Oregon spectator. (Oregon City, O.T. [i.e. Or.]) 1846-1855, September 02, 1853, Image 1

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I). J. M'llNKIII.V, i :i I
Vol t.
Mtl.Ttn TO VMS MUSH., NMUk AMI tltrSlaf
istsbsms ur Titt rsortK or uifii
On fiiey, ism suiiiiin..t & 00
Ui.iiihh.Iim ,.s)IOO
Om asavus (I'J Iihm 4.r Um) In iImhm,
IMauxs (
aril "....
far estry aAhlasasI lir(HHi..,
frifewtiM Sad IIwImiw Canto, ( 10 Uihss tf
I ur asaMltit. ,
A kWisl sWsJeeUaw masla U TMriy admllssn,
The mimUf f aarrUtm invito tMaHBrlly
ftaskasl UM.mmM
m.imiiiii) wnw seer
iMMml asrwdkailr.
m in nil
Tho Ivy u III UllllgrUM.
l'li ivjr 111 a Juitffou gtrw,
I'ltfftl li) f ia iitN-irfttHl i)itf,
tli m1Ii1 Urtl 'uly drank
(vrMMNtUfrr, f.ttil Mini !( dank
Hut lllfiftlfll III llllllgHHI gtallltg g
Til! Oil mhiIhIH fftHit .J.. k)
1 1 lrit upon Hi xiat'ful ltMtr
lii ail nl (UdiitHM vimtf
Tin W) Mi a lriiHrltf.l
TtiHMigli .l ifa (tt9 t lh vA ,
ll Ml lli.tlii,il wll rt).
tl a-Ut to UuttMIIII lulu it.)
ll kivw, t rirt, it pHalif-il, it i Intuit,
M(f IimiI tltr tUtknririi Ila Item. ;
lUl Mrll l kft, lltoiltli iW lit hllil
'I In pnJiiM aiiJ llic J.. f lij)t
lU t tinging hwti Ittrm tl ! tM1firi
llaalrin rtiMMl. (inn w Khik,
AihJ ih lit umU ( I In- air
lit-nlrr braiH-tir Huui4t li
It rrtthU lh Um- il IliritUil, it ruiM,
It Mtl ttn warHtiti Ibal rbcn th mlJ
It riM Iiwar4 lit lun(rvMlin,
It k,nmti lli fun ml alr
It felt lb life U hinting pf mg,
IlhirtlttM tM'i) L) Uiknct
ll raiajlrt lk) Ulli ft mnt ami mm,
Al l lite wllw li it I
II) raiHtan4 ilrwa iMluitliiii (!,
4il Ih Milrf wall ll rrl ;
Auillu Ih ilajbtftni wating Urt
ItftftwluWa 9UdUtltft,
Vfo tlial Mttilaty lar
It f rdur thtrw MlftiiM(; (if ,
I ll1 tllttmc lnfiN trrlil ! grl,
AhIiIIj ll" tlr flt'iu lliftf Itrll
iiltl ( kiKiw i Iti- iiHrfal ff lltr rli) i.m
tritU llin lirairnt) tiM himI I liiitl ,
'riy tliinKMiii riiKi a i)
Of I(mJ ml niu ii ( !)
t.'l.MTI il.rii. I'Ihi inlarne
neni iifiliol'ini'iunali liurille. Iho olilrsl
and one of I he lies! paia rs in llio Wist,
furnishes the public with aom intrvaliiii
inforinatioii rilalin la ila rise and pro
cress, and tho eruwlh of llio western
"ountry. The firai m v!.jiarrsiablib
ed ill Iho Nuilh Western Ternlorj wna
lb "Cenliiml uf llio Vorlb West lerniu
ry," publiahial hil'iiiciiiuali, by William
Mniwell, and the firal number issued uu
Ihotllh r oeiulvr I iliii, I lie imetie
la a regular iletceinUnt liy triuisler ul
aubsi'iipiiuu In), Iriiin Una hral 'i"T,
allhough nfli n thaugeil In uaum. In
lNtll the publication a pnii'r ulled tlm
''Liberty Hull, wa 'oiiiiih nenl, uiul in
M,"i a Mr I'liliner esiahlisluil the "Ij.i.
llle " During llu asui" Mai I he tnn
papers were iintlid under llie uiiiuo uf
"l.ibeily Hull V Cliieuuiuli tiai-tle,"
which riigiiumeii thu pivaiil weekly (,'a.
lllOKllll relains. ',
Tha first daily psjieri publish), I in Cm
rtrinall, was issued h) (lit- pmprirlurs nf
ihU establishment III Hil, and was called
the "Daily Ciiiiinuali lini'lle." In a
IHjuuUtlon ufiiHieleeii ihoilsaud, I he pub- j
isLtrn wuruonlv ableiusveiireasuliseiip
lion lilt of lilt!
Tho following so find ill the history . if
the (lazPltK liubiiaied ma ltuilrn.nl I iiiidc
nfrinciniiall : ,
'Wb cannot go back Into description
further than 1HIII, then wu find tb
"I.ilwrty Hall," lasuel from tho cock lufl,
of a leg cabin, ailualci'oii Ibe slupo of lbu
hill, about twenty Tret ubove ihu pri'siul
crtde of llio si reel, on the south e.isl cor
nor ofMyaamorv and Third si reels. The
pawr was royal tij', and llie entire work
editing, composition, prcss'tvork, dis
Iribuling, mailing and collecting, was
childly don by Itvv. Mr. Ilrownv, llio
pmpriolor, with lima lo preach and do elh.
or work, Tho prico nf thu paper was '.!,
Ilia cnlV-o exHins about 410. At this
time, w fad Iho latest news received, was
from Ionlon in threo months, and from
New York In one month. Tho favorito
routo liut to iho 'Old Seltlementa,' as iho
Atlantic Slates was called by Mr. I'urgu
eon, (still living,) waa on horaehack, via
Cumberlandgap and thoVlrglniu vallvy."
0rU la expeclod that llio aiihinarlnn
Ulegraph Un connecting Newfoundland
Willi Iho mill) land, will bo completed nnd
oponed lo tho public s early aa November
(KrWaslilngioii teller writers say that
Robtrt MoLatioiarniorlymembrufCon
gresfroml)aliimoil,la iiromlnriiily urg.
l for luol'i-ueh Minion.
OREGON spectator:
Tlar IJfit ol It r'uqiltiftr.
Kftni lli ( 'uurt Jutunal.
'I tut iHuiutifitl llorurinf mu rc
mmii mill w lluw, Bint w too protnl of
Hid Hfllou frrvilnm or wJiloirv)l Id
wUli to rUk ll necuni! lJin In the ill km '
lionU ofwi-illuok H, klrrntflfirhlna hrr
wrnK woman n ni'Hri wiiii inn iiifiufii
iinlirrMil cK)iiilry, aim Uilo Ui-llancnln
ll. kl.fka ami ii Iflt Mlilftli aim Ur
Weak woman' llrarl with tllO ktiiftlil nf
ti Mf w..w ...w ".... ...TT.. -..v
HUa laugliril al I ho rrvifulily
of liar lolnn,anil ilraiilanl llirm dial llioy
L'ouM aua ao lanu ami au vainly bnj ill
llirir lriunilia aha loat tha bollar. allrl
hulM nf Ida aroma n. Hlia .wi a. niia
atM's Wod.ef(.brifH-rtll1rtiirapior
ttranjl irwn in npiiia ni imr own nrari.
ThJ."aljulnj all hr wcinian'a !n tier
lirtTuty, voulli and Vlt nil tUliliitrd lln-m
uniliif fn at worlliy nllrin;r " lir oNm
(irlile nl Mini, Tlioonly rcrollrrtinn imr
wliluw ktpi nl malrliii'iiiy ai, (hat II hml
rnrnlalirtl liip urilliii I wralil ami n furllllif.
liar liii'liaihl lia.l lirvii nilil, alirn and In
Illi'tililr; liul llin Imn ili-crmj llml ln
IhmiIiI mm do tilronril from Mm, nil'l
hi' Irll lil'miin ami lMiiilifiil, I ho
1 tt niiirii iifi'Mfrtf tfki,aiiiiiiiif tlii ini,n.
I. ... . a . . a . .
I U ii uinlrftiiKl.
I rnlniil wa- tin wi wliol'y Imr nwn
I fault llial -lie ra nuoli a dr.pol. Iter
i rij'lat r)r(ai! luw. m Ii.t crowd of fu.
! low cm. Mio rnwariipiluitliaanille; aim
I ifiulil iuiiiMi with u .InelA word, c.lorini-
Inatn with an I'liiL'ram. I'liln ith n look
I She fell her tiwer and uwl it Men
I feare.1 her wit, wlill.l they were led cap.
tltn hy liar lieauty
Women tinted her,
lull imili! nut detect a flaw I
llie sunw uf
I her chnradrr wnrie man Hint mm wan a
j rold buarled cwUtte. 'flii'lu how.
etrr, one omniip; nir train ol aiiorrri wi
had timed to hiimelf, lieoil and Miul,al
the co.uella' feet, sure lliat the reality of
hl own fueling inuit ann'(unr the filto.
leua vipticc of her cUaraclvr. He waa
all heart and feeling;, "lore's creatpti
miracle i In slay coquetry," aid nur un.
fortunate lover when he ft Iho aalnoni
wbem his iuitrrii rcljjnc.l supreme.
Dul In .Madame II a rerct voice
murinund in the tunes of rejuinni;
"What happiness toloriioniieaud tu ace
ne'aaelf Ul.c-d by all!'
' Hut what imiery lolhe lover to sco hia
worshipped one mniling iihiu all with Iho
sanio iivaming siiiiio i uiue uiy jealousy
from the scornful eyes of the uooucltr, If I can d no
lc,1'Jr!kJMtto tvuu I Ull.iiis)i,i -;'""
whlciiTosoliMngs, jealousy is the. one fir'41" nf prrsd
wblth woman has llio leat nmpilliv
' And iilbr Count Supli.innlnil lu mitrry
in lliKhl Aim neon tha tuiuh n! alif;tit
p.n.i'im ; lnit it fans the .parks ol a rt al
ut!eitiiiii into a flame lie, then-fore, as
il was hut natural thut he nboulil, as iUick.
Ij reliirni.il, ami laid bis allti lion at once
'atherfiul C'liuiitSicplmuu wus nn now
i to be ilriiud: she had litcuid tuo bmi!
ulic bad gouv loo far Ion cide ilio khoutd
' hiar him. lie cnnliuuiil hla ncrseH'iln"
addresses, till o.ie muiiiiuif hi m nl him
' this letter ;
'Vour loiu nnimvs nic, dear frliml
and vmir it ntmiy lii;;lilem me I bne
iberi'f.in-. I.iku Ii fiij;. sis llaKIal nnd bj
( the time )ou ncoiiu llua, I shall be far un
iiii).wj) to u laud ubitber )uu darv not
, folluw um. My iinileuoinuiai.ds au Ana
man garrison iii llnly, and I mean lo jnm
nun Al Miinu. I dope, one ut Inesii iln s,
In nuei ynu iiialii In I'rauuc, wi.en ou
shall lute leaiiiedlusinSt tho biter ill the
uv.u.il.l.: iiii.I nivjesl gintb'.mau, Instead
ilful. p.iv,iouiiie Italuiu Inter, win.
l.ires I
'"". isia.iu .ue i.p.iev. us s
woman n iiimii,
'.Slio slmll nut escapi1
ine llius,' tnid be
ihi' Colin lie shall b am hat it Is to deal
it lib men's heaila, I will follow her.
lie mis pro-el ihul, hla . slat, s eoiilis
e.iti d, ami a price si I iijiuii bis bend I It'
then Hire, Im.inli J lunch lit entering llu
It aiun Ihi'Cuiinl Slepliuiii hinlliiki li
nnai litep.nl in some mtululiuunri pro
I'eeiliiiga in Ins ualit.i land ; mid, luting
rendered i'llllscll'nhlluiiuus Intbu AllstllUII
gnteriime,'', escaped with Ins llio llml
iiindcinlu fortune. In I'raliiu
'lim llurunnu bad Ihivii a short liiun in
Milan, wheu ono dav lieu. V 's chas.
amir announced n ('rcncli Iratiller, who
dosirvd lo see Madnino It al once.
'Ills iiamu ' said tho ln.lt .
'lie will nol gito ll.'
'I lieu wv will nut adiuil bim,' uid the
'Oh, lot us see biuil' said Iho llitronnu.
'I'erbaps II ia sniuo fin lid nf mine ttho ia
in ilislrcsH,'
'As you will,' haul llio lieneral.
And Count .Siephnnocntcrul llio chain.
ll'Madnnio 11 linuUtllercd the namo
ii'iul : aim it lien I Iioim tu liud isua'.,i s.oi.. ,,, .... . r.,nl.,. In,,, .um nf
which trnmbled on hn Tipa, the UountV very world m wliloli limy llio ; tlioy uea
luto would hnvw been soon duoided ; but lloand build ill their roast Iwcfj and the
for piioo tho council' ready wit served liyona, for it aulof bltir fare, cats hirntelf.
her in a rikm cause, ! mgK h "t l"o gout, and tho
'Ah! my dear onuain,' cried she, 'how "halo it Hut aubjoct lo tclatica,. Nor do
glad luinloaeoyim! No.loiiblyuuliaii.
taken me nt my word, and you i
, And yoil tiro OOIIIO
In escort mo home aguiu. I shall be
ready iu a (ow days. Allow mo lo Intro
duce you to my uncle. Dear unolo this
is ouo of my liusbaiid'a family whom you
have never mot lielorc.'
'Ihu old Auttrian (lenoral holdout hla
hand tu the Count, and bade him a court
eous welcome. Count Hlephsuo could
snarcoty roprottaamlleel bis strange po.
titlon, although ha foil that ho stood In a
perilous situation ; and the lady sullircd
Ova llurs i m tiih Yvivnr, i tfitxrji um 1'ihh JlrrrauuMTi'i.
. . '- '
all llio iMit rur ofinnii-. aiiiuly,n Inn
luiMrfctlly trclluil Ik.iiuiIi lirr uiuul i;uy
nnil uari'lfiflir.
, l-'or tlm fimt llinn In lirr tifr, mir en
imollo foil lliat tint liail Ut rrpty l.ipiro
(IrKl and limn for Ihrlijn winch hrr loci-
bid pined in jivjmhlyt
Kho ian
p'"w "'h1 -i.i.. tivi,M
iK I'll!" I'bm, in (irurl1
! ffOIII till! Ill'll rl. UDll linffflO
i fiiitlit lit hHi nriljrilil
Utah 4
-., -r-- -.'.- J
ItVIl iiul'uay'llin unier.l
cfilaalwr. -Mhn aalra
drraa, nM
KaWiift lain ilujlnn llie 'nlflil! ttf hep
wna iiam. norcyaaiuii oi luarf. liar .
rkVr'rntv and aailly. Camilla,' aaidli;
al linslli, 'I liavo liaJnuunforyou. TMt
ooiuln of yoiiraii no I'lourlmiiiii, Jlola
il Italian" iihIiIp, miiili-iniitil'liy Ilia KhC
nir, liiilpnlli, ifrvar lit alt foot In It
II" n In li xiili viiiij and vim
III, ! I,T,',I,I, ., -
Iwr uiilv Irillid Willi him, and lm haaitonintprpnlaiid aabtdlhal it iniohl lay
In mi iniH iiioiii;li In lollo'v Jon berr.
Hnl "! li" d nol ilrrod hi aiiniying ou
.... .. ...111.. - - I ' A .. ..
any imirc, a you will npvur ten Imn any
i 'N'i'rr e him again I' gaMied llio liar-
ouni', laaplhg lirr hamla ; 'tlifli am I in.
lilni'il i.iitiMifil by iijiial lliarcn!'
j 'Tha pulice lia tracked dim ;n my
. hU. I ri-cer.HlitWrinatloii rromllimn,
' ami liavi-iiiywlfinaiiilnfil him, ami hranl
J ta- wlinlc lililory nfymir rori lowanl.
him. M) duly foici-i mo to lm atom ami
1111II111CI1I112. lain bniiml lo vimalc Un
- - n- -
aanrlily nfmy own nmrnml arrrtt him
e"" '"" At thli very moment heoughl
lo he dead
j A H'l'i laKinwil in Ihn distance, and the
' i... ..it- r..i... I. &, . -I. m
covered hi rcriniK'iousneaaCiunlHiephaiio
llllliniriir Villllliin luiuiri, i iii ni ,f
was knevliii!! In Iter aide and chaliii!; her,
'Ay, wifpi! id bo In lender voice
weep, for your crui liy has almost had ila
slcltm. Hilt I forgive you Camilla: we
always forgive those we love.'
'I'p, up, my children,' cried llio Aus
trian general ;' 'enough of l'd., sighs and
tears. Make lovs as faraway from Mi
lan as potaible, I bale risked my head, sir,
to save yours ; you shall thank me for it
when you unsafe bnck again in Prance,
llu otTat once, and heaven prosper you !'
'And my death warrant I' aaid the
Count i
I 'I must regret that I received ft loo late
I can do no mot.
Willi' seisl um gtmtwii
iher'n'Oentant couurtfo In
"his nrmt, 'loynu I would say, that the
wonnii who fan ciiii'lledesorves tirilhar
l'-e in this world nor j'ty hereafter,
Nlie has up.irnlei bet-elf from all human
ymp.ilhies ; but u linm iiiust come when
lb-He whollatler imw will leave her fir a
, jniinucr idol, nml then l'c flmiliii her
worlhliss life as aha began it she will
dleai she baa liid alono !'
Hot a I'amilln bml no wish fur such a
aolitnry Lite, alio did iieiiiiaiii'u for her
fsulN nnd folliea by taking uin bcrailf
i the vow s id nliedience, nnd ahiniu henco
forward aa n duteous and ln jug wife,
,, , ";... . . , .
Mm nt I kx.iI. I bo NatieuM Intel,
lii.'eiiei'r, ill r fori nco to the sulo uf Mt
Veinon, ij
I Wi-understand that Mr Juliu A. Wash
I ,n,ni (H. t.roi.f ii tor uf Mount Vernon
IU du-a)i'd of
Iho vriicratul mansion, j ,lurn (.mprary, for n soul, not stir
I ueres of the landtd cs- rci ,, r,rn rled i'n the lire, to conceive
iy comprising Northern ., uer sucli lliiugs as ihcso:
wn, n,o liundrcil
late, lo a cumpany
... ,,,,. .l,.,l .l,,llr.. T.. l,i
,,,,,. ihopurchaavrs menu to apply the
isrssi rlv. s- lsno lastt Isoarsl s utitwo are
iTiT) .ilad to learn thai tho terms or sale
r.M'itelu Congrcsa the pritilcgo of taking
it. uuther und au irretiH-ublu condiliun
uftlie sale la that tho remains of (Irii
Wushiiigiuu ine inter, under any cir-
i uinslaiicea, In I
reinoted rrom llicir
as .
presi nt rening place. Wu aro iufiirinidi
that the purcli.ist n ollcrcd a largely In.
creased price lo bnte tlm silc inndo nbso.
Iiile, ''til Mr. Washington rrplled iliai
he would not, for any sum that coubl be
Humid, place il out of the power of Con
gress lo nuke Mount Vernon tho properly
of the lint inn,
ClVlu 'Kidd's Own Journal' wo (Tmi
some inlercating fuels about eating, Kv.
cr uiiimal cats as much as it can procure,
I and as much at it can hold. A cott cats
i'Ut tu aliep, ami sleeps but tu eat ; uud
nut lonlenl with eating all day long,
Httico ii sla)silu' lain,' atulouls it otur
ugulu. A whulo awallutvatwclveiiiillluna
ol liviiigshriinpsatadraiiglil; anumllng
canary bird cats itsuttu bulk iu a day,
nnd a ealurnillar vats liva hundred times
! itn ntt ii weight beforu il lies down to rite a
bullerlly. Iho inito oud niaggol cat tho
nouvorlicai that nn hsiiuinwux is IruuU-
lU lliuiuuiii-ap.iv, o;.".iUt uf
lories, though bo oats ton pounds of seal
and drink agallan of oil at a meal, and
though his mval lost at long at hit meat.
00" The lioipcl Is aaid to bo preached
from O.o pulpits of Chicago in seven differ
cut languages. Tho population, of Iho
city is nlxiul 00,00(1.
' .,
04rl,ouls Napoleon la aaid lojiavean
tiraly rocoviirctl Id lutallh, and drives
about I'n tin Iu an American buggy.
-.,, .
iiru, Jurkaou.
'Yhn Win (h)( finm Ilia Iluiralo ()ui
nicfaral, li mi clmraurriilm of (,'in. Jm l
rti.lrtl uv aro mini it will Lo road Uy
all f (lit Inft-rr :
On llie arcfiMMii nf Urn. Jackaon, llio
rMllelifiia uf inlriHUorn wlm uliialnrri)
lJW (l "Ikxl'm Slalrmian," uinini
WM i dpfiiocralio party nl Maaaaclm.
"Wf""1 ijioriionfii mo in-irmi miiora
iartlualjtato ainons iheinwilvoa. To o
vflMtuumber waa aaiftned tb Colleo-
ptMctioh. 'TIm alectiona"riMdo Ly the
"ftuiaiman'' clique worn accepted by
OaVFlJjuJtorv, willroul examination ur In.
pdrjr-Bfld (7en7-Millar' anorcivir wni
niimtnatpil lit ihft Hnali. Wt,fn lh limn
, ----" .....--... -.. .. -... v.. .
linaltoneaina tobo acini upon, (xl. lien.
I over, lie wna aure llirf I'rtaidpnl would
l inlinlionally removo
i lie innumiK-r.i
Iluil . a aua akmH aala
lluire mu( ho aoine iniiUkr alnut it, and
iw dtaired time lo uriajj the facta of Iho
fnan IA lila n,iii!ilPBllm lriA hmiimI '
naa complmil Willi, aa a mailer ufcourm.
(!!. Drntnii inunedialely waited tloon
Oetieral Javknon, ami tlm interview ia
aid to have brenonn of high inlurrst. A
: Brnucnwin wiw waa iiiiiinaie anno v nue
in un, iu kouiw n anire'iim in
(iciwrul Jackwil, do you know, air,
11...... ......I ... .!.... I I .-!.. 1
, ,,..,, ... - . ,. ,
wi.o it iiir-;lor at tne pott ol naiein,
Aiaitaoiniaeiia I
I cannot think or his oamo Colonel,
alilinugh rvejusiaentit uptothnHenste. I
liui ne isa Kij n i kihjit, sds a Pijtu
(democrat, loo, for (Jrccne 'and ilennlmu-
botn told me so.
'Uut,j sir,' rejolnwl Col. Ilcntou, 'I beg 'l,at incomparablo conceit of Iongfel
lo inijufre, sir, whether you know whdtht-' low in his "l'salm of Life"
present incumbent is, sir llio ojr.cer Aude.irh.sn. ihsu,li ,t ana brave, .
whom you have been intending ll, re.. Si.ll oks mu:U.l drum. si. Lratiug
move, air V I Kuim rsl marehes lo Ui jprsie
No, 1 can't remember his name, but I ' mutt occur to all in this connexion. And
know hois a New Kngland, Hartford ' the way to the grava ia not long. The
Convention federalist, for Ureeno and ' music will soon be oior. There isno mel
llensbarw loli me so.
Sir,liaprntCoUcclor ofthofport nf
.Sslainlaliemral Miljer, jjr, wha fought
with so nfuoh distinction oo the northern
frontier, ia ibe warwilleGreat Ilntain.sir.
Not the bravo CoUillUcr. Vla aaid
' 111 liy I', when aaVavf 1 f ho could take that
JMlTjKenwrruflimom at Uridnwa rt'.
: i!Wfals)CoLli iIiumIMMIhT
man, sir.'"
Thn hois!
Whcro's Donutsoii ?'
A sharp pull at
lbs bell was followed
iy Iho prompt iippcarMicc uf a sertatit. '
'TclD'ol. IKinelson I want liim iiuiok.'
Mr. Donrlton entered. 'deaf by habit. Hut it it time we unstop-
'IKiii. Isnn, I want the name of llioel- ped our ears,
low iiominited for Collector at Salem) 'J'lioio bo do righteously are promised
withdrawn instantly. Hy the Klcrnal, "a new- song." To such the end of th
lliete poliliciaut are tho moat rtfmor;less . tuno will not be unwelcome. Shall wo
scoundrels alive. Writo a letter to Cni. ' pick up the pearl or be content with the
Miller, and till him lie shall hold the office ' pebble 1 Shall we seek to obtain the new
aa long as Andrew Jrckeou lites. Smv, song, or at the shattering of the harp eat
I'll write il nitsclf tin- assurauco will he i, fy ourselves with its echo llufalo Em.
more) gratifying as coining from a brother -
oIJ'rr-' ' A"O.M:-lliiiiM:Cotar." A few year
l,uv.nw Ha.-mrri..-n follow. a wl,cn. ,ho fil"7' "atl ?Ur' .Tl
ing extract from u, address of Meagher ,rm " '" ,.,p .'" N""r'?' 'i , 1 'l
recently deliter.d ... New York, is truly i " ?n 1 l-P-.'" .-ne of llie Interior
; '. . ;. . ,..., .. couniicsnf ibe State, in which a lurv had
lucilt III IS iieacripi on oi ine presu ll
li. of Rumpe. How impoM.!.,.. re-
.1 I . ' .
Austria tho whole licrmau familv
tonguclicil, the lthmc stagnant in her bed;
l'olaml, still the Niobo of nation., nnd her
e.lalc and children cut up and parcelled
out among the robbers; Hungary, with
tho knife ul her proud and beauteous neck;
Italy lacked wiihiu htr sculptured tepul.
chrv, au la profano soldiery keeping tta'eli
oooo ii r lr.Tuee. erimnrill" In a ina-oue
-..--.... a - rra- C- B
,,,!. ,l. l.ro of tthich is tho senae esa
and ruckle carnltal; Ireland, lierpeople
decaying and ditappvariug faster than the
rui-i, enii, which a ruthless clt Miration ,
lias leu sianiiiug on inu si'ii , wiii'ii
where ran ibe c$c that scans the biaiorv
of this dav turn will, ioy-witboul grief,
without vengeance, w ill out dcnalrlun. '
les.it bo to ll.it great cou.monwcal.h, the
power, Ibe pragrcss, tho immensity of,
which aro mapped out lit thoso mighty
water, or tho west, from which I came
but yeslerdav. '
' JL - - . t
DoVt Sri: tic ail at Osrr.. Vcitc-!
zucla has sent forward nntloti lo be nd.
milted1 Intiiftn American I'nlon. A cor. t
resKiuJeut of tho Toiled Stnica Oaieitc,
w riling from I'orto Cabcllo, makes tho fol-
lotting exclamation : "Would In I leaven I
that Hrothcr Jonathan would, in the excess j
nf hit republican generosity, take this
r. ..:!.. . -i . .. '
beautiful country under mo cover oi nisi
big guns, and add another star to thcglo.
nous American constellation.
Hasten Ctmrit
OCrTlie "Washington Sentinel" is to
bo llie litlo of tho political jaurn.ll which
U'lo bo established at Washington by Mr.
llovorly Tutkrr, and the paper ia to ap
pear early In tho ensuing autumn. Ills
ruinorctl mai sir, iraniois, oi um iiicn.
moml Examiner, Is to be ono of iho editors
of the now tyipor. ,
(CrTho. latest lextcan dales woro to
the rllh or July, Cholera wt inoroatlng
at Vfa Cru. Tho Trail d' Union aay
war between llio United State and Mexi
co i iminlocut.,.
- Jt
ThnTuMeol Iho Urn rl.
Tiieru i a nweit little iniulctan In ere
ry lnwiin, wlimo rnrrly la constantly
ilamiiiding our nltenlion. We hear him
iiiiiijr, Ma prclry luno wherever we may
Ui In llio cruwoVor !n aolilude. in I he
uliurcli or in tha eliainbvr. If the muaio
' i mouutnuou, ll i imvorllirleM enlrano
ln.,i f It U mmna lt antlnnatMl. arrnp.l
t,a n, t. olion of ilia world, h la better
,an any novrlly wMeh baa yet been pro.
duced, Tliu inuiiclan Uibe hMriaad
lit iimie,lahe tune nrlire.
iIIPIiWIIK ulllltwll B..v .ai.
4T Wdy would haWly tndorM ib raa4MT
lions at the coune or yeaterday. ailhaw;,
prngroea, increaae, inraq aro our omiiou,
airj they aro
olnltudr. '
i aUcudcd.by.uurffeeavMdajljr. ThrjpwreH pafaoyfVlll Mft
wi go irom one-Howr ptt
i ono puro to another, but j
another, from
we carry wilb u every where the piper
and hla tunc, well lor ua thai lie doea
iioUvrefuae lo play, or lall taleep in lit
mfcM of his own muaic. Ami doea il ever
I ocA'ir lo ua that be will T
t t .traneo to think of Ufa aa a tune, a
train, a aeaty but what moraia iff let
lb nv'Iody within crate but for a moment
and l whero then la life I Tbv aocirnta
rcckoped K by the severing of thread
wo may do il by (he mining of a not.'
In thla View, how impol
In this view, how Important become our
nitioen niuaioian. no airnoai laarvw
liluljji'in hutinca, reverie, or alumuer, leat
, ,c .li'iuM conv our neirlect and lav aaide
j .. i . m. ,
i: i ...t aiT.r . '. . 7 .
hi. mitreratnt, What if wo ehould find
him recreant in the mldit orour eccupan
cr, our medilalion, what if we ahould
,'rep and the musio awaken ua no mora!
AIJ ,ucl ,,, ,ljur 1( come. when Hie
Cirenl Kmpresario LiJs him, the (riper
otava no more.
ody in the aepulchre. Death may team
a lift ion, the loinb an ideality, eternity a
romance but w shall all find them real.
There Is'l'iatura for the aooref' men.
Tb world I fanclad aad portalled wa
have never U' i beyond tho banlers, but
wa sbU o.
nir within us, let ua uol Oo ao un
wise aa to forget ita termination. One
there, it cannot b repeatrd. Thero Is no
Jlii cw to tbia melody or Hie heart. vo
are too heedless of ita strains wo do not
listen to its teachings we haw become
, , , , ,,,',, . , ,
ucen demanded, the in.l had been coin.
i, ,,i..,l. ami lh,i .urv released lo deliberate.
After a short absence they returned into
court, and the following conversation be
tween the judge and foreman ensued:
Judge llato, )ou agreed upon your
l-'orrnian Young man, wo have.
Judge Well, sir, for whajn-dtfyou find?
I'urcnuti I'or ourselves.
Judge What da you moan, sir
I'oreniau Wo mean thai wc hate
found a verdict, for ono of tho parties,
- - ---..- -- i -
.. 1. . . 1 .. ... .. . ....,. as aa-,,ai4a.aaas ..Aa
"men yo.i . . ve uj !.,... -. ...
. '.u
X. )'"'
JuduH Hut, air, yuu have besn regu
mpunucllcd.aiid mutt deliver your
now , and look to iiio county lor
vour tav.
" , - , , l r-n i i. .
, l-"rcnun-JuJB. . here IHI .hoi
lf "" " hS UT 'AVl.. fcii .X
,,H m,r rec, ? U?.n .7m K '
0,,r l"'.v in ihfCjrcuil Court, bu thi.cn..
' cou" w" don't undertl.nd.
.... ... , .. .
KT l oU ernioiil. tlino past, Itvcd a
'luecrold ninn named roller. Ho had lost
pan of hit palate and was a rare aped.
men. Ho owned a mill, iho water lo
which wa. brought for aomo distance
through n wooden llumo. Oue morning
an apprentice informed him that tho flumes
were full of suckers. I-'uller posted htm.
sell al in mouili, placing against ila large
basket lo catch tho tuckers, while tha boy
went to the other to hoist the gate. Hi. re
came a rusii oi ninny waters carrying
Fuller and basket over the overshot wheel
and thirty feet below. All dripping ho
kcrumbUd out J sputtering, " you may
think I'm an old idiot, but I ain't qu.lt
such a darn'd fool that I can't aee through
the joke." Almost anybody could.
KrTho St. Louis lUi.ublloan aayathe
Director of the Jron MouoflMn jLtulroad
Company have located tho road from tha
river Dot Tores lolhe Iron Mountain, and
in a short tlmo tha whoUiof that portion
of iho road will bo undar centraou- v
(0The kcola of two staatnthip af lure
thousand tons each, .Intended lo run be
tween New York od Galway, aro about
to bo laid at Urecn i'olnl New York.
ti .... v. :4
f Vv x 1
ij f ''iV-,?4
,yfjV 11
Tai'iiulasa fiairl I lia isaaalisaf aasl liaavasaf
ofneproa amoeg both , rsf.t;
winy contiata in driving mm Mraaa, wwr-i
(n rich laces, drirtkrng afctWaaariaaV
liiring awar rife. To trtriVlagira III.
cisty, on tha promenasle, or M a wawf
ing pilast, la bo lb aaW tlm
maoy wotnea, who auraly wtrsj bof tfi
heller things. To cultlvaU
sport twavf
Ma Mtlar, tacvM to b irw.MaaaWi
h,mmt.wttk.m. Afa.t
nol aajieg raaaaaaMaaaaaaanajH
or vronMW k la irur anm, dMawi
ti u iiiwub fofwianrt i
cation, who pay hi debt, ol
and fulfill hisMhroWIgalaa leljr
and to hi fellow-creaturw, In d,timmmi
timet mora reepeclabj than tM weehiYjr
Idler, ih edoCsMl paehlirir., the M)
iniaer, or ibe ftadiiMabU fcol. 8o lb
modest fetaale, whtbr Waunatrew, .beok
folder, prtM-tender, tttwkepr, er'avet.
botita-iervant. ia in Ibe" true aetata of.ika
word.fflBoiUly more rwaeetabie Ibto tbia
xtravagaot wis who ia flag bet btss.
bnd, than lb iliougbtlea voters; of Ms
ioo, lhaa .the butterfly, flirt, la wort).
worth, not wealth, cooautute rewocta
billty, -. ' "
Asain. It I what really Iti aelVbU
merely icess lo be, "iffeciaMe, that sbB
of aenaa honor a tuob.r Tb mitliotMllw,
who ha obtained wealth by knaviab raa.
tice, though be may ore) MsWHV
m.she of the law, eanaot eecape tM.iav.
disnant verdict of -an bones MtHe .'be
may give grand dinoaff, drtMaabewr
equipage, inhabit, jalaee.'aaal esyi ay
oribe oatentatloiiair fe eMveleiK Mf .
poses; yet, with' til" hi tfulaWb' 'gWibie; ,
ratesile recenlab fb rotsiee wMkh,
and from the vtrsTMnrairif blattabtaW'.
trace back th$-Hmn asjtbRlirwMalt b
row. 9u9h .; MM ewte'lte
will, can neviJWBejie rnabli. "A
Cir, aa wide M.tbaa'lvtlwsMiiailvM Ml
xarut, eeaeiatee Ma' fVeni lb MW ,
of ibe gBo4.ii bsVsrbe 'lowaMtsJ ka
all purtult; thoae cruel aasi lUvUiat
toward, their. fssstfw.roen,'cbriataaa or
. i.r- t. .
everr one, juwiiwe, oen
re. hrivajryaad I
ne or yet paad ietvg.CK geld ;.or, aatbat.
proverb ha it, "you cannot make ailk
purse out of a aow'a ear."
A people are generally what habit ren
ders them, it I tor the Veang that theee
remark aro meant. The old cannot be
cured. If they are ahama sow, ahams
they will remain; nothing, alas! can ev
er make them respectable. Dut the yooag
have yet their habile to form. Let them
take high standard and become truly re
peciable. PAt7. Ledger.
'' Insert the above irom the Ledger In
your Home Gazette," write a valued and
intelligent friend, " and request every pa
per la the United 8tatelo copy it." Osjr '
friend 1 an bonest hater of all abaraa, as
sume what form they will. Step by step,
beginning1 at' the firat round ia lb ladder
oi tortune, ne na ascended, through noo.
isccouea, -.nrougn noo.
I tar-eeeiiif eatarpriie,
1 positioo. Quick'aad
uloo, be aeparat tb
oraue industry aad um
to wealth aad (oosal p
close In hi obtervalloo. be aeaarat I
lintel of character from the lubetanco at
a glance, and give no countenance to.
false assumption, ltl It come irrwhat shape
it will. In the above indignant protect
against the false and vicious in society,
Ji finds an exact cxpretnon or hi own
views ; and having an ard.nt desire to see
truth and honor, and manliness of sent!,
mem prevail, he atka for it a wide oireu.
lation by the press. Let il find a place in
Ibe columns of every newipaper in (be
land, li cannot fail to do good work.
.irraur'j Home Gasclle.
Grxxly om Dakci.10. Mr. Qraely of
the N. Y. Tribune, In animadverting tip.
on the action of the Presbyterian mem.
My, upon the subject of dancing exprtet
e himself aa follow: .
Our idea I that dancing In too, Im
moral, profane company ; after raaeooa.
He bed-time; In hot.unveotllalad reome,
whose atmosphere I toon polluted; where
alcoholic liquor are dispensed, aasl revel
ing and bout. rout hilarity naturally est
aue, is improper and not allowable: while
dancing in cool, well-aired noaatyameag
sober, reputabl, moral ateoclale, M re
aonablo hour, and where no aoxlMM bey
eraget or late auppera are proArtd, mutt
be eiteemed harmieaa and sometlmee earn
mendabte. Our idea may not be tha true
one, but oaunot be bard to undrtan4
and apply to casea from liaM to lime
arising. - ,- -j
KrThe lialtimore Amerioaai ia
moo with many othtr jetirnata, imnli
tho appointment of Cldresi de ( Barek
to lb oineo of Foreign eefelary in lb
Spanish Ministry; a an oeaea ef the Met
favorable eharaeter for Spain aasl bet aV
pewleaotet, aa well a aa aagaiy ef e
tween Spain ana the United gtateaM'js
OCrlnth iWaqhiJMlueWpUtM
tr-IJ,!. ..tlat aaliaaU"ka Msukisistafl taJ
ibVoommlttM ibi. (t l ('MrMMM
on thattltiia fcvofef tSjiisk
men to. vote oa lb aeetotjiaitfl
l.ir aUrakmiiorl.? V-
a -
f '..T
and raoriwwLf
- jssxw xtj.:j 3fT.srxjymtJjj iiiu jaeaeai
T - ,.
WMI I''"'.
Ear Pfe
IfaTlwl MR
Cllrsffsv mTi