m. feji ONKM.'OiV PI?PTATnR aHfiiil.!- ut nn illegiti-mato growth .if their I Till: SOUTHERN KNOW-NOTIIINCS. u-mmer retreat roit Tin: presi JTiwi 1 Itwwilxw SHERIFFS SALE. dent. " " -" W -''" WILL ,iH'.rfor..l.. l PI,IU t.,.U- .. .. i-nbli,l,iiiJ , littlo II..1VPI, l-twcct, .18Pn.ropoii.lonceoflLo Jnti'iiul of Commerce. "" u-i """i . ,l"e""'"rr: ''""' j ( Wm, ' f'... ,.,, " Cmimiil, ! ! ! Jl ..Injirrt bidder, f.nwh.on Tu.sditwjjf ablishiig .. httlo llo.i,eli l-tec i tlie ' llu't MVern, of tll Southern members of ll,,,t tl,u W '"" Ho". ul Washington has1 WU.VI'rr,r,t.d at ihe-.U Moid .Uy uf Kfbrry, A. U.I8M..U o'elool!, R? uia- 'ufic ..ml Atlantic, to bo filled with "spotted jie0(,ncrai Contention of tho Kiiotv-Noth- '"cu recently iinproie.l in its exterior np- 9W .liiui) ll Xu ! rl.ina rugae. . n the premises, .11 the right, IIUu and intcraatt . own miiii, wiiii ine niowiit inicimou ui cv "- ,,..,.................- ...... ...e 11,0 A'liliwml Inlfllititnrer. motitii i.oiiiikI' M. I limn. JIIKtillM in.ullCI.ON H'.UItll write Iih nanio in a.l'lri , niU'.ii tlic llltli irntun :u bcm(j an a'oof adancO' organism of tbo South tl.o UnptM.. " Ul i, an-l it is t, n '7f ""."''r I Sl'Jllllll'SS KaKS h. i UmIC. Mrtli.nli4Ui.iHl PiOTbyteni.M-i.ro de'b.red , tl'tn Inuh olbcer. ith n M;n little of tl. CTCrtIHIt.' UflkS '...i.'i'ffi "wf 2f tl 7 tTA ..... - s- vj m . . ll I I J-J 1 J il. J ... nunio of llio pnpi-r jy) ni( nt f Do wo tint boast of our I'liiou as -" l..-tiiL'H cvilifd and rnliul.lct.rd nation I 'friendly to llio order. In tbe Florida Lr-K- iprmwy t iat a patvatentleiiian cm com. ; ) ,AO. '. HHUVhi,. ,.,! ib.nc-. to 30 w. a. M chain. ..7. .. -V. . . ... .VT l.oi..l liiTOttiil Aret hese Bain's who i I.,.., na..i.1 il.r...mli Wns h iitrttm on pcainncr, im.i MMs occasion iu iicny mat .'"""""""""?..."'- .." r. ne.. , "....-. -i- "Im real-. oamraay IVlOrning, 1'OD. IU, 1BS&. ... ".' " '"",, " r., " ,., ., loratinn is iinhriililir Althouirl, tln :,",uu lberi.i.reaieliiiiiiie iinee.ui. -.V. kegs iaie,iowiu certain land cl.ilm elluatod emi, 1 L. vo nn Imlicr (Imii the inmates of u New , their return. Ilioj roprcscnt tho "work' " """ ,H ' hcaiiny. All hough tin .(l bi ,rj , t,. hlh I will rll Ian WilUmctu-rlwr, eanUiulnu sis hBodml . bJcI? (KrCnrresi,on,leiiU in wii.lin.. letter, in Wrk citv brothel ire they to bo thus of the Contention as harmoniously done. resi, em tnniseii no, ncen tisitro tilth sick- ,,,. JN0, ,.. msoOKH. m re.. k..wn end designated in lb. ., J KrL..rrj,n.l-i.uii, au.-liiij. I. tlrnt.. , 1 urk uljrl.ni hi an. the, to be uiu A ai(1I v. u ,n,t .w. , ,,. .luniiy tb, past .utninor no ollu-r tWi...h.F.lfcO.VA , -l... . of the U. 8. .. . M.rt of Ballon 6 7T tlicfitilor i.f tlin nat.pr. aro ro.iuc.to. In puliluly toloral.' I ' Do wo not boast of... ... ,, 0 , ,, i .... .r D . bniKi- ho I. kit miI'tim Inn.i - - t I n. I r. nnJ Dirt of Melon I mil 19 i 1 i i - riiin iiiannir'. .)iiiii in iiiii ii-h uin i h. 62 SOw. 3.4a r t f' ffi iV J1 21 ffi 11' 3d A! HI I HI 81 s .if I Mi ' j. l-c; Influcm":, (Ii-oNU'Rh ov i,, iiM.iK.vi. i , ... . . tbe balance of power, nud to control tbo .","" "',I. ! MlK ,""t,13 ,".n )1, lr- l,ul , i ll Jl itt MKF.Ltottcni,.N,lTili. jitUMM ..i ltbubivryol.Mor.m.ni.m.l.o.etory. ti.oil.oof rtl1, A,ftU., Senator. tl'.. ' r.r tbinU tbo Migccst.on 1.uwtlVtW5 ...i . ... . I !)?....- I .. i.:..i. i. . . i .. i.i...i-....:i .. A Ftihi: ruir-i.E oi i.nr Toiiero.'.sTAri. ,n scrl,H ''' tiitiocrciiuiii,u..(;?eo siiipiuiiy, awakb. Irno.NKor tiik most Dave- unbeiilitj and licenlcusnrn I Ab ! let us A liki'l miCAN I iOlLKN- , ,..,, .iM Mi. IIi.i,.lriip..iinniltri. I.rr i ..... .-. - ....-..-- -. rt't l)K5 oi MKMT. Wttthtllgltm. ;kettlo of hot I'ili'h oicr Tbo fnlloninR itatuinrnt of tbe popu bition of Nebraska, we tiaJ in an eicbanpo the ililinl.ilants c.f Tl. ' .... i.nj ;.. .n mninlnl...l in II " .HTUT ll' J"-" --.....- .-... ... I luriit frpithj Sim ( f.uh brumh by J. Yd. '. fill (WAS. (Krlloti. 0. Lancaster sent cotuva of tb.- """lion, tb.ui e al.uuld be wilfullj pmlly , this district, extending trom tho Wcoptn . It iniglit uml.lo Inui to "ati.nl m.iinitr bttcr ,tepubl,sl,c.llat ,.. to tbe limr..' -f liuiitinK tbo pollulmg Main of poltg:,. Water, rijrht mU north of tbis, to tbejandotli.T tori,ntors" I ...,,,ebdl, t .tb.r and other Pw for public ..,o,i Out ,t I. ' . r Mun..ni.i.i. villain our border., or Little Nebenia. a .b.tance of aUmt li.Wn ,oil I . tt, II uitroduoe a bdl to pr.ui.lo o.ncr ..ipra .or i.uuii(.iuoii. t'uiwiiii . i iiiiIm south. The result uliotvs ttlnte malm I Ilia Cliiel hx.cutit.i ttitl. uteinpoMrt rifuije nrrimu ttaiorinan, inn imii u ,m can '"" .""""" """"""""""""" .oftweutv one nivl upwards. 1011 J of auteen ,lroiii Ui other to nti.r I diiprotc the charges, do it, bkii a gentle- -Vormoniaw, admisHion into tbo I rnon as a anj upwnnUt Jllj under sixteen, 1!I2. Fc man. i State ! And perhaps the present is as pood nudes of sixteen and upwards. 0'1 ; under , -.,..,., .I .1..-.1I ..t..r Imto inil.rnwpol.1 iitem, I'M), tilatca nine, i no census n "-"""" - - - - -- UlllKIl ll 14 liPll 1 1 Mill. 1.1 i Irtfti r. II flit f llmf (.... ::..." ' """. ."" .." " toe i resiiieuiouiit to nate a pleasant rsinti iner retrr:.t. .lfscrtrs utiiNitl.THtinii. for r...n. sons aside from tbe allcired iinhcaltliinos m tfkiiikfa i iltiinKin i President' nsioii. ""jja, HIIH-I II-U5 .1x0. i'. it hook's. of the location of tbo It is reported that wijjwatns of Im''an, Kanakas, and Nijjgers am soon to be organ ized in Oregon, ami that the Mill licniua is angajml in translating tbe ritual into jar gon. Statfiman. Ob, Hush, that's ail gammon. Sonic body's been humbugging tou. 'Ihey'.I ! loo 'fraid of initiating ma.iv or orn per ional I RiENbs by the operation. An. I nearly completed in the wholo Territory, An 'important r 11lro.nl lias just b.en opened i J Ohio, that lending from Wheeling to Colubus. Tins completes the col.n.-clioii water uponthi, ri.,ng graceless community. "SilT be rclirnej io S i- an.f Haiti,,,,,... :1 the If the present ruUrsofourgrcat (iovrrn- (',,,.. (',! i,v tl.n ''fllli int. He.roJlof l'"-' world. The dialunvu between incut had a little tlr.uness and would use it, ' will, thereupon, immediately issue his pro- 'I"-' two places is (IMII miles lliere migitt no nucn niiuro imui.io satea. cinniaiioi. lor mo eicotiou 01 iiicnnn-ni i.m., I'.luc-ition iu the ,nlwi I, ... .... 1 -i . 1 11 , . , r.nucauon 1,1 me -uii.iwuu iriati.ta. Let H.itlha..-. ioung's non-ense. .bout "".tonal Legulature, and a delegate to A col lllt, ,N.UI l,ll,jll,.1 , ,, a,in,,. Abraham and the ancients generally, 1 at t.ul,rcVl. ' " T"'rlli" r li i , ! W '''"'K "" Huiiolulu. bv the Amen- . . ' p ace on I uenuv, tho iilu of Uecember. n ten ' r 1- c. crammed down . .dot e throat. Let1 l! 'call Board of Uiniuis.ioii. rs for borei'ii I that U-aut.fu! restmg place for those who TO THE FRIEXDS OF HOUSTON. .Missions the pm-iiiiiit bijii the U.i.l. n ' . iif ii .t 1 li . .. tit. 1 11. 1. 1 n Rn llttfl mill ftllll ()MUIittn -ilrofiili- 1 000 bu. onis. ., JXO I'. )' 'HOOKS. 500 bu potatoes ni jxo. r. nitnoKs. White beans, .IXO. I'. It HOOKS. N.74 ISw. 0.19 N m. Bl IS w. 4. 95 8. 7900 w 4.08 K. ea-t.iw. 3. B7 " M. 7500 w. 4. IS N.7400W. 4.15 N.67 40W. 6.95 " m. naoow. e. so - H. 1930 W.60. 10 8 7030 E. 16 80 S. 19 30 w. 93. 0 " to ti t ..kin.. ie nv r wirncc n. wcwtny aloaw the I margin r raid rirer In tht plac f bt(inalnc. The libera .1. crib.l property will ba aaU U aat i.fj a certain mention uowlaniyhandalatiTMaf I Jo,l. Wilder ngainai VVm. Capita far tha aatn I ..f 9ri.M, 40, Uc1.1l ont or Iha IXattfel Caait fcr Claekainaa county, and ta ma oln-clast I WM.HOLMEa, I SlutirT CLickamaa Caanty. ,r SKPIIl'EI.AT.Iltnrrr. Jan. C, l8.V-t5iS. Pork, by tbe bbl. I ft f Wli ' A I Oregon City Academy. Tl I li rul-cnWr l.a nearly ei.iri.Ut) bia if. miicr. iri,t b which ha will bit aaablad ta rtealai iiii.i vt family four pupiU, of aitbar aai. TUt w ill be eared lor aa hia own cbildran, aid win aa. ce tn audi attention, in and ! af athaat, a aril . . ., ... , mat iwauuiui resting place tor tnosewiio. " - '- ii,. ',;." io.i,.,7n,.i . , bei K" para il.em fr ilia actire alatia af IKa- they'vo learned bt expertneo ,bat your press ,o-rds tbe IV.tlc. either b quickly I ,V "' "l' Wetnl. of (general Sam - - .Tluud.r U.1. ,.(. friend, tnako t.ry c ,e .Lily .W.U.I. 0, IIeiVC(l TlIHbei bJM. i&SSft .1X0. r. liinoKS. around bis standard. Send on communic.i- (KrCapt. Williams of the licit steamer rn- How rry averse to common sense notu of cvetila that transpire in your local- John llo, an experienced apiarist of Warren. Mass., has a Into of lees from .IXO. I'. I1HOOKS. ..'. . . .1 a I . L. a I .1.1 l -lll aMWnaa llill tl IIKU 111 HT5 IIUIII "Mary," aliot e the Ou.cadcs, informs us thu it is to argue that what one btato imprisons Hies, and use cvory exertion to circulate L,..,-, Ue l,w, tnkt-11 durni" the past tear ahemadoherld mile, an hoi-r-stiam be. for. mat I orri.r in another of the same , '"!,"'''': .w' 't" the medium through Uo llUlllr,.a ,, fortv mi(, ,;;,, a . a a m . Uvlitrll fill ItlftlPttltlt inn in 9timrtl In I hn funi'M . .... " .' . Ing raised from .IOpoun'1. to flO and lower- l mon. AM Aiormon are even creeping lIuniiBmteaf Thefriend, of!.b.0",'' , bV l "" .T " VWfA' ed to 30 again within tho hour. She tti II , in'0 r enlightened localities. M.ch live (it eft to Cedar shingles, III .1X0. I'. WHOUKS. 20,000 brick. For Sal, ,. .1X0. P. I1HOOKS. h'jin ti . . i.i .T uoi .., nor u .nnisuii, ati.i ot lilt - iiousiuii unto aureeu 10 iik u.iuu new ..... ...... . . 1 ii . i, ,.ii,. ..p,..l , m ,ni.i.,B.. v. .. ........ .. - .'..... .which tiiey cio t..r Letter mail ttlieti ...r oiii-uis.n.tce a,, coini.einors on 1110 ui "" "'"" "h" , iu,k . up man thinners, nut leiiers . .. . - . . , . , , t, . - ,, . .,,',, , . .... ... collect tneir oitn loon, 1l per Columbia. lature. ( h : otate of our youthful pride : aildfessi-,1 to us mil rcccite prompt atten-1 . J. . W . . .... .,,.,.,,1 .,. ... .i.i. I Y..11 nl.n l.mo ton. Now is tho lima for the friend-, of THE ESUCIilMW From Oregon the rciKiits of tbe host, I, It . .... . ' , .1 1, ,..,r . f :.,, Houston to go to work. Ainrricm OtcnA As far iw the pi'r-ou.ilapp.aranee of the v -m ... . .. " .... ' , . len o lioiiore.l neretolore, tor tour upright 5 It. . ' . , ' ' , , I a1a lv.. v. .... of tho Indians still continue, and ,t was be-. ,,. , . , , 1 '. , r. 1 7". .. r.s.iiimuux go, wo had u spr.imen l'fore 1 IIP llll. IIOIaar'ltlll liotcd that they had d,iterniincdui.on aeon,- law sand l,i2b-i.iinded act, 1 Alas. Europe Mormoi. P.lection.-Mrang, the Mor-' oUr .e, in ,10 croU of I ".t. one of the 7 . . . II ,-w, a . . 1 1 ... 11 ..... f ! i:..i ..r it ... 1.1 1 i ... . . . "z. ... tinca ljonuin aviiiuiifitrattioii nir-unl tliri m worraun .iiso and u uiev w.to an in mn "i-iirmisMmo ui iwnur iiinim, na- , natjifc. lo rftururil Hitii Uaiit.iiii Uu ... .... . a .. a .1... ....... ..r. i.i.o. a. 1 .1. . 1 .. . . . ,,. the common branches. still be atttUS. ' t'avmcut can be lllijn In mamr. wbaaL ..rcaitle. JOHN D. POiT. I OtegniiCilt.Jan.aO, I85i-tf Uf.CISTER ASO RECEIVERS NO TICK TO SETTLERS. 1 1 T'p I south range 3 east la (Jrarea Territery .', I III ted to the Michigan Legislature. All the diugtou. and is nutt f. ustinu In, et e, 011 the near Portland, in which fivo per-ons were ,ul their he.id-nvters is near the (Veat ,,m")"-w , """t'' "' "'', '" ubportcil wuitd-rs of tbe great N.iith.-rii Worl I ,.;, . . .n, ,. ioueau.u.1 unuwiu wem, iu 1 ,,. 11 ,t,iut. ru.'L'ft. n. .nut I.- ..it. ..... " . . - . r-r- - . . . . hites. A setere light had taken place 1 bor dominions ,t would be better for Us killed and scteral wounded. Incendiaries .t.if.ftn.11.. ijoiniiig Cotisress from that StHte. their im- CIUARS. apparelttlt ..bout lb,,t ye.tis old. Ill ,.' i".'ir bo issuperior lo uiatir Ainerican, and '1 he above delicate little pa.k of I Its, wr P"rr principles, by precept and practice. ,. u ... illlliinuUb.a f '. ,,,., ,,: .... I'IUhI to the majo-ity. He islite f.vt .iglil ipfrotn a late date of that'tort r,lble() "' - '-" f I- VXl ,'f '"' ."! !??' T" Y o-eater, Anti-Ainericat, specimen of f,, I-"T -eleratmg pniicp e. Iru.ham , , d or the sinle Uc,H J U.I. I -I . ... I'.-l. . 1 .. 1 , 1 . ,, . . n 3ai, i.;.he 111 1 ..in, u icrrnort were ousnt ann successiuiiy ai worn awori- ,, ,. i,n, " Oregon, lbcro they cnllitate purr principles, by precept and praelic rli hrc rign iinpudri.ee, known us the "f linen." ,UU"K " """ "' ""'". " "" e gar., ,, lor . toe. conmicm scuoo.s 11. 1 jmlillt T)l0 (Mt ., nott lloU(lcr M published in New York, by that Iri-h nui koledged husband of a largo Hock of the L mon. strongly marki.1 as that of the Indian', as j kaner. John Mitrhrll. Of ...ur. n. iI.a women . A iiuerune.vci a tuar per, a man- RASSWOOU I'AHLR. there is a heaty greasy. I.,?,cuntetle,l ex alwva apptan in no oilier sheet, he ori"in..- mat. and knaie, who knowsbe hasonly this ' Tiie ,icl0 UUJ come. t U beforo us ; ted it in his own morbid brain for poSeofhat tog "a finger in" the groat ",.1" of 'I KB o,s;.,re o, u,as,c, .- 7 , " , V "";. "r" -" fuvonle dish. 'Ibey bat. writ-en 1.,,,- newt rfi from JOihii ' JXO. P. HltOOh'S. Ctinnmifi, Ih, 111, l-.Vi. GEO. W. HYDE, ESQ., V.s t ailUiMllle.l Agin, .n.l will 4l, i ,0 tu Jl i.u-.nr.n ilt.r.i. i.tt ......k tio. 1 llri;iii im. :i '.. ' .in., 11 ri;i:io . . presii.m ulxiut i. The KMiuim.iux an. ..'I . un.M I. I... li, r.,l .n,.r..t.,l.. ),im...l.- ll,r. ..nut,.!... f it. linn nl...,l .mn.l gOOO ll..lUleCI CrealUKS, IIKO U'.'l, lit- ''"r" .. 1 ' I i.i- ,.i,n.rli Air inwaiiatirii.ili nnml .nni.nl. Itvo cliirflv oil fish seal, eaten raw, is thel ... .. . iin..n ptt.mr Ins sli.ire nf ttli.it Iu, lnucm... enough lor a newsi.ar.er t.iuiic coou ennugn .. .' . ' '" "' ,i ,7. i- , ,r.,- i ...if... for the Wiuhingtoii Lnion, ultogrther too,"'VurUe ,l"-. .'") hat 1,0 wril'm 1. the onlt ol.ject of man ambition, an.l fame. ... ,, . " . , . ' , . .. ,. L'U..L'e 110 miss buaries no L'nt. rninri.l J . , , , , good lor that scoundrel journal tho . 1.1" ;. " nmsioiuncs no j,.,t. ri.i.iri., Iter than most of the, "o clii-l, tl is all perlect equality ; a riiough Ins lame is of that quality that no Herald.) the other bette ml. fcrThonew .tern-wheel steamer ''Jen- man need cmv htm. He is a man who ex- '.,., The Ietiiocracv has had to put un .enringthr titnr, (nine months.) tli.it Cap- nyCl.rk."C.,pt..I.C..wortl,.j,.,tcom- , (Juu otl.crn until he dies, after . ih-and the third n strong, .moot!, etcn '" ""."In.gton spct among th. m. he .r -... ......,.. 1., t uurr pletedat Milwaukie, i, expec, ,ero to- ,1,, t,nt he care, no-for them. 'sheet, fit for promsaory notes-nay fr lot e -" Lriul ,, , ' ,:t. , V ,: day. We uudcmtan.l sho will com,,,, nee v u ..1 , e ,, ,--. t notes, t. east dangerout of tbe two. It Mon- "H ''i I." 'I'1' ll") " ""' -'-P" DlVnlff .Not rinr. v e undcrstan.l sho w.ll con, ,, nco Now, hate not tho people of the I nited is ,;,,,. of ba..SHOO(. The genitt, who got K tnwtW 111 large numb, r., uul.ss ,t ,. .rrl ,,.,.,.,.. r,v regular trip on .Monday. Success to the s,iltes. wo ask, i,ru.lcncoenoiii!h tonct w,e- ., ,1,. ii.l.i. Tl,.in ll,t.. ..,7...l for some speci.d purpose, vjcb as seal catch l.liTatnh li l.lm.l . ' . u Ht liiuioill itantiik. aitat,M lit a atMsi.V'i ". r a 1. ., .. 1 .. 1, t t H tt j M ., .. , .. ,. " !l " " S west " a " 3 " " The ittiHie Ttm.i.hipa havinf been suiveytd a ii.l tl.r .Ij all.. is..rpruvislonlht.35ll. Ueeen,. I.rr, IxM, c. kttlkss wuo i.tta cutmeva rtHisu. c.aim. iiiiHitHb. .t,re tha data irfsvcli iipn.VAl, n e rqu.strl I., Mpar at the office U hr Itf-aj.trrA- l(e. r.rti .( Ihr L.nd II -tfUram it .'1. 11 Airly iny 1, 0,11 mill altar Iha '.'Oil. Jan. IP.'.., nr ,r. timt. .t that Im. a .: cvutrroii ttl, what a. el hr.e it e iha I Im rpairJ to leci Ira ibe ne llivii,-'.. .il,i'i. ,, licit. o. nf th. ir e.aii.n iec,ltely, and tnlti 1 ' ,ini. .i..i, ih. l.j.i.iiiirntnn.la.til.mnl, aewirdiag to t . Umi.ci ( Mill im (,rr,.-i, ami rounij .,f n. mnili.u of Uiiiklaly linea thai may be 1 l-icksnin., .M..r. I. T. 1,11, lb...".. )u 1 1 ,,,., aMloii( llirm. M,:li llnljue 1 Anlevrr) prrw.ii ttho haawltled orahall aetlla i r.i.lwi. for l)....cr. wh 1, trh l..nhh.p. after the date of appnnal lliiaii. Il.lij.ir 5 4lutf.n,.l.,i.(i,,e.ll.ylaw larllr al line elhV ha I he .I.I....I....I. Ilirvn It.lli.i. will t..l, ii..t..f noiitl. aiiun f la r'a.in, .n-if)lu( Iha prrcua Out Mih IMIi.ir.ilipp.in.iiil. In. 1IV1I hn ,,. ir.,cir trai- rl.ii.i-d l.t hmi.ir.faiallrrrmeaiaa tM.ii 11 the liutiri .i.i.r, ..f I U.k.ii,... r.ii.mi, f, ,, j.,i, . u rment. and hi i hereby oi.) iis'.i ihti.r. fr. in llir I Is .,f iiiiiniiifliit ,. ,1,, ir . in iu ui any coiiveint at lime will.- If.rlulUt. 1 St.l h I.Plllf. II ,ts. t HI..I lie- .Ill h . k I, Irtl.l. Il.ii.iii, ...it Hi i. iinp ...l .r . 11 1 mi .' ,1, ,i.,. jr. i,i, i,n.. r ..nr l.anJ., al l,iou C.l) , lh 1st uiiR-Ari Htil drfi 11.I haul M-i.,itiii iiil.ii. w.,1 l.r lut . .laiiiury, lr5 Inllrll neen.tj ,. li. Hi. rMtrr t.f .i.l mii!ioii, al (, Wt.(UX, Urfntrt. JAMlXiUlllltlK.Jr.R.crlT.r. Ja.l. l.lr.U-tciU new boat, and her gentlemanly officers. rr.eiid (fK.lr,. h .iftlie '--MC,iiiiir' lis. tt.. 1 .1 . tttng: 'K.ty Weeks lin.r ' hit .1 -at it i nlfy .VI11.. fun Why, yot dear little iguorainus. you. It n Him llonrf.lt I'litmn.' .- -. -'., . .... ...H.HI..S. ..V. . . .- . ly in this matter I Hate they too much out this now paper. He made the pulp in inl or ,0 ,,,,t n "''a.'-r. of his house in Albany ..nil mock-mode'tv to say what tliev think unon 'e Kstcuei. ............. .'...,.,...'. -..'. i... .i...' made tbo paper thcro too, afior some priini me Bunjeci., .tin. iiicn ... ifc wui nii.i inr. .., , . . . a,;.. ...u i.iiuiu.., iu nu.t... . n..u w...'.v.v.m-.i aiv ! Who will not aid in denouncing a' sect whose pretended religion is a hi pocrit fi.'ured. a lm nice a ,1110 nc in,- ooiioiu co 111 up a ..... 1? , in .1 .,.. i... . .1 . , ne ., ., ,., ' , ical de usion, and whoso leader desert e to' .Fernando Woo-1, I lie Major elect of column. Of course the author ofthein-l ' , New 'i ork, kept h, use tout of the Pen. .. ,c. 1 . . be in the penitentiary I I nele Sain . vou ... ' , , . ., tcrrogatton was the 'Standards, voungett' ' . ilcntiarv a j-ear or so ago, by pleading the ii.prentico. ' 1 """"' "' jrder to "cl consistently, cither ',llltut(,-0f limitation to an indictment fur .. abolish iiulygamy in Ttah or let it reign 1 forgery. Etchmvir. OCrM. Ihatpoetrj t.. the tuno of "Ih.i ,uprctne all otcr jour ast domain 1 And Hunters of Kentucky" is too long fur our tlt) allt.r wo. bo most ridiculously in purposes. 'consistent and altoniinable. Uo jou under- Hon. Jno. U. Preston, late surtetor gen- 'laid rralof Oregon fi7 nofleatcfir the tates fr-l,r Washington M .s : Tin- in the steamer two weeks sin. e, as was as- (jciier.il l.iud Office, is jut aliut to com- rrtr.l l.t- ihr -Or. I'nnian." Si l.lom ai.t mence issuing patents fur he donation lilies good realon for making such errors. I7. !" 0"uB' !'Ue ad' ,u4inB L"c" i,,Ut"' . '. 1 i.u.n In. I ... ..... 1ol.fi l.'util. s To Julili l.li)tl,.lt-f-liitj., 'l.kr It.t.cf I at 1 ....I .. .1..1V - ...I ny 1.1 It., .unit,... Iii..r..l ll.e ...d 1. 1. .ii.- I. It l.'.it.l, ne 1. 1. -1 ...it. fur 11 .liiiirre tie tdliuM fim die Iia.i I. .t 111 ilrn. ...... v mul l 1, u die lin.td.it ..fill, itrsl I. imi nl .lei. 1 ..11,1. nr j. mhii. there.ili. 1 a. roun.f ' r.m lii liejr.l, Hi. .11. 1 I i..i which bt inUt.iki) we otnitt.-d lie. l.tM.,(M''tll J.in ' T -1 -1 1 Aidongthe ladies who liav-o nchirted tho ascension of Mount Ulanc tbe past sea-' sot, was a French woman, who, after reach ing tb" summit, caused herself to bo lifted I upon tho shoulders of her guides, so that she 1 might ho ablo to boast of bating been high-1 or than ui.y man in (Europe. 1 -Oneral apathy, wo learn, pretails hi. . .. tin.. titniilif t lwa I liiritrwt amt i.f flitii ft train. iriiifi n. ,..: mi .. t,. 11 n -. i-"' n - --- ...... n.. ... ... ,v..,..K "... u..t .....i ...... .,,.,.,, ,.po) (h, lujtjeei, Hon. .1. II. Preston the seaboard to the banks of thr Ohio. chance any the better for a nomination by has furnished us a communication in reply N'ctcr beforo was such a distressing ,ute of tho Whig Party as a candidalo for 1I1 legato, lothe letter of Cotiiniissioner Wilson, charg- inditl'. rmen nianifestcd among the masses of Mark A. Chinn we ilnnk the most utaila- lnK Mr. P. with a tirdatiun of instructions the Virginia Detnocracj-, as is now shown 11 iiiiiitiitli4 11 lull iiri'l cvnijilelt iiuiruiiii oy ll.ein, 111 respect to tho next Uuocrua-i nf tht e.ii-.f, on. .1 nl, m t nf cani)tlninti torial election. Tliey appear not to care a' . ,ii iiKfriii-'i'iiii oi tht mtttlir fll joncira- lartuiog tor tho success of any of th) prom-. ttto nritom nr ruiint. Utrtioii .MfitYmiii. . tli'-iit Uemocrrilie. cindiilat'S for the olhu. -'' ' ' ... .'. , kJi.Tii..i'.iF.Tfrrfi'r.i'tt... . 01 i.overuor, Lieut, t.oternor.or Attorney 1 "i " -i" n 11 11 ii.iiw 1 i.ur.v MTV! Is n .Vi. mi 1111 lSi lliiSaaiyia(Sjslllj ( ll Ii 1 raa I .e a ai jt n- . ..... .... .n-. .i.u uenurai. ii.q noiinu ui uio party uiil'. CO"KHnAT. In Viuh' iirticle on fir t ii' nl to-Iii) n-.r, uttii it.itiiiiii, in W parHr.ih fiuin the tup ttilli r.-ttl : "attonii'fH to jump otT from tlm iitimul." Uih IM..i wiiluUni t-v a.nr .nl .1.. ti.,! . , , JH Il'III III fr Hlfli llvori., HlI (if .tl ttinll. ,r gr"itii In lirr, tiT lur r n. (f'tilKiit on htr ill iIiim r.Mtl r A K. Wait, !! ifn W I )i voice Notit'C. Diftt in t onrt ( U-1. 11111 utility 1 rati" in Jm1hiim.ii 1 J', lilion for J.iturre I.uther Jolmvoii '! Lull. ma Jdlinton, Off fnlyil Talk - tt , ihnl 0 fUil in now ut n.;u in ronrt in fa tur . ilirftfi'd IV .nm J 'liiwui, .imiiki n, (r n d nr liom ll. tioiida) of iiiulfiiii.iiiv , nud (tint mi liclird il ty of tin- nrittpnn l I lint ituri t.nm llifri-utt r tt" !H.ji.tl run Im ) inl, lln- mid I'mii 1 n Johnson will mihuiit vidi'ii,i m.d nma-t ihil ,f fTA lurixe (imnuiit of iron or" In !"( n foutxl in tho nlli'y of tho l'Iati tt in ' Nelnrit:i, 1 New Advcr tia erao nt 8. , R. E. RANDOM, Gi'iii'iiil Di'iilur in Dry (SooiN, GHOCKHIKS, HOOTS A. SIOh'S, litis, CAI-S, lllRIitVAItK, .IT., ,C(. Milwaukie, O. T. Feb. 1(1, l-.V.-.MIlf bio man in. the whig ranks, and et cry thing indicates at present, tint he will I -e nomi nated. We turv much doubt the truth of tbo flying report that Mr. I Jryir wishes to run against Judge Pratt. THE MORMONS. It were letter for us to day, and better for the wbolo world in future if the Tutted HAKKKV ! jii lijiiii nt for ih li iliuiff .in lor nlmi'ui) b mntid In liini, Imi tin r timfatitiid a jrurd in Jiflltlbli on lilr in llin ru'irl I' .n lloi i.tMi, t Ink A K. Wait. i1'ir nit) dan ,'7-l-t4 SilHUIIFS SALE. I u ill nllfM'or wilr at iili!i,' auction, t. lhn jli el bi I It, l.. t4U imi rnr.,ty, ihr Ulh dy of IVtinmi), IM.Hiinuoriwk V A1., oalhr prtm . all IIh figl'MlIr, un.l tntrir! of llnbtrt Ar thur m a ruimn Uml l.tim ttoii which hf now rrkhli in('l kumao (iiinl)roiittinmf 30erfi mul larrilrd 111 iiutiliL.uittn now on file in lb I -ill. I 'luVrJ. foil 'IW Heir tin-nir ut Hi- S I, rorniT of Noloan P. ark- rl.ttin tcr tli I. coinr of mm) eUlm, inuti Iih li h fir M) nirlirk, htan H. 54) K 1.16 !.. -4. . ..! . ! Ja n.al.aa kaaaa aa 1 1 I At . . t.uai ii.-ibiiii eii.u m in -vst' iMe,ntree eyraam m tm - .d .ia)rO... In, c,ll,.l.i.1t,ire,,HI.IOMl pa.linh.li .d, to ..i.iii!tiraiiciitroiii wii en aiedar inm. pear. 9. .'I, i; I Hi cliainadulan,. tliruce W. Hl.SOait paal in nlue of l.r gn.vr for S W, corner lo claim IH', , Pom whirl, a lir 14 III. lira Ull. H. A'.'J, K, 0 17 . i .ma distant ami a lit IB ...rl.ee hrara n. S K I, ... ch.i... dn.lani.lh'i..f is Hii.'J", ititaraecl the ,,-s VV r.ui.er olrla n."IT" inr Ilia a. w, earner af . 1 an.. -Mr)", fr.n.1 whi.-h a lir Ml i.Kle-a laia H. 1 I) il T.'i rhain. iha'anl: and a fir -til i.K-hee bear, n. .'.s W. I 17 chain, ili-li.i.li thc.ee K. 030 later M-rt the pta.e of brfiuniilff. Tim a, site iral enia.e tt ill he solb lo aaliafy a ear 1 1 (i I!ki-i utieii, nun th my hands, inn.e.1 out af Iha I ,.-,.,., Coiut for '.a. ki.nt.ie rot.nl), and In bm il.nrl.d. in lnv..r..f Sidney W. Mna aplnal Reb r,t .Irlhut. for the um of 937 dollar and 9S eta, tu'eihti wilh lulere.t an.1 aceluin nail. W.M. IIOI.MK.S. 1 Shttiff (Urkitmai County. Pea -.r III rtsr. llejiutif fh'liimui Vnni'tii Jut l.1l, 1855. 4615 attention of inventors to a recent charge in froln tia leading organs of thu Democracy A T ,h '"f1" ll,1"r " ..i.dei.ijna.1 are.i the mle, of the Patent Office, bv whu-b it'llown lo lhd nwi bob.cur. couDlry prr... -, " i.r:":"!:'!1.!!!: !,"rt " rr.1uirrjiniilortw,,,,ci.,imo.kW W in- ull(ry MU to arctic ihom from thf.r l- iwVfr ai And h,rP r.n-.....ly .. lWntC)thtocontruatlKmi.olliHtlUoir tiui?yt ',e WRni of ;.irty liw MnMftily ... n..piii) r.f l,l.iirrlKMnnM.ir-r-mi It. Mil Al tlioujli Hour hut jidiainnl f mn -nil t-rllinp 13 on h in l ii Iiimn rfiii lc im nliHil tint icrti(i tnclvo inches in un t ,.-A. ,.... ii. ....!. r..i i ar uiw.it.ai ..( i-.t..,! .. till I - - -. -- - -- 4 iiir-i in li'naji uiWIr III l.lliiiUI, !! ";il ",-i -- - blates would, just at this lime, raiso her ,iir(Ction. If the model excerdi this sire ,i. .il..llf ..mJ,iir.. l u,;,i,t Mnrhani. ami .ihrra wdl find it .. : .L : I. :...., . . ... . '...-".. JHI, K!.K i L's'I. i, i ... ht i.xiin itimi: .j imi.i.t.sn 'WKI-LS KAKlio iV (OS E X P It E S S. NhW UUOK8! Just rtnivtd from Kttt York 1 1 For Nurserymen. I l)ow,,,njt'a"Fr.i.,aand Fruit Trtea." : the.r a.l ' 1-. . .. E-...I. ......al H llrtu-i-tn Ur'gim, Calilortita, the Atlantic Kiiotf.'M.iirHja Kli.ll Ortnrer." Sialn and hump. C7.I.V POPE, Jr. IIAVI.MJ niadeadtanlaLjniis ... i iiiriiiis-iiieiils with Hi- I'n ted Artk 'I'O I'AltMKIIS.t OTIIKHS. Mali a . nil I'nrilir Mini siiuin. Weir v.. .,.,. i.. Vn.iali .... Sheen, ill. ship I timpani.-.. iiriiiin.. rtaii'in. v-r nm not I" Im'. .l.ii.Tu.ii. farm llooa. remnaeraa cam. 1 : , , . ' ' . . '"""' r" ."-. n ,' ' ", , ,r T : ,"" " ."I'""l1!n,'ml,,K t,.l Cra.l..r....... ...U.e... ....am a, f,o, " '"" ,"'" "' . ; ;"'. ,,l.,. rn .dtJar.l,..r. Ilenabauk !). of Ltah. Hon 't thee all sent thus! Don't though iho Ullico will reduce tha model to tho n.atsca into implicit oUdience lothe i:, i,. 311 mmd.-, elw ... luirrl. and hali-iurrrl., '"'ir". ''"'.'.. titmhi.ia and fn N !M,,ii,..jmm,. nearly eierv newspaper in the Si.:., erv J,!'0 r1u""1 '"" f'.o '""njori expense. niin, f ,air ,1,.. 1Ul.y ,.,y ., ,,,,, . , .,,, ., rulr. Ilul ,0 u ,,. . J "'''"Jj'l' '""'-, V,!!""1' 'ml CttAS. POPE, Jr. ,.', , ,, . he American complaint of this rule aa in-, either a delerm nation tu pursue the hoii.-sl deneld uiil.ei.mloii. I'" ""H i""" '" "', ' """it .Tr-?nr,ni.li-o out, and Jllitlv, loo, against the rosea v am , i!,, . n,..,!!,.. ,., in th. inrentnr V- , , -r .1 m"""" " I um"-"' ""',' CIlAKMAX AKNCR. Our recular Keii.. iii-iiiihlt l.spr.ss Mwe.11 .'t) JIU GDKR8. degrading institution of Mormon ...I, 'e.,.i ' ' ' !' ' fJ "1 ' ' C "" '"'" .' nP Ciy. reb. IU li i;..l.,.l .... In,,. Kran, ... , d..tn.d l.y the Tll. ,!,.. .,,!. Rural arahitectu... Ra- negraninj, iiiiutuuoii 01 .xiorim.n ...ijj,mj iMfLIJI'NT RASCU.S 'almckloa of a party dcspoti.m, or, dtsgusttd Put Mail immii. ('a'..ie,.h,,.r..h.lb,, ,., n1,.u,.er'aro.tipaJon. Uoesnteterj sensible person know that as ... , ' , . , .. ' ,-, . wilhthr corrupt and selfi.h purposes nf XO'TK'K TO KI'H'CHKS. .ui...iii.k aiM.nl iui...M..tt.ih.ii.rseiiii.iiiiiih. ('HAS. POPE, Jr, oonaswcadoptpoh-amt.iust.osoonwe , We 'mdcrslaud that when (.en. hlte. , , , , elevated to place MBAUTICUI.AIl ailetuiou ,. alwaj. p,l t. I) J..."-10 Ar.e 1,, ,,,,,, Ar,eO,,,,,i..vt,..li . ca upc,oi.. "J.J" o " f Id, Indian Ag.,ut,i.ited the Chyancs and , Im, ileciileil nt last to remain1 ll" """: "P "' "" I"" """' ''""''! ""'"'" .'.' """''i'1? 0"lhr ''V""1 ofr"cl' 1IWI.(1 ,.a,Kr,l.rK ahe. commence! retrograding) What has Ore , ftw ol,cr n,d triUt of Indians, to pay ,:' i,, I . ,-wir ...nnth. I.) tha mail .learner. .....I ...rl,.B. .1 our JJ i,..h.lf dot.n mu.H aupar tasbroUei. gon to say in this malfrl Wu lake the thai, annuities this full they informed hi.ii """', .1 . g,- . hel",cl" to fmory. IWe.. .1 allte.. II i-.erv.d ,., ih. "'"'-"li'r ..!. i...l.-.t...i.n , mu,, tmMUli rilt,, Ku,. ... .... ...... 1 o ,..e n.ir annuuieaiuia 11 11, imy inioriuou u,u. j U(() M tt(() trai1lf capltll f ,jctlll. ' , , u uur h,v,TM. .,0111 .W o.h Ir.tm .rK..lrly ,m, K.i,.et-note envelopre, aasartad ehjea. ........... i..r.t. tl... ...... .it....... I ll.nt .h. hay! r.ir lhtv must hr.nf. then. t t ,r i 'ttr. I . ' . I ' n tl.. '.il. ....I .mil. ..r ... 1. I. .1...... .1 .. ' .' .. i. t.?.. u.i. ........ u r...... ...... -.'. U....C....I .-.-.. ... . .- . "j ..... ....... .-- .......... it 1 am liini... v .. . .. n .it . LU.UO. ,.......'. -.. r t.r-i. 1 NO! will echo through our bill leva in answer to tbe '.nst;on lolyjfamj thus be tolerated in our sister rascals tbej arc' Territory some, (oiks hate etcn hinted that Judge Pratt if elected delegat., would not oppose the inatitu'iuii if lieeould. IIV o ..if Ulieee it. No man, whig or demo crate, in Oregon, could be rlei ted as dele gale, who would for a moment hisitalo to oppose it. What' salt, tiou a band of byp- ocrit's and profligates, whose coarse sen.ual s and val- oll() thousand white Squaws, and the balance '. 1 ,1 they would take in money. They prefer a ' "1"'UJ I white .WW to a blanket. What sensible MINING AT IOWA Hill. A letter from Iowa Hill, dated January )Jl'-','''l'fnil '"""'.''" I IOth.aeprrsenU the mining prwpects in that I T() WUlJil ,r , ,. rny( h.,y .-New Clubs tinder tbe organization of '. yn ' ,.,. nii.. . full ..,l, t W1'' '? k". l" .l"r"rm I'"'.!"'1'!"' ConstituliotiMlist bate been formed in Phil-. ...... .. ... . .1 1 '!...' ww l.arKo ami can.l.mt aupnl.ra of .nnh.rt of Ih. --- ,.......... 1 1 ... .1 '..'. ti-i.. 1....1. ... 1 of 1, .rest, me ta. . 1. . .!. ur.t uc. tiiiu.i. iiniir.qi. mm , ....... rllljt c-f, in W-(in littiaurr .ntwrrif 111 the best .Nrtv 1 ork etiii.. I'll I' 1 i V ( II' 1t V !''' I"i"'e, 'r t l.ln)d's ,,t Iaii.Ioii, tat the ilit.ii of Sii'irroaatiillotU'eiio, iual rrtv ived aaa breal l, I'll AS. POPE, JR. .1. lNTI of water for at leant a month, am.1 the ...i- ... . . .. !of water lor at leant a month, anc IMi ,., (.... ade p ,,a, designed to be a coun erpots to the , . , ... . '.,:.i ,t. I,0C0' '" un K,.,,Z claims now open, d will aoon astonish the wwlo ale un.l hnow c,"""''v proplc of California wilh their rich returns, .yiup., ap..... I he Yankee Packet ship, .latnoallainrs. Mine of tho compamra pani.rd out eighty reeentlyraiifromn..slentoI.i,crKioliu l'J' ounces in ono day, and jflOC I in tho dats' ' 'llm.iiiickest time on record. week, from earth drifted out by the labor OI Ulllj mu oivn OonnectingLinea on the Atlantic Side. l m rrilli I III NUV llfL U.III1 ll.M flilllllaUMIf tllkt wo shall kl.-p nil l.l.lld ll Hrll-kmiwi. Inrit, tl. Thr Ammrai, .'sjirro. Im llrriimi t'ilj,JHH. in. III) will li.nl llFua ailiie etore of M. I.ATOVRKTtR 4 HOLLAND. Ok elk UniiiM,ia white and nliast .fat IF Jal half hoe for sale ras ap by LATOVRKTTK UUhUAnu. KH.Iil.NH' chu1.,i asee, at One hundred like install lent says, could bo truth- lioal for racli fully mentioned. Jly thu most direct route, Hqrri a r.:t pi pcnpie svno lormauj propose 1(lW ha,e, win j.ruu.io lor uiu persons, wu.i illc seventeen luilca e, man me instance 1PS.M1 i.li -be "rl ' ',' ' I ' - ....us ssai.r vvl J."",.i ' ftr "TeraHav. si scs ' toirratnell'". - "' n .. .. ..e ,.. rv, , ii.. ...I... . 1.1 !....... . ... 1 1 1 .11 , 1 1 ., ill" innnueioti. oi mu won us i.itie ccs, our w.rresiiouweiu r.t ., cuui.i wo tiuii depratittrs Hrc conceded bv a to m owrr , , ' , ' . 1 if 1 . r , ,, ,. '. ,, .1 . . 1:. . . . 1 . .. . .. hate ordered In 1, nieialic life lals for -uch fully mentioned. Jly thu most direct routi than the I again Support i.y word i,r'of tlt.ir , tenners, tthi.b, with what thrv ' Iowa Hill is forty-throe miles from Marys- iiu.U UKKBfira. VJ jiti.'J HBHENTS. I flock of (iroerrirsof the heat ualily, boll, by t'umynny, nm k via IIiiM'hIo 1,1.. I lli.nki.k lo r.iaiii an. n aa a..t,Mr. toiie, tvu, 1 it-veiunii .-.aniiii.ay, 1 tut iiitmti, M, Iiiiii., la. luhirro, triinaerlla, ainl ctery Irdo, llrtioit, ( Iiiciim, (talma, etc. thi2 usually kepi.,, ll.e jro ere line. I Thr HmJr 11 Etjurii In ll.l...i, I'luU.l.lphia (lytars,ih.nc-e srrars, .Stntth llirrinir, fic'a rai- Il.1lh111.nr. W ii.Iiiiu.oii, etc. ains, pruma dales, Ae, by I'ullrn, Virgil . f.'o' Yrmi'ml mul ('iillada fV.lf.l.I.V f' WAIt.YhK. Kt.re. Illltuiml, .1...-.. Inrd liit.tt.N.1 .ir.nt.ltiN. It. klttllltJCI. lak. II III elt llUlllf.-. B. III. Im li.kl 1...1. I!... nu II.IJ. I'.tti... .1 '.'. I JL market pri. a lo.-Ktiola , liinii.-V Vmk, .... Ili, ull ! ; Nt w ,' pnWKNTY iron h..lllea b.Hle.1 palnlOU.3 fall CII.MtMAX d- II' ltXNIt. (lrl....i.,N.ll.l'..lii.,,i!pl.ce, San riiiiitiMo.i M ich. 10 de boil.sl paint Oil, S d - t .Nn II I, tMiil)f(iiuery sir. et, u.h. m ....'..'" ui v.. iia.iq, ...r .aiu uy ,y ll.Ml.MI A II I , IIJ,Ai!.,ils .. ii.ll .li r ".1 11 '.!. atTlill.LlNH' broad axea, fur aale. Iajulra at MitMi.ti . IV..'. .w ll.il. I lord KipifM! liriniiiluii. Well -f'o.'i Kmo- Itlllloil llll I'oitlind, '.'l', Aec,," W. I H.-..1 '.i;t p....... . " : , -v ....I .....I...I ... A tat aalr. eneaB. bv ...... ,......-; I --.-".. . '.-. ALLAH, mninunw r " Orerntirily, MayS. IHSWly