Oregon spectator. (Oregon City, O.T. [i.e. Or.]) 1846-1855, March 04, 1854, Image 2

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by c. ... (.o'orm.ni.' ""
Saturday Morning, March 4, 1854.
llD'AurrTitti!XT.i.lioiiM he hniid,.l m u.j
aarly aimca o'clock on Tiiinsiuv.ii. vivu, to "
..... t it... .. . I. 'Pi.:- ....I.-.... 1
.uro ... i.i.,7.liii Ills smile ttr.-K. . ,,,. ,,..,..,- wi-
ainphallcall)' enjoin upon nil nur pitrttiis J I
CTJamiiii I.. Coi.tasi, Kq., Iii an nuthomed
Imri'ling Bjfnl for Ihe "Spectator." I In will re
tain aiiuacnptioni on. I receipt for the iatiie..fj
t3Tl laving mIi! (tut lhcHtectul"rrstahliiliiucnt
toU. I Goodrich, w-c, with the last niuuher, closed
our connection with the name ti lahtoraud Prupri
tr. In taking Imu- or our numerous rt-mlera wo
have niiicli to regret, niul have imln.pei., In turning
lobe n Cincinnati1, or Iticrcn'iu r i.ur iiiioviuent:
buttluty toour fnuiily cuiiipelnutotnake the Mac
rifiee. Th. Julie, w-a hate l.n.I to ncrioun .lur iil-I
Ihe tait eight month were more than c cnul.1 well
bear I till, rrornlhc niltirr orihcieme, catird uii
to negtvet our fainily, and u an Taut wearing lit out
iIie0XMwuroniiil ciiiiKiueiit can ue I1.11I m.iui'
olir rtKnibilitif to great formic mnn.nnil In riil
ourai'trof aomoortliFm, we haio In en iinM'lleil to
take thta itrp. Thoueh lru ttg, with regret, wo
till feci a deep loliotuile fur the prn-prrity or thin
locality, ami ahall, u tiioo w II wrinit, preirntucca
ionally, h'nla that may he vmnlii of (on-idrraliaii,
relallnf to (he cultivation of Ihe an I. v
TI10 tipcctalor Jioa now attained a ctreulalion
and prominence greater than it haa hilh no had i
we lfnreltlhproifroinciK'iiniiiinic, mid in to
doing we Invoke in behalf or our auceeiwrn coiilin-
a.ul...u..a . !.. u. I a- I. -I.. I
ai nrva 9 m navf nv limu li eui IV lillllll mil
put hU beat fool fnreinwl, and he a lito tpeclalur
loyour niidt. lie coiiiplel.nllieii.iweUeuUrid
Inluby luu rocliailtuliing and miUstrli.liniia.
March -I, I8.U
ttzrln niakinn; my appearance before the i
; iiiyajipcarauee ixioreili0 leaauigoi iictiiumpir,tti'iiu'tp 1 irinnyne
niiiu-ilv i.l" I'llilm- i,f ilinlbwllio lawtliidependviitj 1'irn the neati el ) Smith
npailtj HI 1.1IU0I 01 llli llld,,elblert j li porle the I arg.ati Ifatellr
I tnkitiir upon inv nhottl-'the wiltieol ; Logm.port ihe fngic.n nn.l Delphi
o me. heatv respoii.ibili-' 'h,0 IT? rilill'10 W" '" ,l' s," -w''''
public in tho rapacity
"Spectator," I ntn
Mtumm BAn I n .. 1...... .s ..-..
".""" '.,..... .. respoiiMuin-
uc; gtvaiiT man it nas eier i.ti my lot Wl. ,, ,w, ,,,,, , ,.,, ,,,,, jBurni
before to try to Mipporl. I li.illl.iU.ritillilw,Ul ,.,,, r!ltl ,10 Kn,., m,iv l,c th,.
care anil assiduity, can-fully otideaiorin- to , .., , ri.i,lb," ,iall r il( iij.,,,,, . fml, Co.
nbttaln from inaoleiit l-iu,;!! . toward co- S-j if , Ha r lm.riliB H ,!.
i,.Jn.ms,I..r.,Usi-o. ,.,,,,,,. ',
intention to devote tho column of tl
"Scctator"totlio interests of the ncotile of
Oregon, Including the Moral, Sw-ial, Lite-
rary, Political and Polite departments. Il
wiiibemy cotutant nun to render justice
to all, and to utoid the tnaiii miidiiiiiitioiis
wliicl, nro iMVlllinr to th,.- dillerelit iilins.s, .,f
the crcat political nnrties of the urosent dav.
- -i l "
lamnli!j;,but yet Itnuit candidly coil-1 torR ""nl"" far loiter pluvs,.l to Iritej.rs, men iti-h to nuke fmiim. .in at. irm
fi that thero nre manv perplexiti"; Mibili-( ""'' '""''i'leofaeh.'et coier.d within urn- f ..... Uni mii-t ! ..iti-ti. ,1 with .l,,ii,g w. 11
in:oiiii tTio irnrty, which I abhor, and al-j "'l'' llmt ,ln 1'"r,,',,l'ier u.o his own con- and nll.m ling tin- S.,l n ..t . ,,.r pn...
though 1 may take n lwld Maud for what I ' v,"ic"co a liul0 K',, '" ",at r'''l",', '' This will drit.. tin-m.iel i. ,, ,,..
bolieTC to bo the best pnlitieal inU-ri'rUf,,Lor'b-v C"",,1",I'' 'HP l"lothe work with ' k,; :illl ..,, , , . Inr . Nt. ,,.;,. lv
Oretron. I ahall uiidotlbtcllvnav the ..reat.b,r,-,-,'t,f ilispatch, ami lo utlir much le.s f; .,.,!. A. il i.ow .land., m.u k. r. I is a.
est aharo of my atteutiout., th,..o topics
. ... o
which 1 think of more impoit.mce. ll'lnw
"weak" 1 will strike my wings tosetln-r,
jcrowaml Rroir stronger by actual nj.plica -
tiou. "The ajxitatiotiof thought is the bo-'
ginning of wisdom." C. L. Goodrich.
ivit :...i ...i 1. 1 1-. .1 .
rV 1 U .,- 11,'ICL.., IV. t lll.it II UllllLlI IU 1
. . ' ' c ,
S. J. M'Uonnick, of tho Franklin Hook c
UblUhmentat Portland, who kindly Kent u.s
a quantity of Pictorials, M.igaiiu-s, ami
other literary paper.
Jtt"Vt-lU. I-'nriro it Co.. ftiriii.h-il ua
with tho New York "Tribune," "Times" and .
Herald: aU0S.1n1lnichM.-1ml mid Califor-i'1
ni paper. fiflvl.ouiN ahead oflhe mail:
rv-l STsTTr" 7Z r
(O-J.W.Sulliian, offaan 1-raiicisco,
Ter-i uci-eriiug 01 our iiiuuks uir a large
t 1 I. 1,
fnpply of ncw-s ami literarvpaiurs, from nil
pnrtJli '
(ItrTho steamer -Bell.)" will make an '
cursion trip to Vancouver and baik, to-
) ateaui'T "Ori-yjon" h.v liecubuf - Ihillk tho expense need tint b-us
by thi! Will urn tie Tails M- ' freaby sejeral thousand dollars as that on
I tho opirfn-ite side ; us the evia-ii.eof throw-
T. Co. 1
twm -.- .
KTThc . orc. Garland ,s i..ry neat
,.-r puonanc. ,1, v..,ic,...iai, wnio. .no
name w nppropnaie.
CAdnins 4 Co. sent 11. California and capital tlu-ru is iiin-st.d her.- theooiier pr.i.im-nr tln-i mil ban- nothing to -IJostou
papers in adtnnce of the mail. may twi'Vpeit tlu-iinpron'iiieiit oflheriier ihangeforeotlei', sugar, 1 lot liing. Ac. Tin-
.Mcambipuu t-'raiiclM-o fsoal.
The mairnifiecnr steamshi,. San Francis..
co, which was built expr.s.ly fgrthis t.,a.t,
nil tn owned bvtln- I'acitie MailS.S.(V.cl ""l'""l"" '". without iih- am ..1 t.on-
and Intended t,,' ho plac.-d in th-.- line iH.. ' (,'re.., .an .-Ili . t nnythinr. Th. r-has Is-en
tween Panama and San I-'ramisco, sailed """"-.v eiioii-h emended on the Cl.uk.imas
fromN.Y.dn Dit-.22d. She had on hoard 1 r',I'i,,, '" lmu' """'" ,,,"riN,r '" ,ll,,t I"''111'
oroe ciht'hundrtd passengers, nbmt Iii o 1 naiib.mt all limes! Hut it w.i, not ju-
hundred of which were U. S. tnop,ilc- dieioifly laid nut. 'lhat money i. K.,u...
tincd for California ntnl Oregon, and we hope it will he a tiidin star in all
On tho eeums of the Sllh, the third day ' f,,,l"'f' rations Wo Wieie tin-... an-
'out tho San I-'rnn..ii.o vmoiiiitiri.il a very m.n hen-who can and would make the riv-
scroKalo and heaiy sens. Shu l.uinij r, nt lliefJInekaiiias rapids, naiigabhi the
unmanKeablo; the engin-- slop',l in ,,. year round, for S.VIon. Why will the
acrjticnco of the end of tlm air pump's pin- I"'0!'1" ""' '"'"' l!l improi.ui.nl! lln
on rod brrnkins oil'. Tim fs.. sprmi" 11 ll": l'iiik'twi,iiMn'i pay
leak All i.r.U wate slruik the lessel
WMUing overboard near SOU truupsnl uncc!
' Tho pump were kept rttunii,.,' all the, time,
. ' ' . .'.. . ' .1
. .nu u uus,.-sa o, ,.K,.g , , rapiuiy rfwtlv-tt0 ,rv diggiugs-repr... 1,1 tl. ml,,
on. A largo stock of proii.imis belonging Vrs as hu.y rit work, llm r.-e. nt tains hai in:
'to government wn thrown over. Mtuli furni-hed 'tin ni with ninph- supplies ,,f ,,
"sicknn prevailed during this lime, and n't'r.
,,-..tJ.. .i ii.. I lJ.spBKrMir.MTCioi.il lir.i.n. TheS'aera
,, . ,,' , .-.
While IhoiioMu vcs.l wan l-ing thus
, komd at the mercy of the enraged wal.rs,
acreral sailing shijn tti'rn sjKjkeii to and en -
' . . . ....
ileavorod io render assistance,
ICC llllt ll WltS Hot
until four ilayri had thus pnsa.il, that tho
bark Kilby tjok on board some, 100 insv-u
gi-tii, who were taken to Ihtou.
The Three Hells i-anie along and proiuis-1
oil as-btaiiiv, but she was iui.iM.MoalU.pl
,. ,, I. i . . .i .
relief for cu-riu ila, keopi tiif :n ititir the
, ' ' "
wreck as possible. Jhc, weather was u-ry
cold. The greatest ititn-is prewiil.-d, all
mi board epoiting death ln.urly. The tries
of the children, and the wailing of parents,
re r-ti t-vlit(.'l us terrible, lieiolid tlcirip-
i . . .. ,
tloll. It Wilt lint Illltll tile tllllll tlJIV afi.T
tlii", that the Tlirro Il.'IU (nine up ami nc
eecdi'd ill boarding: wlieti the work of n
ii'iiitij; p.'ienaerH l.i'piii. The Aiitantie
eaiue alotijX in the mean time, and loiu-red
her liiiiitt mid took uii paeiier". Hut for
the aitane' ol lhoe threi' iwcU nil tnmt
haieperi-he.l. The I
'aptaiii, it it ii.l, was
. 1 .,., e
Ihe wrcik. IheS.in
thelatt man to l.-.nr- t
1 1 .
' rnhci.111 w.w n cry stall
iieli l.uill ami lari'i'
cssel of 'JOOO Inns liltrtlii'll. Ill lilt tin
all tin-
liiloin there weieoier '.'oil pi'r"oli.
OCT We learn by our Miehi.ui cm linn- in the l'.ioilie ne.'an are not iinp.ieil hi
je lhat the Alhion Seminary li'iililiin." ' any in othiT part" of th world. Salmon,
were recently i-evirely iili"l by lire. One Cod, and a i-pnii of S.mliiii', 1 it heii-iu
main building, at lea.t, wan deitloi.d, and il.iiud.iiiiv. The S.il 11 is leoniiu .1
m llieaeeoiint is indi liiiiti'Mi-h.ne not y t heaiy arliileof eoii-iimptioii. and th ta-
ascertained whether more than one miI'iT."I k.'ti at th.' nioiilh ol the C0I11111I.1 1, .11.' ii"t
or not. The insurance on the portion bum- itrpiisseil am win le. 'Ihe iiiiiiiIh r( iMn
cd does not col er th.) loss l. 7,(1(10. It rii-s are iiarli niiiltii'liiinr th. re, and a
I alj"!' rl a Ala
," w1"1 ct:ltlS of deep r (.'ret tli.it we
cliroiiicle the los nf llioso noble walls, in-
nidc of which we hate ..pent many 11 happy
hour in youthful days.
Speaking of new ipnh rn, tie hhfte I' irl Wnyue
lttJ) Jourlll,L
u, ffo0(f riwiniil.tidations, send for a
' "sundown" -cli.iii!
OCT-Wewkiin Pm.xkkr," the author of
""r original story will plea-e eM'tt- us if w.-
P1'011''1 ,vrolle-''.v intorpn-t any part of hi.
'eb'jrant w-r.iwl lor wed,, the best in our
power; llllll III tills cnllliectloll allow tin to
,.. ,
I"'1'1''1)' "!?"'. Ibat iiia.iiiiuh a. coinpiwi-
I. . ., , .. ., .
1 rt'l'r""cl'jb1'-' "ur'U
fjr Fowlers ic Wills'
Journal, and the Water Cum Journal, are
j before us. The former work has .-ng.iged
tho attention of Mr. I-'owl.-r for s,.i,.r,il
Ucars, and mav now !m- .aid to U a work -f
comiilcrnb e merit. Ufllu- latter wn are
t,,,..e .... ....
1. .....! 1 ... .1 -. , -. - ......11 .
less aciiuiiuii.si, oi ittiitK 11 n t.-iiu.,,Me pa
K-ranl v.orll, of support, llievadterti-u
scleral publications in another column.
(KrUV haio Uh.-ii shown a statement by
.iin.-nii.iiiM 1110s. 1. .iieii-jner.ii.i noi 1.0-
Iille " KlT''' M l"v ,,rn 'u"'Hl "' """"'
""' " r'T'- ' feciiiisuiiu iet
1 l",rw' '"' (0u1,1 oU"i"' ,1'"11 -"ir.U'1. rin-
n""0"" '" """ au,,,orifi"'' rUl'H W '
l-l,is Meed mid made ffrol his i.eape.
ZT I lie lint. roem. 'lit ol t lis pitlPn: in.'
" ' ' uu" ' '
irjri - ris n..w much talked of, and an (Miniate
heisli. en mad., of (lie iirol,al,li , ,,.l f.,r l.nihl.
-m .... .. . . 1 ..
j,, i ,i.,l ,.m,.r, I.ioli it thought will not
cxa.,.,i J-goo(l. Wc am not prri-i-r.il in
say whetlnfr tin- estimate i high or low
tho opposite- sule ; us the i-vp
"hie - adaui aero.. liu-, to shut mil ihe wa -
, tvrilUul' ji TUU ,.nU.ri,ris.., if
c,rri.l( ,,,,, , of , ,,M(.it ,
. ,,,,,. IlUl. ...,,, , ., ,.. .,. .,,
abite .-ui'l b low. 'Ih.-intire 111. per emiu-
ir '" i'lterested in tl proiemcnl, and
. ""ll''""-.' ,"" ,"'"'1 ",r:,,"1 ,,,'"rl "" ,h" l'"rl
rmm tlm nan rrnnei.iii Jniirrmf i.(i,
the rollowintr r. irt- of i.iiniiW..-rnti..ns :
ltu,.,rts Iroin I 1,. 111 0. n.er..,..,,, i
I in, nln faion slateit Ihal it has li-'.-u fn.,1
t ;,, t,.. f.,llowiiignrlir,..fmiiin priial-
letter rrsiitnl hv a gf-iiil.-mnii of ihisciti,
1 from a fri.-nd whois mining on linl.'pen'l-
........ Itttr .... N. .1. ...'.. ..r....L- It...
" ..'.-'". ".....".......'- t "ll.lll I ,
Thi'ihiitn in whi.h he . inter.-.ti-d. wiih
four others, i ji. Iding l tii.i.n lliree and
li.ill thoiisaiid dollars it., kit. Iln-v aie
ubligid lo iilu'il the, dm to lh" ruik lor
washing. Two of the oniieis ...Id nut a
".'"days pr.-i..t. for U.7fiO . .a. I ili-
sritiir ii"lM-itivfI beliiuii lii:iiil ten tlnui-
J". .', , ... ...
sand ilnll.u siu.it. wuk. A Hume I being
,.triuU, .,,,, ,, a ,nj ,,,. ,
l.ir to il.nt tlx- -.iiih distan.e I tmi
tli- m.itilli of tin-. ic.k. Hi tin. tl u i n. ii. Ii
mining nanus cm. nni'ii a n-.iiiiii ' mi .iikiiii
etcu mile- will ! Iiiniigtit into iiiiim. dial.'
operation. 'I lie whole ill-tint is icpri.iut
'ii as being tiuiiuall iit.li in niiiifemn. de
posits. Minimi I.iw. Tin- follow in- i" m- t
tli.' artiili' of tin' mining legulalimis lateli
adi..t.'d at Hitiggn.l;
Art. 7. IVr-mis inti iidiug to jump .1
rl.iim, shall liotil'i ill writing tin- owner m
owner" ol'Kii.l l.iim, aiel put on til.' in tin'
eti'rd.-r ..thee. 11 diiiilicatc ot tin- inn-.
If. after lli h notice, the mi. r imgl.. t the
' ., .......! , . . .. .1 .
same, ill. 'l l.iri.ll lll.'ir nanus in wins,, u 11
i. ....
gin 11 .mil not in'.
Oit'uou 1'ltli.
Il ha Ih'foiui'a Ki'tth'd l.ut th.it thi'lMi
tl tl
, Mil.lll .piantilt ha. Kvli evpuile.l.liirili.' ihe
l.il war. Althou"h there are S.ilmuii 1. 1-
ken at other point, in the 'I, rritori, in
the tributaries of the l'.,unil.n. ti t it i-
ellel.illi unllt'i,
that thet are
- .'
.i.'e and line a. thn.e known 1.' the I'll
1 ,7 K. . .... . . . .
",,K """"' Hi" pine III nn.'.' I ti.
, '" '" -5 l"'f bin. I.
ll.lt ...
At III.'..' pile.'. We
eniil.l Is- made pmlitid
think the bii.iin ..
!e, and a l.il'.', I.11-1-
n.-.s inight 1-caniul Hut In .1., thi-
there mii-t Ik- an impint.-d iiKtli.nl ..r ta
kiu' them. 'I'., ilep. ml lipm, the liidiai..
I'tiriii.liiiii; them, it will ,ilu:i. In.ptln
i price tiiinli high, r tli in t might to I....
'lln.y might I.. niK.i.1,-,1 at ijlll p i l.m I
witha piolit, ami hmt mini, I, tt.t would ,t
be for 1 1 ii.niner. and the I th.
packer would I.
ii .tliiu
All h" lu-ln
f . Ilelilll.'. Ill
, lln . to
ii tin
this l.u.in,..., a. w. II a. tint ,,f in mi .(h
i . .
j cheap as .ahiioii. Th
1 1.
nln I
,. , 11 pro
thei'.ir, led that cod-li.li are
I ,'a"il ,',kl'"- ,!ul '" .v " ' ll-" ""' '
'J bi.iiie.s. W,. ,.mtiuue to itnpmi tin.
''"" '""' pr.f.r .ending the n""-.'- mil of
f ll"' '"""1.1" ,or ("' f'"1" r than t k.-. p it
i : iioiui-10 e.ueii an. 1 or. pare iii.-ni ,..r nur-
1 1 c; 1 1 i- 1
ket. Ni Inn.' iii .ilia oln-i . . r.in.1
1 - , . ,
, " our "'''"" tra....ietioii...i.,.l the .n.-j
! -etit out of tlm eoiititii lo l.uy I..1.01,. pork.
ti.li, butler, lard, . h'i'-s', and manv otln 1
I Irti,.,.4 ,,.lt ,;.,, . , ,. j,,,,,,-,,, , ,, ,
, , .,. I,,,,., i ,.,.. .. .,,.,r,., :
lb- limes Ik- ha.d
Ot.-goti is tall. .1 a pro-
,1,,, ,.,.,. ,. .(ll l0 .,
I j,.,,,!,,,.;,,., t.:l,,',u i,v ; hut w-f.lli.ir l,,.it..l
raWnga supply of'.l,.-...ti.-l. . 1, urn d in tin
' , , , , ' '
I .:,.-.. ..., ,1.. . ., l ..... :.. ; .
"o rei ,11,1 ; in, in. iu 1: -
I . . ?,
; .ipi"-nrann-1. tmi-id In-r.-, and tin y are
to l- ten lllllll. ,, ll. lint the takil
' them would I- t.... .mall .111 ..-.. ratimi t-.i
any Or.-goiiian to undertake. Thi. drain
ti "U our supply of money uni-i I..- I.rii".
wn suppose, a feu y.-.-irs long, r. What
' eatuiot k- cui.d mii-t b- ndur. d.
The bal in... of tt-nh- i. i.i.tli again-t r-
' i-fjii at thi. time, mid alike state of thing.
mint aM fr .onn-Ii to.., me. Tin.,
i , H. ,, r.-i ..liil i..n in bu.iin
. Tin ..1
plo'lll. . . IIIII-1
kea..iti oftuoiiei uni-i t.-ia I to ..w. r tin
pri' f prod a- w. II as th it ..f ..lb. r .11
" r.l- ; and .1 gmi -r.d .l.igu.iii .11 ..I
o,,e.s. .,, , ,.
W.-mat sal-. Ii .ay that the tt..,-i 1. ,,..1
, now at hand. Tl,.. tugf tt .1 ,. j.ti,.
'"",c- "'" I"'"'"'1 '"" '" ' ,""" ''inn
br the shoals n, whi.h w.. w.-,.. g g
to I- wriik.-d. 'I In- slat.- .,! thing, w.
lln-n piediclnl is nlsmt lo ,.,n,.. i.,p,... If
a 1 hang.- d,,.s i,i ..-,,,,, i.,k" pi ,..-I.,i th.
l-lt-r, th- imr-t ha. iml 1. 1 Is . 11 attain, d.
, Tin- mi-s.itj of ih. Hun . uupi I. u. I., put
ouinioi f tinming; lhat we u.ai I.. the
b It. r pr-par. d I'm tin ,-ip.,r.. lung . ii-i..
U'e ,l fmu. the I ..,,.,. ,.d
, . . , . , ,s p-,.., . .1
'' '' '" ' " " ' ' ' " '"'
ig ai . mint id high III III that I III
. Inl...t
I'.xriTCMCNTis Piki.Sriii ..r. ijuil.- an
i-M-ili-iu' lit was inis. t ii t.itlii nlti riioou
ill I'ike stru I bl the allelllpt of a e, lain
di'i-ipli. i if (iiili-H Iii I" if" pawn, lit fun, i hi.
ilehtiirhv 'iiiiiii. nr 1. 1. m.s., wiili. .'i' r ml
' 1,, the courts of law. It ... 111. Ih-ii Ih.
Whit- mid a Mr. Ilii-h. b,th ..f Oi.g..n
hating had some dealing, log. 1I1-1. tie kit
terhad biome iii.l.-lil.d to tin-fniiinr. -
-I'l... I, ...I .. ... ll... ........ ..I ll...
I .l ,..,-,, ,.,.,.. ,.,.- n. ue "
'Whili -111 in, in a n it.un I'.iui'.u In
, In a natiM-h I. ell. W l.r if Ih.
o'wiid Irish,,,',,, ''l ''I I,.. W ,', ok"'
Petni.rit Ih" lill'liiuiu relui.l lln
ed p.-
Whit. III. ill tlne.ili'inil to top his eiess till
he paid liilnor III t.le pioiisiniis I'., 1 Milium;;, j
Tin IIii-Ii-iii.iii ilnle.iioi.d lo I, Mie the
Wl.il. -man I.., k. d the door and threat, in .1
liolellie the I lll-ll-lll.lll laisi d n llilulolt.
and .Imiitiil "l-nlae:" A -i. at inmd
II I 1.1 1 . 1 ,
v I11I1I1 il,,itiilllie p.iln. i.iliilll.'llploi.k them
d inn to the t m 1 1, ill. win le tin 1 wi'le I I
U'o nla.iit lh 11 huiti . And I'd ihe
low bin. 1 11 the WI111. 111 ill . ind the Hush -
'" '"'
.... , , 'f '",! ' "', .
(m nil. nn 11 . we lie III .ill li'e 11 llllul.lt
-II..I. .llldlliri.ill .1.1. walk-. I fl,'.llelltll
in.liie, ..p.ii.illt in the, ti nil.'.', l.idi. . and
tin il Im',iu piuiueii idui"; in the I...I llmi-'
,,,i..,f., f the litl ; and it hi. 1,". 11
. . i, , 1. ., ' . ,,, ,
rot. .1 to lie' l.i . Vl.eiielue, that tin' lno.t
1 '
""' do-ol,.lluirottiiih..i'liaul.i.'.'.
WI,..,t...iw.,lUt,tl, a li.lt. tthi would il
lintli 111 iii ,1 1 nue tilth .; I t.'i.te,
and. mil. 1,1. nee, In take In r bl the h.md
.N...l ..f...,,H H.I.- 1..T t..r.'i.l...iir'.-illll I
tilth all In r mi. lit,, i- .In U ..I.li'.'. ,1 tn do,
in out, r I,, kn p l.i i.nii .id. .' I ";n iii for
I'l 1. .1tnl.1l inn pi. .1..,.. ill ngif, in this '
I.w.ll. 1 lln 1 lliiti.r. Sin I,
li.ite In.l.I .t ,1 ;. ml. nun. ,11111. and he
III do - wi.,11. ..p p ih.ip. .Illliibl. . ill-
, . , ,.,
t a in id II, lllllll ,i, Minis ti'ihli
, ; ,,
' "' ' !.dl...,,.urU:
d I iml jirmj t.ii liiiin-' .ili'lj.. rlup.
I h , 111I..111.1 Inin ' (l.r ,,.iirli. d. -
Iii.-llld. tli tl I .lull n ,1 1. in., Imu i....iui.
1 , , ,,1 1 1 1 1 ,1 ,
l ith.h.iu, it. ' mi Inn l, and all ls,-.ui.i-
I .1 1 1 11 1
Inmil-lli.n I. do ,...., 11. .11111 in-
.( a I . t t .km.' i il I...I m I,- ,ii;.l. thil.
"iii. n.' .a. h In II. .'I tin .r I ml.'-. I, r-
il . In lu h .h Ii ii.,1- -lull. I into huge
l.i I II... , I......
,.. I , ., ' . , , ':"..'
tin. wn- i. t, 1 1 uiu.i.i. i . i . . i lie' ill
, ,, , ,, .,
,'.t,i.,...t.a,,'l.t .ili.-.Mh. , t.ri pobl...
and I I. i, i, ttli.ht ui,,.l.ii, -1 I. lln. iVt
..imtii. oti- ii,i,i.s.
tii.g'.ni ,.i r.i...-7. i-.-.i.
Our I'a.liliiiiatili' .iiuollrs.
Itt.,1. Ill ill . I . ill I.l I. kl- M.l.'.l-
iii-, m. th- "N111..1,, .w i. liilj 111," lute
itn 1, 1. ,! tin.t. lluii ..r.liiuit a'l, iiti,,ii.
T,.l"..o, In. p.. .'piniii, Ii 1 j.,1 A. , are
Li '.ugh' en ! r k illtid i in ti. .11 el lie ir 1 1
ll"l. plll-mlngl. 'il .ui'l 1 .1. Iml .. if . if.-i t
e..li-i.l. ii. I. II,. mill r. ..i.l I . I,e I'i..f.
.I.'l.ll-..!!. I. el I'l, l.tll l.,l,t.l .-noli g. Il
th m ill. wh". thinking ll. .1 th u. 1 Id 1. g. t
ting ,i.ti.,i ,'iith'.' 1 ..iii'-. put-m 1 p.irlul
p1, 1 . t . t, mi lie u I "I. n... 1. in t '. bad
a- Ii .. I., u l. i. -ni 'I nnl ..p.iim i m.t
. -1 1 in in, 111 1 Inn. ,. 1- h.i.l,' , 11 11,1 nt
h ,,,,,,. I II ,- .-,,...,. tor John
ritiiimaii'ii,-..,,,.! .......nt mil,. ..pint..
111 Hi. r. Tint 1. tr'.., I...,,. I on
I'l.u... .1 ...il-t. t...i.l'l".l In. em,-
...'.,.,: la.t now h- , n..,:..i pi mt r. -
niini-.-ii I th wh.'- lil.ut, a. In-wn.
s'lle-tllin ' 'In ...ll. nt t'ltlln-. , lt.ll.ltlntl
l.t lii.-tiu.'..i. ih,. miiiun 1. 1 d import. mi,'
.. tin-. .in, iniii.U iinii.i. ., .uu, . .
lint 111 I. 1- .. me -. 1,-1 I.l.' i. I. lie. ..
tint u il, "iii. 1. . int. 1 . 1 1 in 11 1-. 1.1 1. I'l
nig tl .-.. aitn . -. 'lln 11 "II..I l.r
in. I. in.--, i liu.iiili a l,.l h tint. M. n
who 1 lieu 11, 11. g. in r.dlt iut.(in . 1 ite in
lt- . I1j.11 III lit. .lie I allln. -I altt.it - llll ,11th.'
Ir. lintli "t tin 11 11 it'.ii. -t. Sin..-
k..,lln int. II. . In d 1 1 1-. "I lln in -p ei.il
I, lliiuk. .p'.-ik.aud nut.- llt"r undent.
tallii. ii.- : .nnlll r. I,,i,i l,t tint are
Hit. Ilor t'. tin III-. If . ttl'.ln.n' ll. I. a g I
I !.., -, pp..-,,,.' that ,1 ... I.
limiit.d . .1. I1tn.11. lint il 1-.1 mil. Ii I.-..
til Ih in drunk' in 1 ..piniii it.ng ll
'' "' m.'l. n l it tlmr wn....r
.1 ut.' tin ir 1I11II1 11. Ilii'i-r iii.iii..,i
l. l. loll nt tile Will, ol I'litlg. lis s,...
dottii in Imp. I. -- mil. uhii "I all tli.a.iit.
pun. i. And . I. H I... I. sii .ini, .a. tin-
l-'lllll it. In. Mil '. .1 .1. II It I. loll'g.'.l to III.
u...... . I ,....!' 1 1.,.:., h.li iil.utir..
w.. I.....I.. ii,. i.i.g ..I.... hue go.,,
... far .1. to-. I it-11- up. 1-. 1 turner aguii-l
lln- introtlii. 11..11 ..I ue 11 ml., tl in-iii.
'ill. n- oi.nintii 11. l.r id- lo I- a. I aguii-l
,, , ' , , ., I,,
IIiis.Mmiii.'.uii- I an 1 1 1. lid.-
.. .
1- l, ili..'l, ( HI til I I
H I III tl HI H .'"I
- 1 I
, I I l.-M lor.it. I. n.'i.lin -. Mmal ,.. ,..
,-' , ,
if nut v.. ili In il, - 'ii d. ' in 1 tie nit r-i
1t.11f.1r1 . and i,r..t'.ke In. iil,tv .i.iitiom
g I III' 11. Ill' t.it tt.ll t'.llV .1 Iml lull
II, llll'l to t' I. 'I It- -ul. . I-. I In d .11
II imu .inlt. .V.ii-ii. I1i1g11ag1-p11l.il
III th" ml. "mi ..I 1.1 ..nln. 11. .nnl iml 1
' ...
. . .
, ...,i ,.1 ., ,1
1 lln . .In II 1101. 'Ilnl -I III
piil, on the ..tn. 1. nil inn. in. -n.u. m
the, ,.
,, tin., ill, I tin moral liformi r., .
"It. II g.t' 'I I" II. I 1 1 1 1 III Will I ,l'li..l
I. II ' I el III I HI' . I t ' '.. ll III-lllllll III
III", ,-t.lillll ,..II-I.,IM ' ill
Aiin mall iiiiii'I ! h il-"' ol i.ni -let. nn ill
ami 1111111111.! II. d I. I. lh". 'tl.l.ll 1.1, 1,, 111. ,1,1,
. , .ii
I, .11. Ii'itt I. '"Illlllg .1 liatlnlllll lll-i ,!' .
It. I .III! It . "II ' I I'd llll'l .III llgllu I.l
Ililllt. .llel III llpl.i'.l leg . In tl'.ti. Ili.lt
pl'll.l Ih I. ol I till. 'Ill lllipl'.
Hull., il.aC- ..i..l.-.i..,iigli: I nn i.
win, lliu a g I i ill . In . ii. , h id I. It. I
nlli. I. I., it I, .In I uu th .'I- il lln l n..l
I.Ik lie I. In tn toi". "I III. ir I -ll .
I'l, ".liliiil I'liu i' ami Hid I'ikHIi
ll,. I.. I . .ih. .V.II-..III-. ....M I..I. .up
, ,lh' ttl Ml,., ,,..,,
i ..ii.,..,. ,.,, u..g i i.i,
, . , ,
bul ill-, a!leil pei dllnl hi eh .11 iippl.iti.ini'
li.ttm.l the iii..liiiui,it,d Ilnl Ins j.ul. lu, ol up'li
,, mo is, if, In., i ..lu) .holt tt h.t in in-
'"'"" "" ' ".....dill.
it'll 1 .1.. pr..pl. lull., i.iaj. nit. .llhe. , -is
lipm llhl.lil.eii I'.l.e Ii i. I. il. i.illidl.. il.nd. ,
and wh. r.' his ni .11 h is g.t. 11 11 1I.1. . tu.ii I.. Ihe
. ..... . . . . .
i..ii ir iiiiiut. he hi- I. 1 11 It.I. r .1.1, i't.rri.1; Iml
' , .1
I,. ,a . I., lull,.' .Ill lllgl il, 11 1. .11, n lolir.e a a. ,e
. u. ol a linet liln. II nl tilt, nog 11.1.,
- ' ''I" S I"' ""'. I"" I"
.....,h..ini.ee.M,m. r IV. fie It ,,!,., l I
iUhghl) ci'ii-nr s. 'the nrtiilcrliraalulloiia
I'rrmli iiII'm 11 e loglHhiinlli age, groping in
lheiiW.inofM.kl) pnjiiilda HpiminjiKl In Ina
1 ..nn fame, mid unnoiilii thr u., ,1, wl,,,!, he hold
mi inui'li potter While he iinta iniv, no ti.lilinn
.is-'..rgoiein.iHi.l .anwinrt the w.'rk. 'lie l,..l.ls Ida
. . . .
lingtreii llm pnl-e of llo- ni.lieo, ainl it.st., Ii.ir.l
' ,( ,t hr.it nt I.,., high. Th" luiojiiiie) of . nil r-
j pt.i,diiiiliei.al.il Micrins.hc pr.iii..im.'.i,lik.. .1
',!, Ki,P, 1, n, ri,.r,.u,, prrn nl.cn in-
, a. Ii.iiiiitid rrHi-e. Tulhc rming hpnilnf n ptnp'.'
leapil.lt' of 11 gl.n1.111s ili "liny, In' op riliumtii
'dull lethargy lie has dietnlul iiuicluui to Cu
, , , , , , . .
gr.n., mid haling thus ii.ogied fur In leln.
Mll,I, IP1y i K, H II. Indicia upon lis ih,
' rnrvcf ingli-ilid i.pwtluintie. Ilul it 11 p not
iIimipimuiIM. We h. Ii.'iul nil nlnng he tvn. op-
"ed I., tins great .nl.'ipri.e-lhat In-w III...
nn lor Ih. ,111 rg. 11. y mid nowtie kn.m il-
... " . . ,
llisniliiiiiiihlrilioii I1.0 1.,'eii 1 h ini.l, r.ml thus far
, w ,,,,,,.,. ,.,ik f-
,, ,m,d I, . ,.,l.i,,e, i , r, ml,,. I
.,l i of tin- l lies. The iiuhle ni I of Ingr ilimii
wn....iuti..l,i,l ll.al rrllerled cr,jhjjti Ihen.l .-
M"-.tIBr-l..n.-.m-iH.l ! ! (hang.-
Iho poMlinn ol Ihe im'li,ulid li,la would now he 111
1111 Aiixlritin diiin.'. on. Uul cnoiiuh l'e are
iteanof tins iiu-aMiif. . Willi itmn. iiliicioii. ehr.'
mid ulwn.i'i.f groat iiiiiik.
' "
- .. ..- .
(-on Trull Im-Imc-c-ii liimtsi lllr.
; IIMlllllP Wllllf.
r Mi, hafl l.eiing.lon. tthu.r,.ssed th. plmi.
, . .1 ., I
la.twu ki-pl 11tl11.1011nl.il Ihe itiulliira.nl
c,lllllll)ih, t,.,'i.l.r Ittu .If. .11
,,f,n"iiuug. ut ..,1 ntnl ,il '. iiillie . t.mii.- Iii-
' il liegiinwilh tin- '.'lt "f Miiy.in-1 . ti- 1 1. 1 'I
Mr I. . anie the liortliern rout In llieg..ii.. ,rl,u '
1,0,11 K.nie.t lie, 1,1, lln Mi-nun nur, amll'ii. .1...
"'"" '""" ""
Ins tiit t i.' Dili, s .,f Ihe I oliiinh 1 lie in
' '. , , , ,,
furilli .Ills that lln-degti-onfll. ill -IIM't IIK-s r,. .1
,-,,,, t,,.j.., i ,--
Hethmk. the n t ism, ill) i.ui,.
-'IM 71 ... ;.' '.'.M in '.J I" '.'I'l Mi :
J III, 711 sll -,il g.th li 711 la .'I-. Ii .Mi . .' !"
-j;ih 7'. 7i is -j.ii, i.i mil, iii . i ....
.,,.,;. ,,; ;...,,-;,,
I., nn 7. ..I -.'I ... 7- :..; :n :... 71 -..
'in, I.. M i.s .mi, , ii- ..I i:u,7-mi
7ih 7ii Mi 7ii i-il, ,...' I,, '.uii ..... i
uul, I- si .- i ni,
..' -J l-.'lh 71 -.
I'l,!, , K . 111, lil -.- -- I'.ll.l
i,i, i... rs Us I7il l-thi.s , 'jn
I'Jih 7n til, -I -Jih i.l s.' ..". .'I.l 1.1 ' '
0?il i.'- ,l 'a' -' -I I: 7.' 71, glih 7.' "in -
'.-ih A.' U! -I! '.(.(h...- "J 71 'j;ili7.' 71 '.-
'-Ili .Ml 7.' 7t --'Jtl, I. 7.- '.t ."liiih '. 7. 1,1
,- III-'I, III 'I.l ,l ''I '
7. 'Je 7s llh I ' '' '"'
I.l in 'to i.-i
llh '.. ''.' "I. ,".ih 7. 'J' 7- llh I'1'"' '"'
7ih 7:71 i'l s, in .., i,n 'ni, .i 1.1 ;
t"ih 7s i-r, 71 1 iih 71 e.-7.' i'iii7."'t :
1. in, 1,1 -i 7.1 mi. :.t -17.- 1 ii,:-.' -. -1
I'-Hi -'' ' I.H.M-... I- .-
'"1' ' '' ""' ' -' ' ' M.M :" '
''' '' : ' :- ',J h ''" '"', '' '".''
.'l'""'o a 11".,, g.ti, i.".i .1
'S - '' ' ;' -,"' ' :" Mi :,",,,'' " '"
-""I '' .. .1
At l.t s I
Mai 7i !l "d el 77 77 ll 7; 77 77
ni, 11 p: 7". :.ih 11 'i 7.1 "Mi. :.-. 7.' r
lilt, '.- l Bl Mill ll'l"-l'. I.'ith.'il I"" ''
phi. . .: 7; -.'in, ': I'"1 :" --".ii, r.l it-
11., I.l -1, 1..
-l.l'l'l Mill ll.
1.1 . ;., I,,i 1 111I1 ,,,, .7-. I ih.'.l 7-
-.".'.I g-i 7- I, J g'nh II l 7.'
ill' I Hill. 1:
lt ,11 71 71 'ill, .".0 III ;,.'
Oregon I'lty. 11 T. M.r.h I, l-.'.l
Wi, ,Mli. (i ,lllllr, ,
. ,, .111 1
U'tlelull.... .1 .-I. d,J .'.I,
I i.t month.. a it In "lb tie -. ll. .
,,' tthi, h the d. gi. .-.ir. gii.n.ii 1 in it 1
.,v ,,,n un.lii 11, ... ll, m ill .1.
-" ""
Tii-nly Willi .'li-xini.
.j.( tiatim, f,,r Ihepuolia- "f I, .w
,. , . , .. ,, 1 ,
'-r f.ahl"...la and S.in.r., h,.l."i lu. I
"i hi c.n. t:.i.i..ie.i.f..rth.. 1 .s.:,ti.i.N.t.
1 1 Anna, i.u th-pirl of M t ...n.-
,,,,, I, ,,. ,,r ih, . V. ,-rnAf. willing lr..m
' .
... , , . ,. , 1 , .,,i ,. .
Wa-hmgl.tii, niul 1 ! - " .1.111. I.l, -11 .
. ,,.
II I Ull'lll III l"l III Riail 1 lll"'ll till 'I' nn ie--i.li
, , ,, . , ..II
'" " "" """ ' """ "" " "','" ' 1
(.en (iiils.li 11, .ui.l lli"tt l..r. Hi I'n -i.l i.t
(Jilt II I rem Willi lriri !H IMrn H'K't'ii" '
uu I tl llprt.1. il.lt m. e.niiillinll.i il'.llolhes,
l,.,Mrl.leltl,. toallll, .p.e.l,.. pr I..
I.... tl. . ... .1. .11 .... I,. If,. I . .11 I. a let, 1 1 nl I
'II ll .1 IrOU IH I !
r at-will iial.li uu 111 pr I l. inn fimu Ihe 111
.. ...!.. 1 I...I. ....
-'- ,-.......-. , .
'Ihe reei, lid alln le pr'Hides ..r ll mill of tl I) ll
I. rainoitllulMO laeine, -as. Ilieaii. -,.. .,
tin- Ungn igr,f tli.- Irenl) "of fniiniiiga ii.iiuiur.
ll Itllll.t'lgltlKl llieatlit.ksnl Uu Ill.lin s
II,. Ihiidallit I" pr..li.l....
I III ihl... ,1..... ..Ill
. I, Ulllh.e. tiolll'l lln III ill) of liilllal.iiipe Unlit
g., win. Ii gu iiiiiii.." the .1.1. ii" "f Hn li'.nn.r iii
.,.,,.e,li.,i,..llll..sy giteli. tthi, his l',l,e II. lull
, .
. I nil p.l.t llepre.llllu.lis.
'I III Imlllll Intnl. pint uh-M furl he ie, (, I iilon
i I ol lln- .h.llilll.eriglil'l It "1,
- I..-Mil, '-I.I in.- ih. Iiil-.t- p., '
i I ni ih- .II..I tl.ii M.t hill
..tleloll.. I' il Ill) nln. Ii tt llm. ml. lit.
. nl. km. null I I I Talke's in ip i.s "I, , m
C.l r,H.k.''tia'o',...lte." .tlell.liligll. Ill) lull,.'
Ilnlll I'usl piiull. I. .in I L g dm- If si, s. as In
g.t,- us a I nge ii . ssi', ii "t Ii llitnl) , nn I Ink li"
.. ., . .. ... '....r .1 ..I..., I......,l'.l
""" '
iii-l-l- rup...l,.'M)le,h), --.
" '"," """ ' r
1 ml iiis-ni llm .i.iillll"') of the liifni lu ili".i
' ' ,
i: WlM ll.l.l. Si-orr. Ih. S..l'.rni
, 'n,..,vsiii'.s..iiii.np " mil-I'l " l I
i,r,.v i,,.!,;,, ii,i -I. . 'j.
I -.-,,11(111 i,, $glll,II.HI. Me w.i. 1. mil in
-s.-, ,,i I,. , i ill! llppo.l il In I.- 'Jj.'n,
' -
. ., , . 1 . . 1 i- 1
.tft'' 1 M . I v mini. Is I.,, -l.ilili. h
, . . '
.I..I.....I -....., ....I.
"h""- '
OV'h'ilM imh.ol rail I a. tt ,.,..,
' r Him, in l.gl pi.
II) I!' 1 ti I' t'huii.ll. 1, I', h. 2C, "1,1,1 ,
I""'1 "',"," ,lw,,r ,r ' ' '' '')', md
1 Ml" Xl" "lJ ' '""'"' l,u ' l ''" k'"" " "-1""")''
I ,J" H"' "'Ih n.-l , iildliiii Point. Ii) llrt c,
.Vj1,' '' M', t,!"'ri7T "'"' V"" ''"""" '
' II'1 nil. l.'lhi'ft In kiliiismiuit)
( TO IUIl'1' tA.t'tll i:itl
pll Slf.ilii. r 11.11. will m 1' .111,1.
J ,111-h.ii In., .11 S11tnl.11 M in lift, if
tin ti illn 1 lnml'l l.e pi. .iiuit, lo ,tt
nn ..in. r and l.u k, I, iiiii' t n jji.n ( id
trtiiM.uk. mil toiii Inn- ,i Miltiauki.-niul
I .,1 . 1 1 ,1 i , 111
loilliml l...tliu-. II. luiiiin will 1,-n,.
.in,"llt.l il '.' I '. l . .11 1 il ,i it ().i,,
'"ill it " I' M.
I'.ii,"- . n Ii 11 11 $l,."il).
I . II. I'Kltlil'Sl IN. ,V,,f
( 1 1 IC 1 . 1 1 1 II I, If A S 1 ' 1.
., , , . , ,.
I In-.ul.s nl., r Ii is 1 hr.1 r it. . I ..I III i kannil.
I-I- n.'l.l.'i' ... ;. "da loe.l for 1. Mack-
tulX l"'u :Su"L,!l
u k . In k ,1.1 n .1 Muij(;
'I u .1 en. M M-. Mm. I, I.V.I-.ai
fBIII'. 1111 I. 1 1411, , I li.iiii,.. .,,1,1 ,
,, . , .'" I ' "
,..,.!... . -. .1 .i
it 11 ., iiiiiniiii,', in. -. nun .111
ltH,iiriiiiiir.', lit. -. jiiii all p, rliiiiiinj, inrit,.,i
" I. i;.slri. h , noli. . ,. In r l.t eiten 1I111I halite
111. Ill i.l nlldiHi. tuth. Mid iM.il.lihhlnciil, for auk.
,n, n. ,, , , ..., .n'i amhonud
pIMilii.. III sinli. . mil. l .1 siitnn
M it h I..- I
1 .
fln!l I'lll'll SiiiiiL
" '
)'' V''.", ""."I'.'i,.' ,!"l!,',',i! ,'..',", ""'
M, 1, il 1 ...,i. . .. I...111.M, i.,l .puuih, l',"i.
1 , . . ,1 . 1 ,1 11 . 1. - I . .,.! . ,1,1, ,g ..,,.
H " '' '" l-r-"i in ni"" .-, . .rlt . I, nllon ile,
j i,,,.,,!, 111-1 ,,i, I .,,1.1,,.,,.. hi
' . . . . , .. .,
Ml.,1 111,1,1.11 , in
(, I ,, I , , ,
a . , i.i.i.ii. ,, . ,.., ilrl
. I t,--et-.l m,l ' it
l I N .1 It I I.U , il
.till KM
,,, n.i:uiis , siiippi.ijs
, ,, ,,,;, rV .
'I i -i. ,. II u..i g..i, c ,
.' ' ' '." .... u..
u ;, ' ",,',"',',", ;" !,' ,!,'!,",'.!, ,
,,,,,,, u , . ,,, , n r .
u , .
I ...
, ,1 . ... ... ( It lie .f
I 1 ili I I, 1 ott. .1 .11
I. Ill I III, I -ll.
s-;f I MAI 1 .
I. I 'I 1
i)i-sii rd.
'I ., .p..-,. 'I . I ... . . . I 1 l!,t -.11
i-, 1 .1 1 it u ., , 1 1 ,. 1 ,
,. 1, 1 . ., tl. ..I I r. I ,tl 1 ,
' ' ' ' -' ' ...olti,' . i," ill nnl I
It u
I e 1 , M , I 1
I r.
1 1 ,111. 1:1', nn.
' Ml. I tt
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