Mil 8PECTA T O It. C, L, Goodrich, Editor OttEiJON CITV.OUEOUN ItlTORYi "HMdaylllwnlnjrAprJl 14, 1854." ffnnitnr Ihe Bill, What mi awful iiielninholy there is ing over I lie iiiIimI of nil tu-ilny. IVmoiit of i in to twist our pet. in sueli n maim, r at tt. nil claasusaro proinemuliiig tho streets, some 'noiil any particular reference to them, ex Id groups, some, alone. The buttling and cept tit such time when the nature of the thoughtful buninww man cnrrieii serioiituest cae really ilvinnnilt notice. Thit may be in his very gait, and imlnful I'niiiicly is de- Int-nuto wo tire young mid do not compro Unrated on hit every featuni; the playful Jtend thu true feelingt nnd desirrs of Iho youth has ceased his merry laughter, nnd j l.idict. tho very birds seem but to warble, imniriiful J Hut wc will venture to whisiicr n word in notes. Friends who but a few hours ago I heir cars. Now if they would only write were happy in tho enjoyment of tho sjeiety for our paper, they would not only be con of kind Acquaintances, relatives, eompnu- ferringn hitting fiiv or upon us, which would ionfcto-day aro burthened with grit f mid lie gratefully treasured in memory to tho sorrow. Young mon stroll from olio cor- latest period of our life, but would alto in ner to another. Saducss is depicted on tho troduco a new and very pleasing feature into countenance of everybody. Tho unfurled the literary life of tho Territory, ' Well, colon, which wave gracefully out over the I why nut, ladies I There are, undoubtedly, beautiful river, arc at half-mast. Vester- many among you who can wield a lien with day was excited to-day is hushed ami sol- funi' anil grace, ciiual to 1.61110 of those emu. Hero goes a funeral procession. Each has its followers. And must thcro bo so many new graves- made to-day 1 Oi'gt-s of the most elegant periodicals nnd death, Uion hast boon ruthless I Thou hast iiuigaziutt. Then why not submit your snatched them cruelly from ns. 'Why is it, . ,.... . .,..j...w, that the bUlik In tho fparsely occupied grau-jrtrd mutt bo thui luddcnly lillvdf TruWWn the midat of life roRM in death.' And yet, "whomsoever God loveth lie , ' ' chasUncth." and he "rejoiccth not In the death of any." (The spiritual death.) We know not when death may reach ; perhapa when least we Ik for it. Yes- their minds nnd uc their pens in raiting , neutral In time matter, of party j.lit!c- nn tK. .nti-rprie with whiilt its int.-r t terdaylifeaolmaUd tho spirits of a score of the standard of scientific nnd polite litera-, "''"""' Pictorial ,ure iK-ing carried on it loinunnil.tbl.'. Nut- human beings here, who to day are beneath uaiod. Let ua all hold ourselves in rea diness to depart when death comes. GSinos the' account on our first page. of the explosion 'wis In typj, three of tho unfortunate sufferers havedied, ti: Mich ndM'Oee Mr FiantandXfe Pnomil Tl ,... 1 . . . .. ... BUt..t.htnl,t. .m:-i.i- I)-'"' "TO "'' criUcito tho writings oi m"a " '" an eye. ar. airec eu si me .r,.. j ,,, A , i,,,,,,,,,,.,, ,llrlli., HUnenet Which ha mistake. ' ' , . enl time. W. prophery that within three jenrsi . .,, i , u. r.i jn it'.. 1 1 .1 ,. men, neyj without innnar them nnv chance ' n . . , ,, , , l.tniMegt-tubles g.-iier.-i Ilv at hit coiiutrv t MMrnwiord Uoliums 19 ill ratlier acritl-1 , 5 ,",.,. , sflerlln.-orgamiotIonofNbraliaTorrilory,whero 7 eal situation yot, but will prob-ibly survive. ,0 'co .wI,:,t -vou cfln ,,irt"wnr'U climbing now lt.lldl0n,y , f,w oul-builllng., wIIIIn. reared ."M-nUn f bunging forth, it r.-.illv . n.-mra-There are known to be six or soveuothrjs ''lfl '"'i8', of ''rnry fame. Well, there j a"city whiclrtv-ill cwiiahifin. .tlioumnd Inhabitanta. giug loa farm.-r; and such iiiImii! Ut'ir TOM. who Were on the boat at the tim tl' '"'' " ''l'rSrc0 " philosophy in thit, but Nature has been mot 'prodigal )ah.r larisbm.nU than I have utually c-it.-n in St. Jo-ipli iAi!.n-,n r-..n.. it il '" i'" aro a little inclined to piotest acaintt "'T "" "cti,M uf country ImmedUU t- adjac.nt (nt)(v. h it Miid that ontt liav.-a ....nla acCWcnt occurred. If nccuracy eotlld boar- ' " 10 tie po.t nw known by th.. name of Old Fori ' .,, , ... ', rlrl.L il.. ,n,t. 1...1 ..:n r.ii . ... 1-1.1 such a course off ml-.tctioti. .. ' . ' "" rJneoutgrnvvth herj-, and vn-d mor.-anil u- nrea at, tne number lost Will fall wrv little , ... l J . ... . he.rney, and if mandot. nottako ndvanmio of 1 . r . ..:.... una luciiuuui-u auuun u unni iiiaw ns ahoHoflWrty, and some confidently assortl, "ul. """ "ponus . .rcnavc no tliat it would exceed even that. .been inviUtl. Lxactly just ns wo had . Ilmngiuetl. How n -glectful wn have been ! (&"Too much prntso can hardly le lx--. Hut we nre happy in remoing this latt oli-, stowfjrj on the citiiens of Canemah, nnd cs- jeetion, nnd gi'i'ngyou n fair ten of thej peelally of the "Canemah Steamboat Com- ( honored temple ; nnd shall 1-e equally hap. panjr" for their untiring effort to assist and I prwre eomtoru for the wounded at the lato , Mwlualun. They done wl( their part, and more, In the performance of the last sad du tiee to the many 'dead ; and friends far and near, have cause to kindly recollect them. . ft , , w iuo coroners jury nave Dcen in scs- , . , f. ,.,,,, .ion every day siace the fatal explosion, but nave not finished their labors yet. Wo ex-' peet full report for publication next week. ' ttt-The remaina of David Pnm, Sui.Lofl lrine remains 01 uatiu rage, aupuoti W.P.M.ckT.CowcretakcntoCalifom- mob Steamer Pcytonn. TCrreeajadtU. I . M" k informed that w. are frequently .:, a. ..r ., . . .. 1 ,. . 1 mnna oiumum ui ..o iiiiuu m ul (bteBdedUhaiieof twetrv. Wo are sorrv I , , 1 10 tea aim, wnai is true, mat mere is no loMM WMkUung tfitngs now-a-Uays merely for tMMMSt or amusement or one iudiv id- . . ' (flKAaMBA.' M.I. .K.I kl.1.A .1 .... ...!!. . fT'" : ".TT. , ' IVfeA ffMarV. I isinfWit ntiltliali it iimli aiti. ..,-.,. , ,. . Mis "lUM" is right with regard to the aotkjeet of boon's" remarks;, but recollect we eBjorn eecresy. - ' -f . 1. "Wtxmmr against the "Stalo Govern- ent," scheme, shall be heard next week. tJLm.i iTn a r7-The, Steamship Peytona arrived at Portland on Monday evening last, and left lorssaarraneiseo luesnayat ft r.w. JVThe steamship Americi. arrived on TsMstfay evening last, bringing tU V. S.tni """'' mduatriou. with the pen. II. ia MiU, left for Su PranciooWedncay "' v" ! " "nwl'ld Wo,it'" -sra.JP.M. JaTThe reports of the city financca have ' bees) received and will be published next week. Unavoidably crowded out. ; 05-Wft ar told UuU'tho ttcaruer Wall laaHtookboutttiy.fivetoDSoffrr MMUOa uaauicM poaacngers on ner up- ward trip yesterday. ! '" :'. . , Tb editor of the Warren, It. I. Star mm that, owing to the high pric of flour, original notice o marriages will Ik- ' . eharaed 36 cents. v . IKT iprop o. w. a unmriugu o. Vo.( BentUy.&Ctkc." exclaimed Mrs. Partiii; .to; "Lame! that Mr. Co must be a very that Mr. Comustbea very ro-ktnan. I h'lov hn'a In twirrlonahti, uitl. , . . h , . .V, . almost cverjbody;" nnd the old lady told Iketo"turn over to the pusilanlmotit .-... uuint, .itnl quit n.i'litigthc.'i'bi illlilil '." The l.tullcs. W'c foil somewhat tiin'ul w speaking of the Initios, bceauso we dislike to mar tl -harmony of their thoughts, while pursuing tlio "own tenor of their way" in tho j:ith marked out by thoie who lime proceeded llictn, or nhoik their iuro by projKjHliift something now ; i"ul UK-More, omcuiiir ret-.think tlmt h,'iI.I it would be ba. tier for world-renowned fvmalu authors of tho At- lantic States, whoso effusions grace the pa- ii.tluetire, and let its weight rest where it , , .- .Q .- --- 1iuiiM i It Ii.ia been (icmonbtratcd thnt ' womnu can bo useful in tliw department tu !i.oll m in otWrs. Vou will bo henrd, and with pleasure, bv the mnjoritr of the rcwlers ' I in Oregon. t- I The nnuounecmeut that there are females in this country that can nnd will exercise polite turo in our rising Torritory, would show to tho inlinbitaiits of far-olf countries that wo are a highly cUihied nnd cultivated triple, , and that wo live in nn enlightened locality, Why leave it all for men to do I You aro as capable and as favorably situated as ''""J't to spend leituro hours in putting thoughts on pancr. Ah'.wosco. And py jn lending you n helping hand in the ar- duous nsccnL Fnrora. Wells, Fargo cVCo. furnishetl us with a large file of papers from California and the Atlantic Stat... twentr.fonr Imnr. in aH. n .1. 1 1 .1 , . vnnccoi an oincrs, nnu nunms 0. v-o., 10 , , 1 ., whom we arc also under obligation., gave us n good supply, on the nrriv al of the steamer ' America. J- W. Sullivan has our kind acknowl- frtgmcnlator lUrpcraHagaane, t.lcason a, I'ictonnI, and a large supply of other interes- ting literary and news Journals. 1 Tl,0 gentlemcnlv ag.l.t of Wt, 1-Vgo I k Co., fn ,,, dt ; j O'Neill. !:,., i, ' ..'. " . ' 1 cotitletl to almost anytluug ho may ask of ... : ta.-.i.. ,.. ..... .t. . .. ' L! ,. I""'",v" -.. . ...r...v.i s - - tl n unnaldAtalinn Fa tl.i nimi Hhuho wkiiili u, hi txiii'iuurauuii iur inr iiicij uiing wnicii h. lr,atcd , t0 immeiliately nfler the arri v of t10 llltc teamtl.irs. .,. , ,., ,. , I the enlerprfing proprietor of tho I-rank- ilin Mook Store. Portland, sent us a bundle ... ...... orvery nice literary news. He hentltolioi'"""." i"'"' .'"', ."""B-""'" " . vnilP l uifitarti in Mtiliwran mi mid linn ouratncerotiiatiKs. i Our thanks aro duo the officers of steam ..porti.-,!," "Wnllnmot," and "Multno lnaIlfor reCont favors, -1.-.- -r-. --i u . .. xinrvu ntTTT. dTtantxta - - -? -Jt'?'"Z.1 1 -Hon. UwU CoM.tb. dieiinguUhed .ut.a I man, la 7-i year, of ago a hole and hearty roam tnd (ncnMmUy devotes hli lime and rtudy to rli-1 ,,!. He live, la Michigan. .-rn...i-ni,ii....ii,.-.i...-i E-.r..i. ..... ITCIiarle. Dickeoa, Ih. ctl.bralti English no. !, ia 43 )ean of age ; slight la figure, healthy, - T TT7-: . .. I V..eo,. nwiorian.uiM year. ofage.a thin, .pa.., nervou. man, but a ,idenl. New York.sndUonneedon hie hiato,) of the U. 8. wt,I;n.f7DumM,tll7fanou7r.neh w.v. elut and dramatiat,la Al yeareold, andliroaln Tar. la. Il ia a fact that ho employ, a Corp. of writer, to d.a.. - - Cu' Dulli lh " .Vorw.gian vilinl.t, U 44 year, of ago, tall, alim, and finely formed. He ha. jut! completed a profoasional lou. of the Wait. rrn ci" rrrEdward Ercrelt! ihe Amer7c'erator,Kho. ar and d plomatiat, la bO year, of ag. Ilia leisure hours ara employed upon a woik on lhlwofoa-1 ,,, , ,rtl0M B jnon- rSftltdiu UorriU. known aalh. KU. k. 1 ..... ,,, ., ,.,.. ...h..,.,., .j .. 1-..I..1 ..,,.. j .....,' . . .- -..u .o,e ..nervate ocn penny jj.,, jj.1,,.,.,1,,,, ,Mnhl.;,114 . M. March -t-lifoimaeiutomoliMg a;e J35l.drin Forrest, the eiiiiiteitt Ainetaraii trn-, veeteofagc, and in tho full vigor of life. He lately performed a highly successful en gagement In llototi. Q7"Jifpli T Iliicklnglmn, so man) vciua fil to. .f the .Won Courier.!, now- 75 JMr. of ag-,',, I . !., I.. .... .. ........ j ... II ..... .. .. .. aim reiluu ill lus .uiiuiimvi .tumult, it. ten- m- , ,. , fjr.neil on a amill ncalc. !ITllorec.t.rc.ley,lhe well knownrditoroftlm a. 1... inn. ,,...... nuaeevo...,,, liimflr rv cIomIV 10 III!) conduct of In flnilv nit. I f " "i r- per. 5 Jamra Kuio.urew York, who htttbran , , , . , tngaged 111 Hie aurvvysfor ailup can il acromllio Itlhinua of Darifii, .totn thai lio hna di.iovarrJ a iitw tout forn canal ooru-a Iho iiiliuitin, wltic'i will roiti! re only tfti inilpaofcnttlnR. Alurplako. hith.rto usVttown, compoa a part t.f tltltluUr- oc.aulc conirauu'colloa. tSJTU'cMoil anted lliat uf llto one IliounatiJ men who formed tho New Yotk rvgimrnt in tin- Meilcan war, only CO ... new-aim, and of Uiom but about 411 aro ablo to oarn a liln;. ITOnoof tlio bridge, built by tlio Nicaragua T..n.itConii.ny, ladinK from I jik. Nicaragua 10 Sun Juan del Suil, if mad. eutirely of mahogany. tfPThe efllf y of Senator Douglas waa burnt ou . , ., . , " ., , " Doaton Common, Immediately nlt.r tlio rocrlnt of ' ha i)Uli 'o t(w yn Ncbriuka DTollllc.runhlfhjtu.w.tW..hlng..n,.i,d' all or., tit. country. TH. i., llm. iho clique. , biiiu mi -'l'iiiiriai Ul IVUtVINIT VU 104- HI lie XI I f.K .n.l ..:.... it- -. 1 l: t .1 . tl- . Mncjr. and thii U iho poUr-iUr that gulttn w many apparently ttranft maaauntbniusht baforr Conpt Tlia mott promlatnt candidate for tho ( "" "-i -' " T" f""y liV llllr Itllftl. l.Mtiia In h. Ilia linn I.Mb..I I IVI -....- . . ... .... Krentt, one of die ablest and Mimdnl minds In tho country, and a (errant will-tried by the people Of courw, wo apeak without party bius, being Old Fart Hrnrner Clly. One. Iho embargo remot.d which now re., train, aeitlemost of Nebra.l. by white., tlun- will ' bo auch a .tub to Nebraaka, that emigrant, w ill linro to be counted hundaede and thousands, if any one eiperti to gain an Insight Into tho number who will make that beauUful cnontry their home. Il appear, to b.coneede.1 on all ItanJa that the pres-. 'nlaiteof tho "Old rorfwill bo selected fur llu- 'chprodig.liiy.,. will think ihiai. not th.ugo of i p,ogreon, or el, that hUamaeaharelx-comoet. treinely blunted. But he will, aud'lnneliiuip.rid f tim,i where naught now i. heard butiho sar.Ro ""'Pi willbii .ud felt the prnenco of J whil?n:r A" hil "" ,u"" of UM Kort Jeaiir t.liid. Jenny Ltnd waa poa.eaai.-d, aa the editor of the N. Y. Muaical World liaabecn reliably inforimd, of about 9.00,000 baforo leaving this country ; 100 WK)ofihisnm went toertabhah public Khoohwn """'en, and 850,000 mon w-it In i.rinu. cn.rme. in. oiwjriv reinaimnzare m inrea. . . . .,,.. , . , .-.,. "' satojleldhir now but about g-IOOUajear. sho .jtingt. n,e.l,n, and h 0 town l.ou.. and country hou.-, with eiulpage, plenty of .er- tanu, etc., al! of whith 840oo in (ierm.ny can w' f-'"1'1'- Dot the gon.rou. Swede hi. given awav too much. Homo vmne n , ,1 i..i. .,. .. mulal (uln " ,, ,Bf, ih.r,fo,o, appear, again bef. tho public in cotx-orta, and will .hortly ring In Eng. l""L llerd.ntlnlhUc.t,y,U-forelong,i.n.l - "' """"'ll ! 1 avjo- v cut tlm C.ll,.uito. In..r fr.un '..?." CUt. ",0 ' ' im,.n? .""T. rro,n ,inr - western l ientrnv inc. Micli.l Ulirom- .1 t eta 1 f I cle: OaEoo.t Citv, O. T., i January 0, ISM. ' Mi. Editor : Thu rainy season of Or- m...n I. .....I.rI .!. f..m l.u .lt.n...nA.l I.. .!... - -t ; --.-r,--. 1 kv ii-vwiiiu ni.iiiiitivi.11 ik;iuii' 11117 to'ii.irw ...,.. , , ' , r will suit bun in every sense of the word. It . , , , ..1 is, indeed, n tlaiiiittr on our enterprising . , 1 1 1 !; n.-viiii iui ovivtni iiiuiuiis 111 iiiuyenr, siiii 1 ' ' T 1I.1..1, : ,1 j..t.i..i 1 ' """ . ) "" "" ." '"" ".':. ""r"'"'"" " "" ",tl0n "f ",c r,;rr,,"r)-- Through IXccm- ""' nn,i -January, it is said, we usually have 'more fair days than rainy one., and in ll.o.e months business of all kinds is untituallv brisk. During the principal wiutcr months tlm lumber trade is earned on quite eiteniv cly ; I. :. .1.: 1 .- n.:r , ..... ,..." .- ....,.-.. .. vn.nornin nnu ports, and a thorough preparation for build- IDg during Hpnng and summer IS made. It auriferous lull, and waa heard ovir Hi. is a highly remunerative operation.- IrLor. Comment and ecioMih. io o.-an- hw will der to do a lumber business many saw mills I "" ,l" MmM "" "u"iln4 I'mim a ,l,o H,.n have to 1 built, and three with many other I """' ','ho.""',l wl' "''"' " "l . , ,. , . . . , . . . on peculation, have returned In their lenirn estabhthmenta requiring machinery, brmg nAM ,,,. ,, koill(y . , ,, h ,. into .requisition machine show, d:e. All content to make Una their ahidmir phi, hive theso things are being done as fast ns Hiuii. Iniill up princely fortunee ainoiiK her i:ild.Unr.n' ble, mid with an eye to the good of the lull", npon her prolific plalna mil vail. , mid 111 countrv, as well as for individual cmoliiment.,,""lo",i"lll,"r C'"M ' wl"'" """ "f ,l'"""1"1 n " i t . 1 i . 'have already laid Ihe foundation, and an- looking Hie engines for our steamljoala can lx. man- .-..a . ,.ti .0 , .1 . . , , , 1 foward with innfidenco lolhe .oal of tho moil. iifHclured in thu city, or th gearing and iuiyalll,iii. 0.1.11. i.n-y. The machinery of n flouring mill, or other vvork. t of tho rmigration weie not over miikiiuio in Our commercial intercourse is carried on regard to her .griciiliuiul nnren uml upanii) . with sU-amers, ships, Ac, the Willam.-lle rivir affordinit conveniences for the farmer .!.. I I.!. ....... ........ e . I.. - . . iw. ...... m miii .n ... iui- w.mi n, or I ., WMi T() Wilhimeil,, I'nIU, o,.po- tit.. ll,i cly, .ntir-ly olntruit nav igatimi,' , an-l tli I. f-jrr frrighl ha to b' K hipp.d.,1 tllit point, requiring a l.illd lllili-it "I' iibniit 1,,,'f ,jc A heavy company li-ii' un dertaken, however,, (and nearly cimplct. 1 their designs) to so improve tin-to falls us to form a ricepticle for tU.-auibo.-itt down neni ,m. MuV ,. j, .,r.wlit. . , , ,. , . , ., , . 'be to ditclinrge ficufhlimd passengers Iruiu ... , 1 boats on cither the. upper or lower traale, jI1wijlU.v ;,,tu ,KW 0( ,K. ,u.r, j. ,,,, ..,, irni,u.1,,.r i, ' Mnlli, mil wotiM occupy too mui-li space to be ii.irliinl:irl- ilterihid here, mill bo tuo t- ,. . . 1 .ilioils for otlr rcnikr. . b,Bl "no '"'" "" '" ,'l,ll1' '' '"' ,lliO I-ower Willanietti- tiwr, nnd live an- in oiemtiiiu (ntul (lie Mlh nearly i-omph-tid) or tlc upKT Ir.uh-. A bri-L Imtinett is I, , ,. 1 til.l ., Itl'lfl III. IT ll VI. HIM till ...HI ,' 't Inrco town tWi-ho milet Ik-Iiiw; but tin Olnekamiw rnpiiU liiar In-re do not almitnt' ,l,.nm,lli1 ,,.,,, l)Vl.r ,1(r, f()1 ,.,, ,,t, , ,. , , .,1 ,. m come no higln-r than, n mii.iII ,UM jx miKs below, utid .lf.iuiliir. ti.p ',,,.,. , o, 1 .,.,, ....,, f..,,!.,,, I H"-- " Oregon City lnil lair to li'-uniii' a popn- M.iii mill ui'tillliv iil-ipp. 1011I nliv.'iile rill" in Ih Li t ' t . i- 1 ." the f.irtner a i; iii.irktt toi wli.itrei-pro 1 , , . , ,. .. , , 1 . I...... 1... iitnt. . .li I. . ilia... r.r llllltll.t .""" ' '"-' "-V " I""' ' , "' name of being the ienlthie-t town in the in.... ... -1.1. ...I. .1 : 1.. """' " U,,,i H,'"l!' "'""M';'1 '"r '" l1'1' " "' ''" nurin. Ill HIUIU wipmm IMI n UH If l nu'ilidtio, ami if tln an trnt tuo l t ht:irt, a trip oirlind and a rn.dinf in 0u wil (M a,Min.,K. ,.,(,,. ,KIII htM,v. At ,..t MU. u.t , ,i, ., c ,.,. . to the nintriirv Fruit will K- plenty here in a lew .-nr at the iiroiiit.t are jinnd for -tiilt a riMtlt,' 'serv - mett, during tin- l.t-t fall, iiltliuu.'li, a. tliey suppiweil, well tiK-ki'd, timid Hot en- ,- l( x.,.tW ,l(. .l,,,,,,,, ,-, ,rr With regard to wluut imthinv; in-nl !- aid, it Ix-ing a wi-ll-Viiuwii fu-t that tre lioti hat as greiil .ulvaiita.-t and thus pro-' duco s' me of the titie.t, mid in a large iiuantilie- to the ture, .i anv loiinirv iK-rtnr, than pioduciil bv lanii-r- in tin- Statet, where iho iHtial ipi-iiitity uf .. i-d U town. ' A "-rfumi- treii" (nut vet iiainul, I Ik lieve) has lieen ditcovi-red h'-re, whii-h i di'ttiiivd to 111 ilto tome t-nti rpiidug Van Ue a fortune, vvlioevi-r stnln-s first : but there aro n many plans mid i In in.-t !t in. carried along now -a-days that iumuii. tci-ms disjioseil to eonimenee it. Tho "tn-i" i nn evergreen, and the J.-af mi full f nil tint it burns n-iidily on applying a blare It it one of llu; kwvelest perfume, in i-iti tm-. and the probability nf iLt tiv- will ijiuti likely l. tested liefon- long. The thi. riml other ti.ln-rii - on llti- m.-i.t arc not incnntiilerabli-, ami iin- uitilli-d . thought, t'lamt nnd oyaters an- pl.-ntv in ninny pbuvs on tin- shore, and iiiidd l cultivati.d with ttuc.-st. Kalinoli are o:tiK;lit in immento 'Uaittilii-, and iptite 11 li.-eli- ' """ m..o, . - T ""l t ",' gorxl, the irot net it briL'ht ndviintiig'- an. tltitt the li'lM r ':......... 1 ... .1 1 . l i 1 ,l! "'"J ,",coM"' '""-' "f ll" '" '""l' f . commeroi in Orerron. nn r 1 .. rl.i... I o ' I I lhoe in the ea't. I The U. S. Mail trrivet ami oci..irl. -.-nil- lep. 1 monthly, being brought fnuii San l-'iain-i- eo by the I'acilie steamship lilt". '1 li- mail fHciliticii throughout the T...'!!..rv .... tet rather limit-.l, but bid, fair to I t . , .1 .... convenient ami will. irinii"iil I.. Ion-Ioiil'. ,-. ., .-.?.. wur IJi'iiiocialie l.eail.itiiri' it m w. iin . c . . , ... . . , at Salem, win re it tt suppotid tho... iw. , , . , .,, . nrr tu'itiir rn.'ini. viliti li uol iiirn. nn..i . n -"-"' n j. ifidal to this new ronnirv Uregon suitt 1110 U-lter than any inuiilry I have ever s-n, nnd I expert In in-iki- a iwrmnnent retid-nc.' Iti-n-. Yourt Truly, I1KXJ. V. Vulll.K. C'nllfornlii A Kohlnoor in Ihe bright coronal of hnpo uhoKn name la our. ! A Uelhleh. m alar to llie liiv !,. 1. 1 """" '" .mwiniainiiiiiig urn Mil forrb,nling..f the d.uhtl,,g-.. .ho f. of K,J'lensand...f her rive..., 1 ,,.i, ,nr ,",, " result of five eu,.i,l (....initliMniidm; ' . .. llivrsiicaii lam-ir-tTes; is iriiiin )'H If' """'" " liufL'trour n. ere, uml ihr iitt-n-nf ran, h,M0f he.vv, waving pn.m .Irrlrhmg bit. k to (,.& h.hW.'h. n...r.. Vet . .11 .!.. but tho "beginning ..f tie-end." 'llfhaii-n ihai In'iftid ftr a b.itf pin up nn our limiiet tr.v ull.til. in ImiI lio' i tl i t 01 i u.-ni..' cloitil und. like llu ri .ml, ! ii.-1 i-vouil tin aeu.nud not from tin i iIilimh oiii ..miiiiiow. crettd iiiount.tiii. a ia Ho i .n--m .1 Willi U VilirOllfl Colltllllt "II. Moll. IIM(. llllill'l 11 I i.l! ud) pimluci-d h) ovi r-l mIoi' .1 oi 1 e. i.t-e 01 .n-l 1. ill! that in nen . 1 r to a n ill imom r n I C'alifo.i.11 l ri-ii'Viruig li-on tin- pulx .1 coitllueici: I. lit. ln.itu ie(,'nl ill) . llu Jli' it llt.nli. in healthy 111 lion llu-I 01 ftilul. ! !. colli 11 Mute Hfnrctlmlutti-1 l. III tul u-ui i.itili I iw ir, uml, th .ll(h lo-r Inn Iui 1 il. u-111 1) hlil'.itli I Willi fnoil, nnd iitino.t kiiimIIm r In r Willi hhil"ul of iloihing, .illhi'liv 1. -pi HI) ..I 1 oh Mel rule, oil thin li.itlrop ilh 1 )!. im. it u- itt uu ... uli) tail- Pin-HiMuli-v. r uii'li '1 lien 1 nn In-11 1 hlr. iibit .tiinn.-nl im fin. r . I t'.il lorut.i.tli.oi lh. rr.ii 11 Inru oi th nl.oii It thi'lroiiiuil In im- iillo Ml nil 1 -l;'U Mb- er polttoni of Ihe uorl.l .111 I1111 hit .. ahon 1 u ilh no lull otnio ol riloiino; Inlh 1 . .oi.l ). t, within .1 I. u lil.ililli-. tin 1 ton nir liri.JO.' ceil up .Hour nl. nun r. in lh) 11 out .iI.mi.ii'i th linnet, happy in nine unite Rr'tlin tin. l.nnl uhi-ri- go'il i. ... k 1 ii .1 hi oiin.'. mil in cN uith i. 11. h 't ri i ml I h. 1.11.1II.1 i-noi hiikwali tin- it t nn. 11 nl 111 iluut; I alilorui 1 tin r tlltllli' iilml iij pi h iiiiiii lll.ll llil. dlld I till dri 11 'I hit" Hi. 1 n ..' u I tin- "I .t. . I !! I e. coining li'-i tr oi' ill lh oi 11 tl i Inth.-l to h. eu, in I the ptri.rn. . tiinl din mn in,; ihllin n i- ol W on-.tni 111 r .'iiirri!!) f. it tin. 11 ..Imut lh.. mtiulrv l.ou.. Il.h.ipj-l h'l Ir. 11 11 rrl u. ntul i:l old. II our In'aft. Will, tlo-ir ple.i.iut mn I. t uml 1 I t)liil jjiuil.o'. win r. ti r in- I'.i 1 nir luHitn nr.-well altitilnl, mid more 1 xli inh il dui- iliuiul pimli ge. are 1,.ii. lyalied f..r -II.. If.. JToi Hi. util not 'I'll.' l!lotlou. In nir Ki'ii.Ht 01 iiik iiin..i. Si-i. TATOti : 'I In- I tl.- awlitl i.-ittittropli.' at C 1 in 111. 1I1. I iv mIihIi i -i .'K' of Iiiiiii iii I. iii' wile, Willi 11' 11 in, 1 ; ,111. 1 without I'.mi ... Mlil'i. II W.I- ill 11 ' I II In till llll'i tlio j 1 -I'll I ill '" I ".III I.' of .ll, I, in I ili-a-l," i-.uili'.t tail t.. oi il,. itiry mn- I'.-. I how mini' ru. ..r. tl... way., bv win. li ni.-iii 111 iv )." t.iK 11 nut "I tin. w..r., uml h..n iili.i-lt.'iili. iilw,-iv, i Ho 1 i.iiIiiiii.ini. ..I In. pr. lit lit'.-. It 1 1 in tit. r ..I -nn. r.- (.'in i iiln-ii 11 m i.'I.I-t or In ml. alt. r a painlul all'! wa-liti,' -i. t,ii. -. '.i tin "ihl.tdni In n.itiin ," ami 1--' - In 111 1.111 lunl.t : l.ut wli.'ii, in :iu tn-t int. ., in im .r.,iv. ,ii I. t.' iiii'l ... in, mi I, nil.. 111, ..I. 1 1. ...1.1.., till' l.t k will, Il .'III - Il.lillli -Mil' 1, -.1. I tli" intiifi'v .1 . tin .It. .11. in II inli ,1111. 'UM .. I.. l '. tin 1.1. In n 1 n-i'l. 1 tli .i,.x.i.i..n ,.f i, . iiiotirufiil i-vi-iit. w'.il. jvl adii.ii. tin k.'t "l' man in 11 h' tl. ... 11. ,. . 1' ti oiii 1 r til. ..!. I1'...V Ml lllllllt "if III- oil''- nr.- mi i.. .1 niiii tl.- fait th it III -i. -it. 1 tin- .ki'i .vbtl l.v I - tin ifllii' and lh- 1 1' r tl, ... vv. r cum 'I lli.rft.1. tin 'i. t". r .n.'iiiiu. lit- ..f .!. -tt -Hon th. y will l. in 1" tin-. In.. . . I .r i. eolitmlliil. U - .In ... .t ill i' h ,na 1. 1. 1111.'. 111 tin- . 1-. . .i .mi j . . .1 it .'., 1 ,t know t .aa 1 th.- I'l'i-l Ml III. lilt... I ,1 , .tl! 11. 1 .Mi I fori, ar ui ; l' ! 1 I .. it t l'ri..ii.-iit tli. in tin 1 in. I 1. .-nil in., li. tli til tli, in tin 1 11..11M l- il tin.- . ii,'.-."l in'.-iliii .1...11. v.-'.. . It. 1. .1 1 .hoiild. tlnii .. j 'i. ,1 . ,11. ..r it 'li j 1.. vi.i.,1.. ..f 1 111 up. 11 i'i tl.. .1 11. r- On .- .inplird iinli Alui.-t .-'.: I-. 1 ' ' t.t to .k- ti.ii,: -I - 'i'i. ' th" III ill I.' '.1 '.I ..I '. nn1. ..!-. an I ,1 tli alm-im 1. 1 .'IIS -It'., .t'. .!. In. .,,. I , U . 11 a g m r.i! ';,,' 1' I . Ilv 'iiigii -. wli . h, 11 r . . . n. 1. 1 1 I il 11 I iy 111M a. . 1 1.' 1 it. . '..,i!l, ... .1 .' tit- I 111 ..III llu. l in IV IP .1 I" .'.III. - 1 b.illlf I". tin- I.I..II. I'lloll "I v .1.1 r. ..I-. S.... l.f . 'I'll. 1 i. Il . 1 I. Ii ... I -ir fullv Ilin.. ' .t.'1 . '11.' -n i-itl- .a 't I'.'ttv ,.ti.... . 1 it, ..tdv lii" it ;. . vv . Si . I 1 r .vi... . -..'. . 1 tie I roi.o.'i..' '.f .t-mil.' ti- t.. ,...! . ti. j Iv with tin I i ''n li-l .Si.' . - n 1I0 1 I ..'v I I'. 1 , tuts i... . 1. ...1... .ol ,.t. .r..i . it ar. III.', tliroii.'ln.iil tin I ... t .. -11 ml ..iii..t laf, it. id tm I... I my i..iiiI..i.iiI.I.. It till.- I" l.ilv. li.-lriiii I -.-. t . 1 inn In ing nt I. tli in t in. In - In. 111 -.Hill li '..Iui in., A. Ski . !l . iiit II -I. inn. r- l-t. lh .11 0(111 I..11. nn :i-iiii in it t.i i'iuv foil 111 pump, with -uitiil.l. w lll'.tt. d Inn. i.f at . a-t tvv. tlnrl- tin . 1. -il. ..f lln 11... I, t.. I. kept .'it nil titiu-. in p. it'll i.iil.T, .ni'l r.' for iiiiiii. dt it-11-.' : pump to I., tiipplicl with wad r l.v . pi.- pi..u.i; lliroii-h tin ti, ., tM. I,.,.ii ... ... in I," at all tilit.K III lln- - ,.n r ivli-n th.. i, .illml, St.. , I .mi I . in tl, - provi-inti t-.p. itii. I...alt and III- pi-t-n. 1,. .';M , II, lll.-lk." I'lOM-l'.ll .. lltl,0 ln I mini Slut.. 11. '..'in 1., .ml lh. i.,,..i.t mint ( in., in p. .i'.i. in . "!., on i.t wliotii I., have a p.-iitnl kimuli .Ig- ..f -Inp l.uililittg, iiiul la Im i.ill'-'l ,111 In. p. .1..1 .,1 I lulls and lit- nthiT a pr... li. -il I iioiil-.lg.-of engii).-. ring in i.' v.-.i. l.v si. ,1111, In li- .'ill. .1 til lli-.i 1 1.. 1 .. '. It 'lli(e littp. ilin. .-in ii"iui..l niimiiilli I.. ili"p"il tli" .1. .... v..f... m h.ngiim In lln n np.iliv.' ill-triil. iipi'i. tli- appli.altoii ,, ol'lln am. ittid tot.'ilitfv tin m v Iv. - th.-.l -mli . . I ... in ih 11 in p.. in. 11 1 nl 1 li it inre oiii .11. 1 1 -I -iiu. 111 win li I. 1. t.i I 1 inplin,. il, I..., .li t il.l inm '' 1I1 .11 t.r In r 1 ! u ftml pi-.n-;--, til -111 1 1 mi III. .11 I., vvaii.-ii.t tin I 1. 1 lh ' li 111 -v I. tt l in 11 ivig.-i-in M -i 1 -I 11 1 1 mill - if, ii In lif- il.ii .11 tin ii'i'i in. ill .. t' I iv 111 1. -aril I.. I'n. -. I in'-, pa. up., h . Ill- pi... -iv. 'it, ami "tin 1 1I1111-- 111. 1 tillt'.ullv (oiii li. I mil. : ,nl il tint il'.in it p. ili.'ut ill 1 III IV 'III 'till' li-t. I t. Ih i in tlltl lli. II, ami in iv :i'l,'pt ill) ..ill r MiituMu in. an t" 1 tint tiiDi, i, 11. 1 iti'l tint f hi r . j 1 no 1 I 'I In t li ill tl - m-" it tli I. ih it , 1' -in li .' nn 1 III- lln t'linn -I .11 I. .... .1. ,11. I . 1.. 111 1 v t y. 11 lh. re- ,,!ti 1 nl. 1 t ii ; ll . 111 I., a I. -In. I .In pr-t- 11 , lit. Iiiihl ti 11I. li mil - v 1 "ling mil' Imi ' t 1 .nl 1 'i i,n 1 -tim I- t- tli- t.iiari. lli h f-l la 1 ill , ill" l.i. . in 11 I j.i --. til.-.l I 1 :ln '"ii 1 "i tl '. 1, ami -11 ill -all-t' ill In,- In liV . llolli lllnll iml , ran ... .1 ' ' 'I a .1- ' "I ' in- w. II 1 1 i.l, ..I' . . I i.i-i . t I, ,,. .1. 11 ,1 ; l!i it th.. p. uiii" l"i lh I it-i' ' ".il 1 ami !. .110 1 -.. . '.11. I-. . tn I .ill '"- 1 el tuliet 1 I to In it in ol p... 1 -Inn. n-i"lit, ami I'i." I'i. 011 I la at til- .paces I. Iw. . 11 tin- ilin . at- mill, n 1.1, ami lh it (lulu- lin- t't lln 1 11 1 ti it .- it l. I .i tli- pre t. rili-.l 1 Inn-nf tli li o. 1-, -iml lliat .11. li 1 r- uiltli in 1. Iiiii-tv putt. 11 in. . in iv I. . .1'. h . 1 11 1 .J. .ii 1 1 111 ilin tim. pi-1 "-' il 111 tin in tnii i I'ln iti'.ii, with. nr p. nl t.. lit. ; 111. 1 -li nl tl-"tili-l tin in-. li. that tin -M.-tv v ill. 11. . f .int. al'- .liui. u.ioii.. .tnii '-i.t "i tiiimb-r, mil .111 tin. I in I in .-"'I uml 11- r. (..i.. ..f win. h 111 11. if 1 in .11 i'i. "I "in-ill . .f lb- n.-p. . '!-. t.. .n... I. tab 11 ivli.lli I'i. .in lli . .nti ' . f ill pi-roms o-ii-u .'. I ia i.-ivt-.ii.... .ii. I. v. - 1 ) that tin r 1. 11 .tut il.. 1111111I. . 1 j 1 1 .. . .. I,, prnpt rlv in-, it. 'I. an I 1 lot il.l. 1 -ii'i-;.' uml .I..-.I. .'ii.-. 11. I., .tin.' tl. In ilit . tin r an I tin i --in .-til. -t..iii. 'I In i ir. Ilk. in . I. ,111, ' it 1 - . li dial, to I.t riii-m tin 1 1. --111. I- ' ,.!l..w. 'I in -a. li a-', tl. I I 'li.t 1 f'i- '! 111 in .. it. 'I 111 tin r .. tl. 1. it will 111. Il win 11 tin pi 1 1..1 I il ... tin in milium illmml. I ,rn. . .. .. t'tli. .1" I- -it. 11 in nl... I. .11 t'. - tl.ii..' .- 1 i'i- 'I I lii .. . 11 .. il-.. 1 a 11 . - 1 .1 I. ... ti-. ..f . ti... 1 .1- ", l"l..jt, ul.i. t. r. 'i'.ir"'l -" t'lirin-li I 1 a .1 . 11 r .. ! t .ml (U .lit', ri 11- to till-! . r .1- t l , . t i . 111 I 1 'li .tj-ail. - .i-iii' ii. 1. . a ..." .i.'ii. ir. 1' ' 1 . ' . I 1, ' 1 t . 1- t pi 1 t-. . i - -. 101 - t 11 1 . i 1" 1 w iiln-ii' I oiii .1,1.11-'. 1 l-i . 1 -1 I j .. ' i it .'-. -I ton 11 .1 no it ,11 - ' i- 1 - ii 1 1,1. .. 1,1- 1 -ot i'i I. '.I. I.. .jr. ,;. i- j 1. 11 ' . - , . .' I- .1. nil. .it., ni'l S. l.-i. .! , in'- - l..'ti!l.-riiii; In. ii ..1 1 nl. . . ' ' . I t.'l I. I..VV tl." .. ; -.ill. Ill" 1 j 1 i i-l. ! ii.ili'.iit '1 :i 1 ' I'I'- 1 '. ... ."., ... ' -'li ... 1 ' - '1 - 'in. . 1. j . r 1 1 ! . I ' 1 1 I i tint . r. -. 1 - r . . i' 1. 1 1 .' i li r , 1 ..IS. Ilj . I 1 a'.. " . .1 -I all - - 1 1. '. i 1 - i, 1 .-' I I. - o I' ! Oi ' I III in' I t i ' 11 .' I hill, t.i .1. .It'll Wn II-1 .11 .1 1 1- It I I I. II I- p. ll' 'I, I'tlt tll p.. ll I'. I -..II a I i.l .! .In I . -fill" ' 0 '. W- t.ipi .. .1 -I i' 1' ipplti'.i I ' .. I l I ... . ' I I ll -.., I- I. oi. . t'.il...... t. -Il'.. I I to it. I' ' U . 1 . I 1 -.' ' on. 1 ui lii'ii 1 1 toil tim I Iv . ii-piir-. Il-.i. anv i.iijiti tun l.. 11 ap p.'il.l. .1 up.. 11 tin- ..! ' ll -'. win. an-limy 111 '1. .-on ' II ul lln ill I'll.-il C 11 II. llllll ill. p..Ul..llr, of till- I 111 ' Mill" ll... rntt ..ftlm I... I. ll. .1 .1 ul v tun upon our linrt fn i-lii. il mill il- j.i 1 11- 1 iiini.f Iiiiiii in In. -. I . 1. I... in.. I ' V..eia. I'nl'i'l.l. y'Neier de.p.te a (.irl lieraiit.'.h. ia r. If In t fur.-.. j.r. Ily h. r for. 11, har l.ea.l purr, h.-l lir 1 I urll t.llnl ,rr ..lie. I... n frr.l. ntul eh. tlri .et pi.nn..hly well, regard In r in ti.ion.My ..t )oi. 11.111M (jureii Vu t-ii ., or llu- tirulll.v M.iei li .1 111.. nor In ft. ', ii. Ih.nk I..--14 r t poor girl. Ilnm of iii.wt olliert 'I'liej nr. tiio-1 nlwn v . ul" tt. tniiki. in., a g'.rtl ii.fa, lukr jj.m.I hreinl, .1. .p .... il.. .....tli .id.-of ll. I. d.n w.nli r, 1. tul ham Ituni. 1. 1 iui.ittaiil to in ..1 I. ...u. i.Ih.iiI lh.- limn li.i.l.el I l.r 1 ..'lutg no ll. pi. tli M.t.e. Sill th, llrouiin ll.l.liiii I'...' ,i'l. .ii I nrl. roint'.rtv, lit. ni'iiii.) tn iliiii. li-').... an I hid tinging go I.. .Ilm, la niikn 11m rinrrn 'I In te 11 i 'nil .("Iui till. I., lor r art) lug .lor.uu. ol. ,V. (.!. I), hul (or lo It. ...ptiti.r, .vie! in. I "ilh 11 feiol) (f'"'l'ln- atlniiy..ii Siar ..v- It.. .' .rl."l lli-.l mllitii lln ii'M 'In.-.' link-, Ilin-.. ii-'hliti-. in ll." "i.pp-r .in I-.," will I I-1 'rat. 'I In 1. . lln ,;i.i"iut in . -. It t at.i 1 111111I111-, ni' 1 oO vi .11-, llu I. ml iiin-lv -ul nt tin ir In lit, Jtf I'h. 10 01 "In. 111 ilrmii In di a, , 1 11 1 I 1 '. .Ik 1 . : mm