wypr.WJMJ, W i -&- u. MtvimwtoikQl' ?TiMfflMMftMrt.Stt A.jjj. OKEUON SPEOTATOK, r I.. tmitiiHieii, l Hints. iti:(iiiNciTV,iii;i:(i().NTi:ititrnti:vr Saturday Morning, Eoc. 2, 1854. (ILJ Public iih'i linjrs, uf nil kin.ls, wishing llmr pruci nlmN puMiNlml in Ihin pn. r, must piss ii rrsuliitiui. In iliut slleet, 3 'Persons pn)lng ninney to t liin r-tnlitislunt'iit mi ituticriilniti nro rnurilcil to ulttiun ti tt'ci tpt from the piihlishrr nr nulhuriitil ugrntii.j 1 ("When any milrcrilirr wishes 1m iIi-h i.riliinir llnri idpp r. It Ik respectfully niggs stnl llmt all !u s ! promptly pnitl.J IXAilv. rtisriiiunts fur this pnjKTiiiiisl It- pre. sriit.sllM.f'irc4tiMik,r. M., mi lliiirstln), in insure iiisrrlsm tlin sume u.sk.J J TAII einiiniuiilestioti will l r jct.sl unl.ss tliu tmtl.ir's real unmet (lr tin IMit.ir's In nrnt) tu crtikitiTfH the1 manuscript. (l.rHVuill InMrt mi A.liiiiiiUirntnr'n n.lnr llscm. nts unlim. they nri- prt-j.uM The Irntilitf of cullri'tlngis mure than tliryure wnrtli, TJ'IVrftiMjri,oaivinK hills ran ri mil ninney t't lis through tJin mail, wlnu i th. r intlli.t.1 is .lrsignat.sl. HllllHCrilMTM plrUM' tiotuo. ID JOHN II. Mlf.I.EIt, Nn. U Harnmru In Strttt, SAN FRANCISCO, Vallfurnh, it Ikt aHlkoritnl agrnl, in Mill city, fur Ms Oregon Hpcctalor, ami will rrr'nrr ml rrrtittmrntt nnd tulttrriptinnt. tioif nir niitniii.il mill highly In ntji .itil.-, thenar.) they m ry nitii'li mistaken. A tut is nut that just what it kIkiiiM Ih 1 With il nut o tint bright future which displ.ivs Lulling tin II i llt'-'l Mr.ll.Hil . S.i iM'iiiiK i-., ev n ifuitilicinl, : i: i " 1 die r. .lilt (if Ir imiiiir. niv impuitniit, fur habit ls conn -n-'C"ti'l iriliire, nnd so I'nriif.li.ir.'ic itself already, is n mere vapor. Tim mens- tcr. lie couiteotis, nnd )"U will b Kline lire, inniciiients, ". titimeiits, wurk, iVje.,uf jullj sn, even thnirji j nit. 'ilbcl it nl lift. Americans everjwher" hnuld hl-nd. Wo Sun ilillM.-nt, bashful prr.ni nnj ..viroiim should in it '" Iiutj along if t" forget, mt- tint nature, if thought ii. css-u j , In tudj Imps, tin' most iiiipnrtniitfentures. Onror- commit "iii- ' l g.mt and ifi fill .'h-irnc-gaiiiutiuii must Income one nnd tlm stiu.-I tcristicsnf jour i'uiiicr:ilioli.'il language tn from the bright shores uf tlm Petiobsc.it on I incinorj, ntnl then talk tin tn. In "trnin' tin. Atlantic tn tli iiirc wjitiTt nf tin- Cnl-lcvc ofiUfmltiAtrcnii' nilic:itioti i uiitc iiniliiiinii llir IVitic. Tin1 (iiilfof Muvioi tt 1 1 1-- ii.ci""-;iry. nml Liki Siniorinr inift Ikj IiiiiiimI tiwtlii r Amiiiiiu a ilit'tiit of ilmraotiT sii'l jnii liy tin "wiirin licnrls mid xtnitii; liiimlt" of! mnj sunn Iiocoiik" it"i 'd f li t tit lift " tin. iiidciiptnli'iit Mint nf tin" Uriuliitimi : on mil hPcim d to 1i.ivi li nnlerly mid ov.l '' Mn. Si'i i rviou : Sir, I wo in tln S rf t.itni uftli. I ltd, llmt Mr. ir.ili.uiitof('l.iik- ,iiii:w('iiiint li:i rifd fiinr linndri'd mil It'll I Ifllidt nf .iil.llnix, flnlll till lllflivli 1 1 inline mid Mm iiy. Ii' .it that nlinciii. Alli'ii llnkill i.'ifid uii iiin"lialf mri'iif LTilllIld, :ilt I'rnlll lit lilf lli-l illlltnl, mi m I'l.ici', mi llii'Tii'ilatin titr, tliiop niiki vt nf l.iiin t'ilv, tlirri' liiiinlrcil and tv.iii Iv Infln U nf lini' I'lnn lintatooi Thcv MHHHMnMtaHMMMPMMIMMM mil .ii, if fi i'ii Miiini", and llnw imw inurini; o'i .n -uvli -m.iiii.i. Thi-v jl llnf fn lici'iiin , tin "i, tli ii an Ainci II lin nflHlUtinl tliltlull jci's nf Iirjc, t in i'M'hw ill" iilil nf MilTrao mori' in li lli;ji ntlj tlriii f.inr-filtlf nf tin, fur. iiin iiniv Kilning (ii i citinftii n lii' nr (. mi Irii unf ronltiil, and lli.il, if Ann rican litil If lll.'MI In VI llUVHIlU -III1L' Mllf III lull' tin-) can Mil" lln' tlnnk fiircin'Ts oiiitlil tn Ii.' cntilt'tid tn u.ul .1 litll" IniiL'i r. Slli'll lli-ill" til" l()t fir. I lltUld III Vl!T Itlll'llll'i'llt .HIM t'lllll'.ltl'il tnlll.'llrr. wiTu 'l mled in iM,i. and ml. lciiiinj,' lint llincinift n. OLS-.inly I- n urcit "Litilmir; ...,,'CM.in nnicc.'.Un liucs in a liill : the '" ti'c.rK.'Ujm...ni; muIi self U.I.' n ' ii ..I- I li.t l..rrlll.t ..lit m lli., ui ill. ii I l.nn.. .,,. . t . . I VIII III' H llll'll'IIIIIM llir " 1 " i nilf aiKitiiinn iri'i aimii, imicii iiimvcn nn'i lined. Ki inH'tfiilli . iilll, (V.'. .(a.ims'm.mooi;m. Ijj V' l . I. I ,11 Si J Ur I it), Ail'ii.i- T M t. i ' .1. AU t'lir l.idrvd ll.l.'tt,ll Itnl.t I! aid Inn M liiittntii Id M N llmlT .I'f A ISilMl Iihi Hiikmiiii" Dr I". .' Ii. lin." i .1 llarslii" Jim l'illill"lllnll U III lirnpiiiiiii I: Ill-Ill. Ill III that I criiil'mn ..f Ininliiii I . .' .. ' .. I! I M I'tw-t DU'lfr ut inaiiiierly in jntir habit", and l. assured it ' ill sunn he a part nf jour iinttin'. I riteri: arc u gnat inanj poiKotn in thi working in niiinn. Aiiicricitf , wc nrn a f!rcnt iintinii.il ur'niiiiuition ! It if rciiriin o, irrottin'' htnint'cr ! ! Let in ho proud nf onr Hisilinn ! ! I The ircii'iit ndininistrntion in not com poctl of men who aro trim Aincrcaiis, T'lPvnininiilvnlnrmi'r. Tlicrp is not one 'ihcn uiidor-tainl what I am." Now thii A If cut rrnci .in rnivili" .'ilinlll f..r. ikiiiTs" uhirli tliu :wriilt. In the Kllnu I'l.lln m I Ml N'nlhiii;;s. I'msi'tiptinii is it, ill .' Not m. ' "" '' "' "j J fiu-t jciitlcincn. Ak die inllw.nt and C"..-Iii:iii I'.i.iit I wellre.ul einiiiraiit if hew i-. iii.criitiin in .irtri-ht .lif ii nun i u win Lilian r , in.crii ;lit ill M lir.tu-r . Cnliii' Mf M ,r. I.Ti lie. oninl.s.lif Afl M.NST TIIK IMKIIllntlS WII.KS OF I'OKUIIIN InFLVCNCB, (I CONJURK VOU To IIELIEVK NK FELLOW CITIZENS) TIIK JKAI.OfSV (IK A FIIEr. PKOl'I.K OPOIIT TO IIK CONSTANTLY AWAKE. It IS ONK OF THE MOST nME- rtlL FOES OF A HeI'11111 ICAN (tOVEIt.N MKNT. ITiMni'llfOB. TUB TELKORAfll. "Cnnsl Mom tml llfihtninqt, that thti may go and ajf unto litre, here tec are I Job, Of courvo, It can bo done, nnd wo very much regret tlint our citizens do not cngaqo in this enterprise, uitli their characteristic spirit and energy. Tho importance and valuooftho telograph has been thoroughly tented during the fourteen years lince it was first established in tho United Statrs. Tho fact that there nro now tliirty-eovvn thousand miles of cluctric nirvs radiating from tho Atlantic sen-board to every Impor tant town in the Union is proof ositivo of its utility as n commercial agent. Tho ad vantages are so numerous nnd generally un derstood, in this d.ij-, that it is hardly neees xnry to enlarge ujxm them. It gives additional ioucr to tho press, opening now channels for tho ilisieniiimtiou of knowledge, and in obtaining ncus from all parls ofthu world in tho shortest possi ble spaco of timo. Oregoninns need not imagine thnt the es tablishment of an inland telegraph will be in advance of the times. Hut wn are, if wn abandon the idea, not only behind the times but retrograding. Can Congress hav.i .,'io heart to do anything 'for u, when wo tako not a reasonable energy toward helping out sell es No! Furthermore, wo nre a JK.'0do possessed of a full share of that Vnn ktni inquisitivn nnxirty to keep ourseUes "Kted 1" 'J'hat is one reason why the ex tte companies are nyingso well in Ore gon ; itis iilso on.' m 'snii why n linn nf telegraph would pay will. 'I'lm uxjii-ifcs. will b inotleratP, and we bale yet to hear miy good reason mil anced why we should not have a telegraph, and that during the present winter. CUT COI'NCIL. Salurdav, Nov. IP, IS.'I I. Coilln.il lin t lutrsll'int lo the call of the i,.i,.,.nt freiini,ri .iniii.viii. lb world who will boast:' "Uh, I alays X .""l?' '''7 N "liT". I"'' "fAiii.rj.aiw for MI nuliu ..t in thf en- "il- 1 . . ,,.i. i . i ...mi . ii . . , , A. II. St. ' lieiorder; S. Iliud.-it, Mar- mrv.am lhe iifist ih.itthe (.i.iiIuiii.iUk ii ""tnl I'm . I sneak what 1 1 i nk ; I will te II iimnii wnnl ,,, , m-i, i,,i,, . i." w,,:. I .1M ' -. , . . i (',,. ., ..... ' ' siuil j l tins. Jolii.soii, A. i'.. NMul, James un (1 Dnriorni iif guitrnnii nl iiiiprr.-itiM'li -" -"' "" I tlnnk ol linn, or a woman, ami tni-j win iVNril . and ,. It. Snn-imer. Cnunci uivii. i r...mir,.. ilmi nlt.ir.imn.n r b.r.. sb-dt ".ii. Hit; i -.. .. . .- ! ....... id what I am." .m tlm Absent, . . Uuck, Couneiltn.in. Is carried thmuuli n lung pmbatiuii lN'fn n,.l. if their number hut who .ould feign t 'may do very wll as far as it will answer for. I ho Mayor .l.ited that the object in call-, being nllowedt.ivote. II. nee, lb. mi tall, d S. i . '.... 1 1 ........ ..I i.i. . w.u ,,.r Mi., l.llnui... ..Ii.lli. II .. .. .....;....!. ... I. .1.1. I . I,- .1 .1 l..,t..ill I..1L M l.i.l llinr.i nrn ttmni Ittn.is ulmli '"si .,,v .' ' ""si "" "" ""- l"" -" " "' vw" . I'el Uivrui-S are e ios u I li'lllsei,Ls in tun n be lust as fnoil a Knnw'.nfithiui'as them is small talk, niinuere aro iuau limes wiicn , , . , " .. .. .. ... . , , i v. . . . . III Jim .is !,ismi .1 lnnw iiniiiiu.is iiiiril is , , siderillg the iron.stlnll nt Messrs. Mnss .V ' f,,r.i imi -1111 1 iiinestl.. ru ell .. hi their f.1,1 1.1 a person must iier.-arily UII only a imiit. I,:l(J.. t. l.iul.l :. 1 rnii.mo.it .I.i.in from lllutl ou,,.ri,., .lir,i,t the V. l,u.gi'.,niat,, J. If r Must wo speak nut, iu company, mid tell to Main, on lb. alley Ih-iui-ui I-'mirlh and siiiin, ainl J1uk.1n1i.1u priiicipl I tin thislady or that guntleinnn that wn "ieliei' I'iflh ls iilieti, Ku.m Nothings. Mm we will tint -h,ml to Iw knaves, rogue, ur what not, at nil 'n Motion, llie loliuwmg, .ruinii.ee was ,,,, u.eiu ..r thcr stupi.litj ami ..llj. .... ... .1 .. 1. 1 ,1 .,; passed: We will gein mif Iv sa . .Iwrrir.int I. r times, just becnusr wo think so! Urtam- ' .,.... ,. ,,.,, I!c :. ordained and es-' .,;...,...:,,, l.. 'l,....; ,.,,..1..., ,l....,l.." gratitude bj erjing out: "He's a Know- ly not. Is it yuud mniiri.rs tu jicrtumo our ..,l,il,L.,t l. th,. Jitv Conned nf Orcg.ui Exircni. ,.r.il.ini, L10L-bin, .,1,1." X.,i r......ll...ii,wriiHrsoii or clothes, to L'o into eoimi.'inv. with Cil. lh.it Siilnev V. Muss mid Jnhli W, ill tluir imbccililj, that when that .inoritvau odoriferous sul-.ta.ice that is oliemiro to IW U. and they mu herebj ..iithnii.d to r An vchange in. minus he-.ring , , , . ,. . ,"' .1 ...i : i.i. ereetagnod, subslatilia and p riH.iuriitgut- addre-s tnuii .Mfs Sif.iu II. Ainlmtij. wl.iel.mdcl the.,, belore, turns, and ,s right- other person,, est because ,it may bcpleas- . kilIraioI . I ,.,,,.,., ,. ..f.iie'Mrong 1, I..drfw. ly brought to bear against them, that they ing t our nasal apparatus f p er-a-titno . 1 )(,r tjw tiirt.tfti0 ,. to tin- ncceptaiicc ofiinin. "She maid oni. gnml hits, but n in the country if ho was certain it would dace him again in power, Krankeigh 1'icrco not eeepled. They wero placed there by nn pveitril mass of Poreiiuers. KnmaiiisLs and fools ! Tlu-v arp displaving now their 1 times, just lieeausp wo think so! Urtam- ' 1 ,,,".. .mit lfith can ensity lm overwhelmed. When they learn that an American has a right to bo an American in feeling and in action they will becomo as tame as et doves. When they find out that although there nro plenty of Foreign 1'apists hero who are willing to bo placed in office nnd power, yet tho people prefer Americans, we shall see them falling stealthily into the popular tide, if itis nssi- ble, so that perchance luck should fnior them they may yet bo carried by n stray swell into somo cminblo pnsitioti. Oh! what a selfish world ! If wc would do justice to ouneltcs, wi should be careful to use something that cannot be disagrecablo to anybody. If wo cannot speak well of a person what the Citi cnininitlcu on streets mid alleys the expeifii of which shall bo liorno, one half by said Moss ,t I.add, and the other half by the city ; provided, that thu city .iltnll ttrtt Iu, liul.l.. Ii.r line nnrl nf am h ov a lino thing it would bo if ovcrybody (editors , ,uri l)lo 1,rl.1.lll'fwca vcnr. Ad. ioiiriied. JOS. X. l'liMSCOIT, especially,) couia coutcnt lliomselus with saying nothing derogatory. l'erhaps ono may wish to sing, or to be continually talking somo nonsense, while at the same timo persons who have arsgooda Maor. Roman Catholic Irishmen nlieif Je- tie, I'residclitl0"'"'''''' I . . .... ii .1 nils. Arc. can now I nnis.int.'il to ..iiipp.-iltlmMgli it up not atau maecoruinco wim A. II. Steele, Recorder. fcT corresjiondent of the Alton Tele graph writes Wk from his loicli home in right to demand silence as we. hate to ex- nipiiiii in this Territory, oiue ciy good ercisc sbecch wish us to dcsiit. Iu would ii,.ns. We make almrt cMnut : Iki manners for us to act in such cales, so' "About the middle nf M.ij I left Orcg.ui as to contorm lo the popular sentiment. Ml inr tlm 1 iiii'Mii i aiiev, wim uie in w and greeted as brothers b and his Cnbinot and why! Oh, their in fluence, secured our cleetiuu I Hut nn Am erican v,'io is niected of acting as ho is pleased, 'must bu uxcommiinicated. And j'ot, if Americans are not entitled to tho privilege of ruling themselves, who in the name of all that is sacred ami just should 1)0 ! Can tho Adniitiistt.itioti tell .' Oh yes: inun loiiowcrs ot tnc nowiy virgin, who nru judges of good whuskcj", and voto tho diiimcrntic ticket. Americans nre wil ling to appreciato the good qualities of such men, and to rewnrd them accordingly, but never to tho exclusion of Natives who are uitu us capable, t iood manners requires that we do alwaj s what is right not same abstract and theo retical right, but what is really the best ill I i's adaption to thu circum-itaiici. OtrSninu exchange paper in speaking of the late Mnine ehs'tion, very npprnprintelj intimates that nothing but the secret opein lions of the Iv now -nothings could liuve so liimuphniitlj eh it. d A. 1'. Morrill, (ioiern or nf tho State, our tho strong party or ganization of lith whigsand democrats. .Morrill was an irregular, or stump iIi-iiki- Wn understand from the projectors of cr.-itic candidate, in fuor of the liquor law, this enterprise, that in establishing a lin of taking a "rl.mn," provided I miiM fiii (inn that siiitid my fancy. Not Is'ing hard to pleife, 1 h.ive sneer, ded 111 si curing III'' a "home," which von knuw is the privilege of all wlmciiNie tn Or. gun. Hut lirt a f. w words in regard tn the trii here. Our course lav in a outliurlj- direction up the ii':ii ;, v. .n.. mi V ... ., ,. ,,, . ., . III., Ill,', IU ...II'',. I II'" ..... ....- .. ... ...nine j-ncinc cosst ,cm nro persons , N ,.. t.uUr,c. This vall.-v i,iii.pr..vi..gai,d from every clitno; thernaru those of almost Hlliaivs tip verv rapidlj ." '1 he little, dnigj every form of manners and customs in the 1 log Abius have in uivii waj tn the m .r. world. Where such is tlm c-fu it usually 1 spacious and neat, r fniiiiu 'hmf is. Mill. .. , .1 I,. , ,,. . large birif nrn now reared, vv here a short roiiuires moru tunc to blend the ditk-ri nee- .. . . ... 1 m-i ', , , , , time since not one was to Ii en. 1 he with each other and thus promote n gno.i . , , f hut a few roiNs.inar.., society than where it is not. Hut Oregon which has grow 11 nil the family have con- is nrobablv nhead of Ciilifornia in this r. sinned lnr jdirs, imiovv ti.-isinill; and .,.,.., ...I il,.,r..,,r. ..,.,.... .1., .,1.1.. I, ;,,fil,i Urge ami unT' S.i. ISW (s.l S ! I IIKUIII'SI ' our piHiple niiLMt rtceivo the henetit nl tlu-v would only -tudv a little. it a very strong case, ami lipped over all her arguments for woman's iinlrprudeufe nf tin other sex hj' Milling 11 innn't hill In Inkr iiji the rallreiiun." ,j f, ( f.i i. 1 f. i '- r u & 1 "i.ini:s ru .i.wkkc.i.v ihi:i:mi:s Aimriraii rrnintii! ir s..nsif llir s.. Knn. I,.. l.j Hi. I.!... I M .iiir I'ii. luilr f -1 1111. WI1..1..1111I..I i... .l.in.T. r,.i m nl. nn 'I'l-.irr. 11 tn niihir. , 'I Iu Iul'Ii nuns 1 nil 1111 : K ui' iiih r l!r pnii m'.ii h IiIm r. 1 '. : It. in. ml . r ur-ir. s m tin I. iiI, 1m I l"il. Wll'll Hi areiilltliatid. 'n 1 if thu tlllli . i'trlf ivf In s 11 .1 .1 ....... ,1... ...i til, inesi- unii., -,..... ..!- tn 1.. i,niir,,v.iin.,lil. I think I l, TV in fun. Study III. ir w , ia, , ,,.,;,,,, m Ur. g,.li will aduiit inaiiiiers tho art of acting in every semol that lhfiinn"rs hen- have iu gein-r d, (th ....I-. i; 1I1 All.. v ti 1 Ii nn iiiIi r. Kill "ll llr.ni- lin hut .ho. 'I Ii. ' II. -.-In ill- , il 'I h 1' ti. ii- 111 I 'nil .1.1 n 1 ii-iiiiii.ii ..r -Kinlull Ir iil r. l. Ir. "I"i 1 r ..nr t.ur 1 1 1 1. Imiil.l hi rii in . rs ..t Ii...I'.'ii I . ..Mlt.'.ili.l I 1 It. 11. Ir r ii- 1. 1 ...ti t . 111 1 "jli Tin 11 iiriw in ..iir 111 L't.t, Hint v.Mir i.rtii.r 1 11 ui, I'nr Irkll.iW II .1 ll'.W ."'ll i mi, Il...if 11.I 'I h rights nn. I ilir lit. -.1. 111 ..ur l'r. IjiiIi. r. u. ti. l. I ' lin Ii iiiiisI , (i.t Cn.ll-IHI J I Ml W I' lliimrtl lb n D.lliihv 1 1 1' It. i'iiii.' J l! I 1. 11 II litis I), nl. 1 A I'., lli'l.l'j (' 1 1. .I.in l,t n 1 1, .lb. 1 in- II. M Mgiif Mfs M-iii-i Ml 1. 1 II II r....s II II Marl, j .1 II Male 'I'avnl M.iili-i tl Mi.h.i. 1 Mi linn" lliiain M. Hows L) l'"i lluli I 'has Mf her .1 1'ilil.ivsnii .las Mlnj.1.1 Mux A Mnll-r All'r.d (i.'iif Ahrali.'im In rram ..ill., rt (in. i.li.g.i.i S II li'.ltlnll llllgh Cm.IIi.v lit' inn 111 (' 1.1 11 Ii." Hi Hi, In I'. II Il.111n1i1.il I' II, III- II .. It'll. I.I- II. ;' I 1 1 11.. I hn II. I. Ml s .;k lini; II it; t V ' II,. 1 , I li II 11. In Mi- M 1 II, 1 in. ".,11,1 mini;; 111 tli, l.i, I r .', I . Ibih.il A lliu. kliiig.liilrv Aim ll.il.UlllIt Hull Mi-s Marj 1 111" In s.lns Ivauale J.'IMlh K. ilium Thniiipsoii l.al'ows, tie Miss J I. .1 l. Mamnn,; A .1 Mastielil Jim Ma.k Levi Mlddletuli Win Miller CO Mnilttiili Jno Mi Jllo Mnnie Call b McHride.lS M.C.iv .Ins .M.lveau I Mcl.cnden Wm New by It V Nichols Miks M Ni field I, I an. ill J.h I 'miller t'hns I'allv Win raliuiler II S Painter J C M. dig.. J II Pliiiiiujer (no I'un.ll.ll.i, P.. ! Man A Uiigs,l.1..'(idfr,.j Itnl.r ti Ifone .las l!if-i II lliriim Si, I., it Mr Nun..!, rs All. 11 Nhn. blj D.I Mu ill lb v T .N'nitli Xatliau Smith David Smith lleiij Smith ( I) Smith Jim S Stephens Win .Slump A Mr. .11 bridge Jus wt Win Nlllllllers Thus ThiHtlsnll Mfs C ThiHlfiili Win Inirilie Sll 'Inlllpklll- Jliu A W II. I llidlliL'halll (i C III .1 C l,..l II ...1 In--ih" Mr. d W tun ," W.,11. r lin Willi. 1 Win T W W, W W w . .li. 11 Mfs : N '.I M J... ,1 . II. . 1 1 .ri I w. w. in ru. p. i WM. G. DEMENT, lit IIIH IX I 'II: of tho word. It eifiires nn ndianc .1 soci cti, nnd a lirtter state nf I'.-, ling uiiioug all classes. Hut soiii.i onn siij'L'. sis that it would he manner for us t.. stop short nil wheru wo are. We will do s.j. are . M'eptllltH, nl lollls.',) Is'. 'II lull lllll'l- I. lit' I will call it: and iiisl.-.i I of ginwiii.' einiii.'h and Inspire, tiny have r.'if.'d hut jiistsitlli. 1. nt I'm tie ir mi ti if, Ihif leaiing (ur firmer. Insiipply with vmir -nrphf the emigrants who cine In r" bj tln.tf uel. evirvv'-ir. Th'fwill-i imtfur tin. stun II M 1 In' 'Until. I, ft III' II. "l! I. ll Is UII II. Ill -I I 11.1 II. nit .pint. i.t.n. I III , ,IS I I'M t't. ' I ilV. H- .11 -'I 1 t in I 1 11 ,1 I. 1 .IS, Mliit.s IK LSI I III . it r . 1 lli.tii Nt u Veil .111 1 1 11. 1 .. '..' 1 ' ir .11 I' HAiiitn;.) 11 T !... iKT'I'Iip wenthir continues verv line geiicv in th.- moii-j in irk. t in I tli "h-ip . . . .:... .'.. Ki tini'-s," which .-vt rvlsrlv f cninpl.-i lig u river n.ivigatinti at a convenient stage lit- ' .... , , ,..." 1'i's. nt. Iln .Iaifii 11. Ivinl.i i.rf.flunfi tnnrL'itlj llllli HU IHllllL III II (I' II IIU'IUV," .lllllic li I'll. whose rln.rLsM obtain lhus..tuu.,nic last ''"I's dull money nil pone hotels lull throuah tho Willamette Vallev. it is their hear. wen. the mentis of electinc n Whiir C. ' horses f.it strf ts dry and quat aticlion- iuU'iition to make the maiiagemeiit and os-1 J3. Senator. Uo had a small squad of fob icr's wages below par Hon.'s all leaving . riti.ed t.. pi serve the Poiititic.il lhioii". oration ofitconform to tho ireseiit state of, lowers, and nobody anticipat. d his .lection to ntleiid to legislative l,iisiness-exire.es ami 1 u, i.iuou 1, s u . . ,. .. .. r . ..s ' .... I ' ' . 1 1 ., i. ,t . .1.... 1 . e thi'v lavovoiied tint tin v would nut siillt r thotinvs; nnd whilo the line can bo built by the people. Hut the magic j-jwer of m U-legrnphs out character dear l-ef (j- o r)i A1al.a yt, imX , ,(,., for about half the cost oflinesin California, , tho Know-nothings was wicldul iu his lK.. ' cheap scandal rfing honesty inning )iau. (T,llu t, k,.ntv ,trnl.s tint an S" !. l,'l. 111 t.ltti I I' ('lull 'It, Mi I lin li 111 1 t li I 'I'l. ni.'ill li i:. .1 Ms ! ill Hi ' .!,...! ill NUlip I. it ..pp.! -It I- I I . .1 I I'S . HI. llir. Tin: poi'i: or hum. I lur leaders have heard mil. li ot lh" I of Ituiii , of llie hmi'lii.'ls that huie Now Advortiaomonto. Wanted 'I hr. .- g s. litir. rs. li). j I.1I111 Cil, I h .rl .sim , ., i.ntl I'.ur r fi..- 1 1 .M li II MINI M , Nt.i .in, ls-.1l-1 1." NOTICE KXTUA ! ! in m:ian , WMtM.i: iiri'iiiiiiimi lr.i nrl 1 1, nf llullir I 1 11 Ut r- uli'liCle, Kill til ill lie I. tM () :. In, I IIHI k. ...III." Il I It'l'J II. .Vl l'..e g'ttll- I', ll. I'l r 1.. - in s.H.ti nil III, .11 s.l I., hit. ('...I.. I'l III'' .1. Mill' .VII....- ,. -'ill. .. ip j. ,.,,! 1 M-... II ..Is .itil.h.. iiir 'u.iri I nil tit si n 1 rn ...,l a lin I 1 i.- 111 us. pin ,it Ilr. i iil'ill. N..1 II I- 1 . r. .1 ii'i.l "Uii.' Ill 1 I'm l I'.ssl' It.rv A.rl Ml .f ivl.uli w.llls -, t.il r t-li. hImmI i-r I 'I itiy.i fi iMti;tin 'iv l.ll" llllflr.lletl Hill .llir- 111 1111 ..I their it nl ir 1. fill j s I, . .! I -I ' t ,l. -f... lirii'itv 1-1, f.1.1, id lin they will bo used, for the present, at least, half, and much to tin, surprise of hi, sii.- 'ing very Ingli everything low-jail (1,.r ., ,, lli:,king 11, thf I ur and, .1. s ;v:;.,f1,"i;:t ,'; ,; t..., i'",,,; V- r-V.,.-... .. , T'e Piibb Ir r. m onn plan at onci) simple and economical. 'porters, he finds himself elected (Sovernori empty "situations" full whiskey goes nlating liappj cir.-lrs, and turning wmii'in ,,,,,,,. ,,,, ,.., , ,, hvi I ,,lr.-l I Tho lino can be constructed for four blind- by a majority over sll three of the otlu.r 'l"n while the Know-Nothings aro gone ''V;' ,.w l.a.i.l OUivi- l On-aoii Tit- " i'"1,1" ,,,"'" ." red and thirty dollars jier mile. candidales combined. jp in a baljoon. power by disguising his plans. II.', K,,, j ""i'Trf .... . I..'!'' Vle,..'u'.'..'M.'b, Hut there ii another peculiarity which is . i7lv.,.7." v--'n 1 v u 1 . ,1 -1 .1 ' the bitter pill, mid throws around it a thnii 1 V l ICI'. in fl. I I l.l'.lih. - ' ! ..1 r'.l 1. :.. ,..:. -.I.A.K.S. Otrllu, Indian', Sentinel says that tho. . II.. ,.,,.,...v ''III.m.,,p, i.n.r .1 . rut .,11 ..w. ... '" ... . ,.,..,' r. 1 "Whatn beginning!" exc ms one, 011 signs of the times indicate that Millaid l'ill-i ri. 1 .: , .1 0timi , t4, ,. provides ..-.. N..iiii...i... , .1 .. I.-. 'r tin hr-t. ..r largest If t, JsltlOOO IiartlClllnr locality to look to. Tho proba- . ? , , , , J ,, 1 .1 .1 1 . ' xiciuu uu ruin. 1 n.,. fM1, nml nln rtl... Il .1.) nl In niiit.r ir'il ( i- , .1, ..,,,,,1 lir,,,.. hsl .10(111 i'i'. i.l.li- -lit . 'i. . glancing nt such a head as thu aW'.i; and morn will Is-the Kiiovv-nothing candidatn nnnaius for our prisons and , nir .nor hull or l.i.h in. n nml 'iinril..' 1 11I1 ..1 I' .' T . . i ,- . !...... Iiihty nosviitkattheline w, I Is. bu.lt , and . ; ( ? Who fgf ,,,,,,, ,f , M1nis(., .,. nn, ,lu it , ,irovils victims for ,,., . .,, nt 11 ...inh. cl.ui...,.lrr Uh- m . "" '" ' irf.'"'' I,,, ; It will ooaeanng of tirtslvr or fourteen , , ,. .,, , , 111. ivi- 1 11 tluiiralluvvs II.i it is nhnsniis tlm foiiuda- rl ln...llow, nil spiilit-ninin fur 1I10 riilii- .'I Inml I or Hid loiirlh, .imiii ., . . ,, .... , ,. ., ,tobot 10 subnet I for surely you havusoiiit!- should provo true, nnd il his election could ''r,,' . '' , !, . f ,' u, w,i ., ti ' tl,.i,i. m. I iln, ... , , .1 mi cs to cavo Oregon CUy out a ogctlur! , . ' . ' ,,.11 1 . .1 l 1 1 tiono In I hat is pure and gosl, All 1 reeds cl","1" "" "' "" '' ,'" ""I"10" ,"-IB'" "" . Siibscr sirs iiinv ..hi Hind n. all tic .. . . , f ' .... , iks v in 'fiur mind s eve, when vou would thus tsi secured, vve think America would. . ,, -.. ,' r 1. 1 : .1 .,!.. niHci(r(.f tlm nliu ofiirpliuns, un.l.i Hi, lnt ' , , . ., ,. . .i No doubt our sister towns would Iw glad to '" ' , " "" "") ' " , ., ., Ir . ,, t nnl all nations have felt his destructive , 1 .,1 ihs ,l.,..ti..n l, hm p.' ......1.. Slnt-s nnd T. rrit..ri.-s. lh.. I aimdas and .- ... .... ..... "V-T-tmroduee such a topic to Oregntiians. No. have fully r.-d.eiuud In-rsrlf. Ilu is the. ,,. II,, ,as rbl 1 Utorv of simiu' nl 1' ...11 m n.. n,,n l-r... - ..,,,1 .. ,.. ,1. , im.i. i.r.iviniis to ' . Jf ' '.''wn Iiavo not. but we iiitrmhico it for lb., lfsl man for that pusitinu that tho I'nion lier briL'btest men. II.i eniihl imikl a Mil Ijui.IiI.sIii. tntiirrt'onlnli. Mli.mil.i unf( limn. il,,. i,,s.i..i I.', hm-irv im-m' .iiilriii7iissuii.im, , ,.nrd.. nnd would ho .bet..! hv .,., v nr. ' l.lii with thu skulls nf his victims of far gre.i l..rl. I.vr ...s I ,. n.lj.i In ,,li-l I.) Il.o ...rv.')..r raUier than riMo the trifliiigsu.il "l"""-"""" T ":'"""'" ' I er dim,.i,sins thin SI. I'eirr'sal IJo,,,.., ul, l.ta fcllil,.. Mm . i..;v., .i ... . ., ., ,. has to lie llitrouureil. Aim nils siioject inieii.i...K ... .jou. 11, . . . .1 1 , I'" l.niiln..i inun- sun iii-gi.it r ..up iinmn, 1 would be necessary for that I Will ., ,J , , - 1 and have mat. nil enough left In en cl pjr , .,.... .,, .,.,,. ir,.,ii,n c..i,... town tliat has longer boasted of a news-.' ' J ", " , . I , OtrMessrs. Mowlers ,t W.s, f s;tt 'atnids whitch wmildvie with thosuori'.gjpt. ,m,tun, mll.,.Hiili.... n.,.1 miwi . . . .. ... I I.ifu consists in U'liig and intioll. Alidus .... , W ask Ainrriiaiis ifitis not tim.i tins i,f lin. V..I..I t'.iu. i.s u..i..v.. July I,!'.'.! ttiau any other city on ihn I'ncitic , ., .. , lurK, nave cuuniit nceii in., piihhc-ation of ,. ,, , . .. ., . , ,, ,. .i,i ,,iii, n ,i,, 1 JKs J t...rs .....l . !,.(. ns tin. tint .-irll.. ti sit lint ' llrlliol. I'olt.l W1LS I ItstroVl.l I llf s Hot 1 lilt nllP II.I ll'lfl nl llio I ,ul. IIH'll I .JHS ..... L quietly cwiscut tj such an iirrnnge-. ' , . , . .. . , a imw family ncwspapi r. Itis, nallv, one ,,.,,Pioiie w!..l..iii th-iL iirncs von on in s-u-n ' ' ll,"!IAI'1, T' ..' . . " . If... li , a rcirubir stieiiti" olio that has ... ' ''.... p.unoiie wf oniu iii.u urges ou on in s.mi .,.,.,.., c. ... i 1 1 ,.. Nould they break down their pi-1 , , of the Is-t we get. W u li'iv.. two munl-irs i,all for Jour lounlrj 's g.s.d, .iigg. st tl... , s.,. ,, o. '' . Ji.il. N.Iwml..,. Iri.-VI ..run. .....I rt.ii.ui I. .. ...... n I (s.m n... I ' ' n I ...... I. mu li.l.i llilllllilii ....... ...... II... !,. I, -If. It. .. ... .'Il u .IISl I III.' . tl . r I III lltr 1 1,',. 1 1 vnntagoovcr us. to this whicl tho jiajicr coasl nient HVll III" rw, uii'i i imii iv-i ! Hl'lliili iiviiii inr, t I . ...... ,. , I you think, at a casual view, thnt miiiiiier f solute want. It is for vouloaiiswir think.-... . . .... " . .r I. Kin ..p ti. Or.th.Plr.ltr.. V lull ,, (rlls. " ""r ' taku ! To know v ourself mul tu umlerstntid of it OCrTho American Party is a intioual or ganization. It is den tincd to be the great fttid only lasting organization which can ce ment ui inseparably as a I 'ninn. When we throw aside tho principles of tho American jiarty wn may with just as much propriety .stand aside and let Foreigners and Human ist have our lands, cur homes, our all j and iho reins of government nf course. I.i t air with the sissors. Sec "I'ries ate ums" in our advertising columns. bly Prciiii turlcres with the irosperitj lie ! If-o, r.illv uii'l drive th' from our shuns. He is thu common f th" lb i ni'i: iik i iiili I'M ue (Itrln another column wn give Adams !)' '''"''"' "l"1l.'1";,1'!'1 I"" .""'""I' "' .t Co. credit for exchanges. Wn did this ''"V" '""'"'K IhI' ' ""' ''"t !'s l"" ii' iwr:iu iiiiiuniii )nur own iwilurc, in prolyl. ly tho yrcat div .irn nf vmir lifi. uitli Vnurnptf: litlt. ilil' . A. ..t iu ;. !, nnn .i.:., , in fulvniioc. lIiinkiiiL' ihoy wuuM conm ftut- iihiiiiji;i ui ii.yi i"iim in mu uiio acnnv i"iiiii ,, ri 1 . .. I ill I Mnnncr!.,,' rttl1 tt...i.Wi ' , pors nn iMjur Iioiim-h I....I.U .1'... ..V... " Worse, with us. We Iisjid giwii tin in nml let us have m it will lime no p.u , I wrrirn't Own, i rnu'.AT onrritY Aiinnr nothing to others, in their relation to you. is the article you aro provided with to in troduce into your life all those things which lii'ikn up the beautiful and true. I Haia la llin 1 trim rW ijlilinllnn n ntt ... . ...,., ,, .... .... . ll0M)i tiat ,r ,,,.,,, wi,i niiH.iuit tin,,, ,.,,,,1 t, ,',!,. fM1l..rago to any for nrjiile ru III vifftH llin C. ..lour i.i firm ... ! r. . ..... .... ........ ....... " n - -- 'overtwo hilii'lri.l.lollars : Immiucs iiiiiuincr- eigiiers, uii'l urn il shoulil In siilliiuut lor twenty copies per week, for tho but fifle... , '""1'.r" "r" '"""' r"r,," ,K,r" ,i.t":'"'' wlm , n i i .. , have hwd nin.nig if many v.'iirs who nrn. months. Have donn advertising, grain, fr fIlit ,nl ,t ,, (l Wlf t,J,fw (,,,., them, that if coiinted, would nmntiiil ton,, ,.XMii the ri'.-ht of sulbirngo In any for ni.rtun hlllldr. d il.illnrs ! ts-.tdrs illfiuiiipr. ciirliiirs. mill lli'il It shoulil Ik s.llllfiint l..r frocmen ponder on these facts. We claim 'act gently beget tho habit nnd geliuino feel-1 n,)lft (rHj The remiineralloii wn have re th.-m that their children should haw this to bo not a party of tho South, North, West ing of gentleness j mid even hj.ocrisy may ,,.,, )n ,. nl ,,tl .,fl ,, privilege. This is going furih-r than lh.. or Rnst but of tho whole I'nion, and altlhnvc this benefit, that peoplu by scemingto ., ,,,... Ainencan pirtj a.k.nn.l I lli.s.,,..,.i .1... pnt her a-Uoinlng territories. Nothing vvhicl.l.s, good ,j .sco.n.i really ,,. W.. know "'. '"' ' U' iuZ Is liroitoil lo any less win nii-wer our pur- nf instaiices where pirsoiis reallj had have ifr.viullii.iiinii lidge, n. I, r. .v ,. t.-ri'il tliut lnrni. is mm i vting so pi. on. rsosnnt all. If there nrn any men who do ' rhiuigcil their nature by lir-l all. cling to M.. h.il.U a n '.ularcoiiiiiiiiniiatiuii ll,is eve-, fully aiuoiii' in, nnd that tin re full llir dill" (hjubt that our principles, aims and n'ir.-i i Is, what tin1) were not, and alluwiird mai tain I iiiii'.'. j . rune nu.i'-'iiisblo I" tween the old sellkrs j Siillt . IS III.., I'll I II llml llir I .Hi I I llli. I. Ir III' llisiii'l nfOi (."in, will l I'ptiiiil li" lie- lnuii.n'1 li.ui i.f I. .ism. ss ill ling.... I'll), uu -Moiuhiy, llir till. .lay. if Us... nl-(. A II IM'.I It VVII.CIIX, Itru'ist.r JAS ,lTllltll.,Jiiu., Itsii.r STKAMKU FUANKMN. Tl I K line sleiim. r "I'r.inkliii," S. I '. A I. KXAMiKII.. Master, leaves ever) inorii Hitf f..rrhnniMM.(; nlrl inlrllii. ill its p.rls. Will inuki. Il.rtii;h lii liit'.iivsllis .l.irui tho iiilsi, rsrryin llir l S .Msils I ur Ir.'icht ui piissng..,Bppl) .ui Isnr.l N.iv. "J5lf mKS-llll' I'lniirli.r siil. nl llir I:.il'I" lUk'T), 1 lly 1'IIAIIMVN A' WAIINKII 4'1'llllllSAMMl'niii II il"i), a first nits ntlit tr for snip l.y ' PUIMIlN. II'N'MH.I. A' CD. ( 'iiinly nl. Wlinli'siili'. ON hut l .i siipuiuir mil In I i ill iln m I 'nil .inlitt I'lIAIIMAN .VWvjtNlTl llir Piibh-b. i will in ui lb. i.npt r. singly nl in .bibs, .. i.ue ..r Ins' vend Pinl.Pllices, ii. iu iv l tlt.ir.tl, .Hi n ceipl nf Iln. order. W '. i. .i Wig' amount is forwarded, it .Ii.iiil'l I... stiit ii. nl'lieik or Draft uii New ,..rk, llnstoii, ..r I'liilndelphiN, irni.erly in d..r.. .1. anil imide payable tn I'nwlers nnd Wells. We p.iv isis't of exrhiiiil'i'. Itif" Illustrated will 'is. issued priimptiv every s'itur,l.iv,i.nuneiicinglh' lirt vvm k iu Nov einlsT. ' All letters cmiliHiiing ruinUtaiifcs sliuiililb" post paid, and din (ted to Fowlers and Wells, :iiih llpiadway, New York. TMItMSTD CUIUS. On. Mtillnr will pay lur I.ifu Illustrated Siv Mmilli. Tvvu IMIirs fur (hie Year, I'iui Hollars for Three Copies. Might Dollars for Mive Cupics. Twnlvii llollars for Migbl Copies. I'iftien Hollars for Ten Copies Tweiit) four Dnllars fiirSivleen Copies. Ihirly Hnll.irs fur Twenty Copies. And iiiiv idililiuiiiil niiinher nf mpiesat the s imu rales. Saliiph. iniiiib. rs sent I'Ml.s. I'.-. . .nil..... tl III rill illnliPllillill'l pn.iiipili .1. In. ml l.y us. iu "i'l pun III" It,... I . .rtr.M.'l I, CM A KM ANA- WAKNl'.U. A ItTU ; in