Oregon spectator. (Oregon City, O.T. [i.e. Or.]) 1846-1855, September 23, 1854, Image 2

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I I liettpilli II, .I'lTnA
uut.i.hm in.Miii:.nvii:iuinm
Saturday Morning, Sapt 23, 1854.
) ITuU.,-mrcl,u., ..rail k Rill.,"
proc.cdui publish, d m ih. I' '!"'. '"" I"""
,. ., , ... ,1.1. ....I I .l,,.,,l
ITI I . runn I mm;! un-ilel to 1 lts e-Mnlili.liineiil
. n miIwn.ii. 11 are rriMirniiiI to una rec.ipt
imutlir piil.l.rlirr r mili-mrd n-ut 1 .
niaU'Lan ant iiili.Arilin Unlit 1(1 lllU nhllllllP I
ilu.pVr i'i tinf..ll) .ir.lil..tlld...i.,ill at . irlj -iatu tin ..mini.' ......
lie proniiiii .il 1 1 In fori' Cumr. tin-fnt in tln 1 i'.
ITA'ln rt . iiinnln f.r lln " it imi-l In irr-1 ..
wiiti d hr'iin lii'.M.r m ,... lliuf.laj.l urrl""
iliartll.ll llie Mill" "li J
I J" Ml .'..utiiini n'i .ii Mill In r.).l..l iiiiI.kh
the miilir'iml mine lurllu IMil- r'ulu nefitj ai
ionip.ui i"i tin t.iut.u-. rtpt
17"W will iii-.ii in Ii.iiiii-iiiii r' nh.r
twin. nl mil. " ll. j no r.i.l Tin- 111.11I.I.
iifcollri.tingH 1. mre 1I1111 III.) r. w .rili 1
Tor 1'rii.Uloiil u the V. S, in 'M
MILLAItl) KlIiLMOlll-;
.1 f M r. w t u 11 k.
For Vlr' Prr.litcnt In '50
joiin 11 1: 1. 1-.
Wt' ol.icrvc that our ollor to
nilrnilt'i' lia my tlli-fl iIkT- lilt-
.... '
attllictfi ttf or no attention;
. , '
v aio iiiurt'iorut'oiniii'iicti io:i
that, in eon-ciuuncu of the in-.
., ,. ' M M10 OUII Z III Hit ' l'"J I1.HHC IH aillUII. l.l
Civailllg Sfttroity ot money, we'f thetruecru-.l of the Know Notliiiiy. ' i.. o; ,MJui 10or 17.) .w li.t thrii$li tlio
slltlll illlllieiliatelv eomiuelice ceil-wo r.fer him ... tl,.- I'h.l nl.-lphi 1 "l)ollirlh..iil.whileinlli.'ait..flirit.i,attheli..hiu
tling out hills for the year which
expiietl several weeks since, and
aNo for tile present j ear commen
ced. Onr putiifiw nil. observe
that our l'rosjtectus contains thoe
signilletint noids, "Invmial.ly in
nd vn uce. ISow we cannot ..
rubly pay money in atlMincc lor'
" I
btock (sis we hae to do), mil
,:vi:ky o i: of our snivel iliers ,mv
. r. ,
U,iliadv,HV forth,1 Spectator,
i. . .i , t a,.
which CA,eci ineni ... no. n
it swolllll llllJIpeU that e -i-IKl V rlnlltner Hie Sjm- iu.or lo a fnnk ami full ' " " "" '' I'.un.l llli IhhIi. t.l
J.:ilo .-. l.,i .. ..-I... l...i .. ....;,! If ...W cation ..fiharmd of i i.ili heMliyiliu Know- n men, ami. in the . ii.'e-bru.h, from a.puir
IIHI8 to TIIOM niio ll!l. pilltl, 11 -Nllltf..4 lUrloliilf.inulelro.i.lhi.pli.e.iiiihll.r.Mt
will lie a pletJMire for lis to recti-, Ihitput. u in iniiiilol'twnuien: Oii.'ol ''hrnlioii.. I l.u IkhIui ol tour inore wen
(v lil.1i ...;Jt,.L-..j in..... I...!..,, ...t. them wa. blinil. ll, . In r till I ,.l both of "li'l. Heiemie w.i,,ii w.i, burnt. Abmit
v I tS
itlinil 1i.it. mo t,,,,,!. ,,,.,, ;,, L.i.,m.
ISllCtl tll.ltoui Monks Hie lit IcllDl.
"tiliset-iluits uill iil.-ij.. tiik.. n...
iillOSllllH-IS H III 1MI-.15L- lilKC IJO-
tlCC lUld govern thi'inbelves accor-
Hlllflv. ,
X Cull far Voluiilc-cr.
A protliiuiitivii ha. been is.unl by the
roper oflKi-r, Goi. (ieo. L.Curry, call
i.i for n iilliiient nutulx r of lolunteers to
go to thr 'coin of tniinl. r nii.l .pull the
1. m. I ..f m ...... 1. - III... n.. rtllll!.,.- In
.till. I VI III.I...II1 i,.lu IU I'u.l.ll .W.i .. i, ., I
" ..ip n. I.nll If. mAinlu r ll.rrn H....I 1. ni.
.hath, ill th. most l.orri.l ni-u.ner, the
, ,
nociiit . iii.KraiiU wl... ar-tn.in; to na.li
Oregon. Ami we think it i the iinper-
atiio iluti, of ilio.c who iMs.ibli can, to
re.i.on.iri.th-,-,11. W .1. an'l ehil-lrei,
, ' , .11 1 1
hue bo!! ino't b.rbiiou.lj i-Mcuti.l, ami
Dreeoni in houfil iiiini.-.liatlj turn out,
III iulH.-i.nt iniliitant to . xterniiinte the
race of Miak- In.li 1111. Some are lioldiiitf
L 1 1 ii .
hack becnu1.' thei know 11.1t to n h ft. citolit
tho L mt. il Main t.merinii. ht mil (Mini-
ner.it. thein for their K.riii.1. Now, tin
ImiiM not Iks "Hi call l.u bun miile,
and tint too bv ll.ov.w ho.o .luti it is. to .!.
o. -Ibirefore, w ha cm doubt but that'
.. , . . . ....
I iicle Nidi will wilhngli, im.l too thu full 1
uxUut, pty nlltheeipeini-aiivciirrxl. He
n Uiuti'l to do i-o, and it iionlv justice that
h-M-h.-jM. I.it.-iuinor'coi.liriii.-iudiuuJi
...tlar-.m tU .,,., at liret l.-arl. If all
are to U-bi-htud, the work of inas.aeri- it nf sutj nun .-mli, to Im inouiilcl, .urj
tttll jiinif 01, at "itch joints a s.nagei can toliinti.r tolurm.li Iii unit arm ami nni-
uiie. upjii af.-w w.i',111 and tan.l no, '''"'. I";ru -ml ..piipm. nl; the foin
1 -i 110 1 p lllli. tor l.-i.t lb-iron 11 Mlllir ami r. port
.-liauui it b-ing il.fi..iuil. So.nl imn' 11,1 .,.!,. r-C, mril ..inith .,11 or b for-
.. ., .1 s . ..1 . 1'.' ''-.'-JI-r-v,""-r-" -N'smiui. "Hor n lore
tint bate urj ru.-iillj .Irrnol, r. port lk.it . .;,i, m.t. Due 1 pmj to runic.-
they Inn e hcl.ed to hurt i-ouio twentj or 1011. at S ih 111, an.l tie- olh,ir at "regoii
tliitlvl...li.sfiii..l.-n.ron ihe r..-iil"imi' '"':. . . .
l lie ti it muni, r were 1nm1uiltt.1l. Iioiibl
thisprot. trim, nothing thai the whites can
!o ion mis M-'ilping llt.'S inn.'. can bo too
urucl. Not (1. 11 ll, irwoni" 11 in.l ihildien
siiould lie si are 1 to utow tin anil thus rt-l
.....-I il,.. r, . moi .. ..I ...... ICI..1 .... 1..,
thei.loiintl.U'periniltini.', .tintmul.
filklf klirtrt ili.t iti..t I.. Iu... 1, I .1..1 .. I
-"' .'ill hi'iiiui,. in in..ii uiiru fi
Inn tints to cut our tin thrin 111 inccit.
In oiiisiil-ratiuii then of the fact th it
tho L". S. Troop', haling b.-.n c.ilh.l
troni Tort Hall Mil Kort Uoi.u ulier) thui
icere urtdtd uii.l placci nt the D.1II11 mid
Fort Vancouier where they are tint needed,
we think tint It is iib.ouK-ly wxiMarj
tliatin-ti cii'.ugli ahuulj go from this Ynl
J -j to lilernlly cxtiruiiuite tint rwe!
TIic l". it. Oou-rnnieiil will do whit
right on this subjict as toon ai thej cm Ik
ooine po.tcd upon the subject. We do not
uppon that thu govc-nimeiit in with. Iran.
mg iriHjp. fiom the .ibotc-inciitioiiel posts
hntc Intended any wrong, but they hair
done tthat should not tunc been done!
Troopi (ire necil.d there, at least through
die itoittn wl imuiSgrativm, whether (int.
L.V' Of o'.hit Consri'irnen t'ltnh to nr -0'
Win if tint mold at Vaii.mncr. 'lo
HIIII1-C UK III-. IK- l li.Il'ltl ......if. r.
.. .1 1. . . I., t ...I.. tl.,..i.)
, I Hill " J IH'i t-aa "..-
An.l wlion mi ntro.imn otilrigc hns linn' hc Woninw ami Children Iliir
oDiiiiinil. il, tli v tire to it" out t 'I'" pi mi i lieroiislt lortttrrtl -Henri Mt-k-
crtuno .irnlilKl :i l w Wn us kih a icn in in"
i..,. r. nll,l th, n muni to wiul nil .! ! r
H-..re ., four h.lple l.llow-lM.ig' haw bun
.0 horribh ciu.li.-tl to the cintli! Wn 1I0
. ,,. , ,.. ,,,, I, ,, . i. .1., .,.,
tone III II III' no toil'..1 . in- .111 .-.-,
.md we ulo IruM lint our iking He, and
.. Im. ,,.1, r fiom Wii'liiiiutmi 'l.rrtlort
ill. .iiitiiu.'i 1.1 riejimiiiit Hike the rn
KiiiMMillt ill'. .1.1
tiut.Ciirn Ins done will llm fir. We
hop" he will 1I0 more, if, niile.il, more 1 in
bo 1 lone.
fL-7-V..u,ll,,,i il.,.,.i.l.eM inirk.tiiric-
' " . ..'
f..r ill.. .1. .,.. ...Wm.linn. 1 e ierc.1 here.
OCT We hum I hut Mi r Zulier.k tino'l
win line nnti.l the Main Slmt llollefor
n term of Mr-i. t mlcr tluir 111 nne;cniciit
the hoii.n will not fill l S1'" popular fi-
.--. 1
Tli.MMil.li.Iim.lit hi. hir.tolore all..-
c. tin r f ill. .1 to mi-1 the w.,1,1, ,.t ih. 1.11I..
Mm. .. to .U. m.l the "(.-.Minor '
..... i 1..1....1
vs 1 11 inn ...mow i. .i no ne. t in u.ir.i
ili,nri..tl.e P.n.liniiin ,lr hie ut ll..-'
liimr.iitne iiiiitiiiinrj iiiimu' 111 in.
r.i.. ut Jmh.11 Umirt ... t 11. ut
,,. x,"tlll. sim.iir.li.lii..r i'
Wiekli feim" of Juh -J-', ln.1 1.
UV lure wnd.-.! llira 4fli the IrouMe.l ea i.f
worda whii 1. makf a up Hit Spectator a alnndaiion
. nlir. Ij al n liw. in ac.rMin wliut llic Spectator '
,' ......... ,
Ki.kth : Allrilil! iNcier suppo'cil
. .. ....I V.. ' .I... .... -il.!.. .M ... ' i
I .'I. VUUI'I . .U .IIIW.I-l'-.IH.-.l.lll
n. .iUr. iath Kno.NUiiiii.s.i.i fu.t.
l.nl aan.l lll.ihil. I ill . I ill ua U.I mln III. in I . '
uii.f.l..f out iiilunin. for the pnM cation . I tlinr
"" '',"';'"1 '-' ' "lnu 'K , .
Now Oren'miiin, prepire j..ur,diL. :
Tho Suinhnl will g. t it, ,, .Ubt. Ih.
trutli win emno out now. urj oo
hi arm. I ho Ll.tuI n. ... chill, nnl tin-
,'""u"' "' "' '" ' "' ,"-11'-
... , ,
II wnn il ... ..? 1.1. in nil.l .Ii...... tn-A.n .lr.
man. form Hi. t.uct. Ii-ld I.) Hie Iiio..SuiIi-'.i
'"S" '
1112 ft
I We tho't loll h.nl I iken il.-yree enmiuli
to h-nrii lb aUlure llli. tune.
&' Acting oeriior of Urifton, fj.-ori'e
I.. Currj, ha, to the utmost ali. iition of
the iuhabitai.l of tin Turriton, i-suul the
follow inf.' pr.xl im .lion. Now is the time
BrUtt Artlug c.temorol OrrRon
1 n (J f l 'P 1 (l V
,. ' '
' i'rw;-if,w Snike tr.l of In.l, ..... or
' wiioltlitiii,liaiiii0'i.miiiiitl..l!iiii..st
Uii.ruCsJu.t. il oiitnye ti.e.n ujurlj of the
iuiiiiiJ.itioii, in (In- 10111lj of l-orl Im.i.i-
1111 iniietl in. 11 haio Uh-h shot iluiin, i.--
'"' "iA'T "'""' " - h',,r,"1,T llll!',r, "', ,,f"
I t-r iii'lunn,! 1 iptmtl.h ne bein luo.t lur-
i,..,,,.,!. ..,1 iiil.uniui.li irinr..l n. .1. -nb1
lurulialj aiiu- iiiliumi.iilj lorliinil to.liitli,
.111.I in or'krt.i .ml in proiuliuif fiitur.-im
miralioti, uml to . cure the k-u ouf froli-
, 'i'" .elll m. lit, it i .lunii.l ailvi-ablu to
rn"""c" , 'rr'c'"." '"'." """''-"''''-
' iiiYaVlllta' fUt tl .tit 1 J rj ..! F dl.ll.ifii.ll. Iff
' f 'J.L 7 J,, " Zf" -
------ ,, r ., -, -", 101 iar.li iromiueiuiiiaii. 111 reinev loiiuii
of "Ann c.caumui, in ili. am hop of glcanuul . ,lf i i . i,,ri,.ll.-i.Ai.i.ib.,1
llwrr from n.ha.lo of h.roriuuli..n will, ref.ifu.e , ' """'her or. leu , two. luorlallj woiimlc I,
,...!.. ni. ,.i,. ni.ii. w. .... 1111 New ton .int. 11 Iml iiUn.t llli, car o .1
. .. '. 1 1 'IK lie ,1 I'l IK. II WOllllO. 1. Hill I i.i. .1-
11 'herftit. in Ihi liew. ll.e firm already ,, w,tj, . .jul,,,, i , wl ,,i
in the IkM ijii.l..l t Ik- mad.. pule for tin-linie ol hi. .irrn.-l. "
'i''l' ' kucc-ik. I haw. th.r.-forc imi..I Wehncii.-w.ofti.-iii.ml.rofthr.eiii.il
,,'!,''.". ?."" ".".'."' '. ."-' ('" ""' ! """i1 ('-"'"- IV lirh-. whi.li i. on .Iillri.aml
,,,, ' ,lf tMn ,; f 0t, r,.
r. .lint. lit. ..r. 11 111. ...II.. t.i.l... .. ..,. r.l...
linen mill, r nil ll Hid .it Salem, till
lthil.i of Sent. iiiIk r. is.'.4.
ni:o:iii: i cnuiY.
A'ttHii (!(( eriK(r(ift)( rgKH.
Derltlou L'tiilcr llio Iotl Ollln-
A i"itli'. si mill nit fioiti :ist,,iui.iil . 11
f;'l - . - ' ' Imu'Hii ,.iiuiuilf.ral
A .Vtma.t. r. umlir no . iri-iiin.lnnce, '
i. nllom .. t....ncii .1 liti,.r nut in h r. .su I to
Whcrc.tlir. are ini.-s. nt, itmiotlaw-
fulto ihirge po-tigu lor lorwanliiig. '
All iii-HpajK.r lining word wrtttinon
or in th.-tii, arc-MHij.x.1 tolitl. r postage.
To entitle papers to be in to hot, 1 lide
siibcrili.-rK.it hull" 11 ceute.ub.a full il ir-
t.r'a Wi'tagii Is rxpiir. il tundiaii.e.
It I improper for 11 .leiuitj- hi.tmnter to
r. moio w rapp r of public iI.'m-iiiii. ntn fritik
I I.J u niunber of Congress I
No pap. r, or oilier lliing, except bill or
r.r.pta ol publish, rn, can lie tent inn 11. va-
' - "i.h ii piivi.n.n.i.Mili ..Vll.
as date or am thing of the kiuil.aubiiit.it
Am mark u II. t. 1.1.
It ' .'I'l rCSTK"-,
pap.rwitnout aul.j'-ciiilg Ui.i uliolc Ui let- "im "Ppmr 10 ue uiosi iit.sin--. ..ifj.iro .....
1. 1 irf.ta '-. t.n it. II up.lii.l with Am. man rifle ami tV " " 'Ituutd thai gold haa lern Jim otere.1
lloiia 7i.l- "ubsaiberH tu weekly piiK-rt, Hu'd-ou Hit Co.' gun, 'liny haw-plenlj in lti.hlai.d.ounl). Ohio A nilenun from Hit
tihnwtpo.ti.lVu.! is ill an adjoining ounli "f iimmiinitimi. whiih thev are ...nstaiillj k-H d'""' 'bowed ihe editor of the S.ii..i.k)
areltllow.-lto r..iiepaK'r publish' .1 lli"n P "IllR from tho II. II. Cu. ' la. Ali'l Uegtsler Mime epo. im. 11a of the .hilling ma, lately
u.uiilj ilitthlihlli.-i flic, frco nf pnjtagi-. the attempt of the (ioicriimeiit to pui.i-h token tin tf Ihe gnlehea near llellet tile, which, 11
Am innrli ulil. ,! ii. .... . , I.,.,,!.. .... I. ibeui IniliiiiiK. I ft ar will lie attended with i aaul, have eitr) optK arance . f Ik-iiii imie cold.
MHi-.t Irani llu Niiuke Mht conn-
in ! " rs.-mi.esw imrmw
- .,,.. , ,,, nnvrfrrf.
- . . - ......
iiiiih nwimni
'Ihe .omitting ciitninuiiicition are from
H..11. t. Hum i oftli.i l.lli.,u incinU-r
i)l'tlicl.il l.i iridiituie. and. lor longtime.
,,,,,- mi tl i- St ill "in in olhie. Hi
1 . 11 r I ... I. .1
nuiiuut em lie liillj rein il iiin. II is tin-
otilt full one . huw-Keui :
Mr. Hi mi. I send Jim n i lull Mitt until
of the Indmi. i.n..ur.- licit occurred 1 on
.ni..-ltitir,n. Iiang.l. Mniij.illlictiit'
.ulio ,.,n.e.n,ihrn,j ..nu nation,
I wiuoiieot llm nam of liu'liteiii tint witil
link ,iml fnuii.l thu IwiIk-' a diir bed.
Tin j wire lnirn..I hj 11 m the ln.-fiiiuiiiier
1 iM' ;"'' ,.,v,1:i",:rla",l'mT;Ar;
in" iniii ible inlruiin nl-. I mil lr mm
keen im. l-le.l tii.in rJ.itioii lo then.on-
... .". ..!!.... .!..
,"lims ul '' '.-v..u..,
Your. Ae.
Ihltr, Sri.t. 10, ISSI.
u thr- 20th of Auf.'ilt, a j.irtj of n en
.. 1. d l...rf n,.... I.. r. .filer . 1 ii.u wlil.li
,, j,,,), M , ,tl n mi I'-oue liner.
About lb mill' Irouilhe I'ort. on tlie-outh
Mile of Hoi..- liiier, tluj li....i.n.l npirtj
"f l,"l'1'"l1 I'1'"".1' ri,l '"''. "'" "l,1,l-
till f l.ll lll.l.t.u k I IlltV llll I Ml al It it I If 1 llfa
,... r,, .,, ,., ,i, , l...,.!,,,,'
wa.ll in the r.ar.) but wire nt m time to
,, . . , ' 1 1 "v."-'"
. , . " ... ....
I"-'-"1 1'" f'i' ruiinina llira c .l the njj-
,(., i. l,rl,, lo.'.llur with the w..-
111. iiainl ihil.lriii, who were tin. r proiihrs
mil whoMMnes louhl lie, ili.tin.tli lir-anl.
Hi. two lonipauiou retrcateil hick to the
re,.l of tlm jiarty, who were at the place
iiliire thu tram w.wiitlaik. J.oitif liumlrol
,..' fir.L (V..... .1... Ii.il. alt. IT. r. lt.,11- r,.ll...l
- hhtlj uullli'lcl the 1 itlir the) brought
" k lo ine I on.
Outlie 21m,. mi it.re.. .ametn Malh. ur
Ittmr. inr.irliiiti.. II ll lift! Ii I I ..r.Mirr. .
....v .. ....
I'.i.. .ii,.. .I..H..1 r,.r l'..rt II. ( .Km
l( , h,iib....l. wh,. . m -p. ik th.
i "''," ,,'- I iti-'ua1.'. ..unl l.y wl..... ..rn.e.w.1
' !uMr!T "( " "mu ,l'a,k t,Z'T '"" "' m '" ttork xhtnnttU "" "" '" "
i1""1, ,llll",r' ' " """'" ''" '"",.;., ..f ,iei h. r l.i ... u.iiili in n n. . .1
."J.t.n..l llioiyt ..rm,,ftaJ...l.,nrlj " ; ; ' J r J ' ,2 ,
(, in, n.t.itt.il tor th.' -ii neol iii i.-aii"1. . nil" r loo ri. . ironi in. mi union, in .
, ttrnMJ ,1C ,lu. tt10r,. ,,0 ,,.
I. II I i ..r, I. IV....1 f lit. ..I ...... 'a. 1 1. . .1 r.. I.I ll.,,
. . ... .i1 , i . n " w i
brush. . Imm.l Ih.- I-..IJ ot Ml. War.l.
'(.we i.1jiii 17 .ar..) . r I. l I. .r.- .i.-n.
. , .1 ., I i .
1... i.i. tr l.i.n. l.rl.t ,1 1.,.1tlli. . .. . in. II. ...
l., M ibru-t into Iii r p.T...n. il..ul.tl...
while .line. .Vol fir fr.uii In r llir. .- i
ii. Ii i.i ih-.ii iiuriii.l. rtinui .iijiuri. r-oi-
a mil.-fuilliir on ihrmi.'h the I.ni'li. w.i
lo.ii.il I the l-..li of Mr.. Whit. , , (In r 1,11.1., n.l
Ine in I iiii.iiui alle.) 1 1, r lie.ul h el
b..n 1m iiui1 iu a p-rlVit jilli. h. r h,li
'lripK.I of it ilolhiii);, iiml lii.ru uiain
in irk of brutal trciilm. lit -he hi'I hicn
I. . . . , ,
1 .1... ....I .. I I.... I I.. .1
.ui.ui. n.K.ui inn a. line iiiriuvr on .-
.ou,u ..... ..... ....o.,. .. ..-. .....
l,.nl. troin th.., on the north Mil.-ol llm
I iiiur. wn, llnir . n.an.p.ii. lit. muni- rinir
I 10 willow .no.., nliicfi tln-j lml i.i.nt.'l
ine.i tin ' muni. r. In tlm 1. litre of lb.
,.,,,, UIt, ruill , M of Mr.. yr,l .
.,,,.i ri ,, h. r. I n th. . rup. l...li...l
lhlll. t,n r ,,,,r, ,1, who lml, .Irnibll..
b.in burnt .liu- 1111 1 il.u iiioth' r luuxl lo
mi,,,,, it. Mr.. rtr-1 inu.t lui.- I .-
nil tortur. .1. M .1.1 .. ir. w. re upmi In r
,.' ....I.iiih uuil.-bi a lml n.iii h.r
. I ' """" "" ' ' 1 .
.li -ut 11, imiii' rmi plu an.l a I..11111
11Hk M, u ,,u th. ni;bt 1. niple. whuh
j ,ri,b,bli . ni-'.l In r .1. ill?. 'Ih. nioreibil
,r, ,, ,,4l b.lo.u'.il lo the train w.ro in.i
louml ; :..o, :.d,.l.., ut I.I i. ir.. w
It It . I . A .. . I .a
f 'T l'W T ..' "T. V;ur. ' -, ' V.,' ' . . '
tt ........ .... ,r
' :""..":," 1! '.i ' '.' '" e.' ." i. . , "
I ll
-Ion troin
i,'i, r it 1... itrr-d. Tlm Indian mile up to
,ril. ni.-it, (who w- n- liming the loo... .it-
,,..,, l( f , ,, ).,, .lwK Intnl.
will, tl,. 1,1 111 llm I'ri. mill, .t m inner lio.si.
V 1 . ' . , .' 1
,,, but, n .0011 a lb.i-111. 11 b id luriinl
,. ,r buk ii.ii tliiti lo p.s.oti, ib-i -hot
ini. 'llm Indiin lluii .Iron-oirill Ih"1
looM-'iiltle and hor-i U-loniring to the,
M ii..r I! 11 nr . ( I '..mm mil. r nt I'l Pall. )
itnm -Int. Ij' upoiilh.! r.c. plionoftbe news
si nl out alKiul llll ngiilir., iiu.l tin- sanio
iniiiilKr of wdunl..r Jill iiiouiiUd, ami
umh r the ioiihii ind of Minor Ilul hr. 1 lu-i
,,, . 1 , . .1 . -
are pmbih 1 n. ar 1 ike Itwrat tin. dite.
i''ll'f "Ahst "f "' l"'r, ,,'Jll",l )
AluxamhrW ml, wil.,.iiii.rwncliildr. 11
two of them grown to iiii'.iirtti 1 .011
""'I ""it"!' r from l.eiiigtoii, Mo.
Siiiiih 1 .M 1l.1g.11, ln.111 .110.
Mr. Ilibintk, form, rlv from V. riuont,
nl ricntly from Mo. ; ahinj.-rby profe
moii. . , .
l'r. A'l 1111, nml hi broth. rC'harle, IkjIIi
from Michigan.
Anion, from Mo.
Mr. While ami ihil'l, from Mo.
I wo ''-rin Hi Itann not knon n,
One I'ri in bin in name not known.
It i th it portion of the Su ike Inb" Iniug
lnlw.-'ii run linn nun im- uriinn 1101 ,
- - - 1-
more i-xp. use than am Indian war Mch iw -
inl 111. tllll"
KrUuilu n largo iiuiiiik r m inugrmus
l,.na nrrnil I lllirill 'I 10 lsl CCK. 1 licy
lnitifi ilrooof 0 illlf whiihlook mil, itiiuli1
Ih ttir thin ilul tin" "tuck l.vt J ear.
Tonnu Von.
II i there 01 cr jet lii'i'ii nnii Ij f J mum
men -o reiklts tint t li tiotilliioth.ini
lo withe J Newr. IIik there ewr In'. 11
uih ill it were lint gr itcful for.i l.iml word,
.uill Hill nuniiimpiiiu.il iv u., ..Ui,
. a . . .,
a,0ini it cinicfrum n uuf.imliil Nolle.
Ami Into lint all toting Mioiwi kinder f. el-
j,, (owiinl their own dmh iute. who u-
". ltll u.,,1 ori, . thumJies 1-
,. , . ,, v , , .
iidoubtcdlj. I lien Krin.t in to-wyiikiiij
On thoco.i'tof the Piti'ilic, iiiihi'lnig Cnl-
ju,rm , .,,,,1 the. Territories perhaps i.m he
''""' "' " "" ,11-
tM. ' hey ia.no l.ero i.riik.u!lj Iron.
the St.it.'", .mhI call thcfindu't prodrnm
Yiiiitij AmeriiMtn. Th.j take particular
eire to appropriate to theniehet the fol
lowing word of Cowper:
Itrliiriiing lie piorlaimi I.) man) a graca,
lt ilirup and itraiire contortion of the face,
lion ninth a iliino llial hai Ixrn Kill to roam
llttfl-u .louco that ha. I.n krptm lioiw!
N'"' -li"-' lua "tr',ml ,u,1 "I""' t,,"'
. . .. I al. ,.....' :.... ....
' . .. ' '
i.lci 01. the part.it tlune to wiioieeire tliei
are couunitlei
""- lum
hue thur hi
are (ominitleil, ifter liny arr'ne. Thej
loiniK, whith, altho' the inn
loie.leurli, their nature, will not allow them
, ,i,M ,. T) . ,. fr .11 .,,,,., f
.11..... 1 . . .1 .. .1 I I
liri'0.-mi'lii'tenti..i.., but the jtn.il lm.1.
nirt "I'ject in view- 1. to ri.e . n.grrs 111
-oino nhipe or other i the one tiling mi.t
ileircil. In iew of the.e tiling it Iiocoiiio
.., ,- ,. ... !;., ,n ,i.,..
. - ,!,,.. i. , i .
who are ripable of .ulu-ili '. It I the .lull
...,., . ,-
l iliilaiithioi.i.f to line n kiinl wonl loi
.mil mi . e oci.ilouallj r .lllij! upon tli.ru1
Miiiiijuien whoare.onli to Iiliire in thepo
... ... .. ,. .rl . ' .
itimi' of life tliy now i upj . Tin1) lie. vl
.i.i.... I
ymrwnlilitul ill .. : nil. in
I'.rlnp. ...m. kiml
in til. ol I
,." at tin moment iluplonn.' t la Su
i ill' ul' the u.iiili n r anil In.. I., him mi.Ii
oltr the lite in . pip" r III l. II look
iliMtiiiiln the pr.ii.r In In ntllr. l m lu
ll ill' of hi .on.
Who Ii i. lien r f It ih it i-piriii-.' . nn.li u
ll.i. .....!.. tl.. I,. (tin i..i.tl. ..III..-
, ; Who i.th. re wl,..e t-uu. l,i.
, . ., i . ' . i
W thy olltli III III ll' ItH In ll.i ti.r
him.' If. who tak. . boo. t f..r hi- p.li.i.
iiml pn.r. -. lor hi ii.ur.e .,1 ulioii : . rj
., H.
-Jim, ,ijj M, n, u(,, nj,; Ii .all !
,, , 0r ,,,, ,.u.r,lllll.. , .-, .
, n i i ,. .
,l"r, I'11""-'- MOr 1-""'"'-'1 " "i '
lii-e nu'lil up. tjri.. th.- h null.1 ol moil ru
.hrewihn.. anil plunge riht int.. 1 if. In .el
hsj una a will Hut know nn ile.i. or, tte
" .... .----,-...,.,
- .
,,, u,l Ik-ure to .oui-out ri.ht. lo..t
; . . , .
l",,n '" ,l"1, "ll '''.r..-, nor brol.. u .lown
.litin ui ; imlliinj i.ui l-ol .,s impor
tun.1, llm put .wn mm. 1.1 tin. work.
, , . ',. ,
, , 1 . ., 1 . 1,
ll,,l"",r1-' l'-'1" ' Ih- -hMmii.- mil r..
''rilil. r ami brighter. Tie-ruMj . lum-ol
oppr...on lannol ln.l.l ou .Inn 11: jmi nr.
,, ri.111 1. ike il . 111 nil. Il..w. 1, r hiti,r
1 .. 11 . . 1
""J ,"' ,l"' "nimi barkue.'. ..I a I w 1I..15.
.' ., . .. . .,
h.w..ull injur. ..u. r. iii-iiil-r ih it tl.. ir
wonl. -in1 a b irml. . a. the "1 r 1. k"of p..
I..U loehil without le el, ami lli.it tint an
, n,,,,,!,, r.imnpari.l with lheiMo.1.
Wi- think the i.niiir 111M1 of Hr.-oii tan
. . !.... 1 .11
I ike ioiin,'e, and it tluj hnei.ot alreili
"" 'he iidunit.i. th.j 11111 d.-ire tit.
line prolubli all tli.-y ih..ri, ami will ion
(i,mu t ,ai" notwilhstamhim the
"r"'' "'"" '''r-'" '- ""U '"'
''"" "ubjol of imit.mpt of all tin upright
an.l moril popul ilimi. L t jmiug in 11 on
, ,0 ,,t i, right, iml mk.'ii iioii-jIi th.-i
' n 1 1 11 .1 . .1 1
"i" h .w-gun. d ull that th. tr It. arts maj
, . ....
'1""r'' ' '"' I"'"1 H. rnck .aid :
Uniliertli. rnst.limla wlul )e may,
"ld """'" '"ll ' ,lJ,,nft
Anl lint aame flower thai lilo. tin lo Jay,
' " mnrr,m 'M '" ' '"
Ami iilllimigh it m 11 Ik trulj s.i-li.l lln
joiitl, now, th it "gn 1 11 unlt-in ttoti, (1 ill. ri
J.f (,ri,lU,i ruwii. -, of juilgmenl, wilful
. . ,, , ., ,, . ,
11' - 111 lo I, a ml thoi 'it t.igr.int a t he
' . " "
iiitt-i linn.'- no 111. ir so tun. o uilllil. t'l
iine 111. 1 prow- the truth of the word, ol
the llnti.h k,i t Nabb, who said :
"Foil) may U in youth 1
Hut many limea 'tia niiiril null gutt dm reii. 11
'Hint tempt ra it to uee and inakia ua judgment
Kiiiul, if not eiri 1 .hug that, which pulina
Ituvo ahnnut ehaken into 1 die. aa. ."
trTht N. Y. para aiiimiiii..r thai ihe llnc-
-m haa hetnfull) r.paue.1 .imelitr an idem, uml
mil w.oiioIon, I'iiI.Iic uiro.it) will he much
Krat.fi.il, for, nltlionli the high eiei tnliumi ion-
rermui; her hate ureall) Mil,.i.ed muci her l.nt e.
-iriinenl, anil ihnr ia a Kond reurou to ln.- that
die 1111t11lK.11w.il ullimalelypruiutf anal value
, few more days will .bieniiuie
anl it ia tn pronoun. d h) rn.iiiiiK- Kr.ona who
I l - r.llillt .'..
A rosi.liiit of Marion Co. g'nea us the
foltortingiiiihis experience, with rtg.inl to
Or-oii Conrlahlp.
S. E.ne 1st. father Mother anil Mia
Sii'iin mated round a briftht fir tiro on n
rami nifjlit in December.
I Vnlrr Mr Ii I
.S-.iN.-(lo..d eicnitifr.Kir; taken ihair, ' '"'"' l"' the I l.r of the Kr, .llgor,
1 and it .roci id to ilfsinlw thee 'grata.' iw
Mr. II Thank loll. rkseitsliiiiisilflii-aril'"lll,H!':
the tire ntnl put hi hat mi.ler Iii cliftir
II. I'me 1 11 mug M. Susan !
Sia. Ye Sir.
Tin iiiiinilri fllnire.
Ot.n Man
Wlnl time i the M.anicr
-p. iti-tl, Mr. Ili
II I don't know, sir,
Good dial of rain th.M.-. lay.
H. Ye, Kir!
Ten nr jij'lttn mintilt tilcnce.
II. Do loll attend kcIiooI now, Mm Su
an I
Msai. No, sir.
Ut.n Mam. (iruflTj ) Too rainy.
Stieral mlnutft illcnte.
.Vi... W tad v
Here II. feilKoniewbnl r.liei.il, and
w.he the old mill Mulll.l follow suit, but of
loun-e adlj dl'.lppoillleil.
11. Do win Ida! am 111U.1..1I iiiMril-
in. ut M111 nwhi I
Si an. No, sir.
B. lomniiiice scratching hi bump of
I ilkuliw lie, but tan pmibii.. nothing. S'u
an m tour.e, 1 inuui.
I'.nler nlil inmiaii inlh trruh Imm 111
i.i. Hrgim la bum hrritlf in rrmn
iini! llir iratrr that haiJrtpifil frum ll'i
iiinhii lid.
ill. Woman. I think it' uirioti. lb it
pi opl.. don't know ain In tt. r than to
Ol 11 Man. I liivrth it jmi h ne iKiiight
tin- I!, ilaiiu. Mr. H.
II Ye., Kir.
..Id lull i'miiIuiI.. that .he wi.ul sii
whit -lie n.l Hit.li.linj t, but wind' up
bi iimg th it it' 1 ill 1 ll-thai n I. .bin I
km.w tut l-ti.r thin to I.I tin 11 1. -"I
I. ik 1. h'.rf..lk. ll.i'
II I think I .ball -.11 ll i.'uli. b .
I I. r
til n I. 'in. i' on in I s. w lb .III lb.
mud iii.lwu.r I In. I- .111 infill mil bit
III... .
II. I lakiii!! lh hint. I m II, I niii-l u'..
-I.AN l n'tln 1 liurrt. Mr II
I In 1. b.t. bin. inn. Ii. I. ul ma I i
in.' mi . 11. 0111 nj im nt Iroiu Mill-1 .1 lb.
id I I .11.. eld- lb it it's g. tling In.- I111..M
Utllit) Ill I be must Ik g.HIC
1 .111 Wuhan. Mi nj ' Hint il -loim.
i.u will lui.1.. Im I line .'. tling h.u.i.-, Mr.
II ..; It. 1 ith'r 'irk
in Man ll w, b i-l a I ml. 111, 11..11
l 1 lb' I il.m'l in . .1 on-, think ton
I..... I iiiulit '
I'.sdll. full; fitixrd thill Ihrrr it ....
hih.fr for h(K( an . gait tht nl'l tnll'.(rr
(limit j
.s-CI'M: -'.I -I'll. Mas
111 1.1, wh il 111 eh- 1..11 .Int. Ml.
.1 ..Id I...
it ..ir tint
w IJ
t Ilii Vti.M'N,- Chi. .iibi I .li.n'i tan
'boll! lit- 1. Illllllg III. holt .
lull Sunln, inlh rfilliii fyr.
Ol.li Man, Will but ton . uiil-l hate
I iki n a little- Ik tt. r oplmrluiiiij thai. Midi
a bid night.
t ll.11 Woman, II, pi rh ips be will lj
"I el to 1,1111 lion.
ll,.! fm,.,h, and Ihe M. m blu.rn l
J'nr lltf night I
" " "
Cr.K Mil. I Mr. It. uli'l Sll-HI e.1t
. il baik ill OIK1 .orm ' brtlh Hit light
nl ball room, hltlllg tluir colllirsllloll all
to tin Ills' 111 -.J
St lis. Dear Mr. II. jou tiui-t mv
lliiuk ani thing alKiul Mamma' m limn
wl.. 11 lon'eilli'd, sb. isso old fa.hi-Mi.d.
II. Oh, no! I n.'iiru 1011, 1 kIiiiII not.
re toil, 1 kiiiiii 1.01.
I,., .. ' . .
Ihey her.iarrang.iifiiitl.-rKK..astoin..l
at., rluin phi..', al ..-rlnii times, nn-l thus
foil all the atl. nipt... il. --hi folk.)
sCr.i: Ith H. ami Susan hue .lo
pt.l, in. I tlio 1. Id in in t ikis after tin in 011
hnr.i b 11 k, b in mg tin- old I nl) in a .eriou.
til of irjiiii!, mix. il will, .'xihinmtioiis of
'Oh H11 in' rutin tl'" Old 111 in ntiirti.
1 .1 1 itin in llm run in n ji. .niit.a it 1.. . I.ei.l .ii
"'0(s."w I. I'M" ."III "Hi I1IIW llll-l HUH
... ,' ., ,
ii.'i.l tot'et uiirri'.l. All is nmle tin
th.j git luilfof thiteluuu also, and hie
with the old folk ns long as thej pl ne.
Ml II! A I..
New r court an Ongouian los will, anj
Initio of Mien uiiIiks the mother or
friend am opposed lojou (Ih cause tlwon't
win), nml not then in their pres. nc.i (Ik--c.Hl.e
thej ntiu't p. null ll,
1 JTha iinti-Maiin Law men ef llerlford are
linn in the fnilh Hint eluet tippling haa h-el, mil
I iwed, lit Ah. Iiul.e ,i juora should h- euld iu that
city far medicinal, .in . hnntriil t.r kucraineiilnl pur
io-r Wt art, for a uoud r, for om t in trrnrd
with lltetii, tin I hoM, they may euct et.1 We
.Inn'! hehete In allh. iinluflry ur ra.igioi, wmild atif.
far one jot from Ihe t ninplelt haniehiiiani, ur i vrn
1 ' l. nf .e..nl V J r.f.le
Kehiy Mi i.k tlnAvts. In tmiHi ipitncj
of Ihc iiianj itudilun deaths iu I'lnlmh-lnhii
iiinoli1.' the poor, during the hot w.-.ithcr, the
eemct.rics wheru thej are ii'inllj buried
linsp resorted to the plan of keeping rcailv
mail., "j.ivn for Kale. The Hulhlin my,
"l, "ollu "" '''cul1111 '" tllC UllllaUal lie-
- i.ucn morning; inr au4riniena.ni ef tnt ei
llicur pular crmrtiriia coum a grave Ufectla
drplh to lie diictaklnK can to have It length and
wi.llh aufficicntly ample lo admit a coffin of Uvt
largrat dinieiihioua Th naftin of the firat appli.
cant for a.lniiaaion into the Rleemjr irrepude la
placid at Hie iK.ltotn of llir pit. and aaligiil com
j iiifr of earth la placed ever 11, the neitconuriopla-
. Ail ma lhal Iaii Al IliA flp.aifl.Baiall. Aa aaIIT- .
oiimil urt m fiv teBtWi .
I lopmo.l 01 wlncli m lire rat rrom Ilia aurfaceof
the ground. Tin- mill, n then llin.wn In an.l ih
oprnini; mound u all that la left to tell of llir .pol
Hhrre Hie poor, and well r.igh fn.ndltu lapo.."
-, Hept, lllh, IBM.
Ma KniToai Drar Sir: Tune liai at Ian
proved thai we have onl) one decent paper Id Or
egon. Any 11) wlm haa lately ieruaed Ibe
Tnnea, Slandar.l, aid elhera In the Terutery, but
ih... ...Mr.alli. will .1 .n.i. rnm. .a .... i.a..Ii.
oll ,iat Iraah, lie.,liel, nndobaeemly are tobe
iheord.r of the day' I had been thinking of
a.n.hn? aeveralef my fnen.la in IlieHlalea an Or-
egon iumwral.r paper, bin in.it i not on hi-rt,
nud aa I ihalike the 'IregoDian" I have trscall en
)uu I.i a. ml Ihe StecInlor tolhe following five ad
,lreaM, for winch I will call nn.l ultlo in few
I haie thr liouor t-. remain Yurv,
iry Id apeclfully,
'111! IS .MUICNRY.
P rl 1 am a df.i.v. rat and an Am. n, aa. aad
Khali work for mi . onntry aa lout aa lire 1a .pared
me lml I mil not en ourag lurh 111 w .periaa I
I Mill.
We hope Mr. Mill will r. p. nt In in-
t In. 11 of. iilin-lj .b-iardiug th. j.iiirn ilnL
111. ntion. d b 1 i. th.j an- guilti of in-
1I1-. nil 11 -..in. Inn" I'.'liliir. cannot nl
w n. lo rnthl, ami in lb- pr-..ut in.tinee
lli.j 1 prohibit .iitill.ilt in.1 pit-
11 1 .1 . mr I i.ui 1 in . i in .on 1 . nnily of
..-lliuti- .-il-llr rlrni I. IV 1. lOrr.il.H
mi Hi. I Iii n; . rod llm. I., mi ..iI.k nail, of
tli-1 ill II ill n. I h 1- I. 11 .i' Mrtr.l .1 il In . .
prn-r lur ll . I i.lr iil.1 ...k h 1-I1 rn mepi away
l.l Hi. 1I10 .ri 1 r-l ill. I illirr w .- Iikrn H.rn
Hie IW.. . Ii l.llri 11..I I i.llt In li.atli,
h.r 11 kIiom.
I I Im l.eir
i.n.1. r km w a 1 .1.1. nl .1 11 . 1 1 . l-l II
Ine.l ooi.l r. rkn . Ill I. I. 1 - . 1 .- ul .1 I -. H
I. .Il.-t I i HJJ..I. .iwek- 1 llt.l.t . .riip
en ln- . .1. . 1 1. .1 . I. nl 11.1.
ll. 111 1 .. I. n j . 1.
,;..t. 1 1. .ir w .
lie r In ilieil ..1. . - .1 wr . ill
I rili .1. . 1
('In. ..... lu-l 11 k in
. 1 im ey , u 1 en.
u 11 1 11 -
1- ti a 1 ... t.
I. ..I .-III n.l .1. trp 1. .
I ll.r 11.) I in 11. i.r . .
.1 1- - -Iti no . . K
Im . l k.j.i.nu mint 1
11 -; Hi- in -li I
I-. I pi . a .
. l.l . f ;.'' .1
.1 Ol .l-....l
. I nig. litre
,11 It n.l
1 I.
t . 1 lit
. ( ,.l
. ii 1 e-
lr I mill 1. .0. ife -Ii 111 r .1 01 licl.un"
In Hn.ton.xi ..i".nui n.ii-.i il 4 i..utir latl-.r un
il. r wltal 11 ill .1 lit -lie lrM.rirr. li..l. tnuii c r
. utiDlali. r. " 1 111 Inkii g I.111. In lit. ilalioi-hnn.e,
11 hi. .Ii-i .vere I Hal Hie buo.eil aailer, hIio
gat. Hi. inline ol . rank Ik-.I e, ua. 111 fai I a fi
iimIk She uae .1,. mk.Iiii .talk punlnlueiia. dark
v.t, linen ii.at, glai,.l lap, red iterkenhtef, and
l.lii. eailor -liirl Mir .tiled that .he na etveii
lern )'.m . t eg. , laigli-h I.) h.llh, and ha I lieen
In .e.i lor Hie .ii-l reien I ear. ii then. In r a. t being
', . ., ,
...... ..... A. or. k.1.1 .he 1. artlllir br .lewtru ot
r,.rk -tn.pl. ,..i..n.lfilh.i
.mall aulir "Hie malliieaa nf lur re.l, and Ilia
Ion. of her toie. , would lead oni who had Ihe lea.t.
,, l0 ,u,p.t ihalahe waaa (finale She
J,, Mri i.,sn her ieaanfor doiimiiglh apptr
el ..fa mli,a)liig il una long l..ry She waa
o,i 1.1 , Day alter lo morrow morn
,ng hIhiiiI four o'il'K.k in the aflirnoon, aht-
lb' limn l.l III" 11 linn nf Miillb. with heel
in tin. bod- of hi leflMianil alocking, com-
... .it , r ...t
.1 ...1. ..!.. l.u -U...I ,. uln.r A lltMWI of aul-
Illtltl 'I "IT IIIW V. n.w - ..-
u(l(l 'C, lpnliil of th. inipiesl, mine to
l,j,f t. In nninil mi.- with il.alli. Ileleau-K
11 child iiml iiiite kiiiiiII wni-s to liicuru hit
lo.s liltimati-U.
. .'.-". , 7'., .....:...
' lit tt. r Ik- llm iJI in pnuimni.","""
,1 Ii , lb in a million pio at n king't ban
.in t. 1
I 'I h.-1. ariietl pig didn't I. am hi' letter", in
a d n.
. . ,, a
rin- 111. nl, hke the in-nrl iiixm ii J
I. . .' . ' ,.i t. ii.,,1.
ti r. 1. 1 mill nt lo r. mini, ipin-t, until it lim's
an opening.
tKrllie rtpt.t ft ml grows on Ihe roughest
wall. .
OtTll I ihe II wilt
Is i.f llm carriag
hat i om in first.
Ir- l I I... I...I.I. .1.. I ..l.l. r nt tl.A
iKittoiu, is fre.jiii ntly of more hcrncu than
Im Aho i slatioiied nl the top of it.
04rlhi- lurlle, though brought in at the
nrr. agate, taki the head of the table.
Tli.ilopalratvbirriern aUn the If"'-
llo who I. in. early gels the host hat.
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