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About Oregon spectator. (Oregon City, O.T. [i.e. Or.]) 1846-1855 | View Entire Issue (June 16, 1854)
'fir OREGON SPECTATOR. . , ?A'jaL- c. i- cuuiiitu'ii, iiditok, i-noriti i:r it and i'ihyimi. I'llF AaiTITION HI llirn UIIT 11 TI1K rrill-.MM nr Wlsl.OSI." III UN, nK POMiAKS Villi ANMWI-IN AOVAMT OKKCSOX CITY, OKKUON TKKMTOKY, Fill DAY, JVNK 10fB18fi-l NO. 18. VOL. I...H Tllli OKK(iOX SPKCTATOK: A WI.I.KI.V M.U'Sl'AI', OBtUTCIl TO Till'. SIUHM., HU'KI., IITI-miir. to uncti. and Afinti i i.ti itu. isri tif.ttr up tiik rt.oi'1 1. mi mil mis , . .T rubtiihrjeirry tt I ij t w ning Ofliee m Cool'ii liuiMiui Main Slrrrl, ln gmi lily. TERMS: IXVAttlAlllA' IX AM'AXCi: Our rnp), -r mmnm , ..,', liM l.r n iimnllii .. $1 U'J itA'ms of .wviiirnsi.xn. On Mqu iro (I'J I lit- r l- mi Mmhi, $'-) (t'l " t .l lll'itl $1 MO or frr ii'liliiinii tl u i ituit l "" lroffHiHinit .iml lln Hf-m Cinl'.ol llHinmur fU( )$) HT illlllll'll. A id In Imn main l warly mKfHiurT-.. Tllft IIHIIlln f "f HUT'lmH IIMI-I In illlilll ll) niMrkcd on I lit nnr in, nt'ierwiM' Mm w.ll le coiUmmipI nil I i ili ami liufi'.l .!( niliiiU v, i r. ' ' i U tj 1, nil ' a UHe lul..w il.', 1 iiM.a) w i'i iiiuiii Of courts wr can li ir.llj J.ii) III u a) wold fun civi (if flio untiii niit,ii vho IhinkH il hi cl II JJII Iul..W II.', I'lt.SKJJi W flimf ptlb l-Il cl.liimWr.ilit -Hint H noinld llmt ilnorjui. iii.i:: IMUODV, it in. m. jon.toi. oVl.iti t nilh 11 d 1 turn in )," And ,r hi., fiiilin) In-art is, I fiit iii winn-I'vie, iime for aid Ir.-in oOir arties' ! I A, wh.n a tia imiiJ ,1111! Mtn, a l'n, ill 1l.1l In liu- e.mli lirn, 1 II. lights lull it 1 i,el. uf ..,111 - ! tin wli "lilui-in jrat t .11 ml, liu ski-.' " ' .. 1 "Ulll) II llt Of lllll'lllttM l'lll'lill(." I I lit VII...IM 1 loiwsl Mi. I ' h:is 'di h.i- it. li ' Mow . ly ' coinpl.n.i'iiili j oti sj.. .1'. il. mi .xi'l ir. ; I1.1ir.l1 '. 1 1 lining i.uir liii.u.l.i. hid I lip, and llmt liin-l :i tiii-il twill ol" Willi walking -li. k, win. hum l.'.iiiii'd Willi miiii , l:u..-lnl I And" i-id" 1l.1t I'i'h iriid- 'hit 1 in-;.' jii-t hy w.u ! r I.iu:ii fiom i."ir lio:iltli-iiiiir" I -lu In -. I -np hIi-ii j.hi liiylit .ill. r n-i'i' in tli" tin -hill" .f lie i"timt littl- 1 .nl'.i. M.ilihuii III- Mii-h" iihioh drill, d 1. 1. 1 tin -h.. hill .li. ...piii'.' f.ion hv 1'itir -id "Vtli n 1. mi" tli 111 this. hIii'i'iimiiiiii.'" I'h 'U 1I..11111.'. uil- louiid ..iii tin,' r-. ..r ai'i 'h I. I, rouinl tli" .;irh h H.u-I. mi I ill" h'll li 111 blui"; hind hIihIi h.i- hind with 11 l.-ni'.'i lory imn om"tit, h 1- omjlilmi'l lull ,1 hall llliwillin' pii-'.n riu 111 -In.iij-r uia-p ' And lln-ii (lo'i r 111 ml. 1 it.) whit low. MHi'ot word. mi 11-. I In whi.i r in In 1 1 -n. , just h'1'..r" ..irtin.'. .i- oii tui"'h. r i:i the diiiiU luhl.-l I'll, and how full ol graoo aii'l r. ..-. tful f..u.ln. w.i-tin- m-iu nor in ,i"U I" nt down hpi to th fiir j .111111; f m ii.'.id. And th.'li (did ui l"irn it hi pi.n ti-il. nt -.-ur in nor ') nh ii .1 1 iiiiii 14" tl w.i in mi ii, wh"ii i'i -.'11,11 11k. ill's..!'). mi OOUlp.llll'UI- W..T. '.iuu - ! fl" I I i 'I'll own! a I iiiiii u1 -h. h a- join hp- ml I lioior li.ii.".p..k''ii,f " u" w.'i.Uo.i'ild r c.' liiioth.- loi.,tli" il. 1. in. hi wli'ih - 111 d li'l'riph 'd str.ili'. Iroiu lour In .lit 1. jour ''l liio"- ! ' Whil th 11 min.; in di !.! 1 on1 1 -i"'i usi'd in hii". to . I low th"h.;lii .inn ''i 1' lay (in loiiroHii I tn nihl a- irni im nod it, an I imn nun. I -'ii'iui n' .1 -n.ip-.'l IO"lM I'I". '1 01 li 1 1 .;! 1 I t "II Ihi ant ainl II. o'i I '' 11 l.'i' - Aii'l I mi 11. ' . 1 ' "' for ll 10111 hi. t n.: hi - . !i 1 word a-llirl'm in 1u1ri". ilmliiy. Mi i" wai miiii'hIi.iI hi th" nil.1. '.inhiiu'"- of thn-.'-uiniiii r, -hihohIi it in tho w lull-. inn iiio'iuh.dit, whii'li Iii ahull' .unl hiiioatli Jim, tint m -pilool ynui-.lf, hroiiuhta fif of Imh r mi-morii--, 11 tnlo of I11.4l1.-r and iiohl. 1 1 niotioii- into jour -mil Von hnii't t"i"'iMi. .i'h r I'm- I'm,' mimiii'T attoii i"1'-. with iln ini) 'i fill .inn- "I th. I I .il"'i' you nor th" Iwihuhl- j. 1 . .1 ini.l. 1 tl, brui'l, '.ino-Hr'ipp"'! iilin. nm lln--niii;- dllO -.1114 J oil Willi" J. Ill -tood I.J III.' I'i.lllo nml Iiiiii doiil lln l..ii.-"f hi 1 niu-io, aiid nilu-il.'il on.', u-l iin.r.'lif I In 1-0 oN'piis ito hill" Inn- lino- "f M."i.'-. -iijiiiiJ with tlllltHl moo of oui-i :v)X kli"H ju-l III" ri'ht tiinu lo "iioll "II. it, ' th" swo.1 ords would sound -till -w.i l"i if lh" I'.mi" to Miur-oar tlinuiiih tho iiii-dmm of ono t 1 Oll-l-. Voti know kIi. luii'd joii. Th.To now. duii'l .'luiiiriili. jour foalnios withllnt l""k o( iniuHi'iii Mirpri-o or iii-'i'l. ri'-ij;ii"dii' . jutt us 1I10114I1 tho idea iiomt .'liliTid your rraniiim, and tin- iIiimikIiI lU'ior t'u kh d jour vanity In'foro. You know, I -ny that rim loud ion that horlio.irl would iiiiok rn ut tliu sound of join fooif.ill, mid tho IiIikIi that fin- could in. I louii'.d, ll.i-h iulo horohook at tho toiiosof jour mho. You liliuw that ilurinj; Iho-i Imn; two join- joii worn drawing lihtor mnl lijjhl. r .iiohiuI the I10.11I of 1111r j mm"' and mi-u-p.-. Iinj victim, tho il'iiim from which shoiould imt roloaso liDi-ilf without mill'orin. vihich inilit Ibi In li.'r t'ri-.ilr than that ol doath Don't loll 1110 jour inti'iiliniis worn harin I", joii never propo-o'l, Hover lod her von limit In r. ami nil that nut o unit;;, toil did toll her von Iniod hor, avo, a tlious'iiul time- von i.i thi-. hv Inn" iii'l dr.-d, in l'kouiwii.iuiic.ill . xour I.j., in in suuni ii. An. I ill, i, l,,.vv iiliiik. Innv iiiurtnnll.ll' .11 tin-I'M .Mill si il f.iii-iiill to lur, it idling her lili'-tini' of Iriiiiiiuuvi which intir Ulillt llllil lillVM'l lll.l'.tl Aii'l li "i Mr, ulmti i-r li' juiir .mial io vition, Imw liio.iJ mvm r li" tin' IhhIhoI" our I'lllliTi lm ll"'i ii".T l' ill" lof f. r of oiir fjnMi J n lrie 'I. Invil mhiiv If nml ili'lionoii'il oiir mi mil I . IJ.i I'urlli lulu ill" wniM. .'mil lt jour cnri !'" li.Mii iiroml, Miur mi to uoin.iii iixIiimiIiu'; Mnir liiiiiui :ii unt.iiliMi'il a mit, liiil r. iiniii til" .iffIll IT on "" Tl.ll. Villi lriM'il.i ilninl tli" foul. t nuiiitii'iii otlli I licit III III 1,111 llil. Villi ll.lM- toli'll, lrii l, ili lili-i.ili K -liil"ii,ll li iiii'."- Il .'i-iin' hi'.'iil il-nll. itinti . Vim lii.' roMi 'I li"i "I'liiT trii-l in liu- iiiiii noiliii. nml tiuili. ainl tliotiu'lii il'-li1 III' .1 till" Ulllll III. ll" Mill ".11111111' II I llllll'.'ll n'iiiil" lulu i .till, to liil" lioin nil ili. woil 1 tli 1 1 in .-i "iiMtii.'ui,; In ml hoiiii'I. ii Ji'iiii ill lint li" tli" I- -1. n' tol." In Von li ix" 1 1. 1'K." I .iimllii i ofili" lni' mi I ioiili'1. in' nliuli -liuul'l liim In u liisfo.' liat In .irl ill iiim r li-.iin tin -h.'i I -i.ii.'of it until . i ;. 1 1 i , mnl tlioU'li ill" hi!" of In Ii.i.iiiii. li"il in tli" ""liailoHKot In- lii'.ntli- .111.1 SUll.'lli.iH, ill' IIIIII Volt ll.ll" Hl.iU'ht. iiril. ilonii" h.'.irt liri.ikiiii;. and n m. mh -r tint 'I'.-r all tln-u things, liml Will V rill- lull to ilil'IH"llt.' I'lllllllll lllll'I'Vll'VV. -.('euk' i ..' Hi oiiii i ii iii all ll.- toes written uf lii,ii!r lliiinllui i.f ll nine ii! hi. llllr. ten I. in uf a Ihril'm mil oiilul hi. nl'iit, to win li I . n .in l" Hill ,ri.lilierliil w thtlii' l.i.h. h", I.; l! " w il I -"I'I' " f' w Hi'l l"'l li u.luriu" l.ii.i-, 1 1 lurt iiiiii ii . a tl ni.'l.l r i I. en .-.. hill. r.. .f ll.ini Mh.uI ll.. ii I-.".', ...nnr.tsl 01, ,i i'1'e I, I lias mi I- uril "ll uf III u!d I'nllOH . I.l ll,'.l.'ii Inn "I Im ill. i,J III" Jam - Kiii nr III" I li inr N'T I. iiiij-Iu.i, oil III) wayfrnuN V I . A. n... Ill Wli" Hal. iii in il...,o .!..).. w.'lr.... I I tl..-ll," di iu.irw.i- HUll I- - III I, ilinin ! . - . --. - I'' ii I I I 't f.r-t, .ri 1 ll, '",ii! ii-u wliu I i.. n.i Hi I nl. la.) . III, II Ml' r III I "I "1 III n llul i'ii-j n-, u- .Inn ii. mi i' tl li .i- ii ii i u r ' !, . .nl I t tfii'i. 1. 1 . I ill r w i id -I ll" i i w I nji -II il di-tln- II. .ill. I, Ml, I laki- .1 -'i.t mi ill .'o.'-n !' 'h ";ii''ii llil ,n- the In ' III 1 11. r I'i 111,' u 1. Iilllis nil I 1 '. "I "ii I I.'. Has il"ii llnrr, i.u I n is nil I..I I . lu- noil In b ill M " ;; l n fa "I' .lallm. nlirail f ll- - ltd S I"!'""." tnilllllKlu .. ul. ei-iii"d In 1 1 . n mi Ih it .1 h". mid 1 nil" li. a .1 inn 1 1 .1, 111" '.'" '' "" .,.".,.-... - 1 . .1.. 1 . .i ........I it.. ... , i.r.i..ii miiii .ir.. e.ini" d'Hi .'-I'I' "' I ' n. a I tr f." 1 nl) . in nil nre.p-1 ,, , ", , . ,,,,,i.t l.lh'l .. I 1! u .. Ill I Mil 1.1 -I 1 dl. OJ ill- e. 1.1 1. 11., 1.1 . . . ili-.-l". !" in .i,e .in ii.-ii.. 1 iisi.i. inn ,'P' 1 n-ui,; I 'i .)i- 1. o. - lln 1.1'.. . -In '..1 . mill In. ensui li ui. her, U", It'irr. .unl ul 1-pi ...... , ...,i.i. )' "r ""' '"1'1"- ratid bi Hi' wnlili i.f Hi li'b. ."h f 11 0.1 bnil ' , 1 .111 fo I, 1. 1" llul.-iii-i" 'H 1 iiiiiii'm-i .I.ili In." 1 and llo 1 i.nilllit hl .Old !""' In-r unl ' Ih.- bin i ..i. id. n .'-.ul iipj.rnuliiiii; N. ,,4,1 -I.. I I ll "It I '"HI." IUt ' II .ll"H" Ul ' i, 1 ,1 1 1 fm h' w tl, llmr. 11 !". 1. 1 Ha, .! a- -hi'd. . ""'" .ml t Hum III." Kb. III tli"la'.l" . II. ur .tn.d I,t , , ., i'h . !....!i-i"; "ii mill n si 10 I'k" 11 1 ti ati I .'in!' '- ii , 11. 1 I Hi"i in; 1 nm-, I. j, ...ui is Mi- II wis unl h , nil in 11 .ml lit. 1 I'll hearll dl mi I. nl I Hi t I III- ll.ll a- Ill,' -i I I li-ln 1 aid 1 .'l"lliil dinner. 1 .mil. d 'I I" I I" 1 ' ll l.'lh ll ma lib Hie I n. 1,1 -ill .1 tii'li ng llin 11 li mt 1 nl. I 1111..I It was 11 in ill. ..I nl Hi I me. lli-i Mr. 1 1 . ...' I. .,,.., d ll mi-ill lir-l I mi" .b" bid "' )'" ' 11 A iniu '"inr xiii-.-iIip.I-.) Iit-kili.l hr liiis'uiiid and iiuilmbl il Has III la-l -Cur. rf Prtiolt ! 7 111111 ri!rv .ifll.irilll .pur In. il mid onllert ed i-lhmii;lili.iili.. of rlu-l" Ill.i .... ii.ll ur mh heieilii ittiilo-, on III run I ' 11I1 I, .01 a I.l win nllli" I'I nut 'Ih 1. 111. r..l Ih. 1 ill!" 11 a-lit" 11 -I. null uil 1 ! 1 k II iii'l u'-n drl" lblll mil. Tin. is lb lil.t unit, inenl ol .In k In lln' plaint fr. Ill llil Irjrm I llluell has I ei-ll 111 id" lilt .prill.', 1 11 ,'l 11 ill".." llul 1 nuuinl l.ili-'i near Alion him In I -.VI. .'inn In . .l'i I lll.ll 1)1 Vllll I.IK'f. 'I In" fulliiitiii iniiili- ul ttii-liui.' lu'is He liml III an eiihani-i and repiih.i-li f..r lln- benefit of our fair lenders! 'I'h ihllifllll) ill "illlii; le. Hii-lnd tljlil, r. p, . 1 ill) mil nf 11 ".irntill), it nr) Iher.i lull Ih'l f in-. .bulil.l kllun how hernttll Ihli'i'llni" llali) fair leader is n-noianl nf Ihw alt we. all li-u-li her III n Vol) lew" wold-, la't herfir.l up nil III li.-o. eiiieliul) pnk out lb" Ira- bit, ol llni'.i'l, nud mil Ih hue ti'i) finivilhly nml rrllU'll roilll'1.1 clean black bollle pleu.uisl) cl- ri.d Willi nil w lull, biieu,. ew ed nnlilty""!! Tail. vaih ind ul In" Willi u mi-dl. mid I" keep ll miionlh J Mini Im .- ili'lnl in wiappiiij; nut lu . ... ..1 11 ..i... . Ctllllll'lo uf I0I1IIII ail) 'l III" ' iiii'-p- "i pe 1 ,;' Vuei 11 u on the bultle Ink" h.iiu-of tin- hcM uirt oil, and with 11 il. 1111 .poi t;o ivil.llu I ice .1 1.1. 1,., iniii.iti ft.'.J,. Iluicn-aili m n t,., kl.!."..,Mr.u..! cull lather uf clen. waier .101,1., -till, th.. fn. 111 which M,u -.,i lln .is,,i who huriim Ufierlo. nick mm mj-In '".""" '."""" .'"'."J' .v '. ". ."" no prc-cr. , ami as ouon , ,.,..,..,.. ,.. . ... . in:, . . , ... ...... v I '( l..,ir. ..- Irnoiis I ..Hi lit ."lllll'sn hll''''lll'' llllllsolf till III"! f.lllllCIOUl UOV ICC. ,il",l- K. ,101 o-s.tri'. ll ho hhal dfolll It IICC- touk III" - : 1 1 s 1 1 1 IK li r ll'l'llls 11011. VIUIIll rillllliy, .l. l ., mm iit. ma .-.. ........ ..... ,- , - - -- j - "- -j , . , w l w-il i i I f r- ' 'I ii im! ,li-iiiL'.' nl-u wont hit waj'. ossarv, tliu M.ij or mav call a meclinjf of tho 1 TT.uI -i'r f.Ml!..,. wind, .hirml. llirl-l k' . ". ,. ' 'Vo"l, Vnttv,' savs tho l..iird, liH.kiii' ' In llio tnorniii:,' the haililT. oxprcliin; the Council (U miy time, V prciiou-ly giin I...' . h. r' i .. ' ou no! rrU""-li' " l""', ln,"T """T awful wi-e and trvin-with l.ilh liandu to d-ht and char-. ,, repaired to tho IMiui.'fi ;! ,ie V,x hours tiotico of iiieb mcet- f.n. I " .,',, I no, f v. r '.,, '"""""'" "f r"1 """""",uf ''-'l,; """r f"r ,llt' till his !.,... 'I..I him ri-", ho ha- further to lielntr iutrodueod- ' ;,. -il. n... I th. I';";1'"".' ,''' r-lfihli..iriit.r,-.n..,i,!.C-al,f.,mii..i,.10isoii X, ,., i, , oitlior loll or 'inc. Wal- 'Wnll.' said th" llishop. 'What arc jour "-rth-Al each lii"olii. of tho city n'liiii" . .inn iii'iiiiii nun i'"M i-'iiiii'i i' in i -t . t. ni its kt.m km g .,l,ut nml lire. ikln;; while uveril. into tin1 room, msd in ikim; lit. b-tt liv sul fite. Lit it boi! In the milt for nil hour or nmtc, In, uncoil tli it his Liiril's hur-p iv.H at the till tho loCJ l-c!eallll id tthlteu I III! ll'rll III II II olVllio rfi ds.und dryil ui the buill hi llicn.n I When di.i, letiiuvo tho luce fiom llm b.tilu and roll II ioiiiiiI n ilc rli'mii li!" k : nr li it In I"iij; IuIiIt.I'Iic il nilh n 4slil f miuhiIIiuIhIc per, mnl pri'.H in it turi- 1 tmk fur n frv ilai. 3 r. f"' il i) lie, nl n inn 1,114 i.f nlnt tln-y ijllin Unit Smiu "Tim Miuli'i'rttM 't ' ,,1"i ill oflVutnl Aiiirrn'jiM."lli(i fiilliiwins rilnliom 1 1. llr-ohtd. Thai Hhcn Mm iiiicir..iiiiirililie ,l,irilo1.le..rtlii.ciiiiit al.ugeaiuiuiifr..iii ilIOiiii,.l..ollrcic.lfiinlirrlii.ii.lMii..lo'.i'iiii:ii. ri.i.jfi.rlheMiWMiiiieiitufai.Ji..uladi.k'ilt..oiir .iiii..errjiiiaiiitlielio f Kr. nt un.l 1.1-11115 ...dlooiirMcerr"iiilhiti.olVniler1,ri.r. lt.oli,.l, ' licr lu,' toinukii 1h.1i .1 1 .,r ,. i,.!..,,,. 1, ,, ii,l..,l .11 Willi hiifi ini'd rc'icl nud ii nml c itioii, timl oniii. u-llidiH I.. WIctc llnltli.' Inilien in tr.l " m mlliiriiri'i tli. 111 II 0 iKU'rsul her own j;..od heart. Tliu ii.' d. no cninni nl .V. O. Delta 1 r' hctc 1. 1 ilk Ihul Ainu hi. irernt if" if ho tall iipiali.ilr 11 in ill uj'.' itli of Ih diiiclilem oflh On 11 llundgcr ur Tliu IliiNuiiiuiiia I-cllor. TIip II ln vortini ondftitof ili- V V l'oi mj i!ut II.. n. IM. Ilwrelt U ilaiin llielminr uml t'ijry of llio irliliralcl Iliilffmami l tl- r wlicli u ,s iitinl.iilitl l Mi WcU'cr Tin wntirm Tln claim of Mr. I.irretl lia pre it-J a tctnlilc fotiiinolKiii utiioii llio i ct nlori nf Mr. Wrip-ter, ami llif r mm illnn Ic iiimn Wnnii il lias Irai jiirpil Tlie fni I ng gf nrra ly iinoii ll.ii.i i,tliV .,rt, after li i nko Imu euii-piilc-l tn (lie IiIp urg. fruul wIiKli.fiT jmiiuicmI '.nrj'nps li.i.l hern j-ract.irj upon ili (iiiltlic, lie li is no 1 11-11 pm to Li'im fuiuard li"" uml litinl tin mattpr. m tl ctllor anltiilo.'iNl of Hip IImuiiiTrr. h" liatl "lortlt tl linn us l!it anllioru' llul Ictlpr, m il u irtiii. r uum i tnisii mi turrrliiin im orllir lion . ,.,, .r I,,',,,,-. i . Ilnli!,rr ji,. i:, if. ir hi Is I Link ll, . I ll," . rloiy ..f the li for cm m longer do lln- il r. :i-e.l mi) go si. and mi) .lu Mr llieieti a 1" n '' il, nt d Ihi'l.ti. iiii.. he le nl a nun in i ol I wi-aiher, Iher na no leuitii win li -liuii'd Hut I. .ii." illu'li a.-mi when the iveatluT !.. mi"- ii.inn H-ril Ittiluiii.. I. ii hi, r adopts sum iiinniou- tirn- l .-, or r.itli-r ilii-tr.i-hiiii.: to reiidur t.i . miliar lh' i-vtraoiiliifiri vilo-iti with liwivh our evpri- train- inom. lln- ii'.-i- 'urn l'.pri' in I'.m ter trai.-u .11 ui"ii 01 i:t 1111 . an our. 1111.11,1111,1; mo n ,. or .11 . , . i 1 ., ,1 : 1 "i'i' an our iiiiiuiiii mijj". i....i"i...ii- ... i , , i 1 nit. .1 -.'i 01 llllil' .in .nil il.d.i il.'l I- '""." I ll- i.-.i,,!, -nm 01 tho M.i-liiin.: ,uul m 1111 (."linn Mini 01 tho ...,., ..:.. m ...,i, -urtiii iM."iiili.'iit.d tli -uruu i""i on. no- ." ...'... ... ,..,,, '., v.,,,,1 10m.l.,n..uri . h.ii I in nolit. -nrd 1 , .ilsuit tl.wit.ili nl til :i."i J.ird. pur -. koin I, :;il id- h.lwm 'i hft- 01 .1 koinun Idol.: ol ol.-kt- mi the 1 in a ..i-. njur traiehnat I.t. ...1 .. l ..... I., tti 1 in l'n Il.'ith 11 irl ui .in. ii...... j-...... j a-''l.un; an I if :!." -ml.-nor 1 nktoil at tho -id ol th" rod, a jnnl ii-iindur, th.i woml imt In- di-iiiiwi-h.ihl fiuiii wiiii aiiotlni: if 1..111I.1I1..1I, tha wiiud .ip"! l.i'h'klith a kotiiini'ii- ll.i-'i If trim ibill-r. 1 !,), i4vi,r, .i-t nt It 11 r, the n-litii 1. ' I I,,.,!, i. ,-i I In-TOvd-pr-i kiiinl: and if 1 01 lln- tn 11.. w. 1 "ll id- loin;, it Hoinl ll t-h In in a -iujl -i'I.iiIi'I. -iipiiin-; tin- h-kniiinlii liwiih dm -lit li a 1'iiii III It'll tli in iln htti'l. "fit in 'hitiiilir, tin' hwel wil loioli .'1 t in- in -i -I'Miii'l: Hi" pil u iiin.iv aion-; ili i-n lur Id 1111 111 m i kiind: ih" i-ili in. 1 11 .'.ii I ih" -t'lii -k- j - lit I'm in -. 1 uml -h'll a tin r :n '- -iliu lur, liwuli iklollnrniliili. th r sir null ".'ll puf-or.-kn-oi'-ti'iii iiia-iktinil. 'Ih" lokoiiMtii k.m l hind III "kof'liHiii ni.,1 111-; -loll, tin- knf I. in-.' ok.iliiiu I hi tin- ahiut iini-liuu nf w.i-l -triii 110 1 ho ihnniii : hut "Jil knl- por kunilk.iuu .1 lie -epHi.i'i.l In the cr, tln-r lll.llllilll lltti I. Ivllllllll'' In-! S11, h.i I"! In -pidirkw.'lln lirrli I 01 tha: 01 .1 k. iiixii lm!, .unl llm momentum 01 a Ind ll'lli. lit. ! 1111;, it -tith .1 -prd wouil In-urrly rkwiiohul to tin nr.-i't furnov a It.itinii to I th.-nil oi ll... I,i,i. 'I'h:.! "-It, l.h" -holt. I folo a "kill ihuti 1 in. -ul. I' kt I'.'i 111 liu I if .1 trim inn- I inn; at -ueli -pnl ni ,-iuithiii'; Id. -u. li -prd, ' -Imn. I mt "liu am on-1,11.1 to 11- iroi;re t'lirri") lli'imily- "I'm llort'." The band of ll.iiiui. union w 1- mi fund of In-I ml ih'. l'n nl i"i,i-i..ii he iin-a-k- .ilt.nhu. with bold I! ,.1 lu-iiihlmr of hi- ; ami hi- bi'iil-hip, l-in-' willae Willi lilillk- old' I' ! Iv -it hi Ion nort. v liith li III. I..III1I s ili.ltke lo .111.1 liottleofilnrrv to 1 .illei iliiitn'r, in-liadof .1 hot) lilt .llil, II- ill. Illk 111 pleferi'llt'l lo cluet, h In ti initltiin; Is tl'ir was lo Is '.'!. Tin' luid lli'iithl ihi- line he.ut -nine -tiilV .ind went 011 lillinc hi- t; liki tin. 1. -I .unl ti-iim-; in- , aiui 1 ioi u more lm ir.n- Hi lJH.l-l.iiit 1 .in wis a lino fidlho'hoil wine, and l.ij will up on the, lnt lit..- . . makes .1 Isnli I'i'il .It if he hat .wal lin,d a lie-l of pudd"ik.' Tin. build lini-hi'iloni- bittlo of chor rv br.indv, nr a- lib b'-'d-l -died il. hi- '(iit out of tint, v' fun." loon,' oiiod the liiinl. imllinj,' oil' lm ami llitiainu' it at Wirt- lii'uil.'Kuirt vo sw, o lil.'tlii'riiifj lirutp, I'm iii-tU"ifiiiuiiiu'invwioii.Hj.itlK'.' I Hut .M.ii.ti.r.'vn, Vi,in,.cr.itiliiii"'liU' In:nl, 'it U'.imiM in.ill n'' I 'Wrll, wliiit ilivtii'li it li"." niM llio I.ainl, lurniii',' up lii uls ith ilruuki'ii 'iaitt. viliil""tlii. rcit of tli.-I'omiiaiiv wi'ii- hLn 1..1.1.I11 il.i-.,,!.. 1 ,i,i,,. ., i.i'm .,ii iikc lusiiiit tli"i'iiii."i l!iii''liun' at Iiiiii ami Walt). 'Iti-iiiin l. :ui mi linn, to ' ri'.uli mo iiiv i' .unl ' lot tliu ii'ii; l.iil" a H.v.' ' " l It was a cold, fnnly liiulit, ami Watty Hat kioii tin d of kickuiir li'n li.'i'lsat th'" dour o i'i :i liMlo ttlili- I1.1. 1. I10 oolilt-i, J and.ili", 'M iit. r. 111ai.l1 r, itt iimii-t one o'oloi'k".' ! 'W...I, Watty,'as tli.'I.ainl with .1 liio-' cup, for li- fir poll" h thi-, tiuio 'it nill ii....rh-.iiiy oiilior W.ittv, mV in-m. iii'l that'-, in. irt'.Hl, .i vou mav jii-t 1. t M.ur.olf a h.'" whil-j loii'iri-r till I lini-h iu Iwttl". A full li. jiiakis a still" ou I.iioh, Wjittx." ' ' I Va't H.ishv thw tiinmlaiiciiii; liiinl, r-u' tv' ' 'I hi- in-w.Tf.iirlj dumfiuinK-l prnirWat- tvandh" u"n" up in ilo-p.ur. Iliitnt l.t-t III" Imttl" w n- tiiil-lieil : tho l.iiril mis lilt- "d into tho s'lddlr. mid oil' In- rode in hi" li" nnle in hi(;li id. ". ihiiikin. th. itii.oti via-the I' that liuli-ul a liin-.l.n liyht for his join in j ,,,ii,,.. ' ' 'Huh, Wattj.iiiv min,' said the'dJ ii.'iiiiii.r hi. .iiiiliinli' mnl siiiiikiiii' iiiiful - r- - tliu.!., 'wo wi r" ii mo Hi" Hoi-" lor that kc- uid holtl.., ihi- lV'i-l inornin.' 'I'iiith,' aj- Watty, hlowiiis; lit tiiii.-r. and looking .: a hillH-rrv, 'vour lionor i-, may I,-, u.iin- th" Hur-o lor it, hut I am ii.itii'thohi tlir : I wi-li I via-.' oil. on tin v i oilo, the I.iinl "Tiippiu I. ...I ... .1... I....' I ...III..., !.! , I.L.. ' ,,.. L .,,' ......,! . fr tho old nir wa - lw - .A... .. .... 1, .li" 1 ..... i.rt ........ moimmr. ami 1 11 san-iv voti. ..11. 1 .. ..iti.i .......... .. .11 i.uiii. i.u bv.,... r" .... I ifinniii!' tn inako the .pirit tell on Imn. ' iirn" "') " i"" ."!;"". " " crilieil 111 Hi" city dinner, m ony in-asu- At hi-l lln v c.iiii"! tun 1 it of ahrook thnt j Hi' cntracuhai lcn tuned fur tho couii.leiioii ' rt.r ,,l,:tl riciio and di-hiiri! all mollies Ik iro"il th. lo.ul.tniltlio I.ainl'-hor.o 1.,'iii nd laniirliin" of tho fhii iiitlnn tnujoam ir.-in loHinlo llio oitv, and U-eii a rotroctne u ill 11. I! 11... I lo Im.. his mil) way, -Inn- i'h .r.-cnt Inn. Hi follow nij; are afon rumen-, count of all reeoptt atnl ili-hlirseincnM J p. d -holt and put hi, In.i I 10 lakoa diink. I turn of her .limeii.ioiin : Cttrcuie Ui'Clh of her -hall at ill ' end of hit ollicial term, and at Ihi- the ill-it to in.iko the bain! h"-c Ilium ilrrk.TIKIi Ih in.--I.'lll nil longer linn liu- ut, n nt tho uhall direct, lltalio ado his halatioo, and awaj In- w.nt, oior llio I groin tra,r.-i lrrina length ifkil, j tailod -talelilolit iu'Hiltui'inf nil IllOJiient'. horv's, into llio inidilloof thohrouk. I C-ilfe.f, tilri-mi breudiliofbcamit-a fieli.lep'h ciiod ini'l dihiir-ed hv bTTM, i-howilig tin) Tho l.'iinl. Initi"-t m, in, had iu-t -on-e! of Iraki, iiorimns four dik) &'J ficti leiifihof h'llattco r maiiiiii ill the Treasury, if any, I'limi'li to th" -pl.i-h and to know that -. itih'lliiti',' was wroiu;: hut he win fodruul. that ho did Hut ill tin h.l-t All-pOLt il Ha-liiiu-Il'. 'Watty,' tajs ho, 'there i uroly soul" tliii"' tiiuil'lod into th" l.iook,' 'Faith, joii nrij mi that,' replied Wat tj.n't li lo timilnY'iill'lii. Inn-" with luigli in;, 'lot ii'-ji-t j'or-tl', r.-tird.' Ilout. lie, n. Watty,' naid the Laird, "it siirelj e.iiiiia ho nic' Mirelj , mai-lor, it'- j er-ol.' It o.itMfi h" 1110, Wattv for fm brn,' CO"ln llio heat of an August afternoon. Mr. li , a lawyer out w.-l whoi- -mil - what .-ii.-r-;. tifin -.-al. tn-. was 'suinmin with hi-11.11 d ri-il.m tin- pail of hit clii-nt, h. fun- iSiiiiv" I'.tii'i' mid a 1 10ml of fpocta tor- thill and theie as.oinhlod. While li was putting in hit lii-ei-nt lick-, a .tiiie.i) 1 hap ;;"t 1" hind him and went tn -litkiit"; hit fir iviih a -liaiv. Tlnr ju-lkv hked -ijiil.e. and -n kept -till. Ci ,up. :, !i...,.i.".;tUim;,u ..;di.1id-.po.'ci..i:;-:;-;';K :' imidn-iilfluid till' lib";. l'malli,a-li ' . . o-iti'' 11 ii.-i- a III. liiii-lu 11 itr-i 0110 ur mi" 1101. 1 jwiiit 1 111 to tho Ju-li.'e, lii lin'inl . . . . . . . . -... (lea in hi- ear a little more t.cii-iiiiv. A- (.; hrti-hul hit hand ut tho ii a little mure liercilj, tlu-Jil-tico hurst out luup;h- tii"'. W lien 11 pun 11 . nriii";iii;; 111- uti j,,,,! iM i-nt.nt wilh th.-h.-adiifthelHi"; ntrato. rehuked him as follow Vour honor mav luih bul micb is the Hi And 111. Tl it inu.ic cii.iii"'h in the-u three 1. 1 w on I'.. 1' llio Inn. It 11 of a-oin;. There it a pi' itiatip' o u; iu tin 111 uid an .irtieiil.ito li of. I Mill ll.ll I ll.'.'llt. Hi nml bj : Wo In' ml il a- hii.'.uri) as . ..11. I. e 11 11.11. 1. .. in ul.. I.l I. f lull .. .1.1.1 ... ..... . . . ..1 1 1" tllloll- I'lHIItel- lli'lll ill. Ill to Mill.., Illlll I il.l.i f. li .11 r iltl , , e ....... ,,. IV. i.".i I I ho lli'lll l.l" I" niilll ii.iiiiii ...,....,..,..... other.liv,H.heii two pitted tint luul hoiu' lm no' in lln it lues' on.' to California, the ' nth. Mo In 1 loueli home. r.t.nboili kii'h it nine lime or otlu r. 'IheUii wl'ii-p.'i. it to hhn-elf. wh.n he ihiMins't.f .-mIhiii-,'!!. the Muhb-d htllc .hoes for bint- like a 111 in. the man ui'ii niurs il. win 11 in hfot middle watch b ion,- ,ii .ui. " 1.1 i... - - - his iil.ui. half lini-h".!. .unl hit hope., ul iu the hud. w.u iii-' in a cold, I itetpmi",'. The old-al- it nh.H I," thinks ol .tittiu,' ll oil the inn. t.d for the, lo-ikij lor toliiotlow. II," wcatj w.ilelier lor tin HiHliiin whiles aw 11 tho hnili with hj and hj hi :iirV) hi. '."nill. time- 11 -.i.lllldt llk.'.l M.ll; .nllli-lime- it a -i"!. ot a sob in it. Wli-u woulilt, t 111" woibl .... It- imn ll III 1 0 ,., lie In linil it III 1110 a I tin I ih lo tin- Ju-liee, nit menu mil iiii.iira.iiiiciwuiiwoaiia .1 , ......,.. B- -.T- llio vi-nr, tmlfodv ni. .p ire it ami when .... 'I....I ).....!. .'.in il i.iii.. limrailiiMM lH!!itil"'IU.lln m.-morv ol . . . .'.. . - M .1 . ill r li' ainl In it III." the -tinr'noofO' an, iI.-;innt lm't iiiutirnfiil t tliu soul.' -V. V. Trib. - - -- Hl Cumin, Tlie UMiop. Ci'i' iiioriiiui; Il.iino,, tho I'.imi'j nilor, awi7t"l li iifouili ofliaililli, in an notion lora il.'litot 0.'Jll, a tin' Milio of r.h win. iti? !' in llw IJnolli Jo llio bnil- ill'-: 't rntli-liicn, luTo't my coiimii, llio Hili- P "I" l'l.. U'o'mu' iuloliH lioiiu ; lot ma hut - t.".ik toliiman.l liu hiIIjuv llio Jeht ami '.' , '"'0 I'aililli tlioiiht tlioy 1111-lit voiitui" nt li-V Horn Hltlilll tlir.u or four y.inli of Iiim. S.j up Miniiij,' J.w to the ooaili. liullin.,' oil Ins Imt, ami i 0I...0 to ' , T" ltih"' onl..Tod llmooiuli totui, Hiiiio joouio-.m, iiisoai; sain winy: 'My Lord. lnru ai.- two poor iiivii, who haii"h ii-al iitipl"i of loti-iionou that 1 lV!ir 'I""' wil1 ll:l"- i1ioiii-.pU.'s. 'V.Ty noil,' -aid llio jli-hop. :o calling tothulHO hailill's, ho aid : ' "" "'" r""" "' "lu lu-,llur" i . t rui.ios oi eoiiscioiicof i 'erHplo-.'-.iid lh" haililV-, 'wc havo no -ciupies. vv i!iiioi..iiiui.,iiiy lorn, hiiojos- lord.iviirrostC'd your coin-in, Joe Ilaiin", for J.-", lour loinsmp nroim-u'ii 10 .iuiv us S.I iip toihii, mid wo hone volir ur lunirliip will u "" J'l as v our mini.' 'Hi" worthy lli-hnp, rellectin; that hit honor mid naino would Ik) exposed, if ho coiiii'lied not, tuid thedehtmid cliaiL'ea. - " . , . .TlniHlrrMilii. The wait. for lj5,sdon ui, .crew and piiiUlu .te amer .r Ihu Kn.lcm Slram Nnu- Btio,if..iiiniii1aiciiillic"our.eofe.iiiiiVlioiiil tl,einidof Mrri.SouttlIiis;!,llicexi.iisiiri-!'l. ; builder-at Millwull, llucliind, nheio -nine hull- .Irelt-of i I., half hlll .linen in order to nlppirl , l'i I'i'EO W'""- M hundred, of Ui.. ol ir.ii' pmieipil faloon -II feet. WA pat-ino; trauhr in tho hack wood ini'l nilh n settler near a hou-c, and ctniuir td: Whoso liuutc V Mu.".' Of what built 1' bout.' Anv neiirhbor 1 'l-'rcfti-.' 'Wlnt't tho noil I' 11.12-.' 'Tlii' clinntel' I'..,m.' 'Vour diet 1' 'Hok.' 'lion- ilo voit catch them I' 'Il,),'s., ' '(JcukI dnv, Mr. CrThi-r. ar. upward, off... lliou-raud .nor fennlle. Ili-... male.!,, the oil, uf Iloftou. . . Tin: 1'mh iu M1.Ti10nfi.11. lndon -Meiid nier an arenuf T.'I'JO ncren, or ICSniuure in'l 1 ;(.:ir!ndi)i'ii limit lo jit married, and do you i .... 1. if ... .. 1 .1...... p..'. iiriertiikv itur mo-.lit r Willi ou to can) Hie buiiuai. c I T Vci ci if N ci b .1niday Mny SUlll 1854. l'reieiit J. N. l'r.colt. Major. Coiitieilnioii A. K. W'.iil. Thm. John ...11, James O'Neill, J. 11. Kaltton, Willi b.ik, . Tho Muvor tetidered tho r.'i 'irl tioiiofli. V Atnater, llicvrik-r, whuh nti.-iiiiuiouslv ueeenleil. C11 motion Jiiiihi. D'Noill wo.. niKiiuu I 11 .-ointmllee. to lulu U1MIII1 a-ceriiiin II A II. Sti.i.l.i wou'.il -Clio ii. UcinrdiT If ih'ct ..,1. t'luiii.". leimrt iiiiho allirinative. W. .... , -. - , . .1. !..... I.l 1.jfl..iii.-il.!i,.nliltir.i l.akO 111 1110H'." i" " iijr -; ;-- ' .Vl-l to 1.1 lot. I "HI lirneil .1. ll. .ilfiio if - - . - - - - - .., tvii.-I In v..)v rues ami 11 eciarou iitau- iuioii-lv elccleil to Ullthe lacaiicj caused hi the i.Mnalioiiof (I. W . Atwator. On niotioii J.miett) Aetll wat appomtei lo notifj A. II. Steele of hit oht lion, mnl re inol him lo be present nt th., 110M Coun cil iineiiii- . On million, llm lull of o..v .1. l. .Miller, - , , ,, 1 1 .1 r?-j,lllforliiinV'r.watal..Meil and t he M nnr authorized In draw hit onler on Ih, Jrea-Hier lor Ilieaiuoum. On motion lliot .IoIiii-hu ainu. 11. 11.11 lonwoie nppoiiili'l .1 coiiitniiie.- ,o ' inn th. aivi.untt ot .". 'I'1. tuperu-or of toads, ami report at 1110 iiei uietiiiii; iu tho Cntine'il. The follow ittj; resolution was unatiimou li u-c I : ' lie it re-lilied, by the C ill I lUllletl o' Oi.'ott I'itJ. ll'-'t tlui aot'eplaijtv il r- 1 Piv .1 ,....".. no iiriipo-iuoii hi .-". 11 . temnlvat bndiui; and, at or m-ar th" Oregon lloiie, !, nml MiTi-liv rciuilil. and tliat th" Mnyur - .1 . I.I ..' .1... . III. .11 I,. ..ritiwiiu i'.iiiso.n;i pi in .- "" I turni-liul to K-. li.ftlost. On motion ili" ti'port ot llic i-ninmiltrn .' to wW llio llt-laHH ami orilin. luin - dof Orison Citj im ac.vhUil ami llio vuimiiitl.-c di-. Li,rjJ.-l. Tli- i'o!loin' l!-!iius v."ro prenwl, M ' i'oIIjhh: B" it oru.un"iI ntt cMiiliinliwI li' tin; city C'o il of Orison f'itx, tliat tliu Hj-I.iha iiif tliiiiity iioh 111 tore", !'. ami tha aaiuo an- Ii.t.'IiV ion'.ili'l ; .'ih'l tin) folloilijJ, l,t, 'J.l, :iil, 'Itli, Otli, (Itii, Till. $th, Otli, Utlli, lltli, l'Jtli 1111 1 lillh bo.nnd mo lnTcbv mlopli.d M the I.j-lai of Ore- oiiCity: I )V.L.UV3 or Till: CITV C'uL'NCII. Or OltKUO.-t Citv. i p;r,t' l. ,(, ,. f .-ill tin- ..rduniicCH of thit .itv Counoil shall ! : "Ho it 0rdaim.1l ' and il.ilfli-li.-il b llio oily 1.0U1101I ol Wry- unCilv." .U'. ,S,vUud The ll of till ivolulluiii of U,i, t,n- Council diall ho : "B it retolvcd , , ,. ,'i,x C.muil A Or.oti City," A-c. ' Thinl Tho oit of Or. goti City .ahall ino.l uulnriy oil tnoiiisi .uouuay 111 o:u 1 1 month, al -mil lime mil pl.tcont may i U.iuno . ut whivli hero li u iiiiorum lire.- i . .. . . . Uit, tho record of .ach nixiiotw meeting, , (nut u,.io re.el.jiliall no lean ny mo re- ."order, and the lirt busiiion in order dinll W n, approic, uuieii'i or reji-ci uio nhiic. mill such notion ehu.i lw inado u rxcoru in tins pn'oc'diu;;- of thcCutllicil. I-'n'ih At the lint regular mooting after ,..'iji iiminal ilcctioii, or ;w roun Iheroiiftcr as colli oiiii-nl. the citv Council (diall pro- ..:... . coul to oli'il DV uaiint, ono oiiy iroiuiiircr, I.mocitv .M.irsllal. and ono or more city m- ...! , r ,,). ,.,...,, !in, 0V1. m,,l ,e t.;n C'oiiluil I.I'IV at .iloh or anv Other ri.u,,' ,i,. .h'ct hv lullot a oily At- t.Tti- -m I a c:iv li'inv. r. Th.- tiinn of hil' ,;tii., , -h ill ho for uti" o,ar lllll coon- poril-oi ... - I I,, tho Council. Jixlll lii'ifMitiou to the ilTitlet pro- ' .. ... 1 .. 1 l.i.i I.... .1 ...a i.l'l. .' line 1111.I...1 of .ili 1.1111... ivii ..... -. ..... . .-.v-..-.. ........ ... hi- tl 'ition, -liall'i titer .'.In Iwiid with ntlfli .ient Miivli.N to li.' approval hy tho Mayor, iu liio miiii of two ihu'.i-at.d ilull'in, for the r.afo keeping nf -uicli eily uioiiie-i at innv -.0111 iiito his Ii-iiuK (in'l fur l'n. f V . liorforin nice of hit diith.', nnd th . mou ' of raid liottd m.iy hi increased or 1! miii'il. oil, front t'tit" In" timo, at the Council may difix-t,. At.i i'uiiii!iMllon for hi -.orvJce.i lliooitj Troastirtr -.hall thrcojior cent upon all moni'-t hy him di.hursed. Seventh In ndi'ilioii lu tho duliei pro Kriljvd in llm citv charter, the city inarshiil shall altciid at nil tho regular meeting of I tliu oily council, and often t uiion bciti; no tified h'v tliu M.nor; and t.'ilonn suvlitlu ' tie- at the ootiiitll rhull fiuiii time to timo i direct ; lm -hall ho the collector of tho city tao., ami shall nav llm nunc into tho city '' "i l '." )"?' '"' '" ', I , t"-e her with a I t.lict or other l.iome, hc- I lull .run L'tot li" liti. and vilthlli tctl ilav-i uftor ' Mll,.v f ,i, vhWioii ho nh.ill enter into baud '"'m lln--urn of t'.iu thoa-and dollnr., with ullicKiit Mtn lies t,j bo niprove'l by the m.iKir. com itiniieii tort i i.iuiiiut iivnorm- "v ,k) ,luti" of hi- ofliiv. For each,l.0j ui'iiu the citv cii'.lltcil hsi-linlllfO . . - 1 utitlo.l to .1 comiii.ii.aliou of one dollar ; for collet tin-; thoiilj tines n coni.wivuAllon of Iii pp.-! Ci-iil upon all iii.iuej' collected and paid into tho trea-ury, and for Mich other .on ice r mav he directed a comiieiisntlon lo b approved by tin- city council. Highlit At or before the first regular M.'CtiH! of the city, Milneqitent to oaili auiiii'd oli-clioti, nr it .toon thereafter .1- i piac'.ic.ible, the ltrcordcr shall enter iu tliu b 10U cotitain'tng llio record of tho oouiieil proceeding-, the iiiuiies of all tho p. isoiisvokil for at itteh election, tngether with theofliei, fir which each wa- propo.ted niii th" uiiiiih r nf vote cast for i-acli. In 1 lilitliiii to the lecords nrovi led for ill the. tin ih.irlei, he sh.tll outer all hill audited bv the omiiKil itiim -dint, ly prect-eilmj tlie older of the council f)r the payment of tie ..tine. Ninili It shall bj tho ilittv of tho city lletoliler lo O.tu-fl to IfO wteii U iho Dolt tvs of election provided for in the ad lection I'l'th-e'ilj charter, in which nhall In? given the 11:1111c of all the nflieos to lm tilled. Tenth ll .-hall be the duty of the Re corder lo notify tho Mayor, within two ilaii thereafter, of anv Ic.'.il prove- that maybe) tcruil niiu-t ill" city! council: and a neg lect o tn .In hall he deemed a direliction of duty, to b piinisho'l by tine ni the council mil diint. ... .'ieitth On or Iwuir' thotlrst regular iiu-.vtlu, Mil,..;u.-nt 10 any vao.iticy that 111 iv net iir in tin !r tiiiiiibi'r.ormi-oon there liter ai it, the city rouncil ilinll ,i,Hve I to ihvt by b-ilbil a MiitaMo jH-reon ... rdl .n.'h lueanev. I Twelv ih -Any tueuibcr of tne city court-