Oregon spectator. (Oregon City, O.T. [i.e. Or.]) 1846-1855, March 31, 1854, Image 2

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if"- ' -
BY C. I.. CiODDitU'll.
UUKUONClTV.DttnttUN I Cllltl llli :
Friday Evonlng, March 31, 1854.
Next Moiiilay, llnnvui l" l'v 1 1- v't-iJ in
this city: oho May .. liw 'uiiiiuliiii'ii. mm
Supcriulcmlntit of the l'lili'iiu JsJiouU :unl
n Recorder. It lirus bn:ii m.'nti.'.l to n
that wo unroll tliu luu'lnmiit u'nii ttliiili
nro inscribed the iminos of thmo oiill.'iiuii
whore to bo voted for mi t lio s.inl day of
election. We lime von littl" if any i.l.ju
tion, no here goes :
For Mayor.
A. HoIIm'ooI;,
W. W. Unci;.
For City-Councilman.
J. Itnlstou.
S. W. Mo.
W. . Mmjen.
J. A. O'Xcill.
J. M. "tV.iir.
J. 1?. Kolih.
P. G. Stewart.
A. K. Post.
W. Luke.
Thomas V. Smith.
L. W. Sawyer.
Win. P. J5iirii.
Win. Ne.sliitt.
A. li Wait.
A. JJ. Sprenpor.
J. K. Kol'.v.
P. II Hutch.
J. E. Ilurlbrd.
1). It II. Yeckloy.
Tho. Johnson."
For Sunt, of Public. Sohook
L. F. Cartee.
.,; Forbes I Jarclay.
For Recorder.
George W. Atwnter.
W. Wliitlook.
Dr. A. II. Steele.
Kow these nrc ukcii uf a l.-iii"; p d
men, nnd wo shall sny nothing to tli" con
trary. It is quito certain tli.it a cluing in city oil -cert
is wished for by a majority of tlis 'o
pie, and present apiieamncs indicate that
they are to be gratified. Utit, iinfmtiiiiati'
ly several of you, gentlvinvn, will liawtK
be content nith the honor of l in;,' rlct'.-.iT-ed.
Hero they are "pitch in" "indhidiid
lyV collectively, and promicuously I" and if
you don't liko to toto for tbese guiitirmi n
yo can ic.
The greatest excitement which tto shall
probably be called upon to a-siit iu quell
ing, will bo the cry of Title 'i Ticket-! !
which will bo forthcoming. Call tliii cu
eing. " "Wo had the pleasure of attuidin.'
the Exhibition, git en by tlto xltidrnt of tin
Oregon City Academy mi Friday tt. nin'
bul. Tho performance was liildv irc.eht.i
Wo to tho school, especially, wli-n we take
into considcraton their iucspcriciice in siiih
things. Master F. Albiiylit, as S'quirr
Sharpe, made a decided hit on tin- mind' of
the aadience, and drew the gn-ntM ap
pliute.. Mr. D-r-o-n-e, al-o, and oilier, ac
ted their respective parts quite admirably,
and deserving of much praiv. ilm-i- fa-'!'
go to prove that a correct i-t el in of t aching
is being pnrsued in thai inxtitution. A.
Urge and valuablo apji.iriitus ii i-oou to !
added, which "ill be an imalti.iM ai-qnNi-sition.
Wc are- inclined to m k- an apolopy for
the music on this occasion ; mure cnprciallt,
however, fo; the ncconi'li-!i."l piani-t, .Min
Yoaog, tthoso lntriiiii( nt n.'n so much out
of tune, thai wo are Min-il was iinpo-fiUe
to produce correctness nr am thing like ele
gance. We doubt not that the choir ran
make good music; only givi- thmi a fair
0"What is the reason of our 'cmntitic
men winning to keep all ihoir kin.it ltljo
to themselves of Into ,' Why v. ill they not
furnish us more for publiciti'm ; We want
something that will aid our city, and tin
Territory; something tint will gie new
life and vigor to our inhabitant ; sonu
thing that will interest and l.nilit all,
(ttrTho Washington 1'ionter ij- D'nio
erat, and tho Portland i.iirn, all gate ut a
very polite notice. You hate nur thank1,
OCrOn Sunday runiug lnt tin' Indian
murdered the Klamnthi'hi(f"ritone''lj ton,"
near this city, and on Monday, Inirim'1 him
OB the funeral pile.
(ttrThe rain which ha fallen within the
last few days, will belter th- condition of the
arlb for vegetation.
(ttrWo learn thai a r -gnlar "'IemK r.mco
Ticket" ha been ucuriin.i1- d for (h-i elc Hon
en Mcndtv nxt.
Ooa't lii) loo Long.
Sh ill t,.ii hail- ncatioii to ,all iiilo .i
chcMiL;-t' studio, urn lawtu's olliee, don't
otay t,o loii.
Ifa toting l.idt call on h.'r aciuaintaiicc
at cU'ti n ii'ihtV, A M , idle ininht do Will
to utiiid tntili too lulu;.
Wi-know a toimg in. hi who hi tired
th' p itii in c ',f a I i'U , aim )( Ih-uiiiiI iii'lu
i.iiin'. Ii.,aii' In1 will ti-it hir on a week
day and tay too loiu.
If a hii-li.md liMto hi family, and goi
ti the mini"., lie hould ncollect that it m.iv
"t pav o will to -tat too loin;.
Iftmi i .line t'lOieiron itid l.ftt"irbc
trothed in the Plate, and ton caiiliut per
I ' '
u.i'li, li i to come to tmi, don't "tat hre
to.i loty.
A I'm- t hi leave the parental roof, and
t d.e the ie'poliibihl of sdf on tour own
boulder, ti-it that old home, but don't tay
too Imie;.
, When ton ai, platin li'dliaid, and you
f.i la urc-d that the lot ed ones at home me
inioU"K ntt.iitiiig tuiir relurii, don't tat
In, i Ion.
Call uf'in. if tmi like, at lie printin.'
oll'u , ,.r inlu in i(li.iugi' broke rV it.ib
lihmi ill, liiit dmi't -lay toi Imie;.
If toil b.ni' abeloted mother who. per-
' hap- i- an iutalid, nu 1 tti-he ti r much to
- ! tun, ili.n't t.it fir att.ij from lui too
, If tmi o. an nhior nut tiling, and hate
.'it the iii.iiu'j to piy him. iinl intend to do
ii, i all at hi- "I'litum and -tat jit-t a
I .11 I. toll pli'l-. '
Tilt' hpeclator.
i 'I In- pap, r h,i .it llii- tinie a larv;, r (lieu
iiti.iii llnn t f r l fun1 an I the ll-t i- in-en.i-iii,'.
liu'.ii. a it do, , inio the dill, r
III I'.ut- i llie Ti'iiitiirj. it i lead b a
. Iire iiiajoiiit of tin- puiple. ami therefore.
iprii' ililj lh" I""! ini'dmni foi a lii rti-iu
in the country. We hue Imi told th it
ilu ndteiti-ciii'Mi'i. in the "Sputalor" aii
alttntj ri'vlfirA! by etert benly. L'f
eoiir-e t, don't doubt ii. Nim ttp, and
' o, d p-ip' r are ued in it- ni'ihaiiie'aliA. i u
1 ! . .in 1 a n atn. -- alidiuin tin- i aimed
at. It c'oii'.iiii more u.idiug matter than
atn .'tli r pap r in the '!' rntory.
i N..W we want to kinut if the people of
Or, r;,in,aiidepii':-illy of llii iit and tiein
iy, tti.h to -u-tain our papr J Would ton
-upport a good inw-p:iir if ton had one .'
'Ih','1Spiet.itor"'inMP lie a-it alm,-l
ilwaj hib u : 1 1 sh'iU not faint, -iek, n.
m-.iki ti, ii.v.p, retite, "wink" a-l-nio-1 1
, "mil" and lie n iMiitimte to dr.u; out a mii r-
'llbl' l si-tellev. It SIMM, lie lille r "trl"li
on iu hf-," or it -hall he "alorioils in
nr.tTii !" Now (ho '. .Support it. or
kill it mo-t effectually ' Cm tmi not b,
liete it ha- turned otcr a u w 1, af! We
f liete it can and will i.ivr. from thi out ;
and we are not tli one tint would hate
(ii. h d it h id w thoiih' ntlii rwi'i . It i.
iioi our iiit"iitinii to merely niil in .cpm,
its lfu'1 ulorc icatcr .' W want it to ill
pioti'Mt nt, i th-ncii' i,f it furni. i tioii
bli and bj iiiiuiliiiii; t I. On ouiau,
Ciniii-; Into toil ant iutip-t in it.' or
would toil wi-li lo - . her seuIlM nnd "glo
rious!" timllotrril iii .'
ft-tr-'l'li" lati -t picture tiu hate iiotiiediu
the ihM'tii iiti pip,ii-of i touth tthoi
repri'i iil"d a eliiubinoii lo llie-hoiild. r
of aiiotlii r Imy in order to look our tin top
of a t;Mit' collar to a-cerlaiu wlntlnr tie
hf.id i- iu tin re or not.
I.vlU'rli)' iiikIIu I.IkIiI. ,o. J.
(Tot ( f ai.t rrt if lr Clrrcon prtlltor
NollIMI..tsrl Mill' II ,'H, l'3'll.
lfcii Si'i.i :
f w in. mi' iii I' i nr- 'i iitin Ik no
-ilte, I iinp.it tin iii bt lnltilliliLfa pMin-I-"'
rn'i I' in in) la-t. lo -at a f, w word-in
rilif ai to t'oiiiniou Peliool-, .ii eoiiiucleil
witli the f.iriimig inter' -t.
'I hat popular i di'i alioii i- an . nlial of
good got i riiinMil. i loo plain to pquin" t
ideiiee. or udiliit 'iriiuieiit. Vi t it mat not
In; iniproi-er I" ii'.'i;. -t a feu re.voii- ttbt
."ift'ti in of primary rchmil- ought to b-1 ai
li iiibl,.hid in i ti rt l it' tint iijoj, and
hope to pri -'-rte it hlierliii,
Allo mi- to (at tin ii, that the r minion
m hoot I- tliL-'.llU irit.iiu linali-of -iciiiiii
ililhi'ioii of ki owI'd";e, ami that general in
lelligi lie' ttluih up' among the chief sup-
or: iif r u-tiiu'i'iiial liN'ily. Take the
C lVtl, tab)' s il I Hill le the llgllli upon
thi'Mibji'i ifi'diii'.it.oii, Noiieelhe Si.ili
wliiri lomuiiiu - h ol aie mo-l uiiui'rou-,
and the lest support' d, and 111:11k t It- f,
that an illiabl" to pad and w rite,' while 111
pioj orli'ili.a- the iiurii'iii -ihool-an wan
ling, llie nuiiili"r "f ill.terate i umliiplii d
t'ommon 'chool awakin lh" yinhfnl
mind, and iaily gitc it an upward ti mb net .
I bus they priparr tho way foi th."'i and
rapid dilfu.ioiirif lhoe biglur truth- of n 1
f ii-". inor il and i ligioii. whie'i nie the trii"
ba-i ol all gieat J iugiihi'.i' mot 1 nr nl. '
fh'y mill lie tin' direi-if t Ioiik lit of
oi i tt , .Hid wild- lh"i 1 ill 1'lnldn 11 of ilill'-r-'
en I fiimili", anilol dit, i-e oiigiu (ou'clhi r,
'and - tbj'i t tli' m 10 a 1 'Hiun-iii di-upline,
1 1 , 1 ' ). ,.- ,-i - , , .1
tin) 1 1) the foundation for 11 national thai
.liter 'I hcl break down uiilintllial di-tinetiotis,
and tend In destroy f.il-C leuls iu n ionium
nitv. They maintain that equality of con
dition and of right which is the true bii
of democracy.
Tint iaily call out from nb'cinity the
lx-l talent of the eotilitrt.nnil iu iiiiineroli
iii-t.uicc. have git en the fut deteluptnelit
In tln biightest nbilitien of the age.
'I hey biing knowledge to the tcry nltai
of hearth, and enable parents to unite pa
teiitat counsel and coutiol, with the ill'oit
and iii-tilietion of the teacher.
'l'li.' create a demand fo,' ctilttt.ited
iimid, an I lead to the ihtabli-hnii nt of Fci
1 ntitie ii-soiiatioiis of college and iiiitti i-i-tie,
whuh are among the ornament of
poli-hid oeiity.
'I lii'se are a few of the rea'uii why com
mon -'eliool -hoidd invito earlt and cam-e-t
attention. It would be ea) to auiplif).
but I feat I should occupy loo intuhi-ftour
..tillable -pace. I ple-llllli' fi tt will dill)
tin' 1 1 'po-itiuiis ndt.mi'id, or their applie.i
biliit to the agiieiilturid peuile of Oregon.
It i -aid, howeti r, that the iiewiic- of thi
loiiiilry the spai-ein of the pnpillatinii.
and tli- un-ettlid eoiiihtion of Kociett , ren
der any plan for the e-tabli-hineiit of com
mon 'ihool ti-ioiiart and fruitlc.
I 'ut I coii-idi r lhc-e the tert rei-011 wh)
etl.l 1 M rtioll-. p-tlnttlal be pllt forth. I C.lll-
iiot regard -ehool-i as mere ninth i uf con-
teiiiii 'liny are thin,; of tie- irt ni-
i. itt. Tune will mine on, and the li;.
and '.'ill- ol to da) will be the nn 11 and wo
nii 11 of to-nioirow. Audi am not aware
lh it the nettiii-sof the conntrt or tin
-ari in ' of the population inn at all mi'.i
rat" th,' ' til which inoriaicvwill iuetita
II) bring.i.r le--e-u the, li.a'Itaiitage which
will I, ult I'ioiii want of knowledge.
Iiillueiice and ii-pictabilit) will alw-it-b"
ii-oiiai'd with iub lligeiieeand tirtue.
'i altb i" an element of power, but after
ill it 1- loiitroll. d and din it. .1 1.) iuti lh-
iii.-. Now, if thric-til'lhs of the liiiic
iji'ii. riiii.nof Ongoiiare left for ti 11 tear
loi in ', with no Ik'IIi reilneatioiial adtau
1 !"- than the) now hate, tiny mat Ik a
siin I ill it the) will be 111 led by the otln I
two tifih. And father may rciiii irnVr
that if tln-ir urn do not i;iin at I a-t the
r'idiiu. nt- of an eilueatiuii. and -1 cure a ih
lim of iuti llii nee e.jiial to the ttau's iiul
the f 11 iliii. , of th" age', tiny will mo-t like
It li't'oiiie, not the independent fininui
lliey would Irite lie 111 b', but the -11j.pl.
tool-of corrupt and p'lttliini.' politician-.
I-it an) naioii why Oregon -hold 1 !
till) inirs b.'biud the age, U'cau" -he i
m w and -p.ir.-ely populated .' It i not
111.u1l.1i11.il that M'hool-cm li" ilpporlid
0 w-11 or for o large a )rtioii of the ti.ir
1- th an- iu nioie populoii- and ol ! r
-l.it-1. Hut it i li"!i. tul thai .1 giH.il - I1..0I
might and .-hoiihl ! kej't in 1 1 rt neigh
l.rliiHid win re lifti'li m holar- lau be col
I. ' ! d. form l"''1"' f"llr molilh- iu lh- )e.u.
It 1- b h'tid that 110 oth r iuie-tliii lit of
their money would prole hi prolilabl to
all the nn inber of community, a- that
pi ndeil for on.., I chool. It would ,ro
mote alike th" happiness of the people and
ih" -uuriit of pmiieriw Mon'Mion.
OtT' 'ur thank are due J. W. Snllitan
for a nice Mlppl) of ellitelll liteiait 11I1T
new- paprrs, I.) the lati ,t uteaun r.
.S. J. M'C'oriiii'.'k,nf the Franklin Hook
Siori . fiirnihed u with i-eteral tery good
pape, for which he ha our thank, lie
kn p-the Portland folks will puiti tl up with
eiiti rn pohl'' rending, and new.
,tt"We are under many ribligitinix ti
U.N. (!. ; but hit loiiiniiiiiicalion aie
tux re-p'i tfully ibi'linril. Principal rea--on
e.iiiiinl read tin m.
(rjTUur Until say win n lie veu. a tto
in in in inouruiiii;. he m-tcr thinks nf Ik r
li-inga widow; but think what an fco
ii'.iiin.il woman fli" iiiut lie, in thu atiii";
nli.it rlii- tt mild hnti' to pay the papi r for
rli i:rtiiig J'nr u hnylmn'l. Smart lit.
thai ti iy.
4ti'"lli" uyli'-l man that nur tiod
French '.Ton in I n a Miralieau, the nrgalii
n r of tin n tohnion and let he won more
f. male lie.-iili thin 1111) of liii eotunpora
rii -. lie had llie featur' of a wildimail
an I lie ini--ite -bin ks of hair ttliith stir
roiiudi d hi- h'1,'1 Ion head t'at" him the tip
p, ai.uii" of an ag' d lion. 'I he Ih-,1 de-crip-Hon
giteii of him 1 that of llcMiioulius who
call' d him a Hu"ii pitl'd 1 1) Miiall pox,
Sinh in. lh" mail who w.'ii wnrshipp'd
In the di huile luaiilies of li s t i t if and
-inli llie In , el, ul.ii h wlnn ttiaiii.il by th"
t'n 11 e lo.'ie of debiitn, could r'ht on lh" hip
of a in) al Vi mil, and h" petti.d by hiinil a
whit" anddeliiiitu a a lily.
Them was a magic in this h'ioii;; man'
lildioiiiii's. It made n n ermich nnd wo
rn' 11 ttorhip. Il bl.ist'd from the pohli
rum' tubulin, but you it mild almost Mip.
po-n it bli't 111 the lad) V ehamlfr mi r.i.
resned and kissed into mrt of grim hiiinor
ti ry night and moruiiit.'.
The steamships Pr.coKA and Ameiiii.i
a-iited nt I'oitl.md on Tii"dn evening
l.i-t, biiiig'mg 1 let hi day 1 iter fiom Call
I he 1 'rev n 1 1 1
llletat ill' Collgl'i .'am
! III' tltillitor.
inlu rain" fin ! l
Atioul llie I'liiln,.
t 1 1 III III ' lollilttlllg letter fr,
Wmi'h (''Hill, till
mi il,.
M'1') Clironttl,
' I'txiumt
ii"-t 111 1110111.11,,,, jtj
ion d ( hlirch oil M.uoli
the 'J7lh, ill inii'iihtiii'B with preiiou pub-
,. ,. 1 10 stun r iin'iii nate aniiii iirinv ii
be notice. , 7 '"-"I) ittm,
llov. I'..ra lisliir op iicl Urn 111 . !mg ,"i inn ie 1 111m niqioiiaiu . nut tt
with prater, nl'li I which lh" IV 'blent 'ta hn iloim whut tin m
., 1 1 . . ,' . I 1 . .1 .1. . ..!.,.. 1 ..I 1 1,.. 1 lour lo 1,1 t o I 1 .. 1 , ... 'I ... ., . -
I iiiii'i, ami tiillllcMLU.il i.iie'i 1 mm 1 11c ae (ico nn- oi.. no, .... ............ . nl (.on-cienie, eoii-iueinn; um ,iuti mM.
''"VT. .V, , ,1M1,, t:tr:r;:: r- '"'"in, T-
A.I..11H.V Co., tiiimh.du with lull Mle , , , ,t Sal-in. on llie oih "'J't nh piopmlt. hate told hi, ftiw.
of p.ipeis fiom all pait. '.' hours ahead of ilf ; n, N( -, ,i!i nioi, 1 ni ha i-. lh it i.iunrylt nf(.
all ethers, lliey Iiaiu our uianus. e Aililren'' ttem liueie ny hid 1 iwnic 011 tlie plain il 1 ncciicil iikh vour
are iil-o under obligations to Well. Fnrgn It. 1. F. Filnr, mid Johlisou, Alitalei. an I .mi, ,.,, int. lulinto
.V-Co.. who supplied u with a largo quail- "l"-'
11 Oil llii.tloll ol tin I le-l'l, lit, llie to.! itt-
lily ol the lab l ip. r. jIM; l01 M, ,v, , . j,, ;m,., ,, , .Mt, , to tin
Voiiiin'i w.ik. I'uiitiiiii'iii. i. .-. iiit.ii. 11. Aikiii-i.ii, I', t.
1 lie lliill'i- li.nl Motel lit X V. Willi 11. ws from halldl, r, J. II Hob'', I'll..-.. P..pt. .Hid W.
i:.on..(.)lb.e. I'.IImn-. .
0,,tl,Jl!il..di.lu.i.afe ulti..i.t,er.lrkei...n' Oil .,oo. ,1 .- , ..Unit,.,.,. Milli'l
brtimii Itu- . on . ...K- ami .i.ul ISuaJaud to., cue the -cP ,ee ol one . , in. "' 1 "':'
,,auta-,ll,.. ihst...t .....II. tii ...if 1-iTi
There was itimlln'r bilt!.' ul kalrlal. in ttliii'i i'i"""-"
Um Kiiiiiaiis were ilifealul. Tli" ltiilan ln-i
llllO 4 1
e 111 imloi '
Ml 1:
c llllleh l-e lol II.
ill, toll tube I, do!
11 n'.i I th ' lull!
the "linn,
'"eh miiii,
' ') )t)ino ma
re. ff.
"'iiliiiieiitcf th
wnanliKiit lUntl linn.
Tlie lliinun Miul'lf r from I gljiulninl 1'ruiKf
wi'ic tn unit l ltrnfl.
'I'lir lai.-Mi aiillii.riliicircsii n ilrl. rmiiiatioii
lo ! iiitu" Itu- war Willi ull llitir iiiirIiI.
Ailniiul t'lmils 1 a'Kinili'.l to llie ciiiiiiii.in, of
l!n V.nJAt lie linilii'tl.illie'
Seterul armed itfjiiitr aretn lc taken lo n'tiJ
tri'0Ki lo Ciiitniitiiieple
Mil lllolioll. Il" III" till ."I' i :i '"1 1 1 1 I to
inei t lit tin -ame j 1 .- , on llm 'J-.III. to 110I11
iiiateda Tiiiip. i.iii.v t.'l. 1 for 1 it) .'the -.
for the.ipii.uhiiig il, ila-ti.
Tu. -la) it.... .M.inh ii. V I.
Soiie') Mi't ai'cor hug lo ailjoililiin lit,
and milting tt: lied with pi.iiirb) the
The objill of the iih-i
-tatid. 011 iiioIimii it wa
Ol.le.llS fin.o.T., 1
"I'" I3.1H3. j
tin llniii.t IV lit !. a Inn now asJiW
in in II rit ttesl" we iM 111'' 1 . llm sreaiernij.
1,1 t.ur 1 1 'ir,,ii-i ri.il. riln "DM M. Jt .
i- I" 111 li 1I1-111 1'li.t ul. 1 lliej i'luveoccM. '
i'ie I '.atn I. 11 in 1I1 -1.1 nilt) I.ul:, few wecb
ami ilull tlienf.ie con' in- in) in-mt tfiBul,
Mieatlt In lln I'linti
Tin' Inn nteila' .1 ili tear lui beina tc&a
mi .tun) 1 all'.' Ii.il' mm, an I OHntr, 0f i.
I.ng hating I11 n liiirma lew r.ii. Ii'i'.nnr aluiMt Jertrtiu
I lo pro- -11 ilir iiwt uii'l, inl.tr, ll 11,. iii.t 1,1 U. diviey.
Hi.tlOO FicnclilrimpttrrclDlie rcidy fur llw ,, .llt, . ,,, ,,,, J,, IS ,,, X( ; whiliilpili
I Jul n.lure lliei.iiuiK leimury. the l,,lnnil,' ! . t inn -1 l 1 leil :
lai;lilnl uinl rrsin-r lute now opoulj' mill- ,t Kl,uir, Will. hillock.
iiimrilrcsnti fir war. Ntrralof llie 1'iin 1.1 Cuiii.iiliin 11, P. II. Il.tuli, J. It. It
Mcanirri" Intr b-ni tnHin ! the llnl Hi g'Vrn- j,, iulil, t . I. llu.n.
mint fur ilu tiaii-eirtitinii nt Irimii. In l"u i.lmili- Mi, in ii'iin i' wa-I, -olt. I lh.lt tin -' r.
eeeil to llouiiuale.ilt .'lla is I.) lie nllp ml 1111) nri f Hie nml. In r-gi,'i ; )lfrt (otom
ilriil miles loiilli -ul, r trarcely lilj ma
m 1 ne cki ired,if,t L,J,j
affBffflMjMjgyi,-f of eou.M.
" f.k.in.lle. Oel iinlSHiJIBWeteta.
Ltiitiltiil in
iinple', ami iv.ir uliips un Us.iinir are mac lite r
I :n at 1 11 loliste' ll.e 1'riiitli oili Willi tneij.
'I ho let pi. ki..iI i.f lie laiiiiT, rnf Kiwi. l lute
(i ll.'t l'K'M).N Pbis't
W. P. Ill II . ; . '...
tieep fool.
I.11 1 be ll.-tliiil, I tn proem
1 1., tl, ill, alio tin 11' li Mi"
in,;- lor 1 u lieu n m
lieelt leje.lid. I'min! Ilrli.ll" llil-ion ha iiivnl , win lellpMl I li I.IU
,. fmlnpn ,nl 11. ,r, liiti..iii urn lirulu n oil ,11 lie' I i tl-, 1 1 11. t 01
'I In Ult i.ul ainlu-iuderii at In d 111 ninl 1'ari
halouilhilMUli.and the lan.'ll-ll ami l'reliclt III II-n-tern
at M V te irhni j li ive hern recall, il
'I Iii iiumhet-iif Iri'i'ii'iii l.e fmiilit'il Ii) IVaine
inatilthe Tin I. 11 t irlilt iliiiiii4tiil, kiinl iijlittui
1 f.titnr dni,ut. It null.' .1.) wlnli) lln.hi ,d uitl
i-end niily tell Ihoii-iiid all i'teiiiee, liewer, I 1
lie eiiuall) dialed Inliicii llie Iv.'o Cotiriinn nl
hi rid tli it Ilu I'lnp mrnf 1'i.s.is uln .
full) at urc uf llm nw lioiiin wh rlilu' 1- j-lieiil
w It, ude-atnr to at'iul .t general eonlli T ill fi, i lea
. 111 1,1 It 1 rerirte hi. le'll r nml Ie- r ,;'it.
riia, t I'.irl,:, l,i. If . Ixl a llle-t ilii; tt iiittii.ae
iiienl. lut rrcMicil lln )tntilie wllli lie li'if) nn 11.
1111.I c'ni.'ed the Hni'ii.iii armt, the rtht waibf
nl.ieh 1 at Ii jjnt 1, the li ft at (.'nil', nli I lln' , ,; , ,t
len'ri at llmluret. 1 , r ", ,
Ol'U l!tttl HA t'Af 1111 1 1 llk.t lle..
r i. ll.l. I.u I C M-.t sj.
ri ill' iniiiiii ! Setilj S11 OlLaBH
tu Vi t i'"i th'
..t tli.i t.rui 1 il
.t .nJ. .. -' KsVCtt li,P o.n ulrnniftH, In
il.' ."MiilUM, ... jt.. .1..... ... ... , t.
4it"rntatinv ziuaiurc mmri nun iwropf,
i unit, iu in 1 !.. ,r.. .11.1 . .
w ii' "i nii his v im nu 1 in 'rnirimi riDrsi
llimiituf ('(tlifnn.ui, ainl fnrvunl ni'itd r to all
1 "f tli' tiiir( tdwn)ii iiccmh
flllUlllllll IlV t-Mlli.
1'ln Irruiiirt' f"r-inlr. l. um lo llir IliiUdt-f
bt imiil. h tttwiuit iIcidwiImI lln re tiny. mm i
mi 111 iiiii r-'tit 1 :imii inroiun "" iniiHi i.i m m ii) mi) dMh r nniv.iiM iinr ritmar
iii-l ch 1. u' tjunt I wl ,'.r.i l.ut'l.Dirri.lli'' .il l ! ' lli I-" ollfl.-t l) 'in) llirr liuiirsr wilrr
w II (hklfif. in-1 ft :i ii t, tjniikrr Ui w...." "" " , ' ' J i ....
K ' ' nmt tlnMlrli nn 1.U-m m iiitinoiiiil) lo
tini.iisri.vi m'Iimu1 tin Im-i.i .i.lrririeni;niil,i;(imt ( t). -llf ,,,. sirmiwlup I'o'n
nt fHi-iinrx lh" .ir itltMu.i . V um iuvfl mtiifj iiiut-r tu ('.mania, timl frMin I Imi m d) tkt
tUMu.lmill.V III- l'M.M.-v.l...l n:1,MllI...lHck."' ln-i. I III I.I -.triMm P.
Mir I ul 1 11 .4( 1 Un di 1 ." wpttnwn.f iti , v. . 1 it 11 ? .
r,. ki-h wh liK.i-n! Mi" iii"int l! ni. i'lininmln.' ilif ImI.im... I, .v.- infix n. il'm, nml ft
iPK iMifij ntir it n . 1 1 1 ltc r Hr 1 f.ilh a r l'' ti.t i mi ij nn) Mnr j rM'ii-i
.fiiri ul.-. . ...f!..-W ' .uho w- nn l ,,,C ,,,ir " ' rt ,,IJ ll Iiihi in all
Mit'i ...-; Mr.. 1 V .1,... .- in.,; t 11 .1 Our nitfH StatrSt W1 nlll ,,erlii
(itul.fr lf. n1 il .". , in retrain.-1 -f-tt ,j,M,, fr Uhi;ii. n, ,;lh -uir.utr to em
Iv o I, v'.i'' tlf t 1 tv wni .1 'm' r -" In hr rm- iiimi irnl li ilihr-
'J'li Iro- n timl r (m .irfjl (Injun, urro ah ut tJ ,it1ur ,
rn-- the fruiihcf to attack Alrxjiidrunojil.-.
r.l.'l -I- f
-1 I.f
fh o-x-' 1" 1
il. I'M J.M'
.1 I 11 y ot.iiihti )
i" 4 'i 1 i "X ('nil. t1 1
I. I'. ijuml "ii, if 3
1 iju r- . .' I
Xfi" I lie 1'reucli li no tA u jKiinfMoii uf V v.
dlei'itma Tli re m kuH uf gold llific,.r. Ivu
m tlli 1 ulu.iy bcLubdV'r'Poni,lii''l3r''''li
it rt'iuiiN utiin il ' irroup't It t !i ! tli'
ciMi.tfrrit llntitiumili i rut b-i ii lirinrrli.ritl
with tlirn,ji it !irm.Q if ir Vrw.Sonlli Wain
'Hie I'rrn li ( niiuiinlrr ui('liiif in tl.o oiith
r.t ilir, lui ciil a tern I In n ti l.ik a Jiru' f
mi) pliriHtolliritew Ctitui) mimcliattl). I low will
tli ) rrl tli th n 111 K.Ji,lai..l'
N n'(.jUuuiii.i is nu ulan l,t r r ithfr a -ronjn
il in I". Itnif t tin I.i'twartl tf Nf.iuili
Wnlf-v.l.r wMII lit.'-Mito. ....n. M'1.1 iii II
I ilo)trilTa)tnr Im l'rn itirii ! lo 'iclur in
iticit IV
-i ik.tt'tttrti r, f tin tn 'e
1 1 tn (li. u .! I i -I. il I.-i J
n, t. it.nj; lis 1 1I1 "--rt'i. p 1
t H.I. Il u M lir. I 'I
'sjli tls'M i;i. 11 bi 1 1 v 'I
ltd el. till !.'!, UI..1 1,1 j Hi
thrr it 1
......'.) I
1 . nf mil In
' tinr,
.1 i"j.; iiiht t t r 1 1
iii 1 ut w.. tin .1 itu
y, tVrtliiil.llrix'ii Ai-cN-t s VI 7tf
, I ii, im lo irini). t ll.i'l" mill uf wlmin it my
! in, (lui .lu-tiii Mi int. r im i oiir AHtlifinird
lit lor lln Itiiti-ii In ui.f niii ,i.-Nf. an.) Hniik
Him llf. in Ilir trrilti'lli i-ul Olt hn iinl Wll
, lMi S. t(.
' ui l'inf ., m 11 1 I) i-;.i
f 1hm n't 11 1 ..i I in -an oiht. ill hi I'M.n
ami h it 1 niliiiii . w i. !fiitl I lut j -, t
U.!l t.t llj it'tl'.lC'l II tl.HM Wll uiK tin III
,,,.. "WKI.I, KAIJlio ,V (O.'S
l ink- thr i.i ki r 1 11 tliml u in lin' luv w.tli I.irj; iii.hi.'mi i i.t- uiih (In I i. h.)
N.i.- liirul.iH il lull' in notiiui-' K.tX-M'it" ni'l I -u 'in MmI Ni
J' 'fi M ft ititl tint llii JKjMl! itlOIl'tf
n trlli
nit Hi H- 1 1 li .iit't; ' 1 li
Voil Ii t ill" I t.'lW It t 1.
sniii1 "-Inn. i, .iti I '.u tu h t 1
iiTitit'aati'tt, win !, li Mini I
tu rr'lcit, tint 'lirt nt'i iit i
illUumi hii l'f. It i ti i in 1; nu 11 u
ami inmt iy iir.ili' r h r t unlkc,.
V it Vatn't'n "'r t'n
?yiv Aii!"iuH. Ilrown h iar
tiUliuu to !f turo in I'ltiohnrs
1 r'llif licit iuiiiiij Sl ito An ntinril Vn t n
lhm, 1 to !" h lil at Xrw irk, in Sept
3 7'' It'fi jiiiiI ttiii'l that likiUi nobod) an) k!"
W hen tliTe'i- it ruii'itw i , tlm It ini''Mhiukir
dim M..
n J'arn, 111 j ilf tint r t inhHcn thontai.ij ilol
lar. Drur l.ltln llnn,'
15? I'lii Pihlonrji Siffnul Main (hut n ( M
iniiir uf f xtiaoriliniry n hnphii b"Cii ihwotrri
111 I'moi conn'), (iffir n
,,tmen Oww, I'tifrnrwa, thr Aihtntic
" Shttri tint ,'irir.
M I Mi III III- nlv lilt IL"-H4
MiiM.ihn...itarft i, "i;'"" ' 7,;,,,,"";;;,rri""
1 ril to fnrwnul UnU ;, .....it. Spent,
tit Up 11 h tfLL'r; '.irr.. (. '.fiL'A. tu UI..I fl.mi N
thn l 111 v un U. S OiI.miii Sm IVanrfiii, lVrtlm.il, im)
tinlt t 1 1 il I-1' 'I"! ,Mrt i'" ''f ' 'I MUHin nn-l UrrtfHti,
ill fiil Himlil ,l,,", 'B'l'' iiM'inlilv Csj-rrM. liHi-rn
iii.iihi mi 1 r,tii 1 inn. 1 1 11, iiii.i nrtl h) infl
" ' utic !n I Mi .1111 IiijiCu'w s,i.iuikhi (iiillliha,
1 - inn tinij nt S.i 1 I 1 11 1 .hi 11 uiihunr ffitii'inonlh
J!iln I 1 A ir t.tk .11 ,nr h!r,in, which
liMnililinl riiiilnil rilii Ut ,unl U'llmf rtih
uili, h) lh nml kirjifufpi nml in rh irr of our
'Jl IIH M ll't IM, ifiiiiuuli lo li. xt Mixtion
Difr I'.ij trm in.m .Niu mk Iiatn mkiiUiI
lh.' ."lh iinl it( i.f . in tnuhtli i1mj iiirhnrg
llli-. I i M
1 y'lriUfMir rrivt'i'i iu lit. I.f I N. lk siit.
t !- ur nl l.tn)il'.. nt Iuii.hii, nt Ihc vyUon f
To ! iriii'd l.mlli'
v , , , . , 1 . in 1 n : 1 .1
.1.1 I. 11 I l"; ll V I. ' ' '
III. Ilil'il iVil In i-
II ml 1 ir 1 .1 ll r 1111 r in
ul, 1 !i I 1.1 in 11 r ri I., il I
III III IS hut hum 1 1 1 tl tei 1
If t'tll i- hllll'I'llL. Wf'li.M.
Mln'e, .Hid is I'll III 1.1 nl 11
nullum linn hi trneiitnl ,nl- ul kiiiilnos, lit tuiir ll-kmiwii lnie, tu: 77ie .Imrnriin v'xiref
K"..i ti.f.i'11 .ia.reie.ill lii.iiHo..,illiee,iy ,, .j.,,,, , t,,,,,,, ,.. , ti I., l,.-i.i!e l, nidi .,. "l","1' '.'"""" "1 1"'" am llunkirk t.
... M'liilMl. nniiiiiis), iiiiiiiii, ni. iioiiip. 1 o
.. hum 111 I'l-nr.l iie.-iiin II) ..! a ll.l.1riri,ei1 (Jnl.na.elr
jimi mi) me Mutt. II li-in in uiih.iii.) Iiiltin Thr Ihnlrn .'nre. In llnM1.11, I'lnlniUlphla
ttl.,ii.i n1.1i . in ll ,i,;.'.. .I m hut u I III. Kurd IliiiM.re, tt mliiiiiiloii. elr.
il.jt .,,.1 ri, ,, linn, il .. hnl .. I III wiir.l Unit ...nt ''"""' '.'"''' ' .'' Vrrimiilt .,( O
f iv him
?7'"A h Ih. mil,
j 1 't it
v t .I
V I . Ill I
I.' I .1
. 1... ct i.m U. ih .1 fanectlnttLlnos on tho Atlantic Side.
i.tituii Iiuw llnl t roiiKNt nl Now Vork with Ihn fullnwinj
jylt in t a li I thnl of tlm unc hunlrrij nn I I'-n
um. Kpiftcrr ptihlnhu I 1.1 Imliaii 1. nil i tt Irn ad
I'm ale lh jnohihilort I '1lr 'AW
"lli)ur'IT)l'r nttP, th hrgtl hmtltii h
Mt-r mw, nrc tturn tho JhoVh of Afnrn. lit
Imj inrntioiM that in the warm ni'-tithi the) hatru r'linunN that fill uur '
1 11 In7 11 nn. ml "i siiri l" 'l
9'ullrii, Vntfit 1 I'u.'m VrrniHiit n,i Otnaifa
prrsHj Ihitrnimitt NttiHt if f'oM NfW lied
I litinNt Atri'a'"" Writ ( 1'0m Kurt
ut l.iin. U. Iiru f,V.'f
U 1 lir
Niw mk, Nn IC, WulUt.; New
! niii, Nn 1 1. Ktrhiinf iUci, Sun rraiimco,
an a rrtiki -I tvs unhi i 1 1
rier.tiw 1 h fv hii in 1 V ikftlln' i ilii'it . ill. Muiilv i-rv .lf. it.
irnls" a -l..fi'. 4 tt;!1 fu.l -,, tt hr Im. nut , W II HAltNIIAItT ,V CO. AeniU
111 ri. un' " h h 1 1 .1 f'.riniM I I ,i iiji itnirjti
n' 'I he n at im rf I In , iiyji
t'mtlnn.l.d T, AiiKHit tfil.
:i y;if
hatut uf tti nr n l nlh uu vUn
3 TTIiq iiJ.lorof Ih-j ll'istou Tout n) that ho
"in i) unn day oy ItcrtiU to bo ro-lmnlf r CieiiP
ml." 1'ri hahly lh it'n inlp &h ton n- Ihn tfuplo
tj the gritt-rimi'iil would t!i rah) mi in ilmoMiic
frtimiitlf Jvui
1 j'lhMti .1 ! (iiiiiiiii rninur 111 ur iniriin1 ihv
iti.r.indi.!m.I h CANCAUKS A.NU DA I J. KM.
.rn U tilth'-' hnii'lit ''11' tinier ,1 ,,.! A', (iil (ilnilwrll, lift
,'.,", ." L i umiiM iirnl riiiitiiiiL; riiriiljirlv hlwft 11 lli
.-ii iitn'rihf hi.ii..KH ,,.,,. .:...!.. .,, .
sriiirrsiiiiii ir'llir i'iit iii' iiii- 'Hiirm (Ml .mn-
, Un'i'jiifiy 41 nil V nfi v, ami n hirn ntxt
m I'n iuIiI liiki'ti nt i .im ihl nilrn. fuoJ
11 ul..) nml unii-h '" Ul" Bttn)N in in n milium iu irniwnnn any
.m uMni..i!li "nl of fri;lii, In loKmtf.lirn mnr bflkr
htvr (uin nn tu what tti
uit In Hriii Tln-v-c wi
K)iliin nf ihf rwiiiitiiiuil), llni wiu mnkr nur
Cr tt (iii'lim rut n u. ti ti hii i i(. n Him. ii j
ho.nl filo tiulii.trc n Wti
1.. t A ..1 .. ... ii 1.
... 1 U '' 1 " J IM"" "I" -,111'HH II l" 111'".:!!,. ,, . " a, l A
" " Musis m klmitiinr ih fiituiltiM nf Inkinsv. Anf
tub Inylil Uwi.i t..rl. Ill iniiM'r..uhl lr,tl,irl.'U1,ihIrUill,mi..
iiqi .11 Tilf . liilili.il ul l.uiiliiliii, .l.itlttl iieli'i.e, l) iillrii.lnl Iii Jlllin A. M.tl .SIM,
Al.'enl nl III" lUllen.
.'li, M.VI-t!rlf
lit.. Ilih H, AllillKl
i iJ'LJiDjiliJLDA-J'J DW Lift ft
TliroilUli Iu llHllrs.
I tte.ll.kmiK 11 -l.'Siner r.lSIIION.J. O.
1 Ilis (wi
i3 1111 HrnAU. miuiL.williilt muUili
In" lieililuiir. "
Jl'lf there I. nnylliui nu A liiTicim likes hit
ter llniii " im. riling paner," it m Imiij. Wlmlev.
er In- ti.ititsiloiie. lie uiint. ilune in Im.ir SI1011M
imIiIim fruiii llnlilmif lh' low nf llie lny .Mitrt r llnilniin lln) ihuu! I 'ninl 111 Umly, hut leni li
J.IIH, fiom llllhllll, fur .V. V , Willi lil) .aweit'er, t'l'IH I" "ilk hllle I.t l.llle, un u I h.lil M l.ilijjhl at
.,rnlniiiioiiljlnciitil w.lli life, A. jet tin. 1. cliuol. In llintmj lliey i.i.jn m luh.l.nl imluiliy
it riiiuur nnly. tliat will mil furi.i. Ihem uh, nihe) innt ti
'M'liiner .Mali, li iiij rmploieil on nn Amer' 1 f'The Lmnluii rnrn,iul' nl i.f the I'ht'.i.lel.
nn wurk.rsiiivtu lln -aoiiN mwnt Jrert lie lie li .1 XmiIi snwrli-nii.lii lit. I. Ilu ,f J.11. Vl'.llius
IuIil ilii-lioii,ir),i'niliii'.l liml inun-n Iiul ilitrnr. " n!t"f tiiRiiilii ! inlili
'ring iiimwe, In'fv'el)' runclii Ie il iit'iu.0 In Im a 'I'll" lliiniilu)ii,whi. li 1 i,i it. , In Im lln. large.l htTHnnihiuiiMininiTnluhiii'!
iiiMiriiil,iiiiillnnei.i.Miiiilylriii.lieillhefiil.iiiB te.l hi lli'Mn.il I, imuu ,il h- ,iihiiuiilun, ii.-tnir . ,. . i. .. ..,,.,. i t,.,,, i., ,., 1 nn ran lists
, ..... ....ti. ' - ,
llniii: "iiri.il 1111. c,m left ingit, mill aniicu. ") ." nini in r u..iii.iieiur .tni.aii.1 111 n
11 1111.11 rti.tltiill Mi Will in- in IU it nu ur) III" lll'll ,11
mil aii.l ijl-iliilii Mie 13 a Mint Hi inn 1 an. I
lllf liriitmlinlH III.' lit. II,. li'. 11,1 l.i.ii; i.iiirl
10011 lut... hn.' inn' h i- ". T, rt ! .... I.. . I I
... cuiin, y . ter , me ..,.w- ,, ,.lk , vll ,,, , (
tlnLv Mfilllil.illiir l.m . , 1 1. 1 I. ....'.. " ' J J
"' , " ' """" lircal New V.nk. Ilir l..-i i.lili i H 1..1 I.
iijl.ciil if it iti re 111,1 llnn. "in. .1 i.r 'in .1.11. "
' .:. I'Uitil fiti. Her i'i.lmii 1 mi ..ki -ni iiiiiiii-n-i-
II r'llni (.'alotio 'ur hot ntohliip llric.Min, haul, fa.'lor), 'I'll tunn-l mr lln ilnlluliln m-i. 11 1.
e.l out fiom lur h rlli, fiiijlnf l.llliil (OiiSalnnlai, nlmuM in larcn r. '1 i.uln .) lutniel, Iherul.iuu
nml now (it at aiirlmr in thu N'mili llnei.iir 1 1' ' I) ofiwiii f"r ...ni lutt.ilk iiluiil nml .'tiiiiiino, ,.......,.,, ... c 1 i.i. rl.d. fw
1 iriiin !' 11 111 n miii, nn- ti'ini 111111 ""i" ..
lirist'i'lirr l ll.riinui mi! hlackliull lumii. nn "r l'i.ir .my il' h 1 laiiiu,,.'. Ilu iiee I In. t,,M, . ,,." I'mi, ,iii, he, "henii'f )o.ir'
Willi n hi I lui In, 'IVin'iirj, I lists bul li
liiitit nl iiiiteiii I tirri-1" iii.i'.hI.iv iw sc.
II, 11,1111 1111 II 11.1 he I; In. 1, 1 "In ..' Is. ..I
lull Mm here .110 iriiin nut irn-eoT"''
ttunl, nn I tl lulu 1 on em nl u e In llm mil"
nlletn nr Innreri., itnleM lhe him' money.
tun in it In .irfnun me n, Inn f rllie''"
.ni iii:.nj r Miiii.r
ur r,
1 I'.i.. 11 l.n.l l, .nl.llY IS""
1 ..l.jiclea, 1
line to.if'1
,1, 1 renin-' m)f
like ii,si,.',f-niir in lln ilii'inne. The irninl.i . I" . N III il in In .11) niii'ln r.ninl has rmeheillli nll'ir I ln u umif llinu flllll ; rrcmiil. I rc""f C
lriillii.,ilni.i.l, ttillliolii'llnlli mn.i,f . nilii'iiiilii.ui,hiilhirii.luilin.iiiiiiiliniii'.iii,a,,. I'liii-l.iijU itii'l "Hill ,,,'i")k"',)'1l'(U,,),t,J,oVis'
,rnluk liieal,nlei..,H, ne.. hnnlly ml I ')' ' i"""1 Whet, , full mum ,nul i,.mii, 1,7-T.e,,' U,', "1iVkV"?I Vf'm'lilli'si".'''),
intriiie.il, mall ha,.. 1. I 'I, -.,,i ilu. it.,i,il tu run .il .1 inl 1 f 'ill im' . ai I h.sie " " i"-1 'i'"1 '' " "
y ,1, ' J'u 'in ii'iin'M' I 1 .1 'I,.. '