Oregon spectator. (Oregon City, O.T. [i.e. Or.]) 1846-1855, September 16, 1853, Image 1

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    ' " - .-. - Si ''' '' "-''
J it WI "T.fw eataW
tX -?'
m X T S
IL i ' - ..--t.....T.ri.,--t-y.mTnjr'3jril.ttJLj;U'-'i'i'L--!-iilj'jgn'ii-:ri- ;)' .,.JTT;tjir.r - Trrrjrii:amtmritt-agm7liil ui im.u -j.:, ' ';7mi i- i i I. , t.l i n i I
.' t, j. WIINBIH.V. KDITOR ,
1 T I ' ' ' " 'I - 1" - Wft 1WABBIA1
Mill" or TDK nuru or uasu.it.
Out eerr, f snanm 93 uu
""..'"1 i. ...,k. al nlii
IT ... Hluutltw ... .
On squar (ID bar or Im) lo liurrtloae.
I'M tnT JJItlinl InMtlicn .. . .91 UU
iv.f.JL.n.i .n.i n,ij..u. :ij.. of io l.n. or
Im. 9" Pr aunam.
n -..w . . -. .-
MiwUau nJ taaaytairly Jv.rtlM'nk I
iter of lawnlwM nurt Im diMihctly '
A liWtl aw
Tb niunlitr
nirktJ M Ui hirgl, aUwiwlM lhy mil U
cauaaa Ml IVtbtii, aau coargva ccmuidij.
j . 1 r
Y mn ' nitrrjr KniUrnl,
Who for ntfron wtrp iikI niou,
Vh alt cthtr'i fauka m cUar,
Bat blink al all yut awn ;
Y.a hrpocrlln.tart oal tht bum
Krjcu brfin It try
Tt wlpo away ikt mvtt thai dnut
Your Yank" ' hbor't ryt,
Niy, Julinjr UjII. no lonjn loll
Voul r)fbalU U to llctttn,
Nc tltralt jrour luaili l(tim'J
With I'htiiMrxa Itait 11,
Till you ht gnn to llit jwoi
1 A iuoiiof)oor ixlf,
-Ail omI " Ikal cin-"rorhtnw
rii)ucin,hrl thji.l'."
Who mt . ucoiuiijfil narrr)
Un our Wcit.ln ilioir,
Aad from Uia nuJ of Afnca
Tht hrlplcM nrjto torr)
Tht hllitr llntlxcil Ih.t.Jutin,
lit ilul Ult drill coimn.l,
AuJ thin writ nurihrtl to the rpmU,
Thou canung liypotiit.
Ytii uy our lauJ it fiow.nJ uKn
I'or mm rnoit hug t and dark.
And art Ibt uuwdt that quit )ou, John,
la cTerjr Yanktt talk
Your kxliug, .tailing, fle.li and blood
lly Itaa of Ihouaanda comr,
Aud that llitjr may g.t nrgro fart,
Quit kladrtd, frirndi and honia.
In Africa tht ntgro man
Mar roam at frtt at air,
But nailrt htrr, ihoojh mwh ctnttmim),
You ciiiiiol cot huii Unit
M'h.lt frrt tod in.rry I'.iigland
Hold, iii'liioui In h.r iwiy
Who, could Ih.y huii ll..lrfallirr'tracr.,
Would laud and hint tlit day.
TU paixn tay that ywl httt aikrd
Mullen aud .Mi.lT htuwt
To corn and M" )u. and Ih.t ihc
llai laid thalll.ry Mill go;
They'll ko ami altow ihcir hainWint kuct
And if you likt thru fekiurn.
Piy ariid jour imilalioii 11.1t
To thtm and all tht llrrchtn
Wt'll all coufeai, lhn, Jahny,dtai,
You am mil' kindl) giowii,
To .hifl thU kurdrn Irani our kacka,
And lay it on your own;
Ilul tit it haa Utnloiih Ih'i'i
Tru.1 m, ) uu'll all agrtt.
That yourtfiii'ilt Hinbad ;
Tht ok! man of the fa !
joui 'ri:yiii:.
Thcia't not rhr aptr linn on tarlh,
Norytt 01m half ao d..ir ;
Tit oith rnort than iliitiiiguuli.il birth,
Or Ihouiandi gamed a ytar
It leul. tht day a now iltlighl i
T virlut't firmett ihlrld t
And addt inuro btauty to the night
Than all the atari inly )ield
It maktth poverty content j
T'l aorrtw wh pn pttoo ;
It la a Kfl from beartu ttnl
For mortali lo iucrraf.
Il metu you Mha rmdt al morn ;
It lulli you In repoM,
A (loner for petr aud ptaaaut born,
An trtrUitlng row.
A obann lo banuh grief aoay,
' Ta MaU'li tht brow from cart
Tnrat Itara to aimle., riiakvt dulneaa gay
Upreada (ladueat eerywhere
And j it 'lb ch'tp at lumraer dew,
Thai jftmM tha hlly'a breaat
A tallnnaa for lore, at liuo
A tier man ioaeai'd.
A anilea tbt rainbow through tht cloud
When tbreat'nlng ttonn begini
Al natio 'uild tbt Itrnpeat loud,
Thai ttill iu awetl way win
Aatprlngi an aroh arrot. the lldt,
Vb(t wtetconl1ictiDg foam,
80 aaraaa thli atrtph l our aide,
Thai angel f our home.
What may Ihl trondrout tplrit be,
Wilb powar unhtard before
Thiacbarm, Ihia brujhl litrliiity I
0ed Urnpar nalliiaf mora.
OaaU tanptrr 'Ua tha cboicetl gift
Thai womaa heutward bringe,
Aad cao taa poorttl paaaaal HA
Ta UIm nnkaowa la klagt.
OCrBxparUnoa I. Ille'a greateil achool
teacher. Lftaofli Itarned by htr are ec!
dom forgolton or unheeded.
t - '.'Li!
Ort-HOM lttrr.
Thn following doleful picture, given liv
a ulpravmati re.lillriif down al Oak Point.
i .i ii li i. ...i
weni.dlnlhnll.lll.m.rn.S.,,. Al tl.-r.
quoit of n friend w glvn It iiiMloliy. It
lonlalu good many truth, but thl ia
ths (lrl Instance wn have heard of whern
miniitor. of the coup) lmmlir.ii iii.ju.tly
,, , , 1 ,,, 1 .
or rxorliluntly UlirK.d. Ml .r. Kr...
rrally, llknilitor, Ret tholi lult rWtnl.
rivo nuiiari lor myr pi!i ' """K
ii 1 .l... . i.. .u..i.....i
I'tvo dollar Tor niiy ixirn,n tcinlontlnn
icn innri iiinnj iiniiiBiii"m i
of being oharnf.1, CTfn liy llio pi
ik),i m.to. W'v lliink thn illwirrr
i jutlly chr(alila lo tin printer:
Ua I'oimt, Marali til, 'Wl.
Mr'DtArt PiUMl)! Wh'n I adJratd
von from Panama, vou wvre mailfl lo ox-
pi-ol that another notn frmn mo would Ihj
forlhuoniinu wlirii oticn I had nrrivrd In
Orpgnn. Nntwithetnitdlri my arrivnl
about thp let of Dec'inlior ll.'i'J, I hate
deferred until now n couipllaiica ih
thai inllmatioii, Dili 1I0 not riprrl ru 11
now oicppt w hal it cnmmoii'placn and full
ofaamnm. The Lord waa merrilui In
1 RltlitR Mi nroaaruut trip. I'nini lan
I arna to San t-raiiuiio wn had a lull); run
I of 17 daya. Willi four or fln ciuppliutia
I.. , ....... .. .- ka-- ll nl.,1 iw.itn ,1ml .if
i- . .. J V-i ii.... .1 - ,ai.,.i.
of it. .u.lgp. When parting fintn ll.r
.terwnor (Mdrii l!t,. (Vrhltli wc mrl
.p.. 1 mi order wa, civen n. lirr a pat'imi
rui. I ramming home the r.vu,.lr
Muiisui! 'ai premaliirelv di-hargr., nnd
?.i lmiL.i .1.-f.....;i - ..I... ......
' . i. .. ' i.
miniums nt
itn limn. .ieii iiiomiiwl; iih
bod) a. thrown mm thu tit, thctu lo i.
main till the
"(ileal Arrhtng.r. Iriuiip ahall aouwl.
And Iwir'l.n itimitiiid thunder, roar ,
Tear up th'irrav.t and ileal' the grmmd
And make Hit gteily ea rreturt.
charitr me to the tune of & fir riding III
............ -..-...- ....... -
mile.; tliat 1 am uompnllcil In pay Hie
evnbitant pneo, or row o boat mi elf
Tl.i, I li.ln done, bul it ii extremely l.ar.l
niilr.; wlliai la in uompniicu in pay 'I
. " i ii i . .i
piraloet logpili.-r, m.idp ten In nn old i np
per vi .i I, und tat down and uIp wild nl
t.h. Though vtepo'.kpd it nuraidtpi, nnd
could .rclllr old and dark gre.ne ilipkiic
around the p"t, wp thought it a good .tin
nor Irnm th. pot to thn rnniilli. It wiih
nicp. I tow I did enjny th'it ni'al. We
wire thankful that wn hint th.it inueli.
(.licuil li .r. It hard III mil' i long.
foluml-.n .iter. Vrrv frequent ram and
'....1,1 ..........I mi, that, without an exerciv
. i ... .. - .
I hill 111 loni nn tin
nfihciuttirofdodlit my favor, I ahull
I oon ateep with llm lutiom of the gravp
'I'Lova ft. una llilaiiu aa litnla Im tlciiM .(rant
injury lo Iho woik nt largo, vi. : thn pre
.. ' . . . ..
I IH'IH Id I'll') HIIIIU " mvii i iii.i i; I vn,
vailluif .tiirit aitioniitho preacher' lo a vn
II j
theimeltea of llio advanlngn derivable,
from tha preiont land law. Moit of them
art) taking claim. If they hold them
Ilioy am bound by law to livo on them.
Till clogi Iho Itinerant wheel. Some nf
our preacher urn becoming rich ; indeed,
aouin aru naid lolKiaonlriudy. Yuu may,
pvrhupi, bn ready lo rniilire have you
taken u claim T Answer, No. Although
The inh.bitanl. of California lue ahead ', ' Xt.m. i mo.tdclicalo rieedle.wnrk, and al once re. the gronlh I. then atopped. If Hug before
of tune, bul from all I can learn are a J I f h M 1rv, , ,,,, fron ,,, , piu, ,, . ,III1C1 ran hcy ,f0 no, jurej,cBr. .
l,boral.in.i.de.M..Kh..ouled p'ople. TIip) .,,. ,,..t'ContrIe. iu Ilia mnfinlng hout'liold drudgery. Wo might lmnn ftrrarr.
piy their preacher well. ..! no In ur n menlion many ulher important Impnllnn 0 JTZTu.- ..i-.t
K u, vou. k J o i io of Oregon. " -- "' '- M-X M ? -&'" Me.iing. upon - --?f " i N ,
Wall . Iv I ciiT haTdly Irll whaUny Kr"?" "' ' off"f, UP "'"' '"" "'' f",.Mn,,,'"Jr '" r 1 l"''l'"ly; i !. ,., ,rn ,wn t ,,,. Li,Worthy lo
mniooi. Sor,., e.l.kn..Tdt0.ney inilo Ire preached. Infld'l.ty ii not In d reel altention to Iheir n.eril. M.a be 0,-rj. Tha f.rM U thai many ol
" Pll'l ! v
" Mvlt.nd.blialeir my hone' at h. "t now ih.t I can ee the enemy approach - "".I"' a- , tun away, a. if the cleaner the alraw
an I ,t freoUn.lv ..k'7d.v." g. to !l, Tl'1' ' hnrn ,,n"-: "' 'X "" '"'l' ""' "''""" ",' !' ' lh ,,,., , ,.. Now It to hap.
' Z 2U ,. nMiod will rmi.mue,,, do Threntmiry lur, erected to their memorj . Unhope , f , usance.
I. 1 1 ' i "To t V , iTinc. ilng t . -a. ill ' r''""f "!l1 Me,,w!i" ,,m1' '"' , "" U',rU T" "'"", 'g""i i". " ' '..! aat I. th. moil valuable. In fact.
,iy I nut pillion nir miiiiiiiiiiil i .. j ,,!,,. . ,v ,n,i v i .,.. nue. v III. a free prpn In mako hidden ......... .........i j ...i.i
' H.. it.....i..nl.t nl firtliin A lH w ccks " l . i i. . i i "ii ir inn iiittuuiDiv niiu iii'ji m iimuiis ir
I, d. t,a c uT , an neiibMt.l 'r MS 'l.e plain. When tV.v tlie.g. public, we conceive it lobe our ,lu ,.,,,,,, A r,u.li.y of dung ihu.ex. '
..g. . l. I.t navel, h in at r i. . , . )m, ( rl,.,r.i ,,. w,:r!! Iho comiuun.l) from limn IoIiiiip ,,.,.. ., . , .. ,,,. .",.. ,
- ' T. :'.:":; ZZ :'";,: ,....... .Ri.,.. i..k- s,,p, ..r ,i..,r j.y. t.. i-. j. ...a uenumu,,., - ri;a-rl,,r' ,,-.--; -,;-,, u?.
' .11 own ii than ai d lltnr-hp wash ''"" ' Mreng.h, they arr lund will, llami IllliiR wnuiaama ui ..ur rncr-ni. ,,, ,; of ,. f 6h, , ,,
1 . . . . .,i.i,l...ii,l,ilil.iIllll'Hiirk. Sill... nriiri. I ,ihii,,h,iS.ivi I 1,,. unrann,, .. I. .......... I .. .. Cm .f.L- f. .... I
i II,..., i,,. I i. it. u owl w,t K C'l nl ail' " . k,,..... -. j - ,iiu K.ia. ni.iaiu.KC a.iu luiiiii. iliu iu.... .
, ':' 1K3C '' " " '' ' rrl- 'l.-''ll. iWi. hu.baudaonianev ' "f Iho hole. I.e. the .clon. Ik-of hp.
a, Hal i 1 A,r" month ri'.Nmeinbcr.o the Ian of March I., ,.J. Wo had a gid homo, good e.r'.Km.lli , wall ripened and abou ui,
a I took S tfJll" Helen circ I It " "''' .Vr- ""'ro ' r"i wi,h"," ''""! Tan., and rvPry comfo.t. Hut you .old ;'" '" lnBili. with a bud or eye a. lie
I Zn w!,k-"lor; ra noil, ;rn if tcarccly a day. (Tin. ... I l,i,o li.,uor until he had nu morn ...onpy ;ij ""'X ""'''' . f 'ho
-now wo Im v f.bou Tl m Iu '" ' '"-I"1'"' " '" ) Tl""u '" ' Ty Uuhuknowt. to nin ou go. a ''''K in.cr-r early In Iho .prlng, be.
m7ri7hl'f.tal? -' coplotune,. .nl4K Oo,,h,far.,,i ,nu nold i, d VASSMuff.
,.le,.li. l numin ('nnferenon The.n Nome mr they aro morn mndpralp, lull uriied mo and my ImIi.Icii children nut uiion noum uo poriormeii oeioro 11 i. c
lifcra. PknoTarl nl, X 1 will Zd K'.Hy uu.e iho character ,.f heavy of door.! My hu.b.l.d lo.tl.ia lirallh, peeled Iho aap will .tarl-althougl, it will
EPi" hl.ch.r.clftr.ndhl.rrpul.lio,,. He Uv uiually .uocc.d anerward. if ihe top of
tirraclicrn. La . . t ....... ' . . . ' . . tlm ttnflr U wniil. Arinr tnnrtlnir the
bcllctn I might do ao and mako ttioiieyJlujliM upon which I will bo rubbed at
il ll would bo attended with Iho dangerTConfurrnre. lo ro.m llio hill among Iho
or losing Iho aplrll ol llio worn, wiiicii
might result in great Im Iu my own aoul,
aa well a. lotho aottlanf othora. Fllshop
Ame ha arrived, end I lo tire.ldo al the
fir it Oregon Conference, 17th of March.
A letter from tiro. Klng.ley Inform mn
thai It la hi Intention to return overland.
It la prnbablo he withe to avoid, iho tick.
uea by way uf tha lalhmui. Number,
have died litis aeaon on thn way lo Call,
furnlo, by way of iho Uthinui. Men rla.lt
aliuoit every thing when they come out
horp, either by land or water. They
ahould hove aoino one who know., to pilot
them, A great many arn murdered and
robbed a great many more die of dread,
ful iliaea.ea, among atrang.r..
Soon tW my arrival I ho anowjfell to
iho doplh uf from two to four feel. It wa.
very cold. In few wcekilhe aun ihono
- . jtarvttriKgrr:imttrantaaso?;mttinir33UiJCJ--u'Ji
tlua Horn it in tim r'urvae, anu
i jTuwrjr::pJ:rjatTM crwxsjayaitsgagrrtajt!
' out. Ilio snow molted, and Ihe ilvors werq
Ailed to uvuifluwlng thfclr bsnk. Th
' ene.iirnco wa great deitruolloi. of
properly. ,M l, liuue, bontt, Vn. were
' ', ,r ., ,1g lno ,lu rn
Wn, falling almost cuiiatantlv ? but for
ii week wn liavo had must dalffthirul
weather hinlly cold enough el night lo
'"' V? W?. "qilfc?r
IIiuiiirii,ic(i tl.u Iiioreaso. Slil nrrlv.
RiJ JnrlnK ,ny . ,Bril, I0W(,V.
or NO h,.p, wmoktifon llm bur at tht
1110111I1 iiflliv 1 olunilila tlvrr. nliip rn
iiiuhhi m iv m 1 -
inr llii rlvnr and arr thru lowr.l up o Hi
; - : . . .
lluiriK mil luriiaiiuiiy n ucmiiwim nrpi
li r that itiriio. TliU taauinr la ptinolj
pally nwnrd by one nf llm niiinibr of ftur
church, (llm. Abrnelliy) rro;apniPlltn
ory kindly iranta ma (ti ftfti$igt'o rn,
appoliilinonta. 'r-'
Tlir i;ntiruli Ma two ncinmi'i miner in
CiitIii(; carp hup nl Halpin nnd 01111 al
I'urlland. I know nthlii(r much nboul
llu-lr dolngt, but prrtuina that tliry arc
piyuiR nxHiinpt. 'llm clmruli bain run.
sultrnbla 1 nonilw roliip up Ilia Wllluinlto
Vrllpy. priini what I bear, I uprct
Im If If not more, of the nreacher have
riiii. ,,....... ........ ,.-....---..
r.,m, nni j, ,, i,pln
" TI10 aurfkce nf tha country up Ibn !
l.'i it null level, and really cultivated !
l.,.i tl.-t .!,.,. il,,. mm ami la muili of
a 1 .
I ..1 iil.tr (if li IllOllli H IllUtlt (ItM lirtakni.
pi 1 .- ..- ...a..) C. . r a. ,. r i . il i .i wn ) t.iir
po.r.. Thli Mr a fum.rr on a few
' acre. (I think ait) ttiadn Hue., lliou.and
dollar. .u ,-.tni.i. One acr- will p
.luce 110(1 btt.hi li of miion-. Iue at tht.
,(,,. I per bu.h,l-8IV0n. One farmer M";"'K" 'I.
made Wi hu.li.di id-wheal, and told It a I A il.orl time ago an Ingenlnu, mtrntor
f.... ......I,. ..,. r... AI.7A ,-r l.ii.hpl.ldl.porried a melhiHlnfainkliiri Iron found
i, .. ....., ...t L. ....!. .I..-
ineir am .auiniunii h'.i-hini i,-i--.,.-
lliernciilive.nl my riruuil. nut till.,"' . pui..,-, u m. " 'v ....,
del not on-ur ev.-rv 'r. They can
Ium rl thr Klato.'i and wheat, but,
th'V cannot alwavibta, Mhaip prient
' .....
i g'li.'rallv, iiiiwr.ai.inay can
generally daintiiui all Ihu
aluc the
M.i..i tai'MI.IIM lta.il.-aaWakfaf aafiaaCM mitti
"""" r " ' ""H. y ""If. ,Z ", . ' . "
niftiii! wiiiioui nuiiiiipr iirrvii itir nun iiir
'"""'" "
Klral Hell
' ' lal1 d"
f,., .,,,,, , 1B "..,.,,,
. ..-..... ........ .
Linn. .1 ()' wliitt an hill, rli.iil work
la tint' What gracn, Imn ami oninipo-
tent f.ulli ii iippeMary. O! for the faith
nl' Mirnham, enl of Paul, palieno.uif Job,
lovn nl John, the emueni! of llie iupiriil
iiicii uf old. Would to ISihI I could Willi
tlir lire in lioiy loin men piery ueari i
innet I long for lln.uallficliiiiiimurp
tluiii uny tiling lnlo. It aeem. In inn
I I b.nl n prnimr ii-grep-nri;n.llv riualifi
;'""' ''". I cnul.l Imeiialdrd to brpi.k
,l" " cibilriicllnti oflhn evil oup
on rnv cm-nil. fray for nw.
Yuu huvn doubllc. heard much
. , . -
""" "- -" "- l"7 r
llllll r...l nf li.tntiar he)' Hav. For tnla
...... .v. ... -... ,-..-..,. - -.
Ilioy get innn ..iu io tuu per ...uuauno
feel in California flOO per day. Of
courmi vxpemei mull bn deducted. Thl
mill I owned by tiro. Ahrrnethy, of our
church. They aro very clever folk.
Thn aun beam nut at Iho preaenl llmo
In .plondor. More ddlghlful wrathei in
Maroh I nover aw. It porfectly
charming. It I'mpli mo lo leave Ihc
green toitage, nnu piuck tnu wiin now or.
Thl I. naluro in it native wlldne and,
romancer Thn atnooth glaa.y ('nlumhla
lie before mo, Iho lowering hill, behind
me, covered with majettlo tree and green
under-growlh. Hut the flowora pop ottl
from their green hod to bluttt in the faco
of Iho sun, and fill Iho ainbeut air with
awoet cxhalallon. How Sol delight, to
pour hi golden ueama down I How they
cbcor and fill llm aplrila Willi plea.urablo
emoilon.l No wonder the hirdxilng. I
feel like alnglns myielf.
How one Te re.
minded of Heaven.
(KrSIr Walter Soott wa. never without
word, whun ha wlthed lo .train pollleneaa.
In dr.oriblng the company at Si, Roman'.
Well, ho .peak, of the blue .looking
"lh lady with the cerulein buikln.''
i i.-. ...i...... -...I........ i-(iiiiriiizia m .RiiiiiH nn.un ih.iiu.iiib inn nun ua .uun ri iliu uu miiib mv .inc..
.' rami ...nl,.,.. .in ll.w .i, i, oft in Itnpkv 1 ... ..nie l,n. Im wn. n jf,. nir .nun. "'IO llie.e lllteri llio aciuni, llio lull nc nil
!. 4 jtn 1 1 mi i wiiciw nu iiiiBf iiiviu canto Ud'Ni nini uuum
aUceaat we fiK DataaitiatTioa.
U - ii - u J
VlM l,r(iYa t Invaulltiua MMd
0, fiivcNiaira,
i Wlial tome call " jjrcal dltoverlra" nrn
y"! llip preareia of Invpfiilon It at atpady
eilh ma roll of lima Itaalf, Il lnrtalnly
Ire that the bouiiilailfanf human know.
cdju aro constantly oxlnitdinx, and (hit
could nnvur happi'ii if new diicovmlra
ware not conlliiually iinfoldinj'. A new
dllcovery la annir thing brought In light
wlleh had not bopn nbaprvarl befnrr, and
naw invanllon la II npplloallon l an
tltaful purjioic. Wu aro liable lo over,
look llii' iirojjrru ihr.l It ooiillntiully mtk.
ini In eciewrNnd art, and to forgpt thp
bttepfila which mvejitora have ronfprred
ralrira conferring upoM-immunlty. Ilia
Mr4uty I o.cill lu.our wandcrioj ibouitnt
7utn llnM Iu lima and no! fbrceTuho dnu
of gralllude which wn nvte, (aiilJilli
It ciuitiniially arcuinulating urvifi ua) to
III' Itivpnlora who art living anifvarllng
among u. Wp cannot allude lo ami nainu
all llio man Ik aru now ihlnklnk nnd
tvnrkiug mil plnu and Miiprovpii)cnl, but
Ihu nunibpr l not aniall, and thpy all d
' 'rvp l no nigiity paioem'd ami rewarueit.
... . . .l
Wn nnw evn a tnaitagn aenl fmrn oa end
, "f "'"' vxitiiipnt to another in a few ecu.
!''"' , few year ngu It required morn
I week than II now line moment lo ao.
I .-II. I. a I... - r-a II... .M
'" '"" "'" "" ,l1' r,n wo "rn "
i iUiii! 9tuH w M fl lofl ifcttl fo ml liv Ihrrlrfi.
nlo -park and a Tow .aniiter.ofgunH,w.
. dr, aud there we beUd an iron lube
ihnmn acrdai u .trait ol iho no for the
iron lior.r with In. huge train to lliunJer
i atlnnl fir lirnli'r. bv llm aiinnlu rnipralion
------ - n--. i- ,
, pnncpln applle.l in our cmei for the mini
n atipi
""ful and tanalory purpoara. In one,
place an lnpntor makt-i n inom aim
......-ll.. ...... I.l.l...l ....1 I.... HIT.. I
weaiei the in"il inlricatp ami beautiful
palicrn: In unoiher pluco nn intcntiir
mifl fl TTR'n Wnin lleOV IIH Urid. IILFr
' I... lt I , ,'..T..r .,..1 I!. i
-v..t ..,,..... ... .... ...
, ..o.iurv. It I. ncceilingly ea.y lo pa..
. , . . , .
-- -' """ .".. r-
. . . ..... .. ....... . r. .. I ., ... . .n.. .. ..M ...... . .... ..a .
I wa h. nu.iiiniiv will, n urntli'innn lUm.., V. fin. ,... I,.. l.ne... ... ...,v nn
had iut returntd frnm the city of I,
m Nrw Bngland. Ho .aid ho put up at u
hotel and lor a tunu look lilt .eat in llm
bar.room. The diwr opened .uddeuly and ,
n femalo alepped ill. Sim wa the very j
jnoinro nl agony, tier niiruiaiiPVPieii, tier
dreat negligent, her cyen mi.tvady, and
lvr niuvrnioiiti cccrulriu. Sho aeemrd
to hi-iiltle at fir.l but at Icii-Mb gJlhermg
oouroge .he moird up to iho bar an.laaid:
..Undlnrd don't arl my poor liuiband
! any tnoio rum
You havu alrcnihf'uiu
ion know that iK'lorpJrr lipgun
mm tenderly lovod. lie turn mo out uf
ourwrclchcd hovel into tlm cold and
in iu iiii'i iiiuiii hit
a'.orm I Ho come, home from your tavern
Infuriated like a demon. My oncp kind
and amiable husband and Iho t.tmler fa.li.
er ia a maduuui when he la in liquor!'
And Iho tears puttied from her eye, but
the landlord atcxd sneochlcai.
la the midst of ihcso entreaties which
ahould have broken Ihu heart nf udainant,
a mm stepped into tho bar-room and with
the vacant atareofnn Inebriate moved to
ward the bar. Instantly tho plouding
wife throw herself betwoeu llio man and
iho bar, and with one hand again! Ida
breasjand tho other stretched uut Implor
ingly to tho landlord, alio auld, "Oh, don't
my dear don't, my dear don'ldrlnk ! you'll
break my heart !" and bursting with ago
ny she turned lo Iho landlord and said, "Oh
don't let him hay il, don't I don't I" The
landlord walked dvliberalcly out Irom be
hind the counter and taking the woman
rui)ely hy Iho arm said ; "ihl. ia no place
for women," and violently toro her from
herhuaband and pushing her out shut lha
door against her. Ha then went behind
the counter and placed a bottlu upon It,
tho wretched Inebriate staggered up and
drank hie dram, placed a niece of monoy
upon It. th landlord wiped it oft compla
cently Into tha drawer end tho drunkard
pasted out.
" it u.
agaaaxWMa-iiragaastfgiJLi'i!i&aBaMggt.iiiai'i 'i' u ir i i i" inni in
'JO, 185U.
BlrprllM fj PIHNHtCait Rl
lata; nwaii I'ttiejiotja.
Pul two plant In a ttill. tart lham two or
llifpo Inchp apart, and rrtaka) (he lof cf the
Mil aiimcienny notiow to natu auout a pint
nf wnt'r. Ht the plant a lllllo datpar In
thn hill linn II it In I ho hot bad. Do
not wall for raln'ln order to plant,
If tha weather bt) dry, plant them In tha
evening, and pal trWut a, platof water In
each hill. Il I Letter lo plant In a dry
lima and walef them, hlii when the
ground la loo wet j .for whan iho wealhar
Spcomet dry lha ground will bake and tn
lard thn growth of llm plant. The ground
ahotitd be prepared when It I dry, and the
planting dona whan there li alproappof of
rain ; but ll 11 afiouiu not rain me pianta
aliould be walead a llllle. Tho.nlanVa
jnaybo,plittUi ridgat, and when they
aro unit tiianiKi ptacainam 0 or v incnea
apart. When planted in bill put two
tprouti in a common aiged hill ; one la
l;ytcr than two. When Iho patch It large
riinugh llipy ationld be plowrd ; for Ihey
1I0 tlir lirat when time cultlvatpil, I plow
1 mini! each way once, and aomelimeaorten
' . . .1 n.. -l...l .1..
, r. At tno 11 rat plowing 1 acrapo me
a 1 n . t 1 .
. weeilt and gr'taalrom Ilia hillt, ami draw
a lllllo lnut dirt around the plant ; draw
up hut little din the firaltfpia you work
1 Hiem, for llm lull
i.arm through bet
Iter hen .mall. When plowed thn la.l
lime lull them up; ilo Ihia Ilia la.l of Ju
. ly or the finlof Atigml. If the vine, have
grown aero., the furrow, (urn ihem . lo the
npjho.li. al. a of the hill ho. the ..de Ihu.
; left bare, then turn them back and hoe
, tii-M.Hier i.e ; t.nver wmu no vine. up.
on the u.p of Hip hill-ll will prevent the
, aim from naimiug it a much ai la renin
lie. The I lure abould not be out off if
. , . ,, , ,
..... K... ..v ..... , . ,...,. ....... -,
Ironi thn grouml and urni
them down
again; tlm ii to preenl lb litllo uproul
irnm growing, t preirr inn court tocut.
Uli.,n .1..... n.r '11. a ......A. .... n.l kll.l I
f line them nil. I he 11
b a light, fnl or two, but they .hnuld be
H ...i,..'.. ..... m-....". n m.w wi" .......
. .. .i . l . a .. a
l0. '" "" "!'""' ' .IV"1".0'. ""
, ,,.. j-.a-.i -r . n.i.i i,..t u u. .
7 " '' ' " ' 7 , "T. " " -"'1? 7
iMiivu, ii i wmnni uv uir wiicr, wnicu
,llrBl,.i -t,h o ublo matter la a owp.1
ileritaudii.". and vet how frequently are '
wn pained at teeing a reckleix waito nl
thn farmer' gold minn, hy a tolal neglect
of advice or ayMeiu ai aliovc (irrmnn.
f,ur.,( Trlfgriith.
1 (SaAFTiNii liRxn: Vimck. .Saw oil" the
vine an inch or ao below the atirfaco of the
ground. Then with a gimlet, or .malt
nugiir, ju.l the aim of iho graft, bore oi.p
or more hole perpendicularly, or parallel
with llio grain, about two inchei deep, in
tht top nt llm root whore, aann off, arl
i ";""" t-" lno wo""u "'""? """ '"" '
clay, un lo Ihcoyeoflho.cion., and pl.co
i i t.t t .
, ' '", " ,0 l,ro,ocl "om """" K
111 III, ,,l. ,11. im" ..''i.i,. ......... i....
I surer than cleft grafting Ohio Cull.
PiiM'XU.nu Sxtu Corn. ll if ataled on
nulhorlty, (a practical fanner,) that aeed
corn aoa'ked In an infuaion of antoking lo.
bacoo, in the pmperllun of half a pound
uf tobacco lo aulticicnt boiling water to
cover ono buthcl nf corn llm water ro
malniiig over the tobacco until it had bo.
conin lukewarm, when the tobacco wa.
.trained out, and tho wator poured over
iho tobacco in a tub, where ll wa. left to
remain for iwenly. four hour before plant,
ing, wa untouched by bird or woim ;
wbilo another field, planted after the corn
Va soaked in warm water only, auflered
severely from these cause.
GirThe, project of eroding a monument
lo Henry Clay Is exciting a great Interest
throughout the country, and going forward
with energy and aotivily, Payette coun
ly will contribute about 910,000 toward
ilia ercclhn of the monument. Letter
havo been received by tho Lexington Com
mllle from South Carolina and other elate,
where sooleilea havo been organised for
lha object, which give tho most gratilying
intelligence In regard to It. LouUtiUt
NO. 81.
(KrWu this diy pubjlh,the List, of
Letters remaialng in lha Post Office at
Menteylv.nfa, It I rather singular lh
the P. M. has heard of such a place
Oregon Clly.nrlhat there wa. In existence
paper entitled the Spectilor. Ha ia
bound to havo his "head chopped of for
his inobservance of iho goldtn rule, laid
down by the postal agent : "lo the victors
belong the spoils." Tha new precedent is
logueu at tha number of oopies clrtula.
ted by llio respective papers. Particular
care la taken to' guesa In favor of the ono
that can render the. guesser the greatest
amount of aervlce, in case of need. This
rule haa been lately asiablitbed eipreetly. ,
for thi Itcalliy.' It may appear right to
ome person., but to a man up a treo" it
looks differently. It may bo proper tfl
say, in ihl coonoclion, that no blanks
should be attached to the selected medium
for the post omee advertising, as il wa.
unsought fur and no doubt unexpected by
llio publi.ker. Il Is a .mall amount, to bo
sure, but so much the worae for the per
eons who have euch a penchant lo guxxle
it, regardless of precedent and law.
UatATCim.or Tits Ou Woatu Po
kin, the capital of th vaet empire of Chi.
na, it compoied of two parts; one celled
Iho old or Chinese city, Iho other the new,
or Tartar city. Tho principle atreeta are
aaid lo be) perfectly etralghl, about three
miles In length, and a bundled and twen
ly feel In breadth, well furnished with
Imp. The hou.e aro very indifferently
buiil, and have a ground floor only ;
though the gate of lha city, which are
nine in number, are well arched and .up.
ort building nine etotiee high, the low.
ei nf w liich Is occii) fed by the soldier.
when ihey leave guard ; lor all Die great
streets aro guarded by soldiers, who patrol
by day as well as night armed with aa.
bres and carrying whips in irieir hands,
to chastise all who excltn disturbances or
quarrele, and ibat without respect lo par.
eons. Tha two cities are computed to
contain over two millions of inhabitants,
and are said to be It) mitee in circumfer
ence. The temples and lower ara almost in
numerable, and the palaco of lha Beai
or is covered wild beautiful shlaiM yel
low tiles, preeenilas to the astonished b
holder a prodigious assemblagr of vast
buildings, extensive courts, and magnifi
cent gardens ; tho wall around which
forms a circuit of four English miles.
Ttmbuclau, in Africa, situated in Me.
gro.land, near the banka of the Niger, ia
mentioned in the proceeding of the Afri
can Aatociatioti, a a mod opulent, flour
i.lung, and even luxuriant city, aubject to
an active and aevere police, and atlracting
lh mTcli.nl. and tradoraoflhemo.t di.
taut Stole of thai val continent. The
principal edifice of which ll ha to boast,
are a magnificent mnwjtie and the royal
palace, built of hewn aione, peculiar lo
tho country, after the design of a Moor
lt.li arohlitcl, who had been banithed from
(irenada. Hither Iho oarrvana come from
Tripoli, llarbary, and other places, with
varioua kinds of Buropean merchandise,
which ore exchanged fur slave, gold dual,
ivory, and other commoditiee. On all
publio occaiion the king rides upon an
elephant, having for hi body guard three
lliou.and horsemen, mined with bo wo and
poisoned arrow. Tho various accounts
respecting its oxtent aro by no means sat.
i ..factory.
Jeddo, in Japan, waa, twenty year ago
said lo be nino miles in length and alx in
breadth, bul the gonernlity of the houses
havo only a ground Door, and the rooms
aro divided by folding screens, hy which
they can contract or extend them at pbeas
tiro. Tho royal palace 1 in tho centre
of the city, and I defended by walls,
ditches, and towera ; Ihe great hall of au.
dienco ia supported by massy pillars of
solid gold, and three or Iho towera, where
tho Bmporor resides, are nine stories high,
and covered with sheets of pure geld.
Tho Bmpresa and Iho concubines have
aeparato palaces, as have likewise all the
vassal princes, witli extensive gardens,
and stabling for two thousand horses.
The inhabitants have been calculated at a
million and a hall,
Sklt-waitimo Dining. Tahlm. Dy L.
IVrsey, of Patterson, Pennsylvania. I
slaim a aelf walling table constructed and
arranged aa describod, viz : Having aa
rndlcos band situated beneath Iho labia
and kept in constant motion during the
meals, by any power applied through lha
orank or other means, lo which a band is
firmly attached al convenient distances
apart, guiding carrier, Iio., which pass
up through, and aro supported by email
railway trucks, Jco., and move In guiding
apertures in the too of the table, and upon
Iho lops of which are placed waiters,
whereon dishes ara put and constantly
conveyed around before the gueaison both
sides of tba table, in combination with lha
said endless band conveyers, I aisoolaim
an additional shalf or second table, over
th oeniral portion of ihe table, above th
wallers, for the purpose of holding oaslors,
die, whloh do not require lo be Trequent
ly moved or replaced, is Ml foth.- Sd
nUju) AmtrlcM.