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About Oregon spectator. (Oregon City, O.T. [i.e. Or.]) 1846-1855 | View Entire Issue (June 23, 1854)
ptsTttssi OREGON SPECTATM. c. u coowticir, r.Diroii, ruoruiKToit and i-iiintku.).. "Tll soitatio or TiioiaiiT thk SKini-ima or Wisdom." .. Ti:nK iii: hom.aiis n:i: a.m'm-in aiivanu.. NO. VX VOL. 7. OREGON CITY, OREGON TERRITORY, FRIDAY, JUNK 23, 18M. i-f TUB OREGON SPECTATOR: A WEKKI.Y .NKWaPArKII, eitvoTto to Tim mobsl, iociai., MTriuiu, ro. LITICAL AND AUSHTI.TI... INTKStSTS OF Till rtorLK or osicuon. rUiihi) every Kriilny etening Oflico in Cood' building, Main Street, OngonCily. TERMS i INVARIAttLY IN ADVANCE. One copy, per nimiini 8"' 00 " for ai mouth 9:1 00 HATES OF ADVEIlTlSISd. One ure (13 huei ir lees) one iiuxrlion, 9'1 00 two insertions, g4 U0 For every additional insertion 81 00 1'rufeM.mal and lluniirM 'ard., of lOhueaor, ra, 8-' Pr annimi. A liberal dr.liulioii made to yiarlt udverliaers. ' '., ""IS.' .. ' Z"Z ZZZ iT " . M ' ; . . ! :... - .i...! .i.. IIBIHITU I'll 111" !! ,! .. t. . .... . .. ... ,. continued till forbid, and I'liarged accordingly. -n Kruftltlte W-liiliUliiStar, Thing I'iu Down On. Br mix MtiiM.r. IIW many, many tiling tlirr art, A tltMuh thm w..rl. n rt.wJ ,., AUir , annui-l, lttli iiiir uml far, Dfi'i.Ir.ll) wf lire .luwn n. Anil inuniitui li a frrrflMii hrr OfiK-.-. It tmiT rxtrli.ksl, v I h nt wliul I Inm- tticuy Nuniit will p. f.riiilil. Hut ifi'MiM the U-a it tibiK on, If I niir rtriiNfliuIl Iriiitiplo Why, f.n iiUiiil- uii tip llir mrti HrttMiif ii yl rxiiinpV. rr niHii) , imum) tliiuir llif rr uri. A llirtiil tin wrM f en-wil on, Abir, uniuini, b li itrur nint fnr, I)f, nU'illy ftp're ilttwn iii. 1iii !" ii ii lmrrr knuiihli mm Who think it mitart unl fumi) To Int. Ht-mintn c'l'iu" !'. AikI 'Mtt" him f'r lii ttiMiiry. No wonilfr thnt tin uutitr kw'uiiii l)i-lnit ilinw fmy w.llir, (r ilvarly lr thru rural .nitnm, AikI "ilanin llir ium1 titira." l'liMU'Wiion HMiif rvliiiHw mm TlioMt Infill i-ihiirt-Myliinl, ANt'iMii-te nil olhiT . tM Arr mii ful Htfllifiiiuhtiil. N iiLitirr wli-il jour (rliif iirf, lloii rftfur.l tiikm liulitl, o l)r ili'.il'n if't miIj iIm ihi, Aid ) Hftl h.intihlU. I'm ihmil oil iiMprilirii1l4l IH'll TIhim1 ftit "MihU fi'iMcr," Who vm k llif r ii"""' ""rntiillv At llll .Mil "(MtH till It'll " lit UlnoirN lrit llif) r-irut ill Mrifii, With rr!inu' unlul ll'tfhl). . A"llll llll HIT tllUl MTIII to Kll) 'll-r' e.iM-i joiini; IIM .iltiiu.'hi !" I'm ilowii on llnM Ktrnn-mm-li'il ilnmrn, (Twrrt wroiitf In i nil thin Who 'iiKititf lli mm hoiiM i rullr wlnat yuU Miir far than iiiir, Wilho'tM-U lilit.uihl hlh-Iini-lr.l Ht Th J iMiir from tln'ir h"U,( Ami lirmr)) i nnn llir tree I A Mir of ".in''kiii irowMTri, I'm ilown mi thnt h-Miitir rnrr. (I Murvr know Hl.iTf to Aiw rm) Whoiluily throitj; ihi Arimc While Wiiiurii!. IiuhN ciitaM- nn ; A 'iiiiium" iifkiii ru Ii iijit h, Thfir fi-el in cramjiiiiif Kitfn ; Thrir t rnliton are, imuiilly, Hut litih morfihiin haitkr I'm ilouii on mmi) other things Hut V no wuli to hrrt The patlemt) of ) our rvailer out, Nor ) et f iclte ) our ire Ilut one thing more ph af Irt me. aht, H'mvn I have lit thr tap-'r I'milownoii nil wlm haven't cknti Knouh to tuke a Nijrr ! Wanhintfton. ) i:., Mar.h 17. Dcitr Thrr irp Untidy. Utur theo uphnuil,., Htronu; heart on.ltrue, Mf-t thy wimh bravely, Ht rive withtheniJi-! Irt them not nitt from theo Tram of regret t liii h wire- a Hit from iher " llonufiir KHNl)et,, Nrr. thee, yet atmiwr, Reaoliil miiioV I. rare tm longer Heavily Kimlt Riat on thy tala Hlnga, (lorioimly, freely, Till from material tiling Fur thou khaltbr-! Hear ) uphraiely, Houl ami iniiiil tMi Drooi not urnilv, Kind heart uml true- 1'lear rnji of huriiiuK liht hhhir through the Knhm j (turn lon I U amiii bright I'.Vn r.'un.l llo- torn)'! OA person who undertakes to raise himself by scnndnlmng others, might as well sil down on a wheelbarrow and under tako to w li'-e himself. Till: WORKMEN. r mm. ratic o. OAUS. I Kite the worn hand, unJ tho holiest brnuied fate i If llis wear and tho bromc, come by earne.t frco toil ; I hate never jit tliciuiilit a wiled hirt a disgrace, If by ihccrful hard labor it Rathere-d the soil. Tito weather-worn farmer who brings me hi. store, Find, ever u wi-lcnine, as free nt my lsinrd, A. I'd give to a father or liruthrr, ami more I'm praud, for I feel that I'm dining a lord. flio ilieerfut mc-hanic who whl.lling eou.r, With Ida hammer and nails, til saw nd his planes, T.. .U the entei-,c or comfort uf home. , Oh how tan no thank him tuu muJi for hn JNlIlW, Ttie nhoemaktr Watmn St, CrnpiiiM oM nuiff, KhMii mkha.lhavieer a mile ami a ml, I'll j'-in In the ihoru ami help hhn alonff, Am my children .lance nmnil me t coily iliM. Our ilear working h'Mern; nh! whath"ull wi-Jo, If they in our luhorn ami loililM not harcf OurcomfortM ami plcaiurmiu life wouM be feu, If vMtman'n kln-l haml ilM not lighten iur care. lrr haml ihut Hrkt true be the trulo what it In aiding enrth'n rri In Home waj or other t Whenever je meet them on life'n fitful uay. Oh ! f.u I not to greet them it ninter or bnthe r. I Tm the In urt and the life make tin man afti-r all . Not till tir hiinort or Iioum- or land , ! And he who in iiolrnt, whattier beUU, In Ii' who ork lriil,uith luart, heal and j Imtid. That honor and fjine(h iiicht with rtlier and gold, In m. an i worth itm-ohl for who own It to-day, To iii"f row inn) 1 1 ud ihut bin ito,ak in all wild, And hitiiwMf but u 4ump of cunteniiblo i lay. I,k u when the drone of the hi.e flutter In thrir hroadiloth and ftilkn, though they Micenugl l1out)out They will have toai knowledge jolt mauler at lant, H-kmgttour hclpfor the nnI lite without Mill. A Lo.lng Heart. Swei ter thnn the wet lest llower, llrihier than the brightest eem, Ito In r fr than Florn's Ismir, Art i.r nature's tliB.Ieiii Fairer, .wrelir, I'nrer, ineeter, I. a kind and bit ink heart! W. ulili nm protealo) tarmsingt lleaut) '. charm, a world of light Put Aflei'tinnlaa blessing Fnuii u soul serene ainf bright t Kindr.l, purest, lle.t und surest, I. ii fmihfiil, luting heiirt ! KT "'I he hunger I lit e," says a great w ri ter, "the more eertaiu I am that tho great ilill'eroiHe between mm, the great and tho insigtiilieant, is energy intincible ilotermin atiou an liontst purpose once fixed, and then death or tietory. That iiiality will ilo anything that cnn'lif done in the world, and no talents, no cirrunMtnncea, no oppor tituitv. will make a two-legged creature a ! man without il." (Grin ll.iltimore, I)iiistilh, and else where, Lulies hate nppcaredim tho prome nade with trains to their dresses, the extrem ity thereof Wing lsirnn in tho hands of n negro A natural reaction pro duced by the extreme of llloomerism. Ver ily, the age of the ridicuWu is not yet past, OCrTherc is a deal of truth in n remark, which M'i'llu do Summery frequently re pealed : "The world stigmatizes many mon with the reputation of being wicked, with whom a woman would bo but too happy to pass her life." CCrTho modest tirgin, the prudent wife, or the ful matron, are much more use ful in I lie, tliuti pelticoated philosophers, blustering heroines or virago queens. She who make her -husband happy, ami re claims him from vice, is a much greater character than ladies described in romance, whoso whole occupation is to murder man kind with shafts from their quiver or their )yes. OCrUrent minds lower, instead of eleva ting those who do not know how to support them. X-iTln becoming Christians, though wo love some persons more than we did, let us lovo none less. JtiTlicnius lha free and harmonious play of all tho faculties of a human being. Oirl have often found a small stream nt .its fountain-head, that when followed down, carried away tho camel with Ins load, OirTho events wo most desire, di not happen; or, if they do, it is neither iu 'n time, nor in tho circumstances, when they would seemingly havo given us the most pleasure. 0i7"ln friendship, we see only tho faults which may injure our friend.. From OltaaoiTa Pictorial. Two Portraltiof Weeded Life. BY MM. K. WKLLMOKT. Amulia Jolitiion nuJ AtnnmJa Willinnm weru im.rrlival tho utnc year. The former nn but llio gruiluato of a boarding ftcliuol, uho wjw cngngtM. nt fifteen to Mr. Uomlor, who full in lovo with her btMity, nnd nowr Hcemcd to think but tho interior chnrinn weru corrcKnfIcnt to tho utitwanl one. Tho other )oung wv (MU. Williiitun,) wjw about her ago ; that ix, just turned of eighteen, a fine iloineftticaUM. girl, who had Wen taught that to bocomo A wife, was as rtuiuiug a responsibility, nnd to conduct n family well waa araru but impcrati.o duty, Iloth tlieno young ladici, as it reganled phynical tctrijKTnment, were lender. Amelia xccmcil to call for nympathy, and lMirc to Lh' netted on account of Iter weak nrcs; while AiiminU utruve to conceal her jmltiionary tendencies, and by ii;orous clforts uio a conclusive proof that alio had warded) them off. These two young ladirs may bo regarded as the typos of many oth er, and in order to ahow the effects which may result from two kind of management with liuibAuu, wo submit the statements of both may i SOllfl I A iVr lover, ami of coumo .lie expected to be lijlij.rJ.uUnJ. Si fHticied it was tho of womni.hoo.1 to be weak an-1 iii-ihitw, w w) Ri.oraniot uoiiwnoiu moor, to lie always a little tick ; to lio on attcn- lion., and to exact the .atno acrice which hml l-ocii her l.rexioini to li-r mam-, 0v.. alio corrcatwnded with Am. da, that i, he wroto n letter when alia (ell in tho Ijcatlriin, n.t unintcrruted by company, wa tired of rending, lounging, and fancy work ; and w c arc pirinittcd to in.crt one, aia 4ilillulti lAWl.tlitvlllA m9 lint in.tflrf III A as ., :' """'"" " '"" " -, i-wife in her new homo. new Deah Amanda : I am delicate and frail as an aspen leaf. I have scarcely step-1 ed my foot out of doors since mv marri- ago, I sttpiiose if I liiul your resolution, I should walk ctcry day, and possibly feel all the better for it; but, Amelia, there, is a .- . - ... m . .. great deal in bcginuing right with a hus band, as older people hao informed. mo. Should I bustle about the houso and super iutcd my domestic affairs as soma ladies do, Mr. 1 tender t mild soon conclude that I was , iiroiiiisiuir umi. miiiiy touiiK in.iiea ,. ..- !.... ,.., . m -l,.l !. .!! l.i .... .... I... I!-. I lo benefitted, should they sec a per- 'w,d if hu Inusl t(xrctl Jk il reflection in cither. El. -i,,,:-. . think .. . u;il f it al.i a melia Johnon was always petted by Le i..i.Ji:..r :(: :. -J w... tierfeclly well.and penhnnco w ithdrnw some tho head of fancy work. Il I lint o an ini minute attentions which I am de- provident, wasteful servant, I ought to know terniincd to exact. It always seems to mo i it if an orderly, neat and kkillful one, I tuaaiuruf itilirarilvto face all sorttof wea. , surely outrht to know it, to prizo her the titer, and endure all sorts of hardship, so 1 . nm resolved never to encounter tho charge. 'hnrge. I bieliut o thoso men think just as well of their wites if they do not meddle with the rouirh task-work of domestic life, and for it I have no taste whatetcr. My kitchen is generally in a iierfect hub bub I hate scrtauU, but what can I do without them I My taste would be to se ll ro elegant lodgings at some tine hotel, but Mr. Homier has sonietli utiout him. nnd above homo - consequently I am doomed to keep in tho houso but not able to feel that I am housekeeping. Ilut I crow languid nnd tired when my husband is absent. I havo been trying to mm . . a . - amuso myself to-uay with learning; a new kind of crotchet stitch, which I can apply to nurses, and possibly to reticules of niuran it ia of no conceit abht use. onlv as it employs my time. Yet I shall not do much finger-work, it tires mo prodigiously, so I know I am v cry delicate. Hut thcro is n strango incousittency that always did clcavo to mo lean enduroany amount ot laliguo in llio way ol Palis anil uiterieu irum luictvs viuw.uK v.i-r jmie parties, yes, and exiosuro too I nover take self. cold when in full dress, that is, with baro I A great many of our illnesses are nggra arms and opeu neck. I net cr feel tirod after J atcd by our treatment of them I speak dancing till morning, anil tho tcmiernturo ffom experience should I yield to a Inn of rooms does not affect mo in the least. ' guid feeling which often oppresses mc, .is-! Nothing over hurts mo that I cat at these , itln my easy chair, and grow to-morrow P ... ... l.-- I .1.1 .ill. ....!. ..... !. ..!.!... 1... . 'gay places lean swallow ices ami Plane ! mange, and chicken salad, and tiny wings of chickens, and jellies ves, nnd champagne, I yet it does not harm mo a particle. Some- times .Mr. llcnilcr declares 1 can eat twice as much supper as he does, nnd that I can oiitdnnco him a dozen times. Indeed I can wear out a pair of satin shoes any evening, for ho compares me to a spinning wheel in a . a. .... .. .. cotton laetory. nut it it were not for these nightly entertainments, what would life bo worth to me I I am so terribly nervous when deprived of tlieso amusements, that I am always under tho doctor's care, and nil my Mentis are half frightened to death about mo. I cannot tell what makes me I "rr I'1"00. ""'I ' "nl ne'l'r "urrinl un so woo-begono when tho excitement is over, 1 1" ?,mt umo l,out' ,i'bor C",!K; but 1 declare I do not rally until tho next party. I cannot talk, sing or touch any- e"1')' m houso-keeping. Mr. .. rolls our thing, all noises trouble me, and I general-, "0"'" PJ'ke t,,-''1. but n'"''J rv'"' ly recline nt full length on n aofa, and en- Ur that hve limit bo faitliful, and not loueli dure what I cannot enjoy. I 'ho forbiddon fruit, which I conceive to lie Mr.llenderis however devoted tonic I lll tempting but delusive pleasures of fush wish I could mako him a U-ttcr wife; ho ionablo society where one iinrils health, needs au energetic person, not unlike your-1 '" wr'"u' 'l"-Iy. my dear fnend, for I self, Amanda.- Pray writo me htit jou;l,cn','ul,)JounroP.ufmnr.'''ro'igcoHr.e havoc. mmenceil Willi your prizeJ Say . . .. r. .. 1.. . 1 your prize' Say eifin shawls nil tW ay ; h,.vr latV you often you frequent whether you aro bunuieii 1 feeling chilly nnd uneasy Slav at balls, nnd how ofl them: whether vour musicians drop t sleep with fatigue, and whether any new waltzes arc introduced in your circles 'l Think you I shall always lie such a frag - ile plant, lit only for hot-house, and yet sonlinuc tolsj llio idol of my loving hus. band I How i it I If ho nhould chanco to ' grow unscutintetital, what would bceomo of your dear old chum, Amelia Dendkr I" Amanda William, now Mm. John New-' man, had not so conceited of n model wife. ' She felt that men need, in a world like otim. ' women for their compniiionn who have good common cno and everyday know ledge; who can control aflitirit ; maniigo well, ami aro prepared to livo in houeit and not in ' hooka alone, and nho thus replied to her friend. "My Dear Amelia: I hao jut read your letter, and as you n.k of mo noinc re-' plica to your question., I wilt now leave my placo until I answer them. ' I My dear girl, in what ortof a world do I you feel you aro lningl Amerueom-1 plaining, selfish being, dependent ujkxi olli-1 crs, a burden to yourself, without nny dig-1 niied or useful employment I I must be ' plain with you, and although 1 arrogalo no I superior tact in myself, yet 1 do trust a res-1 ponsibility underlies my pcrformanco of common duties. In tho early period of our girlhood wo may bo pardoned for seeming romantic, and acting tho patt of little pel ; but these ncttoni bceomo von- blamcnble, ' when wo enter Uwn conjugal life. I sup- , ,,olu Bro mado for ,,ouwl nm, for d.u.lrcn to bo amused uitl., but excini.Tarv 1 Wsi ,m,e , ,0 wln , imp,,1,,,,,,-, , ,1Mtin proinoling their liUibandV liat.t.i. J,, " I j, Baij to an Irj,h proerb, that 'a , ,nu,t k p,.,,,,!,,-,,,,, of j,, wifc if IL. miiv bo rich.' I)0 wc not promie to be , ,,, Mn j our marr)'nKa ,0,u . Now it t ma muall ny in little things. tnBt a w if(J lliichlir flcr ,M-m- ti, ,ma maltcr to ollcr, y,lH)Kt j ,uiy 0, t.r. ' a a . AA a a ... a look my domestic allain ; but it in n crv I imtwrUnt conniilerntion to my immediate family. My neighbor may neither know- nor caro whether my dinner is underdone or over-done, but I ought to have a pride in , so nujusunguio previous arrangements mill ..iii:.. t.i. .1. l. Homing sunn iiucnero wiiu sucu a result as will prut c satisfactory to all parties 1 therefore freely tell you, Amelia, that, instead of puzzling my brain about a new stitch in 'crotchet work,' I am Generally em- I ployed in removing some crotchets out of ' tlio wnv. which do not always conic, under more. If my husband is only able to lite frugally, whiio my neighbors call him rich, although 1 know il it a doubtful fnet, yet I am not obliged to proclaim all my Knowl edge, but ! ought to lend my best sert ices that ho bo not disheartened by my neglect ful manner. You inquire of me respecting 'balls and parties, dress, etc.' I bate given up nttcn- ling all public parties. As to dress, it is to liing of the baehclo . mc of secondary imiwrtancc, but I never ex all things desires a Po' myself in tho mnnneryou describe j why, what has silly fashion mado of you ! An invalid, yet dressed nt evening as the hardiest constitution could not endure a month with impunity. Shamo on such fob Ijr to bo twirling about in tho mazy dnnco, I l.!-1! IIL- . ..... !.. 1 . .. .Ill or whirling liko a top in a waltz till morn ing, and then eating confectionary, and chan ging into the poor, delicate creature that to-morrow's bteexo may play too heat ilv UP on. Amelia, begin a new life. Do not tell me you cannot tho energy expended in your fashionabta routes carried syntemat- icallyinto domestic life, would so arouse yourdormant energies, that you would bo more inngum !, uum mj min-uint, u U'ing carefully nursed, should make me a physician's patient, very possibly I should receiv o a prescription that I needed change, , "m peniujia i suoum iu seui iu some more invigorating climate, or a water cure thus ' compelling my husband tojuit his business nd accompany mc, or suffer much anxiety , in my absence on my account Now mv ..ll.n.1 i. I .u!.l ...J. .I...I1...I... .if- i """ " '" " "evnue . eneru'etic action, nnd especially by keeping a whole some occupation for my mind as well as my body for herein lies the great secret of happiness. I thereforo hate my time so 1 adjusted as to attend to every duty in Its 1 crowding miowio nc. innvo nun t- ' - - "i-i nm- i. iiw...-me .!.... ....1 ...... ... 1........ i;..i if .....1.1 ami nre not nappy nut return to iiouie iiu tics, and even to home trials, if you would meet the reionsibilitics of n goml wife, , 'rrul.v. Amani.a Nihvman." Vo linvo now glnncvd Into th characters ' of our two young wilts let us, liefore vto ' part, look into their homes. 1 Mrs. Heuder has just perused her friend's wholesome letter she is weeping oter her shsrp rebukes; but theii "she is so ditP r ently coti.lituti-d fmm Amaml.i she Aiui'ilruii liullnna. never cmild enter upmi the bailie of life." It ' iniil.lo to Kl nice at the hi.tor) of the ab "It may do for nne nlm li.u lvn early di- '"riginn of Ihi. louutrj, rtalirmii their present con eiplined to meet sllrli ohtigntiuli, but the ihtioii, nnd their cerlain fute, without fetlinf a exposure ill a mid lioue of -llporilitctnlilig pani: of comniVrnrioii and regret. Ilut a little vnrioui duties would undermine her cui-ti- mem than lo renlnrm nan, lluj were the undw- tiilion nt onee bill, and l-iilei,-lier lilts Kind dot's nut deiri' her to make -lull a do luetic woman." Ilul mule Mr. lleiider sigli, n lie read thai good adieeto liiswil'e! What mule him say peevMih but yeterilay, lie wi-hi'il lie eouhl unite n friend Iodine oie.iion:illv wilhuiil uiMiiili- ration; Why did tho d ties eonie to him lor the supply of theii wants -What nude him tir. d of meliing bills and soiree., .Hid uiglilh tnt.rtaiiim. nisi Why wire there no smiles but when conip.iny was priwlitl hy w us lioiisekeepnig Hot llioi e as lie roliceid it would lie, beloru mar- ringe I I do not shrink fiom telling you tt was because he had iniirrii d for heuutv and for nothing iNe. And now then- was u sallow epresioii, a y eye, a f.iileriug step, a Imck. air, and u did not look beautiful nnv longer, lie ( sickness-real ii.tali.lism ttoiil hate i.i.n.d his tendercst collipa.sio,.-l,.it a wife who no interest inh'isnir.iirs, no ioip...,ioii- for his leisure hours, was 'she No wonder Mr. He.uler told luehelor I'rilil, "Net er gel married, I'rilll I t-ll foil contidelitlallf, mv good lillou ; netergel married." " ' Ilut do vou eu a f.icetioii. bright-ef d, quiek-paeeil fellow trolling down yonder street, who has n sunny faced but liol io- bust lady leaning upon his arm ( That is Newman and his wife, taking their morning walk. They meet a Military kit In lor who is walking for exorcise an oidfiieiul. "(Io homo ttilli Us to," both -iinlllllllie- ou.y repeat, and so lliey continue their wulk, and the cheerful ulotv imparts a healthful appetite, and they rituru to sit down Io just slteh a breakfast lis s.nsible piople always cnioy.uiid the solitary man says, "Nejttini.t.,1 would gite nil the world to In- ill po-ssion of such a home as yours." "-in it no y ii mi cuon wus inane eteryiimi went on as usual, and it was the very tn-y naturalness, which imparted the ili.irm. The bachelor thought of it all day lie hied Io suite the secret of his feeling so much ut home he wondered everybody's hou-e was not so arranged, nnd finally it oeciirrid to him that if every kly married siuh a seii-i-Ide, di-iriit woman n.s his fiietid, there would IkMio Inelielors groping through this world ; for model wites make model homes. I1..JI..-. V... In Xir. il- ir.., Hei.der. "I ndvke von, mv old irielid," "fire-watir," ho was pur. In I... habiu, uanliied said the former, "lo nmrrv hut get n wife hYtt leuch of sen.uably. lie was not withoM that cannot 1 strung into u song, nor sit to wurniaiUctiou., though ho proudly avoided the ex music, nor the frame-work embroidered with hibuion lo stranger, of his tendering. Tin cola tinsel but one who scorns to 1.0 fascinated nUlaknew that the captivity of King Phillips' "be. bvasienil'hrift, n rake, or a fool;" nnd the .midwife and only sou" caused hhn ein,ui.ito pala, old bachelor is really looking earnestly to 1"1 exulted in the rigor of iu enforcement. Th. tiuil such nn one. ' ( Indian chief, were nature'. ariatocrala ; when OM of them w aa asked who w ere hi. parents, b , Bcnulifiil I.xtrucl. IHpri, haugbtily, .-i ,aj fal, ,Bj ns moth. (! out beneath the arched heatrn iu n-gl.t'. , g,ininj real IU lite oak, and ruah-m. profound gloom, and .ay if you i an, ' There . no tl.,a ,.tng f,,,,), m Uod." l'ronounce the dread blasphemy , and cud. ,;t.u ln ur Jd). )ul,0 Mm fill re.,rcKnU. star alwte jou will reprove vou lor ),.iir uabrokin livt, nMj,all c,arailer. (.hx-eola wa. a. gallaal dorkui.. of iniellect-etery voice that 11,1011 ,, patriotic amn a. ctej breathed ( oudhowho the night, w ill bett ail our utter hopeles.m ami fogl,t fcr ,i, country, l!.c nuinbei of our men whst despair. Is .hue no Cud I Who, then, unroll. ,1 fc htMal, hi, ui.crrint: anid death-dtaliug rid that blue wroll, and iiou that high fronlis- ,, ,,uy ,,,, Af... ,,., ,.,,,,...1.. ,,neJ ,ni pi. ce the legible gleaning, of iminortalily 1 Who j, ,Uo uu i.npri.onrd engle. 80011, hke htm, hh. fa.hloi.ed thU green earth, with it. roll. rel brethren w ill live only iu aongand story. OU. ing water, and it. expanse of islands und tho tont ple main I ho paved the Iu at en. w ilh cloud., uu 1 attuned, amid banners of storm, niul vo'ce of lliun. Aid lo Carl)' Itlslus;. ders, and unchained the lightning, that linger and Our friend Abratii ha. Invented a. marhlne In- lurk, and flash lu their gloom' Who gate lu the tcudid to benefit lhou who to Viae early sod eagle a slate eyrie where the Irmpe.t. dwell and aro not ub!e. Il is rather a complicated affair. A beat .Irongr.l, and to ihe dure a trim pul ubode- luge rase, the site of an ordinary rnolaoe. hop. amid Ihe forest that eter echoes lo the minstrelsy lieu I, contain, all Ihe apparatus After roHInf of her mean ' Who mado light deasanl to thee, this Into tour bed-room, t ou pmceid lo arrange it and Ihe darkness tot e ring und a In raid to tho first lsfnro retiring. The first article I. a Vaukea fla.hes of inoriiiii T Who gate that match- clock, which . arranged on a v.braliou board over lo symmetry of sinew, and limb. I The regular ihe lop of the case, and set at the hour re mired, flowing of blood! The irrepiewb'o und daring Vou ihru, with the atsi.lanee of evi nil men, lift pulsions of ambition und lote! And )el Uu tl.uu. the wliu'uil'.iireii a rhalratlhe head oj jour bed, der.oflHat.-naudlliewateraofearthn.ecal.urd: ami nlire. Immediatilt, at the In ur designed. They remain, but the bow of riconiilialiou hang, iln- ulirui inns dowiii and the r bration of tho out above and bene. Ill then.. And .1 wen- betur board cis in un-Hii.. .ereralretoltiugdunergonp, llmt the hmillcH water, und the sirou mouiitaiu. which, in turn, discharge a pistol uimod with pre were cuutulsed und commiiiglcd together it were ei-1011 at n peg siipsirling fifty tin pans af buck belter Ihutlhetiry slurs wiroei nil J grated b) lire, or shrouded 111 eternal gloom, than one soul should be lost while Mercy kneels and plead, font be neath the Altar uf Intercession. IT If there i. one thing more than unolhrr which wa would leaeh ncluld, il would be u tote of. Irulh. All other thing, would bo worthies, will. out that crottn'ng cxiilUney in hu.iiuu ill trailer il. Ihe noblest stitiiluro I. but a whiiej Willi all otlier.pi.lihVuti.,11., a man . lo be hiinnid when deficient In thi.. The be. holder may mluure 11 fabric of general beauty und symmetry, but wln-n Ihe scum uf fubrhood u found ri.uuiirg from rup.stou. In htse, he will shun the dungerou. There nre f.-w tiling. more, rvpericurcd in our inicrcuurse will, nun, than 10 lest mat iinyure unwoitliy or our eonfidene. that they are not what they term that they will betray while they smile tint we tread 11, sin a cruler. crest where all is hollow be neath. Teach the child ti tell the Irulh lo venerate and love it. Teaeh him ro that, whatever wrong ...... .1 - t I .1. .. .1 1....... he may romniil. he will frankly und promptly nd. ...., ., n ....... hi it... 1...H..1 ...... 1. tt'..i. nul .1 all. lUivurd tho honest seeeih Wash inglon'. father w.i. never promhr of his by titan when ho acknowledged his faUthood. lltnma Itroirn O-V-.peakiiig williuiii thiiikuie. 1.' it it hunt l.lWlll',' H.lll. I -liool jiulrd lord uf lie- ol ih'inain w now hold po.e moii of Wle re our prtputoxi. cilit. rear their rnrrfu! ptrl' and in ii.ive cotuniilt, thei. hllliible wigwam wrte ic altrrrJ beneath the trersj tliluil'li the Mlliijn tlut llow term with our Inlcllie it riillure, they tnelird wllli flirt and nl. ut foal the wjty giiine ; nil Ilia funm'ng wa- i, , l.your luijf kct. rowi'dl tli.Irllght CJIlgl.fc The) urc none, and Ihe place, that onca k, n.fn,,!,,,, ,;,r, ,, fore. r. 'ihc Rlo.leifthe fre.t no lonjrr echo to tho tinll(if ,,,!,,, ,,iti,1(M t10 .ni.keofthe ,., ,,,;. 0 0Ber wind. It. wny .monglli. ,.. .... .... ,... i., :- ,. !.,., il in the iuiliii' itrriiin. C'li-j.iig to the skirt, of eoiluilibii, hcie uml there a fviv miacntble, de graded beings, ur.ik in iiiind and body, dri;r out a it retched i sl ncc. The disceiidaulf ofllie roy nl ri'iltip-, I'iicuhi'. mid Mrantoiioinokas stAffifio . .i .. ..-... ..-":.!- ,0,',c"1 "''"R ""'"" ",' ,uur """" "' lr by 8r.e.le nl.Urfl.H Uj la .'" '";' '' tub,. )t wag. war ""' "'' "'' '" ' f"v M'"" """' ",lh ' f ".Id and haughty chitalry, maintain .a Uul thilr number, are it. cnasli... and they are re. .ding to that far .how, ' hejond wiiu Ii llurc Is no flight, and where thoy '"'"' llul1 "' !' ' ' ,s l""hM u.clc. to.peculate aslo what might lutcbeinlhe hisloryof the ladiansUsdllia 'early colonist., who "found It eaJer to eitennln- ale limn to citilie," pursued a different ctairso la- wards them. Tho United State, government lu. mil itcryiffirt Io protect tho rights audanielior- ale the condition of the red men, but with liltlo .ucr. Whither appruched with the loving- kimlursi of Pcnn, or punurd with the fire and ord ofthr Xotv England lolonUu, who held tl.c.-in to the same .trill uieount they .iieted of ,,g,i,i,rd In man Ulng., the result. eem to hava e n Juri.u tell Us that savage, eaurot 1I)U lau, .Ury , ,,, BCy eccpy ,a iuii. vate,tolhc esclusion of colonub, who are willing to sctile iIihu.iiiI siibtiic tho sol; und uperi. enco tells iu lluit the led iiinni. only .uccun.Ling to the law tt Ii rh go, i-ru racia, and that llio Cau casian rjee iiii-titubly ma.ler. and extl. tho oth er race, when brought in contact. DulcoMtx ierienoe and colder logic cannot enchain our S)ra pnthies, nor dc.deu our pity for the red man. If the red mill win cruel, h.wa. also br... j ; he iutliited torture., he submitted to them v ithout a I murmur, iicroiu u.e wuueuian cooio sntu nia shut, mil ofiour.e iip-et Ihe whole affair, and, by a eurioii. loulritaiiee, giie. an Incllnatiot, to lha ca.e, au 1 unless the keeper get. out of bed mar teluus oii'ck.Unit. ibo whole uaceru, (Yankee cluck nnd all,) on tepof him .V. O, I'lVuyune. IVThe M, Y. Courier und Knuuirer remark. Ih.11 "il i. imp ssble for any Amerlcau. will. A-lucru-au pu tt and feeling, to be In faror ef Kuasia ,j .,,,, j-n u, j It H0j faVorh.B inlol- ,ranee, aibilraij pon.r. the Iron-Uund aula- ,.mi,c principle, and oppugn religious ftcc,0 ,,t,fra i,i,iuiion.. popular enl'ghteumenl, H,fl priWfM 0f uqliiutioo." . 0O""Contitllliotially tired" is now tho polite way of expressing the fact that nmau f .11. I . .. IV I.. f . . .. I .! is iiaiur.iiiy 1.1y. tt e lite 1.1 reuueu iimea. CCrTi.cure potirty sit down and growl about, lit so doing you'll make yourself irtiuilarly .igreeable "to all. jferTruo nioditv is a liaiulomo dish cover, that nukes us f.iuey there must bo moihi,,,. ,orv goo, I uiidcrn.-alli it 1 n 00110 111.11 w.i.'i soothe sorrow must must not nigiii on the vanity of tho most ilnfitfiil hopes. tf "l'i'.'iillv 'J'lie lading iaillUiw'1.1 inie