'-4', r i 1 Dissolution!': f BlJI EoprtD.-hlpWrtofori existing between M.- Lewie W, Sawyer and Ehjah-MiTwaia un der th nam aad firm ef Sawyer Ar Mnwain, la tfty aisMved by matual eoasent. All the oat standing buainea of the eonoera will be ssttled by a. mtiwaia, woo at iim authorized Iddn Uii uaura of Ilia lata firm la settlement.' . ' 1 -" - ' ' ' '. Lawt W.SiwriV ''!J. j tf-.-r . Ellum Mawiw. - Oregon Clty.'April 99, 1854. i v Djjrqct From! England. ! EicpiuxcEss iouisA,- i : ' 0 000 Iba brown soap in 93 lb born. , 10,000 t Iba browa ssap in 50 lb da. 1875 Iba citron colored aoap in 33 lb boxes. 1330 lb citron color, ed Map tu 50 Ur. boxea. , 1875 Iba white aaap in 83 ' lb boxea, , 'J250 Iba white aoap in 50 lb boxea, juat : receive ana tor aie, cneon, By . r . ALLAN, ItKINLAY- f; COr "Wheat.': ' E will pay eaah for goad wheel, delivered .HUrwoiUIT.' ,,. rf . , . ' ... PRESTON, O'NEILL & CO. spt. i6, 3otr, . . . aa ,,, 7 .fc,, Lf K i L L U 8 THAT E 0. ova new mwapArea. ' ' With; the present number we ban a Prospectus lot a r.ew weekly rvewspa per. .. , It is net our purposethat this ahall take the-place of our Meiilbly-urn&ls. , Those have become in timately connected with our special buaiaess,-end tau much, beloved by ouraubeoribere te be dipj ed with. But in thee day ef -railroad aad tela pnplii, monthly visits seem laauffioiently frequent. Our uoble ocean steamers eras Uie Atlantic and return between every inue. .Besides, we have not sufficient apace in theee Journala to convey Infur matiea of (he doing of the world. Wa, therefore have, conchtded, in addition to oar' Monthlies, to make aver iy visit ta thoaa who may desire : , la thea more frequent calia wa ahall not confine eavaBlvesao atricdy to praeaiotulLmattenif -but will Uttta aha erope, lit naadtet. achoola, Ucturea, amuaeroenta, &a., and try to max eur vieita aa agreeable aa po ibla. .'V : - ! Ane.vo1uhlo ot the 'American Phrenelegical Jetirna) commenced with the July number. ' Z. "imitate tiext December. , Tboee commenced in Ju ly 1853, an now eomplete. ... '. .. , KeDewale may be mad at one for the year to - - -- eomeJThoBe who prefer may remit for one, two,' three or more yea nv .may be convenient ' The ..amount will bo duly credited, and tha Journal eeni ..the tkn; M U..i.a.;''rx XSaii'i" 'v . Club far any number of copies jays, be formed and sent to the PubBahera.at onoe. .4.- (Term: single oipy 6ns yearyfl 5 coptee f 4 . 10 eopie $7, 90 copies J1Q, ... . V. The VVwerCitrf JoorplMfurriihe4at(hsame ratea;' Addre, pest paid to ...-"XI ; iiJfQWLERS & WELLS "J ' i, Vs t , . 308 Broadway, N..T, . : No.Rmiums. No" Humbug I miU , ir--fV :;klt.'vll:i' - en m thj bomi CHCHV - -' -'-.ajt- -w an y Someth me new in tha Literary World. A MAMMorn WiwctY oo vna Flair Ouet. --.-"--Sivi f. -i.-. . :- q , THOSE deairou ef procttrinf weekly paper Conducted, with the hightsst regard for correct teste, blending instruction with amusement, fro from tbalflaaa-of traahv "novelettes," "tk" that tend vitiate the mindV fhoukl subscribe (of 1 twii n-cmtD, iprrva-T .It ief paper of the jM-geat elaat, and ia baeol nniua wiil be' found gleaaiag from the" Field of ' Literatnre, Biograpbiee, Historical Keminisoenoea, mdndand rnterasting Storiea, Sketchea, Poetry, Travels', Essays, Anecdotes, Articles npon the J- lbe Arbt Mecbanlca, &. ' ' s ' 1- 7rtieular cfcre far taken to avoid those "nnrnor on slielche' "which pteaae a bar-ieom audience, but which aii sodiagosting to the refined teat of . . the Home Circle. -1 .The pubrishers do hot adopt the quack eyatem of ,' saying that "ltl the best paper In the world," or resort to; the plaa of offering' navcla, jewelry, or premium, of any deacription ia ordnr to ''make people take it," but depend npon its. Own merits to give It a " circulation. , "They, give' the opinio! of disinterested peisuiu) whose extensive' knowledge enables them to judgeeotrectty of its merits. " 'ft ia art excellent misceUaoeou paper. ' Sunday . DiwUh, N.Y. ... , r- Thi paper ie favorifa whh b, and wa eonsid- -er'lto4 of the very beat weeklies published. Om- tt,PitfrUn,Pm. '. ' - -' ' - ' . -We consider it the beet family aewapaper pub lished ,Luimille Varietvei.i. " Hit high toned and Interesting Journal f Lhsratore. Gev Lippmrd. ''J '- ,A vaJoabl Jonmei It hMndoeW with aig rjl bmy -Mmparmm, GtrmnloB,,Okm. . . It i the beat paper in eh BteU. Cadet' aW . H IWravvi S,. .' .-." i'. '..'-- Thi ia a goad useful weekly. Dtmocrmt, Wm kmhd, WimBmim.ar v i . v . a a i r-K 1 1 ia a goad family paper.- VUUr JKeesrd, JV. J. Tbiaioaof the good paper of the day,. It ia one of the best paper oa our exchange list. , Jim Uim, MU&Mtwn, .Ofttis. . .'. .'.' .... It ia one of the heat reform paper lit the country'. Sunday Mercury, Pkiladelpkia. .,. ,' . -, ' - t ia an excellent family newspaper. . AdvcU, Siamfmrd, Conn. ".,' '., Ti h far ahead of any Eastern paper we have examined. .It ia a most welcome visitor, to our ct dm, and we alway greet it coming with d . fight. Itseolamns never fail to glisten with choier gem of. Literature. , Stvtkern IUinoitam. . ; 'To ftir Pubcriber Four Caata per Copy, pmya- ' '' ' . hi. IK. r..r ! A'.V IUUtlUDIlK9; .- .., si Iopy one yar,..l... 4 00 - ' 3 copies, one . yarP A 00 - , 0 J 11 00'' 1I3 ?-i" r t: mninmpyrrmiit - na .jm tke.rtttrvftftktCUtk,... 13 00 ayr fMt redactM mad fren the above tisiini, wfiich are invariably ia advanoe. n . Subecribers and Postmasters ar yeonostod to aefr e areril-a th absv tuna U. B. Poet Hump tehaa for ubacTytioaa . r All order must be addressed, pott paidtr rsa, uuSt. "'Hm 4 - - CHILD. BROTHERS, 4 Vt Sff Chtikmm Strttt, AM Ywrk.' T if ttt ott ro rrninfna y T gall kegs East Veeto Syrup,' just re ef ,1V , ceived and to be apld cheap by THOUSAND lb. N. 1 ebma sagaria mate, , t low, by PRESTON, C If BILL A CO. , Tlie" Steamer , .... HAS beca put la good ropafr and wfll rsa reg nJarf nppa the Upper Willamette fiver do rmr U coming winter. Far frbht sv baas, apply aa board, or at the war boas ia Caaemab. Varwmah, I" or; 1, 1854-37moo -' '' .-. v . REMOVAL!.. ft 1J A Vtt removed" my More to l J above G Aberaethy dt Co., formerly eocm- rdb7rift?i-C WM.'C PBMEifT. PACIFIC UNIVERSITY. -Forett Grner Watkinqton County, O. T. Kit. 8. H. MtRM, A. M., Preaideat and Atti int; Proruof of Malhematioa. . " E-, Dr SaATTUCK, A. MY Profeaaor (elect) of Aaoieut Laafaagaa and Litarataro. . -f-ptker Profettori will fftinUd t tktttv trml Difvtmtnt i tit mdcmwutmtnt tlasei fi"" -' . . y-r-- f MlIIE firat claut will be admitted to enter opoa JL the rrular oooxa of atudy in tola InaUtev lion e tii 9d Wadneaday in September aext, when Iha eallegiata year will hereafter commence. A the Trueteea do not depend apeo the tuHioa feea for the rapport of the Faculty, they are able tar. offer to etudenta, however raw m Dumber-, all the fkeititiea needed for eeenrinr a thoroorh Col- leiriato edooatioa. A Library of 1000 vela, and philoaophical apparatus are for the oe and benefit of aehoiara. (Jandidatra for admuafeai moat poo- knewledire of the naual branchee of a em monEnoliah education the eUmanla of Algebra to Equatioaa. and muet paaa a aatiafactorr exami nation in the Latin tanfuaee upon a pnrtien of Casear 'a Commentanee, and. (oar oratioae of Cice ro and, in. Greek, npoa the lat book of Xano phon a Anabaeta, or their equivalent. A preparatory department ia under the direction of J. M. Keeler, rnncipei of lalaUu Academy. (See advertisement.) . The healthfulneaa of it locations the compara tive araallnea rf the expenaa required, and the freedom from dangeroua temptationa that it stu dent enjoy, recommend thie Imthutidn to thoaa neck in opportunitiea for education. - . liiUoa will be Q3'J per annum Board ean bo obtamjKt at from $3,00 to $4 pr. week. , . Younf men earneitiy deairou of learninr. but wan tine the pecuniary meana, can here find way of aiding, themaelvee in regard to which!, or, for informhtion' a to the coura of atndy, addrea Rev. S. H. Alarsb, Tualatin P. O., Washinrton county. . p. II. ATKINSOS, See. f Ik Bear i of Truttto. " July 91, 1854. 92tf ' - FtcU aro FacU. v ty. GOME to the waters all ye that are heavy la den' with disease and know not th car, and earnestly have a desire to get Wed, and k desire to' understand the simple laws' that govern life and health, wilt be well paid by calling at Latoorette dt Uotland'a (tore, in-Oregon City, and purohaain any of the following work, which we have juat received, and expect to keep en hand : v .. : Constitution of Man by Combe. . Love aod Fanntaga; f i i -T-T.,r, Marriage iu hiatery and philosophy. , . Memory aad lalellectual ImprovemenL . - Matrimony i. or Phrenology and Physiology ap- .ptled.'-'-7- .,, r .'v.,,' v : KeligioD Daturml and reveaiea. t. . Self-culture and perfection ofxbaracler. y Belf-irMtructor in Phrenology. '. " :8yDooiof Phrenology. " ."--v. 'Temperance and tight Incuig or the lawa of Bfa.M - r;; i Accident and oincrgeneieo. Bulwer, Forbes, and Houghton oar water treat ment. ' ; ' ' ' a ',..-:-Cook hoTik hydropathic. - T J - - . - . Consumption it cause, prevention and core. - Confessions and observation of a water patient 'Error ef phyaiciai aad otbanv Experieac m waw euro, .'' .. Hydropathic Encyclopedia. " Hydropathy fpr, the peple- . Hydropathy war water core - Home treatment foTaeaaal abaaea. - - Hygiene and Hydropaihy lecture. Introduction to water cure. - 1 . A T ' Midwifsry,' and the diseases ef rarenta guide in childbirth. Philosophy of water rare, z' T Principled Of-Hydropalhy ' T:t .T 7 ' Practice of water core. ' " ' Water aad vegetable diet -: , wales-sure, m every anew nuenae. ,r ., Water cure manual a popular work. Amativsneas ; or evils and remedje ef exeesssa. Combe oa infancy. ,.- t i , .Combe's Physiolugy, applied to improver" ent ' Chronic Disease especially norr-,Jiseaseo. Physiology ef digestion. . ' Food aad diet.' .'.- ' . . : Generattsn PhilsoptiyV abuaea. - ; Maternity) or 'the bearing and nursing of chil dren. " ;. ; ' ' . ; , NaturatUwaofmaa. J t" - t- " K Sobcrand temfterate life.' ( Tobaooe it eSecU oa body aad mind. , ' ? Teth-hiiatruetBTa. r . - ' i - Tea and Orftee"their pbyaicat, Intellectual and and moral effects. -.' 4 Vegetable diet. - ''.' :' ' ' . " i Electrical Psychology philosopy of , rFciw4ioa r th philesephy of charming; . Pwyehology ot tbs scienoe of tbs aoui. Cbeimstry-hcpplied to physiology agricullare, - DsCa "Doctors ; or a glance behind the scenes., Hints towards reforms. Jus. ' Hopes and help for the young ef both aexea. .- . Hem for all. -. i, , : . 7 t'-f L : Pewr of kindness. '--r- All of which w will ssD cheap for cash or epua try produce. Give as a caH. ' - - LATOURETTE It HOLLAND. Oregon City. June , 1854. 17y Oregon .Gty- Mills. Flour, QaTkfta Seeks ed eons tjUU el aet ata km k on eenaigameat, will be clos- J set at a km price by . - : Z PRESTON, O'NEILL U COJi : ..Dry Goods at Cost. ; - THE subscriber wiehiag to eawfta thsineelvea entirely to the Grocery and Provision trade Will sail their stock of dry goods, consisting ef print, flannel, Unsays, jeans, ahevUntra, detains, alpaeaa, inaitooe, feuskary and nannei anins, coaia, pant and vests, &o. oVo., at east prices until dio- (SANDWICH lalaad Syrup ia 15 fall ken by k3 t JNO. P. BROOKS. ODAaad Cream ef Tartar at - - -) J NO. P. brooks: O NE bark mill, with n eomplet sett of tao Der's aad earriera tools, for sal by iun9 W. C. DEMENT. 5O00O .ROOKM. , Eagle Bakery, ; ; WE take pleasure hi sjweoneina; that we have commenced business on aa improved scale, at the aid stand formerly oeeupied by John H. Miller, where wa are ready to furnish Oregon CHy and. vicinity with light Bread, Hot rolls, all kiadsof eemmoa aad taocy eakea, eeafeetiofteriea, - FAMILY OROCERtES, 4. Hetala, boardiag-hoaiM, andsrivate UmDies supplied ea short astiee. - , CTPartieaku attoattoa paid tefarasaaiaf wad disff, or parties ef pi aware ef any desorlptioa. . -- We are ales prepared I faratsb Freek oysters, dams, sardines, ad most aay thing asm which aa epiear may daelravi. ..u. . . , , AH srder pawrtaally aMended to. : r , CHARMAN k, WARNER. OregodCity, Oct, 14, l854-t4y . - II OPS. . ' at the) DRUG STORE. k TIltiLMANb foe New Orleans sugar, ia Lt barrels, last received by i'tttSIViM. V a eui-ut lRUSnED'Hrsr,95Dblsby , - J..: PRESTON, 0NZILL k. COv' VJNEGAR cider vinegar, 10 bbls, fist rata, 1',PRZ$TQN, ONMILI U CO. 4 BEUECIA IROn .WOEKsiT STEAM ENGINE, Boiler and Machine shop, This eatebliahmeat is now in auocesaful epr tatioa, aad ofiere to the public facilities equal to aay in the United SUtes, for manufacturing or repair ing steam eoginea of the largest aiae, boiler work, bnua castings. Mill' gearing of the most approved pattern, ' bloom iron,, east, iron columns, window caps or tire frool. ' (V . ' Ceatxae tore and others will de well by patroni sing this establishment, as then? work wUlbe axe cutad with oreater dispatch iaad at lower price than any other manufactory ia the State. , ;. . ' . . The Company have extended their pier, and er ected a large Crane for the accommodation of their UIPWUJ.I1. . . . - - .j i For further particulars apply to ' . i". H- .- EDWARD FLINT, Cor. teyesdorff attd Sacramento stjt, Saa Fran- ciaco. . , Or to CHA'S. FRENCH, , . Resident Engineer. Benecia Iron Work,' f '..I,; v - or to J, bVKBKOW, Jr., .' Agent P.M. &S. orv March 24-bmorj Central Produce DepOtr CJIJEMJIIL Ti ONSTANTLY RECEIVING &VFRESH, FROM RANCH, C Wheat, Onions,-1 Oats, y-r V Potatoes. i jno. p. brooks;. March 24, 1854-6tS HARD TIMES LO W PRICES. I AM now receiving per Bark Ocean Bird and, Kineburg, a Choice lot Of Coffee, Tea, Sugar, Bacon, Xard, a.c which in addition to my forme extensive stock of Groceries and Provisions, 1 am selling at wholesale and retail at uHraiciDCirrrn low prices. ' An those who want the worth of their money, will do well by giving me a call, before purchasing ', elsewhere. These , who . have , the CM A AT can bnv at their own prices. Come and Oregon Cl?, March 94, '54-6y ' ,. ' , i o.iiwTtaro g o o ..-jj n n.l... . r.A r--1 - WOULD inform the public that be has now on hand a auperior tot ot COOKING mi PARLOR stove, together with a good as aurtment of Tin, Jananed, Sheet-iron and Hollow war- whicfi is offered at rates that will not fail to suit th purchaser. ' . ' . ' rThepublio are Invited to call and be c onvinced, at th old stand, MaiaSt. ' - - -V- Arm. .. C a a s a fAi o - magoai ny, ceo. it, lOM-azu -. . ; ' PRICES REDUCED. r f V1HE subscribers sffcr their eateneive stock ef JL . hardware, medicines and dry-goods, at prices to make it an object for Cnercbam to inspect their stock. We hsve on hand .-.v. bench plane i . . castor oil ' Lee's pills . . fine clothing medium clothing ' hand saw mill eawa mill files ; croaa eut saws augurs i ehweta ' eewberis ' gun caps' pocket knives .' table cutlery shovels hatchets ' lock ' Y curry comb Brandeth's pilla men's (bill opedeldoe . -strychnin s 1 hair tonic 'pain killer i aulphur s: ' salta . ;, asda , ,':'', i sediliU powders flannels ribbons black silk, lawns delaines hosiery' tweed ' lace eottonade ma lemon sugar linseed oil bfd muslins' white lead cordag C. ABERNETHY & CO. TO TANNERS 4 CURRIERS. Splendid setli of Tanner's tools with bark mills, eaa be bad of 2 GEO. ABERNETHY ot CO. Oregon CHy, March 10, 1 854-4 y T JUST RECEIVED. T WO thousand lbs Rio coffee for sale marS4 ' .. W.C. DEMENT. ' , Furniture Ware-Booms. - HAVING removed to the building formerly known ar the Hudson Bay Store, T. Jebttael new effera for sale a great variety of Form are. Mattresses, Beds, Jm consisting In part as follows: -. B UREA US, Mahogany, with or without glass. SOFAS, a general aasortmeat. .' . - i : :' BEDSTEADS, mahogany, eottege and com mon. .- - - . T it- OFFICE DESKS, Sidebeards and Secreta riss. ' . : v - WASH-STANDS of various kind. 1 . rABL5, black-walnut, cherry, aad eommsn. Dining do. eenter, eaid, and dressing do. WVKK. and MjIVH M Hand, isr ladies, m raa- begany fend btack-walttut. CHA 'AIRS, staffed in hair, eaae seat, common, rocking chairs staffed do. can aad wood seats do. ehiWrsa's high, dining, and rocking d office di wood aad eat see stool; ehildrea'a cribs. ' LOOKING GLASSES. . - COTS mndCkinttt Matting. . FEATHERS, feather-beds, and pillows. - Tegvtbor wHh way ether artiete net -fiera sou-' ? awated.- A nor ta atjovw" eructee win oa sms cheap for cash. Purchasers are respoctfWry tevi ; tod ta aafl and examme fcrthuisules. ' ' " Oregoa City, Feb. 11, l4-69y :-. PMWR pbreeh phigrs by LATOURETTE & HOLLAND. FRESH peaohes by x,iroijiErrr a. Holland. WASHING powder by n 1 1 t LATOURETTE At HO LLAN It. I g HIILEpeaebee A fin article by LATOURETTE Ja HOLLAND. aT.INVELOPES. rn.nvkind.bv JCl LATOURETTE A H0LLAND, EKXTER, note, girt-edged and fancy poer, by LATOURETTE A HOLLAND. TTTiTJM Aei D varas Wwa oheei latcuKrtte a hol ' 'I,.1 . J. I I . '. I.I '. ' 1 . I 1 LLANl . i HOtBA Ujao bM kory sbwtings LATOURETTE A HOLLA d 'kYSTERS, JiaJlisjiere freak eove by LATOURETTE A HOLLAND: ' 1. . ' a - . J: I v i J m vj I H .Eoonu to Let s , af "kN reasonable term suitable for Office. Ap- pry to . --i. w C JEMt. comer ef Main 3d Oct. II- J853-35tf ;, Street, Oregon City. M BOXES soap t or sale by falo W. C- DEMENT. O CA8E3 boots 25 bs tobacco, grape DKMENTTS. and other brands, at IS) CUlLij manilla rope, aorte3 sixes, by . DEMENT.. 25 DOZ. brooms for sale b y t W. C. DEMENT. C BOXES adamaaline candlea by ' . . JtO ,. DEMENTj i D6i.BVCKxrstt,0j " ---.-' - '- DEMENT. ' 25 SOXES CANDY for mo at- -. '" I ..- , DEMENTS. CASES cream tarter for aale by ,-:..- W. C. DEMENT. extra mesa pork for sale by ' ' 5" : .'-'' ' DEMENT. io HAI.F-bbl extra ptem pork for aale by . i ' DEMENT. BRIED apple and peach 50 In. package by 1 good article in W, C. DEMET. 10S T . - CHAIN PUMPS for eels POPE &RALS BACON ham and sides chair article aale by e ; DEMEN I for O 1 . mackerel in half qrs aad kite, for aale oy ' .. VtiM EflT, M kwlay, Jewell AjCo-meb- chants Dalles of the-Columbia.' AN DS remedy for salt rheum and ether cuta neous eruption, by rOrE &. RALSTON. , 15 HALF barrel dibid apple-for aale by ; - . .DEMENT. UOR aale low at Charles Pope.Jr.' JL : Webster's Dictionary, university .edit inn." - . quarto academical - ,n -de primary echoolproneuncing. Freneh-Dlcfionar- U, tii.is - s graaunar - ". '" key - t ; J - " r--reader vT -'V, .j. - Pictorial United States t .' ' RoroeTv'V'j";p v Kama Element .'. w- ; Temple melodies :.. Academy yoealist . j- M'GregoVbook-keeping . .- -, 'Maybew's . ..., . .iriaci: " - ?y, ' - " blank in aeur .,: Tbompsoa's highee Aruhioetie " key .,V4'-li',"i-,"'1 r- practical mental ; . '"-. - - "elate and black beard exercises ' - Smith's rIflosophyreftrtParla D'oiveral history, Newman' Rhetoric, Analytacal manual, Young analyser, Riddle's astronomy,- Hitchcock', geology, Blake' agriculture,. Olaey 'a Geography and atlaa. Smith'a du. , . '.' Tower's 'Algebra ' '". :.;.-;.- ' r 'treaders v '-j ri k : ftZ t, -mith'sniustrated astronerrry 1 ?''-- . Mayhew'e popular edqeatlen ,7 u-; - Gnrnsey U. 8. - t Dodd's high eehooi'arfthmeti : f algebra : - '- ' Students speller y fj ' M. . ' , .', r.1 headers-.' "-rHi ;V Bollion's -grammar ' 1 ' 'j. '' ' , , PWstology itlaetrated t- VomstocK s natural history Oolton' maps iu sets or single. . '. ' ' - '-'.. . CHARLES POPE, Ja. Oregon. City, JnlS8,1851-41y . . ', ,; I Harness, Saddles, &c. TITILLbeapld at New Yorh prices, to closs I V. consignment, a few setts two bone harness', also saddles, bridle, martia.'ralea, carpet-bag, weg oa bridles, fee. Pxmto, O'gxiLJ, Co. SIGHT DRAFTS sa Saa Franelaco and the principal towns and eitiea ia the Atlantic States, through r , . .. i. WELLS, FAfSO CO 'S . EXPRESS chn he had at th office" of PRESTON, O'NEILL .4- CO Maia street Oregon City, Now, 5,' 18i-38tf . J , , t : JUST. RECEIVED. ' j, . O "g BBL8. California Lime, and for sale by 99 M. WM. C. DEMENT. L ! Oregon City, Feb 18. 1854. 7 - PRE3t0H, O'HEILL & CO., ARE receiving, in1 store, direct from New York, per bark America, the following articles t . : MBIT aSXDIDSo . Print, Carpeting, 8atiaetts, Kentucky Jeans, Twedee, Linaeys, Brown and Bleached Sheeting and Shirting, Brown and Bleached Drill, Tick ing, Hickory Shirting, White and Colored Canton Flannel, do. Wool r la nnela, Cotton Wadding and Batting, assorted color Alpacas, "printed Flannels, white, green, blue and scarlet Blankets, woolen yarn Socks, Merino half Hose, do. Patent Merino and Saxony Shirts, a fine aasortmeat Ready-made Clothing, Light and Drab, Blue, Gray aad Red Flannel Shirt., Turkey Red, Silk Handkerchiefs, Gingham and Silk Cravats, Children' striped and plaid worsted Hose, white and colored Spool Cot ton; white, black and assorted Drab LmenThre ada, assorted color Lining Silks, black Italian do., Cap Laces, Jaconets, Cambrics, Swiss Mull, &C, Ac. ' Grcerlesj Provisions; &c. New Orleans, Sandwich Island and China Su gar; Crashed aad Powdered Sngamr By nip in bbla. and keg) Pork m able. aad hah this.) clear Bacon aide; Dried Fruit ; Coffe,: Pepper and Spice ; Tobacco, Candle, Soap, Starch, Ac , t, Also an assortment of Fire Irons, 8 m 10. 10 m li, 10 h 14 Glarn; Putty, Linseed Oil, pure and ex tra White Lead in 95 and 50 lb. kega Horse shoe, Cut Nails, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 J, H, 1,, J, and 3 inch Round Iron r ), , I, it and l equare do.; 1)m, 7-16, 1, squars f m f, T-18,1 ioJ 1n 1, 1, 1 lie.; 9, 81, 91 h 1, and I do., Cast Steel I to H 'snare , round ; 6 and 7 inch plow steel. Or ran City. Sept 30, 185-ajtt 5 ;i? k I 1. . 1. 1 . .in .... i ..a JVaT reiieived direct from New York, and for . R 9J,,rt PfW )Til L O C iY: 1000 Fulton o Eastmanl copy, bosks, dochl refTaphic charts ; do key, do book-keepiag t Ety mological chart clarksgraramar 1 WiUard man of Time; do key; dictation exercises by Northend. Day'a Rhetnrio, Porker's Philosophvi Martin's Orthoepist; WriirblV Analytkial orthogmphy ; Wil- lara universal natory , w niard v mtcd State ; Gould's history 1 Lives of the Sirnera of Declara- lioa Read and railroads j Tereher and pareatt Iiomer's BUadt Bayo'a MiHsn.doeeter. do Thorn. eon, no ieaag uorn o irooa, 6 legedre, do Surveying, do calculus, do logi a of mathematicv; d aaarytaeal geouMtry, do table, do let arithme tic, do school do, do grammar, da eiemeatary alge- -bra, d da key, do do gecawpy, Little speaker, American do, school dial one, astronomy and I - by M, roll re; yonths Manual of aograpby; 4PriosHlerei Min.gtxy t lprii81-10T- Broomi. , . . . JUST racefved, per bark America, 50 dozen era brooms, a first rat aniol. to be aold lew hf . . PREiTON, O NI1LL CO.." . ; Plow SteeK i C 7 ll-and 19 inch plow steel juat received by ' ' PRESTON O'NEILL dt CO.l .-. Fcb.85,1854. . 1 . " .' A LLAN, M'KINLAY & CO.-mee- chants Lower ScotUburjr, O. T. IICKLES in Jan and Kegs for sal by ' W. C DEMENT: . THREE THOUSAND pound N: 1 lard ia.10 and 90 lb eana for ralehy ' DEMENT. TWO HUNDREDgM lamp oil ad 9U0 do lin . eeed oil bv ' ' " DEMENT. NE thousand eanleeaack for sal by h- 4 THOUSAND Flour sack 50 lbs each at" - DEMENTS. - TEN THOUSAND bo browu ugar foraala by ' ' - ' ' ..' ..: DEMENT. TEN tekoU mnd kalf barrel crushed sugar at ' DEMENTS. Cottee. ; r :J; J 40 sack! iuat received aad for sal low'. , " - ' G. ABERNETHY tc CO. : lioots afe Shoes. ' 25 eases boots and ahoee just received, embra cing, Women's kip booteae, 5a to 8. . do goat do 5 to 8a.' dodo buskin 5 to 8a. Man' kip beat, docoarsedo.- docalf do, dodobrogaoa. do Up brogana. do goat do. also boya,' miasee nd chil dren boota and ahoee. '--,. :. . 9y . , ..v. . G.ABERNETHt CO- Saw-mill Castings. For aale : 1 sett bull wheel,- segmsnta and pin ion, ' i aettarag wheel dot 3 crank gudgeon, 9 gudgeon, also wrought iron band fur tarn. j, Aprin4.9y Gi ABERNETHY & CO. Provisions.: Flpt ittar and bacon on hand .and for aae by 1 G. ABERNETHY dt CO; ' t TTfr-r-pOVVnER: HAVING a magaxi . We soliciwfie patronage of all persons t aling In Powder, and wit) at-' at lowest market ratea. On 'hand, Kentucky Ku. j powder in keg; blastiag powder ami cani tor powder. . . ' . ' GEO. ABERNETHY A'COVj, drego,Cityf March 10,1854 ty '. EASTERN. AGENC. W'a are prepared to' Make purchases ef mill a thkehrnery, agricultural implements, or any nrtiol of merchandise either in Saa FranciaeO or the Atlantic oitSeev- Ordera aolioited. ' : t :- GEO. ABERNETHY dr. CO. 7 Oregon City, March 10 lB54-4y " T " " .-lron &aS teel. v - JUST received per barks America and Charles Devana, 50 aheeteeach 6 7 10 tl 11 and 12 plow steels "90 bar 9 Inch by iron. SO do 9 by j.-20-do 9 by JrrM do 1 b :f5 do 1 by 1. l5harl inch square. 15 do 1 Inch-do. 15 do i do. .15 bars inch round. , 15 du do. 15 do I do; 10 bundles band iron. 13 Mo assorted hone hoe bar. v 10 dehoop iron 1 A 1 inch ako20 casks bone shoes.- ' ' v, '-' PRESTON, O'NEILL At CO.; April 7. . . ' . ; - 8y 1 AST Boston and Stuarfs Syrup just received J .and for aale at reduced price by .' . " ? . PRESTON, O'NEILL & CO. m BBLS Staart'e crushed' sugar pr bark 0 M T u k.. . PRESTON, O'NEILL- A CO.-. IDER Vinegar 10 bils first quality:, received br O'RESTON.O'NEILI, fc CO. ANDwich I4 Peaavian A N. U. augar at tery low price. ;r s. . - '5 PRESTON, O'NEILL A CQ. , 94 Half and qr barrels N. 1 Mackerel for jGt9 lehv- ---t- DK11KNT. - TEN THOUSAND lbs salt for ssle by " ' ' ' . '- ' W. C. DEMENT. ThreU thousand iU" bucon by .! .- 1 - nu'y DEMENT. u Nk hundred parkagea Eiuit&mton ynip, 5 j) tc 15 gall each, at 1 - UB.MK.Vt y, o NE THOUSAND lbG-hen butter at iJKMKNTH. FIVE hundred lb cheese lor sale by DEMENT. tILEAR and rrMaapork in. whols and half bar ) reU for sale by L W. C. DEMENT ; Paints ! Paints !!: QA IRON kegs ground white Lead 98 lbs 5 F each. 40 iron kega ground white lea J, 56 lb. do.. 40 do black paint 14 Iba each. 90 iron kegs black paint 38 lbs each. 40 do dp Venetian red paint, 14 lbs each. 40 do "do yellow paint 14 lbs each. 80 iron kejr green do 14 lbs each. - ALLAN, M KIN LAY $ CO. Porter ! F IFTY hhds super English Draught Porter, Goding dt Co. a Brand, for aale cheap by .- ALLAN, M'KINLAY CO.l A LLAN, M'KINLAY dt CO A4 CHAJtTS-rHjhampOCg, O. f. IURE Whit Lead for eule by JNO. P. BROOKS. B OILED Linseed Oil for sale b JNO. P BROOKS." 'Kewell's Academy of Musici 7- ,-ahd music iTonc. . J PROF. GEO. P. NEWELL ta now perma nency aeUled la Orevwsl Cllf, wkerb be it prepared to give instruction on the PiaJM Forte, Melodeoa, or in singing, either at hie room or at the residence ef bi pupil. 4 J Those who wiah to study the higher department of music and prepare themselves to Teach, can now have aa opportunity never before sttered m tbM oountry.' r ... -.. . Fea 8il Piano Forte Music, consisting of - Songs Dsetts IHarche ' Potka'a WalU'a - Varietisne, tuiH also . fl- B0X.SK1 S PUNO FOTE, ' 1 iraiNcit xeDoN.. - 1 1 , "' The reputatiAn of'tfi-afoV;lntrmcnt i nick that they-aeed a reeommendation. Kaorns Csjdiakl a bailing, aear Uierldgr Oregon City, Nev 11, 1054-38y, LONG-legged kipboote, a heavy article, 10 eases, aad at. lew prices, by I . . PRESTON, O'NEILL A CO. "MT" OMEN'S heavy calf akia abeea for whiter w w - season, 10 d pairs by PRESTON, O'NEILL dt CO. -A UrH a few pieces of vatinstU, hnys, jeans, iT-L, hiekory, red blue yellow and white flannela, print, domeatioa, all ef which will be dosed out at cost nrice. 7 PRESTON, O'NEILL dt CO.. O N oonsirnmrnt 10 eases, 19 bottles each, of pur juice Port Wine, by -.- i- T ' -; FRESTON, O'NElLL A CO. ri .HE Stove and Tin-ware business in all Ita JL branches, will he carried on at the old stand of Sawyer A Milwayin, train t , by th snhorri ber. r " - -E. MILWAUf.v ' OREGON OIIYPOUNDRY -' -THoman Y. Smith, : ftopietOfV. WOULD teepectfully inform hia frieadaaan ' .0 pubhc generally, that he ia Bow folk, . prepared and competent to do, on ohon aoueet all kind of Gritt and . StuumiU Work, and make -Catting of every description; also, Black twuik ing dona neat and well, and Maekinry 1 mo. ml made and repaired. - .- ... - To persons at a distance, he would state that he I: may, at all time, be found at the Machinehea and, Foundry, on Main street, opposite Dr. Mo Laughlin'e milk .' ? l . -J ; -- fm.m. --: . a .n mm n. . ! " " . I B00XS 'MB STATIOUST'- FOR SALE BY POPE fc RALSTON SANDERS' spellers, also first and sseojut ' ' readers, new aerie just out Cornstock'a aau ' Oral kistory and reading ia Zoology with fUO en- -graving. . Abercrombie'e intellectual phJloaophy. banders' flocutionaiy chart. Fabera pencil, red -wax, -paaa book, wafer memoreadnm hooks, copy -books, pocket ledgers, slates, elate pencil, GilkV pens Nos. 168, 170 and,303. jKeels. d.o ' tadWJ pen holders. Foolscap, set and letter paper. . Ea! velope, blank book, &, Ac- - -' , , .- Oregon City. Nov. 28, 1 853-4 ly " . . . MEDIQINE8 -: , '.'V FOR SALE BY PdPB A RALSPTOJTe . Sands' Sarsaparilla, Peek' Saiaaparilla'. Pe'ek'f ' Wild Cherry Bitteri, Iodine Linament, Bateman's" dropa, Brandeth's Pil's, Lees pills, Perry's vermis fuge, liquid opodeldoc, gum camphor, British oil. tincture lobelia, Curler oil, No. 6 or Hot drop, V; -Third preparation, Romaa Eye Balsam, DUy :, pain extractor, laudaaam Paregoric, Oil ptpper mint, easenc peppermint, Composition or vegeta bis powder, Carter' pulmonary balsam, aulphur, 8alratu, Sal soda, Supearb soda, cream Tartar.' ' - HAKDWARE FOR SALE BY PQPE & RALSTON. ,- Brass butts, iron butt, Screw, Lock and latoue; . Hammera and. hatcbeta, choping axea, and benoh . -'"-axes. ; Drawing knives, hunter axea, hand awa.- crose-cut aaws, wood aaws, monkey wrenche. ' ' curry combs, Horae fcard,' horse brushea, cheat . iocs, uu loc as, wen wneei, gua ipcfcs, guncav wool oar da. Ii-u Raft flints' and. guns, M .throw iu. -.We have cutlery a general .sjortment,. ,i ? .v-r BUY- GOODS ' . ! M . FOR SALE BY POPE &.RALSTONi . , Printer' Ginghams,' Alfl'acaa, ; JWunnos, Plaldr.. " , Lruaey,'Muslrna, JekM, "SatiB,'T5heep'" grey . ' . : cloth, cadet cloth, Flannel of all kinds, Sheetings bleached and' brown, cotton belting, hate - arfdi -cap, woollen and cotton socks, ladies hone, silks and : : satins, ribbon, dreaa trimming, bonnet trimmings t Iodic bonnetei bonnet wire and also frame. Wa- 1 have a supjily of boot and shoe, rubber hoes, am j Hi-uicteha, hauqua.--v---- :: - Oregon City, Nov. 3,: 1853-38y NEViBOOKS ' . jurr atcr.ivri Nn FOR SALE BY CaPOPZT. JR. . . BlOGKAPillGAL Dictionary.V by Blake, American Biographical Sketch Book by W, ' '.: ''"'' llpnt, '. :' ; .'. ', ; Progress of America, iu 9 vols., fly J. M'G'egor,-"- fr:" Pictorial History of IVS. Navy, by John Fiost,,:' .!..,'. -; .AVlsun's American Ornitboloj)- . J. - .- DickVTheology, i ,; ; ' - 3 koapp'a de - i . . "'"'.'' ? DR. SPRING'S WORKS, ' '. "'.--. -' atah'.i -1 ' ". i'.: ;. Cowper' ''Task," with Boyd's Note; ThonipMin! Seaitons, , do ; dn'j do . . : : ' . Milton's Parsdias Lost, . do ' do - Qt J.!.;..:.i; ... Yotinis'a Ni'l TbouahU.-do.L di : do -. ' - :Ala,Gfmrlottt Elizabeth't lVprki i... : Judalt's Lion, Denerter, Count Raymond, -'- . ' .v.T-j--"Jad-a jB,.,. Klower Gardeir, dtc, &n TrmjteraHt t Tales, by Sargent, ; . ; ' " ' 'Pastot's Sketches, by Spracer, . y "r . .Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress, and rthe,kindred'work. " ' ' - i My Plea call ' and t famine. "' ' -. ; ; CilARI.RS POPE, J., ; -1 '-'-'- : Main aL, Oregon ( .'il v July 99, 18.14. ' " ; Sir' ' Allan M'Kinlay 1, Cov ' HAVE - .-. . ,: .; , VV jiart received ' .-. '-- A' NEW STOCK OF GOODS, . u and would eordially invite all tlioae who wiah t procure good ur'icle nt reasonable price, to call . and see them. . i hey consul in part f the follow- - ' .. ing, vi i" - ' " 1 ' 9 excelaior fanning mills oakom '' ' ' ': t . ., grindstones - r canal A wheel bdrrows ,- -' grain eradk-e 1. fancy brocms . 1 l'' . gnu acythca A arl'ath. plain do '.' brush do do asHort'd colored pails 16 q hairowa 23 teeh garden rakes- - . do ho. 'w do. rpodes . ' polished shovels buy forks iimnure forks - cliuriui . -5. wiutlow glass 8 by 10 do 10 by 19 do 7 by 9 window sashes 8 by 10 do 10 by 12 ex bows and yoke painted tuba - ine wash board - bhickamith' bellow cross-cut saws 7 ls . do 6ft mill saw 7 ft 'Pi hair mattraaes 'doiiWe- do - inglo, (air bolster doubl do. single sperm candle." adamantine do - . f;rape brand tobacco , ' ucke tobacco BLANKETS, BAISE, LINDSEYS-i- Slier tinfft Tie let, fcc rre. -peonstantly on hand a large suppy And kee groceries, clothing, hardware, and many other tide loo numerous W meotiaj. ' ' . JOregon Cityf May 19, 1864-f , ,.. 1 CHEAPEST MAGAZINE IN THE WOltLD.' We shall publinh on the first of January, 1855,. a new magazine,, entitled "Gluakon' Dot-V. MnariiLr Maoatma ;" a work which will eontai one hundred royal octavo pages of reading mattery in each numbers-being more than ' any of the ' Philadelphia 83 magazines and forming two vol-. amea each of six hundred pages, or twelve hund--1 red psges of reading matter yearly, for 'One Dollar.,; . Being menlved to furnish good and interesting read . -ing for the millioa, and at price which all can af ford. " ' . J ,JL ' - Glcason'l Dollar Monthly- will be filled with entertaining and popular otorie. by our bent Writers, with kotche, pperns, craspf wit and humor , and a mlscellanenns -compound -fT" the noUble evonte of the time In both. iKta', . pheiss, forming and aoreabla ooaipaaioafor id. lsi4J. aura moment er hour, anywhere, at horn or abroad, , - Aay person ssnding one dollar to tne propne. r,. a below, shall receive the magazine for one year..' Subscribe early and procure the work complete . - . ' F: OLEASON, a" 1 . Publishsr and proprietor Corner Tremoat knd BroDmfield streets, Botte.; Mam. . v l A FEW tadiee' Ibum a auperior artiote, byv t A." V JOHN P-.BROOKSi lIANO Forte muaio, for aale at Can.mah by. JOHN B: BROOKS, ? FEW thousand book on hand. .' -j' " JNO. P. -BROOKS. w EBB'S Normal Readstar Nos, 1, U, 3 aad- 4, for sals by - CHAB. rum, y jf CI ANTim'S lUadank-Nos. 1. 9, 8, 4 and O new sarlas. for sale bv ' -. TO PE, Ja.y O REGbN Flour, grood at lb 'Oregon City . . m n m.M Llkl-SX? Mils, for tale ta ie.ji.. t a-.:. J- I