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About Oregon spectator. (Oregon City, O.T. [i.e. Or.]) 1846-1855 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 16, 1854)
T OREGON SPECTATOR. C I- (iiMll)l(l('ll, CDII'Olt I'ltliritlKTott AND I'lllMl.ll .uiai.t, t.iiitri" I'm mis in tn atiii I.imi" I miu tiik iinirisT Wist h Hum mis. Tin m msnm (.urn t - - - - Iii.iimx, rii. i)! ri.i: ani m is aiack VOL. 7. OKtiUOX CITY, OUKCOX TKUKITOKY, SAjntDAY, SKITIiMHKK Hi, 18:. I. NO. no. BUSINESS CAHDS. i t. u (. HT'iukcttk. r urn Link a iiuli ani LATOURETTE& HOLLAND, Wktleialt ami Hrtnil llrnltrn in DRYOOODS. GROCERIES, CHOCKEKY, HOOTS, .SUM'S, Books, Stationery, bo., he, main itii err, uatuoi citit June D, 1854 IT) ' QE0. L. STORY & CO., wnoir.ALK aid RrTAii. tiKALra. it navus, . MEDICINES, PERFUMERY-, And ! y nrltrlo rcfitiMl.t to nuke 11 'iiiiiili-l- tusortiui'iit Iwr it "Di-uti More." 1 Two eluora akovo ( Aliemetli V Co I MAI1 STREI-T. IIIIFI.ON rlTV MAV 2(1. 'f I) OREGON HOUSE f J. V. MK.IIKVS. A. H. M'RINfjlR. 9 BIIK proprietor of ilie Oregon Hon , imllie M. ornrf uru an I tiiikm, Ongmi I'M), litTA refuted their Hume rutin I) tin M,nngj and now Hatter the iitneUm lliitt the) i Hn ufi onimodnt til traveling public, and their cit) IricndH, an writ a any Hotel m tin Teinlor) STtfoud turoimno latiou f r f-iiiiilua M ty W, IHW-I ) JNO. P. BROOKS, WHO. .SAIL AMI) Ill TAIL IIP. A I HI IN IIIIV . (IOOHS.UHOCERIES. VHOVtS. IU.S, fc , MAI A S1HKV.T I A rc lie ral aworlinsnt ksil iii, ol srlectrd guod. ( ,ihi iniili. Snt ., I." l-lt-v C, M CUE, nr.rm. ni:u.i:it i. now s, shoes AND LEATHER main sr iini. iiuiiii mii tii in i"nT ni hi i Ots(an ("us. N..v ."i Isll-l-lf GIBSON & MALONE, WiiMitii and Ki- r ii ).ihi in WINKS, UI'OltS, AI.K, A-.-., si ms sriii.i r, urn i.ii 1 1 t Apr IT --If H, Q. HIGHFIELD, v rcn i k r.u a n:v i:m:ii VAl MUM r. mKMiUS i m n1ch-K nud ( link el jjinl md npsimd n flmri tiMin jihI h irtuitf I W. WHITLOCK, Driller lit lr) aiMMt A. (rorrricv MAIN srilHT, linii.HN VT, All kind of pntJiii ! rtttiw I in ccli uige for (ood. aug Jl-J-lf KH r 41 I tl, kHt II M M'KIM , TIlMff imu ALLAN, M-KINLAY& CO,, l.rHIAI liiMlllllN Ml.lll IIArN I Ml IIVi ' i'' mill Hi hiil Ihiiliri in Dry Qoods Groterlf s Hardware. &c iiirpmCiit, iici-l I'l I ".l I .'Tif R, CAUFIELD, nr.M.i'.uis iin mi' itum i:nii:., II.MMiWAUi: AND I.L.V hl Ml Ml IKMilxl (Irr.f.ll ( ll N) 1 rin ki i1' I.M- I it M4I Fl HI T THE OFFICE OF JNO. B, PRESTON nll-r I'rrfch II 1 1 Ni-ill , I .1 I'll 11 1 M Oricnii ( iH. wIu-i I" i" tiiifi-il I' at-li-uil la .111 Im 1111 h it nn 1,1; 1.1 1, 111 1 11 I lav." in I ri 1 11 ()trLonl il,oi "i ll" , l-ll CHARLES POPE JR., w.'Wi.i1 . Ikmi ifi;. tinovr.n tn iiimion ion ," MiniiiM BOOKS, STATIONERY, &C , ipHHii . rn tli V '") M4IN TnrrT, OHH.iiN i ir T Jut) 1, ih-w-W) ur tiritM-Tin TiioMtp rrr, iiihm huh Jtui H Mfinn GEO. ABERNETHY & CO., (ll'lU'llll W llllM'SlIf .Mt'li'ii.iiiu, Ori'Uon ('Hi, O. T. Ancu.1 I'l, invi-ia- "ALLAN, LOWE k CO., lll'J I 1.A) ST , MN H1AIMIIVI1. ALLAN, K'umilY A I", UllUOK I ITI, O T AllguM .'". I"'' ' WM. C. DEMENT. DKALrn in I.ROCHtlFS Aj riinVWON. OrKan Cit X'w .". iM-l'W j a rarnTON J o'witiLl- ! u'uriLl- PRESTON, O'NEILL & CO Lv ITIIOI.hNAI r. alli Itr.llll. I'rrtini-, i. (I00l), (IROA Mills, I IIUMSIONS ? N1I IIAHIIWtlll, MamSlrrel, Orrfion Cili, drfcon Aiifi-t 'iO. IH.VI-'.'7 STOVES, h.hnoii ill MAIN It Tlllllll Oren'ii., May S, 1851-13 THE TITUS ANDRONICUS BOAUII I.) Iho wick ; ami un at. Mired it all limn, of His ii), Main sired Oca "ity. N 15, la?-.i.'" m I FI1NARD A GREEN. ' .., tl.i.u V " ml do vou mean? If he dins not learn to think for im If, M uor,, ul,d ehool is njual lo the ship's ,hesi)ssl,e woul, e ill her saere big brother rA person who bid r. sulci MWM hum r.n l!n 4mSi." SSLkt. ' ,, ST ?m mean I ,. t'for mo ' wrll as to raul lax.k. and reeeivo fads from ' ,,.,., llle He coi.siderc i sailor a gentle and keek me out. be gar. 1 1, id in.e.ided to nu. ,, the eo ,s, f Africa, was aaked if he bhiii'.ni, " MMUMiiT., , t I jou . iieantl, f- ' .ithom, he will nev. r bevome n-allv learned. Iim and a Imd.tum alubls r.nol worth) of , ,o,t,.i.,l. but ' could not I of de .l,,,,,,, lt ,,.,,,,1.' lo e.v.hzo tho na,,ve.- aKSHHU, .NKHniANMSE, I ,'' ,, , P' r Iwlv '., Whoevirheanlofn hoi ,r i.inife bv he . .,lco. Andaman who h.snotK.ii vord, and mor.ifv and rot is all de same as .e, , ,,r ,'. . p.,..,b.lit) of ,t mi. I he, Tw. .loom li-low ihr llo... Front .!!. '' ,"". '"' "fJ 'u'i. i ,u ,r ,,. ,r i,,, , .,. ,'lirm , w , ollt ,f fp,n.l, has no chmi lo r.sp.e von. in mv ilietmniire.' 'I h.v. known some negroes, thil thought s., Jim. "".TN.IMM3.f r"'D..Uh, ain't it fsavs Yankee. j.v.r) sihohr who has vet ap, red in the , ,,. 'Iho follow in Uughible ,,e ,. tl..of ,, Ik-or nn oith as a r "'' w . " 'Well. no. not . uu tfj , if. our 1 inguage. world b; ciim mi. i by .., ow ., , .lorls-l.v ,llinK k r.ol, out : . , f . , , , . . , ,,, ,, lIott E. MILWAIN, The,.he'llsi).'h.tdvo...eanC.i....d, P'rs. m H-nt.....--l.j I 1.p l 'l ' A- P " ; (" . ", Z X .1 1 ' n . Iv ,in.s,ed .'., oil. ml au'ompa ..nlig Island so ver) fit, that the' neigh- ur Till. COPPER ,e' W ver; w.l I., sa) iW once or twice. . raring us of he n .. In ne y In ,,, ,) ,s , k mu , , r . k .1 n . J me . U (,iu, , .m...iTii ;.-. wum is., hand ,,. You fi'ldv . '.'.'-don't forg. t. 'iiiIn. imi ( Win. our hi.ird ol n l.r.d.t.rv r ,,s ,. of w ,r. will, h.s I, ,t mi, a .. r r. ( ri;illllf ,.,;.,.,,, mim.i.u.' out of b.d. her .eta... iir.iK. i.n l.iart,in.lHCillll." , learmilg, or ot in. .s m mill .. nir. u iikp .o, n.l ,1 1,is ,,..U,i.e. , . , ,., : ., rof du.ks .,, 'i ri,M, ,,r , the aMus. Long If , AND TINWARE. "V.v.u,' ,,,. ,,,.' ton, loll.--.) st.amor r power ne .,, ,,,,.,. w no .,.,.. n... - r."'- - . . ,.. '-",,.,, .,,IC(. h r Ni:wsrri;iis .SultscnlifrMUliMiIn iutt jrnt pxprriMiHiiice tullir tiiitrnr. an rniiirrrd uh huIiiii to mnlinue tliur milci npiioii lffulh ntieM filer thr 1im imitminnci of thnr p.c ri, tlio piiMihIh r inn) cmiiIimul V imiiI tlieni until all arn arut art pin I II ulhcrilicrr in flmlor irfuxe In Inki llinr pa HinrmiiitliPpoHit llici or ntiirr plan IuwIikIi tin rc mm, hip) on m rrfprii mii c u u m -unr Ifiiiib-rrilh ri imiioi tmillicr tmtfHMiiliut in f .rniitii tli oil,liinr, an I tin injiiri" Mtit tu tlif fMrmer .hn rtn.n, tin j are lull riiiili!p Vltcuivti home In thy llcnrt. Oh, put uu 11 1101110 fur mylicarl. From tin" ioM,ilttrk mrM it w -nil lie ; Nt itrritt ci uM rer Impnrt A 1ii 1 , if Mwcro flulif-rt l l tliet ; Lot it ink 111 iIiiiip t u f 'i rift. I or the t ui that lit) loe rati ri , l.ikc n un li1 doi , in tli) hn mt II Mikn rrfup, tlifrclil it 1ip I liar r ainitl llin uuh (lie rlmun ufir, In 11 miiicIiiih ninl 1 1 ulmuii'l ; Wlierr ilioliulit 1 1 miu car 1 1 lrrnilliniti.r t-liil it lu-ti u- I nut) un uml I .a It jrotio, .otm j'1. n, lirri. nun iniiriHj,' fMiiutuuin at pl&) Urllrrt Uu 1 flul(.ri lit Ix-ami naui, Tilltlir) nl tlir Ittit f1a 1'ti etiH-d uIipm tli lulnract iM ( IhMm lli Ik jiri w itlt iti ilraf nuitf roiir, I rrt t mm hn im uiiliilni p lei, M t ll lup tti iIim tiiiwur-l jur I (Mm tin iix.k tin) ii uni;rr mil In iln f.tii ot limin iMlm ; 1 In ir otrulf n'ir in jh ni lln) Mi u1, ii I tiiwjir 1 in Ii inn uu ll 'A IN 11 II. 11I1 lo Id u. t. In -n n Ii tli 1 liiiiiiii'l nn po r h art nuil h -h 11 ili iliiixn 11 woMiVr ; 1 ii lik tin -4 ran liiitr no i;uiti .uIim nic fn in tin 1 , low , iiKir ; ta tli r-kii un Mili'in aiiilflinr, I Ii 1 lii u 1. 11 1; trh I ih r 1 un nM' un I in Ii rr I I 11 iit t mr it tli tiil 1 1. 11 liii I' a Ii .1111 111 ll. I trt. I . UN I i nn.l ur,t j;iii Ii Mm .un lhr..iiK)i lili 'lint, fur lliou an Uineuin'il uilt 1 rr at n m.Ii 11 M r 1 iiir.un luilli llo Iihtuuig4 Imi.lllr 111 1 1 l.i. v tin ilarkiurr. In. hili w rM 111 i "t lnr w "it llinc, nl "Mill Klamji lllill tliTi J II 1 mil 1. 1 I I 1 ir llo w It ii lit' Murium ihi: I itr ,1 gin Im m. an I j , ll,.. ti I luii! "O b' Ml MJ in. I h il thin, .n ii an mm Ii Mitim i n.'l' v I ., In r li i.i inn nl mi II lrif, I l.r unh Mll.liiiir an, I r-li I !,. ill. miiiii ii I 1 1 r a l . ui:h .it" iMr. u u to p h il i xiii ciii-.1i 1 w i fin ri ,1 11 mii IMi'll'll-N. ATi OIT-IIHUl A klilU MIIIIIMI IIRN inu oli ju-t fnlluM mi ni r now t iki i Ji it r. II n tu tin I. .! I . .ii , ii.iw I IIl'Ui' oiitin -nrvl " I'll , mi' till I I 1 Ul'l MlUt Mn.h t. 1 n I I In gii UiM miM) l In .I'llur I tu Ntov ii-, liul'l tip lioih Mnir li iii1h In'li iUii iiur In i'l, mi , now sm ir ' ui ir ' li in't ili w ittMniin- ii,;iii m n liiioti Ar Mm m Aim rn in f 'Am I 1 im't notion' i lt Kuiil r i Hill ' V ill oii M.W h wmr mmiir V Will I.' t, Mr.'till wiliniftiMH hi liorn, 'Hull oniir tllllt lull Mill Ann ru m IjIi, tin Mars uml Mripcs, iucr nitl i In wcnU, I'ourlli ol JllU and llunkir Hill '.' ililluCa III llio i M-llcd laiikce. I rimt'r. It, (Wild, good ase(;il' oiiil tin.' lnlliii.rou III III. 'Now, cir, )oU aro oiu' ol I tit, M'U nri' a Know Nothing.1 ! 'Vi'oil doli'l-U mi!' I ".is, mi ; now wi' ll im'soiiiii iilM-lcnous miTT-ind I'ounti rsins, li wliuli )ou can Itll a l.roilnr ol tin- mhhIj. Wlnn jou MM' i man looking .it jou utth hi-s rittliti yo hut. Ins hands in Ina taiiks'ti'. and a ciu'ar ' Omii'ii In- las smoaiiij; ill tlio h ft side of lii mouth, ii l") l'0" "'' ft Know-No- .i i ' I 'I'll u' I 'Wi'lf, thou, ou ko towards Imu and i-hut iinrl.ft.M', '! Mu' M.ur tliuinl., of i... i. o I".'... I ii In.'lniis ' 'Ililir ' Yes if In if be is really one of ' .. . ,. , ...II.. .... I. ........ n.. .ill. till,,,, lll'lll. II III- II, 1 -. ,U ,111- lllli.llll. I . I ll'il .I 111' 11(111. .,., ,1,.IS1I1I1..III-L1I. ..".."-'-.v.--'-" .......... ..-......, . "Nibs cuv. hows ntlisr louili.iinp iiisn.i. ... ............ .-... - -ins ... o ..- ' Sinilh aekiiow.iL'ed the gin. anil III retutn , ,roul .ose tip, shut the right.),., grasp or twentv J.ars. lullj prov. s .1, ,t .tud. n. . ,v he is the king, "'".,. f, 'i,' ,.,,,, In.f . 1 1- Cat, lung (in en ftj-Mr.. I' .1 joung in ad p . jour left for. rtng. , along who ,k r.orn. the most .... I ils-r tor lb. ... -W. Il, king or no king. r. torled the lirst. ' -'' ,, ,, ,, w rtU 0(lt he.rt Ileolv irnosp so. Ilo'll llii'.i upiuid t, II s.lve.. and not ll...... who n tr the .U.V , . ,.,, rlv .log. f,',V o ... the eatara.l of uiustird to drw t ,,, 1Z. Tl! number of prof.s.ors in ike llie strong.-! .,.l.h. reshould heham ... uiuers ..- fl I. , e' infortnilion, and she sajaiheha. '"l will How y f.llows in .hi, md most valuable ,. . A I ,rg. I.brirv is ,,,, .,j,k '1 esn. v.r oul ot sigh. ... 1 ...d ' J a J0iw,l;:j;til0l STwr. ,, r know., a .'..lure where .bu-deicw !.. I,-.... ioiii..dlhissiHi.t I' uiothir I uilil) m. dm it.on, win, hbv abuse ,his lite ',. Yluik P ' I' "tn! liundnd' uiirl" .ler.bolr vou I lo doiuiurv to ludeul. grc ,1 .,,, will -l k bi e , I, oil ci be, ... f 1 I. - T - ... a . I...I.... ,,i .1 iii.iri.iiin is.niiini ill, I ill irn l.. ,. ,1 i. ih,i Miinir.ii I i . a r muti-tn inciiiln.r; ii' riiimtr tin jn a- tt iiti till lit Itu ijiiii ixi . llU lit Mill nit I w 14 uIim of tin in. 'lt iU i m Milling nut, Mr. o,lMr llio oiti oti Mt ir li tln- i' ( t Itlll" n luifitirk.) What,;! li.toi.julv!' ' Yl, It tnnls like njllk. 'jilt It alll'l, itV 11 t . . . 1 .1 put uur fun lin '1 r un oiir noi', nlui t mii' jo. mii ir 111'Mr In n.i il tin' iint, so lie Ip oiir Itiflf-iiPiiilimo I i ! Now, to- iinjlit'tliiTtf wiIIIm-airowil niar tin il pot, nlioiit ilnrk ; wlnn tlu iruwil iiintis juii liilli. ; tli( will laki' Mill tu tin' Mint rliniulii r, win n Mill Mill li.iru 1. irtit tilnr. l't'tl' HCmil,' 'Kit, )os'atiil Nutinof; left. He Ii ul Jiit got miu tin' Mriit, win 11 a urit.ilili' ii;ii Hat Ins ijf, Alon-li(j-li il, iluuMi -tiitiil A-llow, with liut niiu 1 u 111 lii In ml, "touilipiii iruiiml witli liuiuU 111 lu liri'filim. C11 cum Nulling, uliutR In-, ou-, ami )ki ln-t tliunili liitwun ln inul ir. 'I In- in in witli tin ilui ili )n look. 11I il t'Lr- Willi tin ntlicr, ami l tin- twicli in of lii lip mi inul to l' ptaking, or ilo in nuHKllnnuliko il, niw inll. 'Nix a wcnl in cull) " a Ntilinrp, ail- iiiii ni'. 'What ni)alkr tliumler d')C nuan I sa) ' ai tlio 0110 tvcil man. 'NiIm st( hi inlx, cullr, liowV tnbt I' (ontinunl Nutuiog, adtaiirin, and placing Ins Iiiiit ujHiti Ins Ion;,', kliirp tiosi. and Cr ililmif! nl tin alnnir, wlm, inUtriiHlinj; tin imii' im ant ii'ipiud, driniuir, and lult in m li j 'miuIi paw' 1 1 1 fit nulling doulili'd up and wont down 'ill in n In ip rnliiff ' "(3ol d irn oii, ain't jon one of Vm I Wlij didn't juii saj n'.' Inwl Nutnicc, trmtliiie li.'o tin- liotil to filial tin' I'luti'-i-or of Know NntliiinjHin.aiid hi ttln ln hittli' Hut IWi m-l'i to lorn Ii id -mliK nl lift lor .irts tinkniiwn' Nuttint! 1it ln loiikinn lor lMf lor i-oiiiu tunc. J'nuJld llltvlr. tVnilonnl Cluirarluritlo. Ilir won Ifrfulrlantirit) of the Ampriciiinnonf of thnr nnMiiint IrnilH that m mucli dwelt upon Then ma gulta jwehu plmlnlit) nflinpoa lion, and ttni rr nkirli preti ntn tlum from brincant il wn nml dii ouniEnl liitr great mi) I thf intn fortunpx ami irte lo winch the) nn culijri,f 1 The nrir iuakiaLfnntloM without oonxidfralilQ gain; the) Mom full a lire at ilietance without huunrniR up hi n correntliii(j prujturtion Like llliuher, they never know the) tin heaten, luit ri-x. after e.r) tlefint, limienr h rnlem it iim e em t nlhern, mill (ijiht ftii an if nothuii; had Imp eneil Head Ih hten of our prominent men, and nlmem lnm great i w nety of fjrluin man) nf ' jImmIav' ! nce' 'f l'0,rck Huit) had leen able i rwillinj to pa) a Iit.le im n attention to lu huHiuew, when he kept ft m ill groci r , hn tli pnnjht hae Mipxirteil lum,aiidhiiiauic luve ntntiinl unknown to fame (Jen (I'retn muld ii l r mnrili hm aMe fur iKtokn an I hi milt-it) arbor with In-t Iain n at the forge co In liull.d h! luither it j toii aii I rpiiker'i coat, hi 1 ndieii to hi uiitu wife and intiMid in a proate no'dier A , buiiil it? "" i f tin tnli tie nil 1 u I in tide lb ger . 1m riMin ii Hguer f tli' llerlnrutiou I Iiulepend anal Vlillll I till it llaPMr alault ll M llllML ulllll Ii'm ' " ' I. khI h alia.l Imu nftap u nn rAilmiialiinir liniiuinil .. a -"i 1 .I.- i.i . - -'---- t Ihe great and learned nf tin oil world li) limp"" rrn ai u hiiguint, ai d tin extent of lux learning Ji hn Neitl an I Jo'iu l'ierp'iit, no dislin.'ii flicil an l etii anil pone write n. were onri together in the dr) giKklii huoiiiewi Altar two f ulure, one wn drten to the rungnrine an 1 uewvpiper, nud the I other went lolheptpit l.en tn.tor three rever- kih in buiiiuM were necenar) to develop tlieieri if-fir tut worll-renoumd lnluitoi Itarnum Some diolinuuhe 1 preaiturK hive run the gauntlet nf orcujut urn I cfore tin.) beiame nun iiern nf the tiortpel The) hae leen, perlnpn, nhneunki r' t ml I tliPH"''"' r I(M1 leachern, hone jorke)N,and what il triPCS, ami )l btfow the) reached the putpit Their ined epnenie ban enabled Idem to enrr) lothi pro frwiou of llu" iuinli) a practical kiwlili;i i.f liu '"" l". which mal Ihfir.prMi.liiiir', if llu) haituliiit,T.r) rtrciliri Cciiih lailn niullinli. Hi. loo, a triij adaption if. lo rircum Maiiica, olni.! miMr tlifjito ltn afTniili llinr nM clitlira lintanccsof (his km I iiilliroldis.un- mra, aro th. noplioui, in lliia coiinlr) Ihr) an ihnnuY VHolar. No ono c in ho tu idu a xi ; aliuo-l all ; lom e in innkv tlii'nii'li'SM.liohn. l ilfr kihiiij: in uliinca do not appl) to tlu . ulal woild in (III' aimc hpiim' as to tho phj-iL'il. It is not anionj; ist hhnnos, Mifroiind.'d h num. roits ti-.tili.-rs -iiid pro- fnAsori, that ptodip.a.if iMriiiiiK an pro- 'diHid. Ill' l.i rsnii who in Miulh Ii arns to i eruse his own powers ot mind, is sure to' - 1 urn mil a seholu, and a us. ml priel .e l... 1.. . . .. il... ...t.l.ll I... lypuiiilty it tiiKu Ham mis read or, i Moil goon s.noiiror .iihi I II M i.iii. Jli iimj liin in"' in fH nf in 1I1 n 1I1 ml In uu, hut lit! i tin pom r to nu tliiMti, 1 1 tlnrfur littiivtt nr lii Mlnw in in. Hit 1111111I it 11 tnorir hihiliiT-N ml, ami Iiinim uiti Hi itu il inior-Vi lit ink in (In- Ii, iiiliful mill InrimiiiiniK triVlinn imuinl linn. DIkiiII Dot! II. I So. V, T. (uritoH J. I. W, o I tiIitii. tt hr.5 in hi, of 1I1 tli l In Hriii", ' mI" " prt.u liiu, tn nit l MiiMtnc to vt' 'llittirliniu-: a -li'lit nii.rnprii t mi '" -l'""1 iiMiiii:riji.iiiin iiuiiii iiih'iii Iioirtil lollnow linn oil tin trull. lie had, miiiiu u.iis a'o, ill i.iiiuii.tioii nitli liia i.iilor-itP,n mii ill ciuiirnpatiuii iii tlie rnuntrx, to wliom Im prt'.iclud siini - nuiaioliim, nin prnaic iioum'. 1 lie inci dent In ro recorded Inppenril nt thin place-, when a am ill hut sell el audicucp Was lisUn- mi; to one' of T 'a realty mum iti d and Kcrinoiis, As the t.aih. r w.i.d warm, hi olisenul i-oiiio imatirious in. i limit anions the fe rn do gender, which nttr.icted Ins alti ution .... r.,ii il... . ...,. i ....... . u.. . t. iimn Hum iiiv im iiiiuu. it uit; muru on trtnlile, until lio d.cou red il,,. liosl. - col- '... li rllli.r .oltln live ll COIN lllmli n hIkui I. n.,1 lireimrinir to mircli with tlicui to nn admin- nir rmnii. h wna InU, in llio Hfiprnoon nml h) noiiiu i Icrical instinct lie thought the old woman was nholit to prepare Ills aujiper. He i. .uh In't sl.liid that. 'Slop, M-ti r, Rlop,' Rind he, 'I shall not re tiiiiu lo supper, and uu n.ed not truuhlv joursill to pripire ail) for me.' 'I 'ini't njmi'to,' ml the old I id) in re pl, 'thir'an woiinnherp (,'ot tho coin , and we-'re just Iniili' aotnc )arln for her.' I w isn't there ju-t at that tunc, but I louldn't dieoi.r .hi) dillieult) hi IhIi.hiil; lint ill tin' hltreli was cr) iipei'dity liken out of that sermon. I.fftTtaof StroiiK llliillnp; Mrs. Ho.' in Hid herhushaiid wrrp m Mh.r ol tin m ucr loin I of work. The) "no per f. ill) Milliner to liielipou the g. tieroMt) ol their lit ighlajra, whieh the) Were h) no nn ails ird in soluitino. One il i Mr. Ilnnn dropped into Mm. Karnh mi's, her tu t door miahhor, just n the f.itnd) were Mttuij; down to their Men in nii'd. Ol course she wis invited to sit down to Vniir tei'a ery ("ood,' unidalie; 'I do wish oor lloili wis here. He'sur) fond ot ti i, I. ill w.'re un poor and i.m't nlloiil to !.'i t it it's so j.eiiii'.' Tin. hint wnsionsuli rod rath, r a strong on. . o Mr. I'linih uu li mded Mrs Ilo-'an, jiit is he w.i. o.iiiil', a pound pircil. ' 1 Innh )ou, sin! Mrs. llugm,'! un erl nl to p t the tea, hut 't nut of much u-e Willi out milk.' A ipi.irt of milk was lou-igiied lo her eh irje 'Wi 11,' said she, 'now if we had .onto mi gir, we should In' proiid.d.' Mrs. r.iriiliiuiproeiired.iioundniidgie it to her. 'Now,' Mid Mrs. Ilogin, 'we h ill slain! .lehiiiiceot haling a oood cup of tea. 'I here is nothing n Indus with lot like apple-pie, a Mr. Hog.ui ofli n sas.' The hint was Mriing enough to ilriw out the artule dt.irod. 'After all,' Mid Mrs. Hogm, is shu took the tue into her hand., 'Pie ain't pic tinl.s. n iiKr, nni; a laidi Ins a hit of good ehe'e'e to eit with .and dej git moeleir.' their stratagem, of ripine, and their lidehty it.' ' I 'i Ih,' we don't wish them lo swnr ; wn to tl e gimg. 'J ho liar, and only the liar, is. It wis inio..ihleto resi.t such an ip il I wmt tin in togin'secuiuv for jmir appeir- iuuriibty and universally despised, nban as this. An ample sheo having 1k.ii pluid 'ati.e it court. You jou stole the doned nfid disowned, he has no domestic hi lur isisx-ssion, she paused a inonh;tit, as or.liiro), and I'icre' isno oeeeion for nni- .oii.o!ilions v hich ho can opsc to tho if lotisidi ring vvluthi r Oiere was not auuu- ludr to sw.'.r it.' .n.uresof minkind; he can reliro to no thin ' elsp she might 'dl for. Failing to ' ' iw,)ou liml I nicht 1.11 in) lie; 'huh- friicrml) whtre his crimes ma) stand in I Iniili of niij tiling, she w.n about toimjieoll in in never do nothing dit he ish ifraid tu pi ice of '. ulue, but lie is given up to tho win ii a lucky thought sti ucl. her. d.ll Yaw, I did steal der Mull', but I as of the multitude, without frieud and 'These things i,n' ir) hem),' said she, going lo steal d.r uioni-li to bny for it.' I without apologist, 'andlnin't sostiong as I n.ed tobn whi'ii 1 1 ,,.".. 7. "ai.7". ' , ,1 , .", TZ - wisvoung. 1 don't know as 1 can get, Oaio Ulmllie allien. , fcrTho Kiv. Dr. Maniii, ol N. V. na.,. i Ji r I 'Ah, lliou dieii: mon dien " faiil Moii.ier ing iii Ilroa.lwi), slpp.d to read a tlieit- Mrs Tamil mi voliinleered to send In r Mi 1. mots to his friend Sniflm, 'mv sweet- rieal jlieird whieh attrictnl his attention, si'i.loiiiiloiarrv a nirt ot the nrtu'les. in hurt hi. Ltivomede iiiltteti. Cooper, the tragedian, coming along, nid lo . n. . ..i... i, tin' It..,.!,, uiiliuiii the I. .'est In million. Win n .lolin h id I md- i i... i... i n luiiir-.l il.-.i .1...M ir,,t .mill' wood she viuuld like to have luni in. io. i, -. -(, ."." . splil, but .lohn didn't believe hi hints, and kit without t .kin 'it. I...L..IJ,.,,.. It ,s no liction to c dl a real s ulor 'a son of th...e..m.' Iho ueaaii is his home, and beisiVvir so lni.irt its when he is swiii' in,' mi mip vnrd arm in nL'de of wind, or i. siUmg uitiUr the tie of the longlmil eh ill I.,, mini nf uh' lid. Iroin ..lie i In ek In , tin r, Tiud spiiiniug long v im. for llu '"" iihliealion ol li s sinpin ms nuns i.inn . iooi m n. in is sun. ,ii . l.i ., il. ., mil inn... iii . inv mil mv iiii.i i.ul u ll. .". the) llnnk tin iv r unlaid) e-quil to ii n ultir. Aim J iok woiii.i light a wiiui.' iinuie nt Iiii'1-Nnn to ilofi ml 'i limllur tar ir. 11, 'mil In' ililliiull). In rliiHiii"t Id' mil nut hliipto i-lv tin- nitiiri' of til tmr to Irirn lio H n 'lit. II miiil In-ill fiinli'il, at auv rili'. 'lln' triit-i "in 1.-ill. r. IK'lui .1 1 ni'Miil j;i in rum In uil.mi r nul to re - 1 1.1-.....1 1 r.- 1 11' v iii r, wiiinnii ii'rhinj nir ic'i.ii'i."- lli nimn cumin Inul, htit it h-h IrotK. uot lilt'tho Milor. Itllilc mill Crndi Ohaorintioiia. N'miuof us like tin crjniK of aiiotln r pir- oil's I.1I1J. No 111 III knows win II 111 fill's to liw, r. ,li Itlitl lin.i.ll lit. 11 lutiit, .. .nitiiiL'oiit of it. 1 ' ,, ,,, i . , , , , , . II Ml, III I.IKI I. 111,11,111. Ill 1,111 ITI' 1S", 1, 1 ll 11 tic 11111111I tliirn would Ih' for liliuiU. Win n i in in lis hi'c'i 'drinkiiiK hki' 'i fisi,'it i'tliua ilinuii'nlMiijH th it is to Id inn' for It. 'I In truth, with 'London I'urr Milk.'hws (iTtainli nt lliu lioltom of null. Vi'.us'in tin. iiul.'sti'iio wlii. h ti 11 us tin- 1 , i . , , , , , i( , ,l" l,,co WP ''."r "'l.'HlT.irl that Villi, 11 ,1 Hi.,,,. I lli.ilil i ' . C'Wcr? ilimi was hid for a lotij! lime, tin- t" It wm diseoicrcd III H lino of filliortn. Niiiio persons ar-.ond of 'oK.,.in thoir nda'toit,asifitwasad.rtj-lmu. I..K i,,U tn 1.1 jouMctha foul Ihino, ,,"i J i an drop out ot if. ompii,wiu.iiiie) talk ot goon igurc must iiic-iu tin! licuro H, for th it is thu ti uro is the must pulled in at llio mid dip. The dis.ipatioin Hint persons n sort lo chinli.' (in .mother oeui-ion, 'I do not to drown euro, are like the curl mis tli it . Inl u:oi ili w ills ot si pir-ilmn l.ctwci ndifler dren in bed pull around them toKn pout the Ln onli ot Chri.liuiR tu hndistroved, but dirk. onh Im,. nil, tint Wi mi) shako hands a The bre id of repent nice we eat, is oft, n ! httli easier over them.' niiiili' ol Die w.ia oit wo sow in our oulli. Dutch IhlulUli. J nob I'i ler, a middle ag.d ;i ntl'linn i f reiilom. origin, his apiurel well incriisted with dr) mud, and Ins li it looking 111. .-. eol lipsed sti iiiilinit clmder, with the top blown oil', w is biouglit up on a compl lint of striliiiga pnei' of eordur), valued at fcien dull ir. The Mi or asked him if he understood 'Yaw, I tilks him foorsl rate.' 'Do )..ii know what steal means I' 'Vni. him is iron vol is made bird.' Vi s, th it is on.' kind ol .trel but Hot tho irei iim ooi uiu one I un in. l;u loll uml. rstanel this .. . . ... i ..... . ii ,i , i, , now i on.-ion lo .. ii in.1 eoiiiiiiui i J . . .I . . i roi 1'ei.itisi' nunc breeches las inch gci t lo .... ... -i.- 1. 1 . ii p. ....,.... , 'Does, it Iahe30 infos ou a p-nr of brPichen:' ' iw, lor S'hiieider iiiu.l lor eablinge, and todder lots left might do for hum Mow whin I gets m irried. It would in ike her a good coit. j 'I see) oil are a mm of fun sight, but do miu not know tint this wai ofgitling the. breeches and co it is against the I in ?' 'I don't eire for de liw. I'ae a Tiuh- nun. 'llaiejou am friends who will go bail for urn .'' I 'illeiit) of friends, and more d in I s'pose j Da. ,lolisos on Liins. I'un the rob ou liaie )ourclf. Dej coiup md d.) wilt Jkt and the nit throit h lie their followers, '.eh wear amting. Dei sihwcar tr I .i. who r.dmiro their .idilrcx and intrepidity, ' -bow did th it happen! ' ell, 1 toil 'lit 1 must go tn in ike h. r on visi.t la fori' I leive town; so I -tip mile , , , ..,.i i i.. 1...1.1 1... i.. .... sine ol ne luiuii, ami mo.-i i" nui'i nci uvuu- tiful pairon stretch out on von lai). 'liuiige, von m. an.' 'Ah, tii von lounge. And den I in ike ........!. ... ,.u o... -You mean bow .' ' I 'Ah, je.-voii 1-ough. And deli I . w i. v.rsure-1'o imu liwc her Ik fore I '..n said whit I' 'I s ml she would lie rolti n , lf-' 'I hit's- .iioiigh. ton lino put )0ur A Mluht .nivlnk". IIhti'V 1 imihI lnr mil 1 true mii' Mitli nl, nlitiio tn Mr. (iill, lune a n mrlcr (oh al, n liiio tn ,ir. tun, lutii! 11 riiiricr tun tin- 'llnitiiii Potl,' ntnl wi'll SiiKiutt anfol- liiwnfiiiliiiili h'tt.' Ilc nn 'iirtiiii;t(lin-y in r pniiin llio 7'itli Aniiiii mrj oftlioi D utlo uf llunki r Hill, 'llio dinner was n 1 k.I. iiilnl all nr, in.l .'un 1..K uu tcry pat !....,:. :. 11 ..1. (Jill, win 11 tln (citcmont wm n. nuin. hulling point, whispered to i, one of those gititleiin n who are iiIwms 'hapfy' in rpfrch-nnking, that his fuller was engaged in tliu ImuIo. of Hunker's Hill. 'Hie orator aro..'. maile n lnlh nit sp.'icli, alluded to lull's fither, and (nil hi the higLcRt lerm, in. I prop.... .1 (nil's heillli. which was drunk with the usual honors, iwl Mie or tw o more. Then' luwUioulsof 'Cill, 'dill,' and he mule a sp. irh, relumed thanks in llio usual m mii. r, and ml : 'Hut in) leiruul frii ml mnitfid ono fact, an iinHirt'iut fut, of wlm h he might lime hi i :. unaw ire. Mv f ilher 'ins in the battle of lliuiker Hill, hut ho iilifortuu itel) fought mi lb.' llnli.h .de" TI i ie i, is if t .put.' so inuili i nlhusiisin ifu r Ih it, and dill h n not iinlulgi d in spec chts siuio. (WTIip I ilc Hi . llowlind Hill was ro ut irknhlc for his eicentric rebukes from tho pulpit. Ho oiicp R lid, on observing roiiio ptrsot. inter his eliap.l to aitid the rain ffT"' n 'f lih t miiwi to m ,,",t V ""V" ,'" 'T '''"J" tor i.i.kiiif; th. ir r. h 1 .tit 1 il mil lliink Ihr, o -irn I ersoui arc to oo ion a cloak ; l.ut 1 do not think tho e are much better, who in i'.i' it .in umbrella!' Again, after ',w:.i,1.,liu.itioiiiiiouslcllerifroiiiiomn of his (oiigregalioti, 'If ) on wish me to rend, lour nuoimiioiis letters, )ou must enclose 'a liu iKiuiii! nolo in them for tome eooil CiCrTiilIn r. was Washington tho fathur of this country, just the miiio as jnu'rc my fither '' iii.pifrtd a little curl) headed ur chin of some Iiip iinnuers. ' I het call him the f ithor of this country, nit de ir.' ''Well was his wife tho inothor of till couutr) I' h) do )oii ask, soiim 1' 'Cnu'so I luird jou siy Uuglatiil nai tho mother rouutri.' Was Washington over inarm d to Engliud I was he, father iv, tell me '.' Wh if put lint into imir head.1" Cause if Kngl' )our mother, )Our . . i ,i , ,- . ii " .i uirii ii i..i.,,,.,,.',ii,i,,ii:i.i:i..iii,'w.iiii " . . ., : . . . ,, w cm u. ii inn iiiieieoini was la s,ou. eon saio. I'.uoiinn i oainin o . - .,.- ., , ,. , . i 'Kr.ti ri, ii flint 1ml Ins Hlintifr.ini liut ' n" "" J II I lllll t be.ll. .. ,..,.,. y- O0"ll ue ) on hnrd, Hill, that there wan ' t( h gr.iph di.. itch from N. Y. to night, ,inl s,r ), 1-V.uikliii lidd been found f 'No. Is il true!' 'Ceil iiuli. Orinnel's hip found him.' 'Where did they find him I' 'Alje the i Innnel of course.' 'W hit wis ho doing i' 'I. tailing .t: liusl tho north-tiolo, and try ing to get up sti am lo thaw himself out. We left 'ueforo tho fight began. Imi i lioo.l iiinrning, sir ; do iinnisters of the go.pi I rum MH II tilings. i .Im.. ... ...! i .i... . i. ...... i. .,:.,:. i... n ns not, sir i mm iih-hwhiii ......ww.. 'Wh of the gospel have a fight to know what tuo id. vil is about as well aaothi r filk.' , OCT" ,ovo Its lino riivme its naiuranv aa I" "do a Pod - in f .et, '''"'' ! in U "uld be like pods williou pcas.orm '"'' "" "" " ' row fit. (KrA v ii mt iiiind iuvitis dunrerous in miles, a. i d. sirud inutision tiiupti w an il, ring nuti wis to int.r and lake up their nlo'lc in its .(..olite ipirtmiiits.