Oregon spectator. (Oregon City, O.T. [i.e. Or.]) 1846-1855, August 19, 1853, Image 4

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    tfci.S? "
MffVWkVfV eatssT.
Tha following .elmple and unvarnished
story k MrietWirmt Ills llvetia e.1
T e. l -."-'
kuuiiiii iiw aa ii iniiui h a est ess.,
tmti lo trly Hfr, of a young horilcuU ,
turiit m ihst orencn ot industry. inim n auuni , .e... ..;....
Postrteen year ago las. Mar, ou a Sal. he residence of a newly married cou.
urday at neon, a boy called al my dwol-' pie- II seems that a gay. .lathing young
llng.houM lo Mil strawberries, lie as, clerk on IVarl it reel, who sports a fine
oiTiender form, apparently uboul four, pair of whiskers, and I a perfect low
tetn yearaorage, with a bright ami Intel, of a man. de termmed to oa I on tlm oh.
Ilgenlcounlanance. Tha fruit was tempt, ject f his heart adoration, but who had
log, but I had bought enough at market i P- ed him (alio and married another.
thai .morning for dinner and for tea, and The husband wi Irom hon.r. and on his
refused to purchase more. He observed ,rriral he was received li the Ian one.
ihaTMa strawberries had juil bean picked . nd entertained by a nice It It .1 M for a
from tho vines, and would keep forSun. couple of hour, when the sdy became
day. My wlfa was much pleased with I uneasy, and desired that the knight of 1I10
kfs gentle and pleasant mannera, and de. yardstick should leave, a she cxpectid
cidca at one to purchase, and to engage! -or husband home every moment, and
a dally aupply from him for the season, knowing the friendly relalious that had
Upon Inquiry wa learned that hit father' "Isted between them before thou mar
aad a young brother and he cultivated I rig, and being ot a very jealous di.po.
vegetables to sell In the Ciuciunatl mar. '''. he was fearful If they met al that
kl, on a small place near Newport, Ken. "te hour of the night, there would be
tucky ; that ha had a taste for horlicul.l U001I shed, as he always carried a pistol.
ture and for books, and that no effort wis' W hilc they were canvassing the uuc..
spared to IroproTB hla knowledge In both. 1 tion of go or not to go. n knock wa, heard
lo summer ha cultivated the toil, in win. 'at the door it was the husband. Here
ler tha atntd. a dilemma for our Pearl street friend
Farthreoyeareweweroregularlvxiip.t'0 In. How wne he to escape I 'At the
-1 !- ti.:. hot. r. . ...l!.., imi,n:door was the husband, who would Mow
Uteet Mtjod of ihaseasM, and at mode
rau price i then with rasbarrlea In .uo-
sgaSassggdJQQ, ' WiwwiM ! ........ ........, . - ...
Tbi fourth year no "missed him on lady was in a great .tatcof agitatum. and
his accustomed round, "and feared that lncw not what to 00: rind as a dernier
wa should aaa him no mora. My wife rt. at last suggested the propnet or
Ml disappointed and grieved a good deal I". getting tinder the bid. to ccape ill
about It. wrath or her husband, who, not likin.' the
ilowaa sotatelllgtnt and obliging, so Idea of being kept knocking at hiaown
asule and engaging, in his mansera that) do-r, was U coming ier much exut.J.
aba feaitakana groat fanoy lo hlra. Ue. andpiinng iiway tor diar Iif-. Down
atdasj all this, where could we supply our. dr. ,.,..! the pjor clerk on his marrow
talraa wliMsuoh fine atrawberries, brought I houesPnnd up w cnt tT:c foot 1 alancc ol tl"
daily totfo house? Various lnoulrles bed. under winch he soon diuppenrr-1
war madi, but nothing could b heard The wife hattruod to let her husband 111.
of him. She only knew bis Christian , "ho, the moment ho entered, notie-d h-r
namoj the other If alio had ever hcard.it agitation, and demanded an explanation
had escaped her memory. She. rscollect. for being kept In the street so long. I lo
ad lo have observed an occasional hectic i "if anew not what to say she n
Hush on his cheek, and feared thai the fell , dumbfounded. The husbind ' smelt a
destroyer, consumption, had marked him! mice," and immediately went ! the bed.
for lis own. Poor boy, said sho, we shall and raised the valance, when horriMe i
never see him again, he has run his race,! "late! he beheld the Adonis if I ar
and will soon be forgotten. trrct stretched out on the llo-ir, ex-vend
Years passed away, and wa had ceased 1 iih feathers, and as pate ai a ghost.
to apeak of him, wbenonadav a joungi Drawing his pistol ho oidercd linn i -man
of genteel appearance cailed at my come forth, which hn did ns well us li
store, and presenting bis band, asked if I, could, shaking in every limb as if attack.
remembered him. In the hurry and bus- cd with a severe chill.' Tim wnV iun 111.
tie of active business lile, one forms so tcrferrd with the husbsnd in Iwlialf of tho
asany acquaintances that it la not easy to poor clerk, but it was ol no avail, the
recoiled every name or fact at first sight. I green-eyed monster was aroused, he rush.
I therefore answered that I did not. lie rd from iho room, locking the door after
replied, that when a boy, ha used to sup.
ply ma with atrawberries, and then in
quired kindly lor my wife and children.
lit staled that by diligence In his hor
ticultural pursuits, ho had saved some
money and waa then Interested in a small
atore in a neighboring town. I was de.
lighted lo see film, and to hear of his pros.
parity, and cava him a cordial invitation
to my bouse, but be plead tha want of
time and departed. On reaching home
in the evening, my wife was much picas
ed lo hear that her xoune friend lli
"Strawberry Boy " was liung and well,'
but felt rather slighted by nu not coming
lo sea her.
Two years ago, when I saw him again,
ha was comparatively rich, worth some
fifteen thousand dollars, had married the
daughter of a late distinguished lawyer,
nau pun-nasc". aim as rciiuwg in ms immortality, bv haying two Mexican wo
fine mansion, In one of the cities imtnedi-, lnel) cropp'ed, 'and then publiclv whipped
ately opposite our own. Occupied in bu. by tho guaid, In his presence. 'The name
sincss oi public trust and rciponslbiliiy,,0f ,,i, 0(Ticer wasCoptan (JcorgcSvkes.
ha Uvea respected and esteemed by all his 0f ,jie Third Infantry. A court.ifiailal
neighbors. Hols well known to many ol ,es ,i,1Co been hetJ.'and the ollicer has
our cltizeus in Cincinnati. Willi all ibis been wjuilttd. Dut Col.. Sumner, th com
prosperity, he has the goJ sonse to re- manding officer, has di'iniiro. t ,1 th pro.
member that he was onco the " little; ct-edinga of the court-mamal, tnJ for Hi"
Strawberry Boy, "and, nocoubt, he feels sufficient raxon that
prouder of being ihp architect of his own f; n''ie tw0 prlntipa! witnesses fur the
fortune, from thai foundation, than il l.c proiftution (the persons punished) were
had inherited ten times the amount from not pressnt 011 the trial. Thoatcus'doh
hla ancestors. B jecu-d to wailing for lh'-m, and ll.o ','ourl
'-.- jsustamid this objection, notwithstanding
Tltlit bvJl-rv. Mr. Walsh, in a Ut. the Jinlgi Advcralo sta'td that it waslm
tar to the N. V. Journal of Commerce, firm belief tha' ,ie witnesses could be oh
aays : " Your Bench and Bar will !o at. talned. 'I Cs ,11'it agree -villi thu Court in
traded to the second report of the Com. attaching no criminality to the second sj.
inon Law Commission which was publish-' cificutiun of the charge (that is, thoiWg.
ed in London a few daya ago. The trials ging of iho women,) which wui proieil.
of questions of fact, and the evidence re- It appears lo me that tho relaxation of (lis.
celvablo on luch trials, compose lis prm. cipliue ar.d depredations upon tho goiurn
clpal subject. The Commissioners treat incut property at Fort Union, were mat
fully of Iho trial by jury; they finally tera to be controlled by increased vigilance
recommend that il bo continued as tho on tho part of their officers, and cocrcivo
rule; but thai the pa rtios should, if both'meaiures upon tho troops, and nut by in
aasent.be competent to dispense with It, dieting unnatural punishment upon thni
Wt lea; re the issue cf fact to the judge, helpless.'1
Jrilh regard lo cases of mere account, These sentiments do honor te tho com.
rait ration la proposed tyollicers ol tho
Mtirt, county court judges; or, if Ihe par.
tics prefer, an arbitrator chosen by mutu
al consent, upon whose report 'judgment
may bo entered as upon iheverdict. Unan
imity In the Jury is to bo maintained in
all cases. The French havo found thai
of tho twelve far concurnuce in iho
(lot are too many, and Imvn descen I.
isoven. Ihelr n'.w law deserves a
ncular notice."
he N. Y. Journal of Commerce has
"Good out or Kvtt Tho strikes aro
doing some good, by displacing ablo bodi.
ed men, black and while, who havo been
feasting at cipeiislva hotels, net only grat.
is, but paid at tha rate-rjf fifteen or sixteen
dollars a month, and supplying thslr pis.
aa with neat, lldy, modest young wo.
ateWW who had been obliged lo depend up.
M Iho scanty earning of tho needle fur a
aabeU'snee. 8oroe of Iho Philadelphia
hatela have already made the change, acd
most or all iba olhors It is said, will soon
We have no diull liter will find
'thai tho striken have struck out a deci.
' Asa. ImDravemenl for Ihmn. fllio hotel
v kssaaars) and their guests, aa well as for
V'' lb girls and ihe Interests of society.
A Ur LllMri CaB-asst-A Jealous
A reihsranmsing Incident to il.eniblio.
...! ,.Hl.aa .11 ....sua. a. Kin tn ittsa nlttlna
aasui miiiw ni it biibu urauir iw imu ' s sis.
concorntd. ocourrtrf In the vicinity of Co.
out his brains should lb)' meet ; a.i.l,
ahou d he jump from the window ho
him, and returned with otticer Miatluck,
who took the clerk in charge, and gave
him the sou side, or a ward in uno ot tlir
cells of the watch house on which to re.
pose his limbs. The wife explained tho
nialtor to tho entire satisfaction of the hus
band, and promised in future aluujjf
face the mush and neter hide any out
under fco laid. In the mornlug no nut
appearing against the clerk, hu was per
mitted to go.
Moial. Never visit voiing marred
ladies in the absence of llieir husbands
Cincinnati Eiupurtr.
1 WoVAM-Wnii-ri.x't is the U. Smtm
I Aumv. Sonic tune ago it was announced
t,al a Captain In the United Slates Armv.
I ,latinnod at Tort Union, New Mexico, hid
'endeavored lo rival llayniu's infamous
manning officer. Hut what will he thought
'of iho court-martial, of which Col. D. S.
Miles was the 1'resiiW, who tay, iu ref
erence to the chargo of flogging, thai the
"facts sro proven, except Iho names ofi
Maria Tragequo Itoval, and attach no
criminality thi-rolo." Huiiuno and chiv.
alraus officers! You can get up at a pub.
lie dinner, puff your own courage, and'
talk or your gallant deeds mi thu field ;
yet on a distant station, whero you pre.
sumo the fact will never reach thu car, of
your countrymen and countrywomen, you
can sen two helpless women brutally flog,
ged under your chivalrous note, and find
no " crlmiualit) " In the act. It Is no w 011. 1
dor, whilh officers In tho army disposed I
to screen such brutality, that soldiers aro
"bucked' at Governor's Island, and men
are branded with hot Irona at Carlisle. I
Suruly such acts as theso cannot receive
the sanction of the administration. 'AAt. '
ifjiii'u LeJjitr.
Not Dad. At the Tom Moore sunnor.
ex. Mayor Oulnov. whlla dascanllno nnnn
tho Irish character, observed that. al.
, though ho had never been at Cork, ho
."had uia so rnanv drawlnea of It ibt
evening that he felt himself almost an
Irish.nsn," llotfon pnptr
A Voiillitul Cu It-r.
We call attention to the fact that I'm
cinnati is lo furnish 10 the scirnlilio worl.l
One of the most ai'iomp'.ish. J naturaln's
of the dai.
Wr havo for some lime past Ih-i-ii iniieii
interested In 11 xouiig inan. uauienl
this city, named W II II Phonus Then
Is nothing pn-oisrsiiig in his .iipearan
on the i-oiitrur;- i-xn-ptiug a .1 en
he carries an t-xti mat t'ut infill I- i,
one. ie iure to iikIh I Oinm N itiir.- 1 1
'iIh-I Meituig lutii h-ihi-s, am 111:111
brilliant ihreiig 011 1'iMirth sii -i-t with .m
autre gate, 11 veulaut j-hisn'mi'iuv 10.1
parli.il ci!i'o ft. mo nn uu i;m, nt li.ir.l
.1 slouched hat duwil i'los- 01 er tl-.- f"f
head, the Hiiki-tof hit see.li i.iit dis
tended 1V n se of boianii-a' (i.i-n.i
tions, fossil frns. and geilycil ptci
mens, tha Mioibri' tine cf hn iuieti u It, r
tiling the Iraih of his washerwoman, he
would most likely he taken ler a i-.mi tti
lad fn'in ihe hooppde regum, w - tu I
ventured a trip en the eaoa', 10 -..m '1 o'
the ferrii 1,11 ,v,'nlM -Mown
We first k"-w Thoiiia. a a 1 fi4pr
earner, in 'I- Ins uu.i' u - A" '
Uilauy. Kiul'gvi -"'d .-'' v- ii I'"-. 1
the r-ui.irl. of ail. S.miihi'ii iio .ie n
laiiied employ men. as an .tsi ' ml tea. '1
rr in one ol our 'ioo - al . ..i.an 1 .a.
barcl) siiffnid to b'lv 1. l a I 0 Js 6-i
his need mother. tVe n-l !. in sa-ai 1 m
die Bpriiij. nf '."!. at the f'rf'i. ib-i ih-
iuj or the Aini-rn.au Assviaii-n It '
udvaiiCtliirnt f i .-11.-- In -he pio s.l
ls of this ho.li lie 'o-'K an r-. -'
surprised i'i 11 h iM-.ilj.erirttiJil 'I a 'I l-hi-
Ins eager li ti.i.nj. ami liv e
ti us of iniiiein . pi iii's an i I .l Ihr
hi .I'liacu'd tin atienl.in I r..i'e
lliaril nn ' I'lof-s-or lb hi. if ih-.snin'i
omiin Insitiuti ,-ai-.-rnur ! m. i.m
on Mound utiv. t i-i th .'i'v lit' -
of a Ale. Mehiim-v, ti it'i r Imn . . 'ait
I'liihusiaftii dcie.ee ot o.i e-. v-f w I. 1.1
tin world will tt lak - 1 'e w.lit u-'
iini.lied Willi lis own iiau is ai. rui'
tols, a rfin.rf 1! ti'isi-pi. t1 al III 111
a 'jitrcisin,".
I'olrVmie Dmi.iIi a-t w .u 1 1.
ni'-t with tur e 1 ire I. n ' ' .: 11
eoiinnr- i him i.'- la : .' ai '.
l.illlcMunii It ulroa '.i.fx I- 1 11114 I . ik
lk, labi-llel ' V tes no I' il l.if. -o
r,.t ' under it e an -i a - i -' in il pun
o! Vs uiitl r t. 1. 1 II-- a 1 i-'
arriicl troin '.i,niiit ut, and iia-t 111 1 1-
pocki I, In 1' 1. 111 l -i (I a. " a1urallit t i
the Kane rc'n lliped ,.n, win-its I
e.l fn ni Niw Vork '.i-t wnk lie lil'l
eppliel lo I'r ift-is r Him. Iir sunoc,!
(eirlUIIIIY lo llufi . I the I lli' I Slates
Coait Surni, . ..! thn: c 1.' i iuii hsil
piwcuri d his a, ntriiiMit 11 the !, n iraoh
iot ill the I'dar KxpeJitmii when lie
will liaie the -a" st op(xr.'iuit 10 piirn
his ra'orue s-urlii s, and t p'ao his mum
nil ?ntl e ol'ilii'irguish- d scient'ticihs
coieri rs.
We h, ir.ii) n. '1 i.iin '"li-it he deserrrs
l!'i- hi'lio.t s-H . r lo.-isMij'i LV
Tur Vi.it st 1.1.1. .i.t in h.ilrjrt. t
Tin fol'n 'tin , .' act is tti'f 11 fn-rn a rd-
-nnn ilelnei. 1 ,y ll' I!- t 1'" 1 l"iin,.nf'
New r.rk
W liv is mi) .ii o ins '1 p n'i ' bir th'-
b .ie" 'li t i-. 1. 1 be I r, s-. ' ib-i-'
Why i. a .11 tuiii .-d that ai a .! lb
bt:icn tt re m irrt 1 r, .1 1 iu . ' r '
Wll.'n. b. t fit '.he s'lp,! - '1 HI ''ia' It fill
gite j , p.ia-ii'i t tn ,t ' 11llhet
bine.- 1! ,itu ti th- sh,. '. iin.J.T 'In- lnrt.
..1,: I -.. 1 of I. at. .s. lour no runs a' iin.
a'.ways l,,lh npprelirlisi' 11 ,-.t it fall m
sniiii-w II kit tin nuiiK- nit' r-al- In.
the tt.il fa. her, the vo'lll ib 1J t1 " I'
loved wife, tbs- rn h, t'it-)' e tlm .1 in. red.
the listi' if.l. 'I.r i ui'iiul ,ir .".ii , Hit
is not lukrii ,' i r.uiiitl th.i'ii n -'.'in
gers ui, I nil, n i t ir tn- r'll '. iti 1
the t. irld rs. i-.ii I in stu - rlhi !' 'i. i.
cursi-'iis jf a l iimn hi :- '
llend Ml tl ts t i-bt th i nun u I aiiii
tis' ine ii'- i i. i r ' i r ; i, r-li'-t i
kindly "! ii ni, 'lit lb. in -Jii it ti 'ii a
i yiiie i.i er. ,,s tl uli i it'tL .I'.ti'it' tl
whether th'r' nat aiu'h n-jl-n .( n, 'he
world, llbe'l a stnu. k' i p'-l nil f rl IH-'-s b s
wares, that it s r'l sin r !fiiiui f r ,
iTtt is pleas it.t fir oik loami'ium e a fn h
supply of lallo a I 1 1 ti . ' hailwar- or
lllUsIllH, IS It II'. t H-t a. pblls.l II fn mi
who wishes I i I, li .n it ' Wh- u n Inat i
of VoUng parni'-rs in tr.uli in. ail then
tirgin ptlier-iMiii' nt nif .rnun; tin it .r!.
how happy th") hli.s'l L' ti ai m i us
toiiurs, nan ion r nd it wiinout i . t ,mg
into their in w .in r '
Biisi-ii"s adit rt's'iiients' W,i ' pi
per' Vni! know hot itnat ,n si v. Tl i
ships wlu'th are In sail In iim. hirl-o
ill tlm tv trltl tin se fub lies tl hn n hr,w- .r
rived fmm ' i ry i oi inn ri nil mart on il.i
earth, this iron fn in It'l ,sm, t.,i It m I i;i.
na, citlMi froin (it irgiii, suo.ir frntu I,,i
isinnii tin ilicy not preaeh ' u. at 'he
coriwrj of the strttts. ut tin . n'i ring in
of lilt' gukn, hi oil." dit I s, and ui our t is
torn I. ousts an I exi hanges, mi - on
tho mutual depth b-in . .f inankin I '"
sO'Thomai Ml. ii, of "'. I, him. I ,mii
rrly known as '.bu e. t.r nt the Madm
nuin hern is now nn a n-it to tins eiiy.
lie ii I'rcsidnil of tl,- Mtsi'iuri tin I I'a
eific IlitllroDil t'ouipinv. This roid Is
cornplotetl fir fi'ly mh, nnd h under
iriutrael for r,ne huu In .1 nml thirty 'iie
miles. Its luilli is 'j bt mx hundred
miles to lint leiumlarv of thn Stale. Mr
AIeitwho hoi invest, tl a largt ior i-m nf
his own fortune iu tin. road, think it .vill
pay III icr cent., i. r . tlm State mail. Mr
Allen is hore lo recti to tho laud it-rip
tlonatid by the (;oiornuient lo tlm .Suite,
in aid of this rond. The liberal donation
of tho government will olford much aid in
thu construction of iho road tp the boun
dary, Tho p'Miit where tho road inter
sccih with (ho Kansas rner is lliepmii at
which Mr. Kdw.ird lleadbgrli In lulu In
doparturo on tho kurveyrSf the Itoilni
and I'ramont route for a Itailr I t .).
I'icific A' 1' fir I on
Tin- .vfiislcal l-roillii). I
bi a
iiiiersaiiou w iih Mrs Itniili-tli, an
lelli-i-nt. teliiiel mill bull like person, '
nam, ol I'haibm -, South Carolina, 1
1111,1 tin- ni'tli'T oT the iiiiireilng little
Ik'i iihcv p.'ii -riniih on Iho ilriim
hate ex. ile.l so mm h aJunrali u anil
tiller - , n ,ii nne,l that the e
na.'iilniaii ei't ,i In 1 -on mauilVsii .1
1',, ,n.,!i,'- I... I ii.- In- a a i. a 1 imI He
... ..M.i liM I n ii.ir. .iilluii
ill a 11 ill old lining In 11 I1.1111
.ii tin
pi a ra 11
l.ilh ol 1 t 1 1 it 1 x , I-i1'. Ills up
e 1 o-iliitns the l i'i'Iii nt it hi'
,11. ti s- llMp- 1 laliiln 1 is 1111111U .
i..i,'il ill ami Mi- 1,1111-11 hate iliV
il 1 01 11 1 lit in 1 10 11k in,; it 1 p r t g ml 1
It I'm- itiao.iti "I iho m Hi -ti an I t
ini'.e I' at i-uri jmII a in liter "I .-s till .
art t.toii 10 then b n , In eihili '.nig Ins ,
wtiii,,, rlul poers to pii'ilu- new. Th
. l, .1 Ins nn. In- 11 ukui to several see
turns 'I the 1 m -ii. and has prohalily
diaiii iuii espie.-itius' I a limratioii
an I ,i.-,iglit lo'iii all nlasse- ..f usilors
I'i.i i hst e Ui
'ii a I 1 in ihe same iiiint
p. .. it bus -, 1 er oin-
1 1 a it -tinti
at. ' 1 '-i hniin
him Until tins,
ai'- Ut i-iiiiili I I' rank "il the
1 .1
1 11111
Is I'..
1 lUtaleti iiu.l i,iiik,I 111 tl.i-t'im
ai J h ,iu on aki .1, and
lis it ),i II t,l si It t- in him
111 il, tiarao't-r in the de
m 't I..
. '.rum '
I III 111.
We nn. 1
ical i-l
1 . .,..e.i on iuii 11 's
it. ii lit uiii l; iv liii
..i,,,.. mil measures
Ml ,,. (,
1 '. r t' .- 'ii-piratinii ol
ii- r
ui: -
. l'..
Ie, simple,
l b .1 habt that
I .-re ml nit 1
n il after 11 trial
. . - elli-efs upiii
ispbiv 1 ! whii h
it it, Ih-i-ii in no
II I t I s I X
v 1 t 1 'is. I, n '
1 ' h - srnils
nl t n- an I
1 t mil I llu.r
' 1 1 emuiir.
ht-'l 1-1 Ins phi s
r ni j 11 1 nn
pill! llil,ijsl 111
ti.ilh- r 1.1 ahstu 11
li 1. 1111 hi It (lets
e I
II t,
.1.1. 1 .
tl I. at
No. 1
tr 1 , .t
n-l- ' a
ltds t, 1
V in.
I at'i'ii 1
. 'h.
s I.
III- j d -I his I iiU b O III
v.uiid a.li.f lo this 1 lib- Ii I
lull . I li
tin',- is pr ikilili les reas t
for b iti 'b. iii.ln all -us bi mg sueli as
'ti j)r iuii' a rnpitl pi igiess in aluvnt ant
brain h r kt -ale ', ,- I ,f ttbi'llhi has 11
m m.i: ftne.a
i i '- ib i n ' re nb-r. m the pre . ut tleailh
rn in us, n,,; giu I,- tho brief .pacu i
bat.- bt .1, It, a n . ..rd of facts hi a cai
il s. much iiitere.t as the biography or
the Inlaiil iisiiiiiii V( I.0IU1 Inlrl ,
.. !'.," ..I, .' mititle-r ift'in ra.tl..
.1.. i. o .-,,.,.. ... K !..., I..,
...... ii.'i-ufi ni. r.'.i.,rns fn..,. f-liftr'
urns rnmi Calif :r
i ui" I'lini'ete,) or
I U!.! i"'l - (ien
ut 1 an I xis"Uii no- I
.. i.' -.. t :. .. .- m I. .s.l l
I' 1,1-, -,5. I'n'p Hale, free
I 7,'''Mi , Iliiii'l x thsti r, 7, til'!,
lir i intiie, ''.."iT'i , Troupe, slate
t.i, '.' :inii and I, 'It'll, aifi'ilMii, T'J
I' .,.,' iiltira'ilv a-"lllli In Maine
I'm n I a I ill -tn 'Olt, ill Niw
II nop ,, r. , IMS ill, ui I til -In I-I. Ill I
I I tl i, ' nnei .i-tlt ! IMIU. ill New
' ;; .'nl hi Nut Jre, ."i,gll, iu
I' in . it tui i ! !l' ti Ih., iware '!' ,
,ii l.u' ' it I t 'Hi , ni .iuii 1 lJ,,!l ,
ntNu'.iii i i! ii i il (itiS"iith('ir'ilina
lb- l.i... a' ire I' iO-e el, i.li,rs ;) iridenr
in l-iil'i. i 'i Valaiu.. 11,1!'!; in Mis
st ippi 'i,:i.'m , ui l.iiiiMaua I :it , m
:s,in i I T'iH , in Missouri 7, litis , iu
i ilu , l'i 1,'U , in ludiiin I I l.l'J , in II
in- s it nun . ui M.i.bigan 7 'i-:i, in lnwu
I 'KiT . i
ID'tl I
It Mils 'I I
,'117 , in riiiida
, i- "i"i7 , ui f'aiif iriitti
ti i iiii Sl i' 's p'tuali
i Mns.it hii.ct's '.! .,
il , li Iteiilut ky l.'.'Oa.
ii' i . -The hirri I Ian
i - i xtmi leil from mi
.Cs' lius of tin recent
lit .
'. !. . h (S
lint nl t!.n p
'ii it C ' it. ii
M ll-r.rx I
-1 iu ti .ion
Wn.'ht i'"iiiiniiici'il by
niu that hi u.i'i nn n Inist to anything
itlneh f.t ns ti'iiu I slavery . I would put
in, bt I up it any gnifiuiiieiit which
suit inii" I h'utery. If (ill sanctioned!
' i ......i.i ..... .... t.-. t ,,..,... 111...
SI. "li I ,i..ll'..l.il,ln, 1..-1 l' , ,.,,,,,.
,, , ,, , ,,,. '.',., -. fmler" from tha
the elm ' -I s and l.iughtrr from the . """ " c,0"", lor " "T, fi i s .
" , .. I ....uld fiTuso to oboy t'''1 thp sweel-facid glii, pbler I'tati.Min.
Mieh ,t -'; . I . l'.t nihl put will God up. I "J. R,"' goldf ri talr ho Waned
ha an. lion bloek. and sell hut. likn'a ""'' wei" ''? WW,' . Wl' ft0'-
beast, tll.ss.s- Mr. Wright proceeded , '" nfn the hough s of being a cl rW
,i th-.il,. asr..all.oi,tloanOo.lr',,-'',Pr' .: ,h.I,n. ,0 bo Jh.
titnt s.l n i ttoiied sl.ivtrt ; hu Would aix-nd
Ins uintie) and his lifo lo overthrow audi
a ( iml i.iiil aiiclt n i-nteriiineut. Tho day
.spasstd wh-'ii wu should look tn nttri
butt t or titles, lie hail no n spec I for the
ti.tino of God in ihe mouth nf a wurriur,
u slav. holder, or a rii.nnr.Hi-r."
(Ji.li k. 11111 k pissuge", from ovcry
it hern ui (.'tiling ti ho the order of the
day. Thirty, forty ami lifiy day used o
ho considered prMly g"d timo from Eug.
land. And a thirty diiy's passage, within
a tttnl to niniiih, bus be. n regarded as good
limu from (.'nltfnrnin. II ts I ipaco Is "be.
nig umiihilati'l.'' Wo saw a letter on
Sattirdsy winch was written on Ihe fourth
nf I'tibruary, hi Cairo, I'ppor I'gypl, and
received hem nn Iho second of March,
hating l r ii but twenty. fivn daya en Iho
mute Alih'iii"h Cairo ban a population
of o.'O.llllll inhabitants tlicro Is no Post
Ollict', and I he loiter had to be posted In
n mi Ua, utiachetl to a camel belonging
lo a cat ai tin lluffalo Courier.
G?T i u iho Island ol Martha'. Vine.
van! th'i
hn not been a criminal case ,
n am of , tutts for eighteen )eara '
Tlip Infnitl DrHmnier.
At a mnellnir of the Ml. I.nuls Rlll.s Mat-
tallon. No. lhehl at tlulr Armory nil
Halnrday I'lvrnlnu, May 7, the Infant
lirumuinr, Master Hanson I,. I"ngllh, by
spei-inl invllatlun being present, favored
tint uorps with spscliuells nf his aklll wllh
thu ilriim, ami rate musical latent, wlileli
was enthiislastleally reeelird during Inn
perfoiuitm-e. Mler which A motion was
mi, i.t.. (.ml i-it,ri..t t list il i. iin.mil Int. ill live
lie npKiinleil to prepare and present s'liue I
snitahle expr, sslon of ihelr appreciation
it tils uiiliii'iil lateiiT
I'lie I'oiimntti-i- presuuted tin follow ing '
ii'vilutioiis, whieh worn rrei-ivrd wild
grout appbiuio nml iitiaiiiiuoiisly nd ipted
ti iei'ed, That Iho extranrilinari mil 1
ileal geiinis and skill exhibited by iho!
i..,'.,.. r, r nients moru than all or
.bint) expression nf our warmest appro
1, ,lmi, uml rentiiiieiits of pleasure.
,Vn)ii-,, That ill tho tvuddelfiil per 1
f,tmnm-ei of this beaulifiil and aslnnlsh
,.. ,.,,. no reeooniro the skill, nrevis
, Bm mmierly cllorls of a omph'tei
ll...,n. cieculiiiL' Iho most dllfioull me.
,, - eand ndls Willi all aeiuratiy and ele. j
aliee inn aurpaiiril nt tnu licsl proles-1
inal driinuuer. I
fiVjorri, That wi-as a further eipris
siuu if our high appreciation of Ins nut-1
icl talents, sleet Master liftman U. I'ng I
bsb a member uf Ihe llallalion.
vviiereur.ui. ihe child being ihen pres I
.... 1,.,., ,...1 i-,. ..11 !,... ,
, 1 ui) ! ' wis "iix seaiis- iiiriitiixii 11111s I'nini '
M, fllr,,e.s,. ,,j, H ,L. luiiallun. No. '
I, J, M,Mlli
1 ,, , , .... . , 1 . 1
.eWred. I hat ho be presented will a
Uriini .Major s uniform, aurl ho invited to
parade with the llaltali.ni on Mondsy netl,
,1 ii l s . am, turn it amnjji- nn ,11 lean,
ness to 1 miiey him
iVniYi, That Iho Battalion in full
iiuilorui attend ill" voiioi tl uf the Infau-,
Uriiuuiier, to bo given at Wyniau's llsll,
mi Munjav cvemii" next.
J. W. I'aaNa, Limit Col
J II. Vt.i s. Adj'l II. II No 1.
OVThi IJileeu gavo birili tn another
sou, nt Hut kuthiiii I'ulai'f, at a ipiarter
pa-t one n'cl a-k. i- , of the 7lh Apul.
Mother and rlilltl are as well as rat l
i-xu et, I There were present nn the .., 1
enstm m the (Jueen's apartuieiii. I'rince,
Alb it. Ilr lx-oc-k, and Mrs l.illi.itln
nurse. In Ihe adjoining chamber were
lira. Sir James Clarke ami IVrgiisiu, ilia
Dili In-ss of Kent, Ihe ladv in.wailiiig, the
I'arl of Aberdeen, llarl tlranville, Duke'
of Norfolk, Duke nf Wellington, I hike ill
Newenstle, Msrquls of l.ins.loane, Mar.
Iiiisof llratlalhana, Dukenf Arg)le, Lord '
Palmerston and the lird Chancellor.
fO"Tht Journal or (iiiuinerce has the
following :
,MV Viiait Mistr. The Asav Office
about tn be established in thii city by vir. '
Ult a( an appropriation or lOO.OIKI made
nt thu recent session or Congress, will pro
"'.' clr"d Inw llraneh Mint, and
lierhans will avciilually atnorb Ihe mother
'nt, now al Philadelphia. Ill the mean. I
"""" " - " !""" " "''
time, as an Assay flfiiee, it will prtsluoe
un 'mpoilant ehantjo In the disposition of
thn gold dual arriving liera from Califor. I
ma. Instead nf being sent to Philadelphia
lor coinecr, most nl il will las sent lo the
Assay Office, here, and bo rait into bars,
disks, slugs and ingots, having a specified
talue, and being In all respects equal tn
com as a legal lender."
Tin: Wiiii. I'aiirv 1'nK-iai.i.v x.nar.
nuinii The New Ymk Trihtiii'i of the
.'till has dislinclly announced thn with
drawal of that journal from among iho or
1.miis of the whig pally, in tlm d t-laration
ivhii'h fdlows-
I'nriiurown part, we mean lo mte henru.
forth for the best candidates within sight
uf an flection, anil wo mnan by 'best,'
ib'is'i whoso election will do most good.
W" should v cry in ich prefer a Deinicratic
l,'gis!atiira Ihat ituillil nnuct iho Maine
Law to a Whig Legislature that would
lint ; and a Democratic Administration
that would urge forward Iho I'acilio Hail,
road lo a Whig Administration that would
opposn il and on these preferences wo
mean lo act. " You who aru of I but opiu
ion. soy 'Ay :
(lirllii)s, when they aro boys, aro queer
enough. How many r'diuulous notions
they havo, and what singular desires,
which in after lifo cliangt-sud khoM litem.
selves Into characteristics! Who remem
bers when he would havo sold his birth.
. . ., . , ,,
r'(j'" f" rocking-horse, mid his now.,
Presided". ; and how jeajously ha watohed
Ihe litllo fellows tJjsX-earatpangle'l 'jack.
la ami tiirnensomoraeti, anil-prayed lo
become like them. If memory preservn
not ihcsa capacities, or something similar,
Iho hoy Is lost in tho maul Happy vis
Iho hoy is loal ti tho mam nappy vis
ions ! they eomo but once and go rjuiokly
leaving us ever lo sigh for a return of
what can never no again.
(r No icebergs havo this season been
seen on tho Atlantic by packet ships. It
ii cuusldernd as an evidenco thai the win
ler in tha Arctlo regions hss boen vory
severe and protracted. This fact will
probably account for tho comparative ex.
empilon from Easterly winds with which
wo havo been favored lids spring,
H i-W Shipping Utl,
AriinnNts!T or tnr. H,Ti. Thu
spoolal aeaslon of the U. 8. Senate ad.
lourncd tint die al one o'clock on Monday
aAernoon, April 18tb, alter a fow brief
remarks irom Kit. Atoninaon, ine rrest,
dent. The saasion was thn longest ofer
hold, owinir to the groat conflict ofvlew
with respect lo Ihe appointment' proper
lobe presrnted. Roth. I)tnrrnl,
I'lNllLISII tlltllllANCC lUsr'CTIMII tlllU
Sr.iTts. A Bestonlan, who Is vliltlng his
friends hi Itiigland, writes liemo that the
recent miivvniant III Ureal llrllilu In re.
uaul to Ameritan airaln, have revealed
Din deplorable Ignorance whloli eslila
them among the better nlassoi, In regard
In this country I In was asked by an
KuglMi merchant, " I low many alava
market! thnio were in Boston I" He was
alsi asked, " If the In Hans wete trouble.
ouiit In Mahsaehusetli I" To thn latter
'liinrv.lhe American replied, thai the "In.
ilnins" liti'l been very ijutel In iial neigh
birhatsl, linen I hey put a tjiiantliy of lea
in II istoii harbor'
0"We have tlm official announcement
nf thn opening nf the Kxhlblllun of tha
luddilry of alt Nations" In New York.
Tho loth uf July Is Ilia day named, Tha
Directors slate that they buliovo the build
ing and exhibition will full) meet the Just
expectations nf the politic. In order lo
give ample mope fur Inventive skill in ma.
chinery, they have materially enlarged
tho area of the I'alacc, by adding wings
lo Ihe extent el many a liiirlh or the
ground room nf ihe main edifice, They
had hoped in open the exhibition much
earlier, and allege aa the chief cause af
delay, the novelty and intrloany of the
style uf construction and the high aland
ard of aruhlieclural Uaiityat which they
have aimed. iYiif. InttUigrnetr
OT Some of ihe Providence people are
dispoasd t Ihi a little facellnus 111 regard
lo the clly of No if pot I The fait Is, wa
presume, th Jt they are jealous Wc would
ri-inlnd them that, although they have
grown iiile ripully of late, it is only a
fi-w.yeais ago whenntrr n pai.krt arrlvetl
Ihern from Now put a man unit around
the slriel of tho ullage ringing a bell.
ami imtUyiu'! I'm ritlrens that a liogsheail
of molasses had arrived from New'iort,
and inviting n I who demicd n supply to
'till ilowii lo the paiket with llieir pilch,
ers and iiif Il thru t'eik Ihe drnirrns
or thsl ipiii-t t lla-e at, it Ihreo nnnlhs
ni iisiiiii- iti I n isn't ) oT molassei,
.Vrie; ir( .Y. 11 1
Its U usr iiii' ."rrxi
lit', what
tlee'll ipend, IllV sin
no old
(Junker, not whit tin .'Il rlsfcsV adsloa
will ilei-ltbi n hr her trice's in ho rich or
iml " The atlvu-e was lute, (remarks thn
l'lnlailalihia Ledger.) fir it was but
franklin'-, in aiiolht r stupe' ' Take
earn of lb" prnnns, nnd ''if suimlt will
take rare of themselves " Itut it cannot
be ton often repeated. Men nre eet.tinu.
ally iiidulgiui; iu small ciptiisr. saying
to Ihcini'dtra " it's only a Hide," yil fur.
getting that the aggregate is serious, that
even tho sea ih'ir" is made up nf petty
grains uf sand
Tux llicr. Mlusl. nietlal li to be
r reiented III a few alayi to lion John P.
lalo by Iho crew of Ihe stoop nf war tier,
inanlown, nn the face nf which llje fol
I'ttvlug Inscription Is cut .
"Presented lo ll'.ii. John P. Hale, ky
Ihe crew ur thn Hlrytp"vf.Wer German
town, as a mark nf lhair apprrciilion ol
his meritorious eftiirls In securing ihe aim,
litio.i or ll'iggiug in Ihe II, Stairs Navy."
On the retersn a tcrne nn shipboard is
represented, Thnlnid.ll Wtlehs-lt pell.
ii) weight!, alnJ li tallied at over IUII.
Mmair.it -Prof Allrn. nr M'Graw.
ulle, abmt whom so much fuss was mad
wiiiii liuio since, in oonsitue.ice uf hit
being ah-iiit to marry n white girl at Ful.
Ion, Ostveg'ico V V , has kt lenglh mar
red the rirl lloMelxiii) black, nnd she
iearl white. Iloiveter much difference
thire nitty b.t m coli.r, their tastes are
luiihr, and tU.tn dill, rrut frn.n ihoso of
niosl people.
0'"" I'anny 1'irii," whoso literary pro
iliieliniis aa tin- present time are very
fpular auioui; the now spa per an I inaga.
inn Traders, is(ava the Newimrl News)
tha daughter uf Nathaniel Willis, for
man) years the publisher of the Boston
Urciirdcr ; ami now publisher nf a child's
.Sunday Silnol paper. She is sister to
N. P. Willis, an.) lo It. 8. Willi, of the
"Muklenl World ami Tunes."
CrtrTho I'orest City, (Cleveland,) sat a
that fifteen Miasiot.arlei, are constantly
emplnyrd In this country In endeavoring
to convert the Jews tn Christianity, al an
eipeilso of S'.'O.OOO per annum, and tha
sum tolal of coinerls inado during tha
last t ireo yvara is iwenty-clghl.
' V -f
Ctt Win? Carr. Lsne, tha Governor af
Now Max leu, who has acqulretl a, sudden
notoriety by lib. Mecjjla Valloy procla
ma. Ion, la said lo be a Msrylander, not
ar. Indlanian, by birth. It is tha other
Governor l.ar.u he of Oregon who is
thu real 1 looker. SI. LouU hteiligtiittr.
OCrTwn Cuban Ladles, now safe In N.
Y., have horn summoned by the aulhori
ties of Cuba to appear and take llieir trial
for treason ; a polite invitation, which ow.
Ing to a previous engagement, tha fair
traitors will doubtless beg respectfully to
tstr Wo learn from the money rxllaU
of ihe New York Tribune lhat ia) aheree
of Indiana Central llsilroad. stock war
sold at auction, in that oily, ! fW, aaej
lhat forly.elght shares of.JndlanspolUj and
iiollefontaino, wore aoMattlOl.
fcT Tlioium of sixty thousand pounds
has been votatl by ,h Canadian WW,
ment to build bouses of Parliament In
Toronto, This settles Iho question, whloh
hss reoantly been agitated in Canada, on
tha subject of ihe sest of government.
'i.amd WaaSTs.--TheN.Y. Tribune
of April 10th, quotes the buying ratea for
Isnd warrants at 1103, 84, and 913.
They sro scare and In demand,
U ,