Y"7- rr:; 1 .it - - r- r -.... -V: jlTT. 1ST of Letters remRimnjr ia lb Tost J J Office) in Oregon City, Feb 15, 18fi -AHUekWB Hart A -J ir Aldrieb Jam Hardinf A M Alexander J Harry J A "Alft-ey K RMr Hakine Wm Pierce Eranklin PopeP V Power W H Price A Moffat1 AllM'At Hatch Mr Putnam ) O Rampy R A Aeatia Wm . Babeook R , naoonJ-M 1 Bailey A C ' . , KaUt Jaooh Barnard J Baraey Beoj ' . Bartlett Win - Barlow Jam ., Bassett DevU n.r)ir W U ' Barber J A -BeaklS"--. Bigg J H Birch Cha - Bold O O - Bond AlUa - Bass Fraacia : Browning B llaiwl.v Mahala Bees Geo HiUiardWm Ryiiold0 Ilol.nanl Rickets R Holinesly B Rider G CL lUwkineH RialeyO IIewll Jo - Robert T , 1 1 owlet J' . Roger B Howard Wm - Roup El- Hubbard D . KnetH Hubbard F. ' ' Rowlae H M llurbunks Geo Romel Jno Hug be Sadi'U Sackutt C Hughee J M Sampaon H ' Hughe B - Sandford R Humphreys T Sareult Eli Hall Mite C Settlemlre Gear Her David - Settlemlr D Sharp Wm Schell O W il Shirk) J D Bchnebly D J Simpson G B Simmon E M 8uiot E V Small The J - Her J do. . Burns MA Mra IiigallaMreM .- Calcahaa C Jackson K . Chandler GC Jahiee TF Campbell W Jameeoo 8. ,' . Caunoo 8 X Jrnkine Joe- - Cantoowooie C JewetrMisH E Casimir CLe JohuaonJB Carothera E -Jones Mine R Chase 8 8 Mrs' Jones Joe Ohaaa N Mra Jones J -v Coggin Oeoi Kennard J I V Collin C A- KenurdJ Smith S 8 : tjiiclling D ; ,8nowdD 8 D 8erry Tboa Slautonj A :,. t - htiwai t C--r NSteul Sam . 8terenon J W Stout J L , Stiuwbriilire f Condil 8 J ; t Kelly "W A - C. K g. . .' - i Kcinuii T -Cox..L . - v' Kinney M F Outlier AnriV Kiug .4 - -f?uiiimiMKE. Kirk Mr 8 t Curfiu 4fMr Kih,y Abrain Uavii Levi . Lacy L '. . Davenport J C !liTeat E - . Del.ene D P. - Law. GW. Sudiaui' H 8waffird J G. TaylorHj) TayloT Mia E - DevuireJ,H . Leach A J Tclrtcn 1) ' Dt'iiebr Sain1" Lealey.Mr Tb-nnpaon Tf"' Dibble II L' ' Lewie'Mn J , Thonipeon Wm Denaldaoo C Lewia B C ' -Thurmaft tJ C DukePeiwli-lckwood R 1 Puke E Mia Long W P T Tofnamichel P Durham D C Lonir Jamea TraceV C E EaatliEW Lon John , Trallanewr G I KartAam Win Mack J TrudoU JU Edraonaon-lt ' Mark 8 F . . TruaxX : rwia A : ' MarebaU O i. Tucker Wm. , n ... ; i ... fwv.i d . Tyler J 8 t eltoa V ' ftiartm w ti - Veaaevl W Frri,Wm Fowlioe W II Ford If Mra AatrF W Fos Anna MaeD8 MaeonCW May Joe M rill Min E Vcetaiu ,K L VUi.1J 8 WaleO .WauVE M ' Walk J F WalJripJ1--r-.We.Wle & WerkaJ Mitchell Wm Fosf Ana Eliza Moore J II Franoe GeoMo.idy I French W C Mdy H Frait'i t? r - " Morton U "Weeton Geo Fuller A "VJw Mrebiiue DWebbkB lGan.1 P . Moreland J Wbi al.lon I "Gan A.rJ-r--ri R rr.r Wheutonejilaa-J Garrett ET ". llarn "kCO Whitlow J . V Gariick Wm . MeAMter E Whitney J Geddt Jamar-McCord J 1 WHitmoie S ffr . Gleaaon I E McCown Wm Williama Wh . . Gvaaua I'aann "Velaon T Wiletw P U Grant .V Mia. iVewmau F,,l Wil.m Wa'ter- : Grant B P ; Ottle ll W.thoit M aa H. G..ffLM tffi.ld A :-7 Willey H .Ithra JTolaon Old J H Wind M J XloLdriche C Orveilljae Winde M E MxLMr M E Owen M M '.Winde. O M Hafarnian V L PalmiU-r liH . Wintj Ge-- r HamUn J L - Parrifh Mil R 'WriKht .18 Hamilton J JI -'artiWj M ' - Ytunff H N i recron l.'ity A.6uileru y'.V: .' TIIK,ubcriU'r ho nearly conipleUit htn ar rangement b) which he w.U be enabled la rece.r into hi lanuly Tour pupile; or either pex. Iliey will be cared fur. a bia awn ch Idren, and will re ceive tuch attention, ta and al of kcIiooI. a will beet art pure them W the acl.va dm e of life. . Thooe under 19 year ef je preferred. - EipiiiMee fur a term of elevrn weeka, inclndinc , beard, waeliiii. tuition, Matibuery,and ueeufbaoka ia the omnvn branchta, will be .'6,'.,5. PaymenT can be made in inomy, wheat, butter J oreattl. . JOHN D. POST UrefonjJjty.Jaa. 20, 185-tf - NdTICE TO KVICURES7 W A RTIC U L A R aiteiitiop ie alway -paid ta JL . the getting up of cakea, en ahert oelive ef all kiml' and, Which cannot beaurpaMed In the ter ritory. P.irtiee, at all Hue, will be aerred in the bm.t atyle, and qui-kly. J.arne ami coi mt uipliea ef eanhieeeflhe imiet mrr'iTj be.-t dencnpt.ou. Whcileeale aud retail. Feb. III. IKi3. T CHA RMAX d- WA UN Ell. . e tU -'t )'.- - TO WJtOM IT MA F-fc'tCV ('AV'A' riK bejj lonvfl to iiil'"iQii I h- public f T that wo shall kccji on liu!ilta fftnek of Groceries of the beat iitiulily, both by whole-vie and Mail ; audi a augur, coll'ee, tea, - eyrupa, appl-, tobacoa, . rertnacella, and every thing ueually kept in the greoeri line. ' Oyewra, choice eegara, St-otch Herring, fig rai "am, prune dale. A-e , by . r - ARM AN dt WARNER. rp-RuLUCE taken ia eichange, at lb hihent Ja., market pne far CHAHMANih WARNER. FOR BUILDERS. - The 4nerlon architect.- Rural arehittctur: Ra- ralHome. Tho Builder coiiipiiuinn. ; . VHAS. POPE,Vrr DRAWING paper, large izc 1 One-half dozen ream super embroider ed note paper, anortrd aitea, 5000 Fnncy note envelopes, aesorted araee. 10,00l) Bet 'governmtiliMlht'iTe fnvelpea,l 5 !vroM Gi Holla's pen, iuat rec ived and fer al Ay . CHAS. POPE, JR. .. Ornjon Citi,Jan. 3. ' - If J ULLS wiilTpaT'- 0(l0, " . - J VL hy . .,, . ALLAN, M KIN LAY A CO. DRIED apple, 30 half bbla, a cuperier article, by ALLAN, M'KINLAY it CO. W OT f aingl aaTdeuble hair matreeaea, t ' JL1 by , ALLAN, M'KINLAY CO. BUCKETS, B0 dot, . - " by ALLAN, M'KINLAY k CO.- 51 ASBLE Up wash ataoda, r' by . ALLAN. M'KINLAY . CO. 51 ARBLE tap aide table, ' ' . ' : ALLAN, M'KINLAY k. CO. A THOUSAND lb Green Rio coffee, a 0nt raC rat artiol for eal by PR ESON, O'N KILL, A CO. ; '-rPr. Steamer' (Jolumbiat JUST received. 1800 yard low price, Bleach ed Maalin. .1300 yard Kent.itky Jaen. .00 yd Black Setteaett. - IkOO yda ell waei Lin NT. 9000 yd Fancy Print. ' ) GEO. AHERNETHY A. CO. Oregon City, Sept. 30, '54-89y-Tiii ' THOUSAND shingl, a firawateart We, T . ' JNO. P. BROOKS. 71 THOUSAND CEDAR SHINGLES, very bt anility f or le by . . JNO. r- BR0OK8 ; Our. Apparatus TTTTAVING at last arrived,' W ahall give,' on JUL Taeaday and Friday of eaah week of lecture on Chemistry, natural Pbjloaophy, A tronomy, and natural History, illustrated by a great variety of experiment. Term 2,50 for the course, or 25 conte each left ore. Lecture will commence at 9fr a'clock in th afternoon, and 61 o'clock in the evening. JQHN D. POST. Oregon City, Jan. f, 1855-4516 ' - ' Td JSliippera.; aTkN THE UPPER WILLAMETTE Th Steaiutl FhinkFli.Wiil eirr freight tuSalrm for ! j Dei ton. And all intermediate point In . j ..11 J . :.. i t tlie same proportion. Albany 820. Cvrvalii $24. For freight or passage apply on board. -rrrr-n; crAEEXANDER, TVrasUrrT Oregon City, Jan tVlhiS. ' .ftA'RipiSALOOri 'WOULD respeotfwily inform the citiane af Orecon City that i, have takeo the stand for merly known aa the -Tbue Andiwnteua, and new having plenty of room. for the eeeeral branches of my buaiuea I shall try to better accommodate the pulilio. Bathing room large and neatly furniehed. AH kind ol repairing doue aa neroioiore in a neai manner. . inosue tHoairsoM. 1 IN E table salt m' IS and SO Ib mackby . , LATOURETTE of HOLLA ND. - ' " - .. ' 1 SAL aoda. foi Washing bv - -V LATOURETTE-$ HOLLAND. From Portland tis ihe Dalles rTHE STEAMER 1 TBELLE will leave Portland, on Jneabay and : Ja-Vhridav' morning at eaeh week for me Cas cades, netineeti'ng with tho new etyambout Mary, for the Dalle. . The MARY will leave I he bead et the Cateade Falls na Wedoeaday and Saturday morn luge fosOhe iM.mim.v 1 ' :' Paaaeareri and freight taken through with des patch, and at reasons We rate,",,"'""J "" "-"-"""' Apj on beard the steamer BELLE or MA Ml ml emrilmna, VmtemM and umilei, DRIED apple in half and whale barrels by. . LATOURETTE 4 HOLLAND. a KID'S English Dictionary, for - : W CHARLES al- by POPETJa: THE co-partnetahip- heretofore easting b": " twi-en John oT"1Sui-Byrne,-' under the name and irtvleof JohH Byrne dt o, uaaeraana Cenfxrtionrra, intrepont ily, ia thai dayxtia-olnd by mutual coa-enk, . The buwueos. will hereafter . . .. i . ...i .ii be roiiduclrd uy tne uanersgireu-nuu en peivuiw havibir cla.uis against the Jala tirm ara hereby no tified that they wiH be ailjueted by the undersigned and all lh(e who know tnemseiyea inaeuioa are reo ueited to make immediate payntiil. -- N. B.--I have refilled, refurnished, aad adiled Ui lite, preview stock which wjll enable me to fur- n sli any artiol .n my line at price correrpenaiqg with the tirne, Familiee pr Parties can b sup pled, with any. article in my line, at the sborteat uoraible notice. , i : Oregon City; Jan. 1 , 1 ft55-lf " i z ANThlcufruTiU by- JNO. P BROOKS. -I v '.NOTICE EXTHAtt CH.VRMAN ot WARNER have en hand an exfra article ef Butter Crackers which they will. e II a cheap as can be aoogrit jn ma lernuiry. Ws will not be undersold by latny persona in any thing ia eur line. Decembers.- , PapVr Ilangi iigs. The. subscriber hao at hie furniture Ware Rooms, 111 largest and best assortineut of paper banging in m l erriloiy, lor sal very coeap. r - , .... T'llOS. JOnNSON. Oregon Cliy,' April 31, 1854-Ury CJ I DEU ATS warranted. 200 himhels just re ceiled. JNO. P.BROOKS. - 1V1 JLi aal IVERPOOL a ALT. In Isrge racka. For W. C. DEMENT. leby . boxes Adamantine eaodlea. 20 boxee Sperm CMO.ilee. 30 bbl. clear and nies pork. 25 paekiigi tea gunpowder, and imperial 10 bbat.. and.311 hr bbla. dried apple, lueaae extra clear bacon (idee. 10 ton Liverpool fine salt inUiHIIb.bMga. Th above article jiswreceived per steamer Pey ton and Diirka America and ChaaDevane, which ia addition to our former desirable slock will bo sold txtrtmely U eaah. fKESIli U flbiLL MA-"- aiJsEN i ink. iwpcr, b auk boola, Ac lor aale M. ' at Cunenmh by NE thousand Kulton & Kaslman's eopv C. I'OI!E,Ja..". To 1 5 liK'ksinit lis. " ; JUST received, email, round end square Iron alee I, 14, 'I anil li inohea square, liar iron from lex 1 3 A I alas cast ateel aer- man eleel plow ateel -heneehee ' iron nail rods horse ihovs horse. naili, Ac. , G. ABERN ETH Y A CO T OILET and fancy goods, at the" DRUG 8TORE. purp.el ilte I)lU!U.STORIi LeKJ soda him Ciraio larlar - al th UKL U STOI'.K, Wegsii Ulty. L8U sal aoda for washing, at th DRUG 8TORE. j.N Es'l'Si of Tubs lor Mie b - DEMENT. THOUSAND lb N'e. Peruvian sugar ' bag, for aM lew by , T'KKSTON, O'NEILL A CO. in fTERY choice perfumery, T at th DRUG 8T0RE Oregon City' II E11NIA tri right and k-ft and double, DRUG STORE. at th V $50 lie ward Sem villain have, within th last twe yearn, gone iuto my nursery atlhieplaoe aad stolen treea, euttiag and shrub to tb amount af soma fear of five hundred doHars worth, that I know -of, beside stealing fruit,. $meof. the varieties "r easily known. 'Among the apple trees - ara about one hundred af the Newtown Pippin, taken last wiutsr all al one time. . They were all grafted ia the root aud ef one year's growth when stolen. I never had sold mere than Ivn r twelve of thi kind le but eue person, who I think took all ef h' to California. I will pay the above reward ta any one wne w u give information that wU lead to th det-ctlen af tb acoundiala. JOHN'W. LADD. Ort gan City, Ded. 13, M34-43t3 ftORK in barrels t beet arliole by - MT LATOURETTE HOLLAND. A Supply ef Superfine 1. tin's mill, cenetanll flour from Hr. MoLaugb- Uy ea band, at mill prices, John. p. brooks. by . rr..:.. I1RESH Baltunora Cava Oyum, for aal at 1 . . DEMENTS, i IJI A8T Boston syrup by T" li LATOURKTTB e HOLtlD HighesfPfice eaah, paid lur rood wheat, delivered In Or- W. O. DEMENT. N. P, WILLIS'S PKOSC WORKS. NINX UNIF0BJI VOLUMES. . 1. RUnVVL LETTERS, and other Record ef Thought at Leisure j embracing Letter from un-. der a Bridge, Open-Air Muatcringe ia the City, "Invalid Ramble in Germany,, Letter front Wa-taring-Planee," etc., I veL 12me. Cloth. 4th edi tion, t las r. , -j--- I 9. PIOPLE I HAVE MET; or, Pictoreeof wiety People of Mark, Drawn under a-Thin Ml of Fictioa.- By N. Pi Willie. I vol. lSino.SJ Society People of Mark, Drawn under a-Thin T. Vail of Fictioa.- By N. P. Willie. 1 vol. 13ino.Sd ion. Cleih. - SI 35 V- --r - ?:: r 3; ! of Society aud Adventure at Fai-upart Times and place, t My rT. rWllli. I vol 1 am. Clotn f $135 ; ..: . . ... A MURRY-GRAPHSt or, Sketch frora Frsah Imprsesian af Seenery, Celebritk, aad Se ciety. By N. P. Willi. 1 vol. 13m. 3d adltien. Cloth. $1 2 ' -.: J--- 5. PENCILINGS BV THE WAY'. 'A new and revived edition." By N. Pv Willi. 1 voL 13me. Cloth. $1 25 -'- ', -'.- , '. .-fr V 6. A SUMMER CRUISE IN THE MEDI, TERRANEAN, ON BOARD AN AMERI CAN FRIGATE. By N. P. Willie. I vol. 12m. Cloth. $1 25 -r r; rvrr 7;, FUN JOTTINGS i or, Laugh I have fitk. ea a Pea ta. By N P. Willie. 1 vol. limo. Cloth. $tS5 - i - - . ' i- 8. A HEALTH TRIP TO THE TROPICS, etc. 'An entirely original work. By N. P. Willi. 1 vol. I2mo. Si 25 . f:-- - 9. FAMOUS PERSONS AND PLACES tBy N. P. Willi. ' : .' , . , '. ' ' These book will be seat by mail, postige paid, by the publisher, . CHAS. SCKIIJJN h-li. .145 Nassau at,, New. York. BUSINESS GAUDS. oi&. t. ALLinvv aacuD si'einlav, tho. lowx. ALLAN, MCKINLAY & CO.. GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS- AND , Wholesale and Retail DeaJert in: Dry' Goods. Groceries. Hardware, fee, "" Oregon Cjty7August 19, T853-27tf 1 . s ' - ': THE OFFICE OF . " JKO,- B. PRESTOM IS over Preston, O'Neill & C'a' Hore, Miiin at., Oregon City where he I prepartd , to at-; tend to nby " businna pertaiuing le Laud 4or Land Ida-a in Oreort. -.' Orei;ouCity,Nov.5,1853-3$tf J , :'.'. i CHARLES POPE JR., DEALER IN HiRDWARELOROCER irs nity goods.-drtjor", MBOirJiirKs, r-j books, stationery, b.o.,j. "CiipoaitoabcVn'afc-Co. MAIN STRUT, OKIOON CITY, O. T ' July"l, lrJ54-20y ; - ; : "' ' ' aaaaawama. UBO. ASBaN BTHT, '' THOMA rOPI, IA CLAEK, ""!- jamcs a. ao. ' - ( : GEO. ABERMETHY & CO.", Geheral Wholesale .Merchant, . 'Orfvon Cilr, O. T. Jitigott 19, 1853-1 y27 : ' -. 't DR. A. H. STEELE; ULI AND eetail dkalee in Daooa, ' "MEVicnxns, perftjmert, A i.d . vvir article , reauiaite - to i.iakt a cpmplete' amorimeiit ..tor "Orng Store." , . - (TwodiionfeA G. Abernelhy A Co. -MA1X STREET. Of-tOO CITT OcT. 2 1,-3y 1 . CHARMAH WARNER, , j,, .. i'. orALIE IK '"''".' .. ' LOAF-BREAD, BOSTON AND ByTTER EAVEES, VANCT CAKE, CONrECTIONAEIES 1 AND Fntnllr Groceries t JVedding, Balle, Pic-nice, Hotels,- Families, 4c, uppl ed on abort notice, 1 Oregon City, Ocy 14, 1854-34y J V. LAW NOTICE. ' - ' H0LBR00X & BANKER, WILL practie law in the courts of Oregon and Washington territories, aud before the Surveyor General Office, in Main street. r. -Oregon City Mvch 24, 1854-6 ' " ' tALLAM, LOWE A C0.pn I'.i'i CLAY ST., S.4ft FRANCISCO. ALLAN, M'KISJJir k. CO., OREGON , CITT, O. T. Augval 20, le53-37tf ; ' . i I. a. ra baton. JA. O'NEILL. ' PAN O WEILL. PRESTON. O'NEILL & CO. WHOLESALE AiNO RETAIL DEALERS IN. DRY . -j GOODS, -GROCERIES, PROVISIONS;. i AND HARDWARE, - . Main Street, OregenCity, Oregon. Aagmt 20, lB53-27y ; ' '- ' -; E. MILWAIN, ' i MANUFACTURER OF TIN, COPPER AND SHKEf iaON ; ALSO, WHOLESALE AND EETAIL DEALER IN . STOVES, AND TIN-WARE, a CORNER OF MAI THIRD. i:i Oregon City, May. 5, 185413 MAIN STREET HOUSE, f VII E ubecribers have taken th above Hotel, JL and will try ta keep K a it ought to be kept. ' ETThe traveling public are Invited to call and test eur proposal. .. , t ETA good stable !e attach' d te the house. " v ZIEBER A GOODWIN. Sept. 30, 18f4-32tf : . U . C LATOUaEJ-TE. t. a. BOLLAND. A. HOLLANP. LATOURETTE & HOLLAND, 1 i Waefeeate mni Retmil Dernier in 1 DRY GOODS. GROCERIES. CROCKERY. BOOTS. SHOES. Booki, Stationery, kc, kc, " "" StAIH STEEET, OEEOON CITT. Jun9, 1854. "J " '- ' ' 17y r OREGON HOUSE! JTWTC0CH H A.N. ' ";. A.-BraPR ElfOER. 111 E proprietor of the Oregon House, on tbe JaL ... earner of water and thi an, Oregon City, have refltied their Heuea entirely this .spring, and r themselves that they ean acoonimodale g public, and rhlr elty:frrohd,.aawe ulta4he Territory. -A v-1 J aceonimedatran for families.- new flatter the travel! as any Hotel IT Good eccsnimodatien for families. May 86, 1854-1 fry J?iO. P. BROOXS, - WHOLESAtR AND RRTaIL DRALER VX PRT OOODS, GROCERIES, PROVIS. IONS, -, MAIN STREET. ' A genral assortment kept op, ef selected goods. " ramh. Nev. 1M-S8w Agent fbr OCitry In N. Y. City. Tb advertiser i prepared to act aa General Agent and Correspondent, in New York, for buaineea men mod etbera in the interior. He will devote hi whole time aud attentive te the purchase and aal af Fancy and ether Geeda, Book, Print, Machin ery, Manufacturer and Macbanica Btoea and Material, PhiUophicml Apparatus, Ac., Drug, Patent and other Medicinea, Agricultural Imple ments, beeda, stock, fee. Collection made and uita prosecuted. Information of all kind furnish ed with regard to persona and place here. ' Situa tion procured and guaranteed for clerk, tnrrban ' proreesi ampleyeee e I? Kfcur lea, prereaaenal man and otnenr Male and le.nafe ampioyete eugagea ana oem to in 'country rae- ".' eecureu 10 mur4ii, .uiniii,..mi ..uru ,J nu?' anytiiiug tnatati inienigent flgeiu, weii can do for aa absentee, will b executed faithfully and promptly.' Comroanlcation confidential-A areas, with fe adequate ta tberservice. ' " A.. E.BARTON . ' " 189 Mulberry at., New York. 8ptT854-39wy T : T ' - EAMLES8 grain bags, 15 bales, just the sort for wheat at the' present prices, .; j l -: PRESTON, O'NEJLL i CO.- UST frori Ranch Wbeat and eata fresh by - ; r.- JNO. P. BROOKS. YUTIFU HV SON. leei 15 cases, 15 do gun - powder fcnd imperial teas, just received. - rKKS I ON, U N r.lLJ. fc CU. 1 .opened Men , women's, and en Id reus BJots and ih..ea, by JNO. Pi BROQK3. ' ,. GEEAT AMEEICAN BOoK WE are glad to see, by . prospectus in a late num ber of the ' "Knickerbocker Magazine." that some of the literary friends of L'Gaylord Cfark, Esq., JHie Eopular editor ef this work, have devised a plaai IOT nia wncui) ji uv mr puuuuatiuu.vi aincuuei volume imposed of "original articlea written el preealy for the book by fifty Amerioan'author, a moug whom are WsshingtoA Irviug, Fitz Greene IlalleckvWimO.-BrvauU H. W. Leuifellow. Don r 1 l' i la. v. li: ..r 1 . j : J ald G. MiUsbeL GWirurli NJ?, WilluwiuU others. The volume is to be illustrated .with por .trait af th writers, finely engraved oasteailroro original pictures, and promises to pe in every way one of the most attractive books ever issued m this country. The object of "the committee who have charge of the publication ia ta raise from the profits of th book a. suns sufficient to purchase a Hon fer'Mr. Clark, whis has for ever twentyyears de voted himself to rjie literary labors, and, as is tooof. ten the case, without reaping that reward which should by tbiajtime have uiade hira -iadependet. -We give th project our moat hearty approbation, ani hereby aulhorije Mr. Huestun to put us on his list for. five copiejr)f the bo.4t in' the.bent binding. The book iaio be.eoid entirely by auljocription, and we should thUik that; anion)!; the thousands who read tho. ' Kn ckerlioeker," ten thodeand copies would be) called For very on. Thi would insure the success of the noble plun of the committee, and would "prove a substantial knd woll-deserv-d com pliment to one af the beat editor in bia line that our country can Doaat. - f j Wa will only add that the Knickerbocker Gal-. lor);" i. to be published by Mr. Samuel Hueston, 349 Broadway, Nrw Yek.t five-dollars per copy in cloth "gilt, and seven-.dollar in marocoo extra binding. Send your nam atone U the pnbhsher aud secure an early copy. ::J - r- --2 THE copartnership heretofore existing between theTindersigiied, under the name and styls of Porn A Rauton was dissolved on the 8th inst by mutual conseuL - The business will he cfoeed up by Charles Pope, Jr., and all indebted' ar hereby natified that prompt payment ieexpectedl ' J r t CHARLES POPE. J. ' ; J. R. RALSTON. regbn 'City June 18,1854-1614 . .' 'The underaicrned will continue th a mercantile busiiess at the old stand of ' Pope A Ralston, anoM solicits a continuance trf patronage. - r . ' J - . - . Charles pope, Ja. 50 boxes adamautiue candlee, v . by ALLAN, M'KINLAY A CO. mJYew. Orleans Sugar: PRESTON, O'NEILL A CO have just re ceived direct from New' York, by brig Eoli an, twenty-five barrels prime Nsw Orleans Sugar, which will oe eold low. May 19, 1854-14 r Latest flf'O doi cane soat chairs 200 lbs smoking tobaocs ajar 10" wood 8 bbl oak pins for fram- 25 double maple bed steads, cottage 25 double waluut bed steads, cottage H g 100 counter (eg 5 fan mill - 6 case brogana 12 straw cutter. 30,000 cigar "Aug. 26,54-1 IRON! IRON! E UST received from San Francisco, per bark J Charles' Dt vans, the following aasortment of iron, which will be aula low Tor cash : , 20 bar 2, I 20 Hlxi , 20 bar. inch square, 20 ' I . - in round, T t 24 " .1 20. 1J " . rr -10 bdl 5 1-6 . -'. 20 25 25 " 25- 25 " 25 ' 25 f 25 20 l 20 8 Hi 20 I 7 1-6 . ; I inch square 10 m. i 10 10 .30 1 " . J ,M square, ' aast'4 boe (hapea. it Also, 20 barrel and 20 half bbla. roe pork ( 30 keg Stuart' golden syrup. ' - PRESTON, 0'NElCL CO. -Oregon City, Aag. 18, 1854. " : . .. 86tf New Laud Office of Oregon Tcr ... . ,. ... .. rtlor". - ' K ' ( ' NOTICE TO. SETTLERS.. , . TUB. Surveyor-General of Oregon will cease to recieve ,. NotiHcatiene'' of donation claim, from and after the 1st day of Deomber next ' Af ter which time, (on aud after th 11th of Decern ber.) all notice of Douatioa claim, under the sev eral laud lawe, all apptirationa for the entry of land claim' aa well as for Pre-emption rights, and the evidence of th right af orphan, under the last amendment ef the donation law, have to p made direct to th Register and Reoiever of th Oregon land district atOregen City. . All conflict ef claim, which have net been adjudicated by the Surveyor General, efr tho 11 th of December riaxt, will be transferred to th aaid Register anp Receiver, in conformity with instruction from the Commie sineT af th General Land Office', aad In porwanca af th Act of Colore, approvepuly 17, 1854, amendatory of the Donation l-wa. . . ' . ,. . c. K. GARDNER, ; . Surveyor-General of Oregon, Salem, O. T-, 10th November, loo4 Notice ia also given that the Land Office for th T) strict of Orenon. will be opened for th traneeo- tion of bnein.es at Oregon City, on Monday, tlia JJln day of Deniber. A. D 1854. Or. il" -JAS.GUTHBIE, Jtm.i - - -. 1 :...' v 10 I RfW'ltwV, ; 1 854-4 1 1 H ' STEAMER FRANKLIN. - THKfioe iteamef "FrRnklin," S. C. At 'RXANOit, .Maater, leave every morn ing for Champoeg and Intermediate porta. WiR mak through trips toCrvH during th Winter; Pea frerght paasapappiy vmm. fe.25f - - - -x 1 GOOD quality of eigara, - . by CUARMAN A WARS ER fAIINETEEN bbl meer'pnrk by 41 PRES TON, O'NEILL A CO. s a m PkTJ 4 a "3 tBS,' S a ? S-PsS 5.5 ? " a I L.8 3 i. aif 5iaa ll 5 STiS 20 ? 2---P 3 -9 9 Oil! I Hi! e. k -. a- r- t.-. i'ifi wis W Masai Sa.w C" l . n S3 , Q,- .:5"f iff- B'5 J - 8 li fir?:- ;;'TIIEU.8. MAGAZINE.' Containing 3.' large quarto p ige, tiuted covers, on fine paper, profusely and elegantly illustrated, is published on ths 15th of each month at tbe very low price of 91 a year. A splendid premium m sent to each person getting up a club, and in addi tion ' '. ' i to ho awarded to the 2S9 person sending the largest number of subscriber. Fnr further partic ulars sea specimen Copy of tlr Magazine, wmcn will' be sent on .receipt of six cents, or specimen co- ... - - .. . .... i . .. . py 01 me journal, wu cu-wiu oe eeusgraua w nujr sne ordering it. Ailuresa r , , .;- ' " . XI. EMERSON A Co., - ; . Ll - li.St5, and 7 Sprue si.-, . : . , nw Yrk. DYE-STUFFS of all kinds; .... at th . DRUG STORE, Oregon City rVlURPENTIXE aud linseej oil, raw and boil. JL ed, jtut received, .' 'Ij: at the: '- T" " ."'"DRUG STORE. BRUSHES for paintingof all kinds,, at fh - DRUG STORE," Ore gc Oregon City. W AnNDS' sursiiparilla," DRUG STORE." ILCOX'S ar apnrilla, r ; ., . DRUGSTORE. ftattha ALL kind bf patent medicine. , . ., ; - at the" DRUG STORE.Oregon City. E RESH cigar auLfif?v juatrceivedJ-'' by vuAKiuan w Attiiiv.: Afpl OOD icracker in -barrels: for upper country "AJC trade, by CHARMANr A WAit.VJiK. JJaints.; 60 ctnspTeen paint'- 60 cans yellow' paint rBO cans new red paint-' 60 can bin painU: 60 can black paint, by ' v . .-u -. - .) , r .-- .'ALLAN', M'KtNLAY A CO. fWWENfY bush timothy seed, Or-gou grewlh JR..' for sale by , ' --. - T - -; '. ALLAN, M'WSLAV A CO. F ORTY bble mees pork. - ' " ' by . - ALL AM, M'K1WLA Z UU. OA case tea gunpowdef, imperial Ayonng WV hyson, bf- . - POURTEEN1 tons soap, best quality, , ; , by - ALLAN, M'KINLAY & CO. gAKKUMS 50 equare harrow, il& teeth each, by ALLAN, M'KINLAY &CO. I f HNSEED oil, boiled, 400 gallon, in iron can M-d ef 6 and 34 gallona each, py -57 . ' ALLAN, M'KINLAY. A CO. i ...'', BEST ateel ahovela. 5 doi, by ALLAN, M'KINLAY A CO. GAR iby ARDEN spade, ALLAH, M &1 LuVX W, BRASS and Iron fenderr, ' ' 1 ''?' ' ' bl -Jl ' ALLAN, M'KINLAY A CO. ' Candy at Wholesale. 13 ,N hand a superior article of candies. Call and see C11AKMAJN & WAKfltK. , LIIFTY boxes sateratua, just received by V " PRESTON, O NEILL A CO. T "Rl - Boxes adamantine candle. : .- aV JL 20 boxes sperm do just received ex bark Devana and far aale low, by i PRESTON, O'NEILL & CO. , Large Stock. U- JUST received, a large and full uppty5? dril - eerie and Provisions, suitable for the'whole sals and retail trade. I Shall be happy to as mil my old customer and a many new onee a may wish bargains in my lineremember the new stand . w.u.oiiniii. GRASS Freeh Timothy Seed for sal by r il v J. P. BROOKS. WM. C. DEMENT. WOLBiSAlaB & BBTAILJ '' PEALEE W v CROCERIF.S, PROVISIONS, BOOTS, SHOES, C. Main sr. One poor above G. AsIENEert Avca Oregon City, " - ' ' . : ' ' 4 IS JUST receiving direct from New Yerk and San Francisco : "' . 1 0,000 lbs New Orleans sugar, genuine article. 8,000 lbs Stewart's crushed sugar : 5 tone Liverpool sait ' . , " . . . 100 ker svran 1 ' ? ' v. 1 ; . 1 . : ' - 2,00Q-lb( dried apple" - - 1 000 lbs dried peacbee. 50 Bexee candle. ' ' 25 bbl Pork.. ;, .""'-" " . ; . 40 esse gunpowder, imperial and Young Hy- a tea. " - 20 sack. Ritf Ceff . r. - - 100;ib eleratu - "T tOboxeeeoep. - - - '. '; -J 30doi soap powders in Tia. r (" " Aha. Boata and shoes, drv-reod. erdekery and hardware of all deaonptiona. All of which will be sold at the lowest market price, for eaah, wheat or eata.. ' ' ' " " , - -'" ' Oregon City, Nov. II, 1854-38y " WHITE beane t Orecon produce, by LATOURETTE HOLLAND. EA gunpowder, hyson and black, by . JLA TOURETTE d UQL LASS D , V. A-JtTlCtES purchased at ear oaUbliehment promptly dehvere4, by us, in aay part al la oity, tesuil customers, . UHAKMA3 6t WAlniCK. EXTRA cl ar bwieoa aidea,3O00 lb by ' PRESTON, O'NEILfs A CO. it ES-HIU ftoeTrter sal at the Eagle Bakery, an . . ataAi IDU1V Jl. YA' A O 47 af D . ! . Uatreueil: BatreiMi!! ; J B. GarrUoa, tnkea pleasure ia informing thai a eilixeus U Portland aad viciuilylhat he I now prepared to faoiutats their Jnrny t tbe Ctty of NmI. In Dreatni Ui. h th above article -haviag secured the servi ees of Mr. Coy a. a prautical aphalatar, recently from the States. 1 , - . Mr. Coj a will be happy to execute all orders la hi liue, which will be dona with NEATNESS AND DISPATCH, on a Ciuaes. Wtu. Made. 1 have now on hand, a large quantity of . . -' natriasfl ot Kvery Deacrlptlon i ' Oat-straw, Husk,Wol and Hair. Prices from f 9 to (30 per Matress, warranted to be superior I thoae Imported, and made ia plain, fancy and fold iug styles. " SIGN OF THE niGH BEDSTEAD. Bedstead UP Mateesse DOWN T -Portland, Oct. 21, 1854y Winter Trade ! IN addition to out tur'mer stock Ws ara just re eeivinir. i brie Potomac and bark Devana, oaf all and winter good, consisting ia part a fellows o, ; ' "...e r . r -1 a l: . . -. Crnshsd'augar, No. 1 china and brawn eager I I and 1 1 syrup in 8 and 15 gal paokage. Im perial, gunpowder, hyson and blacR leea. T Coffee, allspice, pepper, gingerllied apple, chile peack ea, English and American brown soap. - . ' -i UTt ' o B .. ace.. ' 01.0 -', ef varioua'brand St arch washing powders, wax, . sperm and) adamantine candle, indigo, Carolina rice, pork, baeon, aide end hams, salerstus, ehece- ' lata perfes'fione, lemon iyrup, brandy peaehea A a phew phigg, fresh peaehea," dried barring, pie-j fruit, pickles, catsup, pepper-eauce. " ' r'' PrnueainSlbjara. t Y T 8 , Browa and bleached tbectines, hickory anirting. bed ticking, prints, merino, aJpaccaa, liuasys flan-, nelr, figured and.plain eatiuetta, jeans, A- . . Boot and shoe for the timee. : Al a. goodae-- eortmentef Blank books, gilt edged latter paper, gilt edged note psparjoolacap and. blue ruled wrtta paper. Gov't adhesive buff and white envelope, of differeatikied. -a ' iu Uw? ..... :.. , al, ..' ; a imall kt ef books, ouch, a Webster's waaWidgei dictionary, A. J. Davi' revolatieaa, Fowlers aad t Well publication, which juatauit.Thi. progreaaive P age, liucle Frank's librsry.ArthurVlibrary, aad divers otper publications, all of which are ou hand ( and for sale at our store in this city. Be rure aad . give us a call, and aes what Is 16 be seen.- , . LATOURETTE A HOLLAND. ' i Oregon !Cily,Dct. 7, 1854-y j '-, tlHOCOLATB perfections, by r - " ' J LATOURETTE St HOLLAND., 7T FIFTH - V0LUf.tr - '. , or thk , ZJttome ?j- JfJagazwem EDITED BY T.' S. ' ARTHU1V '7r;: WILL'. CDMMENCJ3INJANUAR 1. 1855,' - Encenraged 'iat new efforts by the eery Ioyg' ' increase of suftren'pion during the paaf year, th J publiahers of tb Home Magazine will grtmtlf fat prove the coming volumes, and add many leadiag. -atuactiou." Thk work i to b printed ea tniirilm - ' s .m. an' that Its ivnocfTarjhv will be eaual to" " that at arrv maraxine in thwtntry.---'-J-- -'- . The Home Magadue, during tbe year 1855, will contain between 800 and 1000 doubtocohixoa oe . tavo pages of reading matter.' - It will, in addition, " fbe largely illustrated loie best atyle of art, wtttt 8teel and Colored Ejtgravrags, And by eeveral hundred nne wood engravings of cities, seenery, : remlrkable places, and objeots in science, art, Rat-v ural history, needlework the latest fashions, ar tiole of dree, Ac. ': ' . ' : All for tlflSinaubiofFouf Subtcrbr! The Cheapeet Monthlf nfa-azltie) ' ( iRjf IU World! ' fh Jtor.jrercra to." ttte'liUratrjr' erxaractar ' anel ', quality of the work in the past for what it will be in the future. - tie pledge nimscu ia asep tis nrnraa frea from averv thins? that ia ill-natured, pre- ' fauer vulgar while, at Ibe aeEe time, be wiB , eek to tmpart thereto the bight at poaaibl eV-gre- of iutrest. "'"' '..'- '-1- '''''. It i designed especially for horn reading. Rod embrace article covering tho widest range of , ubjecta. Fiction, History. Biography, philosophy," Sceence,Wlt,Anecdote,TravJ, Ac., arejbleaded with care and discriminatioa,, -. ' . - No other magazine pubusbed give ae extended -a variety of article, : The Editor's own pen wilTV be busy during the year, and furnish, aa hereto. . fore, atorieo, sketchc, aad . eae er aaare erigiaal nouvellettes. ' r '. .!...; ' TERMS:.... One copy for one year. r j r s ' W , Two;copiee, 44 . u'V. u. 9 W . ' Three eepiee far one Aear, :t 'rj.- 4 6w . -t Four copies' ? " v . -1 a 09 . Alladdiuenal eabeeribera beyond fee at the same rate ; that ie, 9 1 25 per annum. . Where Twelve Subscriber and f 15, are ant, the eetter-up of tho club will be entitled to aa ad ditional eopy of the Magaxiae. y t -" Send or Specimen Number. Jtuf will trn tent frem of. okmrg. v'i. Ui)t ... ; '-j For K3 all a copy ol ome magssins asn tmmj m fro, will beaent lav one year. ;!.,'--t 'i PREMWM-A WHOLE LIBRARY f.r A an Indneiment for Touns- men and ether te aid in extending the circulation of the Home Mag aiine, we offer the following liberal preaainma r or th largest list or surjscriocrs sssi uy aw 5th dav of Ann!. 1855. will be. given a nremium et.. ..500 vol r . . ...... r. n. For the eeont largen nsi.........io v . For th third-largcst..l....... ......75 " , Forth fourth...'. ..:..:..-.... 20 w, , ; For,h fifth, A handsome Family Bible. " . ' ' , The book will be selected by Mr. Arthur froaa the list of American publisher, aad will comprise hi-Wral. aciantiffc. useful and miscellaneous works of the best character, especially suited for a Iras library. The lowest club price of the Home Mag. azie ia on dollar and a quarter, and at tbia rat subscription ) ill he received from all who compete for the premium. . . - 1 ... . . . - . . m . -1.1 1 L.'l 1 1 -I On tb Sth Oay Ol pru ine awera win oe aaawv, and the partiee arouriug the premiamf nolineej ef their sucoee. A eoon aa they are heard freea, the bosks will be sent as directed. H ia hardjy aw ternary to say that every" "ban ef thie oner wiU be carried out la good faith. . -. , ' " Premium for thorn who Fail fAow - ' - ' UomptMion, ' '. ' Tkat niwi whe croipete forth above preausas , mav niva their time and effort for nothing, we eott special qfemie.ns as fsllowa. ' AH the books here enumerated a-e by Mr. Jrthnr.They are band- , I eemely priutec , and well bound ia KnglaA cioih The lowest ijiuo price 01 iue magraine m e . Foil 10 Supa.-.riber (at $1 25), premium will be , Skelebee" ana "LighU and Bkadows." . ,Fer 30 Subscriber (al $1 25), pmianwdl he 12 vol. "Houoeholit Ubrary. For 50 Subscriber (el ! prern wm e 12 vota. r " L' ppineoet mi nsanw ei urn atee. . 1 v r FerlOOSuuscrHVoi (at $1 85), aU the above. m..iinn.l nrxmirrwjthat, Cabinet Iluaoriea. ;. Houaabold Lib .y;' I Sketchee," . Ligble and Shadows ss.-feRigh.', . When premium are seat, 00 aeeeo.nl of t:reoe, no extra; copy t gettr-up f Clnb can be famiih- , , ed ' i ' ''1 ; Of course, those whe are ecesfbl ia seeanag the flrat lareminnw, wiH ntiUd to the ..:. addition. . ' . .... . r, -V- r ro1 itninva n.v, t- - . i Wa'pni 5Tret rh'la- - . . .. i ' - 'L r T, ii'. rH It -V M. . 1