Oregon spectator. (Oregon City, O.T. [i.e. Or.]) 1846-1855, September 30, 1854, Image 2

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f.lt'.tVl'.Y MPIlVT .Tnll
i i i tioiinti ii, t ntrtm.
niii:i.iiM i r . i n:i:.iN 11:11111 nun
Saturday Morning, Sept. 30, 1854.
j 1 1 nunc Him 1 in::", m mi hni lit niNiiiii: nun 1
linn' ruutL'f imi' imii i in nut I'liiHT, iiiiiki PuiMi ,
1 i . . .'. . .1 . . ' ' '
. 1 1 7 .1 ........'.'..
iriiiiuii 111 tun 1 in' i 1
f 1 rlVifonn (ajititf inoiipy tolliliflnliliitimrnl
nn hu(im:mi1imii nrr rrijiiPKlril lo ohliiui a rrcupl
Irani lite puMiflirr r iiullinninl uci'iiii.J
JjTVin an) Milwnlii-r winltpt in ilwoniimiB
th' pprr, it in ri'K-cl fully mi(jpMci1 U1ut1.lt iIiii'n
bo prompt I pui'l
ETAilurtiTiniMifi f..r IIih wtjrr niiit In pr'
Mtiilitlbcriiri"lnMHk,r m,ou I lnir-tl.i), t.MiiKiirc
iiifrUnn the i"atm' unk
ID" All tiiimnuiiKUtiiiMH till In r j4 tt t iiiiIom
llio lUtliorV rrat iimne (frtlif IMilnr'n In ncfitjm
ctmipanlcnllii mnniiM npt J
ByWV will in 11 tut ilmihiir:it'r'n .iltr
tukincnU un1 w 1 Hi ) nn ri'unl. Tlif inmltli
if cullcvtiiif U ni'Tr ilian tlici nw unrlli
AVo ulisurvo that our oiler to
ndvmiee imying Milwerihcrs litis
attniuteil little or 110 attention;
we are therefore compelled to say
that, .in t'oiHciineitee of the in
creasing scarcity of money, we
shall immediately commence sen
.. . .. .. 1.1
IIIH'' OUt D1IIS UW tllC Vear vilieili.rfnr.w,mrrr,..r.-ii.....u..se..s.ur
expired several weeks since, mid
..... '
aiso ior me jireseni. yenr coiiimcii
ced. Our patrons wil. obnurvo
that our Prospectus contains those
sie;iiillcjiiitjwoi'ils, "Invariably in
advance." Now we cannot pos
sibly pay money in advance for
stock (us wo have to do), miles
i:vi:iiy om
: of our subscribers nav ,
.. 1 .1... U A. .4 I
tlltor. I
la iu su.iiiiu- n.i iim .7JK.-..II.I...,
... . - . ..
Which We expect them to do. It
. 1 lis) . . 1
It SIIOII il lllppeil t lint We sellll
bills to those who huv
,' pillll, It
a SI .
W ben II ensure ill- US to red
fv .iii.1i ii i.t..k-,.s l.idn.e wit
ly.llill lllllllKf upon OUIiy Mil-
i.fietl that Otll' books lire IU error
Subscribers will llleiise take Ilo-
.110 CI 11)1 IS n 111 pi. US. tat Ilo
tlCC and gOVeril tlieillhelves accor-
Tlio standard .linn
,t '
J he editor of tho standard could not l.vt
week under.laiid wlmlwo were desirous of
getting oil. He had read our article about
the "American" Spirit but could cuno to no
u., ,.,.. iv r,-i,t . .,...,;-
iu. to lal-.r, ho has 1...mi eti.thl-d, without !
' I
.i.lu.i,-.. ..('..ins. I., rind ll,.. b.iln'C(liV ik this. woianiHit receliotb" l.n-t
thing, short as it u.i, and to at eat under-,
' I
Muliil it w. 11 miougli to liiir.ilignu his readers
with miiii-shots ...l.i.il.;.i. a vJfl of def.-u-
fiie -i l.irir.-. Fur iu.l:ii..- it. spiking of
. .... . . .
U.e Kii..n.Xi-t!.Iii- a-it i..i i..uiir..l
cliiMuf ll.o Intr Whisf .:uu !" V. il mm,
.Mr. Jx-IiiU'l. how iln wu know .' J Jot.- it
carry thu features of its pan lit.' !)... it
e.eii bear tin. i-Hghlril rtxmhlantt lo the
whig parti.' Uleuir-e i'ju will till us!
..ml be sure at th. -auie mm , to slate n-htr-in
the r.s. uililaiue i, mi its all eau mid. .
stand without mil .lifliculli. It has loii
len llli,Iersl.,d lieu lb., ulil.e nirlv i 11 ' .. . . ... .1 I
been um.rs.u..l i.ttb, ,.g pr.i .. ( ,, ,,, ,., p0puat,on or th..,., who
pxWyM... and .1 1I.1. child, (b.i the way,;,,,,. i,lwl(. ,aner intimate with them.
.-.it Iholir-t bom.') is I hu legitimate oil-, ,, --- -,:-.
upring of tho whig parly, it miM be oo7.'
It must res.iiiblu it! of cours.., then, Mr.
Inland, supposes that tho Know -Nothiug.
have taken tho whig creed ami attached to
it (hose of thn arili-c.'itlK.lic, or iifttiiisin, or
tome other ism ; but tho next number of
tho Standard will epl.dll this 1. tatter fully,
and tell us nil the points at cording to truth; ,
. ... . . . .
principle of the Kiiow-Nothings.'
do ion know ! Perhaps ,.,., are no. ,,.
,l in 'i, ..!, ., ri..liiU.Yn,b.i,..l I I.
e,J up u.oli lo right!) Ull.lcrslauil llieir
"princi.h-s' when ion mv them ; but we
suprsise uu Jo uuilerstatid them and will
let us know it if w should happen Ionium- '
blu into ail eXIN.se of their doings in cit ill!
..ti lb,, aiibin-t. Vnu l.r..
w I
is concerned, wo mac preach it ere Ion in
. .i . I . i .
. i
olou.i toiKstnaiyou may nun weun.inot
wo snail tl.vrelore await its appeurancowitli.ll. liarrison has a I'urniturii floro wbtre
. 1 . 1 . ii . . 11 . . r
justalwutas tiuis.lt iiiixil'H' im tier. Mr. pr , are ow, am w hern a uirieti ofwarc1
, , , , ., , .. ' , . ,
U'lnttd wants lo know ,f Ihe l)r no; efti. al all Uines bo foiiud.
if there is a whig papr ill Oregon that will n-Qur colil"illlis are eur open to the
Vllblish ft disclaimer of our ih'il.ire.l inlen 1 . .". . .,'... '. ,. .
lion, won t im 111 such n iiurrv, wait tin . . . . , .. . , " , -""' cmiiHiiiHiaiiiip-f-wwaprn, ...n...- - , N ,, b ilnl.iti'i.rnvitiL' that he nu In-, i , mh in hu ,or n in ""'"--, j'"'i "'-v ;"-
,...hnler,.d.hemolera.,ain,p,hapsw,,,'7,,nCd,'ltt,l,,,,P;l,,;1,Mlv ,h" ,'"', "'""''"'"T' "T V""""!, "" ""!. 'r. he other te ghow much l.e.ke " Wu "- f"" there elosefy it.,.
. ., . . .,'.., , . America or thu social welf.iro of Ihe Amer- Toward, eitumg. when ih. time f..r clomng ih. whole .omuiuni') Miu, the) u.l.il.ty will . .1 ... . , i,.,,,,,.,,.. if .,, .,. inured uiilil lb-priseiil war, baling paaa.
may .s.ute to the .on, !.,.. that they don t armfiJ ,,.,,, . ff ,, , ,y ,, ,,., ,, Mtu , (1 Uf , . Rr, J " ' j;w ' KUicmI ., m 1l Jcar'mi,, j,, m01 , oliu.
I.eed ilfclaililllig. He mia, "the at num. .e.er.l of the Ward., an.l.iea lha Know Noll.. do.ap,.o.i,ei.l will Ull,,. re,ll. It ..i,c.r.ly lo ,),.. ,t . ,,, o,. mi..llM-r anilV'lo r) coufinemntlt. At tho ago ofWollty-
la.r of the Sneetntiir did lint .'..nt'iin tin. mi . .. v. ...... . . ..1...... ...... .1.... .1. .!.... ... .it.. ....... be liotail that Ihev will iwi ti moer alltli.iro,. .ll.ui 11 .. !. . 1 .11 , ., ,i ..m. i'...'ira. nflnr anet.dinif the l!reaVr Kr-
. I. . I I ... .11 I'M ' 11,, iwi a .. s, -. -v - -..-.. ........ .... ....... . . ... a . I . ... 1 il... 1 .. Ill OUr Clll, Ul lriirnlll . ll lliMt. a.lir...1 ... .I...1...
I ind, i on want us t.. ,,., out and tell Iho cations by tho last Columbia. """ T, " i . .w.ej ... ,.,.. . f ,.r.-r. ' . , ' "' ""' " " "" wl"rl' BM l,"Mo" W.di,....y hole Whig ti. U is eletted. Met V.iiii is all.-iitioii, if indeed he had niill'.clent Intel
.IL. ..I.ntil.., k-..w.X...I. I I - wl.,1. wiling to .war he ,..,t ..I pr.-rvinrf or. .,.,,. ,,,,. ,,, , , ,,,,, ,, ( ,,,.,,. s.-iintor ! ,. Imiids..,,,., I.-lI re...aii...ii-.after near forty year.' im
- J-- r, , , .- . . .,..,. .. i e .1 .. n... " i z .i. ui inn tin., in a i iirorin.i.iiLV. i.ie er reii.nrnniut. ,,-...
,. ,. lull !., I b"."...s,.i,..b.Hea, l OirTheMaino Liquor Law went int.. op- dj, .. a gre.i . ,...,. . r. . .,,,,.' r, now , ,,. llll,,M11,ll, .,, ..,, .,-,, m,j()r , . t,omprehon.l them. Aliold
stoutdot.nhile.., ,. n,, first place ri(t!on , Coimcrtlout o.. ll..- l.l Inst. A 'No' '""' "l""'" ? """""' ""'"'"'" crowding, no o...,g , p.w, ,, As.emblim,.,, by a i-ry large tote.a.,,1 Por- L... past allotted lert.i of huma.i life.
1,0 "don I know ho,. ,.! mtheseciiml . IT'Tiu' ,l,'Tli SCZ l""-" !"MU""1' -f '""-I ulk.iw- t.risien p,lfb) .UJl l),..r,c, ,All..r he wo'uld go forth I, helpless wamlerr,
iilaeo we would nulitu lmt if rei Int. Hut .p,i. wl...li.,rli.i.icll.. "ruer, we mini, as hon.al Tin. re.ull .. generally allril.med I. ihe mlluem, ney lit a small majority. The Wliia Con among ll.e stmiigem of an unknown world,
e ... : : . ii i . ........ , Mouse Of Lorrcetton. rhroincbrs'of iM..ugev,iila, al. .a. that Ihey ., ,,,, t,-.w .v . .,'.:' i ... i . . , J.i. . . . ... a a . . I -
n. i r ii. '.'in .iii'.iiiiiiii. iiii; iini nun iriu. i -- ....-......-., ..a;' l.- i-fsiM ii.iai . n hi . .. iiiii.iii f.i.ia . iiiiiir.if i nr,.
In giiii, nun wo ail now mat il "I'ro'-.ioi.i.Vi hi. for Mayor,
from ull foreign mil. u no' lu this our own
dear natiinlaml," n far a. our goturumetit
i, colics! riled is Whiggen, true Whignfrij,
then ALL 11 Ml. to III"" whig ;'(',".' Wueilli
think more of it I linn etcr,' Hut, Mr. I.e.
Jaud. we will not ilw-ll with vo1. nov '.,tt
Ll.tbcar III mill.l th.lt miir.) bound to re-
, , . ...., lnllr
, , ,. ...... ,
la.l weeks paper, which tells soma.,) hare.
hired assertions right 111 tin- i.rt teeth f
nil llii' iiiii.iiiii.i seine tluit is suppo-ed In hi'
allo.it ill llii .Sink's papers, although il limy
b"in Mich a position that lour .Inn fucul-.
- 1 - .- - 1
ius Mi iicrt'i'iiLinii cairiiul ho itrmi"iii 10 uoar
Ul J' li' jUlim iHimui in. ""'" "-
.1 1 I . . I
. .. .t f I 1 1 t 1
iijiuii 11. .ion ,ur. uriiimi, iiii 1 ,. u,
mty iitoro In r.o-.c tho Kimu-Nolhin, '
mi nuwt m'c atone.' tliul vmir talk is all 111 1
aili. iAi arc ih)UiI mill wo nro lint.
Hill !.. )..u nr,. rcwling in, ncypapc v Without vhU coopcrnliol, I lin.l il ticM to
j nu hhiiilM hocnr.'lul anil notico tho tjlri,,H,Mblc(og..llliox'Jitloli ill thutichl
i Kopl- who write trulli, ana not lu aK '
. It
..!... .....I..'... ..- ;..!... t.....t 'invtl.'iiitr nrn
IllitV Lllllllll l'IIIIVM,ln"Vin t-i a ..
m..l thru in tin- miiio article go on nn.l call
III. 111 'illiberal ami "proHnplno, "Ui.li-.
oil.," ifcr, n if Hill lini'W all alwlit them.
a 1 1 ! I
You w, tinl rcinonalili' to ilo that wav.
1-olU illfi...l out, if you pcr.i,t it. that !' ", ' th rp.nJing of coi.trncU
... .. : ,,, ' ., . J.tc. cry Itopcctfllllv, 1 our Oht. Scr t.,
ni'thoil that ) oil n-nll do "knoH iiotluntr, ' OKI). Ij. ('I'llltY i
m.l they'll treat you accorilingly. Yoiuay .ctii'ig'ai;l' (hrm,i
.. v... . . .. ......,.. ... """6 .' f. I
Inon-Nolhingllii w hi'gery in now gar
menu! Well, now Khiggery, you know,
.locMi't liee'l neu ilnthi". half a lin.l a the
I lie wing pnucipiu art in ,
Know -.Nothing, tint M tin' Ivnow-.Notliilig
principle! an. whig, (ami ou ny thuy are) I
why their pit, jirttratt, and you hum'
i.,...i . i. ..-..... :.v. n .!..
I. at. I . ti I.
ou l,0 " ;"' ," '"" " c" 'ou wl""
on nlreft.lv mi well tin.lertanl. .luierieiin
ftortritmttit and American lain! Lkt kv
ehv church stand o.n ith own lusts.
Don't int. rfere wilh any, nor let any inter
fere with u. .lulieo to all moil, nu.l jus
'ice to ourwhea as n Ucpublicati (ocrn
mint. (W" Acting Ooiernor deorge I.. Curry
has is-Mic.l ii'iothcr proclamation, rciokiug
. , . V i . - . .
Mm Inrmir WliCflMIl WIH IlinUUnClll iur01-
I... I.:. I...: ,..!..,., II..
,,, I t iU he sseuTelV censured b
Illlll't'lr. Ill 1111 IIV iasi.nii.1, i.s. ii-iiii . jj
inany with whom we hao comersod. I!u-
.. ,lit O.I.I . I 1
mors ol rcpeateu injuries oi mo uusosi mihi
....'.. .. .. . .
.!.:.. ............ . I. j 1 nllAI. ni I ii ...It
" "... m.ci....B ..s .....e, "
..'.... .., ." ;- -
. .. : ... .i:m:. ...... ....:.... ..n ,... .......
I mil.
" ' r.r-". yWI1 """" T """ "" " ,lfC"n l,,U '" ::", C"y "
boen light, winch It seems has liecn lliu I mar. gen.rul uilen.l was lelt. Ihere una anen-
,mel.t forn general onslaught by theitaoHoKnalionof bii.iiieM,andeer)li.idy appear-
nw.ges, and they half probably done their
I ,',.. it, " coll.u oll
' c1 l0 '"""" ,M , ,,' ' "
the route. Why d-s 111.) C.ov.Tliinciil
Ithlls turn their hack, to the V cll'.ire of Ore.
goli, as lodepriw us of amuuilioil ecllfor
tho prosecution of this jut war i What i
Hie pr.
b'urt Vancouver I A hospital where U. S,
soldiers aro taken in and cared for after they
hao met wilh ihe serious los.es coii-e.Uciit
llKmliKilitllo rcslrallit UN.. their iirtuolls
pMtoiis! It's of no Use to Oregon or J
Washington Territories, if. in cas. s ol em-r-1
aid when we want it, to 'oi.gu tho litesol"
'innoeeiit wwii-li mid chlMreii. Ilul wel ,ir). uuctrf,.u maimer nmouiited to n dead'
think that (iu. I'urn hwild hat c furni-1.- .certain.. ltu,..r... lint lb., gentleman tli.u.d.t
o the two oluulccr eoinp.inies out ol lli-
i ... I .. I. I ..... ......
m.a,,! tn..i to I ml Sam. .i. r-1
' for llic imuuviit t tin nm.. - lo
hu'.huw:ur, take the rv-uiiMlrtlit 'ls'i-
ing that eierybodl else thinks as We do.
1 - -- -
WT lhcpapersrecenedtroiiilhetat,
by the late mail arc llliilualli lulloflmr-
rid aicuillils of tulllders, rinls, lap" and ill-
lail.ies ol the HUM leioltiug nature. A
large prolKirlioi. of it stem, to originate ,
" ' ' . . .
KrTlio new and cotuiiiodious steamer
"Franklin," Caj.t. Alexander, will leaie
her wharf in C'aiieinah, ihis morning at
eight o'clock, prccisi ly, on her first trip for
Huttui illo an.l ( 'hanipocg.
For freight or pas.ago appl) on lmar.1.
ay- Our readers will iercciio by refer
ncu to our tidicrtising columns that Jm
,l v v 1 '
.1.1 I... IIPIIH I lui.ll.. Ill llmll h I lilmil.
X4T I ho Knon-isiotliini!, are earn
,,.,..!.. nl l,. bw-nl oleelintis In tho Atl.ll.fi.
".' 1 thev I eTr lo make ,
llie) threaten to maKe u em-
,,,r,ticnly truo that "theroV no known.!.'
rrho. to lit Ooiernor till after election."
OtT V) are ludehled to Wells, Fawn A-
Co., Adam, A Co. and J. W. Sulliiatl, for
a arrzasiinnr nf tiewaani lerarv nub
. . . .. ...
" in
.,. . ..... v.....t..... . .........
a.sri ins ikiiiix iuiiiiiiL'1 iiiiiu ihlu-.i
,M.irPII,iru tUL-t In Han Francisco. S. P.
- i --
N (KrA priiato diipitih from St. Iiuis
state, that l.iAln-r M. Kennrlt, thn Whig
i.iu.lidate, is elected to Congress oter'lhos.
II. llenlon, and that thn u.tiro American
'tiek - .t .' triumph'inl in theciti.
TElllliroilV nl Om'.ON, )
SAI.l.M, Skit. 'J'.', Til. S
(il.N. M. M. M.C'ahveh, Coin. Co.... ,t,.
',. ,S',y inu. rrccitcd to-d.iy infor-
mutioli of all ofl'idal character, ill substance
n !. Iinrilion on tin1 purl of the Military rop-
r,,"l,,lml,VV" ' ', '.,"l",mr' """
:.i .. .. .1 :
. .... . . .
.. ,..,. w,. i Itltl" till! nil l' IllM Itltlll In hllll.
:; : - , , 1
lh U0 jmtIm iralnr- O! iln Irani iiiAnvrr
iictir I'nrt lloWr. Hoi'lo lliin I lonrti tlint
llivro H nmiiih l.irorfiironlroaJj urili'rul
....1 I... ft 1 It. ...!... HL. l...ai I I. ..I uIa.a...-. ..I
I"1" ;.'? u" "''""" V,' " " ; 7"I'I ""
nlliciciil al Icait lo HlriKo n Ui-ciMtc Wow.
111 ncommion ami muinuun 10 mo tmcu'iiim
!. W I ..!.. a I .!..
H W llltcr CailllKllLMl. V
" 1 . ,
" ' ?w ,"'"" '.. r ; ? .,"'.."'..
III"'"'1 ! t-' i'
,,,,.,,, m.,iOI1 (,l-your I -..-irtiu.-iit. My
nt iii.tructmiu to )ou umlcr thn cirniln-
I'C It! '! vnu IIIU
liinci-t is lo .lo tl.o uot tor llic Jvrritury
Tim Nan FriuicUco lccllan.
ft ii centrally cumcdeil thai the eltilion yra-
t.Piliti. ivn. m.h. ,.j.R.nl..M .ml .ir..rlv llinn .tiv
... ., ., , . ,j , , &tK,Mt
r,all)., Uallnhuir.l dincil) (uhalhir corrcrily or
not o aro unalde lo u)) to the iniluenco tier-
' ' ly ' K. Nollil..K, who had a atrom,'
forro at rvti iw .uc K.ev: and Hie moment oiiy
.'-, . .. ...
UIIIUIU4IIWC niw UMlllll'Itu, mo riL.Hi. n Kit
and the ollendinz party was Immediately warned
of hi danger. Ile.ldea ihla, howarer, tho cit.
lent cent rally wero detirminad t aastrt their
rights for iinca and that elaaa of Individuals who
.. .. .. ... .
weremeetluuaiy lermeu ny .Manual, in ma taie
.peeel. in thi. cily, "the committee on tha ahoul-
der,"atol n .how at all. Inmaatly all lha w.rda
matter, were conductid ejet.m.lically, and lha
toter. In Indian file marched up and deposited their
vote. each In hi. turn. From th. mulliphcily of
ticket- of all d.cri,Kion, which were ,u.,nlnK, and
i "" "! - .,""--
' - ... ...I il.t il... .n.. f v M1n, an. rnMt.
...... .I.... u.... ...... H..... ... r.,.
i win iiiiivii m ra ivi .........-..-.. .-.
,i.i,i which would l enacled. would ll.rau all for-
in. r election, lomplelely in the .had.-, an.l the
I (III. I ftf Tlll-MllaV II fr-llt Htlsl ttFmttf ft! llie Calm
, - - ' -
uh.c h i.al nrriedr. a Moleut .lor..., Imttalhe
rd,loftl,ec,immun,.y.lh.. e.clafon. were
I., a certain exle.u not r.a.uei. iroiiamy mere
' ' "-' 'n !.,.... ...en on norseoacK
i SM"i h"'" f""" P"1"0 !" " 'f'rn
l.d.aof Ihe p-ne.al re.ull. Canl.KM.nd all nun-
,,.,, Bdorn,.i wit, ,jacar.u of .11 kmd..
I Heri. driiriiabo.it ... all.l.recln.miaiid erv ws-.
hlemean.uf el.clionnr.i.i,' were rtwrltd lu
My '" ' MY lil.tl.
liimuMrauonoi in- mnuanrt inr.i ..y uia
Knox .Noihi-sti.wawrntldaiitorybi.utiin-
ili-eiiluil in iho Sulli U ard nlm (rut a l.t ! t-iri
led nnd -'a to ilourmh ln pMol in t try U-
!uerenl manner, lie had nol proKreawd eryfar
till he found himfc If .urroun.led quit. unperle..i
' .. rec.. ,g . w. m ...P n .. ...-,.er. .
ivi.a iiinclK' infarniail IliAl it WM UtPlllffl rxncill
...'.', ..,....,... ...i.,...
en l.llll. lie PIIUUIU reinuill ih-ihtii i-o.ii, an.l u.a.
f . ,t, nci.tl.a clian..' of lusboiir; riddle 1 in a
'''" i.,i,,, ..a.,,.,
Inn .aid lha. nn iscurrenci of a oiiimJhI
nft w-rJ Hh
.. (fl. rrnc9( IinWtur,ul f Ullri! tIlllUl.
U ( ,ljicail( WM rilll 0r it cmnn.!
Th. fact of lh apiuiutmeiil of u lumber of
fine nl iwlice officer, for tin purrm. of pre-
icrvin, inir t lhl, Ma, m,Illlori(1, ,,
jC,t,rdaj'. Herald, aud it w i. thought iIuImi.Ii
a force woull halo a falularj eil'ril Whether
Ih.y nnittere.l the object for winch Ihey were en.
'"""' " ". '"' I!-'"! ) ''"J"'
. .irnui... i...i.r in l he aflrrniin vienl lo -ome
. Oarriwn, liowelfr, in llic anfUioOB w.lll lo miiiii
,,,,,,,., h011ic of Mml ,
J, .j ,,e,l b,dKe. alleging u. a rea-..,
,,m il wa. not come. ul.d thai liny wer. ir
thai il was not comemplaled that tiny wer.
lombin. th. d.ub'e futictouaof i.d.c.- officeis and
eli iiionei ring agent.. Some of the .penal ki.
lice officer, no d.ubl made kimi.- ei.rlion. in tlna
Hny,nnd not unfrceucnlly tried their lung. a.nging
out, "Here i' your regular D.mocratic Ti. kel!" or
Whig. a. Ihe eue might be. SiilsH-quitil events
ehowed that lha pretence of r-peiiitl poln e otlicer.,
,irovidel ibei answered Ihe end for wlmh the.
were..rL't.nire.l, n r.ipured i.nre toward, thu
"'Hinioiauin iiioearmr w in. ...
NoiKiilialaiidine thai matltra throuithoul the
, J"''",l ""B "'' m""" "'""l"
day were c.nducle.1 Willi cotwider.l.i.' decorum,
(ilJ ,,.,, Umii1, ,11i,,1nr,i frlrl ,,c,.
"ng Ihe riglil. Bu.rnnle.d thnn by the connuu.
tmn.wahmo not el preeewed for enough 111 Ihe
. .. - . -1 .... ..
t.ntcd lo h'-, w re 1111. bl.
1.. prerv..puei Ii,
. allei.ipt wa. mails lo
"" F""' Wi ' "'"' ""'""" "" ""'"
gr, lh, b.llm h... bul unsuc. .-.fully. Intbe
Sixth W.rd n .....d.r attan.pt wa. made, but by
the inierpotiiion of the Know Noihmg., ( .ay.
rumor,; Ihe hallol lw.es were prei rved During
Hi. night Ihe principal ..loon, throughout the city
were cl.-d,ir. accordance will, an arranir.menl
1 al.. .........1.... I.I......... a
'"" " "' i"p'. "" "'
i iininrai mw iii.i.r iji mis , aiui in iiirini. . ...
I lupn.,
Ihe uUve, w. m.nlioii Ihe fm I that iirihe Miith
Wind. about Ihre.' o'clok, Mator i.irri.i. can..'
on the ground, nml tiiid.ngtli.il the Know- Nolh.
Inga, wimonf whom were .piual a.lic. ainrera,
wirvh.rin thing. .reity much their un w-u,
guloiin Inrrel and iiiforine.l th.. irowdlli.,1 uo..
hce olH.'er, wh.iher reeular or ei.eeial, would l.
niiow.d ioinierf-re, and Unit Whig, and llsm...
erat. .hould b p tm.itid t depwi ihnr ivts
At ll". mon.uil a Know Nulhuij .cial .lrc.
officer began t cl in u icry .haorderly manner,!
whenhewarret(d nn.l Hit. Lnilgo torn from
burnt. The Know No,!,,,,' IWw.rd w..
gi.an i"ijr, aye, ate,", und ubeui iw.
liuiiJir.la.nl riftyru.li.il from oilier part, of the
r.ly to .he rescue. Om of Iln, candidates f..r a ,
P""'"" 1'ro.eeue.i w .... crom.
... . . . . 1 .1 ... .. 1 1 ..r
M lirtli UIUI 11011117 OrC.llllfl II IIH m 11 IIOI1II HI
... .
I...I . mnrr ., .ntnitn ahiioma t iA Know
,M" " "- - - -11-
Nothings und it hbi 11 miracle tliul Moudnlird did
noteiiMie. rji lo 8 oVIuck 1ml iiiglit there ware
timffe netw atrminl tint) lixlctd in H10 Su-
.. - . . . -
lion llouw; orilicw.roufw.ro armivd lor iiif.
,i .. i forofault willi diadlv weaiKinn,
,,, ,,,,,, , lQf ,,,.ord,ty .onducl. Th.
,,, 0ftl,,. city hiIU-iwI that of th.
( " " "'
it rU-ctfen. Il wai par rally thought Uie popu-
... .- .1 .!..,: II.. Intl v.f Th
lllllUtl I
'l "'Uto "" " ,he w"a" I""-
1411 1 Vtl llltt. 1. VVIfH VAHIia.u . .' .
. , a
' ytti ,0(IU
m -Md ."..'.'UCII
Fifth Word . ...li3
Kutli Ward KW"
'lhirdWard . 131J
Seva.ilh Ward M30
lWU.Wurd . ... " J;),,,;81
"" rrannuo ntram
, llK!,0W"i'0,.,,,,,B!,'b t
'Hu, fulluniu'' eMract iw tnKfii from ft
cry Ma Icwling editorial in the N. U. lice
of the 20th ult.
i., .1. . ..!. !.. -C il... L-.... V. . ........
, miji,.,,.! t., ,.. ...lir,.i.11.
V llllllU'M iiun-niH . . .i,......".
i,u theory, let it Ik- tlealt with in it iIcmtjk.
A.t t(we who o.h) it ntr'no to point out
its f.illaci, toi'xpou it imiohcy, to exlulut
iLs imn neruli e m c. Let it lie Miouu mat
v..:.:":...., ll.. k..t....;
4iia.i iiii i VVIItlMII 1 II I I'll LI a I kliu I".
of it adlocates tend to thu illjurv of tho Ite
public, and that honest right thinking mull
should discard mid renounce them. Truth
wo may bo assured, i destined ultimately to
.-!.. I. .... !. ... .V it ....... ..I a..
iriuuiiu, an., n is ui me ei; tvni.vuin -
for that it writhes in puiti ami dies amidst iu
worshippera, wheti onco striped of Its fas -
Cltlating disguises, and held lit. to scorn and
execration III all Its inherent hl.lcoll.Ucss.
lilts strikes us us the only method or
.'rapphng with N!'o-Null"Pi'--!''''
wo.lld test tl.o lahdity.d ll.e cardinal prin-
i.., ..ci ..;-.; l.:l. ....! I M.
vii-i.-. .i unu s.,l-..,i. ..!,..., ...mil iiuiiki .v.-
-"" either in tts total merthrow, H wrong.
, , . , , ,. , . ,. . ,.
-" " " .'" ,".""""" ,
nr U tlilliq Irillltl1.il If mil. I Ml.tlllll. Illla-t
( S,nt,i0 noth'il il' more Preposterous
P .
nml 111 I lictler calculate.! to promotu the
, , ... ,. ... .. ', . .,
"."'"." ? .' " . . '. .' " ' ". '"''
Al.l.d .III.. (I I.U l.l 11.11 I llliU'. lll l lliril 111 'I II
traction, Mucping niintue, ami ar-
, . , . . ,
nil! .it'll. lull, ill. Miii'i.nii iiiiiii'.i'. nun ill
iMt H.o Ulb r .i.ii has probd.lv nc
,,om,i,llw llur,. fur t. i,,,gre. f K'iiuw-
Xajll.iiiuim, th all am other that has Ueii
1H(.a.0 trtl(ji iu,.a ,,,,. uu,M(u aa.,.,r.
tail, to I... knocked oier bv tl... reeoii of the
.,,, ,(,, hh.vU llillu .;, kwardtv ban-
,JC,. ' '
Mnlp I'lerlloiis.
IMurnw. r, vr.Hrum l-.-Aa n mlrr itcrrUmtlial
(. W - , (Irrt(ra ,i(lrIor ,y .ujom urn
'Htumtxglon, W In if, ii lctrd to Cong few in Ihe
i,ulju,1e ,,, b) ,.,,, m1Jnl
(J ,,
ily ovrr Hemp
.,.,, u gMtum Wll(, ,n , A(1.Nf brMk, ,
large maj .M in w.in i.Mnriie.
. '
Clark, Win, . tl.clid lu onere. In Itnini-
i. ,up 0,rttt111Mlll All.Ajmin,Ia.
fi( miini
Mis.ot a.
Ml)-.,in- h... been h-.ird froni, and
u f !i I , niilor. the Wh 1;. I, iw eltrl.'d l!l
llie Kinain.hr lire e:i,jlj ,lni,..l ben.eeii Uie
llenlon and ll.!.'ll!oll.e, liithe llouwllu
Wlil.'sWillhllV.' II l,.eiiib.r.,lh.' C.riitoii 1,1.1, '"I,
and the Anli.liciiloii the same ili
Jainr. .1 udl i) , W lug, 1111 1 pre.-nt membrr,
. r.i-.r.id 1 . h .u. ltd lo ongr.e. from ihe .'Id
I). ..rul, oier I loiiriK), Nib-a.ka ll. in
Col Itriilon h.is li. 1 11 detes'C'J for ( ongre.s b
1,00 lii.jnril)
Iw.srii hi
The re. . lit li.'il 1 lei Ii.ii 1.1 Keulurk) pasM.toll'
juctl). The Kiiow.Noiiiih lu.e m.id' their
apjiejronc. 111 that Male, and 111 .eieralnistanies,
elected their 1 iinji'l ite.. '
At Ihe rici'.it m.inieip4l elcclioii in Mobile, thos..
ubm lou. cban., the Kiiovv..N'oImii. earn, d the
kVTIie agon) i.orer. Th. Know. Nothings
hale.leelid their whole In kel, de.pile III- fail
th'il th" r .... 1 urd lu.iiet lor. did not 1 omil a vole
for Ihe.n, .ind did not umn In con-i.ler thai th.
- -
' neil.d or the nflwers eleried. t. mueh
. .
we .ear lor lea.iai.oii is may hair l.een elect.
"I 'reform' r..,.d,.lie.. ihej will be.e,pecledto
immediately lake in band and gue the clock to va-
""" alm.es Hint bale crept into Ihe u.linnii.lr.ili.Mi
Knuu .S.f.lli 111 li.'kel ui..... IL. fi..l.l 1 ... I .u
I'ibiled by Ih. M-,.pl. ,11 iheir llei.liou, and l.,it no
'Tr,'" In"1 V" T ,,,",":' T'.T
tof th.-in. willboof ach.me.te, wh..b.l.;il.,.b.
Jtcl them loth, charge i.fl.atin Ih-. i, .niKuiuK
offiee-wiker., who have b.eu Urn, lo.o (iower on
, ..,. ...... .-a ..si isv evr wa.
.rnpl, and a hop. that had to lh.111 no ba.i.
' foundation -Mia Cut
jriheMacrameiito I moil ..). it doe. not re.
l"1f,ta"" .'""" k .' I o,r v. ,y e,l)
v ti -. i.i
" l"Tii.. lion liiernt' llrous. an.
''"'' f "' Hard., I... reconsidered In. derlen.
..... .. ...I.. ... ...I. ... .ha a.
'"" """ "K"'" '" "". i-r uoternor ... ne,o lypartcro appi nrs In li lit the ascend
'.. u.ur.incea o' Sow I. my auppuii with n pr,.,. nut,
p I of heavy hu from ih. Ki...w..N,.iliiuria, who .
may fender him u loruudabl,. , and .lite Some ol ilVThe sat m thl.l 'ihen' is more plea
!'i. mum .anijiun. Irieti.l. arc .ten coi.nling.oii In.
Tim l'''rlcs Viiukcu I'lnii.
All hail! trluiii.hant lUg,
Tha cilen of tho free,
llright beacon i.f the hrave,
llanuer of Liberty !
It a nn "flaunli.ijr lie,"
Tin no "polluted raj!,"
Il proudly air on high
Tlio 'rlea Yunkee llujr.
It (h.elds no ..rlr' deck,
It luiija no man In chaina,
ltoke. no cnplive'H mtk,
lt.it nobly lite.U l.iciiin ;
lli mriei aro "Lurnnig mrei,"
To Iraitu.a and lukl.i.ea,
W ho breed ...hutimn wars
To fratern.tr with alart a.
It atnra are hrini; hghla,
To cu.da ut .afrl) on,
And it.ritM lie he who atrikei
TI.e blaxinr; Inudatil down!
Accuni'il the wrekh whtme hand,
F.ll'd with u Ir.titor'a (old,
Khali neek to mar an.l brun.l
Ilia couutry'a aacred fold!
lTnfurl the frlorioua aheen,
lu dine i pure and bright ;
Cneo.wnier'it and at.pre.ne,
lt mono "Truth ami Right."
It 4 no flaunting .e,
"I'm no iUiitrtl riigr
It proudl) wave on high
Tho jKerler Yankeo l'lag!
Il naira a. triumph there
DtMroy it J u who Jarr !
A Cca.oia Cabe.1 am anxuma lo know
mora of the itrange prtnvm$ andimpreifion
that )ou Willi iruse me for I.' Ming ane of recent
... .......
Mti On Hie morning aflhalal or.Maj nut ,
whic, wu ,h, ,, ,, ,, ,, , lw,k, u.
1 ,,, ,,,, hou of ,B,, wo with ,n !,;..
u, illiprrHi.n ,iiat mmU,. and Roto lha New.
eMl m y irpm Ui,
!.,,, ,mlf , nllU, ,,,,,, i, , .
yiry ,,,,, llrf . fy,,. Thought I, -For
. . ,
., . .. '
Ilivncil inrfllfrl IBIKU nUWirHMU K IrQH II4'IT
my-elf wrohml.rilv ha,tr,,i,,e
"""l"of' ' m""i " w" ' " -'ark m attempt the
iftu rim V uillmul tHfilarn Vnl Lnr.it ni.f uil.ai.,
', ' ,' , V. I
n uiitn wu. ak mv . . n moi . iu
- ---j -" ....
inmure. Tli.i n-ked m. wh.re I ., ..
' . .
!;,,, telling them, a, l n.t lMg Me lo K
"'-" "" rr,.....ra,.,l ,.h ,, .ell
mg me the -oplu w..ul.l Hunk me irui The
taidlhere .s nooil for Ihe lanieru he.e.i.ii I
.t.rt.. ,tl,,.,i . hhi, l,ul found u ..dark, and
n. I. .l.f in ll.e road le.p Kull.j., A,-.
that I returned, pro. ..red an ..Id .,., I..u.e, u,l
p.eeeof can.lle. and Ihen .l.rtP.1 .,-,, I fell
r,r. hurried lhan before, .ni.ir.nnil mt.elf inn
i mj at full 'il, an 1 kne w tin rfjoon . h
MmiiiI two oVlort k I fuiiiiil injM-lf at Hi dt ii
Ml Ufi-mili'iit ninl ilurk nut lit low murmur
mill) ttalem I ii llioiijht ll jsh il r r my
II Itil I'll' I. fit ...r. r klir. II I aril, .1 I..L..I ul.a
her.'" I .lpN.d not until I .irritad nl th. rejr
hjMm.ut of the hou.e k.plt.) .l.wiics . 11.11,
r . former I. .M. i.f this place. Here I .aw a
light whiih could not Ih .een wilhoirtj( araiind
th. house, (here Im-iiij i,i ts rr il ... s nth Iptm.hi
exif pi iu the re.ir I called .it the uni.l...., Is.t
irceiied ni..ilisu.r. I he ml the en, klmg ol l.re,
but could .e leAlllil iti.l.li. .1), the wind in. wel,
ff'll.Tg). I (hoilllt I .llli.!c. lire put ii, hunt
upon the uilid'i.T, mil tnimd I. .pnlr h. . I then
burst in ll. window, (he . ..I I .111 ru-li ix in
'1"' "" '" " ,l,r " '"" " '' '" ,"""r " 0" "'
"cjr """ r"lr' "'' "'" ""' '""" ""' "ll,t"1
rap. il III p..f...uid . trip lii.r.H.M 1 .u. f.f ji.)
dan.'er. .fr..lllied.....r.l,i..ii.i.l ll.i.
.1.1.1.. I.ea.l.i.' im.lhe hoii-e ...id rat ihg ..1 .he
'"I" "f '", ,n ' r "' " ' '""' " J""1 '" ' "" '
"".''".' "'
llmiiea slid ...e Ihen I'le.
'I'll, lire original ted from a barrel of lime whirh
.it ugii.u.l a il .01 lier th. wu.l ..id .1.. let Ihe
In la, and hud romiinmi. ala.l (he llaliu. to all
iroiindil Th .mei .mIiiii int., Ih hi, men!
alak.d Ihe lime and e.nl.ed Ih. Ar.
V... or at hberl) la nuke ..irh Ufi of the
aliv. a. ma) l at .leaa. )ou
Voura very r. aetfiilly,
siniik Hi nnn L
.W.11111I A'i4.i, It er.earer ffo , A'
(O'llinh.d.'iiii.orressimliiuiilf the .Nrn.
bun Ntrt Herald, after iilhiding lo the Out
that the Kllow. Vnthllli; ll.ol. 'III. nt ha. east
the other polilieal p.irt.. 111 (his State mlo
a ratlu-r cotilusui i .ii.l. I n ii, sais :
"It in..) hot I.' amis., Imweier, that this
idea Ills seled llm public 1111111I, as il will
serio to regulate mtir.. iieriimiicnt parties,
I r. 1 ... .-.. c. ....:. '
mi', pi, .a. ,ii,j iiii.iiiifiii nun inr iiiii'iuii nun,
and, I , i.niure, that n. the mat I're.i-
d- ntial s.ruggle all not liml on- can
n, i,eover and kneel Isfi.n, thq t.nests thu.
Hl. ltt cn ,, .,,..,, , ,,;;,. t, tPxt
H" "l"'11 ' ll'" U "' ""IT"- "'"
riol W hale at bome.
tr-'I'lie, SliKkloii Argil, say.: '
lie, 1
-- --- -..-.., a)..,r- i-aaj, .(.
election )fterilai passed M pleasantly, no-
Hung oecurrilig to mar tin, general good
Leung, wiir pull ma. opponents sllovreil
,, fiu,. l)Ul .1.,.. .i,.!,!,.,! .!, eonlest
. . . .. ...
Jttrlh Spain, the iusurre, tio.t is trio...
iihai.l. but il is evlrein.-lv inn ertiini wlml
tin- lesult will be, For llie present, thn star
aa.m .'.
ore in i;itiug limn reteiting.'is siippo.nl lo
nppl rl.i, lv to l.i.'ks, ire,itrtti,. .-ind ndtice.
i'oui:ium tvAit.
I'.VHcnnllon of Ihr l'rlnrliilllra
C'nplnroQf Aliiml Oiimr laclia
I DHrliiiri'st Coiicliit Itcliiru.
I UK to Culm.
The D.illie brings niliics tluit the Turin
haie acc.'.le.l lo the ili'inaml of Au(ria, snj
consent to withdraw front the I'muipaltiua,
III the tiieitlitiuie the Itussi.ms haw retired
from llttchareiit, ami liner 1'acl.ii has 'taken
pu.session nl'that plan. s
Il is reporlt.l that Atl.ilnl was raptured
on tho 3d instant, and is now occupioubj
tlio French troops.
'I he Anglo-Fri'iich nriny is id to tj
holering nlong tho ('rinic.i.
(KrTho latest ml ices from tlio DnuU
stale that tho Ktiwinini luno rvncuted WW
lochia sinco Ihoir defeol at Oittgcvo, and th.
Turkish army was a.Kanritig upon Buchar
est, 10(1,000 strong.
'llm AiiHtrian nrniv has !och ordered to
take position in (Jnllfcia.
Thf allies hae determined to make an
attack upon Srbastopol.
There is nothing of much importance, ro
ecied from tho IJaltic. 'lite l-'mperor of
Htissia, a few .lays aincc, narrowlr escapee
eapturo by a British steamer cruising nr
,i ronstftiii.
I The altaik in tho hatllo at (uirgco in
'reported l tl.o AiiMrica'sn.K ices lo have
been made lay tho Russians, who Hero to
! tally defeated by tho Turks ami French,
I with tho loss of 'J00O killed and large num
bers wounded. Thu Uisians retreated,
making forced marches, and ah.iudouing
their piwitioti at Tratcschi on their roulo.
1 The latter t.laco was at once occupied by tho
Turks. WallachiuisnowcouiplcUlTevac
ualetl, and alt soldier remiiiiiing Irhiod
are ueclarcd by proclamation to be desert
ers. , 'i-i.,, Vinirlrui nrmv under thn romman.l
. ,,,,,,; ha.,VeccKd ord.r
() a,iv fr(im ,, ,,' nn, . k ,,!.! :
Wall-wliii Tho total' Austrian force on
,,,;,. nlIlmllltjl , 800 00 mc.
Tlar Itoltlr
.... . , , ,, ! . .
I he a M.e. fro... the Hal.ie Mate that th.
itii.il i'iiim- imi ii'iinnrii in in ii' iu.iiicr
Tin- llliuk Nea.
The preparations tbe b.lligereiils fur
further hostilities are U-nu.' made on it e..l
"" " """""" "" "'"U '" " ""
, . . ,. . . .
ti alv.di', e.pniall on the part of Am.
tr. .. lii.sst.i ha. in. ina.li .iii wurlite
Ii .....It. t'atl. .lis om.tril th. I'r.l.-iiti fruli
Hi r
'"'",'"' .' " "
" T ' " '' "'" ' "'- "'' l"""-
-;,"";'1 ' "'" "' ""' """"ll '""'l ll'"
' u,k"
'I'he 1'rlmen
Hi.' 1 it. -I aieo.ii.ts tmiii MoirriieLT" are
I b" l.'.ii.b.ii I nn. . st.it.'. lb il it has lu.s
- it... ..it... in. .nn tint a lorn- ..f Hll.lMlil to
( 1IIII,.MIII triH.pt . t,, eluin. iniiii. .Itatlv on
rini.'.'i. ..nl an all. nipt will la. ina.1.. i,. .-f-fivt
alirlgmeiit nil the heights of Srbasln-
'hlrra an llir llnlllr
ll-. t
eli.iler.i Ins male Us niii.crame
.ps iu Ihe Hal In
'lb. I....'' i.f Sw. I 11 b 1
wilhn ... - t.. .11 .11. Ii lb. v
..h ..it .1.1 . .ii'liti.i.is.
Delimit. Ii
I ' .1111 .1.11 I .
l- It I'lll -I III '! .1'
Ail 1:.. ,1 I
l!l . M I III. 1. ' ... .
' '. r I'...' s
'I bis
I. Ill I
Sl I .11
II. 1 1
Hi 1' .ill 1 "i. in.
1. 1 "il. .1 ll. it 11
I.. .
I. Ill
I I.
I Ills
II .
.' ll.
II I'lll
hi. -III.'. I
-at . .
1.. tin. ill
Ill" I'')"
III ..
I I. I.I I L'.- MINI (it
Ml 'll. 1 .
'..Il'll I ll.ls l
. II
. Ill . I.' I
l .1.1
111 .al ol L.l.....
Tile llliM'knde
Sun. ihe '.'.Id 1. It. In... lb.' HI... U.I. ' i.f
lb. 'lilt ol I'uil ind lii Is iu inure Igor-
is lb.... I., n li.lor.', and it is imu iu.njssi
lib' for ii-ssels to bine Ihe Itiissiati Hirts.
laM-npe! of lhi; Czar
'I'lie Arehdtik.'s Constaiitiu.. and .Viclue
I .. ....... ...it. tl... KmtM.r.ir f.li tb.t nctfisiori
,f ,i. r.ienl c:ik. from capture b) the
llril.-li st.-ai.i"r, n.'i.r Crousta.lt.
Oilr) ! llic AlHiw. of lattw.
The last l''uglish mails contain accounts
, "' '-'"' --..-
of a care of leirnl oppression such as is by
. . , i
.. means uneoui.tm.. in that co.mlry. A
'' ".".'-I Willmin . r wa, , mpmoned
Hon of his lifo within the dark wnlbVorini
",M,n ' ''" ,") WM- t,n0"cd ,t0 lb usn
in.ii ..f bis lifo within the dark walDkof his
, . ,-', , ... . ...tL.
prison III laOllllOII, llliern 1111 ., vmjvj.
loiiiparaillt. noeriy. i inriy-uiuu ,c.
nrisoiier ! Could hu be frood from Ins
" -
liileinenl ami K.'riullIe.i iu go iorni ,u
the bus) scenes of life, what Wonderflll
llllll.gqs IIU vtuiu.i .u-soiui. aa... ---,
steaillboals. lelecraiillS, nd K hundred oth.
. : . . ' . 1 . v:.
lurift imu sitrroai
Otr'lhii N. V. Suiidiir Tiiiie. say. that
tin. Itei. K. M. Johnson, of Brooklyn, a
large property holder, appeared before the
I ot llealll. III lliainiy i.i we.,....
objected to ill" publication of cholera cases,
. ... I.. . rtAjl
oil llie ground Unit plopeil) tnis ueiircuiii'".
m value by such reports being mftdo public.
The r.'ie.i ml Illalor would have, the
muii.ll s.irroumli .1 b danger, and kept
in i.nn.r,'iii.-,-, b-st bis prop, rti should depru
- "ti i" in slue.