Oregon spectator. (Oregon City, O.T. [i.e. Or.]) 1846-1855, December 24, 1853, Image 2

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I tar W leeka..
to to Stfeeribe. I
.We a enU 10 eep.ee re wo sdlrra., one yean
"""' JI,S"
X. 'Tbt teak amst araoiBpeoy Ui Uti or
paaawal gaeraalttd hj a mpoesiUe person.
Ci. J. MHnBLY, PsMlihir.
T"rn i
TMCwWailkitwit Attotla n n
ittj.aaltt'iilao, who wat in the em
afcr! Ceitector, Gen. Adair The
Heft the room far a few mln-
UoVmmI two ktj of'the tafr in the lock ;i
IM'TTHMMa rtllttti
I relleteJ the .afoofaJ0O
An lnTtlllira did not take place for oot
IteJ'eJajrai'bert auoplelon rritd upon the
IillaM Ila wai finally aeized by arxne
rrihtCSeTeotor'a frleade who endearored
attartaeowfeMion'frorri l,l. Uewao
MMo totbewoodt back ot town and with
yjopa abound hit neck watupendidloa
jpatby'lara raaaooablo time and then lit
down but he permitted In hlo inooctn
a,Tfaajaloiwun(j upfjra few mini:
i i i. j ...
ami wnn novn inn iiiirmi.4in.iH
Ww .eepeatael, but with a remit inoiUr '
toalltbeptbere. A apadr wao then vol).
d for and a hole dug in the ground, pre.
MClrjr.for n' burial j a cap wa then
drawn oyer hlo eyer, after tho hancmao'e
aVowMeT) thie prored to much for the !rih.
ajwa'aeietfrrninatlon hit reoluiicn rail
ahaav'iad he yielded tho arcret to ihoe
Mfafinim la charge. The money waa
tKiWrtftd, and reatored toils former
awfsag. arm U new under moreeiitil
ft) Mr...Bullor Anderaon, wa leacn
eoaductad the ceremoniro.
baJ'Weaae the Ptonetr adeocatee the
eJttaiwf'Col. . Patten Anderson, and
HaffiajghlaLanctsler, M euiull pcr.on.
t aoanii the delecate in Waahincion
Territory. In Clarke Co., F. Chcsoweih
I of. VV learn the mot nroml.
Boa. Win. S.ron. Our
Kg tiling excltrd on the tub.
I ta notbidg like haying a
mr myummr iw ciioosv irom. ll inry
My. throw at! Je llie caucus ayatcm,
MJM ajesen run
te i..m .i.u .i
.. , . , ' i
Ibeymey eland a rod chince of select.
. .nrr ;iiw.r. iiiru '
ina-lh. beet man nt .1,. i.,.k.. i. ......
auk. n.k.: ,i . . '. i
ttaiMWrn. Otherwise, the nrjale.t ttl'.k
tier natw be ih. fa.arail r,n
VH. ' )
KTTbt .hip Annlo Jan.. Ma.on. Com. I
ESiS "!, r" ,,',e rV ni,lBMa,""Ju,!il
-, f w ... .- ..wi.w aoui
fiAy.patungtr.on board; of this number
348 ptrisbed. The ves.el wiled from Lie
fpow tor Vjuebec tnd Montreal. T..e
Wreck occurred on the S9ih of October,
eji that ItrriUt coait of Harra, one ofil,
' . .. .. "
lebridet. Mr. Uell, the chief orT,,rr. 17
Tlhtertw, and a hundred and two pe..
, i '
(f)gtrt,co0,inSinpirt of .yonei.ud
1 III o e
- - - T r. : .
VsT.i any wwy w.she.to I.vuf. riur
"I 0"4ayilhey can ao.mpl,tli n
"wi i ira urtvonii.usa on v.lerdar
..J....!.- . . ..
rnomine'. it orif.inai.il uni. 1....11.
. '
aJ -...- .l 1 ..... .
Ma up the chimney Ix-Mod ihe cm I
ltf. With COnaidortbla effjrt it waa fir.
wypejropm.ii.gi.ieapionJUoal.e u l.'cls i .r frra li.n-lur.leo.ir-. laMSdc-.r cr.li. Tho 'cipitam iu iuiaani Joini iiutr.otine
UW if bit teen at Ihe Evla Uakery ; leg a'atoro, it will Lo r.niwt-trt., hu or rgM lo llou.e furiht u.ouf llie House. The res.
ThostChtrmaniatht nnk.r, .v'.o is not dr.rt lb. w.t f n ufy .: th.lr w.i , cou,.... i '''" "" 'lo'.'!e'lf . . . n v
fceeUed In Ortaon rt hi. vooa,!,,. . w',(" ' "" """" '" P"l!" lu,"",l "' .. """'"-n i,", u,,,no ' "n " " No
tjyeiito in urtgon, ft his woaHen. f,5tfdlh,.. 8jfJ, p.,,,-,,1- eic.,rlic.. S. "kinK II ..... lo concur In . in.ndm.nl.
t. Fill . A firtbroke outof the .ecoud hvo.r, ud laormitioa of It. iit-.c ti. btin ,wl '" Council. ...
mtt,mmmm I - M oe.w g' stt V ij"'! 'v it" H'i .. t
..Or. Hunsaker inronn. us thai the sewiwHilagU write egaiahele,pea late lie
lot. austalned by tho Clackam.t bri luc ", aJ did att dhx-eyoi h.o m'atakt uavUho
..'n-,.-. k.,,1 ......1 1 1 bed Jlppoilheljr(far. In,'
company, by ihe culling of rope., la not 1 "
to great at wis ma-it 10 appear in tl.r Arrus. 'llsro are vary ft la mirk.t. For
'fcemmunlcatlon of Adolph, in last wick'. xeunetl.e price p.rb-ih.lh..r.njd from
L'JMr 1019, asl at this tlir.alh.y U:iicrad.1y,$l.
' " la 4)ssrsllir.0 Or.con will be bttsisd w.th SB
.,. OtrWeglvtupagn-.t portion nf nur'abuoYiueo offiullof lha sp?le t-nl.end Indeed
jaJilo.-lal acd new. .puci to mak. mom for raa.
lot procttdlnst of ll.ftLrui.latiirc. I
. I
' ni comniunlcAlloi from Minoo
'111 be lMerted, In our nxi.
ej. v . i : 1 .
.B.ipw.Yeaierde iiioininsllie c round
fooktd White with enoty, for 1 f. w iaUr.
" I
05TA lively tliiputn 1. cning on In
wttatniiatit., inuoilliitnn leuulUmiit
r.9fi!'n'n',"','on "" Iho Slavery que.
'lloa.' The Co.liiloi.Iat. itlinn .1... ih.,
PrtsMent favor", them: I no Ito.ion Po.l
..-.c.i-.ii- j.-i- i. T, p . ,
R. ffefMMa'irtat many Word, tho Cuall.
&A 4? Hoaltte adduitt faott Ihe Pom o,hoim the
Oi, MHMNipHWrm.ibo J?ree.dent'. In. it.
KW.. ".. wM the artlclet Of Ihe Ullinri: Uw
lit fit UMHialaaatt, M nl la Ihe fraa ftnll ....
1i7S-.l.. .. . i I... . '.'. '"'
a A f J ""wwwBawejl
UaHeolor. annolntarf l.v ih.
1 .
It of.
isNsre dhaetvtrcJ
Ike Uy Are. The
eat IK counter d'tlM
la aH. mi 11000. Th.
k (Ml wat eejsmltled da
ltW7 VxitUtt i
faring the temporary absence
ikw baying kA Iowa tbt
MUMmlllitJ lh .... L.t).ll.
lheh.oenwhalge.eouiT1athediJ tot tike all
b MlMnteikw tcriT IkMfkl, U oB frokak lily, pb of frw hn.
deed would ne be dieejvtred luratd .rely t but lo
""! :r . . '! " T ' .7" "T
-,., a... ta wkeKrebeato Hehl have b.-en
hmt Dai the m.tttr ?, eel tlewly Mowed
.cjs.i.Jtnil.'nenlTrroadefoesev.r.tdiTt. III. a
Uioua to out biateew men not 10 bo loo coaSdmg
Th.re la try liato doubt that the prrtou who gel ll
laalaiy UUraaddriytagebiad. Th.propnclort
know eel wbeieeu?'e'ea, Tho p,b! c have got
mttkupmoje Mt'dii.t. Tliitio lb. eeeood rob
bery that hu been cemiiltled In that Mere- About
area ag. ihey loot obnt 934. Th. otoro n
:d at oleic and tho moaey lake. (Tom the
fowir. lt-eWd'few.tkfor ow euteee to bo ou
the .fen, TbttUera aieeoint desperado., of
buutilmoii( no tbon ki o lotfor
taotM. II Minweiiiuo u ft"Uy outlio la-
Mmmiiiin V-Our romt'bo upon C.
Bhar appnktnloaWnd dtnlonorhot tob
wr ir ry moth mhaif rohtadoJi a!ibMih a Into
hrrt oTcniictkw Dhl mikellirfoorta. ll
ot Uio lioxiirt. cfili U that wo w:htJ nun
putUnlor! It tondtra:. 'Upon th lit aj a prat
Jul nwt m'fiittuto bnniU, tad truthfully too.
TUo wjy tho U ato orcutl pnrtty iu Urr
paevareraMatU(ia loll,e h..r die.1 JJcatiom Meoare Towere Kellv and
JLd,, tKj.t. tboUw rn'M..uUuCCAT;r-Jl;,r ,owe"' Ke"J,,"J
aketnafrtJ erlno are ll.o U.r nd th. CuiXl-MeMM.UUI.arjK.. Scott and
meanacraei T'J.tkw.on.wlur. Urn coram I., Simoaon
miu mcriB T uiinni w uw luif ktii wtuu,
"- faaMaemmiueedaeiarilyact.h.beaM
b tftrekini frvra lK cemmiwoa of tnotlicr.
W. ..,,. ..War. tholtb. .die.,, .ho
haee the fwlly la cliarn bore, bare rfor
lh.irdolyw.lt! aadlhalaur inArnunl,lio mk-l
stanc. of uhuoo cooCaitii wo (.t. Iai w.,kd
m isle crioe a. to Uio f.ct. la th. cur Wo boeo
to CMeaca bo. te coetur. any (erica uojaally, an-
uuriho nn"Jain. goT.rnora. e.i.i..
the wVed asd pertcrw enm oal. of the ll
JokIco .al hnm.ily d.in.nd the aprnhoo.wi I
edaden, lriu.h.entwUws,rnoreoulapot,aii.l
socb as eanr.ett. d.rsrfd w ih imuaiiy.
LaraFwwcia CVitd e-ir AtUatlc fn.nds be
presoalbereeae wmuranjrijojlormi'd wnth
or, ibey weoU ('a-1ly oicln... Ih. r bo-mi tb.ro
for " eexaaa tae Taedie. Aflir laMln; of cur
prtralenteMihwiadlawmtr,ilior fM willing.
Iylcaahebiadtrilr frertme; nonliontrrs for the
Soauher. wjaajk ealdiobiy mlied wiib r, of
Oregoa. AaaiWtlhey but see flower, frewiog
la eipDKds.'tmtleaedarla(tlie wbol.wiuKr.thty
could aet brp being fayoAWy ImpreiwJ with Or.
ejen. We at for Ih. In'ormallon of oar Atl.n
ue filtoJ. sod cotimjcr.r'i.Uwt w. p'iw.1.4 fioro
i. sirs. ocBn.07.fsra.11 same .am oi u.r. mxr,
i-.,i.v. ,i.Ml:.,..a !,,-. ii..k.i.,-.
.... ,.t . . .
.. ...... . . l ,
... , ,. . j n .
.ndUoo.nInj .11 wiaur. and.ri premie to con-
tiaoo iluirfftowth. Th.Hf.d.nKSk yo'iuncfwr
hry fr-a la ..rl, au:uni. and a wjriar of w
r.sni.rnon. I .TKUuur.i riniirinvn in.i
eim.ctf aCal for. adore. tl,enoi.t!i of Oeok.r
h.sie.u!ledlerelloi arrry faronKe lTp..a
InfaroroflbaOifrnnrowofrnl. Cs JlCif
yr's fruit hatrunelau mr'.bloBo'oMty In Ca!.
f.-.,.adalllc lbeh th. m.dom aflhe i
Mft- p.o;U ,h r. are wh.faly .p,.
peu. Iloxr.w MojUtn rs ar. wliormr .ppr..
Lt. ih. ptrfjlifl..m tuned by tbVpr,..
pm toa Wt nd..r..d Ota. MC.mr
K . , ,.a. . i. , r ,
to an orfer f SM treis. a te.u,. k ni frera Cal-
I eii . oawf.Tj.es Fa ll einl 4f.la tfi iTI t
ni ..which he U not able la 83.
Scan Cine W. nnlwi-1MllKnl.
f ,r,uodit.rt iho w.ttrrtlit Ta.l..ior.y.
.1 .. .1.. ..-.I...... tl I....... ...... .... '
! " . ...
. - - .1- f .J .t.. .. .!.. .-...1.
n. g T" Ml. (Ut.II. -u pwiiH uwii. ta.liuriu.j
.b.woreef what IsjolBion.
AeeaaeaorMi-o-A jouog nun of ear so-
'o,B4.:.ei,wi.it wr.uag.iteeauy.Ban oeeaatta
'..tAa.'.k.a staiM a. 11 4 a'lhl tr. tm tea a, -n,ta I .
Fabit Tasta.-Tli.ilsni.adfi.rfr.it tr.es of
d-3erut aJn.i hu U.a very groat tbla wiot.r-
Ouraur-aryui...l.ar.roaily ailwdout. Ord.ro
fiun rj fmia, far .pplts slou., aawuul to near
Oseooa FaciT-ThsfrullgrownlnOrojon.we
bolivi.', part eul.r.r of ihe apple nieeies, U of lha
Uit talcvatsd tsMlics grown In the Allai.tie
Butra. There are, w. bite boon lufermad, an
SaO yaroU at ihU'lim. eulUv.lad l-'Oroaon.
J" ao.-Tbe ..c.d.nj rolJ.i.of lbs
wntsiso farbubo.n of gnat .J.autaeo to die
gr.luof'aUa.wl.g. Wheat, srorywluro, wo are
told, looks rtawk ably wtll.
T.. c.ueiruto.-Tb. Uu.s of tin above uu..
. eMrtVl uu of UYa aiunbar. TI....BI.J
. ' r
eat. naAt week.
Mw YMU Me-Natl Wetwstiay tttalf .
JoKlea .ni hnm.ily d.m.iid ih. apf.l,.o.a eta arm l neipa. . . . I The resolution waa a
adpaaWimeato;nirdsr.burfUniar.da!i:h!UoAt)$ VSD HlCHirayt Mmro. Richard., lloute ia!0UtncJ un
latoal ;.:..fo..,. If lb. pr.e.1 Uw. or. . ,n. Pl.elp. a. Fulk.r-on ;,0.morrow.J
ld.-flj.'.rumrtt the dnortalo tbfNenoel Mesaa-. from the II ium with 1! J. R.
WtDaaffurl 00. 7, lMo).
Cotihcil mrtpuralanl to JoitrntnrBt.
Mr. Bioltiereomtnltltt M rulta frth
Kovtfnmrnt of lh Coudnl, lubmltltd
rtnort, whlah Sao acoopied, aJoptlnj the
rulea of Uit ooa.loo vrlth aome amond.
'Mr. I'owc r oflortJ the followlnn rtao.
lotion. C. i. It. N.i. I, wliithoo motion if
Mr. Sniipit laldon lha table: Ro.
aolrril I'Viho Council, the Home umieur
ring, Tlal a Committee of 10 on the iarl
of lli Uounuil bi appal lit oil, to join mcli
v'itiiiiitiie itiav lio appinlrJ b) the
lluuti', It ait on hlo lcrllrncjp, llie
iiov. ufOrrynn. and iiiloriai him that lhi
two IIoumo of the LriiiiUlle Auentuly
of Ori.(0ii aieorganlid anJ readjr to pro
(.red to bualueM.
On motion of Mr. Ton ere, I!. J, R, No.
2, In relatiou temeinorlal toConiirraaeon
in. ling the ixpriiraolihe Itojiue tiri
war, waaconcurrod in. Mriiro. Pnnero,
Kelly and Stmpann were appulnted a onv
m,Srjl? SdST"-.L I
ii...,i.iivuUii ' ", '"" pr""
ion of
eaih day .hall commence at
o'clock, A. M. and 3 o'clock l M.
Council adjourned.
Ammonn StutoN. Council met pur
luanlto adjournment.
Mr. Kelly prracoteti Ilia report orthe
Code CornmLslonert, on mollon of Mr.ig , , i, Jjer lb. ,..
I'ow.r, the report waa accepied. , order. .they shall think I t.J re
The President announced alanding com
Jl'uicuay Messrs. Kelly, Simpson and
WaYI AMD MmSs Mea.ra. Simpson,
iuin.nm.si i.umpnrey. ',, org( ,, on
l-.ucTlofeMeaor.. Fulkerwn.Scetl andi ..,T....i... ,i... ..:j
.CoroTtox Meooro.
! 1 IICIPM alllQ IOPrii I
l'lietpa and I'owrri.
Coc.-TIKo-Meo.ro. Scot,. Fulk.,Mn and
Kelly. J
Mll.tTAtT ArrAIss Mrnrf.l'helpe, Rich
ardoou ami Futkeroon.
CuXMEacr. Mora. Powers, llumpbrsy
and ?vott.
liduku miu-r hi. neiiy, uicn
aidi ami 1 ulker.n.
L-tr.oLir.0 Ulltl Mir.. Simpion.Pow.
tit and Plielpa. i
No. 3. Mr. Simp")" motrd lo amend the
rrroluiiftn hy .liking out llie words "llie
lloue," and in.cn "their rr.ptctine
liouaes." Adopletl aa amended.
On motion or Mr. S.mpeon H. J. R
No. I. in relation to mformiiig tho Gov. of.
the oru.mzat.on of the wo Hou..., a.
lalen up and concurred in.
The Preaideu; aubm.iled the report of
University L.ndC,om......ion.r.. R,
aivepwd, and ordered that 33 cop.ei fc
WrDsrsrAy. Dec 7, 3 P. M.
Tloure called to order pursuant to ad.
The fallowing resolution was preaented
.... ., '
',;',". ,' ... t. .l r ...aenibly.
"?" "T 2. "7u'" Tie
!t.u'""?' i ''.?. ' lT ?. '
.i - C-l. ? n,.T..l, Con.re.afiirH -ion . ,, w ,., B,
. (,....... ..-- -w ...- v...v.- sn..
troop.of the late Rogue river war, and all
legmmaie claims a.ia commmce my
""'" """7 " v-m...... n ,.,..,,
' ,' , , . , ,
.. .rhe "ol""" '" ,,0P",d
'-A1!? """'"
- - 1 -i
wtr' J,H'"'d 'J cominltlet.
, Mr. Chapman gasr nejio.ll.it jninwl
Saturday he would introduce a lull, Mail.
. r fjo,n.,.i.ionnr,oflh.
. ..
.ter.ilcouiitni in Oregon Territory loio.
I ...it. ...1 nrtt lt.il
'uate.ulool l.ii't
0 ol n ..f Mr. Smith, Rowileed,
That il.o clerk prunirr the printing of Cll
i j
" W-l '
TuuasDAy, Deo. 8, 1633,
Mr. Bimpsnn prrMiilrd tht petition tf
Win I ulUriuhi anl others. fir lhe-e.ce
linn of a Territorial road from Or'eon
City to Spore' ferry. Petition referred lo
committee on road, and highways.
Preldrnl announced Mes.r.. Kelly,
fulkersou, booh, I'li.ip anil rower. .. a
committee ioact in coulunciion with com
rrill.ft of ihe lloiirt in regard lo ihe mode
oraotionol the two House, on Code coin
mlt.lnnrra' rnport.
Mr. Fulkereon aubmltled Ihe followlnt
resolution, whiuh waa adnpled. Resolved,
That Ih. committee on education b. in.
tructed 10 report a resolution a.kingihe
Sirvryor tien.nl llila territory le cause
omuchofllio land ofihla Territory tolie
a.tneyed, a. lo fnable th. County Com
mlfionera to select other land. Iu lieu nf
rcllnn. 10 or 83, where the aame, or any
pari uiereoi, naa oeen laacn uy teiltert
Council adjourned.
ArTitNooN biattoN, Couneil was
utlled in order and proceeded lo businets.
Mr. Fulkerann, by consent, pr.MMad a
bill CD. No. I. to appropriate otetain
school fund., rtad first lima and pttatd Iu
second reading.
Mr. Kelly, from tht committee of both
House., appointed lo report Ihn "mode of
action" or the two Hoi.hs on ihe report of
tnt cone, reported, lot report received
liuu.o aurruiiicu uiiui iu ingut'.ii u
r . ....
k M
Mr, Kelly moved le concur in II. 1, R
No. 0, rmWpdylng the reooimnendatlon of
inert port ol joint comintllewOl intiwo
Council adjourned. i
TiivanDA, Deo. 8, 0 A. M.
The llou.e met purauant lo adjourn.
menl. The journal or jreaterday read,
corrrvted and adopted.
Uu melton or Mr. Antoroee, in ueuoe
adjourned until 3 I. M.
Arraaoo.i Smiion Ifoute called to
order puriuanl to adjournment.
Mr. Iloioe preMiitcil to the Iloum to re.
wrt of the CodeCoiiimioiUwf la. Oi mo.
lion of Mr. Miller, the rcpoil waa accepted,
b) the House.
Mr. Urover, of the onmmlilroto whom
waa referred llie beat meilioxl-of "ll.iler
talnine and Cinlderin" the report oflhe
Cult Commtalonero, prrsentml a report.
On rnoiluu, the reorl ol cemmltlee waa
Mr. Ureter offered the following joint
R..W.J.by the llou.c.lh. Cttncll
conenrilna. Thai lha reiwrl of the Com
' ,. . "'.i....i , '...- .,S ..r
III..IIHMIII, IIIHHM w .r.v w w VH w.
laws for the Territory of Oregon, be re
ferradtoa joint coinmitite, to coasUl of A
member on llie pail of the limit and 4
on the part of the Council, who July ll
.i.-ti u. ,.. .l. .. ,i.. .,iri Mr,i. rn.lrt
port the aame from lime to time l the
Council In as e pedilious a manner as
may be, with or without amrndnt at., al
la their beat judgment may be deemed
proper. And llial the uoi icil snail tavr
sain reigns.
roiunnllre be
",ruc"d W'Oilfrr ill their deliberation.
upon any par.,oular,rti.n of .ill report
K'h' f'ZZZu. J ea'cl."
propr.ate atandmu committee r each
.......-., r K"
ioow, under whose notice auuh parucu
laraubjecl a!
ihould properly oamt.preyi.
.. a .- Lt . -..- . --a a. L. ..-
' 3.7,:';
any report in the C'jun-
The rraolullen was adnpieil.
On motion of Mr. Peeblre, llewl.ed,
That on the firtt r.a line of all bill., ex
jf ' ,rfJ 0 ,, rr , piinlnrfl
IccpleiC.r the use of the lloi.se, unl.
. ,..,..
irPl in3 rni'lraaV'U I" " Vw- !"- ! I
of ao
Xht reeolmlnn waa aAinteil.
ouoe adjourned until 0 o clock, A, M.,
Kridy. Deo. P, 19.13.
Mr. Powers preentcl petition from S
II. Smith and oilier., lb locale the aeat of
f c, w,,j( h on mo.
, f Mf ,,' w Jf f,,reJ , ,.
. . - .... . ,.iv-, , ,.'
. (l N,a ytUl,elo inotruLlionslo
wl;, Oo.le, which w .o.
d , resolution a. amende!.
Mr. Scot I offered a rrwliiton, C. J. R.
No. 3, a.ktiii! an appropriation nf Con.
grrso for a military mad fiorn Myrile1
treck to Smttaliurg, which wa. adopted. I
A m'S'ije from the loiir,rnn..ininj;
(the (Soyernor'a reply to joint reMtlu'ion in
i fannlns lilnniflhorrMiiIaii.tnof ihr A.
On in'Mlonef Mr, hltiip.vi.oiMl
- pi'torfMed 10 b. p.lnlrd.
Mr. Poer. oifered retoluilon to
Council adjotirnrd.
ArTf.it.ioo Setai'iK. Mr, R'ohardvin
frniiiinmiiiitt "i Roads and liigliw.).,
rrnortrd C II. N". 3, to re.m;t . Terri.
, tnrial ro.d fiom (Jrej(oil City In SMre'a
lerrv. II.. I flr.t lime.
On moth n ol Mr. lliuhitdon, rule, were
uin'l.l, U. ll. .n. - pasira teoona
On ino"lon of Mr. Powers, referred to a
committee nf Ihe wholn, Mr. Riohardooaj
in Ihe chair. Committee repnried.baek
with arnrndmrnta. Adopted, enweMttt
Ik rnt;riel end read on Monday ieilje''j
Courml a.llourned until MoadaO
o'clock, A M. , " i.ifli '"-
-1 in' 1)3 'nti
IIOUftB. " r '
Fayki00. M".
The Hou.t aaefpurtuant lo adjourn
menl. ktlniMil
The journalef ,yeart!ay read and
adopted. -' .: ' '
The foliowlngisjornmiinlcatlon from hit
P.ioellrncy, th. Obvernor, waa received
and read I
' Eucuiivk Orrica, S.l.m, O. T.,
Deo. S. 185.1. J
To Ihe Speaker of tht Haute 0 Iiiprt.
irnat'rri 1
Sit t I have th. lienor lo he In receipt
of the toinmuiilcatlon wrlilenby yourdl.
reel Ion and algntd by John M'Craeken,
clerk of the House of Representative.,
embracing ihe lollnwing joint rewlullon 1
"Kcolved, by lb. Houae, the Council con.
curring, That hla Kiurllency, ihe Gover
nor, be informed that th. Leglelallva Aa
tenihle la now organised." And in reply,
permit me to My, that it will aflbrd me
much pleasure 10 communicate auoh In.
formation from time lo lime .a may b.
found In the archlveeof ihla office, and
called for hy ihe Legltlaiivt Assembly,
or either braneh thereof.
Very reipeoifully, yournb'l. ttv'l.,
Ooe tfOrtgon.
On motion nf Mr, Orovtr, the clerk was
reqlrt'l lo furnlh tht Counoil with a copy
of ihtvUov.'a commiinloallnn,
'Hon. Wm. J. Martini of Douglass coun
ty, presented hit credentials, waa awom,
end took his teat aa a member of Ibe Heuee
of Representative. ' '
Mitotge from Ihe Counoil on H. J. R.
Vo. Bi "pretorlblai the roftbadef aeiiaf
opMlke repeeit tbeOade CetaaOtaiM'
era" with emtnJ.nent. "" Tht .mendment
nasakoenlad and adonttj. Aad Metan.
.. H. .ft.L.- al --liL." tl!ll...J o...-
, 0u111n1p111.ee sinu v..e
J L...I..Jh... l. .....
vw vi. in ymn
toa. save
iiday oMaom future
day, he would Introduce a bill changing
ihe nameofJas. A. Klngtbury lo J11. A.
Mr. Boise asve notice, that on Monday
heat he would Introduce a hill to change
the name of Polly Ann Wells lo Tolly
Ann Rlggt.
Mtsaagt from Ihe Council with C. J.
It. No. 3,vlit Resolved, by the Counoil,
the House concurring, That our Delegate
In Cuuiress be requested to uie his u.
most endeavors In procuring an approprla.
lion of 1 10,000 fur the opening of a road
from Myrtle creek lo Seoltsburgh.
The rrenlullon waa laid on lha table.
Mr. Ilolae moved that the C. J. R. Ne. 3
be taken up and referred lo a .elect com
mittee, which was agreed lo Maatrt.
Uolie, Nye and Westeifiold wtrt appoint.
cu'lald committee.
Mr, Nyrgavt notice, that na Monday
or some day aubeequenl he would Intro,
due. a bill to legallte lha acta of tht tttt
alcalde oaurta of Jackaon county.
Mr. Woiirrfiold, gave net toe, that oa
Monday or a day eubaequent, he would
InlrtKluce a bill chanitlng Ihe name of Cla
ra A. Unodwin, to Clara A. Clark.
Mr. Chapman offered Ike following joint
resolution :
R-eoWrd, hv Iho Hans, the council
concurring, 'I'hal our Dategale in Con.
grea be auJ is hereby requested, lo ue
hi. Influence with the Cenar... of the II.
8. 10 uhlaln a apredy attingiilohment nf
Hi t Indian Ultra 10 lauds in tiregon wiiere
treitiei have not been already elTeoted
Mr. Jackeon, nf Clackamas, atked leave
nf abac uce until Manday, which was grant.
Houae eJj'itirnrd unlit 3, P. M.
ArTaa.iooM HasaniN. 3 o'clock, P. M.
House called lo order.
On motion of Mr. Ilniw, Ihe rrenlu.
lion of Mr. Chapmait'fcvaa refered la eom.
miltee on Indian affair's.
Mr, (Jrover prasenled th. report nf the
Territorial Librarian with accnmpanviug
paper. ; It was read, and on motion nf Mr
Miller referred Iu committer on education,
Mr. Preblre ..iPred II. It., No. H, R.
olvrd, thai until ntherte ordeml, the
hou.- inert al II oVIih k, a, in , and two
o'ul.k, p. in. Rusolutiun waa adopted.
On tnotiu 1 of Mr. Smith, RoeoU-nt, that
the dwir keeper be iii.tructeil o keep the
halt nf the hou.e open from A n'clw k, a
m.uniil It) o'clock, p. in., ."Clilidsy eve
nluitand .Sunday ecrpird.
Mr. I'eeblei lueunied llie petition of N
Doiigbrri) and 'it other., prayiiix lha re
lablialiineut or a Territorial road from
ems atiilsbtr u.iu.1 on Yamhill river,
I'nlk ifninty. lo Tillainonka Hay. Refer
red to cjniiiiitlre on made and highwata,
Mr. IVehlr. txe.ri.tid a rraoliilnin re
quiring Ihr clerk inpiuuur. th printing of
lAI V"llv. l l)iv .iij.p,,.-, a w..,,,m,,..
IKHi of IiiiImv lor llie iimi of I be llou.e.
jije a.ljjuru.l unlit 0 o'ulx:k,a. 111 ,
to iiiormw.
S.I. Dec 10. 1 8 VI
Hon. . met iHir.uaui lo H.lioiirn.n.nt
Mr. llit.nlMiu presented the litlull nf
Win P.iiinand nihrra fnrlheestabli.il.
ni'nl of Tillaniookjt Cilv On motion nf
Mr. C.n.r, it wa. ml-rrrJ loceniinilto on
Mr. Chapioan introduced, hill autliori
rlU the lo. inly roiuuii.ionrr. of the .ev
er. I counlie. In locale evhnol landa.
On motion. f Mr. Ilruni-ll.llir hill wa.
referred 10 a an'ecl cominitlee nf five.
Meiara. Ilrnnell, Durham. Iluma.ou, Uit
Ham and Colby wi-ru appointed a. cum
Mr. O rover preaenlrd the report of the
corareitBienar 10 adjuai Ca) use war claims.
Oa) aaWan Of Mr. Miller, ihn report waa
referred to committee on claims.
eHoajaa) adjourned until Monday, Oo'
aWrltiarn. M 1 ,
Meaday,l.e.ia, IBM.
Mr. Kelly reHDi.dJiho.l.tloo of U.AIbnaad
his wife, preying for V set la Iff . Hi. th.lr mar
riof.. (in nfiuen of Him referred le a oeleet
coram!.. Mmsi. K.Uy, Nwero aa. UMbard
tea appelaled aa oonwrullM.
Mr. KMy from jo.l eurnmllue e. oode, rrperl
ed a bill la eeublah Probata Ceuila. Head Am
I ma it amended by eoenm llee.
A b.11 (t; B No I) "10 .ppropelala eorlaln school
food.," red ateoad time, ardored lobe enroed
ud road tkird Urn. la-morrow.
A bJI toro-locaU Tarntatlal road frora Oregoa
CUy le Jaoob Hpoerea, read Uurd Ubm, whoa, on
motion of Mr. llamphrsy, furthtr eoatid.rtloo
yoatptaid taul lemoerew.
Moan, from Ik. bouo. aeeomtaayiagioial roe
olaUoa telallva todotir.ry of V. A. iallaal Unip
qo. MeatmStott, llamphrsy and rk.lpa were
apeuiaUd aa committee on iart of counoil.
Da moUeo ef Mr. Kelly, rules oeapoaded. ad .
bill W oeuUiab Probe courts, he., road eecond
lima. Mr. Klebardton meted lo amead by etri
klsg evl scetlea relatiae lo hot, sud Inaartiag,
This set to uke tltct from the Arot d.y of May
Best. Urd.rrod lo bo oagroajed ead read Ihlfd
tlm. to-morrow,
Oa loovo, Mr. Rlabardae. Utrodooed 0 blU (U
B No i) wthoelil.g eupaivkm ef Dikrkl No. 1 la
Folk eoMly, le alter road. I. Hid dwuiet
O. naUea t M'- Krily, rule, oeepo.dtd, .ad
lh.Wllroeaootlag"v4en,admiiilauler.si lb.
daarlbirdaa of rut Mtsl read eteood Uete.
Onmoco. ef Mr. Rlekardaen, eald bill wm
eateeJed by slnkle ewt tk. wood "for" .ad l
esitiiw lk.wwd"wllbla"lasacikH, 11, olisp. I.
Oa rostloa of Mr. K.Uy th. kdl woo farlhsr
araaadad by addlag. "Tht) aet lo lake oAet aad
be In force, hero aad after Ik. tret day ef Mi;
aaal. '
Mr. Kelly mated that Ike bill reapecllag oioo..
ters-adoilntMralors, JU-, be oagienod aod read
third lima ta-morrew.
Heooe adjearaed.
Aryaa.ooN 8asssa.-.Mr. KaDy'e motion one
adopted aad bill ordered I b. kigroaaod aad load
third time U-coeesew.
Msasaaa from Ih. How Matalalag Troaearer
aad Aadtervreearla. Tbeprlauagof Uoaplet
Maaeago from the Haas. atataitaayU-g a WB la
altar ih. aame af Clara A. 0sdwla,rad Iral uVa.
aadatatad taaWNad reatwW.
B aaon w. enwraa.
Cisaniaa rtlatlvo le nvaeeit af the
Reapo liter war, read ReM llaso aad
ojsTaeeue., Ihe rales were saspsadid. aad tba
Mil tmi w.eaJ .. imw llioea us pawos.
Cueni.iltle. 0. cea.Ueo roaeeted a Wt la oUb
IMilheeeualrofTllleaieeka. Read lest neao tad
In areend reedlM
Mr. ahavk nn Mtlee. that ko-aaereewsea
day eukai-aur.1, he weald latradne a Wl Met
Jiae foi Ihe relief uf llie poet aad Ibt Jfaakw Wk
Mr. Tbompeoa.of Ueapaa
Ilea II. J. R. No. I. ewautea
I'aanelleuaouirliu. That a I
M.alrd mi IU part of Uu H j
twine en ike pen et lao 1
CXHierre. wua regara re 1
al I'M tlnwwm.
'The raW.UoawM .daytee.
eon, of Uropaaa, Irawtraaa aad
.. th. tart.' Ibe I
Mr. PeeMes aenealed
ratiied lk.rtorlei1
Audita. afauUi atetnata
Mr. reeklc meted Ihe report k. reewred le a
etleet camaltleo of , aad tk.1 1 Ml ooela. ha arte
ed, The aietlea waeadeeaed. Aad Meeem Pet.
bl., (IMUm ud Tkimpa... ef WMklaglsa, ta.'
aulntrd aa eemmMre.
Mr. IStUeaaeteeuled Uw repeele TWlaal'
Treannr, ikt Ihe same aellea a. ea tht Aedhsr.
repvit Mttara. IVeUoo, Amkrea. aad Caeaa hH
tag eeenralliee ea Trreawret'e repert.
lleaae UjnnU.
lee w dteJI a iMmwW to Ctapem ieaaMlkea
meal ef tolaora aad ttaap. mt Urn M. MafaafJW
wai,siiutjt lepen mearmei moetaaaa. wm.
MaMn rrani Ike CevaeO.
II.J. H.Ka.,lu itkllMM
laH UuMlaL
O. inoiem, Ibe rule, were aaaptadfd, Mki ibt
m.nMi.1 toCongrea. Hkwllied by Mr. Motor, la
ke. p, real teeend ud lUei Ihsais aad pwssaV
Mi. Jatkae. (tte MOoe.lhai limit Of
some day aubn.tiaC be wmld ImrawataaM
proliibliailbt Mleuf Mainimii bi(Mteto ladMaii,
n.ll bit... .04 n.MMta.
Ml Wret.rft.ld Inlradoeed. bllfa
art le rh.ii. la .ame af (Tara A.
rh.airiMlb. kaeaa to Clam A-Ckuh.
u.iw owTpaawd lo aeceed ttadlike. Oa k4ia
tk. rule, wtiv wajiMieil, aad tk. kl rtad Miaf,
aad Iklrd tlnwe and pewad.
I Imaw edjauned ualll lo-merrew. OVegaeiu,
Dec. U.
Mr. It. Thomptoa Inlrodgced a biU,
thonging lha iiain. of J... A. KlngsNurjfi
in J. mes A Siox.rt; rules auspendajsle
read three times auJ patKJ. . '
Mr Hliucl, from lliecominltie.oe roeae
and higliHaye, iriurled a bill locatleg a
rn.,1 from Cruiid Uonde, P.jlk Co., te Til.,
laiuook hay , read twice.
The bill treating uJ oiganlxlng lha,
uoun'y of T.lmwukt; wat read three
time. .11J pat.rj.
Mr, Caaiiii, fiom oointniltee eg olaroMi
In whom na. rcfrrrrd the report eJbt
Cat me War roniitil.aitiiier, reported eaajJ
jiendit in the roumilottonar a report, fa
ci.uimriiiliiiu thai iur itclegale he requeet
rd to use hla liilluenre it procu'rt a far.
liter appropriatinu of 970,000, tod a.ktag
C.ingir.s lo pay Cheater N. Terry 199
A join! resolution fir. thf aaoomplbk
mentnf llie U). ulijeai, was afleeed, bm
Mr. Ilruier, hut on th. sugetlionef Mf.'
Perlilrs, that the former coinmlee'oaera
wefn a. .quail) eulill.d to reneite their
pa) u. Mr Terr), il was laiJu.ilhe I ah re"
for fu.llirr information,
A iim'. n;e w.eri ceiled fiom the Coun.
1'iln.ui.tiiiiiig .iMiiiicurreiitei in the me
num.! in i..jiiiii. tu ihe Kgut nvtr war.
(,'. II ft, 10 thong.- end 0mmi lerrllarlaf
road from Ilnak'a frrry lo Lafaytltt
read .rc'ind lime ami rrferrrd 10 commit
Irern road, and lii(',hvays.
C II, l.relaliie lo tchool lands; read
a lb.nl il.ii. .ml pa.ted,
II. II. 4,loihangehen.m. of Jat. Al
Kit.U.bur) j read a flr.t lime. " ,
II. II 3, In crral. and c.taMisli ha
county tl Till.inook ; read a first llrnf..
Mi Poweissiihiuiitcd a rrjuul from tit
comnut.loners In open sud lucatt a read
from Astoria loTualliy plain.; referred
to vlrcl ciiinuiiilcs l'owets, Richardeoa
and pulkerton.
Altiusoon. Mr. Ambrose gave Ira
lice nf a lull to creale and orgaalie Ibe
county of Randolph. ..
Mr. Chapman offered a resoluliaa title
muriilug In.lrucling the Secretary ef the,
Territory lo give notice lo Ihe read aaav
ml.atonere who may hereafter bt'epeflpt'
ed.ofthrlr appointment, cVc ll waa laid
on iht lahln and this afttrnoon being oaTI.
ed up by Mr. Millar, the mover a.ktd
leave to withdraw It, which being I r fused.
Mr. Perblea mnved le amend by Intcrilag
"c" htfort 'aeorelary." A dtiultery
dehato followed which ueulled lif'IM
mover being allowed to withdraw the rtt
A bill from Ibe ceuocll trgalltln lha
marriage ef David Alien aod Bllif bttb B.
Allen, wat read three llmeetnd paaetd.
C. B. I, a bIM appropriating certefii
achoel fund j wat read three tlineo.tiu
C. U. 3. a bill lo r.-locst. a road freak
Oregon City loSportk'i rtad flrtllmi.,,
Mr. uoiaa introeun.a a out to
ihe name of Polly Abn Wells I
to ohaikta
llti. rgt
AnnRlo-e.i read ihrisa lloiea and
C. 0. 1 establishing a probata oeu'rl,
(from code commlasonirs' report)' w
r..u iii.iiiui.. .,-.v
Mr. Humaata prtaeoted tht pttltUdl IT,
John A. Sims, ojr a feffjr flkarierj
io r reo 10 cemm.net on rorporatiew
Mr. Nye presented aWlllegillS
official aolt of former Alcadtt la
county 1 read twice aad rtftfrtd
led commliiit Ambroee, Medll,','
A joint retotutlM vft rfoelvtyl "fW lliji
otuncll asking the oooaorreoe,,etrtba
house In ibe appointment f a Wat mm-
mlllee 10 meirMrallfa Coogrett lor Ibd ap;
propriatlon of landa far the Improyeraeajl
oflhe Willameiie river 1 rtwlutloa'tea.
ourred In, and Meetre PeebChtpfikU.
and Rlkjnt appoln'td commiltteoapartaf
Iht Houao. Aatfiataii, ' ' ".'
' ' 1 i 11 tit
rrTae ligklUn AfMtabiy i HM'l
urtig liannttbi.' ' T .-1 'viTu
CeeaeU siaeaajsa
dek.tr ej'aaai el
I "'I