Oregon spectator. (Oregon City, O.T. [i.e. Or.]) 1846-1855, August 26, 1853, Image 1

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    rr tj-tyv t
1 , . U1
-' t . . y.' fl tSr"lvfinMBHr' JWl
M rrtrjrf&xM.
sflt r
r -j5efm3r
IS '1
Our Horn n in tjik 1'imfti... ! coajjlw. I'um Iitkrumtio.
mi&i- bi. , wmijm
".', WlfBn j t i'-Jr "Ji
' "smf r
sW ' r II 1 , .1 ,m 'l.lfl
r j-s r, i :; iiii
W "
ii - u,.r3i.i.t!art.T:
Mi l '
IHk" T
TMK Kilo.! ai'lXTATOK i
Hatvori T"tne shmui, amist, nri
nrrstatr ur inr nuru i ur... f
Pnt rosy, psr aunuiii ..
- X'ft Ai tnoulh
$' CO
niwi (l!IUiiHiirlw)ialfKriiiii
itck . . ... 9'J no
dillaail IwiUmi , $1 Ml
Itfrl llHurl C'itl( o 1U Im.t ur
I AiliHltaii Mdr In tratlv ti)ilUcl.
fet'r or ImiUmi inMl U cMlwlly
utiWl'aJmi mugta, aOirroU lWr will U
IT 1HMIIIU ittirw i iwwnr ODl
ilU'WU Many Hlw rru, Hut Itdou'l
fMf Kt" Will I
Ilia llmlbui n.lui. r Hi'
DtHM SWIM Will W trrv mulilk MlurrUlnl
M llMtwllinl lllllveur III In rll uml'lalowl
HS'.ar.r ' r,.r.v ".n:r. .'
mm nmjr iinirii m utr ii'bii'i -fi;i.
- ' mrtllr Opera.
I'MtftW J. A erjhg nj Humify jmriiU
Ml' tl.OttltM (in Mm iU)V inlriioi I lui
tVfjC "'
7n unit rUliiK ui Hi li'iini.
AimJ libtayi mr wmt ainl I taint
It la tit of lulf u.l Mviar,
O Ntfnirll tJm UcftvU! pl.amt
l'I uii iinit lit rVr rr il m;
tii l fi Mini iniilti.t'a w lili
IivIh I an IiaihI for tlmnr.
tr III" blkflll mui W Ml
VlT'Mil'ft iltltifi a f4iil4HKn mi tli" II ' "!
I ay lirr ttklni rlilriiu niakn 111 4 t
Iarp-ii l!nlr rlhr n I imHlm
Mll 111' llllll"! MkI.IIm liUUrl
1 ar'i Hi ihr 1 VMnl.ll.r l..ln
liVf VCt 0Hr lliw IIV4llllt r '
VIM lM ri'ltll tlir I II lirw lu nrra '
Vil1 Jjmnma'il WI1
Htoi -l at yatrtl jal fiia
t 'am Uifin ata t ail aali yiKif (41
ni lal. taka )ui li'u
rra wa (trl iii.il'iaa. tairt
lltra wr c ilaviiiiitown. ilwtt')
ii.talhr 11. ki4irakawn4iia
li. caktt in Iim inl Uuany
' .11 h-liifi'f4il 1..H.1 Ml ..! .1 it
Wlb.UlUUaaii rlmm UJ, nnH'.
!;& laal aitflon. a uiit'i
ASUall I l.tlf )K t iu tin ataak '
I.Taa)"aT J-"ki " " -
katfa vkin mm like fun
JrJi,Jtt'lil -o, in) "
HuJHUili flj- ft jirklBlnfil
l.tif h iilliCHilciil wmn
ina 1 !.! a mjiii r mwi"-
Tolittiul '! Iitllr axittit.
Citi'l iliml 1 1 11 cut no tin
tint tltrpafti cJnM liM' c-r
lff III WNIll lf Iiii- iikiI"
r.iiffjjrti II)
lfiiKnwttrr.i,'irrpH n'iir
Tt' 1.1 out OUll.tt kiailtllt
'Thm tt i" 'trnnl 11111 it. O
HU tour t-Hiji." frtiri rmm n
Tvi our n om iil iH-tt- m iiimi
lluf I In nj 1 1ltlr inrr,
Vtnay my m hraJ (-pr(Jni.'.
Wild bo pnof mi, tint, t tin '
Irftnbunlly i & ifr
l-taro your t U i c it aiM u pi p'
I flaw wht iMir ff ! 1 Kr.
All tlMrliirJifii, I'm tliiirtMil
( Abroad uituml tlrtwtl,
W4ulir.1t jfti lat-l. atltAri anl 1.4"
('n't voti rlotJ.o ll. Utikt t.rat
Oh ConfiWoii woo ronrimi.df.r
Uit ihiw my rarU wmiwlfil '
'riiffi. noronif-trt hi llif ilwelltjikf
U'hrro on many wanUiir vnrll.nj
I Ui aUy mi, hftr in. tif
IliMCOfnalaliil n rrrobi( loir
lluvttia rtniliinr (of our drnU
AM Irewarr.
no '
' ay-;
iaJh.1. Mini I .illiri
rA.iat tfji,H,l, ,o,f i
i nata ho fro. and NMCf ku anrr,
11 ua htta w fun ami liugliln,
Awlof aolaa llitiull b iki ta k
Flay Ibt da una ami lam up Jack
(Kut Mothrt, fr intir I
Now Wall gait ahlto r ahla,
OadCO atautal Ilia laakraat IiMf.
nick a luna, ralae a racktl,
J-Jtfcar wou1! lr ua jackal,
Will kat au.li Ir.atnuiiit frank.
Jtt4nm ami ftgit tha eook. I.tli
.. KTA lotktr an M a gitning ItbWJiav
Wat OMtrrtd ana nlavor vorv oroatlv
kMtiaiaMtkr, took the " pigoon7' !Jo
aaitWi "Uood liea vnt lha v you no
fcktrwtJ Uw VJIainoua thai man liai baan
MkM oarwr " Tli otl.iT amlllng
f aniwtrta, "Pra clon't I umlar tha
laaat coaetrn almut thu , Cnj (0 pck
l maul a wvii a. , )l(l avM play.
Wonderful lliinca are U,0 ou.
i." aalil Mr. Timinlm : "thoiii..
J'ra Hlaek'a bay a new lln froi. (,(,
.?. Ah." ulil Ilia latlv. "Ilia..
tinttWrUktn frommlno anil uu fl-
rypautui ape ration eitiior.
A. i '
man liavlnt aikeil, "llu'v many
'Uw thtr wrr In a year I" reocived
' an 'aniwari thai ii wan lmpo.iiMo to
AkKrinam. "attrtrg aogias m n '
r w
il ir
(ViUmitn stud I'llrnlriitrn
(tiniii.Kii.Rii ni.MKwt.i.i.'iouiMjM:.)
'"flie events of real life nrn nflou ni'ito
romartrrrthiii fiction. Tliln.lit oHofi Urn
I'lerliien, ami in our own nay especially
a day of novel maklnu and fiction read.
inp it l humoruualv illuitrati'd li) mill.
Kiilied cxainica. Nariami lu i poilnpi
tiioro alnklnu and llirllllnylv Inl.rollng
llian that of Tltcalrn'a Itlaml.
On Cio 3d ot July, 1TB7, Commandrr
Carlorel illKtivertd in the South I'aclfio
a i mall ialand. " Il appeared like a ureal
rtxk rialiic out of tha aea, and waa o liljjli
a to bo vlaibl al more tun fiflirn Icajtuci
llalaiice." Ilalng tint Men by a gtutle.
man named ritcalrnjttVa called' Il "Pit-
lie fiowevor aallrd about II and examined
in nerul fvaluroa. Bilualnl in latlludti
V" V anutli, ami in lotiflllude II0 h'
weal, it la only four tiillea and a half in
c,rc..1,,r.,rnc. na br. vMmM.
nil laaara tviurncei 01
liaviiiit been elontrd from llic bed of the
, ,
ocean li) winti terriblu LOtiiiiliion.uaiiied
by llm uttion of liiicmal fire The wen.
( ry of lla roaat loomed wildly pit turi!Viie,
and ' far ai could bo ascertained, il waa
iflteiuil Willi Irica lliu cotoa nut, tlio
idaiiiani, ibv lirtailffultanJ the banyan.
VVIutlirr Inliabilnl then or not, could nut
ba aireilaimil but exploration, in our
nii liinliai kIiihii indubiiable Iracea
ui aiirient nccupint. aatagu nnd id'da.
irmia Imlclieta aiear beailiufliard alone,
lit large nlomt lunl, rarviutol tlio inn,
inmui and slata . four jinnee. lx fi . I lllli,
un.l a number of altulla. biiricJ, each uilb
.1 penrl ll'i'Jci it, liatu Ueu broulil to
C'liiiunniidor Carton I anibil nay, and
fur tnciity )cara lb a liltlo apeck in the
iicenn rercirr I nu ulbcr notice than the
reader of " Curltrtl't I I'ym'e rouml lt
UVrif" an plrafd lobettow nprni it.
In l7 Lieutenant lllighof I lie llojal
Mavy of l-lnffland, waa iitrutrd illi tbo
Loiiimand or King ' Soorjjo llieThird'a arm.
vd ahip Tht foMjr,and aent to ihuHoulli
w to try the'experlaienl of iiiliodunnjf
the breadfruit from Otabeile into the ll
1 In.Urt. On (lie S3d of December, 1717,
, Mr. Illigb aailed from Hpilhead, then In
the prime of life, .tod little auipecling thai
Ida hopea wore to be bleated by audi an
lailtenture a will alwayt aaatjlale Ida
i narno wiiii one 01 in nvoei paintuuy in
ierMifVtaaNprf naval wv1MlWlSTlTt!
t s irz-" r :rr vz ".
tbe oflicara and.qrew. I'rom Ilia oltioera
i much wai te be.koped. Fletcher Cbrii.
Itiau, the firat male, waa a gentleman by
lurlh and education, (brother of I'rofcivir
' C'liriitlan, lb aimotator of lllntltltmr't
' VommtKlarut and chief justice of I'.ly ;)
and Mr. Young, ft inidiliipuian, who, at it
I apjieart, became noloriou wuatlirncplicn
" f a baronet
I I n the Slllli of Orinber 1799, the com
mander mid eraw mot with a friendly re.
Icrplien from tbCealiMa, uboroterlatned
tlicin richly and freely fir ai mouth;
during ulucli time Mr. Illigh collecled
up nrdr (I n llmuaand plautt of tlio bread.
fruit tree In April fulluwinp, be rinltted
Mnbeilp and nailed for the Weal Indies.
On the mening of trio Uilli of April,
I7M, Captain llliuh iuvilcd Chruiian, the
iiinto, In tupprr, but bo declined having
i probably formed tho audarinui purpose
n quickly afterword, carried out into ef
fect. That memorablo piftlit as nno of (ran
tiil lovclinctt. .Ilio llounlji aofllv clao
ibo aparkling watera, her sails gfljlcned
in tho silver moon.light, and everything
scorned to promise happiness and securi
ty. Hut at break of day a startling vision
awoke Captain lltigh ojl of sleep bis
rahiu full of armed men with pistols and
cutlasses, headed by 1'letohrr Christian.
On bis calling out to kaow what they
' meant, a veico replied " Hold your tongue,
sir, er you aro dead lids instant !"
With oatln and violence) they bound
' bun, not even uivjns b'm lime io drras,
and lorcedliim with eighteen others, chief,
ly ofliccrs, lute the ship's launeh, a boat
'J3 feet long, and 0 feot 0 inches broad.
Tho mutineers then .'lunc to them 33 lbs.
uf pork, ISO lbs. of bread, 38 gallons of
water, U nuarla or rum. 0 bolllea or wine,
1 4 ciitlassrs, a quadrant, a compass, and a
i small quantity of canvas, twine and cord.
age, ana sailed away, leaving nun, itieir
commander and his unfortiinato ofiicors
Ind companions in Ibe midst of Ibo broad
I'solfio. ,. t
Which fared worse, the mutineers nr
their victims, we'sball soe as an rapidly
follow tho course f each,
Illigh and lilt unfortunnto companions,
now adrift and deserted by the ahip, first
attempted tn land nn one of the I'riendly
Islands, called Tbfoa, which waa about
thirty miles distance. The savages, how.
cer, gavo them a barbarous reception
attaoked tbcm vth atones, killed ono of
thorn, and pursued llicm in tlioir canoca a
long distance from tho shore. Ullgb and hit
company narrowly escaped maaiacrr
What wri now to bo done ? After con
sideration, Illigh obtained Ids uompaniont'
consent to male for a Dutch settlement
on the ialand of Timor, a dlslanci of
''out 300Hnli I Cabined, cribbed and
caifinMlas tltay uere, with the cunnalca
of llur liiilaboal scarcely six inches
a!ov Hi. water, Ibry srt eut Io lraero
hv dy aiuiuirtht. in all weallmra. n snaeo
of almost imeielnred ocean, eniiil io near.
ly one. sixth of the olroumfnrence of the
iitobo. All iho cimpany solemnly pratni
lv.il Illigh to bo conleatawlth one ounoeof
bread and a gill or water ;r any apiece.
On I be 2d of May Ihey wore nn Ibeir
course. While one half were on the look,
out, the other half lay down in the boat'
bottom, where oramp and ohilU would
t'xjn m lie Ibem and produce intcnMu'
ferine- Those on the look-out, taw th
dark shadows of shark (lilting around
them waiting a banquet, whioh caprice
or accident might bring Ibem ! After five
daya they Mere startled to find two large
canoca, full ( cannibals, making taaaaw
l limn at full speed, from nn of tlrn
Island. Aflr a. lone umtae
alormt around I Jouelir.ota and feaibe.
font them' Poor souls! but ihey' put
their hops in Ood, 'o whom Ihey ever
and anon addressed a prayer which Itllgh
comnoecd for them, partly from his reed
kctn of tho Praysr.book.
No iiiarrels or distentions aroto among
lli-m, nllboiigh on tho rlh of May Ibo al
lowance of food waa reduced to an qtinco
of bread, half an ounco of pork, and a
tea. spoonful of rum to each Dllgh him
self measuring nut ill- allotraoco snry
accurately liy means or a pair or scales
mado uf two cocoa nut shells, while a
pistol-bullet (of '-'5 tn the pound) served
ns a weight. Their bread becaino soak,
ed in salt water, still it was eaten with
I . ...
the utmost reliab. 1 hey toiled and suf
fend nn cramps and spaima, langour
and falntnest scorching sun and rolling
sea making lb' n weary of llfo.
(ii tb" '.Mth they found llicmsthcs
mthin a 'juartcr of a imlo of rocks on
nblcli tho sea as breaking furiously.
With difficulty the) hauled offend escap
ed destruction. A fearful thunder-storm
nrarlr swamnrd them, but it hroucht
them the bbjaalng of twen'y gallons of
Iresh water. 1 heir allowance nr oread
wai now reduced again to 1-Wlli of a lb.
for beakfast, nnd a like quantity for din
ner, omitting supper! At length they
drow near to New Holland, and landed
on an Island near Ibe main land, where
they luxuriated on oysters, water and ber
ries, and slept comfortably all night. Hut
in the mornine tbey wero attacked by a
large party of savages, and fled lo eea,
again for al:ly.iOn the 91st Ihey UstaU
?" 0
wnere long continued com nna wel and
fatigue seemed to await them. The strong
est among them gave up, and some ap
peared to bo a, ibe point of death. The
neblo spirited Illigh, in order to support
ibeir sinking spirit, adopted rariou ar
lifieea to distract and amuse their attcn.
t length, on the 13th of June, tboy
came in eight of the wished lor Timor,
and on the Uth landed at the Dutch set
llcment at Canning. They recefi'eir a
most hearty and hospitable wclcnmn from
the goternor end all the oilier resident.
On the .intli of August Mr. Illigh sailed
for Ralnsir, and afterwards hemevarJ,
taking with himclcen out oftheoiiginal
eighteen of ids companions, the others
having dii-d, or preferred to remain at 11a.
tavia. lie landed at Portsmouth In March
171)0. His case expltcd universal tym.
pathy in Kngland. lie was speedily pro
moted, served "with distinction under Net.
on, waa made ice admiral, and after
sctiral) cart of happy retirement lie died
in London in the year 1817, aged sixts
Tho mutineers, with the llounlv, imtnc
dialely returned to jOtaheite; sixteen of
ihtm left the ahip andXook up their abode
among tha natives. One of them ni
mado a king, but was shortly murdoro'l
by another who was himself iu turn,
stoned to death by the people
Upon llltgh return to hugluml tint
ersal Indignation was excited by such nn
atrocious act of mutiny and piracy, and a
frigate, the I'nmh-a, was forthwith dis
patched with orders to visit the Society
and I'riendly Islands, and souo nnd bring
homo all the mulincrrs that could U
found. On the '.'.'Id of March 171)1, the
Pandora arritcd at Otaheite, nnd three of
Iho ofU-udor Immediately tamo nu board
and surrendered themseltcs up nnd wero
put In iron. Rle en more, found there,
wero also selred and pul in irons. Tho
remaining nine, with the Ifaunlu, could no
whero be founder hoard from ; according.
1) Iho frigate with fourteen of the wretch
ed criminals set olf homeward, nnd was
wrecked en a coral reef off New Holland.
Tour of the prisoners wont down with
their irons on J tlio captain and a portion
of tlio crow, and the remaining ilcn, after
set era suHeringj arrhed in England,
Four of the len, after trial, wore acquitted,
and aix were found guilty of tho capital
ofliiice of running awny with Iho ship
aud deserting th service of Iho king.
Two of theso, in consideration of iheirgen
era! good character and youthful ioexpe.
rlenco recoitcd an unconditional pardon J
another wai respited nnd ultimately par
dentd; but three wero hanged at the yard
arnionboatd iho nmitret In Portsmouth
Hui those most deeply mtolvcd in tho
guill of this transaction had apparently
escaped mtnlcd retribution Hut destiny,
nx it appears, had net slumbered, Chris
linn tho ringleader, and Young his cnnli-
daaHnd coadiutor. had found imorn th
captain's books on lbs llounlji a copy of
Cariirtt'i towage around the 'orll,JkuA
notloed therein, hit mention of Piteairn'a
Island, l hither lhy ilelcrmlned'togo,
ape toon alter Ibeir first arrival al Ota.
balio,,aet sail. There Is only one poiut
wr?ro acceis to this islam! I poainie, end
that 'only in calm weather. At that
point,' now called bounty Day, tho nine
mutineers landed with their companions,
for-eaW l'd each married an (haheltan
six Utahellan men, three of
wives, and a child len months
niM them. v Having landed.
the Bonuif, and Ihue con.
ire to Mmwi waisa
fo'iesour tlio ocauCMMtiirofl
inein, and rinjr ihsm hoeflo )o tulicT a
jutl and Ignominious deatb. 4 ' '
Ai length Ibelr' fate became known,.
Ilio barren rack id which the had.'Seti'
ken ihemjclvt. Had beconle a very Hell
upon earth. Christian' retain: for a
-a . -1 . - ---, TI? 7 .
lime th'e'poalilon and authorlly-f head of
ll.M n.-m.Mtft. It ..:a n...b.aVA
...w WM.-..MUI . IIW IHllllV.IIWIIS VI
Her and peace, but all Tiln eflbru were
thwarted by hit turbulent and aavag
companlnuv Much of bis lime, however,
was spent nn the top of a high rgck, which
he cilled bls'Vnar ou7." wheocoha would
.nnTimisly sun ey'the ocean to cev.helh-
cr It lore on lis boaom the coming avenser.J
.. tm v. ' I
sriiriiinarv aflrava incessanllv arose
between the Englishmen and ihe savages,
1 ho sivagea al length entered into a plot
tn destroy the Knglishmen." Within a
year Christian and ("our of Ida Companions
were murdered by the Otahejtans, all ofi
wnnm wito in turn sisin By llie surviving
I'.nglishmLn. llie five skulls of the mur
dored Cngyslimen, tho Otahclian women
kept at tropins. Of the four surviving
mutineer, one being acquainted with the
art of diatilling, converted a copper boiler
from tho Romifyinto a still, and made ar
dent.spirits from the root of a plant found
(n llm lalknd. Itila t-aiian araa nM tnnnl
WJM I Miaj.TaTJMLa up
aanL' for ih
rallve In promoting turbulence and bloosUrkeo a teacher and pastor ol the proper
sheil, but ere long the distiller In a ftt af aaihorliy in th Church, af which Use
d'hrium Iremtnt committed suicide, and
auothe r man waa killed by Mr. Young and
one John Adams In self defence. Of all
the fiflecd unhappy men who landed from
e aieo a aaiansi,aeainj
'Aoameiaiaww. Joe
jit aanrin shs-
utans tan wnc. wno
dM AmWmmi age In teso.
in 1P0O Adams, then thirty.six years
of eg, found himself the only man on the
Island and his companions wero twenty
of the phi!jren of hit deceased comrades.
And then began that series of etents
which have resulted in the remarkable
spectacle of riWwe frown on of tiee, ami
innoetnee culaj guill. Adams was I'rovl
dentioJIy possessed of one solitary copy
of the llibie, and a pravcr book, which
had belonged to tho Bounty, and of these
he made unceasing use. Two dreams,
occurring in 1410, awoke him to reflection
and repentance ; ajid he became a devout
man, training up in Christianity, the
young semi pagans, rtho rurrtunded him.
lie had regular morning and evening
prayer-, and spent much time in reading
the Scriptures to the children, in which
some f them look mora delight than they
did in their ordinary sport.
Yet Adams was in constant fiar of be.
mi. i!!rovNHl hv torni ahlna ami lakit
Immn In l kiaiw.1 Crml araa liir ,11a.
"- ." ;". . . . .. '
may, when'IBM, ho beheld two men
of. war approaching the Island, and the
captains preparing to land. Hut a mill
sinnc scuiucu iu lau irum in. iibvk wiicii
be was told that he w as not to bo arrested.
The captains had approached the island
not knowing it lo bo inhabited, and were
not n liltlo surprised to f.ttd plantations
laid out, and neatly constructed huts and
Thev found the settlement lo consist of
' forty. six young people and a number of
small ciiiiurcn. I ne young men, tney
described as fine, athletic fellows, with
facta fiill of frankness. 1 he young wo.
men wero tall and finely formed, of tmil
lug countenance ; but wearing an air of
modesty and liatnrutncss, which would do
honor to tho most visjuout nation on earth.
Their liltlo houses were model of com.
fort and cleanliness, and the ground nil
around Were carefully cultivated. All
their ".flairs wore systematically conduct,
ed. Old Adams managed the whole, and
was regarded w Ith referenco and afleclion.
He was, omphatlcally what ho haa been
termed, an Island patriarch.
All wero engaged in tiie cultivation of
the ground and iu fishing. The nino mil.
tlneurs had originally divided the island
into nino part ; it bas.been sub-divided
since, and at the present time It divided
into twenty-two pari. They had a reg
ular system of barter as of salt for fresh
provisions ; vegetables and fruit for poul
try and fish, Vc.
In 1835, Captain Duchey who visited
tho Island, left tho following record of
their simplicity and happiness :" Those
excellent people appear to live togothcsln
perft-cl harmony and contentment J to he
virtuous and religious; cheerful and hot
pliable, even beyond the limits of iru
ilenooj le bo patterns of cnajugal and pa.
rental affection, and lo have very few vi
ces." The Sabbalh was indued kept I lo
I j a day pf rest in truth, aud of cheer.
ful reverence, tnwerdt in mom llign.
V JalsasVllaW.B's
2(5, 1853.
Their service were conducted in strict
conformity with the usages of (he Church
of Kngland ; the prayers being made by
Adarns, and the leeson by one appointed
by him for lhal purpose, i
Their oondition has not materially
changed for twenly-five year's, except for
the better. About four inohtb before the
death of Adams, which It will be retneitv
bared happened la 1630, a reoMrkabte
roan, dastinod lo be his auooeator, arrived
at Pilcalm. His name 1 George lluun
Nobbs. He eeeros lo have been pointed
out by Providence lor ibis poet. Bora 'in
England,, h went to al tb of
Uvea Tear, and usmim a mllaternaa
in tha- ilriUeh aavy. 'Rerwarfka ktv
baii'tieaeral BenevetWio. .titwrvsi.
V veaMBjsjsnMBjBjsaar
vwi be lay undereenUno of steal a, aad
in hourly expecU'lon of being ehut ; bat
was sudderlly and unaocountably exchan.
wil all his fellow prisonara' barinj been
ameyiiy pat m twain. ' ,
'After many adventures and much dan-
f;erou,' service, he returaad to Eogland,
n a vessel which bad touched at Pitcalrn.
The captain gave aucb a descrlpiion of
the peace and heppmen or Ibe little com
munity, that Nebbe dotermtned to go and
settle tbero-beioc anxious only, to pas
the remTndcr of his days in peace and
On his arrival, be was kindly received
by Adams, and became a sort or school
master. On the death of Adams, he con
tinuetl at his post, and soon succeeded in
establishing himself in the aJlectlohsof the
people, b serving them In thavthree.fold
capacity of pastor, sarceon end school.
master. His duties were constant and la.
bullous, and bis remuneration of the scan,
ticst character. Dut he labored on. coo
tented with observing the intellectual and
moral nronress of his people. Subse
quently, tht grateful people assigned aim
sufficient land lor hie support, aad this
placed .him on a level with themselves.
But Nobbs bad never received tho
Boonte wished to ba recanted at a
nent pan, which was a aouroe af muea,
anxiety beth te him indlbem: AoonreV
Ingly In 183, Reef Admiral PaiifqtJgMl
resby,eomraajer.in-chlef.aitrM PaaMe,!
visile tM ralaao, aa at Ua
italhsa nf all Mrttat' hi mhrmmt,-LJl IlitJmWmn
. onus lorine purpose oi senaina oim iiitavr tueotntaae; tVil
Unsland lo be ordained. Iu October 1833,
he arrived al London, where be was ad-
milled to Holy orders by the Bishop of
Undon, and ordained pnest uader uie de
scription of Chaplain of Pitcalnu Island,
He was warmly welcomed and hospitably
entertained by th greatest and best in the
land, and received large present for his
people, a bell for the Church, clocks, med
icines, clothing, tools, furniture, cooking
utensils, and stores of provision. The
benefactors of this little community were
his: ly careful to send them only articles
or comrort, without communicating
taate for luxury.
After an intcpiew with many of tho'
chief men, andflth Prince Albert and
the Queen, he joy foully act sail on the
I7ih of December, 1H53, for the quiet
Paradise in the bosom of tbe Pacific to
pass tho rest of his life among bis unso
phisticated and irtuous people. Ero this
Ha has doubtless arrhed there and rcsum
! ed Ills dclichtsome laliOW
-., "i-, . .i.it at i... i
letter dated 6th September. 1833,' bears
ine cnapiainoi .suiuirai piaresuv! in a
testimony to iho present high character of
this remarkable people, no says " me
accounts or the irtuo and piety nr thcao
pvdplo aro by no means cxacserated. 1
have no deubi they arelbe-moitrsligioue
and virtuous community in thoorldj
and during the months i have betn linre,
I have seen nothinir approaching a nuar
rcl, but perfect ptaco and good will among
A gltnco al their social, domestic and
civil life may not bo without.lntorctt.
They rite with tho light, and lis) first du
ly in each house is to read prayers, inclu
ding two chapters in the Hible. After a
alight refreshment, the labor ef the day
begins. Th chUdren are sent lo school,
tho men aro employed iu cultivating their
land, looking alter their gardens, building
or Improving their houses, fencing, and
making halt and fanoy boxes, for carter
with Ihe crew of tho ship, which may
chance to call tho women aro engaged
with Ibeir, houao-hold duties, including
making and mending clothes, and sooio.
time manufaoturlng a sort of cloth out
of the bark of the paper Mulberry.
At twelve o'clock tboy take a plain,
substantial meal, of yams and potatoes
made Into broad, and at seven o'clock in
the evening tako Ihe last meal of lb day.
consisting of yams, sweet-potatoes ami
auoh other vegetables ae tboy may chance
to have Once or twice a week thoy in.
dulge in the luxury of fish, moat or poul.
try j and occasionally have a medioum
of tea ; but their ordlnarydrlnk, is pure
water, neither wines, nor spirits being al
lowed on the Island, except for strlolly
medicinal purposes. They retire early to
real, after (heir family devotion, and
sleen secure without tho protection ef
lock, bolt or bars such thing are not
found on the bland. They ae all well
educated and tery fond of reading, but
only books nf a sterling character andnf
a. 4IWWVJ (ij,
ftP f.
?J "'I
moral and roUgtoM iwaMajr,
rnipnsr nivnt a anon an.aa rw aaaaaaar aaava x I
1UA t. ih. ftulbJ. Racial a JitSmTmmZZ f I
Kllif. fcaaaaataalaa. AtAH-ltKA
JIM OtMasflNlMiy ROw MvNMf oMasI
OTlatotdrtaJasvJaafsffsly. TWOaMlal.
eillors. Tha cWiatrnt!j
MiMlrsttfajr" 1
rote of all laeaMH
war aid: l4f.aiwr.arf!t)lsi
marrM Mm Omtjum t
la oasaaatl, ssHi rt
war; aodfraaatto
Coorl of Atwatvl. -Urn mumBmLmmt
fno RLfeeHag rainaleJ, Csr H MirliiO,
vita PHesUraera. not MMlsaaaaS4Sja -
ajw v
art ehoesa, aaa iW ftJfM-
WaWw y lateW farrflj CWJssaLoW JayojUa
AaasxaxW Mlaaatt tftaMaMktaa sMnHMky X-
atMslaMisdBHiriaaiiaHiiMAiHaiBm .
tssssaVpir.STraak'' , ,' rJrttrJEl
VL m t .L-k alaaSA aanak. 4 I
.!" F""if "as " ai h .--.
pic, and Mnetlr sewifa fat ft
ffoooe ! rMPsMC lo
bis election. uvmummT',
number of lis hfaafrasf JM'"..
all larid-marhAa4lMltowiMta
," '" --- -
to he rnrisaaaed fretn firfshs wmimtrntfCi
der the vaty strict exaaaMiaay warn
for medicinal puraotti aata.,c
matter of poblfc shops MlfjiW-,
shall tale UMPtasaaaylloqawaxaM v-
iiammer iroaa use snop,. atjaw sawp ,
Uek aflWlsasAjew-sVaasihW
eitberabtajtd yt letMIMar.
in reafspst an vaa.a waw sa
any person snail am a eat, aw
o-eecitti la aiutag' , a
the tutricSm awi to. aaah
naa P7 JSmm
rVbeee taiU iiatMAi .
SMCtiti T BatfiaMMf I
aanjiaaa aai aaa..BBB
laatlto mtmJmf
narsar kt aneh snwL. Aa aaaaasat of aaw.5
derarsdtrwtMexpMdittJ. .'- ' "' ?
' -' i' " :i.r .i.m.... -.
'The climate' of Pltoalm li MMIfy
charming, yet the Itlaasl is sistit'ltto
visited by terrible atprtna, uttk aesttssJam
devastation. The laflutnaa ala,sttaa.
timns prevails there, aa well aa the taare
formWable disease. Dut la th tttttta) ef
their most sever visitation; taia
have exhibited Ibo
n, and their kagnajra baa , "Juatl
npert tho wind to tbasawralaaah, aM )
i humbly trust that lb 'mmUmwt it b
we humbly
Trovldenoe naswjr droath, elesratea' axes! i
storm may be sanetlied too, aaWtoaha
anuaiii aiiiuiHa, ua Miwviam wvw- p
ntnn arllh ant (Tvl.'" '
now toog tnis singular ana wuruag
community win n ante 19 remain ai ni -i
cairn I problematical, for It I aJJ that
the crop on the tillage ground begitl'te),
deteriorate ; land-slip oocur whit, mUk'
succeeding storm, aad tha aUeWaraf,
th hill ar laid bare by tha wiaial
rains. Symptoms really appear J at M
evil apprehended elsewhere fMmtUm ,
pressing upon Ibe means of uaaMiWMt !
It is not imnrobable that thar mar tooa.
liged to migrate to lb numerous istftatts
in tUt reinotp locality, and that . sv
ilv may thus become tbe radiatinc eoatra
of a christian-civilixatioa. At prtssaM
heriihemtelve declare that Iher will Ml
remoVcAelsewhere, while a wt.ptoa
remains to them. (ri ,,
li it nleatant. tomoliianlo alU aW
while out of tho, nlaro and hub-bajbof t
M.t tvrt.1,1 tla Hants ataatUatL BUaaaxL'
-tion, covetoutnet and c4MtisMMaas)i h
at peace In tucit a spot aa ntaaiitaa m m
a small type ,ef a slat, havlag atakswa
anu constuuiion approeriai te tm Wfm
and exigencies; but free Iron tMfa,tit
lie and Bare temntatrbn wMeh aa btaisv
tanily and successfully assail ktgMf at.
illxed communities. Ho thinkiag
can reau ine nisiory 01 nieain wiaweas 11
-. -t a., aai .i-Taj. -WJ
being profoundly
and indubitable
f aiftcted by tha matmAJ,
iraaalts, bfa,fcMi
llolyVoliUblawbtaWi i
prtfoooof tha Holy Volutmk ia Whlakia i?
enshrinad tho revelation of j!fJSl
II nas, inueeo, mane ine rnwgii fWtmn -
smooth and the wild roes bud aad I
as the rose.
t) IMi
Tax Anolo JJixoit. Yon 0Ml
Knffllahman or a YankM Mm.
want to own tn,oii aa ,iivv
him ten rod, aad ha want
m , . t -J j
and la obm alter! sky
get 1. WodoMtaavMia
kee, la'libgMts4MltT
to tbo lomo 04 ine mnu
Ills with them la tM
Other poah sMkt.var
lira wheat rsjraea
katliia really baeat'il
had bM been atW.'j!IW
when ott Ibex Mi