Ml Vl U i 8 P P C T r l1 O R t t - r t BY C. I,. (.OOM.U'H. oRUi;oNciTV,ii(i:(itsii:iiitiitlirr Friday Evening;, March 17, 1851 f ETADtT..rii.T. .hnulH l. I.nnil.,1 In rtiruruuito'ci'H khs Tim nmivv nrnvn.ioM. oaroau insertion ine name nreh. 1 11 iraire w I...I...II.. ...:.:.. n .-. i ' ' ' ' J.Ti'"" 'ylfs' l:",' ; ,,M,,II.II,",,,?1,11"'1 ' ma uw other 11lunbl1.-., mid UiUu .ro.i. rinliiiK ojent for llii-"l rcl ilor. Iln mil ic-i B ' " ' I tlM.ul-Kripiioi.-ini. I lionHnnil Mnnki-t on th.-ir txicki. i-iih o ,-r 1 "I , .1 u . 11 lan-lin aseM for the "Si ret itnr." No mil ic-. Tilt- Arwuiii-Kiiltu. TIiih Ix'nulil'ul :uid lii'lih uroiii.ilio tn.oi- n iiiiiiio 11111111 01 uri-"iiii. J in- ii'iii ii ..,,..!... 11.. .1 . . .1 . 1. 1 ! mjiiivniim nit..- nit- iii-.ii mi' iiiiiik iillll branched n-cnibli- tin- nraiin'i- ln-r; tin flowor.tho white ji.iiniii,.. It i found in ninll qunntitk'n in eoral Im-alilics uf the Willamette tnllcy, but in p. ali-rnhiuul.iiiii' at thofoot of. llit! ''a-tradi- uinuntaiiK, uorlh west of jMU Hood. It il, -lined to make more of n xtir aninu,' lh -1 .Kini-N and l-o- .!.!. Ai.l.t ... .1... .....tti. nt linl tlliu-in vi ..ll-. ui;!- 1111111 inn- iiiiiin 11. in-, 1 , . .,,. , . imnmne. What -wiin to th.' iiimt ' attention is il poculi.irlv lt-.-i.nit ami odor-i iferotl-i mih-ll, 11 few braiiih.-i of it itinj; a delightful fragrant-.' In tin--.nlor or other apartuiontJ. Tholi-af haa-twi-ttih liht b pungent ttute, and the 1-rnm-h ililffr-i little in thin reupcct. Its medicinal prnpertit'-t have nut ai ret, been tented, hut wo learn that i-tepit hare bocn taken, by pcrin in thi city, towards lutving tliit done iimnedi.ili-b , hy eit-ntitie men in New York city. 'Hie nature, vir tue, tc. of the loaf, flower, trunk and ri-ot-t nre to lie thoroughly inie-tigated. A tt tlio quality of iu perfume litlie doubt re mains it is decidedly n lit It uno, and noth ing Is now left to nccoinplMi but to carry out the plan nlrvmly in itnitfinplation. Many aro cry unnguino of i complete iuc ecu asregardt itt rare ftaraiice, either in it natural stato or n an oil. lis medicinal healing powers are thought to lie of 11 supe rior nature. Tliu tree grows to a height uf eight or nine feet, but 11 more. fn-iiciitly found of smaller sizes. It in a Ifuutiful evergreen, and will bo of iutriu-ie nlii" to place around our homes as Some in our city, bare already commenced this elegant addi tion to their former improvement. (resting from llie I'.uJns lake TBllcr-Moniitnlu life la wlaler,c. Mr. Oeorgo Strong Ii.t just arrived in tho Willamette Valley, from .Salt Lnko, iu company with Cnt. M'Arthur from l-'ort HalL Mr. Strong was one. of that ill-fated sur veying expedition, commanded by Capt. Gunnison, and was with the main body at the time Capt. G. went out with his detach ment of twelve men, from which eight, in cluding himself never returned. Mr. Strong was with a party of -ti-.teeii lint went and encamped on tho fatal ot tin. night after the horrid massacre -aw the 1-mly of Capt. Gunnison, and the others ; it had Iki-ii pierced with sixteen arrows, htriieil, and the heart brutally torn out ! All the bodies were mutilated in 11 m.-miiT that pen cannot hero describe. Mr. S. informs us that he h ft tho Salt Lake city on Dec. S'2d. Tho Mormons iu different parts nf their Territory hnd lieen compelled to join together in villages ta king down their f.irni-Lnu-.-. and building up small towns, to suit their convenience in protecting thenv-clvi-i from iln- Indians. At the Salt Lake city every tiling unsiiuict. Tho great wall ink tided to bo built nruiind the whole city had Ik-cii commenced and was slowly progressing. The times were good weather delightful, &e. lie fouud good roads and plea-ant travel ing between the Salt Lake and I'Virt Hall; as also the finest of grazing tor their am maU. At Fort II. Mr. S. tfipd, while the rest of the party came on. After uit lengthy stay there ho and ('apt. M'Arthur cainu on together. Iln-wuithercolitinued good, roads-TmtvA'c. until they arrived at tho first crooning of Snake river. Then camo snow, ieo nnd florin. Reaching Fort Ihiio on the 14th of February, they crossed Snake nn the ice! Snow was nlwut three ft et deep in that vi cinity horses fared badly the Indians not very pcacable, innniigiiig.iir.ur- prettj much . as they pleased. They succeeded in getting on to Ilurnt riv'i the snow had vaui-h'd, and hern to their great satUfaitioii, grass was excellent fineiummcMvcuiher.iiir pure, birds hing ing. From this on they em wintered little diffi culty until they reached I'owi.'ir river; In-re raln thev found deep snow, nnd winter . -.1 il ....ln,f .!., .1 iulo tl... Grniuli. .. . '. . . ,. . WIAUIVI Ill.Hi v-v. .... ...--- ... -. .....-.-u Ronde, when every thing was onco more beautifully transformed into n delightful summer. I Ho wene.lioiu um neigiiis, as r .1 i"... ...I.. P. .,., I.. ...11a.. ..e el.:. ono iewtho tjr iml" Itoliiin valley, nt tins """" " . , .-, acason of tlio y.itr, is one of gnat picture- -o,ue beauty and grandeur. Mr. Strong n)s tlieni wa. not a liumun U!"'" to t" found in th n pi " '. nor anv kind rata F .1 . 1.. I..1.. . of rUwk; they wero oWigwl, ..o.uer, to li'n0 llit-'ir nuuim., i ill uuiiiiht, w care, of themselves ; for tin1 lofty Win ... , , 1 . mountains, looming un ln-foro tln-in, eovcrcil 1 " ' . . nith snow, seemingly preentoti utntir nountnblc barrier to tliu progress of foot mm. ,.,., nn.l In iiiwl..rli,l .. Inl.rhl.r lims... ,"" - ml" ""' """ lu "'"se " ""'-" lover would have Is'cn utter follv, ot cnurse. . 1. 1 j-,,:.!,,,, l:..!., l.,.v Accorumgiv, niter recruiting a imio, tin v -.... .1- 1. 1. ...... .. !.l. ..... I. piion up uicir sni.nios, logou.or mm i-wiii- . " ' I 1 no ino.i.uui.i.cyi,... mi-. ...r. o. -, of ninny intorotmjj inUiMitur.H in llu-i-, ttildt, wliieli it would t.ike too lonjj ' , .... , , . i" relate, llicv liad oonii-tiniiM tollij 1 or S f.-.-t into tin- mioiv to lind tin- cnrtli upon j wliii-li to K-i'ji, and in tliu morniii-j, finding tlii'inxiUr-t rowrvil with llii (jn-at trhilr quilt of natirr, would ,'o to work and di out again ! I Intho Uniatill.i idli-v llu-y aain found the "itniokv d.i t.-iiul Mititliine hours." Mr. , ,,., 1 ., t ... luouipsou ami oiuers, wnn are wintering 1 . ..... . 11 -diivii and i-lock llu-ro wrruiloint; will. II .' . ..... u'l grazing licrtis aim ."porting 1.111111 lormeii a great contrast w hen compared w ilia the bleak vvinloroflhomounlaiuslhevhadjustleft. ,, . , ,..,;., . ' lhey nrmcdnt tho Dalles in safely .1 few dnyngo, after a tedious j'uiriiey which while , men seldom undertake in the mitltlli; of llie inter. HrTh.'Spctitorliaclian(rdtind. t Cmd. riclihai) rhwed ill thr inttrcilof Mr. IScliucbty. I'orllana iirrgon territory) l emmerttal. t Mr. 'Ctirmitk, how niuch willyim take ti. intrrt llmt 1 l!tm. m,,r,i ntul i.r.idv iln, C.I "AchortUemcnt U tlio lly-nlu-ol ot . . , . .. f ima UimM wo Kl.ow, Uttillj: en Irtvlu .......... ....... ....... ........ I'M II IIH. . litit atill. nv'll 1iiil tnii't it iiuiu ehtnu f CiTTlio Willamette Ftill M. k Trail ... fi , , .1. ..I Hrtation Co. have oin-.l a through line of stenmers from Portland to Corvnlli: con- sitting of the "1 telle," "Oregon" and their new boat "Uarelle." Thev carrv freight; ....... . .....' ... . oeap ; an., ii seems to us t.iey w.i. get ncnriy tlienlioto irailo. W.4 ...-. wm w.w ivai.. l'flliv S ss S . . .1 i .. . M . . . insi liter, uss recenii ben. an., an.c.ill)' nun llie Imlian. In Wuhinjton Tfrntory. A man' ' ' j t- i. j t .... . . Present lis Mstenlav. lh Council r- named oong bad been murdered liy them, where-' t i n .- " .- . ! .- i .1 i- t t ' Mimed lulliitiug tor i nn I clerk, rmirlul- upon Mr. RiismII lh rilitriir of King cuply, I)r. 1)t. ,.. I,,,! i ( , this re.illt : Kwun I. Ch.rry and Mm. Mhera went In u.nuilof il.emur-, Laiftlale II, l'rnt I. Vniiti vvitlnliew tin dercre, to IIelnle Harbor, I.l.oil county. They ' ''" f Ha. and Halt h that of l-'r.-b ' .... .. , . . ., .. ,. . iTiitiiinn lil.iet-il C C. Ilewitin uouiin.'itioti. were attacked hy alsrceband.f Indan.whc ire- .,.'', ,, ' . . ... , ' " i 1 mi balloN wen- lud, r.-siiltingns follow.: nulled la fatall) wounding Dr.Cherrj-, and also a j (,nit ( I,.,(,,,. 4, Mr. U,.,,;, .( j,,. I MoundlotbaalienlTand Mr. Tjsnn. Nin.uf the drawn mid Mr. l-'ro-t ren.ituiiialed. On tin- tm):.n. wira killed and lh r.-t fl,A 11. PI,, n J..I............ ......... til nil arioni aiiirr rim airn vail ni tmm i 2"liccllaaiiM Knlajiim. Jn IJ Jlpnutii. I am comrneod of S3 letters. My 7 IS I 25 is aTcryuwrulartklr. ' 3 16 31 5 II la. kind of hi-. easel. ' " 21 3 9 10 Is a scriptnro name. " 17 6 12 13 la the nam of nn animal. " 18 14 31 0 should be aroided. " 31 S 9 30 16 blh. nam. of. country. 4 19 13 22 vtuapnkcn of by Christ My wli.-lo la an important injunction. Answer neat wetk.) K. I.. 0. Oregon City. March 17, 16.14 DTrof.O.r. Newell, the able ao.1 penile rnunly rnuno teacher, closed hi. aerit a of iinKinj leauina intluacily on Wedn.iday estninf last. II. in deMntinr "f much prala. fur th. .ffort he has taken tulmtruct hia pupils. Those who Iists allende.1 durinf the whole term have mad. frond i.rofici.ncy, and music ea Wednesday ..renlnr w as audi sa need not to be (trailed for any cliurdi in Orrg.'n City. Washington Territory. Th leatalir. aesenih y of the Trrrilory is nvi iuf alnn In lh. daich.r(. or ita T.iricd and con. plieate.l duties, in . mannir which would retire! iredil I'tia Slalr,and an otj Ntatoof lh. Union. Could a. daguerreotype of each branch bo oer urate- laktn.wo would liaet- no fear that a l.-s would be Htutalned by placing it In juitepts-itinn with any similar body aver coorened in Oregon or Cahfur-' uia, .afar as businH.iuahn"ntioo.jindintellint'. is concerned. Sof.r.allthinire jo 'l.rarel) on,1 with iiolhiur b. d slurb the friMtdly relslHiiu eiielinr bets een the osenihlyandlhcocnor,i.r.ny of the federsl autboritiea tl the territory. Harmony Unfiled fact, Ihm. ro. mot. it U ! JTIJeul Urover, of (Jnv. Sleyens' party, whs wa. leported Inet, haa arrirtd saf.. Lcgltlaluro ol Wash. Territory. COUNCIL. Agreeably ton proclamation of fjover nor titev ens. dated Nov. 28, 185.1, tliu tint Council in. -tat Olympia, in the legislative hall up for their reception, at 10, A. M. on Monday, l'"eb. '.'7, 1051. Present Messrs, 1'appnn ami Ilratlfonl, of Clark, Miles nnd (.atlin, of Lewis nnd Pacific, Yantis and Kigelow, of 'Vhurslon, .M'f.'ouahn, of Pi'-rce and King. Abieiit Mr. Halch, of Pie roe and King, Mr. .Saywnnl, of Ishiud and Ji-Hi-ron. I lie Council was organinil liy calling Ion. tliv..itlin lo ttioc. .. appoint I imr (eo. (inllni'lier. ot Ulvn.ii.a. clerk ' '" "' " """H""I "V -"l'"1 "e- I"- I. .....J.... Inll......r n. I..(.m,..n nl...l. ...m . Tin- members present presented their credentials were duly ly (pinlificil nnd trx.k lln.les bi.ATH .-.-. On motion (j! Mr, lapliatl, the loillltl . . , , 1 1 , . iirrKrededtollieeletlioniif n Presnl.-nt; and V,,,,,. M'Connlmof Picrm and King, receiv- j xv, mnjnrity, w d. dared Presideiit, and coiidut.til to hi. seat by Tappau and Mie, nd msdc hjppv th .-t inr !" tn-m iiiimr eotifeiicil. Ailjmiriicil I till '.', P. M. ArTi.iiNtKii Mr. H.dili i,f Pici. if! .1 .. ... .1..I lilt. ..I I I....L- .", llll "I'ilM 'l "HI 'Hill .IIIIIIIUV.I llll'l .-' , , "'..." Ml rC'll. r II I,., I I., ll,.. ,1..r...i. ,,ln iii.t'iicik. it. ji. i.-ui4iiii.-..r M.m.i C....I Vtlls lltlt III llilllllll lllilll I .Mr. IllgflllVl, HUM 1... 1 u 1. i. V.....:.. ' 4.-... V. ' " , ". ' . . V .... " . ... ' ',',.' . . ' i ' ,- ,i '. r i . . r.intioi. ..inns in .ui. .nous. . .111-1 .. . .. .. , . ...... .a i ...t.. Mr II. l-m-i ..f P ..n-., .is . .. . . nil .... .ill' nuiiunuloil hv eir. H.lltii. vinuio ltoi Hit-, lot I..nwl....' r. :l U-. Kw.ii-. I. and l 1 . .1 I .11 ,i!i, . .... I ..iid ' ' i-- Kill-miW .; urn-1 itli tin.1 -itiiif n -nil, ulii-titli.- LmiiKil took :i n-- i . .. c . . .. 1 .11 .1: i..!il. iv pf llU .....,, ,, r..-,.-..,,,! .Ii tur. tir,.,. K,U,.. .,ivurr.-l u .tli.nit u 1 liu'u-.-. wli. 11 t!io Coiim il ndjoimird till Tiii-d.i inorniui! . in 1 1 at 10 Im-i. IIDl'tsK. liimitiril.1 with Cim. Ht.-M 11-,' .r...l.t- iliolt, tin-' Ut-iiri-i titalin-t i-t.n- III it'lii 1 at tllMiil.i.l l-'t b. -', l-.l, at Id, . M. l'rtotit.Cl.iil iiiiinti. Mi mi. mi. .I'ht-ii nweth mul Cm-bj. Lewis (!u lltllllillglotl. I 1 ... 1 . 11 .1 . IV-.. iur;'iii and 1 niir-.iiiii . .,., ..tin ci 1. I'ietceCo., (ll.lltll.lll, Mt.-. lev all lllolllli son, Ktiiir V. 1 ' nny. M.iinl C... Ilowi-. Alwellt Lewis, ol I irk. Siiultltr, ot Vmi nllllltj1.,i -.,,,r.r.n. Hull ig.ttii.i-d bv e.illmg Mr. Mo-el to tin- tliair, mid appointing (. W, Corliss. ol I liurstnti, ert-l.irv pro if in. vniprn- eeetlilig to a li.illol lor .N-tak. r, I'. A. Clit 11- o w th Ml- t ! t'i l),.in J.Mr. Mn riciujiill titc-, Mr lc 1. IIiUi ;iIjnuril tl till v M Amkknou.n. TIh lhnii iiriH-i 1 (! il In tin. f.l....tiiiti i.f .-In. I l..rL. It. I. Ki In! 'ill. TliUMtmi, nn-iiutl O ot.s ami V. H. . Hickn 5 uiliN Mr. Krtid.ill U'lUZ UU 4,-11.ll.lllitt.w -U!llltin.l aixl rlilerHl III .11' . .VV..".. --. ....-..-.... ---- duties. Mr. Iliik. was .lecletl us-i-tatit clerk, but ileclilietl accepting. 'I'I r..l.! ll.ltl.i. ,l.i. .III. III- ."I ..11 1.- ..-...- .... v... ,.!..,. ,i , , , rl.. J. Smiih. of M.tu.l. -r- g, -nt arm-. nudJ.II. keeper. nn' tm ;o imr m nii.,n.i ... that tin1 llotiseol ntative ,iri. lllilwl ..,, .,.,. . .,.,. , ,,...:. v to iirot i'lllsO.IV IK. .v.lj.iurin .1 till T liinrtiili''. III i u .t .1.. CUlNi II.. UOt OJlllut Mr. I' Tost neelVt'l ."i Vut"s, lllnl .Mr, Laustlal-."I. I'rost vv.isd.slaredele.t.'l ..... iiml .u.irii iii n. i liii-l' . Ii-rk. ..--- i -ri... r :. .1 1...1 ... nl. ..... i . il: V..I.II. n i..--m l.n....... i. , ,, assistant clerk. L". U. Ilitks rteeiv'-d.". votes, uiid A.N. Iliitiuu :i. Ilitks w. rh ctid and 1 lie org.imz.itlonot the C.lllieil was iiiin- ItV the i l.ltloti ol J. 1., .Mllelli'll, ol Lewis Co.. sergeant at-unie-, and W. . Os- burn of 'riiur-toit, door-keeper. ! The clerk wa instructed to inform the 1 Holi f K..1.1-. ki.,,l ill.... ll. il tl.n f' il i..'".- "-' I''' -' "".' - ' " sr......... 1 :...i I I. ... I... I....:. .iisiir;.iiii-'i .. ." .ii...ii i- ness. Ail), till ' I'. M. ' In the nfti rnooti (he Criuneil mljoiiriied I the hall ot the lloll-U of Iteprest llt.ltives I ' u-:ir the (iov's. Mt-.n-'... On n lillliiug to the t'oiliitil rli.uiil-r, motion of Mr. ('atlin, tliu rtil. f tin- Ore gon ( omit il w.-re adoptt tl until th.' commit t.i! on rules sbnuld reitirt the nil", for gov- ..rnutelit of this l.ilv. Adj. till Vi.tlli"s- day, U, A. M IIOUSH 1'. b. Prtset.t.'is ot. josti nl.iy. J. 11. Jinkwiii claimed his si-tit as i b eted from LewisCo. Tin- poll l ing piirgml of one ill-gal vote, he was ileel.ind ihilv eluled and was tpiali tied. 'I'lle Ilollse priM-'Vili'd to till the vaelliev existing bv Mr. Hit ks'iioii-aeeei'taiit film ollieo of as-isinnt el-rk. J. Philiit-, o"l liui- ston, n teiving :i lu.ijoritv of tliu voti eami' forward aii'l was iii.ililietl. T'h' Sp..,iki r uiiuoilliei d lh" fo i-t. loll lllg stantliug eitluinilti t s : Kl.-i inm Hale, t 'insbie, Chapinau, Jlldieiarv Musi t-, Hale, Ci.nbii-, Hun- lingtou ami Ilrowuli.'ld. f W '"'I M" .His lliles. Iliirgiu and Ch.ipui in. "" " ".rl1' ' """ "",' Sl,l ""- ' Military All.iirs, Huntington ami I llOUII'SiiU. Kiiads lind 1 1 i -j . Del Ward llll, ami lioioti. DelltlV llll'l Iillll. I ICugrotsed Hill Knrolled Hill. Hone. Ilr..nli.-M Ward. I mii. ui All iirs lliiiitin-'l'.i I'lioinpsoii Coinuiiiee.ll,il", Si ii'Mt r mill le-u.-s Priming, Moselev, 1 til- and liurgiii. Corporations, Halo I'lripmnti and Most- I 'oilllli'-s, 111. iv utiel'l, .Shellon and Jai k mi. Memorials, (, Hainan I Mon I -v. I'Muealioli, Hale, Moselev llll'l Cro-liie, cotJNi.'IL. Maieh I. The I'rr-idt'tii .'iiuiouiifod Iln. following -tlll.llli.l" etlllllllillee. ' Klil'tiolts, lll.ldford, Mile, llll'l ll.llfll Judicinrv, Iti '.-low, Miles ami ('atlin VV7. ,.,..'.. I i..... I'lillln .....I SII)-.I1I'( . I III-. fill ltltl . fill's llllulloril, Claims, Milns, Tapp.ltl and S.1 ward. Military, II 1M1, Yantis mul fligelovv. Itoadsand HighwaV'', llradford, Tni.pan and .Savwuid. ' Kligrrf-ri Iliik 'Ii.,,an. Hindi., id I ligr in l.-r. for lli Imrolbd 1M1, Hig. low. Yimt'n mid H:il. :il( li. Indian lV.iirs, V.inlis I ti it'll i1 .iu4 .i - waul. I iiinini'rri H.ileli. I ami T.i.t:.n I'lltmtig. lil.i'imni. .tin.saii'it ..inn ivi""""""-- ,.'ii'ii. M mill S.l- u.irii. I '..nnti,.... T.ii.niui. i . and kill ll. .1- t'.iilni. Mil. and "I'i l-Miii-.-itii.ii, Yiinli. iiiiiill'iudiiliil IHu'i'lo". -l'fonttr awl Utiiu l'i,tit it ml llim ' ARRIVAL OF THE PEYTONA. Tin ftpanwliip IV tm ittmi'tl jiptrrda) V S. .Mail I. ttl in t r at In-.l 1.111 I'mih-i-to wlifii i-lio Ifft. 'Ilipm-t I'M SltMimtliipAiiifii.Mwmill je.ttf for lln 'li-niltirj nt mioii ntt mail 1.1 r irtl. Ail in & I ' Wfll",'tiA Co. mul J. W. S.illn..n .ppl...l 111 w.fli .1 I.-....I .tiuiilil t.f-jw oik mul .ilil-rnn pip i, fnruliuli lln- nr. cir Wi'IIb, l'..r,'n,. C.t, iiml .1. W. . I I tliilln niir phi' tit- llie furticii news is 1,. li. ri 1 i.-.tinu'. '"I" Ttuks i-f 1 in In hive tin l.rst nflli li,'ht llni far :"Sl-"''l I l-i..ncel,aifrntco,lc.ll'..l llll'l t lie Ittllt'rs St .1 V arr nm llul I" C" " T'mw lh on!) u T , , ,, J extract ui llir lal nl nrw Col. rrMloiltN I'avty Nt.irlll ill llii loimtaiit!. 1 '..1 ltl.1. s. itij.rv uf lli I'luli 'IVrntor , , ' ,,. 1 ,, 1 ,,.,;., nrru tM,"tt ui tj innrii iiph iln (oiiaiti iiiroiiit' la A .i-liinloti Mr left .ill I.ikr no llie Uli nil. CM. UiMitt rrrtN to mrt Co! IVemont ,llt'1 "M lMM. i " 1 sim-ji - in-. i-j ,l"' ffittriil lli-uti Iu uti rrinnr.i TIip pirl) .iin iM.itcnf flH.iiMit li rni'nt Jitd Inintfd .11 . 11 ....... ..11 i 1..... . 1... lopPHi.U n.lii-tiiif i l.j liiinlinj;li Iln D.-ldwurp Illil lilix. I nlmui i. rll -T I 'III rr III ll hirt ; Imt ll.rj ...nt.l lm I n..Si.,.r. II.p .nrt liadcat. ni I- i.f ll. ir imiTri'. ami uIhmi niciMinlin.l l ( ul. Ilib'.l cr. M,b,.Mu . a .t..,; .m. u fr luiulm;. uf l.ijlit ur tin- pui) liatl.lud.l.y Un.iti..n mi I . ii."ure. '. I. Ilahbit tin- .1 I. ............ !.. . a. .1.1 ui.i. a q.til I. It llll -HI II iiiii.i-i- lis .I- III- " ui..". i-ls.i. , ...... Ml .,,. ,. s .i .,. , lrmt t , ,,. i ,. .......r.l to ,,., ,, .,j ,i,r.iyli. u'.I jl. tlic r..utfw. ,l,,-. mrti mow Tin .Niiiulki Iln i Tin- .Vrl.M-.ku Hill is . real ,,z 4 . .id f n,-,.. ,. m ... a.l,,x l",l 'J1''4 la'r I" n'ltte .ttl tin- litirr f, Imgs rngrn. It rul Ul tin ills, ui i. nl tlii'h'n r 'ti.'ii'iiin in eO mi J ' .1. tirrn -in 1 j iln in- t . t.t die Lfiiiiprunn-t ' Il.ll. s-ililttir l.tin.' IiiT i Invlin . 1 .1 lull In the roiiiir..iiue nf l-'i.i, ma. tiilrjirllie lieu tir. rilnt) el .Nibi.i-ki ti.-ii'tiirln. ry. Itu.aited to pi. s. Srnttnri li ir. mull, .i i. ri I'rtiitrfiilnml uitrrr.. llll "Mf rh ill-. l.Nl ll, l.ll.rli II .is t.i with lh. .1." pe-t uttil.l.ulllil .. ,r..W.I'.l iml.Vlltr. ;?J-t,el'.i,l!..riiilii..'.iirstoii.fTiir. k") a'r-ar,tn have r.i.lil art ibs iili-rr .Jiplo- ..,.. ,..,, I. !,,,.. r I,. .il,,. ,, i.mi.. nollli- .). ,.r,.,.,. I f,,rii. fun '.ner.,.ianllv.-i.i.l ....... .....I... ... 'it., l. i i ii... - ..-.. w . ni. i. -inln s iii .i-nirins. . . . inn n ...1') ..I i.' ... . i.l, , vt" enlin-l III !:.. I. .-el III nnlrr lo (.r et t,. I!,,.,,,,, -,,,!, iruui...uig Mn.i either ',,. T,u,.h il, ei r li.r Turki.l.' ii.inl. The i Mr .Nich.,l...l .11.' nnrr ,,tU...lil'.i mi h,. M01lM Lr, f r . w,u f, , lp, lra,, of u-.iii. .,....i ,t. i- 7-,,;. ssn.e ' III to, ri.iKi i 'l I - '. - foreign War. Tin alhi-l ll..!. nf llii.'lin.l .iinl Kim r 'ruler- -.1.1.- ll'. .tw . ... I... II s... . I. .......... l-i. r.i .nr ... . ,11.,, .. , .-..,, i" .,...- i. ii ... ....... ai i iim-i.uiiiii.. r. Thr i:.iKK,r u', IIii-mi h.i.l iHtiml imlrrs fur In- lie. I hi lh" ll.n kSr.i,.,riliiru.. .-r'.i...;-l. 'I In Tu.ks hid itl.i knl thr limn.... rsui). i. a Kilifii, iiml lik ll.) .tiiiii...i.ltiiilwei.t) liir l.tlliltril U'.s-t in. .itli"!, iu. I j,-4iinlig a bill- lulit ti'lul). A lsl) of .ighlr.ii lluiuulil Kim- si.iiiinrr nt In r. m-iiri llw in tin- r imp. hut urn- i.Ii'.i il to rt, 111" I ink. li j. I -xi Jjalnril -rinal nthrr .liiall li.'r. c.ier tin' Itnviaiis nn the lltiin'ir. llmtlioMlliili'. Thi'tl'laiNoftlii' haul. nf( it.l. I, a. I I.. rn ri- ri IVe I lit IHl'l'lll, mi I -how l'ir rrroil In h II r 1., ril II l.r.i:i ill' V i tnr) Inr lint Turk- 'I he , nlli, t Ivlr,) fur d-tis. t iidni Milh tin rutin reil nl lh Itils. Hi., Ml.., ln.l IHOIt lollnl lilniiflhe It.lssiin liilirrals tlrre K Ill tl (In lh ll-liliylhr Torlsi att n krd th" Itii-sini rt srnr, an I ilrmr it ill t-i.uriisioii ii-..u lirljil i. Willi tie I - nl Us trl I Ii r) 'I'll, s'-lil'h't r " 1 1".' ll hi'li's vi as liuiii' u-r Ihr ird I r-lr..)r. thr Itlls.ini furtill. rahniis iiml o turn" I in I riuiuph in Kal A I' l.-h rriuirnt i.f li.'D'J lii'-uh is l.rrll t.r.' in. it ! hy .st h.-iui)!, the irr at I Irn,!. r, w tin i- . .''i nri;.iiiiiiin; nn nrrni ui ll.ln-iilan 'llii llu. -I ins h lie trirtnl rliuii f.irtili ulnms .it--. In-t tjaril, mi I aln ii lh" inn-t of ('riiiir.i,nn. hue i-xtlii.'iushr Ihr hn'il. Ill nil of iln' lilit litin-i . 'I hr --llll in his I ill) HI "Mii il Ihr i. n.'t" 'if III" I'nur I'n'M r-, It I hit is ll f l.iri'1 -all-fl. tu. rv, uii'l lush in fi'rviniilnl lolln- lliiij.rr.iri.f Itus m i nl st I"., r.t.iirg Nn iii-h. r hnl ). I h m ri irmil llimi It,.. It lli-i, lull Ihrir H as htllii ilniiM tl.d rnlr.t I hnl lli il liii llmilil irjri I il, n. il iiii. f. hi liil llul hr lli'illil al "II. I Hi ill his itn I ilnrstri'iu 1'iiis.iiiI lam Inn, ami firuiill) tlet lair ii er His Ini.'t.-h l.tni-n Ittrnl hair imuuii In .Ir. nntln li Ihr null tl. Irn. rs, nt .r. niratiull Inl tln-rirut II thr 'r. nrh I. Ihe frr.tlrt nttml) prtiuilitiii hum.; u it rlnp. nu I pn-pirin iiruii- IlieillS lllnl .lull Mvi I) II .r ni till- 11.11 1 lit I'T Mil, i, .s ii ihir.l In In- rmrilinil llinirilililil),lill'l llm vitirkiii. u ure i hi; mji d riru nn s-iiinla) jrTh"'lr l pap ih.IuIi Ih'ilit linn ll,,ll,M n.--. '"-' lU'hl' nl lie en lirnii,. s In Mill till' fill ll Ihril 0.1 ro-rs in tli it 1 il) , u 11. .iiiulit is 1lr.1111 eiiiiil), int'i iil'iiuv llilhlhrm inn.. 1 11 lr iiiiiiii" In rlhi I lliur ei..f Iii 11 Inn rlu'r 'Ihl ii in i- tills. 11 hill k In Ho-ilivilV, III il Muss his hull 1 11 llll. Ill 'I '"' Inalm' tlrfmll of emn ll ,,lil ll hnl -A U IMit. " .ft'Ths Iuhii uf New Aihuiv, liul, has I., km ".'" " kiiiiuo .-oiv vina i) ..uu -ui.iu.S) I iiv ts In 1 1 M.ciiitivi--Thr .Maine lupin Inv vvi'iit Inln i'Kratiun uii llii .M .it-'. . 3 C lirn uitl 1.1II11I llit- ! -! Iti 'ml.'ii'.ul lia lifrll Nl.irlril III I! Hto 1 i5V"llio Titritnrof MiiuicH.t m ulmiit fnur liiiirmlliiiio nl tin-Mill, uf llliLi, PMrmliiii; mil 1111 nri'ii uf IIIi,(IiII,IIiiii ai-n S.NUU IN llltMl Hip I nut. 11 .Ittli r-h.m tu tuilHll.i.t K-titti ! II nt tint li'.tt'i mi the Mil nt ,t 1 tilt- tlrplli nf M'l rrill nil In 4 lilt -tuli-.l thii milj -i of Hit- Ni'it tnk iKiltrt 111 11 rr-iiiii'il tin linn ' .inM-Tt. il to i 1 .1 r llir lu-tv 1111 rrin nltitli ltt rn-nill) l.trn'ttl 111 lliat t My. ., j, ., -. ,.,, (lf 1 1...,.,. lw. nn l- nrrni. 'tn.t-..t-i In p-itli tpn'r n. the -.itppli ti! wnlcrlii In-ilnnn I 1 in tin- l'.i..ut I.) . .I.thvi "nlfrln In- ilnnn I . in tin- I'.i-i..i,i I.) lli .IrrM-j KJ W "'''' "'"'" , - .T""l'lif Ni- l.n p'.tl lliri'.. miiiiiiil. ll.m it.. hiiinl.Ai iil'ili.iii .1 .1 .. ....... ll. in in 1 01 r-iinii - 111 iu i ivriiiini .sun mi- 1 . n , 1 . . tli-n-t-ltl I!. 1. 1, .11 ll. npiiimi liliiilnil. il 11,11.1 sun- ,m, ,. lhr.,.i I , il, '., . , c, ,r , l. 1. me-t gan-iJt ir lei I11111I-. -ti ! thr i-h-n- J(.t M f H , ,., m , ,., ,,,.,.. Jhl ,, of r lp .) III Vr ti t Ml it'll 1 1' I'll Mil'- 111 I I'llllLi.! 3gCI T, In. TI ! m- ( r. .it iMati mil p 1m11.1l irniiiil 111 li'l, n7 ;i..Vill TIip iiuiu i i i lnTf-f ltoii-rt T-'lt, lilllltrr f HiliMtiit-lIlt" l.iHl - Hu-mh r-o.1 rrN,rt f..f ti, ,..)... r ..M i..un M.f.--M,i hmHi-iiI ,M imc nre c ml toil' rr nutkiiM) iititnertiiiH .unl iiini-uil.) I oliltltr pt ' ' it K.iiri ft il iHMiin tit n iiikI j 11 ffi'in ltiirttlihd, wlnli- mii ihnr Q) ffl M v In i. wtrr dnrn Inn K truin I In- win d tie ir 1ml in tin r and drt.niMil t r hi(lit, .i l.irr tit 1 1 lui i nt of WitU pi A MlHMKI l ri M It 14 .III) 0I1IM id til it . it'nri il iuni,ulio .1, pi iImI In V . ! r yl'illM ti iMitt)li'liitii In Jsiiim i .iii". til" r III U t'f N pun ha-.- It.r trpf..i,.r !iiaM!Lr ..ndlirlii. Inl ilwn, ln Urn n in r imi ""' iTi'l am...ii.l Of nn i. ul.l,..,,l,..i,,,M...r.iM I"1"! 'Mn-j ,1-. "il) in !i-.itiii t. I l ii 11 lull III',; I--.V ( lrlll M.ii"'.rri 'Iln- I'.'il li Ikiii l!.'inl e-ti.tlnt tin- iron lur iln- ii n ! (..ill .mil I'ml i:.:..i-n li nl rni 1 1. I ml tl hi ii n. f .l i. il 1. 1, i-ii, il Till- li lllll'Hi.l, HlliiN III. II (,1'ilt nf thr I llli in.t . nlin- lihill li,; i'i- 1 i-rnniliil f.T.t i.l i ln-.ii iece nf tint1., r III n ssll.r rti-'elr III .It k. 'i IU Ir-.i.l Tri It iii-irili- i I u n i --i ( mi nil tlir li. .ruill n ill' tltil-t III" Mi ll nl ll.i tlml rr tri In It- thr ni t th it it i ..i I.l lni.l . Hi" woik u'cli Mini , iii'lh"!' in,. I il. '!i ,ni nn ml ili' i mn, l.t.i I", I, nt-'rul. ruiiiil..! y.'oil In Jhr ir.. i nl mn the iinirh tiht, -,, uaiilu il) .it' tii,,l. I tlir ,1 .trin-linii ! l.n nun I f" ty iivoviii l.i-"l.lti lor. .)l(, j,irihlll, ,. , H.,,1" rn.ili'1 II,. Mni-dBMilh- r.,rrr.,,.,,,,..,,t ,.f t,r n,.i,(. '"' h'l.'V" ll.e v. I on , i.l nk ekrleli ni Mr Par Opir-i- it nnr . 1 tut! . - f lh" .. li gin l.i ".ml . """ll '" "" ,n"' ' ' "" lure . . y, ll. ...-. i.o'. ...)... it r..i ii.......t. i.. ....... ...i. " s I hmwelf Uuii; llir ,,.,it..t ni.ui in linl" lie "I""" l's""f I'1'-" "hi.krr.. nr ir- hi. I. tim h """'' Xl"lr"v J-' ' mmli -..hi- rj-. ght ht-1." u injur. .1 In, ,, n t.. '.Iiidv. I.'i In Iln- .."ii it ... I . ... t- o .i. I., - I the t.e i.fnlis-. . II, r itlt litis In .'- I "k .. I tenor, inn.-l .. l Innn .r. ir..i,,'M.i i 1,i. f ..ti (, , ,, ...o,,,, ii ,.. (,.. .. .. . miiiirn e ... inHks lie l.n 'Ii-li l iii.i i" . unl . . . . i nusri.n nil) I n.n I...I', il t.. rin"n i Itmi. ! iln r mi niiikinM' mil in) ri-jt'il III. iii.niii i foreil.l.' ami riirr i hr .int. Ihr mint!," mini iiml Ihr imnl in thr iilmn lr I1. -t nutiieof W am ii t minii . '1'niii' -rr, h n mi: l.m Ir.rn, ny Al 'urn riiirr,,,u the li.oik" nf ihr I nl lii'..i.r Mr I islit-l.l I iniiii.i.lli, r-..f In.ii'ir .tn.l i.rolil umlrr tin- l' nrr il i -i. rn il. hr mis tlml k" mi. nuri..i i. iit-h i ii a.i mil n-n. ,..t ll r islf .'.. r,.t, Ilj.,1. Ihl) MI. .llll llt-t linil -lir.l holl'ir of reprr.rntlll thr M it,-,.f llnlrni 111' Inner lirain li"f ihr tiriirnl Ass, .nl,). Tnnm-i-liltli thisileMTipliiitii I il.ll rrui ult, that h, .iliitur near, thr lir of his cr.llalnl. Ihr siili nf li s in i U. niin.rihatel) umlrr ihr ri -ht .ar Itnllroails nl Itiissla. t 'r .HI ran nrtl Ir ritrntl) in n 11. n ti p p r. ii. I truth it lh" first railrna.l hi Itusri i u is n, rnul iiitlir ) rni I -'Hi, Irnin --I IVtrrs'iiirn; In I'.jr-knii In mul I'.ui iiu-ki, tun riiiM.ri tl irs.ilrn t rs, iiinl ll I. 17 (nit s in li i ,'th 1 1 II is i mmtlH! t nl 'i) III ti-hr ipilali-l-, in I pr.iit.ln 1.1) pmlil.i 1.1" i nl rpn.e -shnrll) iiltriii.irtls. Nit hnlasi ni.. " llrlllir (jn- il nlra nf up. nillt; .1 road fromM I'i Ii '.limit Iii Vtis.1 iiii, ii ihstal I 110 milt s - 'I hit llll. ii llsr mull rl ik nj. u is tiunplrtrtl limlvr ll... .I.itil ii i nl' the Mi.,. -It-. I I'tililie Wink., iii.I- ill.) M.J Whi-llrr.ulni, it Will hit inn. In'-rr. .1, liusniir i the i Mi",rtit flinit rr. nf Ihr I in itt rs li in r iiimt I in M.s- i, Irn- ll- It ii i- i" in I iu iln li ir l-.M. llll'l llei pi a I llnlii'.ii. iiip.l..ii llio illi"r, ulith l'.Miirl) ir.pi n il mr i-iiu-t nil Iran t,is liu i nt. tiuip'i-hr, ni 2'.'h.'iirs Nil' tt 111" i i npl. ti'ili nf this raillla) iiilinthi r i;i'iiii In i .ml In lu wt u M Ti li l. Iiiiil' uii'l Wins in 1. 1 ilMam " "I ''''' unl' Mi has hi t n I ml mil,. mil is mill in pi'.lrss nl t itii-liiii lif.n l.ram'h Iiml, I'I int.. 1'ing. I- ali'Mit tu l.i limit Ii.iiii llii, iihn It mil i iiiiii 1 1 itilh lh" inn n Inn It nl I liiiii.lM.tirjr. I- r't. till hum llol. iIm.i.I - In Mns i I'll, lllnl ll .till I'iIImw lh" .1 li It ill Vln!, llll'. r llll llllMl'i lullit niillh ill III" i lup I" il 11 Mill that III" ti'ili-lHi' III Is iili'iitl In tllilh"rir n i iiii. pill. In t lili-lrill t ll Inl'l frnlll U.liss. Iii hli oh'.ll Millie." Inl'N arm l't 111 ill I tnill.l llniiili lull I III th le'i'piii Iln Vast ri'tnitn ft nf III. I ... I in llm pili-i h) I mill linn .i hi it Ki I hi r slnll-t".l lr nit nil I "llnn u,'liiulliliiilpiiHliiiti.,i, ,ni t li. r nl in .Ir I1111I1 Ili'Siih it III" iilmn', ri I. I .1 liu. I I I hnl I lilt Ill p lit I'lil II 1 I I is U nriaiv linn in n" nil mi in I'.ilinl 1 Uu ui'ilr Ihitll '.'no liu'riiii l"unll wilh MlHilul, III .- iillnlll roiMit. onl inimiil. mg Willi III" .i il I linn i.f liillla). In ll.ii iii.I. nlil,pul lh I'.iII.Ih ip iiii iiiiiii 11 iiuiu 11. Ill ! m'"1 ' 'I'""1, ' ' " pnu.i thf miuiumi In ihni-i'..i., when iln Imr hniurn , .,,, ,i,rw, VV.unv iillieuin ..ptiifui Inn , , t. ,,,,,11,.) f ,,iu I'm.. ..lli.'i;i.-.,l cm ...1 mul" flu . ill i.upi bull .s N. . The rni tll.pntE h pri-v a.lii.' luu great eite.ith. the Slnte I'nsm .it I'nrl) isjn. V.cts Wet l' ill Itltl. th tlisi .se n . the li in-l, ('. litntn , till.,','ll rn.t.k'Cted muior i.f tVnii.ii lil m ynit) of llie Attl. rn.en 1 1, llul ure l.i;" I ?,' ".Ni-1 It tlfiiiil . us th (liii cl i mt in the I'. -s it. .niii' nl -hipping. ;n ittli t i e.'.l ii; I'hil-i. tltlpliittir llullimmi' Mie.iii nl 'I'lie St li nn. Ilrtn .. ral imtlt i.lnndi th it uirasiiii s tue hriu lal,i n f ,i' tin e illy ritah. lulling nf ll lirli.-li J.iliril tl iti th il t ill. itsi . n nppli atiit.i isniii. rtisrtl fora urn I. ink Ml Netllirk. with u I up llltni .--l.lllU.UOll I illn-liri' I. ilsllu tin llhrii xi,u,nii( l.piiil iu. ;5;'"M mm ln.-t i iinittlui lli-lna mi Ihr llatl.' nil , in Ihr hark .-siiltat... frniu .--iHltua. The pa " rs sa) th. i" nn putien'or tl iimustral uu on Ins ,ii i, i ul, it hi r th in lh" tiariu t mgi iiltii.iliiMi uf .i I. Irn n I- Ulii him'tl lie i" he ' Mas.ii hi .i i i, -ih.f, ua. ii. i e!i.. i i- of .May '.r .ii iln i . I in 11 in. 1 1. I . 1 i I.l in-11 1 il i- i j.ti i. li n t ! e "il Ma)or i.l It 'llm l II nj lain . ii In", has li. en i lulu) Mo)nr af CI, III'--lull T Tlir .H oral n.t'. nl Luxury. t'ini-.hil. n fill" V V. Tnliuiie. il mn would gne ,i in. ui of rude man til is -oui.' r. tin. in. nt, - linn w hi if ... II i.bjut lie -t I s i In i k li,- biili-lilii'ss. If lie - il--,.ii iln- limit, i ill ,i i npi t on it, I lie will lllllil. twite Ii. o' ll.'tloisit. If ll. llllltll. s Ills .. It, III il,i It ot Iii i-llmiil s.itin, .uel In Willi..... lo ilii il .ill," Nrr. limn n'ni' .ti'. Mr It I uiri i it tlif Crii. I.ll 'iinr-r. Xl Tin- i- . e. 11 ni C.up. t- nnd Putin i Ii ui-. bv .id tin. li-. ami i ii ivlliing i l-ein kiiping. KI. g n.t nil'., -lulling li'.i-.mtlv iilmn n i'l.wing tli.ipt iv "I li-in li -ilk; in ti i. -ttng lnl'li' ii. imnpii ' in '-.illi ml led., tu. H . lik.- a K "I i.l iuli - t I hi a sum- til' I b I'i i : U -t III -tt.f I .nt.1 unl ll U.l'l t loth I'll nil. ' II Lu !.. ni. I II i. .ii-;. lilt gl ll ll in.ttiU . ..ii-. - .ii ie- '.til ,ii. 1. mn, may w. i .t ",il I th ti.i.i - t. I'. , tt.troj I'll II, t '. I g' 'I dim l.i I,. ' u, -i fun. ii I .. J til up I.l, ll ',it. . . ' t IV .th the I i' 1 i , 1 1 t In i -, .ii I nil. way of jn., .ig , n '.in ; 1 ' i il I than a . g--.t-in it h a ' ' nli t i In velliu i .- um I i '. ni n i r J, I -' 1.1-litn-s. l. ii ii ,il . t . !, i 'iii '. I, . r'tn. -its .it N.ili i, ' i . t . 'i. ! .1 la- r iiiiiii i'i I i gt i ii' .' 1. . ". H icon t , t .i lit '. , ,.i ' l!.e,k I nil 1 1. ' l '- II' (- , I ii. i. . . . i. - i o..i i ii ilia' iln in ..I. i , i I . . t' .i i.i.-i N..n nli . in th n il . ti' n ugh I t .itn .. li i '. tin- ' i t . . i .1 . -, 1 1 i li i in i nriv I. Ill- nil ill s MM ' ll ll, . I.-. I.llllll.s ill .N V i.le n - li ,i j. i I .ii Inis is ilis. I ' ii- d, iln n I.' t 1 1. ur i in i dlv if- -.11. 'lli. ll ti '.' 1 'Vltl III llie Itjjllll Is ..I I. . ii "I I, ii.1 i mt I-1'. ie lh" -pit llpi.ll tin t ii I ' II I . Ill . ill' I will llitnk .i- in.niv i '.'ii. tin, l fore tln-v 'I., it. I ii ,'i. l.,i t . .. i!n that , ,ii, I.- . ,, il i, i I t'n ,i !., i .1. If the -.itiu .Hid I i .ml i' i.l li i i.t l.'cii t.'tiliiniu ng liii.". l.i iu b in v oleiit -, ni, nli,. l.i I i... it ' .1 dun ittng them ii I o - It t - I. in i' ,'i. li 1 1 I. li .ippre Int. . il. . tl ill ii I, ml ll.l.'J the 1 1 In I. . '" -i ' ' I ti '' -i In lind in ii t" 1 j'.u-il'l t .... unl pay f.ii'i'ii ilini th .t i- in ml in the i in-. . I nn n .1 d - I l.i uu li lh" value if tlit- ..ri ing. uu nt i- a in i.d ill iiplui". I w..iil. -.hunk li mil uiv- ll wilh tliu -um 1 j-. 1411 in. tli tl 1 u. .nil I'm in itt'ir- II nl. iln ll i ii i ..f it . I' ti u'l to go li.iih with it- 1 1 11 . I itiild iihnosi in siiii'th'u. 1. i',li' I. i.n-.i.r.h lentil. Win. mil i.l p.l in tie- . n mil. lit U'ing iu.ii".it mt.. : ll ll.- I'ti llu.'ii-aml proftiss- ul ibifVi mf L, ml. t Id I-lurnishi'd wilh nn il..t!n- I g I ilmners they .. nil 1, .1 .1 11 in lie tu iv. l.i -ti-.iling ,,..l. It tin ilniuk .1 I- an I iiiMinis of tl.Oj I in I'.iinl- 1 .iild -a li go n.'liilv in their oil ll 1 ' nil li ill" " 1 I.l. I Ir'll' Ve lilt')' . mill 1 1. .I.I.I. t 11. iglil.,t.. IfVoung In Iiml, n tinning .it inlit In. in M.ivating .1 r.nlm 1 1 1 ul. mul I ' v. li in p In-" and imiddv l.i.igm-l .t -lipp-1-.. 1 di.ssiiig'govvn .mil th" .V. V. Tnl'iiiK. In would Ir-npl In Inl. go tin il.v-i-mn of l.i. aking hi lint fill ll('s Wl. ' blnlh l'-ln el. Illlhertotllll i;,,.-1 1. 1 in ... .11 - . .i..-lion.iblon -h ip'i'a- I" l li-1 1, .mi 11 live to ll'idi and blind'; but who will I. found so d. in. -tiled a- in n In-' 1 si al 111 lh" Kingdom of lleav- I II win ti il i-iu.idf t'l'lo-fw I and -.itjn I Nun li t it. lu nr thoughts In the 1 1 1. 1.. J i j in ii I tin- lie lli' "I. to the I. .ni Inn uel iiiinvihttiiiii it.iiil It'. As Ml-. I.ll- I" gill- In I 1 IIIH'lls ri .Ipe for cook- inr hii'-, mill "l'11-i 11.111 hare,"wi 1 .i.u 11, il thin tmn 111 tin- t.i-se woli'.'l Ik-- -:in: l'it-1 g. I l iipil-aml r-.i'ill llll'! ti I 1 h ins' ll Impi it is llm um In-l-t'p ilntiiitv 1 1. .ii shall wo mini, l.i iln ii-in in iii iiiiiii nl thi'Sfiirti- I I, .nl I111 ml 111. ' i, Iln it '. the rub. Tin- win hi il'- 1 iriiijiniigli to floor 1I-1 ll upon t 11 pi t-, or - it il-, ll 111 iiisewood 1 hall- N in-- li nlli- I lie liu Inn r get to llu- iiu In. 11 win tie 1 iln 1 -1 ... 1 1 half a Will 1 a H111-' I- Hi v 'I- "u llpied inln. w, lh 1I1 Hi el pinl.l, in; ipiiin 1 I n .. 1 ..f 1 1. iiml lie m 1 vi 11 with the morn 1 I on nl. ill niieol pol il... s. V 1 1 i- .1 liiitnili line' 1 11 1 In us, li ml. of ere- .-iii. hi, lh il though one fo In- is sofi mul tn li . 1 hit as another; i..ii-!i iln hail and llllll ol'oll" lion's III in 1- -lib t,illv like iiiother.; Iliniigh 1 v. iv lob d 1 al llie Ind ium of llm Inv ll'iiiml'is aboiil among thii -III ill li-li in ;i gut 11 -In II, llu U I I'lob- s"ii,itib' mil -itiu I In' bl iHg.iu; what lh" leaned 1 iiiiiii il- of luilois Ml'l lllllllliers III I '.it 1 'igi' ' upon, iiliil pn 1 iili", as tlio ,1 1 iid of i",'.uiie uel Itlii-s. ill dress, must If Ion v. 1 b"Vniel lh n -iimptioii of .1 in ip'iilv of iln Innn 111 1.1 i', 1 oinp. llul l l.,.iit 111 li '1'l.oit in-l ili.i-'Ulll itis..