Oregon spectator. (Oregon City, O.T. [i.e. Or.]) 1846-1855, June 02, 1854, Image 3

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JBdlUU by Mm' M. J. Bailey.
rrldar Evening, Jnnc , 1N4.
Mewing Moclellr.
Wo li.it o often wumlcruil liv lowing so
cicticn nro not iuritis.il in tliis country, mis)
on making this rvmittk soiuo limp sinct) to
a liuly, she replies! : "Tliu ladies are not
well enoujrji united in tlicir slews, of the ml
vniitn(oof tui.li weietivs, ami tliu most ini
nortntit uio to which A fund could bo niiro
printed." It seems, to us M worthy of re
mark tli at in Oregon wo linto no oor no
mendicanu no paupers ! Hut still, occn
lion do sometimes occur n ben, if a fund wits
on band to relict o distress, occasioned by
fire, sickness or crime, by which fiitn'ilies nrv
left uniruviild with nrer-ssary sustenance,
it Mould tilionl (rent nwl imincdiiilc relief
to the stiticrin";. mid snti.f.iclioii to the be-tietult-nt.
There are alo othei important
use to ttjiicli mich n res il. tie could be ap
plied: fl'or instance a more praise-worthy
drfutfii could not In1 sought limn for the
la'djen of Suleni'tn aid the lte. Mr. Dickin
son lo erecting a chureh for public worship.
Wo have attended hi scrticooii the Snb
bath when tho lilllo school-muni where hr
now ulnVi.-itcs, was no crowded nud destitute
uf scuts that most of the tiu-nibs-is of the
rhoir were rnipillel to stand, or sit about,
Millie on the windows, MumN, writing di-k,
ur ujioii th'ir sou b.nlis iiin'i tlie fliior.
There liiijrlit ! b- s .ill" iinprnw incuts
iiiu.Ii- in the Ms llt-jili-t .Lim.ii ut S.ilem, to
r-nder it more cotiiforlabK and i l.-ant in
it internal arrangement. here neids a
light lipended in the listibnlr, fornt pre.
nit 'tis n ry dn-ary tn .ae the lighted
church and be urupin,; nleiiil in the dark
fir the du'it, or for a I'm nd l.i lead ..ii tn
it. 'Ihere shotilil b" miiiii. k .id ..f railing,
(iron woiill Ik' pr. fer.ibl.-) ii'iu the sides
of the uteps, to pr.'tt-llt mold. Ills, A njr.'Oll
rl.ith iikiii the Sieiani nt.il table wuiild be
much more b-titline; than the one now in
use; ii uniil I corre-poiid better with the
curtains, which by the way, uu-glil to de-sci-iu'i
t" the lltmr. Tin1 cilsliimi on the
pulpit siiind should be covered null ;;rci-ii
whe',, to ciirresjKHiil with the table and
curtains. And why can nut the Indies
bear all this ei-use f Hate they no .lis.
pos'ui.in lo'iii-nutifi tile house of our (iod,"
or to realize the tnilh of the pruicrh, that
"lieiievol'-nci" is its own rrwaul." More
Tn 'orri'sodi,llt.
"Tll.l.o." Vi ry tnurli ri;;lit
"llni.KUM." s think wehae heard
mini thin); if that kind l fore. WV hope
tuu'll lifter beoiie of tlnne unfortunates.
A ui-w Ai-qiiiiliitmin.
A fiw d.its sinee we r. eeiied a call fn.iu
n l.uly nf rather sinful ir appeariinee and
genius, who thus n.s-..-t.-i us :
"M id.im, areyoil the eilitor of tin sp.e
t.tor I"
"Nut at all Ma'am, we only bale charge
of tin- l.-idici.' Ilep'irliueiit ill that pnp r."
"Well, that will do, mill wautid In
know ifyuu lute the ptitil.'jje.if usiu what
other woiiien write, for I ..I'leii wish I could
talk riht out in some newspaper, and hate
nil the world hear me ; ami now tell me.
Madam, will inn print some things for me
that I will tell y.iu whuii I hate an npuir
tunity.aud that t ili tn ii.iti.gnnliro.nl
I ilnti'triru liutt far, for I really think pro
pleniioht do belter than they do. Hut how
are they to knoit that they do sum."; if lies
r t'dd so, foOymi know they cRtttiul see
their own faults."
Wv replied that sc tti re ipiite willing to
hear her eoinplaiiils, and as far as tli.y
could with propriety bo nihnitted into the
paier, with any hope of success, nr should
be icry happy to nci-oiiiod.il-her.
lit what name will we call ton I said we,
M the l-Mitur will want tn know who ynu
are. '
"O thill is little matter nnxliow," slie re
plied, "but he and you can call nn A ;
that is what esery budy roll, me, and I do
not Miposc they know if I hate any other
"Well, A , what do you wish to com
plain about 1"
"Oil, n great many things, but I will not
bin leryi n long this time, and tou tell Mr.
I'iditor, I'm going to write for the Speilalnr,
an I he mad not shj no, i'oi I bh.dl hate
your leatr,"
"Will, but what lira the faults.'" wo in
quired. "Hur aougb, but I can not stop to re
Into many this lime. I was thinking this
morning how tcvitiotis it was, when I walk
out, with one of my Inngdnsx . on, to rind
the side-walks nearly row-red wi.ii tobacco
pit, from loafer siyjng iilmiit on boxes,
and to lie obliged In pick my steps on tip.
toe, as if I were, walking on stepping-stones ;
and then tu Iw so much afraid (hat my fine
Ircsi had got soiled, that I could take no
pridn in it afterward."
"Any thing else !"
"Vs, and logo into a slorr, and while
yft'i .irolndinf, t iuw. i,..n st.ind'n,' md
silling nlwut, listening to cory word you
say and winking at each other, if you only
try lo beat tho trader down a picayune on a
skein of silk I"
"Any more I"
"Yes, a great dcul more, but I sec ou
uro in n hurry ; I'll go now, only you tell
thoso dry-goods dealers, not to let the men
spit all over their Hoon nud on the sides of
their counters, for if they do they'will got
little of my custom."
So laying, she went away as she came
in a hurry. Wo expect lo In ar from her
Wo hate the permission of tho Editor of
the Spectator, to say, that tho remarks of
"Mrs. Swisshclm on Dancing," nud the an
ecdotes following the stury of "llornco I'cn
ley, published last week in this department,
were of his selection nml not ours.
On Priil.iy nilit l.it q sliitrcd in tliu
pU-AHurc of HiU'tiing tu nwcct ficrciiaOi'.
icii in cuiitliMictit lu a (trolly nuii M!m,
n itM-nilKT of the liutKchuM. Fc-clini of
vinj).itliy tiliratcil within our own mind,
:n a firm oicc hnni :
"O! I.ndifsi, how my henrt rowi urtry ;
Furftoiu the o'.d fulkisl ho tie."
Wc liuj.e that next tinm tiny niil not
to toon "jrrow wi'.iry"' of tliiln in, tlivir
muit'.il nttaiiiiiK'lit.
Wlit n tin harinuti of tn'ci', guitar, io
tin and (rutuhoih hal rt'iifil, n shhI hinl,
Iiil'.'l in tin Ij.utl', coiihih I'Ciil ln i.iiul,
Hooiniiigly to try if lit coiiM noUxoltln
lirl sotitiTH. 'J hi l.uti r snii.nl wr mI
lUhly roiiMtl rvl in coiiijiliui lit to oiiMvlf,
at we f.iitrit'tl licnan:
I"Or hinrt'lirokcn trbiijr,
TliT'i iiiuhii fur Ihrr
l)ri lint llllt I Bt'to 111) Mlt
'1 hull tlmlt e
In ni) cmy litlle mt
I trui) um blrtf,
Willi my rluimrr tnd nritliiijjujhire j
I um h d iruiri ) uur ghl,
Hut all llm lung night
I "in j to in) luvedonea ierdrar
Dfrju.r tidtdrur itranertlhe end not )el.
The itairhght now Kteuimiiff. in euiikhme will
In l.-vst ttci-k'a issue, ('.'Olli ult.) in tin- nr-
ticl; vtititli-tl "Ilor.ii.-i.- 1'ciiU-y," comiiii-ncui i
.it lli sitli i-ir:irnili, rein I : 'Tuns iniil I
nijjht i-1 r she nrusf fruin tin; j.l.ico ttlu-ru
lii- liml s:t vtitli licr lii-a'l rrstnin; upun In-r
li.iii'U, aii-I tlii-.. ii.uiii In r liilili-, sVc.
1'lls.gi' ii-uiii t.lu Itsiukll
's here art Ibou r.uriou,etrauger llmu '
So laved, ao last, tt here an ihou now '
1 e taheber infi Ii lwhate'er
Tli' unlmllnwid name Ihou'rl do-imed to heir
Sl.ll li.nouav lill to this fond heart
Heir as its blood, whali-'er thou art !
es Alia, dreadful Alia I tin
If Iln re l.e wr"ii-.', lie cruue tn th a,
l.et the btaik watea that round us roll,
helrn me Ihis-instanl, ere ni) soul,
Fnrelliiii faith h.-iile 'allier all
llf..rc lis earllll) ilol Wl,
Nor woralnpe'eii Th) self above him
Far, nil so wildly do I lovi li'm,
Thy Paradise iIm If Here dun
And Jot lees, if nnl shared ttilh him."
I'll all oil.
As intiin.iti'il lust tti-ck, tin' f.i-iiiuiis an
tnrtiitis. 'I'll. -n-is a (jri'.it prul'ii-inii uf l.i
i-i-s, frin-i-s, iliiuiioi's, fi-.illi"is, iirtitiiials, dVo.
,'iii.iri'iit in llio pri'si'iit sulo nf iln-ss, ii
fiiiinil in Ciiiili-j 's I. ail's llmik, nml lira-Ii.-iiii's
M.'i'.iziin'. Skirts i'..iin -1.iii:cii or
Iriiiiniiil ttilli dilils nrv rn-ii.illy I'.isliiuii ,1.1
M.mtilUs nro tmn.li tturn, aii'l Imnnots an
lll.lllu slllilll.
1 1 o u a' (j iCvYSsT e y .
Continntd )
Uoraee coinmriued hulohl a)ir., ,,Otfie(fi.'
what itoiiHiir it I- to tm .haulon fine dux
iliiijj, attainah!e Imjea fr lo,ef.tr, for , T" and
la raid I Ik nuler lo Ja face, "for A but U,
lli.lt lotrd one ' "
II p.niil, and p rtcmng (hat hie intnot
thougtita would tall, lit lmn.nl oil with In- prrpar
Hliona for hreakfaM, Inhijf tu gin a thuuht lu
nutliMig but to ft out of Ihe romn aa quickly aa
pgi.h'f nhrre there mi;hlbt ximKlhnu beiore In"
ejre hut Ihe linage of Am). In hi liado he
isii-hrd In' fine Hilhonl re n muni ha lulit'tnp,
' acoured ha trelli in tin walilula put llif fight
boot upon the left font, and viu. vtn tie I hi cm
viit orr llif collar of liinjjtl hirt,nnd w.ianvln-
a I) lirii'Imii hit huiinanl ha r w tli Ini iulita
bruh, whtii hdiicovrrri hi-.nilali. '
M Well," mi-I hr, I am viaf), ur ih ill W if I
dmi't Ritover lli."( mid amiy ho wpiii.u.id aa
as-Hin a m (jht In hr riihtfd hta llinnhla m a oaap
j whUh refjnirtd hia nII-ii-ioii in ihr roiiillion-t,
j At odd tnii-t", nflf ridi, ho wnnl I aul hxpiue on
'Hi um Milip-ct, hui fi)filty ripreiwrd lnmrh
thua. " I. rt T )ra, I hi .m f wha ta litr worth
Hilhont lovcf I am rial a ninr mtlmii.itui ; I
t will I ive Iveruiiao I can'l help it. llm I w II lovi
u woman who ii worlhy of met .he shall be a
. bnvly and . gindtmaii'i dauhit i, and pnaaesaed
of evtry (recti in almrl, lady, ju.t ,al Iht
tufa of lloraco I'eu'ey ought to lutand I'll Uiep
her lik alidyt anoriiamcnl of my parlor and a
charmer for inyatlf."
Horace and Amy met no more fact lo face. In
a few months ho waa elected lo Congress, and
was on his way In Wiielunton, anticipating itilh
(real di hc;hl the real lalion nl his g,on in; dteams.
A d lie " ' rrs1 r. 1 ti ''e fu'lrat eitfnt If
could ilciire. He comjur-lrd tlio buiinem of his
inlry'i call with honor lo Mimelf and latisrac-
ii to h'a constitXiils. Mi. company .a.V.xtrly
. , . .. .
lithy Hie Inlell ireiit and refiuei!. Hornet and
I lion
married his Ijenntiful wita in less ilian tno mottllis
frotn his nrnval in Washington, rei.i-iti(l a fortune
( with lirr, alii, to Ihefiillfst ekUnt Ilia glo.vnij; an
Iklimlious of his fancy ts ero rit.fie.l.
Whrn mi his return from Cougrets, the rcmeiu
brancc of Amy Miiictiinea irowed lis llimi-liit.
He frit n drirrro of regret lest his ercat oood luck
liuil.1 ix-ension (Mill and inorliliealioii lo her mind,
' l ..li ...i. .. i u.l i.
im nvum ihiiki l ami 17 ptiiitu lliilinil ill nut villll
iieigliborliuhl tlmti in lliat wlicie ihe rrvideJ ; but
tli rgM wa If went d when lie leariud that nlie
Iiat n (; heard of Ii mirr ge hd iottwired to
ttid a gentleman who waa ttcry way worthy of
tia ts.l Bavai m laletaafv aiin ilantl'li an aaapaaail n.aiilanl.
ust tus4 n iiiiiii ii'iiiiiiiiiii iiirii sutnriii-
mciil. Willi her hunbaml.
' Five rnrii fruin llm Utter Jute the m mitinir.
ouetve (f.onihe-ofa with him tlvur. lleiirm
uaa around her tv.ul j hu rlit In
l.aat. I K.I I l..r.
Imn.l lirl.l lure.
while he wne gauifj upon lur fate with tfl ap
parent natiifttd on. Amy w.m i illy happy a
h'mieir, with ihe exception of the p-iin ehr fc!l oti
h in; learned that IIo'iicu wut not at forUin.'lein
lite marriage relatione oa luraelf.
IKnry Ueinuaiwea'lliy, atcrediiisly ne.t,lhy.
His iiiduHriout habile for llir tail hx Jfun of hi
life, together with Ihe upprotiation f the pubic,
wheh he had diierteJly ubtamdby an tinfl ikIi
iiij courK of lioncefy rimj upihlncM in h h i!ii
i ng, and hi'Ii the Mewing ol harng a uifr who
lent nil Ihe enertrei of hr mini lo encotnu;,'i and
up'iolil h in, ho'j aecurrdlhia to Ii in. In lh"rpir
lor wm ft try l.uury an I comfurl which coud lr
deKd. I. wry an.ile of Inrmtme or nrimmtrnt
whkh Henry brought lo hia liim-e uaiiviii Uu
Utft; with Ihe Csmniaud accoitp(ii)ing it, ' Nvw
Amy. tny diur. ihj y tli to the ntinoNt.''
Amy h id n it tnm b-ckw4rd to in provp lit? np
pea ancf orihr pt ice ui far an wm mi hn power,
felir had imbrodrrrd toer ng for hf f ..IslixiU,
the wa nllow, the ccnlie table and iat.o iluol,
nd had vrna nenle.l Ihe wa.la of the room aUo
withyiciures, mouly of her oau d..iL'ni. itroiijht
a . ,, ...... i
tt t h n-noi peif'i ateit niis-r. In on iiuciwtis
1 ' '
ihe eaerainenial uup, with Ibe w..n!a - llrmk )e
.ill of it." In a io Ii r waa Ilia " .ll-s--e iii lite.
In another tsa aein upon a mil sta-id, ' Alt bi.
b'e,M and in another atitl vtus a rrpre-N.i,iaiiun uf a
I..-M li,. im .... anil, na .a v.koi.ii.l nor-.m. ,...,!
.I,..,!. n,,.l (!.,. ,.. .,,1 l,.!-. w.H. H,. .,.!.
' -"' ' ' ---.--
Id.i'a Sntit Hon e wrought he neaili It,
her tth.i ,01', promsed ... on 'our tte ni mrihl
" A mV. in l ill tr. .ml 1 1 astir t. a In Inn ram am
i .,,.,, , r , ,
that 1 111 Kill i all ton in f.ie tenia fro n thai ti ne,
if WC lllOUld both llVl-. nnl I Should CO-IS dcr Villi
sAnrll.v a. (la a iniuritl Ant tl I. nam Aoi s..u
nvesai a seta rii . vn I IT mvii 11 vrtsilB
' ... '.
aitcc w iure nuriird, and are ou c..iii- lo ktrn
f I
jour pnrpoee ami permit me to call ynu my frr.it
uie, aa I then tonifiKiiced to do, but wm firbil
den, aa you aud I did not know if you wjuIJ proe
"iich to me?"
I reniemtf r it all, hut am imt nuut d that y u
i'onidr pie worthy," ahe replied, aa ehe locked iit
to In- face with a amila i lnch heme I to iy, )o
know belter; )ou knot! I do b.lieve jou think me
! worthy.
j "O, my lrar uif.-. M he ilapiiif her to In
ho-uni, "in) tovr, my hfeuy treaaure ! )ea, I
rouIJ not, woiill not hu- h ill.oiil Jen !" nhd tft
un the commun'on of hfArta that rxitted I In re
nh-rc ea;h waa cuiitent w Ih the other J where
ii-ithrr night the Jmnura of lhj world In prrfrr
, ,, . , ,i
euro iii.ioine.iic i.icnyt atiier. mino as eouai
to nimd i where bliss ttaa aouglit ai.d found in liv-
I m; for each other, and where Ihe harmony of Itto
turtle d.tes wa. niter i-realer lhau that which ex-
,, ,, ...
uleil tielueen lliurt-and Anie Dean
Tl..- in..t g'ooiny part of Ih. .tort- nmain. lobe
''... ..!.., i. ..,!.. .'a i.....i...i.
i , , .,,...
Ihe prttrnt h atory uf Horace l'enl.y.
'17 .Ma rik nd are alwajn hapner fr hann b-en
i,r, ..,.... ,.'u .... ,.. n.p,-,- . ,-.
I tuu make them haunt luentv tears lieiue. b.' the
i .I,,. , , , ', niUI lUl.islierebt x ten Dial li-lli-rs nradinui. I oinrr s llhad, llatuaM.lroii,docower,ao llioin- . s " -. s ,,.,. u-u,.im ,.,,d us e-arn.li-i
niriiiiirv of A thidhnu.1 laioe.l ttilli a duo 1 i .....:... i .' "i ...i.. -.i. i. .. n . ..'..-.... n.. ' i... j. i '....j . .... and rsa nuai rs. sienna wussumm ita aa jam u-
I - . ...
in mure ufratmiial indulprnit, uii-.er fund and
wnt partuU.dilTj.eiutcr the stlio'tiif lie afrs:-
Hiii! uf .-:... pea-uit, n.liu c.:r uc uld .c Uthe
. ' , ' , , , ,
( terylastre.iituibrancewiiislili.il can eras from
thf uiiii.l uf man. Host- tnj itmtiit, huwtrcr in
csuieidfiabf, is confii.cd In ll.c pitaeot iiiolnent ! ,
A,.,......h.h.p,rforh.fr.. l,.,h .,...
uiise an aierab e tuur, nr In I furny ltnlhof
wil. pleasant, e.p, or ,,'j -,. lany cunaU -
rabc inters a) .if inmxfnt p'tamit.
' CVl'ri'Uihaii ii.ciiliuiit.l that mi th Princess
of Wa'ts s-iimiuu' uter to Knlwid, it wa uiatltr
, i-f di-s iis.i.111 auiuns a arty what m e w ini of Kn-
K'ldi her llut al 1 lyhiie.s twlm wu tula'l) i,'no-
. . . .... . . .. . i .... ,. .
ram m in. iuuaj, auuu.u oo .m usu,,... ...
aieak I ha ssime s-oni anv nrrc I that "je-
ttattho must uieful word, tscrp'. Ia ly CliarlnU
Lndaav, tth.i sut'ce.lfl that "no" waa mist as
, i ' . . I r .. .
ii-tfnl, as it .n.n stood fur")...'
I r Tn iimstltu. a per t t tcnlltmin, th best
attritiutes i.f the liearl a-id hea I must be cnmbiii -
el lie wliii would hide I il-trte ihatpruul tpi-
tlet, iiiustba diout, t-nurttimi, ndaTCo.ip'Lhel,
fent'e; cei.eri.il., a-id l.r.iet pile in winl a-il
.'etl,,liiu.ti-iel, p'uaiithr.pic, ..id, ab.t. .11.
iiiceoant aii'l mtiepil in cli.-i ab'y aucs-nri i the
weak, the l.iwit. and the nair.
of Ihe un ll set Ihuilt ttilli it vial ill do ids-1 or
uncl'iiidrd by it. utirel ahsdnw
Jf"Tht C'oil lluiifs whis h belonj I irptri.
ly are to be w she I. but Ih good things that belong
tn rtilrrrai'fy ate In be . Imi 1 1
tjrS'ii tide is the nurn-uf a'. that Kgissl with
lu us The tturl'l strains wliat n tuus'hes and the
mult wr wi.h'linw fnun it ll t lie'te" we me,
t"ll is.ad nf llio ttrbutcd u-i.ts-r, Daj't
that when hi. innlher dtaittl lo rrce.su Ins por
il when his innlher dtaittl In rcct.t u his por-
it, Ii Itnt be r a p i-tiirt nf his heart.
"", ; ; ,
arnier. ..no H" lik. P.lirt.t, ....
K'. iiitunrr U Iht best llilnn in ll.t ti-.irU either
to s-ei a gun 1 i.auit . nr In supply the st am uf it.
(.jpFI'iKtraareniieuf the many beautiful pifta
f CI to man.
1 JAlllis'l.'uia are .rut us by I'rotidense In tcaol.
t, . .. ... . .'i am' jt a
; . , ala-.....,. in. rs, b.iio eyes and dark lirownliair, must n a .mye to svfs.myrl'O mfl CnmmT CI
irni u uiise mn lo ipjuur mud ast.ia do III by U pop brand loliaeeo 0 bal habts,aiidiiillieeuj.itineiit ofo.slliealllii JnUJLXUa IU OJX k X JUOlla
c "irrc ui uu", ici iiMNiing turn )iiu iroin uiai par -'----."- ...--.- mni inuiermuiu waaniuc, irotut; vwKini.mg r-. ------ - - - .--
p..fj....b. a,..lielll,.t,tisr,gl.t.,i.,..n.ra. BL.ISKKTS, BilSR, UMISKYS, w,,e....d Hit prNterfkMN. "T.'.ZhfJti SurK," ihlnlMN'isir.l.11.
' b Shrrt!,.,; Tili it:-tie "s A Uowlfd.-eof music wouMfc d-ssml.ytl lufiiabto ho urrtjur titnn.1 loaeprtU,o
be tu'-rillit.'f ri A., a. ar. .... i ,. .s.-.-..e .i a..i.i.. lilillainisfnulilhe nublit domain, and
., r-i ; rr , A'"' k"P'",,,",l-, J '"' "t? ,,f 7b ,-TOu Xud " nrasr r.; s .ho ,.,,.,. .,,.1 b.nnd.rie..i,hi
1T l'l--is . but br Kht nud hup. .y as Ihe ft es crocries, clollimr. h ndtt .in-, al i mauy othsr ar- """' ,0 .," .' "' ..! , .. !.,.. .J . .a I ! ........... of land reniaiuine- imclaiin. d in the aera.
A IMA No I'Olt I'M
MIH'M I'lukeMiR's elebrite,l nnniifaflorj,1
;'.' -JJM H, in c.Hr,ue.ier
ot llie ce tiilis(niewhutliijiirr J, hut wlitchiau
Lo're.id.ly Hpar.d Cmiim. nl ll.o Swrlutoi
rilllK Cfpir1iirrnli't lierrlufurv fAUtiii( iindrr
JL llif lllirif una tinii or .V Mnxw v. l ., I
Ills out riissoltej tie liniliuil tons, lit
munis ttillu'eaar be i rrsii:e.l bifore the
for lutmriil, an. all llic.i milel.l.d lo ns
l""",1 be:' ""' l!'"-'" tm be left ik
'") '' ,nd' fur s"!"l. -J
June 1st lhjt-l
Jt ' t'tlAs
tl!HI pop lelort nf the Orrqo.i House, on the
J. rorn.r nf w iTra an 1 tiiisii. Orieon Cut.
huve refilled their Home enlinly llui (prin, uml
now ilallrriheiuseltrs that Ihey canaciom i.odale
' iMiflmj publie, and their city tnehdi, m well
tt . a . .a an
H1B" lldiei lit UK HlfllOrV.
,-ij.i ...',.,.... J
lTtJooJ suco niii'tUiioiii fur famitiet
.M.i) I'll, i.'l-l,.
And fVii y Itrllcll) nqtllUi lit
iniikt it I'umplrlc iiMiirfmriil
for it "Uriu Morr,"
TwodtHira ahote U, .lerntthy df. Co
.MAIN KTHP.KT. oiiBcnx ritv Mat 20, 1lv
vrrv bet iu.il - fitr tc hy
J.Nl) I. IlitOOKt.
Mm. KmruK ( -I'.eaae i;.tn no.i.a thilVAl.T.
MATI.Ot.'K ii ii cand date for the Council for
Ilia and WaKu -.lunliee, and will be auioitid by
Mast utlai.
May IS. liJ-.l-1311-C
llliili-rsl 'lied linvimr (oM I lie
"rfini-tntor" s'sti.Uislnuont, nnss.
Itp-e,iiiriu. ore, iiic., nml ail periaininf uisrti.itu
V, I Goodrich: uo:ivi-is henby a-iveu that aei.le-
m.nl of all dues lothosaid teiabliilunenl. for sub-
script'on, jdv.rti.m.jnb-woik, &c. la U b nude
wilh the said Uwidricli. who la Ilia only ulhoriied
.., , . i.....
prrsnii lo settle Biiehnccuituta 1). J. bcnsaiLr.
AUrvh -t. Ib.'il
Wll.l. o:U r for sale to Ihe hishiat bdd.r, '
lioblic uuctiun. mi Salurdat the I Till day nf
Juik-i.est, all ihe rishl, M uii.l Inleicslol Thoin-
H. '-"icli in u teitam ...tv-inill. logellier vt ,th
i liu tix.ures, inola and aptnirieuoiieea Ln-I mix njf
ihrril.. .iIiiuImI i.n.,11 lb.. Im.J '..n, nt Jl... 1.1.
.: ' ... . ..: . '
M- "'' -"--- l'". - '' '' --
Vuillnf. tie il l he L aelinitliiM r.ver. Ill UlacKumaa
UK' piellliMI. Itrmscaali.
, .,', -, ., .,, t0 .rj , ,..,,, n,c.
eitl mi ihaii.l mil .Y tl. tihlrrt t'mirl l..r C-.-u, La.
IIIM1 r.lllllt 1 . Ul.ll m llli d. . rla-tl ill (aAP Ol lllinll
' .'::. ...
--- --------( .- --v-i - .-... . .v..
-s.a.l 1 !.... I ... KM. ..al tl... as. ..la -1. all .-
-" V- b.... ' Tr .. . ,w"'"
ui..! itir i lai nT I lininnsl II limn It
W.M lluLaMHS. Riirnirr.
per Frr. IIltut, Dtputy
fUckamnn r.nnly. May &, H54Ul4
Ji:ic Orleans Susar,
WWKCSTON. O'.Snll.l. & CO havo jual re.
ceited dtrrit Irom New Vork. liv lirir'P.oti.
I a. (wti.iy.fire l.arrj. prune New Uileana buur.
wh c:i wu iw.id i-.k
May lit, IP.'i 1-14
Claim to -'urctase.
U OKKI'.ll for sale 32i ntrei of l.ind a.lualed
one imle and three-oiurtrre from the Court
iiuiiM ui iiuaiity. Miid clam hu iwi acrea un
t'er ffiiff, 3U acrratiiidrri'ultivateiiatid 20 ucrci
if mslTiiuoihy mealuw. 'Hi ere ia a two a or)
iruinc uwen n, wauir-, ouinouMa, otc. aim h
f 8UUJ j oull, wcliird. 1 will nil it with or w.lliout
h title, lo suit purcliAsere. Koi further partuu'ara
inquiri- on tli pre in ee.
,, ,. ":.S,,':N't! TrN! W's-MAMS.
Orccm I uv Mv I'l, li-.M-l CH
JOUUiliYMIi. lUI.,IJ..ftfcKi.
rilllKuud..nl vtiahee to hire a cou,p,-l,ut
J- J'liiri.etiiian chair-milker. Applf at nur
stiuf.roo.il n. Or-eon C.ly. or shop at Mittiauk a
Or.fm Cily. May II). IH.M-Mlf
Adiiiiiibtrator's Aotiw.
7 ..Ha.ioi.,oea.iii.ia.c.iioeHi..a, .. .
In.i4,havc been (rai.led by Ihe 1'iobute tourl of
Clorkamas Conni) I Ihe undersiuid, ou the es-
w ."' V."!'1. "i W,"ll",l"; "".""j; ,-XI1 P.'
sona indebted lo the said estate tt i.l m..ke iuuiiedi.
,u piljn,c,lt afthe auiui, mulihoae Itasiutr c'aiui.
against find i slat must p tsmt the ejiu ttnhiii
ono ytar rroindala or itiisnoiicf,
0lfg.n MUS' A'''"''r'
. aia'-a
1 ; nil, 1T1 IVHllUV & O
I i.i.t r.i.eis.il a
J,01l, midiallv inrit all time who weh In
pri cure good mrttt)t$ ut rensonablo prices, In cull
onil ec Ihfin. 'J hey consist in part uf Ih follow.
mi!, vis;
.,- . .
-.null .V wheel barrotta
u'ram crudl.s
K'- a)iii.'sk snalha
brila'l llo do
. i(r(vnri , ,,,
"l'a! "
1 j4 f des
pol.htd shovsla
hay lurks
W1IK,,IW ., p bv ,n
i u jiy i
I do " by !
fauc) bionma
plain do
u.soit'd culnitd pails
piiiuled tuba
riuc tvah boa-d.
bl .cksuiilh'a bel'otts
crosa cut saw. T tt
do Gft
mil ean 7 ft
hairinallruwes double
dt sing
hair bo'stera d .lib'
do eitij!
ape rm euul es
i.lamanlilit do
Ink's Iihi iiii.iieruus lo mrutiui
On gnu filt. May I!), lA4.y
IN r tat-nii to the re.nnviil nf the Officeuf Ihe
Xtrtetor Ceurral fiom OIIHliON I'lTY I
ts.l,l!.l, in Ortcon 'lernmry
INtiilutnf llu- aulhorily tested m the Treat
.cc,irdaiii-o wilh Ih ri-i,ie.lni the I., ci.ljtme uf
Isaid Territory, Xmi.o is lierrby gimi, that the of.
lii-i-of Surtctor I.Viwral of Oregon still ! rcmov.
r). on Ihr first da) of Xiigo.1 netl,
( it ti under nit hand, il tin (My of U'asliiui..
Ion, this li.ttit.lh ill) of Mar.h, ). Ic.'it
Py Ihe rrrsidtn! t
Jui.s Vtsns,
Comiuiss one" i-filii (.uieril Ljiiu OlUce
Mav. Ir'l l.i
dent of Ihe United Maliabt the '.M s-tliou oflhe t,r moial and Ihv Ciaslttlitllirl roll ur pu r ukru Hit ir rlinms on iim.irtftfd lands, nud aha'l
Ail of Congress, up,iroved Sipii-iiiber 27. IbJH, ,cr,vsr they liny be f.uind t oncttlio is ibtrrtid, lier.apfrfil. llnlr n. I llcaliona fur claims nil cea.
fiiiilled-'Aiiuct inciiale the ulli.-o of lurveior r,.,iriiti'd and liappt.aujpo-acsefd ol g.Alhra'lh, fotiiiinsj In Isital mb lit i.l..ns, ar alia rrquirrd ta
lieiierilo' Ih nub ti lauds m Or can." A-c .and in i ...... ... . i ... .i.... nt ii. . ..ta.1.1' aM.i. h.ra tho r i-lai.iisRiirtt'tid.bt .he auth'.rils' ollhia
For Sale.
6D Dot
Dot strcl-hack Rfs-v)tlifs
2 At Oiain)
CT etdlrnndeslhra. b) W f HKMKNT.
liissolution !
T M 1 1 1 ronjrtiit lldn herilef.ire eniiliiK W twren
JL I.iiidW Mwieronl K hali'Mmtain mi.
ilff Ih name Jtid llrtu of Snwif iV Mi'wiimi. i
llnsdjyiUsolveil bt minii.iilcoiumt. A'l Ihmut.
ainiiiliuB busmen hi1 llu emi, rn u,ll b-seitlid by
rJ M Ivtain, ttlei ' ulene uiiibiirtid lo mo Ibe
lanie of Ihe late firm In sett'rinritt.
I.mui tt rsatvrta.
I'.l.utll- .MlUVilM.
fhrgeii rile. April 9-1. IKH.
- Ill i'll'il !' IIH-nilH' linn inn -n lie
I braiiihes. tt'i.lbe carilrdnii ut'lh'u old ilsnj
of Sawt-ir- tL Milwatin, uuiu si., b ihe nilaHri
I. r I'.. MllAVAIX.
II Ii !... u .! I HI.U linn la a. lb lie Bill llai
'M1III-- nislli Aniiivrisait oi llio wre.uii note
JL t-o.irly w.ll be helJ at A tinny (Ttkf null) un
tin.-first ednefclay in June nel iismiig. 6enr.
c. lo comiiiiiice at 1(1, A. M. The lie. Ur.
YhiiiummI Kit '. V, Uuclmnen iirMo delim id:
J.-. . .. al.. ..-.- A tl fa aiai.lj .Telia llil.laa
I cauie arc Invited lo atutil
uir.. un in i-vw,vh. n.i k ni .. .n. -.
..,..t. ...v.i.,1 iMti....l
Wm, RoatHTt. Set,
AM. pereonslndebledlo ft II. rtnnJ..m.4t Co,
will pleas iniike ilhmediale m)iiVii ; titli
eru they will lit put in a oinirsriifi-nlecijou.
liming partner of It. K. ItaMioa rs'C'iv
X. 11. ' ho busmen tt ill Mid bt 'CUiHinned.by
Mil.tnnVie.Mny I.-..I-I4I
Ailntiiiistriitur'c) xNuttve.. .
I" 01 ICC i hbvgiesnihal lelliraof aJmio.
11. I-
laliat.on hate been crautcdlo Ihe uuderiifn-
ed. by Ihe Honorable I'rututt I'mnliif Clnckamu
Coun y, Drejoii. on llie eitatv of Cyma Wadawatlh,
latv ur seid couuly,deceased aid ad persona 1,1.
d.btedloaiid male are' ieo,uelfd tu mulie inime
diate pa.) ruriil ; and. all jxr-wna liaeinf claima
ajrinalsii.il ealale uie .If uratid lo present Ihe
Bum bi-fuia ibe 'l'r.iluila I'litiri fit Va.d eountv.
uiil.ni one t ear IVoiii tho dale hereo-'. 2nd aljeailnaa
mil nreseu'ied will-in the alwie nienliened t'mo
will U-fjater barred.
Mdwiukle. Msv IS. I-.14-HI4
. . . . "m" s,
liiSpeCIQI 1XOUC0.
ALI, lioM.kiKwlni(lh-ms.l-el Indeb'tdtana'
will pleaie' make. inuliJiali'patliifm. as it Is
our Inienlion to cloaa- Vtiaineaa at Uietoi Clly on
nr beler ih llm of June.
' O. V. & n. ATWATEIt,
Oreron Cut. May . IM-I.if
Direct From Ultiiglaiid.
I eSTin.OOll JU blOlt H IXHP III 91 lb boier.
w ;. i , ..:. n.-i. ,.-i n. .
WW Ilia orown anau 111 w na uw. icwiw .i"n
' ''-"?' " "I'.,'"0J.e',"" tf';
e.i msiji hi jif iu oi" i lisae n ... pP ... ...
u (.. -.i;,u U ttl.no s,ap in St) lb boiti.Juai
IS ted Blld for Silie. CllCIiia llV
.aa.a. taaas I in i un
A Li, AS.
.11 Mill.,11 I)- svs.
, faints! I'uiiits!! I
8tfc lUO.'ketsCro..udwl,l.o t.esd 38 Ih.1
" eaih. 41) iron kis uriiuuil white lead,
','iUllisdo. -1U d.i b'ack wiiu 14 ib etch. SOiraii
. l.M.L n.lt.l .'rf Ik. al JJ ,1a !.. V.llrlUll
nd n.mt.Mlbaea.h. 41) da d.i jiliojr pmul 14
i lbs each tW Iron ' t"n '' "J 'h
Boiled Oil.
1 ' P V EST V iru b ittlea U.IV.I paint O.t 3 (a'l
1 rnch. IV do bialcii puiul u.l, a ao
t a. h. J nit I ft fired, and fur aal. , i-nrap, by
Oregjii City. .May i, IB54-II.V
Fortcr !
HJ1II-TT lihda auner EnSlsli Drkiight r.atltr,
M. Uadina-abCa.a llrarnl. ror sal cliesp hy
Jual ms-itfd d.ucl lioiii.Nevf lork, by I'opr
aud Ital.loiu i,
liUU Pulton A n-ulinau'e copy looks: dnrlu.
roi;ruiliicciiaiia i no kev, oii.iok-i.c puc; i.'
. . ' .-i i.i.-1. ii 1 1. ..i1.
".'.'I'- cal chart i cl.ik.K,...iMr i "U"' "'"!
I line! .lo ke, ; d,. la nor. f.e.cw.by .No lh,d
.. ... a . a aa. .. a fa
III). Klu-lnlH-l falkeli rilKO-opliy; Manilla
Oiihoei'M: Wiiitlil' Aiuhii.alnrlliiiL'r. iti ; it
laid'aiiuitrrsal Hiaiorv; do L'nit.d Slateat Could.s
histnrv: do Al iwiii lu.lorv of l.urniio; de.uoi-racy
iuriita: Aiiierivau msiiliilisus. l.tfs a, llir
Kiif", K.d.;iiduilfivwh r.KlicruulpiiifMi,
II . 111.. I ll.a ..-. M laA.. .l.iaauiiaB H.iIIiaiii.
.. . .
sou, uo lain,: '") ' iiiiioii,u ..-..v. r, a,..
Mints, iua-. ' .:..!.'., do Ingle of inathtmiilhs
do nii.lt lacal i;eoiuii-,dotab'ea,il Istarithiue-
"' l-sl.l do. - ..n.mir,do .lei.e.i.ary ..
bra, do do key, do do rroimtry, Lntle speaker
Auurciiii do, aslmol dmlo(uea, -liouaniy and
g'ubesb) M.I nt n; youths M oiuuil svf Iftsrapli) t
I'm es ipeliem. ,-i in r e (ruuir. ,i.ru-:i.-in-
, i st-- t, i
i V'ZZ IMV&StntS.
April 81. Irti4-iutf
Trout Fishing!
II.V llo-.ki. for all seasons) Rods, l!tfd.,a':k
l.'uea; Hooks on (iul, Silk aultiiinp j wl h
every other utl'ilo in tho 1'iilinig luif,Jii"l rrct v.
id and fnr .al. by U. CULI.IUK UOllUlN.-s,
W.itch. Maker, al rrtliiud.
Oregon Ply. April i. 1-34-11 1.1
j IMoticc.
TMIi; nest miarKr efthe Clack .mis connty
I'f.iioIrS.tiuuary hiIIcoiiiii net mi Vt duea
lav Ills- '.'-Wl of Mat- nrsl. I'.. OaDaa.
I ir giiiif.iv. n'il '. IS'i4-l4l
Wild Warned.
Mill; aitrn.rt.sl anuia of nliU'niue,. pait
B ... I., .hate .,,,1. In,.' l,f.V ju,a .,.risW,.we, " 'j V V', 7 ' '" C lu" HT
U4llii..u..hodof,,..k,nk..ow.,l.owiii,i.l,.'lU-':.jr , '.h. " -.-
lic.lT. wjtell ua Ills.. Ii. wuuld wi.h her lo TV; JAiM-.d l-imdv M'dcn" for i Ml
was. T ast , sht musl not bt undr r I H. nm IIIIT.fc UAL-srOrs-.
iter i trara nf
such an one will rind In tli adf nutr one who
s In art lo love , and di.pswlkiii lo please ( a
iolsttiniieralf.liidmlriisiaiaiie..uoinicl en
ss I,.. .I..r. Ihe ht rmci lie. mid r. .Deeta and laer.
Jj u(., not h'.ndsonir, would nol ulijerl io any
laniii; lalv on fiaf anountt one ttho rtMstdialhe
;.,.i,,iei" sioman.lmt w.ll not allott her to irfiii,i.o
,V.t h,. r one "ho lul.Tlt, ' fsSii i.'ili ld.p.
j' .. i. .. i.-. i.. -i.. ..a. !..ii a. ... . r ' .. .
OCnCV IV lU " ia I MUM ftitff llif ItflllllCW 11
alum ithati. srrong, and put who I vl f v. a In the
eti-ence,.faOo,l,naui Ute truth of the Ribl,'.
Ant la ly. t-jtac thf it .msilc quahlu-ul on.,
de.ir..;.s if fuiniil.g.n ilsjuai.it.net ttuhlhc ad.
s.i.r. trill nlu ilalf.aa. "Ii.s X iWnfn
Huii.titte. ManoB Csinl). Oiegan," kj-uh- true
a.ti 01 ins-QUiiii aisr, wuu uara
liattamind lo aivrecUf and . Iu.lt t lot cone ll T Hh p lie re ti'tort aorrofdand approved-.
ho Mil truly lot In r hi rt lurii '; inu.l bt at hou.l, n-mtUt that .nWpit nl eelltt re mny t ntt r up-
as vtthln lhop.ll.ir .a mill ki.cbf d lu cvt-ry '" l I' ''"' '"'" l0 "!' -""f . uudtr Ih, Aot of
way uualil'ifd for tin dullttand U.POiisibihl t.of S- pteinber '.'i l"S'll .III "'"" wh h.t Ml
u..r.. ' ' taken iheh- ciauns by Ita.l sUbdir.Mon.. ill such
IIIII'I UVIs1tslll.iM imims-ii SBiiimsr biihsi, m t,u "'-"-" . .
. tje. Ae
Ms..', ;t. 3s-h
10 saiksjuit ifeiiA-d .i'd forsa'rlow.
ir mh iiMri ii v a rn
liuois 4 rSliocs.
Cj cjss biioU nml sl.H,Hjiist receivid, nnnrs-
i-imr. U'uiihii's kii liunlise, ;. ti s
iln Jfl.-jl f n
J I" Kit
ii bjs'nns ast l-s Muiski. bs.'
doenjredo dnialibi il binga is .' a i
br..'n iln enat ' u'o lio),' mi.' and cliil-
driin bonis uu la.nies.
i. Aiii:iiNirriiY.vro.
Saw-mill Castings.
Tor tale I I sell bull heel, a. gmenle iiik! iin
ion J nollaltir; ttlietldo 3 Clank godsons. J
Kiidifi-nt.s, ubouruliclll .ion boll Is fi.lsame.
AenlU.Ur Ci: A lll'.lt.M: I'll V ,v en.
Flour, bntlrr and bacm on hainl and for ! by
tl. AMX'NirillYeJlt):
1 II ATW Al'l.l!, ili-.i'nm mat"
M 1 1 un il-Ii ind.se, at
FaaskiiN Ui rts, Forki of ijair am. Unit loim.
j, ii r a ii m-ii.vj
WW A IMiaiiiagw r a .b.-.l In nliii 1511
1 M. in ii I immiiis dealmi; in I'nHdi-'.niul ill
ajl at lotted in ikriiAtra tin hand, Kenlu.ty
lii.Vp.ivderiiiki- - iila.migpo tiler; an 1 canis
ter p .wdrr.
Oregon t.il). Mnrtli lUJS.'i-l-lt
TA I'l'.UN AtiKM-'V." " "
Wtorepri-siridlo nmkt piirr'iasea nf mill
inacliniti). agri'iilHiinl implrii onta, or
ii.i-i.ricl of ineicli.iudi-eilih.r in Min I'r.incisso
oriho Atlantlr s.-ilir O di-rnsol cited.
i.r:o. aukni;tiiv & co.
OrejAn Cilt. Marrli lOlh.VMjf
Iron Sl Stool.
JrsT received per barks Amer'Ca and Pliaile-a
Derans, ill sheets each Ii 7 ID I.) II and
1 n'ow eirel. OTlmrs !l inch by iron. -.'U .:- J
l.v 1 Oil ilu - l,t 1. ISdollbvl, ISduliby
1 l.'ibaia i inch s.iuarr. I.'i d I Inch do. l.i
uo I do 15 bir i inula roiiud l.iduldi. !
idoldi. 1U bui hilid noil. I!) do ua-oiled
honw elioe bar. ludolnop iron I i i iu.-liaJanSU
ruaka liaraa alim a.
i-uiaTO.v, o'NEIM. fc ri.
April 7.
-.AS'f llo.loiian
i and lor aa'a at
ana Muert'iMyrnu juat recened
at reduced nrlcra br
rUBSTUN. O'NKII.1. ('"
MM Ultio Pluarta crtsslirU sugar ft li-nt
m99 Detransby . ..
' ....... j.-.- rm-ni ii . . ' m ti
iri.BT)a u,i .fiiMimi -
a IIIIKK iMJw. lUbbiafuKnual.ly revel red
J by TuiSBroNatyNKiu. r.
jaJANl)Jiihl.l'reLsV.N.O. ntfai lrrs;j
O lowpncis. .. '
bTTTtFl'i lit be) ut llann cipn. (iM 1 hoi
OS,) jn.t receed,'l hreattf by ""V-.
Pa,,,,.. iTtiiio-ino-s
rJipi'l 1 1 lUlglllffB.
Th aubarrilier has tit Ii sfumlluro War- lioams,
the larjresl and best a-wrtiiieul nf a;Kr lianBa
... Ilia Tatf!ln-S . InP a..'. telV elll all
Orce-nu Cut-. April -Jl. IS54-ly
I MIOUOATijwarriiiiieil. "suu tn'slitiejia ri
W.eited. j JNO. I'. IIH'HiKS.
1 IVhlliUul.
-S..I.1'. in ..arij.- .Li-si. ror
Rj sa'el.y
as J, bo.ia tJ.iiwuliur cand'ts. .SO bnsea
fU r-iHiiin-an.ll'a JO LWa. cleir and men
nork. ii na kiiro I'. L' mpittder, and Imperial.
IU bbla.,i.d3i hi hbU. dried a-'-pes. IIICM
eltrat'i-al baron sidra. II) tuna 1-iierpooIlLeiall
in'JVlllh b.iirs. ...
! 'llif lnf anuU-a justreeelvediifrs'famfr Try-
,ina am ii.iu America us.u.a vwa, ""V!
in addilinu lo our I ii mer drairablf alocft will Lc o!d
rxfrfmey.ie fir ca.'i.
Altiicliint'iit .Notice.
IVJOIICr: i.liVr.l.t giten ih-.l an llit.1dda
1 of DrcenUr, .'. I) liCi". a writ ofa"ach-
..t . .. aa .aaia.aS.I ...B, . f I d lflll I'flllM U j I III ll
1117111 W Ifr'IVI I'UI 1 r - a -aesi "a......
d ,MK. c.,.,,,,, ,,f fu. llama., ,n WleB..ll l.r-
ii oit. iuf .ti.: .Niiietuli I nrd, aiaiust ll,-liids
leneli rn . s o I. mid c'i ntcls. tij'iis, r d 'a, iin.n
v. , .... , .....' ,i 1 ,,,. l,..,lr. 1
lldlllrrlsl.' l'.ills KlCllalU ii 411 SI JlHOI UKII-.
UVaJsl4ia Ufa a- a-l.lll a.i a.iam- -ea.wi'.s .'M aasnai.ws
j ,,,,... dsalnia and rtteiit.ntf rn'a,
Her. '.
s,., d ttnl -lelulll ll ull the bill .int.
witnc vsli-ieoi I hare liar nbesril tl
,, , ,i,d,iri.l ili.ealnlesd fourl.M n jr
offic, lHOr,8011 tllJ . .j,,,, da.t i.f Mareli, A.
.. lfi . t- sr Hi ll.l. .M)
" ,n"", ' cMeVk o eaid c .iirt.
. . Wait ri'fT. Ally. ?6
trig NKSTd of Tuba for sals- h.'
t THOU.-iANO isimida r'rar tlacaii lur eal
Hk l.v i. W ,V K. ATWA'I HR.
usrs. .id IUiii.. lor site by
lliilfaiidur bar tl. Ne I .Markirel for
..le'iy DKMKNr.
ri:'S Yll'JVSANDllu a..l. Ii a'.- l.v
W. Jil.Mr.NT
Thlit.l. JII.JI.jAM .b. u..s.un In
H i:ir.vr.
,i. titi.il.eil packages K .si ll .-lo , ayriip.d
i a I! r ,i Ii. rt
! '.:i:nt's.
I mil s, jy l.es..sli. ii Imiiir a.
IIVt. buujlr.; ill. she... .,- aa e b
? ' llfcMENT.
SMALL Init'o I inalrasars lor lie low by
l,l..slsaiiU ill -e Miras IIIHIm.e an I half bar-
luwii.rur-. " ....... ...... .... . u....!.-.-.
'" " 'fH" '" " hJ!x' ""','1. B"UF )' ?
"'f lh oflhiaoffl .within fourrvsinlsfnuti
tils' dale n" lllla no lev t anil ali Kllittt vr.'i'i h.te
nlBcr, willim four months froi.i th dates of h,:r
notifications, rei-p etiti-
A i.ci;l f I lo conip t with the ab .vo res)-Ire.
n-enU wtl S- thf lrlof Iht ul.lm.ut, .1 ,.
tV,i I 1 1 cermillrd hi i tiler m-on tin.1 tilr i.ohfi.
' " " " " " : .ii! i i il,
canons for legal ni.JiUlon. isliicli woiid hat
I mfl' liao-nviHlby hr clui.i. i -rrsa'd.
V ur.il.n r..ne.t to ll.i')sur..t. t.infi.lrur,
"') ' ' ni J"ie. 'll1'- ...'
Mirr. I.f n la OlTlf. .1 h riAKI'MTR.
Or.i.o'. f"f nl,r "," "' i"'"' l,f" " ""