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About Oregon spectator. (Oregon City, O.T. [i.e. Or.]) 1846-1855 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 28, 1854)
7 "7 i ' OREGON SPECTATOR. 0 I I.ODIIRII II, i mriiR "ouK7oN(Tniii:i:M)s 11:11111 nun , "Saturday Morning, Oct 28, 1854. fUTuMic mocliiic", of nil liiil, iliniRllnlf proceedings 11 tin" r !" iimrt .om u .' .., ...i i.. i . nn ulncriplLm re rrqumtril 10 olit i . t n receipt mlonmiw pal. 1117 unmei - lo I, 111 i-i inn ..uivi,. from th. publisher or autl,..rie,l agent-..) I 111(inrWhniiy.ulnl.erw,Kli.-.(oJjMnnie. tol';u7e,MI',",'',,,,,l",l,,,,l,,l uo pronip.i) paiu.j IITTAiIm rtiwnraiils r.T tlin i.ii.r iu-1 1 i I pre. senUil before tM.H.Ii,r il..ii'llmiMii,i..iiiMirv iDienloii the mm., wnk U All ii imiinl ill I . r. j". mhI. tin' aiillii.r'ii rcnl nniiie(l.,rll'i' ljlit.i'iilHiiclit;i, .... .i i VWlipilMH'a .- ...a.,.,- ,.,...; HTUV villi itlnlt II..'l--. 1.1... .!.. .- ....I. ,i.. . I 'ii. ,1.1 wwuiuiw iii.m. .... i" " " .if eiiUct-titlL' in Ill.iU' tll.lll 'll II W.'lll. , " -in rTTrrmiiii. rertlliti 1.0 . mi r, tint in.m.'l t" n llironcli the niuil", n I . ... . . . ......,.,. ..m.r i.t.iii.H, it dciigunti'J Stib-cnt, I plraie li.ilu I EST illllll'll'uiIfl'V V. . U .,,.. li) Slrtil. N.liV 'I'llAXI'IM'ti, .....I ....I. i I Ikr nuthri:r,l aL'nil. in ihnl nlv. ivr lU' Oregon Nprolnlur. u" ' t- ttltltemetili nml tmUi iiytwt Ao.viNsr Tin: inii mi t ! it.i.s in 1'ohi:i.m I."n.fEMn, (I i onji i:i: voi i.. ni:i.n:vi. Mn ti:i.Lovv i nwrN-) hie ji:vi.otsv or A nntn i'kopi c on. ii r to mi: cotowntia Avv.vkK. Ir is dm: or Tin: most iunk- tl't. HIM 01' A lil.HIILirAN f'OVEIl.N MI..NT. irujll'll'oi'. For licniKsLMVTivr., SASIUEL K. UAKLOW. THE CA.VDWATHS. Ab n iprcial election ii to he hohlcn on Monday, Nov. 0, to tlett a rcproentativo to the lower liuuc of tin1 UrcL'oti I.ei-I.i-ture, vto plncr tho name of S uiiuel K. lov,' before tho public as tho Wliij; oainli dato for that olliec. Tlio dcmocratii' party have choeii for their ciiinlidutu tho postal n. lit, having, apparently, a more, sincere regard for his offuial abilities than tlio-o who Haw fit to have him removed fioni hi t;ovcrn luvnt npK)inlnieiit as pu-tal agent of Oi.- gon. There are two "old hoi..s" in the ' field, of which and with regard to whom we . liavo but a few vvord to ay. 'I hey are , both known by the people, and wei", o ' long ljeforo we Knew- i-ithor one of tlioii, ' that , to do not cou-idcr it in e.-s.irv t. go ' into nny deadly Unle lor tin, man t our choice. That wo think Mr. H.ulow iIk l.t man to fill tho station n.-.-ds hardly lo be added, and that he cm and will, if elect- cd, occupy the position with honor to him- elf and justice to Ilia conitituiuts will not bo otieitiotied. ' Mr. Lovejov, in his .spetcli at tho con-1 lention. the other dav. made the rcm.'irk ! that they had l,a eceret fo' to contend vv ith." Well, perhaps they have, but if so tho' 1.... ,. ..1... "i?..- i. . r.,1,.,1.1,. ,. f.. .r on;-, mi.- ....... ....... 1 -. cdto tho Know-nothings, and vv, may as xvcll hero blato that ij it n Irnr that t.r re' UaHecrct foe to contend against in this election, then there is no hope for Mr. Har low nor Mr. I.ovejoy. Hut, up think thero U no probability that such n secret foo will act in this contest. Wp have an idea llicy will not nominate until thev can elect, mid I that they liavo or will nominate any man 1 in this; election thero can bo no fear. We, 1 thing" had belter l.rnko it known to tb-u- . ..,, . , . ... 11 t - 1 1 1 1 .- . 1 hope tho Whigs of tin, county will un.le coi.e.ence,' wl.ti-h, having du-and t.moly on Mr. Ilariow, which if they do there it n reasonable hopo for his election. Tho Know-Nothings can liavo no kind of objec- I A. ., . . ,., .,, T, I tion, if wo surmise rightly with regard to theircrccd, to cither of Uiocandidnies, mid hence, wc ask, what could bo their objict lliclioosinRtnciiiiruinan.' mn vvocan no; dlri ir (0llin j.ullri t,,,t ,.v lt, nothing Ms courteous than to invito th-ir i,.om .,rc.,lirid " i,aU, ,heir own wax ,r , , , ... . , , . ,'oi.f. picparui 10 nauii iinir on., nny rnemhers lo vote foronrcan.hd.ite, by doing hrollJ5ll , 1ii,iif.llt trib-, of host.lo In-' which they will am in securing a good rep. ' rcsentativo to fill the plaeo of tli'nt "nio- j young man win, lias r.-igii. .1. , , .. ..... yT-un tuo arrival 01 io.imor i oiunii.ia, on .Moliilay Inst. Adams ,v I ... luriilslio.i u. a good s.i Mitipl of Aihutio lntft i...u.ts, in ,, which was p,eul.arly, wind, was pu-uiiany Rratifyin. roiiMHciin tlio In-Lth-it limlt , in con'p.cuct' tlirrctjf. I'lnty, wliil1 there a i. I Messrs. Still ivWwl sent us an early solve, into parties to suit tho sio ofih. .. . ..,,.. 1 , .. 1 1 . supply of now, Mnga,,.,es, pictorial, .kc. ; Ira,..-, vvhnh they have every ehanco lo -. from th-ir periodical depot iu Sat. I'ra.uis-, walih from th heights on i-ilhor mdu co. Many thanks. lhotta',1, and vvheii, perhaps, you aro ha.t Well.. I'ar.'o ik (.'o.. inn 1 J. W. .Sullivan ' ' I also favored u, as usual. Otrll will be oWerved that tho splendid steamship Vaukro HUdv, which lcfl San l'rancisco with over nine hundred passen gers, vvas totally vvr ik. 1 on tlni- California coast. 'Iho ai.tutits are very conllii ling, many blaming tho i.-iptiiiii and ollicei, and olliers exonerating Ihem. Tin, ves was far out of her direct cour.o by somn mean. From thirty to fifty lives lost. W-, gin. (l.s statement of u pawengir in our now a . . columns. 0311. Meiggii lato of Sun Francisco, when )ou can ahold llicni by not entering having committed heavy forgone, has pur- J iimn the plains. Vol. havo now no pro chased the banpin Aineriea, lu.d escaped, lection thero ml your own nrmeil forri h, (illlnc with Mmhire lilijoiiiite ofrold, j find lliTC !' " j rc-'.'on to rupj oc Ihal the Tile..!.. , i warfare took place, ni'.'ir the low. r 011.I of I tlii- eitv, between the Ixlntualh mill Cla.-k- OtTUii Tuesday Let, ipiilii mi Iinli.iii : ! niii.-u tribes, l'ivo killoilnt'il rornl otliuf. - 'woiitid.-.l. Ilullitlh nllcr.tioii was to their proceeding, by the while. '- - (fcVOitr Iricis, hiu ..en 111 oouro of ,.,,,. ,, u, r ,l v..Ui, Iml If tho rain-. should luoionl tho completion of some Poi- i , '..... i,,m nun ill Jiroyri-s, they "ill no wor-n . , , , KrTI,oi..i..,0ai.l.a,j..l..i.i..i-..CL,l , 311' I IUlll-,illl..O Hill piIJ.H.Y I"' I'MUl vi-, ,,- '.I wilhin It'll ll IV J-f'-Witli pi a.Mio o ''..til.' tlio ii turn ..I" I'. II. l'irj;iiiiii. l'.i.., iipTriiitoinH'iil of i ho Williiii.-tioo I'.illt M. ik T. i oin a iiv. Ho ha-, l.niiipht hi- family, anil no - OIIIIO II lllllll.'ln l .1111 .... .1. i . . "lii ..- . ii. ,. i ... I ...!i i ... uv. no na oroupiu in- i.iiiniv, inn. o ..... " . irn. nili'tiil- ri'Milmi' hid nllv. i.uii.iii'. n ........... .., .. ... . ...... i ..... i.' ........ .: .... . A.. .. ..' k iiiiiiiii iii.l ii.ini.iiii" i ii :i ,' -i,- in- ,....-- , tii".', ujiiih will likilv ho :'.icn.'.i uno.'r . . I ..... !..,. ...-.!. :.. ,.i- .1... III.I.I.IIU. l.l-i-oi 111'- l-u.v .... i.i in. iut Wo h.'l'i' thf ' w..rl.-i will m- iv.' an. h iinpi'l'i iniilor hi-i...iu:u'.ini'nt .iii-l li.ivi.j,''.i..f ih" oil, i .- irnil.i i.i.iii. ..i.iii.i. wo i-UHil to thi'itiMi'mloui I '.ill, iinproveui.'i,U "ooii ... i i oni.iar.ipul.-.ui.o m a.lvan.'.oneut.- Ill tilt-, ouimeaion, vo ihallb.. 1, ippv to nolo J . -3' . ativl .iiiL'ul niou'it '.. tin imlilie or l-i'iu - lit to tlio lolioeiu. .sUCCe, .i.iill, to the W. K. I 'o., ami their (cnthinanly Supetiii li'iiJ'.nt. 07" Win. Klliot, K..j., of thi county, h.i ! prc-.-nto'l u- with -uino of tho liu.t -p. ii- ...en of tlro,'on Apples tint vie In,,, .ut, ecn. Varieties : llainboHii,Sn.ill., ..dor, , enow ....'ii.-nnwcr, ...... ui.j ran . jppio, o. I.owellvu's M-leetioiis : and tin1 lioxl.oiv rusM-t, of l..idd'. el ctioii. I'hov aro i'U.d to anv that can be, niul.liovvii.ti-clu-ively that Or.B'oii is aluad. .Mr. K.vvill bu able to furuUh Oregoiiianv with a' numility of good fruit. Succe-s to him. thi: t'AY xoniisas. They aro to bo found In almost every town in tho world. 'Ihcy cniisi.t of ailti.h liuinnii beings, those who act th.'ir p-irt but not well, thoso wlmtill up tho liieasilie, but not tI.oiiirT.ure of duty lo otln rs ; tho' who will not bo inis-cd when thov are (;otn', thuse whose every de-ire i to got all they can and pa nothing for it. uf .-ours.' wi "1I..11 1 allude to a certain .piad Hint ouw upop a lituo "did convene," nor a-elecl few oltl'u in. vv ho because thru wero not lb" U- vor, d one, beeau,., the; wero for once ow - r - looked, ai.d bccatiio they Ii:i..ctiod to bo - coin." actors iu playing their own prl. as-, sumed upon their own liouMrt tuo ruhl sumo! upon their ow n liouMrt tho r'uhl of 'will" Ih3-.-,uso tiiev could. 01. n '. W , . . . , , ,, ,, . , ,1 -lie o aii.o-c. ueiu i-..-ei..i.i, 10 ... .1 coin would viih to kiiovv.notlniig ot the . ,, ' , ,,. ,,. . ,r ,,, . pay .within" order. We ne,.-r roul.I mon- i.u.r KutiftVi ili'tirP. Vrisrill' Vl'f isiiiviiia .11 .....,.-..-, ,.,,,. , - ,---. nor over thu hot cake, on another -niii-V plate when our own was lo.vled. 0 .loll 1 hivonny rppcit left for tho "will" pay-' ourowu iiotliing. vxo woiiin rattier ij.-ioiig 10 sum.' Hociety where funds iu thu tri'tviiiry goto support those xvil.i 1.0 TUP. XVOHK. Wo -,,,, . . ... .. ., don t behove in "hrotl,,,!., .I,,,,,,,,,!,:,, nor "fiaternat excimmnuKnilim for especial 1. , r, , ,, sellish purposes. Ihoie who "know ionic- notice, in.iy hereafter cause them tnnctup- on n rnoro coiisu'.-nt principle. iimi-v cnstisti l l-v, t iwtiMiwjii.iHi., i-'.' While it ie. yet not to lato wo wish to wnr1 aIil-lso1"s it mj states, who may .i.-..a .. cn,i.,r.,ii,i i0 (Jro"on. overland, ...,, .,.,. .... ,, ...... ,,,,,- liru.., ., .......- tJ,Ucjit,l x , tli. i.-iv -.--. xvii.i. niiii.l.r tlio wljteH ;,- ,1(,. ar lf.ft t,,,;,,,;,!,,! ,y f. .- ., :,.....! u. i....a.i i.""i"-. - - ..o ..." x...- .-. ..- a.i'i reioiiing .....iks j.inu .a.-. 11 ,11m,-, urn nn; tlw kuiiiiiiit '.vt, lor tKo-? In- jdian. go unpunislu'J. T ill him. n - K" uojiu....,,, ...... .. 1'Ii!'-ik- tomakr U1.-111 nw. mti'iit " " tli lilio! uf our fflluw-whitc during tlm .. ' ....... ' .11 .!:.:.!.. ll..... siiaiieilmg it lliey will ihjuiici) down upon ' j oil, murder your inoi,, tnko prisoners mid ravi,hyour t-uiali,, and approprialo slock, ike, all to their ovi. u-es. Therefor.', wc warn the immigrant to do, wary, In be oi At finaril ! Wu nny ho a-sailed by our cotomiiora- rie as wishing to deter p-oplc from coming ' to this Territory, and that we picturo dan. ger wiicti tin ro is none, nut looK tor your selves at tho AuUi'rcri of tho last immigra tion, and then judge, Wu shudder at tin idea of your Iming dependent on the mercy I these, savago fiends in human shaj.o UaWls4BMb I'. S. government will pl.ico liny troops at thoso vacant fortn fltfritig tlio coming spring or nuinm.'r. Wo can liuo no liojio for it. Those Indians have, heretofore, I men kept down, but now they have a frcoclunco -iul a I n field, and will minder imi.ii- ..,.,, I- if ,..,., Lln l!nltlil it WllOUI.'ll'. ' . Oi-WV Hotter that 1 oiit. Co have opened :i new meat in irk, t m Main '., op. , op posilo.I. .N. I r tt. '1 liov liavo n ined! tir ,,,jc,., ,,f m.'-.t, and of coiue arc cnlilled a libci.-d patio.,-ige. Siiccc.-. ' " -v... , . ,,.,. .,,. v- . .... ,..-j-. I ' ml'iH .lie riiiiniii!.' llnouali In Snlion, . 1 ,...-..... .... w.- II.,.,, m r'n i ,. i I'ihuX in 1, t ivatjnl.iv iii'iinitu l'"r 'Sah'tii. ... ........ -- -- - vv. l.nriu ii olniiL I .ii L tlie L'r. it .ni"ti. - VI'.. I.l. i.. t. ..., itrtll,!,,.. in nt 'ii i'o.i oi'i ii mo u i .. r ii i"i tin- - ....... ... .,, ..,11.. r ,,l. A. -i" '-..'-"'"-. ."- .. ran lioiio'l .1.1 1 . lilitralu .xaiiiliivi.'it ill' now pha-1 , I., in ii .1.0 iriii. litlS'tlMi., lirituil.l.'k . . . .v . . . , which our fniar in" .IM into .on ii.m.l.n. I'-ir . v lli.n .'On it, wl.ilo w0 woi. hut an in. hin. W.'l.av.- then ill nvo-jin ! tin" pniKip.. ".vim li a u-ar inuiuir i 'in. t, i n. m ii, t-iii, v in tin.. Wo ..i" iu 1. u-ht u, ,u ,..n,.i ... Mi. . iu the cro-.l -t ,,. ..pp...,.,, that which our pv rei." i.i'.'-'.n .ml. ...u-. ...... ...... w.u v lovo Alii. i..'..iin). It li--. my l-e-M the' hcuil, to near that iioii'ht 1ml .lo.itli v"in . overt. .. it. Wo vii-h ever to know tiolhini; that will uppe.-i' our vourilry or iu w.'lf.ire, ami wo lu'lieve there aro no fe'ir-. nl tin- Am. rienn iiuolri.ic, av wc inuier- 5UI,,; ,,,,., ,ll,l.lll, Anf) ,lu(i0 , l)IR. -, ol ,-,. .li.tanl ,,,. ,u lftI .. j .;,., ri f ,,:ll k10H in. p.uty hut tli.- tru.' parly. It I- of no ll... to heic rei.lpiltll.lte v hat we l.o foro h iv.' -tat-. I with r.'jj.inl to f.ii('-,'ii.-r" I li.-y Itiiuw that v . .in inn opp..-o thti.i ho cauetbe uro -lull, tut would we l illib t uiiju-t. Let tin-in '.-. 'liooet to Am.'r'i'.iiil i-.vs and alo entitled to Ann ri caii protcclion. OirWo le.-.rn, with r.-0'ret, that S. Ix. Ilarlovv, I.p i pro-tn ltd with a in disp..itiou. Doubts ar entertained of hi recoverv. . Hr ,i,rtUier. III the report of the decision of the c.i-e of tho Tirritorv of ll.-egou ,k. Win. I Minn nn.l . l.-llil. ' t I'.S'f.ill. tilt- a. tielo 1,-atIl 11 f,.t un,. At the M-pteinler term of this ",-ottrt thu tvv .1. f. iid-ml. 10 ihi- suit pie- ;;snt,.U tlieiii .'he 11. eoint ila,nc' the ..f. 1 , V, ."M.em, vXd, tlio iot d - , ..,.,, ,, to ,,u m ,,,. ,;.,,.. nay )Hl ric. uiiur the old iiicuinlielit, llolnic-, a- tin-1 "slurilVin fa. I, an.f -uggesled to (V.W-ill, ""ho. Wined to .por.-ede Ikhner by vir- 'Murilt m in. I, :in. -uggesle.l to I) .V-iII. l'l.H ll' iill'l li(in uiiiiiin iiiti' ii'i'i til', "Co.nt ... dun form for invii.lig.itioii and .I....'i..irtn '"l.ia m .t 1 n.iiKf il .tu". t Its'. I V.nrl IIIVI-I-JIH a isiiiiwas-'isa-t '-'' - ".llll 1 . 1 .1 1 P... I . I i .0. ';""'" J""1" J. "", I""?,, " L" " " "!' n w,i, j, (,f tln-in tin- ollic-legallv lj.-l.jiip." r wish to conect (be..l.vo m'soiii.' ,,',.,, olii", .in;; of the' titulars 111 loiiovv : un inc morning 01 tno1 September term of Court, I -aw Mr. Jluliir. mo pro-ocuun. .niori.e, ior 1.11s .uimii, nn. gavo 1.11.1 iii.-eo..ipir.iiii as ot.i 111 .,m.lllcP yf til ulu,0 i,v lnv iairll,.u Holbr.iok it Uankir. Ilv soon afler came 0 , I'll I." lI niy olh.-o 1.11.I vvuhcl me to go to tlio ills- n.-i i-r . a uiuce n-ro .. .0..,. -. 0 u.e aw in relation to tho 111. ill. 1. A It r look- . . , , , , . . .... pro-i.uting attorney may bring suit " .t-e (1 lh-n showed him my c rlili-atn of .-l-.tion ' l'01"1, ,tl"'' !"". H '." ''"i1l'1 "', ""'. he '.'"' niil (.,,,,. i,,e w,,. hi. therffore , 11Ild)., ,'(, .,fl.,1Ijt ,. , .., ,l, , him 1 was sorry that ho LouhKiiot,... it , would save some ooufu.ioii ami ' oau.ou .-... ,.oi receive ... .o orug u ...- 'T ,l",,l'u"I" ' !"B nMT' '".'" w(i1 t1(. j,,,!,,,. rm, , mid uidi n .1 th- ,,lr, ll( i, (l ,7, ,, :iv., r, m ,!!, ,,,,,ir III ami m.'iku In- proel.iiuatioii, .iltlioiigh I did Hot wKh to do so. I titer, for- proc. -d Ill to tin. Court .Itld llt.oll I ho ,ini . i'.iI of .l.tiliro I lln.., nlnl l.lor., , ,., f . . .r. .": - -i .p, a1(,, , ml certijienlc rlrttiun 111 rrccne.i in 'ram the Auditor, nt' ftittid or 'ft"l h '"'''' ' r - 'y 6fwrf -'' '' '-'' rT"' f'ti. 'HZ. Z , .. ,,,. .,..,; ,,,., , tl.ii.kinir tint, Ju-U-. wunM l.,k . tliuin U-iVru tin- oiu I i-in l ;n.l in sumo 1. a ll ... 1..ll 1'. b-l'-.p-r huord.-rod voiirt fo beeall-.l. I then nn oavored to op-u the court l.v pro.- ltr Ha, Jt lin..rui tl, , furllx-r in my duties as alunll'. I f.-,- my -lf called upon to -av ibis iiun-h to torr-a nn iimut-iilional (no .l.jul.t) error , .1.1 ..ill 1. a . . . 1 I iu thr. -italemonl of.ludgo Oln-v as' . d, lo .-.plain my conduct in loganl to this matter, and to .how that I i-ndoavored t obtain n remedy as provid.d by law, vi.: by complaint to proi-culing atturnnr, w'hich was denied me. I therefore puir-in'd llm i-mira.) I did, Laving tho public to s.iv whether it was jiistiliablo or not. ' JAMKS O'NKU.l,. - - ' CITY CtH'MCIf,. Saturday, 'let. 21, M. Council mot pursuant to a rail from lb- Mayor, 1'reaent: J. N. I'rosooii, M.itnr : A. II. Stede, li-corder : A.M. Wait. Thu.. .lohusoii, Jus, O'N'eiH, and A. II. Sproiiger, Cuiliiciliuiu. Aim nt: W, V, lint k, C'timi- iiliii.'in. , lluelnt, .Marsli-il. The proceedings of llm previous iii'eting were road and apnroviil. Kepojtb of c'jinilloo. wire di.peiin.d wiih, I lie Mayor -laled that tho principle oh Icitiii calling an rWr.'i mooting of llm Conn- ell, was, lor mo purpose 01 corrccuu wuun in tlio nsje.stni nt of taxes for tlin current j car, ln tnntiun, tlio following Ordiiinneu was passed : Ordinance 1 1. Do it ordained nu.l estab lished, by the City Coiiniilof Oregon City, 'I hat, in tho foil'1', lion of cfty taxes of Ore- 'gi.n City. for tin- current year, tlio Lin .nar. uai. or no con. nor ... . r.--o.. .- tv. Ill case no linn nccoine :min"i uiai imv ' ,,',,. h'.s hecnnior.t.'ixod. lhat otlicor or ..... .... ..... ,fi willuiitho limits of Or.)- 'colloitoV, I... ami is horohv anllumed to lo- ! iit. much of.aid tax .is'i.cloarlv m. m. r- , . ... ..... ,..., .. ....,, l.l illlH Ml I'.IM -.JIHI KIHI'llill Ml Win IIUI lial heooim- atilieil, tint any p.'ioii or ..' .1 .........'..!. ...C .1.. l.roii.'in, uiiiiin mo curpoiaio iiimiiui or , . , .j;ioi ilv. en mia-ii.'il. In" i lieri'- In aiitlmi i il toa-eii noon au.l iiillirl Iryin at-misl or p.op.'itv a Mli'.'il.lo oitv lax. ,'. i .. . ..' . .....i .1. . i.:ll.. .., r....... lb" ,, c nn KM" .V I loll'll ."II 11. i or. III. '.I lll.J I'lll .1. I....UU- rnt i iN.'ill iV i ii., vihiih, 'n inolioti, virro , , .. MIM A. II. -I Iniit on tli"" until tin' next r' ' til. ot- : ,-., fiii,.. i )n motion, tin' M iyor w.i aiith.nii .1 1 . :...... r.r .. . ..... ii... .. ... ..i. iirii iu-;i nil -" "..' tii,, 'f' "" "'" 'I' ?.'WT !'" !"'-."1"" "f 1110 IUII, pi" II I'M . ill' I .."l ll'li'l ll'H I'M''. 'I lluitv ilollir- IMi w I- pmv.l. 'I'lrit Dr. .lolili i i..iiiaiiuti ..' anovvin u. u miiii.i.i . ... i ikle. troiii In l'io. 'i tliv Siipi'ivi-i.r of A ,,,., ,. vkr ,J .,,.,,,. yf iri 4Ml..Ha,ki uf ,,;. lirol.r. IV. j.l.iurin'.1. 3. y. TS."Cm'T, M.vvon. A. II. Srixi.1-. .(;. Arrival of the Columbia!! lnronTi-ir l'uu'nrs 'I'hs lkfrapl. notitii i'";.". in, ii) the llo.t.u t'outD-r, Ihst ll" "rrolrclum arc . ific of ll.-irlfflt'l." Ins Im crtnn- hank. r.ipt. Tl.ti iiiilitiiti.M. Iu 4hiit)i hr.i roi.-. lot,., a m.. on.-. .1 InJ a .-.iplnli-f ).'lio.ll"U . has nlii t j 1 pii I large .1 v mInhIs I., ll hl. kholilcrs not tlr rivotit gr- it llrrs nil orr Mis . outilrv uln-r ill np. rttlMls w-r-r 1 u.l r.iil nn.l lllo.-li Oh tHiiui.i eninprrh-iiJf.l 1i.i . I.eili I ) mni-li 1. r ill cup lal in 1 .-ri-.lil doll. IS CKMONT Tin' o. l-lnrl, Ag.llli tli .1 n N V gt-iitki.ianlii.s linl n.iu..n g,.,.ril for i-iio-limn pat in tlii'gntg no ',. in lln l',' -.1. r, nin. ill town in VV in !ni runnt), '. er titoiit. Tlir result iiiji 1 lo he utsf.niry Ver) miirli s ne shot IJ mi ifith- Inn-, .ii II. g ilulcJ, tii.ti lite mines vi.:l pr.oc mount the ncheil er iliieovereil J5J"Tl.e N. V lleriM uji, We .e Iu haieu Fun. I. hue of cr, ir ilep.neii ll is a tiv-l faet Tin- line . lo brjiii. with liin iientoer-, mil mil ronitnenre 0lt.n.i.i Xul. lo'iei M.oi.. iir ! teio.ihe .liree-. rm iln. line il.e,.ij,iien. I114 Ins urra.11 menu fur ilns; rT lili)w.nnth , ,,. , lv ,' ' v " "' ' -. "'' j,, ,,;,, j,,,,, 'mr,nr.x7tu n. ;ov. ,,at nM mye n ,,!, ,, f (, lur r,ni,i,r f ,,,f, l-i'Thu tlemn -rats gno .1 up as the worst I ent the) ever exH.nencel 111 Maine Jrp..rt. ro, the nii prima iiiimiter, is iinl , , ! 1 1 .1 . t it t lo li ivr 111O nn! Mi ou ttitnof il of c nl a I.k v no fr,.- ,..i,o I.T.... lk ,v no rn- 11171I1011 1, li.n... .. ... net-,..r.l. ll iB-r-nr. M,,e,-.p,nan.l Cola '" "KH'I-U. -M"'' " "' htoeil..uem.if. "cientiatir..,tion to the If s -se-ii,,. ii,i n. r n.. i,.i. .,,.. ..... .1.. cin.fof l"..l.cs. rfj.rt lor ihe ,,i .ni.nih, gn. U,e fJP, n, li.,,,. Kore.... rs I ..,7'J Am.r ram, llo The niin.l.. r of tmr o.i.i .opl, ' it leeui- in hut n loll., mer one. fourth This 1- "mo.... ...... .,ii. .. -. -i 11, - , ,.. ,,,q .,11..,.., 1, -vritu nj oir ( riinilil, ,- iiiiili. mil. ami n-o' .1 . i..n 1 r ... the qiu-tinu, "who .. .,,,.' M lln Tulnine 111 MaMkou of the . ie. 1.1 ' ' M,, ,.(, a,i Ue-...,,,., an.l u umai 1 r.r,r 1,011 .,1 the, i.rl u.. fmiher u.tereit ,u ihur husi. ,lfM ll,a" '" ,lraw """ I"" ' v' ' "'"-tl'i." - - TTTI.e r-r,,,,,.,, 11 Yankee i:,j- " a il... .....r...... ... front, fih- Iml-p.... ,:"1' '"'".l"p "if. - l"i' 'ley re. .-u..l 1 (in. ..,.--..'........ --. .. .......... r I,,-A8"' "' "" U"1 ""' t.t it.- - . I py !...' I.,iUerg". er ent on tl,., ,,ri, ,1, ...j,,,. i.,u.., ,,... l im ntlu-r -'ler iu.ul. I,., mul tin m. eloij ail our.. .1 . , (he Pin ., ul.r,- il,,. m tier u. ..!,. lint 1 il lei.stli I I ... n.-urli all a-rueil a. i... .1 .!. ...r..i. ........! -mn .... i--r- i in.iliui.iy we,,,, i p..,K . u, (.i,,. r;,,,. n) l.j lln-. Inn .irini innir m lit n w ) if.ih ...Uue- .i hmiH ,v tt,n, TIIK ..".v ,,,,; Tilt: Mf.ltltis fnlti; l.lll r.s t "' M.i. U !.it. Mi M.,- mii.I.i... ln,,n '" ("in. il., CI tiu A t.,,t,.. llll. llll Iliffjl'lM..! N 11 I... I. . I. I on Ihu.-.l-.y lot Tort-im. ll, IVilt-' ,,.l. H .-- .pp" ''. ".'it "ii W-.ln-sil.ii- mghi Mr M,.,gs.','i,,, . , y , ,, ,;, .,. "-"I'd ana) iu l.oi. V aro inform, d that "," ",,.J7 cv-uing tho bir.pio wa .ml m "-"' ' ' ' ,""" ''"'"' ll .. .Ial.,,1 llo.l .... II, " '" ,i,l,-M "'"ton I night M.-iVs "'"'I'1""1 p"rt-r to.arry two largo earp-l bags b-avily load, d with what is u,,w sup. u,"'d to h.ivu Iho-ii gold coin to Jnrkson t.j hiif. from when.e it was tak.n, to tin. bar 'lu" l""'' ' IH I',""'d. bo ha. . arih d ' ""';l" I,H". lh" luuiN-r H'a-k, which has bnu ow-r las I, has uio-t of il la.-n bypolln.-itnliit from '-ill 1- 00 c. ntson iho .dollar. I i. ,.f of course, impo,il'e at lln. tiuu to I. ibtain any thing like,, .orinl ofth-lo. -rs in this transaction. Wo bam mad., mil a p-ulial list, hut .is it ouuiot h- -xpi.-lnl lo b correct and imtrht d.i m.ii.i.oi. i,..,.i r tho pvli'-s, wo have i on, Iml, . I no. lo pub li-li H till il cm b-corr. ill, nie.luiii-i, It is iat"i that within lh- ut w k or two, a pat In-r of ( 'iy d. r, a notorious forger, has b'.ii s. -n in constant coiiiiuuui.aiiou with John .M.-igg. II, S. Cl d", n hroltir, through whom Me.ggs had elh-eU'd several loans upon tho forgctl urip, was ycslenl.iv aliernooii arr.'.leil, mil it appearing tn.11 no 1110 pcci.o ihiii.ii en-ue.. on u.u sirihuig of liad been merely negotiating it for others, ho the uliip la-gars nil description. Wives cliR niin discharged, l.odellroy, Sillem iV l'o..ging to their liusbanils, mothers lo their had n judgment ngainst Meiggs of 8J00,- childr.ii, with countenances blanched with 000. Tho estimate of loss by tho whole fear, ..bricking iu despairing nccoiila, and transactions of Meiggs stands alioiil as fob praying to their Maker to span, their lives, h: 'Amid this eene f horrihln confusion the I'.xtent of li il.ilities at the time of failure, IhmIs wcie lowered, and tho ('apt. and nute a00,000 : l'urg.'.l Comptroller' Waraiits. i-oiniii. turd taking nil' the bnl.'is and cbil esli.nated at 3 1,(1011,000 ; (),.-r, ..I dnn. and . ml.nori .1 to tiud a lit spot to dij. st.H.-li, 8:100,000. 1 llm rein-iitidei- of llm paseengers in Th'isi, i.iii of tin, most Is'.-iiitifully ion- ifely. In l.iii.ling tin. mat.-'a bout xvn," iMct..latid.'ccutr.l frauds, the .level. .'puient siiainped. and 1 1 of tin, orson were f which ov.-r broke upon a eoinmutiily. It 1ln.v11.ed Mr. Ili-mtt 1 elf U-iug dragged -eaic-lv -ei ins po-ibl.. that Il.-nry Mi-iggs, on tin- l..-:ieh in an nl st uiseiisihlo Kite, win. a "few .lav. -in..' stood .n high in tin- -""1 v.-ry -.-verely luui-ed oil the lower por- .'.tiiii.ition iil'llii- p.'opl.'Nil'Sin l'iancici., who Inshi'iii -0 i-nliu-trd wilhh.-r in 'I. .wauls ui-jlit ,.,Ct-y f.-mal.-, ihild niio" t .is in thi' rapacity ..f.i in- nibei oflhe p. .-ng.'i hid 1. fi tin- wteik, and whrn' I'otiuuoti Couinil, .hoiihl h ii- 1 .-li ... v. ry ' ipt l! in ' ill wi-h-d to 1. ,11.. M. horo for guilty ash.-h.i j.rov.-.l hun-.-ll I., b.-. ll". lh. pmpo-o l iiiiiu.. .01 the .hip all ha. probably -iiil.-d I'oi S.ulh Au1.-1i1.-1, and lii-'bl. no on.- vy.i. loiilol who would volun tin l. will' probably tn-i. r r.-i. I. I11111. but I. . . I pull oll'liotn tin l.iti'l ihioiigh the llie pangs of a wound, d m-..ifh. -utf t. put I11111 mi IVrli:in it wan hiiatiy, 11111-I h-iutil Into until ih-.liv ..fin- 111 f pidgrli. nl 111 C.-ipt. Itatiils.ll in do. tli." With all In. ill g.iil.'ii vu.illli, In 1- I nii'.'ib -hip at .ill but 11t1.l1 r siii-h trj- r.'.i i.l'pily 'Inn. my. W.'-i.k uig . 11. inn-Lin. . - w In. can t. II how a person 1 11 al lh. piilur-. .mil I-nv- 1. lu-i'k. -Inoild ml. I.. lh.-, p. 01 ills who-tin- wh.i. trail- 1 In. 11 1.... I ill ill. I mn . w In 11 Id no, lino I r In- ..oir' in tli.' malter be the whole all ur will l 111 1 ui"i lami'ld p' " m . -noil .1 -ilu-ili and I .piestion u.rin v.ii nun hit lh, mini t would have Ih-iii ,v dill. 1. nl loon hi- AniUTIttS it. I'Altrifll.MtM T'i.h long, long niiilii 01 .igoiiy .iml sin- I'll lliur.d.iy .ill. in. .on. when the ui r I"11- h.. 0:111 .h-etilie. I'rayi'is, and en l.-a wa-in -tgbtoll'th.- ll.-.-ul-, two 1 le 11..1I1. -I II. iv.mi from all siil,,. ri sounded, up In-the lib .'i.iph station ..f.Sw.-i-ny A aiunl lb.- '.t. lining l the ilup'. tinil-rs on Il.l'ugh, in at 1','int Lob.., and c.iiu illy ii-k tl . rk-, ind iboie the iln.l. arose like a ed tho all. lid.ilil whit V..-.I that w.i- in piiiin -pn'l tin- di-inal lolling of tho bell, -ight : be apliid that It was the Int. pi. H:iyli"hl '.line -it l.i-l, and with it lln. boats nn-riia, upon wbi.b th" otln r I th -liin.-. ..'id otir tu.lile Capl.iin, who a-lii'd him "if be iipp.,... 1 -t.'-imer ...ul'l num. .hat. I . in- d I Hiding the paavn i.itili In r, if .cut aft. r her." ' ml ml r. -.-i. 1.1I I.....I- lull bad gone ,,11 shore, r. pl...l,"No,"upoiiwhiihhooouip.i f when lln- y.ylid iry .110-1, "Ibc (Joliah! the lirst wis heard to s.iv, 'Tliiink Cod for tho dial.'.!" and amid the fog which en- tltat," on ivhieh thav ro'lonll'. v. biped us hko a pall was de.cried Mr. M.-iggs. il is Cai.l, left a l.-lter. lh- -t- 1111. r. Sorrow w.i. m.w turned to d lo (iol.-irroy. Sill, in cv Co, xpl.iiunu J".- ""' ',1" '"'I '" -'' nitsl to his iiiiioii. ' I..1 r i.n-t ..I lln- p-i". iig-i- a- frantic n. Th-hoi. f Mr. Mi .."-'. wi ib.d. h.idlhepi..-p. . l..f ' ith.M.r. . Il.el.isti h-t .-v.iiiii,.'. auda 'pi.iulilv ..I f..rj.-l .. up ' ' '' .. ly .. .11.111 nc d I iking the pn.sen- loimil. ' j.i-1 .lh -I. 41 ri. and by I 1. M. ivory. ll ipp. ar. I. -1 Cird 111 ntiotl Ini '''"Iv - --.I- oil lh- wr..k. M..1 of llm ihituior. forg-ri. h.iii b. d In I I'b 1- lie n I ik"ti Iron tin- shore on h.m I...U .. nn initt-l U. Win ' ' 'I lh- ' lab. m I -h. nan I l ..1.1 , lv Ihoin-.ti A Co ll 1. ml that tin - h" ' "' t S.n. Hi .'... iiii'.uiil in ill -o.ilont .lli-i.tuu1) T-. nl 1. lb- t mo. ..f -iluiliun, . ,1,11b ,.,, I,, ,,, ('ml,. 1 ,ln,. A wl. 11 lh. 1. .hib h,. in -ijht and there Co, th- t. un-r .Irirr w.i. di-p it.Ji. .1. I i.t " n ' ' ! ' "h f -ur -il.ty.a tnjlit, lo.wn pth. 101st t..i a-li tain, oltill I ' 'i 11 ". ! '!' by I. -gin whiih m,, ., '- -. ' iniu 1. 'I lln I u mom 'I In- foi-'irn. ar 11111. 1, I u-j r w .. w.i. . I th-li ,.ior- In . ly ihs al tir-t aiilieipit. .1. .ml will n tl-ut. .1 -t Mb. .1. . 1 ej. p.. ngi-r. and l-.-.-t. a uiillioii of ilollar-. S-i.'ll.llOll h... " -"'I 1 a.rii..n ...i I....I rati-ack. ilr-idy Ik-. 11 -umm-d up. Attn Cut. 111" lb- ini.inl. 111- u.d v-.l... ., kn-ping in- n -1 iti 01 .' il th . ...up inn hi 11 iv to lire- CllllfOlllIU JIllllS. l.,l .Hi, I ,,-el.g. I- .! I.t, J. the ".ln-Mge I'loiu Mr. .1. K. M,-t. 0 u w. -I..111 -on,. 1 ,i ,,i 11,1,1 ',, ,. I, ,1,1 hit .11 haw inli Ibg. in iu n gird to iiiiuiiig ..p.-rntioii- i,.,tloii ;,iti, ',. ...i. th it tin horrid on tin Tuolumne in. r. lie lit. w V.-lh .1.111 , il1 I . ' 1 . t 1 '. r- al iti-t'otiip un, (1) iinl 1 hoinp-oii and ix, 'l. ino -' hi ii 11 . 1 .11 01 in i-le piper ir-,; ate i.i.ikiuu' Ml .01111 a w..-k 1.. ih il .. th.. p.i.., mj. r-, u-uiillv do Th-Itl.o.l- . .ml liar, ( Aiiuit .ir-, luim, 1, mil.. 1th. "should. 1 .tnk.r.." .l..rn Iwouicii.) h no tak. 11 out ?:l(IO ill th- l.i-t (In... i.t 111-1, 11. r- not I0.111I .nnnl lln- .i.-lio :i w. k-. ,, ,l,i,o, 1, t,, in, p.itly , ( In' 11 did lllvre in 'lh- llo-loii ('eiiip-niy . f 1'alrnk Hiokey .i.-i-liiigto land th- pu-.i-ug. t-, ami 111 all and four other.,) are taking out .1 tumid a vntuig tin 11 want. .01 h..r. 1I1.111 did ."..iin'l day. ll.uit 1, .lohu I 'lay Ion, An by -Im-haii, Win. I'atrick Crow y, with live or six bauds, i "liiniir. Win. I ..rr .lohu IVriy and .1 num. taking out lirg- .ii.iiiliti-. of -dint,' hut h, r of their i. no,. at. 1011 tin ir t. tit vsm k-. p. th- tiilorm 1I1011 to Inn,-, 'I' ,,p, u t. ill. ml uli.o pioii-ioii th.-y hud. Th il.iiuis ..r ill on lhe.l..ik-olml. II. ir 11.1- 11. . li -I1.11. -I Willi th, in.-ly. Th- l-land ''..iiip.iny, a -bort di.i.iu. To Mr II. will, th-ihn I male and his b-low tin- low ii, took out 1,1, Moml.iy III .1, i-.i-t.ini-, iml to lh- i. iitlein.iiily i.urai-r on Widu.-Mlay g.' o, on 'lliur-.l.u J.I. Mi. S.111..11 1 i.iigi, iniu I, , ndii 1. duo fur l'.iyu,.'s liar Coinpaiiy, 1110 mil-. In-low lh. m in... . in win ,. iJh y ,- .1 1. 1 n.-i. l ill, m- .laik'soiuill-, have pr.p-i (-.1 .1- high as nn ..,.. 111, , 1. 1 tho living 111. iiuistancos nd 07 to a pall, bill as y. t li 11,1 not got fairly 11 lu.iiiiiug In tli!-. hip until tin I . -I moment, und.-r way . M m in-t.iin,-. ,,1 imliinlii il li,r,,i-in might 'lb- Kanaka liar 1. p iy nig log u ,j. . i h in, iitn.u, ,1, l,i, ,,t pi,-m 1 1111,- u ill not tin mill. r. ami .-,. rv nin 1. liny ap.arl.. p, noil. lie iii,,n,n,.j ill.-r lh. p..-,.igers b- r. tiliiug goi.l mi. I i-ni'in. r.iim w ..'-- 11, r, I .nl-, I, ih. 1 m il 111 ,, lh-.hip .S'.f.bjfi Ki.iii, ii. nt 1.. pi. ..- .ml ih. 1 .11. .mug .!.., the Fn.rn lb- l'1-..-rville I, .nl w-l-L ... ' '"" "" ' .-'"riiii- 1 '. nun r.u n-go an ,l.'lom.j : A .i.l.....,ti..l bridg.. .. .,1 1 l.-it.g l.uilt arr-e.. MmojloiiiiCnek C II M. li II ha. b-.tiibo-. 11 iliiel. .ml I M.l.'rnilh A..s..,t Ihi.j.n-r ..I ..f Un- I'm- ll-p.i. ui.1,1 Th-C,.-f-,.k.i., ,..,,,,t of I0II as a donation In.,,, th. C.liloim . St 1". Cmi.iui (il. '-..,o..i..'i night nil Pill I iinul.ii-.. ' -.x.r.llr- with .1,,,. .1,..,, o.-.k b.ii-artu.-d Hill,,., a iv.k ih- Coiumh,,, ,,,r. .,.,1 .... t, pro....... lb... wok... II. ..!.n Tie Mm- r' .lio il 1 il, , In ,t uniting ms.i. in ll.. u.iiiili ... Ill n,i,,i,,l pinig- l-'ioio ih ili..cit, w. I no tli il I 1, Im, .. Ihook. A M .01, Inn, 1 1 , ii'iio .iii'ig"! 11. oi.iiu... , 1,11,,,. I in W. bb. r Mill, -il.oi.i ml . I, ill mil - In, 10 toiin lit,.- -In tin. in. I, ih.- -l.lli'k' tin h id .ind ..I I on. I J.' , to lln- i.u, ,,,, 1 i. 1 , , Hie loe.-ihty known a- lh.- I .il. . I.inn, ii o r, . . near i .. II ir, is imui.-j i. rv l-tnolv .,,. , ' ' , , 1 111 ""ring lln- nt ii. -k 11 Ins m, ,, , ., uv-rngo ol in .ii i ,i xillllll. Thi- iniii-rs on lln Si-iiii.l-iiiv in.. :.i ih, foot of I, nk. i. i.iilili ,ir- miking "log .Ink..." On upiny on S.iiutd iy iv. . k look out Olio. Till'. YANKV.r. III. Alii: J.x.l.x'';; PAH rl( Ll. XllS IIV A 1'VHSr.M.KII. im ...i ,i . ...i .i i ...i Alllioiigu throiigli the in. iliuu. of the pi rs Id uiiiiuuily li.-ni.Jie, I, mjiile awnr. of iuo.t of lh- en. uni.tjiiu-oi ntleiuhug tin re.snt uiiforluint-.hsa.ler.slill, p,,ap,, a feu nio.irks I'ioiii who wilno I tin- vvhul- allair, in iy llol la. uuiuti-n sling, ami i.p.iTilly as thoobpil is In mpl-r "honor tllii-r.. honor IHllll.'," mnlluM hilt a , ile mollis copu-il from tho l,o. Angi lo-pip. r-, lending to icflnl upon .apt li imlnll, ami the olliivra of In. oiko in, hie ship, ,Vn r, p-lbaps, siu-e, st. .itiiers win. known, I did a party leave n port -o lull of h-alih ;ind apinlH, ami with s p.. a pn .spoil of ,,,,, , dy mid jovful voyago. Hut, nl:i! for the I iiiicrlaiiity of hi.mai. nnticipatloM, how aooli doomed to disappointment mid dcafj,, r-. k o th.-tin. .1 ...-..,,.. r.h..l . vor lloaled , , . t "' - ' 1-1 in 1 - l-plhs foroier. , ' " "" ' ;"";" "."',' "",,:, "'"'" ",no l' '."""" '') the I Laos ... Iowa at the I'l"'l''l"0 , . , "" ,l" '' 'i'1','""" "'"' " ", l',-0' 1W"o-ii.'U In vv..-. 11. .1 byilis- -." I-- onl lull- .,,l t oiigr.-s hod .i-. lib- II..111. .1. 4,1 Hill () 1 oiirso .111 ..M-inptw-.-m... to dr .'. lln l... s the I"'!'1', ll- N.l'..-k.-M.iill- I.,.l,..r. ""lil I''" '- "' " -r. . I Mill, un.l '" ' 'I - "- I '"I " '' '" " ', ',""""' ','","", ,- '"'" ,""!r",, "i ""I- .Ib.l ...g.t ma.iv vol.., will! h belol. ll.ll. 1. .1, ,. I llol llollgll Kite. ,,,,. I I., p,. i, hi ih-nil.. ovo.tbror ,, 1 1 11, in lh. .S1.1t. . i,. n ih. ,ln , il i.rnllhnt v ,,,, t, ., Ihll, but , ., .,,, ,. furs- , r, . , .,. .l.-p Ixm.iv . iH.xo- I In II .Itnuorc I'at- nol plot In 111 I. .lal ignorance of tin. I . f ,T , llW .,,!.. i-t nn inn . 01 loiip..-.. ol II o Know. iinui .... I "'I .. . in-., x.. .l. I-nnv b-mf-i rod Irom results; 1 ...,..,. ,, ., ,,,1,,,,,,.. ind Iniu. iiiiiibul.'s thai il is a volunteer ,,,, 11, ,n, I ,,' piihhi iiio.alilv (l) paper null is .ilamt to la fatal). li-lno U lln- 'I, dl.oi Mill Company, on tho I iiolumu- ni.r It will piy. GCrtlur lomlira will pb-aso uotice the n-iv adii rli-i mollis of Messrs, Allan. M Ixiiil-iy A-Co , Messrs, A h.-rnelliv k Co., S, M-irka A ( ' . Cli.irrii.'iu ik Warner, 'tregon . ' '' 'MK Sloro, ike. .. JI ,11111 ll.ll nn "i. I.j H J .-s. Inii-I.l, l.'i . Mi lis Tay. I." ami Miss Wuuuuu ,M hmsn .nil f Wsslilng- '""''" lln .'., Al) Smith, lj mil Mm lll M Cihoim, of' (), 7, Mr I'. ml-l M-.tharlm mill Vis. I.ucy II llii, "I l.oni ' sr,,, 7, Mr .1 ll Ki.,,,.,,,,,1 ,M, lm. Milli- nui, of Villon 1 .j,,,, ,, XI. CI,.. ,,e Xw W. A. Hull, of Vniili.ll Cu