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About Oregon spectator. (Oregon City, O.T. [i.e. Or.]) 1846-1855 | View Entire Issue (June 9, 1854)
OREGON SPECTATOR. C. L. GOODItlUII, UDITOK, I'ltOI'KIKTOll AND I'KIN'I 'Till! auitaTiok or tiioioiit le Tiiie amissim. or Wishom" riniMs, ni. iidi.t.Aits ii:n annum-in advanck. VOL. i. OREGON CITY, OUIX.ON TE..MTOKY, FKIDAY, JUNK it, 18.01. NO. 17. THK OKKCOX S1M5CTATOH: A WKI'KLY NKtVM'APKIt, DEVOTED TO THE MORAL. SOCIAL, LITLRARr, TO LITICAL AMI AUHICll.TI.ltAL lirERtlTS OF Tilt rLurl.i: 01 onriioi. Published every Friday en-iiing Office m (iooPr building. Main Stmt. On gnu City. TERMS: ISVAHIAIILY Una copy, ir milium .... " fur iix muni' i IS ADVA set; .fie Oil RATES OF ADVERTISING. On. iiiare iI'J hues i.r lr) mi' iii rl.on, 82 n" im inscriioii, 1 I'll For ever) aildilmnal iiimtIiuii .l 00 Professional uinl Il.isitiiss CanN, of 10 lint's or i.m, Si.'i r iiiinuiit. A liberal deduilion mailr to tiarly udiertisrr. Th. iiuiiiIm r of iiim rtiom must bn distinctly marked on the maro.ii, otliertnsii tliey mil be continued till f.irlml, mid iharjied nrcordingly. I llUV,i) Nrt'll. I hate seen the most' iitedyouiig iikii turn tiplers nnd die I lint ' "ITII IIKII wllO boasted much of their wealth, who li.i'l no money, iron.ily, nor friends, I hate sicn marri'd woiu. n ul'tlmty tliat lud not as much common m nf iit some misses of l. Ice. I lint c seen mon who ma4 much noise about til' tr bratury, ami I hate soon aft. r.l.irk. I It ite " i woul I II .i I l.t'ior. r. M. i I, in.' 'ike a 1 liit-lnii I in ..! I.iii I ( Mime mi u afiai 1 1 't - :j s,.-.' 'I oil ii IK'll.'ll to Mil n in. ti i tin in ' t.i'.iniiit aiiv prnl 'i.l.'y '! Ii in : .'ibl I., in ki. -.piii' ul I li u I. t !ii ll L'"! .1. i rt i Ml in itlni brolf to in i pitjhli 'It n- I An I I b it. k i tl. -.mi I . l.t.i'ii In-r, li f,. die broken b..ul.. b t j. .i iin I b ii.- se mi a in in wli'i r pi t il another to -illicit him to b i .in a i il. lul.ili' foi nlher. I li'in -.on a t.itlo i iiiilo hi- l.t on ill) to link, linn i t at tin -.1111.- tiri. - ii.i" 1 1 h' -. il.ii- IU..H.' t .ij.p d, woik. .1 Up tll.'.ll.glt l-l.ill- it tin but till III' e.iulil li.n i li i. .ii-l, "11. I "lit tin sirc'.t.s'; ll.'I - i. ii u .i bin (lit the iiu Inn .' I li.n.. mi ii ,i in in ui.'iii .in. tin i t 1 1 c. iino a em lid il. lor .lln , .n.'l Mate M.'ii tho :iuie f. Il'.u tote aain-t him .it lh'.. i-Im-ii .a !... t, n Ilk.-. t'allloi-nlii .'I Im Tin- lion l'lolll tin- iiiiiiiii:; oi-Uict li d tr t.i the most i .unlit llltllie. ' In- true, llin iiiuii-i net. i del a in..i.- pros peruiis biisiin . L liU'iiicle. Mining reports from l!ras V.ill.y, an I various points almti , .-lie in the mam, nn', thuiigh in ..iu place the supply of water li beginning to I ill New digging hue b- n Mriirk about fl miles from ll.iwin.'till... in hills In ri tofnre deemed talueh'. As atl ntioii I lio" iH-iug ilin-rlnl ratine and iiif.ii'e to lull milling, th" result is. -uitieip itn 1 ,i it l-'moM 1'ily,' totnille, Moiit'uiii . and iillo-i points In. Ill .llll. which report an highly laioial.le. 'Ihe .Maine company on I In' opposite Mile of Columbia l.'uleli, are dning rem well, and haie l.u f..r ciu-d in..nllis. Share ha..' b". ii ..ld at olio llnni-aiel did lars, mid we uml r-l.iud .'.uui l b" pur. bas ed Holt for that pri, e. The Welch . Iiiim, owned by I're. man .v Co, the same il.iim tint tin- l,IKI tv.t ta kenoiilof in one wiek nor lung iiicv. is paying twenty lite dollar per day lo the hand. Clipper. We are informed tint new hill diggings hltn boon iliini. red l lii.-.n ,l..liiitniin and (reeiiwood, A eteii pound lump In. been found our the surface Shall hue been sunk, and the lull i said to lie found very rich. IntvA lln.i.. We are informed by a gi n tleiiian from Iowa lllll business is tert brisk in that i.l ice. Tin Mieets me r.itt.i CO Willi penj.i.i lliiiMing, are going rapidly. 1 lie iveiiluikv .1 .1111 .nerag. oiie lltindrid iilinee daily. or 1. 11 niiuees to llie hand On I'riday of last wei 1. 1.11. hundred and twenty two ounces wi re taken nut Two thousand lim hiiuilrnl dull irsba I.e. n taken froiii a single pan of dirt. Seion thousand dollar lias lioen refused for a share ill this el. inn. -Column Argus. The Columbia (i.lollo says: Agios eJ Norri, who own a claim in the Main tiuh'h, took out 111 the .v eight days eighty-lite ounces. Tin i aie but lliree shares in the comtiany. The old main eliiiu still tu 1.1 finely. llie Summit I'ar.s Co. bate takiiiojt out rich. ngaui lieen The llirdej-e. Co. on (Jnld Hill.nre ing 0110 ounce perdiy to llie man. iii.ik. Gregory Co., on the name, lead, are ma king from'teiilo twenty dollars per dav each. ... Soin.i companies in tin. Humbug (aiiK-li sre mj'i'ni; 9'i(l pir.dij luevh hind ...-.. . . . - . The Nlolen Midi!). W.. Qni'iti (ill i.MtllirMit lt-iin.(llflr fiMWinil III. Wl VI I'll lIMUf-Hfc I'l VMt.l l"IIVIIU "k,'.-f-" '""-, '7 .-' ""'"" , , I In, Min.lnr .vl.erl.v tn-nt attracle.I cot,M.I, rwl.1.. a t,,,t,.m : I...I tl... cul,.ril only kn. I... hail ni.ule the kiti.l o 1. r. hen 1..J n-a-l it liisliean in. iiriittiu.iii nun, itaslilhlttilliM,riotv lor what ho liml A ftt nights nfi-rnnnla, as the tanner' l.uiiilv werealniul rUiimg (o r.-st, tliey lo-aid a'- k at the door. On opening it Ih-yntt l.-loie tl John Siiiilli. ttllli a load of hid.-s on Ins hhotildir. ilhout looking up he aid : "I have brought tour .Mr.s.neiy, ttlieru M.all l pui i.'r ati'l ilnl ii t i ak a word. Alt' i I .iiniig against Hie liietd ice in sii. nee at'.'it muiio'iit ..ei.inl Hi a eliok. d toice : "ll i th-' Iiit time I h.ltf i r -tub u any thing, and I liatufell icrj bid about it. I am "iiro I did not uc to tliluk lh it I would coin to what I am. Itut I took lo drill'. tug an I then to ii.iriciliii. Since I Ix'gaii to I'll. I. lit II lllll, I'l.'lt Ih.'lt "JltrM no a kick Ymi .lie the lir-t ill it b lie en i- nth-rid me ill- Ip'ii li'itid. My w il'ii i Mckli, and my clnlliiii .iti-Maniug. 'lou I. .n i Mill theiii, .ml blo ton : and -till I -t.'l'.h hide-. Hut I -ay in tiutli, ill-, th" in-t iniio, "let It bo tile l.'.-t lilt frlelli . , .. epli.-.i . lr. .s..icr. "II er. I r-t ill remain Ulweeli oursi Iti. 'Hi. hi art still tuiinu'. and it is in lilt poller to nuke up for loM time, l'lolll- I-.' mo thou will uol.lnuk ant iiitoMcalmg '"l"ur for !l J"'". !""1 ' "'" .'".,l,1,:.v '(c.,,' m..,i.,w..g.,.l -..... si aii-l Hit ittle b..t in pile up Hie -mall Motie on in'' I. inn, ( loo. Hut fin iid Smith, .at n bit, and .IiiiiI.miiii. In.l e ll-. r.rli.ipsit willkiep tli runii rii iii ' 'nit ! liin.f t.lrntirir tu mgl.l. Ii.ib'l.-thi.ii will timlil hard l.. i" Lima- , i. in im. ' i.i-.iii .... i ... . . ... i .. . i...... r. .. ll.ak.' . I tin wile and clllldr.ll.nnil It Will tho Quaker, tins a tanner l.v trade, and , iwoiiajsaiicriiioyoungiiian rc-appcar-known 1v nil as "oh.. who wnlk...l liuinUr ',!- '"' the ten francs to redeem Ins ti with Ms (Soil." One night a quantity of phn, for which the dealer otlcred him two' hides was stolen from his tannery, nwl Im I'uiidied fiain-t. Alter omr- he.ili.tiun lie i had reason to belie.., tliat the tlnef was a agreed, pocketed the money mid withdrew, .luurrcl.oiuc miscrabl., ncighlior. whom I himeiitniK Ihc s.iiliieceily which com.el-1 1.11 .all John Smith. 'I I.- next week the. , " '"' t" I"1? "' ''; instrument, following ndi..rtici..oi.t i.....arcl ill th ' At the end of the week, tH-lealer not hav counts newspaper; llig yen the .le,,,ratul gentleman, bocaino dimeter Mole a. of hiJeson ll.o Mispicious. lie carried lh; tioliii in nft.Ii of thopicsentmoi.lh,. thereby inform. iMrumii.t maker, who ollorcd him ihi.e ed that the owner has . ' frn"- ' "', He i.ekiiowle. (,'e.l then, Iho , Iim f.i. ml. If iiotertv him to th. '"' lou 1:'t",. Anl llc 1!"1 11" '" '"'I'0 ' f..l... Met., the '.,ttn.'r the whol-; , of Itto n-lroit kiiatr., whom he hero des- linmaeli.'n ,e.r.., will Kl.nllt put him , C"'K'1 to ,,,c 1 : a ttaj ..fol.tainiii!; money h ineam more Hew Ioliuiilcr nl SI. I.onli. ' inn. s noun '"." ' in rcirari in ,t.r. Ar.nilrnit.r s nlt.ilt.ip.i. ,....".. .'-'.,. -.. ., m,i n,.o.o ... m. lb,r.,.o hio, n ol. ,... . 'llru' ...... : ". 'F. .V '": : "" U "" """"B?1? Tter.,ta.4 M'- li.uru.i..lMM!l..ioiha .,a,sL,0oftbe l''' f the ."orbidilen lu xuries, winch it , g J ' ' " ..?"'l3.f"- ..ii... .: i ...... i i i .. :ii .... .. . '. . ... . " . iiu.uim n niMii. iu mioiv cunt curtea win i r- ". - . ... . im -e i..: . u i.ic-...... ...... ov, i . ...,., ...u.. ..lti,l'. tiot n man UMt. Lotus, ot any par- V.orriM.on.l.nt of ihe llulldo '"''lu " 'rt acho to send at. av again, ""S"r '"- ""t-iuey.i . ...,..., -. come in ...,.l ..'II me bow ths nppen. ..-,,, Vg, lla.ton, or nnti-llentoiMhat'lia, 'uMt, fe 1.., 1 W rjs7. tl" it .1 tho , ""' -Jt c:.U fsr cor..M Wc-f :' copy of lko.Martel'. 'Itotene. of a nche- ,,; ' , .7 ;. d. " ri.: "1 e, o,i he tfl','''',''M;'iMj.-'-'''.''-W-t- 'lie attempts toRhotv that a I.mlcwi'lw P''. c "l. l ',' U would;10'"' mi I..U- ......iplicci p...iiinuiciiioiiiii. lc,m M11 ,rti.l. inn I). II. Arui-troii'.'. . ....: ...i .. ..i... .. ... i,.,,,,!:.! .,,,.., hate to send awav half a doien appctiing ' .... , , , , ,. . ., ' - 1"r" t.ii.i ii. I'.....' i i.... i........ ;.:.... in .iiinost an incrciiinio snor . ii o Ma'.'intiecnt v dressed adioj anneardailv , . . , , '. " - ""- ". o"- ' w.i'i .... ..on- . r 1MW, f.,.,., V V ,rt H11...10 .itt.l ll.SIIC' OCIO.C lllVt V.IUIU OV illicit io Uiiui."!- , rt ".,.,, ' ,,.' 'j, ,rt !,r ''"""! l""" l1'" ' "''' i meat -lining well the inditidualli. the ,lu- . j,.1 "" fV. '.' .J r;,miv-ao ' Hand llul I.U umiltcrable choice was 'corn'd n the streets of e, attended by ,n. i .Mr-, .siuti -...I : ill's tuii, lince ho lias been 1'reaiili.Mii ll,uV1,' ""- . ,."" ' c ri.iu.iy aionin . , . boys dres-ed III 1. very, ooso occupation is .N.,tl,l... s.,,..,.' I.a . ., -I ...,i sup- 0'f ,, ." I :'s.:l Has been IrcMUctu ,ul tlc U, ,,lM ,ip,av stations or f ff , , , ,, , ' Jnu tho UII-.rirt. atcroiing, or . ii i i.. .......I1 nass t liniii'' h t he fliliro en.' til of the ills- us sinn oi aii.ors nnop en agnni ieai ,.,..., Ik' turn I In- liieli loit.n ' I soon b. cot ij. W Iii ii thou luisl need g0 tu ,10 ein-us.-s ihen.' of .-..tli.. lelln.j'wife lure and .toil will get' " km.w lli-U, Tom, but ministers, ma av, a)."iity." 'is the b.-M profession. You know M"r. The poor f. How ined local and drink, but, the loud seeiiieil to choke lllll). It trtillg to lollllio-e hi f. elm Aller tain I. lie Ixiwnl iii liead on the table and wept liken child. All. r .i while be ate and drank, .iinlhi hoM parted with linn f.r the night, with the fn-ndlj woid: "lit in unwell, .i.Hiii, ano iiiou win ,-u- ita.s liu.l a fiii ml in me." Ileeiiti lnl ml. i his eiiipl..y the next day, and ! main. . I with linn in mt ti ar. asuln-r uui I at I til ti 1 mill. inorei ol I in' uieii wa kept l tin en tin li: but all. i the ile- iiiu-i. il aili-l . tin-1- lln si.i-nii ol ball .Hid M.ii. . - , 'Int. ll-l li id .1 long illness ', wl.iil. h.i i.tli.iuted nit iiuim" : mv onlj I.l. i.l. ...atis in piitu : I would ! much obliged if you francs to re deem It, I would le.ue as MYiuity one of llie tioliii-i, I'oi J. ill sie I Inn litn. ll i an ee. lleul iuMiuiiieul ; I will ri turn to take il again as -non a, tli, inks to mi coal, I shall h lie earned some III. met' al balls and parli.s," 'Ihe young man li.-ni hon el bearing (be di ah r 1. nl him ten I'l.iucs the tioliii, whieli he hung up in his shop. I'he next 1l.1v but one n geiilleinan, well .lies. d, it.ariiigal his biitlon-hole Ihe rib- aiul of the legion of honor, was ilu.oiug fiom the dealer's sl.nk of good muiio shell work. Si ting the tioliii he look it up, ex- iiminiug il 11.11 lowly, "What is the pine of this instrument, sir.' !t is not mine, ' lephnl the storikeeK r, and he iclalid how he' in potesiouof il "I hi tioliii," continued the unknown, "is worth money; it is a Cn inoii.i. IVrhaps its own. rhiiiielf is iguotaiil of n tnlue. If he n turns olh r htm two liuiuinil li.uu- ''-ril. He 1 probably needy and can play, :.'... I I ... .,.,,. ..1 . ,ii no. eiilli.t." I 'Hun h Hiding fifty francs to Iho shoi 1 11 0 I'l. 1;. 'i in. ii ..en .1 uim'i ...'- ... . .- man. Im vl'Ud : "von will Kep that .r inise ot Snulli llie t..rv wa- prot.-i loin :ie.iuiicel, ami the tutcmles imlul- o i w i i ,.,.,.,,( .1,,; ?,.,.. ,.i,n . i i . ". . i " ll, ,l etil.tnigh. I.otere,.mo with good". ged , another gan.u of n.arbles. ' J' n ' 'l J c uol .tmio heca " 'J. "''J K0" ,con4 "" ,fl teww with .lying color,, M the following v." ... " tlieirlegiMaliioiiuiics.iiew uiemto tiicc.ip- tun,. f using faUo weight, to get oil with , . riir Violin TrlrR. 001". -ilnl. ,. , . ,,, , n small fine. ..ter.atton shows ...... I lure sou,., tin... ago pre,'. h. '-.If' llei.,.; in Maine, a while ago. '' riles H." Mr' ff'WV? xu,0,T ruriot- declaiming loudly about the hi- hj'' 1 1 you liuinftom dngin ichulo I. fore a .l,-..l-r 11. eurn.-ilies in New York. . .;.lge,Mrt Coll.... 1 fell in will, n singn- ,'"' '"" l" fwl,,th.i "ll-lo. oninl that he f , ,,, .-, , , . SPr. to- ug it J, r. t g man piioilt. I..I "Sir." said he, ,.,r 7. r. He i, 1, lawyer of le emi- had all sorts of ,, ten lo. leal tvitli-tho S-a.e ,aJJulll ..'' ' N . ! ' 'J" " J niga shdu.'. li I arried, "I am a ,.. and a .'..nlirn... I bachelor. Ilesbow. I epre.cuail..'s being composed of tanner. ' ,.,. .,, cilwillU(.,. ' n'ml ou ,,u' J ,,lr "!). I "ill return , lays . , . The A.lminiMralion.nflernll manner of . (inlcllc (wlu.rin,r, n, imUcWou., I.ato , , m roi tQ lnl a ,(j M (i.lmUofHllu i,,,.,, ,, ,.., ,.,...,. ,,..,. :.,..;. !... ..,. , ' c, i ..,.;. ti. t. ,' i: llll.,. '! .J,. ..Vll.l?. IIV I'l ,HIH,Vi IIMMII n,,.,tl n, ovt to the Ivlitor of the lie cant is if. II. AnmlroiiL.', r.oi., who is the ,u,..,, the r.inlt.t "Anli-lletilon" man ' , t,.t t;,y. Mr. ArinMrolig has coll- irlm., ,., j. fcVnate, and will enter upon I ,1(. aistI,,.,rge of the duties of the ollie-as n n .i... ..,. ., I... ,rn. r.,.,.. ml and coninl.te transfer. riowera. In all countries women lotn tloivcrs; in all countiies diet foi in nose gats of them; i uui ii is oioi mine 00-0111 o. pn-iny uiai lli'-y i-oiieine the idea olinU.'h-hiiig their ilttellings Willi I lie cultitaliuli ot flower among tho peasantry indicates n let olutiun in all their feelings. It is a dc-licalc pleasur' it inch makes its way tlirough coarse organs , it is a creature whoo etrs arc lopc - ued; it i- the sense of the beautiful, n f.icultt of lh" soul which is awaki-iicil ; col or, ti irin, odors, are perccitedfoi the llrl time, and lh.-c charming objects bale al Ic-ngth nclalor. Those who hate Iran I cd in the eoiiuirvc.'iu testify thai :. lo-i-tne lilul.'l tl.e wiuiloii.a hoiietsucklo aiouin I the door of a collage is a good omen to a ' ,V(1,irv ,r-lu.,.ri ''e ian, .,.,(, cultilflto llow.Vs is not closed against the sumdica- lion of poor nor against ll.o want. ..f tl.e stranger. Flowers mav bo called the al- . . . . I hill- and ulains mvsterious truths.-C.inn. uliabcl id angil. w lerewilli thev writcou i(.(jl , ,(lttrt;u An Ovr.iiiit.Aiit) Conversation. 'Joe. ,, j,.,, tr,,,.. up, do you mean lo be n I ... . 1 - 1 ...i. -:... ..,.. . t n win n cii gu.w up, do you mean lo be n ! n't made m. mv mind Tom but l.iwt.r, or keep n conl.-ctlolicry shop I ' ..-.-.. MO. ,,,'t ,n ;1,t me in iv a minister.' i (). ,l,,n'i 1.. n niinisler. Jo... for vm. enn' l...egro.. adores Mr. rretttfacc, and wouldn't on like to bo adored, Tom I' i 'Perlia. I should, but then you can't 1 drite l'.i-l hor-is.' ' 'O, jis you can ; ministers drive fast i horse now -adays; and U'sidii that, Tom. .when they ham n billions attack, the w or- i. . ...... . ' ----- Min.t r . mi mem on a loreigu .our ; uien 1 Im iriiii ri'iiii iiilM.riMi in uilU mill .ftnii liu. ' uien pn i-ul; and ni.isays il won't in- long "' r ". " " .1 won lb-lung country-,..,t l loin .'ten liuuiler lias I anna tnii.-gi m lu write ins sermons, lion l that 1- high !' I me his bunt, (which he wears without Mucking or 'icks ,') with holes cut through lliejii iul aUite theoles.M as to let the . - v ... ... . snow wali'r i.'ine ireely alKjut his teet.ile .laiiug thai he hid not had n cold for filteen te.-us by lea-oii of thi practice. Rut the !! thing about him wa his 'religion,' a he e. died it, whiih I regarded as tert pi I'll liar. He U'lieinl, he said, that the Karth is a huge auiuril, breathing, tery six hour, which cause the ebb and llotv of the tides ; that the lie.--, shrubbery, etc , an. hairs; and all animal, including men, merely n r ..101. on. 1..C111...0U .11.-1., ui.-ri-it nr- lie al.. belietes in a kind of in', ten. mm iitchois, and allirms thai ho can di.tmeili rei'iieiubei luting hied .111 the earth in 11111" dillereiit I'orni., prior to llie " soul, he sats he was in the li'iin of a h.-i.k heep. winch wore a ln-11 ; and the dog gelling after the (lock, of which he was a hading member, he lost tin-Is II, and his found 11 since he wa n man, and knew il the tin moment it caughl his .ye!' Jill 11.1' I I lllll ll IK'SIO I A.. 1.1.1 ll ' io. ' .j There is an inscription on n tombstone al l,a Point, Lake Superior, which reads at r dim. si "Jul. II I'l.ll in ntvltlf nlnllv shot as .1 mark of tillVclion by his brother . ... .. . , . .. to-1 here is iintiiing more iriglilliil Iiiim f. .. 1 , ! .,, ....1.. ,l,. I,;. ...I...I ,,-. 11 .. .1 III III I I" .llni. Willi n in.. ,1 in avuvinii re int- -.''ed to know. friwCkc "' . .... 1 votirsclfif the affair siit-ccds. . ... . ... ..... OW. 1111 1. Ul.-l ".I ll-.l ll','. ll. iiwiiiit ui ,nu ft lifini k-Ore.l.P.. f. Ill Vet II Ollltl" !l WO'. .111- .Ir-.t liL-m n tnoLoAtn nn Ml n. . i J J. .',1 .'. 9 " Wh) tlirobi my lit Art u ill. qn cker btit Whene'er t iat. 1. Iliy lone t Why luriin mine eie from all I meet Tonek thy glunee almie ' Thy li( accend breathi to m. I'nr mor. than nlhrri hear ; I watch Iho imile ihey icarcely at.," Thin cnn'.t layit nl'AMioN,biealhin( lln vow Into thy pure heart Or 'lis Utc'ipmit, tha'.'a wreathinc A garland they'll tain tr to part. Alnioilivrli: Tclrurupli. After wiln.'Sing the operation of Morse's Telegraph and the Steam Itail Horc one ury naturally in.iiires 'What next?' Atmospheric 'l'el)gr.tilis and I-'tying Ma chines ate now racking the intentitu geni uses, and Mr. llichanUou, of Hostoiis very an.'iiine of the nracticabihlv of iiiotlii" b..- ihes at the rate of 100U miles an h'inir, by ni..!iii4 nriitin.iciilirrii. i.ri.m II.. In.'. miuiatiire machino on exhibition. I, is ., tub- 'Jllfe.1 loiiir.eo.inccted withatr pumps, audpo a messenger can be i.l iced it on,, end in older to 1. 1 tlmm-h pi.iceu at one .tin, in ouicr tou iiiri.ugii .Im lulu, Tito rue w nvlint.t. oil noil ll... ineseiiwr lliroiiL'li i.,iin. .i,ii...iii mo,- i..o Al... .1.. l.rt ...;, I .1.,, M....1...T ..I..-1. oo.,.. in.l, .,..' ble to the tr. mcud'ui tclocity. The iiK-au of exbau-ling so largo an amount of atmosphere ns would bu n.cca- .;...... ...,.. it... ,t,. i... .... ol amusement lo tlio rv fiom the use of a ct Under two feet in di- le """ ",( ",nn n,lU rec.ite.l jrmll M(1 uUti amoter is n steam engu.o of the capacity of ') ")'''".. m"e steak and broiled a 'JO ton locomolite tilnccd nl one en'd of clnckcn. Glowing and sweating with per- JJ. . Tri.t, su well known at n special tholitie, and idwats stationary. And thus jdoxity and wrathful impatience, ho sent agent to Mexico during tho late war, U now Ihe co-t ac...alo'f tiansportalioii is about nwn- lllu llit l,!,",";d i'1'!'.;"''!1 nn cm.'llMic i engaged in selling patent right for a wash olio tifll. of that of any oilier inelhod, and 'l1'"1 f"r, '""'V1 bce1' lhc ;va,tor ro-. ' machine. teh.e it- mure I .1.11 tii-.-.iti- I nies f. if real. .............. ..... ....f ...... ..... In order thai the practical working of the inacliuiu iniglil I- teteil, a cylinder six ni che in diameter and three miles long was .'uiiMiiicte'i, and the air Ji.nuig U-eii ex hausted a meexcligeror piling, r was admit led, mid the time occupied by its transit was !;- Hun three second-, as near as could b produced bv was rc'iicatcil ''"'""'; 1."1"1 l-t.oi., and tl.., experiment was ro: "'auy lne'- t. i I it in If id iirsiv irorin-rt(l ti fr. --"-,"" - j '"- ' ?"' company will, a capital of SiOO, lllll for the purpoe of building a line of the Atinospheric Telegraph two feet in diame- ter from Huston to iNctv lork, for the con- teyanco of letters and packages to nml from teyanceol lellcrs and line ?tu a!lip finil in ( '"" ci.i.saiiu iiiieriueoiaic places, allowing uficen ininiit.s for eaeh transit, sending fiom "- -- - " ' " I ' lloton (o N. Y. et fry hour, and back half- paMetery hour, tw cite hour in each day. ... .... i . .. v ... .... 'Ihe shares are 8 Kill each, and tho in - t'oiuc of the company has not becu estiiua- ted at less tli.iu 8i',0l)0 per day. fZTn.Z7 n.n,.ier ,'oriii-! live! Dourtlcr. 4-Tlie following ainusing nnecdotohasbcu. furnished the editor of the 'Albany Dutcli- man,' by ono oil. ii correspondents : . ,," . ,. ,,,. ,;tnlnf rtnf.l,o Now Knfan, SlllU,, boasted of but one itiiiiiic imiur. niiicii miH.ivi'rr itpuiiiiluo t i i'l . 1. i i ... . . . .... vtfililitalmii ni. liv the wMv.iuil nt wliitli attli,. present t'.me. toil "can make sure of wl ,for,nbl.. and Kiti-faclorv aceomm..- datum, on reasonable term. Then n sliip-build.'i-, land spccul.itoi,liiiiibcr mer chant, ive. Of all men, however, the queerest custo mer w.i a Representative who had not cer tainly been 1 h. 11 for any remarkable ora torical talents : or for any .-MetisitL. kuowl edge of political ccoiiour III fact, his no tiotisuf pi it ale economy iiltogi'lii".r."loni in it. d, us the li.ll.itt ing ain'clote will sboiv Willi his constituent, Mr. ! took nil his qtiiirtiiMit the public li 1110 kept by Mr. ! . Ile was .leliglitf.l Willi llie ..I 1 1 lii-oii slcnk, theiliunor ol tur , , . 1 .1 1 !' !""' ,,I,H';".I !""" a' "tli. r.i.rr.'.twii.l. Ulg ucci'lllinu 'illioii , uui 11..11-. inu 1, nc- ei. I.0.111I was moie than lie tell utile to p.iv. ,, , , , , , 1 .j -. I Milium in. scry nappy 10 accoiniiioia e, ' ciid Mr. I' .pohtily, 'but I should '""1 .- . i-'i"i... .. --. lose by the npfialii'ii. lluno the be-l ot II.. .. . 1 . . .' it.ry tiling on mv taine, aii'i mv cxpeii'is are so large that . could Hot Ine if I wcrulo, reduce my price. 'No v.'y al all in my cv.. i' inquired the rcproenlntitc, nn fully. Aecoiiiiiig.y ne app lien n ine 1.1. uioro ... ,.,; an(, iK.mlilul liaiiil, that Ho Ha re- krttle it. his hands to calcft. it in J and . la know if he could iul board him for less than coiyvt ,j.f ,.irrel Ills. ; ten pounds CI. : it tioiittit; himself in front of lio loaded piece, the usual pi ice. iomewhil dillicult to dotcrmino whelher h. cxcl limed to llie otherAwhn stood Ik?- nt '.to 1 unlit see lion 1 can. 1 into 10 rv nnciimiiHinly high, this season, for my lurkets, trnison, eggs, vc .v'. ......... . .,i m, r. Now, see here,' interrupted Mr G , siiiuiose tlieso tixins are Wotll. a you . '". . ,11 .. ' charge for Isscd. I w -ul lr t evmpl nn n I fellas though I coul.l all'onl mHi ilin iur. N)V,ttliy nnt Irtth.-m that want to . eat tho turkeys, pay for Vm ! Fur my pari I'd as In f i at corn'd hcef tivcry day as not. I tton'1 eat tour turkey i, nml 'dou'uto why , 1 thould pay fur 'im.' ' 'Wry well,' .inl (lie oblij,'inj landlord, , with an ii.iluletit smile. 'If you aru t it-1 ling to coiiliii.' jounelf to corned Uxf, as ' far as meals arc concerned, and to cat other . thiiWH acciriliiiL'lv, I Mipimsc I can make ome deduction in four cts.-.' 'Iho ropr....iti.lite was highly Kraliui.l.' llc promised toealcorn beef and to nbstait. fiom t.irinus costlv ilisliw which were nam .d, upon which condition a sali-factory bar-' gamwas mailc. Aivotilinirll'. eiorvWidv who nlnrre! Mr - !-. , . , ------.-- (i at tin. t.'ihli' from that d.v, wero tery much astonihcdnt hi inuuhrchoicu of lood. (If courso, the bargain was n e- i cret confined to the two parlies by w horn it was made ; mid the iincoiicioui nailers l.ti I before the represontatitr temptntion after lemplatiou, which he no doubt foumi linid lr."-.", "hat shall I help vou to, sir ?' thev W';j I;"'" y. chicken pie, tent- wirt ak. i a uu lIieRCf.u,,lvin -""nil... . would lie llieROll-cleimng cul.un.ilioii ol the scntiiuloui bo.udor. .,.,,,. ,i ' c li",p"' ,l,c waiUr "yu11! lilruU.K!' '''!'. ol amusement waiter, boarders, guests, etcrtbody except Mr. G him- y-lf, who wa. gnetou,ly annoyed. At last n ilnre could bear it no longer. '""' -1". i. cau.-u lor ins i.itor-, "i"11" wiui smoMiig, .morons lurKey. 'You thick skulled rascal,' cricc the furi - ous re'i'seiit'itiie, 'can t 'i ..i.iivrstati.l! Mr, rartinglon, a she al in one or toe I ain't a tutk'ij boarder, I'm a corn'd UrC N.' Jersey Railroad cars and gazed upon bo.irdcl. Do ton hiar J Tm a cont'd be rf the ticket which she had a short time pre bonnlrr1' ' tioiisly iuirchaed nt tho depot 'Morning 'J he waiter hoard ; the table roared, the Relief 1 rain I sposo that must bo tho rei.resenlatite ir..fuclv : but he train which slat Lsct cry morning nt 7 o'clock wai netcr nftcrit.irds troubled with rtfu-iug tho dishes ho had forsworn. The waiters enjoyed the joke, and tho representative the ' corned beef, in quiet lUCOIltlltC'llCiL'S. , A person arguing 'merely to elicit lhc truth and losing his temper because he gels lhc worst of tho aigumcnt. Peace society men breathing universal brotherhood, and indulging in liiHammalo , ., . .1 11 I . I . '' lo'.guage tin is more than likely to lead to a brcacli of llie peace. 1 Higli-tillcd huh. s sympathulng deeply with the slaves of Amciic.i, mid keeping up , a number of milliiicrs working all night ; i wcause uiejj niusi nato mcir ureases .em liomo by a certain lime. Irish menib.'rs always abusing tho gov ernment, nnd j ct too happy lo accept n situ ation under it. Agriculturalists paying enormous prices I""' I' guano, nnd allowing all the vAuiirnirii tn It. tiitil in tlin aMtii.u w".!" .....vM . v..v.. TmtlixiniMi Lfiiin-? their dniiL'htcrA tin' education of line toung, and expect- ingthem to mind' the shop. f. ..,.1. .... i.iin. , l,. ... ...v .tunlim. vuioie iiinnij i, neii .ei iin.uii ivi n.e.iiio oternuient sity of a hour-' bill in the eotloii-tudls, not paing a similar measure lor Ihe b 'in lit ol milliners, needle-women, and other cp pressed classes, with whom the hour of working are unit- limited by the will of llie master. 1'tnirft, I'rliili'.s I'ii 11 ltcii.1 Aii)llilug. Th .iImi.i rem irk is often male by cor respondent nn I n licitier, a an evcuse for h ill' spell d ttuid, abb .tial-'d tccimic- ilitiis. an I l it. nly iinrei lable writing in g 11 i-d. llni . nn doubt that printers' a . I. iter deei, lierer of bad manuscript th 111 any ..tli."c-l.itiof persons. Iliit when, f..r tostii.i-.. m iiiereli.tiit w-lile. eten in In ,..,,........ -.. ,--. ,lie m,u.,ant ronlly means boots, bivuitsrhind it, holding alighted torch : "Now .,. lonteniiits : rhalk. cheese, or churns. or iiiiiieiHuis i riiaiK, 0l0(C,, cck, orcl im. " . . ' ' ' l.n.'K.i llt'll. Tho great MlofSt. Paul's Cathedral, London, measures ten le. I in diameter, and ten inches in thickness of metal. The ions is tery tine in the musical nolo A, concert pitch. The liiir is struck on tho liell by .1 large hammer, which 1 uratvn ny a wire in . " I !..... ... I .'ll I ' i . ti,n clock-works, and fills on the outside of 1 ,,, inim liv its own weii'lit. llm e iiiiner I . . , 11 . of this lv 1 wi igns 160 joii'ls and u nly useil to HI on r'll .vaion, ,uch at Iho death of one nf th.' royal family, or of tho auhhi!iop of Cauterbtiry, tho bihop of t.ut'l"n, tlio dean of St. I'nulV, etc. Tho I i.l tmi. it was brought into use tttw on t!ej I death ol tho J)ukc of Wellington, in Sept., , I ib'2. iN'. V. Mirror. ; ,, , I Midnight K-x-About two o clock on December ni-ht, wluii the thermometer t"'lm tli.'i'-i.jhl'Orl.ond of icro, n party ' 'f ""r' ''!'i'l1 f.irin-liour in the wt in ur)' 1'oisteious llieianner "prang out of Ins warm bed, drew on a few articles nfcWInin', Mid ran out tosco what was win led, whui ll.o followinLj di.ilogua ocvhim-.i . ' 'll-ltO o S any ia f, Mr. -I' IM' Ilnvo you plenty of corn !' I'le: if of meat and br. r'Miifl !' 'Wcl. vi .. are ten ii ful 'irl . The parly tl. mfr lo his ret! . la I lo hear it, for they .ire. fur n family 1' droto oil, leaving tho fir- . y ,) w ,, clifford a toung man in lu.h.tna who recently ad- , '..?. if,. slv tint lie I, lhorntirh. ertisei lor a wil..,sats tliat lie Is ttiorollgti' It-coiit meed of lie adinntascs of adverti sing. He t.y li.' has rcceitcd in answer to his ndt ertiscuiciit, 70 1 letters, thirteen da. "'"u".' I"-"-" a i- . i, i... , :.,., :,. j . .... , . nitBttina the lien from nuack d- it iscnicu's. Some of them ore never seen . cnttr-n, tIQ machine. M onlr the ' T'Morning Relief Train,' soliloquiied to pick uti tho poor crectcr.s on the track that have been masticated the night prcti- ous. Dear me, when will Railroad folks learn to use circumcision and caret and the old lady sighed in bitterness of spirit. On the" 1 rat elcrs Register 'at Villrd' Hotel, Washington, is the following recent entry : "Mrs. Anna Maria Lewi and hm- , umJ. "'"". - ' CU. " V-l'iMO.. 11. Ort.O III,,. VUB I1U.UAU-- og gctk m .fJ fJarltlg jMk ., M Ai fca asks mid he knows where there is one that A correspondent sats that one woman would just suit him well educated sens!- i),.t unging to Ion: and to bo loved, just as rich as himself, and the finest llower of her f.,m,v. Wuc.m picture such n one now sitting iii j'oiidircliiiir, Shu holds a Lit of needle-work in -lior lap ; her light glossy hair is laid o- or a clear blow with exquisite tasle, uml as she' looks you in the face one can tiett her sun-lit smilo with nothing less than adoration ; while he lilly tthito hand forms a lovely contrast with hcrdaik dress, and the tranquil rise and fall of tho bocjico show signs of a t,arm nml contented heart. ' ""''gusot a am contei lint this is a picture merely. N. V. Sun. - Il'ii.' I'erllS' Colli I I'l V me li mi W.iy, how- vol'.' 1 didn't what ! said,' 'i. v 1 risked it ya might seo .. ., ! .I.du'l. ii.irm tv.H i' I LV.iv asuc'Lvou & 'Are j . ed a gctitli'iii :: . christian Indian I' ask 0:10 of the Cattaraugus irilv. 'No,' was the .m.smct, 'I whisky Indian.' Two Irishmen were going to fire of x cannon. iut for fun : but bcine- of an ceo. mimical mm of mind, did not wuh to l.., 1...1I s..s.... nfii.AM. rtAL. .H ! iei..iiie'1'i.i. kvimv hi i.e.ii evil. w.. inju i,,..l, i.' ,(v .,.,7l.-' 1;. ,;,. .-".v.. .. -'.. L.. ....J I W 1- . Cr-7" 'she has destroy ed my hopes forev. 'How I' in (Hired a sympathising friend. 'Hy idi.'i.-i.ij them,' rejoined tho happy Oirl.ord Holland told of a man, rfin.x'k able for absence of mind, who, dining oncn on a .shabby repist with a friend, faK.leil . ,. ' ogio lot thu liuusuu m u.sustll lii'il-e, uii'i ii-i;-.)! it. him-. res.Uu!us nfth- d!r.r.r , - . -