OREGON SPEC TAT OR. iii.kmsfim: ihu.i.aiis im:u annum-in advanck. C. U OIJODUICII. OMTOIt, PKOPIUKTOIt AND I'ICl.N'l I.I! 1 ,'Iiimihim Hum til H'lll.ll.N' IM I.I I. N't. I., i iui 01 it im hi t Ntnti l.tMi"' OHEGOX CITY, OM-XSOX TKKK1TOKY, SATi'KDAY, .IANTAKY 27, NO. 48. VOL. The Oregon Spectator; Tin first paper ever printed on tlie Pacific Coail ) OREGON CITY, O. T. A IVKKKLY Nlt.lV!irArr.ll, OITOTID TO Tlir. AMHIC1N, MOItl , SOCIAL, I ITt asar aku AumriXTiittL imiomii or th rrurLr or oatiuoi. PutLuurti titty SiTiiaiur Moasisu, r ! I. (ouuaicii, nil run, raurairroaiNU ramrn The Hnrrtalxr uill enrba oneri to tin fre. die- oiieaioii of all aujjetta of iiincirnt uilere-l to Hie people of Ih Turruory. It will pariicuiariv m. to adrnuce the Inletesl" ,'of 'I Anirriian fiernitii, and wnl ii .1 oppose nit 1'hureh nr .leniniuiiali" i. unit il tu'came" atinaii it ill it ill ir u'.l el m Hie taking of the government into tlmr nwn l.ni In, os it body, or, u a Church f hat nig "ur Uw nuk nu i and onVe-hutdiug altliiirdiupwul. I A mural Itnr will t if r boa lending feature nf tlia ."spectator, and whilo He loltinins may Im filltd with useful, binary mid iw lal ui'lrucliuii, it einct regard fir truth nwl morality mil b. obsirtul. I Arriculiure. ai eha.. beet adrnuce Ihe interests I of Orrganiaiie, will be a feature nevi r negti ti !. Tliaoir and ynutA of nr Ian 1, "lull n.t re. i eeive, lotha former dm ttact, aid to the luller I all tht aesulauce wa cm teuder In ndvuue ng the r oaafut and iiiondedurnl on, and to insti.l Into their ruinda tha truo American prnn.i,.l a id c gl ..noi Union, Special cara taken to nolo 1eiriloral nme, for Ilia It naftt of people m tlia United Male, and i.llitr couatnaa TERMS i ISVARIAIILY IS Out copy, per Minimi 11 fur a i inuuth" ADVANCE 9 1 uu . .. I uu f.ir;s- nr m r.nrrsixv. One aoimra ( IV I n i ' I i rlion, (f'l '"I rrtimii, 91 lill r'or ftrrt adilitmin1 li". 'i'U tl "" I'n.frx ill mid llu I aid-, o! H litlt- ur rn., $.'' r iiiniii ii A liUral il In. titrn liud.- In )iollt adtrltiM-r l.W 111 XKWM'M'KIW hiiln.TiWrattlii.iln njjjit; 'pn li"ti'' tiitlif I'niitrat. art cmii lunl a"ilinii to nuitiniie tlitir.uli rlptimi It uli'lilirr "rlrr lli" .liw.mtimimi. f ihrir , aaif m. ill.' liulili.lii r ma rilitlllil ti . lid tin 111 I uut.l nil irn nnt.'in an aid , If iiIm nlHTa im l'I' Inr irlu.p li.lak. lli'T pa Hmfriiinlli''p"tilli ri.tlirrpu.. l.m 'u. Ii llm , ar' n nt, llij ar. In I.I mniiidi until tin t tile all arrf araiii", a'lmi d tin ri ! un) Ifaub-rib r rr nun i.mtli.r pla.'pwiib ut n I fiituiiui; il' puldiln r u'i.I ih- up r i - lit M Ibr , r.iriiiT din rlimi, lint Mr lull n "P"lt.i blr (irc.it i'.iluintiri.tiiii!i ii- man) lio.mli fill Kmnii". atii'l r.ti'i.W In u tnutli w linul'l tiftrr ht" v.'. ti fnitii tli" Ciitniniiii Irt.l.iflil-.' i.iilli. ... i .11) f' in ! tnutli. 'ii- , n i.n in' titij- -. Mdti iivl lojiiiitii; tH it" .,rrnw: thtit lilt- "i. wlifti tin- iiiuruiiii; ami aliini'a iipnii it, iitim'rul, fi.ti tti tin ktnrin. illi titi''i. It', ,. Iiitli' trniil'li tliut mr tli" lirart mil II l in-l'T In lliruw II Ikjiii-Ii. II a iiiiiv tli.m a f 'iitli' r m n with .mill. t). Kiiily Itttl.'ililili ol lit.' 'Iiillir .mil. will rauioyim iiniri' trmilil" ati'l ilunniiij; lli in unci big mm ut' 'I'll lliiiiiviml I'liltli) l'Vtiii 'IliiitiV tiu'l, llirun pukrn pmrr ol iiiiiti-iK mil) !"' i' via) In iIii'1tiiiiI tbriiti.', tlimii'li liuii'kini! cliurili (..irr-K ..mit mil) Willi Hriilmriitii-1 fitif;irh to tin- rich inui'i In an n. ) llm ftillnw nit; iiiiiiinr.iii'li a nottit i lyi.nliiil uiwliuliiwilruiM'il by nuiitn.'1 Il rtvlil) attirt'.l in an I'litbtuiil.Ti'il fl' t ' Talni.t, an i'iiiiit' llonit.iii h"" .nlhr, n white Iml and .liinic, ami i.niifull) bnl . I.-... tlt. .l.n.. unit, . t .id., r.tlril lliiillu 1' ! ' limit iit ...i " ..,.ii - ..r.r" " I niuat f!ll il Sfarcektifl, ( lint ., llrouu lux'', I.au, Sbininirat. Kiilnru1, Vr wrn- atartbil nt tin' la't ilrm, but it nr.ikil.h un hii'.CiiIiil'ii,.. 'lb ttbnlfl im ply prntia tliut m alt I a mill llitrlliH't tin hut ' lwa)i limit ill iiitlpl''. I I ",'lt Ml-tlT " '. It "'111 toll l''t H fi I luw I'd up with ) nt' :n lb it ri li.i'l ...li i I 1'niiM nut pitiilily nct'iiiiiiiKiilnt.i ), mv fnniil. 'Wall, tlun. Iinkiti'l enoupli l tiikn ni) rnnl aluti( ; for I am ilcW rmiUfil to (,'t my iinnm up aoinoliuw ur other. WaiiKciiiin, tut friviiil, if jnu ibilil want lu fall ill loti' vtitli u (iil, ilui.l t'otu mnco ibrtiiiR with h'-r. Tin I'nurling lor fun ii Ilk boxing fur fun. on put on your ploira in jifrfiit jroml hutimr, with tin' mot friendly in! ntioin of c.,lninr;iii a fpwanlcablu bluwa ; ou tnnl )oiirM'lfin tenaihly warmed with llm rnlliiii.itn of tins ronlbrt, until aomo unlucky punch in the ti cinity "f tht tilx (JncliieatliH matter, rl the alTair iindi in adownright light. Dont you are thr imilarit) t Mr. rarliiiglon thus rebtikoa Ike for profrBiing to U a Kimti N hi:ig: You KKrndilii 'ill,,, hi miy not know m much aa aouif, but )mi hihi an idiom nuther, and though it'a uIhmh well li bo huinblr, and iml pri'ti'tid to know tiling if you limit, il -tit wiidmn to go round lir.i ging thai you iwiil know iiothin', mid I Inn proie yourself a fool hni nolnidy dont uipfct iU i'.DOUgh will do that vtjthout your doing it. At lalrat mcounbi, llarnuin was in hot pursuit uf tha Democratic oiciulie r of the nowly clectnd legiilaturn of Maa'ichuictta. lie wnta him fur the Muenm P 0 3 ?. T look at ma iiiinnm:srsiii: Where', r jmirlut i(. at In Iho fannl) of linn, Win tin r esteemed id. fust or last. Do tlia best " fun Though most i lcur. mi.l ir, Maiiititui un liiinift pn Ir, And, lula'tiin; I" nim n-e yur store I-ouk at the bright. t uli Rtrite, striie with mulit mils n 'l.ittl'l tl. I! a v It . And, Ih li Ii l'i "'ti l m In I?11!. J ,tw )uiir iinl iKute i nr Iwt'.ei uu I hig'i. An I lill.il full "" inut, I lion t" re mniii a" lilr d'.t lit , (iriitrluii in tin ilu-' II friends ln.ul I n rn unt pr..ic Winn nu"-t th'ir 'd' 'i lu' I, TtllM "I 111 Ml II -T llllllllill Inu la Lull. Ii- I'l' r. I. Illlt I'lllT IkIhIO )i lltltki' llaliligi-f. r tt. Ill did pruii IV rrhntin" lli' n ma I" m.iiip niinuVi, Iiok nt tlia linilitn.t x di' When mi 'n K1'1 U' ""' n-'lirouila 'tin till ! iiud tin. It II. Far upl)"iil tli'envi hi iluuU Ih.'-l in..!!' .In.Miii; ull ; lln prtMiu iiuulii ma) A Minim.! future In Ir Wailni.Mill tint .iiv.iiitu), l,k ut tin liiiu'l'l'"' nde JuIl'i n"t nii'itli r'Mii 111! ti'ti linti' i" annr.l ji ur i tin, A lid Ih'ii j mir Ii' atl ih un' tt tlun C'n.t III linn u Mull. I''lllln J.il.tlf.V'Wlrilka Dil lu-li' tiiii-.'iuli 1 I.I II ll t'"U .llflipl'l' II III" III t, Ivaiknl tin liinthtml mIi- i'.if)j' ".v ii(iiir.M.i.m:x 1 1 ts itn hi un i in im In .ruxolm ttluii uur tuii'lx uri I tt, bjli-inlit-.il' r tolt hi; li tt. And mtt ii plu kirp up tin II' tt (l vino dipllllli tnplll). Ilultti lull - a uddrr Mjlit. W In n in M "iir in In in nun ti ti'l Ii l!, ('iiiiiiianliui! i ti rt d"lliir lun;lil 'I . l I. Ikrlxt.r .dl!l. I Mr I. i. I- in I In In"- mi' ill ' 1 I!.!. Ii m llilill.l lallll" 'I'-P ,l"'' 'IliF I ! Hit- till Illlt IIHI-t h HI I. W I'll tlinnl" t Utt itud ham at. Tu. II Ie di -pl r tte'ri iilin.t illltru. 'I'lieie s pie. i"il" lilt i l f 1 till' W lii ii i.ur I it .li.".' i rudrlv ru. u I rum Inn Is tl ,itln ..lil I .uiylt. I till Iliri;rr trl llufr ,1m ttill nr- tt, , i .i . .1 1. I 1. 1, utt. U t.rjtli. inn". ..ur rltui ii I. , I i r "ii, lu. j; ihi.' il id,' uli s I. .lt '(m, iliti'-'mr hit, iiel,"uii l" petl f r Inn. , ll," 11 n dun, ll. t r. Ill i,'."iiii"" nir ..tl.i r "lie lltliimi'tiiiC pit li rn'i ii"l). 'Hi.' ris. I .Istk.ii" tin ie briti, W In. in ii'd the ..Id Tl' rtlna unt. ' Win. pair. 'i ' nil fur pr.l. v's uniii ' An I at up t uiiii ii . In rifulli Ab' ii iti'iill tn'.l u" pli'iMiri mil, A frit ilrlili.pl. lit" linti In ni" I, ArkliiL' "I II" a Ml ir turpi, r'.r ptpeis mkfn r. cl.irlt r ihi:"ii. ,si:i;i.i:rr 'Hi. In K ttu. In ut ..I lie Irn iiiilu.rl, lliettnv ini,'rrMil ".tlllli the srul d. l.'m .1 . Ill ni- nut lln twig, tih.ililrein dir mule. I Until iris k.d criitin, ithu h el" iiuhi lu- i r. . t I llil.iii l..t the tint, whltll, lallilul I ' tin muI, D.iilii.tdi sump un cbtlt siituis r. ii nl d.arcr iml lli) i lul.l ttuh I .lit nl' ilit mtn N.irmnlr Ih. lidi I. r Hit u I Is V .. Im-' ' "I'l" a tti l 1 M'li n rl I I HI M Hi i .id llii- tt I Mill"' nr li nl ii , nu I it t uu 1 sli.'tter . Ull.l .1 tt.s "lisn iturll'il .hainji "I r tief.. Tis a l.u-t wmiI I ' Ih. miiiiiif it.n'lli, llii;iirll." I- Ih "ftlieii.l" mil lie tllh, His . hit i.hjiel i in mil in l Art g.il.lru .In inns .nul ht 'h ii'l" "I'l" n l"i"t w. rid ' -ee Hie mill . f fame. A I. --.'- l i I.I Inm '" n nun' ' W In lle itiiitii. l"ll. luuii hi" 'liui lure rt AT". Mldsl is ns ul blisslmil llssl.i.l leirs. Twabiis) wurld' s. e Ine inm .e iml, a lie burns all uv the ml lluc.li' "il , While lunar iwr't !l"K' loll Hie best, Ihnl fir .mil n lu lime isliltl" re. Tis a bin.) tinrl.l, an I a wurld. fsm! We hate le ttuh. ul mil !"" ttlllun t While III. slinlWI -Inn ler ill. llnrklt hurl. . I, In ihisluisi, c..l'l,uiilnliiiii tU'il.l ,V iCIWSTIf Sav. Aunt, (nmislil wile ml Hum, Aliil, ani'slil Aunt. I irnt lt.iired li) all ..r aflnti'ii trm ) re iml tin Inner in nl" n ' ll.i.l limit the l ans., tho' pe .pl" mi) Alarm. I lift diilli limn! lollnie wh i pu AID rl.ilha wedding low ltipt l.iliie.hiitlrll ma imw -lu i nii.lnr, isiilhalruthlhal All wluiiui" iiialriui"'!) If", Ni. 'ui.rr 1 1 fiei il.'in i ter kn.' I Or, iil "ni) lli'"" ttluine'. r nii'letit, II. ing III the wed li d i in Ie pent. Una fur a whil. , Hun luru annul Kl.nrir like He pJik ,"'ini' t"" A 1 i-niiri .v.i7': fc.v.v Thrf illi.ttiii liltlu Htnrv In Ml Ilrr- tl tiirr i lain ii I rum irlain'" M:ii?un'. I'Vr it truth and rc.ilil) sliUK.it s llc will bv ro- SpOIISlllli' ' In tin. I'liitLrsilt of I'lsala, of Sncdcn, bud a) uiiii!.' 'Hid', nt. n 1-inMy nutli, mill I " hit an outrage, (luuktug bornlied, a gr.-at 1'itu forstii'h's, but uit'lmul iiii'.ina and nitliuutslri lilicd and trembling arms.) fur pursuing llii'in. Ilr w.i pour, and with- "I repeat, n hat an outrage upon jour in nut uiiitm tuiiis Mill hu studied, li mi; in ti'llig. nu' and ) our foiiiuiuti sense is it for "ri-at puierti, Im' krr-piiij arhi'itlul heart, , thu Stale's attu'rne) toask.it )uur hands tbf and mini' nut to lo ! .tl tin- future, ttlmli I In .'.nl sn grmil) it). - ma I" li i ' ii li rn 1, . tliii.' V ul bun lli 'ui id ipuil I n I bi b. inn'..; t itn tt ! iinbii ' 111 "ulili ul tin 'in in il siU ire ol I 'pi d i, pi ! ting ana) an hour ol Iti-ure, ulieii the nt lt.utiuii of the iuuiil' Mien becanie arrested bv a setv luuii'. di"' ml I'll wh. i'l tin si.b of an rl une, itiilked sluitlt oirr ! the l'I ie. . It tt i the iliughttr of the mi- nioi of T ."ill, lnit.g in the nt), and tl I la.ly tilth In r was the goti rnev. Mio was 'ir.ii.r.dli kiiuttn for her tron-huss and geti lleln "I .' 'n.ieter, an I luul.i.'l Ui.oli Willi iiilmii.itiou b lli" siml, His. A-. tin' r.iuTiir un l tl'.W nil 111 e .1 tooil yiiiig at In r us he i .s(.d irau fui iisioti, uiio of lluir.it' cl.tiui."l : 'Well, it tio'ild l.j worlli ""ii. thins to Inn r a kit- from such ..mouth.' j The poor stud, nt, tin In ro of our story, ItllO WIS llHlklll mg iiiienll) un tlut pun) and xtliiiii.il. as if bv inspiration, mi." 1 i f.li'i . eVi llllllil. as if uv Hill 'W',11, 1 tlniil, lioul.l Inieit. W'lnt " iind In. li lends in a churns, 'arc . von i r.ij ' i ' 'Not nt hi- tin lid Do )..ii know her.' Ac. II," li" aiisiu rgd ; 'but I think I"" me nun. ll I a"MU in r , I 'iVh ii, in tin- I'll. In lure nil out fit. I' I "In tin- pi ue.bi luro lour i)es.' IV. . K ' '1'r.i.i'i ' . . .. . . . I : . :.. .1 .. u.ll. II li" wiiigiU')..u.iM"s ,, .".r'-l ".:M.1:':;:-':::;:.""" "U1,r tll.lllll'l"". '!' "'.'' 'And I " 'inl ll'tntd tbreo .. four others . fur it happi nu 1 that several rub Viiiin ' un li iv. ie in tin 'roiiii. and b t ran . " ..." ..... i -i In -li on ... mil rot a in . i.ui ; ami me lull, ii'" w.i- iu.ul. and rutucd in tes nan. i . . nu,. lb m w Ink" tu n I ill it. if wa hiiiiUiiii.' ni pl un ; I b lie mv tu- .. I i ... ..!.! .'..1 . i uli ir 1. 1 a" f.u l belli g that lie was rat In r pl tin. Lu I inn inn oil lo lb. Miiuularli guoldoukmi: at the )..ur liertitmiiie.il ill I) walUi. I ...un ltlt.aiu "'H.l ' (mm li"- l.'i n.l mv I ii'iii i I. in intir hind. Mn' I ...k. I .it loin ina-l bin",!. I ul arn l.d h.l st, p. He pr.nnd. d lii.tat. hisiiiin.i ami ii'ii'litiuti, bi a-pir ilmii, Hid n laled Mill) li and trult wh il bid lift p.ird bo- luuii' bun aiid hi" loiniuiiiun. Tin. voilli lull 1 l.. ii.d all' utlteli, and "ii. ll lli'.l'.lvil I with l. .it pi ik lie "I'd, bliihiug, but . tu. ss : 'It lit so litile a timiLC unn li i tl b" . lb tl' d. ll would be ! ii..i-li lor i.n to r. fue lour ri.pusi .'and he I I tl iiigiiiiupiilili.il Hi tl"' ii i li ill lie I Next da) tin ludi III was m lit fur l.y tin' t! urnur' lb w iiilid Iks,.,, the in in who I dind In nek a ki-s from his diugliler in lit it w.i) , nu ! n .hi she b id iuiii IP. ! t" ki ".. lie r. tell i d bun with a "trill nil' mg limn, Iml 'itler in hour's .uiin . ili.'ti u,i..u pb.fi d tilth Iuth tb it he nllernl bun ! to .hue nl In. tible dining h c idle .it I ;,.i.i Our toiiii - fil, ml unit nursed his li. lies 111 a in una l tthi.li -nun mi I" linn reginlul . in., iini.t pituiiiMiij rrholir ut lli.' I m in. Hi. Ilirvi' ii irs iii ii'ii.il piul .illir the d'u of the iirt kl, when lln- ruling , . . i '. . man w.i" i otti. o irive a mihihi mi" io the iliugbli rntllieiiuveiiioi, as Ins mtili deil biide. Helm mi', h'er, mi.' of the L'n'.iti'sl silml irs in stiid. n. I b r.'piili d lor his leu mug and for Ins chain tir. Ut' works mil i udure full ver aniolig the it oiks of cii'iiu' ; and Iroiu tlu bappv iiinuii .plain; a limit! will known m uedt u in the present 'ildl, and w ' vteiltb of Inrlime .iml high 'I'l.ni.ni i nl) are regard. l .1. . 'ill llilli s . llinr.'l it I'll ll'ile ilth I '.i.i.lin ih.l . . I II I. I A bni cniiii'inr id iii ni i n.s ,iA n i i:s igr.iolll leiplested 111 wife In 'ie mil into the earth It a diror two alii r lb" weilibtii;. lie thin ihr.w u lui" uv.r their full ig". lilting bis wife one . ml of it. li" l.'ln iinl to lb" other sd,., nii.l 'Villi I. 1 'tl 1 1 the line !' Mi.' pull. .1 it, at hi i.tie"t, .! I ir as she could, lie cued "I'ull Hun '"' "I 'an'!." -lie re plied I' ti tain were all lln i Hurls of the bride lo pull ut. r the line, so long as tb" liiishiinl In Id on tu th" opposite end Hut when be t"itii' r. .iiii.l, and (hei both pulled at one eu I, it en . oter Willi ntc, ' I'lu re mil lui'i haul ail'' uttll'itiid ... i .i i ii nas our iituiir tui.i. ...- I'... .r.Mii..n to eath otln I : nut how in-v nun ieaaui it ph'ii' is it hen wo Is.tb pull lug. 'lli. r. ir. If wo 'T'l ird work; if tie insr e-itii tun. i ii ...I..'.- ............. .i ... net Ing.therilnill I-pleiisint lo hie, let uslherifori'.ditaiHpulllogelher." (;:.-;;. rrx Tli New Urleius l'i, ivune is a I right mirror, rell. i ting fur nur mirth all 'lie fun ind fmbi i iiliimi Hi d around it "Wehaie ml dull beaid in our d ii of Ii-ihI iniUdn," i)sl t,,ausn when lirst dhcovFred ho was ihitiTitt! loiiMiil' "but if a I'luliililtilii.i mihidiTiil perf.il in bis spbcit, but b) Hi ... i.-.. ,i. . .. o 1-...1. i . .... i ... i... il .. ..i tl.,,.,lt ' lit 1 IT nil lie ll ine loiiottlll, I..III1 .nmnn , .i .i i . ' 'uih ,11,1 reet'lirti, aim ii'i "ti.-, ti.v-, vj :,r:,f;i;:r;:;,;.,!: '''xil-; Th le-ilimonv i iler tint lif hid bet hit' nide an opening .ulTicienlli large to admit , tbo uppei part of his IkuI), and lb rough lvlnrli he i, intruded liimsell'iilimit half win. ' and stKtihiug out his arm uumuiltod ib'u thifl. Mr. Obfulicilnllri(faddrc w. tho urv. mietiuii ul mv tlii'tit on suiu tcstiinoni . Tb" I in is a.Mint iiimini a hoii"e and . in a in in li -id in iifi-u Iioiim', win n mil) mi hull of In- b nl) is hi and thuoth"! hall hiil' Ov.iiKiiit ii, look to the Pit me I.aii mi this point, (iod lommnndul Adam and Hi i' not to eat the, apple i, ., tho ttbuloof the apple. And all tin! luuimcn- tators ngriolli it il llm) luil only vnlcn unn li ilf. the) would not bate beu rapiUed Iruiii the liluuimuggaiileii ul l.iUn. 'lhejury broiijhl in irrdu t of "guilty" .is tu oil. -h'llf of bis bodv fiom the iiaist Up, and "not t:mln" as to llm other half. 'I 'io Jud,'e senlenci'd the guilt) half to one ii.irs impriMiiiiiKiit, le.ning it to the prisoner's option to ban1 thu innocent half ml oil, or lal..) il along with bun. UKl'.VAMHWi' Tl'7. 'Kroin the tlrt niuinent hc g.ne tip her vouii"; and hoping heart an lull us trcasurra into thr hands uf him nlmloicd the luiklc-s hour win n Hip charmer wine, UsUneil miiiiI the loud one nil the serpents upells 'of is sun urj down tlirotigli nil the cru-li- mg of her Jilting burn hoies-lliroiigli eara oitsiraiigemciii aiiiiirniiniii"iiiiui tiu.-u i.irsli iiiikitnluess int at tier niari'Sirma tilth un adder's tooth -thence down through cm.li sin fessiie depth ot Jiur ico and misery. until li" bent oter the drunkard's crave : .. . n .t... I...I.. ..C .1 I.,.. uiro anil r,,ts, , ,o . ter;rrt;urW.in --. ...... ... j intiiu trir.l to nit Iiiiiim If adrift from thu i vnipatby and mint) of t.nd and imm she h i. iluii'.' to him and held linn to her heart i i i . ...... i ...i ..l I. . .. ... nun in, ,k n, "un. ii, ... ..... ..u ...- east oiii, all iltliled mill ln leprou point-, I - tin i tvhe i lie was reilufeil lu "iich a tiling ili.rcw.isouevilioalillk.ptliimlliriiU.il. 1. .1 .'l ....!.. .... nl. t ... I,, lli"! m in r In an ol noiri: mio nouuisay iiiiiio filleii creature, "Allbougli vou are Until-1 m to the woild, vou are all tho world to im' Win n lh.it attlul liisimt)- of tb" diunkaril -et Hi U oh linn, with all its in'ini- i"h -h ip.'S of tnitnre : tilule be 1 1) wrilliilil.' b. neath the curpioii sting of the pli.inl.i- !, ,ml film of ililirmut tiimuii, there was a woiinn b) hi" "ide, nseed with all the .Htiibut. of In r lovliiit. 'Ihere was bei tearful lovi.lanmiic e)e, that lieier limtiiol bulw ith tears win u tbo black spirits were aruiilnl bull." Sm'i is woman l.nc. It is the bngh te.t j, . I in lur ernwii. 'I hen what to her is lite tihcli hue lias llniili! i.7.i:.t.r nr.Piwnv. I.or.l Kell). i' ! biatnl in the last age fur In. Imo of inu-if, iias ' not only witt) in I ..It' lni tin. i.tn-,1 ut' ml in oilier-." Mr , a Volch ndiocale, 'i mtn of ci.u.iilerablo huinor. ..nompaniiil bv a gnat t',. mi ililt of nianiitrs. hiiii. iiul to Iw one of a enii't it ill pirtv. whin hi" lor.Miip was at the bei'l ol llio t H,l. : aner iiinner, ne ttasn-knl to "iHL'. out absolulelv rifusi'd to imiipl) mill me pressing .oni-iiaiious ui i the t.iiiiimv ; at length b.td K lolil , Inm he Imuni uoiisi.ipi uu iiiusi iiiui "in.' a song, till a stori.or drink . pint ii- ii i. :....... ..i..,. ..,..:..., j nu timer. ir. i , in, m. ..i".i.iiin".- mm, chose rather to till ,i"tory tli.in iiu'tir the furliil "Oiu-il i ," i-.-ii'l he, in hi" pom pous manlier, "a thii f, in the lutirsn of his round, saw' tin doorof a iliurcli iuvitingl) open ; he wilkid in, lliiiikingtli.it cieti tin re be might 111 hold of something use ful , li.ii mg Minted the pulpit i loth, ho was rotrcitnig, when, lulhe luiind tbo door shut. After nmo loiisiilcr.itioli, he udop- did niilv meiiisof es.'ipeleft naiiiel), to lit hull"! if ''ow lib) tb lull i.ip-i lln bell, ii . iiir-e in,, l'hepioIe wiu alinili'd, an I the ih 1 1 tt i" I ik ii jii"t ,i" Im re.iihul the ground. Wh.n tiny vtoro dragging htm .ma), on lool.ed up, and rmplinticilly i.l.be.sei'l the b II, as 1 nun address ) our l.mlslnp, "Hal H not bei u, said be "lor. vn'ir lung loiigin .ii.d your cui.ly head, I hid made nil r-tape. Taking lliiugi I'.asv, is lerv bird but !ii pbilnsupbii il. Wo hue Uiitl H, and i iirpr.ik l.uiu esperielit'e, ihnilgh nc fall out ilii.ii In ii up In i lie 'like it fas)" iluililiii.' llul Ih.rn is no mi-lake nboiit ll, that if .iliiali Whin loeiijni hinii ll ho mii-t take the world niiv.il a ll is with a llinihinil shad. and a thniisand spots of ... i,,.lime a tluu In ti'iind tin re abnubt ua stnrui to tlai and a falui lo morrow 'the ihill piercing wind of autumn, and ,, , reining breath of summer. Inn . . , in, ri'iniinr H(ini "i,,!,,. ihmgs as tin) come," if ton t,,n-t vouartialo.il. A eliarlilig nun has laU.ulns inui'li iiiinf.iil as llm tellotv wlio tins eont'ilie.l tu an Ulelt1'..t ol ibhtli's. - In i imi I'uriehke iho earth wo t . slO'ailull IS lollllil ll. i" u.i. ... ' r- . FEMAI.t:iXTHEEI)ITORlAl.CIIAIH IhiMireen li.iy AUiocale, a iiemucraiic I'lner. is utlilrd bv n conlli'in.ui wlinsowifo happens to bnsomrlhing of a politician, but Ms u ntnunth, uiillinching whig. The ed- ( itor left lio'ne lor a tcwuajs miring ina ( ileitiou latup.ugn, when party loelilig rani ., .in,.!. Iml liii.li. mid bis "U'ttcr half took iho nunagemciit of the paper during hi. nl.- lup CrnnponiM r!,'!",nfP,:V,,!onnWfl;, TJS.' ,cence pretty soon llefwhig lnd,.k,'jflrS' jiroud too strong fur resistance, and linding yMK, n. Otlrana, Hnn Franciac., Panland, and It difficult to write against coH'ciente, alio principal lowna of Cuhfornia and Oregon. set to work with a will and penned aome ' Our rrgiilat Semi monthly Kipreae between tlammg whig leaden, which dull mSiSI in tnc daily ..itiiotis ot tho paper much to' ,1,,iUBFJclTOW,A,nll.lnOT1h: tho nstonislimcnt of ita usnal readers. Die y y.tr, ta jVru Ytrk mnd Ntxe Orlitt; which doniocratic partner of tho firm happened , ,hi.puiched regularly on the lat and 16th of aach niinU'iitlv to fall in with a copy of his jour- month, by the mall .tuimere and In eharga of our nal dun.;" bis trip, and his atirnriao may Ihj '""T""-.1. Iv.'",. i..i. ... i ... .. i" e I :... I.....I.I- 1. I III.il: IIIVa n lis, u IIU ewtaaou iv vnivoa. -- umiis laboring to impress umn thu public mind the souudness ot wing uiitl luo rotten ncss of doniocratic doctrine.. 'I ho obitor sn)s: Our htraight going, old lino demo iralic Adiocato waa slattled out of ita pro. priety at linding a regulir whig handling llic pen and nissors, mid when wo lint saw llm paper, uu our w.i) home, wo rcarcely recoguiii'd nur old friend in iho new and strungo antics which it wascuttiug up. 'lhnnkful that il wan no worne, we hurried home, holding our iery breath, lest in thr next issuo no should find tho name of our fiiorilo candidate Marry hauled down, and fomo other raised. Hut that last and great est afllKtioU wan spared us. His uinie vet llutterii! nt the mast bond, and thu country wa,stis anfo as it cou'd Ik-, considering. ' Uu has resolv'ed in fulur.i nut to lento home while an uleilion is pending. lliijl'ulo Com. .Ultiiliirr. Whipple, Iho leittirer, aavit that Dr. Young, the author of Night ThotigliU, was , . , ... - ,.,,. . I ttiirl.ltt' tliinrrs. but that his favorite- nurstlit I j - , - . , 1 tins rank mid riihrs. From this and oilier .illustration which ho cite", he conclude, tint a mau of letter ii often a man of two . , , , . . 'e a . ,i human nature for beticcn w roto in praise . ., . . ,. , ' , , , . r i ItlHtCrilll. nscrijil Speak well of) our friend of an enemy av iiotinng 1855. 1855. COUNTING IIOU.SK ALMANAC. H ? 9 JAXCARY . , tfl i Vfclllll All MARCH. AI'RII. - MAY .1 '.' JVXE.. Jfl.Y AVtll'ST SEl'TEMHUR . !1 1 (H'TOIIEH li M)Yi:MIIER -I '- . .?'"' fsTrxiOwa AT PAK 111 II la Hi I J li J I V.i DECEMBER V... .1 niCKI.IIS J gollmi jar. h) . M. t.ATul Rl. I 1 1. IHU.l.A" Boilod Oil. 11WK.N I'Y Iron b-tllr- l.sle.1 paintOil.J gall r,ch 10 do belled p..iul O.l.i do . --. , . , ...,. ...... ,. WELIoS, FARGO & CO.'S EXPRESS. nellteen Orrarm, California, the Atlantic sjM on(j Europe. ItAVINO made ndrantaceotu Accfe arranRfme nl with the Untied MiAi Sl.lrs and Pacific Mall Hiram- T r.i .iw irau "". "'" "" "' on Ih" .Mil and 20th of oach month, alae In charge of mrwu'ngera. Trraiurr imvrrd In lha liett New Tork com panies, or at Llo) d's in London, at the option of luppera. Connecting Lines on the Atlantlo Side. W e conreel at New Yotk with Uia fallowlug wrll-knowD Inra, lti Tkr American BtrrM Co.imny, running tia Iluftalo and Dunkirk lo CleieUud Handusky, Cincinnati, Ut Lwia, To Irdo, Detroit, Chlrago, Oalena.ete. Tkr llanlrn Eiprfi to Boaloa, Ptoladelpaia Daltlmore, Waaliington, etc. I'ullrn, Virgil 4 f'o'f Vermont and Canada Kipreaa; Datrnport, Mann Ct.'t Now Ded furd Kpre .iriiijfelon, Willi Ci.'i Euro reau Einrcaai tV'l, Farpa Ci?i. Omira-New York, No. 16, Wall at. J Now Orlran,No.ll,Kichange dec San Kranciaco, v.. lU. Mnnlironierv atrtrt. W. II. UAKNIIAKT CO., Agenta. Portland, O.T., Auguit iiO, ie.13-37lf rURNTTUHB ! 1 FUUMXTUJUB1M To Suit tho People and the Time. TlfAY ba found in great tatiatjr at J. B. Oar ITJ. ii.n'a, at tlniold atand formerly kaown a "TurTrra Wwrta Hotil," wheto ho keepe on haad, and la eowiantly manufacturing aad Import ine the folkm mg de'irable artlelee : Centra, Card, Kxlenalon, Dining a ad Ureakfaat l.adita', W'oik.Teil i, and Kitchen Tabloe W'anh and Light bUinda, Sofaa, Trio and Parterio Table" A largo and general aaaortment of Look Ing (llawea, Matraaaea, CatUro SotU, aataral ra neiiea. Cane and MahoganyjKocking Chain; alw ryrry variety of fancy and cammoa chain, Blaola, Cola, lanan Drjrre, whal-nelf, &.C Iiunt-ta. for llm declining'. Comforte, for iho eoinfotllaaa. Cradlaa, Setteea and Cnba for the 1 ii ilmrr Ira'f. HinHneea and Office Drika. BalUea, OUomaaf, Foot and Muiic Kloula Hureaua and Dreaaing Caaea In great rarlely. Kreri ranelyof lledatenda, withnaw ImproTO nieuli, .me of wlilih would throw a wholeceaamo inly of bed-buga into eonrulaiooe at firel aigat. The un.leraipiod wilt a waye be found at hie oo tablashm.nl, and erery di-acnptlon of ware in hl line will be inanufattnred promptly lo order. ltouiiekeeieraaiidothiri would do well call and eiamlnr befurepurcharlng elaewhare. All work of hia own make will bo warranted, and aald atoi trunely moil ratea, to eotteepond with tha noon times; oirepting a fine aaMrtmaat of Sofaa, Jiw received, which will bo aoKfor eoar ad raanar! .1 Zitiifo uf Produce takenin Eickangef The ui drrtakln bnslne- will be promptly at tended In, ae I hare a fine hteree and keep aaaa eurtuieul of Coffina xiaelanlly oa band. I nuld rneeifullt tender tar Mrrlcoat tho cititemtif WaahlDgton and Claokamaa, and will ri'isind to all calls In Miner county lorwo neaiiau turn of ten dollare for heaiao and my owa aenrieea. j. B. OA7R180N, Cor. Second and Alder Sl'a. Sign of Iho High Bedatead. N fl BeJateaJa t'P, but pricoa DOWN ! Portland, Sept. 31, 1834 31y. VN i: hundred and eight Bib Mioa apann can- Vr dlee, a rmr article la lancy noin, uy 1'RESTON, O'NEILL 4 CO. Ituslied eurat in barrel" for aala by LATOVRKTTE (J- nukuneiu. . SKAM:iliernnrinline.by I.ATOURKTTB ot HOLLAND CKAM, UOGEIIS'&'CO.'S CALIFORNIA AND OREGON ronnrrliBa- l 4'l " ADAMS $ Ci'l trill lnoirn and unnralltd Pacific Atlantic rnni Em of an Eifttu. , 1 It. CO. would nviel reteclfully raform ' Hie pul'He, that they hao made arrang-. infills In forw ar. a 1! iy .iprroa, umiiui IhefJIutvlug pla.ea. In charge uf out regular mee engerei rlscirL orncia. Inks. Jacksonville, Allhouae, WoarenrilU, Piinburgh, Pitt Hirer, Leo Trimly Uiver. Scolt'a liar, Klamath Rifer, lloeua Itlier. Dendwooil Creek, Oreenhom Cteek, l'ultouiion.1 Creek, llertvdle. Sailor Dicglaga, Canonvllle, Ka.em. tstsiil Mirer, ocoii '"j, Salmoi. Uiver, Indian Creek, Humbug tnoa, Hungry Creek, Ch.rry Creek, Hamburgh. Crea lentClly, Winchesicr, Portland, and OregoaCi- We aril at either of nut principal officer, SHIRT DRAFTS on Aiismi j, Co, III tha Atlantic Slateo and La- .inAdaiuaAi Co'e Office", througnoat tno oiaie DI'.I'OSITS Krmrrif, apeciai or owerwiea. Tlie lughe.l price paid fof (iOI.D DUST. , , . . Trrisuri", latuauia racaagee, iir. -,., forw arded by our rvgular measengere with tho ut- IIIIKl llfMHtllll. n , 1'iirfc, ular atlentiou paid lo Colle-lkwa. Ordera for licHls, parcrl" or ck.gea prompili attended to, and forwurded accrdiac lo inrtructione. All lluwiieaa rnltiwted to eut care, will bo ralth fully and promptly "jft', B0UEHS fcCO. Jarksonville, Del. 13. I8S3-3JH axUlK, llacoii and bard h jhi bg. J. JbO. F.BR00h?. """"'"'"flKtTOA- 1 Hundred ram" i--l "! - -ift,rJ1VJ, t.ATOt'RETTr 4 M(f.f4VP dot by u u II ii 'i ... a .i wl a