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About Oregon spectator. (Oregon City, O.T. [i.e. Or.]) 1846-1855 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 3, 1855)
OREGON SPECTATOR. f --r-.----r -- I' A.VSL'M-I.N AllVAMIi. . V - - - - - a v NO. lit. ;. i. (i Himtirn, i:i)inni. I'ltui'iin.Tuit ani i-kivii.ii ' I an hum isum am I tiltl'II.N IM I.I UNIT, iv this ui a m ulas Nimr I.ami"' OKKCON CITY, OKKUON TKUMTOHY, SATl'KDAY, FEIMUAUY :, 18.r:,. ii.hmn kii: ihii.i.vks VOL. 7. The Orrgon Spectator; (The fin,. pawr i ver ir nlr d on thr IV ific Cuatt ) OREQON CITY, O. T. A IVKkKLV NBIVM'AI'IK, OKUTrD TO Tilt AMKHICA,, MHHAI , SOCIAI . I ITI HAHV AMI AUHIl't'l.Ti'Htl. I , I N S TS III HIS rhiirLr ur OBK1101, until it bfcotiiri. a, i I Mint .h ii h J I .iklll.'Ol thr J( . -f Illl.lll r r I V II II . i . t.l... . . - l 'J '. i on I mh ... ii ! hi? i I" " l , .1 I I II ll III' ' I III I thr .-"IV I in . i 'I " mi. . Hi IIH.iMII I) 111 Hit ll St III ll-rilll. I I '! ""'I ' Il HIl'l'Cl"M, U "III! ri-irniil I riiiiiii ii 'I iii ii II' uIm nut .M .ll Hlr ik -III I ii'! mil nf' Hi lull rnili o, Oreijiill! m Ultili' i lillllll lli r IIP-lii I ll Thf J r uii I ij I'll 'i I Inn I Klnlrtfi n-. CPIVi , III lllli 1 11 lliH Ir'wi 1. U'.il I . Ihf miipr hII t'ii iA-t-i(i w i i'i fnili n iIviiiil iitlir r unpIiiI .iinl Hiniiliil ii iln ml ,u ii-tnl ini'iihi' r iiiiiiilmhr liur A iirm nil prill unr nlonuiK I'll un, I-I'weial i are Ink n In linle T lilor! llfHi.fuC tilt Im nttil o' hiiiK in l.r rtnlrtl -Ulfnttlld uthi r coubtrio THUMS ISYAHIAUI.V IS ADVANCE On. mill. 1 1. iilliiiiltl . ... .81 I'1' f 1 1 1 nnlli. 9 i vv :v:i;riix(; ie in. n 8 1 mi . v v 'II Ih '.. riwHl.t, I,, . , 11, r. ,r, r ,ni V'nl it. ll. iruliM ...... . Il ul,. r.lwr- r r I !- ,l. '.iihimait. t.r , lh inli..l. r Hi .. ' '..t.iil.' In ....til it I nr.' tin.' . in n I lli.ll...' In'. In .'li.l.'l ..' r I" lulu ih. r lu I r.ln... tli"i. Hi" irith.ri i t.iwhi.l tin r t. !... r l.. 1 1 1. .im tin t ..n ll nn im?, . ih iiM th, r I. II .nl. rnli r i in . ." ".Ir a l. ,,' i, ... .ih ,..' n f -r i.i.i'lh i"il. i-h, r in I ih a,, r i- -. i.t I I,,, ,npr ihr, riii.ii. th, ..Ti1 Ii. I . I. -' ..- I. e U If w lit UVIl MOT HIM 'I li-tii uri "-in , t tir jiift i"iii M'lhii Itul lti i InMrt ii I life i It , , i ii-ii h ni .nn li r Ih Is 1 .i i in li 1 I!r ( i h In I l Im It ir .1 I i-ii. I t i cm I i h ! U il U " ' i . wt f i tm il. 1 1 Irn A i li ) w Mill im tit 'l I Ull.l I .i H . I 1 I'i ,t ... li i-m 1 .. I l llllf M I w ir n I i ui elu t -ln'l i .im ;-..: IM. n ll I AM ll lint, I r -till UI '1 "..! I.flj . tli IH r j; Ulit r, l.Vir ml tint tli"H li-kv-t ! 1 1. urn I., ii j-in. ti-1 "T lnf r, , ili ii tli i nl uiili tlif tlra.l ' I. rii llii It" k . t li- k i ! Airr. nltli Ik .mil It 'iitfl .trr ; Id in ihIm if t ' i m p nn nt a t r, ,S..., M th r, th ii ait ihtn ' h tl.j ut u.aiti ina it rt tint , In liul It i"liii r um I jlmr-, .Mii inn jMjfiil t.j.irii. utl llf. In ih It up ) litjlii ami 1p llniiif nf I tt ' wti-ii .ltu itiiiiih, I.-lil t.l th l.ttri.ul li) , 'llnir hiIUiii.i-Ii u I ttiut (uiiitjili, (iti.1 ulii Iwj- tuir i'ir-uw i. ' i ah i. hi:.. I'lrrw II .Irink m. hri.ti. ami lun.l), r.i..., ...l g uint li'.n I), Vie. il, si ... nil we. Iirs, . I. . hue no riikhtrs. it . ,. I t, f'.r.ukeu, itr. M ll. .11 iHC", e ' . l. m.,1 ki tie. In', .si. i. II r.,' I. M , I , l. . I.I . I . 1 i i I, I . , ch r - e 1 i. .. . tiirrchfi, b . krinl.utr- it., I ul. . .!.';. w ,.r. Isl.lis, ll... k mi. I .l.t.lie ili-s, HI. ll IV HI Ito.ll e AMI, rt.i.riln. ui.h f. ie . r'-vfi, iri.!i,i u mini: the Iims, ..ih. s. .ills,. Mken, tusi tiKik .n, broken, p.t np,n . brnlfr fe l.iif, nrlul lemler, f.rtw.ll wliukey' that in.kM iu frisky, I'ri.Kis tlt.t iln.'l Ulirrc us .,i,l w ,., i f.itg'reiu i.v;.s or nh.WTY 'i.r 'li,,hi,r I'lN-sy; I 'lie I mlli : i 'H ti... nflinll incy IM.ei ,1 i'ikIii fills; F'O.1 nl mil iiirlihly Thn,u,lip'.e hill.; Tl lhl ini.isiin Ih" deep, Kem sl.ii.hnvi' ; Wmu.ii'as.iet f. llnwil.lji llnly h'line Uiv All tli.l tsrlh pnacliM, Ily Bi.uly Is i.n, To train and to Itach us, And mould us for I'i si i.uri. rtr.t -..riantv mu.m-.ii, .r . .. moueriis compose , i ....,14s -.. ..u ...,- fi , ,,.,,.,), Why should tills be l . minis, raursn-tu. am. raisrrs ,i i . l We nu lunuercin lui ire . ...... ,.. il .rl I..!, ih.ftf-.l-.. -uJ,ul- , u"!S "'"''" many intelligent female. ,.., , ., . .,,. oi .irJ..t ,.M.M io th, people I' '"" a'-Tatiw. I.e.. speak- ,....., ((f ,. ,,, w, tMn llf P .,n.iii iim'l.iriiory. I. will patiicu.ui rime nig uf gi nib men .!'" l-ml , , ,. , p Iimwii. .,,,,. ,i , , It. r h. aded ' '' U ...J will mil .kiwi .HV Church i r Iiui-n... di Hot. that HI'' U.rll.MilliI . ,, ,.,,,,..,.. ,i, l (ill ll"' ni.'.i.i.m-:...! e ..... i,ok M.llUl.-. to n faUe source. I seems .... ...... .., v. . i.. in,.. ,ii inn ii ilia i nr i rnni.Hiiu 11 ii p . . .. . .-. .. ... . .I.M.. t...i iltrriir. "" "" " """" , ' . tl,e"l.a.bes Deparlmcnr' must necessarili are the natural resull of a state cf tiling, so i America embarks in boundlis, ti.terpiiM'. . ,. , ,, , ,.,.. i1-111if .i,in. -. ,l'r,',..,p.u,l,.,r.,d..,',igli ....limine u. t;r ,,,,, 4 Mr,. ,W1. she ,.,' .trange and un.ccu.toimd to them. U.l' t i, an ageofspeed-Young America spin, J f ' u'nen,... nc.U", M.i -. M'l.l .lll. i,t will .l...s haunt ... until ,. , . ,,,,,. f ' w ,, Tuesday morning one o our sub-cribers lo.t it with the fiut. rt. Tho concert att.e-wr , , , hoJ ,,,,,,, fo, ,, ii t -it, -ti rniii i.itlii- .... i ...... , ,i. . . .1.. , ..., ..,,. . , Ills lutier bv means ol these mi.UUilerslMid- hl,.ml miil.v to tin chunreuf iiileuiliii'' to I . . . ,- . i, .. .. :. ll LADIES' DEPARTMENT. i ....ii.. i ..... ik..ii,M' " I lie HUH,. M ll. pu I mi" li'iini ..".. "ii . v.d.imu. the It. rinit. siliel-ii,l w..iiiu .ml'eti " Yovxa i.auii:s axd society it'll XpitUlir. IJk.r Sir: Whnt a curium world we i. ii -nr Ii to't . . i ''..ih ' ' hi nil Ill h .ii. i . i .1 .n il in ii-urt ii nr'! ur 'nr- " '. r .' "" 1 I Ilo.oii Irr-Lind lint iliiii-i'iiliallo I I III llilll' lllll'HII'K. riiei'tnl.iliti, In i-iliiiii.ortii virtue to koe .,,.. . , . ,r ii.uli.iL' lit-tre.t. will. IK I Ml Ihl'.lll'; HI' Mll'll llll k I,.. I,..,,,t bo.,,,.., and lll.l''Ll" w i .t- ill. i ii .pun" tin aid of a iniiroi.o ic L'li--' Dojiiii ..iidi.intiiiiil tin..' are .ii ... .i... i. ...... t... ... . ................. .1... nil ,11 111' ll iv,-. .u.'.-. innimrii ,-i ntv ."..... rf 1 1 titlili utli, litire call I).' I l-lllli'lll- I ll rt iiiuiii. am pun w u im n .1 u fiom, in th-Urgi. nbe. bi I the drew I No. for a moment. Tin re is the great 1 .1 ti ndi'ticy nf fa-hum. my dear yo.ttiL' ladii'i. tl al dui'a all the harm, that ingrntiiiti's it", ll in'. 1 mnr good grace, only in pro-iitute 11, .r si'ti in, and ruin " guialitl SOIIIti to I" ,t iii.itler nf m.noe im nrttiie, :. nn. .,.,. I, i. .. t.r, nt Li iiriii'r in sneieti. .... .' Men m.i.t .dw ii Iin.k at nini.ti" I e j s I're.s r, . lln-ii at her fie, will be hull -I with lull Hi, I. Mi, s, I Tin. re ar itr.nin n' mi I i I til ..(MTIIOIt. si "'i .. .. l... . .... .1 - - . I- III lit. ,r fit ll.n I'l.rei'iilnni. Ill inks I hat ' .......I.... .. ;.... ........ ... ..., '. ; ..r :. .:..!:,.. .V........ I "' " ' ill. .. ..... " i,itl.ti.,Vn,. ,.,.-., .u,,, n ,,il nKi- ...icii.e iiiuiii'-' ui'i'S - ,.l,i I.:. ...r. . ,n, . nr. In I ..' sll fer III?, ,..,... to .ml,.,.,. "' """- ''',..o'l'crh.ilvilitlie tcr-' i..'. '.... ,' ,, ,. ,..... .,.. " r, 7.-.. li. X ' "i.:, I I ... .i... "-'" W quarrel aooui. 1.1.1 mere ., . ""'i' "' ,",ki,gofor,-i' nrv ,. u ... , in ,.'!':;: ,ii :::LZ'r..?G"i.:: , : .uomv ..u y ..,,.. , t .1.. .. . . t I ." ' ' I ' "1 " I tl.V MM.,., .... HV .....v " ..-.X -.w... tlU-l.l . I..IU 1"- U, HII'l UVIIIIMU. Ill,, V ..... .... .... .1.1. in ..,. m.n .1,l,.ie,,.i..,,,.i.', tor j unto .,,- j u.l)fu ,,, ,lllk tt.Ucr bo, uf .uiri' th in to h" nil ..dipt aldn, and far". h . .. , .up. no to I. guid.dbi thema I11"'1'"1'"'',"", '' . ' ' .... ,. " ,' .' lo a look, r-on il seems t cry much tv, ni'Uii r- ... , . a i. n iinporiaui one o. , , , . ,.:" rilll.'.r,.I. ... ... uIikIi itiiriitlitl i'uiirrnttuii. II tilt nf urn ili, iroln11v, tluit jn" niiiM .iv.i Ih- Mnini;, h iniKnint? nn-J M I lull til' !iUll Hit ll I''fi t. 'Tlmt iti it tin Inn.' iilluttiH tic III fur i'on.jin vt in .. -.hurt Itutlifi's tin. fjiiini liuultl fX . ... i i. i .1 .... k... I i. .... ini i ,i i"i,', ui' i I'-, in . ii,i', int " 1 , ' , luiiii .ii '.'rjiiuv at thu itriiuiui MUn-ror ' ' n..l w... I.' ball. We h ill never bi'llnrlll the uiniiiV ll iot ..ur inaiiiiins to gel .. .r li.l.v ilr.-.". wthnl if we dni.t .'..pire III . I I . I , till. ill III. .1. I lliilitl.a.ttiil-la.l It., i 'Hill. I.II III! I lllllll llll 1 ailllllll .11'- I , , , . , I mi in. t nn ail lo sii si' ,,,,,, , , ," . ' .l...u,l I, ,i i.i, I, ,.,... li lull. ..i. ii.. til. lt.i.r. . I,. li..h.iiir fu w,..t.rn l,f" hi, ai' I tl-. li ,r .Imiild " try In amid tlum: but. I,t ii-tn an I a M lu our inlell. etu il'i.ip'tc in... I.' I nil. at I'lu'.ny 1 1 pirfi'il them. -.It., in he an of loiiter-i.tion. Yoursti' ueli Is lint .Hi .ii;r. i.tbl.' pn.itiiiil for loung in, i, In I," pi led in. ui.h ion can In.a.t of -kill inlbi' In,., nl, uli i. it rj n. i' ss.try as i I, lili, m., I tb. inn, lb"iigh b.autybeHn .ltd lllpttlllll, ut or lint. Now mi 1 1,. t i, that the h-nd ill oursnci- ' tt .hniil I mil Ih-gitui ui (he bots and lliniighlhss, g.ii iiii.,.s, who a. jet need to be in. Iruil'd and initialed into life', ptlh and who's ideas n'ed sharing, whose passion ',..., r..i.:.... " .I' .. ' .. . I it...., lit. nit, iit ni'j'f.ii.tiii, . ma , iirni it. mill i, ti. i ,. , I i, i lit il oi-l .11.,! gi l,tl I ,"..111 .Null ki.ullld fill I it im limb ul ii mi ilu iu lu do this. 1 hey I n.u.l be .innretbnl tlit-iu-i-uirttni lit uf iu t llig. l,ce and r..d iittaiuiin lit. 1, gr.ntlv '111 .1 1 1 1 .1 1 ' aided n ben tl oi-who l.nk them iiinigleiu .0, k tv it . t o o alreadt, the,... ,- , ' . , (.oo' b.g t, guoliif.., purity Is'gets piirili.iilnlllil.ll.ctuil facillticiilnno al- war.: in a creator or less decree, aid some- i...i...i. vi...:. ......... 11..1 i.i ""'" ' ..-.. .......u,u tie the naMstiort to tho best society. What laily so selfish that she could not willingly I impart to anj hright-minded Mis. capable ' nf n-ceiring it, a part of that gentility which ' is perhaps her tery nature, and allliounrh tho aspiring llower may never bloom with I what they think ; jeach tliem that foreign fashions, manners and custom,, unless per ceptibly belter than American, which is sel dom the case, should not necessarily be in dulgid in ; teach them that they should ex pect and 1 reparo to soon become tha beloved and honored incumbents of the situations in ilotAi'd wilha r.' '.! I "reenf wi..nin, - lew,: . . f.ii,,,-:,.. ,:, i...... I. u...t; l r.illei. SelUt.aml t riUlirlhi oung Amtf Tiii'in'rifni'i'i' .. r i . . i .1. 1 . ei I without filling into a tit. Joseph . ..... hi IIm ii,. n.,1 ,' ,. ii ui,.m Till. I.m I.I.ONt.i, I hue f,.ii. . it tn h" the unite ml fact. in. ,. . .n. .. . '.- ,i . Ira ' . . "'"I"u ' ' "l'". , .,, il... tl,.,.,. v.1,,,1.,. ,.f (.''" leter Abono could neillu rot them Uuunrs, and Office Puki ellf,Oiltm.iif, H. in, I... t ii ...... ti. . ' Lull njuii'i. in blue nl. w, M ' .1., hat thos- s.lM.lir, of , . .. -.,! a, ..anicularli d-U'mi and .Mu.,e N...V a equal lo Her associates, )et she is air win ne goon tor ner .ungs. nn.. -.,.. an-ii nf .. m..el. ...e ... .neiei. .. I....I. ,r i . I "'' ! 'I'-"." excla.ii.eil pink ribbon., with . ". 'I hey w , , , , ' a,suml intensity nf feeling, "mv better language, boiiiiutl of blown , .. , . . . . , i .J .;. , no i,,,, ln( Teach young ImlitstaUnnk, and tojalk ' ,rrMl., through heriiose." 0. Those y III'.. I'.ir ttl.iih ihei -li 11 -, iiikI tin' imiri l In j le'irn, and the nnirki r. llu Ih-IIit. .' I ' . II I l , ' 1 nting I.i lie, n ho cnul'l attain to greater in-1 I. Mi;.r, . .ii.i.-, mi. ii ... u Hi" ' liglil, nri' ilepiiteiiiii me nenent in mnr mii-'y, fur tnrioti reason. want of iiiom- name friend, but morr especially tin- i .i ip!.i.': I . I It, li f J I . tlV I I . . ui who Limnot execute a piece of , . nnmicri t m an ca.y, flepant manner, and 'I nb "ill vc I. in appearnnci', that i.f nl "" "" " '"' "' "'" "'"..I. ".. in , . ' t cU.r. uhicl, it i.oftl.e u,mo,t im-. , ..rtaii.'-.he .1. 1.I1I all. lid inc. HI, i nut 1 li'iibl.' In r r'ii."l.oi". ty.l" tin- mint wene. ofn traicltr's life, or to the married - -- . - 1. ..I- ...:.. 1 nn'i' uiiuit m.ukii. not ihcuiiiiiivti.f, uiuens t nbe n the po.e.or of tint small though in-1 ' ulual.le a.cutiipliliinenl. Sec to it Misses Mr, (lOonaiLH Sir: As a lady read er of lour paper, wecinnot sit still and see the only interesting and amusing depart m 'lit of Ungoii Literal,, re, attributed, in ', 1 "M ' , I .i-uri' bun there are iWiiji ill Oregon u ho do not feel it bem nth them to write fur the "Ladies Department. And if he world opma d,.partment" (. ither ge.ule- I I t 1 l f ! t 1 man. or Indies )m his paper, for useful and iii.triii'tiii. ktinwl. tb'e. we imiK.i!.,. the i.en. tbou"h the "Or. tronian" considered the la- lies, nr nmllm-if ivrtaining lo their " i - ' " f parltiient'' far beneath his gentlemanly at t HI lull Now he maybe laboring under the delu.iriii, thil, n. in time, past the fe male M'cnii of Oregon nn, tery limited it will ulw'.i, remain so, but we beliete that i s i t Li mm will come win n a jmixr wlncii coii- , ' ' ... . , . ' iti it t.attat a ft tl..li4tl triltllt iSlluil nltl. nr. ' tii I. , niit.ibh' for the ear and lo the tatc of the ladle,, will hate nci' dilation wider cten. . ti 111, V'l l,llt ' 'Mkl'IIMtKl - I I. ll ..I it... Ml l..,..l,lll " I'erhap, Or (l.taj- ..- res ution' ' . ..ill c "'" . , , egnii la'ae. neen a lectures .... . , "iti.iiiitt and "moral nform; Kr"" "' Ht viill leatc It to the com- niiiinii to iiiigi', iruiu tue general coiiiiiitt, both the im nml iwir htrrari ciru.iuns of the "On gouimi," whttlurufthe two, Mrs, It.', writing, are nut the more moral, po lite anil ili-tructii.', and whUh of the two won. lie uiort couipt tint to git e u, he- ., ' . '. 7 . , tuns. Hut it truce to the narfare of word,, '". to the "Ladies' Department." would lie uiot coinpttilit to gitc u, he lll'.ll Mill.,'.'ll, Kill, Sis. (-IOl.A is in waiting to t.ll us about their Chri.lmt't l'arty, next wiek. 1'lease wail till m .if 1 1. ,.) 11.11 i .im... In .nir tinl In- , , ., , u""".' 'ii- ti i I'lMiik, win is win uii'iiiir . 1 ,, il'inii I f iiii.fortiiiusiii mmk uiuteriial laii - guige. H "Where . your dully 1" asked pink rib-' - 1 .r . .'1 ' lK,n,of,r. ""'ear 'ne, d' ,,,, , anstiereii blue, 'nhy, sh.. gut the measles dnadful., , r f ,.', IK,,., (1t,.r." ' W II h, ' hiuk I A n, sick a, my ' 1 11 1. 1 """"" . . , ' , , ,' dully, said pink ; "only think I tp had a f"", ,..'. 1 ny nocior, lor Iter, aim I1'") ," d"' l Jo '" ?rl ' V h 'S Im. It..r . nn ...itvn ...m. ... .n......,!. " --- h- w ,...,...-. (nut the hrst misery a new gown has bngh- tenod un "she", trot consumution." "Oh ! that's dreaillul bad ; doe. she cough "" - '" f ,n othrr' "'"- ,ir of ''.AlTtheTime-.nd keep. m. awake .0 nulc, at rtiulst " "Hut why don't you take her out I the for any business man. . ... ....7. " TTT T . .. . nl... nfln.M.v. ..I . iLuamiiiir itrn.t. iliA 'w,",u'""' "" rMW, -"-"-' i-iriy aneti ol unci bim common ciiaua. aioola, Tin, was the climax; who could help len readers of the newspaper are M Vlin.,1('in. c,.rl,rl,i in iMRlnng. j I'B '"" I'M '": miiiib .0. ,UmiU,r ,ouW fall M,tlKlOI if Uthad cieli,eililbitingamtreexlensitekiiowhd,:e .,,m.;, ,,.,. niltil.l run niiai hi tl,si..l,( -You hate no business to hate liUMPe,.' .' . cr,cr tariety f subjects, and ex- 'f"" w,,h.,hr,folWh,,.lie;bu.n,lnrf fluency. .Tl1 fe an ''at e lo'tnai own btitinrts, and that is business enough c earnest and coirtctneu ih thur use of Uu- .' .1... .... . 1 1 1 1... "Five more FUNKY XcSIri! I-Y)I7l.".v 1117' . w -.. .... T10 tunrlcrly Iteiiew for tlio current quarter gitcs many ruinvtia in roolc wit. Ilu a tiilknii; uwnv oiim -t cmtiL; at tl.editiiKTtablufmaiiofMiil.1li.'i..Ht lb. point of one of In. be.l atorit., oi.o of tlie parly intm..,t,-l pudd-nly will, an airof inoHewidcMlBUPuloav. 'Ibn'M-our pardon, Mr. route, but uur liaiikerclncf it n.lf nut nf vour iineket.'' Tliuiik ou. nlr.1 ...i r. .'..! ..... ... .. . .... .' .i am rnoto, ri'tuacini; ll, "ou Know inn cunnani I. uJ limn I .1..." .'.ml tlnuhod hi. ' tlm in; when in l'nii with Iird Stor- nioiit, that thrift) Scotch peer, thru ninbaina- .1... .. !. t . i...1n.l 1... it !.,A i.i a I... II UUI, 1 llUrl IMUllltWUll II I l III IIIC1M1UII- f , , , . . , OI VI ui mm lit, nun uirin iiiv.i IV III lliv Uill,t if icU.aur. FiiUririiii! nil the tunc on it. rxuMtv (jrowili and cnurinou age. "ii w.err iiiubii ...a';., iu roo.-. 111 I II I " ' !'' "I' , h" " UMw-eilo.. one occasion bv a mercan- tiiiii? ui. in. Mn:u. l-ii... '.,,, , 0f hii uc1uaii,t.ii.o, who had not ' only "i ritlen a poem, but ciacted it proiniM. that he would listen lo it, and who merci- i ..... . Mi i' -itnt.nei to tax nm wit 1 inattention, stnppeil to tat Inn. witli inattention, x'fore adiancing b.') oi.d the first pom- line. Here. in. O l'hixbus, and ye 1 nine! pray, prar bo attentive, Mr. ! ." '! sin, said Foole, "nine and one j -. rf' . . . ... ci en before adiancinR bi-iotid the tir.t pom- ,i1Ci lu.fu , o l'liixbus. and ye Footc aro ten ; go on . AN IRISH MISTAKE. The Salem Gazette IclU tho following' . Tl... ..I...1... !.... k:l. story : Thu mistakes i are apt lo fall, oil their miniiiiKiiiiiiipjiii. to us. ,,,.., . . .... , , , , l ' had.witlnr. . f. dai, taken into her n girl, ju.t nrriud from i,.'.,,,' (j (' ,.,, ,lfr mMn ,j,, ,.. ,.,,cUmMuU- r I t t I .1 "Ihe) te been pliiing lrn.k, upon usl LUe.ttti mormni? siio necost-' . In re s a boy all about the iieighLoil..,..! sMcking wet pr intoetert l.idy's door" Her eiuploier replnd. I bat i, only the ne'.ar.'t "O. no." she nnswetl. "it could not be the new.pap.-r for it was wet, Anil I rolled tin the one al our door and ' And I rolled lib the one at our door and """" " " tlie blacKgara, ns soon as lie was ,.C ....., I' uui ..I i..ii The blunder co,t us n fresh paper, but paid ut Its cost in a good laugli. An Irishman being in church where! tlie cuihciioii nppara.u, rcemuicu enction . ,, . . , , , , l.te,,ouitsiM'ingl.a...i,d.oliim.wispereii in the carriers ear that be was not natural- .....i t ......i.i ..... ...i.. li;u, miiu i.uu.,1 iiv, u,ti An English writer sai, you can tell when ton are surrounded -bv n dozoii uf Americans hi thufollowing unerring test jllllVllVtlllB tl IIIUIVIIW'I.'I UUKIIMJ, t., three will be found siuuking cigars, and mnonading newspapirs. - Aiig.liiu Augu.l.i Marie LouUnI,.v iniia uiori i, mi nm'. leu wrorgo n.ii. il.gtnnJm.Uiii Napoltuii Honaparte ach- hi in.iur i"iiiii iu ui.nj; mv mv ...i.i. i ii. i. i nn i.i. i'A . 'there is mi id, tor down South, with 'v,r'" v" ,,' ""' "' nnd.tre. tencniiiiters. Ill, lmper ought lo , ii(, (f itlut i, am contain 'leadid' mMlor,. seteubiillet. hi lii,C4rci, receiv.i.1 'ti dtuli .... . ,"", . . .. ...imih. .... ... w..t.u .i.v Mump, ., thus ; I is lop. "'." 'V" J ' '.."; ...geiiam, uout the ntarlhedri.nnantofalallei. tree. i . . i . i .ii i i virfvvj? nr A FWI' APFR I AK.ryn.rr,rum.nW umii nine u im nruii'H. lun i.u wiiuacu Hniil . .nn. nl .in a'. , who p .ma . .1 1 .i.tii., lo utwspapers at home, when com 'pared with those who haie not. are: 1. Keller readers, nxcelling in pronun- . 1 1 11 c.a.ion. and con,e.,uemly read more under- sta .ii.igii. '.'. 1 hey are better spf Hers aud tlefine words will, ta.e and acci.racv. 3. 'I -y Cbtl a P l-.i knowledge of 1 1 . iTie .1 . ? almost Ualf the time it ie-, iiuin - inner., . tue nosi-aper . 1 ... ....-, l''. f:n"1'" l,!.,h",l,!.,ll!'.,.l.,?l"r. ' lai.t iilu.-tfs .lullitiis ll.vlr f.oterm.nts .ml . . , ,........., n dmngs, on the glooo. 4. Thev are Utter grammarians, for bating become so familiar w ilk every variety of sttTe in the newspa'ter, from the common place advertisement to Ihe ritv.shed and clas sical oration of the statesman, thry more reauuy co'iipreneu. me meamng o, ,i,e ten. mi consequently analyze it. construd- rite trelter compositions, using ercompoiuions, using Ull.ig more thought., ctedly expressed. containing connt oung men, who hate for guage a "Iteaotiful weather, no rain YOL'XIl AMERICA If we persomft nml ttlnfi Young Amor- .. . -I. .11 .. .. .1...... , . il. in m ..!'. ...I.,. . .. iiiniiii ni: ni'iiu niitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiii nr nuieleoii. mill paiitaluunt ufiiuny iiilur,. a now men coin nun Hanging siectt., a bluk illi tlie brim tnriu'if up willi "bile b.-a.p, Frond. k.oN. ami Freud. bootV a hn like llif.loui. ufn Callow .Inch upon Im ui r lip, b,,,.'ntl. which HikhI. of menlmic .uiok-. am belched from the tuln lchc-1 from tb- tul paint Inn. !.r. anil Lut pimcli, i i..... ...J or a iinrl Miall wo ha!"'Aril. from latu ho ...?. .i.i i .i. ........ i ....:...!. .... -latiiii; nun uiuihi-hiiihu'ii uui iiimhi-ui. - unul.tlic ...Inier-bv I Shall we exhibit I mi. iiiion the Neck or. Vienue. brao-d back in ii Jinny Lind trott.ii;-.ieoi., will, n tijjl.t rein on a "liver," iimUii play .' (,li ui I iiii atukti' lit nt it m fv. n tiiu ifp itiill iMii.p k "(! I " V niiun M l-'li " U, " or ...i...:..),..,,, ,ltf'..,.1.rn.d" behind his "' i.i.....w.i.. ... n. ,.....- . butk I No' think lluiun! lhl, tlioiiuli tho tpoofnila far ton nuniiToui tuour in,-., m ... ............. v . ..,.:.... i:..t., ... .i.i .ui iiL' i'iiii i. iiuiri ii.vhi.i than Old Ain-rics, but i. a, Khriu. ,b.- joulhful Apollo, full of br.iutj. hope and lire. Strading aflirn plough upon tb" up-1 land, with elastic step and cheerful couute- nance in rine on ttic we.icrn prarics reining the l.orso on the tronroads, unratclling the webof scienceat the midnight hour, steering the windwinged ship across the ocean, doshmg the rainbow .11 Ii ., .1 . nance' the rule on the we.tcrn . . .1 . 1 .1 prarics reining tlm , l.orso on the ironroads, unraidling the webof ncienceal tint, uiion the camas., earring life out of a . ... .'. ... ......' . .. 1. .1.. puiseies. innroie, airmiiig at iuier.. I trcmblinir Ivrv. lliundorini; in the forum. ..lending at the bar, kneeling nt the diiinc, :. ,.... . . . ... t .. . .. mere we oeuiiui 1 ouug .111, erica iiiiiiiin- , i.i I . I l '. ha, liul til go used to r.ul.o.ul. ; lie d u, t ha l,.,u nn unlit ifliiul in itiuLit lif f i t l.riii. ---.----- --..-, .c how u i.idit, dual en make lif.y thou- .and dollars ,y annum j dipper .i.ii.i ..r iu i miifciuni f,,.... iim. mi !,,.. L.terpool to I lo.toi. in fourteen dai ., can't It "i. l.a U; sale. Me can't possible realize Cahfor- nm To bim it it a fabled Intnl. like, tho I, ofth(jra..d Moxo that ligurt, so largelv in Sir Walter Ualeigb s lime; thin the bois, men and woiiki.' ol'lo-day are not what ibet ud to be ; the world i, coming i., ,.., ,i.,"l .. i. T.ll hi... tl.nt ll... loan cud. n-t. Tell him that thu ateratre duration ot life is longer than it u,cu t be, !.!... .1. ..... .'. 1. .'.....I . ..'.I.... tuai oiseii.e. luniitii iniui me nun nn..... the cuhtrol uf men ol science, and if we arc a .lighter race, e arc stnleil to the limes, I .... I l.iiil. ... fii .villi flu, it, tnlilfln ' tl.rt ,,, .i:,'.. Irr.. I.,. I,.-.,I ;..rm.,l... v. ...... ....... rl. ....... ....-.- llU,. IV.tco t Peace 10 lilt' old I'oL'V '. It will be H(J ;,,, 0lir,t,lviS - or. ,le ,,P(.nl. , .,. ,,c vul& ,!,,. i,,,,,,,,. .' .,. .' .. thai surrounded us in our prime illirBM and the tuber. nnd they only lj. ml. but l0 " tlie nemo o. iiuuiai. aiiaiiimein. cannot lorctcr bo along by the ' ""' uc "me "-, tul,"u , " '" "' . . . . .. . tep ashore u.oti tho bank, ami 1-1 the luting, r lot ng. rs p.i on, coiiteiidiii'.' our seltn with intii' their manlier olcniri mg sad. and framing old tngii-lii into moral inai...... i -m;. .y um ii. ...,,.. Tllrs , .... , i A.ili.ei! 1,..., nri n ii.r.,,.1, it. Inprnre nn. A. I. ., ' nlipalhie, areas lariuu, a.theynre mi' '., , , ' . coumablc, nnd nim in !ippnr.tmv inlicu. -" at ci i loti,. Yet who can control thtiii, or ri.u.oii hnusilf into a cuiitic'luii that thei an ' '.',"". - iilunl . Ihei are, hi trtilb. lialur.d in tiituilhsor t ."luli.ii.'i.s.and lu.t f.iiiln,tical imagining,. In Hi. Kmitl. "Ana," we tilid meutioii nf a l.idv who Would luut ol) ,t(j lnUI ,,b,ters, and and cei taut cniir- ,i0n4rt. ujci 10 ,.M,tll,ll(11l ,a. ,., illcuri.nK-IJ0 from the smell nf ro.... tluU,h particularly to the ubor of ... J I ..I. . ....!...!. - - I .1 .. 1 .. "ll" nj viiniie .iituiurr i rtL'ijiui'u wni ..iw.mWv fell into cutiuliun nl tin ii!lit uf enrp. Kiwrnu. hIUhjuuIi n UMif.of r . t i -.,;,,. r. ...i ... .l..i..i.. .. i-.i.-i 1.: , jrimeu lit. too s.uui 01 ui?.. cutsuiu, nii.i: .".iVi,,,! (i. if be saw an annle and I .,', ,,',.!,.. ..1 ,1 ;,.,i ,. ri.,.i !-. ' ' ''"" " U T a ,T i..u , , m.iu of t iitrv lu I rntlC 4 lt U priwiti'utu tiii.iiiMIt oi ,, ., ,' ' Il I., of',iould not . uduro to sit 1.1 . ,. , , ., k . .t...,,,. f tw"" """""""' ,""" " -l "" b' ' '' " " ' ' " ''" '' " rilteri'd. A gtlilltlliail III the coil't nt the .;)pt,ror p,,,!,,,.,, 0uld bleed at the ,on if l(. bi-aartl tba mewing of the obnoxious animal, no matter at how great ' ... ,1 1 11.. 1 v.. dl.laiice. M. iloLAure, III hi, "la- bltau dc I' Inconstancy de toute. Choses," giie. an account of a tery sensible man, who ' wa to terrified on seeing a hulgehog, that for two year, he Im.ginid hi. lattj.l. wire gnawed by such an annual. In the same book we lind an account ofsn oflicurofdis- hhfd br,lcr., nhn .. ih )nnwf ., ,,, , 0 fnfy ,,;, dared to unless , ,, i ! 1 i-1 11 1 i.t hnlmi, I,,. .W.tril II, 1,1. I, Ami l tli. I At,. fr)) ,, u, klllW ,H nidlliilunl ivrftclll -.,.,, arc w, -.,,, ,,;, ,,; ,Mllr ,okco ...idir.. and Libers who ml them would iniohniardy fall down. Valerius Maxims, sayt that this Chrytipp-is tfri nf its a itixtirv. a, tnev no s. 111, aim no's. .intlltUW, ..,.. ..MM. .-us MIMt.,1 ...W ... laughing :it svewg mi us, int tig, out of n niter p'nte. Julitllul, n ufiillfin.iti t.f Al- .,. im,. hiiiiiiI huiiiiii mi heurimr the ttunl .....-.., --- . .. l-mit ("i'l) prni.otiiVed, although lm cloak i unit ". . J -"''' '"' ;. ""'1'r;' '"J0"." "" "r." J1"1 ," '"'"'f MTi' iiTnLl,,,," S "". . "o.i tul.tml lirr,- liuMinz J o. ir """"- ',.'" V" "u.,v. '"- " -V ,.r' ou 'Io..m.u will wait until the ..... of lib "ImII Ml uwn our Bra hww. nnd jour l.i. li furewr p.K. No. Mi"tlftl.o uo"" "'"r.' "f " i B ".' il,lH I foreier 1 - ,, ,. . !.(.... :i!, ''.IW'1 "."J ! "x '" ",.,.l',Vc oUr P0?1 nlonK will. Hie reft, If tbc i..irrlrarila do nut L'o f.'t enouali, drill) around thttn. You will make by it. DiMnncu nil you can ; bo txcellid b none, and ou will tmrily come out abend. Ymi in ly brink awheel ncin.'iili'tlli. but nut oflner than others would bie'ik It in drmnL' pnt you. Tho world will inoio on ; oine fal and nmo slower: let lliev Ih. nil mule, nim wnni ....'- .... "".' Iuri..-Hu4.l until o ""! ' "I' " c,r"',, " ,lc ".'a""- "' '"""R menca. I awav the choicu fruit emciuber that, Oh 1 LIVE WITHIX YOVH MEANS. We don't like stinginess. We don't like economy, when it enmes down to rags and start ntion. Vc ham no sympathy with the notion thiil the oor man should hitch lninsilf to a poll and stand still, while the rr.t of the world motes forward. It is no man's duty to deny himself iery amuse ment, ctcrv luxury, eiery recreation, fiery comfort, that ho may get riih. It is no lutv to make nn !. berg ut litmsell, "lulu li ritltiiiiii. v.i,,. w ,",' ....... n(m kr ',,,, WJ.,. .lw.r ., fu)1,o,ny ..". t n knl .,,k., willi 'iiii'ri .in rvu.iu.i.T , , . ;,,ltl ,,-.f Hnr., nml , , u. ,Ml ,f $ tnnn ' ul' ,niCt ! lb lt(rV Illtlll t It'll 111;". Itlltl Ik UlXW'lll' 1113 , ,. ". , . r . , , , uUl .. . . .., .1... .. ...,-,.. .,... ....,,, ,, , ,nU ,1.. man, wr admit, nnd skmiM nuer lie lakm iiilo the nccnuiit ill our judgement of men ! but sluuld nlitaj. be secured when it be bv practice of economy and self-ili uial to only tolerable eXMit. It should be securi tl, not so much for others to look upon, or lo raie u, in tho estimation cf others, n, to secure the colisiiousnet, of indepe.idi'iice, and tlncuiilnin satisfaction whiih is deriird from il, ncnuiieinenl and po.cs,ion. J'liilcn!rtihiu Ltagtr. VI'KiailT MEN. III. 1 .,. li, ill lliem tins ,Kni.r br.ak. Tiip them down, nnd in a lrcr ,1(,v 0I1 ,.,;, fret again, liury tlum in tho mud. at i an hour tliey will lllllll III mv n-. . - - )0 0,it and blight. You laniiot Uep them ',,,,,,,,,. kMMlt ,U'Mi..y tin in. They iiru ,.'.alt of th.i uirlh. Who lint tin r ,,rt Iiy nMo ,roj,ct They build our cit(f, wl.ilo the Oicnli wiln our snus, ami Vackui the h.airn. nilh thesmokcof thiir AH... I.OOI. Ill lilt III. t uii .. ' . .,, . , thc.i'.rks of ll,. irrntigi. n vars, l.ouK lo tilt 111, t ou.ig ills, li, auu caicu ' ... n ' FURNITURE ' '. rURNTTURB '. ! ! To Suit tha Feonla and tha Time 10 BUH WO reopia ana 108 limes, ... . lailll. , wll, .. , r., jfliVtlih. JS".." Sine!.. l2 "Inc'Inr Wmrn IIotii.," whnr hekerp.on iNcuiWantl) riidi.uiiutuiiiir adiuiiorl- .,.Ml.",oli..i,iC.!e.,,.l,V .n.eV., nil" """ " " 1 tid,..'. W.,k. T.,M. .,,1 Klrhr. T.U,.- ti t ... j I .i.. s. i ...... if t it ... eiMi nu i kid r-untui, rtuiaa, i no mu i Niirni Itiuin. ( iniijv nit ktiici at an-wi iiiirtit ft avv me (JlftMifit M .tiawi L'twHitf. Spiin, rrral va rnuf. Cam' ainl .Muhogaiij Iturkntjr tliatn, alto 11,,,..,,.. ,, .1 i.,....,r..,n .,..,...,... - -'"-. .--.-... ..-. .....v. l i.nri of BeitafiiU.niiliMw Inipruvi. n""1 1 of wh.J. nuul.l throw a lne..inii.u. "V ""! '""r" T 'XT'"'"; '"? Ihi urtHiiiriirtl m IniwaMi itrfuunl at Itta et- JMn'Jul 'X.erV.o.m, J.,'," I,. """' b- ..,iiuf,.,,,,i ,t ,. r.- IUuekfeers.ul otlur. toiuW d.will e.ll al f, , h,,r. pmcl. 1! v1"" Au 'l"k - ' - ' '" j. ' " - Inuielt 111,111 i.ltn, lo coirf.jiond nidi .1 e coon tin.e. , a fin. assenmen. .r -sofu, ju.1 "ceiitii. ni.ieii niii m s..a.i,r con .-.nMiioi.T A""''''L '"'". "r'"' '"m t'JW' 1 l,l u1.urn.s1n4 oiiMiieM w.i. oe promptly .1- ,fn,fa ,,..,. h.v. . fine .ndkeei. .a ss- ,riii,.nt f t'lHIni c,,..rt.nilv en hand. I would rr.pecifu'l) Jtiidrr niy sertiei. 1. th. eiiliemnf Whh,--toii .nd riaekamai. and will irrf.'.rd'o:"'.;.':::, j. u (JAIIIIISO.N, ' for" ..fend and AM. r M's- r-iiu of ih. Il.eli Ordxead. " ns".i'. 1 1 . 011. iiun. i tori aim, rept .i. ie..i.ny ' ' g XV. Imndreil andntlit (ill. Ir. fru.cai J die... I,..e.n.ele I'KIS I O.N. O'.NKILL A- CO. Cru.lie I suesr 111 hirrrls for sale hv I.ATOl'ltETTE .J HOLLAND kiKAI.I l.lirrriuiinihis bt 55 LATOUHETTE tt HOLLAND POIIK, b. con and Unl for In JNO. P PfiOOKS dsuiantine eanri'fer salt .1 JXO ' BROOKS B? m l,l I IS I 1 I ii i, j :: I il I