Oregon spectator. (Oregon City, O.T. [i.e. Or.]) 1846-1855, March 17, 1854, Image 1

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o. i cuHimirii, nmniii. ntupuii.Tnii ami ntisuiti
' I iik auituion nr tiioi uiit in Tim iirciiMMKu or Wisnott"
VOL. 7.
NO. 5.
run ouiiuux .sl'klt.woU:
A ll'M.KLV NUlsr-lH.i:,
OtlortD TO TDK M0I1AI , KOI Ml.. LIU I till, I9
TIIC Mnl I I. "I OIlKl.os.
IVibli.lirJrifty I'm I ly inning -Ollif.- in i.oul'n
building, Maui Mnil, lrg t.iiy.
Uno rni), per minimi .. . v I II
" f,r it.x iinwiln s i n
hates ()! ai'i:i:tii;. j
Ono kux (12 Inn-s nr k) "lis ti. 1I1..11. f! "n
. ' I in lli-i-lliini-, s I (HI
For sviry odililiuiiul iiiwrliuii "l mi
Pmfriwoii.il and lliimlii-u I'diiN, il III I in-, ur
,sm, 8'JU per annti 11.
A liberal uY.lu.liuii ninile In . url) inlu Mi-i-r.
Tilt liuiiilur of iurliniia lniil !" li I 11. 11
nmlied nn ttm minim, ntlii-ritn-i' lli- II 1 1
continued till f..rlid,und iliargfil utconluilv .
1 '
IZttlltrn for thr Oica8" potato!.
Tin: voi,ivri:i:it.
A s t 11 R v ii f tin: nvr 1: v 11
11 a nfiriii niiiiKH
'Tin- ttliils mull's sll-mt, lln- lli'liuli'h i-clr ml.
Are mingling in t Ia IjAlilr klrifi "
It WIH some llllct-days IH.iI. I '.il. ill
liam iiii-I liii part h turned. Wli. 11 Sin u I
was missed liv tin in, In- li-i'l I-1 ti git. 11 ii
fur l"-l. Alf agrnil t li-tt 111 liu ".."ill In
liiul I'.illrii in mill hull Hi", .url Ii 1 1 I. 1 11
killed. (!r..it w.i"tli" ir uip'i-e. tin i I'm. .
when they nriiMil 111 i.iini. In lii .1 tli. 11
hint collliadc, although I lllll.-n w 1-
sucli in tn git" huh Imp". 1 I" ln n r b in,'
able lustri le lii" linl".- inliilll' nr-iruiv
liquid. IK- I1.11I iiiiik.I 111 1 imp tiln.ll
linusled. 'I'll.. rigidiii 1 .f In- linili" ti i"
MU'li tlial li-Ii ul tn In I1II..1I fiiin ii . 1
ii', iiml hi it hull- "i in Ii 1 1,1. 1 11 . i-
strained liy e-it." tml. thai tli" n tta-
se.iri.-lt it.ilit 1. 11 In in niil.Hii 1 1 1 .. I 1
tinii" "il tin- linn linn. "l lif . h.-ati I wr
wit in itiiiu diat-l. I 1114 in! .ml 1111. .,ii-
l-cloll4.lfHll.il M.t" - ing . II. . Illlil llllll. Sin
iirt 1 1 tnr mint "Liv-, .it: 11 !.-d "1 1 m-l
light hi til"' I lltllllll It Ulllull I. I'll I I III"
watchful 1 u.' .111 1 nui-iiig. i"'i 111 -nlli - rt
i-d r""tnre linn lo "luw. 1I1I1 1411 In in
ll.l'l gHHUI plll.-r, 111 1 In- I 11 1. 1 I. llllll 'I
l.r.iiin'"lill llniiii r. II glial .111.I g.. 1
III', rt. r iiii Ii" Ii 1 1 1 . 11 in lii" .imii, Ii.
t.A I" mill !" 111I1 p "I 111 1I1 1 git. 11. l
the i'.uii, .111 1 il.n, lit 1l.1t g . it 111 r iiiii
liable .111 1 tacltum. Hi-in nl. .Iilill 1. 11.
uf t.'iui.'r, ...iiijnri -I tulli'lii" g.m, lit.
till. II III" I'll, nil ua 1 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 "I mI ill. j.. v.. 11.
circle, pa-M. I 11. il nun. i'i. 1 il Li I! it 111. mil.
mnl il In- guessed .1 ..Hi". Ii m-.li I.. .l lis
ottn mini". I, lliuugh tli.it Ii. I.n. it -..in,
tiling was uinii vtill ,i. .11 hi iln 1 .11,
fciras lir was .if'sii-pMting it- 1. il .mi.
Soon 11II.T Slu in'" i". . .rin. .11 I.. .In
tlii'iirmv l."il ii it" 111 iti Ii In W I it
or Wliilm in'" si itinii. ill" .1 n.'it ill" i.
tolling (Illl III.'" ttllll II . ' II. .1 I". -llllll
W. I1.1t.' nut I1111 In t..l-ii 11 1 11 1 11 ii . It,
ttilli narration ul It" ...in -1 .url ,i I1..11 ,
mid mini 'rout 1 ugig 111 ul- iili tli Inl.
lint, in )ln Ii ..nr I., t.. ..u 1 1 hi. 1". . r . E 1 1
ing .'linl exploit, "i .'.ni I in 11..11 in th il mint
of tnli.'itil ln'iiii". liflli. il,jl 1. i.t 1. 11 mi. Ii
i'i .111 tin' mnl" it. ttilliiui - 1. imiiiii
otiiiili.illt.l.iit.iflli.'l.iltl ..till Inn Hi.
m it ttn riill.il. ii iiio-t ..l.-iiii ii. unit il. ii.
nf tin in nil, tt.' ill il. i.iiii tin. 1. 1 1, 1
tliil.i tti'il.'riili" ll n hill. 111..1. 111 .1. 1.i.l.
'I lii" tt.l" I III- til -1 III. 1 1. Hill -..I ' . I" Ii ul m
fulfill ttllll till- f.lt .1' till. 1 ..illllllltl. .1
ill" llllir.l"!-, ttlii.li in 1. i"h. in 'I ill. tt.11, mnl
lliry mhiii f.iimil tli.'t tt"i".il t.rj .lilll. 11I
ini'tnlfriiiiitlii'iuitiiiillt linli.ni" ul liu P. -
(.'llllll Mllnl t nllltnlil.'l.
'Ilii'liilll.-uriiiniil nil" nn...tli 111 1 -lilil-ly
r.illili'.nll. nii tin liu . 1I1111. ni in lii, fn I
maiii'iiti ri tit; nfi'iiinlit .
ill" lii'li.ni'ili. n.il ilit). 1. nt i. miiIh :il n
iilllf, illnill.lilli.il" i.f Illl ul ilil. ill. 11
iH-mitiftil liiirvK. l.il in ill lln iiliit. inn.' tin
ul nf Inili.lli lim it. ill. ir tt.ll .iii.ili.,l
lirllH llllllii"! ilnzlilif,' ill" Mlil. lint linl
(IiiiiikiI tlicir ttiir .1 1 .-i , i-l n.l.l. .1 mnl I h I . , .
illlil ttilli nil lii" iiitiiiiin nt" mnl pttitt"
lluit tin ttilil f.iiii't nf tin- Iniluii t'.iii int. ni;
nml lii" .,if. il (,'r.i. 1 .if lln ir Inn". in.iii"liii,
fill) hklllflll I. "Ill.ll I"! ttllll tllllill llll't I'M"
ciltuil nil tli.ir unit, tin ni., in nrlt riiiiillnl
lliu titrict ili-ii'liini nf 1 it 1I1, il .unlit t;n
tics, nml I'ti'ii initnkiil lln .nliiiii.itnm ..)'
tlicir ('iiiiiii"K.
I'nr a ttliil" llii'iniillii I tt.i" tt. 11 11 tnii.il
llllll Inltll ill"" lll.ll'i'il "Illl il.llMl' 'Unit i
or, il iiii:illi iiiiiiii.Miii" iiinm, nt. Hi..
llllillill.' -Ilulll, III" I.I1I1 III;,' Mli ,1111, III" 111.11
nf !llll, lllnl III" lllllllil. I nf Ifil-i s' fn I,
ttliiilis... iniilaluiii"! H1-I1.il." ill" m.Ii.I ".nlli
1" ii- at Ii, ini mli illli"""ii" ttilli miiiiiiI" llinl
1lr111t11.il nil "I..'. All. n-ili lln .111,1,1," 1, f
1 1111 linli. in- Ii. I,.. 1 1 . .ii m mnl i.,i.
fiililil. 'I'll.' "in..!., iihI iln-i i,fi I, it
lilcti owl, mnl lln t 1. 11 lln itlm." iii.i-i. i"
llf Illl' lii'lil.
'I'll" irn 11 till", Il i.-li t.lin Ii it, mini,
iN'tttl'l'll ttill.ltl-flillnl I1.II1I. . 1. 11 li,ili,it
ni liy llii.Klnnl ImIiii lii.", lln .iin it itii,
(t'llni Uin.ilill.i kit h.ii':i. nut In in ,ii, i,
K'i'iii. uf Imlll". 'Mm mliiuti 1 1" imii til,. I
tli"ir lliirAl liuin llii- 1 I "In ,1111 tli,.
kIiijiiii, fiiiiii ttln. Ii llin kiiiii;ik li.i'l uiti.il
III"!' "ll.llll'l In I.T lllillk. Oil" llllll III. ill ,
nii'l lh"i.iiiiir IiiiI",iii. 1, 1 11 Ii f. n, ," I, nilii
lln 1I.1 I ir.l linl! in il. . .1. m -I tli hi
(.'".iiic Ii 1, 1 1 1 ...tnki'il ; mnl in. mi mi In
1I1111 li nl, (mli. 11 ..il" llinl htiuiu Inful",
iii.ul.il ,1 Ii" l:i. I l.il., n thiii fn'ilit",
llj.iill ill" I Hill,' "lll.ik", III ll M-" liter iht;
nun-. if lii" 1-.1v ,i.. Inmi",
I Ini" tt. i" mil In, tie tnluiilei r-i ti ndiiii";
lii" 1111111I1 inn ami In til.il ('awl"., that
in. in-in- it. i" 11. it 1 1 1 In Ii- nun. I. i"il imr
iii"iillnl tiilli liii.uiiitt. I "litnxl 'leil the
l.lll-slle I lll"T 1,1 III ll I I WIlllllLlll'" .! Itloll.
tile 1. 1I1 t 1, 1 It 1 1 ,it. .ml 1 l ibl. In .1 ih"
. . . ...
ll. .1 I'll! III. I".. I III ll'lll.
Will. Sin ut 1-ttiimiii ' gilluit f.iui" in
lii" ul 'ii"'i" ! ' "I "' t.. Iiiiii .!., tie 'Unite, s'niiire aii'l iinbli'liiarl, lioivcouhl I charge for the fonl ; but our liri.il nnimals
ttill :i" iiiii" th" 1 .ii-iii. 1'" 1 iinl"g" of so iiiif.iliiijly tnat ton, tthoniat the time, ' ttere no iiintclirii for the lloet ttell-iiikeil
I Ii 111,'ing 1I1 in-In -ml "iir 11 ni.iiite, ami I km tt I km "I as I lute my own soul. May tiiir-liom-s of the Cayuse'iif ami they reach-
linn lo tie- iin-1 t.il.- tth ii- lit.-" the hi'io- iiug'ls gu.inl Voii ainiil the perils of the sub ! cil it in mltaiiccof tin- tnhinti-erK. '
in- nl nur ln-i..it - tie- .iini.iU.-: :u i I patriot- ilii-r, mnl coinlui-l yon once more to the one Their great Miieriority of iniiiibers enn-
II M in. 'Hi.- nl. 1 inn.' 1.. 1 1. 1 n iiniiilx rs tilm ttill neter cea-e lo liu you, tli.it it may .Weil tliom lo bloik the fonl in fioiit ttilli a
In. t an. I win 11 . I. Iih 1, mil Ini" not his obl.iin your forgitciicM forthe ttrongn in- colisiilerable f iree, to line tlie ttillotvsnlong
ml. 1. -I 111 h 1 h.it.ii tiiitn him x.iii" tti-1 fill 11 1 tnl, if nothing inure. Nothing' iho o- .tlie creek, nml ."till leaton large boily in the
.liti.o.it tin ...linn,' 1.. Iiiinn, hoping In lilo'iii"i-il '110 philii"oiihy of life is n euhl , rear, thus cuiiiietelurruiiudiiig their cue---
In limit linage 1. "i..r. llnil" nglilfiil nml iliiforgiting, us tli.it foiinv'l by the bit- inii-ii.
I In ' ' li-r i-peiii ncv of unineritcil wrongs ; nml The hky ttns covered wilh ilark silent
"Ifi" niii 'Hi. -1111 Ii el ". t b, hinil lli.i In art tiliiih hasonce bentottnl its ttholi' cloinlx, nml the niorniiig was slightly cool.
. 1 .. . 1 .1. .1 1. .I...-..I 1.1. . .-i .-. f 1..... .1. . :....! 1 ... 1 ... . ...... 1 .1 a J
111" ... "-,,i,i in, ,11111 nu-. me 1 in.- iii-ii.'iiiiiii
ti. "'..in in,, tint nu-. nin
tli.- ili-hglnfiil
li.ile nl its ur-
1. .lull nt with
an I ih" j. n mis
t,nl t ti t- ...ntimii il in tli--i-.nii
lin lull-. Tli.- .111 11. 1
lln-11 1I11111. d ..nit -1. 1111.',
n it. . i.t In
I-. -
.till ll h .1111 .Alt' 1 Mtl'l i-
.i .:l. in.-1 Ii ..I' linnii'iiit.
11 - tilth
All 11.1I111. "
il pill I ; 'I
Ii .illtt Ih ll
. Ii.illlih.'-i
1.1. I l.i.ji.i', th.-yloryuf the
. -m I 1.1 liuin" tli.- Irmi'piil
litihiil tin. it nt. r the 1 n-
(in Ui- hill.
1, 1 in :ii 1.
il . 1 inn-.' 1 11.
1 1 1 in 1 III.' Mil
Illl. 1 .11 I. I -l.i
tn. ni p.-.. h - il ti.irt am
it Mart
lie . le it. 1I1 liing the
.1 titi'.i.bt, as tin- wire
tie .I.11I. 1,1 lor of ihe
I 1 n inn.'. In iiiiii u'luig '
.-in 1 ii ! il
lln- 1.1 1 1, ih it tt i.iud in I.
ti tt 1 . 11 i'i i-i
I ii- ii i" iri.uM I .i'i
Intl. tli 1111J..1I1. in 1
I it-:' !.. h 1 .' .
.ll, . 1 I
M.i '" 1 mnil nam
ti.i" 1 11 ..il-1 tli.in tt
p. u-i. -1 In - I. ;l.
In. I . 'I'll, in. .! Ini -.'IIM.
.11", llinl itilieed
l.i ll -'.ll" "III ll .III ill
1 ill - ill-t.lllt llludlll"
. Ill" 'I.
Ii It I
.III. illl-
I, -lill lot.),
I'i Ii. r, and'a
- Ul"ll.lllt e-
I Ii I I Ii lin
ll -l.il .1 I.t tli
..t 11.
, I"
i.'ht Ii id Urnine
. ", liiu "I irl.n- "s,
I.I . itll ll Malt
111 I th 1.. 1 1 aim .-I
-u.l.li id 1 M-laitm il :
'M-.lli-1. I -I-.- linn n. .tt h
. .In- -p,,k.. 1 I... I-, nun nppi.iiul in
t . .111 1 in 1 l.-n 111.1111 ni lln-laniil in. 1
lni"l,ni'l "nl lillr.Mr. It.-it imiiiii. nt
Ih I
Ih- .'it
Siinult in
li-lip- ..I Ih
' till ll.-ll"
i-l. 1 .jii -'...11 l'iii"t frmn
in. tli 1 in I tli- ilau.'lil" r :
I -.111 .I1.I1 '' ' "tut in-tis I'miii
In. iih-1 .'
II. i.-" 1 1 Ii. lib. --1 1 ir nil. niiiii, 'her.-a'.-
a . mpl. ..ll ll..'. 01,. I.n iiihiIii r Hint
in", ll, and i, in I.n Mart. I l.i" is the
Hn-goii Sp. 1 1 it.. 1, I.. ., it .. iiitnui" mini
"; in lal 11. its 1 1. im lie ni lit, tt huh lull will
pi rli-ip- Id.- P. 1. a I, I. in. Ini"; 11 lo hi"
iliu.'lit, 1.
Ml. I: ItllL.tl I Inl 1
. Hi. g..ii Oil.
int. ii -l in. mi
ami tin- Mill an, mm , 1
I'. -I. ' 11 In-. inn il.
M.nt limn, ill it' Ii
in. in. ill it -In- in.jlil I
h "lii.ii 1 mi II-. ' .'.
I 1 l
I.. Inl I ll I I.-
li.-. nu I I1.1- ill
- il 1 I' In I- I i
. u.'li li" pi-ll"
I I. ll iia- a l.lli-l all I
Ii.-iii Ii 1 it inn Ii . ' I
Inl I. .illl.' 1.1, .lie r.
atel Ii 1 et. ".
ill 11 Ii. it. i. in :
minimi. .1 lln,
tkl I 11
: I I"
ii-Ii ill
.i"b l.arii'-d
11. 1 Ii 1 1 pi-"i d
11. 1. nut. i" iiilh
i. nit.
Hi. I 1 -In I- filllb I, nil i- it til It
lb. j. 11 iiil -ul-..1 ml 1 a i.-ti i.f s-ii.
Ii""".' Mlit i.i,,n. ,l inn ill'l ilei psighs,
mm an I tin 11 . "i-ap. Ii il.i-inu.' Win do
lliu" Ii-111I.I111 ' 1 ik till ttilli ttarm "'u-liiii'
I-.11 .that iht- iiiiii itln 1 lapillt dottn
In 1 1 allnl . In . I.- .' '
I'm j u.i,'i.ili 111 tin-1. 'i r 1. 111 its inl
lott" :
'Vim know ti I1.1l a j 1. 1 ant -.-.i.il f. II. in
Sin. ul 1 linli,-. lb- ha-, inn It ill. m-.'. il
iin. mining iiilo the num. I auieuiili l.ut
"..in- thing h.i" -guin- ttimig with linn some
thing .f whiih lam igiiiii.ml is it.ighing
..11 In- mm I. f."i h is "put. 1. . ii.- I ami ill
taut, tlioii.gh lliuiiglilfiil Hi" hi.ilthhi"
I ul-. I until In-i "i liu tin -h 1 l.ut of tth it
Ii 11 1- lln, . 111. .nlli- ig, 111 I I Ii In ti it i"
iuiuiiv.piiiiie.il -.mi, iiii-luilune, or sur
Inu nl'the In .-III, will' libit ll tie III." llliae-
iiU'imP'il. I sat IIii-.Iioiii ti 1, ttillioiil tit h
er fuiiiiil ili.ni .linn ii.iijulnii
I ttniild ,
glle llllll ll In si e linn lesion il lii Ills llollt
biini nut spoils mnl gin It, fur .1 bi.mr
lieaiiii.Milh.il. lb-d ins il.uigi r appar
eiilli milium a ihoiiglit ol'its e.Kiiallii-s.aiiil
I" ,-ilitats luiiud m the tlueki"! nlnl hultist
uflhi lullle. lie Im. tioti the highest ell-
iiiininm- uf lln old ' '. .1- .ml,
-I. in. ling his 111 Ii ti nip, r, a
1- a Li. .tli. r, lie iiupii "i's
lilll lliitttilll
I respi-i t him '
ill wilh hi '
111 mini. - g- in i"iilt
I., kiiuii linn. i" I Ii it
nl nobleness oI'miiiI.
lo lespetl linn 11s
I il. ami I lliiuk Lit hue I'.iiIiuiihiI tin
d. 'lh l In- n. .lile li.nrl.'
I In- nn. ill-1 inl I ingii-ige of her biolher
had blot." 11 1, ul ill Ii llio-e itouiiil" in her
In-ill, whli h nine the greit lemeil
nl.ilii' h nl lln putti 1 lo heil. Ill bis iiiini.
11 me In-Iiml mtii gu.ss.il the irulh, nud
Mippo-ed In-it is milt -puking of ,1 'ii, -ml
tthii h she n giiid.il tilth pi if
a- leg mini lot.-,
I in. lill, leinv, '
No' although bt h 1 nun Iiil she had ttilli lljeir lioiihlesoiiie but inluable Kioty
"bin 11 him fioin In 1 ,i"lhoiigh hi" pieseiice'of line Kvf cattle, when their rear was
11. 1. 1 .ii-nii, slill she lutul him, mnl hi llrit
l"i' wa.11 Lie. Huh 1l.1t sin,,, he had
l It In 1. hi" niuiiriiPil eiiuuteii Hue was call-
'I 11pisi.11. I11 in 1. pi.. ..Ii lor lli.il li,it
'" ' ' '.lip. mil Plllel ll It -ll
in '4. She lion tlmiight of liim iM brukon -
lii'itrliil mnl aiiul"KH ruiiol in feeling nnJ
ile-iol.iteil in hit allicliini furetur liii olo-
iiiiuit ro 111111 kliii"; ttflh tli'.1 light of Cfiiiiit
ilmitimf of m Imtrv, ami h'n nobln coiinte-
iiaiu'.' fnreter fhaitnl by the onibro linn of
"niroit. Thoughts mull ni these ngitaleil
lln- Ijii.iiinol lln- ttieinng girl. Ooiilil clie
iateniii, 'ui lorgite, iwiiiaieein a lute in.u
.......... . ...
neter, eten for 11 moment, wanilcreil Hhe
might hate hat" fill for the iireseiit, koiiid
. 1 ..... .1 . 1 . r .1. . ..... .1....
inU".i.ilioii in ihe hope of the future ; but
tins 1.1 it ilege ttasiieiueii per, lorntunrtttns
f.iriut.iv, lilietiug hlill that he Iinteil linn.
.11111111 ui tote, is iro.i-n 11110 mu lev mint-
llinllli . ,1'lnl, .14 friii-ll iltlo ill,, let lifinl.
ni-n, of 11 o.ilciilatihg, cold, prudential wis-
ilum, bv the coin.ioii.'iK'M that its ii.issiuii
li.is lieeh m.iiletlie li'artlcM pastime of the
ibji-it of its iiffei lion. He thinks, 110 doubt,
'j.it I tiili'-d coiiuelti-hly wilh him. He
eui"t hate l.tiottn that I win attnre of Ins Ktcrv word Kpukcliby tho conilmtants,
..le for me. and can he think otherwise than r sounded with a deep distinctness, nlniost
that I emouraged him to gite his whole j startling, ninl 11 single shot nttoken thous
heart to me, wilh its pureaiid holy lillVilion, nml nnsweringtchocs that Mow ly nfiercm-h
but llnil I inight gratify my vanity by seen-' other lingered into n reluctant s'il.-nee.
ring its homage, mid then return it wounded j Unwilling to abandon an ndtantagc they
ilnl bleediii'' to hisliisolll HL'aiu. Nu ! he
net 1 r ttill, he net er can lote me agiiiii.'
I.ltmg tin to thoughts like these, she
I fall the hill r. nml -flaiiciiw lUlles.lt- ut.-r
the liltle stand on ttliiih stood the inhdle,
le r e)e rislnl upon the 'Sp ctator' whit h
Inr f.itln-i h.i'l giti-n lur to read, and whiih
she had tluottn ii"ide until she perused Ihe
'lln- (list "In-iintiiid tt.-isji dipntih from
. voi. mtii.-iiii, 11 nu. 11 nail 0.-1-11 iuoii"ui-.i. re-
ivi ...n: 1 1. 1... 1 1 . . ...ti-.i..i
lalmglulhe -"kiinu-liis, A'e. llpnll the I'es-
. Chuti- ; mid he read eagirly the history uf
Stu irt's ailteutiire nml -"caie, ri'conleil in
our l.i"t ihapter, iiciumpiiiih.il by some cili-
toii d eoiuiui iits.
'I he Ii-iiis burst afroli froln Marv's full
I heart, ami throwing herself upon lur couch
prat 1 dan uiriiest )irayer that through no
, niKb -"-n.-si iii-j.in-tl by atty inisfurtimo of
lii, Ii ln. ii-iit tin. i-ini... on, -lit 1i. nil ifti-..r
i --- - - " -."., ....et... ... ,, .
11 "lile, die los ui nim.li ttoiilil iiaiu Ikvii
tin- u iinning ini-ery to that stream of bit-
t.-rii" ", winch lor the I.M few iiioiilli" Iiml
in.i'leili-ol il" th" happy lire uf n noble girl,
ul "idy fault had (n-eii 1111 aeiite nndde-
ci'l. .1 I. lupernmeiit.
l.mers, leiiieinber ibis eaniile, nml 1101-
i r p" unit n p.iioii of the hour, based upon
iii"i".-i""innptinti, to lead you into thecuiu -
iui"iiiii of any nil which might mingle
lour future i us ttith ihe bitter nllov uf un-
ni ailing leglet.
r. linn nine more tu tl
iniiilelit" of
lln-war. I'arl of the annv is in its canton -
imutat l-'oit Waters, the newly iiteted fort ford. , ti'ic, asked him to tnke n sent by his side,
al W hitman's station, and two companies ' ThoNiringgrew tremendous, the clamor Smart did. so. 'I haie nothing of impor
1111111K ring one hundred mnl tttetititiyht was nli-uliiUly deafening. The roar ufguii", t-mce, Will,' he K-gnn to impnrt to you ;
men, ale uga'u 011 the scout.
About . leiili-lite miles fioin ihe fort
was a stream called the Tuc.miioii, where
il was r- Ikiiii-iI the Imliaiis, siiue their di--
iiinilituie at the battle of Ihe t'm.ilill.i, had
.-i.-il.li"h.-"l theinseltcs tti-h tluir families
and "tm k.
.11i01i" to do eten thing that would Ins -
I. n ih ilie of the w'ar, Col. liilliani resol-
n 1 1.1 pr.nvcd immi-'hatcli tu tluir liciui-
' Auunlm
nf Manh, ti'
ly oil the iii"iniug(if the t -ii
Im 1 him and his little ,-i-mv.
.11e.nup.1l itilhiu all" miles of tlu-ii eipi'e-1 'l'heir tills seeimd to pierte tho skies,' 1 hope you will long remember me,' nud tu
inl il.'-linalioii. thegrinjud iptakeil brm-ntli tluir burses' king his hand now growing cold, Stunrt
ll.-ing tiillnu the precincts uf th,. N,.. f,.,.!," tid sweeping dnttii like a whirlwiiid, pressed it for the hint time, warmly, mid re
pine llldl. Ill", mill liholll we well' mi tela
lions of peace, it was desired llinl no c.iue
of oll'-llv I .,' gitell that people, hi mule-ling
Mil- pe"Ols, i-M-ept lhll"l' who w.-re
ktiotiiitn Is'lhe Cituse Muiderers, or any
piop"-it K-loii-jing to others than them.
Ill liiiespiiil" the little i-oliiui.iliil proeenl
eil. iti 1 the lulling hilN, in ihe dint-lion uf
lln 11 1 imp. 'I hey n ached it, mnl loiind all
lliuigs as ihev had Imrii reported, with the
lill'erelii-e thai the Indians who were there
represi nlid Ihi-mseltes tolsi NeH'ices, imii
that tin-1 'ay use Iiainl Jiailiut 1. tt.
Tlieie tn le sen ral hundred Indians here,
iiml lln- tt ere all painted and armed, and
llnil whole K-liatior iiulie.iteil what Ihear
111 more than siispeited that thev lure
the identical Indians sought I'or. llut to
lli..ir ,, I. ..in. .1.1 .r.kl..sl,ili,ilis lli-il llinl' i...r.t
iml. thev were at length compelled to giie
i-redeii. e, nud content Ihi-mseltes with dii-
tingoll'a l.uge nuaiitilt uf sti..k, pointed
mil In the linhaus, as the properly ot the
I his was their 1I1 iv-pliiui, for Ihey were
lhi"Cail-e liiihaiisthi'llisi-ltesbuttlu-y wih
eil 1111 liieiicuniiK'roiiriiieii Willi llie sink,
and linn altaikat 11 Isiint of their own clmo-
Such was the succisfuLstratigic trickery,
wilh w hiih Ihe toluiileersliad mi this iKV.i-
,.1 tociiiieuil.
'11..... I....1 l.n...t..,l l.ul ,1 l,.l ilidl.i.i.-..
I ,, III.'. Illl,, I- -. ,'., .. "-... .,-,.,...-
stieeimiL'lv iiftiil eil lit- nlsiut four hilinlriil
inonnleiT finikin the same they had lately
, ft, ,,ii Iialili iibaiidoumg the l"Kk,
ihet iiiadesiieh aiiiuttepid nud brate ri'"it -
1 n... linl the Inilllll" sih.II p-ll .-"K.
! Tim nkiiiniili Ix'g.iii tie.ir 11 mil" frmn a
iiini(leraMe Ktrenin, kiiuttn as the Tiuie -
i'liit ulivaiii, in eunniuin tiilh nil utliert of
lVi region, ran thruiigh iri'('iiiliiu hlitlfrnf
roek ttilli tery lianotv lwttoin inlerteniiig
between the Chile., mi'! il bmks ttere heat-
ily fringfil ttilli sttanii ttillutt. Tn this
, creel; I Here tt 111 hut one cros'ing, iiiiil tt linli -
. . .... . . .1
etrr linriy nutt cair.eil 11, mm uilremhe'l
iti If on the blulls, nn.l ainoiig the ttillott s,
couM hohl the oilier comiiletely nt Kiv, or
1 . 1 . .. .. . . 1 ..
compel it to vss through a iiiunlcTuiis lire,
tiom hidden nml aure Im
Atvaro of this, Col. (iilli.un orilereil n
V., 1, l.i.l t.-nit l.lMi.ln.r find tlw. ...rf.i.t. u.lll.
.o ttiuti was oiottiui;, 111111 me iierieci-nuii'
Incus that reigned throughout nil nature
seemed n if intended to heii'hten the ntv-
fulm-sa of the coiilhct soon to iK-giii,
I The sound of the horses' feet was like tho
trnniiiofn host nu n hollow world.
. 7 "." " . . . .? .
hail so fairly won, the Indians tins lime
fought with an ubMinacy they had neter
(Imil.'iveil Im tore.
The ford wit the principal scene of the
' conflict. There tho polished steel of the
' well-tempered hatchet, and the wnr-knitcs
' glittering Umlu rang against each other,
1 and then the incessant roar of lire-arms
inniL'leil with the sataue song, imii w lute
ingled with the sntage song, an
airs shout of vengeance, reterl
Im rating
.1 1 1 .. .1....1 1 .-r..i..
ii-raiusi me intv mirsv ciouo, niiiue 11 iriuv
.. i.u.i in r.'iiu. ui -hUiiiii-i. 111 ...... .iw.i.
.. 1.......1 ......... ..1 ....,,..,..,. ..,,,1 1.L....1
Twice had the van of our brine baudclos -
cd the ford of their enemies, but owing tu
the Inik of culicert betitecn them and the
rear some being engaged with the Indians
in that ilinelinn. and others ttilli those on
i the tlnnks. thev tit icu retired before their en -
, t-iuies, tu prevent being separated from their
. friends,
'I'I... I.rn... ciu.irt nml t.i vniillirnl In. I
j ,.v IMU w...t. J ww.
.gallant fiu ml Kntmoiul, hail liornetliestorm
uf balls nml arrows which had been poured
ujion the front, sule hy sine, Willi the ino"t
undaunted heroism.' Fur the third time,1
they placed lheiiiselu-.i in the front to lead
' tho way ncruss the si ream. Seeing that a
unity of rli'.itUinl motcmeiit, wiw necessary
lo n-.-cmplisli Iho main obj.vt of crossing 1
. theslre.tm, tluif brntc ciimuiauder inade a
I l.ist npienl to the volunteers to concentrate
iln-ir ulreie'lli. ,111. 1 force the liAssittre. '
i"": n. -j - . - . , n -., .
Stuart wailing lus cap 111 llie.-nr called to
his friends lo follow him. His example was
sullieient, they iieedid no farther encourage-
' nu ut. but spurred their horses into the
the clash of siile-nrius, tlio pierung war-
screams of the saiages, united to their de -
iiioiiiac appcuniuiv, the most hnli-oiis ter
In-held bv niorlal, made up a scene of strife
am horror, sullieient to bate ili-uiiu ml the
It.) hate in-iii:iteil tin
Umt heart but that biatc bind faltered
' Man nfur 111.111, th"'' spl.ilud into the
stream, and gained the opposite Kink, unlil
some thirtv had crossed. At this niomeiit
such nn nu-rttlielining charge was made by
the Indians, that'll threatened to hurl the
. . 1. 1 i. 1.1
detoti-il band b.uk into the stream.
-iimiliil iiimi sei'iiied to U" the Minion of the
daring hi-nrtsthnt laced tluir terriblecharge.
A tlTev camooii Stiiait inarkol'iin linliau
who seemed to If pnrliculnrlv mtite. When
ttltliill 11 few 1
paces, Stuart let clod his nlle,
iiiiii his ictim giiing one loud whoop. 1 11111 -
lil.d in ih.. earth nud the next minute hit
, ,- . .1
of his tillers rille.
A rrv of 1lism.1v rose from the Indian ,
ranks, is the scalp "of tlicir bratest ilii. f n.is
displau-d to their horror-striiken g.i.e. It
sentach.il.. their courage and the (ale of
'. .I'll . .1. ! 1 .1
tight turned, while the I lultaiis rt treated.
The tictorioiis sat age shout wasno longer
henrl, and the mournful death song, slow
mid solemn, aroe from their rank, a they
doggedly retired.
Ihe I. illl" lunl now ceaseii, w.in iiieex.
edition nf 11 few- stray sluyts. from the Indi-,
mis sheltered in thewillntts. With u tiitv
nf drii ing these from their hiding place, a
Illisi-ii, ..,-1.1, ,,,. i .v.. .......... .............
small miinlH-rof iidmiteers, with Stuart and
' Hat moiid, Ihe latter taking the lead, pro-
ccideil along ilottii the liink. ,
' ltay.uoiid passed n tuuinded ludinnashe
tnyon (lie groiinn. 1 ne poor wouiiiii-n net-
il'lH-gged for inercv with extendi d iirms, nud 1
I the pitting Itntiuoiid panl him without
1 mohslatinli. Iliil be soon receitcd the re-,
wardof his cle.iTency. He lunl no sooner ,
1 turned his Kick, in pursuit uf another, than
' ..!.. i-..ll... I.... sli.a l.iin tliruiiirli. Hi. turn. '
cd tn Stuart, who tm ttilliin a few paces,
and exclaimed "tTiat wretch I spared has
HIS llllll ,1 IV," .I..'. ...... ," -. .....
L illed me
Wilh nil the iro of coui-ngo
is soul, Hiunrl leaiicd upon tho
urderer, knife in hand. Again
, boiling in b
pruslrale tiiunl
u tli
rei king snip was nangiingiroiiuiieiiiiiKiol...eo...Kii.eir .... m....... ,.i-.. u, ...,
In' threw up his arms to beg, but lln) ttralh-' mot hen mid daughters of Oregon, their his -
fiisohint.v,T-eter"'ltlu,irinewiitiislroke,'tort i eii.hrineil forever: and o long -is
anil they fell imicrliH on hi f.iiltil.i
j bremt, ami then ttitli n Mrviii;lli. remlereil
' niinotcriialilc by hi ritjje, hi' biirieil hU
knife to the hill, in Ii'h" ilmtarilly nml un-
gr.ilfful liowin.
TliuKiltlfiiuweiiil.il. The liuliain lot
thirty or forty of their braU't warriors on
. tills Intnl dream, nntUctcrnl gnll.iut "pints,
inilotw our ottn little coiiiinaii.l, Mere nu
. ... - .
more, litre the gallant I a lor, the tearless
l M'Doiia
1 . .1 ...
l'......l . ...!...:. II. ... I I .1.. .!.!. i 1.
1. , 1111.1 1110 urate iu.reiiu i:i o
.ii,-i ..Milieu uiei-, iiii.i iit;ii- 100 tue tint ill
roils iiiiii youthful Hai-moml, ree.-n ml that
fatal ttoiil.il. which fiu.illv eirled his tnlur
-. ... . - .. .... .
011 ami heroic career.
The Indians utin-d aliout ninile distant,
win re they employed theinseltcs burying
their dead. The lum-lytt ail of the Indian
dirge rose ovqr Iho uiicufliiieil hodicit they
committed to'tlic tomb, and their mournful
notes llo ill if xorron fully otcr tho scene,
tthereko Lite had rung the fierce discordant
clang uf bloody strife.
Hastily consigning to tho grave their
comrades who had fallen, our men departed
from tho dreadful wciio. Litters were do-
I iid Cur tin. umllnli.it fli-lf llint' .niirlit Irne.
el with as much expedition as posib!e, ti
the coiniiuud were now entirely without
Hnyiuoiul was placed 011 a horse litter,
nml his friend Stuart led the animal.
They proceeded in this way eight or ten
miles, when 11 hard nml cold rain, it Inch fi
nally ended in snow, nrrcsted their progress
nml compelled them to camp.
In tho meantime Raymond's condition
L'retf raiiidlt' tlnrse. and to all it wiunnnar-
i . . . . " . .' "
cm his end wns 1-utnppronelilng,
0 cannot describe tho feelings of Stu
"rt, as lie stoou bv tlio low pallet "l I no ui-
ing youth, nud saw that in n short time, liU
bel nud dearest friend on earth, would pass
isooii nway foreter.
' He had bestowed more than n brother's
, portion of his warm heart uiion Itnvmond ;
, ami loruiiitien lo clicrmli llio purest ntlec-
tionthat etcr tilled the busom of man, for
his sister woman, ho felt then was now on
tho wide, earth, would bo left upon whom 11
1 .-. ....,.
, heart formcil for lote, coulil rej-ose anil
, that thcuSily being who gate 11 zest to his
life, would be called away to Ionic his heart
'desolate forever. If ho could linvo tnken
' the place of the dvinir voutli. he Would have
, welcomed his end with ulndiicss. When
Pence wns restored, mid ho returned to his
liome, ho would lie no father's pride, no
liiolberV iov. nud liu irentln sUti-r'n flelitrht
I J-.' , - - IS-' '-f "
'nnu siny. job wouki nnvo ucen nil 01
these, for ho was the idol of father, mother,
ami sisnr.
I'or month", life for iho good he might
render other, had been barely supjiorlalile,
and the release of tho silent grate, was his
only hotm for rcjiosc.
O ! could ho but Inkc Iho place of his dying
fi ieiul, it hose life had been unclouded ty
grii f, nml to w horn the world gnvo blessings,
mid happiness.
.: wny not permit inoso 10 inn tt no cm
go lo thcirrate unreurcttediiud fortrntten.
,,, .. ... . , ,
Indulging in theso retlcc'ions.hewasstaud.
Ing motionless by, when Itnvmond in n low
i"ii 1 leci imii 1 nin nisi going, nnu 1 wish
' you, if you etcr return to the valley, to go
lo my lather nml inotlier, and guo them
, the history of my fall. 1 hey will wish to
Know nil me pariiiunir', nun it
know all the particular, ami tell thrill I
hoiietii meet them where no Killlo wound
I call separate us on the glad green plains of
Ileal en. Tell Mary, I. hat 0 never forgotten
mv kind sweet sisti', nud though my body
repose far from home, and her ttnrm tenrs,
..1 ...is 1 ...:n ..,. c.n ........ .... 1
",l(l "lt '"'"d will neter fidl on my grnte, I
ii"k her not to forget tno.' Stuart promised.
I "rt mi now ill oeurchl menu lu.uuen, iiioiigu
I It was 11 solemn duty that engaged the
uduntci-rK that night tho commission of
the body uf their young friend, to tli lone-
ly grate. In Ihe silence of iiiiilniglit, he
. was lowered to the tomb.nnd by the fleik
ering light nf the pine lore?). Ids fellow sol
.1: .1 ii. .:. 1.. .rtti - ,.t. e i.:
' Awl while the cold iloiR.as iVy f.-ll mer
him, 1. ing the k.ull of a departed spirit, the
chilling bkt sighed the Jldier's mournful
... ...ll.r..l r. .4..
rem.,. 1. ,,...,..., ..aftt-r the trawler called for dinner. to it.
1 lien siv.-i. u.io.iiii tuiiui, 0. .ut "" .. ui
mold! Thuugl. thv lonely rcting-pl.ue U
fa, from humo a.nf friinds, ...id though ....
weeping llottcrs, tended bt lotnl "'sgei,.
tie I ands. liliKiu, aliote thv grate, still li..".
.. ....r ...11. ..
art tllllurgottell. 1
"... .. ...1
Sleep noble henrt, 111 yuiirdre.iniless Uil !
'The satage Indian may trend contempt ii-
- - - j -.-.--
oiily on your touib-tho wild wulrs '11111-
islnng howl resound aiwto your solitary
giate, nnd t lie cold
old winds 11 ay roughly
, but tuy 111 1 disturb not
pof tho soldier's bloody
aroiinn jniiriienu
the peaciful sice
llif norm that wrecks llif tt Intry sky,
No moiv difturtis histlerp rtpo,
'lliaii mnnnirr n mine's Istrsl sljh,
Thst liuU the rose.'
Years haic passed sinco then, nndtimiigh
no dnsiping willmt shailcs tho distant siiot,
, nor snowy marble- gleams nlsi.e his head, lo
' tell his noble deeds, still in Ihe hearts of (lie
I lint (,'I.kiiiiv .-ii..l fluill hold a (ilnco in
thoir iik'UIovich, Ibeir heart. tt ill swell with
gintittulp, for the scrfki'ii tthitlilicionoblf
jieliled bit life to perform,
' ionclcoru Nnxr wut,
. .
lHilrli)' Alicait.
A1...I1I i.i'iii-.i,..U..ii Duieb rnrnvr from
.-..-..-. .-- .- .- .-...,.. . .., ..,
i). .i,.!i,!il-..i'il,
llclilcrburi'li, In tlio nur-
' j. f,ii,.PI. theothor ilnv ilronited
( t. Hxcrlsior Dining Saloon, in Noia .
1 liking n neat alongside of n (Ininlyaliuimo
,,,. ,.. ,. i'..ii..,,,,n ,.,,,,,, nmni-.U
...... -.. .. .V..U ,.-... , ...v. -...,-..
and standing enll.irs our honest Mynheer
ordered up lii" dinner.
'What ttill ilbe, sir.1' nsked the white
apron. 'Got goot corned-beef, boy ?' enquired
'Veil, ye have got some sourkrout too, I
'Veil, gif me some uf both.'
Off starts white npmn on a keen jump,
mid presently returned with the desired fod
der. The sourkrout wns smoking hot, and lent
forth its peculiar flavor, ciidently satisfacto
ry to Mynheer's unsnl organ, and vice versa
to that of our dandy friend, who after the
dish had been deposited on tho table, and
Mynheer was about commencing an attack
0(1 it exclaimed
'I a say, my friend a aro you go
ing to eat that stuffl'
Mynheer turning slowly around, and ga
zing nt his interrogator with surprise, an
swered Kai it I Vy, of course I cats it,'
'I would m lief devour a plate of guano t
snid dnudy.
'Ah, tell,' replied Mynheer, pitching In
to the kroiit with nnctident rolisb, 'dalit
pemh altflgeJiltr on how one rat provgnt
up !'
Dandy booked kiudcr caved in, and we
left with the opinion that Dutch)' wot one
in ndtnuce. kr.
I Am Bllud.
Three short words significant words.
They arc the "open sesame" of the heart
As wo look upon them printed upon a little
piece of paper or pitiutcd liko n doctor'
sign upon 11 little pieco of tin, suspended
around tho neck or tied to tho hat; Vet
they nrc unlike tho doctor's sign; for that
proclaims, "here Is one that heftk,"- while
this is a sign that the subject is part heal
ing. What a tolumc might he printed from
this text "I am blind." What if tbe poor
object cannot oix-n his eves ! Wo can. 'Let
us do it, and look bnct beyopd that littlo
sign, into the life of him who wean it.
Come with us into the park. Do not shrink
back and refuse to enter, because you seo
nothing but blackness where it was once
green nnd frrsh; where only a few weeks
ngo-thc scythe shateil off the luxuriant
gnus. It looks now just as it did then to
him who simply says in his muto way, "I
nin blind.'' 1 rue, he could hear hear tno
click of the moweni' scythes, nnd the mer
ry lniigli of the liny-makers, nnd could smell
tlio now mown liny. I low sweet nnd fresh
nnd exhilarating 'it wns to him how he
strained his eyes to see thoso littlo children
that he heard in their glee, running about,
full of happiness, that wonjd break 'out in
shout nnd faugh, reminding him of by-gono
yenrs when he not only heard, but saw his
on 11 among Ihe hn cocks. Ah! ho was not
blind then. .V. Y. Trib.
OCrShow us a lady's bonnet, and we'll
tell you what sort of an institution she is.
If it Is showered with red ribbons .mpids,
bows, etc., slut is as full of lovo and poetry,
as a country inn of politicians and lowers.
If it goes in for tho simple wrinkles, plain
colors, and a couple of modest knot, sbo is a
perfect jewel, sweet, sunny, mild, but as nf
fiitiotiatens a ficshlv nursed kitten. If it
is "stuck all ot er" wfth n pnradisc of clover,
thrte-story ostriih feathers, wax holly-hocks
nnd junipir lorries, put it square down that
the calico is a s'tigle establishment, nnd will
neter see a foivieth birthday. .
. ,. . .,.. Mfcl, .
I -V .! (VHII H WH(WHV BVU-s. v
m?"g" "tel-kc,r, who, on reedi ing
tlinnkwl tlw fin. er, lurking that a
. ', K '., ?,$ "
, , 1 . , ,, , . . .
! $ '"V xUv l"",1,lo?, ,,httlT, J
' J '",',J-;. yK' ""T1 "P'r-T
ll""'.k """' '' 'lir f
' ",0.u" U,V " W '' V,0P
ami take the iliange, "remarked the land-
1 1 .1 1 " 1 .ii .1 i
lunl lliruum,. il..... 1 n .IiiIIki,. . ..',iilr ilin-
tier n its only !25 cents."
xirWhen tho slroeU of Indianapolis
Vttrt. perfect glare of ic, a Udy iicdestri-
tIl ut jK,r Kllc0 1(1 foli genuine
1 ,0 of . (irec w, wJ0i on .Ung to
. mi,0 , ,., exoinimcd "Faith, yo must
Is) a lovely fidiul lady ; for ilon't tho Blessed
Dook leach us llint it is the wicked that
stand 011 slippery places."
(&"A gi'iilleman passing througha pota
to patch, oWricd nn Irishman planting
some potatoes. He immired of hfu what
kind tliev were, "imw ones, to 00 sure,
replied Pat ! "if they were boiled one they
wouldn't grow."
CttrA charge ngan
uaint the ."irse isof more
' serious concern, with many, llian K charge
against llie rhar-x'ter.