Oregon spectator. (Oregon City, O.T. [i.e. Or.]) 1846-1855, December 24, 1853, Image 1

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    31 W03
trn .tain
l lust
it but l
' it. t: ttRNEaW, KDITOR
Oica Horn n in imk 1 1 rt , m fcu i i i n I'inm h r humitmN
cat, ami, eecoL, ur.
&S(anMlhs 3 00
OMMM(lllltlM)MMlMrtiM, ft!) 00
laro iawrUM, ia 00
taMKM0MMl laeertiea it 00
.MmLwImJ aTaeiaM Carta, e lOUaaaer
A fetal sVJaoUse writ le veatlir advertisers.
Tin MHiker ef iaarruem aaust be lUatiacUy
I Ml Mm aaaiarla, aifceranae Ihay .U be
USUI, Ml MM aatesrOiaajlv.
krtaa LaMenr Ike Cau
a AMMriNtMOMl.
c lawra aim waa a mora oarmacea,
M a a '
ataMMMaaattampt, inada by any adininl
Irajlfea aol an f xcrplinir lhat oflhi
that oflht1,
ffi ..-'ITwhoVT."' Jin
atUlaWMmaawa paopla'a throala, than
M araaaiM. Ntara tho Cabin.1 and .
it manlala mora
kajlag up aa
raaaaa narar
iaaaaa atlaoti lor
gtafanop pa'.nota
oaually anlelntd
ItM.sraaaat Cabinet
ii3 ... . . .....li. 1. u..ii.t r.... .
.hraufftl fOornmenl pat. '"7 n-mmw in i i - r" - " .............. , y, .,,. , if, (n m ' .mu fciipingi u,i m me 101 r., .1 -., ..Ue niter hccomiiiL' die
'aatlia buying and aell. ''rtffr.ae aoiiio of our iranaatlanlln cwilii(ofhoiieaiy hi ihr r.i.t (lllice l)eparim-ui u.iptiux- eXnntio,i nl'low rank Iml mi In- du.l p...e.l lu the Cnni C... m ltl ,.aUlr.
rowdv DolTliclana and nrntnwniirraiiii.. i b1'" " " "" nn nan r. Iin u mul uiriviuu' ninin n in n, niieinp'iuj; in i roaa urn mer ul llio -
ru j pan i ii ii - i .. .r lllr!urr,inidla liJrlilv on 'of Ihrm tiinlniuiu" iimniii , ,na under the ..,.,,. ,i ,,. ,.i...,,i,. ,. ,,,l .1. .,., v,n . ... 1... ,. mi..,.l.,..l l.t id,.1 'I'lm. I, i,r doca the
It realty aeemaaa If1 tin part ofaervanla broUiiht lo California, lunula of a man convicted nl na delideruti. ,,..,. ,,,,. J(,, , , ,,i Bi,U(;r,iia if n.l In lum, und dm n ,,r ihrco men nnd , "land I'
a. -j -..- iu.l. aim we aiwaia uimK urut-roi nunmii n. iikii" ai ivm ... ... ........... ,.,,. wll , , ,., nriL'ma ti-L'e niii.n 01 i,iiiii-ii 1 .cnnnl nn caiim to I he aril e , -u n m , ' i,uu,ii.i...k..
3Z:X:L-7:-LjT::rr.riiiala-liuniMlnllft. There are at thi.
uarata in tii.t "i. ..1.
ributlM, thay draaded nethingao mucliaa
BMreat chance of being contaminated
aVprlaelptee. Marcyand Jeflrraon Da.
tIBMtliSta men who have no faith what,
ever ia 1 he people; lliay treat the great
UtfVef the population aa an Inert maia,
aMfhe faction ai tho moiivo power,
which require! to ba atlmulated by odice.
The Secretary oflha Treasury a man
aHwaown iu laniv, iguoianiBno incaiieri.
no incaiieri..
lin regard to finance, but auppoaed
tab upright and honeat after many
Matriahel of Independence and rectitude,
paraded In the gorernmeiit organi, ha, on
laafary Sratoocaalon which preaented it.
a'eapltuialad to Maiey, and taken the
lathe proel.tulioo of the admlnittra.
ttaa to the Inlriguee of faction. Ho haa
aftrae with unbluahlng front inla the pollt.
(ealahambleaoftblagreat cily, andcoin.
BMuaaeg im purenaaai 01 tu mn lacuuua
ami mat haa keeaimulalett alaoe I8M
HaiaMgiveaniaeroeraiomaaenoiunnari.r, iln0naon, who died recently near
laraatment In aaund and whotueome pro. .Shippenaburg, in lliia Siato, at the almoal
vlalana, and haa thereby ahown hiaatupld (uredible age or 120 yeara a I moat 100
aad fallbleaa dlaregard for the health of yc,r, ovcr ,1C average ol human life.
tba body polilie. Tha adminl.lrallon I
Mia ia bm ridden with the abiurd and nil
11.. !. n..il.n l.ai iU.tr,. uMer nf
Iba North and tha aeceaaioniataul the aouth
."".." ". . . . ... .
aonatltule tha great majority or ide demo.
0 ratio party, and that the whole akill of
that government oonaialaln aallalyln the
malcootenti. They alamler the national
democracy by every official act, and in I
their atorat Idlotoy imagine ll.11 ti"y can
aava tba Integrity of the pa i ' perpel.
uatlag iladlaraaea. The puluicalipiacka '
at Waablniteo believe lhat ihev are do. .
log wondera towarda conaolidaiion when
. . ...T .1
thay render an Inflammatory diatemper
ehronto, and will not atop In their career ,
ef follr till thay have rendered il incura. .
But thla latter ef Secretary Outline,
while baaa and conieimluie in ila concep. ; play at once, and .ir. rater tv aaoiogton
lea, earrlea In Ita tone and language an waa entrusted with the exeoulloo. .
effrontery and dlaregard for the common1 Tdia atep placea the Cabinet 4a ' the
deeeaoiei of government, not loaayof wrung. Aa we remarked yeMatdaV
lift, which we are afraid, will mark an iimriiiiig, it deprivea Mr. I'ierco of hie
epeeh ia our hlatory. Urn. Tierce occit. vuniago ground, and ieavea hint at the
alee the aeat which before Mm waa occu. mercy of the Harda. How they will deal
teal by Waahington, bv JelToraonjJby-rwIih him and I1I1 adviaera, remaini lo bo
Madison, and Jackson. Jual InufffneAI. seen: but, iu the moantiiiio, we may ox.
aiander Hamilton writing to-Hie collecior
aiN. York ; "iou mul appoint your
weighers, guagera and tide. wallers, your
aaaaasngera and watchmen, from tho par.
tia'tilar aet, who, though untrue to the
oonatitution, are willing lo aupporl ine,"
a'od 'you will see to what depth nf moral
degrdalion the government haa fallen un.
aar aurcy ana jenerson i.avis.
And than hew utterly rer.lleaaof lbn,U0l. "'ar Oustyii Four Cprnefa, on llie
jeual formi or polltenesa and decency la
(Ma letter of Secretary Uulhriol Not
aliened with ualng Insulting languago to.
wards a man orgrealerprolessional repu.
Ulhin than himself, he snda copies of
tbbt letter to the Naval Officer and Sur.
Tyor of thla port, and causae tho publi.
) alien of lira leller in the government
awapapera. He aeema to take nrldo in
aaaotinclng the proatilullinof Ida high of.
m lo demagogulsm. With oynio Indif.
raaae to the resoect or the world, ho
iipa enjoy belorehand the contempt
I deprecation of honest men of all par.
i lllneraoy ns can aaa to ine moriin.
Marine national democracy or 10 ine
gallon ef the antl-nalional faclionaof
eeunlry. The Albany Uegenoy,
aa Idioua practicaa brought about the
ariata ar 11340, la now installed al waali.
lagioa. Query will It meet a belter fate
la IBM t
Aa leaf as Marcy and JelT. Davla d.
Tide Iba power ef the State between them
there ean be no Improvement In publio af
akin. The country haa repudiated both,
jMlba man of the people have no ooofi.
aeaea la thslr Integrity politicians.
Ota. Pierce la, no doubt, determined to
Ma4b Ueooaatry and U nationality j
adlieueellieedby thaetrbta) meteor,
. . . . . . i . ...
who have no regular orbit rounJ tho mn,
ml must eiplode lung before the tirth
l i completed in revolution. With llio
present Cabinet Uen. Piarcs will be pow.
etltn In Congress, lilt plans anil vlewe
in regard to our foreign relatione win lcK
the support of national men, and the die.
..r...i.... i. i..i. ...... -:ii f....nu I..
IIWIIUIIW III tFU.I. IIU14W Will ..'..11 II,
volvohie administration in dlagraee and
. ii ii it -..1.1.
dim. In a won . let (Jen. P eree lake
council from lilt oanaroiiiy and umiragr.
a 1 aha f lt kHaAlirtHHlrtitd aiatrl Caatata
.!-. r. i.i. :...I...L, Jr...
l"0. """,",' ,jr
: "'. " ?-.np?nied h. -fan,
arvwrii in m irmiiu wu ni iriurii iioiiw
' "'-"' ' hail
coun,7' '.H b , '
id followpil III ill to llllt
lure, when we are it exhibited by Individ
, .1.... I., id. 1)1.1. .. r..m.
Illiic Iiiaiii eiani e ill in iaii j vii iiii
anil In I he iiiiuea. w'loao ralllilulneta It
would ba Impouibte to ahake ur corrupt.
and vim lulluuely prefer llio Kind rela.
liana which exiata between Ihemielvea and
nd who iiiiiui eiy preier 1110 Mnu reia.
nans which exiatatielweenlliemielvea and '
their nuilcra, to all tholwatted awcelaof
in...... ....1 ..ii. 1. ....1.... v... rv.
iiiiitiij iiU nn irMu,ii. ....... '
ri tt " 1 "tt T111. . 1. .
The llarri.burg Cmon publlahaa a long
ruin, ii na wouiu aaro nimwii ami me :" ,, , , V7 .. ,f,
country frum tho anarchy of facllona-lf ",e VI"C,U?'1 "f"''';. th". "-"J,r' "'"
ha would prevent tho renewal or I lie bat. M0 f"""iltibal (li-n IVrcf p.MimiMrr
tlo about alaerylm inuat diamlaa hhi and editor at Cloveland publUbidlbn i-
Rablnal befura llio meeting of the nott traola from llm rrmrl nl" (im. IVrw'i
Conarcaa l.othlmturn out lila aecreta. New n-dii apcerh . bile na the 7ilif
rleawihhloollectora.otl.matera.naal Angul, which a.o I'lintidembln lime
nlTicera aurvevora let Mm put honeit n,r ,,lr ""''' "n'1 ,"1,1 l.-'iiif-" wit
menln oflice untainted by faulion, and neaaea In N. II. liaJ mrpp-.l forwarJ nml
rel fcraunporloullia great body of en.,e1"'J,",,ll", w,'',, fpurl ua f.iltf
aibleand vlrtiioua men who haa elected ,"J mallj-nant. tlen. i'muv a Mnlilnu
mi wiiim iirm, hiiu ...... u iii Ii,-Ui re w na n mil vera u iiiiiniiiiv "i irmii ine nnui'ioiia. itnn criitMiii; itrauu ,,..,
f.. ..1. ..!..!. i:.l..lti.. J.,L I...I I... i. Ill .iaI l.n r.ltilnn.l in llii. . A V i.i . t e.i .1 l. I I .1 .11' """
vnwtJIv enirarmil la 0,B uiayiiig "im luinui uiv ninj , I'lnnnir, linn ine Miri.tce ui ine ennii i'iii mvi r nu ite nn luiicu hi mi iiri'unin i 'i , i. .1 Mnccito inoremrnt T
" .. .. . '-gk m ' I ....!...... .. al.. .1. 7..f.f A.. I nnal.li. lui.l n urn I I inlli J .1 llll Ii' n l I ..I f.l..l ...I
. , . , , e nn ."..", " ' -. ----
K"m'vSt" '5ou iireu (.nHi.K ....... u ... (
I'au )eara. In reference 10 jamca oalia.
iher of l' nna) Ivauia, aaya :
oi rejoicing in hia 08th year, and
,aa given notice lhat he will pay no debta
contracted by hia Itenerant wife, whohae
left hit bed and board wilhaut cauaeor
provocation. Ha thinka a lata of HO
ought not to be trualed at large, lie aer.
I,ed n i,t war under Waahington, and
lotrl Hit pari or a brave aoiuier
But Ida grcMeal Meihuaelah of all, waa
(JoLLtcTcia Uionkosj lHrnar.n. A
Waaliinolnn correaixindonl. tvdo.a tailor
."...... .'.. ..- 1
we way publith entire to morrow, aaya the 1
.. 1. I'.vrn.ng Mirror 01 1110 tun, wruea
ua aa followa :
ine reply in uonecior nroiiaon ia jiiii
rrcelwid.am! I'cter u. waalilngliui ia ma.
king oul Ida walking papera; ao you will
have a merry lime 111 N. Y. absut thcae
8.1 llroiitou into liedecapiintedafierall.
Well, wo anticipated il. He could not
.. ..
alomaeh the very abaurd latter addrcaaed
lo dim lay Air. Uuthrle, and, In all prolia
bility, replied to il in a manner becoming
an independent citurn, who did not solicit
an office, but whom office aolioited I Of
couree, Ilia guillotine had lo coma into
praaaaliopa (bet the epieiolatory rago of
air. uuiiirio win ue repreaaed lor U.e ru
lure. (.en. Scoll waa not mora unfortu.
nulo in Iho character of a correstioudent.
N. X. Vrlla.
MoiiHin;r, tiik Paizc I'lamai Diad.
-Jas. Moiriaany, who fought will. Yaukeo
, Sullivan, on the Will, for a wager of$ .
M'"" of Iho N. Y. and Harlem railroad,
, died on Iho ufleriinoii of the Mill, from the
rfTeclanf the Injuries he received In the
brutal encounter. His lace ami neau
were ao out aa to present a most horrible
spectacle, Warrants have been issued
for the arrest of Yankee Sullivan, aa well
aa for tho four necondt Andy Shehan,
Wm. Wilton. Awful (lardner, and Tom
O'Oonnsll. Tliu alfair had caused great
excitement in N. Y.
Otnr.HL EriacnMLCoNViKTiorr. On
.Saturday, tha Iter. Dr. Kipp.ofthe DIo.
ccaoofN. Y and the Rev. Mr. Scott, of
Ihu Diocese of Urorgla, were eleoled by
the House of Clerical and Lav Delegates,
the former aa Missionary Bishop to Call,
fornla, the latter aa Missionary Olahopto
Orrgen, with jurisdiction over Washing
ton. The Convention probably adjaurned
alne die en Monday last,
Tai Nixt PautDiMT. A writer in lha
Newark, N. J, Mercury, nominate for the
next President, Commander Duaoan W,
Ingreham, of fl. C, who dlsllngulihed
hlaiMlf in tha Kota affair at Smyrna.
Some people,, write, ani, etheri talk
themaelTW ant af fepotatloqi
McudiMiloita Ildllnr nml IVial
Under thla caption the leitiiat die Jmir.
mil publishes our exposure nl (Irny'i
statement ronardlng I1I1 publlcmluu of e.
tract! from Pierce's New Motion apee, h,
'' the la.il-ro. dentin .anva,., an,. nun,.
Mho rolluwimr observations:
,-, . I . i i III
I , We do not think thnl ,. need n.ldnny
i.iiiiiv In Mm ilKitr intti I nil hnifi in ii i. hv
i c"l,r "' -ie''iuiiii huki
the report almiild lie irue m kuIi' nl'.ill 'In
il.oce,ucsdeiiialaliial lunl In hi nrin,ii.i
bo priKureil in N II. oruuvhi re ele
And tinw 111,' rnacul baa mn n nml puli
lialird a ilelilnrnlr Mr, l.illn lli it Ii" did
not do what he kmi a llint de ilnl d i nnd
what hiaimn lilea prine dim lo Ii He d-n
rdilnr 7
I'fun tin raniim Mir
(iml ilnne It uiiiluiigeablv, tan tli-m
ia tho law or all creale.l tliinri, lin.li
,..., .(,,.. f ,, , a,,,
ti... ,..., ,., il.
licit 1 f Ida
. dreithealhe ,1
line mr of
' I our ancoalora. I no cucnni ni c nnpo.i
tiuna, and deiiinipnailloii lhat iinoenaiiiL'
.our ancealor.
Iv lake place in the aliiui.plitie, 111 ide
'1 ,,... .... i. , ,.r, ,,,.1 ...
acl ,lp,H ,,, , Hair litm,-nilmliit
aula. I lie aeveie itinlera u noriin ru re
gioni aro louiiii tviimn 111c ijm imn 1 emu
rvlo be becuniinr' milder, uttiii.' i.i rliipa
to minute gradual variation of thiiraiih'a
aurface, in ila aelrniioiiui'al and vliclni'
ralalionalo tho ar vnuiluiieii in 11 alight
degree wilh the circt of human indilalry
,nd agriculture.
Wilkin 1l.i1 nan of llio Irouici 11 alijht
change haa aleo been olm-rved , not i,
much in reapaot to ila Iheruioiiii Irical 1
temperature, hut lijgromalricatly. Tho 1
meu'.hof October, ill which I now wrile, i
I generally eharacleriae.l hy ihe bent irl j
and moat continued ruiua. I hate nfieu
been told by Iho "Ideal inhndilnuta liml
formerlr il waa neceaanry In prutido bu
forehand vtilh a uflicient uuauiilt nfnrci
. , . .-.. .i i'.i .....i.i... 1
vialona and firewood until ilus mmiili lunl
paaaeu, lor eoconiiiiuoua nuu nc.it t tu re
tdo raina for f.fleen d)a al leesi, nml .
awnueii conacipiimnj neeni
llial it ttna impot.il, lo Iu Intn iniiiinmu
cnlinn with the surriiiiinlin tillai!es
Hllhertn Wn have had Mime d.i)s of mm
bin not minim inns, Mj etp..rnni'.i lull,
crloin this pari uf South America tumid
therefore iudtcalu an liurnti hi nl lin
climate that is to aay more lutiirable
for llm uninlerruplril conliuminueof uu
cultural iiiiliulrv. 'Ihu rains nl nresriii
have rather a sort ofdiiirnal purmdicilt.
Al aunriaowese the lilue uurililli-iea
clear and diktinut ; llio nir fre-'i uu I nl.
most calm. Ahmit III . M nrntn llie
Pacifio aea hrrexea from S. Iv., ttnriu,
and oharged with vaimr from Ihu oue.in.
The while cloudy oainalnu" the ri. Iiic.nl
the mounlalns ahnw iln'ir nrnval ul tlua
ceUar Jlgiona. Tho cordilleraa im mi
Inngeraeen. They nro gradually id ired
by the continual lnrreni of wnlery in
port, until an almnal blnek ciirimii linn."
over the plains. About nnd diy r.nu he
sine at the foot'0jhillilNiliiuniird, lin
heavy ulouds come puahiug hick llm
breeze about three nr four P. M. The)
reach Dat d. nour ns down ttaler. mil
acaltrrlng lightning J onward llio alorut
pasaes, drenching llio Manila and llm set
coin, o be dissolved In the tturinor uir
of llm ocean from wlieneo lliev c.tine, 10
repeat lo inorraw, anolhor aeriea nf evnp. '
orall.in and condensation The herds nf
oatlle imnnwhilo are rejuiuing mining tin
long green grn.a, mini Iho dryainvip
shall arrive In parch their pnslurn giouod
and compel them In setk for fuud mining
the ravlnea and alnpeanf the cnrdilleraa.
"t" lillln alenderbilloil birda ore ... busy
aa lamn.litthlfira. feedine ml Ihu tthiln
frull oflha oinantiu nelllea llint nkir. llio
slreamlela. The hard. hilled nn'., nl'ler
playing the mischief amnug llio ricolielda,
aro seen In flncka Inward aunael, fit iug iu
wards to roost, and the noiay blood red
...U.....L il.. ...... .u. BWHinii.. il... !
llliuaainpca iiiu iininiu. v .......i.., ...
...llnw. ..A il,a nti.hi dnwka iiinkn llie
Iu... r adnri iwlllu hi lo 1'ivn nlaon to
I. I.T I .1 -- ... .1... I 11 - ' .... I. !
Ill HIS irillT iu iiiu i.'iiiia.inr , 1..I... T .. r..-M. un. nliiirliiiii.il n.anUiir tint.i.r I '.Il r.irmn HI!
the bale when daylight Is ovcr. The! It waa also ainted, u low data M.ice.ldal
. " . ...'..., .1 .1,-11. .- . .1.- e. -
.iirlfav.liiiTTarrla rooat on llm ton.
01 llie
hitiiaaa. Inntilne diaaerenablv wel. Thcll
cemea the moon and the alienee of night,
disturbed only by the voicea of tho awol-l
I.r, rta.aa. anrl mv.iadtnf unseen Inaecla :
day at length breaks tho wrens slrig, the butillmust huvo been long provioiia to Hint Vcallh isjust that sum whinh gives
aun rises the gallinaxo or burr.ard ahakea dale. It waa also traverned by llie follow. ,.(,,, w,c,her It bo ono dollar or mil
Mi wet feathera after an uneasy nights lug peraon. previous lo lB'JO: - 1 Hons.
rest, apreada out his wings to dry 'them Suiilli was llio (ir.i American or whom wel
In the sun's rays (just, for alt tho world, .hnvo any nrruunt who crossed lliia conn. I In ttho preionda lo do everybody's
like Austria's Coat of Arms.) Tho la- try. Ilnled a parly nftrappera froinlho particular friend, li nobody,.
rll.atiaaian la lha rlvar to rcfreah ihelr !
naked okarma In iu oool walera, and Ihe Lake) or llie diil'orent parlies huiiilng un I Harmlesa mirth is iho best con
huawlnWrdallltinentbevarlouicl.derthe auardeaeof Gen. Ashley, downlJfil lbaconiumptiaapflhaji,tiritf,
rat id llm Mir ' x, nl
lllf I ilpll.ll uf tliu
pintine,' nl i iiiriipu
Much la n I tint pinlurn nfllni Mini"-! "I
ihp raiiivaauani. mi ili plaint Ilus hi.Ic f
Ide Cordilleras id Veraguna nml Cluii.pn
Il .i' ii 1 1 1 nil -thai tin- psitniiii tells in
HmI mi Hi,' A!liiiitii'ile lin Ii rt 1 1 Inir "nil!
""""-"" "" ""i; '
t lb-furd.ll.-ra,
lo ou lin. il.n. n n roiiUirr mi ibe
,,(irr aula il tin- day nl I'.iiiniim, wbuw
nuMt.il lni,.r, mi I pluii, il hkIii I
,ii, , i .,. ,,. rilml, I ini-iin Clm
C", whero It uovr -n.- M lam d.i nml
' i.ijl.t, wt. iulmluiinii litem n vamr
',!,,),, v ,, ,. (jl). r,, , ,B rtrc-lv
,.wrillilaihniii-b llamurkv aimnaplirre
H, (,. ,div, ,,f Ijlr nealber frighten
..H 1...H I... I.... I . -..J... 1 1... .1.. I....
u,i. nniiiliililuiia inlu Hie i linn Ilea In irj
liml I ir more rain. I nre Hie phi
miiiIiiu cinidigi.l Hiiiidl dn duller able Ii
realire a jii.i nlraiil' imr plan"!, 111 one ol
Ha earlier.! li.imM; .ii ii'Nn Ii. I.nluie tin
it a iv u nl iiutinaieil cienlion, v, here turl.
in m "nin 111 I lie la I Ide deep." lie
rn ide em nf the etrlniiiiriirniia I'lirina imi.
Ide ulnde Tde ferna and older In'iea nf
nlnnla willed e nnU knnw na In.aila iiiiijIiI
' da le're In iiil' l d i-l e are ji.-meij
lh.il t'terv put nf llna euiioiia k-oi liemi
tutli Icirhil rei.hlaa nml mae.'ta renin r U i
dlefirllie mlenailt and rnpidit) nl lluir
'I'd'' enlor nml prevnlniit ilwnaea nf ila
aV.ti ilillnnl. id nt 1111 liter aellvitv nf tle
ifMi.iry at.lem 1'de liter la niter ill
r at as all 11 1 1 . . ia 1 nrrjan ill d d mi
Vmr; llie ddvi I, an J tdemr iniitiiiual'it rea
plied I lie skin Irfa n neld 1111 nr ii"ter
tree fiom dloli dea .111 1 iid'i ra, tt dile 111I1 1.
iniitin ( anil spleen ilmeate m it Ii".oimi.
ere. I nliiiit ua their inornl sial. l hej'lh
In u mornl point nl tiew a n-il lo ide
iium a nf I'li-ien Mould br IurM. mieraai
int',111 order lo are no'v ine aiatea uei ai
Iter Ila ir iiimiediale emin-ipaliou fiom
1 aim cry bv llio New lir.inadiau govi ru
ineiit, ttlrn h m pirn e lat ar
l-'iirnieily there na a o lemd'e
trade between tdia and Clwn, in dried all
bf. whieh dna ren.ad alnee einlgralion
Dl'.iliforina lo.,k pla.-n lit I'auaiim.
HatiJ.llfl Wib',:! C1111111 ..
Tlif f.rfiil Itu.hi
l'., 11,111111 nil III 11.11. 11: Col I reinonl.
I itdu lirsl nliam.'d tde i.len nf a l.ienl
l.'i nlr.il llusm, s i , 1d.11 11 d.is a .liameier
f I I dl-n. ,i Inlllind- In I I de;'. ol Inn,; I
1,1 le, ill 11111 ! tali ni "I lllilllnr .iimil del,
stirnilllliled dv lofl) limiilitains ; 1I11I Us
contenls are 11111101.1 illlKllottn, mil nellet
eill . I. fill, d tilth 1 iter 1 mid dikes, tidied
bat 1. nn t"ii uicvni ttitli Ide ..m
ileaerla nnd naaea ttlrn It hatu netiT dun
I'tiidtieil anil Hit.iL.e lri'Ma ttlmli no
il.ttellei d.is sei 11 or .les.'ride.l
II.. tu na nil a It on llie
e.nl In llie in. mn
tains mn Iiahlveusi nl ihu' liieal Sill
i.nrl liiad I. ikes: llm Wndaali'li l mn
tain und n I'luiiniialmnul llie uiiw a.iiih
and iti'drrlv. uriilini; nilhihe Sierra
to II III lal. ill !l(l N . bin. I llll W .on
llie itist dv III' Sn ir.i Neva In nn In em
.: .1' il... !... in. ril. inil. n III.!..
Muuiiliiint, anulh ol llie Ci.luiiihi. and
ensi nl il,i W1II11111 lie iit.is;mi the
uorlh by llio lilue M mill una 1111.I thueol
llie Snake, nr l.eitit Ititer.
TI xf-'ni ft ho llism, eouiinii..s
I remolll is llieri'inai nil esianiisneii iai'1 III
nit iiii id. It mnnt be less Ihau I i.r ."l.(l
imls em h tt.it', nml uiil.t be prmeipill)
III Mia l.llll'iruia levn pp. ...I lo ..II
. . . . ... ..... . '.....
I nml "J l.tpluralimis, nud no.
ni map.
I- tub nl Ir.nii I 'rem mi's It'porl,
liml un 1 mull) en st nl llie Culu.i,l,i una
llllrll'lnl In In lllld need ttltliiu (lie llaslll.
Hlilill leas In iMniil'la eastern 1 1 a aaa I In
N'etv Meui'ii. lie nlao nasi its na a ueees.
"H(y cmrdiimn in ila leiujj t dfred n
llialn, llnl il shall hatn no tinier cnursea
lottltio imn Iho ocean W llll far ynnlnr ,
propriMV inl'jbt tb (.nit nl Calllurnia be
called ii I, .ike, Id ill llnn'iiuiilrv driiiued d)
llm Colorado ilimominnled u liiisin.
Il wns only u desire tu place Ilus ipiei.
linn in lis trim pnaiuuu, na tteu ua in rnr. r
rectniicrroutnua ide. re.pe.illn;. .what
, . I I I. .l kli.li.il llinl . ... I ..... I on.
C'd l'i''u I hid aimed, I lint imlueeil m
to exnuiinu hi. ri port ul'ier rrmliuu nur
nuauurln mv inipiiiieain llm llfrnM.
'I'lint iho (ileal all l.nko Vulley ia a
Mn.in, ilure can bo no doubi ; but from
iln. lLisii. must lie etLlllded. us Cul. I'rc. I
- , , .
muni hiiiisclf aavs, all Iho ciiuiili v ilnilil-
cd dv rivers lluwiug iiiKillie iii-enu
i;apl, joaepu tvniaer .vita ine ursi peiauu
tt ho croaaed the country of llm liroiil lin
.aln; and that Im orusaed it from the bier.
ra Nevada osM, in IU&II. I do not know
, when Walker first crotscd lha country,
aummer 1c.1durvo.1s (not Inr from llie Salt I
uir,l enntnltnliUluii d.ek llm dunks
i idstiir In il hv ide merrv tiiiecaiil tliu
I in-ill Kiwi In m nin ii hi ttilh (irniid
Kite. . hikI tin in i ilmtii Urn iniilrd waters
Im Ii It Mil' fulorada Itlvrr lo I lie
In ml nl iln C11..11 C.iiiiiii , limine ho Irav.
uli'l mi, iii'liiily, nml rraitln llio Sier
ra Ni vmlu in I In' viciiiiU of, or at Walk.
n !', iiiIitiiI Hut I iiUiu Vnllry In
I".'. i AIIit imikinu n niluii'nnlul
ilm iiviih lliivliii lulu llio
" -"'"i """r'ti "',,, .. . . .. mmj . ufc
tin. i,i...ni-r ,.l IH31 -r in ... return by ' "Wei.' continued .he, a nd "
i f.ll.iwin up il... Ami I'urk of ibe nil-nded modealy cronnd hir Mlurajf.
' .Sai-innu'iiM I'iii.Iiiik ii iiiinn,.!il lo ' bko Ibe tun lliuli 00 a newly raddMM
inntlb.. Su-rra Nutada uuli hi. company , '"rn dwir, "llial may b ilia wajr IhajT
' Im inured ami prepan-il for a tuinmerrii. biiiK in I'nrli, but it itn I modeat t o
rainpmi nl, nut Inr fimii wbern Suller'a Km ilh. A woman liaanorighlle Wtf
' I'mt now la. lliTeho li-ft ln parly, nml '" And uhnl doca aha want 10 mf
wnli :i mnii runted the Sierra Nevada, In '"' ' ("mi nlm wear mora n on pair ll
' the iinnlhor June Home lime almiit ilm ' I'"1 l'" baifiol the dreaa.aaar
'J-iili .if Jime,mt iifhia imilea died liom all to iiialiii trouaera forMr.jUrtMirtajJ
I ..l i c ... I i .. . .1 I.,
i-... iliiimi. n aiinvt mimiii- Aller ilnaceml-
nw ide inoiintiiina tn ide 1 ul lliv remain.
iter ul Ina itumi.ila died dcfnro rcncliliiL!
Sill l.nke, und liny Hern coinpillrd to
1r.1v I nter 'lie ilim'lt mi iiait, carr
Id' 11 ninv itiutia, h dn Ii f iiitiak'n aolcly ul
lmiaeliie.il. Ill lin- tail uf the anie Veer
de n lniu.il In ( .ml .mi.i, trailing aimlh
nfiiM nl upper ( alirnrniii.
In l-'i' ur '"!, Mr. OiIrn, An Ameri
nn in U,u employ nf ide II, niacin'. Hay
Cn'iiparit , led a parly of Imppcra alorir;
id en.'eni daae nf Ida Sierra Nevada.
and 1 ui.-red Ide lulare Valley nn Ide trail
hIii re S...11 Ii dail firal orniai d idu Sierrn
ii l-JII l.,g . .unp nr lenue.aee,
I. d 11 pany nl irappera Inim Nrtv Mexico ,
ml,, llie lttl.tr.. ami Mm Jna.piin v alley, 1
cioaamg Ilia I l-serl und Hie (Worado Itiv. I
ar le-dnv ide Canon I'lua party return. I
,d to Net. M, M.niu I tail.
In iB.lil. Win W0IM.1II led u pari) of
Irajipera I'l.ni. N'uv. Jim , destined for,
(lie Sail Jim!,iii nlle), dill grtling iulol
llie Wada.iit'd Mounlniua, in ide ttinter nf j
l:ill Ml, he ttna compelled l.y llie tnow
ami rold lo Iratel aouth, nnd ulliiualely j
eame into California, where tho party.
Inula, up tlsr.
unci ins Thavcmh.
l,.-lU .-an I i.iKua Ili.aU
lli.KAI.n. IVrling an Inleretl in
. r 1 ; a. .i;
sail Kranciaca H.ratJ
iiiiormainiii ueaniij; uin iiiu un.
covpliea in llie to.callrd (ireul llaalll, I
ttasniui'li iralirit'd with )our nrlicleinade
'. J - -
Uplnmi inluiinaliou niiiaiued Irani t-apt.
W'alker, 111 rtdilionlu hia last journey
iIiiihikIi ido mdospiindle country for
am d I I mnd it 111 llie it inter nf '10. I
mnilil, dottetir, fonei.1 a ali;hl error
ttlui h iiiiprars in tour uriirle, 111 relaliuu
In Hie Ii r deslntte I up mi Cipl. Walker
of b. ul. I he lir.t l,n ,1. (,, passed
ihrniirjli the inn xplorul rej; a of 'liu II.
m II lie in i K- llie jouri..)' piet mils lo
llie tt mier of ' III, lliru la ho enlillid Iu iho '
triilii, mn u Miiru, uifii iiiusi i trinmi inr
fuit rompanions and 11.) self
III., I limur l.entiug tliu old .Sii.iiikIi
I rnil jusi Mllll nulla aniilli of Salt l.alie,
nnnidin ' lo Ide r ilculalionaofmir 11'ia.d.
, 111.1
in.i-.lrr, . imt.llud oil for J mouths in a
urse nli. ml dun it ei. wur patlyilur
1111: ibis in, in ttus reported dial ; bill lh
in .si nl us nrrited .nli ly, iitimia rtery. !
I d im. dut iiii t li t ,'a. W e met tt ltd nil tt a. I
ler nil ileter, nller tte Itfl Sevier lliter,
until tt n had i-ulircl v Cloned Iho lloatrl.
Ant inforiiiiiliuu in my knowledge iu re
anl Iu n c.tulilrv aolilllo kuoitn as llll
H, I shall bo happy Iu n 1 v is )iu nl an) j
lime. A SciiacmuLK.
Orln Jud'o llruiiauu'a teller to Mr.
. . . ....1 . .-.. .vii ... :
.I'fTi inrj- t. inline, nc nsea inn luiiutiing
independent 1a1.411.1ge . " 1 111 potter 01 np.
pniiiling siiiKinlinu'i. "Hi.-. ' 111 Ulceus
loins, ia tiated ulone 111 lue ('ullcclor by
l.i. I dn not inlri fere will, your pow.
era, nnd I hupe)uil "ill do like jualieo to
ine. I deny Ibnt )ou liavo any riedl lo
laaun iiiairiiclioua for llm I'liviirmneCI ul
m) conduct Iu making selections for oil.
ceia umicr mt iiireeiiona.
O-Vlfn Miaais npi"l.it mile, what's
n in i.l.iui qiiml for. ('. C'uum.
I'ur a lriiuf, aomiiliiiiea.
O-VThe iiinn ttho I'uiibln'l "trust lilt
lings, it supposed lodo bilsinrsaalnct.
)v 0l, ,l0 ,.at, principle
' '
0V"t f the SUM' Premium, awarded
m ihp Springlield Horan Kxhibilmii, Ver.
muni look ft, nnd "llio rest of mankind"
only mo.
n-.rM"il I
U l llliln
lha last tttn inuiilha scuiio
I THO slates hntrdeeii landed in Cuba, all
i nru. gu opaui.u vnaaeia, ai
S.nilli alii., nl llm l.lnilil
all on the
..m... ..... .. .... .
tJirS coward is generally a bully, for
ho w lin U chicktii' hearted may naturally
And Ikf rend, "Ai i'arla,
iimk"r. lonilun nnd iniltintra
bi'i'n nrLiiplnl In fnriillilng lit frnu
of llm 1'iiiicPH Waia."
.Sinn Is in,'" mid Mm. rartiaitM.M
' . . ".
klio raited licr Irnuor nn.l elanoMl OTirtM
I'l.l.r.'lrinnf liar hiinclaclfa, "doea It rtMNkM
llo Htturnd Iter that il did.
" niiiSyii .. to
V find ilm following afloat In Ik
newptpera :
Wdai ia n alur T Aimait anrjremani
..... i.ulot IIIHt,., ndnot another.
Wl,.i l .. ....t I (.ulna, oul af tha aholf
, ,, bumu r,.tehncnt during aarM
igaloat tU
I w is llie morcury T
I id, I 1..111 -a u bow ila pretty well.'
'You Imlo ratral, ia II not ooiaar laaa
' ealeruay.
i 'I donl knnw dad j
' liel
but I'll go out 1
A New Vork editor ll.lnki, from Iba
,, ,,i,art.mado In thatolly.tbare
,, , u, .jh,)r(,,or ,f UT$ Ha
B )( )() ,hn ,,VM.n,B 0f , ,,, .hlrt Iba
(lltr d KM rmm ,moir Iba aait
nor) , crawlinu oul between two aftba
An oiiiiiibua recently upael ia Broad.
aj. One luun vtaa airitek with anldeBt
dut not renoualy Injured; and a yaajag
I Jy wnsLarrii cl ntvay on lierowo lealalJM
,ut got back aafe.
Mv ami tthat would you do if
dear faihrr aliould be taken.. away
you J' "fij!i
could nwnr then, and OMW aalbalMrifiS
.. 1 i I '
ou;' llnclil youill. , ' (VejilJi
- tv A-'
Mrs. I'arlinglon aaya loal Dataiag
I Tt 9 - '
ileapueaner an inucn aa ia aea poupo wa
prwept lomfi a aalf.ltion, logoleohufeb
ttuhout idelr puraea when a recollaoliea.
' la lo bo taken.
If tour iim'licr'a mother wae my
" "".""- -" -"--'. -."
hrolher's ami 111 law 1
I'nlieiii',' is very good, but pertever.
it ditter; while the former atanea
si, ue under dilliculllea, ine taller
..,. -ni.. rl
' . .
We should yivo 01 we wo jld receive,
chiieifully. ipiickly and without healta.
linn ; fnr'idoro la no grace Iu a benefit that
aticki lolde linners.
Tlieri' is not any fear uf knowing too
lined, th tuah there is gront fearof know
ing tooliltle. I he most knowing RUB M
the moil iloinr;.
Tim ueive which never relaxee, tba
eye tt die li uetor blrnches, the thougbt
which inner tvaudora lliesearelhe aaa.
leraof virlury,
Alleciiuii, like spring llowera, breake
ihrouli ihu must fiozen ground at laat;
nml 1 do bean ttlilch seeks but for kaatber
heart 10 inako it happy, will never eeekia
A lady tins naked the other day why
,,0cl0,0 loliv u inK0 Hfe, and gravely
replied :
I am uol able to support abui
C'larn my dear, what a beaujlfu
tky: how I uduilrr il. 'Yes, Charlie J I
sometimes ttlali 1 wasa.s.k.y.
He pel mils himself lo bo seen thesuak
a mlLroscppe, lia auiTcra hlmsajf lo be
kaughl iiiu paaaion. ' .
The best Lred mania he who II pee.
sesacd of dignified cose to reooneb Mm
10 all aliuiiliousnnd soeiety.
-V rpiril nipper in Iowa aaya lhat Dr.
.'lai.i.iiii Inn opened a clrcui in the other
We inn
ly to do rin.
b suro that our will Ii like.
.1 d during the day, ee pre
pire in 1
ll) on tumid not have afillolien vUIt
you twice, liaU'ii al once lo what It leioh.
Jesting is not unlawful, iriltreapaas.
elh not In iuantliy, quality or aeaaaa.
Watch for liilloopportunltieeef plea,
Always putliulo aunoyaobeaaaia
the way. tpto$u