Oregon spectator. (Oregon City, O.T. [i.e. Or.]) 1846-1855, August 26, 1853, Image 4

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TT aW I - 1
vjiuVibW rat 'i' i iL-a.--,
TiTf i .
i srvasBBLSBssBBBsai.
P' f riMWIWI i( oalcutated to produce a
vm maamiawmiKw 10 province n uai chair shook uic i ntou ; h ainuicu
J.lirai.'raalmthm, and to reflect the'.irifeand gate-birth to parties which arc
qpnat ur m iret u.iiio. . no ihoji
MMtmh'trM of her life it lliui re.
oerJod. . 'Aster h'long consultation among
, " Mthe fcltofJJ.plaln Smith.
V,'"CS,.S? frr, .,lta ""
IMHWl their alien! dignlly-lvvo huge
mill win pnwi imr mv wwn n mm mi uiy, SIICII n .penal ic ii. iil-ici iim.i
UI.L. . l..kl ..!.. ..! kl l.-.l'i i .'. I ...... I. ..
ajMB w iaanw (iu iiiviii! mm hi. m-uu
,UM Java, It a preparation for heating
'tM hie braina wilh war.clubs. I'owhat.
IH rmttM in latai inatrunicm, ami tne
Mnf mattltttM. wun tneir i.ipoj ain.,al majority glting linn n title to me oiuee,
Mew, nn near mir ing, nuciii
Ir.wa(tif Ih prlaoner'a lat moment,
in aiiiiii mil ill ii mini i ii in in in 1 1 in
IWIMWU,' 1D0 ooiovcii otugiucr oi (fir
Lias aA ! Bnm I 11 ..MAM lia. Lnu.
MMlwIllitMnaml cntreatiei. nrard that
!( awMOTWinaiv, ICU ujii lit I nuiii,
,tUieU,Wthtl)eparcd. The royal
mit wwgwmmvi hti wii, ! v-wiiiiiimiiii..
"UcIw.IMt Bmilh lo hla'fate. Urown
AjHMla) M thi (ailufe of her application,
iMMkwMM threw her rni around Smith,
1 ItpWIMr MM upon lili, Mr raven nair
".- BaWaav anianad lua neck and tliaulilcM. ue.
. rm .7 --: --. i
OI1IW1" acivVOTiniiu mtiibii "ttii !.
MaiAM a. aula -Uk unih .-.b aieta.i-.-
Mat.' JkoIraJlamgaiped for breath, fea
. !.. i ii , i i .
MM, M nTimu ma uccr.-e, anu uucvi.
aaj Saaith to be Kt at liberty
Ik regard of this glorious
cin ior amini
i lo.e is not
. Mr reachea toe fee imir oi
. . IT
t.w ?l aA. alu.il In
- -
iMIMI. ....- " vis lxiv., fw
Hm. I Mk-ttmbfaiff ofCapi.-Smttl.."
tMtka to an Interview she aftemardi
la-WW, him England, "in reco-d.
eat Itf wrtat l have done, but the ioii
IWagT-hfamcraory." John llandolph
Uf taatjwnatian would aiay iu cnuu proac bed, Hie ctcitcmcnt ol tho pubiio r ,...:., i.u.1.- .LUUnll l- .
fcruklitf eiMh a deer. Iritere.t In the fate ' ,d Kcatne intent. Va.ldnBio!, .... "J6 r " JCe'tJiA to
of ( 6. ceoJderij.hl. dc.dlic.t foe. crouJed. N.plitly .aiiem., ami the ? S L .h,l aI5Tlhit
Bat hliia.n natur. la the aa.na every.n,o-t anxiou. c .Iculation., occupied the nTL'&SSw AwTu. ' h.X!j
toM the war.club dropH fm he 'leading men of each of the tJ.rr..i.oa. I'JtiZU elt VaduTv
. .aaeMtwIl'a kand-hl. brow R.a..-hlt &.., wero . hey balancd. thai after l,&jlJi&a5J?ft
I btrt'a-Wad;and,a.heraIse,lhl.l.7aTe ,he ni f exact .cn.t.ny hXl been pen '" .ujArfStfnVSeo
daihltlohlaliom,.ndkiMe.l her fore. 'throual, .,l alter the probable voVe of fourycari ftamlk.4lliofrch neaiea.
r 3 "t.- ' i i.f . i .1 . afi. ... iit.. .. i ... ill ii". ii r
I " JB m l-aal HMrml.nt
racendantor this noble o.
attoprid. hlmielf ur,
. -T- ----
-j .. J-...., n..t......l..i
i v v hmvciii. . wi.i.iiwiii- ...v..
Mlr.aecond vear of her aer.
n-UmhlX tinima.
IS .t2-lll!y.Tr:
'tAIN'it OAl'l.llTint
r, maa.
wflh Iwk ami ki.itl
a-ke Was at at, ka asssn a lins
- Sstkjfciriwra'tiin;
Tta ehaeleiaV Iw-tUn Vaetrta i-si.
laMlVMsssv A.-i.:
..sjaksMMMi ii.a. . "x.r -l
TbTa-s ikasrsirisfs sca'alba..;,
LQM laarat aa aspsa lasU
KaNasd by UiatlMraie auid
Wja bmiae. a fr.jer for lem
"L'nblailblraP pifedibs clu'f.
"Oby jswldog'. arr
lis WaA. away btr lean of f n-f
Aaslasl ta csflir. ft-e.
XaatNML 4bn. In Ii.'. .1....
Hsps. sttrto aunrairsilini,
IjMaajfstaassisln srasnan'ar-rn,
'"" 'AaJ tswallNsi'a prsjn (n h!nu
' ' ' IA
sVkviSuu: Ocvixua. .most orrery,
bady In Boaton knewa that Father Sirectcr
married mora folks In the course of the
ourreat year, than any two or tenMhlncs
in (bo United State I It beat all hou
t - . . .. ... . i
..o, ... .ra .kiiii.ii me w.u icnun ii-
' ""'"P. andcausod to trot In double
nTB., h'OOgh life. Not long since, a
rural tllllriCi yOUIh anil Ui i'AVICAe CSmet,
I ,tt.'7ataier Strcaterto be fixed out accord.
log to the law and gospel. Well, tho old
MAM Mat 'am .hrAatnl. In lit. -....I., n....
loan'ptat.Vo. through In the regular man.
ner, andharged.
"How much have I got lo pay fur lln
'" I atways leave that to tho bridegroom;
asueieeis tne pay
m w 11 ij si
' ""'on,1w,nt'? ,' ",tan MM
trader, about this alrair, you know I
kit care a cent, hy..ed. wlial you
harm., nnlv tail n. hniv mtirl. Kntit.) l.n
oturgii, only tell us how muchoubl l.e
L m not particular sir. suppose vis
abouK1'o dollars."
iloUaral.Samllill. but vi ,U
atlck ItXnfWhy I know a fellow von
married lisit fall for two dollars."
' "Very liEely.sIr," said the old gmtlc.
v.'"lJ-7fkir.iT . B u'"m"";
Jr tjutrrteil htai live time anrl run eiir.t,!
,.J.V;.a-.. ' "
Squash forked over and leaved.
,. ! ,J ,, " ,,
Sltoat pA, l rwo fit we. I,ritt
'.Scre. Millionaire scale in hi (asy
chaU-. By him itauds a poor man, in a
eupp Heating attitude. , I
UlllionaJra Aticin! irrv torrv. mv
., , , , , 1 ' - .
young friend, that I can do nothing fur
you, liut l can give you a word of advice
economise. M
. Paa. man lint wh.n a mnn l.n. ., .Ml.
U.11 "s"
-,iMUlonalro Nonsense I Under certain
iircWMUacea a aun mm know hew to
BBVV. " 1.
,Btmi; Sar.-Tho Milllonairo I, ,
tta ld; the poor man calmly 1
n lha .hnra
', my friend, that ! nan
; for you
llul I can give you
SaBKSffW3,fM,u- "t
raarat-noateaw: un,ur,cortani
MHMMi a man utui know how to
A?k js1 1 1 1
patio rjrer i titv
I'ram S.Hliut' Heme (Iswltr
John 1)ulnr Atlnms.
Jfi. lUitlim y tr K'ir.l.lirf.
Tli suucrle fortlic vacant I'rcsiden.
.. . ." I .. It (.. II. I
hpi extinct amng us ; mm mnr h iim
... nrovlncc nor mv nurtxHC In meddle,
but it was ni Jot lo see the issue of llioj
contest, when it came to it. head and w.s
dce.dcd.Mow .vbloii.onlhoh.ij.pUce.
f Hw M. Iho hall ol the House of.
Ueprescntalivcs exhibited, on that event-
licCU vvuneSSCU III IIIH l "nui 1. 1 nwwti
'ihuuorld never saw. There hig three
Powhat.'candldatei for the I'n inlone) , and neither
niiiI ihjt t ,f... I... ! . v..i...l iI.h ..iii!iiiltmi.
' candidate for tin- I'n miIcii.'V , nml neithei
of tlicm having receneil the roiiMiiitiion.
mat emit nail lurncn nincii, in an umci
countries, hat Inn dciided by the oid:
i i hi Mh nil hnvirnt nrii roTticiimi.iirii n
possible by that Uml ol turn, in
1.1 ... I.. .. ...... ...1.1. . ..!..!..... .1
' II1CV UrcV cru Willi nimiuui nwi iiiuii
,.i. ) ho lraml our nappy government,!
. .. ------ - .. r,
bad been provlJed for hy the peaceful ex.
peJIcnt .ukinc iho choice out of the im
fLt '..'" ..i ...:. r J.i
of the raaSctWa atate., each united dele.
nnli.ui ( aililli AUK lJi.
fc. ...-..... ... --
,' IIIVl, J'J-Wt.l.. .! ! . ....-.. ..
. t ., ii i- .. i
eacn imiiiiauai man nan oorn hci uunni
wuli ajtnmh caro as if tho tUiolo reviill
uepenoeoon iiiiiuuiviiiiiai suurage, u .i
,J,,I,!,.I H,n. il..re.nti woulef ilblv
- ..... - . - .... - ,... ,
'a..... .... . ....1.. ...i
.mill U u rilllf- iwil
anu ni eninc innr
I uls of the .Ireislon had actually come. It
as generally under.to.-l that the vote
a, in ,l,.U,,d. of a uealilij. upright.
nnd amiable, luli.otierv firm or viwr.
ni icmberof the Neork IMrgatTan.
11. ,ad given his pronu to oti Tor Mr.
Vda,n,,u, the eaVr..g,U,in, ax,ou
.! ..i. .a.... i" .1.1
IMlftlDU HI, i.lli'UItT III- "UH..I remain
fi,, , ,, n. ol.
firm to that pledge or not.
.,.,.. .. ..!... ,...,..,......
I ne itau n prepnrcu lor ino prions
ni tne eicciion ii placing seals mr mere
Mirctivo Slate deleeatioas, each havinp a
separate table, in the enii.iirenlar space
In front of the Clerk 'able. Ilefirc ta
'king their seats there lit,) "ere tf U
u'en'vialking about in Imlo bands, or seal.
ed in group, earnestly cenversin;: in a
.low tone, evert mind Uing occupied In
the result of t'tio election Each party
was languinaol success, llela were sta
ked on a large amount The moat conti.
Mam saaaJ laave) tibea at jass !.... I J . ....
of ta elcHad jjijjirrupulourTbZn7iunll,i $ ' "H P MW?! " hH
otM threat weraullar.
cd. A aeeond MitVburi contest was ex.
iuspimI. Non eoume.1 en In., ihan fonv
Lalloiiags; tome said tho election would
n...n....L. n.rl,iMiu.nth. oi.it. mi,,
... ..i.i ..I...J.L. t.n;.. n..i.i k. ..j l
flut that coriiraaa would break up ju
, j."
.1. T . .i.trjfr m!n,. .t rmn n. ,r ll
-"t -.-e-.. -;-
Iho evil po'vir who -ought llie ruin ol
ttre Kovernmeni bad eathered loeetber at
u'-.l.in.inn .,i it... hiirltn., iinnr.i.
... ... . ' a. . .
'.... .. O b . ,
the troiihifii nir .Manv pcrns carrud
concealed wuim as I'xpecting some i. '
olent out.break. The bar.ro.ims of hotels I
and eating.houies wern crowded with
gue.ts whose aspect bode I no cooil to 1 he
countrv or the peaceful proerevi of the
(.ovcrnnxnt Many a heart that lovid years pruclitc. I Imt one meth"d of sup
American ruubtcd freedom trembled m1 porting oung fruit trees, and like the aay
view of lha untried experiment, now fir sovtill, wo shall continue it until we see
Iho jirst tiini lobe attempted. Amid such something better than has) r come to our
aiijuncs the day 01 election came, live
rv avmue leadiiiirtothoCaidtol was filled
vMh people, all whoso faces looked in -nc
lir.rlinn. .mln,,. f,rA lll, . ..n,,.
!imn .vnression nf "rave nnd InturcsivJ
cunosilv. Into the galleries which sur ,
Il'l . ......... I
rnuiHi ami ovcrioui. iho Hanoi jinpn-vcu.
'utivts nit nu additional humin h 1112
tould u) .oi"iliilliy be forced, mil tho
iimr-cist iiuilit out "I pglit and hearing
of wbnt was pas.lng within, were cram
'" "' watching inullitudo, hoping
against hope, to gain, h sonic gowl (.hantc
or dint ol psiicucc and physical Mrtnijih,
a glimpse utlcaat ortlieccitlnij.ccnc
.... . . . "
It had been nronovJ. in ilcbate
on i,
in; previous lliat. durine thn election, the
uallericsof iho Hall should be Uo.cl, a
they could at host accommodate but a
imudliiloi those who wero anxious to wit.
ness iho sceucj but Mr. McDufiie, (then
n prominent member of lha House,) warm.
ly ui iiicu mo right 01 congress tiexcludi
proplo frou. witnessing, if thoy so pleas
' . '. ... r" .
id, iiioaMSDi Ihclr
own representatives, I
in a unllcr, ospecially, so vitally nfiocl.
ins thorn all And when it wassii'.cested
lliul the admisMoii of so grcai end excited
r crowd would nievilably ba produollvoof
,1,, - rdcr, he sprang up, and In tone, which
rcacl0j through Iho hall and gallerits,
,CI, d ,llnJt ff f,jr . ,10 or,ery lloport.
?... r.i v ,i.:i 1 1.1.... L..-1.
....., u, IIIU ,'V.JI'IW ,.. U ,W.,,IIU wii iiiuii
. ,Cenc." His appeal was too popular
to bo succes.fully resiittd, and tho doeri
ivtru thrown open accordingly
It was an Imposing spectacle. The cir.
culur lu'diy outsldo the bar, (and luto
which nona aro admitted hut privileged
persons whoso right Is specified hy law, )
as wen as the loam, or open area behind
V " . " " "V"' X '"o. " ,"T.
:.r."T... "?.. "" 1' 1?"
lvv ero lllu Willi mourners oi me sou.
, ..nM1.,nA..'fn.t ti:. 1
ate. ex.tlovarnOrVof States, mllilare bhiI
naval officers, thoso only, however, Who
had rocelved vote of thank hy Congreu
for morilorious sorvice) foreign mlnistor
and their attaches, Judge of the Supreme
Court In a word, with all whose envied
distinction ll wa 10 pass the vigilant scru.
liny of door-keeper, now doubly vigilant
and all upon tho yW vlrc. A restless
movement ol the ntenwre "ilhinlho d
I nitl a crucial murmur like I he altrmed
i hum of bee when lliclr hives arc Ola.
imbed, gave token or Iho stale orfevcrith
anxiety w hlch prevailed throughout the
body ' Could any revealing spirit hav'o
opened -to human slew the hope, the
Ppenr.l-lo human slew mo nope, tht
ttetni the boiling passions, which tuinullil.
atcd within moaoiieree uoacnis, now would
. ,.. ,,iiifnl tnteiests of the mmm liavn
.,. ct tirthr helghteaed la Intensity '
A,-.n .,, , Speaker1 hammer fell
A j ", ,,,. pnMi al
,.,, Ived, legation. 'aMfinblcdanJ
)k h ', .romiJ 0 ,.ble prepared;
,. ,1,.,,,
It J iny pririlege,
" - .. t. . .1 ,i -i. .
1 1". "full Uw of the itraupeC aadt have
I. .."'.. '...!
(I , ruii0 anj 7y ,Uth Whlc
ci((lI ,,,. lie,r ..H,jini wull.'tfcVflral
i.-ii ,. nat iiro.rcdin.
' 'lll,c'l 0ne of their
Uaoh, deleeallon
number to act at
, i,i hairinan, collect ihcinotM, and roporl
,n,'C , Iho result The delegation oted by plu.
not tliuir . , ti'i...... i.. ili t.l
. mwuxwi a. tl eholeaof
1" lliarivi, III VH, IVVVIf I III-
most oie,
, , . .
I 'l'tl.Jc ' ';
I here we ro twanty.lkut
and wheo tho votM had
italhereit in men,
'The v enw waa ike th-t or a aepulchre.
. M . b M, WM ,ndcr, aSlattaft.r
I . . . ' - . . - m -a f
iij uitere.1 lu.voiee ; and tin! can: rev.
auiii!!. inr
.rr, ..... I .ii,.,, ft., ,!, t
ne as eemed to lift tho very'domo of the
,, ,, .,,,,, ,!, -.n,lMiin
M '-. Mr. McUulJie, whow camidato
had been defeated, wlmio eager hopes
.... '. . " -i.i...
, V . ,,a"c' "? w,'? !"",?"""
lur " B0' "" , ' '" "n'K ""
' 3T '.i."' T -7 inTfc.
". T ii i . i...V... -I...
'J' r?nf tho, V' ,,' U "xi ""sIt'
""" "' V ,,',."' ,'j''ir
1 licnuetlioawasput
i ., . , ... . . i
"Id .orrign .Minister In anoUier who
lood by hiaaidc'-hiii how are you goin?
,.,,,.!. Ana!
iranl if the co.ii.tr and
i.. -. i,..,.nl
llie people. Here were no guards; no
sen daruiei; not ci en a constable, hoie
u a the order to be executed 1
lie soon saw, and whilo ho gazed, scrm
ed icnetratctl wild tpeocbies sramlcr.
N'o sooner had tho Speaker clven thesJr.
dcr, " tha Sergeant-at-Arme wULrltrtnll
gallerleaLllan IfXJaaasgeJar ys-ttng
man. (.'graceful form, andarrlR a bHIllajrl
ye, darted noita. jaja raco, awl
,ono coniico wnitn runa-au rouna sa-i
iimironi oi.ann oeiosr tne urea.i.wpra
' ' callcrie.. motioned with hie arm to
l,' dark, denae, and alrrjost aulPicated
massofhtiman Ieln2a before him, exclaim.
Ina, '-Gentlemen, tho Sneaker orders the
,Pllories to bo cleared; you imu.t retlre-
ilear the callene. ' And at Ins word
, l'ko a flock of, quiet, ponlvo sncep, when
i.i,. ... .!.:: .. .! - ..,
"" !." " i" '"' i', ...
Mr tf,rtl I III I ! Willi ! llaMBIIII
"cnl "'e crowd, without a word ofhl. I am for that principle, and for civ
complaint or rcmontlrance, and in an in
(-ukttmla. list tr ritnxf.n l.s nn ftn.l In a... In
-.l,i.l,. ..A., ,1.... , . .....I .... I. iv l.
r:v'i,"'ir,, " ,. '".' ",'' " -"""""' w.
"nJ; TU'' rorcigu Minister lifted up hU
,ln., m. auinwmenl. and exclaimed,
" l"Ua Oerernniem. What a people!"
" - '
riki.v. I'kii 1'ki.is. We havofor
notice, ttejirrre a stake, which. wo usu.
ally make of a strip of board or plank,
strong enough to supiiort tho tree.lfsuto
lavllr. to nll.iw It 1 on.t.lrt.t.' nwdhin.
about six or'cieLt inches from tha Ire en
the south, or west side, and fasten .tie tree
. .to.. .. .. .
ion nyastripni waste icatncr.-tormtnga
tingle loon ao as to allow tho trco ta'tnove
a lulls in iho wind, fastening iho ends of
the leather lo the top of thn stake by a
singlo nail. By lids m-lbo-l the young
trtc has sudicicnt play to induco it lo
throw down its roots, which it will very
soon, nnd stand ertel w ithonl any support.
This never mars or prevents iho growth
.. ... . ' . . . .
01 mo ireo iivistopptng the circulation or
lliosap, and
is the iheapest manner a tree
t he stayed up,
During Iho summer months, it. I. wait
to cast eirthi leather, letting the tree do
jpend upon its own energies, wbloh wlllbo
1 gaally iucreastd ; rcidacinglt InjhafaU.
alter driving the stake firmly, or oharvjt
ing ns position as may bo renUirea, ilo
train un tho treo in tho wav it aheuM
grow. Jejertonian Fnfmcr,
HviKNoirnric Dilou 'rvftr. tho Cur.
ttti (jemmcx. l'ete. ' What you un'.
slan' by 'parallve 'alomy-J you blu tenufho most acceptable, and. ahould havo a
din' 'lomlcnl lectures dis winter, ort lo no
sudin 'bout it.'
Sambo (it door-keeper and aweeper at
lh Medical Collogoln Cincinnati,)
1 Why, l'ete, je lollsson yer ignanon.ob'
do form dew ine, 1 tell ya: you see dal hoa)
obcr de way In do wagoln I ' '2
l'ete. Kh hSambo, ,eedJlti. j
Sambo. You sco de dorg under de wag!
I'elo. Bh I Sambo, I eed 'Im too.
.Sambo. Well, Pete, I now diplain de
hole matter ta yu ignumrant darky, JJosa
and dorg aBant jest 'llka-bery lltllo
'tonilcal dlflerenee j de hois' kep tie srag.
gin behind him tail, aad da dorg keep hint
tall waggln behind. 1 ,'
He(. Ooeh a mlty I gib nigger edica.
shun, ha jea ai amarl a white folk ''
k.ii iuiik-.t"7. a, 11,
OCT There arn 0,(100 Frenchman awl
K! Lirrmana. in
Colonel llontnn.
ly In hi old ago. He la the laal of the
Rornam, and not, by far, the leatt worthy
uf Idem. He ha i nil a truly American
career. Horn In NerlhCarollula, In 17P3,
educated at Chapel Hill College, In that
late, studied law at William and Mary,
in Virginia, entered iho army in 110,
began the praetlcu oflnu at Naihiilte, In
mil, omigralcd to the Territory of ,i.
touri a Year or two after: there became
prcntreJthe editor of a ncwipaper; nw Mlavoun
1 ' ('ladmlttcJ into Iho Union, n a Mivereign
rrom lJi.li(tale, In W'.M , wa oleete.l loiho liate
nr IhA lnflil Mlaftf n vpnr lieliirn . W'lV
,J In thai capacity for thirty )can: waa
... I., il.a Ct....ai.. tv ti.tn 'i tmlair.
f('viil ill ,ii.'jiiivi'.ii! ..-. .r
Cayand Callmun were in their prima
p defeateil In Ifjil ) Mumped Iho Mute
With tho Visor of a vouiiicainiali!ner, and
t m . , rj . . e i .,-
wm eiccieti id tne mouk1 m hi picirnmy
vnflp la lli.i r.ir.xiv.1 f.iai.i,.lnit flll.l auvn.
calc of that most tnaiiiiiliocnt prnirct ai
modern times ihci'auifio llnilrivndl Oil
burl Denton la a man to ba Proml of aad
oi iniu; ami weiHiuivn.asir
in Is shared liy avrrv lane
iiv uf the noAidu of this Union Ons.1
Ihink l certain he lias made up his iiiluJI
about tha Koau ! k
t ''1'ir-t, 1 iktrc h h nay 'Mid nl tXl
If yea, irktri I and, aftor where, Aoii'P
TlwHrat of lhesoiieslims I eoflslderde
billed by public onluiou Iiv the universal
olco which itoimKrt lor Iho load. II M
......'. i . ..
inlvaeaallr lakorrun as an obitot to bo ao.
complished, and that as a ntttnilf for the
preservation ofour Union, and tho travel
of our oill.ens.knd aa au euterprlaa to
give us tho command of thai Kasl India
trade, the pursuit or Which led lo In dis.
cinrry of the New World, and theenjby.
Ineul of which has. In all acta, constitu
ted tho wealth and slreneth of Iho.arost.
I nations. An American Head to India
i the prand idea nf tho day I and the
American peoido moan to realize It! ft
.1 . I '... ! ... . , , .
inni i rciiihiurr me ipiesuou u; ruau nr au
road as decided, and decided In Iho allirm.
alive, and by lb tribunal from whoso Dat
lhor la no appeal."
' This is a plafn stylo of speaking.
fact ho
cxpro.s.ly aiys, "Idespi.o 'W.r
antsubc, .V. on anyca.iou.
tatt' on
e"","1 '' ,h.fu.b,",'I",1r1,.''. j 7
lll.liULIVil iiaiivnai irlllallVII iiiiiuviiii.
and ureal coed or great evil done. I us
spue all such ' lvlKrjiuvU i.U) 01. t
.. .11 -....1. 1 ......... ...J t ..1L
ubiect of this road, and shall
it ; but have recourse lo precis
Llaild nialh-ipatlial aepyrftyj
lha inlelliL-enoaorenl akMBad
r Horo la tha looid CokMi;afanstInn
of Km tha'tgKlftWaoM -?' am for
it as' a national work, to be dona' by tho V.
jftateaoa its own territory, from tho wes
tern, frontier of Missouri to the eastern
.Me of California, aad paid far out r the
public landa on Its route. I am for the
farmer and the settler attains! the spccti.
Utor. and for a national Tree roe J agalnit
the corporation mooopoly. I am for ma.
king tho road ; aad settling 1110 country on
eaca ante 01 it on mo preemption pnnci
nle that principle which had but few ad
vacates when i went Into congress, nnd
Which I fought up to MlabliMied popular
Ta .. " ...! 1.? ...! ....I..
ing 10 every scmcr uis pi.-inij iuu rigui
in a quarter section; and so tollctl set.
liars upon loth side of tha road, and
through Ita whole extent. They wmihl
nopulato the cntlro route tho first season
They would raise provisions enough to
aunnort tho road. They would be labor
rrs to work umu it. Thoy would pay lor
making thn road with the money which
they would givo far their pre-emptions.
They would guard and protect it after it
was done. They would themselves bo.
come a pari of Iho wealth, atrengtli and
glory of the country, attached to it by lis
sen ; and converting mcwnoie wuacrness,
as if hv manic. Intoa aoene of civilization
ami refinement, house, field, orchard,
meadows, would adorn th land. Schools,
churches, mills, would rise up. Mocks
n;nd herds, and a numerous population,
would sire my In do all this. Iook at the
rialte country and see what pre-emptions
havadonolhsre; I hoy will do the same oil
Iho Kansas, the Upper Arkansas, the Vnl
loy of San f.uis, and oilier parts of the
central rente; and Ihev would complete
tlte making ol the road, in a brier time."
There Is somolhniff about Colonel Den
Ion's cpecchcs that wo Ilka exceedingly
Ho apesks like a man who umlnralandr hi
aubjoei thoroughly, and Is perfectly cot!
vincod nf tho correctness of his opinions,
and Is willing Inatako all ho haa and la In
lha cause lie advocates. 1-ong life arid
tntunpli In ttf old ham. Home Jmrniti.
STAacniNi. I.inkis. To those who wish
to impart to shirt bosoms, cellars, and olh.
or fabric that fine and beautiful gloss
obsorvable en new linens, tho luiiowin
recipe for making gum arable starch wi
nlace In the domestic sorap hook of ererr
woman who pride herself upon her ca
pacity as a housowifo and lha neatnoei
nf her own, her husband , and her farm,
ly'tilfes; and ifsho does not take pride
In Ihcso thing her husband I an unfortu
nato man t
"Take two ounce of fine while gum
arable powder, put it into a pitcher, and
Sur on It a pint or more of boiling wateb
eoordlng to the degree of atrengtli yotf
sire,) and then, having covered ll, lei
It set all night. In tho morning pour It
carefully from tho dreg Into a clean hot.
lie, corn 11, ana necpii rpr use. a Iaum
spoonful of gum water' ailrred Intoa bint
of ataroh that haa been mado In the ibhmI
manner, will give the lawn (ellh
biaoH, or prmied.) a look 01 new
nomms eiaq sen rcsiorB.jnfa
,j .1 -. . ..-i
ing. II la, io, goeajy:
thin whtto muoMit
lll VIITVI, W liH' I ll'liaa.' "I niiufcrniiwii.. ,.
jlvea In 19W, and now, In lii-wcnlloifUJ; y,'.
-. .. . snstw aim ram
liTk Ureal ' Itlet ol I lie
I'lll'ULAlllIN (IK Till. I'lll.MII'AI. (.'irna
IS htiaorr, .n Niiiitii Ami'UIi We
compllo from Weber's Vnlk'a Knlrnder
(Pacplo's Almanau) for It.V.I puhlisln d
anminllj nl l.slpiio the Inllowiug table i
of the population o( the largest vllirs in
I'.uropo anil rxorili Aiuerhm. as Hit tier- .
mans are pioveiblally aueurato In their j
statistical statements, It Is lo Im presumed
mat mil iuiuo mny lie reiion iikhi asoor.
reot. as a manor ui vurioMty ami reirr.
eiio, tho lable may Ihi worth uniting out
and pvacrilug.
I. Mo.V'11,,
. I-sxVmi., 9,103,111,11 IV.II,. I,0illl
L-IStU. I..VI.'K..!.1S I'MtU'. 1 .4.1.1 1
S.CMw'lliKTte.Xi'JlVI'l llsir'loiis, l'MN)
I'Nsw Vulk. Wl
i.'Kl IVi'sh's;, II. 117. n
M-HU4, I'Jii.nvo
Cmeiansli, llfi.JIG
(. Wuiu.
itJli.a-i. .N.Oilsa.. II'I.IW
? Ilrilm.
S, Nupln,
I. I'hilsil's.
in. Urf...l
Illlll.lll lln.tut,
.IIH.I7.I II lllient,
IICIJ..I J Miinlrh.
.1nI,VS3 II llisdsu,
.1i!7,M)0 lt.'n.enee,
.1MJWK) 1.1. If sura.
'JU(I,IKM JC. Uslfssl,
13. M.n'.tir,
14. Msdrhl,
II. Ilulltlll.
ami.rnHi it. L'Mos., TOii
,.MioU Orssstia, Ul.tR;
.'Ut.T..-. O. MtwkliolHi. IMI.SJ.1
ii: i ......
17 l.i.U-1, OII.VKIMI. tlulLfil-m
Is. Aiwtuntsm,tSNuill Antwerp,
It). Ilarsns. "Josi.tHUl .v.. Cwk,
CO AlStS'lllsa,
91. IWllnwrn
SN. Ialsnw,
IAU.DO0U. Uafcosiv
83. Rnnr,
IISWIM Tils!.,
anasr, IN.-.97.M Konlasbeitf, TU.I.N
IA.IHiovi, HW-CI.I, (-..ifj)
ISI.411..VJ Tim llsene, 04,0110
a. Mitss,
I If. Ilsmburj;,
Ija.la.k .1 1. .a.ft
...a "." .aria... ..yj,,. .
I3S.IM1CI lllMtn,
tacAovM Msiifs
ISnntilr. AVilll
ll.Cs.T.i.o. IX1.I4MC4. Kisukrnil, i7JiO
Tllonle.ui, 1.104m M. Msnlrbuti;, M.IJ
M. Venice, IS,tMIM. Ilrenirn, .'J.IKl
v., Crmnktirrr Cullnrc.
IW4I10 exposure to froatol our Ireofruil,
whIohaa deprived us for th last two
)oirt ol aYf'nor-l croPi it heeoinea of Im.
Mrtanoej 10 both health and table mmfor:.
to tmhslllulo another frtlll, which may ho
siUpled lo nur soil and climate, 'Iho
tneat Important of these is the emu
Th Vailetv usually for salo is the marsh
nr'nop; crahberry, which 'grow, as the
wild alrawberry, in a sialo of nalura, and
Is n Inferior to the finer varinliea of the
'iptain euiii-aimi. ae ina tiu a rawaar.
1 7- . - jSj-tf-fi, - ' ft
achusett. has for years past derated lime,
lahor and etnense. to per left lha aanlen
cuftliati.m of cranberries, aasi has suoj
caededlo lartaaiatTksWBy iwii
iraOlxtwmln,"an tha
hV, lit preseMlns stwclman of lha
cranlrry with a great erop of trull oi,
was that a. bljjli a 400 buthels had been
obtained from one ..cro.
Others present, who had cullivatetl this
variety, stated that they bore aclllng out
vvun very nine ins., 111. 1 vnrjr .pi. m
verv fine llsvor, as welt as sire, and
tiejded so abundantly that ene ceuld
hardly put a finger In without touching
'I'hii, Itwill bo observed, is an upland
cranberry, which requires no oihor inois-
lure than the rains to sustain It, and will
grow in anjaoil that will not bake. As
cranberrea of aa Inferior quality are now
four il'illafs per bushel and are never less
than one hull that price here, the value
ol the crop can Im readily calculated
r i . 1 .l ti . 1.. .1 11...... I .
f)ur marktt is iho first in lha I mld (
State fur strawbsrriei'and crnt, and I
trust It will hecomo to foreranlierriea. I
hava taken a ilrcp Interest In this subject,
nnd hare ordered a box of cranberry
plants from Mr. Hate, which is safely 10
hand, and the plants can he had nf in, by
any one desirous of engaging In tho cul
ture. Till Is the proper season fnr setting
ihemoat. Cuts. Cut
Cincinnati, May '.'0, I'M.
!vr.TinN. A correspondent,
well qualified to juilgo of such matters,
scridi us an account of a new invention
for blasting rocks. Haw riles, nfter au
examination of tho pioiess "Tha appa
ratus Is the Invention or Mr. Mlckncy, or
Norwich, t. II is a platinum lima niHiut
ten inthes in length, vrithholosin its side.
Connected with this is an iron lube of any
required length. Thh is the apparatus,
and nnw for tho operation : A hole, Is dill,
tod In tha rock to any depth ; this tuhei is
filled with charcoal and Ignited In the pla-
llniini And InutrlMl In lh ilrllln.1 Imln.
HWI.I .PI V. ...a ..a,, a.ni Ii ...
tenia 1 ,11881 U forced threugu the email
.ho) upon tha aiJe of Ibairock, acallng
It aff In fine pnwdar at a rapid rale. When
lha beat !ji;irticlat, Iho tube i wiihdrawa
and water poured in, which enlarge th
holo at the bettom. The efleet of the
pnvvder uon Iho reck when confined in
uch a way, must be tremendous. Tho
experiment hae been tried with tho moat
perfect luooeu. Scientific American.
" Rkckok Not." A friend just rn
turned from lower Egypt,' has amused
ue with a relation nf some nf tho charac
teristic of th queer people who Inhabit
thai , part of the Pralrlo Stalor yvhera a
aaMg other article of produce ji raised
cmmi, from, which tho seeds nro .picked
Willi tho finger ) )
Arriving late one nvening at a cabin.
our Informant inquired what iho name nf
Iho place wa.
il'What, Paradisol'
Ye , rar.fi.e I'rery.'
Well, oould you tell me if thi I Iho
plaoe they enee kicked Adam and Bre
aiuafH, ''-.' Ii ' '
'AfUrlndulgliiglnaetudw IbreomatlnM,
etudy IbreomatliiM,
aa 11- to aii it jbjh ,owq aii
"W''J'" .--.. ...--- tMlkM StVaa. I f tf.IMMIf.
lea I H'WirBL'T'TrV H Wlm ii
PWWawajjpaa -T iTa. jmVbbI
. Wall. IIMIIMIi i A
- spj -rv.v. w sn.
m ifttfNrmfrtwnvM
ill III l-Um-slesvMrMtlsssl.Oi
..iiii-iii.nlliiVi ny rsenm .wsh imwr
hip I Vs XSSIMff., lo ..' .,
Ciitilorm; tha AlUnlit Sl.ilti nmi A'areff.
V lii- xir own affisss In sit Ilia ptmolH I
..uii..w.ui i.r CalifKiiU. .ml for .nl insllii le sB .
unt. 1 f Ihs .Isle, sl). aciifli'stil-il by V'i '
'j t(,,r,r
Milltogtf. iMH J
1 1.. i. ....... f.iM.ar.1,.1 ttv in tfk III rlintaslt A .a
elil. inlnl.U !) d.-lld Ifcers.pisitisoty si
ih.tB-.llsiijfiHlisn-ors.vstti. Oai rat ar tj
l.ati Uisji Ukm srTsrwl by any oiii-f iieus with.
Uis .sum rcurlly. , j .
We alsu ifl-oteh so Kim-. ssn1.mMr tJ
KniHsa4, ky lbs VM Msll HltaasAlp CaV,
tMiasrs lo I -n.nss. al hval Mhts hr la
LW.M M nwl slfeiiie-. ; ..
mi, i,ntii M atrial Mf tearrrr. vsho IrV esssnai
ly travslmsj lii .hiaus have lafcvaiatlun fnpV, t
tltitl ass ssssail hy aay otkai 'fssas
llsvlac ir son uoVes and Ksere-i llaes laaU ,
attls of llie Hail.ra. HMU, ffoalltra- M
Wiitit SltUl, lth owr ellSivJrr MinsetVsS""
eisit4slrd It Oicn, w rai fasrsulr Usr
imIiihis uivaivntletl fs.llitlsa.
J'uilt.nl.lli.tun, Aiiiwl 19, lJ3-97tr
Tlin I In iiMlif) , for the btueAt of wltsM It
roswere, llul Jsstus NlWab rnv Is eur aulhorW
sjfsl foi llie UsciMctU.osf ir Ki-o s&l Haa
lae llivlasia ikllis Uintorlespf Otetsa ami Was-
'V0"' .4 xiiAkte- cit''
Hsu FisueWa. Aiuiirl 19. 1113. -U.T
Iltlirttn f)rr&, Cahfomt, lUWllintic
Slain ni h'.urpft.
,. IIAVINtlmsil.silrsiil.rrmi. ... T
rWSi .M.l.m-U with lb. Illiilnt rUB.
iMSgliUlr. anj l.ririe Mail Hleaia- JVC
klilp lsninie. f.'tli.i- il.Uan, we rr MmN.
parrit I.i fjtw.nl IIM fall, ttnttao, Nfitli,
'.fl... I'trrtU, j.t t'mt , I" alul fn- "
swk, J4. (Iriun., Hon IVani-a.!, Pwll.u.1. .1.1
piibciiol Iukii. U i-.l.fuinl. ant tlir;nn
llur irful.i rjini mmillily IIijst Ulnteii
Tunisia! n. f.11 KrsnrUeo. I. itpUi. J by th.
t'.iil M.l Hli.in.hlulV.M.ni.iliC'sliiinUs,
rouf 101. at H4U rrnlM-i "'"' "" rnu'ineuUN
Ir KtprMi I. Mi ie IV I . ffrir Otltf, VIrli
Udjolrhnl re.iiluly en tho IH .ml IClU.f !.
innnlll, by lb. ln.ll klminrl. slut III rliatf. el .ir
wi, iiMaonan., Ilirweh I. ilr-niiatMii
Out Kv'liua Tiihii NrK luis leave. Ifful.il
Chlhe .'.III .11.I Vntliof rmth HKililli,.UillirlisiM.
ti iti-wii.-.
sTlf.i. rr .......! in lb. l.t .N.w uil.i,.ii
iaUim. ra- .1 I '.).!'. ui IaiiIiii, .t ll.r ..j.iwiel
.Ii lnt
OMMCtlug Line, on tho Atlantic Sidr.
iwearel .1 .. im nn in w.nir
wrll-karan .n't. ! l.'aMm..
taajiaie lii-iii-bi.
..iwIiUaV It111tT1111.il. M lu. T.
led. IMioll. Ctilesf. ttsttna', rie
TM Ilium Krprtn i iw ., ri.iia.i.iii.
lUltiinat, danin lr .
I'.I.m. I'lfifir f r'.'f Vin-inl au.1 1 aiiil.
Itiwra., lir..MMl. .l.H. .4 I'.. New Ibd
i'lil Klri .IJjI.S.I.., II I. .1 ('' 111.
i...ii r..frMi tfrf., r.rif. 4 r
lllllUM N. Vmk, X III, V''l ' I 'vs
l)ll.an. n. tl,lrli.u. plar. , .ll Kraft' lii
Nu lit. MiHitfuni.rv .1111
IVMl.ud.H.T, u.iut .'0, s 'I 'J'U
fBllir; I M Irrniol Mis liWiisitMn mMc
f i) l ft
Ma II 0 Mi U 1 nit .. ' PnrVj
Mr I y HiittiMM, T mIkt o hiawutf' n
I'ft.f ,s Ii 1, in:. I rn rntrjtffil lit ttltt 1 lnff
lite Hriniliar) f"f n ! r.s-o) of litr .f, (I t tin
id ll.
liutfr u tuftVf If. rl)tv w
nin.nl. .1.1 l' pfsvtit" faeihiiM fer a. Ihorniirl!
pJ(IMIUM ,u,lu,.,,u..11a,u..r..1
II11. At nunc Matt-,
'111 li..4 Hill 'V ilithtrti III lit ft ilfjlfl
list) Prrvminrnl.!! 1 (r-su1r l'"UI U I hi
lf.-ll.rlit l(il.lf
Pfltilinriil mil tiitluJ tlir
l4lll.t stl I sf I lit 4J7 MlVila. noil
iiiitaMt (t-r rln M rrii twttvfrn lhti of four w
(wrltr ftt
'lit. nruir4iir) HrjaittirKnl vnJ IikM n
iw if lltnM UniKltf mrtkajMry to tin rtvas
nurar, tttjriir uilh fturii lult itjr ic pat
aiinl l. iiiimlg. uliUUiell 1 1) fttti hi sw4ixJ WIT
- e 1 - '!
ftV ll.flfAlllia1
'I'll, lleul.1 lloline Will rllibfsr U fUlim ing ,
liraurltf-a , t
.'..., I'.... V 1.1J.1.1LI e. t-rotfrplibv. f.ttlm
imr, llulutv die I'll lid Hlste. Il-lsii), ISJAlr
..Iii-.-v. ,lnll. u Hi" l-neiiMl BM.aii.'. r
will. r fl-eK-kfrpina. KleiiviiW Nail
I'lnlnay, IVliliian.liip, DlawuiB. IniUuinJ
".f. .. assul l'r. sirli. .
Httmiit Vjr-Anlbiii.t,i' conliannl, Algni
111..1...1., N.iu.,1 n.lliant.lir. rnlrir.nl llirjk
w till Ir'pMlutll.
Ikud IVr. lleom.lry, l.stii., InlrlkxtiNt.
l'hiloimpliy, Jlor.l Hcleure, fli.inl.liy, ,Al
my, .wosucureinawoiiiiaiw .m ....... , t
Cmnnorillaii nod Itlntoncil eieici.ru vnwah
Tb Mieoee. will Ui HIiMraleil by lerluiei sad j
th iw tf llw aji)iratu.. x 7
1'uhU wun ciiniil(lii llie rr(iitar eoiirv) HiDhe !.,
rntltlwl lo certUlesles tf ursilustiMi J
The retutar eounm will bvS'i-i..'lal it fK- X .
lufildim luat UdU. for l.-neu. rs. A lescharBl
daa; will be fanned, and Iteluns clr.n upui AgHKh
itirtVrf lit syidenvs of etluratinii, and tha lirit Iiel
od. of loiniiiunlesliDf kuovvleil.'e, aud iWrl-pl' I
Ike voinhful mioil. . '
Tiimttf Tuilim err Oumlir liltrtu It'riTBl a
Primary Dnrtin.ut ., . . gflf the!
Prepartory Ppsrtnint. .... 8Vll
irguisr ti
TtetalJa huiiuMlaloian.ufe'
ur further narlleular '
Tnuiau. ..'. '
Ifarae) wi-ayt-f'
; Ff&
Xf .Uy ""Tff jfjl j.'-iS-1
Iteiulsr ('oaiM 'n4m I
llmwinf. Kmbretilfry, Mvoi'ldemue,aii. J,t " "n
en-at Uufnagni, Frrnch and HimnWi, .-Mul' - '"ro
M"s.h yi1f! m N
Sliw, .Ills. ... .nlC. iM rn,
!.e of ln.livm.nl ', "fan . -u Jm a.
rhsrn foe fart, willa.rj leili, &' jI "s vtlV"
llsrd .in U elaiad la lU UIlV! ,tAf f aor.
il ,n,
It ll F
w r i. :,'
lh.Beet.lry w , , ,'Uk J '
IWduA ,'. I '
jL nl ' r-nM w"
Hi V71 one
u I nea
.. - - - .