Oregon spectator. (Oregon City, O.T. [i.e. Or.]) 1846-1855, April 07, 1854, Image 2

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BY C. I.. GOOmilCII. I
OHEiJONt'ITV.UM.UONTKUItnoitYt ,0f adopting a Stnto Government at this time,
"" " ',",' "T '". .n7 SbkI"",' nvnil myelf of the imitation, in n recent
Friday Evening, April 7, ido. i '
""' - number ofyour paper, to submit n few ideas,
Clly Election. I mid cull the tiltention of ourcitir.cn ton few
Tho election on Monday last pn.sed oil' fct which Induce me to take the negntic;
quietly and with very little excitement. ;t, (a wurniico, however, that I nm open
The candidate having been nominated , , wnittlon, if facts and fair deductions
without any reference to party politic, en- K,n.from convince me that I am in error.
ry body waa satisfied to let thing take their (,, wmt nnRcr nro thu iicoplc of thin
own course. Between Mcvrs. Buck Ami territory to be benefited by such a chango at
Holbrook.for mayor, the result wns n lie lt,U lime. By the advocates of the mcas-
which leaves the city under the unnvoida- J uro jt j nj, tlnt we .hall have the privi-
bio necessity of retaining J. ". Prehcott , ,.g0 0f Meeting our Governor, Scrctary,
4f that office. O. W. Atwnter.for Rrivnl-ijmig, j.c;i This is very true. And we
cr, elected by a majority of twenty-threc HlioIJ nlao liac tho "privilego" of paying
voet, LF.Carlco, Esq., elected Superin- tlivm, together with the legislators, their
tcndentofPublic Schools, over Dr. Barclay, clerks, scrgennt-at-arms, state printer, A-c.i
by a majority of only seven 1 1 ns well as lwge amounts of juror's fees, sta-
Tho following geiitleincn wore chosen for tiomry bills, nnd other cipcnse of the ju-
tho Council : Jn. O'Neill, Wells Lake, A. dieiary, w Inch are now defrayed by the gen-
E. Wait, Tho. Johnson, J. II. Ralston. end government, but which, by this act, we
Mr. O'Neill is the only whig in the council. , ,riixjie to saddle i.pon ourselves, without
Wo congratulate tho people of Oregon inquiring where the means to pay with nro
City on their success in electing good olli- (online, from. But this proposition, (so
cent. very common) that "we shall have the priv-
laUo Government. nW of our own officm" wtM to
ThjMUsouri "Republican" says that the ,""' ' Bre satisfied with the
"ptPCttVOregon are ndvocating the or- "fliein we now have; but, the contrary is
gttSaUon ofataVGovernmcnt. prcpnra- ' "". The '"" oi ",0 I10!''6 nru M
tory to being admittwhtrio the diiion." If, llatifi.l with them o there is any prob-
the i "Republican" will givWjhelr address ' "biiity; of their being with officers of ourown
wcwill bo obliged, for wc ant to hear w hat I election. y About the only thing which can
tr arguments aro in faorf such nmcas- bo said in it finor.is, that we should then
'In-entitled to IwgScnators in Congress. It
We arc convinced that tin) question can-1 lm n'J "wMiJouldjlicn bnv c a United
not hi' wade a political !.uo between the j ' l,iril nnl circuit wurt tMiucd
Whig and Democratic parties. Thcio aro ''"". ' " Jud8 llh 8
m.nnu.n on both sid. whoso ooinions , ' but mark yc.-you that hac o to ap-
cvwflet awlously with othors of their ow n
party, and it will surely be of the kind that
will rise orfall, according to It merits.
Toe "Oregonuui," we believe, is opposed
to the State organization at present. In
our paper of to-day will bo found an article
1nmuSvnmi,n a lending Democrat, nd
VMsetng some argument on tho negntlie
side of the question. Who will take the
affirmative next week I
,03rJcsriTU says that Salem and Hills
bf ugh bare jaib. This is pay ing quif a
compliment to Oregon Cily, Lafayct'e, Port
bad aad ether enterprising towns which arc
of far greater imgortance than cither of the
abore-mentSoned. Wo must tako it for
granted then that Salem is "Utile, but ohW
in immorality, and consequently must have
jail ! u Let tho large towns continue to set
gooi exaaplea before the "little ones," and
by He time Oregon is a State, we won't need
03-We learn that Gov. Steven of W.
T-lw left for Washington City. The Leg
islathre AMemblyioIdliim he might go, and
hotmtitd. lr.: Mason, tho intelligent
Secretary,) Got. ex-offieio, and the Terri
tory don't lose much, we reckon. It's none
of our,t9iinea, however.
(&The field of wheat and oats look
Tery well and the warm rains which linvo
fallM lately will mako grain grow finely.
Farmer tell us that the prepect is good
for 'abundant harvest.
(&lf it will be convenient for our Linn
City'eabaeribtrs, we will havo the "Specta
tor" left for distribution with Ransom
Clark, Eq, of tho Exchange.
w.., P,.ln,l i. nr .!,.! .
good bwinm between this city and Port-.
land. W are under obligation. U, Mr. In-1
galU, her gentlemanly clerk, for favors.
JWktaa tV. iia I a I iL.t it.
IKsfT! m evv gnuiuuu w fi-nru umi. iuu
fPenix"binenrli.rennired. and that
.WwiU mum. her rition In thypperhavingaSute Government." Try it and
trJnafcwjUy S lJt .,,, . r.ro commingling ef pride
Welesrn U..I the sUsmer "Oreton," which
saak a tew days since on Hie Upper Willamette, has
eeira.o,w most o, in. ireignissrca.-j(..
.Tfce "OtHton" is almost entirely ont of
, .-, c.i . mi ,, t. t
slant, below water. No hopes of her being
Tj; '
03At Saleni on rridav lust il person
r , .
named Mann stabbed another man by tho
Of JJodgo.
r..h.nlnl..e..d l.ilee. Sim ill nnUI,.
"- r "
u. ...t. .: : . r... Am...
!i.t j 1!
(CrTho new steamer "Gawllo" L'Ot her
wneelsuumagcdbyUrin wood on licruowii-
ward trip last Tuocday.
last r'day. She leave to-
orningfor JekfiiahnBdC'orvallis,
morrow mi
at 6 o Clock A, M.
WSteamer "Walhttnct" brought down
nulla a number of iuisengera on Wednes
dajf evening. She will go upncM Monday
meraiaf, al"7 o'clock, carrying tho U.K.
.?.' '
J .
rTlelJallimore"Sun" Libors under n
i by saying that Judge Lancaster is
delegate to Congress from Oregon. The
"sundown" folk uro n fast people, nnd liutn
got more territori- than one t!uxgin,
Slato Government.
i Hi Jsdtitfr.
C. L. UooDiicn, Ed. Spr.c. : Sir,
reference to tlie question of llio propriety
V in Court wjU have to pay dear for
tho whittle. Such business cannot then bei
done in cv cry county as at present. There
will Uicn be but one place In the State where
such Court will bu held, and such business
done, nnd that place will probably bo in
the Umpqun valley, as thntis near the cen
tre. Hence tho admiralty and other busi
ness originating about tho Columbia and
lower Willamette rivers, will fix upon jr
ties, witnesses, Ac, an enormous and bur
thensome bill of expense. The additional
tax which these advantages and disadvanta
ge would bring upon us, over and above
what we now have to pay would bo some
seventy thousand dollar a year. Tax-payer
is the game worth the shot.
It is proper also to take into consideration
the fact, that at present, time are much
harder, and money scarcer, than heretofore,
and rapidly growing worse ; that the min
ing trnde is principally cut off from this val
ley and now furnishes little or no market for
Oregon produce, nor trade with our mer
chants ; hence the influx of gold is almost
entirely mspended, while every two weeks J
there is shipped from Oregon, in payment
for morchandixo, including pork, butter and
flour, from thirty to fifty thousand dollars.
What sano man will hazard his reputation
for intelligence and veracity by osftcrtiog
that for the last fifteen months there ha
ono tenth as much gold coma into this val
ley as there bos gone out of it. Who has
not already felt the pressure created by this
state of things, even I without the addition
al expense, tho payment of which to pro
poso to assume. When this is lo end can
not be told,, but it can be said with much
truth, that if we burthen ourselves with the
"pome, oi a jjmuj uoicrumcm, . u-
. u.. n . I a!
conU "nt l,rf nt-we ,h"", b"vc "n ut"
"' dilution of money and consequent
Titration of business, high taxation an
rniiitv trcmuTV, nnd deprecated StMo
.. . ".. '
vv. I.I . .v.. . tw. I ,.t
'"" r""fi).
I low many counties in tho State have ffot ,
, . n . . Htw
, . . . ' ,, , .
the name of courUiouse ; two others about
, . ... , .
rlt for n country school-house, ami two more
An.l in iI.a wholo'
Ann in tne wnoie
two, anri eay fs-o,
.-.,. n- ----
Ol IHI'l.. V. V..W..W".,
TVrritnrv Ibrra are two. and eiV fseo.
thiniM called a iail ; ono at Salem, from
which, to tho infinite satisfaction
atufaction of scoun-
,r;,i, l,.,hm,n fall.-nrnved thsv ran take """ ""' " "" " .".
7' " nft,on fu" P'',he CTn,Ullel..sleonsid.raWeHtslolnlhs Union.
.t e l . .
iiieir departure at any
tnintv : the other at Hillsborough, as yet
new and untried, but being built after the
.nine nbin. will dnublles. bn found ennallv
How many jails: how many
,urt-honse ; how many hundred bridges,
roads, cVc. do we want I that poverty com-
. pels us to do without : yet we are told we
can support a State government!
Suppose wo come into the Union a a
Sll, ' our PrM'nt M,fnt of rito7
,,",,h ar"1 10ut,, Slrm Mo8 wl,h,n
miles of the Columbia river our northern
boundarv. and the southern lioundarv lielnir
..Wt four limes that distance tiff, the seat
0fuov, .,,. i, certain to !. removed, m.
,,..,, tho l-rrifjry li divi.bd, and that will
t be d.mo after it lmms Stale; nor
-,n C.sti(rre, after that ei.nt, donnti an-
.nhr I'.'i nun i build ua)i- rSnu l.oii .
bnt tho money will have to conic, and that
' .....
imt the money w... nave o come, am. win
too, from the Oregon tax.pajer. -
who are the tavpnversl Probably seven
thousand constitute tlifl whole nuilllier, and
!..i. .1... .!:,.! i.:..i.i,
will bring, then we ought to go for it, other
wise not ; but it reminds me forcibly uf I he
1 1... .ahI. !.. All ..tt...1. tatlli.vllt
... . .
" "' l"' .""' "w."" "","u,
Iifivei lilt wnt MUfTfrihL' hir tl lirifllttlltl.
SlMlO Oovernmrilt for OreSOII.
Tho vols to bo cut In June for and o-aiiit n
convtulioti, is the next Important lulu coiuequcu-
cesoi snyinai caniormc prrir..., or j. riicn.ru m
the psople yet therssesins lobe little Inter. si fell
oropremd. In Ihs auembly the ail aulhoriting
it, pun-d ss did U ethers of any coiiKqtienoe., in
risvs ailtnc. Sines then ono ur two rabid srti.
clss sdroealinf the nwsiurs have apiearcd In the
party papers, but llisro have len no meetings of
tho psopls, no discussion, andlhe roto nillproba.
bly be IhroK a under tho same enlightened aisle of
things as now siiat. But those who are governed
t-.L-.. ...-. c... &H.i i..t. .i..:.. i.
y ui,r mwi i. b". r". , .. ...... .. ..
sdfsnc 111 permanent interests er Oregon will
.. . ... .
consider wnetner ins aavaniagei oi lonning u ciaie
IIUS now, will OTeroaianco mo oinii.eo nreoniu-
ieneeslhstwill laevit.bly Wlew. Hi. apparent
.. , .... . . .
lTn 11 h bTenlel tv'
'""J "?" ,. h" , " , .'
with which they have moulded Ihelr follower., into
is territory, for their I
u been the faeility
I Ihelr follower, into
, . ... ' ..
I..I. -.m.. Ih.. .nll..n.l. n,, ntxlael. lo IS..
...... ........, j ,
upon these must those accunililated bur- f,,r sanncc of sfiw iniKio.i.,0. a iwlloniu i ii.is iiai,proni,- w..i. .... i.,,...., .... y..- .m
tlUii. isrlnciimlly rest. If they are en,v to .",. h.d.r. -t.uci-1 a Hume ;il. l.U-..eU ssm. l-OOfr.i bombge .if V,a,ul willuivrly r,,;.
tlien principally ns ii mj c ,, couU w. icMtli ,,, tK.in. ' lonB, altt c.l ..f about fisOOO Mlurp.llin.uwl,. lltrll...diclati..iiOfcmicU4es:.ndi.omci,ti0I11
.H.rt I shall be satisfied, ,f not here will J uMM nfIglbortl0wl m .,, 9,B .1.,, ,, , h()llillws ia. , , (pf
then be no help for it-there will U-no ,,,,,.,,,,, b,fore,lvvol.lbe ll,.l,..n.l. Tb..h.ulcl cnlalm .bout 90U k.hV. wii ,,,,,,. S..incofll,e1J
trogrmleill the rear of such n step. rlo.wly imwlcd. Il i. only a. lo lime thai any mo.lly lnl.rest.d l W".., n.,d ilieie .riily,,f ,,.,,. ,. disliiut i. ,
If the advantages to be gained by the j.HVrence I. I.My lo occur. Th. Imp..ti.nt, the mom for inorf. Provi-ioiis a .e plenly and hotrh ''" c "1ci.uk ii iiMlliit Issue, fc,
.rwii::: -"" - -'- " "
,.ly,..vlook,l,.r,.l di..dv.,.ge.,o,hel7- "j"' N-nonsljly and lake the,,
. Iheir han.U, and we .lull IIkii hsvo done Rune-
' , . , .... lhlngtothepno.e. President Kilhiion-was wide-
The immense tssatioa neceusry to maintain a
decent Bute government strike every one as a
fact necessarily to follow the messure. This must
fall on bad and slock, llio. constituting nearly all
the tsssble property of Iho country. This mtul
continus no one ceo tail how long, but rertainly un
til all the usual necessary Improvements in public
buildings, roals, bridges, Vc., shall be completed
among people ef progress Out pi rlod will never
arrive. Salaries will haw to be raiieJ in the Mine
way. On the chespe.t ey .(em tbsl csn be deriwd,
the Bute must remain comparative wilderueis,
with a mere .k.leton of a government, without en
ergy, power, intelligence end eoiviuci.nivi, or
thietsietlonmustbe Iniposid and made, -orpelu.l.
W ar. awaro that some poetry out. no little
klarn.y bos been thrown out lo charm Ihc voter.
into acquiescence, and induce them to shoulder
these burdens at once. Il rcmslns to be seen with
what effect.
. ... I i
luy.ina apnpusion.
tv tit I J ( if on A mils n i
What will bo Ihe bousdar)' of Oregon A up
did ejounlry has been cut olfoa Ihe north, and done
with a euoMenneos, thst rookss peodo wonder
where nest a .imilst blow is le fall. There being
nu mm aainlrv In taaa anvwhepil .U. ilotihtle..
weshsllsesmseelheeunny Seullircaringliercre.l.lakenloll,ei.Kilwhercthe W.nluigton Monum.nl
.left, crowing fiercely in incipient greatness? Th Is la coure f erection, and Ihe whole pie, 9IJ
Umpqn. UkearfT, here wear., in Ihecoeyhtll. bu.l,el., ..I nn fi.e.
valley ef W.llemettr, fringed .round w.lh spsrsc J Thu. were con-gn.,1 lo Ihe flsme. .he ,,. ..oUj
setllemenU on Ihe cossl and under the mountains, tlVuiion. of many a jojful and many a sorrowing
, v
a model repnWie.wilh people numbering Ice. Ih.nh. art, Ihe bill. tdous ..f the lover, and the Uromc
many re.pectsbl.H.nlie.inlheHlslee! A e.e.epi.llt I. Ihc iuirch.nl i lb-.tern .1. mind of the
ond pocket edition of Pan Marino, lu Italy! dun, and Ihe enlhiiting request of III- debtor j Ihe
If any one, e.peelally seslousi. so deeplj i.. sflVctionsle epmtl. of ll.o luv.ng mother and wife.
bued with Ihe ennoblingeentmenl of .i.uprde. a. 'and .11 lho,e outpouring, or Ihe heart, onlj .how ii
to sjsbt st all bsisrds upon this movement, he will iid.ui pijicr to the nearest niiddiar.stor t.e. Tlir)
probeblyb cured by a sober compsrUon oniie had been uncslll for, they were d.aj letl. rs, and
HUlerf Oregon, wilh her .Wreold and new.-' now, by the 1'o.t Office li.t.lhe) welt do..n..d to
llerlimiu with th. present site ofcl.lms, will for ' dtruclion. In. a good cu.iom.th.t Iho pr),nK
years prccludo a dens; populal'on. The lame oveof ln.e,ilitiie enrio.ity,l,evond the needof ofti-
cause will clrenmscnne her power and improre-
ment. She will rsnge alongside Ihe miuialur.
Ststes, only sums little distance in the renr. She
will be called last, will eoms latert, and for ousht
we e.n now lell be alway. behind. Florida, R.I,
Oelswsre, Oregon! Two Senator, it ieteue, bul
oat Ilepreeentalivo in Cong-en, with a vole Ihrie
vetsrs for rrcsMent, thiuk ur thst !
We doubt whether there would be as much true
state pride manifested, as is now fell. Csrlsinly
there would be but Utile room for it. and If
places, would only occasion deruwn. lli.
, , , . ,. i ,
an equivocal virtue at beat, and loo ckxely ailu d to
. ... i. ... t .' ., . , j i
tho'F. F. V. principle which has csu-ed a uni-
vsrsal shower of ridicule lo foil m-in Its unfortunals
,herJ d .ct,,P W. muZ. a...,.r
poop. s. .gimaiuog, upon wmcn wee.........
lengu the admiration and approval of good me
inrougnom lue worm, ueiore we c.n vaunnngiy
eshibit our Oregon pride. Tl,e mere orgsniislion
s. a Hlsls In Ihe American Union, i. a great mat.
ter. but it should Drs.unoe numbar. virtue nud
. j- l .. . .. .
power le discharge Ihe duties as well ae lo enjoy
Ihe hooers. Th.1 distinction would U held in com.
! Ihe hooers. Tho dirtinclion would be held in com
rnon with thirty odd other communities some
wou',' prefer ternuiry, to a small Hlste most
I sa as lanlluil turn I. .. (a iL. m.M.S !
n j, douW by twinewlielhrraHlatetlioulii not
have vari.ly ef pursuits, rcsouicee,andbiui.Mr
dlvsrs kinds so as to protect her from else, inter- j
!. Whsre nlns-lenlhsofthe p.ple folkiw one
fT 7 , TL . . , ., ' . . T- ,
,. .1 .. . ... 1... I . .. .
I )y ,d, ,,, Qmmaniitm wilh p.opi, .nouih 10
enforce an ciiial dUmbutionof favore. Whether
I we have arrived at thai happy coidtlion a. yet In ,
.rreawi, m. iw i.mv. nm iirMiimiie ..
... .
.. ,. I ! ... i . . . .
, r "'" "; ,
I Tli ImmedialMa IasUI that hv Ih. (.... mm .1.. I
t I. J ..... .... .!: .... .... . ,
' - -"".
,e ,. i nsve .eceivefi
mprisiona. II ihls bo
' --- ..,........
nd. Homo woide are
. . , . ,. .,
.Illnalnredenough lossy they... .,,,jally g,..
(.lllag what Ihey don d in.nd Ihe, have so
far succeeded .o , II In Iheir d.mand. Ihsl sscept
a doubtful amendment I'. Ih
Iuii.) law, and Ihs
,1 ppo,r i.i(,.s for IV
... . ,.,, . . tMh
unusual di-c, ..lie. in f.vor of the Loe if-cocol
....... ......It li.ii. iiii a lljmiwralu mil tarv roll
Um rJ. thl. ,,. w,. u. d.lT.ciiH t tla.l ni.y.
JJgini, from their iuccr herrlrir. the chanfe ,
...,...!... i:..i,..l.ki..,.ll ,i,,,i '
. .... . .
UJK'II llKmK "k "' """." " )
...!. ..!. mo fA.u.nr.l ni.il kll.tli m I .in luri. r.
ilon.if tho drill, il . not likclv llicre ill be n.iicl,
TPdlDllliK IT 1 V m." .-"----- I
..!..... V- . .rsM ..Lststri.t leftist nllil IIM lift
, impartial ).l .'.eply inlerte.l journal,.!, esprn.
.... - !.... i... H.:il.A,.i i.lnriliAii
..ot.deofvvhat od.-.mll,e true policy for our
nill, but hiinsuj respects, hihl) favored Oregon.
Whatever llio dec.in may be, wo ore prepjre.1
to nniulesee, and lend n hljiiijr hand, as txnt we
c,n Kuurditir from danK.r.and building up a
goo.1 ilreiij Mole.
In ihe iin.ntiiii wo ndmnimh the people, who
l.avenn abiding poilive Inlerenl in Oregon both
procnt and future, and ho have Ihs tu lo .n),
i Wnderthi matter well before they decide It.
I)0oi let ,oto purly political tock.j.iliber(hu
"goil blind," without atuppiint to count the coat,)
,cc,ire you Into a hnaly .1. cwiou oflliw iii,irlant
queitl'.n. More anon Orrgoniai..
- ,
i miiiHinu. u5i'i.i."ii't,",luB..,. . ... - . .. , .- ....
"J " ....... . . .
nnwer lo Hon It at a II. ilh five thousand miles .
r .. ... , , '
..r sea. oust and hundreds uf porta looking fill m
- , i ,i n
the linl and two Ocean, an Army hke the Hi,..
.on and. ..vj like ll.e ..,.,.!. ouuu.u.er
thai end. One resource have, hut thai coat.
' -vrnK.,l emphstieslly deel.r. tha, ,t w
n.nnnor. interfere in behalf of d.fi.l.,1 ande.p.
"',,, , '
no""" mi " '" ""W1" l "'arhingtun. U
"" 'iuvcrnininl einphslicslly declare thai il wil
"""""" interfere in behalf of defial.l and cap
tured I'll! hunters thai if Ihey leave Iheir eouuln
ur..l I ... ou..-..,. .. ...r, ., ...... .-..,
lyblsmed for llirestenin; llil. in a l'reelsm ition
rerpoctlng the invaiion of Cu.n, wlieu hi. .l
fault was not that he threol. nnl ,1 bul liint lie di.l
not keep his promiae. Men wilf gnotV lo fight in
other land, when no fight can be got up al home
we cla'in Ihs privilege of so doing whenever we
shall perceive cau.e or necneioii but slmull we
ever do it and be tspturtd liglitiug for any other
country thsn thi, we claim no prot.rtion an.l d.-'
.ire no interference from IhedV.leull'ity light-
lug at largo forUberty,. Ueligion.or in anyoth-
er than a National Quarr I, i a man'. nn bu...
ness, wherein ho ha. no right lo impl cole lo
country, and if ho be a Hue man he will not seek
to. IaI whoever wiihe. to figlit for Turkey, for
Italy, for Hunger), for Itekind, for Cuba, lake In.
life In hn huud. und go; of cour.o nut w.lh .ml,
warlike ptrsde a. lu ,m.,cale tin. country in the
struggle unh a. she rhoul.1 .1, liberately clinic.' lo be
implicated. Wherever a 'free figlit .lull spring
ul'i ', ,ll0e who wl" B" '"' "uX ',l "I' n ''
, nT,j odicrei by wlwlsstinfr Ihe lawafssd cotnily
.... . .
lll0., who will go in, bul le. lluy. n,t fcek
of Natinrw. A. V. Trtbune
(iov.sr.,T lloxrisr.-A gr."nd"l'u.l Ollice
. ... ...
lionnre wssmade in n oaningion, en .llonu.iy, ine
3th. of the unclaimed, or dead letter.. Th.vwere
, .
cialknowleilgo, rlioul.l not reaen lulotne ereieii
others. Ily oil mean., let Ihem be l.-lro)rd. The
ancicnla burned lo under. Iheir ileod rrlalirea, and
why .houl 1 not wo our dead letter. Will no. .n-
write their ealphl " Ala., p-wr Voriek!"
X3i" It will be .ecu I.) tho telegraph column Ihul
the Krie mob ha. " luliiut.li.le.l (Jov. U.gler " NN .
rupeu the ue.l dcipitcl, will bring lis advice, that
1'revidenl Pi.rco stands quailing before the mnj.etv
of Hie aviembled bridge burners nnd track de.tro)
..',.,....., , , ,
... r r.t.. .,. i
,ig HUiiucriimiriai' mm tor uiiii.e' ... ni
.,,.. , ... j
the thief l;.ciitivo iiniigle. with k innh, .nd
,-, , ,
..i.nlta no.. ..nil tf ntnt.n.l filtel .. wlnnue.l , u.nrl.
lule prop..1y i.deHfro)fil,i.till Ihe ivUin,r shout
the l'r...dent of the Cnile.l Stale, allow, mail. to
bn dels y.d, and decree, or l State. Courts lo bo
..,',.., , .
treat, d wilh cfii,lenipt.(.Ai"igoyournif,
. "
i .
o, fan Krr.Msss.-Tho links lhat connect ihs
.4,1 world with the new. sro fart inutlinlvlni
.... . . .. . . i
Wilh.u a .liorl lime, Ihree new .team line, have
been form.d, lo connect Liverpool .everelly with
Msine, New loundlend snd New Urunswick, or
Ih. Canedaa, sr.d wlutl, will compnsu tin stesm-
.l.i.a fnlUuia a
,-, .. ...vw.,
, I.iv.(kkI and 1'orllsnd line 3
lmrtn , (iUimu and . .mtren 5
l.ivr(puil and St John
Thu find inenlioned will be .emiinonthl)
- - "' ................. a.,..
I"'""" "f "" '!" H...I, S..., h., already
made licr first trip.
The .tesmrrs of the Montreal lino will measure
S000 Ion. tuch, and on. of Ihem will be leady in
.l,..l l..f 'I lift lltlA I,. Ml f.J.n I. ........... I.u
--. .,..,........,,, ....... ,. .... .... .. ur
,. .-...;.,. . ,. ., .. i ., ,,
the proprietors or Ihe hi. dohn and I. ivirnwl line
, of packet .hip., which coiul.t. ,.f eight verls.
...' .
' ... .,. .M.N airaa. nr..nA..a .... I..,. u...u, ... ....
" " I" "I " mv., i.r. ...
Mf,t( 0y() ton., iobebue.iigge,l,.iid iofft
8mwo ,"c,, .'""y w'" ,ncl' "'-"'0 A,l,'
(jil 01)( , 1K1, , tuu-lii ng si Hi . Job n., New
Kou..dla.t.l, .... rrcy tri,.. It I. .opposed ,h.t ihs
I.rlniurD c.r New llruiLwick will make llio pro.
. ., ...nnnii ... ... ....
1. 1"-" " a'""- "' V','"" .' ..noil IUI letl
o M jn o trt,1)Uhl,n of , nfi
' , ,. , f, u , I
llif 'K
'if The. -fnilier i iMiglufnl
."JliitllK Mlrws.
. foloWlM(. from u. ,,, ,,
March 1 1 1
Scsrs1 Digging' "A conr'itontleiit ibjh tliulllie
nrw itilfeiiifs, I "oovr red some four vieolu since on
1 ' .
full. 'IV.r..a lack of water at prrut.b,U mi
Uf PllllllllUllUII UI llD ICC I VI .! "l ".
. i . .. . ... - --. ..t :., U.....1 r.irinli
tin nbundnmc of thai urticlo.
'I lift llllflllior III ft lliri'l III III H t IC HIV IT IMIIHi
-.-.. ....... , . ,
. .......- t
K v.k U rs.im.le.l nl lr,., ami il.. q )
wilxrin mi r.liiinri lliau titlifilMltN (u UKT L'i)U
.hurt head,, le.,v,n1; .mplii. ..f Ui l,.,,.lMer
llu who w out to try Ih.ir Inn 1 ..r prove tli. u
i;av. C.,.' Tuuuvl. The main ilnft Urn p.'if
(rntsJ llio hill a dslan.e of ov.r Jllu feit. Sen-
'ralnule driru run Hi Uilliiercni uiirrimiis, ami nu
,,e pnivo.1 ru-li 'I lie average daily Jicld i
fmnilSt.i Iii0 u h mil. ultliouh i or cven irnii-
' corcouM bo tokiu out 1.) ore hand by folleHiull..'
principal I, nd The i-h.iin woi.'d pieUiMy sell for
rn.ni ,.,UHll to 8.'IU00 earh. On Thrl.,y ufter-
niionlhe mnipun) toek u.ili.v.r 14 or
A iniinlirr of aluiira arc in ..p. r.itioi, uluii.' the
batiks of the rivira and en Hie hill.idrsatid llata,
with about nr.llnaiy suiv.w Mining has not jet
amy oegunior tut lomuigHawi, uioiig.. ai,.,e
prelciraliem sro n.. being nude,
r ' '
o last sverersgrd
w,.ni.. nir v in,ii...i' ii
hiuike Uur. A lotupsii) oi nv
ll... fn..l of llii. I.jr wirk befon
cfa of hi. bs . wk bef.r
........... ,
I orrat i il). . eorrcpoim. m inrnniirs me
f"mi"!' ri""""f ,l'"l"lH"k' ""'
I!.' Tunnel IT ,o,,d.. Kuip.,. I3J. .Ml
v. ,, ii,,,.!, i..i , Jf,.. tM,, Tunnel
-uor drfie" ""v :V" J" , T"
JTl. ZZ u' .C ru" iC"
"truck large pi.perl, lie,iv) guiu l.ul. ruCo.
IOOO, t.r.rt Ue.lein SJIIIO n week nverngel,.
- . ... . , .
Iho man; l'.ead,02j udy to Iho nan ; Hough A
llejly (J30U a week, Aim-iiean I o, JJlla di) t..
me nana, ng.i. . i.ioj.., u g u.i-r, o-'o ""
Tin- lead i upmed In . t. til unit dnl.mce
down Ihc creek.
Wevir.il elalun havo b.i n liwed of .luring the
pat w.ek.ial ngfroni llllill I.. SWCil.
The hrav) hs Lrukrn dowateveral l.ou--
es, usd Ihc raid i iuij.4iMe.
Sniilli's lligiii.-. One c.. npsny took out la.l
wr. k Itf.' or. .Severe! other. rn o Ingl, a. 7U lu
n,o oun.e.n wtek. hiine writing the above I
,B Mnl n .lu,' tak. n from Ihc Dutch tunnel
,,., .I,,.,,. 3 oi .lid.
Welle, hergo .V Co. have haiu'led ,i a cpv ol
tl.et'oluinliiu IJa.tle.of lh.l llh ,nl , fr wlmh
v.e j-:,.,,, th fn.,w lt.:
,r1R weather . now lov.lv mil liraut lul, the
air cool, brae ng .ml nh laralingi and Ihe mm. r
taking advantage of th .le. rable .late of nffur.
.re now pitching in,' and taking out the of o in .
,,. ,,.,.,, , , , , rab: .,.,,. of nlTll,..
t rrv dirtrlion. Iiv thi isuiiiiit.
Trsd.nnd bu-ineM genera'ly beg.nlo wear ..
...n.a l.t.ltf .nil.nrnjir..iiiff i.ivrt. inJ ...ivlh nc
- - - i '
'"" l""""' br.hl tun., and glonou. p.,..
!" ...
Tl.s 1 uolurnn.. ( o . duel, ,. now running even
full, nnd .1 ,.,. abund , .,,, plied with the tin,.
' """l "' ""'"' '"" '"'" ,n' ' " of "r "U
motlnr earth.
-P"7 '-" "" "'"" ""."
Y "' Ivl week, ws-hed out tw. pound. . f ll.e
"" ... , .
1h' """" )'" M!'I""S u' '""" 10 l0 ,
' "" "'")' " Wdiie.de) Ihey found a four ,
n""1' sc..'ien.
.Nmnerou, fine rpecnet,. we have hiarloflr.
'""' """''J ''"'"K " I " " A ' 8'"'
l"l"""-' """" '"' '' !'" '' ""' ""l"'1
("U I J "iue peem n
.. ail .iiv .ll.'..l .. ..- ... j, ..." .-.. .. .-.
dysiigsged hi Iheir gulden lil.'r, end ri.ping n
)ellow' Inrve.l.
.New lii.'gnigi. M'r. IVll) Ac t!n. have d,.-
covered g.l il.irging. nl.o, I a mile above lownnn
the Midd'e Fork, which pay fioin '.'.. lo .111 Lenta I,.
Ihe pan. Tiny have pl. nl) of water supplied I.)
Iheil.lcl. of M'Kllii A. I o - ..irtioi. Nnillnrl
Vevv llvprees l.oule l. wre A.Iain. K Co in
keeping wilh Ih. ir iirknnwle.lged pinl of enter.
pn.e, fins e mndc nrrangriiienti w hereby our friend.
ii, lnue Vatl) and vi.in.lv have u .U.U llvpreM
loand from Sarrninento, us well a. to nil hi.hU
-o.Hl, n( tin. pl.re .- .
'1'lin l.lL'Clloii.
J.f (e JKprflit.r
The late cliTtion in Or.g.m City, though
no irry important atliiir, yet in its result is
. of ,Irl(;lt i r,..ct to i
. ., , . . , ,
ingstipon the subject of irmtitrai
, ; ' , ...,.,.,
t i .1.... ii... r.t I. ..... ..ll... i
its bear-
fmperanee. II
. is known that the fri-mlv f a 'Proliibtlnry
,B,V, ominat.H n "tiek l" with llm pttr
. . . .....
Im.i! i. milking n ili'llliil lie at the I...I .,
.... i i i
!""' " l",, "u '""f. " lea-l show their
strength ur their vveakne.s,
lllls liekel
was after ward, withdraw n nnd the temper-
I e. i . jt
Ml. . ,.,. g,.nrnin vol.il or I in call-
.... , . " , j . .
, ... .....
lo Ire Meii whether the new Council, will
lllt. It l llatllftlltll .Itlll
"- ' " " "'"""J siis.ili
, . ... f.s, , lit
that they will. I hey have ma.lc no ple,lg
es however, and may adopt nu anti-leinpei
mieo inliev. Tin ir ciiliric however, will to
fl.llt ,.,,., .....rii.itl ill., flllure i,oi, v
f ,i ........... . ' .. 'tl . '
01 ui" u iiii.em..cu I'.iriv, 1 1.1 1,11 I m I
....'. ' '
rnl",l)- Hiereanng, who bcliovcllie policy of
i. ..... t .
n ! T. till III. .TV I ,f.lC If. lw. l.t.k.l l.t.t itl.il ,... .,,
--- - j - ,
who will work for il, beruuw tli-y re.Mgmre
i ii m'-t iK..iev.,i.,,t d.igi, pp.,, ,,t
I . . . , ', .
' "f""?' """". '""I mvt?- ' """"''V'
fv I" "' ' K proi,ie.iiai.
en I. If m e,...i.rv it. I'ii..il. .. ill I,.
' " ",', - - r.- .,
,iHlinrl ,,rlv j.MI (lll, Kcparaliiigl'..,,,, tl,. j,
f " : ' j
",r"" r '"'"" h"" In s .111.1 fminl., will
too log.',,,, r upon im. ..iie, nut t,.
. iriiir . "hi. I, i not '. ;,.. ,, ,,, ,, ,
I he old pulitii-.il parties may obviate thcne.
. ( ., . u .
fing l. Ire, men speaking U,dlv.,l
There are liu-li. not
., .! !..., I .. ,.., . ., . .
'.. im'.-ium uiey would .
" ".- .'' I -v.. 1.1. i irinia
,. f !..! ..Mi. nun .it 1 1 1. 1, 1 ..til . .Tit 1 .! . ,
1 1 1 --
will nt" l.ii a 1'
ll'ul In i cure the
ilicul eiieinvifitl.
nidi uf teiniieranw.
., ,, ; ,u , jr ,, , .
' . ' " "
"'"'e-mnl lll ealiv ...it then principle.
II p..llln.il l.ii'ler Hid trailing HitIcjani
vvill -li.k I-llie alA.iuinalile f.nee tmd ljrn.
ieal iuiiiiit uf e.uu nse ami conventions let
,1(.m kn.., that, tildes tin v puv ni0 tvl.
p. . 1 1. vlilti. . tii.n.'.litv :it,.l 1. 1., r;,iH.',U,v
li.iv, mUjii.ljed. rt-p.cliii .. ktimgth of
p.irtv cih iuii and the puivirnf Tmrtr
dull. " I)UV.
Apiil I, I-:, I.
Jit Hi tpidiln.
Mv. Kiiiriiu: I wnstery iiitirh pleased
tu ee niir iiiHilu v with nferciicc to Min
.. . ...
j mv, , i',.,,,,,, in v.itir
:nt, h it wan noth-
mt; limre than ua illl" to that neeoliipliib-
( .,,., . ,l(,lt ,,, ,lU ,
. , . I, . ,. , ,. , , , ,
Ii in- np....giill I T the .1. . , t .if our df tha
Ii". re til. in ua dii" to that iieeoninliih-
g,.i. ,i. iiiMriiim-i.t Memeil I,
n ..,,.
l'-""Ktl"f ..rrathcrl.uppoa,
,,. , :,. !,,. S.mie n.ny have .apposed
,, ,, ..f..,.,. nr,. frtll nll, f nppli.
...... .... "
- " '- n-i
-"1 '-!' . ,1 not the
-liylit. l kln.l,.l.'e. ami ..v. I vvhi.-li he had
ll..ll. r "lll" lirilllll.il C.lUr, .ll I can
i,t the I a-t e.ililr.il. I'lell-e pubhh this
and correct iiiiaj,pr,leiiill
II !'( r in il.mi! I- I i e.iil Z nil t.l.jict uf
e.iii-i I. r.il.l. in, .nl. in. . .,ti I b'Hii r makers
ai. : 1 1 , i . 1 1 1 to I. am all llnv ..in in regard
(nil I litel let .i. a- in.,'.; ilitl. r. lit
pin i"li about ll, ikiiiu' it, .! lie I. K dilf.r-
in in il, t i-t i.f ihe iir'itl'. S.uie K-r-on,
mi aliv.v . ir.eiMe.l wt'li rami. I Littler
luring -iiiiini i : vv'ul. .. ih. r have Litter
.r -t,..ii' LiHt.-i in vvint.r. I tliink ibis is
I r wint.. i i Intl. loii tin u.'i.i ..i . ii. rtjv;
t..r ll vmlr milk 1 k. pl nil it i Litter, or tiie
I. un i I.' .t In . i..t, after it ill'-, the
l.ii't. r ll i. .nlit I'n . .Lu.' r in uk t.n'.
1 lis-- ta - -1 tils- .a in vv .1 l.tt'i r in til-
tl will not I..
ll ll tl,
. oV. , , I I ,
It Wotll I oil
lll lllllti III .
iria I am .irt imiI.,1 t. k ep
i 1 1 I in-.-I. r..t I., at, ami
to 1. 1 it .laiel l.ii lli cream is
. ti mv i limn drv iiiel than till
' ,. I l
I want it loi ii. , In :ln by, I tl. 1 1 a "old
.l.i-l.. r . liurii," 1 1 I. r n. it ! all 1 1 1 - a' lit
. burn. I . v. r miw. At', r I ikin,' lie I.ntt.r
ut I put a littb' salt in it, living it away
lor i I'. vv b itir.. (In n I vv.iik it tlioroii'.'lilv,
a Miu. -i I. til in .i , I ii,-. .1-1 If Lul
t. C maker vv. -. not ... . aril.. of their
tr. iitf'li. ,tli it, .1 imiiii; an I working
their Lilt r, tl, n w iM !. e.. . -tie I lint
iL'.itt i nill itt. i. .'., me)' Wife.
(.uiic Aslray.
('..Id vv ird t i fallon a loving I,, .nl lie
l.a. t.in.. .ili. .v. Aiel ,. tin. ihe time to
.1 rl linn ' I In. lie linn ! I i. ml him
witli w, .ol tl. it ,. ,,i. I.ii.i in, m vniir
.a-in, ami.. nly its ln ...ul '. Nn,' lie
l.a e. iiiul. r . loiel-' Ih In. litilit now : iMr-
ri,. , MS ,, 0,r
, Many tine lie.ut, lli.il vvniild liavecoln.i
I.iek like the ilnve tu the ink, after its first
lian-on ..ion, li.i. Ii-n frightened Is'yond
r e ,11 Lv the angry look and menace, tho
t. mill, I lie Kivage eh.uity of an iiutore,ivillg
I. lie careful how vim fi.eetlie first
vviirin eniolioii.of leiH.iiiaii.v, 11.. ware lest
llio... pleiiding vv.iril., iiiilie. .led, .ting you
in ...in. -Irulouy val. ..I' y..iir future sor
row II. p. nlatu . . bang. .1 by liegl.ctor
ntil.iti.lie.., 1 1. ...in.", like m. ll. d iron hard
eii.l. l in tie- mould trill" vvilli it tiev.r.
lie the lir.t to meet lb., firing with out
lr. L hedi ai in.. Wipe the tear frmii liiseyo
imtir me iiaini nl .oii-olation on the
wuiiuiU that guilt bus iiiiuie. Let vour
heart ! thu grave. if his transgressions,
)""'V"i '"'" "ui m is'iinii"; ins niiru, n, noi
i m liiele... words.
fy, . ,, . .. , ,.,,,.. , St.,VI.I
,,. .. ,. ini ...I,.... j iiiiu.1.1 inn 'inn.
ll r....... .. ll... ..........
' ,im fr, (). ,,,(, ,.,, f 'cr mindi ;
make brighll.f.s aiet lautv Ihcro was
..I t ....t . i ... :. i '...the.
"" Mo,,,, inioi-m nn.ao.iic.
Compliment lo lltu lyrsldeul.
I'.x-Henatiir I'm t nrTMiss., made the fob
lowing remarks in relation I, i llie 1'ies
ti i. rfernt siioee hat Wash nitlun :
., ' . , V ' .i ,.
... 7 V ...H' --
with ImuI motive., let olliem judgoof the
"mines- we kn.lvv llieael. I Hon I lliinn
"lol,WH- tt, hiiow tli ncl. I ilon I think
A l .'... .1 .1 .
-'- nii'i iih- sii- iniii-iii. tiun uimie
,1,.,, ,' , g,.,,,.r. h, arl mav n"ll it-
.ell" to all, tin- imLI.- iitiptil-eo' ins nature.,
"I Ulimt that It" mav i-ee in lime the iniK
' l."",f '"'" " '"V1' ll" ''" pl"ll'K-d Hi- people-
I....I O. Oil III ll I... I .1 I.. ll.A
. i, ,,i ,.,..i ! . I ,. u -A
I ie.ileiili iiia..nii a. .lame. I lie hi cowl
r. ,n .. on,, ..... e. .-.-.. . i"
.,.,,i it, .,. monaiiliial imlmv nf Ixmdon,
... A .
1.11 tl... .ui.i.lli.,,., tlr I,,.,i C .. .1. f,. .mm
,..., ,. .,.,.. i,,.... ,..,.,-
''i-liiut iiirnrr uf llm liiml. 'Ibis is my A-
;'" ',Ml.;,?"'l","I'W!'b' i"i wvi"-
' r. 1 lu Wilumt I'liivNn is lint tellled
i " u, ... tl.- bill for Ihn ,..g.mi-
tioti ol the ailirickii lemlorv ilnring mi
leshiot. of t 'i.ii.r.e.k. I ...r., in .i.v lliat if
.. J " . .
,"'" "" ' """'f.r e.lings I..carrie4
., ,, h.VI ll ! will be r.irri.l on
,!,, .m.MJ,,,,, HIM .,,. .r, , Soil, r . Ii.cted
I'l. nl. nl I lli. i wilt I... i.. dealh blow of
ll I ,
.'. I. . l I r. ii .
WW ii II lv (in iiimi' I ii II II e lm.nl.l.
?V;' -f