li hi C L CUODRUlf, MHTOft. Oi(Kuii.rirV.oM:afNTKKK!TOUY: Saturday Morning, Jan. 13, 1B55. ETPhMic MifrluiffF, of nil ltind. within proTtfd'll.H pllMli-l it III till Uprr, IHUll JUM H trluiui Io 1I1..I rnVl rrPTMi4 .4wmu in'.iir y In ilda r.ahli.iimen. rut tit rri(tti"h r-qtn-Hed to obtain a rcciipt ri it ill- p.ib mlirr r niilh-rizril asm o lTVhcti iihy miS cri'-ff wEnttrn to divontitwe I'l 'Kl it m rrf-wi:tlii I) ougrMe.1 UiaUlldiH-a b protnp.K ail (HTA ltit cr-iiiriin fur thii p)er muit b pr M.itil be HifltiMotk.r, m ,011 1 hurt-day, toinmie l.itfrll n tl ra m, w.ik t7 ll ( irmiiii'u i tn will be r.jeetfd iintcM th tutlWi real na nf (lrtlic l&litiirVb.'iif ..) o impair the iiiauutcript. tTWf wil luat-rt no Aiiii.iiU.rat'r'i adver. tttmivntfl utU4 ility an n-pa.d. The trouble ofctlVlhgi i in in- than tlir mv worth j 1 PPeitn Yeciiviiijj hilla ca i nnvt innnc-y to miho.gri tha, wlnn no nth. r iri'ihi. i clt ig ail. Iub cri.Krn pVurr riotitf. AiiilNsT tiik iNsiliinits wititvor Forciiin i.vFU'KNcr.. (icnsjtnK vL- to beiiki-b rrSLSBrm: awakk. It is ...nk of tur most ba-f.- Fi'L fiiks of a Krpi'iilican (iovekn- MBIT. Wiukinptnii. WHO WAN'l'S MONEY I Oil the fil'at (lay of jMnrCili18f)f), . miiiii ni-iih Dili?, ior inwnil cot- ICCtlOII, to nil those per-OHS Who I hull lmve pilill nothing On sub-, until nitve pan i nothing on sun-, fcnpuon io tue uregon cvpeotator for a vear nnd a half previous to that date, and Khali discontinue their subscription at the same time. In the meantime we-will be happy to receipt for any who may wwh to pay tip, nutt thus save co-it . JCT I'Iii- steamers Catii'tiiah and Frank lin, on the Upju-r Willamette, now carrv frtisht from this city to Corvallis for 82 1 per ton. The people tell us this is jel too high.. (KrTho Statesman editor published the I n , .. , '. i , . .,,., , , ' , Oregon a better chnnco to "end n man Hon. John Wilson letter, and at the samo , . , . ,, , ,i ... (. , , ,,, , .. 'skilled in political knaverr, treat liery, eve. tune olii-riil the use of Ins columns to Mr.i,., ,. . , ., ,, j M. , ri . , ,. , . ... We would wish they could tind his eoual 1'refton to reply. .Now. hn savs wait I , . ,-, , . r . . .. ,.' ' ".,.. to represent Oregon, but wo fear it cannot after the iidjoiirumcnt of tho Itpislatuie ;i. ,' whilo at the same lime he filh) up his sheet, 1 ' with Mini' Iwdy's long dissipation about a) Cfc"Som politicians may think it is all stage route between Missouri and California "on 'bo square" to talk temperanco on oue juitasif his suht-ribrrs were all from I'ikr, corner and "treat"ontho other. W'cdont. thai they woul I n.d it, and tho sery cap- They may think it is all right to elect men tiuu of which pronounces the article worth- to office by the influence and aid of intoxi less. eating liquors, but we tloubt it. American, -. ,. r, . : Whig, Democrat or nhai not, we will nover (CTMyroi. II. Clark, (whig) i. elected votcforanj. ,,, foran office of honor, pro Governor f ?v,w Urk by a majority of fi, orttMt who we h,vo tUe ,eMt idca ,Ui 3ltt votes. I he Whigs .left their Lieut. whiein ,liatcapllcUj., CVer bo too drunk to G .vernor, Canal commissioner, and entire MtnA , M( ofl-cial dutic,. And wt. fecl Slate Htlirt by a l..rp majority. Most of . ,,,, ,ftun ,hrowB at that tho menib'rs . Irct are said to be Seward -fn.ft. wtBOwboa,mollK,holIon'.(!) in' ii. V.IIMUIM, .iiurricnn, uas exiiiuiieaa strenjth which is more terrific, bj far, to the whigs, thaii the locofocoism of New York. Anoiher canvas, will be apt tolcloo4, thcir candidntcj to wUA mcn D0. ....Ik ,1... ..1.1 l.'.rtrt.n k!.... 1... -t. 1.. I " ink the old Kinpiro State what she ought lobe, Native American triumphant. OrTlin S,in Francisco Herald says that the total shipments of Quickiilver during the year 1 -jn, from California, 1 8.800 1 or I.II0.UIM1 pounds, and valued at 81,3,I50. Th'f shipments are pretty near-1 ly the uatne fmm jear to year, although the New Almaden mine is capable of yield-1 ingunhiniteiUupplus of the metal. Suffi-' rient nnlv is i.r.xlii.v.1 m !,.. ,1. m.,.l .. ..f , . . .v .- v . '-I'M .."' .. ....... . an I notoverttnek tho market. Tho mine is far more valuable thun all the rest of the cpiicksilver minis in the world put to gether. During HJ4, 1,4-10,00(1 pounds wre oxporte-d, which at the low price of 50 cents a pound amounts in value to 872-1,. Sill. This, howHter, does not include the I.iye am 'unt of the metal uied in Califor "'a. v-u,T i i .i .vi i7 i i'. OCTWu uinl. reluu'l that Mr. Hush, editor ... I . . ...... . .i.e. . i j inl proprietor of the ntatennari had a new press, priming mate. ials.tVc.. on the sup - .-,1 in c. J in i . Ti- . I posesl Hl-fati-n Siiiernr. This is truly a d plorablo loss, as it will take several inunths ,'.... i i . .i lor cover the insurants i.nd again ship the ..... , ... c ' m.itenals so lung a il'stnnc... OCTTIi- r.heriir I' .Miami county, Indiana. a Iti-rtisea ; "I will .il!', r for sale at the door of lb" Methodist Church, in I'eru, the same being now used a a Court House," 4c. Bli.sciing : (Jrrib.e! What would our j people here lay to have their fine churches ne.all II. flit nan ) ll 1TWV!a. 1 --.--- .- win , v. ..wai-sin, ........ ....A a i I rived from a reliable source, that Dr. Kane's tt7The Mormons have established a party, of the brig Advance, sent out by Mr weekly newspaper in New York City, devo-' (iriuuell, has discovered the bodies of Sir I'd to llie iiilprol of lli" Latter Day Saints John Franklin and hit companions. They and I. lygamy. Sotno time ago, llrigham wiro completely frozen, and in a perfect Young is said to have slated I hat ho should stacteof preservation. Although Dr. Kae bo (iovrruor of Ulah Territory until the ha anticipated our indefntigablp couulry .Lord sad ''llrigham, tun need not bo (iov- men in solving tho problem us in th fatr a.nor any longer." He now seems to think oflhe gallnt Si-i John, yet the honor due to that, the Lird will be willing to have him throw up the diith lofliU office at jut about th'tMpiue ijme.tliat J-'jule Sam is I (KrTljo ilirw la itill rU;-r GOOD NEWS ! ! Slcamslt!i Southerner Haft Ashore ! ! Last evening, A. Ilolbrook, ICq., kindly furnished us the following letter ( just as we were going to press,) wln'cli sends a thrill of joy to many an anxious heart : Portland, Jan. 13, A. Holbrook, Rsq. Tlio Fashion arrived this morning, ntul brought news oflhe Southerner. She struck on the bar in try iiiL' to enter tho Coluinhin Iliver. uprunu a Ip.ik and then made for tlio Sound ; tin-1 leak L'uinim? on them, and tho sea very nitijjh, they Wched her on Cape Flatter) , at high water. All tho passenger safe, ami it is auptiosi'd minis and freight alo. i Cupt. Sampson despatched u incsscngpr to Olvnipia fur assistance, and the Major Tom-1 kills sinned with tho cutter Jpiri)ais in tow mi tlio -4 tli in-t. It is rutnoreil that the ' "Jell Davis" will bring the mads and pas senders round to the Columbia River. F. JtiTWc Icnrn by the S.m Francisco Herald that during IS"i4 thera was export ed from California, (taken the gold I ',;) l1,.jlnlncnwlmof8ai100ll,i:W,0ll. "f ' -- . - to t,ir Atlantic Slates. It mutl.o borne in ! iniiiil, liunuvvr, that this is only the amount i manifested, and liv no means indicates the 'Ifull production of the mines during the lime ' iiiiii..rl. Tn utiliiin that un would have t() tako into eotuideration the sums taken in private hands bv tlio thousands of passen- vr, who h.uo departed by sea, as well .v I by Mexicans and others returning by land j by to their homes ; the sums used in manufac tures, coining, Av., in the State. OOnthe first pago of our paper to-day it will bo teen that Hon. John II. Preston 'has most conclusively and undeniably re butted the attempts of Wilson, Lane i: Co. to cast a stain upon his official acts. 1 hose persons who love justice will listen to it for others we presume Mr. Preston cares not. Ilefore Mr. 1. had resolved to have the Territory, his name was a conspicuous one as regards being a delegate to Congress. 'PI. ..I l,nna la iiaU sif iii-ii all Tlitc 11 111 (Ml it at Salem, all arc not careful enough to try to ''subduo and govern their passions." We would caution the Know Nothings in ted for sobriety. C"Firo ! Firo ! ! The engine is here and now for an effective organized firo de partment. Wo proposo that the "Wig '., ",, , ,,,- ,.. .., ... nr ,. , foreigllcr, ,,loul, .-, Inil j,.r , ., i OCrllon. Jiio. II. Preston, we underfnd, "'" ke 'i'1"1 leave of Oregon in a few weeks, returning, with his family to Illinois When he leaves, Oregon loses itEtt nesT man, and in political nitidis, one we hihevi HOMCST. Illinois pah-rs phase note. FROM THE STATES. By Wrltt, Fargo V Ca ' Kxnrest The Columbia nrrividfrom San Frantis. co earlv Monday morning last. Wells, Furgo tt Co. brought us the news t inctity-tiine hours ahead of the mails. W are a!o indebted to J. W. Sullivan, . , , , , , fur a news and iterarv supidv by tliu fast ' ' ' ' -x!'11e,ne,1 .. ., . ho Southerner eft San I-rancico as ,1ht,11b!' I'loclinn returns slow that Massnchti- , 1, , , , , , , sett am Del iwaru have eh ctp'l tlio Aincr- . . .. ,. , ... , . I ican ticket mtire. New- ork, Michigan, Illinois and Wisconsin have elected n 'inly Ri Whig and Anti-Nebraska men. Every i,,,, ,eeins lobe purticulirly down on tho , present administration. TheActual Kcmaiimof Sir John Frank. Hn Discovered, Intelligence has been re- ' ,,, .,.-, . , ceixed from Lake Superior, said to ls de Ins services in the causa ol humility is none the lets. There ii no man so deep but that he has, a shallow plicr, Hon. Henry A. Wiso has received tho nomination for (iorcnor of Virginia by the Democratic Statu Convention of that State. Tho proceedings of the Comicntion aro said to have ken characterized by unusual lur- . . J Iitllance. , ' , Ihe steamer "Grand I otter struck upon a rock near Cairo, on'tho Misisipi river and sunk in twciitv-thrco feet water. The pas - ' seneers wero ri-scuci Willi iiimcuur. liiu boat and freight is a total loss. Tho probability of the nomination of J (iio V. Sunuiiprt by tho Know Nothings is spoken of. It is nllcgi d bets are ottered upon his eltcttoii. scleral Demo cratic Mi'imprs of C"oiigres express the opinion that Wivj will do elided. No More Fnriign Marines, Ity n re cut order from W.nhingtoii, the enlist meiit oi loretgners imo ine .unriiin corps, now stationed at the Charlctown Navy Vnnl, I is to cease. It is believed that tho same order has keiieiit to all our military post, -u rJ -Cu.ian Courtesy.- Genera Uoncha, o new Gaptam-Gpiieral of tulu, seems anxious to conciliate the Americans. Not log since tho I'lrled Slnti s steiun frigate I'nuston Vbilcil Havana, ller saline was answered by the Kicrnii:i Spnisli frigate, with the ensign tied up ilia hunch, hoisted at the fore, with the thir teen guns. This being obered by the (icneral of Maine, he at once ent oh" an order Io iread out the stars anil stripes, ami go tlirmi'.'Ii with the s ilute again, wincii was done, to rhe chagrin of the Spaniard in eharire oflhe fri-'ate. F. fill inleret in a..,n. Es:1.ha,di.p;,edofhi. "lihnsons 1'ictorial anil the ,.rliie ol Uur Union ncwspaier to aiaturin l. Rdlou. INq, fur tlm sum of 82(1(1.1)00. This is the largest newspaper salo evur' efTected in this country. Mr. (Jleason re-1 . . . " I. tires with an Ample fortune. Mr. Ilallou has been editor of the two publications since their cniiuii'-lie. ment. The last instance uf modesty is that of a joiiti" lady who n fu-i d to wear a watch in her bosom, because it Irid hands on it. A friend to everybody is a friend to IKlbodv. . 'Hum. tliii' ii,,t .itk- nlhiv thir-t with tire, to drv wet with water, to hlui-f all in evcrv thni that is done. .ti.ii(uii:d (in llie tili the I'nilesuni i:pi-e...l Chapel, in llnpuil llv, liv Ilie llT Ittrli lllilior M'.rr. Ms. .IuM:I'I V TlilTCil und Ml", .11 I.IA iiydi:. Tho printers received their share of the bride's cake, und in atl'le which, for once, wo canuot forbear saving, was rent. The . . ,. i , r 1 happy twain havo our 'real wislica for tlmr future hapjiiness. "In i. "T mijht I" be, cur grt ntel l)ll ; Hineeiviryiillier j"). Ii" ilior wier, Oin wo)'liithat, ami we leave nil for live." New Advertisements. KECISTKR AMD RKCEIVMVS .vo- TICK TO SETTLERS. In To 1 south ranga 3 fart in Orefon Terr Ion' C " " I " ... .. , 8 "I o t in " i The aUive Ti.wnliii liavinc b-rn survevnl an.llliplaHlli'iff"prV"loiilli"'JStli Dretin. ber, 1851. AIL SITTUS. who ll vi l. ''"""" - rTi oi- li aim Tin nriM ltoro the date uf.uili approval, uio rnpuslr.1 I" npli'Sr at ilia "Ifi. ol lhei:cr.ier-Ket.;rrfllieUiiidli..l.ofOreir..n Hiihlii lliitliiluijt from nii'l af'er tlm .'tlih Jun is.i.i, or prcvioii" i' uist iiiiip ii tuinrui, "., "..v.. and where we sha'l b prrparnl to rrcuvellie no Iiliculions of lluir claimi ree-ctivfly, ami cola upon the abju-tinenl an.l wlileinent, nciorduu to law. o' all conthils of bonssJary buei thai r.ioy la- mi. nl ever) per-.u who has.etiled or.ball eeiile rilh ii sucli limlisli'l-. after Hi.; date uf approvil is required b) law to tile ut tin. ollkeih" ol.lU.liou oflu. ctaini, .prcif)ii.g ll,e prills' irael or Irac's claimed bv liiui.irirain thrtr muulht from Ihe d sl of bis setllfinent, and lie is herein, ie.pi. tied ki to do at any cosiven ess! tune wills- ill such term. ... .. . . (iiveiiuiidirnur lisnds, at Oregon Cil), Inn 1st day ofJanuary. leSJ. JAMF.-. W I llltlb, Jr , lleeeiver Jau l,IKJ-tBU i" SI1KU11TS SALK. 1 I willi-I.Vrfi.f falf it Itslli!ic4licli0it, l- llie li cli f-it bidder, for P4k)i, ihi url.i, r l.tlli duy uf Feliruarv r,l'."."iilln.ioelurk I1 M.( on Mi" pifin is... all the ruhl.tlle. and .nieiest uf Iti.beit Ar, Ihur in a e. rtain land iliiui iijiou whirls he now result s. in t'lu' kainas cuiutv eoiiiainiug M.'tl acres, and ilewribed III notilication uusv oil file III llie Und (.lTice.s. fob.'W.i lleg nt ih. S. II. corner of Natnan 1. .Mack, claim lor the ,. K. eonser of .aidelauu, from wbieli a fir 1 0 i e ie, bear. S. S-IJ I... LIB rl... ,b. taut, and a fir 413 niche.. Iteara s 71 I 41 cha us distant, lheut.e s..rllllMi sl m lull n le, L, .n.ssiirbrasiclilroin wh ehaiedar IH us. bear..,, yi; K. 1,411 chain. 'Iislalll.theuee XV hUS'Uit liosl lueli-eof Ir glove f. r S XV eoru.r In elaiui IH'. fiom which a Iir 14 uu lies beais S. 4'J K, HSi ehsuis di.lani' uiul a Iir 19 inihe. Itear. s fi I. 1 0 2.1 chs ins di.lani, then. ,i bh!)7, luterwel the H W loin.r ofela in"l" ' lor lb. n, w, eoriur of , ...... ..i .. ... el, :. i.. s .. , llaiui-in .iron, wiur.i . u, .o .-..,.. .-... -.. . ' K. 0 75 chains dmsnt; ami a Iir 10 uithea luais i. Set XV. 1,17 chains distant; thence li, hU i!0 ml. r- seel the pla. e of beginning. I 'I ho alaive real e.lsle ill he olb Is .ili.'y a er tiin Rieeuti.n, ihiuy hands, i-siied rail of the Di-lri'l Court for 6'aikauu. enunl), ninl b in" direct' d, in I'lVorof. Sidney XV Mimn iig.mst Itob. en frtliur forth, isiui of 347 dullara and 'J.'i its, I toMlhrf with interest and act lliing "l XV.M. IKII.MhiS, .S'AenJf Ctitcktsmiit (.ouiify Pis Ssr III rtiT. Weuuy Clatkamat founly Jau. I.1M, 1 8.1S. Kir.'i CKIt.l.l.Ss' ihuiipingair., at J Luii!l M'.MENTS tll.l.i.lN--.' bioad airs, lor sale liupure at ' juii'l VUMHNrs. aikalk bu.liel.of oil. for sale by l9 JNO. ' BROOKS RKl li'"3 Kiiglwh Hn tionui) , for eslo by r II Ml Mia I'OI'K.Ja SHERIFFS SALIC. I WILL otter for Nik- lit Public Am tic hi, to tin) highest hidds r, fur uh, on Tiicstla) , llie tith lir of February, A. 11. s. it a UiK, r. M., V,'!c P1.'"';"- '"''"i- fil,!ilhl,?:!Jli,,;rf XXilliaiu Caplt. hi the r"llnwlng doscnbeil reel in- lair, to wit i a certain lanit t-liiim )liuitrl oil I he XX'illani'tlcriicr.coiiuiiniiigaii hundred and fori) mtPi ,,, ftn, jli(,mi,., , ilie rurvvja an.l plain of the U. S. n n part of Section fi 7 nn.l 18 - r I a i a If, ami a pari of n-ciion I and 19 t 1 n ,. ,u r.t -i ...:. f .1... H uiiiiiiiiv ill u IR) in . u-a i iiiiun """ill vi un N.w. nirixruf H W of welion 7 T. I n. I li. riiimiiij tliPiice . ill 110 w. '.'.S3 cliains n.CJAOw .1.4.' n. 74 li. Itf K. Bl 13 w. 4 '.l.'l 8. ;i)00w 4.08 . f s f. w 3, 87 .v. 7.)UU w. IIS N. 74 0U w. 4. I A r.i;?4u. ti.'.'.'i N. 1','J oo w, o so a. in no to s 7o:io I- iti 8n s. luattw a;., io S. lUUitw a.V 10 " t the WiIIiiih lie riwr Hirnce N. nurly olonu tho mun-inol sanl river t lh plce of lioRinmni;. The aliosedmnbe.l pro ny wll UaoUio mi. .f., .. .!.. . a . nut l. ill I, nil' ,11 MltJ I Hi 11, la! ttl fit' fir til "; -. - ,,;;;i , llf gus,,,, iwlv, mll of , iiriet Court i..r i:iaikaiiiuijuiity,iiiil ion dinned. W.M.III)l,ME.S. ShrrilV I I irkamu County. l'it'Si:rilfI'.l.T. Ilinrv. Jan. li, KV.-JSt.'i. W I in ih- I'u.l JLal Office ill Oregon CTtj, Jan. 1, l".-)5. Alirahatn Chai Lows Jno l.iviHigDiuii Miiliael Louhey .ulh"ii) l.tfeliKinifrr llrnr) MuL-oue Mai) Mi-s .Muniiini;Aiidrtw .1 .Maun J we Mink" l'r Adams A J ,uisorih J C Allen J' W Appenwn Sawn II Arthur Win lT n ,., u Atait hdule Mej lulls I) u,rr j p l.(rp jjjj '' ' ;', ,. lll'iauion j v ii,m B w lilunt W in Ilnvkin '. V! llo)il (irre !''"'T0"l,"r u Xmi liruwimu Klwurd t llrno's W Y liutchrr Jn..( ('anipbcll r-ainl C'arolhris Ijlwin Mallui ,M, h")i II Maikham i:ir..J Markouod Dsrid M ddl. Ion Mariain M ller U in T Muiklrr t lar Muriav II II M, tr Wm II Mcr'all" lieerte MeMorns Lewis New hall lli-ur) M Nu'an Noui) .solan Marv Jane O.ds .1 mi' I', If) Pali r i ll I'hiklir) Jill Tilkiu lie. r!" riiillips I' J Phillips Man.. a riiimiiif r Kl fho I'.. Ik l.unu.U lii Kra l..vs r-r- C I Powers It Tuuism Jno Hogrr.l antra Itandill II I' U...1 W Used F A llice V M llichar.Mn l r l.rauville C Itij.. ('lias Itilr) Jo. It Itilr) Orrille Hoop XV Rohrrla XV IId Sarlnint XX'tbaler at!roaa Ahnira Mrs .,".!. liur) .Marjarrl aroon Henry Saw), i Marie SihHI Franl Srbailian Daniel Seki Kiaderie Miaw It A Mieppard V A Mrs MirnjMrd Jof. Sliner ltenri;i, Mni;. i XVin mly l.dward Sniilh Hoberi Mnilh .Maikry XV Shri.'ii.. Mt pheiiMiii Jno N. ven-ou .1 XX' Mf ui hn Mini Mr v ins Jno SliU'll Jarnl, 1 1 'I'lurcis (Iro XX' MJnhn liamel Ta)lorJi: Th"lii'sou 1 1 iv tl Tliomnii Calli trill" Toriunrp --hiliert II I law J"lual I'liilwoo'l JasT Ch"u Jeseo I hun lull J"s ( trmrns m I'lfHAsr Jus K Cuhuin Jim II (Vlee Klitnlielh t'onrllAII Crlnfr J.m. t'urran I.)dia K !; H'man Itmnliv.vl a pent ,lr JJoddJiin I)odT Js K ij0uuIpsii Cha It iruifs rrnnia D.imitrtvj IleiiC Iliirhftm llanl O Kldf-r lUmwo KtliHnu Jim It Klliotl Win KlUworlh Orlando K KinbrfP Siiml V Kvanx Kdwnrd Fstrron Stephen V t lelt TJiomtf IVx Ktaa A Frinl Junrirg (J I'uiVr .Mfrrd (laye Jno (itronic- dVorf (iiltrioii Jno (Jillnrl (if-sirv (iilmore .Vothl (j',,,,'" ' (;Kjrrr (;,or Oovel - aiell ,..,.,.. ...... ,.,, ,rr. ,;,,,,,, Adr', ,.,,, (.,(lfB fViidrt-w &.lIt)MUni !' Hll J Ii ,.,.. i-),,, ni,h M' Mrs ., . '...' ' I rariv .Ifs, J Hawkins II srbary .Mrs 'I wilebell lien XV ,,,.., Vieker. Kllen M , n -J. iwiiiA. ),ii MW)' ,; H ,,, -.M llllI411 j,,,, XX'aldr p James ,,....,.,. Wuttflmrj 'Yhm V ,U.n ,r ( jPllT j, ,,,. .pi,,,,, p .leiiimiga lien je1. jni.j,, .lolmsoii V V Mi. jnM JllU M, t ksvfi. mi it rl)lt J nil! W'lfifull ( or in In WiMp Frederic iUi.ii Wulur lliaifl IHrtllllt illi.nit-fni J (' mii-rt Jn F Wnr-limii W 11 Wo-.h.iin It V Wn.'lii llurriebiii Vniiiiff Margin N Vdiiiiif lUrnitoii I) Vi-nnif I. ( Vnmiif J tiitn JiMifi .Nathan J. Jtdiu Joiif-t Jordan J. iv liforgn Krinm Tliomrwon Kpiiihiii Jn-i S Kipf Jili l.aul. r Win V III CK, IV M NI.W HOOKS! J nit rem ml J rum .Vne Ymk h'ur N'urs. rvnn n. i i llowmug's "Fruii. and Finn Inn ' ' Flint ru IiiiisI " Kllujtl'.". call Fruit I f'.I.V I'HI'i:. .Ir To FAII.MI.liSA (il III. II X'nualt."()iilbe Horn. " Viiiiallon .-beep .Il len'a .1 in. ri. an Furin lb. ls r e-s. lull , .. , .. . , . me. lie vlnimals. CIIAS. t'OI'K .Ir. Full III llihKltS Tli1 .1'-ipr i mi urcliiipi ( Itiiiuhirfliiltrliirp. Itn IHt llu.npit 'I Iti- lluildfr' rdiiipeinmii flA.S. l'UI'i:,.lr, DAW IM nr. Uq Oup.liall il'irit r mn iNjiut nrfi.e I m i tp r i miiiii dpf rd ik'Ip iti, u"-.ortn kipM.jiiNi ipicivnlr TiiMMI Fiuir) iiulf pii pIi'Iipn, iivmiid cibn. iM.iinil llrnt ifovrrniiieiiladliikiVi piitelo.PN, ii' iro (.ilIolU'n .fiit, jiihl rir ivnl and for a-itfl by C7.I.V. rui'i, Jit. (Irrijun Cili,. Inn. 'A. Iluii'lred men. wwiInu al $l n r d"r by I.ATOUHimi: lit) 1. 1. ,NI fBICKI.KSjgal jar. by LATOVRBTrr. .J HOLLAND. FIFTH VOLUME op tiii: 'Home, Magazine" EDITED HY T. S. AHTIIl'li, will voMu:xn: ixjanvaiiy, iws. Ijieouroir,! Io niv elTorls bv the rtry hirer iiicrtaii oj tulne niliim iluriuir Ih" pasl )ear, tlio publishers of the Home Magnum will grtally ii limr Ilia coiimiir vuluurs, and udd many leading atlraitious. Tin work n to be pnnteil on rnirry nrir fyyir, ki thai Us l)OL'rapli) will be espial t" Ihnl it uti) niagiwiiu in the lemitry 'Ilie Home Miigaiiie.diiriiigllie jear IH.I.",, will eoiitalii liftvvivu elltl und lUl'tl tluulile.uiliimu ih; I.ivo pas.'f i.f rei'liiiKiiuiller ll will, in uddiliuil, l.i. Ium'fIi illiiKlratrd In the best nlvle of nrl, Willi Slerl uii'i t'olorul Kiigr.ivmgs, and by several liiittiirril itur wt.o-1 rugrnv ngs "i rioe, ri-iuitj, reuialkablrplurs.alid ubjirls in seiemV, ml, nat ural histor), nerdU'MOlk, Ilie lalrsl fa-hl.ilis, or tlt'lra of dli'Ni, e , All for ff,'2')in Cluhioj' h'uiir Siilirnluri ' The Clifupi'M .vloiillil) .X'luuii'.liK! In Ilie World! Tim IMilor ref. ra l the titer.irj i ham. (it si d ipiabl) of Hie wink in the pa-l lr what It Kl I be ill the future. He pledge hiui-i If Io keep its pagistrcefriiui ever) thuiK III it i il.i,.iluie.l, p i fuliF,"r Vlilgur t ,wii le. at lis mime limr. he w I rrk Io Imparl ll'ieritu Iho h gll si i.Mble l 4lf of llitrrsl, ll is d anned e,p c ully for hoiitr rrri.nii.'. idul eml.ruerH ml le eo,illiir lb wul't lan.'r i.f stilt eel- Fi ti ii. IIpsIiii), II 'i: ipln.plu .opliv. . irlite, Xil. .iirid .! . Pi V I. . are l.lrl.df 1 Willi eare tin I il i. r inn a N.i tilber IIIILfallie ii it .,.- sn e .lend ll ii .arrlj f urlir'n U. '" n i- h Ih-1iii ifiiruiif thr ii"J mm a lirriMi- (rr. ptotim, krtrlii". mnl ' if iirigiMii murH" tlr Oiirrnjn fnriiii- $.' " 'v,.(..p. ' .1 "" 'I hit- u m it Mf e ir, I ,,,, Four pi'i-ii"' " ' ' All in!diloim isIim 1 r I ' I (Hir ttl l' Ai hi' III O (III l'l Tfiti, tnlt ir ili.i' '$t '- i "i lifrAjVi-I" ll.prlfn. ll p crltt r"pnr'lh liih wu Iw dilinnitl v (nrnMliP Mur.tfin Srml 1trorVllf(f .iiwlni unit frrr nt VAiil' Fur 14,1 o inj'.iij f Vwi iiiifjiitnir mid twi' hxik, II li r-rrjl r i jnr vui:mhm-. wiiui.r. i.i in: i:r ' aiiiud. ineiii f,n Miulig in. ii mil it' iisl" ml III evil ll hn.' Ilie r ,il.,t Hie II XI i a,ite ,e iibr llie I ,tl..,ng I, Til pi i I'ur ihi lar.r.l ,it . I mli-i nl ." n ui u ! il.e ."III ill) uf Xplll. I ". II !' I! Veil 11 pirmill II Of . -II" Volumes l'r the .erenl laml li-t IUU I'ur the ill nf log'sf T.'i " For Hie fourth -.'O l' r llie hub, X h noisome I'ntiiiU II III 'II, e hunk w.ll I" "rlnlr.1 b. Mr Xrtliur li'.ui lheh-l.,f Vmerieail pultll"liers. and wilt mil n-' h si' r eal, seieutitV . useful and mi ellaiu mis uurks of Hie t,esl rhararler, esieui'lv suite I f r i ,."'" llbtur' The limes! i lull pi ici ol Hie 1 1.. I e Xlag aie i ot.e detlar inula ipiarti r, mi I at Hn rili siitiseriptcns ill lie reeeive.l from all whie..iiiete for Hie pri iiiiuuiM (in III .'illida)i.f Xprilllieawarl w llie mule, and the ull..S securing Hie preiouun- iml Oeil ol their suerei Ai Muni as Hi. v ere hi-inl 'lie Will le sent us ll lei le I. ll I li ir 111 lie i .ssarv In say thai ever) Ixirt uf He i lb I will I"' earn, il nut tu gil loth. I'mmuim Jttr Aoie rrio tii'ii Ih o'' re t'umM firon That nun. who i omi le lor Hu aim, pfeioiums ma) tlVelheir tune in I ell.ill. ..r l.nlll lig. we "ir r slie lal iir' ni inns as follows. All Ibe hook h. re ' are h) .Mr ,rtbur 'I he) are hand oim I) prmlid, and well h .und in I j ghhi loth 'I he lowisl I lubpr le uf Hie M i.'iuie is l J For 111 .Sujvrriber ill $1 'J.'t , p'euiiuui will be '".sketibe" ant "LiLdil" aid -had..wa" For .1U uls rite rs at ft I - . p" miuui will be I J to' "lluuseh..lil l.ibrirv I ur .Ml ubseribei ar ijll J . pr uioiiii will I I'J vols "l.ppiucott Cal'itn't llit..t ,s ot Ibe -tales." For I fin .siil.s. al Ml '.' . a I ibe i, in-nlii'iie.l pri m.iun Hint, I ibmel Historc llwis. bold l.ll'al)," '-ketlbes, 'l.ightauud s.mb.w.' ami 'leiiNijh's XX ben premiums up s, ut, on aee.iuut uf I'lu s. no eitraw t op) lnge'lt r up ot t lul, . an be tumuli ed llfeoiir. Iho-e who are sue, essful n seeming llie tirst pri Ulilllll., Will ll l le titil.e I III llioie ndihlinii. t .- xit Hint a ' ". U7 XV alli'il Sue. I Ph la Our Vppiiriilns nXXIMi at la-t lilliV'.l. wi el... I iiivi.iu Tu. -.1 is an I Fl 111" . u h w.. k.-i ours of 1. 1 tur. s uu I In in -li s . n I'll s-ir-.tu nil. mi I nil in. il I list, rs, llustiatid bv a L'r. at v ir . l ..I esi'' r in nt- ! mis 1( ', .o t..i i In ,..u-s. , or 'J., . ut. , s h I. Isir. i. iluenie I JJ i" . ik n the all. Miiioii an.l . . s k in tb, .v, u li.' .mils H I' .-I' Ore. '..ii I'll. I in fi le.'i'i I II.' For Honolulu WITH HI .M'XTI II II. lust s' liaiklli l is limn XV ss-le w !' hive il.spiob I ... II. i a .-s.u w .ti I - .tn s sal Ui II 'Iik P., nl all .ill llie I. 'lb i. -I I'P. I r ! luni Ir gbl snl . 'el i F'.rlitibtui i.ige a pv i" ibe tr on hoarl.orlo (' AI.I.K s I.TilV ,X I ". fir s.'"u I ,t ' To .ihpnvis On mm: rri'F.u ii.i mi.i i iz 'i'i. Mmm r I rmkl v l , -l.l m I..r Al ir I id 1 d i ii.u ii tlipciHK 'Mt,iiM mi Ml' i .jliii V't lr clit"i !-- i',l i l".r ' s i I.Ks x slM. It Mft r Or : mi 1 l Ihi. lfc " It KU U n - ,.n v IWOl'l.l) re"i itnl Mlu iii i In- iiir it" d Orrtt'Mi CiU ihli t ll-ltf I ken llie l tlid l-.l- mni) kiiuwu (In 1 1 ii" iiiliniM ii". nid i.'-w ll HIMU (il 1 1 'l fMMII I'll H' si'l i .tl In .ui In n u lll ill- UP" I cIihI tl) ! III il il Hi p d.lif lUlliing Mem Iii ( u.-d tit it I) ItiriiiN'Mil t All kiiidxol rrpairm d'-ur ut lir imtiPin.i in ut niiiiiiicr Tnuiiriiu , I.1INF. lili" ml in 1,1 und '."I Hi mi ki U t i 'iifrii !(' irif f jWi I ifl I rlHlll lit l lllfllll.HM' s J l, wmIh. hi ttilnii( l I.ATOI'lll'.TTi: .J IIOU.ANII III' Will bill I, lie allbe slure ., M. i.Aioiitirrvi: .1 .. i.v Did HH apple, us hall and whole hn lei I.) I.ATOIHV.TTi: . HOLLAND f.lAsT llexnii syiup bv 'j i.Aitii Kirn r. . iitn.i.AZn willAMIdeSiN ft vl Iv'rs. hn suit- by W i.AToi' . Holland. kJIII'.UTINl..'- hn kmv au.1 dulling by W I.ATOI HI'.Tli: , HOLLAND. f)-l SJ lloi iiieii. while und nuied Hilton ,40"F M. hall bo lor sale tin ap b) LATOUHUTTV .J- IIO'J.ANl). OilAM,tfO(,KUStkOO.S OAlflFOUNIA AM) OKKOON Connreltng nt Shntta trilh ADAMS .( Ci't niH Gioirn und mirirullrtl I'tieific .AllanUt tni Eniofran r.xptti: C1 It. A. Ct. woold inosl reiptelfully inform Ibf publie, that the) have luaile arrangr. inn, l in forMinl n XX'ei kl) KtpriM, toiiml from Hie ful owing places, ill charge of uur regular inn fencers : fhisi irsi. orrieis Yrika, JaLksousille, Althouse, XVenvervilli, 1'ilti.burgh. Till llivrr, Trinity Itlvr, Scull' liar, Itlauiath River, Itugita Itiver, llradwo'hl I rrk, lirrenhorii Creek, (utluin(Hhl (relk, lleflvile, Isuilor lhggini;i I'aiiunville, Salem, Si nil Itiver, Seull alios , atmui. Iliver, liiilian tmk, Humbug Lreek, lliingr) I reek, Clurr) ( mk, lluiubiirch, Cres i elil fit), XX mi be-li r, I'orllaluf, tiliil Orrgoil Cl- I) XX e -!l al il,t r ufi-iir pimripal olTicef, - sKiirr Hiurrs on Xntvi v ('o.,-ili the Attanlie Males and Ku- , pe CHECKS AT PAR on Ad. mis luelHliies, ibiiiiuhoul the Slates Pllt'OSITS Hn nrtiU sim lal or uibrrwise The highist proe pa il lor iwi.n li sr Preasure. I'.H kages, I, Iters, A.C f' il bv out r.gulu uu sm sigers with the ut .i.iN.1 lb scat' h I'arl altelittuu paid In I ..He liuus I Irdi re fur I. is il-, pin i Is ur pit K.igi s piniuptl) attended Io, .iml lrw oleil u i . nlui.' lu luslrsu liuns XII llus is s esillii-li il In ..ui t He, wilt be faith -Mill) anil plliui tl) eti.lileil I'll X XI Ilili.Clt.s A. CO J oksniit lie. Oil l.'l, lr-...'1-.T.If ' issulvcd ! flllll. .tr in ili't It-ntMluf ris.ini(j do M t. in J-'Iih A I hi Hun, iinilrr tlip in t .ihd "I r tu J Iii U i iii" A ( u, linker tlid m i 1 1, it i, i imi I it in tiii d i diwulnd lin ii ll'-" ' " "ill llPifaili-T hi i.t.i, mil it, lin- in i.fsnttt . inl llrrM.w li i in., i .1 i - .i 'mi I iIip uti in in tit liftcb) no. tli P I il U. lilt Hill a i i.alPil i thr ,i IrrM'ifMiiV in .til I ! ulnkiiitv tin iiim r suilt?l.lmi a. Is ft il'if t hi in tkt Hi Mil I llr i( li i-lil N II Imp r Inl ft Him! in) a. Irtl I ll p in i ii i- k In ! t-tuili v in I" fur ii h ii uiii ii in I iii "i-MiitM (Hiii. 1 mi; w . i .t i nil I i Iti i riitii.i u list up ! it x i1 i'l x tr it i ii I ii 4i iii .IimM-. 1M " ' John ii km: I I -4i...t I l ..I ' . lk.i 1 1 .,)0 Kcwaril. s... ii. tii,iu,s I ,.se within Ibe in-t Is. Vila, gone ,!.. i,) niir.rix .till, spa , mni tin'. It lie. ., . lilt II. s al..) slm ti 1 Hie alii HI, I I . lilt leur of 111. ullals worth. III.! I kli.w ul.tifsldes. st s I g lllilt. i lie .t Il.e valle'lf . .ire , .. ll kliuwil III ill,. lb'' IJ'I"' ll" "le aliolll Kite h'O.heil'i ibe N wt.t is P pp li. SI lasl w int. r ill al .. i I US'. I Isey weie .sis gr iflril its Ibe ne.t and ut i.'n war gr will when .l.tleu I luor ha I s..L iiiniu tli in 1. U . r luene of lin kind In but o,.e wl o I tlsoik lin al, si. I aliforu a I will pis Ih, ..Lose ri si ird In isnv what II g... nl.,r . ..I lb il w 11 I. ,.il I., ll.r ilrtti lam wl . s-.i .11111-, XV I. Mill lll.g'.n I III. Ilee I'.' - S li'l- 1.1 'UK ii Ol .- I- ' " . e l.t . i mt iti. I it: .1 uf.. i i 1 I.S.N If .N.'''A .(.. .' Ill mil l.-t piper VI. p; IV.' Ihe a li, nl i nl tin. r. c nt I . i n in lin M.if ll w i s .'l',r."ti. mi., i, 'li ( Hd Ma-siiliiHi. i tl Atn. in it.i. ,1. -li.. stniiils p .inl., nt tli" li .i I i.f lit.' A ni.'ii. .in ..I iitini Sin1 "Wi ii.ivthii I lor.. In. I l. toe;vl-l, 1,' llllslll, ,1. III. l.'l. 'llelsin. ill t.p I ti i ,r...ti ! iiiirlmi ll rs lint, i in lie I.r i in.; I.r . t v t l"iv -iir tli s w.iv.s ns i i t iiiuiii .nwi -Itli rule. III'. I lll'l " i I. XX.. I,.,.,', I .ti Am. in in iv. riuir Xti Ann in hi l.i' tl'. "'V' rimr . Xti A lie lie in Collar, ssioiuil 1 1, l.ittoti . ntir. u ni, rii.ill" . n iii tulu. Mulls. i, l,'i pn i til HIM . Willi :i.'lt III. Iir Hi .llul i.ldv s. s. ti I l p.. ilmii V., i..eil. Mi si. hits. i. i nil n.'lil. li.. his i.ilir..l toi Ann iii.iiiis.iii in a to. mlu r that will in,! I.. inM.ik. n Our ".,nii.iii( .ire iml si, mm I, li.'.sl. ii as .inn I M.iko vvav I'l M.i-s.ieliusi II. Sin i in in hiiiif ..v. i tin' m al Ann rieau t III, HI Willi . I I. Ill, I s.l . .it. I lb in. nuts llloP' Mills'' vv.iv, link" vv it ,'n0l t'lii'Hilir. ui:itt i.nw t i nM.uf.s XX. -h.sll h. s ' I, w I..I Atmri i'iiiiiin in llie nvl i or- It will l iiiinli strung, r lli in i", niv "iipl c- .,l llltl-t will I'' vv.ll I.K.krll ll'l. I .li si I'll ills lift IIIIU 1,. l 111 111- lli in' h.1 L. i 'In- lor ii r. it ej.sin it is. Ano I, I'. in "s .in lulu. I ,ivv ir I In be in llie hull, nl l'.nigii Am in II ineiii i In ! h ml tli.'i. 'lie :idv.a.iiv i.f m iliaii priluiv I -will li nit In'" H Ii.iii.ii linn. Ami Ihi- 'i I, ut lin1 h L'liiintio ol iho'g I I i in.:" "ur lllllll' '' tit. -!. nil ' b ,.' .n will I 'lll'll III,, I' Xtln l.i.ll's le' ii- h 'I "in I ""fk .oi in tin uyl I nth It 'I ' v iiliiil'' all 0 l p II I It nil ill ll. lll I ' llllslll III Cllligl.s, 1 llnW .1 jillll I ' I'" 1. 01 Int. . ll.J( . l.-s. ll SO ll- III ll Xli I .HUll ,11 is is I I uu IiiiiiI si null pill el, I,) .(I A ' HiVI'InA ,1l:i:ll llsliil.n.l. Itvelil. I" -.ileal 1 III X,l SI -. i'- (t O I. WIJNIV urn. I "' li " pun' Ibl. 3 gall at esih Ml in. !'' i P'"'l ('''. ! de ah .lllsl le unit ..lid Inl .ab.ibeiip. bv I...IA, .XIAA..II ! (') III, gnll fit). Xlll) .'i. l-.'il-lly SXIX IIS X I i. a ut Ihe Sl, JAII IllttltthS t TM Nil.. Ull.oils bv Ma .iso i' tiitoiihs Kriiiii I'liitliiiiil i" tin- Halle". ; Till. .s77x l.l. A' UI, 1,1", will l.uv. I'villaii I mi liusbav snd Friday lin. g" "I ea. ll week l"l Ibe fa.- 'earlea, eunlirililia-Willi llui m an liuibiial Mat), lur lb. Illlle. 7e MAIt will Inn Ibe load ol . t u.e.lie '.l oil XX . .In. ..lav and -alunl.y llU'illl.llgs Inl Ibe I lull. 1'as.eio.ers ami Ireiubt l.ik. II Ihruugh Willi il. a- pall ll, and III l a.uable I lie., ,,..,. .Ipply on Imi I lb' .learner, til. I.LI. ' MARY l l'nril.i'1'l, I'tittitt onJ bi'lu.