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About Oregon spectator. (Oregon City, O.T. [i.e. Or.]) 1846-1855 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 17, 1855)
k ' ' .. .. - '.'..:'. !- - -v .1 tr t f ........ : - I . ... , -...-.!. 'v. ' L ,J.-, -.' . ' v" ' r ' . . 2 ' --- ' : 1 -. --i --- a asss"'?s"', -- I , ' -L-. '. 11 ll-r-l Vr-r U I I - I Irr-llT X I "S?--"XV I LA M " T M: ' I I II- n . . . . vi-1 li Hi i ' h vi v i i ill i a v - 1 1 i . n . i ii i - -x xi . , "x.'x ii ii i i ii.i-ii-- i ii . l .li ii hi i ii .- - .-' xd-'' - - i V A ' c. u oooD"grTO;,romETOR and rRisf.......;.,..-.-.;.-.... yw ixrmESCE. ...... .... a, fary t-.r.v " "CTM-m j - - theOregonr5P.ect?tor ; : fThs lint paper ever printed -nib Pacific Cot oreoon cnrr, o. t. kA WEEItf N-WSPAPER, JHV -MS ICW1.TI)A INT-Ri ITt tr THIt m aw na innu t..k o . un..,M r T Goodrich, kditor, trofribtor am d rRiNTiR.f . ' ' The Spectator will evet-ba open to tha frae dia ' cuaeion of affiUbjeatt of tufHcient lntereat to the . people 6f tills Territory.- It will particularly atrive lo advance tlie iateteata of all American freemen, " 7 Unlit it becomea apparent that their object la "tha t-kto. tke rOvernmeut into their own hauda, aa body, or, aa a Churcli tf liavitig our law inuaiu. ad offio-aldiag at their diaporaU a aa rill ver be a leading feature of mva Gnjitaia. . mnA fliil it. Mtlumiii may be filled ' Hh aaefui,Uesary and aaeial Inatruetioa, a atrict . regard f th and merality wiU be observed. Agriculture, "aa ahall bertadvauce the intereata . of Oreironiafla: tvill be a feature ae-er nerlected. . Thaoir 'and youth of our land, ahall aver reJ oarvo, -lino renueauo nspwn, yu uiv all tha awiatyica wa can render in advancing their neeful and morol education, and to instill into their mindi the true Ameuqatt prinoiplea of our glorioua fecial oare take, te- not Temtaral new, for - -IbaVnafit of people (n tha United Stateaand other 'couutriea. . TERMS 1MVABIABLY71N ADVANCK ' ' Oik. wrtriV annum........... "...'....'..$5' 00 .- .1 lur VIA iuuuiiw.) ............ ,"W lRiiT5S OF ADVERTISING. ; Onaao(l9JuaaorleaioflaiBaertioa,-$. 00 . " - - two inaertiona, $4 00 For every additional insertion ... .$1 00 ' ' Profwwonaiand Buaineaa Cards, of 10 lines or 'eJ83 peAnnuin, " 1 i - ' UA liberal deduetioa made to yearly advertisera. "---j LAW'O' NKVVS. APKKS.- V Subcribera whodo not give expresa notice to the contrary, are considered a wishing to continue ttfirautHPrinuuu. ; ; r . If subioriBora. ordarlliejlj;onununo i mcir . .. ! . . .1 . " - japer,-th ptiblisher may eonUnuc to send Ihefti ' until all arr'earagea are paid. ... ' ' . If subscribers neglect or- refuse to take theif pa- Jcrs from the poat office or other place to which thev re scut, they are held repynibie until they settle ll arreargee, should there be any. lfsubcribers remove to other places without in forming tlie jablsher, and the pap is sent to the -Jrmerdirection,they are held responsible. - - ci?r COUNCIL. : ':. . MonJay, Febriwry 5, 1835 T- Council nliet rurauant to regulation. Preaent J." N.; Prt-ncot Mayor, A. 11, -StfJl. Rucorder.: Ta.. Jobnson, Jifmea O'Neill, A. B. Pprcripor, Con rfcilmcn Ab sent, W. W. -liuck, A. IS. Wait, CoudciI- ini n ; Sop llueluf-, Marshal, -Thc fftiinutM of 4h-- I'rcvious mcetip were read anJ accepted., Tbo committee upon streets tc- reques- trJ Dcrmis$iufl td defer their report upon the accounts of IV If. Hatch, supervisor of roads, until their next regular meeting. ' Granted. " - '.The committre ton iho accounta'of S, W. Mom, for aervicwa aa supervisor of roads far lM,(aid nrc't amounting to 63,) re - iorted asainst pavinff them. On motion the report was acerpfed and the committee r -discharired. Ou furthur motion the ac- -counts of S. W. Moss were disallowed . The committee to form a fire depart ment submitted the following ordinance, which, on motion, was passed : Ohdinance 16th Sec 1. Be it or Jained and establinhed by the city Council of Oregon-City, That all fire engines, hose, hook and ladder, and other fire companies, liavintr or.anized' arid adopted a constitu tion, and having petitioned the common Council for that purpose, ahall be furnished - with engines, or.other .fire apparatus, and bouses (or receivinir the same, by the city, t 1 1 ..,1 V. nnnc n r. tlltt f U 17. t r and common council. -' ) Sec." 2. - K'bnll require at, least twenty " persSns not undef eighteen Tears of age, to . comnoae a comrjanv. all-of which must have 4 signed the constitution previotoi to tbeifpe iiinn' anrl ihrv ahull forward with said oe- : itition a copy of their constitution, ttgetaer with the name of their- orhcers," and men, . tnd the ' Nation In which they locate. ' B ft Tkn -Imll 1a an elnr.lion an " iriually to take place on the first Monday in March, fo?one Chief Engineer and Assist- - .- f.irnau. mrl plnrtinn to be called DV ithe Mayor, by giving a timelr fioticeln Ihe itiewspapersof the city, and held at such I lace as ho may designate ; the polls to be ept open from 1 o'clock, p. M. until 4 P. ., under the inspection of the judges, each from a different company, to be appointed Oy Aiayor II Uiery are less iuii iureu . . . . . i . I . 1 . X 1 1. companiea urHiiiMju, bUQ.iu9vvia w w Appointed from those wai are orgamiea. - No tverson ahall be entitled to vote at said (twenty days prorttarefoffave been jnem irara of the fire department . Sec.' 4; The persftn having the high est rramber of votes for Chief.Engineer shall tte declared elected. For Assistant -ngin ccr. the person having the highesUumrre tTZZ?ZZL of votes ihall be declared elected. : ' ; See. 6.- The returns of th election for Chief Engineer and Assistant' Engineer " " "shall be made foTthe common council! who shall examine the same, declare the result i,.to tho Mayoa, hor shall give tha- persons ' Elected their certificate of office. 1- 8e r f). , Whenever the Chief, engineer ; shall be'absejt from the city, or be prevent ed from'atteodrsg lo tha duties of his office - the Assiswifii Eogineer shall perform the luties and possess- an the righU and pw . ... -crs of, tho Chief eigineet during uch- ab- .senee or disability. ; '- Sec. 7. - AVIieitcvcr any vacancy occurs "r 01tG(JJN .UITY. U-VK-rUXx -1J--U-11VJi, OAM.vauix, -.rj--ivu.-xv xi, io. . - ' - - --- - W OREGON ! a in tne office of Chief engineer or Assistant, the Mayor shall call an election to fill such vacancy, in the same manner ju Jierem be fore provided." ; Set 8. The iCbief engineer Tallin all cases of fire, have . the sole and absolute command over all the engineers and other persons connected with the fire department It shall be the duty of the Chief engineer to direct the other engineers, to take proper measures to arrange the several fire engine in the most advantageous manner, and to cause them to bo duly worked for the effect ual extinguishment of fires. It shall be the dutvof the Chief engineer to examine, at least quarterly in eacn year, into ine conui-. tion and number or. tn. nre engines, aaa other fire apparatus, and fire engine houses, and report the same to the Common coun cil quarterly in each"year-and it shall also be his .duty, when' anot tne nre engines, hose carts, trucks and hooks and ladders, or other fire apparatus, shall require to be re paired, to report the same forthwith to the common Council, and under their direction to superintend the repairf.her.eof. - - - -"Sec. 9. The. Chief engineer 'shall, be fore entering upon the discharge of bis du ties, take and subscribe an path, or affirma tion before the Mayor, well and faithfully perform uch duties. sec. 1U. It suail oe iae uuiy oi auuu and eVpry Jicorilpany in going- to on re turning from any hre or alarm oi nre, or re movioz their apparatus from their respect ive places of deposit to obey the orders of tne uniei or omer-engiueer. ; Bee lit- Id Ce any Foreman or As sistant Foreman, or . any other r oreman having charge of any fire co... pany, shall disobey or refuse to obey any order or direc- .. . . .1 ! . .l - ' tion given oy me niei or oiuer, engineer, hevhall for such ofTence, be tried hy a board of delegates composed of two members from each companyr and if convicted, b, at their option suspended or expelledJronuthe fire department, subject to the approval of Jhe Mayor - - . Sec, '12. Each and . eyerycoipany shall keep or cause to be kept, their appara tus in good order and condition,' so that it shall be ready for service, at any moment; and the Secretary of eaca company snail re port to the Chief engineer,' or the person ac ting -as such, once, quarterly, Ihe condition of the company with a list of member.. "Bee." 13. no nre enmne, noon, ana ladder, or hose cartj during any fire In this city, or report of any. time, under anv pretense whatever, shall be taken or re moved out of its house, unless tho Fore man or one of the assistant Foremans, or .at least one of the firemen to which the same 1 sh-11 belone, shall be present and consent thereto, under the penalty bf ten dollars for every such onence, to be forfeited ancr paia by, nd recovered from any and every ht ' jn aiding and assisting in, or consenting to tTi'eviolatiou of any of the provisiot'i of this section. ' 1 Sec. 14. It shall be the duty of the Secretary rf eat h fire and hook and ladder company, to turnisu tne juages oi eieciiou at least one day previous to an election lor Chief and Assistant engineers, a certified list of the members of their respective com panies, and none others shall bo entitled to vote at said eUction. r Sec 15. It shall be the duty of the Chief engineer by and with the advice and consent of the Mayor, should any emergen cy occur during a conflagration which in their opinion requires the removal ot any buildincror buildings, rr any combustible materials to cause such removal to be made. Sec 16. If any person or persons, du. ring a conflagration, be called upon by the May or Marshal of the city, Fire Wardens or engineer of the fire department, or any of nia ftMisianis, lo niu aim asoisi. m sAuuguiou ing the fire, dr in the removal of goods en dangered by the fire, and shall fail or refuse to allord such assistance, any ot tne omcers above nkmed may arrest the person so re fusing, 'and on conviction before the Mayor, shall be fined not less than three dollars, nor more than ten dollars. Sec. 17. Nothing in the proceeding section of this title shall be construed to ap ply to physicians whilst engaged - in their professional duties, or persons disabled by sickness or physical inability. Sec. 18. 1 his ordinance shall take ef fect and be in force from and after this date. Tassed Feb, 6th 1855. - J. N. PRESCOTT, Mayor. Attest A. H. Stbe-e, Recorder. On, motion the petition of EL Milwain and others to be organized as a fire compa ny was accepted, upon condition that they furnish a constitution that shall be accepted by the Council at. its next meeting, until which time they shall" hav? charge of the fire engine and apparatus. . r On motion, the Mayor was authorized to draw Ian order upon the city Treasurer for sixteerfdollars. of the entrine fund, in favor ireignsnpoa -ng.ue. - -y- , Major of Oregon pity, A. H. Steele," Recorder. --A beautiful plan fcr making life short is as follows: . 4-1. - Eat hot bread at .very meal.- - 2. Eat very fast . ' ;; 3. Lie in" bed every morning till the sun is two hours hirrh. If the case should prove stubborn, take a Lot whrakypunch three times a gay. rTher are 263 men smployed in shipbuilding in Chelsea, Mass. CITY. OREGON TERRITORY, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1855. : : i FUNNY. RATHER STRONG. " Ziba, my son, why i"it that you are so often dropping your bread and butter,' and it always the buttered side down I I don't know. It hadn't oughter, Sad it, ma! The. strong side ought to bo pp," hadn't it t and this yere is the strongest butter I ever seed ' Ilush up 1 its some of your aunt's churn ing. . . " Did she churn it ! The great lazy thing 1 . What 1 your aunt lazy 1 -- No, mammy, this yere butter 1, To make that poor old woman, churn it when, it strong enough to churn itself! Be still, Ziba I it only needs - working, over. ' Well ma, if Ts you, when I did it, I'd put in lots o moiasses i r. l ou gooa-ror-notning i ire aw greai deal worse in the most aristocratic , Mew- York boarding houses. -- - Well, people o rank ought to eat u, Why people o' rank,!. - : - Cause its rank but'er. You varmint you I what makes you talk so smart! Cause the butter's token the skm off my tongue, mother?-- - Ziba, don't lie I 1 can't throw away tne butter.'Zlt dohH signify:."';, . ' . I tell vou what I d do with it motner. i a keep it to draw blisters with. - You ought to see the flies keel over and die, as soon as thev touch it 1 .IIere, Ziba, take' twenty-Jjyelcents and get a pound of fresh, butter. 1 ; ASKINODIRECTIONS.-l - ''Can vou direct me to the Hotel !' in nnirhrl a rrentlemanVith a aarpet ba. of a burh HibernianstanjJlngnjAe the railroad station. . .... :Taitb.r'was't.'tcply;Wmnihatlsm do thrft sarQfi. You see you jist go upthis strate till you come toThaddy 0'J4Hi5an'a ihnn -Then ' ' - 'But I don't know where Thaddy0'Mul- llgan's shop,. as you call it, is,' '-.', V- 'O faith, why didn't I think Of that! Wm, then, your Honor musi Kaepe on uu ye get to the apple Roman's stand on the corner of the brick church it is, and kape that on the right, and go on till y get to the siimrof .Ihe biz watch, and mid you don't fall down the celler thereaway, theh you kape'oa little f.her till you come to- ' . . f. All i a big tree, ana aiier inai you wra w uw right or left, but by thai bones of St. rat rick, I don't know which." L The traveler turned in despair to a long lank Jonathan, who was,standing whittling, close by, and made the same inquiry of him. May-be you are going to put up there V Yes, I intend to. - Did you come from far off!' Yes, from Philadelphia,' was the im patient reply. . 'But can you tell me where, 'Got any more baggage V saidr4mer turble Yankee. ; f Mo, this is. all,' said the traveler, con vinced that the only way.toget the direc tion was to submit to the questioning. 'Going to stay long !' v " ,'Could't say,' was the replv, in rather a crusty manner. 'But I'm in a hurry, and would like,to be directed k - Wait a minuter, I reckon you're a mar ried matt' ain't you !' 74No,.I am not, and now I won't answer anv thinrf moro till Vou have answered.' Well, Squire,' said the Yankee coolly, j "I'd like to oblege you, bnt the truth is, 1 have never been in the city before myself.' In less than a minute, a carpet bag with a man attached, was soen hurrying away from that vicinity. He didn't find asking directions of any particular, advantage. - Backbiter. What is the meaning of a backbiter ! said a reverend gentleman during an examination at a parochial school. This was a puzzle. It went down the class till it came to a simple little urchin, who saidv "Pr'aps it be a flea." Paterson. the comedian, lent a brother actor two shillings, and, when he made a demand for the sum the debtor, turning peevishly from him said : "Hang it, I'll pay you off to-day, in some shape or other." l'aterson cooa numoreaiy repnea, -i shall be much obliged to you, Tom, to,let it be as like two shillings as you can." i rCoNUNDRUM. Why is a six-foot wo man with a baby like a certain outside gar ment!. Because she is a tal-ma. A man, writing from the West, Says that he is altered so since he left that his oldest creditors would not know him. ' The City Fathers of Bridgeport, Conn, recently took possession of a new room for p.. . j it.. tneir meeuna.auu uuuu umuu . i theayTryntlyjoggeillha membrs uPn tobacco .uc110" lM olTaru reporU bin as saying i "Moreover, uer. was a supply of spittons, and it was hoped tnat the members" would endeavor to spit straighten consideration of the floor Jixtns An honest Dutch farmer of the Mo hawk was asked his opinionas towhich denomination of Christians were in the right way to hevrton. Vel, den," said he,. "ven ve- ride our wheat to Albany, some say dis Is de pest ; but it don't make much difference which rnrl va take, for ven ve sret dare, dey never ir na vav ve come and it is none of their pusinrss 'our uhtat is flood P : ! i - - L r . Bal -headed Husband. "Just take a magnifying gls$a, duckey, and just see if Athene's any yo-ngOt-irs' a sprouting. I've ' just hnished the seventh bottle of the res torative, and worn out three Hair brushes rubbing it in." . , WirE-KJod-riess gracious; Nicodemus;, there aint no more hair on your head than there is on our old copper tea-kettle." . Srop ERFi-"That s a bad fifty cent - - . . i l i piece, sir ; I can r, taKe it ; is s oniy leau, silvered over." - - Costomer." Well, now, admitting such to be the fact, I should say that the inge nuity displayed In the deception might in duce you to accept it Admire, sir, the de votion of thertist to the divine idea oi Liberty. Liberty the idol pf as alll He, having wfought her effigy in; tumble lead, in" order to render it worthier of that glorv ous impre9sian,'resoris to the harmless ex pedient of silvering it over I ' rd shall we harshly repudiate his work i O, no, air ! yta 11 take it, I know you Hill. "Sally Zander safe ?"- said Mrs-Par tington, as her eyes fell upon an advertise ment "Do tell me.-Is-aac, who this Sally Mander is, and hat she's beertdoing, that they've got got her safe P ?l-don't know what sheVbeen a doine," said Ike, "but I guess she's sisterio Jerry." "Jerr, who, Isaac F1 "Why, Jerry Mander," said ?ke." -.WhyVb-Thanksgiving Day, did every one svmpathiee with Russia.! Ans.Be- cause all were anxious for a piece of Tur-. key. - - --.-- -. , A clercrvman who had been accused of pfeachincr Jon sermons, excvlsed bimselton the ground that tho church was .a large oneLi -.- Dr. Franklin, talkintr of a friend of his who had been a Manchester dealersaid, "that he never sold a piece of tape narrower tan his own mind. ,r' . --The following curidus'sentence is said to have been taken from -aL'tolunte of ser mons jublished during the reign of James I," of England : - : -rzjz:; "This dial shows thatwe must die dill yet' notwithstanding, all houses are tnrhed into ale bouses, our cares into cates, our paradise into pair oldice matrimony into metiter of. mony and marriage into merry age, divines Into dry vine; it was not so in the days of JVoah ah, nor iTwo printers in the Plymouth ' Rock office" taking impressions On the forms of that p.iper,-tried it on the-hearts of two young damsels. After several setting vp they suceeded in such tair proofs oi me matter, that the minister of the place wasJ called in worked off the whole .four forms in two folio editions, leaving them locked up for life. Now let them "circulate the documents"-.: ' "' ' ; -' ' . . , An editor in announcing that he had seen a Bloomer, says, 'She looked remark ably well as far as, he Could see. Thb im pudence of the editorial " fraternity is past comprehension l - - H is chiefly young ladies of narrow un derstanding 'who wear shoes too small for them. . - jj r An Irishman's description of making a cannon: "Take a long hole and pour brass around it." , ' - S, How extraordinary it is that the Czar should be in want of money after all the checks he has received. The pressure of the times is calculated to be powerful enough lo send a Vessel acrw teAUftnticinjMajJ - 'iJh&t Father Mathew has gone to Ma deridf foT his health, need awaken no anxiety about his temperance principles. One of the tricks of trade in the present age, is soling shees with ceder shingles, ve neering the wood, with a piece ( of poor sheep-skin. j J - ' - FOMBTIKS. :; Tha 19th aenturi aems pekularll markt with impruvmanta Jpnnrli, and thtfU 'no- noing hwot impruvmen- and diakiiveris ma yet mark thia aen turi. Thar sr yet larj feldt open for them. . Hwil grat and important improvmenta and diakuvaris ar being made in mekanilu, ic; ther ti wuri ohnoat bat uot entirli overkwkt that deiervt theatanchnn ov the reformer kwit as much as the mekanikl: Ther has bin and is nou being made aa atempt tu irnprnv ourorthografi.or the apeling ov our wurdx. It ii aparent ta ani thinking noraon that our old manor ov apeling is fur behind tha Tim, and that s rratlmprBvment mit (might) be made, and much tim.aa.vd. iB-'luniing to epal" a ' k kU--Wber iltherapurecmhu kan ','lura to apel" mthatW wa ahort ov 3 or A yen or even tent Fo. (few.) And yet if we had a aientifik alfabet, 1 venture tu m thaf "lurning to epal' wad be no mor v a taak - Uha, Orning numeraaaua m Mie awnnnn mo w moet perfekt awtam OV Araoia ngura w hi komon yua. j , , ' ' WilametRhrer, b. 15th 1853. Fowd. ' ' i ' ".L J QUARRELLING. . If anything In the vJorld will make .a man feel badly, except pinching hie flngeia m the eraek of a door, it ia. a quarrel. No man fails to think leaa of himaelf after, than ha did before; it degradea him in the eyes of olhera, and what ' worae, Ionda to blant ma aensibiliuea and Inereaaea hia irritability. Tha truth ia, that tha mora peaoeaably and .quietly wa get on, the better for our neighbors. In nine eaaesont of ten the better cowrae leita man oheata you, to quit dealing wit him; if ha iaaboaive, hia company; V ha alanderayom, take care to Uva . W,m .WnJvra. ' Let auch neraona alone; for there ia nothing better than thia way of dealing with those who injure us. nuwn. HOW TO WIN FAME. , Nothing is impossible. Strike out a new path--court honor, fame, glory, wealth. All shall be yours.lf you will- But with the will there must be energy, courage, fore sight, prudence. - The heart must be steeled eiiher to bear the shafts ot en-vyr to near unmoved the sigh of the widow and father lesai In many cases the sweet jdys of home must "be forirone. and the wife eonsidered an appendage, worth the' money she saves ; the cblMren as" only so many incentives to ay up the gold tnai perisnes in e vs'"g Ask you for fame ! Nothing is easier obtained. ".Turn your hat inside out, wear a shoe on one foot and a boot on the oi her ; make yourself known by your oddities get "posted up" about town ; yon are a mark ed man-r-the propriety of the public ; you are famous, do what you will. ,s . - -Ask. you for wealth I - Begin your search early.' "Sleep on your pallet of straw toil .... J ,i f ll I 1 h mi alter xwr. miuniEuv uour -rio yu a crust eat no dinner never allow your self the, luxury of "a warm supper. Tie yourself toa penny, and be the bond slave of a dollar. Deny yourself the pleasure of a book- consider a newspaper a nuisance forget that you have, a soul ; turn adeaf ear todis tri--rne foV.benevoIence when you get fich ; then you may sit down with the pious reflection tat your .deed? good roeq, have you ever demanded more (ban your anpi" .. , -. What if vour brother perisnes m oesiuu tion and misery artt nou tny proincrs r! What if tharpoor debtor died in a prison-house was not his debt a lawful An A I Was vour demand more than the atrictest iustice mieht warrant ! - - 1 hen vou can takeyour eiiueu oioie, , ' MJ.J TVL1- - . i 1 1 fiim overit emDellisnea paeesrana lei iw clearf beautiful prin V-Tejoicethe sight of Ihinereyes,-J3ut, wuni h, unuiiumngi, they should rest upou.'.ihe..following pas- - "Tou has sent widows away.empty;nd tho arms of theitaerlesa.have been broken. Therefore, snares are round about thee, and sudden fear troiibleth thee' ' - Never think toget away from the justice' Pf tha sentence ; Hedira thyself wit- golden thorps as thou wilt, snares are round about" thee', and sudden fear troiibleth thee. --?!"-" Tro RELIGION BEAUTIFUL. Although 1 In the 'child,' the," maiden, the wife, the mother; religion shines with a Rnlr. heniomant beautV of ita OWD, which nothing of .earth can map. Never yet was the female character perfect without the steady .faith of piety. Beauty, intellect, wealth 1 thev are IiJce pit-falls, dark in tfae hrio-hteat dav. unless the divine liht, a less religion throw her soft beams around them, to purify and exalt, making twice glorious that which seemed ail loveliness before. . . 7$V ' ; r , , . Religion is very beautiful in health or sickness, in wealth cjr poverty. W e never enter the sick chamber of the good, but soft music seems to float on the air, and the bur den of their song is: "Lo 1 peace is here." . Could we look into thousands of families to-day when discontent fights sullenly with life, we should hna tne cniei cause oi un. happiness, want of lieugion in womvn. And in felcn's cells in palaces of crime misery, destitution, ignorance we should behold in all its most terrible deformity, the the fruit of irreligion in woman.'" .r Ob, religion I benignant majesty, high on thv throne thou' sittest, clorious and ex alted.' Not above the clouds, for earth come never between thee and trulyjiiour souls not beneath the clouds, for above these is heaven, opening through a broad vista of exceeding beauty. Its gates are the -splendor of jasper and precious stones, white with a dewy light that neither flashes nor bUzea, but steadily proceedeth from the throne of God. Its towers bathed in refulgent glory ten times the brightness of ten thousand suns, yet soft, undazzling to the eye. 1 ; r And there religion points. Art thou weary ! it wispers, "rest up there there for ever Art thou sorrowing, joy." Aft thou weighed down with unmerited igno miny ; "kings and priests in that holy home." Art thou poor ! "the very street before thy mansion shall be gold." Art thou friend less! "the angels shall be thy companions, and God thy Friend and Fathet," Is religion beautiful ! We hnswerk all is desolation and deformity where religion is not. , f " ' " MORAL OF THE BABY SHOW. We, at our cattle shows, give, prizes to the men who produces the best food for the people's eating. The Americans give prize for the mouths best adaptedlo eat the food wtich is so bountifully prepared for them on this vast continents The two- nations typify' their-differences in this manner. Uur great aesire is u onu auijiio ww our population. The Americana are only desirous of a large population to consume their food. London Times. ' ' ' TPeople of nervous temperament, Or what is usually called fine sensibility, in their joys and sorrows are ever in extremes. . In adversity, ineir ueprceenut r they have tot fortitude to sustain it with constancy and composure in prosperity, their elation .rises too high, because they have not moderation to temper it. with re fleotion and forethought. . , ' myitis not so painful for an honest ma want money as it is to owe it;;. . A few davs since a New York editor, and a General withal by inference an oracle on all military affairs did all he could to scare the friends of Russia by contrasting, as he made it out, the dismal, desperate con dition of the Russians with the brilliant one of (he-allies, recursive ott:rtaio. quest of bastopol in January nexs. . n air this there iaone slight miitaker- loot is on the wrona lea. and truth, is on the other- side, which I ventura to set aright by the prediction that Sebastopol, H not retatnea in statu quo, vill be no taptive in the Ia-r unry ensuing, but the captor by the 18th of December at the latest. ; m ! "'; ' - 5T"Rve members of the Canadian par liament are natives of the United States. V- 0rA CTeat falline off in building opera tions, is noticed in New York.'," i . ,.;, fcrSalt is extensively found In the south ern districts of the Bute of California Mark Antonv. when depressed, and at fa low ebb ot fortune, cried but, that he had lost all ' except what,.he had given away. - , '-r ' 1 1 ' .? i i ' Aeonvictln tbo Ohio State prison, a vim muacular (nan. chopped off three of hia fingers to -void work-r , J'H' ; : .'-.i Bayard Taylor, the great traveler, says tKt ha nn-fo Mexico for the -beauty of - its scenery, Germany for its society, CaUfoj nia fot iu climate, and the U. S. for its gov . ernment.' , ;-i . : -'" . , - - -' . -r r (ttrGen. .Tom Thumb has taken up hie. residence with' Mr Barnuin,' at Iranistan, Connecticut . - '- ---,1 - ' 'T-. 0Cf"It. is fetredjfhat the U. S. sloop of war Decatur has been iost, pear JUo Janeiro. "OOBy-thtt. recent losJ of the ship New Era, some 260 persona perished. - -l-'J. "p 0".A lazy.fellow up northspells 'Kv ' nessee 10 ic; t " T . . .- ' i : ). . r.-- --Ifi t j(grSherry cobblers are. now called "li quified corMners. 1 v The young lady In Paris, who lately j---made her fortieth ascent in . a balloon, has certainly a taste for circulating in the upper . . - ..... . ... . - ... r , .circles. . ... s;SfeK K-r h;jwu-. ftrThe Qubec and Richmond Railroad , -r was opened for traffic on the 30th -It ' j;: rrjRNITTJRE 1 1 JFURXnTURE 1 tl To Suit the Peopi"aid7 Tlmei. r'- ' '' " ' a' '-:'" MAY b found ia great variety at J. B. Gar riaoa'a, at the old ataad formerly known as "Th Tvs" ViimriM IIoTai," where ha keep on haad, aDd ia constantly roan ulac luring and import ing the fallowing deairabla articles : ' ' -f Centra, Card, Etenaion, Dlnisg aad BraaUM -f -Tables.. ... ; , ; . . 'Ladiea: Work, Teik-l, and Kitehan TaWee. ' Wash and Light Stan-a Sofaa, Trio and Parteri ( Tables. A larfe and general assortment at Look ing GlaMea, Miftra., CatUge Helta, aavaral va rieuea, Cans ancl Mahogany Racking Chain a Is ' every variety ef fancy and cejnniea chairs, Stoola, Cola, Linen Dryers, what-nots, fcc. Lounges, for the declining. - - V- r- OsmlorU, for tha comfortless. . r Cradlee, Settees aud Cribs for tha Yeaaff Amer ica. .. , . - ' - Busiiieas and Office Detka. Settcsa, Ottomans, Foot and Music Staola. .. .- ' Buiaus and Dressing Cases In great variety. Jivery variety af Baosleads, with new improvat menu, one of which would throw a whale comma aitv ef bed-bags into eoovulsioti. at first eight ' ' The undersigned will always be found at hiaaa- tablabnient, and every dVecriptioa af ware in hia Hoe will; ha maaufactured promptly to order. Housekeepers and ethers would d wej caU aad. examiue before purchasing elsewhere. All work of his own make will be warranted, and mM at as- -tremely bioh rates, to correspond with tha ogaw timen; excepting a fine assortment af Sofaa, jurt received, which will be said for cost and raawirr All kinds of Produce token in Exchange ! . The undertaking business will be PrompUy aU Unded to, as I have a fine hearse and keep aa as sortment af Caftu- coaataally aa hand. " - I would respectfully tender my services ta th citixensof Washington and Claekamaa, and will respond ta all calls iu either county for th nomlnr sum of tea dollara for hearse and my owa aera-MM J. B. GARRISON, Cor. Second and Alder 8 Sign of tha High : K. B Bedsteads UP, but pricee PerUand. Sept 31, I854-31y. DOWN! CRA;' 110GERS & CO.. CALIFORNIA AND OREGON"- Cetig at Skastm itk ADAMS e Ca well known and unritmlUi Pacific JLtUktif ami . Emrapaan Jlxprsaa. .. ' -.' "J-J gfi R A. CO. would moat respectfully inform y tha publio, that they hava made arrange, mesu la farwerd a Weekly -spreas, ta sad Irma tha following places, in charge of aur regular jnea- sea gars v ; ' : -I- ranrciMi arriosi.. . . n; -re;, Yreka, Jacksonville, Allho Waayanfilla, r-taburgh, Pitt Jliver, Trinity River, Soatt'a Bar, -Klamath ..JRrm,.. Raua River, Dead wood Creek, Green bom Creek, CoTtenwmd Creak, Baatvilla, Bailer Diggiafe, Cananville, Salem, Soott River, Scott V alley, Sahne- River, Indian Creek, Humbug Creek, Hungry Creek, Cherry Creek, Hannah, Cres cent City. Wincheater, FaruW. and Oregon Ci-, ' Ws sell ar Jtb7f or pnaeipal oAci-, ' SIGHT DRAFTS - S on Aos a Cs ia tha AUaaUa SUlea am Ea - CHECKS AT PAR OU Adama it, Ca'a Offices, thraughaot tha Slates. DEPOSITS Reetivtd, special ar etaen a. TUhighaatprtea paid fee GOLD DUST. . r; Tiaasurea, "Saluabla Packagse, LetUrs, te, forwarded by aur regular ir-m-itgera with tha ut most despatch. . - , ' . ..v ' 4 1:1 i V