Oregon spectator. (Oregon City, O.T. [i.e. Or.]) 1846-1855, November 04, 1854, Image 2

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t i unuiiKii ii, t-turuH
Saturday Morning, Nov. 4, 1854.
(f I'lNiMic iiKctinpt, of nil km N, uihliuij; tin ir
iructInL'H pulilinhml in llim ii r imiHt piM a
icMotutiun In Ih tli ifit I J
I J7Iiioih pinfntf triune) to tli in r-tftlliflitnpit
oil mi I'm. n "turn ufo irUifli(l l otitiiin n rrcupl
I ron i tlio piibtiplar nr nullmnzul nj;t uts
37'Wheii mi) Hiil-rnl r winhcf toiliumlunip
Unit pnpr, it tu rrvptctfull) hiirftr.l lliat ill (Jikh
U prompt.) paid
UTAilvirtiwuiHiiU for thin piMr iini-t Ih prr.
KPiiUlbcfiirt'4oVIck,r m.oii lhurM.a), t..innuro
iiiMTtioti Uic wiim wn.lt J
JTAll innililllliliAtl urn will In n j tl UllKt
tin mil hor'f rral n inn-(f.rlln IMit-'r'nb nelil)..,
((iinpnittt'H (Ik miuiuN ript
O'Wcwlll mmrt no A!minitr.-ttir' uUir-ii-'i.unt
uult-mtht) nn prep.ml, 'I la tmuUe
if ooll4.Uiigla nmrt' Uian Ui) uru worth J
(CTl'emms rrctJWtiK l.ilU can rttuit inotny lu
Hi tlihtn(jh tlir tiimTn, u fi n intiitliir imtltu.1 1m
-lU'bigiinUil tiuu-PcriiH n. pirn notup J
rtr. fi:i.lovv t trizi ns) tiik ji'aiois ot
a rin.r. iloi'Li: ok.iitto hi. o.sTATl
niL Furs OF ItCI'Ullllr.tM I.OVFltN
MFNT. MrrtsAnrr'"".
Cnnemnh, Nv. I, 18,ri4.
To Me Editor of the Senator 'Sir,
You will pie is make known lo die Whigs
ofC'hckiimns C01111I;, thst .iltlioiih I fe. I
grileful lor tint honor the) hive doiiu me in
nomitiitiiig mo 1 thiir i.tinlnhte fur npre
senlativunl the coming ilntiuii, I mi mi
tier tin. lnii-w.il) of respectful!) declining
the nomination, as I nin now pro-.tr iud l.v
ii-ov ere sickness. Youn risp. ctfullv,
.SAM I Kl. K. (lAIUnV.
;tf In unking known the non 'uc.pt
.liico of .Mr. Harlow as die rcgulir Whig
iioiiiincc, vvc em onlv olh r our ngn l. It
is, perhaps well unUirstood that wore he
itf food he.ilth, and should consent to be the
candidate, ho would nceivu the strongist
votoof any tti.'in in tho Whigranks. With
his consent and nitpport (however fnblbthe
litter ma) he at this moment) we dun 'on
prc'icut another 11 una in his stead,
(Sir In olli ring the ntue of Lot Whit-
lomb to the people ns .. candidate for lhi'1
ollicoof rtprt'-ent.ilivi , we only reiterate in
act what vvc did in word but ver) recently.
TI1e1vl1igsl1.no nocuididito in tho fiild,
and though they should )et tioniiuaU) one
wo shall suport Mr. Whtlcomb. Wo rcc
ogniro in him tho nominee of neither the
Whig nor Democratic p irty. Wo rccog
iiion 111 in tint is an Ann 111 in m ivir)
sense of the word, ntid th it is wh) we sup
port him. We recognize in him a mm,
who, though he may iliftatnl in this elec
tion, cr.m Is not for fonigners nor thur otes,
stoops to tho noil of no cIujiicm of intrigui ig
joliticiin, nor cares fr the namf. of party
om 01 principles : Ami wo n cognise in
hiina man vvho will stand up in the House
of Itcprrscntatiu's, ifelcctid, ntiable advo
catoforunilividcd Clackamas County!
.Should ho bo ll. ctetl, however, nt this
the eleventh hour, it will be n much great
er triumph than wo have an) reason, under
1110 circumstance lo expect. Uut we op-
peal to all wlio lovotlicir country, to all vvho (
hate tho name ot purl ij when principle is
. . ...
, sreeiiri e, u, I,. ll ..l.r. In. ...,, .
..... vj-.. --..., ...... l, ,aI , linn 11,11; svisi iniy f
,,n f . ,, fs . , , fl
'I'rcetlomfromnliroreigulnllmnie, 4c, '
tocast their votes for Lot Wliitcoinb. In '
The "Dimocr.itie Htandli ird" (-oft) has .
nctu til) bes-npuhlishtil for tworon-'cilttvo
, , , . , . I
weeks without 1'ettinL' down on i knees
iintlbivvliiig iou-totxr-ethf! know -loth-
ing! Its to., bad .- n't it that thn would
iii-i f tu im it s.ii 9
N. "IVince-(',wh,tdo
"vi ti i. twi4 4 .-Mi i iiiui- i mii n, un
you iniiiK aimm wing kiiow iiotl.mg i-ui in
.... . .. . ..
Clackam is count) hi Ihwlitne.hi) i lluw
-. . -
dare Toil to talk .,1 mil llin "liiinin" Cm,,,
.vhiihtiot.uv.l.ri.lurns. Wasthitwhar
t-,.1 .. ... I. , ,, ; .... iV , '
j " ,...v.
. . .i . , .i i
KrSpiakHig to tin !-. i at, t, nf the I m
ted Mntis, mi ub'i. idvmiite fnr ll, . iiuiii.j
iloctriin s of t!.t Iriio Ann rii.m pirt) m)
"Wo v.ant thcno hoiiotuh!. guith nn u to
understand thntth dist.i.u l.rinnl Amir
icaliismir. not oppo-id "inn) IMigioii its a
- ...,. -.r- 1 1" W"' """ u '" k'"'' "", l ,l lor ' "rt- ously Dimooralic Stalo of Ohio. ' i, . , . 1 "'""""J. "' ""; ' '"" , pli.li all without cnfiLsioii, aud I ootil. rupla- CAKS
HSJkSP '-''',--H-)t ..cond edition of the s.,,neo U ,'he fooW,ng i'" enumteain ,b.
irrirmrii.iiiiuWii.fivf OCrSu.inier "Canunah" is mnkiiiL' her A fourth in Wi.iousin. ","" , " 1"""1rtu" l""' "e'comni men ,,s,,n,llnl, , k.n all, r,, r- It, know .111) trade or business withe ..
i . ,, ,, ... ,., . 1 1 , 1 , . 1 ... 1 1 ot 11 r.in their iiecuuir miutii rami lauguiiL'u .1 ,. 1 . , uii.n ntni.liiii nr eitii.rinni'u
.. 1 ri L'ti 11 trios to Until 11 e Cbnnii.oei' Te- A chone Kiwi, n dift.it and wiihdriw d .' ' , . " lin line app. Iiti iinliiinl In in) nmni .il'l'r. iiun-nip or eipern-nca.
AiuiNSTTin: i.Msiinniis u'liism I'.hii ihn ,r -"'" ,rll ' """" 1 vim , iiiini (,, ie .,.. ...... ...... ... , at Ihur nut tniL' here, in enli d .1 m. tie ..I .".... .1.. ..1 .1. ! T.. .. .m. .ii.n r,.,,r, i ciu
liinriMiPi.dcom'iimnfT.. ,1FtlhV, . knnli mil Cnnlln. S... adv, rt.-i.n..it. '"n . .1 1. and .Hinting iuuiwL-.V.iy'W riZ,u ,,-,.. r al,rs. wh, n .,,. tl . kiubu, .tatcof In aid., position, or auwign of m.
tbo meantime, as wo Inn o but a fivv more nivtr fail to greet Ins app' aruncu is oflcu k to a solnl mass of stone, retaining the "" "' I'. ' " ,.,
hours previous to chction, let tho ireople ' "", 'ca.sion of nervous moments. Doubt- minute outlines ot a perf. it specimen of Iiu- '" " " ' ".' " , ' i, ". . "" I
i,, i !i i , Vi . im. man) a g ass vv II bi directed at the oc- mniiit). v . lintisii ixorlli Amiricmi proviiit.siuvi-is. n .
who sunnort tie nnleixm ent tamliilate. '. n .. ..' . . ... ' '..vnl-imn, I
' ' cup ml ol seat ."So. nun, when s.'uor Mario ,, , ,-j "
" ork for their lives." rfirJt otl ,,, t.n,(1 ,. M,lgP. tTlt Is istimat.d that 1,51)0,000,000 of m77m7.,.rkr.rl.rll.
-IZtTZTZZTTTTT- .S.,nel,n.lv l,,is bint. .1 tl. .i .1.1. I. .ml. PW w nsui mil annually b) the popula-, ' UOVSLKhU IMS
as th.it tho gatevoti was trving to nit.r , r(,., at the l'.,ol of dm I'orlage, oj torn ha- been ilrivni cut bv a ,pular ning. As "I"'" ""J" ,'"'u,u '" ll,u boUiibold tb part miLs, pnsiot th. in- Ins for ., Iiiii,m..ii a, 'll.nhftli an.l.iiili, euch agold watch
whin the know-nothings told )ou couldn't nn net ineiit of tho lkiiiiI, is just begun. . to Cuba, in pirlieular, tlicru is no Africoni- "" "' , I a Mate, having framed a Co list. lul.ou, Hi """b . . "
come In I Oh, mite-y, irowcrful potenUte, '''l' vvidlh of the canal is 1 00 feu ul th., top tuition in v ie vv, hut no pun ha-n is l.k.ih -' , A.U"TT n'tn ' !m lo If '" l-uU.cai. in form, ami coiui.li. .1 w ith all till, J" ;,',',' ,,;,,':;:;,1" ',,Z L.k.7. tl.ey '
I'rinco Leland is that where .our making ,lol'i" " "" """ ' "' lLo bottom. Tin wis th Go.uriiiin nt Uing lotilidint that, with doubt, ill) amiable, I., ciiu-i tl;.. nro tuii.l er in, dful rnpiisil.s. What is to l, ,om, ,,, i. , ,f l(t .,.l,l .li.ni i,.
1 rmco J.e,nu, is mat vlurt )our iii.kii.l. i (ijh ,,, f, , . J1K ,0 lc0 wide, llurr an ho.nst and lib, nil po,,-v lovvanU d, I"1'' s" -' rally ., this admill.d, tl, ,t I h ,d, th. ... I SI. ,11 d.n be r. jnl. d ' And will, .
lorvvitl. ).,ur staiianl . I . r-iv-re, h.ave ro two Imks, lath .'lOIJ f,. t long, tho first ,!oiii-s. tl v will In. mm ii,or. il . fill ami "'""'l "' ' '"-I '" 'l"f "i. il In f, -) in ,,,, w bat Ik Hiii-unfll,.-.. i, ligrnus ..f JZT:., ..-.- ..
VOUtb. rt most' hnm " now. of wlmh Iiti. Ill t. . I mul tin, mn III I it. r . in.il ',1 .1, ,.. il t ,1 .1.. . ' nv It. ' hil Is si, ii.ibisit iliiii-lv is nm, ,1. 'I I.,. i ,'l it. v. r .In 'I In, nl.nl, n-.n It ,' ' " mA ..'"
t ----- .-.,.,........--..... -.-. .-.. ..i--ii-- -'! I IW I IIILIII I . .. r'r l
Religion, but onlv on tb gi ,. md of thiir. , . i,.,",-" ". . ..
. , . , , , ,.i 0-7 In I -"(tli tin r, was not a rulroad hi
interfering ii.-the-politic.il nthtrs cf tl.- im ',), ;, Xlll , , r, ,ir hu
lion. Il tlivsiioi e,p,v I'oi iglml-tmre Tin ijiihsof i ulrnii'l msiin J-T.IIKKKIO
I,. ' I'l "V "nnl I for "(I v .r i new. on tit
,1'T ""i;"'-";'- -.. H,
in llns mmili) , tu tin- ih tntm nt of Ahirr.
cans wi 10 !o lhi policy til ibliuel bj
t-hmglnti mill Ins compiim. Onlliolii'
. ......
papers Imlilh nwit ' lun to liavi .in
I r i 1 1 .. .In in Aim ru i
inu lib it an lii-.li Ik
A nit ru iii4 know-
Imd, , nt. not iK. nun-ol bauhf,' lU'.t.iblhb
'il ill tin" t.oiiutr, ll Uio iji'tialuri will
i in lull) inM-liiti
tin' uiiiiiliH ol' die
Aiiii'iiL.in pirl), tli
Mill lind iIiliii just
ami honor. I.I., ..ml Well wmtl.v of luini!
. , ,
aiiopi.ni. . i. rj Aiiiiirii.iiinoii.ir.ii.i
M0 till' lptl
ll ll." )
loitrimi ol wimiiimfiiiii m riH-iiiii-1
0rNii;iilioii on tin iiiiin r and luwn
river u now lull) 'i n !. tint lb'' liannrn
aru unking tluir r jul ir trips .ig.un.
OCT"Wn arc bappj to imiouiirn th it the
f.i.oriti' stonuiiT 'Tortl-inil," dipt. N. II.
IngnlN, lia-s lihiiiiii.iii.1 d In r n gulur through
CO" bi con is n (,'n nt countr) ! In Ore
on City, iti'inllv, tin re bn Im-ii a meat
marki 1 1 -I ilili-lii'l in 11 1I1) good.- store !
(F?T" be I'M iiihei who onl. ml his son t
.i.-e.,.i.mue ..11 pct nor on .Uso we vvoutu
I .1 .. t , .
t I ill down and worship Judge (lint), is
iiiforuied lb it we believe in a hifihtr lilir.'
Would ho not tio pleased to know, the fact,
that the so in question indorsed tho cry
scntiimiils which his Rcvcrand siru so bit
, rlv dcinuiiiis ! !
tV'"' ive la liuinbiig,".is.i I'oiiliu I ni-
. . .
llorr.i.ntl) eul.nm.d al.t. writing thne
OCrJust as vve are goina to press a rumor
ionitstt, us th .1 Millie m.,11 l,v the nam, of
, . . . ,. " .
'', lu,,u, " ru"m"!- ,or roI"-"' '" "
Wut'id not Inni whitlior bow 1, ilunocrat
or know lothing.
(KrMultiioin ih Iidgr, N'o 1, of A. r.
and A. I i-ou-, hold thur ngular moiilhl)
' s " 1
tominuniciiinii tins eveiimg, at tlie .Mason-,
. . 1 ,.t
ic 1 f nil.
... . . .. .. I II-- --...-.. . ... .- ,.,. ., ., ...... ...... I lnll, .. .,!.. Ili.ul v .......- , ttatMm
(ttrflv a private ,1,-p.tih from I'ortlau.L, "bJJu n,,ui c,c" I''i'l''." ''
. .,... 1 , , , c , ..dibc.ic) nu inc.-u.ar) 111 lamil) life
learn that I'r.nte L. land, the Standurd , rtcluu,0. ,, Wo,anlvlait as
..r il'.. ..!.:.. n. . 1....1 . .... . r . .
of Washington county Dimoir.17) has betn
"got" for ninet) dollars, the just dmk of n
jouriuvin.iii printer who he bad 1 mplo)cd.
" "" ' nt,f0 "oM ''"f" " to " "''. '"
a balloon" fouioof tluse tlays, "our untiei
pations will be realied." (lo it I'rincie,
)our almost "houii !"'
MARIO AbD flltlsF.
Tho first tiiket for f Jrisi'a concert sold at
8250. 'I he Times says :
Sent No. 000, dirtitly in front of the
lage, (first choi(e) was put nn "ii a bid of
5u and went lit, rnnidlt nm linallv "S0 ,
;ou, ami weiii ni) rnini) , 11.111 unaii) ?.ou
was Iml, at wlncii extravagant price it was
ktiockod down to the uuino of Coiitls, the
Auctioneer ilnliringit was a Wma tide fih,
and that he hid a cheik for t'SO stt rlmg oji
the Hank pf Colitis, London, lo.lgcil lo
i euro the si nt. I- sulm .1111 nil) lenrnet
that the punh iser is a fair lady of i.inple
fortune, who bus louctivftl n most anient
admiration for the h iml-omu and distin
guished Mario, whiih i-ho indulges b) fol
lowing him from city to citv, iiiilcontiiient
to continent, stav ing nt the s line hotel nnd
...vanjibl) occup)t.,g die Ironl ,s. at or stall
atracb pirloruiaiice. io,l what it mav.
Il, 1 r . i . ., c.. K1 I I
1 no I uly is now residing at dm St. iNitho-
las, nnil'lrnrning that the choice of ..its'
was to bo sold, slm n, nt for U.tls, and tit
. . ..'.... . . : .
posited niluck lor 150 Stirling in his Immls
desiring him to . cure th- first choice for
I'r ni nil) cosi.
1, . "..1.... . .1 1...1. ...
I.VlSMi nil,,, s tl, ll III,! Hill, 111, III Ullllitll
f ,, .J, .calr0)atl ,M. ,,,', f, tiIM .
that the w. Il-kiiown sl, adv gl nice which
' 'lodgt ," got up lo ilr iw a irowd.
fgS-A nvrn.iu.i.ilr.,.1 ..fit,.. Il.ln.il A.I '
-,.- -..- , .......... ,... -..-.....-.
. rii.i r urli,,r fr,.... ,1.. s!,...l, .....I. ..I.,,.,
-, r, ,,w - " ' ' ""'
of Augii-t HI, sa)-, no doubt is , lit. rtaiind
"t. dm spot nlth.-completion of the eanal in
-..-. " ., "" "" 'TV.. " .,
I.M f 1H HP.V nun ill. I .ml.
i fi i - - . i
uri.. i im prrM-iii ironTfs uj iiiu worK
tl ! tuVlTtd .(IhAII tWO lllinlfs of tllli I V(IlIt
.w.... .... ,-, -IU.I1 --..., ,,U (TW.n
tmn. One lock is mnrlv inuiplct, tl, the
-- ,. --.,...,.. ,.,, . -,, - ..it- ti iiui- I r ll II If. I
otlkr f lirlil lugUtl. 1 1ll! L'lllinl liKk at tilt
"i.d of lln'!'oita.'.-isals.ut to l..lraimd.
''''' '""' r 'h' "'" '" "'" "' " l""l-
A t t lift 1. 1 1 r "ibnt (In. r ii.nl- i r ift i.fivwtn r
..-...-. - it . .... ...
.,r. ,() l (mi, nl Iil(1, , j f. , , r !, r.
the till ol dm river in the li in'tb of thuc.i
mil is 17 f. it.
W'fliiv. D ivi, i,' Imgnii, li is n-ign
at I Ilarv. W. Witt, i i ii i f , nn , i- .p
kill ,,f a- bis -in ,, -,,r (',,- Ilriiitil.
and the sti. llll I, unit, in 01 ration. Hie m .Si,.nn,li -nl.i. .. lmn .. I.o -nil-r. .1 -' "i" " imi iv as niiv on-. .-."-..... iiiiiin iliei vioimon-. t ... n ilioti nt .nr 'l i.. r.,..,il, .... ,..i...,, -r.1 1 wnlrh worth
I'ttiiirtt or iiu: .wnuitHA hill.
Winn Doughs iiiim d and (tin. I'irrco
stiondul tbo n jx-nl ol' the Missouri Com-
lil-ntni.il. .ill till I int-llll. ll til do Wiu In iv. til
................. , --- ... .w...
...,.,,.1 ,i ,, i.. , . i , ,m,.Mr,,
r, b cvti mliiii in i ininro. Hut what
tlit nctu ill) lime bruuht about i- a ililllr-
l.w.U.. for Jri..itiaiii iim.tli.riiiiKttiiiHiiiooriiul-
tr int.. urn nltiii'i tin r inn ini.ii nit ituul mil-
H'1. ii ..
. . . . i . . .1
tirs. Hitoi
,' .. . f M '
ti.iiii Winri '
'1 Iiu tiMltlimu Hi' til.i I'rljiht's Lust,
frii ihIh in Iiihuuii Slau of N. II
! lliu coimr-oii of lb.' adinuiNlntioii pur-
V" """"""",""v u" l '"" '"'"J
I in Vuriiiont.
A tV..oil WIiIl' Si-nator from M.w.in
1 inmPttii.
I 'I lin MilHtitiiticm of n V liij; for a Uuino
. ratio stale (.overturn lit in l. I.
lu.. WI111; S. 11 .tors, Whig I.eKisaturo
and WIiijx sl .te oflicers 11. Conn
Annihilation of the I 'n sidi. tit's pirty in
N. V.
Ditto in Ni Jersey.
Ditto in l'eiinsvHaiiin.
C'oiisohdntioii of a (,'rent Hepublican parly
A Whig Ii cislntuic, Whii; ('onnstreii,
'anil two Willi; Vnitors 111 tin1 Uciuocralic
I ive-holdini; sl i. of Mo.
And lasll), a Whig mil Kre. -ml I. over
nor. I.t L'iliilurc. Sin itur. md Coiiirrissmin.
111 Iowa, win re die nit-imf Detiiocracv bis
in Hind. 'Mill
l,ui.,riir. I,e. 1. unbroken.
1.:. 1 1....1 ....
Who will - i, utter this, that Douglas mid
I'n ree liinodoiio nothin'' for ilnir umnlri!
, , . '
Alb. hve. Journal.
KrEk'hteen hundred and Gftv-four. will
00 one of the most memorable vcais, anil
s . ...'.
will oiuipv linn) pi"s when tliestorv of
,. l.i 1 " ' .l ,
t ueavis wi bo wntti 11. o iipwniKs, wars,
I . ' '
tlnnds, Me 1111I10 it and rulroid missjins.
1. .ti. 1 1 . .- 1 ,
lti.ipt-Khgl,t..i.,Ks drought tires, Jioleri,
' ,,tt l.lli N; br. ska bill fever, know-
I iiotliiii.'i.in, Sthuvlerisiu, alsjhtiom-ui, the
u'n it irop l'10en out, the 10m crop burnt
"I', nisiimctions, . irlb.jii ik.s, runiors ol
wins, Iximliartlini nts.Culii, the Illuk War-
nor. md not Im-t, nor last, Orevtown blot-
ted out bv 1 storm of lin andiron: middle
.future is big with t vent, of which the next
two months an to bo rife.
IibFINEnLNT, 'liioso who Mil lit ollr)
1 .... ..... .. ..... ,.'.,
linn 11 inn nil iil ili aiiiii'i iiiiiiiis niirri uii-iiih ill
irlluous nigr. tlienlsin
, , . ; -',.",,- " 1 .. . 1.
1 111 1 11111 ii.iii 1111 pin. null' miiiw iuil 1.1 1.11
ivin ilii) liapptiiths, little Know wlmt tniin
'. .,'. .'A ... ' ,i... -n, :
props they seek lo undermine.
nilermme. 1 In
lliv-v mil
M ml)
. VTomamv
r . . v
untie. 1 liere is as
muili linpiiiiess wrec-
ketl from the tibs, net- of dm on- as from tho
iih-iuni'! in inn iiiiiiiiiimi r:iitiiii 111 iiioitrpvi . n iiiim-. - ni- .nm ttun iv x'-i.. m ,- 1 . -.v ,1 iit.t Kii.-fi f .v iit iui.'ur
,,.r,iuio I., imiimiw. iiiiisu "ii" iieKieiMnutunoof theboardof iniinai.'' r-, inilmling
the varmsnes otlile. 1 ommtt nn in-nlliin sin .,... .....1.... ....i..... .1 .... 1..
, , ,
osu.ir.l ,ti..n,...li.u.
'"" " '" -- 1
see it stated that an ol 1 in in In nig in I'ans,
uiartho I'al ii- Kovale, who follows dm mu
ll trado of throing hiiusilf under tho whicls
of omnibiisses, in onlcr to get hurt and bo '
pnul tor it, lias, vvttlitu tlie last hvo )enrs,
..-.;.,... 1 .., ,1,.. oonnn r... i,.,.u,. !..
i.vii,;.. iiiuiu .111.11 www iui i.ii.ii ii;i:n
lnn.. ll 1. l...l.m..,l ll.it mnnt n,-. Mi.lUs
"'", brought about on porpose b) the
...... . . ,. .. '.,.i'i : 1 .
Sl-CIlllll VitlLllils, HI ll WUlini IS! IIU, 1 IU
imitate Ammid.ib SI. ek.a ml nfasea id for
lh victims of shocking accident.., for fear of
incouraging them.
An (J1.11 Si'ii. We hivo ju-t HCiiv.d a
ttli'i from Mr. Win. Warimck, ot drt.n-
lieltl, Ohio, intlosiiig Ins !lst vear- sub
scrintion lo the seioto (mitte. ' Mr. War-
nock has t ik. a die On. It.- loiiimiiouil) for
.10 ). ars, and as tar Uick as we have r'tfer
1 neo to thu Imoks Ins ill wins pnnl 111 ad-
. . . 1 .. ......... ,,. . .:......
('. S , that c. producu a s.m.lar instance I
c... ,.-..
line, is iitiri; it i..,,,i, in , 'inn, ,,, it, wi.-
.JllOil, tUJ.
Otrln tl.o'J4,(IOO,OOOof thcU.S. tioimla-
tbn th. ro aro moru i-rsou' who halntuillv
rt.w ull, nrlll t, , c,ll )w ouni n yjt.
uuti.illlll in Cumpe, in in) un nrea.
(vT-t .......k .1 -...,.; :.. M
V. il ,"-,,,11 l ,11,11 IS J I li! HI I If li; III .1.
y. It was found buri-.l six feet .1,, p in
guano, m dio Isl ind of lehboe. It is turn-
t loll o.
.Sl'VIN ASJIl tiik I
s. , . t It
'l II.) iiisii r, I , , (II li"iie," -
i ........ i ....... .i. vi v ,!.....,.!
,..ri. inn iiil'r III Lll'l .1, 1 I :'-, vj, i.- ........ . . . . . 1,1
K.pirler.,, thu In ad ot dm new ripim-h ' . , , """'""' ' " 'r' '.''"
Oovi riiniuil, Ins had s-wnl .nt.rv.ews "" " ,''", ,';,".'' '.r ',',', ',, ,".",.,'"'
.. . . II. U .. ... I . I II .1
."."V.TE'i '" ,Vr""V",m,":l
.i ri i , . ...
mo rmiiMi unntn t will tUnU IkhI toMtttlo
all in ittmr ft ilitb r. m . I. .1 i. , . ... , ..........
ihumt, r. md at to nin Hon. ( n ii.ounl
linmn i,l , Inr, nu. ilm I' S . i, ,,,,,.! . .... . I
,,t,) gr. it. r ..iti-i1.. tmn than in dm fait hat
"' l " 'I ' ri t, at v I, inds
,i.hi,Ipi il... .. 1 1. -... I. .
bn. n hilhtrlo.
..nu.,! , ui iii iiijj ii n
'JTM n lll'l vs. I . tioil
It. II. 'Iiui
sunn ,1, i, u ,(. i , ,,toii tiouiinal, d, ),,
,1.. I..I... U I...... 11 1
VV. '.' " "'i..i,i"i ".,,. iiu.r, ii, ,i.
l.'i, hinniid, fnr l.n ill, I, ml (lovruor. ...d
W I Iiu,, roll, I ir . Sni, I ir) of Slat, . 'Ih- l de, wish Ihii pun,) u.i. nni),' -ioiiv,
ntioii idiniiriu d till to iiitirow, iimlhi r, a- -In -it -'itthiii,' aivav il
-- -
iT' N't w II.iiiip.ilri' I. tin mo-t fnoof
.nlnri il lpulllli.ll ol llll) .Itllln It, .
mn ii, imiii low is iii iiiu ,-sii,t, ui,,,),
1 ' ' ' t , , ,,,
UJ"A maghiliiiiit iillitdr.ll is iiliout be-, bind, 'it makis limn iinniibl. lo have I" Is'
ing ertetul lit W isliniglon by the Medio-1 W if' was nl- nt, shu kmw llir husband
iIhK. It is to bo one nl the mewl co-dy and, was ihola-t man dial would bo Milling tu
ilegutitly liiiiiliul ihiirih oilituoH on tln see his cliildrcii in turn dresses; thiir means
loiilincut. ll.v Hum Sliccr superintends .did hot admit of hiring; ami she felt that,
llir. lin inn . mil lli, 'i. .run-stone will be though he 'Hid the. ihlldi, II liked to pi iv
1 ii'l n tin. -'H'i "t 'clulu r tu 1
, ... , ,
I 111-11. I.tllltT - till ri HI.. I I 111 Hill l M I"
I ..... -.i
tm-liu'lit, iIip iirnbli hi n nw lo bo olnl
...... .--- -. -
...I.I I.. I.o ...Ii. .1
... II . t I !...-
ai i urn. uf iiH'iiuiiiiL'ii, ii hiiwii mm; 1.UH
ll. .1 ll .. .......II I....I.. ll... ui.rLu ..I
in ii 11 .- 111 n-.11 iu iiiuiiiiiiiii. .iu "in'.'i
I... M I ..... .1.-1 .. .. I. !.l. ............:,..! .,
tin' NnpoK'oii dork, whii-h wore carried on
b) nighl as uill.is l. ilni ; and the app i
rutus mils so uiiuph'to, that for four mouths
the lutjit bus UvnMuiilily Iniriiini;. ICcon
oni) is not its least recommendation, for the
cost per niuht linn not been muro than MS
' Iralics, vvlncli. in. WIHI mil. wire . inj.lo)t.l,
t-'1" U,U,,IU Rf "'"" " " '" l"M".,
kt man.
. , ,, M 1 ,,
An iNTHtKSTtNi. lat-M.oN.-NearU 160
il.il mutes fioin the iiorthirn and t a.st. rn.
sn.iotisof New KiiRland mot at the rail-1
way-lation in this city, on Tuestlav nonn,
nn linn urn in i,iriiiiitiiitii in iiui rnuintr ni
; v r-"-. r
Hi'iTORi vl Asi'tK vn rs. 'I'hc N, Y. Mir
lor sn)s :
(trn l wants to be fiovi rnor ;
...,.,,.: i, 1 :.., ,,,,1 li l.
1 - 5.
' Mi nto i hik rHtsioiNT.-
-The St. hums
1, , c.i 11 , .,..,,., , 1..,,,:.
I ."Uiui-.n., vui. iiviuvii " viui.il .... .....-
, .. . ., , .
uopes lo sn- ,is ln,urlw ...u .... ...,...-
for the I'resideuc) . It ltivi,, nil dial il can
M, ; I,; f,uijr jiU .
.... ....... ..1... 1 ..1.. 1
' ll" IMIillh" ..illlll U -UIMI.lll 11 ,i. in
1 . , 1 ,1 . . ,1 . '.1 .
. (Ii. ati. slritfielv 111.. tsilirM- ol L 11 liitlill ir
1 urn ut, .iml gixo uv ult me
.,, ,,, , ,,
joU llin,,l,1t(.7,r ,lc
turn nt, .mil gixo midline of dm gmutliof
oin.r ,,t iiii'im w
pioiite ol till-
s, irr. -piiliv. oft iiiiu-i s iuni coiivi nitons
irr. -p. itive nf tin 1 lip-trap of 1101111111
tiotir. and tlie wirv -tratti.) ol'plund. r iili
lui ms irn'sp. etive, in line, ol . vtntlini'.'
-.ive the vol 'u of the 11 ilioti.
(fi I'll. li iiiioiid for tin lindiii.if wlnili
I 1 liraill ill slave nei IV..1 bis fmilolu 1 ftw
ti oiiths since In-he. 11 depositid in the I.oti
lion lillihiii' House, 11 wtigns .in nr ii-.
and Its estimated value Is Jt2""0,IIOO or, in
. . ..
rouutl numbers, ?l,ili)ii.t!)0,
1 ... . 7. . .. .r
ii, , ...At .tn,...l ...in. .ti..... tlit
live siep-J
.1.. i.. . .-;, .. 1 .1! .n. . 1..
nil' Mirirnsoi niir-e win, i.iiitiniv i.ni.iui.
,i, ...i.,.. ,.f ,1,., w,..l,i,,t,, t, ,,,,,,,,, 1,1
soclty are , tr iv igmt . I.ul tin trutli 1-,
,.- -vi.iiii, iioii'ii (i in hi- 111 in iiu
" ... ... i .
otic KtrVIUS. llll tlie ekCt ptloll ill Ills' j
salaries ol tlie uncliniiicnl siiih mil, ml, nt
... .. ..- ...'
ami tliu clerK, not one ct nt is expemieii lor
purposes other than those cuiimited with
tho buildim;.
The monument has attained a height of
lflO feet.
1110 rort nn enn viuann, 01 iirounivii,
.. .. , , ,
N"H Y,,rl(' "' n l-lltl) s, ,t .1 grilllllr
"""''' in), mi m-. ruoiiii. nn ,., 1,1,0,.
to Washington. It wis nunrrwd rsm 1
, , , . , , ., ,
UM' ' (omvi ""'" "l'1 "'r' m'l,m""1
" '"r" ' ",M'"" an' "" """I" "'7" "f,'"l'l
",d "" ,l - V '.f "," ,"" "0,'M" h ,l lo "f '
I (.... lain.... .mil n I... I. .., ,., .1. pl.n. tin.
known as Port I'utn 1111 but li is mc l.- 11
ibnignl to its pr. -. lit iipp-'llalioii, in honor
ol , 11. i,n. lie ol tin It. volution - nwh
("ifion Star.
V, ire n,l aware dial ( In goii h.i- .i-)i t
U,n r , , Ul , . UlAy, fr . N
. , , , . ,, ... ,
t.onal Wa-liiugton .Mouuiii. ul. We liavi
Uen told that there m iv be a good ot." ol
...!... .1 u.i. hmi .1.. .
'ii tin-u "ij fcv I'lai wivi "" " "' I ' . Ilm l.il.T.. 'I'l.. .... tit. n itul lim.i I., nmiln. .....-,. ..
taili.d near Salem Will thu M it. su. ill nni oimi 1.1 umn irom iviiinoriiiii. inn sue
, 1 1. .1 i- . gets mm. thing l-iiil.s an ovtrs'iirikid mar
pit aso givu us somo iglit ou tun subtiit. 1 . . ii ... .1.1 t .1 1 .1
1 " " ' I ket in Hour ami pick nxe from this snln tlie
frr, 1 ,, r . it- 1 ... I coi.tintnt. Rv .1 statem, nt in dm Nation
OrTUur dispatchist from ttnslungtoiiiirii 1 , . .. . .1 . .1
, , . . , .1 . , ? A nl till ligi m. r it npptars tut tie appro-'
important. It issml tli.it iiiformatioir'liiis , ., ,, ' , , ,,'
' , 1 ,1 , ,,, . , priall mis lor California mail. during die re
,. 111.11,.. ,,,. K',,1 , till,' 11k 11 ni,. nil. I'.iiisi. ,
nl.MllilriU.lo Hie I'll. t llllll tlie li, U KiT'i'ir
. , . ...
'f hmi bas agri., i.s,n t. im, lor tin, s,,,
" C,;,'u' ""l nU ll"vt b"11' ' ru,lc'' ""' ''"
n ll III oil. II III lir'l It snnl tllllt
"Wn h
, , I , I It (J I
'"' ir' -'"I nilur..! s , h n. ,
U """ J '
,..U...m, who ,,..rsM..,, ,.rs.H
. .' ..
Ik -ld,i hT ki'i In II door,' is lint as lik.lv In
ii, ul ui" until is in) pan. rn ot
malm-- an I I, " m in who aluio-t . , in-
'" " '" 'J"1' "!',1 """' t !'",, "' '""
"" ' ' ') M " ' '--' ' ",,"f",., "'.v d' ""'
llll 1 V. TV lllil il.l. ' .....I I., r iMi.ll.n. '
tin) i vtrv inn ilili, -anllur mother,
'li is-, load ol In r kith ii.' f, a
i r. ... i i
ai -Im was
mi-l ik. n, v. Inn, i -tioil lim-atlt r, I siu
I. i,l.l.........1 I.....,,. ..
. i
....j.i.iv , .. -, ,,,,i , I,,
give 111, a t il-hioii fol kitlv In In nu.
' i
Hi. 1,1, .1,1, .en, it. .tl In..,. L. i.i.
,l,,v lorn dp s, , ,,k 'g I in vv ' 'linn
,,,,, , ,(,, Ml, , , ,! , , ,.,,,
J,., Ii.i. tour.
,.,, ,tl1 ,, , r, v r i , ,1,, )ll(
In Ir ill ' I, ill I-mil li I.
nitli lliu ilnir. ll cirtninh did mt toiinnni
.... ... .
m i um ni. "". ....................... .,
, ...1..!.. ll.. . ....!.. I... .....(..... ...I.. li.i..,..! .it ll...
. .1 nli.n. ...v.. p.. nii . . .. Minn.. .. ru
iiiii.-iiiii in., iiil; ii v ., ii- i'uiv.i ...... ... ...-
. I..... ... I ,..l
, (l,ill4. ,, in in i'iir linurn lu hvr ; ami
' ii i . i I ? I .. .'
i h:ii I'lUMiu Hhi hk'.ii, umu.iit'n inin
. I I .' I.. .1. .1 ... ! .
nr, 1 u1.1111.111 111 ite mo iiiiuu r iii pun;
' ' "
Suine of the tTiiiifrliti-rn were 110 Ioiil'it
cluldrui, but all wire eipuilly fond of the
1I0K1 and thought ever) 0110 little Utter than
n bear, who was not willing to inhale his
odoril, runs l.r. ntli, iiikI bo covornl with his
c.sl oil I, in and dust.
I he diniieJ hour was at hand , Mrs. II
in id., it almost a point of cousin me to have
. .
In r tin ils at tlie miiiule, ami it was mum
U,1R1 fnr ,,, r ,,.,,,, , ,. ,,, ,;,,,,
. . . ,, .. . . .
, " ' " " '' ,.,.
j , . ,,,,' nlll M.' . lo till,
. t. .... .
- u. luWt.(
biir-l u . w nil the il.. ' b itiL'itiL' to th. -kirl
ot her dress. In in ml nit all w is tumuli.
Mam I, ll the pot itois 'iml ran to the dog
'Cirlo, Carlo, win re hiv.i vou bvn, Cirl., '
, l'"or dtw is hutiu'rv . ll. n ,1 arln, tak. tin
1 h imlitiL' Inni 1 pn oe ol m, it In.m tin Kitih-
1 11 t ll
'lb will gn ii tin lliior,'ud
Mrs. II
but in, Imtlie wis I ik.
tlui n inonslr inc. 'Carlo is tlnr-t .
.. . .
. Marv, mil nvvav slie llew Inr a 1, 1-111 nf wu
Ur whjcni,p hPt ,((V,n , t1(. ,,,,,1,11, f llle
room. v iiu Carlo wa- e.ire.si d md a tor-
n nt of 'bib) t ilk' wu- pound upon I
hut uodumr wuiil.l imlu
1111 tnilrink. At
1n.1v alter In r,
- - - - -
1 ,,ik iroin su leboiim
1 1 s iroin tl. in iiitn'
'" t mu'ov. r tlie i. tile ..I ..ii... tli.it Mi
run in n 11 -1 in nut; on me m an... nr
kul llir inituri nt d. -pur
'Mini, Mir) will imi In lp j ul tin dm
in r .ti tin t il,. ' It i turn Mid ),,iir fi
tin 1 i- vv ting' 1
l in 1, 'lit 1'. lp. ihit-b) 1 liHik I iiuild
iml -upi r s, -t irt. d li.w ml- lin i,t'iti
it 1-I1 w.iil tin In-ill of w it. 1 aero tin.
ll .r, iud tin. .it'll it w, nl u .in Ii r w iv I .
lb limn.' r '0111, I'm -nin l.r, 1 I nnl Inni, 1
lot ( irlu '("), d. ir, . m I nun ! Mi- II
-i, 11 lint uo,f 0111 . iiiiiiuiv. mill in re
N 1 ,v,tl. Jl irv, put Inni it
. - . ' .
'Moth, r i- .i 1 rus-
niull. n d M ir
tli, r. lu. land) .d yd
Ie stui) .n -..no -In, ul I id I I,. Mr- II'-
di-tr.s-, I Intt th. ruiiin, Mam iml M irv
- 11 tin liud-t t lii'di .. 1 I- .il-illl win.
I lie p up th' u 11 r, tli it tin . v, r bu
vv 1- ti 1. kill!! n. r lie II .01 M in
, ,
loll III. fol p. t- I- III,
bllltv, I'miiitfl (irnltfimxii
1 runt ul 11 in 1
I nun ..1 unit
MritMi Wnt. 11 rue W
out 1, I or li
vi ir-p i-t, 11. 1,ln r . llmtln
Iiiv, In 1 u Imriu.' 111 irl.in
pr. hum-. It is m, .'..'iiu t
mgdn pi r b Kill f. . t th m
I I be work I- still l 111.' pr
.... ....
I St. ..,..
II mi tin ir
Ill IV line
.till Is 111 pr,.-. ,11 .it l,v in 111s
1 n 'iln , w iti r nt - itif 11 tnrv
01 a si, mi ,n',in, w in r
point- tint Living), t l, 11 r. 1 li .I hi
I1-1 tin 1 I TOO lit 1 v in I il' ,t r 1
-trurk, ind it 1,'iiMI tut in 1, urn n. .in
of -iilphur w iter, in ill n -p 1 1- bk. th it ..f
tin lliu. I. n k s,n,l:. , ,,. f,,p
Thi- 111 11 1 I IN I'lllll IIihiIv ('..ni-
nii.si.,n, r rmt, r, ,.1 llln.d Munl. li 1- I it.
Ivdrodid igu..-t I'n.t. -t ml . lul.lr. 11 I- ing
tsit.it.. Hi il to read tin- 1 1. hull t.rsniiint
tile lllble, nr I ' ltln.ll, . llll'lo I. Is m' oim
p. lb d In r, el the l'rot' -I ml v, i-n.n
Cvi.iioiimv Itnlus ami pnilu-nni an
iiidissnlubl) i.. mt.d with th- nun.- nfthis
I it.-l .'tic ion to the I 111011. W, gi t n
ts nt si s-ioii in Cnligre-H amount It, JJ.fllW
0 ,'l. iml. h ml. nt ot s .lane- to pub, ml ami
otln r pill, In ollie.-rs ami the exp ii-, .. the
ml minis-, n
itaii 7o in: .1 .N'ri'i;
Tim Mnr.unii piipiilalinii ot I lab I em
Ion bv a bit, ii ii-ii- is asu rlniu, d to Is'
, . ' ,.- i ..., i -
lilt) thou-aml. I he s oplo are iimniigfor
adiiusion a. a stale. Hurt, art! in, slave
bold, rs aim. tig tin in so th il inniiot eitibar
'ass the iiuestioii of lb, ir iiibms.ion. Hut
,. ' ..,..
in, ,, ,s ti, ii, si, ill, ll, ll. i. iiiiuinir I, is, in,
linn" among tin in ami r. injtii, I bv lie ir
laws, whiihni th- m ,, most , lin-lmn-
iii'l tin nil people is nm. nl, r, d miith wnr-e
linn .lav, rv W nn an polv gam) I'or
a lu in It, h iv morn tb in . m wife, I- in t v
, iv otln I , Slain and I. rril. rv m tin- I nion
i pt.ilt" nliarv olb in n. Tin ri l- too unci
i pniaiiv nu a inn in tnisoiii in. , unKiniWii
'',"" """ r,
' "ra.,1
rrinn . i ii.'imisi i-a I,, iiu,
, ll ,, , .. "
ks al other iriimmt s Ni.
.. .1 I,v. I, ..ml... I I..... ..'..... 1
1 I .1 .... ., , ,
,, rL.,,, ' their )tu atbi. r-. would
. . - ... .
irv out an,,,, .t , I Ih von. o I tin in
. . - . ,
Ihii". i.ius.,1 n ,ulihi'iUiiii. tin Vtril nf ll
- .1 ' ...'
, oiisiituii nl nmtiisi ae. uiisl lin right or
i up. on in v ol I migr - ii . 1 1 1 iii intuitu.
ilniiii .he r Intioii- ol nn T, irth r iisatnii
11li1.111.r1111l.nl ... iiilii.i..i.ii. u.iiiiiillir
I- ' '
wh it n Pit ion i xisls Inlwitn ini-ti'i tint
rv ml, mn.. ami Mil. pir.nl ami
L'uard, in ntiil wnril- Cot. rr, .s hi. i...
I - ",i
Iborit), nxpriss. d oi i In i li il in -nth mat
ircignU 'in i inbudiid in die Nt braska bill,
"Willi tu wilhoul"slavir) mini die Ntbran."
lib or without a plurality of
will -a) die I tab, 'llio nrincinal
U republic in md its niiiilionlioii muat bn
It in at all iin.li ami all nligioDi
' dike. No li it will tlm cb riiv, tliafili.
. .. ' . . .
. m... ....itni llikllltl i.m" .1.. wliL .11
.,,..,, ,,.,.. .. ......... .. nu in
! I'l..l. .....I.titl...!. ? II unutnn.l t.
, mil iii-.ii.iiii..i. i .. ... il uiuvii n
.1 e '...! ... i.-i ! I.I. .. '
I tin- wmir of Oml to iroUit in bin num.
i i .1 . ... .... .1
ami in ntuii niiininj; u rint hi' unni uio mere
.1.1... . I . I.. . .1.. .. . ,-
, iiossiuiiiiv oiniavcrv noniii u.iv ciiicnnrr m
'i ....... .'..I .'... .. .i. . I
' nutaiu ami wi.ann irrriiory, wimi may we
epict of them now when this Mormon
Tic rriton of oO,(IUO i.ilgiimiHU is knocking
, at the door for iidmiiwion t Cleee. Plain
W1 slll tx)H,tl tK.m , ))rntc,t .
. of , nthouKk its overr
', B ",cr
''iiluic ma) In 111 accrdaiuc Willi oar Ite-
11 mi . 1 1 .. 11. .
piiniicanism. 1111 . nwmi L laft as a
. , , . .,
" ' . h ...
,.,(. or. v. n ...l,r,i...K p.dv M, ! Never.
'Soonir Uio Pope of Ito.ne should reign.
rents or frii lids.
To have 1 wife mil thildren dependent
on dm lotitinu'iiiiiis of liusi.it s, and, in
1 i-t of -uild. uili,itb have them wholly un-
.m l.d lor.
In put otf upon Inn bin; strangers tho
tv, moral, ami riligiuiis ctliiiation of
iildr. u,
lo tenth ibildr, n no good trade, hoping;
tin y will have, when grown up, wit enough
I., lire on tin industry of other opl.
lo 1 nj'i; the giuoral syinpMh) when
in id. Inukriipt bv m reiklfo mode of
spitul itioii.
'I'" tin it tin 11 1tn.11 tl goviriiiuenl ll x
I'., bold .lb., without Is nig coiuN.tcnt
to di-i h irt.. it- dutu s
lo I. ml I hotis. - with nine .md six inch
will- itnl 'o to tin tin , r ils of tenants, tire
1111 u, iml nib. rs, kill, d l,v tin ir Ml, weep,
in.' 1, v, 1 tin m. I, rums di-p. lis itiou of I'ro
vnli m 1
'I,, bull up tlti. and I ,nii without:
I itk-, 111 1 .til p. -til, iii 1 vi-itatioii of,"
t. ,d
l 1 1 1 11-1 nun I 1111', md dkplore tho
in, i, t- ..I 1 iiui'
J.rC it'- Imuih-v nt t 1111 11111 ill, has
I 111 ,,l -II p ig. - 111 1 n -- It I- said thit
lin nnrll will I., i-tniii-lied iiin the pub
lll ,'lnll it this volume.
n iimii.i)
li'lllill s III, . ft; 1! i, ll, ."III, lltl I.)
It II in. Mr I t I,,) mid M m list
Mrvi ll-.m nil "II lurka.i.ss rot -tv.OrO-
I .'
It.v II
I ilt A
In l.iittriill''. 1 1. tili-r .'J. ul I lie rrr lur. nf A
I' 1 k.iirrv. Ii s M Iiu k. '.. or Msrttn V.
J up-.f I ,1 f11r.11 ,1 mill Mi Mar.il, K miL'lin,
ul I,ir I- 11 , ituii.v, t 'r. i;,iit
To Thr Public.
... r. I.
N Hifn Kfiii. in, limit.); U ft tny l.fd aoJ
bit nl wiil.oui iiJ. caiH.prYirtiop, I
1 id til p iufbirb n t nr IniMiiiit; hl
hi 1 Nil in 1 M i I 11 tli bto nf Nff con
.1 1. HMII I.WKV
I 1 n r Molt 1 a n I. I- l-lTtl
rVw Stvnmvv
C.I .YKJf.i If
i i 11 ti it in himwI ti 1 ivir unj Hill ru rg
ul rU ni n (( I pi 1 r W tWftm il nrr r da-
r ml ili i" 11 wiiitt r I tr fr ight or ptwMf
njti mi t ti r it (If wan h um in fniunitb
1 nu mill Niiv I, I.M tiinoi
t tkJ IIHll f- M).hnn;l..nlir-trlr.ni.U,
O bv
l V
J Mill's, wnnisit's, tin! childrrM
P II.H.tr. nu I h
l.y J Nil r IIIIODKH
ri ni Itnn li U lint aud .! fristh
A I- KV Ihrsinand tin. k nn lil.nl
:m j.no i- intooKR
tiik rM rr.n s r.i rius jovhna i.
WOU ill ill tilth volume, and lisvnu slrridj
1 ruirlisil n or, ii'ntn t isr l0,00O
li.,.i,t.r ..III, ri--l rlass ronliiBtllK ( pt
riiiiiN , aliimns I, ilr, I will, lie . urn nl nw (run ill
itrtN ul ll e wi rl I i, Urgs niiioii.il nf litiriry sad
M-Unlillr ..milsr, llsnk Sols j. nd Porn Cur.
r, nl, ii.nl ns n n-w mill vnltuihl, hmture, each nitm
in w, it iirreani r (sunn i,miiiii'iw
In will hr-r.-afl. r is.niii a TWO IIF.lMlhULr-
i!IIMIT) IM, IV llll .-i, is puWi.h.a
H liri-i "Cf-nrli ni mill, l J M lltsiasnn & C
''' V nn I 7 s,,,r, .1 Nsw York, t III. iinpreo-
ilriil. , Inn nnrn i r Vi rri,l n y,.sr A Tiilulb.e
.l tnniii, Is. k n. 1 i, n. .1 . rsnil i.'rii,iiK up
rial , ni, I in l,l i lin ("II" ml' nrli innimim
nitioinilini' lo-vr
will, ..a lie- .' .ilnlsy , r Mn), IH.',',, Is- nwsrdsd U
Ih. VI. . rss.iis lorwiintini; Irstwnsn now anil that
I tin .Mi I, p'lic.l iuiinLHrsnf sutsHriunrsin Ihfftr
tin l.r-l .n i, nu, n, in inniisy . . . .$tC0
I In x.uml in inn, a si wing ms, Inns
... ." . .......
. rtli
lie lliiul l, in, llin, I s. wii.K luaiiuin.
. .'
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1 .il,i a 1' liirDciiiua.lo uiir. s, lial.il cmm,m
I'm I'l" I'mUlSfl) HI. llllMUlly .ItlllUSlI O, I.
. ...i'i.'.i .....i.. n..i...r...i. .....,.h iku .rr
i '" --. --- .
pn, .. ..f ijl ii j ear V .lriuliil ,r.tiiiuni It
h. Ill I.I
. n li J-srsoii g. tluig ii, a t tub, ninl in iiutv
in t . I... nn mil. I I- ll.- Jsl NsrMn sending tlwi
I tin. .1 niniiUr ul i,lcnls-rs I-, r fmlher parne
ulsrss.1 - . uie-.i i -i .(llir Mugsme, winch
wilt I..- m , . ii r, , tnt , nu rrals, r .issrlinea r
I'y "I d Ji.itrti',., wl... li will Im nnl gram w i
, a i.i....
nil' in i; i .. -.
I M I MI'llsilV A I,.,
I I.
ulnl 7 Upturn it ,
" r it, ii lo imiv 1 1 pnpiii