :rwTWl Jimrnediatlr."on BubseriDtionsTor job-work at this officeJ THE STEAMER' GAZELLE. hia magnificent new wreck was thesn ' ject of much scheming,' and no little "small ' talk"- on- Wednesday last.. We guess how- evrr vuai uie omcer wno inea 10 sen ine aV . itniailine first bui was two thousand , aoinrs, Dut in course of an boar was run up r to si thousand, six hundred and fifty, and . knocked down to somebody (f) who, it Is impossible, pwctly, to find out The gen - eratjmpression here isthat the biters .were -'tbnlitnost beautifully bitten.' "Slip- pe Urat their own game in trying to TseU - - u vrtuii w vregou vity capiuuisia, oy bluing on Iter themselves to a larger am't tha they were able 'to command.' But it tflooki nard to censure gentlemen when they - appear to be trying to do the best they can. The Gazelle will undoubtedly be "sold for ralt,;oiBTIoBa,ay March 5th by deputy sheriff Wilson. - "... -.4 - OrSteamer Franklin has been chartered for a few weeks, to run in the Yamhill river trade by Cap t Jamison." --(tThe pew nq.n6r law hajmiSed i little eicitemcnt In town, onaccopnt of the "pe-l fore, and to which we had heretofore answer tUion.and "remonstrance" which are being ed evasively. - But mark the features. Not "l, cWolated.i ; tblnk the lf most ridi - . culoiftiy petty, and altogether' oh the "one- horse . order,' and have some suppositions that he Honorable gentjemea was. drunk Mill. We like temper - anoe and are willing to coniend for it on all 1: reasonable" occasions, but when metfgo ahd - make a la w that is of no' more consequence t.i. J: - j i i t . . - thnthe present "liquor Iaw,rjeinkj&eL8nch in these. pcJiticat-stnfes; f iJut-wedo least said and done about it the better. .. t. . .; 1 . . CpWe have been told that "in all prob ability'; the P.' M. S. S. Co. in their infinite wisdom, will not bring op the mail now due thewiU not omit to7 perform', if possible, very thing, they , can that is contemptibly mean and selfish, yet we hope Oregonian s wdr be perfectly Mm" on the subject" JeND OF VOLUME SEVENS iwim uiis pumoer closes the 7th year of this paper, and with it go onr sincere re gards to all those who have tried to support w i and, sustain it through) its many trials and flimcuIUea, IJut-we are sorry to say th a it I yet has on- its books many names who are not worthy to have this or any other paper, waen w'e bought this office we bought over tw hundred names, the most of whom, pet I haps, liked to bare the paper in their boose, but none of which Mr ed whether they ever paid for It or hot, and the most of whom I we should instantly have scratched from" the I bovks had.we known them, and from time to lime these names have came in with a line t sometimes, stating that ihey never had sub-1 scribed, did not want, and never would pay I for the paper. . But because we have been thus gulled, we don't want any one to think that we credit the performance of it to finaa-1 cial AiH or intellect."-In the meanUme'we hav' between two anil three hundred sub- scnbersJthst we suppose are good, and those of them whom we obtained .ourselfwe xxof ajre-y utj to the point, the subscrip tions of a tt those who owe any thinsr for this paper .end TO-DAY, ahd hereafter, we shall therefore, send it ONLY TO THOSE -VHQ HAVE-PAIO; VP;-except, per- - Deipn b lew wDom w oeiieve to De perfec Jj wining, ana wno intend topay jp lmroe- diatelyT" We know or many respectable Then who would bate to' have their names ' ' appear orfa supplementary list as having notwia us, or to pay costs, either. " Take doe notice threot . " .... (ttrNext week we shall publish an origi nal toryy written fot us by viola Geat. A "Sketch orone of the Would be's.H . .!..- , "W are under mar oblfgations to Hon.'s Columbia lancaster, and Joseph Lane, for - a luable public Afcnmnts. -. ClT0'wlilrt)poUU in from Honolu- lu, roii.ngihe parage La ibout twee ty-live r fclrWt are indebted to Capt. Thomas Job'n(p,cfbif pty,pr latest Sandwfch'f lauJ dates, pf ship."Metrojlis.- CO" We would call attention w our new Mvertiaerrwnts.-r-'We hope oQr, friends will wait a few weeks who with advertising done. Our "columns are so full now, that it really does seem as if. we ought not to receive any more at present " , ' to fcj-We that the Southern Dem to nave nominated, throueh their orsran UK. -:..oa m. l,ar, w Drew, as candidate for -Delegate, subiect to . .. i the decision of the Territorial Democratic Convention, ,.' & Why jdon'tMr. Standhard shake out his i rusty eolctrt also, upon which the tame ,of - t j. upn.i !. :j;,i.a t a ,V - , . , .t , . juonsjur, x imea suane hi urn ureeze am rag, wo, upon wdicb ine .name oi j. iane, scarcely perceptible I And you, Bush! ! wbjr don't you take one of those .q yonrfolki captured last' fan m he Snake Indian war, cut he throat, get the blood, and wi' . the paw of that Know-noth ing traitor you have there, write the name of "D. Smith of Lyn-coliTbig rectletters on that black, dag of-yours, and. run it up to the top of your'defunct capitol,' where it can wave proudly over the dilapidated state of things generally t hey, why don't yet DelusionVcoaxed" yoa hough, now ! you ought to, Bush, sure. " All of the loco " crinders seem to have forgotten judge Williams, wW is n'nques jtionably the best, and, most'auailable man I in their ranks, tfcme bn gents,' and here's for' Mark A. Chinn, to beat your best. ' 0T Mr Prentice, of the Louis ville Journ al, save that the Territorial capitol at Salem Oregon, is nearly completed, and that the next Legislature will meetly it. But he's mistaken. ""Them Salem bwldin's Mr". i "gas works," your thinkin'of, and rthe seat of Government is stopping for 'the season at Corvallia. . , .: -.- HONESTY ..- ' . We often meet honest men. We saw one yesterday. Her asked "ns ' a xiuSslion which we have ' fteqhently beed asked be- Ulioeament "betokens deceit .thee is not a wrinkle that denotes baseness, mvolousness or dishonesty. j There are no deep furrows that mark the mind as fickle but much to ! the contrary and we Ventured a satisfacto- ry answer to .jhis '.question. " Does he go t i Li-n : t. : . away chuckling of having wont a case! No. - He is an honest man. . How rare" are meet hem occasionally, and those too, who sooner than knuckle to suclwas exist ih some political walks, would permit their graves to early filled, and the place left unmarked even by an evergreen, OCrDf. Stewart, a dentist of New York', has a servant girl, "a very devout Catholic," who under the influence of chloroform r- cently denounced Catholicism strongly, and especially the priests, as a set of unmitiga ted hnmbugr . ; z UTAH AND ITS. PEOPLE. We have heretofore alluded to the state of things in Utah, and it ia with regret that we have to spak again upon a subject so fonL : . The papers have of late been publish- ing extracts from a sermon (?) of Elder Or- son Hyde, which for blasphemy and bru tality can hardly be paralleled. 7 The de fiance of polygmy is based upon an'ouTrage- ous perversion of the scriptures and denun ciatory parts ofthe address are too beastly to fall from the lips of a human being. It rumored that Col. Steptoe declines the governorship of the new territory. We do not wonder at this, It will be a dangerous nd disagreeable post, but for all that it is, nevertheless, the post of duty. Someone tnust undertake it, and fee supported tn the undertaking by the. whole military force, if need be, of the United States. No plea of religious toleration an avail this camp of outlaws, and the sooner they are either broken up or . forced into the observance of outward decency the better. We are glad to see that most of thj presses of the country instead of republishing the obnoxious re mark of Elder Hyde, give merely the ne- eessary outline which reveals their character without inflicting their yilenessupon the reader. J , . ' Colonel Steptoe, the new Governor of the Mormons, is said to be conscientious, mild-dispositioned man, the Episcopal faith, and a men ber of that church. '" . ; THAT RUSSIAN-GOLD. - There were some reports, at the time of the breaking out of the war with Russia, about gold that had been sent here to in fluence public opinion. ,W confess there has beeq a great change in the tone of the newspapers press recently, and journals that were fortnerlr praising the. heroism of the Turks, and fandinar their tatriotim. have now soft 'and honied words for the Caar. What has occurred to alter the position-of affairs C If7 the: war was., just in the com mencement it must be so now ! for nothing has taken, place to chares the briorinal cause of diflkillf Have we Russian 'gold Terrible as s collision at this time be tween the General Government and the Mormons might be,ave say, unhesitatingly, let it come if it must. Let the legitimate authority of the IJnited States be 'main' taihed in the TerMory of Utah, even if, in order to that end, the whole Mormon popu lation have to be driven off .or annihilated All appearances indicate unerringly, that, sooner or later, a conflict between the Mor mons and the lawful authoriiies-oflhe na tion must take place, and if so, surly the sooner it takes place the better. Zouiv7 jqumai. - HORACE ORE ELY. ! Thfi gentleman passed through . our city yesterday to Akron, where be lectured last night.' He stopped long enough to get a bowl of bread (Graham) and milk. . The first time we ever met the philosopher was ten years ago, in this city, on hjs way to the same place, a delegate to a National Universale Convention. IIoBACBthen believed that all the world and the rest of mankind would surefir be saved and trr to Heaven swift asVjrumming bird, bat we believed he now excepts from - his- sjrace LocofocosILZanoU'Know .Nothings!LH'ith a tight squeeze fSrSilver Grays. ; fiwAKn is his political Peter and has the keys to the kingdom.-IIe is getting of late'quite select fn the company he keeps. Cleveland Plain Dealer. ; " "! "."" -The order of "United Sons of . America' J is now organizing in every wara oi tne cuy, This order,. We believe, is regularly char tered by proper authorities, Similar to the Masouic institution. ; it dates back to 1828, b?V?Z ,cUdedwith the-fbons of Liberty,1 in Cincinnati, "Ohio. - Its object ia reporiea io oe oom patnouc ana oenevo lent. In politics thw. "order' is said to be in favor of the principles advocated by the National Native American party, which as-- emtied infold independence nail, at f hu- adelpma,"ra1845,":atid join their brothers in the South in keeping out all others tsmr from their ranks in a national point of views. One damp of the L orderlhaa ..been1 institur ted in "Boston some six yekrs. .We'hear that tbev have now camps ih the first, second " and ythird wards. andjhembera enough to bold the balance of power on a plurality election. : Npne but 'triie :blue" Americans can get into this secret political order, as it is said members proposed -are well looked after. Jsotton I ranvnpt, JJee, 12. -.. , i . Thata the "order"-w would like to. be long with. A n.nery for the propagation of choice shade and fruit trees for tyonolulu is mnch needed, and we would suggest it, A. We have uo doubt that a. good, business coulir be made of it. - There are many ornamental vines growing on the different islands,' which would add much, to the beauty of city resi dences, if cultivated, but only three or four different" varieties arejeen here. Polyne- aura. , :-" -: ., A FACT Americans, read and let it be sounded out through the length and breath of the land. Do you know who, has the charge of the archives relating to the secret sei vice money, one of the most important and delicate trusts in tee State Department, and we may say, uuder our government f I will inform you, Edward Stitbbs, a Roman Catholic Irish man, and - who 4f : taid arrived in," this country in the year 1810. . r - 1 his Mr. otubbs is the person who hgured so onspiciously in the infamous Charge made by Charles J. Ingersoli against Daniel Webster, alleging that -Mr. Webster lad applied, to his' private use the secret service money of the Uuited States. Mr. Webster promptly demanded an investigation, and was most triumphantly acquitted, showing that there was not a shadow of ground for the cnarrre, and, since that hour, Mr. lnger. soil has passed from the public eye, only to be remembered with loathing and disgust. Mr. Stubbs, in Mills s "Guide to the Cap ital, is stated to be disbursing agent for the State Department, and must, therefore, in addition to the disbursment of the' secret- service money, have had charge of the funds for the payment ot the entire diplomatic corps. ' ''- ... ' He is also the superintendent of the buil ding and grounds connected with the State Department, and, as a consequence, has the qnasi appointment and dismissal of the watchmen and laborers; ; . Since Mr. Stubbs s re-appointment, which was under tho present administration, (for he was promptly removed by General Tay lor, on account of the Webster aflair.Y 1 am informed that the following appointments have been made in the corps of wtttebman and laborers : ' Anthony Best, a foreign Roman Catholic. Scott, a Roman Catholic. An Irishman and a Catholic, not yet na turalized, (name not remembered.) Lucas, a Roman Catholic - -Brshnan, I Roman Catholic ' -Dant, a Roman Catholic. -McGrann, an Irish Roman Cath- olic. - But I have something further to state in regard to Mr Stubbs. I extract from the Baltimore Qipper..of. the. 22od of-Augustlyf f ions Iron,- j-- . '.. last The circumsUncea connected" wiii rV AtXAN, M KINLAY Sl CO. the removal of Mr.' James, (who has also a large family,) evince a degree of bitterness drCTecution almost unparalleled, and remind one forcibly of the feelings which must "have prompted those demons of the inquisition who took such delight, (as' the Shepherd of the Valley expresses it,)T"in roasting heretics." , "Mr. James has for a long time held the place of watchman in the State Department, and has always sustained the reputation. of most faithful officer, and an exemplary member of the. Methodist Episcopal Church. A few days, ago be called on Mr. otubb,, the superintendent of thebnilding. and re quested a Iqave of absence for five days, to attend' camp-meeting. Stubbs, who it 'a notorious Irish Catholic, (with large salary) iuformedhim tha( he would let him know in the evening ; but instead of granting the request, placed in his hanSs a note informing him that his services were no. longer re quired... His successor, asjoumay suppose, is a foreign Rdtnan Catholic.!' . . . . Tf the fni-iroincr Hom not onen the tm c( the American public, and arouse them to action, 1 am graetly m$takeh. " ,v' New'Advertiseinents. Whig Territorial Conreuttou.. Tli several counties in Oregon, u dow organ ixed. araf requested to Alect il'-'egatcs.'tp meet in Convention at Corvallts, on Wedutmfofo ftie 18th day of April next, for ihe purpow ornouiiuntine a eandidat for delegate to Congreas, and to transact nich other bueineas ae may be deemed advisaple for the future welfare of Oregon. TSTKacu county will be entitled to donble tne number of their representation in both louses of the Legislative' Assembly as delegates to said'Con vention. i' r ,-r-i-- . -E.-JV. COOK, "JAMES D. McCURDY, ALEX. MclNTYKE, --' C. A. REED, . T. X DRYER, """L , Territorial Whig Committee ' -f Whig County Convention - The whin of Clackamas County,- are requested to meet in Conventlbn in Oregon. City oi Tues day March 6th at' 2 o'clock -P. M.i to nominate delegates to whig Territorial Convention to be held at Cprvallis, April loth. -- . - - r -- . bach precinct is requested to send three dele gates. The whigs or the precinct recently annexed to .bis county will please take notice or th e request. -I,. JAMtS U'WriiLiL., cnairn. " . . V ' '. of County Committee. ' ' i : : TVoii ftfe Theim- jjERSIQNED havinff Jeased -4ha- mill of the VVjlrarnette Falls Co. at Linn City, are now prepared' to furnish to order,, lumber of all descriptions.-. We have also a planing, tmigueing and grooving machine in successful operation for planing Flooring, ceiling, siding, pickets, Arc. Al so a circular saw for kith, pickets, &a,, and prices to suit the times. We solicit a share of the pub- Hic patronage. ( ' ' .. ' M. ft. JiAKAU.W. 1. - v JAS. W. BAKER. Lisx. CiTy,Feb24, 1 855r U. S. MAIL LINE. , on City and Portland. DAILY PACKEX Jennie Clark ! J. C. AmsyoRTH, Master. WILL run Daii (Sandays'Cxcepted J ia the above-named trade, leaving OregonCity every day at .18 o'clock, . at: Returning, will leave Portland at 2 r. is,, touch ing at all intermediate points. ; '. ' For freight or passage apply on boaiifL V .' f .-. Feb.24, 1855. ' "' : . . : ' : . To Rent. 1W1SU to rent my bulging in Main- St., con taining two large rooms, upper ahd kver stoi ries. : .PosBession given to lower room immediately, and to upper room", March 10th J l855."Teriiis easV. ' ; DrirrcooD. - Apply to JAMES O'NEILL. - i 'Oreaon-Citv. Feb. '24, 1855 53t3-- - . .- - Real Estate for Sale ! I HAVE received a power of attorney to sell the House and Lauds, known .as the Nun. nerv of the Sisters of Notre Dam in tho vacinitv of Oregon iCity, there are eight lots in one block, all of which are under hieh cultivation, wtth 200 fruit trees currants and a great variety of shrubbery. For a private residence' school or cnurcn purpo ses cannot be ear pawed n Oegou. Will be sold cheap for ready money or goods ecurity. Apply to, -- . r uKiis juakiJja x .. t R. E. RANDOM, , Geijeral Dealer in.Dry Ooods, GROCERIES, BOOTS SHOES, HATS, CAPS, HARDWARE, AC, C. " Milwaukie,0. T. Feb. 10, 1855.-50tf BAKERY 1 AT WAR WITH HARD TIMES 17 AT the Eagle Bakery the undersigned are still Jm. on hand and selling off at the old rates. Al though flour has advanced we are still selling 12 loavesfor $1. And keep. constantly on hand a good supply of butter boston soger and lemon crack ers, wholesale and retail. : Merchants and others will find it to their ad vantage to call an 1 examine the quality of the ar ticles. Crackers put up in boxes containing from 15 to 20 pounds; also in barrels and half-barrels, all of which we are selling at rates Dot to ie un dersold in the territory. CIIARMAX & WARNER. Oregon City, Feb. 10, 1855. 4 fr?h suiiy GROCERIES just received by CHARM AN dk WARNER. Oranges- BY CHARM ANA WARNER. LARGE lot of floor on nancf, for sale by CHARMAN WARNER. M fT. boxes sperm eandh by ALLAN, MKINLAY &. CO. A JfS) cases tobacco gran dlncki, tWby ALLAN, 1KINLAY & CO. 40 cast by i Collins chopping' and broau axes, ALLAN, MKINLAY & CO. GRINDSTONES and mountings, by ALLAN, MKINLAY &CO. & 41 eases window glass, by ALL AN, MKINLAY & CO.' Koxes firm runscatil raisins, I, r' -' f ALLAN, M'KINLA,ydr, CO. : ONE hundred h collars, : - -by ; ALLAN,KINLAY&.CO. TIM" ILL saws, 7 feet. Crojscut saws, 8 andJ7 lTJs, feet, by ALLAN, M'KINLAYf At CO. TlACKSrvf ITH'S bellows and tools, and car JL3 penteir tools also, by ARGE 1st of men's and beys' clothing ALLAN, WK INLAY fcCO. Candy AN EXTENSIVE ASSORTMENT, AN& OF THE VERY fiEST KIND, , . - . CHARM AN it WARNER. Brooms BY CHARM AN WARNER. Fine Table Salt BY CHARM AN & WARNER. .NEW BOOKS ! J usl received from New York 1 1 .. "For Nurserymen. .;'. Downing's "Fruits and Fruit Trees.'' Thomas' FrJuiS enltnraaV . Elliott's "American Fruit Grower." CirASQPE: Ir... TO FARMER Yonatt, "On tlie Horse." Yonatt on Shrep. .Al len's .American Farm r uookv " Fetwemterg's eom pfete Farmer and Gardner. -. Ilea's book of Do- rue tic .Animals. . . ' ,..-..' i-r CHASPOPE,Jr. Prunes1 BY. CIIA RMAN. $ WARNER. sf RE AT pleasure we take by informing the Jf people of Oregon that we have iust recsived from San Francisco a splendid iiaBortincat fer tlie Holidays "Toys ef all.-kinda. Candies of every discription and quality, also some good raistpa, figs' prunes, honey, apples ana nuts. . , ALSO, a new arrival of good cigars. .' .. i- ; We will haje on hand the best of cakes, ptee, and crackers. And will make to order any thing ia our line, on short notice and in tne best syle possi ble. 1 Please calj and examine our aasortmentfbe fore purchasing elsewhere, for we wjixsell cheap. - - All orders punctually attended to, and goods pur chased in our establishment oanbe delivered to any part of. the city. : , ' Dec. 23. CtlARMAS &. WARNER," CK AM,1 ItOGERS & C(TS CALIFORNIA AND OREGON ""'Connecting at Shaft teit.h ADAMS '- CsVt well Known ana unrivalled fcifie ,Atlanti. and European Express, ' '. K. 4V. CO. would most respectfully Inform s the public," that they have riiidji ai range menta tn forward -a. Weekly KzprCss, to and from the following places, in charge of our regular mes sengers : - 7" ... -i .3..L .w Fi!ioirAi,'orricsCi-. '.- U-. Yrtkar - Jackfnville, Allhouse, Veavervill. PittsburgH, Pitt' UUer; '' " ' j ' ' ALso' ' ' Trinity River,' Scott's Bar, Klamath 'Rivet, Rogue River, DeadwooJ Creek, Greenhorn Creek. Cottonwood .Creek,' Bestvifl?,- (Sailor "Diggings, Canpnville, Salem, Soott River, Scott Valley, Salmon River, Indian Creek, 'llunibuit Creek, Hungry Creek, 'Cherry Creek. Hamburih, Cres- cent City, Winchester, Portland, and' Oregoa Ci- Ve sell at ith of our principal offices, 1 JSIGHT DRAFTS on A DAwa . Co., in the Atlautio States and Eta rope. CHECKS AT PAR - ZTT"" on Adamaife. Co Offices,. UtrouxhouLJhe States. . UbrVSn S Received, special of otherwise. Trli'liighesfprice paid for - - . " c GOLD DUST,,. Treasures, Valuable Packages, Letters, &.c, forwarded by our n-gular messengers with the ut most despatch. - Particular attention paid to Collections. Orders for Goods, parcels or packages promptly atleuded to, and forwarded according to instructions. All Business entrusted to our care, will be faith fully and promptly executed. - I HAM, KtlUKKS & tl). Jacksonville, Oct. 13, JB53-3.'tf. v lOLLLNS' chopping axes, at jun9 DEMENTS. COLLINS' broad axes, for sale. Inquire at '' 1 jun9 DEMENTS. Boiled Oil. - I TWENTY irorf bottles boiled paint Oil, 3 gall a each. 10 do . boil,ed pnintOil5do each.-- Just received, and for salt;, cheap, by ALLAN, WK1XLAY $ CO. Oregon City, May 5, 1854-1 Jy "OU will find Glue at the store of LATOUllETTE 4 HOLLAND. tYto d 0 Doz mens white and mixed cotton At 9 JL half hose for sale cheap by LATOURETTE & HOLLAND. O NE hundred and eight Clb boxes sperm can dles, a fine article in fancy boxes, by PRESTON, O'NEILL & CO. CI rushed sugar in barrels for snls by LATOURETTE 4 HOLLAND. SKALED herring in tins, by LATOURETTE it, HOLLAND. V' PORK, Bacon and Lard for sale by JNO. P. BROOKS. daman tine candles for sale by JNO. BROOKS. bushels of oats for ale by JNO. r. BKOVA8. ' Hundred menrwool snx at $2 J per dos by . LATOURETTE HOLLAND.. CJEAMLESS SACKS, for sale by r3 LATOURETTE 4 HOLLAND. S IIEETINOS hickory land drilling by LATQLUilSi TJS HULUAN'U. S MY SNA Figs at the Stort of . N EAR 200 pairs o bows, - - : by ALLAN, M KIVI.AY &CO. JU8T received, 150 fairs window sasli, 10 j 12 and 8 10, by " . vl . - A Lb A IVT M ' K I X LA Y & CO. ;rf ill ackerel in hatf-bareels by LATOURETTE $ HOLLAND.-. A. Curiosity ! T has been observed that "when iar the cours Jay, of Jiuman usenU ft beoomes nceesaryJUesell i reaivpry-cheapririen it is you - notice people ef all classes approaching the Kagle Bakery, constant ly, in search of LiQHT-bread, where it is being dis posed of at the rate of --- . Twelve 1 Ont' lonvc for t I CHARMAN $ WARNER. Oct. 14.- , .-- : I) O yoii want fruits of different kindsT Buy m m m s-a mm air a mmr a we a n Of VtlAKiVAll nAHMSK. i? KM, sardines, oysters, clams and can. lies, by - CHARMAN, &. WAUjlElt. 81 BOX EH tap just received by Devans. PRESTON, O'NEILL CO. : Jho. P. Brooks. Canemah! Canemah! I Canemahl 1 1 '" JUST received at the old stand ' 3000 lbs to 1 china sugar. 1000 lbs Orleans sugar. 1000 lbs dried peaches. : 3,500 lbs coarse rait. ' 2000 lbs fine salt . 25 ken syrup.-. 500 lbs lard in tins, which I will sell r' for Cash. JNO. P. BROOK8. Canemah, Feb. 10. '55. Seamless Sacks ..-."J," BY JNO. P. BR00K8. TTobacco, A large svpplySun t Luyttdnds bv 1 . TirA ' n ti n . JJ.VV. f. HaUUKS. Young America A supply of this favorite tobaccco, by - --.r JNO.rrBROOK&rr lOOO bu. oats, By JNO. P. YROOKS. 500 bu poiatoes By JNO. P. BROOKS. White beans, JNO. P. BROOKS. 1 Pork, by the bbl. : v , . jjsv. , P. BROOKS. Ilewqd Timber,, JNO. P. BROOKS. .- Cedar shingles, ay jihu. r.. 1SKUUKS. 20.000 brieli, f or sale by v JJYV. P". BROOKS;- nnn.nnrn Fresh from' Ranch by . -''trT' JNO. P. BROOKS.. Cdntmah 'Feb. 1 0,-1 85577" T : GEO. W.; HYDE. ESQ., - JS-y-ith((rixed Apcnt.-niiA will attend to my;'-: "' ? 4)ninetnirig u absAncf from Ori jron. L u ' 1)vorce Notice. r . . District .Court for .Oregon, and county of v" Clitckanijia, March 'lorm, 1K55. w - " Miiiy'uiiiyue1 i - s . . vs. Pctition for Djvrc..;l . HrraTii rlSillytie. y' ... 'S The defenriunt. Hirani Iiillviie. will tuka liotiev : that Milly Dillyue, the laiiitirt hus filed her p'i-, tioii in.tlieDislricl t-ourt of Clackamas county rirayifig a divorce frm tho bonds of matrirnony " lierelofore' Txitihgbewet n herself anJtho said Ijffum, aml tliul uijjew aiU delenduiit shall spiea : anewf r aiul defUu said petition, a dicrte. will ba , taken according' to he prayer nf naiil petitiou-, a ' the next term of said court. Milton Ulliott. '.-Ian. 27r-18tt . (Atfy. for I'lainiifK. i - - Divorce Notice. ; Dilrct court Clackamas cuuuty. . , . Elixabeth It. Lloyd '71: vs. . Petition for Divorce. ' John Lloyd. j , . i-' - To John Lloyd, defendant." Take notice tbtai uit i nou-penJ.n) in 111 court, in fsvnr sf tho" siiid Klizubeth U. Lloyd, ligaiiiKl'ynu fur Vdivorcs from the boml's of matrimony und taut on the first day of llm next term, of this coura, or as sooit! . thereafter a co.unre! can be Mard, khasaid Klixa. beih K. Lloy.l williubmit evident, and insist that" juilgmcnt for such divorce, sad fer uliHiony be. gran td toher,ir the causes aud'.as prayed in her.- petition on fire tri this courk. ' 'V-- l S. UoLutreo, Clerk. .' :t n. i,. " m r, i n s asi y.. Divovce Notice. District com at Clackamas county . Francis Jolinusa V vs. lVtitioa fss Divorcew I.utliera Jokasosx j To Lutlierta Jejiasen, Defendant; TUts- no tice, that 4 suit is now pending iu this conrt in fa vor of the said Krantis Joliwon, against you, for a divorce from the bends of matrimony ; and that on the first day of the next te:inoftbis court, or i soon thereafter as oonnsel can, be heard, the said 1'ran cis Johnson will submiLfvidence and insist that judgment fer such divorce, and for alimony, be granted to him, for the cause and as prayed in the petition on file ia this courts ; , K. S. Holland. Clsrk. . A. E. Wait. pl'lTs atl'y. Jan. 97-48t4. : 1 ICKLES i gallon jars by - - LATOURETTE d HOLLAND. WELLS, FARGO & CO.'S; EXPRESS: Between' Oregon,' California, tie Atlantis States and Europe, - HAVING madeadvantai arrangements with the United States and Pacific Mail Steam ship Companies for ti anHportatioa, we are now pnw pored to forward Gold Dost, SuHion, Specie,'' -Package. I'arcclsanii Freight, ta and from IS " York, N. Orleans, 8na Fraaoiseo, Portland, aad ' ' -principal towns of California an4 Oregon. ' . , . Our" regular Semi-moothry Express between i . Portland and 8an Francisoo, Is dispatched by the Pacific Mail Steamship Co's steamship Colinnbia, .. , connecting at San Francisco with our semi-insnth-. ' ly Express to JVew York and New Orleans, which is dispatched regularly on the Istsnd 16th of each?' . month, by the. mail steamers and in ehargs ef ear own messengers, through to destination. 4 f" Uur bxprees Tram Wow York eves regularly r- imi ,V.m ,nA onilt i.e amIi twinnil. 1., In wharirA of messengen. ' " f Treasure insured in the best New York cem- panics, or at Lloyd's in London, at the option of': shippers. r . , . '.S n nn(nr tl iv. a Aia.i, tlAm, - 1 yy ?r,rrt at New j The Harden Express to Boetoh, Phnutlslphia x,- Diiitimore, wasningron, eic. . ! Pullen, Virgil 4 Ca.'s Vermont .and Canada Express; Davnpartr Mason 6 C.1Vew Bed ford Express) Livingston, Wells 4 CV Edrs-f pean Express ; Wtlls, Fares f Cols. : ' x i -Ovrrcrs New York, No. . lb,'vsil si. j flow, II, exonange (xace au srauawoa, VUJUICVIilU UUIOBifU UIO AUOUUb UlUBi - 'tt'e" t at "New York with the following; J. well-known lines, vix: The American Express- t Company, running via Buffalo and Dunkirk to Cleveland Sandusky, Cincinnati, -St. Louis,. Ts- U ledo, Detroit. Chicago, tialeuaetc. V ' No. 114, Montgomery sf reel. - W. H. BRNHART & CO Agents. Portltnd, O.T., Angus 80, 1853-a7tf ' " ' 1.-. l1 cAif 1