Oregon spectator. (Oregon City, O.T. [i.e. Or.]) 1846-1855, March 31, 1854, Image 1

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'Imp aoitation p tiio. mr i tmp uiljinmmj vt no '
NO. 7.
VOL. 7.
11 IE OREGU.N brit-UlAlOR:
a wincn iMVirArm,
Tin rrori or oruo.
Lwm! and ftmall Iliad..
With rignrd to the largo head and smdl
head controiersy, c muat rny wo hntc net
or been able to come to any tangible conclu
sion. Cuticr' lioiul must lime been large,
for liis brain weighed sixty -lito ounce.
Hush generally account, il tlio hrntust
1'ubli.l.id cry Fr. I .y vc iiuiR-Oflice in l.oo I U(JW ( mMl. i,rn;n . lUt ttP ,, ore r( crMv I
Uuild.no Miwhlwl, Ur.tf.ii fill. to, 0f tt at?mg ., wl0 ,k,l jn (Initersi-
TERMS i INVARIABLY IN ADVANCE y College Hospital, l.ondon, and whose j
Out cny,r Minum 8"''"' head was so large that the stuilcnts had the
' fr i iimnili" Ql OU br.iin tit iglud, out of iiiriosity, when they i
' foiiml it to tttigli sixtv-scicii otiticis, tlio' '
RATES OF ADVnilTISIXG. I t.crf.ctlv liinllhv. o'n itwuirt. all that
On. iqiura (IV. burs in !") " mm Won, 8-t 00 i1(.. cuutil learn about III id win, that lianas
.. ii.rti.i... 84 00 Mll h hu mi,f,WH to m(e I1M rclimr),.
l'"':" ,df ""'.". "'."tll":.:::: '..-"iii'i'l.... ablt good memory. The brain of Dr. Ab-
rnicMiMiii auu iiubht" vi-i .- ..- . . i i i i t t
ieut $'i0 pf r annum,
A Mwral d.luitinii mute to Marly dvtvliwn
Thi numtur of iiuKnuiu mwt b dM nelly
CO" If the !( t. It is corrupt, the mind is.
fttrTherc's something goo I in otery
heart 1
OtTNo nun Hatters tlie woman he truly
5TA safe ami guurat nut ilute gi iust
sorrow is employment.
(ytf.K liigli fortune, like a great building,
must liaie n low foundation.
imrkfd iin Ihi imrKin, ollirrwin IhfV will b
csnlinus.l till r.rbit,siitl linked sceocuinfi)
crcroiuby, of ldnihurg, weighed sixty-three
ounce. Or. Chalmers had n tery large
head indeed, Joseph llumeand he were said
to hate the largest heads in the kingdom ;
and yet his brain weighed but fifty -three.
yr. S3, to r 'T ouiicen niiiniMiiiiueriiieaeragc. un me
t V STjtLXrt- tilli'is; t'olhir hand, Ihron had n mnall head, at
.'fT '" i"'-i .-..' umii mr. Lirigii mini uiiorins us mat ah
Kfetf fTs .il gnu. md iin ii-b in ill on hut, whiih is not a cry large one, uned to
In irN i t.n i'j i..i i-ti I ii jut s n- 'lgouitcn(' IHron'ii hind, but his brain is
olili.,' iiinii in il lb il Ii ill . in -ill. i u nuiil to lme tcighed nearly four pounds.
.,.,' , Keats and Shelley had try small heads,
?? ic-trrln tiftirio it, uuiti a niiinbcr "ti . i . .i .
, ,kJ?H ',.,.. I . ,;.I,. M. uni C.r.31. i, ?,,r-1.,';iU,!"l ,ml '"8 '" them too.
tliviiri'.iinii. I i M ih mk liinl.'f,li iIh-iwu llnllntlle liwl a Hinull head; to had Nean-
hcIii ri u iiiu,i ,-i i,i i.i.h .iiimmii ilinler, the iliurxh historian; so, also, if we ro-
hat liernal Diaz sas, had
utror of Mexico. Williiiif.
Iiiulol lii liiliv i uni. i lit i ii '"'""lean is nam 10 nine uten miner me at
miviiib i ii a H luu.l mt,li.irngiiie. '1 he brain of Mrs. Manning, the
'iin. i - 1 1 'b luu tul.ni an murileriss, wasn ihiuihI hen ler than her
In ilibi
nuJ i
Wrt jt
r il i i
. i
.Hi i i
,.. ii in i,.r ib ief.irrniolha aright, li
,M.ltU pp ,..,. ,li l.0-.nii ll,!Ci)rl ,
ii inn ul I., 1 1 r Iin 'ah , ii'nl Ii. ! v , , ,. 1. 1
' ... !,... li.mil tj .mil I
I I lot I. t till
Anil tried to Mm iiu , Iht .liinir, mollu r,
Hut iM,kM In. t din in my nitiitb,
Tin- (.ldiwit'uraci.i
I Lp H In" fact
lint Mii.l 'imui n l.ivni blow ,
(ft.r lb. It Tt ou kniiw, mollitr,
(lr lb I. It )im kii.nv.
Mr m ucU mhI ol I but ncli m tin r.
'I'll. I !! IIU llltlUlll Iblll
S I I I lb nliiiu I birb , in lb r,
ni-uli. m rt i cilt bo'il br iij
II. n nvl, "my il, ,
W ill y.iii 1 in) lo,t "
1 1 'il bun, Mib, t..' jii-l "
lint I mm sill, nrt lli.- It'll, intrtbt-r,
I r Ibf Iffl lou Itlititt
liu-buiid'n. The skull of Itush was very
I in... tn. ii.tn,!,... ui. tlmib iii.ifcn.fla tt tA
"t- -...... i --
Ha Ins round rerules, as we know, had a
large head; so li.nl Mahniiut, so had Mi ra
in ml, so bad O'ConniMI. Lamartinu ths
iriUs NhiK-hi'r ns a small hiad whkli had
bulged nut. 'Hie skull of the ioet Ilurns
was -.urifulli iin iisiircd when it was disinter
rt.il oil the buriilnf hiswife.it mevured
liiit)-tin ami n iU,irter inches round,
ulin.il, iilluniiig luilf an iin.li for the integ-iiin.nl-,
nuiild in. ike tlio circumference of
tlielitmg lit a I UunU-two and tlireenjuar
ttr iiicli. , a l.trgi-h Iit.el, but not Hot ex
tr.birdiniiri. linttlifV In ad, we Ixlieu',
u.is not rem irkable for size. About Slink
n !.' In .id our only information mvsTlSF
I nun Stmt f ml butt, which Chantrey iro
teuilieitl, Irmii ulrtniu signs, to be almost
iirtMinlt Hindi Ifintruiii an uriginnl cast tn
kt ii nlti r dt nth. t is a (.urinus examiile of
,i Ion gore (oiduioi)ihat Mr. Hugh Miller,
H'.ikiugof this bust, iiibis iidniirable work,
i iilitb d "l'ir-t liiiiirosinus of Knglniid and
it ri oiile, oesirilit s the In. ul, from iiersoii-
An I ibon.'b I kii"t I il .in- trrnii,! mollu r, al intitioii, as a tr large one. 'I'he
Ami lb irb : t .iu t j. il'tii-. inoiln r.
Mlbml'l null imiii bill bi ,
Alil.if.ln II le it In ik II brl ii in in tbi i,
lint I loll bin -Tnll'.-lf .lr, ,
I'll I ilrinl,
'Ibi uM Ihlli.'l.. f.l '
I'tir ill tin luti- I .bolt
I- un i lb I. tt vmii knim t'lni'ir,"
"l.t tin bf! 't.IKn.
Amlr'ir I hi il li-il en ( birlu umtbor,
I -tl I III) III) mi u l .1
(JO"lf thtro was no future life, our souls
would not thirst for it.
JCiTEury judge in the slate of Titines
sec is a Son of 'liinierauco.
&CrLt.l the ilnld's first leon be obedi
nice, and the second miy bo what thou
..uecillili.' of Children. Miopilng. Iloiicsly.
A lillle girl hal.i b'.ititiful head of ha'r, Di.ir in-,1 must go shopping. SIioji- Ah old trndi r among the Northern
uliii.li liuiigiti (lusteiing (litis down nit li r ping is a uuisuiee; ihrks iireii:in.rtiiKiit ; Initians, who Ii id soma i..irs ago establish-
nuk. One hot Mimm.tr day she tunlup ! iniiiiti is licliniirid. Miserable diy, too; j utnif on the Wisserta, Ulls a goodsto-
stairs ntul i ut nil the vurls oil. On coining mud pi isti nil an itith thiik on Ihc side- ty, with a moral worth rciollictiug, about
ilownshu ilia lur niotlur, who n-kul with wallt Will, if we drop our skirts, guttle- Ins i..t tri its of trailing wi'h bis red lusto-
smiirise: iin.li crj, 'I'gh " if e lilt thim from the nurs. 'I lie linh ins, who cti hntly wanted
Vhy, M iry! wh it hue jouUcu doing mud, tin h ul thtir ije-glnscs atour an- g,((.,ds, and had inottty, whiih tin") called
loxoiir hair I' ' klis. 'Iln trim tb-liiiition of a genllcin.m thim-c-nh, and furs, lloiketl about his store,
1 'Cut it olf, mami, and laid it away. 1'ut (tiol ftittinl in incomplete U'i lister) is a bi- nn( exaniined his good, but for sutne timn
it on in tlie inoruine', agiin,as Aunt Nnncy pel, who, of u muddy il iv, is perfictlyob bought nothing, l'in.illy, tin ir chief, uitli
dots!' hi ions of ,inj tiling but the shop signs. 'alirge body of his follower.-, isited him,
.... . ,, ., ., , . Vne 1 1 .''r.uice ! Ingenious I'ari.ians, nu 1 nuMsttd him with
I '.'"'V'" ralRr ". ' "l 'limen of jit- mv u. ,, r .oUri, ,,., n,,uilion-n ih iiu .low .In, 'll.ottms I Show mo goods, I
undo '.ourtg Aim r.c... not yet mdiKt.-l MI.HI,K,I from the girdle, at the . ml of take four laul, c.heo. tlmo coon ikins for
iiittjtrnwsirs, wlmsiudthu otht.rd.ij tolu wl.fchjsa gold lniid to clisp tlicsuperllu- j.ml iuij'jou bj'm b to-morrow ;' re-
i ',.ri , ... , , I ous lutgth of our promenading robes; thus iiiiid his" goodiiuid It It.
I ath"r, come and got me thu apple. I rilta-ing our human digits, nnd leniing Next tl.ii he nturncd with his wholo
' I here being no mmediato signs f com- ths.tii at hberly to wrestle with rude llorcas ,l ,i, bf.uiko's stutr. d with coon skins.
piianee, uiejoii.g-cnip exeunt co : for t, ll0OT.i0ll of the ...testable litllo 'Amekan man. I fav now.'
m counting me skins,
Tnther, whi don't loll start V
m'mdjnu when I'm told !'
I alums
Krllappiuiss depends (iitirtlyou the
mind not upon any external linuttistan-
JC5T Do not giie to thy frkmls the most
ngreeable consuls, but the most iidtnuta-B''-
9'lhe man whoiilkinpted to look into
the future, Ii ul the iloor f-l.uiiiiis.fi in his
OiTl he man who "borrum.il trouble'' has
returned it without any expression of
(rVhocicriiitortniusou with the faults
of others, designs to bene you in llicsame
f3llcputntion abroad, ami reierencent
hump, arc the two pillars of s.ifvty and soio
reignty. CCtrLadiis of fa-hi.iii st.irte their hippi
ness to feed their i.inily, and their loie to
fee-d lliiir pride
X-' I'fi'ti'l" areas loiup.iuiniis on .1 jmir
ney, who ought to aid mill other to piri-e-ure
in the rit.ul to .i Ii tpph r lif.v
JtyA young pT-oti without iirtu and
morality is like a ship without bill e-t, or
like n feather in a whirl-wind.
I A litllegirlofthrreyrnrs,onlx'ingt.iken
l to church for the first time, was ail.nl, what
h s,i,ntfl replitd:
j 'I see Dod with a night-gown on '.'
'I he same little darling desired some torn
aim s at t ible, wliic.li she, had heard pro
nounced 'Tommy -toes' in siort, being pin
rlfd to nitiemhtr the name, said she want-
id some "Tommy footiei !'
I .
A Lilly of our acitiaintance, a few cic-
liings ago, was entertaining her little one
with some fancy story, a bright, iolli buy of
! about four year old, with ustKetil f'lidiiess
for pietures and fuiinv tales, and a 'realizing
sttisc,'Mieh as only clnldnn lime. In pas-
I siouate glee he hstnied to the end, when he
suddenly broke forth :
, 'Mother, was I bom then !'
i 'No, my dear.'
I 'Well, I wish fiod had made me sooner,
so I could haie been there !'
sh mi bonnets, winch tlie milliners persist in With t
, hanging on the baeks of our necks. . tmti
us ho be
lie had lintidi
beg it
I'd hit
igm 'on tins baeks ol our necks. i tinti he i.e iniitli'd urn oicr twe he Then
"ell. here we are at Call ii Ketehum's nfi. n tnnm. nt'. iluun.lii. be .,11'.. ml tl.etrn.
Iry good store. Now comes thctugof war; iter mi" more, rcmaiking as he did it
t Job's mantle fall on my feminine bliuub
'Haie you Wirsilk !'
Yardstnk, entirely ignorant of colors, nf-
ter liftem miiiutc snail-like nrtnrcli, (during
which time I stand pnticn'ly on one l-inib)
i i. a . All. .1.... !. .
that's it.'
'I handed it bnek,' slid the trader, 'telling
him ho owed me but twclu-, nnJ I would
not ehe it him.'
Ihi'i cotilinucd to pass it Inck nnd forth
each one as-crting that it b longed to the
hands me down a silk that is as green ns other. At Inst honppenred to be satisfied,
1 1 I . .mill lit I lttlibut bun I
I .llOllltl III.. Mill 11.11 ,,
I lull hint f r mrliu .'
Il linilr ( Inlbt is inuil us u br ;
Hut 'lira, nil tilt-r tbt tint b ft, lustln r,
I iitr lltf b It, lull klillU
brn I .tin. I up at tin- nllrr, uitsllu r,
'I'n nrtl'tli iiimi eflu) i bin .',
I f. Il it :! iiiimi. 'tra lil. Inotb. r,
An I nitoki Willi nn sinblilt. li lie,
'I'n 'l.ni. Mul itlpy"
llrnr Clurbr, Ih.t tl.y
Til 'l'tU I wt. no ws)s.bm ;
Two n..l ovrilln-1, ib-n, inmlnr,
Nnl tiirrlbr Irri.Jitu kliutt
Lull, he sins, iiiu-t liutt li"ell ofn eainicitv
l ii.ntniii nil Dr. ('lmlit)t r's brains, 'litis,
as Dr. Clialiuers was then nine, was tanta
mount to sayiui: that it was nf the largest
known .liintiisioiis. Now, with this iery
I'-irti 'imi hi our iiii'Hmri.wi haie our-
It x iiiiinitl ill" Str.ill.tr'l bust, with the
nun. t tist in -s mi Icire, un I weunhesita-l
: ugla. Lei ire ihat Ih- In ad in that bust is, J
I imi i -in illi-h mi'', at I' at sin Ii as any nt '
ng- laigb-h bit t.nill .fill lit. Wclii..1
In if tl I-a -in tlli-li lita I. In short, from
all Ih -luli-lits iti-b in-,u S..HIHII in 1 re
'I' e tin ' I il''' and small If a l, iiiiluibiigoiir ,
CCrA work of ails is said to be erftet in
iroiRjrtioii,ns it does not n mind the sin t-
talor of the protess by whiih it was inn
led. X-9Neier nitre at night without Uing
wiser than when u nne in the morning,
by hilling learned something useful during
the dm.
3' college student, bting eximined
in lmike, where lie sneaks of our relation to
the I It it), was asked, 'what relation do we
most in git ct I'
'Our poor n Litioni, sir !'
03" A young mill doiui south, nn kiing
i prdti gnl, a-ked her what in ide her so
tin 1 1 '
'l)h,' she iniineenlly replied, 'my father
is a stigir plinti r '.'
j CriT'What are you going logne mo for
a Christmas prese'nr asked n gay daiifel
of In rim r.
'I h in- nothing In giie but my IitituM
si If,' was the r. Ii.
' 1 lie sin tllvsl iimr grain' illy receiud,'
was the nit rry r. spoiisf of the lady.
(iOIIope is the niiehor of the hold, and
true nligioii is ihe mek on whleli I I'.iu al
ways niiehor, tlmiigh the i.ires of life beet
ir so Iroub'.'sollle.
A It it III) Pity. ntiu piiiute nbsi nations aiiiiiiignurae.p.iain I
Who Inn s a rainy 'In.' ' l.'iu , Inif iieur Imi able to obtain '
'lb lvlit.tr; iilm. for ntie mill imi ildayaiiy pn t'iilubl etuielu-mu mi the oillt.
I'.ilitrols hi-arm . It nr, . mIi ling' , stntf .nil Iin- iipiiimu nf I'nud St. tit, the painter,
inksiaiul , whnliis linn In limit up ilthuif, that large heads wirt generally found
.titiil hiili.rilh rs ; time in .b.ipb.'r bit tin mih IiiI hi. ii nf ill until, micIi as j
nglyphii.il in naiM ripls ; time to make hint. iin u, buik. r, an I the like, and that'
Isintiri'itf bid poetry ; time tnkiik out In hu liin in ss ,, n noils tiue requisite for I
tnge Isiys nnd iin ige iiiidtn ; time to hi I the purtly inttll. etual hiesof artiU, think-'
tin the long si ititling iptiritl Utiles n Misers, uud h'eriiry m.-ii gelii'mllr, connoted n'
Ann itht'ioiuHisitiir ntul Hill 'the fun tiiai i-niiill nr auragt size of head. Kien this'
and h.f time to write isiiiplim. til iry ion npinmti, howiu r, will break down, if nppliiili
Hiiinicttloiis to hims. If f r ptibliiation i hi praeliiv. We know tery i nergelic, I
his own piMT, nistl In git up tiinw hiinibu prudential, ami weighty men, with smallish j
lirnsiirctus for the dear, eniiliditii: imblic. Iieeds ; ami wt know men with iery lariin
Who Inn a rainy day 1 heads who seem nt home only in the most
''" ' !a I the rain fill ; U t the win exouisite uiitl orunniental kinds of mental
moan ; lit Ihe I. nib s I rem. retuh nut tin itapm.it y. Mure sure than any conclusion
long nttenti ited liugi rs and rub against m that can be come to on this imiut of sire,
cast mi nt ; pillion Ihe mnl; filcluup th set ms to hu a notion we have hen
armihair, all Inil lonsit ringli U and lomxe'il with risiuvtlo tho(yriiof heads.
dressing nils'. Not :i bh st dnin or daugl, Length of In ml from frontlet Imck, wo hate
ter of Adam can g. t In re In .1 ii ! Uulnn heard an t iniin nt and very obserting Hum I
lb-U-s..;i; 1..I. .-va.l' 1 1... 1 1 i 'tlttl irf lii !., nt i. tilling In his etiih-rientv, '
Fninll 0.,ios..l l.i iM..pHM-i-sjl, ,nu pj,,,,,,,,! ,,T,ysignomic sign of'
Th" hiiii win. doii'l l.ike the I'.iunly plnbilily. Only in one eminent head, that of
per, w.i. in it.wii yt-linl.it. lie bmugli Js,r Walter Scott, luul hu found this sign
mew i mini in .linn nnrse wiignii -wanting; ami, in tins case, tl properlycon
in' miii ih ii t ii iii ii 1 1 ii tat
.J-The ipialili. s ufyutir tri. nds will be
those of your tin lilies; cold In. lids, (old
t neimes, half friends, half enemies, firudiu
t lilies, warm fm nds, Imraltr.
(ttMoiit.'s.pii. ii hays, net tr hstuito
c.dutimiis, b tause if th -y are iiiitrtie I run
the risk of Isiug dee'iintl, and if liny Ih
tru , u.'iiatn ; persons not worih thinking
KrWhuiyoueall mi a fiinile and find
her with her sleeics rolled upat the wash
tub, and she does not blush or aologie,
make her your wife as .otiti as xi--ifile. She
is worth her ttiight in gold.
iCTThere are beauties of iliar.it ter whiih
like the niglit btiHimitig CVlxns, are tlnsid
ngaitist the glare ami tiirbult lice of curt
day life, nnd bloom only in shade nnd soli
tude, and beneath the ipiiet stars.
All is Vamiti. l'redriek : " There now,
how tery protoking. I'te lift the prayer
lunik at home!"
Marin: W,ll ilear, netcr mind; but do
tell ineis mv luitiiu Ihlrnight ! Punch.
OCjHoit nnny pi.U are there in the
wlit'cluf tort line I
Of nil U kind of limber is the post of hon
or i
W hat kind of a knife is veil in cutting
iait rs !
Would i teb graph lino lie good for fish
ing Willi i
hat kind of a tie is a 'Into not!'
ottrilutiiuiipisition with our interest,
and wliiili shoiisus ourgo'tl in tlie misfor
tunes of otht rs ; sure that in siteh situation,
wh itetir sincere hue of tirtue we hate, we
wenki'ii sooner or liter, without perciiting
ii, and we become unjust nnd diceitfitl in
dttd, without biting ci.ised lobe just and
good in soul.
Oh ! away with these stupid masculine
ilerks, ami giie us women, who know by
intuition what we want, to the immense sa
ting of our lungs nnd leather, patience and
runella '.
Here is Mr. Timothy Tape's establish
ment. 'Have you 1 ice collars in piints, Mr Tapcl'
Mr. Tae looks beneficent, nnd shows me
some rounded collars. 1 repeat my rcuct
in the most pointed manner, for 'pointed'
coll i-s. Mr. Tape replies with a patron!
zing g. .n :
'.'.nits is going out, ma'am.'
'So am I.,
Dearine, how tired my feit are ! Netcr
iheless I must hate s"iuc merino. So I
opt u the door of Mr. Henry Humbug's dry
goods store', which is about half a mile in
length, and iumiire for the desired nrtielc.
Young Yurdstiek me to the counter at the
i liemc end nf the store. I commence' my
tratels tint htm ard through a tile of gaping
el' rks, nnd nrritc just ten minutes It fore
two by my repeater, when I mn told tint
liny are iuitu outi.f merinos 'but wont
'l.tntiese tlutli do just ns well I' pulling out
a pil" of the same.
I rush out in a high slate ef frenzy, nnd
taking nluge ill tlio next door neighbors,
gate in.Mi-c utinizing look, placid the skin
in the foldh of hli bl-mkits, stepped to the
tloor and gate a yell, and cried with a loud
'Come, come, nnd trade ivilb the palo
face he no cheat Indian his heart big.'
lie then turned to mc and said 'you
take that, and I tell Indian no trade with
you drito you oil "ke n flog but now
y uti Imli ill's friend, nnd wc yours.'
llefore sundown I was waist deep in fun,
and loaded flow n with cash. So I lost noth
ing by my honesty.
IHt'iitniit Tilings
It's tery pleasant to lake n lady to the
theatre, and hud, on reaching the door, that
you'tu left your purse in your oilier pocket.
It's tery pleasant to ndu in nn omnibui
opposite a baby who is sucking sugar-candy,
and pi ty fully wipes his dear little hands on
y our liest cusi merit.
It's tery pleasant to endeatorto open
your door with the latch-key nt two in the
morning, nnd be nt length compelled to de
sist from a com iitinii that it is bolted in
side. It is tery pleasant to otcrhcnr sotnoono
remark, that you're not good-looking as.
you used to lie.
It'sterv tdensant to hate our health
SIIU IIV. IIWI HI litt "Vl ( I . t It 11 1
impure for some stockings. Whereupon uruuk at apuunc umncr, ami nnuyou oato
the clt rk inquires : (of ihc wrong customer) nut " ,Vord ,0 aJ for yourte" by way of re-
'What unre do oU wish to pavi1-
Of course I am not to tertian t ns tube
caught in that trap, nnd, tectotally disgust
id wiih the mliro institution of shopping,
I drag my weary limbs into ' now
.L.ti ft. i. t
lll.ssme: what n display of gilding, nnd from the top of an omnibus;
L'irls, and gingerbread ! what a heap of mir- ' nK""' to-morrow ; to poke
p. is-j ' 'Iin rs j itmm limn i.tiii Minti.
it's tery pleasant to fancy you look like a
nobleman, nnd to be mistaken for a tailor.
Audit's tery pleasant to get your foot
stuekiti n grating; to driten jibbing hone
in Ihc I'nrk ; to hate your bat blown off
to be told to
:e your umbrel
la through a platc-glast window-; and to
swallow a li-h-bone.
He Yoi'ttsKLF. Insist on yourself; nev
er imitate. Your own gift you can present
et cry moment with the emulatite force of
rors: Hit res more than one funny lirn
iu the world, I liml, since com'ug in hire.
' h U will you be pleased to Jintii
J-ii 1-i-u-s "(.'-.c-s-a-r ! I.joknt that white
aproned waiter pulling out his snuffbox nnd
...King pii.cn rig u o er mni oo... o. sugar , , , ... ,,.;,..-.. . but of (h. -j...
ha will soon I l.a..Uiil .,.e to sweeten my , , , f alll)lllc llluc OI1v ,n ;x.
tta And there another combing I,.? hatr Ut)l.M)rmKmlslialf.t(,Mion. n which
" ' ii-l1'; f', n" V" d '.?l7ill oml caii.1.. bt,iL but his makercan
'Whit will I haie I' Starte-bi'll will , N0 man knows what it is. nor can
lite i n,:,mg ,.,, , can unu a c.e.-i.er p.ace ,; M n oxllibUo it. W)ier0
is the master that could hat e taught Shak-
ill. in this to eat in.
Km,.. nt..Slat,.ryContenlionntlH.s.V s, , of j, ,' p ,M , Himl ,0 i ,"' imwicrtbrtcuHW Hate taught Shak
tnn was Utter attendttlnn the 27th ultimoA.," Tt o-wcll Pdxl.i e lain not sure V.' . W Tr" ' u ,nMtc'thr uld
there being nUiut two Jii.ndn'd ,.ersn, Xther hoj nre Indies or women ! I do.,1 '' '"I ,'T NcwT'n ''fv JrZI'nSni.
ortsent. Abby rolsoni, Garrison, I-amuud umltrM.u.d tliese New York feminities. At I "r.'. . "J R nani.
lluit.sy, II. U. wriglil. lioiigl.it mni liur- nm rute t10.-,u gut bonnets on, and are ' "' I , r, ."l i "" , . Z
I. igl. mad.' addresses. No new feature was ' lfl , ,,,?,, tn bri f um . Wll(. t)f h ,t n t he cu d no bor row
introduced., and the conn irtk.ii dissolted.- M. l,;,,.. ,1, Znra, ."Hie sponge cake and "'' V"" 7"'' " '8"
'I here h.is lieen a more meagre alii ndiiut
than nt any exhibition of the kind cter git en
in Huston.
Scipioism of Scipio is precisely
it. onaktpeare.
ouand you can
not liope too much or uare too inuch.-
i i.. si ...i... .: '.i..r .....it. i :.. noi nope loo
on..,..,. ee-. e, ..,. ..,. .... There s nt this moment for you an utter,
tlu ir MntiL with tlio mufti if nn ulu Umkt. . . . ' .
....... r . . . . auco lrnp an
i-s . s- it.iiii .1 Hint' unitf.' .mn ui'-'t'i un liml vt nv iviuhai
. . 1 1 .. , . . vi . .1 - tf.i. :. clnl of rliiumH, or the tnof Mowsr
1 in. its tl I1tll.1t tniiriii irn. iiliiK r ll tin ir - ... .
..,.., ... ... . llnnl. Iiut (lilfrrrnt fruin n 11 tlicao.-
but il i"uurM! T
. 1 i...ir- .1-... "
. 1 I - I nit nun fc, jb i1 ri i iiiv iii imii-ti-t-ufc-
M il ltll iTJiur r ihimmi iu i" iin Pini il !
. e 1 . i" 11 in mv Jiui'i
(lira lIi'.M0K.-.hi isn bright enlor in "1' ' lau K
.he ,b .if l.fe. but htlf-tltnial Cult m ik.s "'.'"ds kuotr that they
;. . . . 1. 1 .... ....1..:. .i...i.. . tin i ilon t. It is six nfi
iti h. llishness hassn hiiiiiv wants of his own
lor w.is lire aidered, the wnnt was sigiiitiennt. Next to
Ih "I-1 1( the length and depth, ids idea was, that
idi nt, ami w n 1 Iti Kn m i
celt liking hi'llikeiii nl. 1, mid il -n.wl.til height titerthe ears, nuin SeM'l'a heail.was
IlK-y had taken it. lie hid "Id hit turl tlio beat sii'ii, nltliimitli ho luul not femnd
for aft ii'tils tin. ,nee In tug Ml - 1, n thisiiearly so isseitlial. Tonsil npu?nn,
going I i ihi osilehis ltl(tlt, III t ln. I hill that if the two ilitueiisiiins nf leni'tb ar
it was iiin-lit ioiiiiliif.il. 'lint only hu ,,.pt, nnd height, as thus expounded, we I
inoii.t he hid n i. Mime three it ill pl.t ,, (. t,ir, dimension of breadth, and if i
tioiiil.... ..... .1 i. ..I 1.111, .... t... .1 .i . .
" "- "iii" i'iii.iuu.um.u mi n,i mijK ii tn ine inreo '.'rills uieir corres-
i.i. i . ,.. ........ i : ..:.! i ....i ..i.. i :..
u-s At a linn i ii hiinri iniin isiiu-f, i. kiii ii'ii'iiiil; itniiiiiiir iiitiiiiiiii;h niit-u usi-ti hi
: .i .i -. ... .i... ...l.i.. tr i.t. L V . ...i.i .... t:.... .. I
iiioiiir. ii tu ii gt niit-uit.! in in. i mint, u nm nin iiitnii 111 iiit-iiiiii t iiurMt it-ri.'iiiti.i.e; ii
cup w is mil. i deep head, or a head long from front lo b.it k,
'No' said In , 'but my colli e is,' or from the fundi, ad to tlio ears, us signili-
The pnur girl was ninth confused, but cant of depth nrastutt iuis ; u high head, or
di'irriiiiiit'ti tn i' ly nun hi ins onii coin nn ii iii-nn iisiiii niL;iiii,tr inn 1'urs, nit higiiiu- ,
hoon M xssible. canttif mornl eletatiou; and a broad head,
While at dinner ihe singe ilmtc up, and ns inensiirril mross and IkIiiihI Ihe lemples, '
seteralcoiningiu, the same gt tilli'iiiauaski'il as sigiiitiennt of whnt is culled width or i
her: generality of tiew we hhallhatiias lolem-j
'Does t tie stage (line nere i in,, a htstem ol praitiiai iraiimmgy as llie
'No sir,' exclaimed the girl in a ury sir- fails will wn.rant; not tery different either
eastie toue, 'but llie passengers do.' I'liuii that proiHiumled by the- ordinary
- . phrenolngists, tlioiigh they would carry us
(Ftr g..d.n rule f..r ayoiing lady is to ,,!, flr.r, H,, !,, howetir,tl ns
conn rse with f. male friend as if gentlemen not l itMierlainiii our judgments. We
wi n prehoni ; uml f,,r y .mug men nlso, ns if ,, wrn -rtr,.,,..flt tillainus low," on
lailtes wtre present. Iltwllut aiidimprotiiUnrj. no,) f,w,inn, grMl domcaof
"J ,l I hds nil mere blneks ind lgnrim"'s
itryAn ei haiige says lb ii ilnitn in New
Orleans it requires three persons tn start a
business firm ; one lo die with the yrllott fe-,
ter, one to g"t killed iu it duel, ami the lid
to wind up tlie partnership hiisiiiihs.
OCT-If you want to start a woman right
out nf her iiiumI iintinmy and things, and
yourself outside the ilnor, jut lell her hint's
got big feet and ankles. The fi iniiiiue in
stitution tan stand must anything but that,
03"S.iine sharp ymiiig uhlnr, who has
assoeiattil with siuli unit, grmts ttitit almul
. : :... ' i i. .V i.
lllt'll lllll!ll J'illlll, tltlilll, II III Ih'lli.
silk, tire, (t ttoulil l easy lo ri lurii the
istuiplimeiit, for women hate in Iu illy Hur
ried matures of Ii lir, liearV grease, lobiuvo
juice, and l.igitiind, done upiii tight pant
and bob-tail units.
OTA man applied nine tn ! hhipHil
tieiuro in., masi.
''Are ton an able sennian. or a fret u
hand )" liskttl the shipping master.
"Why, Hot a terv nble seumilll, bill lint
exactly " green hand. I bait" smile kn.nil
islge of lint water."
"Hit r Ik'cii mi a totiige I"
"Well, then, what do you know about
the sen I"
"Whv, I hate ti-ndeda saw mill '"
a i .iti i ...:.... ... ... u .. . . . . . ..- .
I.. I-supplied, so mam iu-ereststif l.isown """"-' "' l ?""" ,"" U.,:,V . ct'""-v n,w,,M" M,:T. "f.wnnnge," or
losiipport an. f. mClhnt l.f has noli H'Tirnvs;,,,,,! their r hu.ign ehildnn Um,wiii, here he seldmn fail, to meet
to sti. It the tttinli and interests of others I -'-' l'"" I " are da.nlt .ring-are ,,,...,, fm,l. in tlie "smiling' houn.-
It is iiiiossibi that he should he h ippy
hitif i It, or in ike nllii r arouuil litiu so.
Orjidiu was ihoiight to be tery stupid.
nettasm.uttoHHlloiied.it ami the miller
said :
'John home pcnple say ynit area fool.
Collie till ll-what y nu k'unit,atid what you
loll I klmw.
1 hey lire pmbably turning ()0 AS , 0, nf nytt,, (Mt man rc.
ikrs alio tilting ot stirs at
loiiillighllli 'rt Imui sthotil to eat a frag- Willi bis umml lieurlmeu. be culled un tbn
iih nt of dinner picked up at home baliry i.-inj,any,lio, nothing loth, at once faced
set of sen nuts. the coiinlir. "You must all do as I do,"
1 1, iglm ! I idle sipping brandy in a pub- , ,i. ,H,rai fr, n,l, ..til( ccrtiunly of
lie halooti ! l'd.'rim rotk Itjiide yours. If un-, MrM1)" , tle unanimous n ply. "What
.le. ground. W.ll.it is ury hhtking.lhe U X,M guing tUl" "I shall take puro
muni, r of married w..nii u who i. th. ir l,nm,t," was his n plv. And thev all call
time ruining llnir h.nllli iu th.se hidiHin. 1( f.ir'l. It. Alter tlrinkiiig. the wag laid
il.......!... I .... . . .. ...il'.i. Ii. iii, art tint) limit. I .... I- . .1.1 . .. .1 . ...!:
"""""" s. s tiown ins him in' on ineeoiiiiitr. nnti immc-
'W, II,' replitd John, 'I know the milk r's ing tin ir ihildiui's blond with an appetite ,,fti, y rrtircl, whil'ring in nsofl persua-
bog are I'n.' for strung drink. Oh ! wb it iiiiioektry of ,ju, ,,mo. -I),, ,w I do.gtiitl.nit n.' 'lho
M lul's right, John. Now what doiit ton a home must lluii's be '. I lent, n pill the parlt I.Kiked nt one nnollii i with it comie
know (' ' ihtldrui reareil there, lift to the iliance stare, until one, who fiualli f. It the forccof
'I diui'i kniit whose com f.Hs ' in.
training nfikiniis hinlings! Funny Fern
'lliese ideas are all right inmigh, but the hair, iil.iiiii.il :
iU'siimi with it is; was l'anny eter known
to write an ankle, without making it her
i piih aim to "pity"the "pnor diar little
niies" before hhe got through I Truly she
mu-t Is rein ir kid ill foiul of thiiii.tn lie al
(ttrlltreislh.. tut -t liit weliite sun u
the pn sttit p.ipnlir ili-lnnti"ii Is tit., n le
liginii tun! m.irnls :
Inn religinl's euili iiient iu Hostoti, a in ill
un I a Christian ueighlsir, wlm Innk him by
the hand ami said :
'I lute l mine ii Christian.'
'I am glad nf it. 1 inagratnl ileynu, I
propose we mitt h lie a hi III. nn lit .illhe Ill
lie milium Ih in tii if. l'ay me uli.it thou
inn hi.'
'Nu'simlllie new ismtirl, turning mi liis If so, lur n ime and ours couldn't
bet I ; 'religion is r. ligion, and Inisim- i under one linn, tertain!
business,' , -
So the ii.iiitr tell us, Ann what is there ICvioHians heart is intuits opm
.- t
the idta treeping iwtrtullv through hit
M by tfiunder '.
SutviMi I'r a KudVE. A rogue had
the audaeity In go into u hotel witliatito
tlnlhir counterfeit bill, nnd ask the proprie
tor to (hangeit. 'lho hndhml lnokcd nt
lho bill, theiioil the man, w ho w as gi nteelly
dressetl, audtitiallt kniuirul Low ho wanted
tints pleading thtiri.ises: Wemkr if hhe , liijt"" A ,. ,
',,',, . . . i ii i "ll'lo sinalLbills 1 s, if you hate them,'
would like to hate from one tn a half tlozen l .j .,,,,(..
around In rail the time, i.illnig her mama I il... ,mlf,,' t.iok from out of the back
come pint of his drainr a lirge pile of bills, nnd
li unit il our I'm s tn the rogu,who
i walked out of the h il-e highly il I'd ; but
lo be soon ili-initriltnliis .tstonishincnt tbat
ttotubrliil alMiul it. 'Ihewoild is full nf misfortune; as the ladt said when she pur-, lho one
such n li ion. .his.'.l sligbllv damaged gn...ls nt half preo bstiks '
ilnlhir bills w re all mi broken