Oregon spectator. (Oregon City, O.T. [i.e. Or.]) 1846-1855, March 10, 1854, Image 2

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V (
J-K lWJfJlKJ. .IkT
rriday Svinlng, March 10. 1854.
ICTAdymthicmknh tlimilil In-han.l.il in
mHt m rs oY-im-K ni Tinnum 1 1 kiiiu.Io hi
i .t A. .,. i i. ,i'i. - .1 !.
vat ea inirriRITI me Hinin rrtt, I II n notice w
(sphstkally enjein iion all e.ir riiimna. XT 1
( CTJtau I.. CoiLiii. Km ,
on authorized
irareilna' as-est for the -Nieclntor,
lie Mill re-
tit atibexr.pt.oni ami rt ci .pi Cor lice ime.XJ
COrTho "Si-kctator" U tu be published
Friday evening, hereafter, intteml of Satur
day morning.
Osteon KHioaiNTi Tin- emif-ratiln for Orrf en
k(4 afUl aufllreJ most revert ty untlic pleine.
Mtajr at them hailnjj cilui...t.il their anpuliea tf
foot1, 1M Iheeei.rc wesllu-t liauiig dretroyed the
tad driven the game fruit hcyuiiil tlieir reach,
wereredoceJ to llie niir-it) of e..l..tJiKiiii
katM-Oeth, loots, bark and ikh oilier inanliVable
artielM is Ml in tlieir wjy. l.ori- numhera uf
tkeea hsd lnely itarred to Jr.ilh, nnd Iho con.
dltJuo tf theaurrltora .rue reprewtited a. dephn-a-Uela
th eitrenie. CMtago Dtmttrat tfjtn.l,
Look here, Mr. "Democrat," whero d'ye
get your newsf Of cotine you ltae refer
enco to tho Immigration of ISM. Who
told you that tho severe weather destroyed
the grans I Who told you that the scu-re
weather drove tho game beyond tho reach
oT Immigrant ! Who was it that repre
aeftted the condition of the suniiors so
tinwulf "deplornbl.! I" Wo would like to
know who could have iiii-rcreentcd things
in such a "drplnrabfe" manner. Did tho
Oregon papers say that large numbers had
starved to death ( No sir ! Thcro were
MM starved to death. On the contrary,
the immigration of last stuntner came in with
surplus protiaions, nnd plenty of money
compared with former years. Thcro was
m .altering as recorded in your article.
Be careful, Mr. Wcntworth, and don't
IctthoPiko" buys fool you I
"Wit has been told us thnt Mr. Canon
has -fenced up tho CJacknmas bridge, thus
cutting off all communication with it by the
JXrTbe steamer Fire Fly, Cnpt Hawks,
uk, near the mouth of the Columbia, on
the 20tb ult. All on board except one
(treraan) perialied. She was towing a raft
of logs from Yoiyig's liny to Astoria.
93rln another column nil! bo found a
otioa (bra meeting of the "Yamhill county
Agricultural Society," to make the arrange-
Matt for holding a fair. The organizing of
mtek societies exhibits a spirit of Improve
Mtmt worthy of nil commendation. Wo
should be glad to sec similar ones in every
county in the Territory.
IfWe have still a few back cumber of
our paper, from tho, commencement of the
original story "William Stuart," with which
we can furnish new subscribers. Tho rutk
htihk tale is greater than wo expected. It
ajsQl he concluded in No. 0.
' "irThe teamsters of Oregon City now
traaaport all freight between Cancmah and
thia dty, each way, ut ono dollar per ton.
WrWe receive a full tile of the New York
Daily "Tribune." They contain more newt
than the generality of eastern papers ; and
also much other interesting miscellaneous
reading. We will loan them, or tbe Spec
tator cither, to anybody who is not able to
purchase 1
ftWe suggest tho propriety of a fine
being imposed on those persons, who pur
posely gallop their horses on 'he side-walks.
We observe that it is only a certain clas
who do this.
03"Th "Hello" made an excursion trip
to Vancouver on Sunday last. The day
was fine, and every thing pnsed off pleas
antly. Quite a number of ladies and gen
tlemen wero on board. She left this city at
9 A. M., and returned at 7 r. N.
0"Tho Independent lino of California
teamen, .started by Messrs. Vandcrbilt dr
Mill, went into operation on the 20th ult.,
when the steamship North Star made, the
first trip to Aspinwall from New York.
ftThe steamship IVytona, from 8an
Francisco, is expected ihis evening at Port
land. Th Motto. Headers, will our motto
do, in this case of emergency I "Tne sot-
Wisdom." We think thcro is more in it
than many would comprehend at tho first
glance. We will not, howccr, attempt to
..!.. I. fm ..All
' . j i.J '. ... i. :.tt .
cwtor to deliberate upou-to UiMy move,
aajiblog, in the mind or otherwise. The'
ffiUtioD of thought menus the action of1
Agitation means to ma.
themiod. Alt iierwww think; and in or-
Uf a forward v)H(l(m wo Mioul'l Ihtiik
iMCsl wo ihould iolintly ngitnto thj rca
onlwr power-.. Wo Ii.iwj only to hopo thnt
by much Agitating our tlmtighta, 1igbt
priuUliug of nucrclioii n; apprruiiT
Vksmont. The Vermnntere are justly proud of
their Slate. The Rutland Herald una the ftlluw-
There ia but one city in the (late and nut one sol
Jier. We have no theatre nor moba. We have
no police, and net a murder haa been committed in
this elate within tho lent ten jeers. We have no
museums, opera-heimes, nor crjitsl palacee, but we
have bonus, genuine, honiee, that aro tho center
uf tho world to ita inmatea, for which the father
verba, veteaond talka where thvmolbercontrole,
educatet, labors and loves where abe reara men,
scholars and patriots.
Would that every State contained as large
a quantity of honesty, and genuine Whig
gery, as old Vermont. Then would we
hnc much k-s of contention, wrangling and
crime; nnd happy, jovial spirits, with nil
the attendant blessings, might warm and
brighten our pathway through life.
(CrGlcoson's "Pictorial," and the "Flag
of our Union," published at Huston by F.
Ulcason, Ki., nnd edited by Maturin M.
Ilalloti, aro of tho mostelegaut,accomlish
ed und morid stamp. We cheerfully rec
ommend tHem to all lovers of morality
blcwlcd with refilled taste
03-T. Chicago Pris, of the 24th ult.,
gives n list of ten railroads centering at that
city, on which no less than 74 trains of
cars arrive and depart daily, thirty-seven
each way, fully laden with travelers and
(ttrMn. Miller, a daughter of Gcrrit
Smith the Free Soiler, excites much curiosi
ty in Washington city, by npjiearing in full
Uloomer costume. Which knows the most,
the father or daughter f
Jt-fTKeccntly tho steamships John L.
Stephens nnd Sierra Nevada landed 1743
passengers at San Francisco within two days.
Surely the immigration from the East to
the West has not yet ceased."
OtrCapt. Ericsson, of tho Caloric ship,
states thnt there is not the slightest causo
for doubt in relation to this enterprise.
fXrA gentleman just from Coos Ray in
forms us that there ire gr't numbers of
peoplo there, and but little gold, Thoo
who have gone are now wishing themselves
back again. The excitement which was
raised caused many to bo humbugged.
0"Wo are informed that tho Willamette
Foils Company's new steamer "Gazelle,"
R. Hereford, master, will leave this city on
Tuesday morning next, on her tint trip, for
Salem and Corvallis. It is a fine boat, nnd
well furnished throughout. Iler mode),
and powers for running, are perhaps the
boston this river. Capt II. 'is a whole
souled fellow, and will win the esteem of
those who may patronize the "Gazelle."
Forclga War.
The rsria tone upondent of the London Morainf
Chronicle, says that France and Enfltad have
fully agreed upon efficient meaauree le make Rue-
oiaketplhe peace, by making all all the veeeelaon
the Blaek sea remain at be? aHapal, until the con
clusion ef peace.
A statement that the French envoy at Cerulan
tinopie, objected to the deaire of the Knglieh Admi
ral to intercept the Kuarlaa fleet upon lu return
from Sinope, cauees much diacuaeiea in the city of
Tha Cztreent an autograph letter te Trine
MeachekefT, congraluLiling him on tho victory st
Sinope, snd saying the fleet on the Black ate had
shown itself worthy of its destination, and thank-
ing the brave seamen for their tOorla in behalf of
the honor and glory of Russia and the Emperor. I
Rum has id the debts of, and pensioned the
rierrisn princes.
The report of (be Moody engagement st Kslsfst
The Turks left MOO mens! Kslafat when they
retired to Widia.
The capture of Fort St Nicholas wse effected by
surprise, but with great laughter.
Five thoueand Russian horse attacked lh Turk
ish atnp at VaUdutal, but the Turks drove tbem
back, though 1000 Turks were killed.
The Turks occupy Glvsn, the Rueeiaas having
sbsndourd it without attempting to fight
Fcmali PatXTCM. It may be of inter
est to many to know that females may readi
ly become expert compositors The pro
prietors of tho Cincinnati Gazette have in
troduced them, and speak a follows of the
"TriA 1-Vm.ilo Comrmaitors who have Kon
received as apprentices, toloarn, are already, '
after two weeks experiene, beginning to bu
quite cxert and useful. Tho xperiment, I
it is now clear, will prove sticccssfuiand mu
tually advantageous. We have fifteen in-'
telligent women, drawn from various) occu-,
nations teacher, milliners. Ac. whowill bo '
able, ut much U-m labor, to earn much more I
thancver before, and at steady rmptdyment. '
Iliirc aro very many wlmleel aiicvp inter
cat in this movement, and wo report prog
ress for their liencfit. In another year seve
ml huudrcd will find profitable employment
in this new field."
Wonder if female (ramping jour, printer!
would ever have to "kick" for a job !
OCT We learn through one of the officers
ofthcMeatnshinSan Francisco, that robbery
dv, dariig tho wrrck,
l0 ftn lUrnl AmoU unjinrajioW n fcodi.l,
ntrrrity. Tho first j;.ic appeared to he
haiManft wrlromn mgual Mrlherommenc
nwnt nf thir illainy. Tmnkn were bro
ken o n, thfir contcntu Molcn, and tlioj
thrciwo into the mu. nndt-r tlin pretext of ,
lightening tli ubip, wbih een th" dyiti
uero ruht-1 b if bv o nmnv nU ,V, I
V Trh.
OTCuurt it in iilyii procevdiiigt next
r tr)r 5pahlot.
Mr I'.imTok : It U nut m tny tlin h till
wc slintl In; ciilloil upon, if our city nthYer
do their duty, to choose officer for tbv on
nuing year. Lftt ear an vbvtinii or
dered nccurding tu law,1 but when otiug
timucatuo there were not enough council
men present to net iw jmlgei of the election.
A nconeiUeiicetbo old utliceiH held oer
another year omeof nhum are a disgrace
to tho toun, olbert h:ic a lark of energy,
nnd other are "gentlemen and ncholar."
Now I wih to know if the people of Ore
gon City are again to lx cheated out of their
priiilogeof electing tluironn of.iicor thi
year. If no, we bad Id-tier W without any
city charter whatever, nnd thu. Haeepen
w. Yours truly, K.
Oregon i'ity, March 0, 1834.
At 1 meeting of the citizen of Clatsop
county held nt Astoria, IM. 2, 163-1, the.
follow it g resolution were p:u- d :
Re.Ued.that J.imeH WeMi, It. An
dermin and Wm. M. (iray he appointed a
committt'e to deite way and nti-atit, nnd
raie funds by Hulforiptiou or otherwise.
anil dUburi; the iame in opening a ru.ul
through from some point on the CIumli.i
river, below longue I unit, to lti.il.uin
plains ; and report once a month to the
people of Clatsop county.
Kertohcd, they repfttfully hvlicit the aid
and co-operation of the citizens of the Wil
lamotte Valley, who fi'.l ititereted in the
Adjoitrued to meet .g.iin .it the tame
place on Saturday, April 1, at 11 nclocK,
A.M. 's.T. M'KIiAN, Cn'.s.
HonT. M'Kwan, sSVe'.v.
Cnliforulu .TlliMi.
Pimnond Sprinj, Kfb. II The imiifrw at
Klnpville ind vicimtj ro making exert), ut no
gi-t, with a pros-pert, urton ai tin re in a plentiful
ibpply of witter, tlio branch cinairrum theL'tsniiiti
ncftxinjj tifarl) complctrd, flkinout ihr pn j
cioua nirtal bjj thr poutiil. We arc iufoiinul that
natwithotjuirt ijlC tli pcurcity f w.ilrr nl ilif pre
ent lime, many clainn an- jicMiiijj from "to $1.1
prday. About ."o0 tlairno lute bifn'M.tkfdorr'
within the part twoor three wiekn. In the nrnM
oftliefe rich iligiiiM'a .Me inn. King V Ilronncl),
have frfCtid,tlirpatM.'iisonlone of llie l.trfnt nnil
mott conven ent IK-tt ! in lhn county, which is cal '
dulule'd to meit the demand uf the in'mntand the I
public. .Vmrn Adr. j
Sonora, Saturday, Feb. 11 TheSonora Herald
vxyi The biw-ftuit that hat leen poii-lmf be
twatn Mr. Dennett arnt Mt-fur. Monlton and oth
era, fo relation to the Tuelumue Il)drautic Cnnal
Co., haa 14 n emproniitt d and the property ii now
under loud lodehm to Jamea Ung of Vitlumt
Attention iftditvi'ttd tolhe aenea of frre lec
ture! on agriculture, tohe dctneredby (el.in.irt
in Houora,to!uniliU, ISpriiifii'M, and Jamentimn.
lt .Mtiiiday, Peigfl. Ilacon, V Co, toi,j)tt
800 oi. ut CuldOuht; Yaney V Heriiiie.jtin ui.
Ada ma & Co f 6.' m ; Well, Furgo fc (n , U'l 1
us ; makuij in all. 2iVJ at. boe'ht in A in or n n
that ilay. r"-Th" titiliiary com p iii) nf the onur i
CSrey received lat Mmidt) from llenu m, Htl) I'.
S. muhkita, nith t nilirlu nnd canndyr hoses
The company lu adnpied u very neat mi fenn.
Maripooa, IMi. 10 The Mna Chtantel
aaye, aince uur Iat imue tin miners in OV tecl on
of country havu been Civored w t'l the niot riii'.ntr
C'n(C aen that hai pruh .My Iv-en otirlm ifrd Ut
then, "luring the prevent winter. From all ipiarleris
wc har the mt ufnt.fy inff rrnnlt, lieerm jlik
to all clahaei of the coiinnuiiily. At Jrnkuut .V
Evan celebrated quarts vein.oa .Mioun (.uMi,
the yivM iidecidedl) on the Mhi hfi" nrder m.
the rail) net in, uotk oa thu veie haa bern nu-pri
Jedtand .Mr Ji'iikin lint ln.ni riiaidin uluuini
the iii r face dirt ftdj-vent, On Mnndaj he found a
detachM queirtz bulder, evidently at eue tirn a p.irt
of the rein, a cubio foot in ilinieaioii",and liti-nilly
gloeaed with oil. From thia rock in a mule r,
tempore manner, wm obtained ahdleover Q I ,)!.
On Hherlock'a creek, mimn are making i'ol wn
gee. The placer diffguiffein thu vlcinh) anarv
rich One company, Moore A. .Marshall, Ut
week cleared $1,-100. The einie company Inu
b'en averaging l.'OO a weeUrtfar, for sViim
tnonihe. The digciiijain (rvr creik conMiun
good. A Mcticula frtv del)) uoe, found cum
tump of purngtld w. ilnii 11 oum.-, nnd twi
other pieci of about ."ij ouurri ca. Ii Tin; nter
agA yiild ii lirtwe u t and $" per d ty to the man
At Hear vail )' tvrry guVli and flieek reMOinid
with Ihe (jl !ou, oin,. of "torn wa'hinj" uul
'crudl ng.M It ie mid by I he "Foity Nuirra" of
OeAr Valley, that the "Old Mine" lMcpmed. and
wytl Ihe riclieut fpot m (.'ahfenna. Ihur Vulley
Cttirtp,othirwite known a Siiojtvomlllr.iH pn It ly
etuated, and contains ntwut 1.11 y li'iiiH IV
pecting j nit now pindureH indifputabti ivdinoo
tliat Mar'poia ie mtoimI to nom uf her amter cuin
tin In the vnateiteut and value of her mineral re
eotirree. Kver) lull, unlch, flt anderk u ininf
crouaintho iktretne, and could our peopln bi)t !
tain aieittniuoui and uniform mippty of water, ihy
would deVs lope wealth, in nil probability, full) e-jim'
to thu tnoxl cebbratcd pr'diictiomi of Kl Dorado,
Nevada, and other urlhirn prtcinn.
.Mining in 11 Irdo f 'ounly litweeri Tlarer
ville and Coloma, irtr are thne iniitinj tonn,
.MmMMowii, (Vd Viprmand (fold Hill. Tii-
Wwne ait Mluilrd inhe in d-lof a remaikable r rh
mining diotnct, from Mw Inch iimm nxc umouule f
l'ftld luivebtfii taken lilt, mid nli.re the Miuifr aro
rviw d (ing reaaiiMy well, thutii, three or lour
tiim well a tin yVould loin lie- I.uolern Sialet.
Ineediof the towni, everything mceMary for
aubttantial comfort, with miu)oflie luiurieaef
home life, mav be had, and ut rnionable raiei
MiddtftoHiiaud (iold 1 1 ill are alo vry dufrubln
plaresfxr mineri to loente m, partirularly tJoll
Hill, for lie name indn atip tlm ihararler of the
tiiig i heer i t f !. I'Mo-in lb iMi nf
hillit reiuurkaMo for the rbh depo-ilei ot pll the)
contain. An abundant eupply nf wittvi cunbn hnd
fra(IeuNl f.ix IhodiIim of the )ear. t'otoiim in un
inviting place fur thoKe who uro fceknij; to betl r
their forlum b) dicing gold. 'I In null thoeom
forte and Itixuriti vlnrh nMic) can pun Ii4i'.iiia
U liidiu great iibundance,ntidal riMmali!f r.ilr.
IVrm lociUing in, or In tliat ictinty, who ill bo
N.iliolud with makliig three or four luiice wh.tt ran
be made at home, will 1m-euro In do wetland have
every thing lln) randrnire fur comfort. On Tuen
day lat we vmtted Mldillctouu, 1'nld Spniitf,
Mound Spring, Indian Spring, Mud Spring, and
DiuniMiid Spring, and at all of tliffo placn v
found the mini r bunly . ugni'i d ; uud makmi' guoil
wfte, and in tv-nin inrtuucciMaking it out big.
tU Doratfa Ilepub.
Onion Vnlle) "IMol IVnk" vvrile-i ijuitcnn in
Uniting htter In tho Murvev.Ui j;urot Wp
extra. I the following : The mliuri in thm vicim
ly have I'lieiutly bven nuking pootl wage all
wintir lu thin hnuiedi il vitiint) w PonriiiJiiV
t,reek, Hopkiui, Xelimii, Cuuvoii, livun, ;ml Iticli
liar on Ftather ltiver. With the exdption ut
Divm cnek, they have all been vnry i'ldtiHtriounl)
Horked all muter.
Ta miles Irom thin pluceit "Itu limmid Hill,"
w Inch bid lair lu becmnva btlbt i.h , if lint a gn it
one. 'lhrre urealaad) wiiiio ... hiirt n there, uud
the proe-ieTctn nbii h tticmiuir liaveob,aiu,l tin iv
are ver) iiicourugiu,;. .Nollung iniu lb w iv but
the laik of hiilhVii'nt Hater, to intki- Iti Ii muihI
llilla eicond Nevuda. The dicing aie mih il it
io It yh thut ittiimpuxMhU' to bring Millten ut water
ti4ircoumioJa(ebut few miner t'l.iim, ors.li irn
in claim tin ri hacbeiu eold for from (."iiMHo
$ToO. Amoun an the miow bfgintto melt, thin
Hill In- pi. uly of water f-r utmost un) auuniittof
intu.unt.l about the fiM of Jul), alter that tune, ft
nr tt'luico beadt" will be all that can be had.
What luid lut w niti r in regit nl to thu irghoi, 1
nay nun, (i e.) il hu not )et been hard1) pnp rt
ed ; and I do verily bih ve llnreuri u ginnl dij.
gnigtiii llim viciuilv in un) iiilhe Mate, and that
4letelipuieulN will v made next t-e.iMm 1 have no
doubt. On NelrHjii creek then i quite an iaxlenit
work p'ing on, under Ihe jurind Ltion and uHriu
t udeiire of Jae Sai rw m. A tve-v-inill ha) lei n
iriCtfdlliN wmbr abovr IinlfjMMiduire II ,r,-n
that creik, winch i frmu-l to ,'i nnlett ubove the
mouth of (be rreek, an I Ihe wuti-r m be ng all 1 1
ken from tie i rrik near lie' ni lt(utnl to In carii.d
by n pi duvl from there to liatl,-r ltitr tin
s-idrof the iiioiinlaiii , thu i iiabluig ihe initurn to
fluitx d-iun lie whob inoiitil un mf, wboh on
taim. 'ter)whire, rub deponf nf gold. It i the
rratjit pici of murk that ham Vi r Vn mniiio it
etd in thu 1 1 giou, uud inut pio rr protiiabb lu
tie cmiotru lor 'llu whole work nill b. roiupb.
Irdb) the midd e !' Juii, it imt In. fori roornun'
crerk "hll continue lo m wvll. lhoigh ilhanlVfii
woiktd fer inarlv four jer. 'Ihe v pba aie ull
jrin'ring mi the Aimricaii val!e),.i--pleiidid nw
taw null Ii i been erected thire,aitd mn h UsK'it
havepruUf uji b) nuuic
DuwuKVille. 'Ihe Sierra Cititrn iy Mm
ingoprrnloint hiVf ag.un (oinmitir. d, tin diuiuge
by thi rami having all been npurrd. Xuinontu
uluicen an m ops raliou in the v.riiut) fftywii, but
we have Im nrd of no uuusiiitl ilnkis I'n 1'rilay
lal, 1'atr ck (' irliu win killed in ei n t Cnnon b
thflatr n of a tree, A coiupan) ut Kuitki Xorth
mi two da)f, wahed out Q .0o utrr thrre in
nbiiiidain e. At rniith' Hig-'in.'. I.ti U , t ) i
1't.Htetrd siuj. my lookmit lJ(iouin r (n It Td
wntrlaimt)!! Idnl in oiii di JU n up f, the r un
nl average Ining from l.'i to '.'ll i di) ,Nf
diginnh ivi ln-eti .nocred nillmvi ml) anl
ome ltf tumiici have brenoprucd with pnp. tl
iiirriufi 'Ihe Monte i. unto t'l.'gmg art I i!d
1 1 rar Oak l,(oicli,bflween ItuMitit I'r .uid ( anon
cm k Miiietiuii mice gold w.iiiJim i.v ted tu Un
ricii.it) ,un I MJinr 'Jtl nirii have nine 1i i n ng i
gid dnflint; inlotbtt hill II Ibeito Imle wab.ug
h i l en done, but gold b i Ichi luiiid in muIVh rut
ijuintjtu ito v arrant the pr.w nomi ( thr untk
Mr. Un k.rri.hr l.xpreuiiu from lo u ri- to
,farV, ttibKJiiYiIle, Ve , lu'uiiii-s u It. it nnrr tlu
ramhae r..uiin'nC' d,u! i!mU414. v Hiin ii In.
ruule prevfutl viry anunited .ipp1 innrt Ti.r
trad r h ie crtixcd to apprehrud.t ftilura in bu
iifoii account of having rr.ih d mil their nod
in lb1 1 x ttatiou of wink conn, t nnngnt tbr uual
time. IiiM. Luuin, fevr.il deal r mpplird llu
miueMWith protimonsi, tu guard ogaiiMt a tetrrit)
during the Hiuter,at the earn-liitu ri i iviu but
httleoi-h. Almost rrty eitbui had enflit i in pn..
v.nom to do over winter, hiving learned from i.
pencil, e Ihe tmwrtain,o of being m prept-vd At
I'edar tlrove nveral (ompaiiiiN uir d ung well -
The Iloiirlu'rilaimihave bern Me id I) winked fm
nearly 1! ) nrn, and hive )ielle. ti e.eh ifnir
eome k$Mll)U, Wiild u .V t.o are nt wwik uu
claims ei)U illy valuibtr, wlu hpi) liom lb In ( J
aiUy 'Jhe luurli tulktd of II .uldrr, at t'bip.'
IbgM ! hll been blanlrd lo p rem ' .r wtibl nf
the tuck in alfiut ne Ion vahu- fy I'Min
ImHo4'iiiriil .iiMt'iiui uvlu'ivUon
'Hie Iundntl (iohr piildh"! tie I'ulbiW
ing ariotint of a iii.v priiKiploft am ptw
pnl'i'Mi :
MMfldiTahb" inter t lu Imll it I
in Kdiiilmrg hy tie- Mnetiil 'u ihd il,
sti'iiiii-'"i I Iidly bitiiMlhd.it (.(.iiiIkii I'M
a di'i'p n'. tilniig, as d iii'jii-li.itiii,' ih
prnititahihty of a new putn ihbo i,hii
piupiiNiuii, -Hi" iciding Imth tin m i.-u .ml
thu paddle, and an hki Iv tu iIImI.iii moii
degiee, ti revolution in th" ml ot -tun n ii
igiiioii. 'Ihe i"dh MMI t.-tt Inn'.;, with
ii 'tin nf '!(' hra pi" r. I'.l inalU
tin r' it jiothing todilug"ih it frtitii a.nl
ing vivi('eept the prei moon ia Ii xi'le
of the 'iiozle loiiiiunn'eatnig with a u.iti r
light iron cae inside. In the iHiilnm of the
vee me aiartnrei adtiiittllig the vv.tti r in
to (ho waterdight cne wiiha hiioiital
wheel fixed un i i raiik-ehaft atlml.td t pin
Ion rod to tho engine, and, mi the ,e;im
Ixhig applied, tin) vviitir-vvie I levidvio with
vi liHil),and the water U di. h.irg'd l.
lnih" oil I acll Hide of the Ve. I I ii'i
form th' only projH lltng pnwi r, and lie- in
veniioti U riiimrlsithlt for il Miopia it v and
illi-vt. 'I'll lioVl'H aNtiaieoI feiviee ill
navigating the vo-m I, vvhiih, .ueoidmgli
the angle of the dipriion or ilevaln.n,
tiiiiiH in any dir i tiuii, i.i Utn altngt tin r,
i. a .... as It Ii I In. i lit ri til & VllirLlllle ill 111 II I . il
!' II "IMS .' fn ...e,..,.. ... ., (.
cr. Although lapmity tailor than i I
i!...i f.. .i. '......;.... .: i-.t .i
Wft MUM II'' I III I l- l-'fll'M I III IIIMI " MM" . si, (
il eidlv Mtiiwd 1 1 Vii t an ho'ir ! inr
! my of fuel, fieedmu fiotn viln.itioti, light
di'miudil.mid a high i.ilenf -pii'd are among1
'lheiiilv.mt.igi"' of the invention. 'Ihe ve-
Ui I it Ih ing mI mr-iiggi il, and, win n lit
lid with ...i.iNaiid lMiingtxe.il. it will pr-J
i llo the iMiiiig-gromid in the I'ulli of
il'ottb, and, hv lowiiing the lM.itt and
Uhvvs will iHMi'hle toiotiiliat the fMiingop-
el.lliotlf Willi MifitV llllil iilelllV. Mi-rs
Ittitli i ii, of IMinhmg, aie ihe' invi nlor'i,
.Hid the V.-ssmIN the llll ofllte Ib-et oftlie
Deep Sea I'i-hiii" mh i it ton ol Sioil.unl."
. . ., .,
P,iri,uTio-lli-lrIciU..llliel Mm
I H'Arrro. Iiilommt on n I i-etnei eivrd h) m.
1 that nnunl.wfulep d.ti..u ha-bini I'm dentin
he.stute. I t'alit..riun within., wt v.nli M"M-
ro, a nil.oum nut tiuiug Ir I'v rIiti..ii with tin
U.S , and tli tl other ctpediti ii .r tirgimiiu'
w.tbi.t tbv I' S lor Ihe aim unliwful purpti ;
I jo ul, If.-'.,., ttrlmn iiiriii ninl inhsibit inttof
llu-roiiiitr. it n llnli.f linn ..!.!i.:.di.. n.. nd du
tiii,ando n ruliU of a fnendl) mm r, b ive
pirtM'iptie.l.iml. ulh.ut ! part etpilf nill
i n'rrpo-i mi il rg roiy to our u il utuN n rt ter
iiadei'lliMMteii n' I.- our trnu in tt an I ire ti en-
I.) 10 ill rill.' the rvere pei.alli i imp .-ed b) 1 1
jigmei fun Ii i.iImiUm
Sitv.tlirrilire. I.Triukei IVm, I'.eMdeutvl
Ibel H,h wi-uedtl. ,in, I'luiMiinim.rn.
ingall ttr"Mii who .lull luumilllcMfiUiriwiili
.no nw li rnlerpriM r ep tbl on lint lhentll
1i t if th. law d. noun' d jigtiu-l tun Ii i I id iijI
, . ... . . i t i . ..
eoiuiM wilb. ru-id V .tif"it-d And I ev boil all
, ' , , .
iriMid . itiriist ut ilt' re irdour ti itional . Ii ini t. r
.1, l!.e re-la-. I our l.wtorlht. law, ol .,.,,-
n.th.) v-luelheble.-mg, ..1 ,., ic and Ihe .d.
farr..flt .oumr)-Md.-.unteiuee. audio nil
''W'"1 iiittoprfv.itl.Mi.lirrmmMliiii.ipMri
ii.l I imH iiim llcHi. ff-tif thm t..w rmn.-iii( n -
itaud.uil.lar.wl.uvaiiv ill'.rl, whuhnuv hr mi
th.irp'Mirii. arrant furtru uud pmiih.iii.t,i m
mhIi dili'iider
I! V. II Ulliler III V h Hid Mid the ie.it f Un I s
at ahing1ori,thi ImImIa) of .1, too it) ,111 the
)e irofeur l'.rd our th'.-..ti(l etI.t bundrnl .md
tiflV-tonf, nil. I the fceiftAjrijhthi.f Ibe inlrprud
ence olthe I' n I'IIAMvLIN riCKll.
,,. ... ,. ..
Tin OluilllV nf Mini
It,... lutv gt..b. ,,"-. H, I,.-r,.
pie-ionnfop.... wl..M l.r..rtM.....l..rHl.v
,,.,. ... I. ,... b .,kf..ii .t.il pe,lM
... it. . , 1 .
Il IH. Illlhtrt- Uli'l I til, lltNIII llllil III trl 4. .Ilirt f
. ,, . , , ,' ..
e.tlini; I'lil" "lli e iiiiiI"Iis.iiiiiii il, ill iIkmii '.."Itli
... , ... .. .
irr.lHin .. r.illi' r I. I I'l' f mil Hun j r hI dealt
, , , , , ,
uii'l 1 1 tilliu'i il iiimi'I Lmikiiu iiihmi III 111 111 Hi
I 1 I. 1 1. tlnlv fir iluif nl ten I llie 11111 I'll in. 1
Ni. Iliin coll'il Iii" ii Ihl nmle llileii-luii; hi iii.ir. lo
" , s
I"".'l" ""' ..! il- -"I". I...
' ",:'v'l lJ"-' '""'"I ""i'l
"llu. l Pile II, :; In Ik-4 mn" Anl. f.n.
nil. nce.iiiiitln. Irliein .. li it m.i . t ' li
un it nre tut it r I- -il elect l.ru r. l.ii n.i.tlu. n
tl"t tlie tliciirv i.f liutn 111 I ft , illl- .mil nf lillli nil
lliiiilli, the luihl ill huniiii I.MIe ' In.
lint A Illl)- tli ntnli 4 inn, Il i. I, nt a I tin Hi ll.'
tnMi"ii 4 n tin tin in hit, i If, Iiiij I i nil, .in nit
lliullal Mliil. 'I II' .r tt . in- yr .11, llnl III ll.r in- II
reit. Tlie) .111' llu-tiuliiw i.eti-. nl Mm 4int
illlt linn In it Tli.-...i.i.,n-.U Ir ii-tm. . .li -"i-
i.'in tu llu-unit", .mil ilen In. tuliiril miji-iiiirilj
4ii,l iiiiiii'.itiil.l) ll .-..il,t ,.( In. IhkIi il.it "
.ml h sin r il.'.lin - ll lFril-.liiai il nice In
I,e..e.lrt, 1,1 hi lllllr,.l..,r
Ml.illtfiil ilm-. nut I ill th" ft. I till-he
i.ih I,.. h. '. .u i.k- .nl -u-r iii. ind-i
luiiii.r fM.; ti'.i rr- m ii.iitpni f.iMii u ui
st. iliniier 1 .1.' iIm.,.i , ,.,.,. TI,
l,,...l,e...,l ,1 nun III,.-.,, I,. C.,.1.1,,.
, . . .. , , , , ,
, luel I il'l' li. . I ll ". re tlin , n it int. .hi I i.l.iui
,. ... . , , ,
I'll.l'llu.". I Iter. I. .1 II h.T 1 fi lllllllhr h r .f . .
' I , .. ,, I ,,
, I inlicnr ft ffntn mntitt. ',,,,1 III. r. 1. 4 lutliler .1- ,lh
' , , . ,, , ,
,'""",,ie ' " ""';-'" '";';"'"
u,""i'"1 ' i "-"'".ii- -m. ii- iii'ii.
tl,r..,..t...h.. . i....I.i.iU irr..i.M-.ll.. ...tin
i,,S.,,tllu- l,ir Hi K"" It-ill i i llm.l.ir.
nli-i ili-il film III 'l."ll. .h .hilijul Hint '
lhilelll r.l) fm .1 IrjU. llu un. ,!i' I HI
Ih- ili.rhitL'e nf Ihi' tu .- km ll t'lll'Kln hi. tit
lo . Illi-u.llir nil, it, l ke lh t. ,,sl. will, ll rti.l, "
Thf niem-irj nf Ihe i,,,' . hlei ,, lh. lurlurirt nt
III. ulli.ll. uill..ti".e.l t tint ..erii.cl It hi.
well h'ei, ..t .1, th it mi nr iiiihi ... hurie.l. nil. I lium
Him I, . -Mill llu er. I. in.u I... ,!,.. l, I.
,. . i ..
'Mll-.ll .Meet.iinl hluv..,.,. ,u ll ilil.t llu I Ih'l
. . , , .i i
lllr I, hr. ivh" ,H llrl.i-llnl ll, III. r mi L- ll'ilin ,
in. I lli'iuh tm lluwei i.rluusli in irk- thr .put, jet
fu'ntleii il i in deter h-, fr lhie I-,-, lh,' lei-.tl
nf .. I fi ill .i-lit, Ihe l.r .til nt i; nit. llnl III' I ruw tl
"'""" I".HI.I"I hr ll. , I.-I .1..
''''"' r"'"l ' "" ' "' ""
eel. B......r.-.111.11 .In.r ...ru, .,..,. .-.,-..
ll,, I till- i-r.ii;- . HU. -I ,l..rt,t. ...Ihr ,,
' f .Mir- Him Inuku- ll Him ns Im-inta
I. th- . . ..-til .141- nl lirn.K, mill I,', l-fr. I"
ihrfilluir, Iher. nie I. .'!,. I ,.hj. . '. -if nl.n ll hr I.
i inih'r iiil iii hlriu. .,.i! Hhnl. .Iionl.l el.'.
mir li.iii.nl 'Ih- le'iu inriit.il .,weit..lir nil.
I.iii-mI, .iilli.MKl.lariH I'll" "l. .l.lllif. ! ah.l'
kn il'i I ii. lull- till- i .Mi m Hi i. Until.
i h il hi . i r .. I nkril I li III. - llnl In. I nr
.li ,,' nil I. f.iun.l II. .n ".Mil hiiiiIiI hr if
ii r.'ili. I .til ii it) In- ,ni nr, , ll.,lll,r
li .. - .uu. I. nml In" H I., ii. well .i. iiiii III) n in. 1 1 ... r -,i.
I.ill ni our un ,nul tmik ,.l tur hr m-ii- -
.'....., I I... ,1. a.... .., ... .1. f. .. i ,,,.. ....I . ...... ,.,
,..le.h-...,-..l ful .....I. I ..I.l -I I-
....I... ii..i,u . ., ,.,. i .i,"k tin..
Leinhhu,.. . th., ..Ik ul-r Un h-.l
, . ., i .
i.ih iiil .r -.1 Ihr i.l.irr) hr.n. , iii.I luw i.,uei,l
,, ii,
..ii.l ruirrniir w ti llm jiicw-r "l.uuk iili, nml
.. ., .. ,.
hint onr nil. srr I ..!-' lu.iie r.urr tlr.
l.a. Uit I'liriiis.
, In ''.ir (Jul..- li, wliftr.-iii l'!.ili rn iii.iii
a S. ICiil.iti-l iii.iii, wriil We 1. 1..- wiml I
ii,.,n lin h linn, Iiil nf llm in ii u li. I I.
i.l uiiii.tniluiiiiii ulihli In- li.nl - . ii -..in.'
linn 1 --in', Iwii.i.r linn, li i.ti-l. - -I ... i - ut
i. li.. I'.nln. 'I III-, I! nl, w.t-i-li , in. il .iliim I
Ill' ll'llllili'. Willi IMIIll I "IH III' Il'l- M,
uiiiM lln 1,'iIh' ii ml, , .-hi- Ii. .in . Iniii',
I'mni I'li'mti I'ilj In S. . n .I"-. ' 'lwi.pt,,
priiliilt lin In nil. i ;il.' I.iniwn imw w,,ii
wi.li', llnrln I iin-l ll.'inl. It in- in ...iiiiiilinii
ainiiii.l lli.-ii ( .mi- ill-Hi- 'Inn i rjlili uiil-'i
..I wiin I'.' ,tij nl'llic im I--I '.li.ir-.i-
li r; mill- p.iili -Hlliii h in'.' I im; i'h.i,
Iwillll pn-lr, w.eVil.l III lkl III- Mlllli'iil'
l ii. ti.tr .il"i uf'i.ii- IhiiiiIi.-I lli-.n-Hi I
doll.m. Hut llie value i- not in the ferniug,
Within tlne i m looting we lind ihe folbivv-
ingiorp- id the pn ent vim, :u ttvi n Iimm
hy the propib u tin him 1 - ; Mi. H.-rn-
l"ilt n bnndi-d a. r.ol wheat, i;,o
.aii ol nats "JIMI ,nie of l-.nb v.otK) airM
of pol.iloe-. M-iit .h i. hi on ;u i. Mifml,.
!."-"' ami otlnt vegit.il.b m..i .iopfur
lk. lliiewefnel nhotil '.'.Mltl in h.un.
d.-i ulii,iiion. In .uMilioii lo tlii-, Mr.
II Will d.lli(llie pi llVi.ll 'J,:,fJ0
Kiuit I'm-, and '-MMlU .... nnd orn.iiui n-
AJji ll,..,,,,,!,,,,,.,,!,,,,.,!,,. , u-r
:,, .,..,, 1 1 00 .in.s.d wl.,.,l. V.nn
,,,., itN;)( mhM, h lih-v, and 11(10
,(t,H t" pid.itn. t. ,.Mle-. .hi. - ol' caliUt.r,,
riH(l u,a, f,,, Miak.Ai. Ml. Ik.irdwill
, int )tl, M ,, 1 (1,110(1 Kniil Tii-en an,
ni.lli I liiii-,ih. in. -.
, ,t m,,,iU, j , t, die.td f,,r thii,
m iginti nt v ilh v .let Imw holdv du ih,.
i nil. tie n vpnd lie ir w .illh, civile . iM.
d. -Mil-tit to tli hlllidii U nf J il-P,., u.
i.aingt!n lu Mil i- of i arlh, .ind adding to
il In -.in In -
It w.-utd h Hid haling foi mir trietnK in
ill'1 11-1' I II &l ! - t III lUi eltll.ll. - u l,
-dn o ill' iiMj.-s..! -ii fi ..iriiiiiiit m
hav. ti.iiih'l; it w.iiild lh in ,i M n, r
id. .i of .ih..nii.nh.m tin v h lie), t reu l-
d.-f'n. lutrmrr.
... ., . . . ,
" ' pnldiliid in vl nl.iv Hat.tr tin-
. . , ' . I .1 ' 1 ' .
I Ite-t tl. W- III 11 gild In III. toe Hldl,IH.V nnd
11 1 . .1 ' '
llllgllldiil IIHII Who, 1 t- t IH'iHtll Mine
ft i( i()i ( im(U)i , ,u,(.h .J
, IIn ( ll l( ,,..,..1,1 ,gStltl.. ',..
, , ,U .,d d.':... t to w hu I. lie) have!,,.,!
M,l,.. , ,, , (ll() ,), , ,,U, ..,dili.,ii m
tu h iIm- -uivivoi ... f b!.l.ave du,-trl
tin . p.'diti-.n -t ill llie t..r.iii.l.,M ,n.ir.ic.
, r it .t h 1 I. .ind th .. whlmf n m lin
;tr -.. 1 iiUfi,, d Willi ilmj. i. th it if lb.)
ex,tl. with lit tie) III iv n gud ih IiimIvi
,,, .i)iuh tt'.
Alt. mi t .n l in 1 ( hv "..tile to gno
tlellldlHtV .itei Htlp.ut.lli. . I. tl,illiing.in
mi.iu lu hU ..f in w i..tn "W.tU.r'
' .on 1 1." v. I wh 11 it i- i.Mfi.b r. d lli.it lb. n
1 . i'..i 1 11 i.i.i
l",tllMl rail.... ..d.n.nbtt th.r..
b..lnv. t..t. it. d Ml . I o... t.. t Ie n 1 1
.HidMinisiiht .d . .. )I...K l.v th..r .rn.
..5. til 1 -f 11 ) .. lit '! Ill 11 -i, Ih' !. t'l
. .,
I 1 Hill t'l III' I III I ' I .'III I II" III I'l
Im. I .1. ..till. III-' ' " v "I -I ili'lin. l,
. . . . . t
..1. Ii ll.' 1. Hi I ' .li. ill - l.iiu IHiili-.i'l-
, . , ., . .
t.t.iiiii in I in 'ii ill in I. tin Hi. I mi" "f
.... .. , ., , ,' . i i
"P. til li'.- III Inn Mil '-I III f.Uiniit
. . . . . .1 I.
I 'illl Mil- Inn li, i-"iiili I .- iht'llultn
1)u ,-.,, , , ;,(,,,. ,, ,.M. tl-mlnf
-, lh , , , , ,,, -lm , ..l.i,. ..I
nii. i'.i. . i i li M m. .I,- r...nl ll m
,. ,. ,. . ', . ,1. I S , ..
,. i,( ,, ti. ti.i.i II .. , - hi. il
,j1(. ,( (l. t, , ,,i I f - i i i, . I.
,,,, , tli I li.it- . i.l .1. In
, ,, ,,,, , ,I , , l . ,r
Iliill w.jt,.,l ft I Iv II I . t' III,
tl,.t tli i lu' ,1. 'I ti til ! nil ilil
-in'l, "i iiltu t I t ti t' 'ill ' rt 'Illl
In' hi I i ii. I n v t ''i it ll v - il "ll
lilt, ill I Iii III.' I 'I. '! vu I thl luttl
I- "in - I llu ill li . 'S ... I. it "III"
-Mil li . Mi in r. In I...I i n I lull lilli,
Hi I 'I !. ' ! 1 it.' ; 'I ' .'' ill-IH
Hllt ' ll I II- Bill, ll W''T. In HI-
'' ' ', ' 'I I ll J ' I IW.IV
""I'"- mlii On i 'mn ill. t!iu Iii
I'l. Ill I.. I III, -I, 'I I.
' '"I1 ""v ""' ' '-"1- -I'-'i.HJ .iii-l-l;
' ' ' ' 'I-" ." MIHI
t : . ii . . ,: i , ,.,, 1. 1. it tit. t.i
I .
in ' t I .' I .' ill I til I I I. -tl l.'.'l r.,
" ' , , .,
" II1"' ' ,,v 'I" 'I vl-'"1''-
, ' , ,
III I I.III-H. I Illl. I. il I V ill ' II"
,,,; ,, .. ,,,,; ,,i, , , ,
,,-,,. , , ),, ,,,, ,: . ........ . X
,.,,.,.. ,A ,. , , I. , 1 1,, ir illl
, ...j.v I .t. . ii i I . ' II '- .-..illllM.' I"
.. ,' ,', , ,. I, (.,' I -ill I, nil
,,,,j h, ,,, ,1 , ,1 1- I hi III, tl Hill
. , . 1 1. -,l'1 -il'l ill' '' ''HI I . . r II
(l ,,,,, ltl ,, it, I. oil, lljlllll W Illl ll . Ill
,. .l.tt I. . . t .it til' lultl.tlll lllln;tlt - .lt(l
" ..
lim.l im. Sf.M liiimnv.Mi M.iss
II I I'l"" VV "' """; '" '" ''
i ,-,, -I, iiii', mi. hi nun' -I'.iiiii -'-ir-
' '" . . ,'. .
ti, rut .1 lU'ttlli'. w i' I- iitilnti. .'itin tr.'i-li
"'rill .1 I .1 ii
......... ,1 ,1 - I.. .11.. Ill, .III.
., .ii r iii m i i "ii i', i"' " - "" '" '
, , . ,it,. i, it.. I l'.,r .ii.iiI. it.-l I'm."- t-
. ... I .. . ... t..i I i.U l.i -."It It llll-llT
""l,",.',!, 1. ,',",'. .".'' , Ill -llnl , ..tl.ll
.,., . .,..r; in tl l,i.,litn;
n ( . , , ,,.,., , , r..SBlS
in, ),,,, , I,,,,, ,r.t..-
M .,,, 7.. il ...lli . -I I In- illl. :ll"
4 , ,, ,, 1 1 ;,, ,li'. i.r ill. . Il.lli - "ll'lll .
n till- I SIm III si li.slsfi"; :si.l 'milium;
n 1 1 a. lulling, iirti III lll.lt ill-ill- li It -i'I
nf,,,,!., IMilll , IN ,,, ,,, ,.t., l. .1 l.i- III-is
," ,1 Tl, ml; ii I -....l. Ill-
i, ..,,, ui, . I. .l, I., llnl mil llill.l, I. Ill 1 1 in
M m ,, , i . ,.,.i,,r ill.' I nill fnr-
in... in. I ll,, ill un. .ml i- i nl llnl iinl.i,',
,, i I... it. ,1, l.'i i . iv.li - Y 'irih.
I'm luce Uniil.'.l.
H.i iv lli,' :i.. Hi- hi. nl- . un .lu.-
lu"'""H H.lllt-'l I !, ll.....j. M.r-
i--i.i'i--i.i I'll-;"- i M-.i.i.ir.
-1' " " -'-'" "' l"'"-
thi- iii'.ii ".nil-. 1 1- mil. i illi 11,11111);
" I '
llll-.l li I. .1 1'Hllul Willi .1 ...I'll. ll ill l.ll.'lit
' ' , , .,' ,
. . -, I hi I..II.I, ..ml i 1 1' ii Hum- I ,i M'.-tr
, , , ,, . .....' i
,,1 iiii Iii ill. 'I .ill . In. li , . i Until, with i u I
I I I I. i-n't .iiii. nl ii il I lli. win
ii'- "I'nl ii-. ' i.ii-i-l--l li- in lin- llu' mi-
.i-.ni. 'I till.' ll.-1. 1" i..l - il y;... -, . .
i 1. 1 n I , llu- win il owl. I- limniiii; I part
mi -w.iiiin I p.iitti.i hIiih l.n -i
piiln.i. S. tii.- u'-' ;.- Ii.t t I iih-nl;
i.tln-l- ;ik "lilil mil," .in, I ill. in lli...
limit, ll-l ,,- -Hill" I.l 1 1 - pit Hi iklli'.-a III
llnii.iwii. I In., in in li i i i'i wli'iiit .ir i
j .. i 1 ii nl ii I'i-IihiIi "I mi- . I.-' 'I i.l i'irr
wli.it llu- hhiki I Imw -, il -Ii mil nwn. .t
IliMiiin in, Ai.-itli-'r i- I., win In il l'..r
IiIiiI,--. -' I "I- "l' ' I-Iiiii-I -r
j.lriu tin in iIhhI H.ml- .i l-Hiii Ilk-- an
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